/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <memory>
#include <sal/config.h>
#include <utility>
#include <AccessibleCsvControl.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/accessibility/AccessibleRelationType.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/accessibility/AccessibleStateType.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/accessibility/AccessibleEventId.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/accessibility/AccessibleTextType.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/accessibility/AccessibleTableModelChange.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/accessibility/AccessibleTableModelChangeType.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/lang/IndexOutOfBoundsException.hpp>
#include <unotools/accessiblerelationsethelper.hxx>
#include <comphelper/sequence.hxx>
#include <scitems.hxx>
#include <editeng/fontitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/fhgtitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/langitem.hxx>
#include <csvtablebox.hxx>
#include <csvcontrol.hxx>
#include <csvruler.hxx>
#include <csvgrid.hxx>
#include <AccessibleText.hxx>
#include <editsrc.hxx>
#include <scresid.hxx>
#include <strings.hrc>
#include <scmod.hxx>
#include <svtools/colorcfg.hxx>
#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
#include <vcl/settings.hxx>
#include <o3tl/string_view.hxx>
using ::utl::AccessibleRelationSetHelper;
using ::accessibility::AccessibleStaticTextBase;
using ::com::sun::star::uno::Any;
using ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference;
using ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence;
using ::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException;
using ::com::sun::star::uno::XInterface;
using ::com::sun::star::lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException;
using ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::accessibility;
const sal_Unicode cRulerDot         = '.';
const sal_Unicode cRulerLine        = '|';
const sal_Int32 CSV_LINE_HEADER     = CSV_POS_INVALID;
ScAccessibleCsvControl::ScAccessibleCsvControl(ScCsvControl& rControl)
    : mpControl(&rControl)
void SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvControl::disposing()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    mpControl = nullptr;
// XAccessibleComponent -------------------------------------------------------
Reference< XAccessible > SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvControl::getAccessibleAtPoint( const css::awt::Point& /* rPoint */ )
    return nullptr;
void SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvControl::grabFocus()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
// events ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void ScAccessibleCsvControl::SendFocusEvent( bool bFocused )
    Any aOldAny, aNewAny;
    if (bFocused)
        aNewAny <<= AccessibleStateType::FOCUSED;
        aOldAny <<= AccessibleStateType::FOCUSED;
    NotifyAccessibleEvent(AccessibleEventId::STATE_CHANGED, aOldAny, aNewAny);
void ScAccessibleCsvControl::SendCaretEvent()
    OSL_FAIL( "ScAccessibleCsvControl::SendCaretEvent - Illegal call" );
void ScAccessibleCsvControl::SendVisibleEvent()
    NotifyAccessibleEvent(AccessibleEventId::VISIBLE_DATA_CHANGED, Any(), Any());
void ScAccessibleCsvControl::SendSelectionEvent()
    NotifyAccessibleEvent(AccessibleEventId::SELECTION_CHANGED, Any(), Any());
void ScAccessibleCsvControl::SendTableUpdateEvent( sal_uInt32 /* nFirstColumn */, sal_uInt32 /* nLastColumn */, bool /* bAllRows */ )
    OSL_FAIL( "ScAccessibleCsvControl::SendTableUpdateEvent - Illegal call" );
void ScAccessibleCsvControl::SendInsertColumnEvent( sal_uInt32 /* nFirstColumn */, sal_uInt32 /* nLastColumn */ )
    OSL_FAIL( "ScAccessibleCsvControl::SendInsertColumnEvent - Illegal call" );
void ScAccessibleCsvControl::SendRemoveColumnEvent( sal_uInt32 /* nFirstColumn */, sal_uInt32 /* nLastColumn */ )
    OSL_FAIL( "ScAccessibleCsvControl::SendRemoveColumnEvent - Illegal call" );
// helpers --------------------------------------------------------------------
css::awt::Rectangle ScAccessibleCsvControl::implGetBounds()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    Size aOutSize(implGetControl().GetOutputSizePixel());
    return css::awt::Rectangle(0, 0, aOutSize.Width(), aOutSize.Height());
ScCsvControl& ScAccessibleCsvControl::implGetControl() const
    assert(mpControl && "ScAccessibleCsvControl::implGetControl - missing control");
    return *mpControl;
sal_Int64 ScAccessibleCsvControl::implCreateStateSet()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    sal_Int64 nStateSet = 0;
    if (isAlive())
        const ScCsvControl& rCtrl = implGetControl();
        nStateSet |= AccessibleStateType::OPAQUE;
        if( rCtrl.IsEnabled() )
            nStateSet |= AccessibleStateType::ENABLED;
        if( rCtrl.IsReallyVisible() )
            nStateSet |= AccessibleStateType::SHOWING;
        if( rCtrl.IsVisible() )
            nStateSet |= AccessibleStateType::VISIBLE;
        nStateSet |= AccessibleStateType::DEFUNC;
    return nStateSet;
// Ruler ======================================================================
/** Converts a ruler cursor position to API text index. */
static sal_Int32 lcl_GetApiPos( sal_Int32 nRulerPos )
    sal_Int32 nApiPos = nRulerPos;
    sal_Int32 nStart = (nRulerPos - 1) / 10;
    sal_Int32 nExp = 1;
    while( nStart >= nExp )
        nApiPos += nStart - nExp + 1;
        nExp *= 10;
    return ::std::max( nApiPos, static_cast<sal_Int32>(0) );
/** Converts an API text index to a ruler cursor position. */
static sal_Int32 lcl_GetRulerPos( sal_Int32 nApiPos )
    sal_Int32 nDiv = 10;
    sal_Int32 nExp = 10;
    sal_Int32 nRulerPos = 0;
    sal_Int32 nApiBase = 0;
    sal_Int32 nApiLimit = 10;
    while( nApiPos >= nApiLimit )
        nRulerPos = nExp;
        nExp *= 10;
        nApiBase = nApiLimit;
        nApiLimit = lcl_GetApiPos( nExp );
    sal_Int32 nRelPos = nApiPos - nApiBase;
    return nRulerPos + nRelPos / nDiv * 10 + ::std::max<sal_Int32>( nRelPos % nDiv - nDiv + 10, 0 );
/** Expands the sequence's size and returns the base index of the new inserted elements. */
static sal_Int32 lcl_ExpandSequence( Sequence< PropertyValue >& rSeq, sal_Int32 nExp )
    OSL_ENSURE( nExp > 0, "lcl_ExpandSequence - invalid value" );
    rSeq.realloc( rSeq.getLength() + nExp );
    return rSeq.getLength() - nExp;
/** Fills the property value rVal with the specified name and value from the item. */
static void lcl_FillProperty( PropertyValue& rVal, const OUString& rPropName, const SfxPoolItem& rItem, sal_uInt8 nMID )
    rVal.Name = rPropName;
    rItem.QueryValue( rVal.Value, nMID );
/** Fills the sequence with all font attributes of rFont. */
static void lcl_FillFontAttributes( Sequence< PropertyValue >& rSeq, const vcl::Font& rFont )
    SvxFontItem aFontItem( rFont.GetFamilyType(), rFont.GetFamilyName(), rFont.GetStyleName(), rFont.GetPitch(), rFont.GetCharSet(), ATTR_FONT );
    SvxFontHeightItem aHeightItem( rFont.GetFontSize().Height(), 100, ATTR_FONT_HEIGHT );
    SvxLanguageItem aLangItem( rFont.GetLanguage(), ATTR_FONT_LANGUAGE );
    sal_Int32 nIndex = lcl_ExpandSequence( rSeq, 7 );
    auto pSeq = rSeq.getArray();
    lcl_FillProperty( pSeq[ nIndex++ ], u"CharFontName"_ustr,      aFontItem,   MID_FONT_FAMILY_NAME );
    lcl_FillProperty( pSeq[ nIndex++ ], u"CharFontFamily"_ustr,    aFontItem,   MID_FONT_FAMILY );
    lcl_FillProperty( pSeq[ nIndex++ ], u"CharFontStyleName"_ustr, aFontItem,   MID_FONT_STYLE_NAME );
    lcl_FillProperty( pSeq[ nIndex++ ], u"CharFontCharSet"_ustr,   aFontItem,   MID_FONT_PITCH );
    lcl_FillProperty( pSeq[ nIndex++ ], u"CharFontPitch"_ustr,     aFontItem,   MID_FONT_CHAR_SET );
    lcl_FillProperty( pSeq[ nIndex++ ], u"CharHeight"_ustr,        aHeightItem, MID_FONTHEIGHT );
    lcl_FillProperty( pSeq[ nIndex++ ], u"CharLocale"_ustr,        aLangItem,   MID_LANG_LOCALE );
ScAccessibleCsvRuler::ScAccessibleCsvRuler(ScCsvRuler& rRuler)
    : ImplInheritanceHelper(rRuler)
// XAccessibleComponent -----------------------------------------------------
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvRuler::getForeground(  )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    return sal_Int32(Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetLabelTextColor());
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvRuler::getBackground(  )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    return sal_Int32(Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetFaceColor());
// XAccessibleContext ---------------------------------------------------------
sal_Int64 SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvRuler::getAccessibleChildCount()
    return 0;
Reference< XAccessible > SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvRuler::getAccessibleChild( sal_Int64 /* nIndex */ )
    throw IndexOutOfBoundsException();
Reference< XAccessibleRelationSet > SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvRuler::getAccessibleRelationSet()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    rtl::Reference<AccessibleRelationSetHelper> pRelationSet = new AccessibleRelationSetHelper();
    ScCsvRuler& rRuler = implGetRuler();
    ScCsvTableBox* pTableBox = rRuler.GetTableBox();
    ScCsvGrid& rGrid = pTableBox->GetGrid();
    css::uno::Reference<css::accessibility::XAccessible> xAccObj(static_cast<ScAccessibleCsvGrid*>(rGrid.GetAccessible()));
    if( xAccObj.is() )
        Sequence<Reference<css::accessibility::XAccessible>> aSeq{ xAccObj };
        pRelationSet->AddRelation( AccessibleRelation( AccessibleRelationType_CONTROLLER_FOR, aSeq ) );
    return pRelationSet;
sal_Int64 SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvRuler::getAccessibleStateSet()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    sal_Int64 nStateSet = implCreateStateSet();
    if( isAlive() )
        nStateSet |= AccessibleStateType::FOCUSABLE;
        nStateSet |= AccessibleStateType::SINGLE_LINE;
        if( implGetRuler().HasFocus() )
            nStateSet |= AccessibleStateType::FOCUSED;
    return nStateSet;
// XAccessibleText ------------------------------------------------------------
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvRuler::getCaretPosition()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    return lcl_GetApiPos( implGetRuler().GetRulerCursorPos() );
sal_Bool SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvRuler::setCaretPosition( sal_Int32 nIndex )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ensureValidIndex( nIndex );
    ScCsvRuler& rRuler = implGetRuler();
    sal_Int32 nOldCursor = rRuler.GetRulerCursorPos();
    rRuler.Execute( CSVCMD_MOVERULERCURSOR, lcl_GetRulerPos( nIndex ) );
    return rRuler.GetRulerCursorPos() != nOldCursor;
sal_Unicode SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvRuler::getCharacter( sal_Int32 nIndex )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ensureValidIndex( nIndex );
    return maBuffer[nIndex];
Sequence< PropertyValue > SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvRuler::getCharacterAttributes( sal_Int32 nIndex,
            const css::uno::Sequence< OUString >& /* aRequestedAttributes */ )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ensureValidIndexWithEnd( nIndex );
    Sequence< PropertyValue > aSeq;
    lcl_FillFontAttributes( aSeq, implGetRuler().GetDrawingArea()->get_ref_device().GetFont() );
    return aSeq;
css::awt::Rectangle SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvRuler::getCharacterBounds( sal_Int32 nIndex )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ensureValidIndexWithEnd( nIndex );
    ScCsvRuler& rRuler = implGetRuler();
    Point aPos( rRuler.GetX( lcl_GetRulerPos( nIndex ) ) - rRuler.GetCharWidth() / 2, 0 );
    css::awt::Rectangle aRect( aPos.X(), aPos.Y(), rRuler.GetCharWidth(), rRuler.GetOutputSizePixel().Height() );
    // do not return rectangle out of window
    sal_Int32 nWidth = rRuler.GetOutputSizePixel().Width();
    if( aRect.X >= nWidth )
        throw IndexOutOfBoundsException();
    if( aRect.X + aRect.Width > nWidth )
        aRect.Width = nWidth - aRect.X;
    return aRect;
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvRuler::getCharacterCount()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    return implGetTextLength();
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvRuler::getIndexAtPoint( const css::awt::Point& rPoint )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScCsvRuler& rRuler = implGetRuler();
    // use object's coordinate system, convert to API position
    return lcl_GetApiPos( ::std::clamp( rRuler.GetPosFromX( rPoint.X ), sal_Int32(0), rRuler.GetPosCount() ) );
OUString SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvRuler::getSelectedText()
    return OUString();
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvRuler::getSelectionStart()
    return -1;
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvRuler::getSelectionEnd()
    return -1;
sal_Bool SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvRuler::setSelection( sal_Int32 /* nStartIndex */, sal_Int32 /* nEndIndex */ )
    return false;
OUString SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvRuler::getText()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    return OUString(maBuffer.subView( 0, implGetTextLength() ));
OUString SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvRuler::getTextRange( sal_Int32 nStartIndex, sal_Int32 nEndIndex )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ensureValidRange( nStartIndex, nEndIndex );
    return OUString( maBuffer.getStr() + nStartIndex, nEndIndex - nStartIndex );
TextSegment SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvRuler::getTextAtIndex( sal_Int32 nIndex, sal_Int16 nTextType )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    TextSegment aResult;
    aResult.SegmentStart = -1;
    aResult.SegmentEnd = -1;
    if( (nIndex == implGetTextLength()) && (nTextType != AccessibleTextType::LINE) )
        return aResult;
    ensureValidIndex( nIndex );
    OUStringBuffer aResultText;     // will be assigned to aResult.SegmentText below
    sal_Int32 nRulerPos = lcl_GetRulerPos( nIndex );
    switch( nTextType )
        // single character
        case AccessibleTextType::CHARACTER:
            aResult.SegmentStart = nIndex;
            aResult.SegmentEnd = nIndex;
            o3tl::iterateCodePoints(maBuffer, &aResult.SegmentEnd);
            for (; nIndex < aResult.SegmentEnd; nIndex++)
        // entire number or single dot/line
        case AccessibleTextType::WORD:
        case AccessibleTextType::GLYPH:
            aResult.SegmentStart = nIndex;
            if( nRulerPos % 10 )
                aResultText.append( nRulerPos );    // string representation of sal_Int32!!!
        // entire text
        case AccessibleTextType::SENTENCE:
        case AccessibleTextType::PARAGRAPH:
        case AccessibleTextType::LINE:
            aResult.SegmentStart = 0;
            aResultText.append( maBuffer.getStr(), implGetTextLength() );
        // equal-formatted text
        case AccessibleTextType::ATTRIBUTE_RUN:
            sal_Int32 nFirstIndex = implGetFirstEqualFormatted( nIndex );
            sal_Int32 nLastIndex = implGetLastEqualFormatted( nIndex );
            aResult.SegmentStart = nFirstIndex;
            aResultText.append( maBuffer.getStr() + nFirstIndex, nLastIndex - nFirstIndex + 1 );
            throw RuntimeException();
    aResult.SegmentText = aResultText.makeStringAndClear();
    aResult.SegmentEnd = aResult.SegmentStart + aResult.SegmentText.getLength();
    return aResult;
TextSegment SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvRuler::getTextBeforeIndex( sal_Int32 nIndex, sal_Int16 nTextType )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ensureValidIndexWithEnd( nIndex );
    TextSegment aResult;
    aResult.SegmentStart = -1;
    aResult.SegmentEnd = -1;
    sal_Int32 nRulerPos = lcl_GetRulerPos( nIndex );
    switch( nTextType )
        // single character
        case AccessibleTextType::CHARACTER:
            if( nIndex > 0 )
                o3tl::iterateCodePoints(maBuffer, &nIndex, -1);
                aResult = getTextAtIndex(nIndex, nTextType);
            // else empty
        // entire number or single dot/line
        case AccessibleTextType::WORD:
        case AccessibleTextType::GLYPH:
            if( nRulerPos > 0 )
                aResult = getTextAtIndex( lcl_GetApiPos( nRulerPos - 1 ), nTextType );
            // else empty
        // entire text
        case AccessibleTextType::SENTENCE:
        case AccessibleTextType::PARAGRAPH:
        case AccessibleTextType::LINE:
            // empty
        // equal-formatted text
        case AccessibleTextType::ATTRIBUTE_RUN:
            sal_Int32 nFirstIndex = implGetFirstEqualFormatted( nIndex );
            if( nFirstIndex > 0 )
                aResult = getTextAtIndex( nFirstIndex - 1, nTextType );
            // else empty
            throw RuntimeException();
    return aResult;
TextSegment SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvRuler::getTextBehindIndex( sal_Int32 nIndex, sal_Int16 nTextType )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ensureValidIndexWithEnd( nIndex );
    TextSegment aResult;
    aResult.SegmentStart = -1;
    aResult.SegmentEnd = -1;
    sal_Int32 nRulerPos = lcl_GetRulerPos( nIndex );
    sal_Int32 nLastValid = implGetTextLength();
    switch( nTextType )
        // single character
        case AccessibleTextType::CHARACTER:
            if( nIndex < nLastValid )
                o3tl::iterateCodePoints(maBuffer, &nIndex);
                aResult = getTextAtIndex(nIndex, nTextType);
            // else empty
        // entire number or single dot/line
        case AccessibleTextType::WORD:
        case AccessibleTextType::GLYPH:
            if( nRulerPos < implGetRuler().GetPosCount() )
                aResult = getTextAtIndex( lcl_GetApiPos( nRulerPos + 1 ), nTextType );
            // else empty
        // entire text
        case AccessibleTextType::SENTENCE:
        case AccessibleTextType::PARAGRAPH:
        case AccessibleTextType::LINE:
            // empty
        // equal-formatted text
        case AccessibleTextType::ATTRIBUTE_RUN:
            sal_Int32 nLastIndex = implGetLastEqualFormatted( nIndex );
            if( nLastIndex < nLastValid )
                aResult = getTextAtIndex( nLastIndex + 1, nTextType );
            // else empty
            throw RuntimeException();
    return aResult;
sal_Bool SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvRuler::copyText( sal_Int32 /* nStartIndex */, sal_Int32 /* nEndIndex */ )
    return false;
sal_Bool SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvRuler::scrollSubstringTo( sal_Int32 /* nStartIndex */, sal_Int32/* nEndIndex */, AccessibleScrollType /* aScrollType */ )
    return false;
// events ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void ScAccessibleCsvRuler::SendCaretEvent()
    sal_Int32 nPos = implGetRuler().GetRulerCursorPos();
    if (nPos != CSV_POS_INVALID)
        Any aOldValue, aNewValue;
        aNewValue <<= nPos;
        NotifyAccessibleEvent( AccessibleEventId::CARET_CHANGED, aOldValue, aNewValue );
// helpers --------------------------------------------------------------------
OUString SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvRuler::getAccessibleName()
    return ScResId( STR_ACC_CSVRULER_NAME );
OUString SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvRuler::getAccessibleDescription()
    return ScResId( STR_ACC_CSVRULER_DESCR );
void ScAccessibleCsvRuler::ensureValidIndex( sal_Int32 nIndex ) const
    if( (nIndex < 0) || (nIndex >= implGetTextLength()) )
        throw IndexOutOfBoundsException();
void ScAccessibleCsvRuler::ensureValidIndexWithEnd( sal_Int32 nIndex ) const
    if( (nIndex < 0) || (nIndex > implGetTextLength()) )
        throw IndexOutOfBoundsException();
void ScAccessibleCsvRuler::ensureValidRange( sal_Int32& rnStartIndex, sal_Int32& rnEndIndex ) const
    if( rnStartIndex > rnEndIndex )
        ::std::swap( rnStartIndex, rnEndIndex );
    if( (rnStartIndex < 0) || (rnEndIndex > implGetTextLength()) )
        throw IndexOutOfBoundsException();
ScCsvRuler& ScAccessibleCsvRuler::implGetRuler() const
    return static_cast< ScCsvRuler& >( implGetControl() );
void ScAccessibleCsvRuler::constructStringBuffer()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    // extend existing string buffer to new ruler size
    sal_Int32 nRulerCount = implGetRuler().GetPosCount();
    sal_Int32 nRulerPos = lcl_GetRulerPos( maBuffer.getLength() );
    for( ; nRulerPos <= nRulerCount; ++nRulerPos ) // include last position
        switch( nRulerPos % 10 )
            case 0:     maBuffer.append( nRulerPos );   break;
            case 5:     maBuffer.append( cRulerLine );  break;
            default:    maBuffer.append( cRulerDot );
sal_Int32 ScAccessibleCsvRuler::implGetTextLength() const
    return lcl_GetApiPos( implGetRuler().GetPosCount() + 1 );
bool ScAccessibleCsvRuler::implHasSplit( sal_Int32 nApiPos )
    sal_Int32 nRulerPos = lcl_GetRulerPos( nApiPos );
    return implGetRuler().HasSplit( nRulerPos ) && (nApiPos == lcl_GetApiPos( nRulerPos ));
sal_Int32 ScAccessibleCsvRuler::implGetFirstEqualFormatted( sal_Int32 nApiPos )
    bool bSplit = implHasSplit( nApiPos );
    while( (nApiPos > 0) && (implHasSplit( nApiPos - 1 ) == bSplit) )
    return nApiPos;
sal_Int32 ScAccessibleCsvRuler::implGetLastEqualFormatted( sal_Int32 nApiPos )
    bool bSplit = implHasSplit( nApiPos );
    sal_Int32 nLength = implGetTextLength();
    while( (nApiPos < nLength - 1) && (implHasSplit( nApiPos + 1 ) == bSplit) )
    return nApiPos;
css::uno::Reference<css::accessibility::XAccessible> SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvRuler::getAccessibleParent()
    return implGetControl().GetDrawingArea()->get_accessible_parent();
// Grid =======================================================================
/** Converts a grid columnm index to an API column index. */
static sal_Int32 lcl_GetApiColumn( sal_uInt32 nGridColumn )
    return (nGridColumn != CSV_COLUMN_HEADER) ? static_cast< sal_Int32 >( nGridColumn + 1 ) : 0;
/** Converts an API columnm index to a ScCsvGrid column index. */
static sal_uInt32 lcl_GetGridColumn( sal_Int32 nApiColumn )
    return (nApiColumn > 0) ? static_cast< sal_uInt32 >( nApiColumn - 1 ) : CSV_COLUMN_HEADER;
ScAccessibleCsvGrid::ScAccessibleCsvGrid(ScCsvGrid& rGrid)
    : ImplInheritanceHelper(rGrid)
void ScAccessibleCsvGrid::disposing()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    for (auto& rEntry : maAccessibleChildren)
// XAccessibleComponent -------------------------------------------------------
Reference< XAccessible > SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvGrid::getAccessibleAtPoint( const css::awt::Point& rPoint )
    Reference< XAccessible > xRet;
    if( containsPoint( rPoint ) )
        SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
        const ScCsvGrid& rGrid = implGetGrid();
        // #102679#; use <= instead of <, because the offset is the size and not the point
        sal_Int32 nColumn = ((rGrid.GetFirstX() <= rPoint.X) && (rPoint.X <= rGrid.GetLastX())) ?
            lcl_GetApiColumn( rGrid.GetColumnFromX( rPoint.X ) ) : 0;
        sal_Int32 nRow = (rPoint.Y >= rGrid.GetHdrHeight()) ?
            (rGrid.GetLineFromY( rPoint.Y ) - rGrid.GetFirstVisLine() + 1) : 0;
        xRet = getAccessibleCell(nRow, nColumn);
    return xRet;
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvGrid::getForeground(  )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    return sal_Int32(Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetButtonTextColor());
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvGrid::getBackground(  )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    return sal_Int32(SC_MOD()->GetColorConfig().GetColorValue( ::svtools::DOCCOLOR ).nColor);
// XAccessibleContext ---------------------------------------------------------
sal_Int64 SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvGrid::getAccessibleChildCount()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    return implGetCellCount();
Reference<XAccessible> ScAccessibleCsvGrid::getAccessibleCell(sal_Int32 nRow, sal_Int32 nColumn)
    sal_Int64 nIndex = implGetIndex(nRow, nColumn);
    XAccessibleSet::iterator aI = maAccessibleChildren.lower_bound(nIndex);
    if (aI != maAccessibleChildren.end() && !(maAccessibleChildren.key_comp()(nIndex, aI->first)))
        // key already exists
        return aI->second;
    // key does not exist
    rtl::Reference<ScAccessibleCsvCell> xNew = implCreateCellObj(nRow, nColumn);
    maAccessibleChildren.insert(aI, XAccessibleSet::value_type(nIndex, xNew));
    return xNew;
Reference< XAccessible > SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvGrid::getAccessibleChild( sal_Int64 nIndex )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ensureValidIndex( nIndex );
    return getAccessibleCell(implGetRow(nIndex), implGetColumn(nIndex));
Reference< XAccessibleRelationSet > SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvGrid::getAccessibleRelationSet()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    rtl::Reference<AccessibleRelationSetHelper> pRelationSet = new AccessibleRelationSetHelper();
    ScCsvGrid& rGrid = implGetGrid();
    ScCsvTableBox* pTableBox = rGrid.GetTableBox();
    ScCsvRuler& rRuler = pTableBox->GetRuler();
    if (rRuler.IsVisible())
        css::uno::Reference<css::accessibility::XAccessible> xAccObj(static_cast<ScAccessibleCsvGrid*>(rRuler.GetAccessible()));
        if( xAccObj.is() )
            Sequence<Reference<css::accessibility::XAccessible>> aSeq{ xAccObj };
            pRelationSet->AddRelation( AccessibleRelation( AccessibleRelationType_CONTROLLED_BY, aSeq ) );
    return pRelationSet;
sal_Int64 SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvGrid::getAccessibleStateSet()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    sal_Int64 nStateSet = implCreateStateSet();
    if( isAlive() )
        nStateSet |= AccessibleStateType::FOCUSABLE;
        nStateSet |= AccessibleStateType::MULTI_SELECTABLE;
        nStateSet |= AccessibleStateType::MANAGES_DESCENDANTS;
        if( implGetGrid().HasFocus() )
            nStateSet |= AccessibleStateType::FOCUSED;
        nStateSet |= AccessibleStateType::DEFUNC;
    return nStateSet;
// XAccessibleTable -----------------------------------------------------------
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvGrid::getAccessibleRowCount()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    return implGetRowCount();
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvGrid::getAccessibleColumnCount()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    return implGetColumnCount();
OUString SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvGrid::getAccessibleRowDescription( sal_Int32 nRow )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ensureValidPosition( nRow, 0 );
    return implGetCellText( nRow, 0 );
OUString SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvGrid::getAccessibleColumnDescription( sal_Int32 nColumn )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ensureValidPosition( 0, nColumn );
    return implGetCellText( 0, nColumn );
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvGrid::getAccessibleRowExtentAt( sal_Int32 nRow, sal_Int32 nColumn )
    ensureValidPosition( nRow, nColumn );
    return 1;
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvGrid::getAccessibleColumnExtentAt( sal_Int32 nRow, sal_Int32 nColumn )
    ensureValidPosition( nRow, nColumn );
    return 1;
Reference< XAccessibleTable > SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvGrid::getAccessibleRowHeaders()
    return nullptr;
Reference< XAccessibleTable > SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvGrid::getAccessibleColumnHeaders()
    return nullptr;
Sequence< sal_Int32 > SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvGrid::getSelectedAccessibleRows()
    return Sequence< sal_Int32 >();
Sequence< sal_Int32 > SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvGrid::getSelectedAccessibleColumns()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScCsvGrid& rGrid = implGetGrid();
    Sequence< sal_Int32 > aSeq( implGetColumnCount() );
    auto pSeq = aSeq.getArray();
    sal_Int32 nSeqIx = 0;
    sal_uInt32 nColIx = rGrid.GetFirstSelected();
    for( ; nColIx != CSV_COLUMN_INVALID; ++nSeqIx, nColIx = rGrid.GetNextSelected( nColIx ) )
        pSeq[ nSeqIx ] = lcl_GetApiColumn( nColIx );
    aSeq.realloc( nSeqIx );
    return aSeq;
sal_Bool SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvGrid::isAccessibleRowSelected( sal_Int32 /* nRow */ )
    return false;
sal_Bool SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvGrid::isAccessibleColumnSelected( sal_Int32 nColumn )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ensureValidIndex( nColumn );
    return implIsColumnSelected( nColumn );
Reference< XAccessible > SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvGrid::getAccessibleCellAt( sal_Int32 nRow, sal_Int32 nColumn )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ensureValidPosition( nRow, nColumn );
    return getAccessibleCell(nRow, nColumn);
Reference< XAccessible > SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvGrid::getAccessibleCaption()
    return nullptr;
Reference< XAccessible > SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvGrid::getAccessibleSummary()
    return nullptr;
sal_Bool SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvGrid::isAccessibleSelected( sal_Int32 /* nRow */, sal_Int32 nColumn )
    return isAccessibleColumnSelected( nColumn );
sal_Int64 SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvGrid::getAccessibleIndex( sal_Int32 nRow, sal_Int32 nColumn )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ensureValidPosition( nRow, nColumn );
    return implGetIndex( nRow, nColumn );
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvGrid::getAccessibleRow( sal_Int64 nChildIndex )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ensureValidIndex( nChildIndex );
    return implGetRow( nChildIndex );
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvGrid::getAccessibleColumn( sal_Int64 nChildIndex )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ensureValidIndex( nChildIndex );
    return implGetColumn( nChildIndex );
// XAccessibleSelection -------------------------------------------------------
void SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvGrid::selectAccessibleChild( sal_Int64 nChildIndex )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ensureValidIndex( nChildIndex );
    sal_Int32 nColumn = implGetColumn( nChildIndex );
    if( nChildIndex == 0 )
        implSelectColumn( nColumn, true );
sal_Bool SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvGrid::isAccessibleChildSelected( sal_Int64 nChildIndex )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ensureValidIndex( nChildIndex );
    sal_Int32 nColumn = implGetColumn( nChildIndex );
    return implIsColumnSelected( nColumn );
void SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvGrid::clearAccessibleSelection()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    implGetGrid().SelectAll( false );
void SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvGrid::selectAllAccessibleChildren()
    selectAccessibleChild( 0 );
sal_Int64 SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvGrid::getSelectedAccessibleChildCount()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    return static_cast<sal_Int64>(implGetRowCount()) * static_cast<sal_Int64>(implGetSelColumnCount());
Reference< XAccessible > SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvGrid::getSelectedAccessibleChild( sal_Int64 nSelectedChildIndex )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    sal_Int32 nColumns = implGetSelColumnCount();
    if( nColumns == 0 )
        throw IndexOutOfBoundsException();
    sal_Int32 nRow = nSelectedChildIndex / nColumns;
    sal_Int32 nColumn = implGetSelColumn( nSelectedChildIndex % nColumns );
    return getAccessibleCellAt( nRow, nColumn );
void SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvGrid::deselectAccessibleChild( sal_Int64 nSelectedChildIndex )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    sal_Int32 nColumns = implGetSelColumnCount();
    if( nColumns == 0 )
        throw IndexOutOfBoundsException();
    sal_Int32 nColumn = implGetSelColumn( nSelectedChildIndex % nColumns );
    ensureValidPosition( nSelectedChildIndex / nColumns, nColumn );
    if( nColumn > 0 )
        implSelectColumn( nColumn, false );
// events ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void ScAccessibleCsvGrid::SendFocusEvent( bool bFocused )
    ScAccessibleCsvControl::SendFocusEvent( bFocused );
    Any aOldAny, aNewAny;
    (bFocused ? aNewAny : aOldAny) <<=
        getAccessibleCellAt( 0, lcl_GetApiColumn( implGetGrid().GetFocusColumn() ) );
    NotifyAccessibleEvent(AccessibleEventId::ACTIVE_DESCENDANT_CHANGED, aOldAny, aNewAny);
void ScAccessibleCsvGrid::SendTableUpdateEvent( sal_uInt32 nFirstColumn, sal_uInt32 nLastColumn, bool bAllRows )
    if( nFirstColumn <= nLastColumn )
        AccessibleTableModelChange aModelChange(
            AccessibleTableModelChangeType::UPDATE, 0, bAllRows ? implGetRowCount() - 1 : 0,
            lcl_GetApiColumn( nFirstColumn ), lcl_GetApiColumn( nLastColumn ) );
        Any aOldAny, aNewAny;
        aNewAny <<= aModelChange;
        NotifyAccessibleEvent(AccessibleEventId::TABLE_MODEL_CHANGED, aOldAny, aNewAny);
void ScAccessibleCsvGrid::SendInsertColumnEvent( sal_uInt32 nFirstColumn, sal_uInt32 nLastColumn )
    if( nFirstColumn <= nLastColumn )
        AccessibleTableModelChange aModelChange(
            AccessibleTableModelChangeType::COLUMNS_INSERTED, -1, -1,
            lcl_GetApiColumn( nFirstColumn ), lcl_GetApiColumn( nLastColumn ) );
        Any aOldAny, aNewAny;
        aNewAny <<= aModelChange;
        NotifyAccessibleEvent(AccessibleEventId::TABLE_MODEL_CHANGED, aOldAny, aNewAny);
void ScAccessibleCsvGrid::SendRemoveColumnEvent( sal_uInt32 nFirstColumn, sal_uInt32 nLastColumn )
    if( nFirstColumn <= nLastColumn )
        AccessibleTableModelChange aModelChange(
            AccessibleTableModelChangeType::COLUMNS_REMOVED, -1, -1,
            lcl_GetApiColumn( nFirstColumn ), lcl_GetApiColumn( nLastColumn ) );
        Any aOldAny, aNewAny;
        aNewAny <<= aModelChange;
        NotifyAccessibleEvent(AccessibleEventId::TABLE_MODEL_CHANGED, aOldAny, aNewAny);
// helpers --------------------------------------------------------------------
OUString SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvGrid::getAccessibleName()
    return ScResId( STR_ACC_CSVGRID_NAME );
OUString SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvGrid::getAccessibleDescription()
    return ScResId( STR_ACC_CSVGRID_DESCR );
void ScAccessibleCsvGrid::ensureValidIndex( sal_Int64 nIndex ) const
    if( (nIndex < 0) || (nIndex >= implGetCellCount()) )
        throw IndexOutOfBoundsException();
void ScAccessibleCsvGrid::ensureValidPosition( sal_Int32 nRow, sal_Int32 nColumn ) const
    if( (nRow < 0) || (nRow >= implGetRowCount()) || (nColumn < 0) || (nColumn >= implGetColumnCount()) )
        throw IndexOutOfBoundsException();
ScCsvGrid& ScAccessibleCsvGrid::implGetGrid() const
    return static_cast< ScCsvGrid& >( implGetControl() );
bool ScAccessibleCsvGrid::implIsColumnSelected( sal_Int32 nColumn ) const
    return (nColumn > 0) && implGetGrid().IsSelected( lcl_GetGridColumn( nColumn ) );
void ScAccessibleCsvGrid::implSelectColumn( sal_Int32 nColumn, bool bSelect )
    if( nColumn > 0 )
        implGetGrid().Select( lcl_GetGridColumn( nColumn ), bSelect );
sal_Int32 ScAccessibleCsvGrid::implGetRowCount() const
    return static_cast< sal_Int32 >( implGetGrid().GetLastVisLine() - implGetGrid().GetFirstVisLine() + 2 );
sal_Int32 ScAccessibleCsvGrid::implGetColumnCount() const
    return static_cast< sal_Int32 >( implGetGrid().GetColumnCount() + 1 );
sal_Int32 ScAccessibleCsvGrid::implGetSelColumnCount() const
    ScCsvGrid& rGrid = implGetGrid();
    sal_Int32 nCount = 0;
    for( sal_uInt32 nColIx = rGrid.GetFirstSelected(); nColIx != CSV_COLUMN_INVALID; nColIx = rGrid.GetNextSelected( nColIx ) )
    return nCount;
sal_Int32 ScAccessibleCsvGrid::implGetSelColumn( sal_Int32 nSelColumn ) const
    ScCsvGrid& rGrid = implGetGrid();
    sal_Int32 nColumn = 0;
    for( sal_uInt32 nColIx = rGrid.GetFirstSelected(); nColIx != CSV_COLUMN_INVALID; nColIx = rGrid.GetNextSelected( nColIx ) )
        if( nColumn == nSelColumn )
            return static_cast< sal_Int32 >( nColIx + 1 );
    return 0;
OUString ScAccessibleCsvGrid::implGetCellText( sal_Int32 nRow, sal_Int32 nColumn ) const
    ScCsvGrid& rGrid = implGetGrid();
    sal_Int32 nLine = nRow + rGrid.GetFirstVisLine() - 1;
    OUString aCellStr;
    if( (nColumn > 0) && (nRow > 0) )
        aCellStr = rGrid.GetCellText( lcl_GetGridColumn( nColumn ), nLine );
    else if( nRow > 0 )
        aCellStr = OUString::number( nLine + 1 );
    else if( nColumn > 0 )
        aCellStr = rGrid.GetColumnTypeName( lcl_GetGridColumn( nColumn ) );
    return aCellStr;
rtl::Reference<ScAccessibleCsvCell> ScAccessibleCsvGrid::implCreateCellObj( sal_Int32 nRow, sal_Int32 nColumn )
    return new ScAccessibleCsvCell(implGetGrid(), implGetCellText(nRow, nColumn), nRow, nColumn);
css::uno::Reference<css::accessibility::XAccessible> SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvGrid::getAccessibleParent()
    return implGetControl().GetDrawingArea()->get_accessible_parent();
        ScCsvGrid& rGrid,
        OUString aCellText,
        sal_Int32 nRow, sal_Int32 nColumn ) :
    ImplInheritanceHelper( rGrid ),
    AccessibleStaticTextBase( SvxEditSourcePtr() ),
    maCellText(std::move( aCellText )),
    mnLine( nRow ? (nRow + rGrid.GetFirstVisLine() - 1) : CSV_LINE_HEADER ),
    mnColumn( lcl_GetGridColumn( nColumn ) ),
    mnIndex( nRow * (rGrid.GetColumnCount() + 1) + nColumn )
    SetEditSource( implCreateEditSource() );
void SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvCell::disposing()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    SetEditSource( SvxEditSourcePtr() );
// XAccessibleComponent -------------------------------------------------------
void SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvCell::grabFocus()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScCsvGrid& rGrid = implGetGrid();
    rGrid.Execute( CSVCMD_MOVEGRIDCURSOR, rGrid.GetColumnPos( mnColumn ) );
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvCell::getForeground(  )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    return sal_Int32(Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetButtonTextColor());
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvCell::getBackground(  )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    return sal_Int32(SC_MOD()->GetColorConfig().GetColorValue( ::svtools::DOCCOLOR ).nColor);
// XAccessibleContext -----------------------------------------------------
sal_Int64 SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvCell::getAccessibleChildCount()
    return AccessibleStaticTextBase::getAccessibleChildCount();
Reference< XAccessible > SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvCell::getAccessibleChild( sal_Int64 nIndex )
    return AccessibleStaticTextBase::getAccessibleChild( nIndex );
sal_Int64 SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvCell::getAccessibleIndexInParent()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    return mnIndex;
Reference< XAccessibleRelationSet > SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvCell::getAccessibleRelationSet()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    return new AccessibleRelationSetHelper();
sal_Int64 SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvCell::getAccessibleStateSet()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    sal_Int64 nStateSet = implCreateStateSet();
    if( isAlive() )
        const ScCsvGrid& rGrid = implGetGrid();
        nStateSet |= AccessibleStateType::SINGLE_LINE;
        if( mnColumn != CSV_COLUMN_HEADER )
            nStateSet |= AccessibleStateType::SELECTABLE;
        if( rGrid.HasFocus() && (rGrid.GetFocusColumn() == mnColumn) && (mnLine == CSV_LINE_HEADER) )
            nStateSet |= AccessibleStateType::ACTIVE;
        if( rGrid.IsSelected( mnColumn ) )
            nStateSet |= AccessibleStateType::SELECTED;
    return nStateSet;
// XInterface -----------------------------------------------------------------
IMPLEMENT_FORWARD_XINTERFACE2( ScAccessibleCsvCell, ImplInheritanceHelper, AccessibleStaticTextBase )
// XTypeProvider --------------------------------------------------------------
IMPLEMENT_FORWARD_XTYPEPROVIDER2( ScAccessibleCsvCell, ImplInheritanceHelper, AccessibleStaticTextBase )
// helpers --------------------------------------------------------------------
OUString SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvCell::getAccessibleName()
    return maCellText;
OUString SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvCell::getAccessibleDescription()
    return OUString();
ScCsvGrid& ScAccessibleCsvCell::implGetGrid() const
    return static_cast< ScCsvGrid& >( implGetControl() );
Point ScAccessibleCsvCell::implGetRealPos() const
    ScCsvGrid& rGrid = implGetGrid();
    return Point(
        (mnColumn == CSV_COLUMN_HEADER) ? rGrid.GetHdrX() : rGrid.GetColumnX( mnColumn ),
        (mnLine == CSV_LINE_HEADER) ? 0 : rGrid.GetY( mnLine ) );
sal_uInt32 ScAccessibleCsvCell::implCalcPixelWidth(sal_uInt32 nChars) const
    ScCsvGrid& rGrid = implGetGrid();
    return rGrid.GetCharWidth() * nChars;
Size ScAccessibleCsvCell::implGetRealSize() const
    ScCsvGrid& rGrid = implGetGrid();
    return Size(
        (mnColumn == CSV_COLUMN_HEADER) ? rGrid.GetHdrWidth() : implCalcPixelWidth( rGrid.GetColumnWidth( mnColumn ) ),
        (mnLine == CSV_LINE_HEADER) ? rGrid.GetHdrHeight() : rGrid.GetLineHeight() );
css::awt::Rectangle ScAccessibleCsvCell::implGetBounds()
    ScCsvGrid& rGrid = implGetGrid();
    tools::Rectangle aClipRect( Point( 0, 0 ), rGrid.GetOutputSizePixel() );
    if( mnColumn != CSV_COLUMN_HEADER )
        aClipRect.SetLeft( rGrid.GetFirstX() );
        aClipRect.SetRight( rGrid.GetLastX() );
    if( mnLine != CSV_LINE_HEADER )
         aClipRect.SetTop( rGrid.GetHdrHeight() );
    tools::Rectangle aRect( implGetRealPos(), implGetRealSize() );
    aRect.Intersection( aClipRect );
    if( aRect.IsEmpty() )
        aRect.SetSize( Size( -1, -1 ) );
    return css::awt::Rectangle(aRect.Left(), aRect.Top(), aRect.GetWidth(), aRect.GetHeight());
::std::unique_ptr< SvxEditSource > ScAccessibleCsvCell::implCreateEditSource()
    ScCsvGrid& rGrid = implGetGrid();
    ::std::unique_ptr< SvxEditSource > pEditSource( new ScAccessibilityEditSource( std::make_unique<ScAccessibleCsvTextData>(&rGrid.GetDrawingArea()->get_ref_device(), rGrid.GetEditEngine(), maCellText, implGetRealSize()) ) );
    return pEditSource;
css::uno::Reference<css::accessibility::XAccessible> SAL_CALL ScAccessibleCsvCell::getAccessibleParent()
    ScCsvGrid& rGrid = implGetGrid();
    ScAccessibleCsvGrid* pAcc = static_cast<ScAccessibleCsvGrid*>(rGrid.GetAccessible());
    return pAcc;
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'Intersection' is required to be utilized.