/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <sal/log.hxx>
#include <rtl/crc.h>
#include <rtl/math.hxx>
#include <o3tl/underlyingenumvalue.hxx>
#include <osl/diagnose.h>
#include <basegfx/matrix/b2dhommatrixtools.hxx>
#include <basegfx/color/bcolormodifier.hxx>
#include <vcl/ImageTree.hxx>
#include <vcl/bitmap/BitmapMonochromeFilter.hxx>
#include <vcl/outdev.hxx>
#include <vcl/alpha.hxx>
#include <vcl/bitmapex.hxx>
#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
#include <vcl/virdev.hxx>
#include <vcl/settings.hxx>
// BitmapEx::Create
#include <salbmp.hxx>
#include <salinst.hxx>
#include <svdata.hxx>
#include <vcl/BitmapWriteAccess.hxx>
#include <bitmap/BitmapMaskToAlphaFilter.hxx>
#include <o3tl/any.hxx>
#include <tools/stream.hxx>
#include <vcl/filter/PngImageWriter.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/beans/XFastPropertySet.hpp>
#include <memory>
using namespace ::com::sun::star;
BitmapEx::BitmapEx( const BitmapEx& ) = default;
BitmapEx::BitmapEx( const BitmapEx& rBitmapEx, Point aSrc, Size aSize )
    if( rBitmapEx.IsEmpty() || aSize.IsEmpty() )
    maBitmap = Bitmap(aSize, rBitmapEx.maBitmap.getPixelFormat());
    maBitmapSize = aSize;
    if( rBitmapEx.IsAlpha() )
        maAlphaMask = AlphaMask( aSize );
    tools::Rectangle aDestRect( Point( 0, 0 ), aSize );
    tools::Rectangle aSrcRect( aSrc, aSize );
    CopyPixel( aDestRect, aSrcRect, rBitmapEx );
BitmapEx::BitmapEx(Size aSize, vcl::PixelFormat ePixelFormat)
    maBitmap = Bitmap(aSize, ePixelFormat);
    maBitmapSize = aSize;
BitmapEx::BitmapEx( const OUString& rIconName )
    loadFromIconTheme( rIconName );
void BitmapEx::loadFromIconTheme( const OUString& rIconName )
    bool bSuccess;
    OUString aIconTheme;
        aIconTheme = Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().DetermineIconTheme();
        bSuccess = ImageTree::get().loadImage(rIconName, aIconTheme, *this, true);
    catch (...)
        bSuccess = false;
    SAL_WARN_IF( !bSuccess, "vcl", "BitmapEx::BitmapEx(): could not load image " << rIconName << " via icon theme " << aIconTheme);
BitmapEx::BitmapEx( const Bitmap& rBmp ) :
        maBitmap     ( rBmp ),
        maBitmapSize ( maBitmap.GetSizePixel() )
BitmapEx::BitmapEx( const Bitmap& rBmp, const Bitmap& rMask ) :
        maBitmap         ( rBmp ),
        maBitmapSize     ( maBitmap.GetSizePixel() )
    if (rMask.IsEmpty())
    assert(typeid(rMask) != typeid(AlphaMask)
        && "If this mask is actually an AlphaMask, then it will be inverted unnecessarily "
           "and the alpha channel will be wrong");
    if( rMask.getPixelFormat() == vcl::PixelFormat::N8_BPP && rMask.HasGreyPalette8Bit() )
        maAlphaMask = rMask;
    else if( rMask.getPixelFormat() == vcl::PixelFormat::N8_BPP )
        BitmapEx aMaskEx(rMask);
        BitmapFilter::Filter(aMaskEx, BitmapMonochromeFilter(255));
        maAlphaMask = aMaskEx.GetBitmap();
        // convert to alpha bitmap
        SAL_WARN("vcl", "BitmapEx: forced mask to monochrome");
        BitmapEx aMaskEx(rMask);
        BitmapFilter::Filter(aMaskEx, BitmapMonochromeFilter(255));
        maAlphaMask = aMaskEx.GetBitmap();
    if (!maBitmap.IsEmpty() && maBitmap.GetSizePixel() != maAlphaMask.GetSizePixel())
        SAL_WARN("vcl", "Mask size differs from Bitmap size, corrected Mask (!)");
        maAlphaMask.Scale(maBitmap.GetSizePixel(), BmpScaleFlag::Fast);
BitmapEx::BitmapEx( const Bitmap& rBmp, const AlphaMask& rAlphaMask ) :
        maBitmap         ( rBmp ),
        maAlphaMask      ( rAlphaMask ),
        maBitmapSize     ( maBitmap.GetSizePixel() )
    if (!maBitmap.IsEmpty() && !maAlphaMask.IsEmpty() && maBitmap.GetSizePixel() != maAlphaMask.GetSizePixel())
        SAL_WARN("vcl", "Alpha size differs from Bitmap size, corrected Mask (!)");
        maAlphaMask.Scale(rBmp.GetSizePixel(), BmpScaleFlag::Fast);
BitmapEx::BitmapEx( const Bitmap& rBmp, const Color& rTransparentColor ) :
        maBitmap             ( rBmp ),
        maBitmapSize         ( maBitmap.GetSizePixel() )
    maAlphaMask = maBitmap.CreateAlphaMask( rTransparentColor );
    SAL_WARN_IF(rBmp.GetSizePixel() != maAlphaMask.GetSizePixel(), "vcl",
                "BitmapEx::BitmapEx(): size mismatch for bitmap and alpha mask.");
BitmapEx& BitmapEx::operator=( const BitmapEx& ) = default;
bool BitmapEx::operator==( const BitmapEx& rBitmapEx ) const
    if (GetSizePixel() != rBitmapEx.GetSizePixel())
        return false;
    if (maBitmap != rBitmapEx.maBitmap)
        return false;
    return maAlphaMask == rBitmapEx.maAlphaMask;
bool BitmapEx::IsEmpty() const
    return( maBitmap.IsEmpty() && maAlphaMask.IsEmpty() );
void BitmapEx::SetEmpty()
void BitmapEx::Clear()
void BitmapEx::ClearAlpha()
bool BitmapEx::IsAlpha() const
    return !maAlphaMask.IsEmpty();
const Bitmap& BitmapEx::GetBitmap() const
    return maBitmap;
Bitmap BitmapEx::GetBitmap( Color aTransparentReplaceColor ) const
    Bitmap aRetBmp( maBitmap );
    if( !maAlphaMask.IsEmpty() )
        aRetBmp.Replace( maAlphaMask, aTransparentReplaceColor );
    return aRetBmp;
sal_Int64 BitmapEx::GetSizeBytes() const
    sal_Int64 nSizeBytes = maBitmap.GetSizeBytes();
    if( !maAlphaMask.IsEmpty() )
        nSizeBytes += maAlphaMask.GetSizeBytes();
    return nSizeBytes;
BitmapChecksum BitmapEx::GetChecksum() const
    BitmapChecksum  nCrc = maBitmap.GetChecksum();
    if( !maAlphaMask.IsEmpty() )
        BitmapChecksumOctetArray aBCOA;
        BCToBCOA( maAlphaMask.GetChecksum(), aBCOA );
        nCrc = rtl_crc32( nCrc, aBCOA, BITMAP_CHECKSUM_SIZE );
    return nCrc;
bool BitmapEx::Invert()
    if (!maBitmap.IsEmpty())
        return maBitmap.Invert();
    return false;
bool BitmapEx::Mirror(BmpMirrorFlags nMirrorFlags)
    if (maBitmap.IsEmpty())
        return false;
    bool bRet = maBitmap.Mirror( nMirrorFlags );
    if (bRet && !maAlphaMask.IsEmpty())
    return bRet;
bool BitmapEx::Scale( const double& rScaleX, const double& rScaleY, BmpScaleFlag nScaleFlag )
    if (maBitmap.IsEmpty())
        return false;
    bool bRet = maBitmap.Scale( rScaleX, rScaleY, nScaleFlag );
    if (bRet && !maAlphaMask.IsEmpty())
        maAlphaMask.Scale(rScaleX, rScaleY, nScaleFlag);
    maBitmapSize = maBitmap.GetSizePixel();
    SAL_WARN_IF(!maAlphaMask.IsEmpty() && maBitmap.GetSizePixel() != maAlphaMask.GetSizePixel(), "vcl",
                "BitmapEx::Scale(): size mismatch for bitmap and alpha mask.");
    return bRet;
static bool lcl_ShouldScale(Size const& rOrigSize, Size const& rNewSize)
    return rOrigSize.Width() && rOrigSize.Height()
            && (rNewSize.Width() != rOrigSize.Width() || rNewSize.Height() != rOrigSize.Height());
bool BitmapEx::Scale( const Size& rNewSize, BmpScaleFlag nScaleFlag )
    if (lcl_ShouldScale(GetSizePixel(), rNewSize))
        return Scale(static_cast<double>(rNewSize.Width()) / GetSizePixel().Width(),
                 static_cast<double>(rNewSize.Height()) / GetSizePixel().Height(),
    return true;
bool BitmapEx::Rotate( Degree10 nAngle10, const Color& rFillColor )
    if (maBitmap.IsEmpty())
        return false;
    const bool bTransRotate = ( COL_TRANSPARENT == rFillColor );
    bool bRet = false;
    if (bTransRotate)
        bRet = maBitmap.Rotate(nAngle10, COL_BLACK);
        if (maAlphaMask.IsEmpty())
            maAlphaMask = Bitmap(GetSizePixel(), vcl::PixelFormat::N8_BPP, &Bitmap::GetGreyPalette(256));
            maAlphaMask.Erase( 0 );
        if (bRet && !maAlphaMask.IsEmpty())
            maAlphaMask.Rotate(nAngle10, COL_ALPHA_TRANSPARENT);
        bRet = maBitmap.Rotate( nAngle10, rFillColor );
        if (bRet && !maAlphaMask.IsEmpty())
            maAlphaMask.Rotate(nAngle10, COL_ALPHA_TRANSPARENT);
    maBitmapSize = maBitmap.GetSizePixel();
    SAL_WARN_IF(!maAlphaMask.IsEmpty() && maBitmap.GetSizePixel() != maAlphaMask.GetSizePixel(), "vcl",
                "BitmapEx::Rotate(): size mismatch for bitmap and alpha mask.");
    return bRet;
bool BitmapEx::Crop( const tools::Rectangle& rRectPixel )
    if (maBitmap.IsEmpty())
        return false;
    bool bRet = maBitmap.Crop(rRectPixel);
    if (bRet && !maAlphaMask.IsEmpty())
    maBitmapSize = maBitmap.GetSizePixel();
    SAL_WARN_IF(!maAlphaMask.IsEmpty() && maBitmap.GetSizePixel() != maAlphaMask.GetSizePixel(), "vcl",
                "BitmapEx::Crop(): size mismatch for bitmap and alpha mask.");
    return bRet;
bool BitmapEx::Convert( BmpConversion eConversion )
    return !maBitmap.IsEmpty() && maBitmap.Convert( eConversion );
void BitmapEx::Expand(sal_Int32 nDX, sal_Int32 nDY, bool bExpandTransparent)
    if (maBitmap.IsEmpty())
    bool bRet = maBitmap.Expand( nDX, nDY );
    if ( bRet && !maAlphaMask.IsEmpty() )
        Color aColor( bExpandTransparent ? COL_ALPHA_TRANSPARENT : COL_ALPHA_OPAQUE );
        maAlphaMask.Expand( nDX, nDY, &aColor );
    maBitmapSize = maBitmap.GetSizePixel();
    SAL_WARN_IF(!maAlphaMask.IsEmpty() && maBitmap.GetSizePixel() != maAlphaMask.GetSizePixel(), "vcl",
                "BitmapEx::Expand(): size mismatch for bitmap and alpha mask.");
bool BitmapEx::CopyPixel( const tools::Rectangle& rRectDst, const tools::Rectangle& rRectSrc,
                          const BitmapEx& rBmpExSrc )
    if( maBitmap.IsEmpty() )
        return false;
    if (!maBitmap.CopyPixel( rRectDst, rRectSrc, rBmpExSrc.maBitmap ))
        return false;
    if( rBmpExSrc.IsAlpha() )
        if( IsAlpha() )
            // cast to use the optimized AlphaMask::CopyPixel
            maAlphaMask.CopyPixel_AlphaOptimized( rRectDst, rRectSrc, rBmpExSrc.maAlphaMask );
            sal_uInt8 nTransparencyOpaque = 0;
            maAlphaMask = AlphaMask(GetSizePixel(), &nTransparencyOpaque);
            maAlphaMask.CopyPixel( rRectDst, rRectSrc, rBmpExSrc.maAlphaMask );
    else if (IsAlpha())
        sal_uInt8 nTransparencyOpaque = 0;
        const AlphaMask aAlphaSrc(rBmpExSrc.GetSizePixel(), &nTransparencyOpaque);
        maAlphaMask.CopyPixel( rRectDst, rRectSrc, aAlphaSrc );
    return true;
bool BitmapEx::Erase( const Color& rFillColor )
    if (maBitmap.IsEmpty())
        return false;
    if (!maBitmap.Erase(rFillColor))
        return false;
    if (!maAlphaMask.IsEmpty())
        // Respect transparency on fill color
        if (rFillColor.IsTransparent())
            maAlphaMask.Erase(255 - rFillColor.GetAlpha());
    return true;
void BitmapEx::Replace( const Color& rSearchColor, const Color& rReplaceColor )
    if (!maBitmap.IsEmpty())
        maBitmap.Replace( rSearchColor, rReplaceColor );
void BitmapEx::Replace( const Color* pSearchColors, const Color* pReplaceColors, size_t nColorCount )
    if (!maBitmap.IsEmpty())
        maBitmap.Replace( pSearchColors, pReplaceColors, nColorCount, /*pTols*/nullptr );
bool BitmapEx::Adjust( short nLuminancePercent, short nContrastPercent,
                       short nChannelRPercent, short nChannelGPercent, short nChannelBPercent,
                       double fGamma, bool bInvert, bool msoBrightness )
    return !maBitmap.IsEmpty() && maBitmap.Adjust( nLuminancePercent, nContrastPercent,
                                        nChannelRPercent, nChannelGPercent, nChannelBPercent,
                                        fGamma, bInvert, msoBrightness );
void BitmapEx::Draw( OutputDevice* pOutDev, const Point& rDestPt ) const
    pOutDev->DrawBitmapEx( rDestPt, *this );
void BitmapEx::Draw( OutputDevice* pOutDev,
                     const Point& rDestPt, const Size& rDestSize ) const
    pOutDev->DrawBitmapEx( rDestPt, rDestSize, *this );
BitmapEx BitmapEx::AutoScaleBitmap(BitmapEx const & aBitmap, const tools::Long aStandardSize)
    Point aEmptyPoint(0,0);
    double imgposX = 0;
    double imgposY = 0;
    BitmapEx  aRet = aBitmap;
    double imgOldWidth = aRet.GetSizePixel().Width();
    double imgOldHeight = aRet.GetSizePixel().Height();
    if (imgOldWidth >= aStandardSize || imgOldHeight >= aStandardSize)
        sal_Int32 imgNewWidth = 0;
        sal_Int32 imgNewHeight = 0;
        if (imgOldWidth >= imgOldHeight)
            imgNewWidth = aStandardSize;
            imgNewHeight = sal_Int32(imgOldHeight / (imgOldWidth / aStandardSize) + 0.5);
            imgposX = 0;
            imgposY = (aStandardSize - (imgOldHeight / (imgOldWidth / aStandardSize) + 0.5)) / 2 + 0.5;
            imgNewHeight = aStandardSize;
            imgNewWidth = sal_Int32(imgOldWidth / (imgOldHeight / aStandardSize) + 0.5);
            imgposY = 0;
            imgposX = (aStandardSize - (imgOldWidth / (imgOldHeight / aStandardSize) + 0.5)) / 2 + 0.5;
        Size aScaledSize( imgNewWidth, imgNewHeight );
        aRet.Scale( aScaledSize, BmpScaleFlag::BestQuality );
        imgposX = (aStandardSize - imgOldWidth) / 2 + 0.5;
        imgposY = (aStandardSize - imgOldHeight) / 2 + 0.5;
    Size aStdSize( aStandardSize, aStandardSize );
    tools::Rectangle aRect(aEmptyPoint, aStdSize );
    ScopedVclPtrInstance< VirtualDevice > aVirDevice(*Application::GetDefaultDevice());
    aVirDevice->SetOutputSizePixel( aStdSize );
    aVirDevice->SetFillColor( COL_TRANSPARENT );
    aVirDevice->SetLineColor( COL_TRANSPARENT );
    // Draw a rect into virDevice
    aVirDevice->DrawRect( aRect );
    Point aPointPixel( static_cast<tools::Long>(imgposX), static_cast<tools::Long>(imgposY) );
    aVirDevice->DrawBitmapEx( aPointPixel, aRet );
    aRet = aVirDevice->GetBitmapEx( aEmptyPoint, aStdSize );
    return aRet;
sal_uInt8 BitmapEx::GetAlpha(sal_Int32 nX, sal_Int32 nY) const
        return 0;
    if (nX < 0 || nX >= GetSizePixel().Width() || nY < 0 || nY >= GetSizePixel().Height())
        return 0;
    if (maBitmap.getPixelFormat() == vcl::PixelFormat::N32_BPP)
        return GetPixelColor(nX, nY).GetAlpha();
    sal_uInt8 nAlpha(0);
    if (maAlphaMask.IsEmpty())
        // Not transparent, ergo all covered
        nAlpha = 255;
        BitmapScopedReadAccess pRead(maAlphaMask);
            const BitmapColor aBitmapColor(pRead->GetPixel(nY, nX));
            nAlpha = aBitmapColor.GetIndex();
    return nAlpha;
Color BitmapEx::GetPixelColor(sal_Int32 nX, sal_Int32 nY) const
    BitmapScopedReadAccess pReadAccess( maBitmap );
    BitmapColor aColor = pReadAccess->GetColor(nY, nX);
    if (IsAlpha())
        AlphaMask aAlpha = GetAlphaMask();
        BitmapScopedReadAccess pAlphaReadAccess(aAlpha);
        aColor.SetAlpha(pAlphaReadAccess->GetPixel(nY, nX).GetIndex());
    else if (maBitmap.getPixelFormat() != vcl::PixelFormat::N32_BPP)
    return aColor;
// Shift alpha transparent pixels between cppcanvas/ implementations
// and vcl in a generally grotesque and under-performing fashion
bool BitmapEx::Create( const css::uno::Reference< css::rendering::XBitmapCanvas > &xBitmapCanvas,
                       const Size &rSize )
    uno::Reference< beans::XFastPropertySet > xFastPropertySet( xBitmapCanvas, uno::UNO_QUERY );
    if( xFastPropertySet )
        // 0 means get BitmapEx
        uno::Any aAny = xFastPropertySet->getFastPropertyValue( 0 );
        std::unique_ptr<BitmapEx> xBitmapEx(reinterpret_cast<BitmapEx*>(*o3tl::doAccess<sal_Int64>(aAny)));
        if( xBitmapEx )
            *this = *xBitmapEx;
            return true;
    std::shared_ptr<SalBitmap> pSalBmp;
    std::shared_ptr<SalBitmap> pSalMask;
    pSalBmp = ImplGetSVData()->mpDefInst->CreateSalBitmap();
    Size aLocalSize(rSize);
    if( pSalBmp->Create( xBitmapCanvas, aLocalSize ) )
        pSalMask = ImplGetSVData()->mpDefInst->CreateSalBitmap();
        if ( pSalMask->Create( xBitmapCanvas, aLocalSize, true ) )
            *this = BitmapEx(Bitmap(std::move(pSalBmp)), Bitmap(std::move(pSalMask)) );
            return true;
            *this = BitmapEx(Bitmap(std::move(pSalBmp)));
            return true;
    return false;
    Bitmap impTransformBitmap(
        const Bitmap& rSource,
        const Size& rDestinationSize,
        const basegfx::B2DHomMatrix& rTransform,
        bool bSmooth, bool bAlphaMask)
        Bitmap aDestination(rDestinationSize, vcl::PixelFormat::N24_BPP);
        BitmapScopedWriteAccess xWrite(aDestination);
            BitmapScopedReadAccess xRead(rSource);
            if (xRead)
                const Size aDestinationSizePixel(aDestination.GetSizePixel());
                // tdf#157795 set color to black outside of bitmap bounds
                // Due to commit 81994cb2b8b32453a92bcb011830fcb884f22ff3,
                // transparent areas are now black instead of white.
                // tdf#160831 only set outside color to black for alpha masks
                // The outside color still needs to be white for the content
                // so only apply the fix for tdf#157795 to the alpha mask.
                const BitmapColor aOutside = bAlphaMask ? BitmapColor(0x0, 0x0, 0x0) : BitmapColor(0xff, 0xff, 0xff);
                for(tools::Long y(0); y < aDestinationSizePixel.getHeight(); y++)
                    Scanline pScanline = xWrite->GetScanline( y );
                    for(tools::Long x(0); x < aDestinationSizePixel.getWidth(); x++)
                        const basegfx::B2DPoint aSourceCoor(rTransform * basegfx::B2DPoint(x, y));
                            // this version does the correct <= 0.0 checks, so no need
                            // to do the static_cast< sal_Int32 > self and make an error
        return aDestination;
    /// Decides if rTransformation needs smoothing or not (e.g. 180 deg rotation doesn't need it).
    bool implTransformNeedsSmooth(const basegfx::B2DHomMatrix& rTransformation)
        basegfx::B2DVector aScale, aTranslate;
        double fRotate, fShearX;
        rTransformation.decompose(aScale, aTranslate, fRotate, fShearX);
        if (aScale != basegfx::B2DVector(1, 1))
            return true;
        fRotate = fmod( fRotate, 2 * M_PI );
        if (fRotate < 0)
            fRotate += 2 * M_PI;
        if (!rtl::math::approxEqual(fRotate, 0)
            && !rtl::math::approxEqual(fRotate, M_PI_2)
            && !rtl::math::approxEqual(fRotate, M_PI)
            && !rtl::math::approxEqual(fRotate, 3 * M_PI_2))
            return true;
        if (!rtl::math::approxEqual(fShearX, 0))
            return true;
        return false;
} // end of anonymous namespace
BitmapEx BitmapEx::TransformBitmapEx(
    double fWidth,
    double fHeight,
    const basegfx::B2DHomMatrix& rTransformation) const
    if(fWidth <= 1 || fHeight <= 1)
        return BitmapEx();
    // force destination to 24 bit, we want to smooth output
    const Size aDestinationSize(basegfx::fround<tools::Long>(fWidth), basegfx::fround<tools::Long>(fHeight));
    bool bSmooth = implTransformNeedsSmooth(rTransformation);
    const Bitmap aDestination(impTransformBitmap(GetBitmap(), aDestinationSize, rTransformation, bSmooth, false));
    // create mask
        const Bitmap aAlpha(impTransformBitmap(GetAlphaMask().GetBitmap(), aDestinationSize, rTransformation, bSmooth, true));
        return BitmapEx(aDestination, AlphaMask(aAlpha));
    return BitmapEx(aDestination);
BitmapEx BitmapEx::getTransformed(
    const basegfx::B2DHomMatrix& rTransformation,
    const basegfx::B2DRange& rVisibleRange,
    double fMaximumArea) const
    if (IsEmpty())
        return BitmapEx();
    const sal_uInt32 nSourceWidth(GetSizePixel().Width());
    const sal_uInt32 nSourceHeight(GetSizePixel().Height());
    if (!nSourceWidth || !nSourceHeight)
        return BitmapEx();
    // Get aOutlineRange
    basegfx::B2DRange aOutlineRange(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
    // create visible range from it by moving from relative to absolute
    basegfx::B2DRange aVisibleRange(rVisibleRange);
    // get target size (which is visible range's size)
    double fWidth(aVisibleRange.getWidth());
    double fHeight(aVisibleRange.getHeight());
    if (fWidth < 1.0 || fHeight < 1.0)
        return BitmapEx();
    // test if discrete size (pixel) maybe too big and limit it
    const double fArea(fWidth * fHeight);
    const bool bNeedToReduce(basegfx::fTools::more(fArea, fMaximumArea));
    double fReduceFactor(1.0);
        fReduceFactor = sqrt(fMaximumArea / fArea);
        fWidth *= fReduceFactor;
        fHeight *= fReduceFactor;
    // Build complete transform from source pixels to target pixels.
    // Start by scaling from source pixel size to unit coordinates
    basegfx::B2DHomMatrix aTransform(
            1.0 / nSourceWidth,
            1.0 / nSourceHeight));
    // multiply with given transform which leads from unit coordinates inside
    // aOutlineRange
    aTransform = rTransformation * aTransform;
    // subtract top-left of absolute VisibleRange
    // scale to target pixels (if needed)
        aTransform.scale(fReduceFactor, fReduceFactor);
    // invert to get transformation from target pixel coordinates to source pixels
    // create bitmap using source, destination and linear back-transformation
    return TransformBitmapEx(fWidth, fHeight, aTransform);
class BufferedData_ModifiedBitmapEx : public basegfx::SystemDependentData
    Bitmap maChangedBitmap;
    basegfx::BColorModifierStack maBColorModifierStack;
        const Bitmap& rChangedBitmap,
        const basegfx::BColorModifierStack& rBColorModifierStack)
    : basegfx::SystemDependentData(
    , maChangedBitmap(rChangedBitmap)
    , maBColorModifierStack(rBColorModifierStack)
    const Bitmap& getChangedBitmap() const { return maChangedBitmap; }
    const basegfx::BColorModifierStack& getBColorModifierStack() const { return maBColorModifierStack; }
    virtual sal_Int64 estimateUsageInBytes() const override;
sal_Int64 BufferedData_ModifiedBitmapEx::estimateUsageInBytes() const
    return maChangedBitmap.GetSizeBytes();
BitmapEx BitmapEx::ModifyBitmapEx(const basegfx::BColorModifierStack& rBColorModifierStack) const
    if (0 == rBColorModifierStack.count())
        // no modifiers, done
        return *this;
    // check for BColorModifier_replace at the top of the stack
    const basegfx::BColorModifierSharedPtr& rLastModifier(rBColorModifierStack.getBColorModifier(rBColorModifierStack.count() - 1));
    const basegfx::BColorModifier_replace* pLastModifierReplace(dynamic_cast<const basegfx::BColorModifier_replace*>(rLastModifier.get()));
    if (nullptr != pLastModifierReplace && !IsAlpha())
        // at the top of the stack we have a BColorModifier_replace -> no Bitmap needed,
        // representation can be replaced by filled colored polygon. signal the caller
        // about that by returning empty BitmapEx
        return BitmapEx();
    const basegfx::SystemDependentDataHolder* pHolder(GetBitmap().accessSystemDependentDataHolder());
    std::shared_ptr<BufferedData_ModifiedBitmapEx> pBufferedData_ModifiedBitmapEx;
    if (nullptr != pHolder)
        // try to access SystemDependentDataHolder and buffered data
        pBufferedData_ModifiedBitmapEx = std::static_pointer_cast<BufferedData_ModifiedBitmapEx>(
        if (nullptr != pBufferedData_ModifiedBitmapEx
            && !(pBufferedData_ModifiedBitmapEx->getBColorModifierStack() == rBColorModifierStack))
            // BColorModifierStack is different -> data invalid
            pBufferedData_ModifiedBitmapEx = nullptr;
        if (nullptr != pBufferedData_ModifiedBitmapEx)
            // found existing instance of modified Bitmap, return reused/buffered result
                return BitmapEx(pBufferedData_ModifiedBitmapEx->getChangedBitmap(), GetAlphaMask());
            return BitmapEx(pBufferedData_ModifiedBitmapEx->getChangedBitmap());
    // have to create modified Bitmap
    Bitmap aChangedBitmap(GetBitmap());
    if (nullptr != pLastModifierReplace)
        // special case -> we have BColorModifier_replace but Alpha channel
        if (vcl::isPalettePixelFormat(aChangedBitmap.getPixelFormat()))
            // For e.g. 8bit Bitmaps, the nearest color to the given erase color is
            // determined and used -> this may be different from what is wanted here.
            // Better create a new bitmap with the needed color explicitly.
            BitmapScopedReadAccess xReadAccess(aChangedBitmap);
            SAL_WARN_IF(!xReadAccess, "vcl", "Got no Bitmap ReadAccess ?!?");
                BitmapPalette aNewPalette(xReadAccess->GetPalette());
                aNewPalette[0] = BitmapColor(Color(pLastModifierReplace->getBColor()));
                aChangedBitmap = Bitmap(
            // clear bitmap with dest color
        BitmapScopedWriteAccess xContent(aChangedBitmap);
            const double fConvertColor(1.0 / 255.0);
                const sal_uInt16 nCount(xContent->GetPaletteEntryCount());
                for(sal_uInt16 b(0); b < nCount; b++)
                    const BitmapColor& rCol = xContent->GetPaletteColor(b);
                    const basegfx::BColor aBSource(
                        rCol.GetRed() * fConvertColor,
                        rCol.GetGreen() * fConvertColor,
                        rCol.GetBlue() * fConvertColor);
                    const basegfx::BColor aBDest(rBColorModifierStack.getModifiedColor(aBSource));
                    xContent->SetPaletteColor(b, BitmapColor(Color(aBDest)));
            else if(ScanlineFormat::N24BitTcBgr == xContent->GetScanlineFormat())
                for(tools::Long y(0); y < xContent->Height(); y++)
                    Scanline pScan = xContent->GetScanline(y);
                    for(tools::Long x(0); x < xContent->Width(); x++)
                        const basegfx::BColor aBSource(
                            *(pScan + 2)* fConvertColor,
                            *(pScan + 1) * fConvertColor,
                            *pScan * fConvertColor);
                        const basegfx::BColor aBDest(rBColorModifierStack.getModifiedColor(aBSource));
                        *pScan++ = static_cast< sal_uInt8 >(aBDest.getBlue() * 255.0);
                        *pScan++ = static_cast< sal_uInt8 >(aBDest.getGreen() * 255.0);
                        *pScan++ = static_cast< sal_uInt8 >(aBDest.getRed() * 255.0);
            else if(ScanlineFormat::N24BitTcRgb == xContent->GetScanlineFormat())
                for(tools::Long y(0); y < xContent->Height(); y++)
                    Scanline pScan = xContent->GetScanline(y);
                    for(tools::Long x(0); x < xContent->Width(); x++)
                        const basegfx::BColor aBSource(
                            *pScan * fConvertColor,
                            *(pScan + 1) * fConvertColor,
                            *(pScan + 2) * fConvertColor);
                        const basegfx::BColor aBDest(rBColorModifierStack.getModifiedColor(aBSource));
                        *pScan++ = static_cast< sal_uInt8 >(aBDest.getRed() * 255.0);
                        *pScan++ = static_cast< sal_uInt8 >(aBDest.getGreen() * 255.0);
                        *pScan++ = static_cast< sal_uInt8 >(aBDest.getBlue() * 255.0);
                for(tools::Long y(0); y < xContent->Height(); y++)
                    Scanline pScanline = xContent->GetScanline( y );
                    for(tools::Long x(0); x < xContent->Width(); x++)
                        const BitmapColor aBMCol(xContent->GetColor(y, x));
                        const basegfx::BColor aBSource(
                            static_cast<double>(aBMCol.GetRed()) * fConvertColor,
                            static_cast<double>(aBMCol.GetGreen()) * fConvertColor,
                            static_cast<double>(aBMCol.GetBlue()) * fConvertColor);
                        const basegfx::BColor aBDest(rBColorModifierStack.getModifiedColor(aBSource));
                        xContent->SetPixelOnData(pScanline, x, BitmapColor(Color(aBDest)));
    if (nullptr != pHolder)
        // create new BufferedData_ModifiedBitmapEx (should be nullptr here)
        if (nullptr == pBufferedData_ModifiedBitmapEx)
            pBufferedData_ModifiedBitmapEx = std::make_shared<BufferedData_ModifiedBitmapEx>(aChangedBitmap, rBColorModifierStack);
        // register it, evtl. it's a new one
        basegfx::SystemDependentData_SharedPtr r2(pBufferedData_ModifiedBitmapEx);
    // return result
        return BitmapEx(aChangedBitmap, GetAlphaMask());
    return BitmapEx(aChangedBitmap);
BitmapEx createBlendFrame(
    const Size& rSize,
    sal_uInt8 nAlpha,
    Color aColorTopLeft,
    Color aColorBottomRight)
    const sal_uInt32 nW(rSize.Width());
    const sal_uInt32 nH(rSize.Height());
    if(nW || nH)
        Color aColTopRight(aColorTopLeft);
        Color aColBottomLeft(aColorTopLeft);
        const sal_uInt32 nDE(nW + nH);
        aColTopRight.Merge(aColorBottomRight, 255 - sal_uInt8((nW * 255) / nDE));
        aColBottomLeft.Merge(aColorBottomRight, 255 - sal_uInt8((nH * 255) / nDE));
        return createBlendFrame(rSize, nAlpha, aColorTopLeft, aColTopRight, aColorBottomRight, aColBottomLeft);
    return BitmapEx();
BitmapEx createBlendFrame(
    const Size& rSize,
    sal_uInt8 nAlpha,
    Color aColorTopLeft,
    Color aColorTopRight,
    Color aColorBottomRight,
    Color aColorBottomLeft)
    // FIXME the call sites are actually passing in transparency
    nAlpha = 255 - nAlpha;
    BlendFrameCache* pBlendFrameCache = ImplGetBlendFrameCache();
    if(pBlendFrameCache->m_aLastSize == rSize
        && pBlendFrameCache->m_nLastAlpha == nAlpha
        && pBlendFrameCache->m_aLastColorTopLeft == aColorTopLeft
        && pBlendFrameCache->m_aLastColorTopRight == aColorTopRight
        && pBlendFrameCache->m_aLastColorBottomRight == aColorBottomRight
        && pBlendFrameCache->m_aLastColorBottomLeft == aColorBottomLeft)
        return pBlendFrameCache->m_aLastResult;
    pBlendFrameCache->m_aLastSize = rSize;
    pBlendFrameCache->m_nLastAlpha = nAlpha;
    pBlendFrameCache->m_aLastColorTopLeft = aColorTopLeft;
    pBlendFrameCache->m_aLastColorTopRight = aColorTopRight;
    pBlendFrameCache->m_aLastColorBottomRight = aColorBottomRight;
    pBlendFrameCache->m_aLastColorBottomLeft = aColorBottomLeft;
    const tools::Long nW(rSize.Width());
    const tools::Long nH(rSize.Height());
    if(nW > 1 && nH > 1)
        sal_uInt8 aEraseTrans(0xff);
        Bitmap aContent(rSize, vcl::PixelFormat::N24_BPP);
        AlphaMask aAlpha(rSize, &aEraseTrans);
        BitmapScopedWriteAccess pContent(aContent);
        BitmapScopedWriteAccess pAlpha(aAlpha);
        if(pContent && pAlpha)
            tools::Long x(0);
            tools::Long y(0);
            Scanline pScanContent = pContent->GetScanline( 0 );
            Scanline pScanAlpha = pContent->GetScanline( 0 );
            // x == 0, y == 0, top-left corner
            pContent->SetPixelOnData(pScanContent, 0, aColorTopLeft);
            pAlpha->SetPixelOnData(pScanAlpha, 0, BitmapColor(nAlpha));
            // y == 0, top line left to right
            for(x = 1; x < nW - 1; x++)
                Color aMix(aColorTopLeft);
                aMix.Merge(aColorTopRight, 255 - sal_uInt8((x * 255) / nW));
                pContent->SetPixelOnData(pScanContent, x, aMix);
                pAlpha->SetPixelOnData(pScanAlpha, x, BitmapColor(nAlpha));
            // x == nW - 1, y == 0, top-right corner
            // #i123690# Caution! When nW is 1, x == nW is possible (!)
            if(x < nW)
                pContent->SetPixelOnData(pScanContent, x, aColorTopRight);
                pAlpha->SetPixelOnData(pScanAlpha, x, BitmapColor(nAlpha));
            // x == 0 and nW - 1, left and right line top-down
            for(y = 1; y < nH - 1; y++)
                pScanContent = pContent->GetScanline( y );
                pScanAlpha = pContent->GetScanline( y );
                Color aMixA(aColorTopLeft);
                aMixA.Merge(aColorBottomLeft, 255 - sal_uInt8((y * 255) / nH));
                pContent->SetPixelOnData(pScanContent, 0, aMixA);
                pAlpha->SetPixelOnData(pScanAlpha, 0, BitmapColor(nAlpha));
                // #i123690# Caution! When nW is 1, x == nW is possible (!)
                if(x < nW)
                    Color aMixB(aColorTopRight);
                    aMixB.Merge(aColorBottomRight, 255 - sal_uInt8((y * 255) / nH));
                    pContent->SetPixelOnData(pScanContent, x, aMixB);
                    pAlpha->SetPixelOnData(pScanAlpha, x, BitmapColor(nAlpha));
            // #i123690# Caution! When nH is 1, y == nH is possible (!)
            if(y < nH)
                // x == 0, y == nH - 1, bottom-left corner
                pContent->SetPixelOnData(pScanContent, 0, aColorBottomLeft);
                pAlpha->SetPixelOnData(pScanAlpha, 0, BitmapColor(nAlpha));
                // y == nH - 1, bottom line left to right
                for(x = 1; x < nW - 1; x++)
                    Color aMix(aColorBottomLeft);
                    aMix.Merge(aColorBottomRight, 255 - sal_uInt8(((x - 0)* 255) / nW));
                    pContent->SetPixelOnData(pScanContent, x, aMix);
                    pAlpha->SetPixelOnData(pScanAlpha, x, BitmapColor(nAlpha));
                // x == nW - 1, y == nH - 1, bottom-right corner
                // #i123690# Caution! When nW is 1, x == nW is possible (!)
                if(x < nW)
                    pContent->SetPixelOnData(pScanContent, x, aColorBottomRight);
                    pAlpha->SetPixelOnData(pScanAlpha, x, BitmapColor(nAlpha));
            pBlendFrameCache->m_aLastResult = BitmapEx(aContent, aAlpha);
    return pBlendFrameCache->m_aLastResult;
void BitmapEx::Replace(const Color& rSearchColor,
                           const Color& rReplaceColor,
                           sal_uInt8 nTolerance)
    maBitmap.Replace(rSearchColor, rReplaceColor, nTolerance);
void BitmapEx::Replace( const Color* pSearchColors,
                        const Color* pReplaceColors,
                        size_t nColorCount,
                        sal_uInt8 const * pTols )
    maBitmap.Replace( pSearchColors, pReplaceColors, nColorCount, pTols );
void BitmapEx::ReplaceTransparency(const Color& rColor)
    if( IsAlpha() )
        maBitmap.Replace( GetAlphaMask(), rColor );
        maAlphaMask = Bitmap();
        maBitmapSize = maBitmap.GetSizePixel();
static Bitmap DetectEdges( const Bitmap& rBmp )
    constexpr sal_uInt8 cEdgeDetectThreshold = 128;
    const Size  aSize( rBmp.GetSizePixel() );
    if( ( aSize.Width() <= 2 ) || ( aSize.Height() <= 2 ) )
        return rBmp;
    Bitmap aWorkBmp( rBmp );
    if( !aWorkBmp.Convert( BmpConversion::N8BitGreys ) )
        return rBmp;
    ScopedVclPtr<VirtualDevice> pVirDev(VclPtr<VirtualDevice>::Create());
    BitmapScopedReadAccess pReadAcc(aWorkBmp);
    if( !pReadAcc )
        return rBmp;
    const tools::Long          nWidth = aSize.Width();
    const tools::Long          nWidth2 = nWidth - 2;
    const tools::Long          nHeight = aSize.Height();
    const tools::Long          nHeight2 = nHeight - 2;
    const tools::Long          lThres2 = static_cast<tools::Long>(cEdgeDetectThreshold) * cEdgeDetectThreshold;
    tools::Long                nSum1;
    tools::Long                nSum2;
    tools::Long                lGray;
    // initialize border with white pixels
    pVirDev->SetLineColor( COL_WHITE );
    pVirDev->DrawLine( Point(), Point( nWidth - 1, 0L ) );
    pVirDev->DrawLine( Point( nWidth - 1, 0L ), Point( nWidth - 1, nHeight - 1 ) );
    pVirDev->DrawLine( Point( nWidth - 1, nHeight - 1 ), Point( 0L, nHeight - 1 ) );
    pVirDev->DrawLine( Point( 0, nHeight - 1 ), Point() );
    for( tools::Long nY = 0, nY1 = 1, nY2 = 2; nY < nHeight2; nY++, nY1++, nY2++ )
        Scanline pScanlineRead = pReadAcc->GetScanline( nY );
        Scanline pScanlineRead1 = pReadAcc->GetScanline( nY1 );
        Scanline pScanlineRead2 = pReadAcc->GetScanline( nY2 );
        for( tools::Long nX = 0, nXDst = 1, nXTmp; nX < nWidth2; nX++, nXDst++ )
            nXTmp = nX;
            nSum2 = pReadAcc->GetIndexFromData( pScanlineRead, nXTmp++ );
            nSum1 = -nSum2;
            nSum2 += static_cast<tools::Long>(pReadAcc->GetIndexFromData( pScanlineRead, nXTmp++ )) << 1;
            lGray = pReadAcc->GetIndexFromData( pScanlineRead, nXTmp );
            nSum1 += lGray;
            nSum2 += lGray;
            nSum1 += static_cast<tools::Long>(pReadAcc->GetIndexFromData( pScanlineRead1, nXTmp )) << 1;
            nXTmp -= 2;
            nSum1 -= static_cast<tools::Long>(pReadAcc->GetIndexFromData( pScanlineRead1, nXTmp )) << 1;
            lGray = -static_cast<tools::Long>(pReadAcc->GetIndexFromData( pScanlineRead2, nXTmp++ ));
            nSum1 += lGray;
            nSum2 += lGray;
            nSum2 -= static_cast<tools::Long>(pReadAcc->GetIndexFromData( pScanlineRead2, nXTmp++ )) << 1;
            lGray = static_cast<tools::Long>(pReadAcc->GetIndexFromData( pScanlineRead2, nXTmp ));
            nSum1 += lGray;
            nSum2 -= lGray;
            if( ( nSum1 * nSum1 + nSum2 * nSum2 ) < lThres2 )
                pVirDev->DrawPixel( Point(nXDst, nY), COL_WHITE );
                pVirDev->DrawPixel( Point(nXDst, nY), COL_BLACK );
    Bitmap aRetBmp = pVirDev->GetBitmap(Point(0,0), aSize);
    if( aRetBmp.IsEmpty() )
        aRetBmp = rBmp;
        aRetBmp.SetPrefMapMode( rBmp.GetPrefMapMode() );
        aRetBmp.SetPrefSize( rBmp.GetPrefSize() );
    return aRetBmp;
/** Get contours in image */
tools::Polygon  BitmapEx::GetContour( bool bContourEdgeDetect,
                                    const tools::Rectangle* pWorkRectPixel )
    Bitmap aWorkBmp;
    tools::Rectangle   aWorkRect( Point(), maBitmap.GetSizePixel() );
    if( pWorkRectPixel )
        aWorkRect.Intersection( *pWorkRectPixel );
    if ((aWorkRect.GetWidth() <= 4) || (aWorkRect.GetHeight() <= 4))
        return tools::Polygon();
    // if the flag is set, we need to detect edges
    if( bContourEdgeDetect )
        aWorkBmp = DetectEdges( maBitmap );
        aWorkBmp = maBitmap;
    BitmapScopedReadAccess pAcc(aWorkBmp);
    const tools::Long nWidth = pAcc ? pAcc->Width() : 0;
    const tools::Long nHeight = pAcc ? pAcc->Height() : 0;
    if (!pAcc || !nWidth || !nHeight)
        return tools::Polygon();
    const tools::Long          nStartX1 = aWorkRect.Left() + 1;
    const tools::Long          nEndX1 = aWorkRect.Right();
    const tools::Long          nStartX2 = nEndX1 - 1;
    const tools::Long          nStartY1 = aWorkRect.Top() + 1;
    const tools::Long          nEndY1 = aWorkRect.Bottom();
    sal_uInt16              nPolyPos = 0;
    // tdf#161833 treat semi-transparent pixels as opaque
    // Limiting the contour wrapping polygon to only opaque pixels
    // causes clipping of any shadows or other semi-transparent
    // areas in the image. So, instead of testing for fully opaque
    // pixels, treat pixels that are not fully transparent as opaque.
    // tdf#162062 only apply fix for tdf#161833 if there is a palette
    const BitmapColor   aTransparent = pAcc->GetBestMatchingColor( pAcc->HasPalette() ? COL_ALPHA_TRANSPARENT : COL_ALPHA_OPAQUE );
    std::unique_ptr<Point[]> pPoints1;
    std::unique_ptr<Point[]> pPoints2;
    pPoints1.reset(new Point[ nHeight ]);
    pPoints2.reset(new Point[ nHeight ]);
    for (tools::Long nY = nStartY1; nY < nEndY1; nY++ )
        tools::Long nX = nStartX1;
        Scanline pScanline = pAcc->GetScanline( nY );
        // scan row from left to right
        while( nX < nEndX1 )
            if( aTransparent != pAcc->GetPixelFromData( pScanline, nX ) )
                pPoints1[ nPolyPos ] = Point( nX, nY );
                nX = nStartX2;
                // this loop always breaks eventually as there is at least one pixel
                while( true )
                    if( aTransparent != pAcc->GetPixelFromData( pScanline, nX ) )
                        pPoints2[ nPolyPos ] = Point( nX, nY );
    const sal_uInt16 nNewSize1 = nPolyPos << 1;
    tools::Polygon aRetPoly(nPolyPos, pPoints1.get());
    aRetPoly.SetSize( nNewSize1 + 1 );
    aRetPoly[ nNewSize1 ] = aRetPoly[ 0 ];
    for( sal_uInt16 j = nPolyPos; nPolyPos < nNewSize1; )
        aRetPoly[ nPolyPos++ ] = pPoints2[ --j ];
    Size const& rPrefSize = aWorkBmp.GetPrefSize();
    const double fFactorX = static_cast<double>(rPrefSize.Width()) / nWidth;
    const double fFactorY = static_cast<double>(rPrefSize.Height()) / nHeight;
    if( ( fFactorX != 0. ) && ( fFactorY != 0. ) )
        aRetPoly.Scale( fFactorX, fFactorY );
    return aRetPoly;
void BitmapEx::ChangeColorAlpha( sal_uInt8 cIndexFrom, sal_Int8 nAlphaTo )
    AlphaMask aAlphaMask(GetAlphaMask());
    BitmapScopedWriteAccess pAlphaWriteAccess(aAlphaMask);
    BitmapScopedReadAccess pReadAccess(maBitmap);
    assert( pReadAccess.get() && pAlphaWriteAccess.get() );
    if ( !(pReadAccess.get() && pAlphaWriteAccess.get()) )
    for ( tools::Long nY = 0; nY < pReadAccess->Height(); nY++ )
        Scanline pScanline = pAlphaWriteAccess->GetScanline( nY );
        Scanline pScanlineRead = pReadAccess->GetScanline( nY );
        for ( tools::Long nX = 0; nX < pReadAccess->Width(); nX++ )
            const sal_uInt8 cIndex = pReadAccess->GetPixelFromData( pScanlineRead, nX ).GetIndex();
            if ( cIndex == cIndexFrom )
                pAlphaWriteAccess->SetPixelOnData( pScanline, nX, BitmapColor(nAlphaTo) );
    *this = BitmapEx( GetBitmap(), aAlphaMask );
void BitmapEx::AdjustTransparency(sal_uInt8 cTrans)
    AlphaMask   aAlpha;
    if (!IsAlpha())
        aAlpha = AlphaMask(GetSizePixel(), &cTrans);
        aAlpha = GetAlphaMask();
        BitmapScopedWriteAccess pA(aAlpha);
        if( !pA )
        sal_uLong nTrans = cTrans;
        const tools::Long  nWidth = pA->Width(), nHeight = pA->Height();
        if( pA->GetScanlineFormat() == ScanlineFormat::N8BitPal )
            for( tools::Long nY = 0; nY < nHeight; nY++ )
                Scanline pAScan = pA->GetScanline( nY );
                for( tools::Long nX = 0; nX < nWidth; nX++ )
                    sal_uLong nNewTrans = nTrans + (255 - *pAScan);
                    // clamp to 255
                    nNewTrans = ( nNewTrans & 0xffffff00 ) ? 255 : nNewTrans;
                    *pAScan++ = static_cast<sal_uInt8>( 255 - nNewTrans );
            BitmapColor aAlphaValue( 0 );
            for( tools::Long nY = 0; nY < nHeight; nY++ )
                Scanline pScanline = pA->GetScanline( nY );
                for( tools::Long nX = 0; nX < nWidth; nX++ )
                    sal_uLong nNewTrans = nTrans + (255 - pA->GetIndexFromData( pScanline, nX ));
                    // clamp to 255
                    nNewTrans = ( nNewTrans & 0xffffff00 ) ? 255 : nNewTrans;
                    // convert back to alpha
                    aAlphaValue.SetIndex( static_cast<sal_uInt8>(255 - nNewTrans) );
                    pA->SetPixelOnData( pScanline, nX, aAlphaValue );
    *this = BitmapEx( GetBitmap(), aAlpha );
void BitmapEx::CombineMaskOr(Color maskColor, sal_uInt8 nTol)
    AlphaMask aNewMask = maBitmap.CreateAlphaMask( maskColor, nTol );
    if ( IsAlpha() )
         aNewMask.AlphaCombineOr( maAlphaMask );
    maAlphaMask = std::move(aNewMask);
 * Retrieves the color model data we need for the XImageConsumer stuff.
void  BitmapEx::GetColorModel(css::uno::Sequence< sal_Int32 >& rRGBPalette,
        sal_uInt32& rnRedMask, sal_uInt32& rnGreenMask, sal_uInt32& rnBlueMask, sal_uInt32& rnAlphaMask, sal_uInt32& rnTransparencyIndex,
        sal_uInt32& rnWidth, sal_uInt32& rnHeight, sal_uInt8& rnBitCount)
    BitmapScopedReadAccess pReadAccess( maBitmap );
    assert( pReadAccess );
    if( pReadAccess->HasPalette() )
        sal_uInt16 nPalCount = pReadAccess->GetPaletteEntryCount();
        if( nPalCount )
            rRGBPalette = css::uno::Sequence< sal_Int32 >( nPalCount + 1 );
            sal_Int32* pTmp = rRGBPalette.getArray();
            for( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < nPalCount; i++, pTmp++ )
                const BitmapColor& rCol = pReadAccess->GetPaletteColor( static_cast<sal_uInt16>(i) );
                *pTmp = static_cast<sal_Int32>(rCol.GetRed()) << sal_Int32(24);
                *pTmp |= static_cast<sal_Int32>(rCol.GetGreen()) << sal_Int32(16);
                *pTmp |= static_cast<sal_Int32>(rCol.GetBlue()) << sal_Int32(8);
                *pTmp |= sal_Int32(0x000000ffL);
            if( IsAlpha() )
                // append transparent entry
                *pTmp = sal_Int32(0xffffff00L);
                rnTransparencyIndex = nPalCount;
                rnTransparencyIndex = 0;
        rnRedMask = 0xff000000UL;
        rnGreenMask = 0x00ff0000UL;
        rnBlueMask = 0x0000ff00UL;
        rnAlphaMask = 0x000000ffUL;
        rnTransparencyIndex = 0;
    rnWidth = pReadAccess->Width();
    rnHeight = pReadAccess->Height();
    rnBitCount = pReadAccess->GetBitCount();
void BitmapEx::DumpAsPng(const char* pFileName) const
    OUString sPath;
    if (pFileName)
        sPath = OUString::fromUtf8(pFileName);
    else if (const char* pEnv = std::getenv("VCL_DUMP_BMP_PATH"))
        sPath = OUString::fromUtf8(pEnv);
        sPath = "file:///tmp/bitmap.png";
    SvFileStream aStream(sPath, StreamMode::STD_READWRITE | StreamMode::TRUNC);
    vcl::PngImageWriter aWriter(aStream);
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V530 The return value of function 'Intersection' is required to be utilized.