/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
* This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
#include <sal/config.h>
#include <array>
#include <utility>
#include <tools/helpers.hxx>
#include <vcl/BitmapTools.hxx>
#include <sal/log.hxx>
#include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx>
#include <comphelper/seqstream.hxx>
#include <vcl/canvastools.hxx>
#include <basegfx/matrix/b2dhommatrix.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/graphic/SvgTools.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/graphic/Primitive2DTools.hpp>
#include <drawinglayer/primitive2d/baseprimitive2d.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/rendering/XIntegerReadOnlyBitmap.hpp>
#include <vcl/dibtools.hxx>
#include <vcl/settings.hxx>
#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
#include <vcl/virdev.hxx>
#include <cairo.h>
#include <comphelper/diagnose_ex.hxx>
#include <tools/fract.hxx>
#include <tools/stream.hxx>
#include <vcl/BitmapWriteAccess.hxx>
using namespace css;
using drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DSequence;
using drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DReference;
namespace vcl::bitmap
BitmapEx loadFromName(const OUString& rFileName, const ImageLoadFlags eFlags)
bool bSuccess = true;
OUString aIconTheme;
BitmapEx aBitmapEx;
aIconTheme = Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().DetermineIconTheme();
ImageTree::get().loadImage(rFileName, aIconTheme, aBitmapEx, true, eFlags);
catch (...)
bSuccess = false;
SAL_WARN_IF(!bSuccess, "vcl", "vcl::bitmap::loadFromName : could not load image " << rFileName << " via icon theme " << aIconTheme);
return aBitmapEx;
void loadFromSvg(SvStream& rStream, const OUString& sPath, BitmapEx& rBitmapEx, double fScalingFactor)
const uno::Reference<uno::XComponentContext>& xContext(comphelper::getProcessComponentContext());
const uno::Reference<graphic::XSvgParser> xSvgParser = graphic::SvgTools::create(xContext);
std::size_t nSize = rStream.remainingSize();
std::vector<sal_Int8> aBuffer(nSize + 1);
rStream.ReadBytes(aBuffer.data(), nSize);
aBuffer[nSize] = 0;
uno::Sequence<sal_Int8> aData(aBuffer.data(), nSize + 1);
uno::Reference<io::XInputStream> aInputStream(new comphelper::SequenceInputStream(aData));
const Primitive2DSequence aPrimitiveSequence = xSvgParser->getDecomposition(aInputStream, sPath);
if (!aPrimitiveSequence.hasElements())
uno::Sequence<beans::PropertyValue> aViewParameters;
geometry::RealRectangle2D aRealRect;
basegfx::B2DRange aRange;
for (css::uno::Reference<css::graphic::XPrimitive2D> const & xReference : aPrimitiveSequence)
if (xReference.is())
aRealRect = xReference->getRange(aViewParameters);
aRange.expand(basegfx::B2DRange(aRealRect.X1, aRealRect.Y1, aRealRect.X2, aRealRect.Y2));
aRealRect.X1 = aRange.getMinX();
aRealRect.Y1 = aRange.getMinY();
aRealRect.X2 = aRange.getMaxX();
aRealRect.Y2 = aRange.getMaxY();
double nDPI = 96 * fScalingFactor;
const css::uno::Reference<css::graphic::XPrimitive2DRenderer> xPrimitive2DRenderer = css::graphic::Primitive2DTools::create(xContext);
const css::uno::Reference<css::rendering::XBitmap> xBitmap(
xPrimitive2DRenderer->rasterize(aPrimitiveSequence, aViewParameters, nDPI, nDPI, aRealRect, 256*256));
if (xBitmap.is())
const css::uno::Reference<css::rendering::XIntegerReadOnlyBitmap> xIntBmp(xBitmap, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW);
rBitmapEx = vcl::unotools::bitmapExFromXBitmap(xIntBmp);
/** Copy block of image data into the bitmap.
Assumes that the Bitmap has been constructed with the desired size.
@param pData
The block of data to copy
@param nStride
The number of bytes in a scanline, must >= (width * nBitCount / 8)
@param bReversColors
In case the endianness of pData is wrong, you could reverse colors
BitmapEx CreateFromData(sal_uInt8 const *pData, sal_Int32 nWidth, sal_Int32 nHeight,
sal_Int32 nStride, sal_Int8 nBitCount,
bool bReversColors, bool bReverseAlpha)
assert(nStride >= (nWidth * nBitCount / 8));
assert(nBitCount == 1 || nBitCount == 8 || nBitCount == 24 || nBitCount == 32);
PixelFormat ePixelFormat;
if (nBitCount == 1)
ePixelFormat = PixelFormat::N8_BPP; // we convert 1-bit input data to 8-bit format
else if (nBitCount == 8)
ePixelFormat = PixelFormat::N8_BPP;
else if (nBitCount == 24)
ePixelFormat = PixelFormat::N24_BPP;
else if (nBitCount == 32)
ePixelFormat = PixelFormat::N32_BPP;
Bitmap aBmp;
if (nBitCount == 1)
BitmapPalette aBiLevelPalette { COL_BLACK, COL_WHITE };
aBmp = Bitmap(Size(nWidth, nHeight), PixelFormat::N8_BPP, &aBiLevelPalette);
aBmp = Bitmap(Size(nWidth, nHeight), ePixelFormat);
BitmapScopedWriteAccess pWrite(aBmp);
if( !pWrite )
return BitmapEx();
std::optional<AlphaMask> pAlphaMask;
BitmapScopedWriteAccess xMaskAcc;
if (nBitCount == 32)
pAlphaMask.emplace( Size(nWidth, nHeight) );
xMaskAcc = *pAlphaMask;
if (nBitCount == 1)
for( tools::Long y = 0; y < nHeight; ++y )
sal_uInt8 const *p = pData + y * nStride / 8;
Scanline pScanline = pWrite->GetScanline(y);
for (tools::Long x = 0; x < nWidth; ++x)
int bitIndex = (y * nStride + x) % 8;
pWrite->SetPixelOnData(pScanline, x, BitmapColor((*p >> bitIndex) & 1));
for( tools::Long y = 0; y < nHeight; ++y )
sal_uInt8 const *p = pData + (y * nStride);
Scanline pScanline = pWrite->GetScanline(y);
for (tools::Long x = 0; x < nWidth; ++x)
BitmapColor col;
if (nBitCount == 8)
col = BitmapColor( *p );
else if ( bReversColors )
col = BitmapColor( p[2], p[1], p[0] );
col = BitmapColor( p[0], p[1], p[2] );
pWrite->SetPixelOnData(pScanline, x, col);
p += nBitCount/8;
if (nBitCount == 32)
p = pData + (y * nStride) + 3;
Scanline pMaskScanLine = xMaskAcc->GetScanline(y);
for (tools::Long x = 0; x < nWidth; ++x)
// FIXME this parameter is badly named
const sal_uInt8 nValue = bReverseAlpha ? *p : 0xff - *p;
xMaskAcc->SetPixelOnData(pMaskScanLine, x, BitmapColor(nValue));
p += 4;
// Avoid further bitmap use with unfinished write access
if (nBitCount == 32)
return BitmapEx(aBmp, *pAlphaMask);
return BitmapEx(aBmp);
/** Copy block of image data into the bitmap.
Assumes that the Bitmap has been constructed with the desired size.
BitmapEx CreateFromData( RawBitmap&& rawBitmap )
auto nBitCount = rawBitmap.GetBitCount();
assert( nBitCount == 24 || nBitCount == 32);
auto ePixelFormat = vcl::PixelFormat::INVALID;
if (nBitCount == 24)
ePixelFormat = vcl::PixelFormat::N24_BPP;
else if (nBitCount == 32)
ePixelFormat = vcl::PixelFormat::N32_BPP;
assert(ePixelFormat != vcl::PixelFormat::INVALID);
Bitmap aBmp(rawBitmap.maSize, ePixelFormat);
BitmapScopedWriteAccess pWrite(aBmp);
if( !pWrite )
return BitmapEx();
std::optional<AlphaMask> pAlphaMask;
BitmapScopedWriteAccess xMaskAcc;
if (nBitCount == 32)
pAlphaMask.emplace( rawBitmap.maSize );
xMaskAcc = *pAlphaMask;
auto nHeight = rawBitmap.maSize.getHeight();
auto nWidth = rawBitmap.maSize.getWidth();
auto nStride = nWidth * nBitCount / 8;
for( tools::Long y = 0; y < nHeight; ++y )
sal_uInt8 const *p = rawBitmap.mpData.get() + (y * nStride);
Scanline pScanline = pWrite->GetScanline(y);
for (tools::Long x = 0; x < nWidth; ++x)
BitmapColor col(p[0], p[1], p[2]);
pWrite->SetPixelOnData(pScanline, x, col);
p += nBitCount/8;
if (nBitCount == 32)
p = rawBitmap.mpData.get() + (y * nStride) + 3;
Scanline pMaskScanLine = xMaskAcc->GetScanline(y);
for (tools::Long x = 0; x < nWidth; ++x)
xMaskAcc->SetPixelOnData(pMaskScanLine, x, BitmapColor(*p));
p += 4;
if (nBitCount == 32)
return BitmapEx(aBmp, *pAlphaMask);
return BitmapEx(aBmp);
void fillWithData(sal_uInt8* pData, BitmapEx const& rBitmapEx)
const Bitmap& aBitmap = rBitmapEx.GetBitmap();
const AlphaMask& aAlphaMask = rBitmapEx.GetAlphaMask();
BitmapScopedReadAccess aReadAccessBitmap(aBitmap);
BitmapScopedReadAccess aReadAccessAlpha(aAlphaMask);
assert(!aReadAccessAlpha || aReadAccessBitmap->Height() == aReadAccessAlpha->Height());
assert(!aReadAccessAlpha || aReadAccessBitmap->Width() == aReadAccessAlpha->Width());
sal_uInt8* p = pData;
for (tools::Long y = 0; y < aReadAccessBitmap->Height(); ++y)
Scanline dataBitmap = aReadAccessBitmap->GetScanline(y);
Scanline dataAlpha = aReadAccessAlpha ? aReadAccessAlpha->GetScanline(y) : nullptr;
for (tools::Long x = 0; x < aReadAccessBitmap->Width(); ++x)
BitmapColor aColor = aReadAccessBitmap->GetPixelFromData(dataBitmap, x);
sal_uInt8 aAlpha = dataAlpha ? aReadAccessAlpha->GetPixelFromData(dataAlpha, x).GetBlue() : 255;
*p++ = aColor.GetBlue();
*p++ = aColor.GetGreen();
*p++ = aColor.GetRed();
*p++ = aAlpha;
BitmapEx* CreateFromCairoSurface(Size aSize, cairo_surface_t * pSurface)
// FIXME: if we could teach VCL/ about cairo handles, life could
// be significantly better here perhaps.
cairo_surface_t *pPixels = cairo_surface_create_similar_image(pSurface,
CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, aSize.Width(), aSize.Height());
cairo_t *pCairo = cairo_create( pPixels );
if( !pPixels || !pCairo || cairo_status(pCairo) != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS )
return nullptr;
// suck ourselves from the X server to this buffer so then we can fiddle with
// Alpha to turn it into the ultra-lame vcl required format and then push it
// all back again later at vast expense [ urgh ]
cairo_set_source_surface( pCairo, pSurface, 0, 0 );
cairo_set_operator( pCairo, CAIRO_OPERATOR_SOURCE );
cairo_paint( pCairo );
Bitmap aRGB(aSize, vcl::PixelFormat::N24_BPP);
::AlphaMask aMask( aSize );
BitmapScopedWriteAccess pRGBWrite(aRGB);
if (!pRGBWrite)
return nullptr;
BitmapScopedWriteAccess pMaskWrite(aMask);
if (!pMaskWrite)
return nullptr;
unsigned char *pSrc = cairo_image_surface_get_data( pPixels );
unsigned int nStride = cairo_image_surface_get_stride( pPixels );
vcl::bitmap::lookup_table const & unpremultiply_table = vcl::bitmap::get_unpremultiply_table();
for( tools::Long y = 0; y < aSize.Height(); y++ )
sal_uInt32 *pPix = reinterpret_cast<sal_uInt32 *>(pSrc + nStride * y);
for( tools::Long x = 0; x < aSize.Width(); x++ )
#if defined OSL_BIGENDIAN
sal_uInt8 nB = (*pPix >> 24);
sal_uInt8 nG = (*pPix >> 16) & 0xff;
sal_uInt8 nR = (*pPix >> 8) & 0xff;
sal_uInt8 nAlpha = *pPix & 0xff;
sal_uInt8 nAlpha = (*pPix >> 24);
sal_uInt8 nR = (*pPix >> 16) & 0xff;
sal_uInt8 nG = (*pPix >> 8) & 0xff;
sal_uInt8 nB = *pPix & 0xff;
if( nAlpha != 0 && nAlpha != 255 )
// Cairo uses pre-multiplied alpha - we do not => re-multiply
nR = vcl::bitmap::unpremultiply(nR, nAlpha);
nG = vcl::bitmap::unpremultiply(nG, nAlpha);
nB = vcl::bitmap::unpremultiply(nB, nAlpha);
nR = unpremultiply_table[nAlpha][nR];
nG = unpremultiply_table[nAlpha][nG];
nB = unpremultiply_table[nAlpha][nB];
pRGBWrite->SetPixel( y, x, BitmapColor( nR, nG, nB ) );
pMaskWrite->SetPixelIndex( y, x, nAlpha );
// ignore potential errors above. will get caller a
// uniformly white bitmap, but not that there would
// be error handling in calling code ...
::BitmapEx *pBitmapEx = new ::BitmapEx( aRGB, aMask );
cairo_destroy( pCairo );
cairo_surface_destroy( pPixels );
return pBitmapEx;
BitmapEx CanvasTransformBitmap( const BitmapEx& rBitmap,
const ::basegfx::B2DHomMatrix& rTransform,
::basegfx::B2DRectangle const & rDestRect,
::basegfx::B2DHomMatrix const & rLocalTransform )
const Size aDestBmpSize( ::basegfx::fround<tools::Long>( rDestRect.getWidth() ),
::basegfx::fround<tools::Long>( rDestRect.getHeight() ) );
if( aDestBmpSize.IsEmpty() )
return BitmapEx();
const Size aBmpSize( rBitmap.GetSizePixel() );
const Bitmap& aSrcBitmap( rBitmap.GetBitmap() );
Bitmap aSrcAlpha;
// differentiate mask and alpha channel (on-off
// vs. multi-level transparency)
if( rBitmap.IsAlpha() )
aSrcAlpha = rBitmap.GetAlphaMask().GetBitmap();
BitmapScopedReadAccess pReadAccess( aSrcBitmap );
BitmapScopedReadAccess pAlphaReadAccess;
if (rBitmap.IsAlpha())
pAlphaReadAccess = aSrcAlpha;
if( !pReadAccess || (!pAlphaReadAccess && rBitmap.IsAlpha()) )
// TODO(E2): Error handling!
"transformBitmap(): could not access source bitmap" );
// mapping table, to translate pAlphaReadAccess' pixel
// values into destination alpha values (needed e.g. for
// paletted 1-bit masks).
sal_uInt8 aAlphaMap[256];
if( rBitmap.IsAlpha() )
// source already has alpha channel - 1:1 mapping,
// i.e. aAlphaMap[0]=0,...,aAlphaMap[255]=255.
sal_uInt8 val=0;
sal_uInt8* pCur=aAlphaMap;
sal_uInt8* const pEnd=&aAlphaMap[256];
while(pCur != pEnd)
*pCur++ = val++;
// else: mapping table is not used
Bitmap aDstBitmap(aDestBmpSize, aSrcBitmap.getPixelFormat(), &pReadAccess->GetPalette());
Bitmap aDstAlpha( AlphaMask( aDestBmpSize ).GetBitmap() );
// just to be on the safe side: let the
// ScopedAccessors get destructed before
// copy-constructing the resulting bitmap. This will
// rule out the possibility that cached accessor data
// is not yet written back.
BitmapScopedWriteAccess pWriteAccess( aDstBitmap );
BitmapScopedWriteAccess pAlphaWriteAccess( aDstAlpha );
if( pWriteAccess.get() != nullptr &&
pAlphaWriteAccess.get() != nullptr &&
rTransform.isInvertible() )
// we're doing inverse mapping here, i.e. mapping
// points from the destination bitmap back to the
// source
::basegfx::B2DHomMatrix aTransform( rLocalTransform );
// for the time being, always read as ARGB
for( tools::Long y=0; y<aDestBmpSize.Height(); ++y )
// differentiate mask and alpha channel (on-off
// vs. multi-level transparency)
if( rBitmap.IsAlpha() )
Scanline pScan = pWriteAccess->GetScanline( y );
Scanline pScanAlpha = pAlphaWriteAccess->GetScanline( y );
// Handling alpha and mask just the same...
for( tools::Long x=0; x<aDestBmpSize.Width(); ++x )
::basegfx::B2DPoint aPoint(x,y);
aPoint *= aTransform;
const tools::Long nSrcX( ::basegfx::fround<tools::Long>( aPoint.getX() ) );
const tools::Long nSrcY( ::basegfx::fround<tools::Long>( aPoint.getY() ) );
if( nSrcX < 0 || nSrcX >= aBmpSize.Width() ||
nSrcY < 0 || nSrcY >= aBmpSize.Height() )
pAlphaWriteAccess->SetPixelOnData( pScanAlpha, x, BitmapColor(0) );
const sal_uInt8 cAlphaIdx = pAlphaReadAccess->GetPixelIndex( nSrcY, nSrcX );
pAlphaWriteAccess->SetPixelOnData( pScanAlpha, x, BitmapColor(aAlphaMap[ cAlphaIdx ]) );
pWriteAccess->SetPixelOnData( pScan, x, pReadAccess->GetPixel( nSrcY, nSrcX ) );
Scanline pScan = pWriteAccess->GetScanline( y );
Scanline pScanAlpha = pAlphaWriteAccess->GetScanline( y );
for( tools::Long x=0; x<aDestBmpSize.Width(); ++x )
::basegfx::B2DPoint aPoint(x,y);
aPoint *= aTransform;
const tools::Long nSrcX( ::basegfx::fround<tools::Long>( aPoint.getX() ) );
const tools::Long nSrcY( ::basegfx::fround<tools::Long>( aPoint.getY() ) );
if( nSrcX < 0 || nSrcX >= aBmpSize.Width() ||
nSrcY < 0 || nSrcY >= aBmpSize.Height() )
pAlphaWriteAccess->SetPixelOnData( pScanAlpha, x, BitmapColor(0) );
pAlphaWriteAccess->SetPixelOnData( pScanAlpha, x, BitmapColor(255) );
pWriteAccess->SetPixelOnData( pScan, x, pReadAccess->GetPixel( nSrcY,
nSrcX ) );
// TODO(E2): Error handling!
"transformBitmap(): could not access bitmap" );
return BitmapEx(aDstBitmap, AlphaMask(aDstAlpha));
void DrawAlphaBitmapAndAlphaGradient(BitmapEx & rBitmapEx, bool bFixedTransparence, float fTransparence, AlphaMask & rNewMask)
// mix existing and new alpha mask
AlphaMask aOldMask;
aOldMask = rBitmapEx.GetAlphaMask();
BitmapScopedWriteAccess pOld(aOldMask);
assert(pOld && "Got no access to old alpha mask (!)");
const double fFactor(1.0 / 255.0);
const double fOpNew(1.0 - fTransparence);
for(tools::Long y(0); y < pOld->Height(); y++)
Scanline pScanline = pOld->GetScanline( y );
for(tools::Long x(0); x < pOld->Width(); x++)
const double fOpOld(pOld->GetIndexFromData(pScanline, x) * fFactor);
const sal_uInt8 aCol(basegfx::fround((fOpOld * fOpNew) * 255.0));
pOld->SetPixelOnData(pScanline, x, BitmapColor(aCol));
BitmapScopedReadAccess pNew(rNewMask);
assert(pNew && "Got no access to new alpha mask (!)");
assert(pOld->Width() == pNew->Width() && pOld->Height() == pNew->Height() &&
"Alpha masks have different sizes (!)");
for(tools::Long y(0); y < pOld->Height(); y++)
Scanline pScanline = pOld->GetScanline( y );
for(tools::Long x(0); x < pOld->Width(); x++)
const double fOpOld(pOld->GetIndexFromData(pScanline, x) * fFactor);
const double fOpNew(pNew->GetIndexFromData(pScanline, x) * fFactor);
const sal_uInt8 aCol(basegfx::fround((fOpOld * fOpNew) * 255.0));
pOld->SetPixelOnData(pScanline, x, BitmapColor(aCol));
// apply combined bitmap as mask
rBitmapEx = BitmapEx(rBitmapEx.GetBitmap(), aOldMask);
void DrawAndClipBitmap(const Point& rPos, const Size& rSize, const BitmapEx& rBitmap, BitmapEx & aBmpEx, basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon const & rClipPath)
ScopedVclPtrInstance< VirtualDevice > pVDev;
MapMode aMapMode( MapUnit::Map100thMM );
aMapMode.SetOrigin( Point( -rPos.X(), -rPos.Y() ) );
const Size aOutputSizePixel( pVDev->LogicToPixel( rSize, aMapMode ) );
const Size aSizePixel( rBitmap.GetSizePixel() );
if ( aOutputSizePixel.Width() && aOutputSizePixel.Height() )
aMapMode.SetScaleX( Fraction( aSizePixel.Width(), aOutputSizePixel.Width() ) );
aMapMode.SetScaleY( Fraction( aSizePixel.Height(), aOutputSizePixel.Height() ) );
pVDev->SetMapMode( aMapMode );
pVDev->SetOutputSizePixel( aSizePixel );
pVDev->SetFillColor( COL_BLACK );
const tools::PolyPolygon aClip( rClipPath );
pVDev->DrawPolyPolygon( aClip );
// #i50672# Extract whole VDev content (to match size of rBitmap)
pVDev->EnableMapMode( false );
const Bitmap aVDevMask(pVDev->GetBitmap(Point(), aSizePixel));
// bitmap already uses a Mask or Alpha, we need to blend that with
// the new masking in pVDev.
// need to blend in AlphaMask quality (8Bit)
AlphaMask fromVDev(aVDevMask);
AlphaMask fromBmpEx(aBmpEx.GetAlphaMask());
BitmapScopedReadAccess pR(fromVDev);
BitmapScopedWriteAccess pW(fromBmpEx);
if(pR && pW)
const tools::Long nWidth(std::min(pR->Width(), pW->Width()));
const tools::Long nHeight(std::min(pR->Height(), pW->Height()));
for(tools::Long nY(0); nY < nHeight; nY++)
Scanline pScanlineR = pR->GetScanline( nY );
Scanline pScanlineW = pW->GetScanline( nY );
for(tools::Long nX(0); nX < nWidth; nX++)
const sal_uInt8 nIndR(pR->GetIndexFromData(pScanlineR, nX));
const sal_uInt8 nIndW(pW->GetIndexFromData(pScanlineW, nX));
// these values represent alpha (255 == no, 0 == fully transparent),
// so to blend these we have to multiply
const sal_uInt8 nCombined((nIndR * nIndW) >> 8);
pW->SetPixelOnData(pScanlineW, nX, BitmapColor(nCombined));
aBmpEx = BitmapEx(aBmpEx.GetBitmap(), fromBmpEx);
// no mask yet, create and add new mask. For better quality, use Alpha,
// this allows the drawn mask being processed with AntiAliasing (AAed)
aBmpEx = BitmapEx(rBitmap.GetBitmap(), aVDevMask);
css::uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 > GetMaskDIB(BitmapEx const & aBmpEx)
if ( aBmpEx.IsAlpha() )
SvMemoryStream aMem;
WriteDIB(aBmpEx.GetAlphaMask().GetBitmap(), aMem, false, true);
return css::uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 >( static_cast<sal_Int8 const *>(aMem.GetData()), aMem.Tell() );
return css::uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 >();
static bool readAlpha( BitmapReadAccess const * pAlphaReadAcc, tools::Long nY, const tools::Long nWidth, unsigned char* data, tools::Long nOff )
bool bIsAlpha = false;
tools::Long nX;
int nAlpha;
Scanline pReadScan;
nOff += 3;
switch( pAlphaReadAcc->GetScanlineFormat() )
case ScanlineFormat::N8BitPal:
pReadScan = pAlphaReadAcc->GetScanline( nY );
for( nX = 0; nX < nWidth; nX++ )
BitmapColor const& rColor(
nAlpha = data[ nOff ] = rColor.GetIndex();
if( nAlpha != 255 )
bIsAlpha = true;
nOff += 4;
SAL_INFO( "canvas.cairo", "fallback to GetColor for alpha - slow, format: " << static_cast<int>(pAlphaReadAcc->GetScanlineFormat()) );
for( nX = 0; nX < nWidth; nX++ )
nAlpha = data[ nOff ] = pAlphaReadAcc->GetColor( nY, nX ).GetIndex();
if( nAlpha != 255 )
bIsAlpha = true;
nOff += 4;
return bIsAlpha;
* @param data will be filled with alpha data, if xBitmap is alpha/transparent image
* @param bHasAlpha will be set to true if resulting surface has alpha
void CanvasCairoExtractBitmapData( BitmapEx const & aBmpEx, Bitmap & aBitmap, unsigned char*& data, bool& bHasAlpha, tools::Long& rnWidth, tools::Long& rnHeight )
const AlphaMask& aAlpha = aBmpEx.GetAlphaMask();
BitmapScopedReadAccess pBitmapReadAcc( aBitmap );
BitmapScopedReadAccess pAlphaReadAcc;
const tools::Long nWidth = rnWidth = pBitmapReadAcc->Width();
const tools::Long nHeight = rnHeight = pBitmapReadAcc->Height();
tools::Long nX, nY;
bool bIsAlpha = false;
if( aBmpEx.IsAlpha() )
pAlphaReadAcc = aAlpha;
data = static_cast<unsigned char*>(malloc( nWidth*nHeight*4 ));
tools::Long nOff = 0;
::Color aColor;
unsigned int nAlpha = 255;
vcl::bitmap::lookup_table const & premultiply_table = vcl::bitmap::get_premultiply_table();
for( nY = 0; nY < nHeight; nY++ )
::Scanline pReadScan;
switch( pBitmapReadAcc->GetScanlineFormat() )
case ScanlineFormat::N8BitPal:
pReadScan = pBitmapReadAcc->GetScanline( nY );
if( pAlphaReadAcc )
if( readAlpha( pAlphaReadAcc.get(), nY, nWidth, data, nOff ) )
bIsAlpha = true;
for( nX = 0; nX < nWidth; nX++ )
if( pAlphaReadAcc )
nAlpha = data[ nOff++ ];
nAlpha = data[ nOff++ ] = 255;
if( pAlphaReadAcc )
nAlpha = data[ nOff + 3 ];
nAlpha = data[ nOff + 3 ] = 255;
aColor = pBitmapReadAcc->GetPaletteColor(*pReadScan++);
data[ nOff++ ] = vcl::bitmap::premultiply(aColor.GetRed(), nAlpha);
data[ nOff++ ] = vcl::bitmap::premultiply(aColor.GetGreen(), nAlpha);
data[ nOff++ ] = vcl::bitmap::premultiply(aColor.GetBlue(), nAlpha);
data[ nOff++ ] = premultiply_table[nAlpha][aColor.GetRed()];
data[ nOff++ ] = premultiply_table[nAlpha][aColor.GetGreen()];
data[ nOff++ ] = premultiply_table[nAlpha][aColor.GetBlue()];
data[ nOff++ ] = vcl::bitmap::premultiply(aColor.GetBlue(), nAlpha);
data[ nOff++ ] = vcl::bitmap::premultiply(aColor.GetGreen(), nAlpha);
data[ nOff++ ] = vcl::bitmap::premultiply(aColor.GetRed(), nAlpha);
data[ nOff++ ] = premultiply_table[nAlpha][aColor.GetBlue()];
data[ nOff++ ] = premultiply_table[nAlpha][aColor.GetGreen()];
data[ nOff++ ] = premultiply_table[nAlpha][aColor.GetRed()];
case ScanlineFormat::N24BitTcBgr:
pReadScan = pBitmapReadAcc->GetScanline( nY );
if( pAlphaReadAcc )
if( readAlpha( pAlphaReadAcc.get(), nY, nWidth, data, nOff ) )
bIsAlpha = true;
for( nX = 0; nX < nWidth; nX++ )
if( pAlphaReadAcc )
nAlpha = data[ nOff ];
nAlpha = data[ nOff ] = 255;
data[ nOff + 3 ] = vcl::bitmap::premultiply(*pReadScan++, nAlpha);
data[ nOff + 2 ] = vcl::bitmap::premultiply(*pReadScan++, nAlpha);
data[ nOff + 1 ] = vcl::bitmap::premultiply(*pReadScan++, nAlpha);
data[ nOff + 3 ] = premultiply_table[nAlpha][*pReadScan++];
data[ nOff + 2 ] = premultiply_table[nAlpha][*pReadScan++];
data[ nOff + 1 ] = premultiply_table[nAlpha][*pReadScan++];
nOff += 4;
if( pAlphaReadAcc )
nAlpha = data[ nOff + 3 ];
nAlpha = data[ nOff + 3 ] = 255;
data[ nOff++ ] = vcl::bitmap::premultiply(*pReadScan++, nAlpha);
data[ nOff++ ] = vcl::bitmap::premultiply(*pReadScan++, nAlpha);
data[ nOff++ ] = vcl::bitmap::premultiply(*pReadScan++, nAlpha);
data[ nOff++ ] = premultiply_table[nAlpha][*pReadScan++];
data[ nOff++ ] = premultiply_table[nAlpha][*pReadScan++];
data[ nOff++ ] = premultiply_table[nAlpha][*pReadScan++];
case ScanlineFormat::N24BitTcRgb:
pReadScan = pBitmapReadAcc->GetScanline( nY );
if( pAlphaReadAcc )
if( readAlpha( pAlphaReadAcc.get(), nY, nWidth, data, nOff ) )
bIsAlpha = true;
for( nX = 0; nX < nWidth; nX++ )
if( pAlphaReadAcc )
nAlpha = data[ nOff++ ];
nAlpha = data[ nOff++ ] = 255;
data[ nOff++ ] = vcl::bitmap::premultiply(*pReadScan++, nAlpha);
data[ nOff++ ] = vcl::bitmap::premultiply(*pReadScan++, nAlpha);
data[ nOff++ ] = vcl::bitmap::premultiply(*pReadScan++, nAlpha);
data[ nOff++ ] = premultiply_table[nAlpha][*pReadScan++];
data[ nOff++ ] = premultiply_table[nAlpha][*pReadScan++];
data[ nOff++ ] = premultiply_table[nAlpha][*pReadScan++];
if( pAlphaReadAcc )
nAlpha = data[ nOff + 3 ];
nAlpha = data[ nOff + 3 ] = 255;
data[ nOff++ ] = vcl::bitmap::premultiply(pReadScan[ 2 ], nAlpha);
data[ nOff++ ] = vcl::bitmap::premultiply(pReadScan[ 1 ], nAlpha);
data[ nOff++ ] = vcl::bitmap::premultiply(pReadScan[ 0 ], nAlpha);
data[ nOff++ ] = premultiply_table[nAlpha][pReadScan[ 2 ]];
data[ nOff++ ] = premultiply_table[nAlpha][pReadScan[ 1 ]];
data[ nOff++ ] = premultiply_table[nAlpha][pReadScan[ 0 ]];
pReadScan += 3;
case ScanlineFormat::N32BitTcBgra:
pReadScan = pBitmapReadAcc->GetScanline( nY );
if( pAlphaReadAcc )
if( readAlpha( pAlphaReadAcc.get(), nY, nWidth, data, nOff ) )
bIsAlpha = true;
for( nX = 0; nX < nWidth; nX++ )
if( pAlphaReadAcc )
nAlpha = data[ nOff++ ];
nAlpha = data[ nOff++ ] = 255;
data[ nOff++ ] = vcl::bitmap::premultiply(pReadScan[ 2 ], nAlpha);
data[ nOff++ ] = vcl::bitmap::premultiply(pReadScan[ 1 ], nAlpha);
data[ nOff++ ] = vcl::bitmap::premultiply(pReadScan[ 0 ], nAlpha);
data[ nOff++ ] = premultiply_table[nAlpha][pReadScan[ 2 ]];
data[ nOff++ ] = premultiply_table[nAlpha][pReadScan[ 1 ]];
data[ nOff++ ] = premultiply_table[nAlpha][pReadScan[ 0 ]];
pReadScan += 4;
if( pAlphaReadAcc )
nAlpha = data[ nOff + 3 ];
nAlpha = data[ nOff + 3 ] = 255;
data[ nOff++ ] = vcl::bitmap::premultiply(*pReadScan++, nAlpha);
data[ nOff++ ] = vcl::bitmap::premultiply(*pReadScan++, nAlpha);
data[ nOff++ ] = vcl::bitmap::premultiply(*pReadScan++, nAlpha);
data[ nOff++ ] = premultiply_table[nAlpha][*pReadScan++];
data[ nOff++ ] = premultiply_table[nAlpha][*pReadScan++];
data[ nOff++ ] = premultiply_table[nAlpha][*pReadScan++];
case ScanlineFormat::N32BitTcRgba:
pReadScan = pBitmapReadAcc->GetScanline( nY );
if( pAlphaReadAcc )
if( readAlpha( pAlphaReadAcc.get(), nY, nWidth, data, nOff ) )
bIsAlpha = true;
for( nX = 0; nX < nWidth; nX++ )
if( pAlphaReadAcc )
nAlpha = data[ nOff ++ ];
nAlpha = data[ nOff ++ ] = 255;
data[ nOff++ ] = vcl::bitmap::premultiply(*pReadScan++, nAlpha);
data[ nOff++ ] = vcl::bitmap::premultiply(*pReadScan++, nAlpha);
data[ nOff++ ] = vcl::bitmap::premultiply(*pReadScan++, nAlpha);
data[ nOff++ ] = premultiply_table[nAlpha][*pReadScan++];
data[ nOff++ ] = premultiply_table[nAlpha][*pReadScan++];
data[ nOff++ ] = premultiply_table[nAlpha][*pReadScan++];
if( pAlphaReadAcc )
nAlpha = data[ nOff + 3 ];
nAlpha = data[ nOff + 3 ] = 255;
data[ nOff++ ] = vcl::bitmap::premultiply(pReadScan[ 2 ], nAlpha);
data[ nOff++ ] = vcl::bitmap::premultiply(pReadScan[ 1 ], nAlpha);
data[ nOff++ ] = vcl::bitmap::premultiply(pReadScan[ 0 ], nAlpha);
data[ nOff++ ] = premultiply_table[nAlpha][pReadScan[ 2 ]];
data[ nOff++ ] = premultiply_table[nAlpha][pReadScan[ 1 ]];
data[ nOff++ ] = premultiply_table[nAlpha][pReadScan[ 0 ]];
pReadScan += 4;
SAL_INFO( "canvas.cairo", "fallback to GetColor - slow, format: " << static_cast<int>(pBitmapReadAcc->GetScanlineFormat()) );
if( pAlphaReadAcc )
if( readAlpha( pAlphaReadAcc.get(), nY, nWidth, data, nOff ) )
bIsAlpha = true;
for( nX = 0; nX < nWidth; nX++ )
aColor = pBitmapReadAcc->GetColor( nY, nX );
// cairo need premultiplied color values
// TODO(rodo) handle endianness
if( pAlphaReadAcc )
nAlpha = data[ nOff++ ];
nAlpha = data[ nOff++ ] = 255;
data[ nOff++ ] = vcl::bitmap::premultiply(aColor.GetRed(), nAlpha);
data[ nOff++ ] = vcl::bitmap::premultiply(aColor.GetGreen(), nAlpha);
data[ nOff++ ] = vcl::bitmap::premultiply(aColor.GetBlue(), nAlpha);
data[ nOff++ ] = premultiply_table[nAlpha][aColor.GetRed()];
data[ nOff++ ] = premultiply_table[nAlpha][aColor.GetGreen()];
data[ nOff++ ] = premultiply_table[nAlpha][aColor.GetBlue()];
if( pAlphaReadAcc )
nAlpha = data[ nOff + 3 ];
nAlpha = data[ nOff + 3 ] = 255;
data[ nOff++ ] = vcl::bitmap::premultiply(aColor.GetBlue(), nAlpha);
data[ nOff++ ] = vcl::bitmap::premultiply(aColor.GetGreen(), nAlpha);
data[ nOff++ ] = vcl::bitmap::premultiply(aColor.GetRed(), nAlpha);
data[ nOff++ ] = premultiply_table[nAlpha][aColor.GetBlue()];
data[ nOff++ ] = premultiply_table[nAlpha][aColor.GetGreen()];
data[ nOff++ ] = premultiply_table[nAlpha][aColor.GetRed()];
nOff ++;
bHasAlpha = bIsAlpha;
uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 > CanvasExtractBitmapData(BitmapEx const & rBitmapEx, const geometry::IntegerRectangle2D& rect)
const Bitmap& aBitmap( rBitmapEx.GetBitmap() );
Bitmap aAlpha( rBitmapEx.GetAlphaMask().GetBitmap() );
BitmapScopedReadAccess pReadAccess( aBitmap );
BitmapScopedReadAccess pAlphaReadAccess;
if (!aAlpha.IsEmpty())
pAlphaReadAccess = aAlpha;
assert( pReadAccess );
// TODO(F1): Support more formats.
const Size aBmpSize( aBitmap.GetSizePixel() );
// for the time being, always return as BGRA
uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 > aRes( 4*aBmpSize.Width()*aBmpSize.Height() );
sal_Int8* pRes = aRes.getArray();
int nCurrPos(0);
for( tools::Long y=rect.Y1;
y<aBmpSize.Height() && y<rect.Y2;
++y )
if( pAlphaReadAccess.get() != nullptr )
Scanline pScanlineReadAlpha = pAlphaReadAccess->GetScanline( y );
for( tools::Long x=rect.X1;
x<aBmpSize.Width() && x<rect.X2;
++x )
pRes[ nCurrPos++ ] = pReadAccess->GetColor( y, x ).GetRed();
pRes[ nCurrPos++ ] = pReadAccess->GetColor( y, x ).GetGreen();
pRes[ nCurrPos++ ] = pReadAccess->GetColor( y, x ).GetBlue();
pRes[ nCurrPos++ ] = 255 - pAlphaReadAccess->GetIndexFromData( pScanlineReadAlpha, x );
for( tools::Long x=rect.X1;
x<aBmpSize.Width() && x<rect.X2;
++x )
pRes[ nCurrPos++ ] = pReadAccess->GetColor( y, x ).GetRed();
pRes[ nCurrPos++ ] = pReadAccess->GetColor( y, x ).GetGreen();
pRes[ nCurrPos++ ] = pReadAccess->GetColor( y, x ).GetBlue();
pRes[ nCurrPos++ ] = sal_uInt8(255);
return aRes;
BitmapEx createHistorical8x8FromArray(std::array<sal_uInt8,64> const & pArray, Color aColorPix, Color aColorBack)
BitmapPalette aPalette(2);
aPalette[0] = BitmapColor(aColorBack);
aPalette[1] = BitmapColor(aColorPix);
Bitmap aBitmap(Size(8, 8), vcl::PixelFormat::N8_BPP, &aPalette);
BitmapScopedWriteAccess pContent(aBitmap);
for(sal_uInt16 a(0); a < 8; a++)
for(sal_uInt16 b(0); b < 8; b++)
if(pArray[(a * 8) + b])
pContent->SetPixelIndex(a, b, 1);
pContent->SetPixelIndex(a, b, 0);
return BitmapEx(aBitmap);
bool isHistorical8x8(const BitmapEx& rBitmapEx, Color& o_rBack, Color& o_rFront)
bool bRet(false);
const Bitmap& aBitmap(rBitmapEx.GetBitmap());
if(8 == aBitmap.GetSizePixel().Width() && 8 == aBitmap.GetSizePixel().Height())
// Historical 1bpp images are getting really historical,
// even to the point that e.g. the png loader actually loads
// them as RGB. But the pattern code in svx relies on this
// assumption that any 2-color 1bpp bitmap is a pattern, and so it would
// get confused by RGB. Try to detect if this image is really
// just two colors and say it's a pattern bitmap if so.
BitmapScopedReadAccess access(aBitmap);
o_rBack = access->GetColor(0,0);
bool foundSecondColor = false;;
for(tools::Long y = 0; y < access->Height(); ++y)
for(tools::Long x = 0; x < access->Width(); ++x)
if( access->GetColor(y,x) != o_rBack )
o_rFront = access->GetColor(y,x);
foundSecondColor = true;
// Hard to know which of the two colors is the background,
// select the lighter one.
if( o_rFront.GetLuminance() > o_rBack.GetLuminance())
std::swap( o_rFront, o_rBack );
if( access->GetColor(y,x) != o_rBack && access->GetColor(y,x) != o_rFront)
return false;
return true;
return bRet;
sal_uInt8 unpremultiply(sal_uInt8 c, sal_uInt8 a)
return (a == 0) ? 0 : (c * 255 + a / 2) / a;
sal_uInt8 premultiply(sal_uInt8 c, sal_uInt8 a)
return (c * a + 127) / 255;
sal_uInt8 unpremultiply(sal_uInt8 c, sal_uInt8 a)
return get_unpremultiply_table()[a][c];
static constexpr sal_uInt8 unpremultiplyImpl(sal_uInt8 c, sal_uInt8 a)
return (a == 0) ? 0 : (c * 255 + a / 2) / a;
sal_uInt8 premultiply(sal_uInt8 c, sal_uInt8 a)
return get_premultiply_table()[a][c];
static constexpr sal_uInt8 premultiplyImpl(sal_uInt8 c, sal_uInt8 a)
return (c * a + 127) / 255;
template<int... Is> static constexpr std::array<sal_uInt8, 256> make_unpremultiply_table_row_(
int a, std::integer_sequence<int, Is...>)
return {unpremultiplyImpl(Is, a)...};
template<int... Is> static constexpr lookup_table make_unpremultiply_table_(
std::integer_sequence<int, Is...>)
return {make_unpremultiply_table_row_(Is, std::make_integer_sequence<int, 256>{})...};
lookup_table const & get_unpremultiply_table()
static constexpr auto unpremultiply_table = make_unpremultiply_table_(
std::make_integer_sequence<int, 256>{});
return unpremultiply_table;
template<int... Is> static constexpr std::array<sal_uInt8, 256> make_premultiply_table_row_(
int a, std::integer_sequence<int, Is...>)
return {premultiplyImpl(Is, a)...};
template<int... Is> static constexpr lookup_table make_premultiply_table_(
std::integer_sequence<int, Is...>)
return {make_premultiply_table_row_(Is, std::make_integer_sequence<int, 256>{})...};
lookup_table const & get_premultiply_table()
static constexpr auto premultiply_table = make_premultiply_table_(
std::make_integer_sequence<int, 256>{});
return premultiply_table;
bool convertBitmap32To24Plus8(BitmapEx const & rInput, BitmapEx & rResult)
const Bitmap& aBitmap(rInput.GetBitmap());
if (aBitmap.getPixelFormat() != vcl::PixelFormat::N32_BPP)
return false;
Size aSize = aBitmap.GetSizePixel();
Bitmap aResultBitmap(aSize, vcl::PixelFormat::N24_BPP);
AlphaMask aResultAlpha(aSize);
BitmapScopedWriteAccess pResultBitmapAccess(aResultBitmap);
BitmapScopedWriteAccess pResultAlphaAccess(aResultAlpha);
BitmapScopedReadAccess pReadAccess(aBitmap);
for (tools::Long nY = 0; nY < aSize.Height(); ++nY)
Scanline aResultScan = pResultBitmapAccess->GetScanline(nY);
Scanline aResultScanAlpha = pResultAlphaAccess->GetScanline(nY);
Scanline aReadScan = pReadAccess->GetScanline(nY);
for (tools::Long nX = 0; nX < aSize.Width(); ++nX)
const BitmapColor aColor = pReadAccess->GetPixelFromData(aReadScan, nX);
BitmapColor aResultColor(aColor.GetRed(), aColor.GetGreen(), aColor.GetBlue());
BitmapColor aResultColorAlpha(aColor.GetAlpha(), aColor.GetAlpha(), aColor.GetAlpha());
pResultBitmapAccess->SetPixelOnData(aResultScan, nX, aResultColor);
pResultAlphaAccess->SetPixelOnData(aResultScanAlpha, nX, aResultColorAlpha);
if (rInput.IsAlpha())
rResult = BitmapEx(aResultBitmap, rInput.GetAlphaMask());
rResult = BitmapEx(aResultBitmap, aResultAlpha);
return true;
Bitmap GetDownsampledBitmap(Size const& rDstSizeTwip, Point const& rSrcPt, Size const& rSrcSz,
Bitmap const& rBmp, tools::Long nMaxBmpDPIX, tools::Long nMaxBmpDPIY)
Bitmap aBmp(rBmp);
if (!aBmp.IsEmpty())
const tools::Rectangle aBmpRect( Point(), aBmp.GetSizePixel() );
tools::Rectangle aSrcRect( rSrcPt, rSrcSz );
// do cropping if necessary
if( aSrcRect.Intersection( aBmpRect ) != aBmpRect )
if( !aSrcRect.IsEmpty() )
aBmp.Crop( aSrcRect );
if( !aBmp.IsEmpty() )
// do downsampling if necessary
// #103209# Normalize size (mirroring has to happen outside of this method)
Size aDstSizeTwip(std::abs(rDstSizeTwip.Width()), std::abs(rDstSizeTwip.Height()));
const Size aBmpSize( aBmp.GetSizePixel() );
const double fBmpPixelX = aBmpSize.Width();
const double fBmpPixelY = aBmpSize.Height();
const double fMaxPixelX
= o3tl::convert<double>(aDstSizeTwip.Width(), o3tl::Length::twip, o3tl::Length::in)
* nMaxBmpDPIX;
const double fMaxPixelY
= o3tl::convert<double>(aDstSizeTwip.Height(), o3tl::Length::twip, o3tl::Length::in)
* nMaxBmpDPIY;
// check, if the bitmap DPI exceeds the maximum DPI (allow 4 pixel rounding tolerance)
if (((fBmpPixelX > (fMaxPixelX + 4)) ||
(fBmpPixelY > (fMaxPixelY + 4))) &&
(fBmpPixelY > 0.0) && (fMaxPixelY > 0.0))
// do scaling
Size aNewBmpSize;
const double fBmpWH = fBmpPixelX / fBmpPixelY;
const double fMaxWH = fMaxPixelX / fMaxPixelY;
if (fBmpWH < fMaxWH)
aNewBmpSize.setWidth(basegfx::fround<tools::Long>(fMaxPixelY * fBmpWH));
else if (fBmpWH > 0.0)
aNewBmpSize.setHeight(basegfx::fround<tools::Long>(fMaxPixelX / fBmpWH));
if( aNewBmpSize.Width() && aNewBmpSize.Height() )
return aBmp;
BitmapColor premultiply(const BitmapColor c)
return BitmapColor(ColorAlpha, premultiply(c.GetRed(), c.GetAlpha()),
premultiply(c.GetGreen(), c.GetAlpha()),
premultiply(c.GetBlue(), c.GetAlpha()), c.GetAlpha());
BitmapColor unpremultiply(const BitmapColor c)
return BitmapColor(ColorAlpha, unpremultiply(c.GetRed(), c.GetAlpha()),
unpremultiply(c.GetGreen(), c.GetAlpha()),
unpremultiply(c.GetBlue(), c.GetAlpha()), c.GetAlpha());
} // end vcl::bitmap
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
↑ V569 Transformation of constant value 255. The value range of signed char type: [-128, 127].
↑ V1007 The value from the potentially uninitialized optional 'pAlphaMask' is used. Probably it is a mistake.
↑ V1007 The value from the potentially uninitialized optional 'pAlphaMask' is used. Probably it is a mistake.