/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
#include "CommandImageResolver.hxx"
#include <vcl/settings.hxx>
#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
#include <rtl/ustrbuf.hxx>
#include <tools/urlobj.hxx>
using css::uno::Sequence;
namespace vcl
constexpr o3tl::enumarray<ImageType, OUString> ImageType_Prefixes
OUString lclConvertToCanonicalName(const OUString& rFileName)
    bool bRemoveSlash(true);
    sal_Int32 nLength = rFileName.getLength();
    const sal_Unicode* pString = rFileName.getStr();
    OUStringBuffer aBuffer(nLength*2);
    for (sal_Int32 i = 0; i < nLength; i++)
        const sal_Unicode cCurrentChar = pString[i];
        switch (cCurrentChar)
            // map forbidden characters to escape
            case '/':
                if (!bRemoveSlash)
            case '\\': aBuffer.append("%5c"); bRemoveSlash = false; break;
            case ':':  aBuffer.append("%3a"); bRemoveSlash = false; break;
            case '*':  aBuffer.append("%2a"); bRemoveSlash = false; break;
            case '?':  aBuffer.append("%3f"); bRemoveSlash = false; break;
            case '<':  aBuffer.append("%3c"); bRemoveSlash = false; break;
            case '>':  aBuffer.append("%3e"); bRemoveSlash = false; break;
            case '|':  aBuffer.append("%7c"); bRemoveSlash = false; break;
                aBuffer.append(cCurrentChar); bRemoveSlash = false; break;
    return aBuffer.makeStringAndClear();
} // end anonymous namespace
void CommandImageResolver::registerCommands(const Sequence<OUString>& aCommandSequence)
    sal_Int32 nSequenceSize = aCommandSequence.getLength();
    for (sal_Int32 i = 0; i < nSequenceSize; ++i)
        const OUString& aCommandName(aCommandSequence[i]);
        OUString aImageName;
        m_aImageCommandNameVector[i] = aCommandName;
        if (aCommandName.indexOf(".uno:") != 0)
            INetURLObject aUrlObject(aCommandName, INetURLObject::EncodeMechanism::All);
            aImageName = aUrlObject.GetURLPath();
            aImageName = lclConvertToCanonicalName(aImageName);
            // just remove the schema
            if (aCommandName.getLength() > 5)
                aImageName = aCommandName.copy(5);
            // Search for query part.
            if (aImageName.indexOf('?') != -1)
                aImageName = lclConvertToCanonicalName(aImageName);
        // Image names are not case-dependent. Always use lower case characters to
        // reflect this.
        aImageName = aImageName.toAsciiLowerCase() + ".png";
        m_aImageNameVector[i] = aImageName;
        m_aCommandToImageNameMap[aCommandName] = aImageName;
bool CommandImageResolver::hasImage(const OUString& rCommandURL)
    CommandToImageNameMap::const_iterator pIterator = m_aCommandToImageNameMap.find(rCommandURL);
    return pIterator != m_aCommandToImageNameMap.end();
ImageList* CommandImageResolver::getImageList(ImageType nImageType)
    const OUString sIconTheme = Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().DetermineIconTheme();
    if (sIconTheme != m_sIconTheme)
        m_sIconTheme = sIconTheme;
        for (auto& rp : m_pImageList)
    if (!m_pImageList[nImageType])
        const OUString& sIconPath = ImageType_Prefixes[nImageType];
        m_pImageList[nImageType].reset( new ImageList(m_aImageNameVector, sIconPath) );
    return m_pImageList[nImageType].get();
Image CommandImageResolver::getImageFromCommandURL(ImageType nImageType, const OUString& rCommandURL)
    CommandToImageNameMap::const_iterator pIterator = m_aCommandToImageNameMap.find(rCommandURL);
    if (pIterator != m_aCommandToImageNameMap.end())
        ImageList* pImageList = getImageList(nImageType);
        return pImageList->GetImage(pIterator->second);
    return Image();
} // end namespace vcl
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.