/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4; fill-column: 100 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
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#include "CurlUri.hxx"
#include <sal/log.hxx>
#include <rtl/uri.hxx>
#include <rtl/ustrbuf.hxx>
#include <optional>
namespace http_dav_ucp
const auto DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT = 80;
const auto DEFAULT_HTTPS_PORT = 443;
static ::std::optional<OUString> GetURLComponent(CURLU& rURI, CURLUPart const what,
                                                 CURLUcode const expected,
                                                 unsigned int const flags = 0)
    char* pPart(nullptr);
    auto uc = curl_url_get(&rURI, what, &pPart, flags);
    if (expected != CURLUE_OK && uc == expected)
        return ::std::optional<OUString>();
    if (uc != CURLUE_OK)
        SAL_WARN("ucb.ucp.webdav.curl", "curl_url_get failed: " << what << " " << uc);
        throw DAVException(DAVException::DAV_INVALID_ARG);
    CurlUniquePtr<char> pPart2(pPart);
    return ::rtl::OStringToOUString(pPart, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
void CurlUri::Init()
    // looks like the result should be the same as the old calculateURI()
    auto const oURI(GetURLComponent(*m_pUrl, CURLUPART_URL, CURLUE_OK, CURLU_NO_DEFAULT_PORT));
    m_URI = *oURI;
    auto const oScheme(GetURLComponent(*m_pUrl, CURLUPART_SCHEME, CURLUE_NO_SCHEME));
    if (oScheme)
        m_Scheme = *oScheme;
    auto const oUser(GetURLComponent(*m_pUrl, CURLUPART_USER, CURLUE_NO_USER));
    if (oUser)
        m_User = *oUser;
    auto const oPassWord(GetURLComponent(*m_pUrl, CURLUPART_PASSWORD, CURLUE_NO_PASSWORD));
    if (oPassWord)
        m_Password = *oPassWord;
    auto const oHost(GetURLComponent(*m_pUrl, CURLUPART_HOST, CURLUE_NO_HOST));
    if (oHost)
        m_Host = *oHost;
    // DAV schemes always have port but Content::transfer() is called with
    // arbitrary URLs so use CURLUE_NO_PORT
    auto const oPort(GetURLComponent(*m_pUrl, CURLUPART_PORT, CURLUE_NO_PORT, CURLU_DEFAULT_PORT));
    if (oPort)
        m_nPort = oPort->toInt32();
    auto const oPath(GetURLComponent(*m_pUrl, CURLUPART_PATH, CURLUE_OK));
    m_Path = *oPath;
    // note: this used to be added to m_Path because before 2007, ne_uri path contained query/fragment as well :-/
    auto const oQuery(GetURLComponent(*m_pUrl, CURLUPART_QUERY, CURLUE_NO_QUERY));
    if (oQuery)
        m_QueryAndFragment += "?" + *oQuery;
    auto const oFragment(GetURLComponent(*m_pUrl, CURLUPART_FRAGMENT, CURLUE_NO_FRAGMENT));
    if (oFragment)
        m_QueryAndFragment += "#" + *oFragment;
CurlUri::CurlUri(::std::u16string_view const rURI)
    // note: in the old implementation, the rURI would be URI-encoded again
    // here, apparently because it could actually be an IRI (RFC 3987) and
    // neon didn't support that - not clear if this is a good idea
    if (!m_pUrl)
        throw ::std::bad_alloc();
    // use curl to parse the URI, to get a consistent interpretation
    if (rURI.find(u'\0') != std::u16string_view::npos)
        throw DAVException(DAVException::DAV_INVALID_ARG);
    OString const utf8URI(OUStringToOString(rURI, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8));
    auto uc = curl_url_set(m_pUrl.get(), CURLUPART_URL, utf8URI.getStr(), 0);
    if (uc != CURLUE_OK)
        SAL_WARN("ucb.ucp.webdav.curl", "curl_url_set failed: " << uc);
        throw DAVException(DAVException::DAV_INVALID_ARG);
CurlUri::CurlUri(CURLU /*const*/& rUrl)
    : m_pUrl(curl_url_dup(&rUrl))
    if (!m_pUrl)
        throw ::std::bad_alloc();
CurlUri::CurlUri(CurlUri const& rOther)
    : m_pUrl(curl_url_dup(rOther.m_pUrl.get()))
    , m_URI(rOther.m_URI)
    , m_Scheme(rOther.m_Scheme)
    , m_User(rOther.m_User)
    , m_Password(rOther.m_Password)
    , m_Host(rOther.m_Host)
    , m_nPort(rOther.m_nPort)
    , m_Path(rOther.m_Path)
    , m_QueryAndFragment(rOther.m_QueryAndFragment)
    if (!m_pUrl)
        throw ::std::bad_alloc();
void CurlUri::operator=(CurlUri const& rOther)
    if (!m_pUrl)
        throw ::std::bad_alloc();
    m_URI = rOther.m_URI;
    m_Scheme = rOther.m_Scheme;
    m_User = rOther.m_User;
    m_Password = rOther.m_Password;
    m_Host = rOther.m_Host;
    m_nPort = rOther.m_nPort;
    m_Path = rOther.m_Path;
    m_QueryAndFragment = rOther.m_QueryAndFragment;
bool CurlUri::operator==(CurlUri const& rOther) const { return m_URI == rOther.m_URI; }
OUString CurlUri::GetPathBaseName() const
    sal_Int32 nPos = m_Path.lastIndexOf('/');
    sal_Int32 nTrail = 0;
    if (nPos == m_Path.getLength() - 1)
        // Trailing slash found. Skip.
        nTrail = 1;
        nPos = m_Path.lastIndexOf('/', nPos);
    if (nPos == -1)
        return u"/"_ustr;
    return m_Path.copy(nPos + 1, m_Path.getLength() - nPos - 1 - nTrail);
OUString CurlUri::GetPathBaseNameUnescaped() const { return DecodeURI(GetPathBaseName()); }
void CurlUri::SetScheme(::std::u16string_view const rScheme)
    OString const utf8URI(OUStringToOString(rScheme, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8));
    auto uc = curl_url_set(m_pUrl.get(), CURLUPART_SCHEME, utf8URI.getStr(), 0);
    if (uc != CURLUE_OK)
        SAL_WARN("ucb.ucp.webdav.curl", "curl_url_set failed: " << uc);
        throw DAVException(DAVException::DAV_INVALID_ARG);
    auto const oURI(GetURLComponent(*m_pUrl, CURLUPART_URL, CURLUE_OK, CURLU_NO_DEFAULT_PORT));
    m_URI = *oURI;
    auto const oScheme(GetURLComponent(*m_pUrl, CURLUPART_SCHEME, CURLUE_NO_SCHEME));
    if (oScheme)
        m_Scheme = *oScheme;
void CurlUri::AppendPath(::std::u16string_view const rPath)
    OUStringBuffer path(m_Path);
    if (path.lastIndexOf('/') != path.getLength() - 1)
    OString const utf8Path(OUStringToOString(path, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8));
    auto uc = curl_url_set(m_pUrl.get(), CURLUPART_PATH, utf8Path.getStr(), 0);
    if (uc != CURLUE_OK)
        SAL_WARN("ucb.ucp.webdav.curl", "curl_url_set failed: " << uc);
        throw DAVException(DAVException::DAV_INVALID_ARG);
    auto const oURI(GetURLComponent(*m_pUrl, CURLUPART_URL, CURLUE_OK, CURLU_NO_DEFAULT_PORT));
    m_URI = *oURI;
    auto const oPath(GetURLComponent(*m_pUrl, CURLUPART_PATH, CURLUE_OK));
    m_Path = *oPath;
CurlUri CurlUri::CloneWithRelativeRefPathAbsolute(std::u16string_view rRelativeRef) const
    ::std::unique_ptr<CURLU, deleter_from_fn<CURLU, curl_url_cleanup>> pUrl(
    size_t indexEnd(rRelativeRef.size());
    auto const indexQuery(rRelativeRef.find('?'));
    auto const indexFragment(rRelativeRef.find('#'));
    CURLUcode uc;
    if (indexFragment != std::u16string_view::npos)
        std::u16string_view const fragment(rRelativeRef.substr(indexFragment + 1));
        indexEnd = indexFragment;
        OString const utf8Fragment(OUStringToOString(fragment, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8));
        uc = curl_url_set(pUrl.get(), CURLUPART_FRAGMENT, utf8Fragment.getStr(), 0);
        uc = curl_url_set(pUrl.get(), CURLUPART_FRAGMENT, nullptr, 0);
    if (uc != CURLUE_OK)
        SAL_WARN("ucb.ucp.webdav.curl", "curl_url_set failed: " << uc);
        throw DAVException(DAVException::DAV_INVALID_ARG);
    if (indexQuery != std::u16string_view::npos
        && (indexFragment == std::u16string_view::npos || indexQuery < indexFragment))
        std::u16string_view const query(
            rRelativeRef.substr(indexQuery + 1, indexEnd - indexQuery - 1));
        indexEnd = indexQuery;
        OString const utf8Query(OUStringToOString(query, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8));
        uc = curl_url_set(pUrl.get(), CURLUPART_QUERY, utf8Query.getStr(), 0);
        uc = curl_url_set(pUrl.get(), CURLUPART_QUERY, nullptr, 0);
    if (uc != CURLUE_OK)
        SAL_WARN("ucb.ucp.webdav.curl", "curl_url_set failed: " << uc);
        throw DAVException(DAVException::DAV_INVALID_ARG);
    std::u16string_view const path(rRelativeRef.substr(0, indexEnd));
    OString const utf8Path(OUStringToOString(path, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8));
    uc = curl_url_set(pUrl.get(), CURLUPART_PATH, utf8Path.getStr(), 0);
    if (uc != CURLUE_OK)
        SAL_WARN("ucb.ucp.webdav.curl", "curl_url_set failed: " << uc);
        throw DAVException(DAVException::DAV_INVALID_ARG);
    return CurlUri(*pUrl);
OUString EncodeSegment(OUString const& rSegment)
    return rtl::Uri::encode(rSegment, rtl_UriCharClassPchar, rtl_UriEncodeIgnoreEscapes,
OUString DecodeURI(OUString const& rURI)
    return rtl::Uri::decode(rURI, rtl_UriDecodeWithCharset, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
OUString ConnectionEndPointString(std::u16string_view rHostName, sal_uInt16 const nPort)
    OUStringBuffer aBuf;
    // Is host a numeric IPv6 address?
    if ((rHostName.find(':') != std::u16string_view::npos) && (rHostName[0] != '['))
        aBuf.append(OUString::Concat("[") + rHostName + "]");
    if ((nPort != DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT) && (nPort != DEFAULT_HTTPS_PORT))
        aBuf.append(":" + OUString::number(sal_Int32(nPort)));
    return aBuf.makeStringAndClear();
} // namespace http_dav_ucp
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab cinoptions=b1,g0,N-s cinkeys+=0=break: */

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V794 The assignment operator should be protected from the case of 'this == &rOther'.

V1007 The value from the potentially uninitialized optional 'oURI' is used. Probably it is a mistake.

V1007 The value from the potentially uninitialized optional 'oPath' is used. Probably it is a mistake.

V1007 The value from the potentially uninitialized optional 'oURI' is used. Probably it is a mistake.

V1007 The value from the potentially uninitialized optional 'oURI' is used. Probably it is a mistake.

V1007 The value from the potentially uninitialized optional 'oPath' is used. Probably it is a mistake.