/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <sal/macros.h>
#include "OfficeControlAccess.hxx"
#include <com/sun/star/ui/dialogs/ExtendedFilePickerElementIds.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/ui/dialogs/CommonFilePickerElementIds.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/ui/dialogs/ControlActions.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/lang/IllegalArgumentException.hpp>
#include <sal/log.hxx>
#include <osl/diagnose.h>
#include <com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx>
#include <tools/urlobj.hxx>
#include <tools/debug.hxx>
#include <algorithm>
#include <utility>
namespace svt
    // helper -------------------------------------------------------------
    using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
    using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang;
    using namespace ::com::sun::star::ui::dialogs;
    using namespace ExtendedFilePickerElementIds;
    using namespace CommonFilePickerElementIds;
    using namespace InternalFilePickerElementIds;
        struct ControlDescription
            const char*     pControlName;
            sal_Int16       nControlId;
            PropFlags       nPropertyFlags;
        typedef const ControlDescription* ControlDescIterator;
        #define PROPERTY_FLAGS_COMMON       ( PropFlags::Enabled | PropFlags::Visible | PropFlags::HelpUrl )
        #define PROPERTY_FLAGS_LISTBOX      ( PropFlags::ListItems | PropFlags::SelectedItem | PropFlags::SelectedItemIndex )
        #define PROPERTY_FLAGS_CHECKBOX     ( PropFlags::Checked | PropFlags::Text )
        // Note: this array MUST be sorted by name!
        const ControlDescription aDescriptions[] =  {
            { "CancelButton",           PUSHBUTTON_CANCEL,              PROPERTY_FLAGS_COMMON | PropFlags::Text          },
            { "CurrentFolderText",      FIXEDTEXT_CURRENTFOLDER,        PROPERTY_FLAGS_COMMON | PropFlags::Text          },
            { "FileURLEdit",            EDIT_FILEURL,                   PROPERTY_FLAGS_COMMON | PropFlags::Text          },
            { "FileURLEditLabel",       EDIT_FILEURL_LABEL,             PROPERTY_FLAGS_COMMON | PropFlags::Text          },
            { "FileView",               CONTROL_FILEVIEW,               PROPERTY_FLAGS_COMMON                               },
            { "FilterList",             LISTBOX_FILTER,                 PROPERTY_FLAGS_COMMON                               },
            { "FilterListLabel",        LISTBOX_FILTER_LABEL,           PROPERTY_FLAGS_COMMON | PropFlags::Text          },
            { "GpgPassword",            CHECKBOX_GPGENCRYPTION,         PROPERTY_FLAGS_COMMON | PROPERTY_FLAGS_CHECKBOX     },
            { "GpgSign",                CHECKBOX_GPGSIGN,               PROPERTY_FLAGS_COMMON | PROPERTY_FLAGS_CHECKBOX     },
            { "HelpButton",             PUSHBUTTON_HELP,                PROPERTY_FLAGS_COMMON | PropFlags::Text          },
            { "ImageAnchorList",        LISTBOX_IMAGE_ANCHOR,           PROPERTY_FLAGS_COMMON | PROPERTY_FLAGS_LISTBOX      },
            { "ImageAnchorListLabel",   LISTBOX_IMAGE_ANCHOR_LABEL,     PROPERTY_FLAGS_COMMON | PropFlags::Text             },
            { "ImageTemplateList",      LISTBOX_IMAGE_TEMPLATE,         PROPERTY_FLAGS_COMMON | PROPERTY_FLAGS_LISTBOX      },
            { "ImageTemplateListLabel", LISTBOX_IMAGE_TEMPLATE_LABEL,   PROPERTY_FLAGS_COMMON | PropFlags::Text          },
            { "LevelUpButton",          TOOLBOXBUTTON_LEVEL_UP,         PROPERTY_FLAGS_COMMON                               },
            { "LinkBox",                CHECKBOX_LINK,                  PROPERTY_FLAGS_COMMON | PROPERTY_FLAGS_CHECKBOX     },
            { "NewFolderButton",        TOOLBOXBUTTON_NEW_FOLDER,       PROPERTY_FLAGS_COMMON                               },
            { "OkButton",               PUSHBUTTON_OK ,                 PROPERTY_FLAGS_COMMON | PropFlags::Text          },
            { "PasswordBox",            CHECKBOX_PASSWORD,              PROPERTY_FLAGS_COMMON | PROPERTY_FLAGS_CHECKBOX     },
            { "PlayButton",             PUSHBUTTON_PLAY,                PROPERTY_FLAGS_COMMON | PropFlags::Text          },
            { "PreviewBox",             CHECKBOX_PREVIEW,               PROPERTY_FLAGS_COMMON | PROPERTY_FLAGS_CHECKBOX     },
            { "ReadOnlyBox",            CHECKBOX_READONLY,              PROPERTY_FLAGS_COMMON | PROPERTY_FLAGS_CHECKBOX     },
            { "SelectionBox",           CHECKBOX_SELECTION,             PROPERTY_FLAGS_COMMON | PROPERTY_FLAGS_CHECKBOX     },
            { "TemplateList",           LISTBOX_TEMPLATE,               PROPERTY_FLAGS_COMMON | PROPERTY_FLAGS_LISTBOX      },
            { "TemplateListLabel",      LISTBOX_TEMPLATE_LABEL,         PROPERTY_FLAGS_COMMON | PropFlags::Text          },
            { "VersionList",            LISTBOX_VERSION,                PROPERTY_FLAGS_COMMON | PROPERTY_FLAGS_LISTBOX      },
            { "VersionListLabel",       LISTBOX_VERSION_LABEL,          PROPERTY_FLAGS_COMMON | PropFlags::Text          }
        const sal_Int32 s_nControlCount = SAL_N_ELEMENTS( aDescriptions );
        ControlDescIterator s_pControls = aDescriptions;
        ControlDescIterator s_pControlsEnd = aDescriptions + s_nControlCount;
        struct ControlDescriptionLookup
            bool operator()( const ControlDescription& rDesc1, const ControlDescription& rDesc2 )
                return strcmp(rDesc1.pControlName, rDesc2.pControlName) < 0;
        struct ControlProperty
            const char*     pPropertyName;
            PropFlags       nPropertyId;
        typedef const ControlProperty* ControlPropertyIterator;
        const ControlProperty aProperties[] =  {
            { "Text",               PropFlags::Text              },
            { "Enabled",            PropFlags::Enabled          },
            { "Visible",            PropFlags::Visible           },
            { "HelpURL",            PropFlags::HelpUrl           },
            { "ListItems",          PropFlags::ListItems         },
            { "SelectedItem",       PropFlags::SelectedItem      },
            { "SelectedItemIndex",  PropFlags::SelectedItemIndex },
            { "Checked",            PropFlags::Checked           }
        const int s_nPropertyCount = SAL_N_ELEMENTS( aProperties );
        ControlPropertyIterator s_pProperties = aProperties;
        ControlPropertyIterator s_pPropertiesEnd = aProperties + s_nPropertyCount;
        struct ControlPropertyLookup
            OUString m_sLookup;
            explicit ControlPropertyLookup(OUString aLookup)
                : m_sLookup(std::move(aLookup))
            bool operator()(const ControlProperty& rProp)
                return m_sLookup.equalsAscii(rProp.pPropertyName);
    OControlAccess::OControlAccess(IFilePickerController* pController, SvtFileView* pFileView)
        : m_pFilePickerController(pController)
        , m_pFileView(pFileView)
        DBG_ASSERT( m_pFilePickerController, "OControlAccess::OControlAccess: invalid control locator!" );
    bool OControlAccess::IsFileViewWidget(weld::Widget const * pControl) const
        if (!pControl)
            return false;
        if (!m_pFileView)
            return false;
        return pControl == m_pFileView->identifier();
    void OControlAccess::setHelpURL(weld::Widget* pControl, const OUString& sHelpURL)
        OUString sHelpID( sHelpURL );
        INetURLObject aHID( sHelpURL );
        if (aHID.GetProtocol() == INetProtocol::Hid)
            sHelpID = aHID.GetURLPath();
        // URLs should always be escaped
        if (IsFileViewWidget(pControl))
            // the file view "overrides" the SetHelpId
    OUString OControlAccess::getHelpURL(weld::Widget const * pControl) const
        OUString aHelpId = pControl->get_help_id();
        if (IsFileViewWidget(pControl))
            // the file view "overrides" the SetHelpId
            aHelpId = m_pFileView->get_help_id();
        OUString sHelpURL;
        INetURLObject aHID(aHelpId);
        if ( aHID.GetProtocol() == INetProtocol::NotValid )
            sHelpURL = INET_HID_SCHEME;
        sHelpURL += aHelpId;
        return sHelpURL;
    Any OControlAccess::getControlProperty( std::u16string_view rControlName, const OUString& rControlProperty )
        // look up the control
        sal_Int16 nControlId = -1;
        PropFlags nPropertyMask = PropFlags::NONE;
        weld::Widget* pControl = implGetControl( rControlName, &nControlId, &nPropertyMask );
            // will throw an IllegalArgumentException if the name is not valid
        // look up the property
        ControlPropertyIterator aPropDesc = ::std::find_if( s_pProperties, s_pPropertiesEnd, ControlPropertyLookup( rControlProperty ) );
        if ( aPropDesc == s_pPropertiesEnd )
            // it's a completely unknown property
            throw IllegalArgumentException();
        if ( !( nPropertyMask & aPropDesc->nPropertyId ) )
            // it's a property which is known, but not allowed for this control
            throw IllegalArgumentException();
        return implGetControlProperty( pControl, aPropDesc->nPropertyId );
    weld::Widget* OControlAccess::implGetControl( std::u16string_view rControlName, sal_Int16* _pId, PropFlags* _pPropertyMask ) const
        weld::Widget* pControl = nullptr;
        ControlDescription tmpDesc;
        OString aControlName = OUStringToOString( rControlName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 );
        tmpDesc.pControlName = aControlName.getStr();
        // translate the name into an id
        auto aFoundRange = ::std::equal_range( s_pControls, s_pControlsEnd, tmpDesc, ControlDescriptionLookup() );
        if ( aFoundRange.first != aFoundRange.second )
            // get the VCL control determined by this id
            pControl = m_pFilePickerController->getControl( aFoundRange.first->nControlId );
        // if not found 'til here, the name is invalid, or we do not have the control in the current mode
        if ( !pControl )
            throw IllegalArgumentException();
        // out parameters and outta here
        if ( _pId )
            *_pId = aFoundRange.first->nControlId;
        if ( _pPropertyMask )
            *_pPropertyMask = aFoundRange.first->nPropertyFlags;
        return pControl;
    void OControlAccess::setControlProperty( std::u16string_view rControlName, const OUString& rControlProperty, const css::uno::Any& rValue )
        // look up the control
        sal_Int16 nControlId = -1;
        weld::Widget* pControl = implGetControl( rControlName, &nControlId );
            // will throw an IllegalArgumentException if the name is not valid
        // look up the property
        ControlPropertyIterator aPropDesc = ::std::find_if( s_pProperties, s_pPropertiesEnd, ControlPropertyLookup( rControlProperty ) );
        if ( aPropDesc == s_pPropertiesEnd )
            throw IllegalArgumentException();
        // set the property
        implSetControlProperty( nControlId, pControl, aPropDesc->nPropertyId, rValue, false );
    Sequence< OUString > OControlAccess::getSupportedControls(  ) const
        Sequence< OUString > aControls( s_nControlCount );
        OUString* pControls = aControls.getArray();
        // collect the names of all _actually_existent_ controls
        for ( ControlDescIterator aControl = s_pControls; aControl != s_pControlsEnd; ++aControl )
            if ( m_pFilePickerController->getControl( aControl->nControlId ) )
                *pControls++ = OUString::createFromAscii( aControl->pControlName );
        aControls.realloc( pControls - aControls.getArray() );
        return aControls;
    Sequence< OUString > OControlAccess::getSupportedControlProperties( std::u16string_view rControlName )
        sal_Int16 nControlId = -1;
        PropFlags nPropertyMask = PropFlags::NONE;
        implGetControl( rControlName, &nControlId, &nPropertyMask );
            // will throw an IllegalArgumentException if the name is not valid
        // fill in the property names
        Sequence< OUString > aProps( s_nPropertyCount );
        OUString* pProperty = aProps.getArray();
        for ( ControlPropertyIterator aProp = s_pProperties; aProp != s_pPropertiesEnd; ++aProp )
            if ( nPropertyMask & aProp->nPropertyId )
                *pProperty++ = OUString::createFromAscii( aProp->pPropertyName );
        aProps.realloc( pProperty - aProps.getArray() );
        return aProps;
    bool OControlAccess::isControlSupported( std::u16string_view rControlName )
        ControlDescription tmpDesc;
        OString aControlName = OUStringToOString(rControlName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
        tmpDesc.pControlName = aControlName.getStr();
        return ::std::binary_search( s_pControls, s_pControlsEnd, tmpDesc, ControlDescriptionLookup() );
    bool OControlAccess::isControlPropertySupported( std::u16string_view rControlName, const OUString& rControlProperty )
        // look up the control
        sal_Int16 nControlId = -1;
        PropFlags nPropertyMask = PropFlags::NONE;
        implGetControl( rControlName, &nControlId, &nPropertyMask );
            // will throw an IllegalArgumentException if the name is not valid
        // look up the property
        ControlPropertyIterator aPropDesc = ::std::find_if( s_pProperties, s_pPropertiesEnd, ControlPropertyLookup( rControlProperty ) );
        if ( aPropDesc == s_pPropertiesEnd )
            // it's a property which is completely unknown
            return false;
        return bool( aPropDesc->nPropertyId & nPropertyMask );
    void OControlAccess::setValue( sal_Int16 nControlId, sal_Int16 nControlAction, const Any& rValue )
        weld::Widget* pControl = m_pFilePickerController->getControl( nControlId );
        DBG_ASSERT( pControl, "OControlAccess::SetValue: don't have this control in the current mode!" );
        if ( !pControl )
        PropFlags nPropertyId = PropFlags::Unknown;
        if ( ControlActions::SET_HELP_URL == nControlAction )
            nPropertyId = PropFlags::HelpUrl;
            switch ( nControlId )
                case CHECKBOX_AUTOEXTENSION:
                case CHECKBOX_PASSWORD:
                case CHECKBOX_FILTEROPTIONS:
                case CHECKBOX_READONLY:
                case CHECKBOX_LINK:
                case CHECKBOX_PREVIEW:
                case CHECKBOX_SELECTION:
                    nPropertyId = PropFlags::Checked;
                case LISTBOX_FILTER:
                    SAL_WARN( "fpicker.office", "Use the XFilterManager to access the filter listbox" );
                case LISTBOX_VERSION:
                case LISTBOX_TEMPLATE:
                case LISTBOX_IMAGE_TEMPLATE:
                case LISTBOX_IMAGE_ANCHOR:
                    if ( ControlActions::SET_SELECT_ITEM == nControlAction )
                        nPropertyId = PropFlags::SelectedItemIndex;
                        weld::ComboBox* pComboBox = dynamic_cast<weld::ComboBox*>(pControl);
                        assert(pComboBox && "OControlAccess::SetValue: implGetControl returned nonsense!");
                        implDoListboxAction(pComboBox, nControlAction, rValue);
        if ( PropFlags::Unknown != nPropertyId )
            implSetControlProperty( nControlId, pControl, nPropertyId, rValue );
    Any OControlAccess::getValue( sal_Int16 nControlId, sal_Int16 nControlAction ) const
        Any aRet;
        weld::Widget* pControl = m_pFilePickerController->getControl( nControlId );
        DBG_ASSERT( pControl, "OControlAccess::GetValue: don't have this control in the current mode!" );
        if ( pControl )
            PropFlags nPropertyId = PropFlags::Unknown;
            if ( ControlActions::SET_HELP_URL == nControlAction )
                nPropertyId = PropFlags::HelpUrl;
                switch ( nControlId )
                    case CHECKBOX_AUTOEXTENSION:
                    case CHECKBOX_PASSWORD:
                    case CHECKBOX_GPGENCRYPTION:
                    case CHECKBOX_GPGSIGN:
                    case CHECKBOX_FILTEROPTIONS:
                    case CHECKBOX_READONLY:
                    case CHECKBOX_LINK:
                    case CHECKBOX_PREVIEW:
                    case CHECKBOX_SELECTION:
                        nPropertyId = PropFlags::Checked;
                    case LISTBOX_FILTER:
                        if ( ControlActions::GET_SELECTED_ITEM == nControlAction )
                            aRet <<= m_pFilePickerController->getCurFilter();
                            SAL_WARN( "fpicker.office", "Use the XFilterManager to access the filter listbox" );
                    case LISTBOX_VERSION:
                    case LISTBOX_TEMPLATE:
                    case LISTBOX_IMAGE_TEMPLATE:
                    case LISTBOX_IMAGE_ANCHOR:
                        switch ( nControlAction )
                            case ControlActions::GET_SELECTED_ITEM:
                                nPropertyId = PropFlags::SelectedItem;
                            case ControlActions::GET_SELECTED_ITEM_INDEX:
                                nPropertyId = PropFlags::SelectedItemIndex;
                            case ControlActions::GET_ITEMS:
                                nPropertyId = PropFlags::ListItems;
                                SAL_WARN( "fpicker.office", "OControlAccess::GetValue: invalid control action for the listbox!" );
            if ( PropFlags::Unknown != nPropertyId )
                aRet = implGetControlProperty( pControl, nPropertyId );
        return aRet;
    void OControlAccess::setLabel( sal_Int16 nId, const OUString &rLabel )
        weld::Widget* pControl = m_pFilePickerController->getControl(nId, true);
        if (weld::Label* pLabel = dynamic_cast<weld::Label*>(pControl))
        if (weld::Button* pButton = dynamic_cast<weld::Button*>(pControl))
        assert(false && "OControlAccess::GetValue: don't have this control in the current mode!");
    OUString OControlAccess::getLabel( sal_Int16 nId ) const
        weld::Widget* pControl = m_pFilePickerController->getControl(nId, true);
        if (weld::Label* pLabel = dynamic_cast<weld::Label*>(pControl))
            return pLabel->get_label();
        if (weld::Button* pButton = dynamic_cast<weld::Button*>(pControl))
            return pButton->get_label();
        assert(false && "OControlAccess::GetValue: don't have this control in the current mode!");
        return OUString();
    void OControlAccess::enableControl(sal_Int16 nId, bool bEnable)
        m_pFilePickerController->enableControl(nId, bEnable);
    void OControlAccess::implDoListboxAction(weld::ComboBox* pListbox, sal_Int16 nControlAction, const Any& rValue)
        switch ( nControlAction )
            case ControlActions::ADD_ITEM:
                OUString aEntry;
                rValue >>= aEntry;
                if ( !aEntry.isEmpty() )
                    pListbox->append_text( aEntry );
            case ControlActions::ADD_ITEMS:
                Sequence < OUString > aTemplateList;
                rValue >>= aTemplateList;
                if ( aTemplateList.hasElements() )
                    for (const OUString& s : aTemplateList)
                        pListbox->append_text( s );
            case ControlActions::DELETE_ITEM:
                sal_Int32 nPos = 0;
                if ( rValue >>= nPos )
                    pListbox->remove( nPos );
            case ControlActions::DELETE_ITEMS:
                SAL_WARN( "fpicker.office", "Wrong ControlAction for implDoListboxAction()" );
    void OControlAccess::implSetControlProperty( sal_Int16 nControlId, weld::Widget* pControl, PropFlags _nProperty, const Any& rValue, bool _bIgnoreIllegalArgument )
        if ( !pControl )
            pControl = m_pFilePickerController->getControl( nControlId );
        DBG_ASSERT( pControl, "OControlAccess::implSetControlProperty: invalid argument, this will crash!" );
        if ( !pControl )
        DBG_ASSERT( pControl == m_pFilePickerController->getControl( nControlId ),
            "OControlAccess::implSetControlProperty: inconsistent parameters!" );
        switch ( _nProperty )
            case PropFlags::Text:
                OUString sText;
                if (rValue >>= sText)
                    weld::Label* pLabel = dynamic_cast<weld::Label*>(pControl);
                else if ( !_bIgnoreIllegalArgument )
                    throw IllegalArgumentException();
            case PropFlags::Enabled:
                bool bEnabled = false;
                if ( rValue >>= bEnabled )
                    m_pFilePickerController->enableControl( nControlId, bEnabled );
                else if ( !_bIgnoreIllegalArgument )
                    throw IllegalArgumentException();
            case PropFlags::Visible:
                bool bVisible = false;
                if ( rValue >>= bVisible )
                    pControl->set_visible( bVisible );
                else if ( !_bIgnoreIllegalArgument )
                    throw IllegalArgumentException();
            case PropFlags::HelpUrl:
                OUString sHelpURL;
                if ( rValue >>= sHelpURL )
                    setHelpURL(pControl, sHelpURL);
                else if ( !_bIgnoreIllegalArgument )
                    throw IllegalArgumentException();
            case PropFlags::ListItems:
                weld::ComboBox* pComboBox = dynamic_cast<weld::ComboBox*>(pControl);
                assert(pComboBox && "OControlAccess::implSetControlProperty: invalid control/property combination!");
                Sequence< OUString > aItems;
                if ( rValue >>= aItems )
                    // remove all previous items
                    // add the new ones
                    for (auto const& item : aItems)
                else if ( !_bIgnoreIllegalArgument )
                    throw IllegalArgumentException();
            case PropFlags::SelectedItem:
                weld::ComboBox* pComboBox = dynamic_cast<weld::ComboBox*>(pControl);
                assert(pComboBox && "OControlAccess::implSetControlProperty: invalid control/property combination!");
                OUString sSelected;
                if ( rValue >>= sSelected )
                else if ( !_bIgnoreIllegalArgument )
                    throw IllegalArgumentException();
            case PropFlags::SelectedItemIndex:
                weld::ComboBox* pComboBox = dynamic_cast<weld::ComboBox*>(pControl);
                assert(pComboBox && "OControlAccess::implSetControlProperty: invalid control/property combination!");
                sal_Int32 nPos = 0;
                if ( rValue >>= nPos )
                else if ( !_bIgnoreIllegalArgument )
                    throw IllegalArgumentException();
            case PropFlags::Checked:
                weld::Toggleable* pToggleButton = dynamic_cast<weld::Toggleable*>(pControl);
                assert(pToggleButton && "OControlAccess::implSetControlProperty: invalid control/property combination!");
                bool bChecked = false;
                if ( rValue >>= bChecked )
                else if ( !_bIgnoreIllegalArgument )
                    throw IllegalArgumentException();
                OSL_FAIL( "OControlAccess::implSetControlProperty: invalid property id!" );
    Any OControlAccess::implGetControlProperty( weld::Widget const * pControl, PropFlags _nProperty ) const
        assert(pControl && "OControlAccess::implGetControlProperty: invalid argument, this will crash!");
        Any aReturn;
        switch ( _nProperty )
            case PropFlags::Text:
                const weld::Label* pLabel = dynamic_cast<const weld::Label*>(pControl);
                aReturn <<= pLabel->get_label();
            case PropFlags::Enabled:
                aReturn <<= pControl->get_sensitive();
            case PropFlags::Visible:
                aReturn <<= pControl->get_visible();
            case PropFlags::HelpUrl:
                aReturn <<= getHelpURL(pControl);
            case PropFlags::ListItems:
                const weld::ComboBox* pComboBox = dynamic_cast<const weld::ComboBox*>(pControl);
                assert(pComboBox && "OControlAccess::implGetControlProperty: invalid control/property combination!");
                Sequence< OUString > aItems(pComboBox->get_count());
                OUString* pItems = aItems.getArray();
                for (sal_Int32 i = 0; i < pComboBox->get_count(); ++i)
                    *pItems++ = pComboBox->get_text(i);
                aReturn <<= aItems;
            case PropFlags::SelectedItem:
                const weld::ComboBox* pComboBox = dynamic_cast<const weld::ComboBox*>(pControl);
                assert(pComboBox && "OControlAccess::implGetControlProperty: invalid control/property combination!");
                sal_Int32 nSelected = pComboBox->get_active();
                OUString sSelected;
                if (nSelected != -1)
                    sSelected = pComboBox->get_active_text();
                aReturn <<= sSelected;
            case PropFlags::SelectedItemIndex:
                const weld::ComboBox* pComboBox = dynamic_cast<const weld::ComboBox*>(pControl);
                assert(pComboBox && "OControlAccess::implGetControlProperty: invalid control/property combination!");
                sal_Int32 nSelected = pComboBox->get_active();
                if (nSelected != -1)
                    aReturn <<= nSelected;
                    aReturn <<= sal_Int32(-1);
            case PropFlags::Checked:
                const weld::Toggleable* pToggleButton = dynamic_cast<const weld::Toggleable*>(pControl);
                assert(pToggleButton && "OControlAccess::implGetControlProperty: invalid control/property combination!");
                aReturn <<= pToggleButton->get_active();
                OSL_FAIL( "OControlAccess::implGetControlProperty: invalid property id!" );
        return aReturn;
}   // namespace svt
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer 'pLabel'.

V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer 'pComboBox'.

V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer 'pComboBox'.

V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer 'pComboBox'.

V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer 'pToggleButton'.

V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer 'pLabel'.

V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer 'pComboBox'.

V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer 'pComboBox'.

V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer 'pComboBox'.

V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer 'pToggleButton'.