/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
* This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
* This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include "VCartesianAxis.hxx"
#include <PlottingPositionHelper.hxx>
#include <ShapeFactory.hxx>
#include <PropertyMapper.hxx>
#include <NumberFormatterWrapper.hxx>
#include <LabelPositionHelper.hxx>
#include <BaseGFXHelper.hxx>
#include <Axis.hxx>
#include <AxisHelper.hxx>
#include "Tickmarks_Equidistant.hxx"
#include <ExplicitCategoriesProvider.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/chart2/AxisType.hpp>
#include <o3tl/safeint.hxx>
#include <rtl/math.hxx>
#include <comphelper/diagnose_ex.hxx>
#include <tools/color.hxx>
#include <svx/unoshape.hxx>
#include <svx/unoshtxt.hxx>
#include <VSeriesPlotter.hxx>
#include <DataTableView.hxx>
#include <ChartModel.hxx>
#include <comphelper/scopeguard.hxx>
#include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolygon.hxx>
#include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolypolygon.hxx>
#include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolygontools.hxx>
#include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolygonclipper.hxx>
#include <basegfx/matrix/b2dhommatrix.hxx>
#include <basegfx/numeric/ftools.hxx>
#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
using namespace ::com::sun::star;
using ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference;
using ::basegfx::B2DVector;
using ::basegfx::B2DPolygon;
using ::basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon;
namespace chart {
VCartesianAxis::VCartesianAxis( const AxisProperties& rAxisProperties
, const Reference< util::XNumberFormatsSupplier >& xNumberFormatsSupplier
, sal_Int32 nDimensionIndex, sal_Int32 nDimensionCount
, PlottingPositionHelper* pPosHelper )//takes ownership
: VAxisBase( nDimensionIndex, nDimensionCount, rAxisProperties, xNumberFormatsSupplier )
if( pPosHelper )
m_pPosHelper = pPosHelper;
m_pPosHelper = new PlottingPositionHelper();
delete m_pPosHelper;
m_pPosHelper = nullptr;
static void lcl_ResizeTextShapeToFitAvailableSpace( SvxShapeText& rShape2DText,
const AxisLabelProperties& rAxisLabelProperties,
std::u16string_view rLabel,
const tNameSequence& rPropNames,
const tAnySequence& rPropValues,
const bool bIsHorizontalAxis )
bool bTextHorizontal = rAxisLabelProperties.m_fRotationAngleDegree != 0.0;
bool bIsDirectionVertical = bIsHorizontalAxis && bTextHorizontal;
const sal_Int32 nFullSize = bIsDirectionVertical ? rAxisLabelProperties.m_aFontReferenceSize.Height : rAxisLabelProperties.m_aFontReferenceSize.Width;
if( !nFullSize || rLabel.empty() )
const sal_Int32 nAvgCharWidth = rShape2DText.getSize().Width / rLabel.size();
sal_Int32 nMaxLabelsSize = bIsDirectionVertical ? rAxisLabelProperties.m_aMaximumSpaceForLabels.Height : rAxisLabelProperties.m_aMaximumSpaceForLabels.Width;
awt::Size aSizeAfterRotation = ShapeFactory::getSizeAfterRotation(rShape2DText, rAxisLabelProperties.m_fRotationAngleDegree);
const sal_Int32 nTextSize = bIsDirectionVertical ? aSizeAfterRotation.Height : aSizeAfterRotation.Width;
if( !nAvgCharWidth )
static constexpr OUString sDots = u"..."_ustr;
const sal_Int32 nCharsToRemove = ( nTextSize - nMaxLabelsSize ) / nAvgCharWidth + 1;
sal_Int32 nNewLen = rLabel.size() - nCharsToRemove - sDots.getLength();
// Prevent from showing only dots
if (nNewLen < 0)
nNewLen = ( sal_Int32(rLabel.size()) >= sDots.getLength() ) ? sDots.getLength() : rLabel.size();
bool bCrop = nCharsToRemove > 0;
if( !bCrop )
OUString aNewLabel( rLabel.substr( 0, nNewLen ) );
if( nNewLen > sDots.getLength() )
aNewLabel += sDots;
rShape2DText.setString( aNewLabel );
PropertyMapper::setMultiProperties( rPropNames, rPropValues, rShape2DText );
static rtl::Reference<SvxShapeText> createSingleLabel(
const rtl::Reference< SvxShapeGroupAnyD >& xTarget
, const awt::Point& rAnchorScreenPosition2D
, const OUString& rLabel
, const AxisLabelProperties& rAxisLabelProperties
, const AxisProperties& rAxisProperties
, const tNameSequence& rPropNames
, const tAnySequence& rPropValues
, const bool bIsHorizontalAxis
return nullptr;
// #i78696# use mathematically correct rotation now
const double fRotationAnglePi(-basegfx::deg2rad(rAxisLabelProperties.m_fRotationAngleDegree));
uno::Any aATransformation = ShapeFactory::makeTransformation( rAnchorScreenPosition2D, fRotationAnglePi );
OUString aLabel = ShapeFactory::getStackedString( rLabel, rAxisLabelProperties.m_bStackCharacters );
rtl::Reference<SvxShapeText> xShape2DText =
ShapeFactory::createText( xTarget, aLabel, rPropNames, rPropValues, aATransformation );
if( rAxisProperties.m_bLimitSpaceForLabels )
lcl_ResizeTextShapeToFitAvailableSpace(*xShape2DText, rAxisLabelProperties, aLabel, rPropNames, rPropValues, bIsHorizontalAxis);
LabelPositionHelper::correctPositionForRotation( xShape2DText
, rAxisProperties.maLabelAlignment.meAlignment, rAxisLabelProperties.m_fRotationAngleDegree, rAxisProperties.m_bComplexCategories );
return xShape2DText;
static bool lcl_doesShapeOverlapWithTickmark( SvxShape& rShape
, double fRotationAngleDegree
, const basegfx::B2DVector& rTickScreenPosition )
::basegfx::B2IRectangle aShapeRect = BaseGFXHelper::makeRectangle(rShape.getPosition(), ShapeFactory::getSizeAfterRotation( rShape, fRotationAngleDegree ));
basegfx::B2IVector aPosition(
static_cast<sal_Int32>( rTickScreenPosition.getX() )
, static_cast<sal_Int32>( rTickScreenPosition.getY() ) );
return aShapeRect.isInside(aPosition);
static void lcl_getRotatedPolygon( B2DPolygon &aPoly, const ::basegfx::B2DRectangle &aRect, const awt::Point &aPos, const double fRotationAngleDegree )
aPoly = basegfx::utils::createPolygonFromRect( aRect );
// For rotating the rectangle we use the opposite angle,
// since `B2DHomMatrix` class used for
// representing the transformation, performs rotations in the positive
// direction (from the X axis to the Y axis). However since the coordinate
// system used by the chart has the Y-axis pointing downward, a rotation in
// the positive direction means a clockwise rotation. On the contrary text
// labels are rotated counterclockwise.
// The rotation is performed around the top-left vertex of the rectangle
// which is then moved to its final position by using the top-left
// vertex of the text label bounding box (aPos) as the translation vector.
::basegfx::B2DHomMatrix aMatrix;
aMatrix.translate( aPos.X, aPos.Y);
aPoly.transform( aMatrix );
static bool doesOverlap( const rtl::Reference<SvxShapeText>& xShape1
, const rtl::Reference<SvxShapeText>& xShape2
, double fRotationAngleDegree )
if( !xShape1.is() || !xShape2.is() )
return false;
::basegfx::B2DRectangle aRect1( BaseGFXHelper::makeRectangle( awt::Point(0,0), xShape1->getSize()));
::basegfx::B2DRectangle aRect2( BaseGFXHelper::makeRectangle( awt::Point(0,0), xShape2->getSize()));
B2DPolygon aPoly1;
B2DPolygon aPoly2;
lcl_getRotatedPolygon( aPoly1, aRect1, xShape1->getPosition(), fRotationAngleDegree );
lcl_getRotatedPolygon( aPoly2, aRect2, xShape2->getPosition(), fRotationAngleDegree );
B2DPolyPolygon aPolyPoly1, aPolyPoly2;
aPolyPoly1.append( aPoly1 );
aPolyPoly2.append( aPoly2 );
B2DPolyPolygon overlapPoly = ::basegfx::utils::clipPolyPolygonOnPolyPolygon( aPolyPoly1, aPolyPoly2, true, false );
return (overlapPoly.count() > 0);
static void removeShapesAtWrongRhythm( TickIter& rIter
, sal_Int32 nCorrectRhythm
, sal_Int32 nMaxTickToCheck
, const rtl::Reference< SvxShapeGroupAnyD >& xTarget )
sal_Int32 nTick = 0;
for( TickInfo* pTickInfo = rIter.firstInfo()
; pTickInfo && nTick <= nMaxTickToCheck
; pTickInfo = rIter.nextInfo(), nTick++ )
//remove labels which does not fit into the rhythm
if( nTick%nCorrectRhythm != 0)
pTickInfo->xTextShape = nullptr;
namespace {
* If the labels are staggered and bInnerLine is true we iterate through
* only those labels that are closer to the diagram.
* If the labels are staggered and bInnerLine is false we iterate through
* only those that are farther from the diagram.
* If the labels are not staggered we iterate through all labels.
class LabelIterator : public TickIter
LabelIterator( TickInfoArrayType& rTickInfoVector
, const AxisLabelStaggering eAxisLabelStaggering
, bool bInnerLine );
virtual TickInfo* firstInfo() override;
virtual TickInfo* nextInfo() override;
private: //member
PureTickIter m_aPureTickIter;
const AxisLabelStaggering m_eAxisLabelStaggering;
bool m_bInnerLine;
LabelIterator::LabelIterator( TickInfoArrayType& rTickInfoVector
, const AxisLabelStaggering eAxisLabelStaggering
, bool bInnerLine )
: m_aPureTickIter( rTickInfoVector )
, m_eAxisLabelStaggering(eAxisLabelStaggering)
, m_bInnerLine(bInnerLine)
TickInfo* LabelIterator::firstInfo()
TickInfo* pTickInfo = m_aPureTickIter.firstInfo();
while( pTickInfo && !pTickInfo->xTextShape.is() )
pTickInfo = m_aPureTickIter.nextInfo();
return nullptr;
if( (m_eAxisLabelStaggering==AxisLabelStaggering::StaggerEven && m_bInnerLine)
(m_eAxisLabelStaggering==AxisLabelStaggering::StaggerOdd && !m_bInnerLine)
//skip first label
pTickInfo = m_aPureTickIter.nextInfo();
while( pTickInfo && !pTickInfo->xTextShape.is() );
return nullptr;
return pTickInfo;
TickInfo* LabelIterator::nextInfo()
TickInfo* pTickInfo = nullptr;
//get next label
pTickInfo = m_aPureTickIter.nextInfo();
while( pTickInfo && !pTickInfo->xTextShape.is() );
if( m_eAxisLabelStaggering==AxisLabelStaggering::StaggerEven
|| m_eAxisLabelStaggering==AxisLabelStaggering::StaggerOdd )
//skip one label
pTickInfo = m_aPureTickIter.nextInfo();
while( pTickInfo && !pTickInfo->xTextShape.is() );
return pTickInfo;
static B2DVector lcl_getLabelsDistance( TickIter& rIter, const B2DVector& rDistanceTickToText, double fRotationAngleDegree )
//calculates the height or width of a line of labels
//thus a following line of labels can be shifted for that distance
B2DVector aRet(0,0);
sal_Int32 nDistanceTickToText = static_cast<sal_Int32>( rDistanceTickToText.getLength() );
if( nDistanceTickToText==0.0)
return aRet;
B2DVector aStaggerDirection(rDistanceTickToText);
sal_Int32 nDistance=0;
rtl::Reference< SvxShapeText > xShape2DText;
for( TickInfo* pTickInfo = rIter.firstInfo()
; pTickInfo
; pTickInfo = rIter.nextInfo() )
xShape2DText = pTickInfo->xTextShape;
if( xShape2DText.is() )
awt::Size aSize = ShapeFactory::getSizeAfterRotation( *xShape2DText, fRotationAngleDegree );
nDistance = std::max(nDistance,aSize.Width);
nDistance = std::max(nDistance,aSize.Height);
aRet = aStaggerDirection*nDistance;
//add extra distance for vertical distance
aRet += rDistanceTickToText;
return aRet;
static void lcl_shiftLabels( TickIter& rIter, const B2DVector& rStaggerDistance )
for( TickInfo* pTickInfo = rIter.firstInfo()
; pTickInfo
; pTickInfo = rIter.nextInfo() )
const rtl::Reference<SvxShapeText>& xShape2DText = pTickInfo->xTextShape;
if( xShape2DText.is() )
awt::Point aPos = xShape2DText->getPosition();
aPos.X += static_cast<sal_Int32>(rStaggerDistance.getX());
aPos.Y += static_cast<sal_Int32>(rStaggerDistance.getY());
xShape2DText->setPosition( aPos );
static bool lcl_hasWordBreak( const rtl::Reference<SvxShapeText>& xShape )
if (!xShape.is())
return false;
SvxTextEditSource* pTextEditSource = dynamic_cast<SvxTextEditSource*>(xShape->GetEditSource());
if (!pTextEditSource)
return false;
SvxTextForwarder* pTextForwarder = pTextEditSource->GetTextForwarder();
if (!pTextForwarder)
return false;
sal_Int32 nParaCount = pTextForwarder->GetParagraphCount();
for ( sal_Int32 nPara = 0; nPara < nParaCount; ++nPara )
sal_Int32 nLineCount = pTextForwarder->GetLineCount( nPara );
for ( sal_Int32 nLine = 0; nLine < nLineCount; ++nLine )
sal_Int32 nLineStart = 0;
sal_Int32 nLineEnd = 0;
pTextForwarder->GetLineBoundaries( nLineStart, nLineEnd, nPara, nLine );
assert(nLineStart >= 0);
sal_Int32 nWordStart = 0;
sal_Int32 nWordEnd = 0;
if ( pTextForwarder->GetWordIndices( nPara, nLineStart, nWordStart, nWordEnd ) &&
( nWordStart != nLineStart ) )
return true;
return false;
static OUString getTextLabelString(
const FixedNumberFormatter& rFixedNumberFormatter, const uno::Sequence<OUString>* pCategories,
const TickInfo* pTickInfo, bool bComplexCat, Color& rExtraColor, bool& rHasExtraColor )
if (pCategories)
// This is a normal category axis. Get the label string from the
// label string array.
sal_Int32 nIndex = static_cast<sal_Int32>(pTickInfo->getUnscaledTickValue()) - 1; //first category (index 0) matches with real number 1.0
if( nIndex>=0 && nIndex<pCategories->getLength() )
return (*pCategories)[nIndex];
return OUString();
else if (bComplexCat)
// This is a complex category axis. The label is stored in the tick.
return pTickInfo->aText;
// This is a numeric axis. Format the original tick value per number format.
return rFixedNumberFormatter.getFormattedString(pTickInfo->getUnscaledTickValue(), rExtraColor, rHasExtraColor);
static void getAxisLabelProperties(
tNameSequence& rPropNames, tAnySequence& rPropValues, const AxisProperties& rAxisProp,
const AxisLabelProperties& rAxisLabelProp,
sal_Int32 nLimitedSpaceForText, bool bLimitedHeight )
Reference<beans::XPropertySet> xProps(rAxisProp.m_xAxisModel);
xProps, rPropNames, rPropValues, false, nLimitedSpaceForText, bLimitedHeight, false);
rPropValues, rPropNames, xProps, rAxisLabelProp.m_aFontReferenceSize);
rPropValues, rPropNames, rAxisProp.maLabelAlignment.meAlignment);
namespace {
* Iterate through only 3 ticks including the one that has the longest text
* length. When the first tick has the longest text, it iterates through
* the first 3 ticks. Otherwise it iterates through 3 ticks such that the
* 2nd tick is the one with the longest text.
class MaxLabelTickIter : public TickIter
MaxLabelTickIter( TickInfoArrayType& rTickInfoVector, size_t nLongestLabelIndex );
virtual TickInfo* firstInfo() override;
virtual TickInfo* nextInfo() override;
TickInfoArrayType& m_rTickInfoVector;
std::vector<size_t> m_aValidIndices;
size_t m_nCurrentIndex;
TickInfoArrayType& rTickInfoVector, size_t nLongestLabelIndex ) :
m_rTickInfoVector(rTickInfoVector), m_nCurrentIndex(0)
assert(!rTickInfoVector.empty()); // should be checked by the caller.
assert(nLongestLabelIndex < rTickInfoVector.size());
size_t nMaxIndex = m_rTickInfoVector.size()-1;
if (nLongestLabelIndex >= nMaxIndex-1)
nLongestLabelIndex = 0;
if (nLongestLabelIndex > 0)
while (m_aValidIndices.size() < 3)
if (nLongestLabelIndex > nMaxIndex)
TickInfo* MaxLabelTickIter::firstInfo()
m_nCurrentIndex = 0;
if (m_nCurrentIndex < m_aValidIndices.size())
return &m_rTickInfoVector[m_aValidIndices[m_nCurrentIndex]];
return nullptr;
TickInfo* MaxLabelTickIter::nextInfo()
if (m_nCurrentIndex < m_aValidIndices.size())
return &m_rTickInfoVector[m_aValidIndices[m_nCurrentIndex]];
return nullptr;
bool VCartesianAxis::isBreakOfLabelsAllowed(
const AxisLabelProperties& rAxisLabelProperties, bool bIsHorizontalAxis, bool bIsVerticalAxis) const
if( m_aTextLabels.getLength() > 100 )
return false;
if( !rAxisLabelProperties.m_bLineBreakAllowed )
return false;
if( rAxisLabelProperties.m_bStackCharacters )
return false;
//no break for value axis
if( !m_bUseTextLabels )
return false;
if( !( rAxisLabelProperties.m_fRotationAngleDegree == 0.0 ||
rAxisLabelProperties.m_fRotationAngleDegree == 90.0 ||
rAxisLabelProperties.m_fRotationAngleDegree == 270.0 ) )
return false;
//no break for complex vertical category axis
if( !m_aAxisProperties.m_bSwapXAndY )
return bIsHorizontalAxis;
else if( m_aAxisProperties.m_bSwapXAndY && !m_aAxisProperties.m_bComplexCategories )
return bIsVerticalAxis;
return false;
bool canAutoAdjustLabelPlacement(
const AxisLabelProperties& rAxisLabelProperties, bool bIsHorizontalAxis, bool bIsVerticalAxis)
// joined prerequisite checks for auto rotate and auto stagger
if( rAxisLabelProperties.m_bOverlapAllowed )
return false;
if( rAxisLabelProperties.m_bLineBreakAllowed ) // auto line break may conflict with...
return false;
if( rAxisLabelProperties.m_fRotationAngleDegree != 0.0 )
return false;
// automatic adjusting labels only works for
// horizontal axis with horizontal text
// or vertical axis with vertical text
if( bIsHorizontalAxis )
return !rAxisLabelProperties.m_bStackCharacters;
if( bIsVerticalAxis )
return rAxisLabelProperties.m_bStackCharacters;
return false;
bool isAutoStaggeringOfLabelsAllowed(
const AxisLabelProperties& rAxisLabelProperties, bool bIsHorizontalAxis, bool bIsVerticalAxis )
if( rAxisLabelProperties.m_eStaggering != AxisLabelStaggering::StaggerAuto )
return false;
return canAutoAdjustLabelPlacement(rAxisLabelProperties, bIsHorizontalAxis, bIsVerticalAxis);
// make clear that we check for auto rotation prerequisites
const auto& isAutoRotatingOfLabelsAllowed = canAutoAdjustLabelPlacement;
} // namespace
void VCartesianAxis::createAllTickInfosFromComplexCategories( TickInfoArraysType& rAllTickInfos, bool bShiftedPosition )
//no minor tickmarks will be generated!
//order is: inner labels first , outer labels last (that is different to all other TickIter cases)
sal_Int32 nLevel=0;
sal_Int32 nLevelCount = m_aAxisProperties.m_pExplicitCategoriesProvider->getCategoryLevelCount();
for( ; nLevel<nLevelCount; nLevel++ )
TickInfoArrayType aTickInfoVector;
const std::vector<ComplexCategory>* pComplexCategories =
if (!pComplexCategories)
sal_Int32 nCatIndex = 0;
for (auto const& complexCategory : *pComplexCategories)
TickInfo aTickInfo(nullptr);
sal_Int32 nCount = complexCategory.Count;
if( nCatIndex + 1.0 + nCount >= m_aScale.Maximum )
nCount = static_cast<sal_Int32>(m_aScale.Maximum - 1.0 - nCatIndex);
if( nCount <= 0 )
nCount = 1;
aTickInfo.fScaledTickValue = nCatIndex + 1.0 + nCount/2.0;
aTickInfo.nFactorForLimitedTextWidth = nCount;
aTickInfo.aText = complexCategory.Text;
nCatIndex += nCount;
if( nCatIndex + 1.0 >= m_aScale.Maximum )
else //bShiftedPosition==false
sal_Int32 nLevel=0;
sal_Int32 nLevelCount = m_aAxisProperties.m_pExplicitCategoriesProvider->getCategoryLevelCount();
for( ; nLevel<nLevelCount; nLevel++ )
TickInfoArrayType aTickInfoVector;
const std::vector<ComplexCategory>* pComplexCategories =
sal_Int32 nCatIndex = 0;
if (pComplexCategories)
for (auto const& complexCategory : *pComplexCategories)
TickInfo aTickInfo(nullptr);
aTickInfo.fScaledTickValue = nCatIndex + 1.0;
nCatIndex += complexCategory.Count;
if( nCatIndex + 1.0 > m_aScale.Maximum )
//fill up with single ticks until maximum scale
while( nCatIndex + 1.0 < m_aScale.Maximum )
TickInfo aTickInfo(nullptr);
aTickInfo.fScaledTickValue = nCatIndex + 1.0;
nCatIndex ++;
if( nLevel>0 )
//add an additional tick at the end
TickInfo aTickInfo(nullptr);
aTickInfo.fScaledTickValue = m_aScale.Maximum;
void VCartesianAxis::createAllTickInfos( TickInfoArraysType& rAllTickInfos )
if( isComplexCategoryAxis() )
createAllTickInfosFromComplexCategories( rAllTickInfos, false );
TickIter* VCartesianAxis::createLabelTickIterator( sal_Int32 nTextLevel )
if( nTextLevel>=0 && o3tl::make_unsigned(nTextLevel) < m_aAllTickInfos.size() )
return new PureTickIter( m_aAllTickInfos[nTextLevel] );
return nullptr;
TickIter* VCartesianAxis::createMaximumLabelTickIterator( sal_Int32 nTextLevel )
if( isComplexCategoryAxis() || isDateAxis() )
return createLabelTickIterator( nTextLevel ); //mmmm maybe todo: create less than all texts here
if( !m_aAllTickInfos.empty() )
size_t nLongestLabelIndex = m_bUseTextLabels ? getIndexOfLongestLabel(m_aTextLabels) : 0;
if (nLongestLabelIndex >= m_aAllTickInfos[0].size())
return nullptr;
return new MaxLabelTickIter( m_aAllTickInfos[0], nLongestLabelIndex );
return nullptr;
sal_Int32 VCartesianAxis::getTextLevelCount() const
sal_Int32 nTextLevelCount = 1;
if( isComplexCategoryAxis() )
nTextLevelCount = m_aAxisProperties.m_pExplicitCategoriesProvider->getCategoryLevelCount();
return nTextLevelCount;
bool VCartesianAxis::createTextShapes(
const rtl::Reference< SvxShapeGroupAnyD >& xTarget, TickIter& rTickIter,
AxisLabelProperties& rAxisLabelProperties, TickFactory2D const * pTickFactory,
sal_Int32 nScreenDistanceBetweenTicks )
const bool bIsHorizontalAxis = pTickFactory->isHorizontalAxis();
const bool bIsVerticalAxis = pTickFactory->isVerticalAxis();
if( m_bUseTextLabels && (m_aAxisProperties.m_eLabelPos == css::chart::ChartAxisLabelPosition_NEAR_AXIS ||
m_aAxisProperties.m_eLabelPos == css::chart::ChartAxisLabelPosition_OUTSIDE_START))
if (bIsHorizontalAxis)
rAxisLabelProperties.m_aMaximumSpaceForLabels.Y = pTickFactory->getXaxisStartPos().getY();
rAxisLabelProperties.m_aMaximumSpaceForLabels.Height = rAxisLabelProperties.m_aFontReferenceSize.Height - rAxisLabelProperties.m_aMaximumSpaceForLabels.Y;
else if (bIsVerticalAxis)
rAxisLabelProperties.m_aMaximumSpaceForLabels.X = 0;
rAxisLabelProperties.m_aMaximumSpaceForLabels.Width = pTickFactory->getXaxisStartPos().getX();
bool bIsBreakOfLabelsAllowed = isBreakOfLabelsAllowed( rAxisLabelProperties, bIsHorizontalAxis, bIsVerticalAxis );
if (!bIsBreakOfLabelsAllowed &&
!isAutoStaggeringOfLabelsAllowed(rAxisLabelProperties, bIsHorizontalAxis, bIsVerticalAxis) &&
return createTextShapesSimple(xTarget, rTickIter, rAxisLabelProperties, pTickFactory);
FixedNumberFormatter aFixedNumberFormatter(
m_xNumberFormatsSupplier, rAxisLabelProperties.m_nNumberFormatKey );
bool bIsStaggered = rAxisLabelProperties.isStaggered();
B2DVector aTextToTickDistance = pTickFactory->getDistanceAxisTickToText(m_aAxisProperties, true);
sal_Int32 nLimitedSpaceForText = -1;
if (bIsBreakOfLabelsAllowed)
if (!m_aAxisProperties.m_bLimitSpaceForLabels)
basegfx::B2DVector nDeltaVector = pTickFactory->getXaxisEndPos() - pTickFactory->getXaxisStartPos();
nLimitedSpaceForText = nDeltaVector.getX();
if (nScreenDistanceBetweenTicks > 0)
nLimitedSpaceForText = nScreenDistanceBetweenTicks;
if( bIsStaggered )
nLimitedSpaceForText *= 2;
if( nLimitedSpaceForText > 0 )
{ //reduce space for a small amount to have a visible distance between the labels:
sal_Int32 nReduce = (nLimitedSpaceForText*5)/100;
nReduce = 1;
nLimitedSpaceForText -= nReduce;
// recalculate the nLimitedSpaceForText in case of 90 and 270 degree if the text break is true
if ( rAxisLabelProperties.m_fRotationAngleDegree == 90.0 || rAxisLabelProperties.m_fRotationAngleDegree == 270.0 )
nLimitedSpaceForText = rAxisLabelProperties.m_aMaximumSpaceForLabels.Height;
m_aAxisProperties.m_bLimitSpaceForLabels = false;
// recalculate the nLimitedSpaceForText in case of vertical category axis if the text break is true
if ( m_aAxisProperties.m_bSwapXAndY && bIsVerticalAxis && rAxisLabelProperties.m_fRotationAngleDegree == 0.0 )
nLimitedSpaceForText = pTickFactory->getXaxisStartPos().getX();
m_aAxisProperties.m_bLimitSpaceForLabels = false;
// Stores an array of text label strings in case of a normal
// (non-complex) category axis.
const uno::Sequence<OUString>* pCategories = nullptr;
if( m_bUseTextLabels && !m_aAxisProperties.m_bComplexCategories )
pCategories = &m_aTextLabels;
bool bLimitedHeight;
if( !m_aAxisProperties.m_bSwapXAndY )
bLimitedHeight = fabs(aTextToTickDistance.getX()) > fabs(aTextToTickDistance.getY());
bLimitedHeight = fabs(aTextToTickDistance.getX()) < fabs(aTextToTickDistance.getY());
//prepare properties for multipropertyset-interface of shape
tNameSequence aPropNames;
tAnySequence aPropValues;
getAxisLabelProperties(aPropNames, aPropValues, m_aAxisProperties, rAxisLabelProperties, nLimitedSpaceForText, bLimitedHeight);
uno::Any* pColorAny = PropertyMapper::getValuePointer(aPropValues,aPropNames,u"CharColor");
Color nColor = COL_AUTO;
*pColorAny >>= nColor;
uno::Any* pLimitedSpaceAny = PropertyMapper::getValuePointerForLimitedSpace(aPropValues,aPropNames,bLimitedHeight);
const TickInfo* pPreviousVisibleTickInfo = nullptr;
const TickInfo* pPREPreviousVisibleTickInfo = nullptr;
sal_Int32 nTick = 0;
for( TickInfo* pTickInfo = rTickIter.firstInfo()
; pTickInfo
; pTickInfo = rTickIter.nextInfo(), nTick++ )
const TickInfo* pLastVisibleNeighbourTickInfo = bIsStaggered ?
pPREPreviousVisibleTickInfo : pPreviousVisibleTickInfo;
//don't create labels which does not fit into the rhythm
if( nTick%rAxisLabelProperties.m_nRhythm != 0 )
//don't create labels for invisible ticks
if( !pTickInfo->bPaintIt )
if( pLastVisibleNeighbourTickInfo && !rAxisLabelProperties.m_bOverlapAllowed )
// Overlapping is not allowed. If the label overlaps with its
// neighboring label, try increasing the tick interval (or rhythm
// as it's called) and start over.
if( lcl_doesShapeOverlapWithTickmark( *pLastVisibleNeighbourTickInfo->xTextShape
, rAxisLabelProperties.m_fRotationAngleDegree
, pTickInfo->aTickScreenPosition ) )
// This tick overlaps with its neighbor. Try to stagger (if
// auto staggering is allowed) to avoid overlapping.
bool bOverlapsAfterAutoStagger = true;
if( !bIsStaggered && isAutoStaggeringOfLabelsAllowed( rAxisLabelProperties, bIsHorizontalAxis, bIsVerticalAxis ) )
bIsStaggered = true;
rAxisLabelProperties.m_eStaggering = AxisLabelStaggering::StaggerEven;
pLastVisibleNeighbourTickInfo = pPREPreviousVisibleTickInfo;
if( !pLastVisibleNeighbourTickInfo ||
!lcl_doesShapeOverlapWithTickmark( *pLastVisibleNeighbourTickInfo->xTextShape
, rAxisLabelProperties.m_fRotationAngleDegree
, pTickInfo->aTickScreenPosition ) )
bOverlapsAfterAutoStagger = false;
if (bOverlapsAfterAutoStagger)
// Still overlaps with its neighbor even after staggering.
// Increment the visible tick intervals (if that's
// allowed) and start over.
removeShapesAtWrongRhythm( rTickIter, rAxisLabelProperties.m_nRhythm, nTick, xTarget );
return false;
bool bHasExtraColor=false;
Color nExtraColor;
OUString aLabel = getTextLabelString(
aFixedNumberFormatter, pCategories, pTickInfo, isComplexCategoryAxis(),
nExtraColor, bHasExtraColor);
*pColorAny <<= bHasExtraColor?nExtraColor:nColor;
*pLimitedSpaceAny <<= sal_Int32(nLimitedSpaceForText*pTickInfo->nFactorForLimitedTextWidth);
B2DVector aTickScreenPos2D = pTickInfo->aTickScreenPosition;
aTickScreenPos2D += aTextToTickDistance;
awt::Point aAnchorScreenPosition2D(
//create single label
pTickInfo->xTextShape = createSingleLabel( xTarget
, aAnchorScreenPosition2D, aLabel
, rAxisLabelProperties, m_aAxisProperties
, aPropNames, aPropValues, bIsHorizontalAxis );
recordMaximumTextSize( *pTickInfo->xTextShape, rAxisLabelProperties.m_fRotationAngleDegree );
// Label has multiple lines and the words are broken
if (nLimitedSpaceForText > 0
&& !rAxisLabelProperties.m_bOverlapAllowed
&& rAxisLabelProperties.m_fRotationAngleDegree == 0.0
&& nTick > 0
&& lcl_hasWordBreak(pTickInfo->xTextShape))
// Label has multiple lines and belongs to a complex category
// axis. Rotate 90 degrees to try to avoid overlaps.
if ( m_aAxisProperties.m_bComplexCategories )
rAxisLabelProperties.m_fRotationAngleDegree = 90;
rAxisLabelProperties.m_bLineBreakAllowed = false;
m_aAxisLabelProperties.m_fRotationAngleDegree = rAxisLabelProperties.m_fRotationAngleDegree;
return false;
//if NO OVERLAP -> remove overlapping shapes
if( pLastVisibleNeighbourTickInfo && !rAxisLabelProperties.m_bOverlapAllowed )
// Check if the label still overlaps with its neighbor.
if( doesOverlap( pLastVisibleNeighbourTickInfo->xTextShape, pTickInfo->xTextShape, rAxisLabelProperties.m_fRotationAngleDegree ) )
// It overlaps. Check if staggering helps.
bool bOverlapsAfterAutoStagger = true;
if( !bIsStaggered && isAutoStaggeringOfLabelsAllowed( rAxisLabelProperties, bIsHorizontalAxis, bIsVerticalAxis ) )
// Compatibility option: starting from LibreOffice 5.1 the rotated
// layout is preferred to staggering for axis labels.
if( !isAutoRotatingOfLabelsAllowed(rAxisLabelProperties, bIsHorizontalAxis, bIsVerticalAxis)
|| m_aAxisProperties.m_bTryStaggeringFirst )
bIsStaggered = true;
rAxisLabelProperties.m_eStaggering = AxisLabelStaggering::StaggerEven;
pLastVisibleNeighbourTickInfo = pPREPreviousVisibleTickInfo;
if( !pLastVisibleNeighbourTickInfo ||
!lcl_doesShapeOverlapWithTickmark( *pLastVisibleNeighbourTickInfo->xTextShape
, rAxisLabelProperties.m_fRotationAngleDegree
, pTickInfo->aTickScreenPosition ) )
bOverlapsAfterAutoStagger = false;
if (bOverlapsAfterAutoStagger)
// Staggering didn't solve the overlap.
if( isAutoRotatingOfLabelsAllowed(rAxisLabelProperties, bIsHorizontalAxis, bIsVerticalAxis) )
// Try auto-rotating the labels at 45 degrees and
// start over. This rotation angle will be stored for
// all future text shape creation runs.
// The nRhythm parameter is reset to 1 since the layout
// used for text labels is changed.
m_aAxisLabelProperties.m_fRotationAngleDegree = rAxisLabelProperties.m_fRotationAngleDegree; // Store it for future runs.
rAxisLabelProperties.m_nRhythm = 1;
return false;
// Try incrementing the tick interval and start over.
removeShapesAtWrongRhythm( rTickIter, rAxisLabelProperties.m_nRhythm, nTick, xTarget );
return false;
pPREPreviousVisibleTickInfo = pPreviousVisibleTickInfo;
pPreviousVisibleTickInfo = pTickInfo;
return true;
bool VCartesianAxis::createTextShapesSimple(
const rtl::Reference< SvxShapeGroupAnyD >& xTarget, TickIter& rTickIter,
AxisLabelProperties& rAxisLabelProperties, TickFactory2D const * pTickFactory )
FixedNumberFormatter aFixedNumberFormatter(
m_xNumberFormatsSupplier, rAxisLabelProperties.m_nNumberFormatKey );
const bool bIsHorizontalAxis = pTickFactory->isHorizontalAxis();
const bool bIsVerticalAxis = pTickFactory->isVerticalAxis();
B2DVector aTextToTickDistance = pTickFactory->getDistanceAxisTickToText(m_aAxisProperties, true);
// Stores an array of text label strings in case of a normal
// (non-complex) category axis.
const uno::Sequence<OUString>* pCategories = nullptr;
if( m_bUseTextLabels && !m_aAxisProperties.m_bComplexCategories )
pCategories = &m_aTextLabels;
bool bLimitedHeight = fabs(aTextToTickDistance.getX()) > fabs(aTextToTickDistance.getY());
//prepare properties for multipropertyset-interface of shape
tNameSequence aPropNames;
tAnySequence aPropValues;
getAxisLabelProperties(aPropNames, aPropValues, m_aAxisProperties, rAxisLabelProperties, -1, bLimitedHeight);
uno::Any* pColorAny = PropertyMapper::getValuePointer(aPropValues,aPropNames,u"CharColor");
Color nColor = COL_AUTO;
*pColorAny >>= nColor;
uno::Any* pLimitedSpaceAny = PropertyMapper::getValuePointerForLimitedSpace(aPropValues,aPropNames,bLimitedHeight);
const TickInfo* pPreviousVisibleTickInfo = nullptr;
sal_Int32 nTick = 0;
for( TickInfo* pTickInfo = rTickIter.firstInfo()
; pTickInfo
; pTickInfo = rTickIter.nextInfo(), nTick++ )
const TickInfo* pLastVisibleNeighbourTickInfo = pPreviousVisibleTickInfo;
//don't create labels which does not fit into the rhythm
if( nTick%rAxisLabelProperties.m_nRhythm != 0 )
//don't create labels for invisible ticks
if( !pTickInfo->bPaintIt )
if( pLastVisibleNeighbourTickInfo && !rAxisLabelProperties.m_bOverlapAllowed )
// Overlapping is not allowed. If the label overlaps with its
// neighboring label, try increasing the tick interval (or rhythm
// as it's called) and start over.
if( lcl_doesShapeOverlapWithTickmark( *pLastVisibleNeighbourTickInfo->xTextShape
, rAxisLabelProperties.m_fRotationAngleDegree
, pTickInfo->aTickScreenPosition ) )
// This tick overlaps with its neighbor. Increment the visible
// tick intervals (if that's allowed) and start over.
removeShapesAtWrongRhythm( rTickIter, rAxisLabelProperties.m_nRhythm, nTick, xTarget );
return false;
bool bHasExtraColor=false;
Color nExtraColor;
OUString aLabel = getTextLabelString(
aFixedNumberFormatter, pCategories, pTickInfo, isComplexCategoryAxis(),
nExtraColor, bHasExtraColor);
*pColorAny <<= bHasExtraColor?nExtraColor:nColor;
*pLimitedSpaceAny <<= sal_Int32(-1*pTickInfo->nFactorForLimitedTextWidth);
B2DVector aTickScreenPos2D = pTickInfo->aTickScreenPosition;
aTickScreenPos2D += aTextToTickDistance;
awt::Point aAnchorScreenPosition2D(
//create single label
pTickInfo->xTextShape = createSingleLabel( xTarget
, aAnchorScreenPosition2D, aLabel
, rAxisLabelProperties, m_aAxisProperties
, aPropNames, aPropValues, bIsHorizontalAxis );
recordMaximumTextSize( *pTickInfo->xTextShape, rAxisLabelProperties.m_fRotationAngleDegree );
//if NO OVERLAP -> remove overlapping shapes
if( pLastVisibleNeighbourTickInfo && !rAxisLabelProperties.m_bOverlapAllowed )
// Check if the label still overlaps with its neighbor.
if( doesOverlap( pLastVisibleNeighbourTickInfo->xTextShape, pTickInfo->xTextShape, rAxisLabelProperties.m_fRotationAngleDegree ) )
// It overlaps.
if( isAutoRotatingOfLabelsAllowed(rAxisLabelProperties, bIsHorizontalAxis, bIsVerticalAxis) )
// Try auto-rotating the labels at 45 degrees and
// start over. This rotation angle will be stored for
// all future text shape creation runs.
// The nRhythm parameter is reset to 1 since the layout
// used for text labels is changed.
m_aAxisLabelProperties.m_fRotationAngleDegree = rAxisLabelProperties.m_fRotationAngleDegree; // Store it for future runs.
rAxisLabelProperties.m_nRhythm = 1;
return false;
// Try incrementing the tick interval and start over.
removeShapesAtWrongRhythm( rTickIter, rAxisLabelProperties.m_nRhythm, nTick, xTarget );
return false;
pPreviousVisibleTickInfo = pTickInfo;
return true;
double VCartesianAxis::getAxisIntersectionValue() const
if (m_aAxisProperties.m_pfMainLinePositionAtOtherAxis)
return *m_aAxisProperties.m_pfMainLinePositionAtOtherAxis;
double fMin = (m_nDimensionIndex==1) ? m_pPosHelper->getLogicMinX() : m_pPosHelper->getLogicMinY();
double fMax = (m_nDimensionIndex==1) ? m_pPosHelper->getLogicMaxX() : m_pPosHelper->getLogicMaxY();
return (m_aAxisProperties.m_eCrossoverType == css::chart::ChartAxisPosition_END) ? fMax : fMin;
double VCartesianAxis::getLabelLineIntersectionValue() const
if (m_aAxisProperties.m_eLabelPos == css::chart::ChartAxisLabelPosition_OUTSIDE_START)
return (m_nDimensionIndex==1) ? m_pPosHelper->getLogicMinX() : m_pPosHelper->getLogicMinY();
if (m_aAxisProperties.m_eLabelPos == css::chart::ChartAxisLabelPosition_OUTSIDE_END)
return (m_nDimensionIndex==1) ? m_pPosHelper->getLogicMaxX() : m_pPosHelper->getLogicMaxY();
return getAxisIntersectionValue();
double VCartesianAxis::getExtraLineIntersectionValue() const
if( !m_aAxisProperties.m_pfExrtaLinePositionAtOtherAxis )
return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
double fMin = (m_nDimensionIndex==1) ? m_pPosHelper->getLogicMinX() : m_pPosHelper->getLogicMinY();
double fMax = (m_nDimensionIndex==1) ? m_pPosHelper->getLogicMaxX() : m_pPosHelper->getLogicMaxY();
if( *m_aAxisProperties.m_pfExrtaLinePositionAtOtherAxis <= fMin
|| *m_aAxisProperties.m_pfExrtaLinePositionAtOtherAxis >= fMax )
return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
return *m_aAxisProperties.m_pfExrtaLinePositionAtOtherAxis;
B2DVector VCartesianAxis::getScreenPosition( double fLogicX, double fLogicY, double fLogicZ ) const
B2DVector aRet(0,0);
if( m_pPosHelper )
drawing::Position3D aScenePos = m_pPosHelper->transformLogicToScene( fLogicX, fLogicY, fLogicZ, true );
if (m_xLogicTarget.is())
tPropertyNameMap aDummyPropertyNameMap;
rtl::Reference<Svx3DExtrudeObject> xShape3DAnchor = ShapeFactory::createCube( m_xLogicTarget
, aScenePos,drawing::Direction3D(1,1,1), 0, nullptr, aDummyPropertyNameMap);
awt::Point a2DPos = xShape3DAnchor->getPosition(); //get 2D position from xShape3DAnchor
aRet.setX( a2DPos.X );
aRet.setY( a2DPos.Y );
OSL_FAIL("cannot calculate screen position in VCartesianAxis::getScreenPosition");
aRet.setX( aScenePos.PositionX );
aRet.setY( aScenePos.PositionY );
return aRet;
VCartesianAxis::ScreenPosAndLogicPos VCartesianAxis::getScreenPosAndLogicPos( double fLogicX_, double fLogicY_, double fLogicZ_ ) const
ScreenPosAndLogicPos aRet;
aRet.fLogicX = fLogicX_;
aRet.fLogicY = fLogicY_;
aRet.fLogicZ = fLogicZ_;
aRet.aScreenPos = getScreenPosition( fLogicX_, fLogicY_, fLogicZ_ );
return aRet;
typedef std::vector< VCartesianAxis::ScreenPosAndLogicPos > tScreenPosAndLogicPosList;
namespace {
struct lcl_LessXPos
bool operator() ( const VCartesianAxis::ScreenPosAndLogicPos& rPos1, const VCartesianAxis::ScreenPosAndLogicPos& rPos2 )
return ( rPos1.aScreenPos.getX() < rPos2.aScreenPos.getX() );
struct lcl_GreaterYPos
bool operator() ( const VCartesianAxis::ScreenPosAndLogicPos& rPos1, const VCartesianAxis::ScreenPosAndLogicPos& rPos2 )
return ( rPos1.aScreenPos.getY() > rPos2.aScreenPos.getY() );
void VCartesianAxis::get2DAxisMainLine(
B2DVector& rStart, B2DVector& rEnd, AxisLabelAlignment& rAlignment, double fCrossesOtherAxis ) const
//m_aAxisProperties might get updated and changed here because
// the label alignment and inner direction sign depends exactly of the choice of the axis line position which is made here in this method
double const fMinX = m_pPosHelper->getLogicMinX();
double const fMinY = m_pPosHelper->getLogicMinY();
double const fMinZ = m_pPosHelper->getLogicMinZ();
double const fMaxX = m_pPosHelper->getLogicMaxX();
double const fMaxY = m_pPosHelper->getLogicMaxY();
double const fMaxZ = m_pPosHelper->getLogicMaxZ();
double fXOnXPlane = fMinX;
double fXOther = fMaxX;
int nDifferentValue = !m_pPosHelper->isMathematicalOrientationX() ? -1 : 1;
if( !m_pPosHelper->isSwapXAndY() )
nDifferentValue *= (m_eLeftWallPos != CuboidPlanePosition_Left) ? -1 : 1;
nDifferentValue *= (m_eBottomPos != CuboidPlanePosition_Bottom) ? -1 : 1;
if( nDifferentValue<0 )
fXOnXPlane = fMaxX;
fXOther = fMinX;
double fYOnYPlane = fMinY;
double fYOther = fMaxY;
nDifferentValue = !m_pPosHelper->isMathematicalOrientationY() ? -1 : 1;
if( !m_pPosHelper->isSwapXAndY() )
nDifferentValue *= (m_eBottomPos != CuboidPlanePosition_Bottom) ? -1 : 1;
nDifferentValue *= (m_eLeftWallPos != CuboidPlanePosition_Left) ? -1 : 1;
if( nDifferentValue<0 )
fYOnYPlane = fMaxY;
fYOther = fMinY;
double fZOnZPlane = fMaxZ;
double fZOther = fMinZ;
nDifferentValue = !m_pPosHelper->isMathematicalOrientationZ() ? -1 : 1;
nDifferentValue *= (m_eBackWallPos != CuboidPlanePosition_Back) ? -1 : 1;
if( nDifferentValue<0 )
fZOnZPlane = fMinZ;
fZOther = fMaxZ;
double fXStart = fMinX;
double fYStart = fMinY;
double fZStart = fMinZ;
double fXEnd;
double fYEnd;
double fZEnd = fZStart;
if( m_nDimensionIndex==0 ) //x-axis
if( fCrossesOtherAxis < fMinY )
fCrossesOtherAxis = fMinY;
else if( fCrossesOtherAxis > fMaxY )
fCrossesOtherAxis = fMaxY;
fYStart = fYEnd = fCrossesOtherAxis;
if( AxisHelper::isAxisPositioningEnabled() )
if( ::rtl::math::approxEqual( fYOther, fYStart) )
fZStart = fZEnd = fZOnZPlane;
fZStart = fZEnd = fZOther;
rStart = getScreenPosition( fXStart, fYStart, fZStart );
rEnd = getScreenPosition( fXEnd, fYEnd, fZEnd );
double fDeltaX = rEnd.getX() - rStart.getX();
double fDeltaY = rEnd.getY() - rStart.getY();
//only those points are candidates which are lying on exactly one wall as these are outer edges
tScreenPosAndLogicPosList aPosList { getScreenPosAndLogicPos( fMinX, fYOnYPlane, fZOther ), getScreenPosAndLogicPos( fMinX, fYOther, fZOnZPlane ) };
if( fabs(fDeltaY) > fabs(fDeltaX) )
rAlignment.meAlignment = LABEL_ALIGN_LEFT;
//choose most left positions
std::sort( aPosList.begin(), aPosList.end(), lcl_LessXPos() );
rAlignment.mfLabelDirection = (fDeltaY < 0) ? -1.0 : 1.0;
rAlignment.meAlignment = LABEL_ALIGN_BOTTOM;
//choose most bottom positions
std::sort( aPosList.begin(), aPosList.end(), lcl_GreaterYPos() );
rAlignment.mfLabelDirection = (fDeltaX < 0) ? -1.0 : 1.0;
ScreenPosAndLogicPos aBestPos( aPosList[0] );
fYStart = fYEnd = aBestPos.fLogicY;
fZStart = fZEnd = aBestPos.fLogicZ;
if( !m_pPosHelper->isMathematicalOrientationX() )
rAlignment.mfLabelDirection *= -1.0;
}//end 3D x axis
else if( m_nDimensionIndex==1 ) //y-axis
if( fCrossesOtherAxis < fMinX )
fCrossesOtherAxis = fMinX;
else if( fCrossesOtherAxis > fMaxX )
fCrossesOtherAxis = fMaxX;
fXStart = fXEnd = fCrossesOtherAxis;
if( AxisHelper::isAxisPositioningEnabled() )
if( ::rtl::math::approxEqual( fXOther, fXStart) )
fZStart = fZEnd = fZOnZPlane;
fZStart = fZEnd = fZOther;
rStart = getScreenPosition( fXStart, fYStart, fZStart );
rEnd = getScreenPosition( fXEnd, fYEnd, fZEnd );
double fDeltaX = rEnd.getX() - rStart.getX();
double fDeltaY = rEnd.getY() - rStart.getY();
//only those points are candidates which are lying on exactly one wall as these are outer edges
tScreenPosAndLogicPosList aPosList { getScreenPosAndLogicPos( fXOnXPlane, fMinY, fZOther ), getScreenPosAndLogicPos( fXOther, fMinY, fZOnZPlane ) };
if( fabs(fDeltaY) > fabs(fDeltaX) )
rAlignment.meAlignment = LABEL_ALIGN_LEFT;
//choose most left positions
std::sort( aPosList.begin(), aPosList.end(), lcl_LessXPos() );
rAlignment.mfLabelDirection = (fDeltaY < 0) ? -1.0 : 1.0;
rAlignment.meAlignment = LABEL_ALIGN_BOTTOM;
//choose most bottom positions
std::sort( aPosList.begin(), aPosList.end(), lcl_GreaterYPos() );
rAlignment.mfLabelDirection = (fDeltaX < 0) ? -1.0 : 1.0;
ScreenPosAndLogicPos aBestPos( aPosList[0] );
fXStart = fXEnd = aBestPos.fLogicX;
fZStart = fZEnd = aBestPos.fLogicZ;
if( !m_pPosHelper->isMathematicalOrientationY() )
rAlignment.mfLabelDirection *= -1.0;
}//end 3D y axis
else //z-axis
fZEnd = m_pPosHelper->getLogicMaxZ();
if( AxisHelper::isAxisPositioningEnabled() )
if( !m_aAxisProperties.m_bSwapXAndY )
if( fCrossesOtherAxis < fMinY )
fCrossesOtherAxis = fMinY;
else if( fCrossesOtherAxis > fMaxY )
fCrossesOtherAxis = fMaxY;
fYStart = fYEnd = fCrossesOtherAxis;
if( ::rtl::math::approxEqual( fYOther, fYStart) )
fXStart = fXEnd = fXOnXPlane;
fXStart = fXEnd = fXOther;
if( fCrossesOtherAxis < fMinX )
fCrossesOtherAxis = fMinX;
else if( fCrossesOtherAxis > fMaxX )
fCrossesOtherAxis = fMaxX;
fXStart = fXEnd = fCrossesOtherAxis;
if( ::rtl::math::approxEqual( fXOther, fXStart) )
fYStart = fYEnd = fYOnYPlane;
fYStart = fYEnd = fYOther;
if( !m_pPosHelper->isSwapXAndY() )
fXStart = fXEnd = m_pPosHelper->isMathematicalOrientationX() ? m_pPosHelper->getLogicMaxX() : m_pPosHelper->getLogicMinX();
fYStart = fYEnd = m_pPosHelper->isMathematicalOrientationY() ? m_pPosHelper->getLogicMinY() : m_pPosHelper->getLogicMaxY();
fXStart = fXEnd = m_pPosHelper->isMathematicalOrientationX() ? m_pPosHelper->getLogicMinX() : m_pPosHelper->getLogicMaxX();
fYStart = fYEnd = m_pPosHelper->isMathematicalOrientationY() ? m_pPosHelper->getLogicMaxY() : m_pPosHelper->getLogicMinY();
rStart = getScreenPosition( fXStart, fYStart, fZStart );
rEnd = getScreenPosition( fXEnd, fYEnd, fZEnd );
double fDeltaX = rEnd.getX() - rStart.getX();
//only those points are candidates which are lying on exactly one wall as these are outer edges
tScreenPosAndLogicPosList aPosList { getScreenPosAndLogicPos( fXOther, fYOnYPlane, fMinZ ), getScreenPosAndLogicPos( fXOnXPlane, fYOther, fMinZ ) };
std::sort( aPosList.begin(), aPosList.end(), lcl_GreaterYPos() );
ScreenPosAndLogicPos aBestPos( aPosList[0] );
ScreenPosAndLogicPos aNotSoGoodPos( aPosList[1] );
//choose most bottom positions
if( fDeltaX != 0.0 ) // prefer left-right alignments
if( aBestPos.aScreenPos.getX() > aNotSoGoodPos.aScreenPos.getX() )
rAlignment.meAlignment = LABEL_ALIGN_RIGHT;
rAlignment.meAlignment = LABEL_ALIGN_LEFT;
if( aBestPos.aScreenPos.getY() > aNotSoGoodPos.aScreenPos.getY() )
rAlignment.meAlignment = LABEL_ALIGN_BOTTOM;
rAlignment.meAlignment = LABEL_ALIGN_TOP;
rAlignment.mfLabelDirection = (fDeltaX < 0) ? -1.0 : 1.0;
if( !m_pPosHelper->isMathematicalOrientationZ() )
rAlignment.mfLabelDirection *= -1.0;
fXStart = fXEnd = aBestPos.fLogicX;
fYStart = fYEnd = aBestPos.fLogicY;
}//end 3D z axis
rStart = getScreenPosition( fXStart, fYStart, fZStart );
rEnd = getScreenPosition( fXEnd, fYEnd, fZEnd );
if(m_nDimension==3 && !AxisHelper::isAxisPositioningEnabled() )
rAlignment.mfInnerTickDirection = rAlignment.mfLabelDirection;//to behave like before
if(!(m_nDimension==3 && AxisHelper::isAxisPositioningEnabled()) )
double fDeltaX = rEnd.getX() - rStart.getX();
double fDeltaY = rEnd.getY() - rStart.getY();
if( m_nDimensionIndex==2 )
if( m_eLeftWallPos != CuboidPlanePosition_Left )
rAlignment.mfLabelDirection *= -1.0;
rAlignment.mfInnerTickDirection *= -1.0;
rAlignment.meAlignment =
(rAlignment.mfLabelDirection < 0) ?
if( ( fDeltaY<0 && m_aScale.Orientation == chart2::AxisOrientation_REVERSE ) ||
( fDeltaY>0 && m_aScale.Orientation == chart2::AxisOrientation_MATHEMATICAL ) )
rAlignment.meAlignment =
(rAlignment.meAlignment == LABEL_ALIGN_RIGHT) ?
else if( fabs(fDeltaY) > fabs(fDeltaX) )
if( m_eBackWallPos != CuboidPlanePosition_Back )
rAlignment.mfLabelDirection *= -1.0;
rAlignment.mfInnerTickDirection *= -1.0;
rAlignment.meAlignment =
(rAlignment.mfLabelDirection < 0) ?
if( ( fDeltaY<0 && m_aScale.Orientation == chart2::AxisOrientation_REVERSE ) ||
( fDeltaY>0 && m_aScale.Orientation == chart2::AxisOrientation_MATHEMATICAL ) )
rAlignment.meAlignment =
(rAlignment.meAlignment == LABEL_ALIGN_RIGHT) ?
if( m_eBackWallPos != CuboidPlanePosition_Back )
rAlignment.mfLabelDirection *= -1.0;
rAlignment.mfInnerTickDirection *= -1.0;
rAlignment.meAlignment =
(rAlignment.mfLabelDirection < 0) ?
if( ( fDeltaX>0 && m_aScale.Orientation == chart2::AxisOrientation_REVERSE ) ||
( fDeltaX<0 && m_aScale.Orientation == chart2::AxisOrientation_MATHEMATICAL ) )
rAlignment.meAlignment =
(rAlignment.meAlignment == LABEL_ALIGN_TOP) ?
TickFactory* VCartesianAxis::createTickFactory()
return createTickFactory2D();
TickFactory2D* VCartesianAxis::createTickFactory2D()
AxisLabelAlignment aLabelAlign = m_aAxisProperties.maLabelAlignment;
B2DVector aStart, aEnd;
get2DAxisMainLine(aStart, aEnd, aLabelAlign, getAxisIntersectionValue());
B2DVector aLabelLineStart, aLabelLineEnd;
get2DAxisMainLine(aLabelLineStart, aLabelLineEnd, aLabelAlign, getLabelLineIntersectionValue());
m_aAxisProperties.maLabelAlignment = aLabelAlign;
return new TickFactory2D( m_aScale, m_aIncrement, aStart, aEnd, aLabelLineStart-aStart );
static void lcl_hideIdenticalScreenValues( TickIter& rTickIter )
TickInfo* pPrevTickInfo = rTickIter.firstInfo();
if (!pPrevTickInfo)
pPrevTickInfo->bPaintIt = true;
for( TickInfo* pTickInfo = rTickIter.nextInfo(); pTickInfo; pTickInfo = rTickIter.nextInfo())
pTickInfo->bPaintIt = (pTickInfo->aTickScreenPosition != pPrevTickInfo->aTickScreenPosition);
pPrevTickInfo = pTickInfo;
//'hide' tickmarks with identical screen values in aAllTickInfos
void VCartesianAxis::hideIdenticalScreenValues( TickInfoArraysType& rTickInfos ) const
if( isComplexCategoryAxis() || isDateAxis() )
sal_Int32 nCount = rTickInfos.size();
for( sal_Int32 nN=0; nN<nCount; nN++ )
PureTickIter aTickIter( rTickInfos[nN] );
lcl_hideIdenticalScreenValues( aTickIter );
EquidistantTickIter aTickIter( rTickInfos, m_aIncrement, -1 );
lcl_hideIdenticalScreenValues( aTickIter );
sal_Int32 VCartesianAxis::estimateMaximumAutoMainIncrementCount()
sal_Int32 nRet = 10;
if( m_nMaximumTextWidthSoFar==0 && m_nMaximumTextHeightSoFar==0 )
return nRet;
B2DVector aStart, aEnd;
AxisLabelAlignment aLabelAlign = m_aAxisProperties.maLabelAlignment;
get2DAxisMainLine(aStart, aEnd, aLabelAlign, getAxisIntersectionValue());
m_aAxisProperties.maLabelAlignment = aLabelAlign;
sal_Int32 nMaxHeight = static_cast<sal_Int32>(fabs(aEnd.getY()-aStart.getY()));
sal_Int32 nMaxWidth = static_cast<sal_Int32>(fabs(aEnd.getX()-aStart.getX()));
sal_Int32 nTotalAvailable = nMaxHeight;
sal_Int32 nSingleNeeded = m_nMaximumTextHeightSoFar;
sal_Int32 nMaxSameLabel = 0;
// tdf#48041: do not duplicate the value labels because of rounding
if (m_aAxisProperties.m_nAxisType != css::chart2::AxisType::DATE)
FixedNumberFormatter aFixedNumberFormatterTest(m_xNumberFormatsSupplier, m_aAxisLabelProperties.m_nNumberFormatKey);
OUString sPreviousValueLabel;
sal_Int32 nSameLabel = 0;
for (auto const & nLabel: m_aAllTickInfos[0])
Color nColor = COL_AUTO;
bool bHasColor = false;
OUString sValueLabel = aFixedNumberFormatterTest.getFormattedString(nLabel.fScaledTickValue, nColor, bHasColor);
if (sValueLabel == sPreviousValueLabel)
if (nSameLabel > nMaxSameLabel)
nMaxSameLabel = nSameLabel;
nSameLabel = 0;
sPreviousValueLabel = sValueLabel;
//for horizontal axis:
if( (m_nDimensionIndex == 0 && !m_aAxisProperties.m_bSwapXAndY)
|| (m_nDimensionIndex == 1 && m_aAxisProperties.m_bSwapXAndY) )
nTotalAvailable = nMaxWidth;
nSingleNeeded = m_nMaximumTextWidthSoFar;
if( nSingleNeeded>0 )
nRet = nTotalAvailable/nSingleNeeded;
if ( nMaxSameLabel > 0 )
sal_Int32 nRetNoSameLabel = m_aAllTickInfos[0].size() / (nMaxSameLabel + 1);
if ( nRet > nRetNoSameLabel )
nRet = nRetNoSameLabel;
return nRet;
void VCartesianAxis::doStaggeringOfLabels( const AxisLabelProperties& rAxisLabelProperties, TickFactory2D const * pTickFactory2D )
if( !pTickFactory2D )
if( isComplexCategoryAxis() )
sal_Int32 nTextLevelCount = getTextLevelCount();
B2DVector aCumulatedLabelsDistance(0,0);
for( sal_Int32 nTextLevel=0; nTextLevel<nTextLevelCount; nTextLevel++ )
std::unique_ptr<TickIter> apTickIter(createLabelTickIterator(nTextLevel));
if (apTickIter)
double fRotationAngleDegree = m_aAxisLabelProperties.m_fRotationAngleDegree;
if( nTextLevel>0 )
lcl_shiftLabels(*apTickIter, aCumulatedLabelsDistance);
//multilevel labels: 0 or 90 by default
if( m_aAxisProperties.m_bSwapXAndY )
fRotationAngleDegree = 90.0;
fRotationAngleDegree = 0.0;
aCumulatedLabelsDistance += lcl_getLabelsDistance(
*apTickIter, pTickFactory2D->getDistanceAxisTickToText(m_aAxisProperties),
else if (rAxisLabelProperties.isStaggered())
if( !m_aAllTickInfos.empty() )
LabelIterator aInnerIter( m_aAllTickInfos[0], rAxisLabelProperties.m_eStaggering, true );
LabelIterator aOuterIter( m_aAllTickInfos[0], rAxisLabelProperties.m_eStaggering, false );
lcl_shiftLabels( aOuterIter
, lcl_getLabelsDistance( aInnerIter
, pTickFactory2D->getDistanceAxisTickToText( m_aAxisProperties ), 0.0 ) );
void VCartesianAxis::createDataTableShape(std::unique_ptr<TickFactory2D> const& rpTickFactory2D)
// Check if we can create the data table shape
// Data table view and m_bDisplayDataTable must be true
if (!m_pDataTableView || !m_aAxisProperties.m_bDisplayDataTable)
basegfx::B2DVector aStart = rpTickFactory2D->getXaxisStartPos();
basegfx::B2DVector aEnd = rpTickFactory2D->getXaxisEndPos();
sal_Int32 nDistance = -1;
std::unique_ptr<TickIter> apTickIter(createLabelTickIterator(0));
if (apTickIter)
nDistance = TickFactory2D::getTickScreenDistance(*apTickIter);
if (getTextLevelCount() > 1)
nDistance *= 2;
if (nDistance <= 0)
// we only have one data series so we have no TickMarks, therefore calculate and use the table size
auto rDelta = aEnd - aStart;
nDistance = basegfx::fround(rDelta.getX());
if (nDistance > 0)
m_pDataTableView->createShapes(aStart, aEnd, nDistance);
void VCartesianAxis::createLabels()
if( !prepareShapeCreation() )
std::unique_ptr<TickFactory2D> apTickFactory2D(createTickFactory2D()); // throws on failure
//create labels
if (!m_aAxisProperties.m_bDisplayLabels)
TickFactory2D* pTickFactory2D = apTickFactory2D.get();
//get the transformed screen values for all tickmarks in aAllTickInfos
pTickFactory2D->updateScreenValues( m_aAllTickInfos );
//'hide' tickmarks with identical screen values in aAllTickInfos
hideIdenticalScreenValues( m_aAllTickInfos );
//create tick mark text shapes
sal_Int32 nTextLevelCount = getTextLevelCount();
sal_Int32 nScreenDistanceBetweenTicks = -1;
for( sal_Int32 nTextLevel=0; nTextLevel<nTextLevelCount; nTextLevel++ )
std::unique_ptr< TickIter > apTickIter(createLabelTickIterator( nTextLevel ));
nScreenDistanceBetweenTicks = TickFactory2D::getTickScreenDistance(*apTickIter);
if( nTextLevelCount>1 )
nScreenDistanceBetweenTicks*=2; //the above used tick iter does contain also the sub ticks -> thus the given distance is only the half
AxisLabelProperties aComplexProps(m_aAxisLabelProperties);
if( m_aAxisProperties.m_bComplexCategories )
aComplexProps.m_bLineBreakAllowed = true;
aComplexProps.m_bOverlapAllowed = aComplexProps.m_fRotationAngleDegree != 0.0;
if( nTextLevel > 0 )
//multilevel labels: 0 or 90 by default
if( m_aAxisProperties.m_bSwapXAndY )
aComplexProps.m_fRotationAngleDegree = 90.0;
aComplexProps.m_fRotationAngleDegree = 0.0;
AxisLabelProperties& rAxisLabelProperties = m_aAxisProperties.m_bComplexCategories ? aComplexProps : m_aAxisLabelProperties;
while (!createTextShapes(m_xTextTarget, *apTickIter, rAxisLabelProperties,
pTickFactory2D, nScreenDistanceBetweenTicks))
doStaggeringOfLabels( m_aAxisLabelProperties, pTickFactory2D );
if (m_pDataTableView)
sal_Int32 x = m_xTextTarget->getPosition().X;
sal_Int32 y = m_xTextTarget->getPosition().Y;
sal_Int32 height = m_xTextTarget->getSize().Height;
m_pDataTableView->changePosition(x, y + height);
void VCartesianAxis::createMaximumLabels()
m_bRecordMaximumTextSize = true;
const comphelper::ScopeGuard aGuard([this]() { m_bRecordMaximumTextSize = false; });
if( !prepareShapeCreation() )
//create labels
if (!m_aAxisProperties.m_bDisplayLabels)
std::unique_ptr<TickFactory2D> apTickFactory2D(createTickFactory2D()); // throws on failure
TickFactory2D* pTickFactory2D = apTickFactory2D.get();
//get the transformed screen values for all tickmarks in aAllTickInfos
pTickFactory2D->updateScreenValues( m_aAllTickInfos );
//create tick mark text shapes
//@todo: iterate through all tick depth which should be labeled
AxisLabelProperties aAxisLabelProperties( m_aAxisLabelProperties );
if( isAutoStaggeringOfLabelsAllowed( aAxisLabelProperties, pTickFactory2D->isHorizontalAxis(), pTickFactory2D->isVerticalAxis() ) )
aAxisLabelProperties.m_eStaggering = AxisLabelStaggering::StaggerEven;
aAxisLabelProperties.m_bOverlapAllowed = true;
aAxisLabelProperties.m_bLineBreakAllowed = false;
sal_Int32 nTextLevelCount = getTextLevelCount();
for( sal_Int32 nTextLevel=0; nTextLevel<nTextLevelCount; nTextLevel++ )
std::unique_ptr< TickIter > apTickIter(createMaximumLabelTickIterator( nTextLevel ));
while (!createTextShapes(m_xTextTarget, *apTickIter, aAxisLabelProperties,
pTickFactory2D, -1))
doStaggeringOfLabels( aAxisLabelProperties, pTickFactory2D );
void VCartesianAxis::updatePositions()
//update positions of labels
if (!m_aAxisProperties.m_bDisplayLabels)
std::unique_ptr<TickFactory2D> apTickFactory2D(createTickFactory2D()); // throws on failure
TickFactory2D* pTickFactory2D = apTickFactory2D.get();
//update positions of all existing text shapes
pTickFactory2D->updateScreenValues( m_aAllTickInfos );
sal_Int32 nDepth=0;
for (auto const& tickInfos : m_aAllTickInfos)
for (auto const& tickInfo : tickInfos)
const rtl::Reference<SvxShapeText> & xShape2DText(tickInfo.xTextShape);
if( xShape2DText.is() )
B2DVector aTextToTickDistance( pTickFactory2D->getDistanceAxisTickToText( m_aAxisProperties, true ) );
B2DVector aTickScreenPos2D(tickInfo.aTickScreenPosition);
aTickScreenPos2D += aTextToTickDistance;
awt::Point aAnchorScreenPosition2D(
double fRotationAngleDegree = m_aAxisLabelProperties.m_fRotationAngleDegree;
if( nDepth > 0 )
//multilevel labels: 0 or 90 by default
if( pTickFactory2D->isHorizontalAxis() )
fRotationAngleDegree = 0.0;
fRotationAngleDegree = 90;
// #i78696# use mathematically correct rotation now
const double fRotationAnglePi(-basegfx::deg2rad(fRotationAngleDegree));
uno::Any aATransformation = ShapeFactory::makeTransformation(aAnchorScreenPosition2D, fRotationAnglePi);
//set new position
xShape2DText->SvxShape::setPropertyValue( u"Transformation"_ustr, aATransformation );
catch( const uno::Exception& )
TOOLS_WARN_EXCEPTION("chart2", "" );
LabelPositionHelper::correctPositionForRotation( xShape2DText
, m_aAxisProperties.maLabelAlignment.meAlignment, fRotationAngleDegree, m_aAxisProperties.m_bComplexCategories );
doStaggeringOfLabels( m_aAxisLabelProperties, pTickFactory2D );
void VCartesianAxis::createTickMarkLineShapes( TickInfoArrayType& rTickInfos, const TickmarkProperties& rTickmarkProperties, TickFactory2D const & rTickFactory2D, bool bOnlyAtLabels )
sal_Int32 nPointCount = rTickInfos.size();
drawing::PointSequenceSequence aPoints(2*nPointCount);
sal_Int32 nN = 0;
for (auto const& tickInfo : rTickInfos)
if( !tickInfo.bPaintIt )
bool bTicksAtLabels = ( m_aAxisProperties.m_eTickmarkPos != css::chart::ChartAxisMarkPosition_AT_AXIS );
double fInnerDirectionSign = m_aAxisProperties.maLabelAlignment.mfInnerTickDirection;
if( bTicksAtLabels && m_aAxisProperties.m_eLabelPos == css::chart::ChartAxisLabelPosition_OUTSIDE_END )
fInnerDirectionSign *= -1.0;
bTicksAtLabels = bTicksAtLabels || bOnlyAtLabels;
//add ticks at labels:
rTickFactory2D.addPointSequenceForTickLine( aPoints, nN++, tickInfo.fScaledTickValue
, fInnerDirectionSign , rTickmarkProperties, bTicksAtLabels );
//add ticks at axis (without labels):
if( !bOnlyAtLabels && m_aAxisProperties.m_eTickmarkPos == css::chart::ChartAxisMarkPosition_AT_LABELS_AND_AXIS )
rTickFactory2D.addPointSequenceForTickLine( aPoints, nN++, tickInfo.fScaledTickValue
, m_aAxisProperties.maLabelAlignment.mfInnerTickDirection, rTickmarkProperties, !bTicksAtLabels );
ShapeFactory::createLine2D( m_xGroupShape_Shapes, aPoints
, &rTickmarkProperties.aLineProperties );
void VCartesianAxis::createShapes()
if( !prepareShapeCreation() )
//create line shapes
std::unique_ptr<TickFactory2D> apTickFactory2D(createTickFactory2D()); // throws on failure
TickFactory2D* pTickFactory2D = apTickFactory2D.get();
//create extra long ticks to separate complex categories (create them only there where the labels are)
if( isComplexCategoryAxis() )
TickInfoArraysType aComplexTickInfos;
createAllTickInfosFromComplexCategories( aComplexTickInfos, true );
pTickFactory2D->updateScreenValues( aComplexTickInfos );
hideIdenticalScreenValues( aComplexTickInfos );
std::vector<TickmarkProperties> aTickmarkPropertiesList;
static const bool bIncludeSpaceBetweenTickAndText = false;
sal_Int32 nOffset = static_cast<sal_Int32>(pTickFactory2D->getDistanceAxisTickToText( m_aAxisProperties, false, bIncludeSpaceBetweenTickAndText ).getLength());
sal_Int32 nTextLevelCount = getTextLevelCount();
for( sal_Int32 nTextLevel=0; nTextLevel<nTextLevelCount; nTextLevel++ )
std::unique_ptr< TickIter > apTickIter(createLabelTickIterator( nTextLevel ));
if( apTickIter )
double fRotationAngleDegree = m_aAxisLabelProperties.m_fRotationAngleDegree;
if( nTextLevel > 0 )
//Multi-level Labels: default to 0 or 90
if( m_aAxisProperties.m_bSwapXAndY )
fRotationAngleDegree = 90.0;
fRotationAngleDegree = 0.0;
B2DVector aLabelsDistance(lcl_getLabelsDistance(
*apTickIter, pTickFactory2D->getDistanceAxisTickToText(m_aAxisProperties),
sal_Int32 nCurrentLength = static_cast<sal_Int32>(aLabelsDistance.getLength());
aTickmarkPropertiesList.push_back( m_aAxisProperties.makeTickmarkPropertiesForComplexCategories( nOffset + nCurrentLength, 0 ) );
nOffset += nCurrentLength;
sal_Int32 nTickmarkPropertiesCount = aTickmarkPropertiesList.size();
TickInfoArraysType::iterator aDepthIter = aComplexTickInfos.begin();
const TickInfoArraysType::const_iterator aDepthEnd = aComplexTickInfos.end();
for( sal_Int32 nDepth=0; aDepthIter != aDepthEnd && nDepth < nTickmarkPropertiesCount; ++aDepthIter, nDepth++ )
if(nDepth==0 && !m_aAxisProperties.m_nMajorTickmarks)
createTickMarkLineShapes( *aDepthIter, aTickmarkPropertiesList[nDepth], *pTickFactory2D, true /*bOnlyAtLabels*/ );
//create normal ticks for major and minor intervals
TickInfoArraysType aUnshiftedTickInfos;
if( m_aScale.m_bShiftedCategoryPosition )// if m_bShiftedCategoryPosition==true the tickmarks in m_aAllTickInfos are shifted
pTickFactory2D->getAllTicks( aUnshiftedTickInfos );
pTickFactory2D->updateScreenValues( aUnshiftedTickInfos );
hideIdenticalScreenValues( aUnshiftedTickInfos );
TickInfoArraysType& rAllTickInfos = m_aScale.m_bShiftedCategoryPosition ? aUnshiftedTickInfos : m_aAllTickInfos;
if (rAllTickInfos.empty())
sal_Int32 nDepth = 0;
sal_Int32 nTickmarkPropertiesCount = m_aAxisProperties.m_aTickmarkPropertiesList.size();
for( auto& rTickInfos : rAllTickInfos )
if (nDepth == nTickmarkPropertiesCount)
createTickMarkLineShapes( rTickInfos, m_aAxisProperties.m_aTickmarkPropertiesList[nDepth], *pTickFactory2D, false /*bOnlyAtLabels*/ );
//create axis main lines
//it serves also as the handle shape for the axis selection
drawing::PointSequenceSequence aPoints(1);
apTickFactory2D->createPointSequenceForAxisMainLine( aPoints );
rtl::Reference<SvxShapePolyPolygon> xShape = ShapeFactory::createLine2D(
m_xGroupShape_Shapes, aPoints
, &m_aAxisProperties.m_aLineProperties );
//because of this name this line will be used for marking the axis
::chart::ShapeFactory::setShapeName( xShape, u"MarkHandles"_ustr );
//create an additional line at NULL
if( !AxisHelper::isAxisPositioningEnabled() )
double fExtraLineCrossesOtherAxis = getExtraLineIntersectionValue();
if (!std::isnan(fExtraLineCrossesOtherAxis))
B2DVector aStart, aEnd;
AxisLabelAlignment aLabelAlign = m_aAxisProperties.maLabelAlignment;
get2DAxisMainLine(aStart, aEnd, aLabelAlign, fExtraLineCrossesOtherAxis);
m_aAxisProperties.maLabelAlignment = aLabelAlign;
drawing::PointSequenceSequence aPoints{{
{static_cast<sal_Int32>(aStart.getX()), static_cast<sal_Int32>(aStart.getY())},
{static_cast<sal_Int32>(aEnd.getX()), static_cast<sal_Int32>(aEnd.getY())} }};
m_xGroupShape_Shapes, aPoints, &m_aAxisProperties.m_aLineProperties );
void VCartesianAxis::createDataTableView(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<VSeriesPlotter>>& rSeriesPlotterList,
Reference<util::XNumberFormatsSupplier> const& xNumberFormatsSupplier,
rtl::Reference<::chart::ChartModel> const& xChartDoc,
css::uno::Reference<css::uno::XComponentContext> const& rComponentContext)
if (!m_aAxisProperties.m_bDisplayDataTable)
m_pDataTableView.reset(new DataTableView(xChartDoc, m_aAxisProperties.m_xDataTableModel, rComponentContext, m_aAxisProperties.m_bDataTableAlignAxisValuesWithColumns));
m_xNumberFormatsSupplier = xNumberFormatsSupplier;
} //namespace chart
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
↑ V530 The return value of function 'normalize' is required to be utilized.
↑ V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: m_aAxisProperties.m_bSwapXAndY.