/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
* This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
* This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <rtl/ref.hxx>
#include <cppuhelper/weakref.hxx>
#include <utility>
#include <vcl/window.hxx>
#include <svx/svdmodel.hxx>
#include <svx/unomod.hxx>
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <list>
#include <vector>
#include <accmap.hxx>
#include "acccontext.hxx"
#include "accdoc.hxx"
#include <strings.hrc>
#include "accpreview.hxx"
#include "accpage.hxx"
#include "accpara.hxx"
#include "accheaderfooter.hxx"
#include "accfootnote.hxx"
#include "acctextframe.hxx"
#include "accgraphic.hxx"
#include "accembedded.hxx"
#include "acccell.hxx"
#include "acctable.hxx"
#include <fesh.hxx>
#include <istype.hxx>
#include <rootfrm.hxx>
#include <txtfrm.hxx>
#include <hffrm.hxx>
#include <ftnfrm.hxx>
#include <cellfrm.hxx>
#include <tabfrm.hxx>
#include <pagefrm.hxx>
#include <flyfrm.hxx>
#include <ndtyp.hxx>
#include <IDocumentDrawModelAccess.hxx>
#include <svx/AccessibleShapeInfo.hxx>
#include <svx/ShapeTypeHandler.hxx>
#include <svx/SvxShapeTypes.hxx>
#include <svx/svdpage.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/accessibility/AccessibleEventId.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/accessibility/AccessibleStateType.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/accessibility/AccessibleRole.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/beans/XPropertySet.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/document/XShapeEventBroadcaster.hpp>
#include <cppuhelper/implbase.hxx>
#include <comphelper/interfacecontainer4.hxx>
#include <pagepreviewlayout.hxx>
#include <dcontact.hxx>
#include <svx/svdmark.hxx>
#include <doc.hxx>
#include <drawdoc.hxx>
#include <pam.hxx>
#include <ndtxt.hxx>
#include <dflyobj.hxx>
#include <prevwpage.hxx>
#include <calbck.hxx>
#include <undobj.hxx>
#include <comphelper/diagnose_ex.hxx>
#include <tools/debug.hxx>
using namespace ::com::sun::star;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::accessibility;
using namespace ::sw::access;
class SwAccessibleContextMap_Impl
typedef const SwFrame * key_type;
typedef unotools::WeakReference < SwAccessibleContext > mapped_type;
typedef std::pair<const key_type,mapped_type> value_type;
typedef std::unordered_map<key_type, mapped_type>::iterator iterator;
typedef std::unordered_map<key_type, mapped_type>::const_iterator const_iterator;
std::unordered_map <key_type, mapped_type> maMap;
bool mbLocked;
: mbLocked( false )
iterator begin() { return maMap.begin(); }
iterator end() { return maMap.end(); }
bool empty() const { return maMap.empty(); }
void clear() { maMap.clear(); }
iterator find(const key_type& key) { return maMap.find(key); }
template<class... Args>
std::pair<iterator,bool> emplace(Args&&... args) { return maMap.emplace(std::forward<Args>(args)...); }
iterator erase(const_iterator const & pos) { return maMap.erase(pos); }
namespace {
class SwDrawModellListener_Impl : public SfxListener,
public ::cppu::WeakImplHelper< document::XShapeEventBroadcaster >
mutable std::mutex maListenerMutex;
::comphelper::OInterfaceContainerHelper4<css::document::XEventListener> maEventListeners;
std::unordered_multimap<css::uno::Reference< css::drawing::XShape >, css::uno::Reference< css::document::XShapeEventListener >> maShapeListeners;
SdrModel *mpDrawModel;
virtual ~SwDrawModellListener_Impl() override;
explicit SwDrawModellListener_Impl( SdrModel& rDrawModel );
// css::document::XEventBroadcaster
virtual void SAL_CALL addEventListener( const uno::Reference< document::XEventListener >& xListener ) override;
virtual void SAL_CALL removeEventListener( const uno::Reference< document::XEventListener >& xListener ) override;
// css::document::XShapeEventBroadcaster
virtual void SAL_CALL addShapeEventListener( const css::uno::Reference< css::drawing::XShape >& xShape, const css::uno::Reference< css::document::XShapeEventListener >& xListener ) override;
virtual void SAL_CALL removeShapeEventListener( const css::uno::Reference< css::drawing::XShape >& xShape, const css::uno::Reference< css::document::XShapeEventListener >& xListener ) override;
virtual void Notify( SfxBroadcaster& rBC, const SfxHint& rHint ) override;
void Dispose();
SwDrawModellListener_Impl::SwDrawModellListener_Impl( SdrModel& rDrawModel ) :
mpDrawModel( &rDrawModel )
StartListening( *mpDrawModel );
void SAL_CALL SwDrawModellListener_Impl::addEventListener( const uno::Reference< document::XEventListener >& xListener )
std::unique_lock g(maListenerMutex);
maEventListeners.addInterface( g, xListener );
void SAL_CALL SwDrawModellListener_Impl::removeEventListener( const uno::Reference< document::XEventListener >& xListener )
std::unique_lock g(maListenerMutex);
maEventListeners.removeInterface( g, xListener );
void SAL_CALL SwDrawModellListener_Impl::addShapeEventListener(
const css::uno::Reference< css::drawing::XShape >& xShape,
const uno::Reference< document::XShapeEventListener >& xListener )
assert(xShape.is() && "no shape?");
std::unique_lock aGuard(maListenerMutex);
maShapeListeners.emplace(xShape, xListener);
void SAL_CALL SwDrawModellListener_Impl::removeShapeEventListener(
const css::uno::Reference< css::drawing::XShape >& xShape,
const uno::Reference< document::XShapeEventListener >& xListener )
std::unique_lock aGuard(maListenerMutex);
auto [itBegin, itEnd] = maShapeListeners.equal_range(xShape);
for (auto it = itBegin; it != itEnd; ++it)
if (it->second == xListener)
void SwDrawModellListener_Impl::Notify( SfxBroadcaster& /*rBC*/,
const SfxHint& rHint )
// do not broadcast notifications for writer fly frames, because there
// are no shapes that need to know about them.
if (rHint.GetId() != SfxHintId::ThisIsAnSdrHint)
const SdrHint *pSdrHint = static_cast<const SdrHint*>( &rHint );
const SdrObject* pObj = pSdrHint->GetObject();
if (pObj &&
( dynamic_cast< const SwFlyDrawObj* >(pObj) ||
dynamic_cast< const SwVirtFlyDrawObj* >(pObj) ||
pObj->GetObjIdentifier() == SdrObjKind::NewFrame ) )
OSL_ENSURE( mpDrawModel, "draw model listener is disposed" );
if( !mpDrawModel )
document::EventObject aEvent;
if( !SvxUnoDrawMSFactory::createEvent( mpDrawModel, pSdrHint, aEvent ) )
std::unique_lock g(maListenerMutex);
::comphelper::OInterfaceIteratorHelper4 aIter( g, maEventListeners );
while( aIter.hasMoreElements() )
aIter.next()->notifyEvent( aEvent );
catch( uno::RuntimeException const & )
TOOLS_WARN_EXCEPTION("sw.a11y", "Runtime exception caught while notifying shape");
// right now, we're only handling the specific event necessary to fix this performance problem
if (pSdrHint->GetKind() == SdrHintKind::ObjectChange)
auto pSdrObject = const_cast<SdrObject*>(pSdrHint->GetObject());
uno::Reference<drawing::XShape> xShape(pSdrObject->getUnoShape(), uno::UNO_QUERY);
std::unique_lock aGuard(maListenerMutex);
auto [itBegin, itEnd] = maShapeListeners.equal_range(xShape);
for (auto it = itBegin; it != itEnd; ++it)
void SwDrawModellListener_Impl::Dispose()
if (mpDrawModel != nullptr) {
EndListening( *mpDrawModel );
mpDrawModel = nullptr;
typedef std::pair < const SdrObject *, ::rtl::Reference < ::accessibility::AccessibleShape > > SwAccessibleObjShape_Impl;
class SwAccessibleShapeMap_Impl
typedef const SdrObject * key_type;
typedef unotools::WeakReference<::accessibility::AccessibleShape> mapped_type;
typedef std::pair<const key_type,mapped_type> value_type;
typedef std::map<key_type, mapped_type>::iterator iterator;
typedef std::map<key_type, mapped_type>::const_iterator const_iterator;
::accessibility::AccessibleShapeTreeInfo maInfo;
std::map<key_type, mapped_type> maMap;
explicit SwAccessibleShapeMap_Impl( SwAccessibleMap const *pMap )
maInfo.SetSdrView( pMap->GetShell()->GetDrawView() );
maInfo.SetWindow( pMap->GetShell()->GetWin() );
maInfo.SetViewForwarder( pMap );
uno::Reference < document::XShapeEventBroadcaster > xModelBroadcaster =
new SwDrawModellListener_Impl(
pMap->GetShell()->getIDocumentDrawModelAccess().GetOrCreateDrawModel() );
maInfo.SetModelBroadcaster( xModelBroadcaster );
const ::accessibility::AccessibleShapeTreeInfo& GetInfo() const { return maInfo; }
std::unique_ptr<SwAccessibleObjShape_Impl[]> Copy( size_t& rSize,
const SwFEShell *pFESh,
SwAccessibleObjShape_Impl **pSelShape ) const;
iterator end() { return maMap.end(); }
const_iterator cbegin() const { return maMap.cbegin(); }
const_iterator cend() const { return maMap.cend(); }
bool empty() const { return maMap.empty(); }
iterator find(const key_type& key) { return maMap.find(key); }
template<class... Args>
std::pair<iterator,bool> emplace(Args&&... args) { return maMap.emplace(std::forward<Args>(args)...); }
iterator erase(const_iterator const & pos) { return maMap.erase(pos); }
uno::Reference < document::XEventBroadcaster > xBrd( maInfo.GetModelBroadcaster() );
if( xBrd.is() )
static_cast < SwDrawModellListener_Impl * >( xBrd.get() )->Dispose();
size_t& rSize, const SwFEShell *pFESh,
SwAccessibleObjShape_Impl **pSelStart ) const
std::unique_ptr<SwAccessibleObjShape_Impl[]> pShapes;
SwAccessibleObjShape_Impl *pSelShape = nullptr;
size_t nSelShapes = pFESh ? pFESh->IsObjSelected() : 0;
rSize = maMap.size();
if( rSize > 0 )
pShapes.reset(new SwAccessibleObjShape_Impl[rSize]);
SwAccessibleObjShape_Impl *pShape = pShapes.get();
pSelShape = &(pShapes[rSize]);
for( const auto& rEntry : maMap )
const SdrObject *pObj = rEntry.first;
rtl::Reference < ::accessibility::AccessibleShape > xAcc( rEntry.second );
if( nSelShapes && pFESh && pFESh->IsObjSelected( *pObj ) )
// selected objects are inserted from the back
pSelShape->first = pObj;
pSelShape->second = xAcc.get();
pShape->first = pObj;
pShape->second = xAcc.get();
assert(pSelShape == pShape);
if( pSelStart )
*pSelStart = pSelShape;
return pShapes;
struct SwAccessibleEvent_Impl
enum EventType { CARET_OR_STATES,
SwRect maOldBox; // the old bounds for CHILD_POS_CHANGED
unotools::WeakReference < SwAccessibleContext > mxAcc; // The object that fires the event
SwAccessibleChild maFrameOrObj; // the child for CHILD_POS_CHANGED and
// the same as xAcc for any other
// event type
EventType meType; // The event type
AccessibleStates mnStates; // check states or update caret pos
const SwFrame* mpParentFrame; // The object that fires the event
bool IsNoXaccParentFrame() const
return CHILD_POS_CHANGED == meType && mpParentFrame != nullptr;
SwAccessibleEvent_Impl( EventType eT,
SwAccessibleContext *pA,
SwAccessibleChild aFrameOrObj )
: mxAcc( pA ),
maFrameOrObj(std::move( aFrameOrObj )),
meType( eT ),
mnStates( AccessibleStates::NONE ),
mpParentFrame( nullptr )
SwAccessibleEvent_Impl( EventType eT,
SwAccessibleChild aFrameOrObj )
: maFrameOrObj(std::move( aFrameOrObj )),
meType( eT ),
mnStates( AccessibleStates::NONE ),
mpParentFrame( nullptr )
assert(SwAccessibleEvent_Impl::DISPOSE == meType &&
"wrong event constructor, DISPOSE only");
explicit SwAccessibleEvent_Impl( EventType eT )
: meType( eT ),
mnStates( AccessibleStates::NONE ),
mpParentFrame( nullptr )
assert(SwAccessibleEvent_Impl::SHAPE_SELECTION == meType &&
"wrong event constructor, SHAPE_SELECTION only" );
SwAccessibleEvent_Impl( EventType eT,
SwAccessibleContext *pA,
SwAccessibleChild aFrameOrObj,
const SwRect& rR )
: maOldBox( rR ),
mxAcc( pA ),
maFrameOrObj(std::move( aFrameOrObj )),
meType( eT ),
mnStates( AccessibleStates::NONE ),
mpParentFrame( nullptr )
assert((SwAccessibleEvent_Impl::CHILD_POS_CHANGED == meType ||
SwAccessibleEvent_Impl::POS_CHANGED == meType) &&
"wrong event constructor, (CHILD_)POS_CHANGED only" );
SwAccessibleEvent_Impl( EventType eT,
SwAccessibleContext *pA,
SwAccessibleChild aFrameOrObj,
const AccessibleStates _nStates )
: mxAcc( pA ),
maFrameOrObj(std::move( aFrameOrObj )),
meType( eT ),
mnStates( _nStates ),
mpParentFrame( nullptr )
assert( SwAccessibleEvent_Impl::CARET_OR_STATES == meType &&
"wrong event constructor, CARET_OR_STATES only" );
SwAccessibleEvent_Impl( EventType eT, const SwFrame *pParentFrame,
SwAccessibleChild aFrameOrObj, const SwRect& rR ) :
maOldBox( rR ),
maFrameOrObj(std::move( aFrameOrObj )),
meType( eT ),
mnStates( AccessibleStates::NONE ),
mpParentFrame( pParentFrame )
assert( SwAccessibleEvent_Impl::CHILD_POS_CHANGED == meType &&
"wrong event constructor, CHILD_POS_CHANGED only" );
// <SetType(..)> only used in method <SwAccessibleMap::AppendEvent(..)>
void SetType( EventType eT )
meType = eT;
EventType GetType() const
return meType;
::rtl::Reference < SwAccessibleContext > GetContext() const
rtl::Reference < SwAccessibleContext > xAccImpl( mxAcc );
return xAccImpl;
const SwRect& GetOldBox() const
return maOldBox;
// <SetOldBox(..)> only used in method <SwAccessibleMap::AppendEvent(..)>
void SetOldBox( const SwRect& rOldBox )
maOldBox = rOldBox;
const SwAccessibleChild& GetFrameOrObj() const
return maFrameOrObj;
// <SetStates(..)> only used in method <SwAccessibleMap::AppendEvent(..)>
void SetStates( AccessibleStates _nStates )
mnStates |= _nStates;
bool IsUpdateCursorPos() const
return bool(mnStates & AccessibleStates::CARET);
bool IsInvalidateStates() const
return bool(mnStates & (AccessibleStates::EDITABLE | AccessibleStates::OPAQUE));
bool IsInvalidateRelation() const
return bool(mnStates & (AccessibleStates::RELATION_FROM | AccessibleStates::RELATION_TO));
bool IsInvalidateTextSelection() const
return bool( mnStates & AccessibleStates::TEXT_SELECTION_CHANGED );
bool IsInvalidateTextAttrs() const
return bool( mnStates & AccessibleStates::TEXT_ATTRIBUTE_CHANGED );
AccessibleStates GetStates() const
return mnStates;
AccessibleStates GetAllStates() const
return mnStates;
class SwAccessibleEventList_Impl
std::list<SwAccessibleEvent_Impl> maEvents;
bool mbFiring;
: mbFiring( false )
void SetFiring()
mbFiring = true;
bool IsFiring() const
return mbFiring;
void MoveMissingXAccToEnd();
size_t size() const { return maEvents.size(); }
std::list<SwAccessibleEvent_Impl>::iterator begin() { return maEvents.begin(); }
std::list<SwAccessibleEvent_Impl>::iterator end() { return maEvents.end(); }
std::list<SwAccessibleEvent_Impl>::iterator insert( const std::list<SwAccessibleEvent_Impl>::iterator& aIter,
const SwAccessibleEvent_Impl& rEvent )
return maEvents.insert( aIter, rEvent );
std::list<SwAccessibleEvent_Impl>::iterator erase( const std::list<SwAccessibleEvent_Impl>::iterator& aPos )
return maEvents.erase( aPos );
// see comment in SwAccessibleMap::InvalidatePosOrSize()
// last case "else if(pParent)" for why this surprising hack exists
void SwAccessibleEventList_Impl::MoveMissingXAccToEnd()
size_t nSize = size();
if (nSize < 2 )
SwAccessibleEventList_Impl lstEvent;
for (auto li = begin(); li != end(); )
if (li->IsNoXaccParentFrame())
lstEvent.insert(lstEvent.end(), *li);
li = erase(li);
assert(size() + lstEvent.size() == nSize);
assert(size() == nSize);
namespace {
struct SwAccessibleChildFunc
bool operator()( const SwAccessibleChild& r1,
const SwAccessibleChild& r2 ) const
const void *p1 = r1.GetSwFrame()
? static_cast < const void * >( r1.GetSwFrame())
: ( r1.GetDrawObject()
? static_cast < const void * >( r1.GetDrawObject() )
: static_cast < const void * >( r1.GetWindow() ) );
const void *p2 = r2.GetSwFrame()
? static_cast < const void * >( r2.GetSwFrame())
: ( r2.GetDrawObject()
? static_cast < const void * >( r2.GetDrawObject() )
: static_cast < const void * >( r2.GetWindow() ) );
return p1 < p2;
class SwAccessibleEventMap_Impl
typedef SwAccessibleChild key_type;
typedef std::list<SwAccessibleEvent_Impl>::iterator mapped_type;
typedef std::pair<const key_type,mapped_type> value_type;
typedef SwAccessibleChildFunc key_compare;
typedef std::map<key_type,mapped_type,key_compare>::iterator iterator;
typedef std::map<key_type,mapped_type,key_compare>::const_iterator const_iterator;
std::map <key_type,mapped_type,key_compare> maMap;
iterator end() { return maMap.end(); }
iterator find(const key_type& key) { return maMap.find(key); }
template<class... Args>
std::pair<iterator,bool> emplace(Args&&... args) { return maMap.emplace(std::forward<Args>(args)...); }
iterator erase(const_iterator const & pos) { return maMap.erase(pos); }
namespace {
struct SwAccessibleParaSelection
TextFrameIndex nStartOfSelection;
TextFrameIndex nEndOfSelection;
SwAccessibleParaSelection(const TextFrameIndex nStartOfSelection_,
const TextFrameIndex nEndOfSelection_)
: nStartOfSelection(nStartOfSelection_)
, nEndOfSelection(nEndOfSelection_)
struct SwXAccWeakRefComp
bool operator()( const unotools::WeakReference<SwAccessibleContext>& _rXAccWeakRef1,
const unotools::WeakReference<SwAccessibleContext>& _rXAccWeakRef2 ) const
return _rXAccWeakRef1.get() < _rXAccWeakRef2.get();
class SwAccessibleSelectedParas_Impl
typedef unotools::WeakReference < SwAccessibleContext > key_type;
typedef SwAccessibleParaSelection mapped_type;
typedef std::pair<const key_type,mapped_type> value_type;
typedef SwXAccWeakRefComp key_compare;
typedef std::map<key_type,mapped_type,key_compare>::iterator iterator;
typedef std::map<key_type,mapped_type,key_compare>::const_iterator const_iterator;
std::map<key_type,mapped_type,key_compare> maMap;
iterator begin() { return maMap.begin(); }
iterator end() { return maMap.end(); }
iterator find(const key_type& key) { return maMap.find(key); }
template<class... Args>
std::pair<iterator,bool> emplace(Args&&... args) { return maMap.emplace(std::forward<Args>(args)...); }
iterator erase(const_iterator const & pos) { return maMap.erase(pos); }
// helper class that stores preview data
class SwAccPreviewData
typedef std::vector<tools::Rectangle> Rectangles;
Rectangles maPreviewRects;
Rectangles maLogicRects;
SwRect maVisArea;
Fraction maScale;
const SwPageFrame *mpSelPage;
/** adjust logic page rectangle to its visible part
@param _iorLogicPgSwRect
input/output parameter - reference to the logic page rectangle, which
has to be adjusted.
@param _rPreviewPgSwRect
input parameter - constant reference to the corresponding preview page
rectangle; needed to determine the visible part of the logic page rectangle.
@param _rPreviewWinSize
input parameter - constant reference to the preview window size in TWIP;
needed to determine the visible part of the logic page rectangle
static void AdjustLogicPgRectToVisibleArea( SwRect& _iorLogicPgSwRect,
const SwRect& _rPreviewPgSwRect,
const Size& _rPreviewWinSize );
void Update( const SwAccessibleMap& rAccMap,
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<PreviewPage>>& _rPreviewPages,
const Fraction& _rScale,
const SwPageFrame* _pSelectedPageFrame,
const Size& _rPreviewWinSize );
void InvalidateSelection( const SwPageFrame* _pSelectedPageFrame );
const SwRect& GetVisArea() const { return maVisArea;}
/** Adjust the MapMode so that the preview page appears at the
* proper position. rPoint identifies the page for which the
* MapMode should be adjusted. If bFromPreview is true, rPoint is
* a preview coordinate; else it's a document coordinate. */
void AdjustMapMode( MapMode& rMapMode,
const Point& rPoint ) const;
const SwPageFrame *GetSelPage() const { return mpSelPage; }
void DisposePage(const SwPageFrame *pPageFrame );
SwAccPreviewData::SwAccPreviewData() :
mpSelPage( nullptr )
void SwAccPreviewData::Update( const SwAccessibleMap& rAccMap,
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<PreviewPage>>& _rPreviewPages,
const Fraction& _rScale,
const SwPageFrame* _pSelectedPageFrame,
const Size& _rPreviewWinSize )
// store preview scaling, maximal preview page size and selected page
maScale = _rScale;
mpSelPage = _pSelectedPageFrame;
// prepare loop on preview pages
SwAccessibleChild aPage;
// loop on preview pages to calculate <maPreviewRects>, <maLogicRects> and
// <maVisArea>
for ( auto & rpPreviewPage : _rPreviewPages )
aPage = rpPreviewPage->pPage;
// add preview page rectangle to <maPreviewRects>
tools::Rectangle aPreviewPgRect( rpPreviewPage->aPreviewWinPos, rpPreviewPage->aPageSize );
maPreviewRects.push_back( aPreviewPgRect );
// add logic page rectangle to <maLogicRects>
SwRect aLogicPgSwRect( aPage.GetBox( rAccMap ) );
tools::Rectangle aLogicPgRect( aLogicPgSwRect.SVRect() );
maLogicRects.push_back( aLogicPgRect );
// union visible area with visible part of logic page rectangle
if ( rpPreviewPage->bVisible )
if ( !rpPreviewPage->pPage->IsEmptyPage() )
AdjustLogicPgRectToVisibleArea( aLogicPgSwRect,
SwRect( aPreviewPgRect ),
_rPreviewWinSize );
if ( maVisArea.IsEmpty() )
maVisArea = aLogicPgSwRect;
maVisArea.Union( aLogicPgSwRect );
void SwAccPreviewData::InvalidateSelection( const SwPageFrame* _pSelectedPageFrame )
mpSelPage = _pSelectedPageFrame;
namespace {
struct ContainsPredicate
const Point& mrPoint;
explicit ContainsPredicate( const Point& rPoint ) : mrPoint(rPoint) {}
bool operator() ( const tools::Rectangle& rRect ) const
return rRect.Contains( mrPoint );
void SwAccPreviewData::AdjustMapMode( MapMode& rMapMode,
const Point& rPoint ) const
// adjust scale
rMapMode.SetScaleX( maScale );
rMapMode.SetScaleY( maScale );
// find proper rectangle
Rectangles::const_iterator aBegin = maLogicRects.begin();
Rectangles::const_iterator aEnd = maLogicRects.end();
Rectangles::const_iterator aFound = std::find_if( aBegin, aEnd,
ContainsPredicate( rPoint ) );
if( aFound != aEnd )
// found! set new origin
Point aPoint = (maPreviewRects.begin() + (aFound - aBegin))->TopLeft();
aPoint -= (maLogicRects.begin() + (aFound-aBegin))->TopLeft();
rMapMode.SetOrigin( aPoint );
// else: don't adjust MapMode
void SwAccPreviewData::DisposePage(const SwPageFrame *pPageFrame )
if( mpSelPage == pPageFrame )
mpSelPage = nullptr;
// adjust logic page rectangle to its visible part
void SwAccPreviewData::AdjustLogicPgRectToVisibleArea(
SwRect& _iorLogicPgSwRect,
const SwRect& _rPreviewPgSwRect,
const Size& _rPreviewWinSize )
// determine preview window rectangle
const SwRect aPreviewWinSwRect( Point( 0, 0 ), _rPreviewWinSize );
// calculate visible preview page rectangle
SwRect aVisPreviewPgSwRect( _rPreviewPgSwRect );
aVisPreviewPgSwRect.Intersection( aPreviewWinSwRect );
// adjust logic page rectangle
SwTwips nTmpDiff;
// left
nTmpDiff = aVisPreviewPgSwRect.Left() - _rPreviewPgSwRect.Left();
_iorLogicPgSwRect.AddLeft( nTmpDiff );
// top
nTmpDiff = aVisPreviewPgSwRect.Top() - _rPreviewPgSwRect.Top();
_iorLogicPgSwRect.AddTop( nTmpDiff );
// right
nTmpDiff = _rPreviewPgSwRect.Right() - aVisPreviewPgSwRect.Right();
_iorLogicPgSwRect.AddRight( - nTmpDiff );
// bottom
nTmpDiff = _rPreviewPgSwRect.Bottom() - aVisPreviewPgSwRect.Bottom();
_iorLogicPgSwRect.AddBottom( - nTmpDiff );
static bool AreInSameTable( const rtl::Reference< SwAccessibleContext >& rAcc,
const SwFrame *pFrame )
bool bRet = false;
if( pFrame && pFrame->IsCellFrame() && rAcc.is() )
// Is it in the same table? We check that
// by comparing the last table frame in the
// follow chain, because that's cheaper than
// searching the first one.
if( rAcc->GetFrame()->IsCellFrame() )
const SwTabFrame *pTabFrame1 = rAcc->GetFrame()->FindTabFrame();
if (pTabFrame1)
while (pTabFrame1->GetFollow())
pTabFrame1 = pTabFrame1->GetFollow();
const SwTabFrame *pTabFrame2 = pFrame->FindTabFrame();
if (pTabFrame2)
while (pTabFrame2->GetFollow())
pTabFrame2 = pTabFrame2->GetFollow();
bRet = (pTabFrame1 == pTabFrame2);
return bRet;
void SwAccessibleMap::FireEvent( const SwAccessibleEvent_Impl& rEvent )
::rtl::Reference < SwAccessibleContext > xAccImpl( rEvent.GetContext() );
if (!xAccImpl.is() && rEvent.mpParentFrame != nullptr)
SwAccessibleContextMap_Impl::iterator aIter =
mpFrameMap->find( rEvent.mpParentFrame );
if( aIter != mpFrameMap->end() )
rtl::Reference < SwAccessibleContext > xContext( (*aIter).second.get() );
if (xContext.is() && (xContext->getAccessibleRole() == AccessibleRole::PARAGRAPH
|| xContext->getAccessibleRole() == AccessibleRole::BLOCK_QUOTE))
xAccImpl = xContext.get();
if( SwAccessibleEvent_Impl::SHAPE_SELECTION == rEvent.GetType() )
else if( xAccImpl.is() && xAccImpl->GetFrame() )
if ( rEvent.GetType() != SwAccessibleEvent_Impl::DISPOSE &&
rEvent.IsInvalidateTextAttrs() )
switch( rEvent.GetType() )
case SwAccessibleEvent_Impl::INVALID_CONTENT:
case SwAccessibleEvent_Impl::POS_CHANGED:
xAccImpl->InvalidatePosOrSize( rEvent.GetOldBox() );
case SwAccessibleEvent_Impl::CHILD_POS_CHANGED:
xAccImpl->InvalidateChildPosOrSize( rEvent.GetFrameOrObj(),
rEvent.GetOldBox() );
case SwAccessibleEvent_Impl::DISPOSE:
assert(!"dispose event has been stored");
case SwAccessibleEvent_Impl::INVALID_ATTR:
// nothing to do here - handled above
if( SwAccessibleEvent_Impl::DISPOSE != rEvent.GetType() )
if( rEvent.IsUpdateCursorPos() )
if( rEvent.IsInvalidateStates() )
xAccImpl->InvalidateStates( rEvent.GetStates() );
if( rEvent.IsInvalidateRelation() )
if ( rEvent.GetAllStates() & AccessibleStates::RELATION_FROM )
if ( rEvent.GetAllStates() & AccessibleStates::RELATION_TO )
if ( rEvent.IsInvalidateTextSelection() )
void SwAccessibleMap::AppendEvent( const SwAccessibleEvent_Impl& rEvent )
osl::MutexGuard aGuard( maEventMutex );
if( !mpEvents )
mpEvents.reset(new SwAccessibleEventList_Impl);
if( !mpEventMap )
mpEventMap.reset(new SwAccessibleEventMap_Impl);
if( mpEvents->IsFiring() )
// While events are fired new ones are generated. They have to be fired
// now. This does not work for DISPOSE events!
OSL_ENSURE( rEvent.GetType() != SwAccessibleEvent_Impl::DISPOSE,
"dispose event while firing events" );
FireEvent( rEvent );
SwAccessibleEventMap_Impl::iterator aIter =
mpEventMap->find( rEvent.GetFrameOrObj() );
if( aIter != mpEventMap->end() )
SwAccessibleEvent_Impl aEvent( *(*aIter).second );
assert( aEvent.GetType() != SwAccessibleEvent_Impl::DISPOSE &&
"dispose events should not be stored" );
bool bAppendEvent = true;
switch( rEvent.GetType() )
case SwAccessibleEvent_Impl::CARET_OR_STATES:
// A CARET_OR_STATES event is added to any other
// event only. It is broadcasted after any other event, so the
// event should be put to the back.
OSL_ENSURE( aEvent.GetType() != SwAccessibleEvent_Impl::CHILD_POS_CHANGED,
"invalid event combination" );
aEvent.SetStates( rEvent.GetAllStates() );
case SwAccessibleEvent_Impl::INVALID_CONTENT:
// An INVALID_CONTENT event overwrites a CARET_OR_STATES
// event (but keeps its flags) and it is contained in a
// POS_CHANGED event.
// Therefore, the event's type has to be adapted and the event
// has to be put at the end.
// fdo#56031 An INVALID_CONTENT event overwrites a INVALID_ATTR
// event and overwrites its flags
OSL_ENSURE( aEvent.GetType() != SwAccessibleEvent_Impl::CHILD_POS_CHANGED,
"invalid event combination" );
if( aEvent.GetType() == SwAccessibleEvent_Impl::CARET_OR_STATES )
aEvent.SetType( SwAccessibleEvent_Impl::INVALID_CONTENT );
else if ( aEvent.GetType() == SwAccessibleEvent_Impl::INVALID_ATTR )
aEvent.SetType( SwAccessibleEvent_Impl::INVALID_CONTENT );
aEvent.SetStates( rEvent.GetAllStates() );
case SwAccessibleEvent_Impl::POS_CHANGED:
// A pos changed event overwrites CARET_STATES (keeping its
// flags) as well as INVALID_CONTENT. The old box position
// has to be stored however if the old event is not a
// POS_CHANGED itself.
OSL_ENSURE( aEvent.GetType() != SwAccessibleEvent_Impl::CHILD_POS_CHANGED,
"invalid event combination" );
if( aEvent.GetType() != SwAccessibleEvent_Impl::POS_CHANGED )
aEvent.SetOldBox( rEvent.GetOldBox() );
aEvent.SetType( SwAccessibleEvent_Impl::POS_CHANGED );
case SwAccessibleEvent_Impl::CHILD_POS_CHANGED:
// CHILD_POS_CHANGED events can only follow CHILD_POS_CHANGED
// events. The only action that needs to be done again is
// to put the old event to the back. The new one cannot be used,
// because we are interested in the old frame bounds.
OSL_ENSURE( aEvent.GetType() == SwAccessibleEvent_Impl::CHILD_POS_CHANGED,
"invalid event combination" );
case SwAccessibleEvent_Impl::SHAPE_SELECTION:
OSL_ENSURE( aEvent.GetType() == SwAccessibleEvent_Impl::SHAPE_SELECTION,
"invalid event combination" );
case SwAccessibleEvent_Impl::DISPOSE:
// DISPOSE events overwrite all others. They are not stored
// but executed immediately to avoid broadcasting of
// nonfunctional objects. So what needs to be done here is to
// remove all events for the frame in question.
bAppendEvent = false;
case SwAccessibleEvent_Impl::INVALID_ATTR:
// tdf#150708 if the old is CARET_OR_STATES then try updating it
// with the additional states
if (aEvent.GetType() == SwAccessibleEvent_Impl::CARET_OR_STATES)
OSL_ENSURE( aEvent.GetType() == SwAccessibleEvent_Impl::INVALID_ATTR,
"invalid event combination" );
if( bAppendEvent )
mpEvents->erase( (*aIter).second );
(*aIter).second = mpEvents->insert( mpEvents->end(), aEvent );
mpEvents->erase( (*aIter).second );
mpEventMap->erase( aIter );
else if( SwAccessibleEvent_Impl::DISPOSE != rEvent.GetType() )
mpEventMap->emplace( rEvent.GetFrameOrObj(),
mpEvents->insert( mpEvents->end(), rEvent ) );
void SwAccessibleMap::InvalidateCursorPosition(
const uno::Reference< XAccessible >& rAcc )
SwAccessibleContext *pAccImpl =
static_cast< SwAccessibleContext *>( rAcc.get() );
if( GetShell()->ActionPend() )
SwAccessibleEvent_Impl aEvent( SwAccessibleEvent_Impl::CARET_OR_STATES,
AccessibleStates::CARET );
AppendEvent( aEvent );
// While firing events the current frame might have
// been disposed because it moved out of the visible area.
// Setting the cursor for such frames is useless and even
// causes asserts.
if( pAccImpl->GetFrame() )
void SwAccessibleMap::InvalidateShapeSelection()
if( GetShell()->ActionPend() )
SwAccessibleEvent_Impl aEvent(
SwAccessibleEvent_Impl::SHAPE_SELECTION );
AppendEvent( aEvent );
//This method should implement the following functions:
//1.find the shape objects and set the selected state.
//2.find the Swframe objects and set the selected state.
//3.find the paragraph objects and set the selected state.
void SwAccessibleMap::InvalidateShapeInParaSelection()
std::unique_ptr<SwAccessibleObjShape_Impl[]> pShapes;
SwAccessibleObjShape_Impl *pSelShape = nullptr;
size_t nShapes = 0;
const SwViewShell *pVSh = GetShell();
const SwFEShell *pFESh = dynamic_cast<const SwFEShell*>(pVSh);
SwPaM* pCursor = pFESh ? pFESh->GetCursor( false /* ??? */ ) : nullptr;
//const size_t nSelShapes = pFESh ? pFESh->IsObjSelected() : 0;
if( mpShapeMap )
pShapes = mpShapeMap->Copy( nShapes, pFESh, &pSelShape );
bool bIsSelAll =IsDocumentSelAll();
if( mpShapeMap )
//Checked for shapes.
SwAccessibleShapeMap_Impl::const_iterator aIter = mpShapeMap->cbegin();
SwAccessibleShapeMap_Impl::const_iterator aEndIter = mpShapeMap->cend();
if( bIsSelAll)
while( aIter != aEndIter )
rtl::Reference<::accessibility::AccessibleShape> xAcc( (*aIter).second );
if( xAcc.is() )
xAcc->SetState( AccessibleStateType::SELECTED );
while( aIter != aEndIter )
const SwFrameFormat *pFrameFormat = (*aIter).first ? ::FindFrameFormat( (*aIter).first ) : nullptr;
if( !pFrameFormat )
const SwFormatAnchor& rAnchor = pFrameFormat->GetAnchor();
const SwNode *pAnchorNode = rAnchor.GetAnchorNode();
if(rAnchor.GetAnchorId() == RndStdIds::FLY_AT_PAGE)
rtl::Reference < ::accessibility::AccessibleShape > xAcc( (*aIter).second );
xAcc->ResetState( AccessibleStateType::SELECTED );
if( !pAnchorNode )
if( pAnchorNode->GetTextNode() )
sal_Int32 nIndex = rAnchor.GetAnchorContentOffset();
bool bMarked = false;
if( pCursor != nullptr )
const SwTextNode* pNode = pAnchorNode->GetTextNode();
SwTextFrame const*const pFrame(static_cast<SwTextFrame*>(pNode->getLayoutFrame(pVSh->GetLayout())));
SwNodeOffset nFirstNode(pFrame->GetTextNodeFirst()->GetIndex());
SwNodeOffset nLastNode;
if (sw::MergedPara const*const pMerged = pFrame->GetMergedPara())
nLastNode = pMerged->pLastNode->GetIndex();
nLastNode = nFirstNode;
SwNodeOffset nHere = pNode->GetIndex();
for(SwPaM& rTmpCursor : pCursor->GetRingContainer())
// ignore, if no mark
if( rTmpCursor.HasMark() )
bMarked = true;
// check whether nHere is 'inside' pCursor
SwPosition* pStart = rTmpCursor.Start();
SwNodeOffset nStartIndex = pStart->GetNodeIndex();
SwPosition* pEnd = rTmpCursor.End();
SwNodeOffset nEndIndex = pEnd->GetNodeIndex();
if ((nStartIndex <= nLastNode) && (nFirstNode <= nEndIndex))
if( rAnchor.GetAnchorId() == RndStdIds::FLY_AS_CHAR )
if( ( ((nHere == nStartIndex) && (nIndex >= pStart->GetContentIndex())) || (nHere > nStartIndex) )
&&( ((nHere == nEndIndex) && (nIndex < pEnd->GetContentIndex())) || (nHere < nEndIndex) ) )
rtl::Reference < ::accessibility::AccessibleShape > xAcc( (*aIter).second );
if( xAcc.is() )
xAcc->SetState( AccessibleStateType::SELECTED );
rtl::Reference < ::accessibility::AccessibleShape > xAcc( (*aIter).second );
if( xAcc.is() )
xAcc->ResetState( AccessibleStateType::SELECTED );
else if( rAnchor.GetAnchorId() == RndStdIds::FLY_AT_PARA )
rtl::Reference<::accessibility::AccessibleShape> const xAcc((*aIter).second);
if (xAcc.is())
if (IsSelectFrameAnchoredAtPara(*rAnchor.GetContentAnchor(), *pStart, *pEnd))
xAcc->SetState( AccessibleStateType::SELECTED );
xAcc->ResetState( AccessibleStateType::SELECTED );
else if (rAnchor.GetAnchorId() == RndStdIds::FLY_AT_CHAR)
rtl::Reference<::accessibility::AccessibleShape> const xAcc((*aIter).second);
if (xAcc.is())
if (IsDestroyFrameAnchoredAtChar(*rAnchor.GetContentAnchor(), *pStart, *pEnd))
xAcc->SetState( AccessibleStateType::SELECTED );
xAcc->ResetState( AccessibleStateType::SELECTED );
if( !bMarked )
SwAccessibleObjShape_Impl *pShape = pShapes.get();
size_t nNumShapes = nShapes;
while (nNumShapes > 0)
if( pShape < pSelShape && (pShape->first==(*aIter).first) )
rtl::Reference < ::accessibility::AccessibleShape > xAcc( (*aIter).second );
xAcc->ResetState( AccessibleStateType::SELECTED );
}//while( aIter != aEndIter )
//Checked for FlyFrame
if (mpFrameMap)
SwAccessibleContextMap_Impl::iterator aIter = mpFrameMap->begin();
while( aIter != mpFrameMap->end() )
const SwFrame *pFrame = (*aIter).first;
rtl::Reference < SwAccessibleContext > xAcc = (*aIter).second;
SwAccessibleFrameBase *pAccFrame = static_cast< SwAccessibleFrameBase * >(xAcc.get());
bool bFrameChanged = pAccFrame->SetSelectedState( true );
if (bFrameChanged)
const SwFlyFrame *pFlyFrame = static_cast< const SwFlyFrame * >( pFrame );
const SwFrameFormat *pFrameFormat = pFlyFrame->GetFormat();
if (pFrameFormat)
const SwFormatAnchor& rAnchor = pFrameFormat->GetAnchor();
if( rAnchor.GetAnchorId() == RndStdIds::FLY_AS_CHAR )
uno::Reference< XAccessible > xAccParent = pAccFrame->getAccessibleParent();
if (xAccParent.is())
uno::Reference< XAccessibleContext > xAccContext = xAccParent->getAccessibleContext();
if(xAccContext.is() && (xAccContext->getAccessibleRole() == AccessibleRole::PARAGRAPH ||
xAccContext->getAccessibleRole() == AccessibleRole::BLOCK_QUOTE))
SwAccessibleParagraph* pAccPara = static_cast< SwAccessibleParagraph *>(xAccContext.get());
else if(m_setParaAdd.count(pAccPara) == 0)
typedef std::vector< SwAccessibleContext* > VEC_PARA;
VEC_PARA vecAdd;
VEC_PARA vecRemove;
//Checked for Paras.
bool bMarkChanged = false;
SwAccessibleContextMap_Impl mapTemp;
if( pCursor != nullptr )
for(SwPaM& rTmpCursor : pCursor->GetRingContainer())
if( rTmpCursor.HasMark() )
SwNodeIndex nStartIndex( rTmpCursor.Start()->GetNode() );
SwNodeIndex nEndIndex( rTmpCursor.End()->GetNode() );
for (; nStartIndex <= nEndIndex; ++nStartIndex)
SwFrame *pFrame = nullptr;
SwContentNode* pCNd = static_cast<SwContentNode*>(&(nStartIndex.GetNode()));
pFrame = SwIterator<SwFrame, SwContentNode, sw::IteratorMode::UnwrapMulti>(*pCNd).First();
if (mapTemp.find(pFrame) != mapTemp.end())
continue; // sw_redlinehide: once is enough
else if( nStartIndex.GetNode().IsTableNode() )
SwTableNode * pTable = static_cast<SwTableNode *>(&(nStartIndex.GetNode()));
SwTableFormat* pFormat = pTable->GetTable().GetFrameFormat();
pFrame = SwIterator<SwFrame, SwTableFormat>(*pFormat).First();
if( pFrame && mpFrameMap)
SwAccessibleContextMap_Impl::iterator aIter = mpFrameMap->find( pFrame );
if( aIter != mpFrameMap->end() )
rtl::Reference < SwAccessibleContext > xAcc = (*aIter).second;
bool isChanged = false;
if( xAcc.is() )
isChanged = xAcc->SetSelectedState( true );
SwAccessibleContextMap_Impl::iterator aEraseIter = mpSelectedFrameMap->find( pFrame );
if(aEraseIter != mpSelectedFrameMap->end())
bMarkChanged = true;
mapTemp.emplace( pFrame, xAcc );
if( !mpSelectedFrameMap )
mpSelectedFrameMap.reset( new SwAccessibleContextMap_Impl );
if( !mpSelectedFrameMap->empty() )
SwAccessibleContextMap_Impl::iterator aIter = mpSelectedFrameMap->begin();
while( aIter != mpSelectedFrameMap->end() )
rtl::Reference < SwAccessibleContext > xAcc = (*aIter).second;
xAcc->SetSelectedState( false );
bMarkChanged = true;
SwAccessibleContextMap_Impl::iterator aIter = mapTemp.begin();
while( aIter != mapTemp.end() )
mpSelectedFrameMap->emplace( (*aIter).first, (*aIter).second );
if( !(bMarkChanged && mpFrameMap))
for (SwAccessibleContext* pAccPara : vecAdd)
AccessibleEventObject aEvent;
aEvent.EventId = AccessibleEventId::SELECTION_CHANGED;
if (pAccPara)
pAccPara->FireAccessibleEvent( aEvent );
for (SwAccessibleContext* pAccPara : vecRemove)
AccessibleEventObject aEvent;
aEvent.EventId = AccessibleEventId::SELECTION_CHANGED_REMOVE;
if (pAccPara)
pAccPara->FireAccessibleEvent( aEvent );
//Merge with DoInvalidateShapeFocus
void SwAccessibleMap::DoInvalidateShapeSelection(bool bInvalidateFocusMode /*=false*/)
std::unique_ptr<SwAccessibleObjShape_Impl[]> pShapes;
SwAccessibleObjShape_Impl *pSelShape = nullptr;
size_t nShapes = 0;
const SwViewShell *pVSh = GetShell();
const SwFEShell *pFESh = dynamic_cast<const SwFEShell*>(pVSh);
const size_t nSelShapes = pFESh ? pFESh->IsObjSelected() : 0;
//when InvalidateFocus Call this function ,and the current selected shape count is not 1 ,
if (bInvalidateFocusMode && nSelShapes != 1)
if( mpShapeMap )
pShapes = mpShapeMap->Copy( nShapes, pFESh, &pSelShape );
if( !pShapes )
std::vector<::rtl::Reference<::accessibility::AccessibleShape>> vecxShapeAdd;
std::vector<::rtl::Reference<::accessibility::AccessibleShape>> vecxShapeRemove;
vcl::Window *pWin = GetShell()->GetWin();
bool bFocused = pWin && pWin->HasFocus();
SwAccessibleObjShape_Impl *pShape = pShapes.get();
int nShapeCount = nShapes;
while( nShapeCount )
if (pShape->second.is() && IsInSameLevel(pShape->first, pFESh))
if( pShape < pSelShape )
if(pShape->second->ResetState( AccessibleStateType::SELECTED ))
pShape->second->ResetState( AccessibleStateType::FOCUSED );
rtl::Reference<SwAccessibleContext> xDocView = GetDocumentView_(false);
for (const auto& rpShape : vecxShapeRemove)
if (rpShape.is())
AccessibleEventObject aEvent;
aEvent.EventId = AccessibleEventId::SELECTION_CHANGED_REMOVE;
aEvent.NewValue <<= uno::Reference<XAccessible>(rpShape);
pShape = pShapes.get();
while( nShapes )
if (pShape->second.is() && IsInSameLevel(pShape->first, pFESh))
if( pShape >= pSelShape )
//first fire focus event
if( bFocused && 1 == nSelShapes )
pShape->second->SetState( AccessibleStateType::FOCUSED );
pShape->second->ResetState( AccessibleStateType::FOCUSED );
if(pShape->second->SetState( AccessibleStateType::SELECTED ))
const unsigned int SELECTION_WITH_NUM = 10;
if (vecxShapeAdd.size() > SELECTION_WITH_NUM )
AccessibleEventObject aEvent;
aEvent.EventId = AccessibleEventId::SELECTION_CHANGED_WITHIN;
for (const auto& rpShape : vecxShapeAdd)
if (rpShape.is())
AccessibleEventObject aEvent;
aEvent.EventId = AccessibleEventId::SELECTION_CHANGED_ADD;
aEvent.NewValue <<= uno::Reference<XAccessible>(rpShape);
for (const auto& rpShape : vecxShapeAdd)
::accessibility::AccessibleShape *pAccShape = rpShape.get();
if (pAccShape)
SdrObject *pObj = SdrObject::getSdrObjectFromXShape(pAccShape->GetXShape());
SwFrameFormat *pFrameFormat = pObj ? FindFrameFormat( pObj ) : nullptr;
if (pFrameFormat)
const SwFormatAnchor& rAnchor = pFrameFormat->GetAnchor();
if( rAnchor.GetAnchorId() == RndStdIds::FLY_AS_CHAR )
uno::Reference< XAccessible > xPara = pAccShape->getAccessibleParent();
if (xPara.is())
uno::Reference< XAccessibleContext > xParaContext = xPara->getAccessibleContext();
if (xParaContext.is() && (xParaContext->getAccessibleRole() == AccessibleRole::PARAGRAPH
|| xParaContext->getAccessibleRole() == AccessibleRole::BLOCK_QUOTE))
SwAccessibleParagraph* pAccPara = static_cast< SwAccessibleParagraph *>(xPara.get());
if (pAccPara)
for (const auto& rpShape : vecxShapeRemove)
::accessibility::AccessibleShape *pAccShape = rpShape.get();
if (pAccShape && !pAccShape->IsDisposed())
uno::Reference< XAccessible > xPara = pAccShape->getAccessibleParent();
uno::Reference< XAccessibleContext > xParaContext = xPara->getAccessibleContext();
if (xParaContext.is() && (xParaContext->getAccessibleRole() == AccessibleRole::PARAGRAPH
|| xParaContext->getAccessibleRole() == AccessibleRole::BLOCK_QUOTE))
SwAccessibleParagraph* pAccPara = static_cast< SwAccessibleParagraph *>(xPara.get());
if (m_setParaAdd.count(pAccPara) == 0 )
SwAccessibleMap::SwAccessibleMap( SwViewShell *pSh ) :
mpVSh( pSh ),
mbShapeSelected( false ),
rtl::Reference < SwAccessibleContext > xAcc;
if( mpFrameMap )
const SwRootFrame *pRootFrame = GetShell()->GetLayout();
SwAccessibleContextMap_Impl::iterator aIter = mpFrameMap->find( pRootFrame );
if( aIter != mpFrameMap->end() )
xAcc = (*aIter).second;
if( !xAcc.is() )
assert(false); // let's hope this can't happen? the vcl::Window apparently owns the top-level
//xAcc = new SwAccessibleDocument(shared_from_this());
SwAccessibleDocumentBase *const pAcc =
static_cast<SwAccessibleDocumentBase *>(xAcc.get());
pAcc->Dispose( true );
#if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0 && !defined NDEBUG
if( mpFrameMap )
SwAccessibleContextMap_Impl::iterator aIter = mpFrameMap->begin();
while( aIter != mpFrameMap->end() )
rtl::Reference < SwAccessibleContext > xTmp = (*aIter).second;
if( xTmp.is() )
assert(xTmp->GetMap() == nullptr); // must be disposed
assert((!mpFrameMap || mpFrameMap->empty()) &&
"Frame map should be empty after disposing the root frame");
assert((!mpShapeMap || mpShapeMap->empty()) &&
"Object map should be empty after disposing the root frame");
osl::MutexGuard aGuard( maEventMutex );
rtl::Reference<SwAccessibleContext> SwAccessibleMap::GetDocumentView_(
bool bPagePreview )
rtl::Reference < SwAccessibleContext > xAcc;
bool bSetVisArea = false;
if( !mpFrameMap )
mpFrameMap.reset(new SwAccessibleContextMap_Impl);
mpFrameMap->mbLocked = false;
mpFrameMap->mbLocked = true;
const SwRootFrame *pRootFrame = GetShell()->GetLayout();
SwAccessibleContextMap_Impl::iterator aIter = mpFrameMap->find( pRootFrame );
if( aIter != mpFrameMap->end() )
xAcc = (*aIter).second;
if( xAcc.is() )
bSetVisArea = true; // Set VisArea when map mutex is not locked
if( bPagePreview )
xAcc = new SwAccessiblePreview(shared_from_this());
xAcc = new SwAccessibleDocument(shared_from_this());
if( aIter != mpFrameMap->end() )
(*aIter).second = xAcc.get();
mpFrameMap->emplace( pRootFrame, xAcc );
mpFrameMap->mbLocked = false;
if( bSetVisArea )
SwAccessibleDocumentBase *pAcc =
static_cast< SwAccessibleDocumentBase * >( xAcc.get() );
return xAcc;
uno::Reference< XAccessible > SwAccessibleMap::GetDocumentView( )
return GetDocumentView_( false );
uno::Reference<XAccessible> SwAccessibleMap::GetDocumentPreview(
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<PreviewPage>>& _rPreviewPages,
const Fraction& _rScale,
const SwPageFrame* _pSelectedPageFrame,
const Size& _rPreviewWinSize )
// create & update preview data object
if( mpPreview == nullptr )
mpPreview.reset( new SwAccPreviewData() );
mpPreview->Update( *this, _rPreviewPages, _rScale, _pSelectedPageFrame, _rPreviewWinSize );
uno::Reference<XAccessible> xAcc = GetDocumentView_( true );
return xAcc;
uno::Reference< XAccessible> SwAccessibleMap::GetContext( const SwFrame *pFrame,
bool bCreate )
rtl::Reference < SwAccessibleContext > xAcc;
rtl::Reference < SwAccessibleContext > xOldCursorAcc;
bool bOldShapeSelected = false;
if( !mpFrameMap && bCreate )
mpFrameMap.reset(new SwAccessibleContextMap_Impl);
if( mpFrameMap )
SwAccessibleContextMap_Impl::iterator aIter = mpFrameMap->find( pFrame );
if( aIter != mpFrameMap->end() )
xAcc = (*aIter).second;
if( !xAcc.is() && bCreate )
rtl::Reference<SwAccessibleContext> pAcc;
switch( pFrame->GetType() )
case SwFrameType::Txt:
pAcc = new SwAccessibleParagraph(shared_from_this(),
static_cast< const SwTextFrame& >( *pFrame ) );
case SwFrameType::Header:
pAcc = new SwAccessibleHeaderFooter(shared_from_this(),
static_cast< const SwHeaderFrame *>( pFrame ) );
case SwFrameType::Footer:
pAcc = new SwAccessibleHeaderFooter(shared_from_this(),
static_cast< const SwFooterFrame *>( pFrame ) );
case SwFrameType::Ftn:
const SwFootnoteFrame *pFootnoteFrame =
static_cast < const SwFootnoteFrame * >( pFrame );
bool bIsEndnote =
SwAccessibleFootnote::IsEndnote( pFootnoteFrame );
pAcc = new SwAccessibleFootnote(shared_from_this(), bIsEndnote,
/*(bIsEndnote ? mnEndnote++ : mnFootnote++),*/
pFootnoteFrame );
case SwFrameType::Fly:
const SwFlyFrame *pFlyFrame =
static_cast < const SwFlyFrame * >( pFrame );
switch( SwAccessibleFrameBase::GetNodeType( pFlyFrame ) )
case SwNodeType::Grf:
pAcc = new SwAccessibleGraphic(shared_from_this(), pFlyFrame );
case SwNodeType::Ole:
pAcc = new SwAccessibleEmbeddedObject(shared_from_this(), pFlyFrame );
pAcc = new SwAccessibleTextFrame(shared_from_this(), *pFlyFrame );
case SwFrameType::Cell:
pAcc = new SwAccessibleCell(shared_from_this(),
static_cast< const SwCellFrame *>( pFrame ) );
case SwFrameType::Tab:
pAcc = new SwAccessibleTable(shared_from_this(),
static_cast< const SwTabFrame *>( pFrame ) );
case SwFrameType::Page:
OSL_ENSURE( GetShell()->IsPreview(),
"accessible page frames only in PagePreview" );
pAcc = new SwAccessiblePage(shared_from_this(), pFrame);
default: break;
xAcc = pAcc;
if( aIter != mpFrameMap->end() )
(*aIter).second = xAcc.get();
mpFrameMap->emplace( pFrame, xAcc );
if( pAcc->HasCursor() &&
!AreInSameTable( mxCursorContext, pFrame ) )
// If the new context has the focus, and if we know
// another context that had the focus, then the focus
// just moves from the old context to the new one. We
// then have to send a focus event and a caret event for
// the old context. We have to do that now,
// because after we have left this method, anyone might
// call getStates for the new context and will get a
// focused state then. Sending the focus changes event
// after that seems to be strange. However, we cannot
// send a focus event for the new context now, because
// no one except us knows it. In any case, we remember
// the new context as the one that has the focus
// currently.
xOldCursorAcc = mxCursorContext;
mxCursorContext = xAcc.get();
bOldShapeSelected = mbShapeSelected;
mbShapeSelected = false;
// Invalidate focus for old object when map is not locked
if( xOldCursorAcc.is() )
InvalidateCursorPosition( xOldCursorAcc );
if( bOldShapeSelected )
return xAcc;
::rtl::Reference < SwAccessibleContext > SwAccessibleMap::GetContextImpl(
const SwFrame *pFrame,
bool bCreate )
uno::Reference < XAccessible > xAcc( GetContext( pFrame, bCreate ) );
::rtl::Reference < SwAccessibleContext > xAccImpl(
static_cast< SwAccessibleContext * >( xAcc.get() ) );
return xAccImpl;
uno::Reference< XAccessible> SwAccessibleMap::GetContext(
const SdrObject *pObj,
SwAccessibleContext *pParentImpl,
bool bCreate )
rtl::Reference < ::accessibility::AccessibleShape > xAcc;
uno::Reference < XAccessible > xOldCursorAcc;
if( !mpShapeMap && bCreate )
mpShapeMap.reset(new SwAccessibleShapeMap_Impl( this ));
if( mpShapeMap )
SwAccessibleShapeMap_Impl::iterator aIter = mpShapeMap->find( pObj );
if( aIter != mpShapeMap->end() )
xAcc = (*aIter).second;
if( !xAcc.is() && bCreate )
rtl::Reference< ::accessibility::AccessibleShape> pAcc;
uno::Reference < drawing::XShape > xShape(
const_cast< SdrObject * >( pObj )->getUnoShape(),
uno::UNO_QUERY );
if( xShape.is() )
::accessibility::ShapeTypeHandler& rShapeTypeHandler =
::accessibility::AccessibleShapeInfo aShapeInfo(
xShape, uno::Reference<XAccessible>(pParentImpl), this );
pAcc = rShapeTypeHandler.CreateAccessibleObject(
aShapeInfo, mpShapeMap->GetInfo() );
xAcc = pAcc.get();
if( aIter != mpShapeMap->end() )
(*aIter).second = xAcc.get();
mpShapeMap->emplace( pObj, xAcc );
// TODO: focus!!!
AddGroupContext(pObj, xAcc);
// Invalidate focus for old object when map is not locked
if( xOldCursorAcc.is() )
InvalidateCursorPosition( xOldCursorAcc );
return xAcc;
bool SwAccessibleMap::IsInSameLevel(const SdrObject* pObj, const SwFEShell* pFESh)
if (pFESh)
return pFESh->IsObjSameLevelWithMarked(pObj);
return false;
void SwAccessibleMap::AddShapeContext(const SdrObject *pObj, rtl::Reference < ::accessibility::AccessibleShape > const & xAccShape)
if( mpShapeMap )
mpShapeMap->emplace( pObj, xAccShape );
//Added by yanjun for sym2_6407
void SwAccessibleMap::RemoveGroupContext(const SdrObject *pParentObj)
// TODO: Why are sub-shapes of group shapes even added to our map?
// Doesn't the AccessibleShape of the top-level shape create them
// on demand anyway? Why does SwAccessibleMap need to know them?
// We cannot rely on getAccessibleChild here to remove the sub-shapes
// from mpShapes because the top-level shape may not only be disposed here
// but also by visibility checks in svx, then it doesn't return children.
if (mpShapeMap && pParentObj && pParentObj->IsGroupObject())
if (SdrObjList *const pChildren = pParentObj->GetSubList())
for (const rtl::Reference<SdrObject>& pChild : *pChildren)
void SwAccessibleMap::AddGroupContext(const SdrObject *pParentObj, uno::Reference < XAccessible > const & xAccParent)
if( !mpShapeMap )
//here get all the sub list.
if (!pParentObj->IsGroupObject())
if (!xAccParent.is())
uno::Reference < XAccessibleContext > xContext = xAccParent->getAccessibleContext();
if (!xContext.is())
sal_Int64 nChildren = xContext->getAccessibleChildCount();
for(sal_Int64 i = 0; i<nChildren; i++)
uno::Reference < XAccessible > xChild = xContext->getAccessibleChild(i);
if (xChild.is())
uno::Reference < XAccessibleContext > xChildContext = xChild->getAccessibleContext();
if (xChildContext.is())
short nRole = xChildContext->getAccessibleRole();
if (nRole == AccessibleRole::SHAPE)
::accessibility::AccessibleShape* pAccShape = static_cast < ::accessibility::AccessibleShape* >( xChild.get());
uno::Reference < drawing::XShape > xShape = pAccShape->GetXShape();
if (xShape.is())
SdrObject* pObj = SdrObject::getSdrObjectFromXShape(xShape);
AddShapeContext(pObj, pAccShape);
::rtl::Reference < ::accessibility::AccessibleShape > SwAccessibleMap::GetContextImpl(
const SdrObject *pObj,
SwAccessibleContext *pParentImpl,
bool bCreate )
uno::Reference < XAccessible > xAcc( GetContext( pObj, pParentImpl, bCreate ) );
::rtl::Reference < ::accessibility::AccessibleShape > xAccImpl(
static_cast< ::accessibility::AccessibleShape* >( xAcc.get() ) );
return xAccImpl;
void SwAccessibleMap::RemoveContext( const SwFrame *pFrame )
if( !mpFrameMap )
SwAccessibleContextMap_Impl::iterator aIter =
mpFrameMap->find( pFrame );
if( aIter == mpFrameMap->end() )
mpFrameMap->erase( aIter );
if (mpSelectedFrameMap)
SwAccessibleContextMap_Impl::iterator aSelectedIter = mpSelectedFrameMap->find(pFrame);
if (aSelectedIter != mpSelectedFrameMap->end())
// Remove reference to old caret object. Though mxCursorContext
// is a weak reference and cleared automatically, clearing it
// directly makes sure to not keep a non-functional object.
rtl::Reference < SwAccessibleContext > xOldAcc( mxCursorContext );
if( xOldAcc.is() )
SwAccessibleContext *pOldAccImpl = xOldAcc.get();
OSL_ENSURE( pOldAccImpl->GetFrame(), "old caret context is disposed" );
if( pOldAccImpl->GetFrame() == pFrame )
xOldAcc.clear(); // get an empty ref
mxCursorContext = xOldAcc.get();
if( mpFrameMap->empty() )
void SwAccessibleMap::RemoveContext( const SdrObject *pObj )
if( !mpShapeMap )
SwAccessibleShapeMap_Impl::iterator aIter = mpShapeMap->find( pObj );
if( aIter == mpShapeMap->end() )
rtl::Reference < ::accessibility::AccessibleShape > xTempHold( (*aIter).second );
mpShapeMap->erase( aIter );
// The shape selection flag is not cleared, but one might do
// so but has to make sure that the removed context is the one
// that is selected.
if( mpShapeMap && mpShapeMap->empty() )
bool SwAccessibleMap::Contains(const SwFrame *pFrame) const
return (pFrame && mpFrameMap && mpFrameMap->find(pFrame) != mpFrameMap->end());
void SwAccessibleMap::A11yDispose( const SwFrame *pFrame,
const SdrObject *pObj,
vcl::Window* pWindow,
bool bRecursive,
bool bCanSkipInvisible )
SwAccessibleChild aFrameOrObj( pFrame, pObj, pWindow );
// Indeed, the following assert checks the frame's accessible flag,
// because that's the one that is evaluated in the layout. The frame
// might not be accessible anyway. That's the case for cell frames that
// contain further cells.
OSL_ENSURE( !aFrameOrObj.GetSwFrame() || aFrameOrObj.GetSwFrame()->IsAccessibleFrame(),
"non accessible frame should be disposed" );
if (!(aFrameOrObj.IsAccessible(GetShell()->IsPreview())
// fdo#87199 dispose the darn thing if it ever was accessible
|| Contains(pFrame)))
::rtl::Reference< SwAccessibleContext > xAccImpl;
::rtl::Reference< SwAccessibleContext > xParentAccImpl;
::rtl::Reference< ::accessibility::AccessibleShape > xShapeAccImpl;
// get accessible context for frame
// First of all look for an accessible context for a frame
if( aFrameOrObj.GetSwFrame() && mpFrameMap )
SwAccessibleContextMap_Impl::iterator aIter =
mpFrameMap->find( aFrameOrObj.GetSwFrame() );
if( aIter != mpFrameMap->end() )
xAccImpl = (*aIter).second;
if( !xAccImpl.is() && mpFrameMap )
// If there is none, look if the parent is accessible.
const SwFrame *pParent =
SwAccessibleFrame::GetParent( aFrameOrObj,
if( pParent )
SwAccessibleContextMap_Impl::iterator aIter =
mpFrameMap->find( pParent );
if( aIter != mpFrameMap->end() )
xParentAccImpl = (*aIter).second;
if( !xParentAccImpl.is() && !aFrameOrObj.GetSwFrame() && mpShapeMap )
SwAccessibleShapeMap_Impl::iterator aIter =
mpShapeMap->find( aFrameOrObj.GetDrawObject() );
if( aIter != mpShapeMap->end() )
xShapeAccImpl = aIter->second;
if( pObj && GetShell()->ActionPend() &&
(xParentAccImpl.is() || xShapeAccImpl.is()) )
// Keep a reference to the XShape to avoid that it
// is deleted with a SwFrameFormat::SwClientNotify.
uno::Reference < drawing::XShape > xShape(
const_cast< SdrObject * >( pObj )->getUnoShape(),
uno::UNO_QUERY );
if( xShape.is() )
mvShapes.push_back( xShape );
// remove events stored for the frame
osl::MutexGuard aGuard( maEventMutex );
if( mpEvents )
SwAccessibleEventMap_Impl::iterator aIter =
mpEventMap->find( aFrameOrObj );
if( aIter != mpEventMap->end() )
SwAccessibleEvent_Impl aEvent(
SwAccessibleEvent_Impl::DISPOSE, aFrameOrObj );
AppendEvent( aEvent );
// If the frame is accessible and there is a context for it, dispose
// the frame. If the frame is no context for it but disposing should
// take place recursive, the frame's children have to be disposed
// anyway, so we have to create the context then.
if( xAccImpl.is() )
xAccImpl->Dispose( bRecursive );
else if( xParentAccImpl.is() )
// If the frame is a cell frame, the table must be notified.
// If we are in an action, a table model change event will
// be broadcasted at the end of the action to give the table
// a chance to generate a single table change event.
xParentAccImpl->DisposeChild( aFrameOrObj, bRecursive, bCanSkipInvisible );
else if( xShapeAccImpl.is() )
RemoveContext( aFrameOrObj.GetDrawObject() );
if( mpPreview && pFrame && pFrame->IsPageFrame() )
mpPreview->DisposePage( static_cast< const SwPageFrame *>( pFrame ) );
void SwAccessibleMap::InvalidatePosOrSize( const SwFrame *pFrame,
const SdrObject *pObj,
vcl::Window* pWindow,
const SwRect& rOldBox )
SwAccessibleChild aFrameOrObj( pFrame, pObj, pWindow );
if( !aFrameOrObj.IsAccessible( GetShell()->IsPreview() ) )
::rtl::Reference< SwAccessibleContext > xAccImpl;
::rtl::Reference< SwAccessibleContext > xParentAccImpl;
const SwFrame *pParent =nullptr;
if( mpFrameMap )
if( aFrameOrObj.GetSwFrame() )
SwAccessibleContextMap_Impl::iterator aIter =
mpFrameMap->find( aFrameOrObj.GetSwFrame() );
if( aIter != mpFrameMap->end() )
// If there is an accessible object already it is
// notified directly.
xAccImpl = (*aIter).second;
if( !xAccImpl.is() )
// Otherwise we look if the parent is accessible.
// If not, there is nothing to do.
pParent =
SwAccessibleFrame::GetParent( aFrameOrObj,
if( pParent )
SwAccessibleContextMap_Impl::iterator aIter =
mpFrameMap->find( pParent );
if( aIter != mpFrameMap->end() )
xParentAccImpl = (*aIter).second;
if( xAccImpl.is() )
if( GetShell()->ActionPend() )
SwAccessibleEvent_Impl aEvent(
SwAccessibleEvent_Impl::POS_CHANGED, xAccImpl.get(),
std::move(aFrameOrObj), rOldBox );
AppendEvent( aEvent );
if (xAccImpl->GetFrame()) // not if disposed by FireEvents()
else if( xParentAccImpl.is() )
if( GetShell()->ActionPend() )
// tdf#99722 faster not to buffer events that won't be sent
if (!SwAccessibleChild(pParent).IsVisibleChildrenOnly()
|| xParentAccImpl->IsShowing(rOldBox)
|| xParentAccImpl->IsShowing(*this, aFrameOrObj))
SwAccessibleEvent_Impl aEvent(
xParentAccImpl.get(), std::move(aFrameOrObj), rOldBox );
AppendEvent( aEvent );
xParentAccImpl->InvalidateChildPosOrSize( aFrameOrObj,
rOldBox );
else if(pParent)
For child graphic and its parent paragraph,if split 2 graphic to 2 paragraph,
will delete one graphic swfrm and new create 1 graphic swfrm ,
then the new paragraph and the new graphic SwFrame will add .
but when add graphic SwFrame ,the accessible of the new Paragraph is not created yet.
so the new graphic accessible 'parent is NULL,
so run here: save the parent's SwFrame not the accessible object parent,
bool bIsValidFrame = false;
bool bIsTextParent = false;
if (aFrameOrObj.GetSwFrame())
if (SwFrameType::Fly == pFrame->GetType())
bIsValidFrame =true;
else if(pObj)
if (SwFrameType::Txt == pParent->GetType())
bIsTextParent =true;
if( bIsValidFrame || bIsTextParent )
if( GetShell()->ActionPend() )
SwAccessibleEvent_Impl aEvent(
pParent, std::move(aFrameOrObj), rOldBox );
AppendEvent( aEvent );
void SwAccessibleMap::InvalidateContent( const SwFrame *pFrame )
SwAccessibleChild aFrameOrObj( pFrame );
if( !aFrameOrObj.IsAccessible( GetShell()->IsPreview() ) )
if (!mpFrameMap)
rtl::Reference < SwAccessibleContext > xAcc;
SwAccessibleContextMap_Impl::iterator aIter =
mpFrameMap->find( aFrameOrObj.GetSwFrame() );
if( aIter != mpFrameMap->end() )
xAcc = (*aIter).second;
if( !xAcc.is() )
if( GetShell()->ActionPend() )
SwAccessibleEvent_Impl aEvent(
SwAccessibleEvent_Impl::INVALID_CONTENT, xAcc.get(),
std::move(aFrameOrObj) );
AppendEvent( aEvent );
void SwAccessibleMap::InvalidateAttr( const SwTextFrame& rTextFrame )
SwAccessibleChild aFrameOrObj( &rTextFrame );
if( !aFrameOrObj.IsAccessible( GetShell()->IsPreview() ) )
if (!mpFrameMap)
rtl::Reference < SwAccessibleContext > xAcc;
SwAccessibleContextMap_Impl::iterator aIter =
mpFrameMap->find( aFrameOrObj.GetSwFrame() );
if( aIter != mpFrameMap->end() )
xAcc = (*aIter).second;
if( !xAcc.is() )
if( GetShell()->ActionPend() )
SwAccessibleEvent_Impl aEvent( SwAccessibleEvent_Impl::INVALID_ATTR,
xAcc.get(), std::move(aFrameOrObj) );
aEvent.SetStates( AccessibleStates::TEXT_ATTRIBUTE_CHANGED );
AppendEvent( aEvent );
void SwAccessibleMap::InvalidateCursorPosition( const SwFrame *pFrame )
SwAccessibleChild aFrameOrObj( pFrame );
bool bShapeSelected = false;
const SwViewShell *pVSh = GetShell();
if( auto pCSh = dynamic_cast<const SwCursorShell*>(pVSh) )
if( pCSh->IsTableMode() )
while( aFrameOrObj.GetSwFrame() && !aFrameOrObj.GetSwFrame()->IsCellFrame() )
aFrameOrObj = aFrameOrObj.GetSwFrame()->GetUpper();
else if( auto pFESh = dynamic_cast<const SwFEShell*>(pVSh) )
const SwFrame *pFlyFrame = pFESh->GetSelectedFlyFrame();
if( pFlyFrame )
OSL_ENSURE( !pFrame || pFrame->FindFlyFrame() == pFlyFrame,
"cursor is not contained in fly frame" );
aFrameOrObj = pFlyFrame;
else if( pFESh->IsObjSelected() > 0 )
bShapeSelected = true;
aFrameOrObj = static_cast<const SwFrame *>( nullptr );
OSL_ENSURE( bShapeSelected || aFrameOrObj.IsAccessible(GetShell()->IsPreview()),
"frame is not accessible" );
rtl::Reference < SwAccessibleContext > xOldAcc;
rtl::Reference < SwAccessibleContext > xAcc;
bool bOldShapeSelected = false;
xOldAcc = mxCursorContext;
mxCursorContext = xAcc.get(); // clear reference
bOldShapeSelected = mbShapeSelected;
mbShapeSelected = bShapeSelected;
if( aFrameOrObj.GetSwFrame() && mpFrameMap )
SwAccessibleContextMap_Impl::iterator aIter =
mpFrameMap->find( aFrameOrObj.GetSwFrame() );
if( aIter != mpFrameMap->end() )
xAcc = (*aIter).second;
SwRect rcEmpty;
const SwTabFrame* pTabFrame = aFrameOrObj.GetSwFrame()->FindTabFrame();
if (pTabFrame)
InvalidatePosOrSize(pTabFrame, nullptr, nullptr, rcEmpty);
InvalidatePosOrSize(aFrameOrObj.GetSwFrame(), nullptr, nullptr, rcEmpty);
aIter = mpFrameMap->find( aFrameOrObj.GetSwFrame() );
if( aIter != mpFrameMap->end() )
xAcc = (*aIter).second;
// For cells, some extra thoughts are necessary,
// because invalidating the cursor for one cell
// invalidates the cursor for all cells of the same
// table. For this reason, we don't want to
// invalidate the cursor for the old cursor object
// and the new one if they are within the same table,
// because this would result in doing the work twice.
// Moreover, we have to make sure to invalidate the
// cursor even if the current cell has no accessible object.
// If the old cursor objects exists and is in the same
// table, it's the best choice, because using it avoids
// an unnecessary cursor invalidation cycle when creating
// a new object for the current cell.
if( aFrameOrObj.GetSwFrame()->IsCellFrame() )
if( xOldAcc.is() &&
AreInSameTable( xOldAcc, aFrameOrObj.GetSwFrame() ) )
if( xAcc.is() )
xOldAcc = xAcc; // avoid extra invalidation
xAcc = xOldAcc; // make sure at least one
if( !xAcc.is() )
xAcc = GetContextImpl( aFrameOrObj.GetSwFrame() );
else if (bShapeSelected)
const SwFEShell *pFESh = static_cast< const SwFEShell * >( pVSh );
const SdrMarkList *pMarkList = pFESh->GetMarkList();
if (pMarkList != nullptr && pMarkList->GetMarkCount() == 1)
SdrObject *pObj = pMarkList->GetMark( 0 )->GetMarkedSdrObj();
::rtl::Reference < ::accessibility::AccessibleShape > pAccShapeImpl = GetContextImpl(pObj,nullptr,false);
if (!pAccShapeImpl.is())
while (pObj && pObj->getParentSdrObjectFromSdrObject())
pObj = pObj->getParentSdrObjectFromSdrObject();
if (pObj != nullptr)
const SwFrame *pParent = SwAccessibleFrame::GetParent( SwAccessibleChild(pObj), GetShell()->IsPreview() );
if( pParent )
::rtl::Reference< SwAccessibleContext > xParentAccImpl = GetContextImpl(pParent,false);
if (!xParentAccImpl.is())
const SwTabFrame* pTabFrame = pParent->FindTabFrame();
if (pTabFrame)
//The Table should not add in acc.because the "pParent" is not add to acc .
uno::Reference< XAccessible> xAccParentTab = GetContext(pTabFrame);//Should Create.
const SwFrame *pParentRoot = SwAccessibleFrame::GetParent( SwAccessibleChild(pTabFrame), GetShell()->IsPreview() );
if (pParentRoot)
::rtl::Reference< SwAccessibleContext > xParentAccImplRoot = GetContextImpl(pParentRoot,false);
AccessibleEventObject aEvent;
aEvent.EventId = AccessibleEventId::CHILD;
aEvent.NewValue <<= xAccParentTab;
aEvent.IndexHint = -1;
xParentAccImplRoot->FireAccessibleEvent( aEvent );
//Get "pParent" acc again.
xParentAccImpl = GetContextImpl(pParent,false);
//directly create this acc para .
xParentAccImpl = GetContextImpl(pParent);//Should Create.
const SwFrame *pParentRoot = SwAccessibleFrame::GetParent( SwAccessibleChild(pParent), GetShell()->IsPreview() );
::rtl::Reference< SwAccessibleContext > xParentAccImplRoot = GetContextImpl(pParentRoot,false);
AccessibleEventObject aEvent;
aEvent.EventId = AccessibleEventId::CHILD;
aEvent.NewValue <<= uno::Reference< XAccessible>(xParentAccImpl);
aEvent.IndexHint = -1;
xParentAccImplRoot->FireAccessibleEvent( aEvent );
if (xParentAccImpl.is())
uno::Reference< XAccessible> xAccShape =
AccessibleEventObject aEvent;
aEvent.EventId = AccessibleEventId::CHILD;
aEvent.NewValue <<= xAccShape;
aEvent.IndexHint = -1;
xParentAccImpl->FireAccessibleEvent( aEvent );
if( xOldAcc.is() && xOldAcc != xAcc )
InvalidateCursorPosition( xOldAcc );
if( bOldShapeSelected || bShapeSelected )
if( xAcc.is() )
InvalidateCursorPosition( xAcc );
for (SwAccessibleParagraph* pAccPara : m_setParaRemove)
if (pAccPara && !pAccPara->IsDisposed() &&
pAccPara->getSelectedAccessibleChildCount() == 0 &&
pAccPara->getSelectedText().getLength() == 0)
AccessibleEventObject aEvent;
aEvent.EventId = AccessibleEventId::SELECTION_CHANGED_REMOVE;
pAccPara->FireAccessibleEvent( aEvent );
for (SwAccessibleParagraph* pAccPara : m_setParaAdd)
if(pAccPara && pAccPara->SetSelectedState(true))
AccessibleEventObject aEvent;
aEvent.EventId = AccessibleEventId::SELECTION_CHANGED;
pAccPara->FireAccessibleEvent( aEvent );
void SwAccessibleMap::InvalidateFocus()
rtl::Reference<SwAccessibleContext> xDocView = GetDocumentView_(true);
rtl::Reference < SwAccessibleContext > xAcc = mxCursorContext;
if( xAcc.is() )
void SwAccessibleMap::SetCursorContext(
const ::rtl::Reference < SwAccessibleContext >& rCursorContext )
mxCursorContext = rCursorContext.get();
void SwAccessibleMap::InvalidateEditableStates( const SwFrame* _pFrame )
// Start with the frame or the first upper that is accessible
SwAccessibleChild aFrameOrObj( _pFrame );
while( aFrameOrObj.GetSwFrame() &&
!aFrameOrObj.IsAccessible( GetShell()->IsPreview() ) )
aFrameOrObj = aFrameOrObj.GetSwFrame()->GetUpper();
if( !aFrameOrObj.GetSwFrame() )
aFrameOrObj = GetShell()->GetLayout();
uno::Reference< XAccessible > xAcc( GetContext( aFrameOrObj.GetSwFrame() ) );
SwAccessibleContext *pAccImpl = static_cast< SwAccessibleContext *>( xAcc.get() );
if( GetShell()->ActionPend() )
SwAccessibleEvent_Impl aEvent( SwAccessibleEvent_Impl::CARET_OR_STATES,
AccessibleStates::EDITABLE );
AppendEvent( aEvent );
pAccImpl->InvalidateStates( AccessibleStates::EDITABLE );
void SwAccessibleMap::InvalidateRelationSet_( const SwFrame* pFrame,
bool bFrom )
// first, see if this frame is accessible, and if so, get the respective
SwAccessibleChild aFrameOrObj( pFrame );
if( !aFrameOrObj.IsAccessible( GetShell()->IsPreview() ) )
if (!mpFrameMap)
rtl::Reference < SwAccessibleContext > xAcc;
SwAccessibleContextMap_Impl::iterator aIter =
mpFrameMap->find( aFrameOrObj.GetSwFrame() );
if( aIter != mpFrameMap->end() )
xAcc = (*aIter).second;
// deliver event directly, or queue event
if( !xAcc.is() )
if( GetShell()->ActionPend() )
SwAccessibleEvent_Impl aEvent( SwAccessibleEvent_Impl::CARET_OR_STATES,
xAcc.get(), SwAccessibleChild(pFrame),
( bFrom
? AccessibleStates::RELATION_FROM
: AccessibleStates::RELATION_TO ) );
AppendEvent( aEvent );
xAcc->InvalidateRelation( bFrom
void SwAccessibleMap::InvalidateRelationSet( const SwFrame* pMaster,
const SwFrame* pFollow )
InvalidateRelationSet_( pMaster, false );
InvalidateRelationSet_( pFollow, true );
// invalidation of CONTENT_FLOW_FROM/_TO relation of a paragraph
void SwAccessibleMap::InvalidateParaFlowRelation( const SwTextFrame& _rTextFrame,
const bool _bFrom )
InvalidateRelationSet_( &_rTextFrame, _bFrom );
// invalidation of text selection of a paragraph
void SwAccessibleMap::InvalidateParaTextSelection( const SwTextFrame& _rTextFrame )
// first, see if this frame is accessible, and if so, get the respective
SwAccessibleChild aFrameOrObj( &_rTextFrame );
if( !aFrameOrObj.IsAccessible( GetShell()->IsPreview() ) )
if (!mpFrameMap)
rtl::Reference < SwAccessibleContext > xAcc;
SwAccessibleContextMap_Impl::iterator aIter =
mpFrameMap->find( aFrameOrObj.GetSwFrame() );
if( aIter != mpFrameMap->end() )
xAcc = (*aIter).second;
// deliver event directly, or queue event
if( !xAcc.is() )
if( GetShell()->ActionPend() )
SwAccessibleEvent_Impl aEvent(
SwAccessibleChild( &_rTextFrame ),
AppendEvent( aEvent );
sal_Int32 SwAccessibleMap::GetChildIndex( const SwFrame& rParentFrame,
vcl::Window& rChild ) const
sal_Int32 nIndex( -1 );
SwAccessibleChild aFrameOrObj( &rParentFrame );
if( aFrameOrObj.IsAccessible( GetShell()->IsPreview() ) )
rtl::Reference < SwAccessibleContext > xAcc;
if( mpFrameMap )
SwAccessibleContextMap_Impl::iterator aIter =
mpFrameMap->find( aFrameOrObj.GetSwFrame() );
if( aIter != mpFrameMap->end() )
xAcc = (*aIter).second;
if( xAcc.is() )
nIndex = xAcc->GetChildIndex( const_cast<SwAccessibleMap&>(*this),
SwAccessibleChild( &rChild ) );
return nIndex;
void SwAccessibleMap::UpdatePreview( const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<PreviewPage>>& _rPreviewPages,
const Fraction& _rScale,
const SwPageFrame* _pSelectedPageFrame,
const Size& _rPreviewWinSize )
assert(GetShell()->IsPreview() && "no preview?");
assert(mpPreview != nullptr && "no preview data?");
mpPreview->Update( *this, _rPreviewPages, _rScale, _pSelectedPageFrame, _rPreviewWinSize );
// propagate change of VisArea through the document's
// accessibility tree; this will also send appropriate scroll
// events
SwAccessibleContext* pDoc =
GetContextImpl( GetShell()->GetLayout() ).get();
static_cast<SwAccessibleDocumentBase*>( pDoc )->SetVisArea();
rtl::Reference < SwAccessibleContext > xOldAcc = mxCursorContext;
rtl::Reference < SwAccessibleContext > xAcc;
const SwPageFrame *pSelPage = mpPreview->GetSelPage();
if( pSelPage && mpFrameMap )
SwAccessibleContextMap_Impl::iterator aIter =
mpFrameMap->find( pSelPage );
if( aIter != mpFrameMap->end() )
xAcc = (*aIter).second;
if( xOldAcc.is() && xOldAcc != xAcc )
InvalidateCursorPosition( xOldAcc );
if( xAcc.is() )
InvalidateCursorPosition( xAcc );
void SwAccessibleMap::InvalidatePreviewSelection( sal_uInt16 nSelPage )
assert(mpPreview != nullptr);
mpPreview->InvalidateSelection( GetShell()->GetLayout()->GetPageByPageNum( nSelPage ) );
rtl::Reference < SwAccessibleContext > xOldAcc = mxCursorContext;
rtl::Reference < SwAccessibleContext > xAcc;
const SwPageFrame *pSelPage = mpPreview->GetSelPage();
if( pSelPage && mpFrameMap )
SwAccessibleContextMap_Impl::iterator aIter = mpFrameMap->find( pSelPage );
if( aIter != mpFrameMap->end() )
xAcc = (*aIter).second;
if( xOldAcc.is() && xOldAcc != xAcc )
InvalidateCursorPosition( xOldAcc );
if( xAcc.is() )
InvalidateCursorPosition( xAcc );
bool SwAccessibleMap::IsPageSelected( const SwPageFrame *pPageFrame ) const
return mpPreview && mpPreview->GetSelPage() == pPageFrame;
void SwAccessibleMap::FireEvents()
osl::MutexGuard aGuard( maEventMutex );
if( mpEvents )
if (mpEvents->IsFiring())
return; // prevent recursive FireEvents()
for( auto const& aEvent : *mpEvents )
tools::Rectangle SwAccessibleMap::GetVisibleArea() const
return o3tl::convert( GetVisArea().SVRect(), o3tl::Length::twip, o3tl::Length::mm100 );
// Convert a MM100 value relative to the document root into a pixel value
// relative to the screen!
Point SwAccessibleMap::LogicToPixel( const Point& rPoint ) const
Point aPoint = o3tl::toTwips( rPoint, o3tl::Length::mm100 );
if (const vcl::Window* pWin = GetShell()->GetWin())
const MapMode aMapMode = GetMapMode(aPoint);
aPoint = pWin->LogicToPixel( aPoint, aMapMode );
aPoint = Point(pWin->OutputToAbsoluteScreenPixel( aPoint ));
return aPoint;
Size SwAccessibleMap::LogicToPixel( const Size& rSize ) const
Size aSize( o3tl::toTwips( rSize, o3tl::Length::mm100 ) );
if (const OutputDevice* pWin = GetShell()->GetWin()->GetOutDev())
const MapMode aMapMode = GetMapMode(Point(0, 0));
aSize = pWin->LogicToPixel( aSize, aMapMode );
return aSize;
bool SwAccessibleMap::ReplaceChild (
::accessibility::AccessibleShape* pCurrentChild,
const uno::Reference< drawing::XShape >& _rxShape,
const tools::Long /*_nIndex*/,
const ::accessibility::AccessibleShapeTreeInfo& /*_rShapeTreeInfo*/
const SdrObject *pObj = nullptr;
if( mpShapeMap )
SwAccessibleShapeMap_Impl::const_iterator aIter = mpShapeMap->cbegin();
SwAccessibleShapeMap_Impl::const_iterator aEndIter = mpShapeMap->cend();
while( aIter != aEndIter && !pObj )
rtl::Reference < ::accessibility::AccessibleShape > xAcc( (*aIter).second );
if( xAcc.get() == pCurrentChild )
pObj = (*aIter).first;
if( !pObj )
return false;
uno::Reference < drawing::XShape > xShape( _rxShape ); // keep reference to shape, because
// we might be the only one that
// holds it.
// Also get keep parent.
uno::Reference < XAccessible > xParent( pCurrentChild->getAccessibleParent() );
pCurrentChild = nullptr; // will be released by dispose
A11yDispose( nullptr, pObj, nullptr );
if( !mpShapeMap )
mpShapeMap.reset(new SwAccessibleShapeMap_Impl( this ));
// create the new child
::accessibility::ShapeTypeHandler& rShapeTypeHandler =
::accessibility::AccessibleShapeInfo aShapeInfo(
xShape, xParent, this );
rtl::Reference< ::accessibility::AccessibleShape> pReplacement(
rShapeTypeHandler.CreateAccessibleObject (
aShapeInfo, mpShapeMap->GetInfo() ));
rtl::Reference < ::accessibility::AccessibleShape > xAcc( pReplacement );
if( xAcc.is() )
SwAccessibleShapeMap_Impl::iterator aIter = mpShapeMap->find( pObj );
if( aIter != mpShapeMap->end() )
(*aIter).second = xAcc.get();
mpShapeMap->emplace( pObj, xAcc );
SwRect aEmptyRect;
InvalidatePosOrSize( nullptr, pObj, nullptr, aEmptyRect );
return true;
//Get the accessible control shape from the model object, here model object is with XPropertySet type
::accessibility::AccessibleControlShape * SwAccessibleMap::GetAccControlShapeFromModel(css::beans::XPropertySet* pSet)
if( mpShapeMap )
SwAccessibleShapeMap_Impl::const_iterator aIter = mpShapeMap->cbegin();
SwAccessibleShapeMap_Impl::const_iterator aEndIter = mpShapeMap->cend();
while( aIter != aEndIter)
rtl::Reference < ::accessibility::AccessibleShape > xAcc( (*aIter).second );
if(xAcc && ::accessibility::ShapeTypeHandler::Instance().GetTypeId (xAcc->GetXShape()) == ::accessibility::DRAWING_CONTROL)
::accessibility::AccessibleControlShape *pCtlAccShape = static_cast < ::accessibility::AccessibleControlShape* >(xAcc.get());
if (pCtlAccShape->GetControlModel() == pSet)
return pCtlAccShape;
return nullptr;
css::uno::Reference< XAccessible >
SwAccessibleMap::GetAccessibleCaption (const css::uno::Reference< css::drawing::XShape >&)
return nullptr;
Point SwAccessibleMap::PixelToCore( const Point& rPoint ) const
Point aPoint;
if (const OutputDevice* pWin = GetShell()->GetWin()->GetOutDev())
const MapMode aMapMode = GetMapMode(rPoint);
aPoint = pWin->PixelToLogic( rPoint, aMapMode );
return aPoint;
static tools::Long lcl_CorrectCoarseValue(tools::Long aCoarseValue, tools::Long aFineValue,
tools::Long aRefValue, bool bToLower)
tools::Long aResult = aCoarseValue;
if (bToLower)
if (aFineValue < aRefValue)
aResult -= 1;
if (aFineValue > aRefValue)
aResult += 1;
return aResult;
static void lcl_CorrectRectangle(tools::Rectangle & rRect,
const tools::Rectangle & rSource,
const tools::Rectangle & rInGrid)
rRect.SetLeft( lcl_CorrectCoarseValue(rRect.Left(), rSource.Left(),
rInGrid.Left(), false) );
rRect.SetTop( lcl_CorrectCoarseValue(rRect.Top(), rSource.Top(),
rInGrid.Top(), false) );
rRect.SetRight( lcl_CorrectCoarseValue(rRect.Right(), rSource.Right(),
rInGrid.Right(), true) );
rRect.SetBottom( lcl_CorrectCoarseValue(rRect.Bottom(), rSource.Bottom(),
rInGrid.Bottom(), true) );
tools::Rectangle SwAccessibleMap::CoreToPixel( const SwRect& rRect ) const
tools::Rectangle aRect;
if (const OutputDevice* pWin = GetShell()->GetWin()->GetOutDev())
const MapMode aMapMode = GetMapMode(rRect.TopLeft());
aRect = pWin->LogicToPixel( rRect.SVRect(), aMapMode );
tools::Rectangle aTmpRect = pWin->PixelToLogic( aRect, aMapMode );
lcl_CorrectRectangle(aRect, rRect.SVRect(), aTmpRect);
return aRect;
/** get mapping mode for LogicToPixel and PixelToLogic conversions
Method returns mapping mode of current output device and adjusts it,
if the shell is in page/print preview.
Necessary, because <PreviewAdjust(..)> changes mapping mode at current
output device for mapping logic document positions to page preview window
positions and vice versa and doesn't take care to recover its changes.
MapMode SwAccessibleMap::GetMapMode(const Point& _rPoint) const
MapMode aMapMode = GetShell()->GetWin()->GetMapMode();
if( GetShell()->IsPreview() )
assert(mpPreview != nullptr);
mpPreview->AdjustMapMode( aMapMode, _rPoint );
return aMapMode;
Size SwAccessibleMap::GetPreviewPageSize(sal_uInt16 const nPreviewPageNum) const
assert(mpPreview != nullptr);
return mpVSh->PagePreviewLayout()->GetPreviewPageSizeByPageNum(nPreviewPageNum);
/** method to build up a new data structure of the accessible paragraphs,
which have a selection
Important note: method has to be used inside a mutual exclusive section
std::unique_ptr<SwAccessibleSelectedParas_Impl> SwAccessibleMap::BuildSelectedParas()
// no accessible contexts, no selection
if ( !mpFrameMap )
return nullptr;
// get cursor as an instance of its base class <SwPaM>
SwPaM* pCursor( nullptr );
SwCursorShell* pCursorShell = dynamic_cast<SwCursorShell*>(GetShell());
if ( pCursorShell )
SwFEShell* pFEShell = dynamic_cast<SwFEShell*>(pCursorShell);
if ( !pFEShell ||
( !pFEShell->IsFrameSelected() &&
pFEShell->IsObjSelected() == 0 ) )
// get cursor without updating an existing table cursor.
pCursor = pCursorShell->GetCursor( false );
// no cursor, no selection
if ( !pCursor )
return nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<SwAccessibleSelectedParas_Impl> pRetSelectedParas;
// loop on all cursors
SwPaM* pRingStart = pCursor;
do {
// for a selection the cursor has to have a mark.
// for safety reasons assure that point and mark are in text nodes
if ( pCursor->HasMark() &&
pCursor->GetPoint()->GetNode().IsTextNode() &&
pCursor->GetMark()->GetNode().IsTextNode() )
auto [pStartPos, pEndPos] = pCursor->StartEnd(); // SwPosition*
// loop on all text nodes inside the selection
SwNodeIndex aIdx( pStartPos->GetNode() );
for ( ; aIdx.GetIndex() <= pEndPos->GetNodeIndex(); ++aIdx )
SwTextNode* pTextNode( aIdx.GetNode().GetTextNode() );
if ( pTextNode )
// loop on all text frames registered at the text node.
SwIterator<SwTextFrame, SwTextNode, sw::IteratorMode::UnwrapMulti> aIter(*pTextNode);
for( SwTextFrame* pTextFrame = aIter.First(); pTextFrame; pTextFrame = aIter.Next() )
unotools::WeakReference < SwAccessibleContext > xWeakAcc;
SwAccessibleContextMap_Impl::iterator aMapIter =
mpFrameMap->find( pTextFrame );
if( aMapIter != mpFrameMap->end() )
xWeakAcc = (*aMapIter).second;
SwAccessibleParaSelection aDataEntry(
sw::FrameContainsNode(*pTextFrame, pStartPos->GetNodeIndex())
? pTextFrame->MapModelToViewPos(*pStartPos)
: TextFrameIndex(0),
sw::FrameContainsNode(*pTextFrame, pEndPos->GetNodeIndex())
? pTextFrame->MapModelToViewPos(*pEndPos)
: TextFrameIndex(COMPLETE_STRING));
if ( !pRetSelectedParas )
new SwAccessibleSelectedParas_Impl);
// sw_redlinehide: should be idempotent for multiple nodes in a merged para
pRetSelectedParas->emplace( xWeakAcc, aDataEntry );
// prepare next turn: get next cursor in ring
pCursor = pCursor->GetNext();
} while ( pCursor != pRingStart );
return pRetSelectedParas;
void SwAccessibleMap::InvalidateTextSelectionOfAllParas()
// keep previously known selected paragraphs
std::unique_ptr<SwAccessibleSelectedParas_Impl> pPrevSelectedParas( std::move(mpSelectedParas) );
// determine currently selected paragraphs
mpSelectedParas = BuildSelectedParas();
// compare currently selected paragraphs with the previously selected
// paragraphs and submit corresponding TEXT_SELECTION_CHANGED events.
// first, search for new and changed selections.
// on the run remove selections from previously known ones, if they are
// also in the current ones.
if ( mpSelectedParas )
SwAccessibleSelectedParas_Impl::iterator aIter = mpSelectedParas->begin();
for ( ; aIter != mpSelectedParas->end(); ++aIter )
bool bSubmitEvent( false );
if ( !pPrevSelectedParas )
// new selection
bSubmitEvent = true;
SwAccessibleSelectedParas_Impl::iterator aPrevSelected =
pPrevSelectedParas->find( (*aIter).first );
if ( aPrevSelected != pPrevSelectedParas->end() )
// check, if selection has changed
if ( (*aIter).second.nStartOfSelection !=
(*aPrevSelected).second.nStartOfSelection ||
(*aIter).second.nEndOfSelection !=
(*aPrevSelected).second.nEndOfSelection )
// changed selection
bSubmitEvent = true;
pPrevSelectedParas->erase( aPrevSelected );
// new selection
bSubmitEvent = true;
if ( bSubmitEvent )
rtl::Reference < SwAccessibleContext > xAcc( (*aIter).first );
if ( xAcc.is() && xAcc->GetFrame() )
const SwTextFrame* pTextFrame = xAcc->GetFrame()->DynCastTextFrame();
OSL_ENSURE( pTextFrame,
"<SwAccessibleMap::_SubmitTextSelectionChangedEvents()> - unexpected type of frame" );
if ( pTextFrame )
InvalidateParaTextSelection( *pTextFrame );
// second, handle previous selections - after the first step the data
// structure of the previously known only contains the 'old' selections
if ( !pPrevSelectedParas )
SwAccessibleSelectedParas_Impl::iterator aIter = pPrevSelectedParas->begin();
for ( ; aIter != pPrevSelectedParas->end(); ++aIter )
rtl::Reference < SwAccessibleContext > xAcc( (*aIter).first );
if ( xAcc.is() && xAcc->GetFrame() )
const SwTextFrame* pTextFrame = xAcc->GetFrame()->DynCastTextFrame();
OSL_ENSURE( pTextFrame,
"<SwAccessibleMap::_SubmitTextSelectionChangedEvents()> - unexpected type of frame" );
if ( pTextFrame )
InvalidateParaTextSelection( *pTextFrame );
const SwRect& SwAccessibleMap::GetVisArea() const
assert(!GetShell()->IsPreview() || (mpPreview != nullptr));
return GetShell()->IsPreview()
? mpPreview->GetVisArea()
: GetShell()->VisArea();
bool SwAccessibleMap::IsDocumentSelAll()
return GetShell()->GetDoc()->IsPrepareSelAll();
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
↑ V530 The return value of function 'Union' is required to be utilized.
↑ V530 The return value of function 'Intersection' is required to be utilized.
↑ V547 Expression '!"dispose event has been stored"' is always false.