/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <config_folders.h>
#include <rtl/bootstrap.h>
#include <rtl/bootstrap.hxx>
#include <osl/diagnose.h>
#include <osl/process.h>
#include <osl/file.hxx>
#include <osl/mutex.hxx>
#include <osl/profile.hxx>
#include <osl/security.hxx>
#include <rtl/string.hxx>
#include <rtl/ustrbuf.hxx>
#include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
#include <rtl/byteseq.hxx>
#include <sal/log.hxx>
#include <o3tl/lru_map.hxx>
#include <o3tl/string_view.hxx>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstddef>
#include <string_view>
#include <unordered_map>
#ifdef ANDROID
#include <osl/detail/android-bootstrap.h>
#include <osl/detail/emscripten-bootstrap.h>
#ifdef IOS
#include <premac.h>
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#include <postmac.h>
using osl::DirectoryItem;
using osl::FileStatus;
struct Bootstrap_Impl;
constexpr std::u16string_view VND_SUN_STAR_PATHNAME = u"vnd.sun.star.pathname:";
bool isPathnameUrl(std::u16string_view url)
    return o3tl::matchIgnoreAsciiCase(url, VND_SUN_STAR_PATHNAME);
bool resolvePathnameUrl(OUString * url)
    if (!isPathnameUrl(*url) ||
            url->copy(VND_SUN_STAR_PATHNAME.size()), *url) ==
        return true;
    *url = OUString();
    return false;
enum class LookupMode {
struct ExpandRequestLink {
    ExpandRequestLink const * next;
    Bootstrap_Impl const * file;
    OUString key;
OUString expandMacros(
    Bootstrap_Impl const * file, std::u16string_view text, LookupMode mode,
    ExpandRequestLink const * requestStack);
OUString recursivelyExpandMacros(
    Bootstrap_Impl const * file, std::u16string_view text, LookupMode mode,
    Bootstrap_Impl const * requestFile, OUString const & requestKey,
    ExpandRequestLink const * requestStack)
    for (; requestStack; requestStack = requestStack->next) {
        if (requestStack->file == requestFile &&
            requestStack->key == requestKey)
            return u"***RECURSION DETECTED***"_ustr;
    ExpandRequestLink link = { requestStack, requestFile, requestKey };
    return expandMacros(file, text, mode, &link);
struct rtl_bootstrap_NameValue
    OUString sName;
    OUString sValue;
    rtl_bootstrap_NameValue(OUString name, OUString value )
        : sName(std::move( name )),
          sValue(std::move( value ))
} // end namespace
typedef std::vector<rtl_bootstrap_NameValue> NameValueVector;
static bool find(
    NameValueVector const & vector, OUString const & key,
    OUString * value)
    auto i = std::find_if(vector.begin(), vector.end(),
        [&key](const rtl_bootstrap_NameValue& rNameValue) { return rNameValue.sName == key; });
    if (i != vector.end())
        *value = i->sValue;
        return true;
    return false;
    NameValueVector rtl_bootstrap_set_vector;
static bool getFromCommandLineArgs(
    OUString const & key, OUString * value )
    static NameValueVector nameValueVector = []()
        NameValueVector tmp;
        sal_Int32 nArgCount = osl_getCommandArgCount();
        for(sal_Int32 i = 0; i < nArgCount; ++ i)
            OUString pArg;
            osl_getCommandArg( i, &pArg.pData );
            if( (pArg.startsWith("-") || pArg.startsWith("/") ) &&
                pArg.match("env:", 1) )
                sal_Int32 nIndex = pArg.indexOf( '=' );
                if( nIndex >= 0 )
                    rtl_bootstrap_NameValue nameValue;
                    nameValue.sName = pArg.copy( 5, nIndex - 5  );
                    nameValue.sValue = pArg.copy( nIndex+1 );
                    if( i == nArgCount-1 &&
                        nameValue.sValue.getLength() &&
                        nameValue.sValue[nameValue.sValue.getLength()-1] == 13 )
                        // avoid the 13 linefeed for the last argument,
                        // when the executable is started from a script,
                        // that was edited on windows
                        nameValue.sValue = nameValue.sValue.copy(0,nameValue.sValue.getLength()-1);
                    tmp.push_back( nameValue );
        return tmp;
    return find(nameValueVector, key, value);
static void getExecutableDirectory_Impl(rtl_uString ** ppDirURL)
    OUString fileName;
    sal_Int32 nDirEnd = fileName.lastIndexOf('/');
    OSL_ENSURE(nDirEnd >= 0, "Cannot locate executable directory");
static OUString getIniFileName(bool overriding) {
    OUString fileName;
#if defined IOS
    // On iOS hardcode the inifile as "rc" in the .app
    // directory. Apps are self-contained anyway, there is no
    // possibility to have several "applications" in the same
    // installation location with different inifiles.
    const char *inifile = [[@"vnd.sun.star.pathname:" stringByAppendingString: [[[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath] stringByAppendingPathComponent: (overriding ? @"fundamental.override.ini" : @"rc")]] UTF8String];
    fileName = OUString(inifile, strlen(inifile), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
#elif defined ANDROID
    // Apps are self-contained on Android, too, can as well hardcode
    // it as "rc" in the "/assets" directory, i.e.  inside the app's
    // .apk (zip) archive as the /assets/rc file.
    fileName = overriding
        ? OUString("vnd.sun.star.pathname:/assets/fundamental.override.ini")
        : OUString("vnd.sun.star.pathname:/assets/rc");
#elif defined(EMSCRIPTEN)
    fileName = overriding
        ? OUString("vnd.sun.star.pathname:/instdir/program/fundamental.override.ini")
        : OUString("vnd.sun.star.pathname:/instdir/program/sofficerc");
    if (!overriding && getFromCommandLineArgs(u"INIFILENAME"_ustr, &fileName))
        if (overriding) {
            auto const i = fileName.lastIndexOf('/') + 1;
            fileName = fileName.replaceAt(i, fileName.getLength() - i, u"fundamental.override.ini");
        } else {
            // get rid of a potential executable extension
            OUString progExt = u".bin"_ustr;
            if (fileName.getLength() > progExt.getLength()
                && o3tl::equalsIgnoreAsciiCase(fileName.subView(fileName.getLength() - progExt.getLength()), progExt))
                fileName = fileName.copy(0, fileName.getLength() - progExt.getLength());
            progExt = ".exe";
            if (fileName.getLength() > progExt.getLength()
                && o3tl::equalsIgnoreAsciiCase(fileName.subView(fileName.getLength() - progExt.getLength()), progExt))
                fileName = fileName.copy(0, fileName.getLength() - progExt.getLength());
            // append config file suffix
            fileName += SAL_CONFIGFILE("");
#ifdef MACOSX
        // We keep only executables in the MacOS folder, and all
        // rc files in LIBO_ETC_FOLDER (typically "Resources").
        sal_Int32 off = fileName.lastIndexOf( "/MacOS/" );
        if (off != -1)
            fileName = fileName.replaceAt(off + 1, strlen("MacOS"), u"" LIBO_ETC_FOLDER);
    return fileName;
static OUString const & getOverrideIniFileName_Impl()
    static OUString aStaticName = getIniFileName(true);
    return aStaticName;
static OUString & getIniFileName_Impl()
    static OUString aStaticName = getIniFileName(false);
    return aStaticName;
// ensure the given file url has no final slash
static void EnsureNoFinalSlash (OUString & url)
    sal_Int32 i = url.getLength();
    if (i > 0 && url[i - 1] == '/')
        url = url.copy(0, i - 1);
namespace {
struct Bootstrap_Impl
    sal_Int32 _nRefCount;
    Bootstrap_Impl * _override_base_ini;
    Bootstrap_Impl * _base_ini;
    NameValueVector _nameValueVector;
    OUString      _iniName;
    explicit Bootstrap_Impl (OUString const & rIniName);
    static void * operator new (std::size_t n)
        { return malloc (sal_uInt32(n)); }
    static void operator delete (void * p , std::size_t)
        { free (p); }
    bool getValue(
        OUString const & key, rtl_uString ** value,
        rtl_uString * defaultValue, LookupMode mode, bool override,
        ExpandRequestLink const * requestStack) const;
    bool getDirectValue(
        OUString const & key, rtl_uString ** value, LookupMode mode,
        ExpandRequestLink const * requestStack) const;
    bool getAmbienceValue(
        OUString const & key, rtl_uString ** value, LookupMode mode,
        ExpandRequestLink const * requestStack) const;
    void expandValue(
        rtl_uString ** value, OUString const & text, LookupMode mode,
        Bootstrap_Impl const * requestFile, OUString const & requestKey,
        ExpandRequestLink const * requestStack) const;
Bootstrap_Impl::Bootstrap_Impl( OUString const & rIniName )
    : _nRefCount( 0 ),
      _override_base_ini( nullptr ),
      _base_ini( nullptr ),
      _iniName (rIniName)
    OUString override_base_ini(getOverrideIniFileName_Impl());
    // normalize path
    FileStatus override_status( osl_FileStatus_Mask_FileURL );
    DirectoryItem override_dirItem;
    bool skip_base_ini = false;
    if (DirectoryItem::get(override_base_ini, override_dirItem) == DirectoryItem::E_None &&
        override_dirItem.getFileStatus(override_status) == DirectoryItem::E_None)
        override_base_ini = override_status.getFileURL();
        if (rIniName != override_base_ini)
            _override_base_ini = static_cast< Bootstrap_Impl * >(
            skip_base_ini = true;
    if (!skip_base_ini) {
        OUString base_ini(getIniFileName_Impl());
        // normalize path
        FileStatus status( osl_FileStatus_Mask_FileURL );
        DirectoryItem dirItem;
        if (DirectoryItem::get(base_ini, dirItem) == DirectoryItem::E_None &&
            dirItem.getFileStatus(status) == DirectoryItem::E_None)
            base_ini = status.getFileURL();
            if (rIniName != base_ini)
                _base_ini = static_cast< Bootstrap_Impl * >(
    SAL_INFO("sal.bootstrap", "Bootstrap_Impl(): sFile=" << _iniName);
    oslFileHandle handle;
    if (!_iniName.isEmpty() &&
        osl_openFile(_iniName.pData, &handle, osl_File_OpenFlag_Read) == osl_File_E_None)
        rtl::ByteSequence seq;
        while (osl_readLine(handle , reinterpret_cast<sal_Sequence **>(&seq)) == osl_File_E_None)
            OString line(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(seq.getConstArray()), seq.getLength());
            sal_Int32 nIndex = line.indexOf('=');
            if (nIndex >= 1)
                struct rtl_bootstrap_NameValue nameValue;
                nameValue.sName = OStringToOUString(o3tl::trim(line.subView(0,nIndex)), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US);
                nameValue.sValue = OStringToOUString(o3tl::trim(line.subView(nIndex+1)), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
                SAL_INFO("sal.bootstrap", "pushing: name=" << nameValue.sName << " value=" << nameValue.sValue);
        SAL_INFO( "sal.bootstrap", "couldn't open file: " <<  _iniName );
    if (_base_ini)
        rtl_bootstrap_args_close( _base_ini );
    if (_override_base_ini)
        rtl_bootstrap_args_close( _override_base_ini );
namespace {
Bootstrap_Impl * get_static_bootstrap_handle()
    static Bootstrap_Impl* s_handle = []() {
        OUString iniName(getIniFileName_Impl());
        Bootstrap_Impl* that = static_cast<Bootstrap_Impl*>(rtl_bootstrap_args_open(iniName.pData));
        if (!that)
            that = new Bootstrap_Impl(iniName);
        return that;
    return s_handle;
struct FundamentalIniData
    rtlBootstrapHandle ini;
        OUString uri;
        ini =
                u"URE_BOOTSTRAP"_ustr, &uri.pData, nullptr, LookupMode::NORMAL, false,
             && resolvePathnameUrl(&uri))
            ? rtl_bootstrap_args_open(uri.pData) : nullptr;
    ~FundamentalIniData() { rtl_bootstrap_args_close(ini); }
    FundamentalIniData(const FundamentalIniData&) = delete;
    FundamentalIniData& operator=(const FundamentalIniData&) = delete;
FundamentalIniData& FundamentalIni()
    static FundamentalIniData SINGLETON;
    return SINGLETON;
bool Bootstrap_Impl::getValue(
    OUString const & key, rtl_uString ** value, rtl_uString * defaultValue,
    LookupMode mode, bool override, ExpandRequestLink const * requestStack)
    if (mode == LookupMode::NORMAL && key == "URE_BOOTSTRAP")
        mode =  LookupMode::URE_BOOTSTRAP;
    if (override && getDirectValue(key, value, mode, requestStack))
        return true;
    if (_override_base_ini != nullptr
        && _override_base_ini->getDirectValue(key, value, mode, requestStack))
        SAL_INFO("sal.bootstrap", "getValue(" << key << ") from fundamental.override.ini");
        return true;
    if (key == "_OS")
            value, (u"" RTL_OS ""_ustr).pData);
        return true;
    if (key == "_ARCH")
            value, (u"" RTL_ARCH ""_ustr).pData);
        return true;
    if (key == "_CPPU_ENV")
            (u"" SAL_STRINGIFY(CPPU_ENV) ""_ustr).pData);
        return true;
#if defined ANDROID || defined EMSCRIPTEN
    if (key == "APP_DATA_DIR")
        const char *app_data_dir = lo_get_app_data_dir();
            value, OUString(app_data_dir, strlen(app_data_dir), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8).pData);
        return true;
#ifdef IOS
    if (key == "APP_DATA_DIR")
        const char *app_data_dir = [[[[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath] stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters: [NSCharacterSet URLPathAllowedCharacterSet]] UTF8String];
            value, OUString(app_data_dir, strlen(app_data_dir), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8).pData);
        return true;
    if (key == "ORIGIN")
                0, std::max<sal_Int32>(0, _iniName.lastIndexOf('/'))).pData);
        return true;
    if (getAmbienceValue(key, value, mode, requestStack))
        return true;
    if (key == "SYSUSERCONFIG")
        OUString v;
        bool b = osl::Security().getConfigDir(v);
        rtl_uString_assign(value, v.pData);
        return b;
    if (key == "SYSUSERHOME")
        OUString v;
        bool b = osl::Security().getHomeDir(v);
        rtl_uString_assign(value, v.pData);
        return b;
    if (key == "SYSBINDIR")
        return true;
    if (_base_ini != nullptr && _base_ini->getDirectValue(key, value, mode, requestStack))
        return true;
    if (!override && getDirectValue(key, value, mode, requestStack))
        return true;
    if (mode == LookupMode::NORMAL)
        FundamentalIniData const & d = FundamentalIni();
        Bootstrap_Impl const * b = static_cast<Bootstrap_Impl const *>(d.ini);
        if (b != nullptr && b != this && b->getDirectValue(key, value, mode, requestStack))
            return true;
    if (defaultValue != nullptr)
        rtl_uString_assign(value, defaultValue);
        return true;
    return false;
bool Bootstrap_Impl::getDirectValue(
    OUString const & key, rtl_uString ** value, LookupMode mode,
    ExpandRequestLink const * requestStack) const
    OUString v;
    if (find(_nameValueVector, key, &v))
        expandValue(value, v, mode, this, key, requestStack);
        return true;
    return false;
bool Bootstrap_Impl::getAmbienceValue(
    OUString const & key, rtl_uString ** value, LookupMode mode,
    ExpandRequestLink const * requestStack) const
    OUString v;
    bool f;
        osl::MutexGuard g(osl::Mutex::getGlobalMutex());
        f = find(rtl_bootstrap_set_vector, key, &v);
    if (f || getFromCommandLineArgs(key, &v) ||
        osl_getEnvironment(key.pData, &v.pData) == osl_Process_E_None)
        expandValue(value, v, mode, nullptr, key, requestStack);
        return true;
    return false;
void Bootstrap_Impl::expandValue(
    rtl_uString ** value, OUString const & text, LookupMode mode,
    Bootstrap_Impl const * requestFile, OUString const & requestKey,
    ExpandRequestLink const * requestStack) const
        (mode ==  LookupMode::URE_BOOTSTRAP && isPathnameUrl(text) ?
         text :
             this, text,
             (mode ==  LookupMode::URE_BOOTSTRAP ?
               LookupMode::URE_BOOTSTRAP_EXPANSION : mode),
             requestFile, requestKey, requestStack)).pData);
namespace {
typedef std::unordered_map< OUString, Bootstrap_Impl * > bootstrap_map_t;
bootstrap_map_t bootstrap_map;
rtlBootstrapHandle SAL_CALL rtl_bootstrap_args_open(rtl_uString * pIniName)
    static o3tl::lru_map<OUString,OUString> fileUrlLookupCache(16);
    OUString originalIniName( pIniName );
    OUString iniName;
    osl::ResettableMutexGuard guard(osl::Mutex::getGlobalMutex());
    auto cacheIt = fileUrlLookupCache.find(originalIniName);
    bool foundInCache = cacheIt != fileUrlLookupCache.end();
    if (foundInCache)
        iniName = cacheIt->second;
    // normalize path
    if (!foundInCache)
        FileStatus status(osl_FileStatus_Mask_FileURL);
        DirectoryItem dirItem;
        if (DirectoryItem::get(originalIniName, dirItem) != DirectoryItem::E_None ||
            dirItem.getFileStatus(status) != DirectoryItem::E_None)
            return nullptr;
        iniName = status.getFileURL();
    if (!foundInCache)
        fileUrlLookupCache.insert({originalIniName, iniName});
    Bootstrap_Impl * that;
    auto iFind(bootstrap_map.find(iniName));
    if (iFind == bootstrap_map.end())
        that = new Bootstrap_Impl(iniName);
        iFind = bootstrap_map.find(iniName);
        if (iFind == bootstrap_map.end())
            ::std::pair< bootstrap_map_t::iterator, bool > insertion(
                bootstrap_map.emplace(iniName, that));
            Bootstrap_Impl * obsolete = that;
            that = iFind->second;
            delete obsolete;
        that = iFind->second;
    return static_cast< rtlBootstrapHandle >( that );
void SAL_CALL rtl_bootstrap_args_close(rtlBootstrapHandle handle) noexcept
    if (!handle)
    Bootstrap_Impl * that = static_cast< Bootstrap_Impl * >( handle );
    osl::MutexGuard guard(osl::Mutex::getGlobalMutex());
    OSL_ASSERT(bootstrap_map.find(that->_iniName)->second == that);
    if (that->_nRefCount != 0)
    std::size_t const nLeaking = 8; // only hold up to 8 files statically
    if (bootstrap_map.size() > nLeaking)
        ::std::size_t erased = bootstrap_map.erase( that->_iniName );
        if (erased != 1) {
            OSL_ASSERT( false );
        delete that;
sal_Bool SAL_CALL rtl_bootstrap_get_from_handle(
    rtlBootstrapHandle handle,
    rtl_uString      * pName,
    rtl_uString     ** ppValue,
    rtl_uString      * pDefault
    osl::MutexGuard guard(osl::Mutex::getGlobalMutex());
    bool found = false;
    if(ppValue && pName)
        if (!handle)
            handle = get_static_bootstrap_handle();
        found = static_cast< Bootstrap_Impl * >(handle)->getValue(
            pName, ppValue, pDefault,  LookupMode::NORMAL, false, nullptr );
    return found;
void SAL_CALL rtl_bootstrap_get_iniName_from_handle (
    rtlBootstrapHandle handle,
    rtl_uString     ** ppIniName
        Bootstrap_Impl * pImpl = static_cast<Bootstrap_Impl*>(handle);
        rtl_uString_assign(ppIniName, pImpl->_iniName.pData);
        const OUString & iniName = getIniFileName_Impl();
        rtl_uString_assign(ppIniName, iniName.pData);
void SAL_CALL rtl_bootstrap_setIniFileName (
    rtl_uString * pName
    osl::MutexGuard guard(osl::Mutex::getGlobalMutex());
    OUString & file = getIniFileName_Impl();
    file = pName;
sal_Bool SAL_CALL rtl_bootstrap_get (
    rtl_uString  * pName,
    rtl_uString ** ppValue,
    rtl_uString  * pDefault
    return rtl_bootstrap_get_from_handle(nullptr, pName, ppValue, pDefault);
void SAL_CALL rtl_bootstrap_set (
    rtl_uString * pName,
    rtl_uString * pValue
    const OUString name(pName);
    const OUString value(pValue);
    osl::MutexGuard guard(osl::Mutex::getGlobalMutex());
    for (auto & item : rtl_bootstrap_set_vector)
        if (item.sName == name)
            item.sValue = value;
    SAL_INFO("sal.bootstrap", "explicitly setting: name=" << name << " value=" <<value);
    rtl_bootstrap_set_vector.emplace_back(name, value);
void SAL_CALL rtl_bootstrap_expandMacros_from_handle(
    rtlBootstrapHandle handle,
    rtl_uString     ** macro)
    if (!handle)
        handle = get_static_bootstrap_handle();
    OUString expanded(expandMacros(static_cast< Bootstrap_Impl * >(handle),
                                    LookupMode::NORMAL, nullptr));
    rtl_uString_assign(macro, expanded.pData);
void SAL_CALL rtl_bootstrap_expandMacros(rtl_uString ** macro)
    rtl_bootstrap_expandMacros_from_handle(nullptr, macro);
void rtl_bootstrap_encode(rtl_uString const * value, rtl_uString ** encoded)
    OUStringBuffer b(value->length+5);
    for (sal_Int32 i = 0; i < value->length; ++i)
        sal_Unicode c = value->buffer[i];
        if (c == '$' || c == '\\')
    rtl_uString_assign(encoded, b.makeStringAndClear().pData);
namespace {
int hex(sal_Unicode c)
        c >= '0' && c <= '9' ? c - '0' :
        c >= 'A' && c <= 'F' ? c - 'A' + 10 :
        c >= 'a' && c <= 'f' ? c - 'a' + 10 : -1;
sal_Unicode read(std::u16string_view text, std::size_t * pos, bool * escaped)
    assert(pos && *pos < text.length() && escaped);
    sal_Unicode c = text[(*pos)++];
    if (c == '\\')
        int n1, n2, n3, n4;
        if (*pos < text.length() - 4 && text[*pos] == 'u' &&
            ((n1 = hex(text[*pos + 1])) >= 0) &&
            ((n2 = hex(text[*pos + 2])) >= 0) &&
            ((n3 = hex(text[*pos + 3])) >= 0) &&
            ((n4 = hex(text[*pos + 4])) >= 0))
            *pos += 5;
            *escaped = true;
            return static_cast< sal_Unicode >(
                (n1 << 12) | (n2 << 8) | (n3 << 4) | n4);
        if (*pos < text.length())
            *escaped = true;
            return text[(*pos)++];
    *escaped = false;
    return c;
OUString lookup(
    Bootstrap_Impl const * file, LookupMode mode, bool override,
    OUString const & key, ExpandRequestLink const * requestStack)
    OUString v;
    (file == nullptr ? get_static_bootstrap_handle() : file)->getValue(
        key, &v.pData, nullptr, mode, override, requestStack);
    return v;
OUString expandMacros(
    Bootstrap_Impl const * file, std::u16string_view text, LookupMode mode,
    ExpandRequestLink const * requestStack)
    SAL_INFO("sal.bootstrap", "expandMacros called with: " << OUString(text));
    OUStringBuffer buf(2048);
    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < text.length();)
        bool escaped;
        sal_Unicode c = read(text, &i, &escaped);
        if (escaped || c != '$')
            if (i < text.length() && text[i] == '{')
                std::size_t p = i;
                sal_Int32 nesting = 0;
                OUString seg[3];
                int n = 0;
                while (i < text.length())
                    std::size_t j = i;
                    c = read(text, &i, &escaped);
                    if (!escaped)
                        switch (c)
                            case '{':
                            case '}':
                                if (nesting == 0)
                                    seg[n++] = text.substr(p, j - p);
                                    goto done;
                            case ':':
                                if (nesting == 0 && n < 2)
                                    seg[n++] = text.substr(p, j - p);
                                    p = i;
                for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
                    seg[j] = expandMacros(file, seg[j], mode, requestStack);
                if (n == 3 && seg[0] != ".override" && seg[1].isEmpty())
                    // For backward compatibility, treat ${file::key} the
                    // same as just ${file:key}:
                    seg[1] = seg[2];
                    n = 2;
                if (n == 1)
                    buf.append(lookup(file, mode, false, seg[0], requestStack));
                else if (n == 2)
                    rtl::Bootstrap b(seg[0]);
                    Bootstrap_Impl * f = static_cast< Bootstrap_Impl * >(b.getHandle());
                    buf.append(lookup(f, mode, false, seg[1], requestStack));
                else if (n == 3 && seg[0] == ".override")
                    rtl::Bootstrap b(seg[1]);
                    Bootstrap_Impl * f = static_cast< Bootstrap_Impl * >(b.getHandle());
                    buf.append(lookup(f, mode, f != nullptr, seg[2], requestStack));
                    // Going through osl::Profile, this code erroneously
                    // does not recursively expand macros in the resulting
                    // replacement text (and if it did, it would fail to
                    // detect cycles that pass through here):
                                    seg[1], RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8),
                                    seg[2], RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8),
                OUStringBuffer kbuf(sal_Int32(text.length()));
                for (; i < text.length();)
                    std::size_t j = i;
                    c = read(text, &j, &escaped);
                    if (!escaped &&
                        (c == ' ' || c == '$' || c == '-' || c == '/' ||
                         c == ';' || c == '\\'))
                    i = j;
                        file, mode, false, kbuf.makeStringAndClear(),
    OUString result(buf.makeStringAndClear());
    SAL_INFO("sal.bootstrap", "expandMacros result: " << result);
    return result;
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.