/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <sal/config.h>
#include <string_view>
#include <float.h>
#include <hintids.hxx>
#include <hints.hxx>
#include <fmtfld.hxx>
#include <txtfld.hxx>
#include <frmfmt.hxx>
#include <layfrm.hxx>
#include <cntfrm.hxx>
#include <tabfrm.hxx>
#include <doc.hxx>
#include <IDocumentLayoutAccess.hxx>
#include <ndtxt.hxx>
#include <swtable.hxx>
#include <tblsel.hxx>
#include <cellfml.hxx>
#include <calc.hxx>
#include <expfld.hxx>
#include <usrfld.hxx>
#include <flddat.hxx>
#include <cellatr.hxx>
#include <ndindex.hxx>
#include <frameformats.hxx>
#include <comphelper/string.hxx>
#include <o3tl/string_view.hxx>
#include <o3tl/safeint.hxx>
#include <osl/diagnose.h>
#include <svl/numformat.hxx>
#include <utility>
const sal_Unicode cRelSeparator = ',';
const sal_Unicode cRelIdentifier = '\x12'; // CTRL-R
static const SwFrame* lcl_GetBoxFrame( const SwTableBox& rBox );
static sal_Int32 lcl_GetLongBoxNum( OUString& rStr );
static const SwTableBox* lcl_RelToBox( const SwTable& rTable,
                                       const SwTableBox* pRefBox,
                                       const OUString& sGetName);
static OUString lcl_BoxNmToRel( const SwTable& rTable,
                                const SwTableNode& rTableNd,
                                const OUString& sRefBoxNm,
                                const OUString& sGetStr,
                                bool bExtrnlNm);
/** Get value of this box.
 * The value is comes from the first TextNode. If it starts with a number/
 * formula then calculate it, if it starts with a field then get the value.
 * All other conditions return 0 (and an error?).
double SwTableBox::GetValue( SwTableCalcPara& rCalcPara ) const
    double nRet = 0;
    if( rCalcPara.m_rCalc.IsCalcError() )
        return nRet;            // stop if there is already an error set
    rCalcPara.m_rCalc.SetCalcError( SwCalcError::Syntax );    // default: error
    // no content box?
    if( !m_pStartNode  )
        return nRet;
    if( rCalcPara.IncStackCnt() )
        return nRet;
    rCalcPara.SetLastTableBox( this );
    // Does it create a recursion?
    SwTableBox* pBox = const_cast<SwTableBox*>(this);
    if( rCalcPara.m_pBoxStack->find( pBox ) != rCalcPara.m_pBoxStack->end() )
        return nRet;            // already on the stack: error
    // re-start with this box
    rCalcPara.SetLastTableBox( this );
    rCalcPara.m_pBoxStack->insert( pBox );      // add
    do {        // Middle-Check-Loop, so that we can jump from here. Used so that the box pointer
                // will be removed from stack at the end.
        SwDoc* pDoc = GetFrameFormat()->GetDoc();
        if( const SwTableBoxFormula* pFormulaItem = GetFrameFormat()->GetItemIfSet(
                                RES_BOXATR_FORMULA, false ) )
            rCalcPara.m_rCalc.SetCalcError( SwCalcError::NONE ); // reset status
            if( !pFormulaItem->IsValid() )
                // calculate
                const SwTable* pTmp = rCalcPara.m_pTable;
                rCalcPara.m_pTable = &pBox->GetSttNd()->FindTableNode()->GetTable();
                const_cast<SwTableBoxFormula*>(pFormulaItem)->Calc( rCalcPara, nRet );
                if( !rCalcPara.IsStackOverflow() )
                    SwFrameFormat* pFormat = pBox->ClaimFrameFormat();
                    SfxItemSetFixed<RES_BOXATR_BEGIN,RES_BOXATR_END-1> aTmp( pDoc->GetAttrPool() );
                    aTmp.Put( SwTableBoxValue( nRet ) );
                    if( SfxItemState::SET != pFormat->GetItemState( RES_BOXATR_FORMAT ))
                        aTmp.Put( SwTableBoxNumFormat( 0 ));
                    pFormat->SetFormatAttr( aTmp );
                rCalcPara.m_pTable = pTmp;
                nRet = GetFrameFormat()->GetTableBoxValue().GetValue();
        else if( const SwTableBoxValue* pBoxValueItem = pBox->GetFrameFormat()->GetItemIfSet(
                                RES_BOXATR_VALUE, false ) )
            rCalcPara.m_rCalc.SetCalcError( SwCalcError::NONE ); // reset status
            nRet = pBoxValueItem->GetValue();
        SwTextNode* pTextNd = pDoc->GetNodes()[ m_pStartNode->GetIndex() + 1 ]->GetTextNode();
        if( !pTextNd )
        sal_Int32 nSttPos = 0;
        OUString sText = pTextNd->GetText();
        // use text of the tracked changes
        if ( sText.getLength() > 0 &&
                sText[0] != CH_TXTATR_BREAKWORD && sText[0] != CH_TXTATR_INWORD )
            sText = pTextNd->GetRedlineText();
        while ( nSttPos < sText.getLength() && ( sText[nSttPos]==' ' || sText[nSttPos]=='\t' ) )
        // if there is a calculation field at position 1, get the value of it
        const bool bOK = nSttPos<sText.getLength();
        const sal_Unicode Char = bOK ? sText[nSttPos] : 0;
        SwTextField * pTextField = nullptr;
        if ( bOK && (Char==CH_TXTATR_BREAKWORD || Char==CH_TXTATR_INWORD) )
            pTextField = static_txtattr_cast<SwTextField*>(pTextNd->GetTextAttrForCharAt(nSttPos, RES_TXTATR_FIELD));
        if ( pTextField != nullptr )
            rCalcPara.m_rCalc.SetCalcError( SwCalcError::NONE ); // reset status
            const SwField* pField = pTextField->GetFormatField().GetField();
            switch ( pField->GetTyp()->Which() )
            case SwFieldIds::SetExp:
                nRet = static_cast<const SwSetExpField*>(pField)->GetValue(rCalcPara.m_pLayout);
            case SwFieldIds::User:
                nRet = static_cast<const SwUserField*>(pField)->GetValue();
            case SwFieldIds::Table:
                    SwTableField* pTableField = const_cast<SwTableField*>(static_cast<const SwTableField*>(pField));
                    if( !pTableField->IsValid() )
                        // use the right table!
                        const SwTable* pTmp = rCalcPara.m_pTable;
                        rCalcPara.m_pTable = &pTextNd->FindTableNode()->GetTable();
                        pTableField->CalcField( rCalcPara );
                        rCalcPara.m_pTable = pTmp;
                    nRet = pTableField->GetValue();
            case SwFieldIds::DateTime:
                nRet = static_cast<const SwDateTimeField*>( pField )->GetValue();
            case SwFieldIds::JumpEdit:
                //JP 14.09.98: Bug 56112 - placeholder never have the right content!
                nRet = 0;
                nRet = rCalcPara.m_rCalc.Calculate( pField->ExpandField(true, nullptr) ).GetDouble();
        else if ( nSttPos < sText.getLength()
                  && Char == CH_TXT_ATR_INPUTFIELDSTART )
            const SwTextInputField * pTextInputField =
                dynamic_cast< const SwTextInputField* >(
                    pTextNd->GetTextAttrAt( nSttPos, RES_TXTATR_INPUTFIELD ) );
            if ( pTextInputField == nullptr )
            nRet = rCalcPara.m_rCalc.Calculate( pTextInputField->GetFieldContent() ).GetDouble();
        else if ( Char != CH_TXTATR_BREAKWORD )
            // result is 0 but no error!
            rCalcPara.m_rCalc.SetCalcError( SwCalcError::NONE ); // reset status
            double aNum = 0.0;
            sText = bOK ? sText.copy( nSttPos ) : OUString();
            sal_uInt32 nFormatIndex = GetFrameFormat()->GetTableBoxNumFormat().GetValue();
            SvNumberFormatter* pNumFormatr = pDoc->GetNumberFormatter();
            const SvNumFormatType nFormatType = pNumFormatr->GetType( nFormatIndex );
            if( nFormatType == SvNumFormatType::TEXT )
                nFormatIndex = 0;
            // JP 22.04.98: Bug 49659 - special treatment for percentages
            else if( !sText.isEmpty() &&
                    SvNumFormatType::PERCENT == nFormatType)
                sal_uInt32 nTmpFormat = 0;
                if( pDoc->IsNumberFormat( sText, nTmpFormat, aNum ) &&
                    SvNumFormatType::NUMBER == pNumFormatr->GetType( nTmpFormat ))
                    sText += "%";
            if( pDoc->IsNumberFormat( sText, nFormatIndex, aNum ))
                nRet = aNum;
                rCalcPara.m_rCalc.SetCalcError( SwCalcError::NaN ); // set for interoperability functions
        // ?? otherwise it is an error
    } while( false );
    if( !rCalcPara.IsStackOverflow() )
        rCalcPara.m_pBoxStack->erase( pBox );      // remove from stack
    //JP 12.01.99: error detection, Bug 60794
    if( DBL_MAX == nRet )
        rCalcPara.m_rCalc.SetCalcError( SwCalcError::Syntax ); // set error
    return nRet;
// structure needed for calculation of tables
SwTableCalcPara::SwTableCalcPara(SwCalc& rCalculator, const SwTable& rTable,
        SwRootFrame const*const pLayout)
    : m_pLastTableBox(nullptr)
    , m_nStackCount( 0 )
    , m_nMaxSize( cMAXSTACKSIZE )
    , m_pLayout(pLayout)
    , m_pBoxStack( new SwTableSortBoxes )
    , m_rCalc( rCalculator )
    , m_pTable( &rTable )
bool SwTableCalcPara::CalcWithStackOverflow()
    // If a stack overflow was detected, redo with last box.
    sal_uInt16 nSaveMaxSize = m_nMaxSize;
    m_nMaxSize = cMAXSTACKSIZE - 5;
    sal_uInt16 nCnt = 0;
    SwTableBoxes aStackOverflows;
    do {
        SwTableBox* pBox = const_cast<SwTableBox*>(m_pLastTableBox);
        m_nStackCount = 0;
        m_rCalc.SetCalcError( SwCalcError::NONE );
        aStackOverflows.insert( aStackOverflows.begin() + nCnt++, pBox );
        m_pBoxStack->erase( pBox );
        pBox->GetValue( *this );
    } while( IsStackOverflow() );
    m_nMaxSize = cMAXSTACKSIZE - 3; // decrease at least one level
    // if recursion was detected
    m_nStackCount = 0;
    m_rCalc.SetCalcError( SwCalcError::NONE );
    while( !m_rCalc.IsCalcError() && nCnt )
        aStackOverflows[ --nCnt ]->GetValue( *this );
        if( IsStackOverflow() && !CalcWithStackOverflow() )
    m_nMaxSize = nSaveMaxSize;
    return !m_rCalc.IsCalcError();
SwTableFormula::SwTableFormula( OUString aFormula )
: m_sFormula( std::move(aFormula) )
, m_eNmType( EXTRNL_NAME )
, m_bValidValue( false )
void SwTableFormula::MakeFormula_( const SwTable& rTable, OUStringBuffer& rNewStr,
                    OUString& rFirstBox, OUString* pLastBox, void* pPara ) const
    SwTableCalcPara* pCalcPara = static_cast<SwTableCalcPara*>(pPara);
    if( pCalcPara->m_rCalc.IsCalcError() )        // stop if there is already an error set
    SwTableBox *pEndBox = nullptr;
    rFirstBox = rFirstBox.copy(1); // erase label of this box
    // a region in this area?
    if( pLastBox )
        pEndBox = reinterpret_cast<SwTableBox*>(sal::static_int_cast<sal_IntPtr>(pLastBox->toInt64()));
        // Is it actually a valid pointer?
        if( rTable.GetTabSortBoxes().find( pEndBox ) == rTable.GetTabSortBoxes().end() )
            pEndBox = nullptr;
        rFirstBox = rFirstBox.copy( pLastBox->getLength()+1 );
    SwTableBox* pSttBox = reinterpret_cast<SwTableBox*>(
    // Is it actually a valid pointer?
    if( rTable.GetTabSortBoxes().find( pSttBox ) == rTable.GetTabSortBoxes().end() )
        pSttBox = nullptr;
    rNewStr.append(" ");
    if( pEndBox && pSttBox )    // area?
        // get all selected boxes via layout and calculate their values
        SwSelBoxes aBoxes;
        GetBoxes( *pSttBox, *pEndBox, aBoxes );
        // don't use empty cells or cells with text content as zeroes in interoperability functions
        sal_Int16 nUseOnlyNumber = -1;
        bool bDelim = false;
        for (size_t n = 0; n < aBoxes.size() &&
                           !pCalcPara->m_rCalc.IsCalcError(); ++n)
            const SwTableBox* pTableBox = aBoxes[n];
            if ( pTableBox->getRowSpan() >= 1 )
                double fVal = pTableBox->GetValue( *pCalcPara );
                if ( pCalcPara->m_rCalc.IsCalcNotANumber() )
                    if ( nUseOnlyNumber == -1 )
                        OUString sFormula = rNewStr.toString().toAsciiUpperCase();
                        nUseOnlyNumber = sal_Int16(
                                sFormula.lastIndexOf("AVERAGE") > -1 ||
                                sFormula.lastIndexOf("COUNT") > -1 ||
                                sFormula.lastIndexOf("PRODUCT") > -1 );
                    if ( nUseOnlyNumber > 0 )
                if( bDelim )
                bDelim = true;
                rNewStr.append(pCalcPara->m_rCalc.GetStrResult( fVal ));
    else if( pSttBox && !pLastBox ) // only the StartBox?
        // JP 12.01.99: and no EndBox in the formula!
        // calculate the value of the box
        if ( pSttBox->getRowSpan() >= 1 )
            double fVal = pSttBox->GetValue( *pCalcPara );
            // don't use empty cell or a cell with text content as zero in interoperability functions
            // (except PRODUCT, where the result is correct anyway)
            if ( !pCalcPara->m_rCalc.IsCalcNotANumber() ||
                 ( rNewStr.toString().toAsciiUpperCase().lastIndexOf("AVERAGE") == -1 &&
                   rNewStr.toString().toAsciiUpperCase().lastIndexOf("COUNT") == -1 ) )
                rNewStr.append(pCalcPara->m_rCalc.GetStrResult( fVal ));
        pCalcPara->m_rCalc.SetCalcError( SwCalcError::Syntax );   // set error
    rNewStr.append(" ");
void SwTableFormula::RelNmsToBoxNms( const SwTable& rTable, OUStringBuffer& rNewStr,
            OUString& rFirstBox, OUString* pLastBox, void* pPara ) const
    // relative name w.r.t. box name (external presentation)
    SwNode* pNd = static_cast<SwNode*>(pPara);
    assert(pNd && "Field isn't in any TextNode");
    const SwTableBox *pBox = rTable.GetTableBox(
                    pNd->FindTableBoxStartNode()->GetIndex() );
    rNewStr.append(rFirstBox[0]); // get label for the box
    rFirstBox = rFirstBox.copy(1);
    if( pLastBox )
        const SwTableBox *pRelLastBox = lcl_RelToBox( rTable, pBox, *pLastBox );
        if ( pRelLastBox )
        rFirstBox = rFirstBox.copy( pLastBox->getLength()+1 );
    const SwTableBox *pRelFirstBox = lcl_RelToBox( rTable, pBox, rFirstBox );
    if (pRelFirstBox)
    // get label for the box
    rNewStr.append(rFirstBox[ rFirstBox.getLength()-1 ]);
void SwTableFormula::RelBoxNmsToPtr( const SwTable& rTable, OUStringBuffer& rNewStr,
            OUString& rFirstBox, OUString* pLastBox, void* pPara ) const
    // relative name w.r.t. box name (internal presentation)
    SwNode* pNd = static_cast<SwNode*>(pPara);
    assert(pNd && "Field not placed in any Node");
    const SwTableBox *pBox = rTable.GetTableBox(
                    pNd->FindTableBoxStartNode()->GetIndex() );
    rNewStr.append(rFirstBox[0]); // get label for the box
    rFirstBox = rFirstBox.copy(1);
    if( pLastBox )
        const SwTableBox *pRelLastBox = lcl_RelToBox( rTable, pBox, *pLastBox );
        if ( pRelLastBox )
        rFirstBox = rFirstBox.copy( pLastBox->getLength()+1 );
    const SwTableBox *pRelFirstBox = lcl_RelToBox( rTable, pBox, rFirstBox );
    if ( pRelFirstBox )
    // get label for the box
    rNewStr.append(rFirstBox[ rFirstBox.getLength()-1 ]);
void SwTableFormula::BoxNmsToRelNm( const SwTable& rTable, OUStringBuffer& rNewStr,
                    OUString& rFirstBox, OUString* pLastBox, void* pPara ) const
    // box name (external presentation) w.r.t. relative name
    SwNode* pNd = static_cast<SwNode*>(pPara);
    assert(pNd && "Field not placed in any Node");
    const SwTableNode* pTableNd = pNd->FindTableNode();
    OUString sRefBoxNm;
    if( &pTableNd->GetTable() == &rTable )
        const SwTableBox *pBox = rTable.GetTableBox(
                pNd->FindTableBoxStartNode()->GetIndex() );
        assert(pBox && "Field not placed in any Table");
        sRefBoxNm = pBox->GetName();
    rNewStr.append(rFirstBox[0]); // get label for the box
    rFirstBox = rFirstBox.copy(1);
    if( pLastBox )
        rNewStr.append(lcl_BoxNmToRel( rTable, *pTableNd, sRefBoxNm, *pLastBox,
                                m_eNmType == EXTRNL_NAME ));
        rFirstBox = rFirstBox.copy( pLastBox->getLength()+1 );
    rNewStr.append(lcl_BoxNmToRel( rTable, *pTableNd, sRefBoxNm, rFirstBox,
                            m_eNmType == EXTRNL_NAME ));
    // get label for the box
    rNewStr.append(rFirstBox[ rFirstBox.getLength()-1 ]);
void SwTableFormula::PtrToBoxNms( const SwTable& rTable, OUStringBuffer& rNewStr,
                        OUString& rFirstBox, OUString* pLastBox, void* ) const
    // area in these parentheses?
    SwTableBox* pBox;
    rNewStr.append(rFirstBox[0]); // get label for the box
    rFirstBox = rFirstBox.copy(1);
    if( pLastBox )
        pBox = reinterpret_cast<SwTableBox*>(sal::static_int_cast<sal_IntPtr>(pLastBox->toInt64()));
        // Is it actually a valid pointer?
        if( rTable.GetTabSortBoxes().find( pBox ) != rTable.GetTabSortBoxes().end() )
        rFirstBox = rFirstBox.copy( pLastBox->getLength()+1 );
    pBox = reinterpret_cast<SwTableBox*>(sal::static_int_cast<sal_IntPtr>(rFirstBox.toInt64()));
    // Is it actually a valid pointer?
    if( rTable.GetTabSortBoxes().find( pBox ) != rTable.GetTabSortBoxes().end() )
    // get label for the box
    rNewStr.append(rFirstBox[ rFirstBox.getLength()-1 ]);
void SwTableFormula::BoxNmsToPtr( const SwTable& rTable, OUStringBuffer& rNewStr,
                        OUString& rFirstBox, OUString* pLastBox, void* ) const
    // area in these parentheses?
    const SwTableBox* pBox;
    rNewStr.append(rFirstBox[0]); // get label for the box
    rFirstBox = rFirstBox.copy(1);
    if( pLastBox )
        pBox = rTable.GetTableBox( *pLastBox );
        rNewStr.append(OUString::number(reinterpret_cast<sal_IntPtr>(pBox)) +
        rFirstBox = rFirstBox.copy( pLastBox->getLength()+1 );
    pBox = rTable.GetTableBox( rFirstBox );
        + OUStringChar(rFirstBox[ rFirstBox.getLength()-1 ])); // get label for the box
/// create external formula (for UI)
void SwTableFormula::PtrToBoxNm( const SwTable* pTable )
    const SwNode* pNd = nullptr;
    FnScanFormula fnFormula = nullptr;
    switch (m_eNmType)
    case INTRNL_NAME:
        if( pTable )
            fnFormula = &SwTableFormula::PtrToBoxNms;
    case REL_NAME:
        if( pTable )
            fnFormula = &SwTableFormula::RelNmsToBoxNms;
            pNd = GetNodeOfFormula();
    case EXTRNL_NAME:
    m_sFormula = ScanString( fnFormula, *pTable, const_cast<void*>(static_cast<void const *>(pNd)) );
    m_eNmType = EXTRNL_NAME;
/// create internal formula (in CORE)
void SwTableFormula::BoxNmToPtr( const SwTable* pTable )
    const SwNode* pNd = nullptr;
    FnScanFormula fnFormula = nullptr;
    switch (m_eNmType)
    case EXTRNL_NAME:
        if( pTable )
            fnFormula = &SwTableFormula::BoxNmsToPtr;
    case REL_NAME:
        if( pTable )
            fnFormula = &SwTableFormula::RelBoxNmsToPtr;
            pNd = GetNodeOfFormula();
    case INTRNL_NAME:
    m_sFormula = ScanString( fnFormula, *pTable, const_cast<void*>(static_cast<void const *>(pNd)) );
    m_eNmType = INTRNL_NAME;
/// create relative formula (for copy)
void SwTableFormula::ToRelBoxNm( const SwTable* pTable )
    const SwNode* pNd = nullptr;
    FnScanFormula fnFormula = nullptr;
    switch (m_eNmType)
    case INTRNL_NAME:
    case EXTRNL_NAME:
        if( pTable )
            fnFormula = &SwTableFormula::BoxNmsToRelNm;
            pNd = GetNodeOfFormula();
    case REL_NAME:
    m_sFormula = ScanString( fnFormula, *pTable, const_cast<void*>(static_cast<void const *>(pNd)) );
    m_eNmType = REL_NAME;
OUString SwTableFormula::ScanString( FnScanFormula fnFormula, const SwTable& rTable,
                                     void* pPara ) const
    OUStringBuffer aStr;
    sal_Int32 nFormula = 0;
    sal_Int32 nEnd = 0;
    do {
        // If the formula is preceded by a name, use this table!
        const SwTable* pTable = &rTable;
        sal_Int32 nStt = m_sFormula.indexOf( '<', nFormula );
        if ( nStt>=0 )
            while ( nStt>=0 )
                const sal_Int32 nNxt = nStt+1;
                if (nNxt>=m_sFormula.getLength())
                    nStt = -1;
                if ( m_sFormula[nNxt]!=' ' && m_sFormula[nNxt]!='=' )
                nStt = m_sFormula.indexOf( '<', nNxt );
            if ( nStt>=0 )
                // Start searching from current position, which is valid for sure
                nEnd = m_sFormula.indexOf( '>', nStt );
        if (nStt<0 || nEnd<0 )
            // set the rest and finish
        // write beginning
        aStr.append(m_sFormula.subView(nFormula, nStt - nFormula));
        if (fnFormula)
            sal_Int32 nSeparator = 0;
            // Is a table name preceded?
            // JP 16.02.99: SplitMergeBoxNm take care of the name themself
            // JP 22.02.99: Linux compiler needs cast
            // JP 28.06.99: rel. BoxName has no preceding tablename!
            if( fnFormula != &SwTableFormula::SplitMergeBoxNm_ &&
                m_sFormula.getLength()>(nStt+1) && cRelIdentifier != m_sFormula[nStt+1] &&
                (nSeparator = m_sFormula.indexOf( '.', nStt ))>=0
                && nSeparator < nEnd )
                OUString sTableNm( m_sFormula.copy( nStt, nEnd - nStt ));
                // If there are dots in the name, then they appear in pairs (e.g. A1.1.1)!
                if( (comphelper::string::getTokenCount(sTableNm, '.') - 1) & 1 )
                    sTableNm = sTableNm.copy( 0, nSeparator - nStt );
                    // when creating a formula the table name is unwanted
                    if( fnFormula != &SwTableFormula::MakeFormula_ )
                    nStt = nSeparator;
                    sTableNm = sTableNm.copy( 1 );   // delete separator
                    if( sTableNm != rTable.GetFrameFormat()->GetName() )
                        // then search for table
                        const SwTable* pFnd = FindTable(
                                                sTableNm );
                        if( pFnd )
                            pTable = pFnd;
                        // ??
                        OSL_ENSURE( pFnd, "No table found. What now?" );
            OUString sBox( m_sFormula.copy( nStt, nEnd - nStt + 1 ));
            // area in these parentheses?
            nSeparator = m_sFormula.indexOf( ':', nStt );
            if ( nSeparator>=0 && nSeparator<nEnd )
                // without opening parenthesis
                OUString aFirstBox( m_sFormula.copy( nStt+1, nSeparator - nStt - 1 ));
                (this->*fnFormula)( *pTable, aStr, sBox, &aFirstBox, pPara );
                (this->*fnFormula)( *pTable, aStr, sBox, nullptr, pPara );
        nFormula = nEnd+1;
    } while( true );
    return aStr.makeStringAndClear();
const SwTable* SwTableFormula::FindTable( SwDoc& rDoc, std::u16string_view rNm )
    const sw::TableFrameFormats& rTableFormats = *rDoc.GetTableFrameFormats();
    const SwTable* pTmpTable = nullptr, *pRet = nullptr;
    for( auto nFormatCnt = rTableFormats.size(); nFormatCnt; )
        SwTableFormat* pFormat = rTableFormats[ --nFormatCnt ];
        // if we are called from Sw3Writer, a number is dependent on the format name
        SwTableBox* pFBox;
        if ( rNm == o3tl::getToken(pFormat->GetName(), 0, 0x0a) &&
            nullptr != ( pTmpTable = SwTable::FindTable( pFormat ) ) &&
            nullptr != (pFBox = pTmpTable->GetTabSortBoxes()[0] ) &&
            pFBox->GetSttNd() &&
            pFBox->GetSttNd()->GetNodes().IsDocNodes() )
            // a table in the normal NodesArr
            pRet = pTmpTable;
    return pRet;
static const SwFrame* lcl_GetBoxFrame( const SwTableBox& rBox )
    SwNodeIndex aIdx( *rBox.GetSttNd() );
    SwContentNode* pCNd = SwNodes::GoNext(&aIdx);
    assert(pCNd && "Box has no TextNode");
    Point aPt;      // get the first frame of the layout - table headline
    std::pair<Point, bool> const tmp(aPt, false);
    return pCNd->getLayoutFrame(pCNd->GetDoc().getIDocumentLayoutAccess().GetCurrentLayout(), nullptr, &tmp);
static sal_Int32 lcl_GetLongBoxNum( OUString& rStr )
    sal_Int32 nRet;
    const sal_Int32 nPos = rStr.indexOf( cRelSeparator );
    if ( nPos<0 )
        nRet = rStr.toInt32();
        nRet = o3tl::toInt32(rStr.subView( 0, nPos ));
        rStr = rStr.copy( nPos+1 );
    return nRet;
static const SwTableBox* lcl_RelToBox( const SwTable& rTable,
                                    const SwTableBox* pRefBox,
                                    const OUString& _sGetName )
    // get line
    const SwTableBox* pBox = nullptr;
    OUString sGetName = _sGetName;
    // Is it really a relative value?
    if ( cRelIdentifier == sGetName[0] ) // yes
        if( !pRefBox )
            return nullptr;
        sGetName = sGetName.copy( 1 );
        const SwTableLines* pLines = &rTable.GetTabLines();
        const SwTableBoxes* pBoxes;
        const SwTableLine* pLine;
        // determine starting values of the box,...
        pBox = pRefBox;
        pLine = pBox->GetUpper();
        while( pLine->GetUpper() )
            pBox = pLine->GetUpper();
            pLine = pBox->GetUpper();
        sal_uInt16 nSttBox = pLine->GetBoxPos( pBox );
        sal_uInt16 nSttLine = rTable.GetTabLines().GetPos( pLine );
        const sal_Int32 nBoxOffset = lcl_GetLongBoxNum( sGetName ) + nSttBox;
        const sal_Int32 nLineOffset = lcl_GetLongBoxNum( sGetName ) + nSttLine;
        if( nBoxOffset < 0 ||
            nLineOffset < 0 )
            return nullptr;
        if( o3tl::make_unsigned(nLineOffset) >= pLines->size() )
            return nullptr;
        pLine = (*pLines)[ nLineOffset ];
        // ... then search the box
        pBoxes = &pLine->GetTabBoxes();
        if( o3tl::make_unsigned(nBoxOffset) >= pBoxes->size() )
            return nullptr;
        pBox = (*pBoxes)[ nBoxOffset ];
        while (!sGetName.isEmpty())
            nSttBox = SwTable::GetBoxNum( sGetName );
            pLines = &pBox->GetTabLines();
            if (nSttBox > 0)
            nSttLine = SwTable::GetBoxNum( sGetName );
            // determine line
            if( !nSttLine || nSttLine > pLines->size() )
            pLine = (*pLines)[ nSttLine-1 ];
            // determine box
            pBoxes = &pLine->GetTabBoxes();
            if( nSttBox >= pBoxes->size() )
            pBox = (*pBoxes)[ nSttBox ];
        if( pBox )
            if( !pBox->GetSttNd() )
                // "bubble up" to first box
                while( !pBox->GetTabLines().empty() )
                    pBox = pBox->GetTabLines().front()->GetTabBoxes().front();
        // otherwise it is an absolute external presentation
        pBox = rTable.GetTableBox( sGetName );
    return pBox;
static OUString lcl_BoxNmToRel( const SwTable& rTable, const SwTableNode& rTableNd,
                                const OUString& _sRefBoxNm, const OUString& _sTmp, bool bExtrnlNm )
    OUString sTmp = _sTmp;
    OUString sRefBoxNm = _sRefBoxNm;
    if( !bExtrnlNm )
        // convert into external presentation
        SwTableBox* pBox = reinterpret_cast<SwTableBox*>(sal::static_int_cast<sal_IntPtr>(sTmp.toInt64()));
        if( rTable.GetTabSortBoxes().find( pBox ) == rTable.GetTabSortBoxes().end() )
            return OUString('?');
        sTmp = pBox->GetName();
    // If the formula is spanning over a table then keep external presentation
    if( &rTable == &rTableNd.GetTable() )
        tools::Long nBox = SwTable::GetBoxNum( sTmp, true );
        nBox -= SwTable::GetBoxNum( sRefBoxNm, true );
        tools::Long nLine = SwTable::GetBoxNum( sTmp );
        nLine -= SwTable::GetBoxNum( sRefBoxNm );
        const OUString sCpy = sTmp;        //JP 01.11.95: add rest from box name
        sTmp = OUStringChar(cRelIdentifier) + OUString::number( nBox )
             + OUStringChar(cRelSeparator) + OUString::number( nLine );
        if (!sCpy.isEmpty())
            sTmp += OUStringChar(cRelSeparator) + sCpy;
    if (sTmp.endsWith(">"))
        return sTmp.copy(0, sTmp.getLength()-1 );
    return sTmp;
void SwTableFormula::GetBoxesOfFormula( const SwTable& rTable,
                                        SwSelBoxes& rBoxes )
    BoxNmToPtr( &rTable );
    ScanString( &SwTableFormula::GetFormulaBoxes, rTable, &rBoxes );
void SwTableFormula::GetFormulaBoxes( const SwTable& rTable, OUStringBuffer& ,
                    OUString& rFirstBox, OUString* pLastBox, void* pPara ) const
    SwSelBoxes* pBoxes = static_cast<SwSelBoxes*>(pPara);
    SwTableBox* pEndBox = nullptr;
    rFirstBox = rFirstBox.copy(1); // delete box label
    // area in these parentheses?
    if( pLastBox )
        pEndBox = reinterpret_cast<SwTableBox*>(sal::static_int_cast<sal_IntPtr>(pLastBox->toInt64()));
        // Is it actually a valid pointer?
        if( rTable.GetTabSortBoxes().find( pEndBox ) == rTable.GetTabSortBoxes().end() )
            pEndBox = nullptr;
        rFirstBox = rFirstBox.copy( pLastBox->getLength()+1 );
    SwTableBox *pSttBox = reinterpret_cast<SwTableBox*>(sal::static_int_cast<sal_IntPtr>(rFirstBox.toInt64()));
    // Is it actually a valid pointer?
    if( !pSttBox || rTable.GetTabSortBoxes().find( pSttBox ) == rTable.GetTabSortBoxes().end() )
    if ( pEndBox ) // area?
        // get all selected boxes via layout and calculate their values
        SwSelBoxes aBoxes;
        GetBoxes( *pSttBox, *pEndBox, aBoxes );
        pBoxes->insert( aBoxes );
    else          // only the StartBox?
        pBoxes->insert( pSttBox );
void SwTableFormula::GetBoxes( const SwTableBox& rSttBox,
                                const SwTableBox& rEndBox,
                                SwSelBoxes& rBoxes )
    // get all selected boxes via layout
    const SwLayoutFrame *pStt, *pEnd;
    const SwFrame* pFrame = lcl_GetBoxFrame( rSttBox );
    pStt = pFrame ? pFrame->GetUpper() : nullptr;
    pFrame = lcl_GetBoxFrame( rEndBox );
    pEnd = pFrame ? pFrame->GetUpper() : nullptr;
    if( !pStt || !pEnd )
        return ;                        // no valid selection
    GetTableSel( pStt, pEnd, rBoxes, nullptr );
    const SwTable* pTable = pStt->FindTabFrame()->GetTable();
    // filter headline boxes
    if( pTable->GetRowsToRepeat() <= 0 )
    do {    // middle-check loop
        const SwTableLine* pLine = rSttBox.GetUpper();
        while( pLine->GetUpper() )
            pLine = pLine->GetUpper()->GetUpper();
        if( pTable->IsHeadline( *pLine ) )
            break;      // headline in this area!
        // maybe start and end are swapped
        pLine = rEndBox.GetUpper();
        while ( pLine->GetUpper() )
            pLine = pLine->GetUpper()->GetUpper();
        if( pTable->IsHeadline( *pLine ) )
            break;      // headline in this area!
        const SwTabFrame *pStartTable = pStt->FindTabFrame();
        const SwTabFrame *pEndTable = pEnd->FindTabFrame();
        if (pStartTable == pEndTable) // no split table
        // then remove table headers
        for (size_t n = 0; n < rBoxes.size(); ++n)
            pLine = rBoxes[n]->GetUpper();
            while( pLine->GetUpper() )
                pLine = pLine->GetUpper()->GetUpper();
            if( pTable->IsHeadline( *pLine ) )
                rBoxes.erase( rBoxes.begin() + n-- );
    } while( false );
/// Are all boxes valid that are referenced by the formula?
void SwTableFormula::HasValidBoxes_( const SwTable& rTable, OUStringBuffer& ,
                    OUString& rFirstBox, OUString* pLastBox, void* pPara ) const
    bool* pBValid = static_cast<bool*>(pPara);
    if( !(*pBValid) )      // wrong is wrong
    SwTableBox* pSttBox = nullptr, *pEndBox = nullptr;
    rFirstBox = rFirstBox.copy(1);       // delete identifier of box
    // area in this parenthesis?
    if( pLastBox )
        rFirstBox = rFirstBox.copy( pLastBox->getLength()+1 );
    switch (m_eNmType)
    case INTRNL_NAME:
        if( pLastBox )
            pEndBox = reinterpret_cast<SwTableBox*>(sal::static_int_cast<sal_IntPtr>(pLastBox->toInt64()));
        pSttBox = reinterpret_cast<SwTableBox*>(sal::static_int_cast<sal_IntPtr>(rFirstBox.toInt64()));
    case REL_NAME:
            const SwNode* pNd = GetNodeOfFormula();
            const SwTableBox* pBox = !pNd ? nullptr
                                           : const_cast<SwTableBox *>(rTable.GetTableBox(
                                pNd->FindTableBoxStartNode()->GetIndex() ));
            if( pLastBox )
                pEndBox = const_cast<SwTableBox*>(lcl_RelToBox( rTable, pBox, *pLastBox ));
            pSttBox = const_cast<SwTableBox*>(lcl_RelToBox( rTable, pBox, rFirstBox ));
    case EXTRNL_NAME:
        if( pLastBox )
            pEndBox = const_cast<SwTableBox*>(rTable.GetTableBox( *pLastBox ));
        pSttBox = const_cast<SwTableBox*>(rTable.GetTableBox( rFirstBox ));
    // Are these valid pointers?
    if( ( pLastBox &&
          ( !pEndBox || rTable.GetTabSortBoxes().find( pEndBox ) == rTable.GetTabSortBoxes().end() ) ) ||
        ( !pSttBox || rTable.GetTabSortBoxes().find( pSttBox ) == rTable.GetTabSortBoxes().end() ) )
            *pBValid = false;
bool SwTableFormula::HasValidBoxes() const
    bool bRet = true;
    const SwNode* pNd = GetNodeOfFormula();
    if( pNd && nullptr != ( pNd = pNd->FindTableNode() ) )
        ScanString( &SwTableFormula::HasValidBoxes_,
                        static_cast<const SwTableNode*>(pNd)->GetTable(), &bRet );
    return bRet;
sal_uInt16 SwTableFormula::GetLnPosInTable( const SwTable& rTable, const SwTableBox* pBox )
    sal_uInt16 nRet = USHRT_MAX;
    if( pBox )
        const SwTableLine* pLn = pBox->GetUpper();
        while( pLn->GetUpper() )
            pLn = pLn->GetUpper()->GetUpper();
        nRet = rTable.GetTabLines().GetPos( pLn );
    return nRet;
void SwTableFormula::SplitMergeBoxNm_( const SwTable& rTable, OUStringBuffer& rNewStr,
                    OUString& rFirstBox, OUString* pLastBox, void* pPara ) const
    SwTableFormulaUpdate& rTableUpd = *static_cast<SwTableFormulaUpdate*>(pPara);
    rNewStr.append(rFirstBox[0]);     // get label for the box
    rFirstBox = rFirstBox.copy(1);
    OUString sTableNm;
    const SwTable* pTable = &rTable;
    OUString* pTableNmBox = pLastBox ? pLastBox : &rFirstBox;
    const sal_Int32 nLastBoxLen = pTableNmBox->getLength();
    const sal_Int32 nSeparator = pTableNmBox->indexOf('.');
    if ( nSeparator>=0 &&
        // If there are dots in the name, then these appear in pairs (e.g. A1.1.1)!
        (comphelper::string::getTokenCount(*pTableNmBox, '.') - 1) & 1 )
        sTableNm = pTableNmBox->copy( 0, nSeparator );
        *pTableNmBox = pTableNmBox->copy( nSeparator + 1); // remove dot
        const SwTable* pFnd = FindTable( *rTable.GetFrameFormat()->GetDoc(), sTableNm );
        if( pFnd )
            pTable = pFnd;
        if( TBL_MERGETBL == rTableUpd.m_eFlags )
            if( pFnd )
                if( pFnd == rTableUpd.m_aData.pDelTable )
                    if( rTableUpd.m_pTable != &rTable ) // not the current one
                        rNewStr.append(rTableUpd.m_pTable->GetFrameFormat()->GetName() + "."); // set new table name
                    rTableUpd.m_bModified = true;
                else if( pFnd != rTableUpd.m_pTable ||
                    ( rTableUpd.m_pTable != &rTable && &rTable != rTableUpd.m_aData.pDelTable))
                    rNewStr.append(sTableNm + "."); // keep table name
                    rTableUpd.m_bModified = true;
                rNewStr.append(sTableNm + ".");     // keep table name
    if( pTableNmBox == pLastBox )
        rFirstBox = rFirstBox.copy( nLastBoxLen + 1 );
    SwTableBox* pSttBox = nullptr, *pEndBox = nullptr;
    switch (m_eNmType)
    case INTRNL_NAME:
        if( pLastBox )
            pEndBox = reinterpret_cast<SwTableBox*>(sal::static_int_cast<sal_IntPtr>(pLastBox->toInt64()));
        pSttBox = reinterpret_cast<SwTableBox*>(sal::static_int_cast<sal_IntPtr>(rFirstBox.toInt64()));
    case REL_NAME:
            const SwNode* pNd = GetNodeOfFormula();
            const SwTableBox* pBox = pNd ? pTable->GetTableBox(
                            pNd->FindTableBoxStartNode()->GetIndex() ) : nullptr;
            if( pLastBox )
                pEndBox = const_cast<SwTableBox*>(lcl_RelToBox( *pTable, pBox, *pLastBox ));
            pSttBox = const_cast<SwTableBox*>(lcl_RelToBox( *pTable, pBox, rFirstBox ));
    case EXTRNL_NAME:
        if( pLastBox )
            pEndBox = const_cast<SwTableBox*>(pTable->GetTableBox( *pLastBox ));
        pSttBox = const_cast<SwTableBox*>(pTable->GetTableBox( rFirstBox ));
    if( pLastBox && pTable->GetTabSortBoxes().find( pEndBox ) == pTable->GetTabSortBoxes().end() )
        pEndBox = nullptr;
    if( pTable->GetTabSortBoxes().find( pSttBox ) == pTable->GetTabSortBoxes().end() )
        pSttBox = nullptr;
    if( TBL_SPLITTBL == rTableUpd.m_eFlags )
        // Where are the boxes - in the old or in the new table?
        bool bInNewTable = false;
        if( pLastBox )
            // It is the "first" box in this selection. It determines if the formula is placed in
            // the new or the old table.
            sal_uInt16 nEndLnPos = SwTableFormula::GetLnPosInTable( *pTable, pEndBox ),
                    nSttLnPos = SwTableFormula::GetLnPosInTable( *pTable, pSttBox );
            if( USHRT_MAX != nSttLnPos && USHRT_MAX != nEndLnPos &&
                ((rTableUpd.m_nSplitLine <= nSttLnPos) ==
                (rTableUpd.m_nSplitLine <= nEndLnPos)) )
                // stay in same table
                bInNewTable = rTableUpd.m_nSplitLine <= nEndLnPos &&
                                    pTable == rTableUpd.m_pTable;
                // this is definitely an invalid formula, also mark as modified for Undo
                rTableUpd.m_bModified = true;
                if( pEndBox )
                    bInNewTable = USHRT_MAX != nEndLnPos &&
                                    rTableUpd.m_nSplitLine <= nEndLnPos &&
                                    pTable == rTableUpd.m_pTable;
            sal_uInt16 nSttLnPos = SwTableFormula::GetLnPosInTable( *pTable, pSttBox );
            // Put it in the new table?
            bInNewTable = USHRT_MAX != nSttLnPos &&
                            rTableUpd.m_nSplitLine <= nSttLnPos &&
                            pTable == rTableUpd.m_pTable;
        // formula goes into new table
        if( rTableUpd.m_bBehindSplitLine )
            if( !bInNewTable )
                rTableUpd.m_bModified = true;
                rNewStr.append(rTableUpd.m_pTable->GetFrameFormat()->GetName() + ".");
            else if( !sTableNm.isEmpty() )
                rNewStr.append(sTableNm + ".");
        else if( bInNewTable )
            rTableUpd.m_bModified = true;
            rNewStr.append(*rTableUpd.m_aData.pNewTableNm + ".");
        else if( !sTableNm.isEmpty() )
            rNewStr.append(sTableNm + ".");
    if( pLastBox )
        rNewStr.append(OUString::number(reinterpret_cast<sal_IntPtr>(pEndBox)) + ":");
        + OUStringChar(rFirstBox[ rFirstBox.getLength()-1] ));
/// Create external formula but remember that the formula is placed in a split/merged table
void SwTableFormula::ToSplitMergeBoxNm( SwTableFormulaUpdate& rTableUpd )
    const SwTable* pTable;
    const SwNode* pNd = GetNodeOfFormula();
    if( pNd && nullptr != ( pNd = pNd->FindTableNode() ))
        pTable = &static_cast<const SwTableNode*>(pNd)->GetTable();
        pTable = rTableUpd.m_pTable;
    m_sFormula = ScanString( &SwTableFormula::SplitMergeBoxNm_, *pTable, static_cast<void*>(&rTableUpd) );
    m_eNmType = INTRNL_NAME;
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'ScanString' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'ScanString' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.