/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <scitems.hxx>
#include <editeng/eeitem.hxx>
#include <o3tl/safeint.hxx>
#include <svx/svdpool.hxx>
#include <utility>
#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
#include <svx/algitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/borderline.hxx>
#include <editeng/boxitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/editeng.hxx>
#include <editeng/flditem.hxx>
#include <editeng/editobj.hxx>
#include <editeng/unoipset.hxx>
#include <editeng/langitem.hxx>
#include <sfx2/linkmgr.hxx>
#include <svl/numformat.hxx>
#include <svl/srchitem.hxx>
#include <svl/sharedstringpool.hxx>
#include <svx/unomid.hxx>
#include <editeng/unoprnms.hxx>
#include <editeng/unotext.hxx>
#include <svx/svdpage.hxx>
#include <sfx2/bindings.hxx>
#include <svl/zforlist.hxx>
#include <svl/zformat.hxx>
#include <cppuhelper/supportsservice.hxx>
#include <float.h>
#include <cppuhelper/queryinterface.hxx>
#include <comphelper/diagnose_ex.hxx>
#include <tools/UnitConversion.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/awt/XBitmap.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/util/CellProtection.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/table/CellHoriJustify.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/table/CellOrientation.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/table/ShadowFormat.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/table/TableBorder.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/table/TableBorder2.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sheet/CellFlags.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sheet/FormulaResult.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/beans/PropertyAttribute.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/lang/IndexOutOfBoundsException.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/lang/Locale.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/beans/TolerantPropertySetResultType.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/beans/SetPropertyTolerantFailed.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/text/WritingMode2.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/text/textfield/Type.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sheet/XConditionalFormats.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sheet/XSolverSettings.hpp>
#include <autoform.hxx>
#include <cellvalue.hxx>
#include <cellmergeoption.hxx>
#include <cellsuno.hxx>
#include <cursuno.hxx>
#include <textuno.hxx>
#include <editsrc.hxx>
#include <notesuno.hxx>
#include <fielduno.hxx>
#include <docuno.hxx>
#include <datauno.hxx>
#include <dapiuno.hxx>
#include <chartuno.hxx>
#include <fmtuno.hxx>
#include <miscuno.hxx>
#include <convuno.hxx>
#include <srchuno.hxx>
#include <nameuno.hxx>
#include <targuno.hxx>
#include <tokenuno.hxx>
#include <eventuno.hxx>
#include <docsh.hxx>
#include <markdata.hxx>
#include <patattr.hxx>
#include <docpool.hxx>
#include <docfunc.hxx>
#include <dbdocfun.hxx>
#include <olinefun.hxx>
#include <hints.hxx>
#include <formulacell.hxx>
#include <undotab.hxx>
#include <undoblk.hxx>
#include <stlsheet.hxx>
#include <dbdata.hxx>
#include <attrib.hxx>
#include <chartarr.hxx>
#include <chartlis.hxx>
#include <drwlayer.hxx>
#include <printfun.hxx>
#include <prnsave.hxx>
#include <tablink.hxx>
#include <dociter.hxx>
#include <rangeutl.hxx>
#include <conditio.hxx>
#include <validat.hxx>
#include <sc.hrc>
#include <cellform.hxx>
#include <globstr.hrc>
#include <scresid.hxx>
#include <unonames.hxx>
#include <styleuno.hxx>
#include <rangeseq.hxx>
#include <unowids.hxx>
#include <paramisc.hxx>
#include <queryentry.hxx>
#include <formula/errorcodes.hxx>
#include <unoreflist.hxx>
#include <formula/grammar.hxx>
#include <editeng/escapementitem.hxx>
#include <stringutil.hxx>
#include <formulaiter.hxx>
#include <tokenarray.hxx>
#include <stylehelper.hxx>
#include <dputil.hxx>
#include <sortparam.hxx>
#include <condformatuno.hxx>
#include <TablePivotCharts.hxx>
#include <table.hxx>
#include <refundo.hxx>
#include <columnspanset.hxx>
#include <CommonProperties.hxx>
#include <solveruno.hxx>
#include <memory>
using namespace com::sun::star;
//  The names in the maps must be sorted according to strcmp!
//! Instead of Which-ID 0 use special IDs and do not compare via names!
//  Left/Right/Top/BottomBorder are mapped directly to the core items,
//  not collected/applied to the borders of a range -> ATTR_BORDER can be used directly
static const SfxItemPropertySet* lcl_GetCellsPropertySet()
    static const SfxItemPropertyMapEntry aCellsPropertyMap_Impl[] =
        { SC_UNONAME_ABSNAME,  SC_WID_UNO_ABSNAME, cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),        0 | beans::PropertyAttribute::READONLY, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_ASIANVERT,ATTR_VERTICAL_ASIAN,cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CELLPRO,  ATTR_PROTECTION,    cppu::UnoType<util::CellProtection>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CELLSTYL, SC_WID_UNO_CELLSTYL,cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),        0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_COUTL,    ATTR_FONT_CONTOUR,  cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CCROSS,   ATTR_FONT_CROSSEDOUT,cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                 0, MID_CROSSED_OUT },
        { SC_UNONAME_CEMPHAS,  ATTR_FONT_EMPHASISMARK,cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),         0, MID_EMPHASIS },
        { SC_UNONAME_CFONT,    ATTR_FONT,          cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_FAMILY },
        { SC_UNONAME_CFCHARS,  ATTR_FONT,          cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_CHAR_SET },
        { SC_UNO_CJK_CFCHARS,  ATTR_CJK_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_CHAR_SET },
        { SC_UNO_CTL_CFCHARS,  ATTR_CTL_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_CHAR_SET },
        { SC_UNONAME_CFFAMIL,  ATTR_FONT,          cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_FAMILY },
        { SC_UNO_CJK_CFFAMIL,  ATTR_CJK_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_FAMILY },
        { SC_UNO_CTL_CFFAMIL,  ATTR_CTL_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_FAMILY },
        { SC_UNONAME_CFNAME,   ATTR_FONT,          cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),        0, MID_FONT_FAMILY_NAME },
        { SC_UNO_CJK_CFNAME,   ATTR_CJK_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),        0, MID_FONT_FAMILY_NAME },
        { SC_UNO_CTL_CFNAME,   ATTR_CTL_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),        0, MID_FONT_FAMILY_NAME },
        { SC_UNONAME_CFPITCH,  ATTR_FONT,          cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_PITCH },
        { SC_UNO_CJK_CFPITCH,  ATTR_CJK_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_PITCH },
        { SC_UNO_CTL_CFPITCH,  ATTR_CTL_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_PITCH },
        { SC_UNONAME_CFSTYLE,  ATTR_FONT,          cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),        0, MID_FONT_STYLE_NAME },
        { SC_UNO_CJK_CFSTYLE,  ATTR_CJK_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),        0, MID_FONT_STYLE_NAME },
        { SC_UNO_CTL_CFSTYLE,  ATTR_CTL_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),        0, MID_FONT_STYLE_NAME },
        { SC_UNONAME_CHEIGHT,  ATTR_FONT_HEIGHT,   cppu::UnoType<float>::get(),                0, MID_FONTHEIGHT | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNO_CJK_CHEIGHT,  ATTR_CJK_FONT_HEIGHT,cppu::UnoType<float>::get(),               0, MID_FONTHEIGHT | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNO_CTL_CHEIGHT,  ATTR_CTL_FONT_HEIGHT,cppu::UnoType<float>::get(),               0, MID_FONTHEIGHT | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_CLOCAL,   ATTR_FONT_LANGUAGE, cppu::UnoType<lang::Locale>::get(),         0, MID_LANG_LOCALE },
        { SC_UNO_CJK_CLOCAL,   ATTR_CJK_FONT_LANGUAGE,cppu::UnoType<lang::Locale>::get(),          0, MID_LANG_LOCALE },
        { SC_UNO_CTL_CLOCAL,   ATTR_CTL_FONT_LANGUAGE,cppu::UnoType<lang::Locale>::get(),          0, MID_LANG_LOCALE },
        { SC_UNONAME_COVER,    ATTR_FONT_OVERLINE, cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_TL_STYLE },
        { SC_UNONAME_COVRLCOL, ATTR_FONT_OVERLINE, cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),            0, MID_TL_COLOR },
        { SC_UNONAME_COVRLHAS, ATTR_FONT_OVERLINE, cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, MID_TL_HASCOLOR },
        { SC_UNONAME_CPOST,    ATTR_FONT_POSTURE,  cppu::UnoType<awt::FontSlant>::get(),       0, MID_POSTURE },
        { SC_UNO_CJK_CPOST,    ATTR_CJK_FONT_POSTURE,cppu::UnoType<awt::FontSlant>::get(),     0, MID_POSTURE },
        { SC_UNO_CTL_CPOST,    ATTR_CTL_FONT_POSTURE,cppu::UnoType<awt::FontSlant>::get(),     0, MID_POSTURE },
        { SC_UNONAME_CRELIEF,  ATTR_FONT_RELIEF,   cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_RELIEF },
        { SC_UNONAME_CSHADD,   ATTR_FONT_SHADOWED, cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CSTRIKE,  ATTR_FONT_CROSSEDOUT,cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),           0, MID_CROSS_OUT },
        { SC_UNONAME_CUNDER,   ATTR_FONT_UNDERLINE,cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_TL_STYLE },
        { SC_UNONAME_CUNDLCOL, ATTR_FONT_UNDERLINE,cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),            0, MID_TL_COLOR },
        { SC_UNONAME_CUNDLHAS, ATTR_FONT_UNDERLINE,cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, MID_TL_HASCOLOR },
        { SC_UNONAME_CWEIGHT,  ATTR_FONT_WEIGHT,   cppu::UnoType<float>::get(),                0, MID_WEIGHT },
        { SC_UNO_CJK_CWEIGHT,  ATTR_CJK_FONT_WEIGHT,cppu::UnoType<float>::get(),               0, MID_WEIGHT },
        { SC_UNO_CTL_CWEIGHT,  ATTR_CTL_FONT_WEIGHT,cppu::UnoType<float>::get(),               0, MID_WEIGHT },
        { SC_UNONAME_CWORDMOD, ATTR_FONT_WORDLINE, cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CHCOLHDR, SC_WID_UNO_CHCOLHDR,cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CHROWHDR, SC_WID_UNO_CHROWHDR,cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CONDFMT,  SC_WID_UNO_CONDFMT, cppu::UnoType<sheet::XSheetConditionalEntries>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CONDLOC,  SC_WID_UNO_CONDLOC, cppu::UnoType<sheet::XSheetConditionalEntries>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CONDXML,  SC_WID_UNO_CONDXML, cppu::UnoType<sheet::XSheetConditionalEntries>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_DIAGONAL_BLTR, ATTR_BORDER_BLTR, ::cppu::UnoType<table::BorderLine>::get(), 0, 0 | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_DIAGONAL_BLTR2, ATTR_BORDER_BLTR, ::cppu::UnoType<table::BorderLine2>::get(), 0, 0 | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_DIAGONAL_TLBR, ATTR_BORDER_TLBR, ::cppu::UnoType<table::BorderLine>::get(), 0, 0 | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_DIAGONAL_TLBR2, ATTR_BORDER_TLBR, ::cppu::UnoType<table::BorderLine2>::get(), 0, 0 | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_CELLHJUS, ATTR_HOR_JUSTIFY,   cppu::UnoType<table::CellHoriJustify>::get(), 0, MID_HORJUST_HORJUST },
        { SC_UNONAME_CELLHJUS_METHOD, ATTR_HOR_JUSTIFY_METHOD, ::cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),   0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CELLTRAN, ATTR_BACKGROUND,    cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, MID_GRAPHIC_TRANSPARENT },
        { SC_UNONAME_WRAP,     ATTR_LINEBREAK,     cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_NUMFMT,   ATTR_VALUE_FORMAT,  cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),            0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_NUMRULES, SC_WID_UNO_NUMRULES,cppu::UnoType<container::XIndexReplace>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CELLORI,  ATTR_STACKED,       cppu::UnoType<table::CellOrientation>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_PADJUST,  ATTR_HOR_JUSTIFY,   ::cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),    0, MID_HORJUST_ADJUST },
        { SC_UNONAME_PBMARGIN, ATTR_MARGIN,        cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),            0, MID_MARGIN_LO_MARGIN | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_PINDENT,  ATTR_INDENT,        cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, 0 }, //! CONVERT_TWIPS
        { SC_UNONAME_PISCHDIST,ATTR_SCRIPTSPACE,   cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_PISFORBID,ATTR_FORBIDDEN_RULES,cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_PISHANG,  ATTR_HANGPUNCTUATION,cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_PISHYPHEN,ATTR_HYPHENATE,     cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_PLASTADJ, ATTR_HOR_JUSTIFY,   ::cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),    0, MID_HORJUST_ADJUST },
        { SC_UNONAME_PLMARGIN, ATTR_MARGIN,        cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),            0, MID_MARGIN_L_MARGIN  | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_PRMARGIN, ATTR_MARGIN,        cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),            0, MID_MARGIN_R_MARGIN  | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_PTMARGIN, ATTR_MARGIN,        cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),            0, MID_MARGIN_UP_MARGIN | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_ROTANG,   ATTR_ROTATE_VALUE,  cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),            0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_ROTREF,   ATTR_ROTATE_MODE,   cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_SHADOW,   ATTR_SHADOW,        cppu::UnoType<table::ShadowFormat>::get(),  0, 0 | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_SHRINK_TO_FIT, ATTR_SHRINKTOFIT, cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),               0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_TBLBORD,  SC_WID_UNO_TBLBORD, cppu::UnoType<table::TableBorder>::get(),   0, 0 | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_TBLBORD2,  SC_WID_UNO_TBLBORD2, cppu::UnoType<table::TableBorder2>::get(),   0, 0 | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_USERDEF,  ATTR_USERDEF,       cppu::UnoType<container::XNameContainer>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_VALIDAT,  SC_WID_UNO_VALIDAT, cppu::UnoType<beans::XPropertySet>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_VALILOC,  SC_WID_UNO_VALILOC, cppu::UnoType<beans::XPropertySet>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_VALIXML,  SC_WID_UNO_VALIXML, cppu::UnoType<beans::XPropertySet>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CELLVJUS, ATTR_VER_JUSTIFY,   cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CELLVJUS_METHOD, ATTR_VER_JUSTIFY_METHOD, ::cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),   0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_WRITING,  ATTR_WRITINGDIR,    cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_HYPERLINK,  ATTR_HYPERLINK, cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),        0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_FORMATID,  SC_WID_UNO_FORMATID, cppu::UnoType<sal_uInt64>::get(),        0, 0 },
    static SfxItemPropertySet aCellsPropertySet( aCellsPropertyMap_Impl );
    return &aCellsPropertySet;
//  CellRange contains all entries from Cells, plus its own entries
//  with Which-ID 0 (those are needed only for getPropertySetInfo).
static const SfxItemPropertySet* lcl_GetRangePropertySet()
    static const SfxItemPropertyMapEntry aRangePropertyMap_Impl[] =
        { SC_UNONAME_ABSNAME,  SC_WID_UNO_ABSNAME, cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),        0 | beans::PropertyAttribute::READONLY, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_ASIANVERT,ATTR_VERTICAL_ASIAN,cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CELLPRO,  ATTR_PROTECTION,    cppu::UnoType<util::CellProtection>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CELLSTYL, SC_WID_UNO_CELLSTYL,cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),        0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_COUTL,    ATTR_FONT_CONTOUR,  cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CCROSS,   ATTR_FONT_CROSSEDOUT,cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                 0, MID_CROSSED_OUT },
        { SC_UNONAME_CEMPHAS,  ATTR_FONT_EMPHASISMARK,cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),         0, MID_EMPHASIS },
        { SC_UNONAME_CFONT,    ATTR_FONT,          cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_FAMILY },
        { SC_UNONAME_CFCHARS,  ATTR_FONT,          cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_CHAR_SET },
        { SC_UNO_CJK_CFCHARS,  ATTR_CJK_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_CHAR_SET },
        { SC_UNO_CTL_CFCHARS,  ATTR_CTL_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_CHAR_SET },
        { SC_UNONAME_CFFAMIL,  ATTR_FONT,          cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_FAMILY },
        { SC_UNO_CJK_CFFAMIL,  ATTR_CJK_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_FAMILY },
        { SC_UNO_CTL_CFFAMIL,  ATTR_CTL_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_FAMILY },
        { SC_UNONAME_CFNAME,   ATTR_FONT,          cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),        0, MID_FONT_FAMILY_NAME },
        { SC_UNO_CJK_CFNAME,   ATTR_CJK_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),        0, MID_FONT_FAMILY_NAME },
        { SC_UNO_CTL_CFNAME,   ATTR_CTL_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),        0, MID_FONT_FAMILY_NAME },
        { SC_UNONAME_CFPITCH,  ATTR_FONT,          cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_PITCH },
        { SC_UNO_CJK_CFPITCH,  ATTR_CJK_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_PITCH },
        { SC_UNO_CTL_CFPITCH,  ATTR_CTL_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_PITCH },
        { SC_UNONAME_CFSTYLE,  ATTR_FONT,          cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),        0, MID_FONT_STYLE_NAME },
        { SC_UNO_CJK_CFSTYLE,  ATTR_CJK_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),        0, MID_FONT_STYLE_NAME },
        { SC_UNO_CTL_CFSTYLE,  ATTR_CTL_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),        0, MID_FONT_STYLE_NAME },
        { SC_UNONAME_CHEIGHT,  ATTR_FONT_HEIGHT,   cppu::UnoType<float>::get(),                0, MID_FONTHEIGHT | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNO_CJK_CHEIGHT,  ATTR_CJK_FONT_HEIGHT,cppu::UnoType<float>::get(),               0, MID_FONTHEIGHT | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNO_CTL_CHEIGHT,  ATTR_CTL_FONT_HEIGHT,cppu::UnoType<float>::get(),               0, MID_FONTHEIGHT | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_CLOCAL,   ATTR_FONT_LANGUAGE, cppu::UnoType<lang::Locale>::get(),         0, MID_LANG_LOCALE },
        { SC_UNO_CJK_CLOCAL,   ATTR_CJK_FONT_LANGUAGE,cppu::UnoType<lang::Locale>::get(),          0, MID_LANG_LOCALE },
        { SC_UNO_CTL_CLOCAL,   ATTR_CTL_FONT_LANGUAGE,cppu::UnoType<lang::Locale>::get(),          0, MID_LANG_LOCALE },
        { SC_UNONAME_COVER,    ATTR_FONT_OVERLINE, cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_TL_STYLE },
        { SC_UNONAME_COVRLCOL, ATTR_FONT_OVERLINE, cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),            0, MID_TL_COLOR },
        { SC_UNONAME_COVRLHAS, ATTR_FONT_OVERLINE, cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, MID_TL_HASCOLOR },
        { SC_UNONAME_CPOST,    ATTR_FONT_POSTURE,  cppu::UnoType<awt::FontSlant>::get(),       0, MID_POSTURE },
        { SC_UNO_CJK_CPOST,    ATTR_CJK_FONT_POSTURE,cppu::UnoType<awt::FontSlant>::get(),     0, MID_POSTURE },
        { SC_UNO_CTL_CPOST,    ATTR_CTL_FONT_POSTURE,cppu::UnoType<awt::FontSlant>::get(),     0, MID_POSTURE },
        { SC_UNONAME_CRELIEF,  ATTR_FONT_RELIEF,   cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_RELIEF },
        { SC_UNONAME_CSHADD,   ATTR_FONT_SHADOWED, cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CSTRIKE,  ATTR_FONT_CROSSEDOUT,cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),           0, MID_CROSS_OUT },
        { SC_UNONAME_CUNDER,   ATTR_FONT_UNDERLINE,cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_TL_STYLE },
        { SC_UNONAME_CUNDLCOL, ATTR_FONT_UNDERLINE,cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),            0, MID_TL_COLOR },
        { SC_UNONAME_CUNDLHAS, ATTR_FONT_UNDERLINE,cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, MID_TL_HASCOLOR },
        { SC_UNONAME_CWEIGHT,  ATTR_FONT_WEIGHT,   cppu::UnoType<float>::get(),                0, MID_WEIGHT },
        { SC_UNO_CJK_CWEIGHT,  ATTR_CJK_FONT_WEIGHT,cppu::UnoType<float>::get(),               0, MID_WEIGHT },
        { SC_UNO_CTL_CWEIGHT,  ATTR_CTL_FONT_WEIGHT,cppu::UnoType<float>::get(),               0, MID_WEIGHT },
        { SC_UNONAME_CWORDMOD, ATTR_FONT_WORDLINE, cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CHCOLHDR, SC_WID_UNO_CHCOLHDR,cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CHROWHDR, SC_WID_UNO_CHROWHDR,cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CONDFMT,  SC_WID_UNO_CONDFMT, cppu::UnoType<sheet::XSheetConditionalEntries>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CONDLOC,  SC_WID_UNO_CONDLOC, cppu::UnoType<sheet::XSheetConditionalEntries>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CONDXML,  SC_WID_UNO_CONDXML, cppu::UnoType<sheet::XSheetConditionalEntries>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_DIAGONAL_BLTR, ATTR_BORDER_BLTR, ::cppu::UnoType<table::BorderLine>::get(), 0, 0 | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_DIAGONAL_BLTR2, ATTR_BORDER_BLTR, ::cppu::UnoType<table::BorderLine2>::get(), 0, 0 | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_DIAGONAL_TLBR, ATTR_BORDER_TLBR, ::cppu::UnoType<table::BorderLine>::get(), 0, 0 | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_DIAGONAL_TLBR2, ATTR_BORDER_TLBR, ::cppu::UnoType<table::BorderLine2>::get(), 0, 0 | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_CELLHJUS, ATTR_HOR_JUSTIFY,   cppu::UnoType<table::CellHoriJustify>::get(),   0, MID_HORJUST_HORJUST },
        { SC_UNONAME_CELLHJUS_METHOD, ATTR_HOR_JUSTIFY_METHOD, ::cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),   0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CELLTRAN, ATTR_BACKGROUND,    cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, MID_GRAPHIC_TRANSPARENT },
        { SC_UNONAME_WRAP,     ATTR_LINEBREAK,     cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_NUMFMT,   ATTR_VALUE_FORMAT,  cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),            0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_NUMRULES, SC_WID_UNO_NUMRULES,cppu::UnoType<container::XIndexReplace>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CELLORI,  ATTR_STACKED,       cppu::UnoType<table::CellOrientation>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_PADJUST,  ATTR_HOR_JUSTIFY,   ::cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),    0, MID_HORJUST_ADJUST },
        { SC_UNONAME_PBMARGIN, ATTR_MARGIN,        cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),            0, MID_MARGIN_LO_MARGIN | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_PINDENT,  ATTR_INDENT,        cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, 0 }, //! CONVERT_TWIPS
        { SC_UNONAME_PISCHDIST,ATTR_SCRIPTSPACE,   cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_PISFORBID,ATTR_FORBIDDEN_RULES,cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_PISHANG,  ATTR_HANGPUNCTUATION,cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_PISHYPHEN,ATTR_HYPHENATE,     cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_PLASTADJ, ATTR_HOR_JUSTIFY,   ::cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),    0, MID_HORJUST_ADJUST },
        { SC_UNONAME_PLMARGIN, ATTR_MARGIN,        cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),            0, MID_MARGIN_L_MARGIN  | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_PRMARGIN, ATTR_MARGIN,        cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),            0, MID_MARGIN_R_MARGIN  | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_PTMARGIN, ATTR_MARGIN,        cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),            0, MID_MARGIN_UP_MARGIN | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_POS,      SC_WID_UNO_POS,     cppu::UnoType<awt::Point>::get(),           0 | beans::PropertyAttribute::READONLY, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_ROTANG,   ATTR_ROTATE_VALUE,  cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),            0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_ROTREF,   ATTR_ROTATE_MODE,   cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_SHADOW,   ATTR_SHADOW,        cppu::UnoType<table::ShadowFormat>::get(),  0, 0 | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_SHRINK_TO_FIT, ATTR_SHRINKTOFIT, cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),               0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_SIZE,     SC_WID_UNO_SIZE,    cppu::UnoType<awt::Size>::get(),            0 | beans::PropertyAttribute::READONLY, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_TBLBORD,  SC_WID_UNO_TBLBORD, cppu::UnoType<table::TableBorder>::get(),   0, 0 | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_TBLBORD2,  SC_WID_UNO_TBLBORD2, cppu::UnoType<table::TableBorder2>::get(),   0, 0 | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_USERDEF,  ATTR_USERDEF,       cppu::UnoType<container::XNameContainer>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_VALIDAT,  SC_WID_UNO_VALIDAT, cppu::UnoType<beans::XPropertySet>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_VALILOC,  SC_WID_UNO_VALILOC, cppu::UnoType<beans::XPropertySet>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_VALIXML,  SC_WID_UNO_VALIXML, cppu::UnoType<beans::XPropertySet>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CELLVJUS, ATTR_VER_JUSTIFY,   cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CELLVJUS_METHOD, ATTR_VER_JUSTIFY_METHOD, ::cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),   0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_WRITING,  ATTR_WRITINGDIR,    cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_FORMATID,  SC_WID_UNO_FORMATID, cppu::UnoType<sal_uInt64>::get(),        0, 0 },
    static SfxItemPropertySet aRangePropertySet( aRangePropertyMap_Impl );
    return &aRangePropertySet;
//  Cell contains entries from CellRange, plus its own entries
//  with Which-ID 0 (those are needed only for getPropertySetInfo).
static const SfxItemPropertySet* lcl_GetCellPropertySet()
    static const SfxItemPropertyMapEntry aCellPropertyMap_Impl[] =
        { SC_UNONAME_ABSNAME,  SC_WID_UNO_ABSNAME, cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),        0 | beans::PropertyAttribute::READONLY, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_ASIANVERT,ATTR_VERTICAL_ASIAN,cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CELLPRO,  ATTR_PROTECTION,    cppu::UnoType<util::CellProtection>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CELLSTYL, SC_WID_UNO_CELLSTYL,cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),        0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_COUTL,    ATTR_FONT_CONTOUR,  cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CCROSS,   ATTR_FONT_CROSSEDOUT,cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                 0, MID_CROSSED_OUT },
        { SC_UNONAME_CEMPHAS,  ATTR_FONT_EMPHASISMARK,cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),         0, MID_EMPHASIS },
        { SC_UNONAME_CFONT,    ATTR_FONT,          cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_FAMILY },
        { SC_UNONAME_CFCHARS,  ATTR_FONT,          cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_CHAR_SET },
        { SC_UNO_CJK_CFCHARS,  ATTR_CJK_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_CHAR_SET },
        { SC_UNO_CTL_CFCHARS,  ATTR_CTL_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_CHAR_SET },
        { SC_UNONAME_CFFAMIL,  ATTR_FONT,          cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_FAMILY },
        { SC_UNO_CJK_CFFAMIL,  ATTR_CJK_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_FAMILY },
        { SC_UNO_CTL_CFFAMIL,  ATTR_CTL_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_FAMILY },
        { SC_UNONAME_CFNAME,   ATTR_FONT,          cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),        0, MID_FONT_FAMILY_NAME },
        { SC_UNO_CJK_CFNAME,   ATTR_CJK_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),        0, MID_FONT_FAMILY_NAME },
        { SC_UNO_CTL_CFNAME,   ATTR_CTL_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),        0, MID_FONT_FAMILY_NAME },
        { SC_UNONAME_CFPITCH,  ATTR_FONT,          cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_PITCH },
        { SC_UNO_CJK_CFPITCH,  ATTR_CJK_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_PITCH },
        { SC_UNO_CTL_CFPITCH,  ATTR_CTL_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_PITCH },
        { SC_UNONAME_CFSTYLE,  ATTR_FONT,          cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),        0, MID_FONT_STYLE_NAME },
        { SC_UNO_CJK_CFSTYLE,  ATTR_CJK_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),        0, MID_FONT_STYLE_NAME },
        { SC_UNO_CTL_CFSTYLE,  ATTR_CTL_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),        0, MID_FONT_STYLE_NAME },
        { SC_UNONAME_CHEIGHT,  ATTR_FONT_HEIGHT,   cppu::UnoType<float>::get(),                0, MID_FONTHEIGHT | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNO_CJK_CHEIGHT,  ATTR_CJK_FONT_HEIGHT,cppu::UnoType<float>::get(),               0, MID_FONTHEIGHT | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNO_CTL_CHEIGHT,  ATTR_CTL_FONT_HEIGHT,cppu::UnoType<float>::get(),               0, MID_FONTHEIGHT | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_CLOCAL,   ATTR_FONT_LANGUAGE, cppu::UnoType<lang::Locale>::get(),         0, MID_LANG_LOCALE },
        { SC_UNO_CJK_CLOCAL,   ATTR_CJK_FONT_LANGUAGE,cppu::UnoType<lang::Locale>::get(),          0, MID_LANG_LOCALE },
        { SC_UNO_CTL_CLOCAL,   ATTR_CTL_FONT_LANGUAGE,cppu::UnoType<lang::Locale>::get(),          0, MID_LANG_LOCALE },
        { SC_UNONAME_COVER,    ATTR_FONT_OVERLINE, cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_TL_STYLE },
        { SC_UNONAME_COVRLCOL, ATTR_FONT_OVERLINE, cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),            0, MID_TL_COLOR },
        { SC_UNONAME_COVRLHAS, ATTR_FONT_OVERLINE, cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, MID_TL_HASCOLOR },
        { SC_UNONAME_CPOST,    ATTR_FONT_POSTURE,  cppu::UnoType<awt::FontSlant>::get(),       0, MID_POSTURE },
        { SC_UNO_CJK_CPOST,    ATTR_CJK_FONT_POSTURE,cppu::UnoType<awt::FontSlant>::get(),     0, MID_POSTURE },
        { SC_UNO_CTL_CPOST,    ATTR_CTL_FONT_POSTURE,cppu::UnoType<awt::FontSlant>::get(),     0, MID_POSTURE },
        { SC_UNONAME_CRELIEF,  ATTR_FONT_RELIEF,   cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_RELIEF },
        { SC_UNONAME_CSHADD,   ATTR_FONT_SHADOWED, cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CSTRIKE,  ATTR_FONT_CROSSEDOUT,cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),           0, MID_CROSS_OUT },
        { SC_UNONAME_CUNDER,   ATTR_FONT_UNDERLINE,cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_TL_STYLE },
        { SC_UNONAME_CUNDLCOL, ATTR_FONT_UNDERLINE,cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),            0, MID_TL_COLOR },
        { SC_UNONAME_CUNDLHAS, ATTR_FONT_UNDERLINE,cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, MID_TL_HASCOLOR },
        { SC_UNONAME_CWEIGHT,  ATTR_FONT_WEIGHT,   cppu::UnoType<float>::get(),                0, MID_WEIGHT },
        { SC_UNO_CJK_CWEIGHT,  ATTR_CJK_FONT_WEIGHT,cppu::UnoType<float>::get(),               0, MID_WEIGHT },
        { SC_UNO_CTL_CWEIGHT,  ATTR_CTL_FONT_WEIGHT,cppu::UnoType<float>::get(),               0, MID_WEIGHT },
        { SC_UNONAME_CWORDMOD, ATTR_FONT_WORDLINE, cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CHCOLHDR, SC_WID_UNO_CHCOLHDR,cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CHROWHDR, SC_WID_UNO_CHROWHDR,cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CONDFMT,  SC_WID_UNO_CONDFMT, cppu::UnoType<sheet::XSheetConditionalEntries>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CONDLOC,  SC_WID_UNO_CONDLOC, cppu::UnoType<sheet::XSheetConditionalEntries>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CONDXML,  SC_WID_UNO_CONDXML, cppu::UnoType<sheet::XSheetConditionalEntries>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_DIAGONAL_BLTR, ATTR_BORDER_BLTR, ::cppu::UnoType<table::BorderLine>::get(), 0, 0 | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_DIAGONAL_BLTR2, ATTR_BORDER_BLTR, ::cppu::UnoType<table::BorderLine2>::get(), 0, 0 | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_DIAGONAL_TLBR, ATTR_BORDER_TLBR, ::cppu::UnoType<table::BorderLine>::get(), 0, 0 | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_DIAGONAL_TLBR2, ATTR_BORDER_TLBR, ::cppu::UnoType<table::BorderLine2>::get(), 0, 0 | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_FORMLOC,  SC_WID_UNO_FORMLOC, cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),        0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_FORMRT,   SC_WID_UNO_FORMRT,  cppu::UnoType<table::CellContentType>::get(), 0 | beans::PropertyAttribute::READONLY, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CELLCONTENTTYPE,   SC_WID_UNO_CELLCONTENTTYPE,  cppu::UnoType<table::CellContentType>::get(), 0 | beans::PropertyAttribute::READONLY, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_FORMRT2,  SC_WID_UNO_FORMRT2, cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(), 0 | beans::PropertyAttribute::READONLY, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CELLHJUS, ATTR_HOR_JUSTIFY,   cppu::UnoType<table::CellHoriJustify>::get(), 0, MID_HORJUST_HORJUST },
        { SC_UNONAME_CELLHJUS_METHOD, ATTR_HOR_JUSTIFY_METHOD, ::cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),   0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CELLTRAN, ATTR_BACKGROUND,    cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, MID_GRAPHIC_TRANSPARENT },
        { SC_UNONAME_WRAP,     ATTR_LINEBREAK,     cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_NUMFMT,   ATTR_VALUE_FORMAT,  cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),            0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_NUMRULES, SC_WID_UNO_NUMRULES,cppu::UnoType<container::XIndexReplace>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CELLORI,  ATTR_STACKED,       cppu::UnoType<table::CellOrientation>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_PADJUST,  ATTR_HOR_JUSTIFY,   ::cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),    0, MID_HORJUST_ADJUST },
        { SC_UNONAME_PBMARGIN, ATTR_MARGIN,        cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),            0, MID_MARGIN_LO_MARGIN | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_PINDENT,  ATTR_INDENT,        cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, 0 }, //! CONVERT_TWIPS
        { SC_UNONAME_PISCHDIST,ATTR_SCRIPTSPACE,   cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_PISFORBID,ATTR_FORBIDDEN_RULES,cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_PISHANG,  ATTR_HANGPUNCTUATION,cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_PISHYPHEN,ATTR_HYPHENATE,     cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_PLASTADJ, ATTR_HOR_JUSTIFY,   ::cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),    0, MID_HORJUST_ADJUST },
        { SC_UNONAME_PLMARGIN, ATTR_MARGIN,        cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),            0, MID_MARGIN_L_MARGIN  | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_PRMARGIN, ATTR_MARGIN,        cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),            0, MID_MARGIN_R_MARGIN  | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_PTMARGIN, ATTR_MARGIN,        cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),            0, MID_MARGIN_UP_MARGIN | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_POS,      SC_WID_UNO_POS,     cppu::UnoType<awt::Point>::get(),           0 | beans::PropertyAttribute::READONLY, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_ROTANG,   ATTR_ROTATE_VALUE,  cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),            0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_ROTREF,   ATTR_ROTATE_MODE,   cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_SHADOW,   ATTR_SHADOW,        cppu::UnoType<table::ShadowFormat>::get(),  0, 0 | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_SHRINK_TO_FIT, ATTR_SHRINKTOFIT, cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),               0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_SIZE,     SC_WID_UNO_SIZE,    cppu::UnoType<awt::Size>::get(),            0 | beans::PropertyAttribute::READONLY, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_TBLBORD,  SC_WID_UNO_TBLBORD, cppu::UnoType<table::TableBorder>::get(),   0, 0 | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_TBLBORD2,  SC_WID_UNO_TBLBORD2, cppu::UnoType<table::TableBorder2>::get(),   0, 0 | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_USERDEF,  ATTR_USERDEF,       cppu::UnoType<container::XNameContainer>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_VALIDAT,  SC_WID_UNO_VALIDAT, cppu::UnoType<beans::XPropertySet>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_VALILOC,  SC_WID_UNO_VALILOC, cppu::UnoType<beans::XPropertySet>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_VALIXML,  SC_WID_UNO_VALIXML, cppu::UnoType<beans::XPropertySet>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CELLVJUS, ATTR_VER_JUSTIFY,   cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CELLVJUS_METHOD, ATTR_VER_JUSTIFY_METHOD, ::cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),   0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_WRITING,  ATTR_WRITINGDIR,    cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, 0 },
        { UNO_NAME_EDIT_CHAR_ESCAPEMENT,   EE_CHAR_ESCAPEMENT, cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),            0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_HYPERLINK,  ATTR_HYPERLINK, cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),        0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_FORMATID,  SC_WID_UNO_FORMATID, cppu::UnoType<sal_uInt64>::get(),        0, 0 },
    static SfxItemPropertySet aCellPropertySet( aCellPropertyMap_Impl );
    return &aCellPropertySet;
//  Column and Row contain all entries from CellRange, plus its own entries
//  with Which-ID 0 (those are needed only for getPropertySetInfo).
static const SfxItemPropertySet* lcl_GetColumnPropertySet()
    static const SfxItemPropertyMapEntry aColumnPropertyMap_Impl[] =
        { SC_UNONAME_ABSNAME,  SC_WID_UNO_ABSNAME, cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),        0 | beans::PropertyAttribute::READONLY, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_ASIANVERT,ATTR_VERTICAL_ASIAN,cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CELLPRO,  ATTR_PROTECTION,    cppu::UnoType<util::CellProtection>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CELLSTYL, SC_WID_UNO_CELLSTYL,cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),        0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_COUTL,    ATTR_FONT_CONTOUR,  cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CCROSS,   ATTR_FONT_CROSSEDOUT,cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                 0, MID_CROSSED_OUT },
        { SC_UNONAME_CEMPHAS,  ATTR_FONT_EMPHASISMARK,cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),         0, MID_EMPHASIS },
        { SC_UNONAME_CFONT,    ATTR_FONT,          cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_FAMILY },
        { SC_UNONAME_CFCHARS,  ATTR_FONT,          cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_CHAR_SET },
        { SC_UNO_CJK_CFCHARS,  ATTR_CJK_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_CHAR_SET },
        { SC_UNO_CTL_CFCHARS,  ATTR_CTL_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_CHAR_SET },
        { SC_UNONAME_CFFAMIL,  ATTR_FONT,          cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_FAMILY },
        { SC_UNO_CJK_CFFAMIL,  ATTR_CJK_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_FAMILY },
        { SC_UNO_CTL_CFFAMIL,  ATTR_CTL_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_FAMILY },
        { SC_UNONAME_CFNAME,   ATTR_FONT,          cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),        0, MID_FONT_FAMILY_NAME },
        { SC_UNO_CJK_CFNAME,   ATTR_CJK_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),        0, MID_FONT_FAMILY_NAME },
        { SC_UNO_CTL_CFNAME,   ATTR_CTL_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),        0, MID_FONT_FAMILY_NAME },
        { SC_UNONAME_CFPITCH,  ATTR_FONT,          cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_PITCH },
        { SC_UNO_CJK_CFPITCH,  ATTR_CJK_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_PITCH },
        { SC_UNO_CTL_CFPITCH,  ATTR_CTL_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_PITCH },
        { SC_UNONAME_CFSTYLE,  ATTR_FONT,          cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),        0, MID_FONT_STYLE_NAME },
        { SC_UNO_CJK_CFSTYLE,  ATTR_CJK_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),        0, MID_FONT_STYLE_NAME },
        { SC_UNO_CTL_CFSTYLE,  ATTR_CTL_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),        0, MID_FONT_STYLE_NAME },
        { SC_UNONAME_CHEIGHT,  ATTR_FONT_HEIGHT,   cppu::UnoType<float>::get(),                0, MID_FONTHEIGHT | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNO_CJK_CHEIGHT,  ATTR_CJK_FONT_HEIGHT,cppu::UnoType<float>::get(),               0, MID_FONTHEIGHT | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNO_CTL_CHEIGHT,  ATTR_CTL_FONT_HEIGHT,cppu::UnoType<float>::get(),               0, MID_FONTHEIGHT | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_CLOCAL,   ATTR_FONT_LANGUAGE, cppu::UnoType<lang::Locale>::get(),         0, MID_LANG_LOCALE },
        { SC_UNO_CJK_CLOCAL,   ATTR_CJK_FONT_LANGUAGE,cppu::UnoType<lang::Locale>::get(),          0, MID_LANG_LOCALE },
        { SC_UNO_CTL_CLOCAL,   ATTR_CTL_FONT_LANGUAGE,cppu::UnoType<lang::Locale>::get(),          0, MID_LANG_LOCALE },
        { SC_UNONAME_COVER,    ATTR_FONT_OVERLINE, cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_TL_STYLE },
        { SC_UNONAME_COVRLCOL, ATTR_FONT_OVERLINE, cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),            0, MID_TL_COLOR },
        { SC_UNONAME_COVRLHAS, ATTR_FONT_OVERLINE, cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, MID_TL_HASCOLOR },
        { SC_UNONAME_CPOST,    ATTR_FONT_POSTURE,  cppu::UnoType<awt::FontSlant>::get(),       0, MID_POSTURE },
        { SC_UNO_CJK_CPOST,    ATTR_CJK_FONT_POSTURE,cppu::UnoType<awt::FontSlant>::get(),     0, MID_POSTURE },
        { SC_UNO_CTL_CPOST,    ATTR_CTL_FONT_POSTURE,cppu::UnoType<awt::FontSlant>::get(),     0, MID_POSTURE },
        { SC_UNONAME_CRELIEF,  ATTR_FONT_RELIEF,   cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_RELIEF },
        { SC_UNONAME_CSHADD,   ATTR_FONT_SHADOWED, cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CSTRIKE,  ATTR_FONT_CROSSEDOUT,cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),           0, MID_CROSS_OUT },
        { SC_UNONAME_CUNDER,   ATTR_FONT_UNDERLINE,cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_TL_STYLE },
        { SC_UNONAME_CUNDLCOL, ATTR_FONT_UNDERLINE,cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),            0, MID_TL_COLOR },
        { SC_UNONAME_CUNDLHAS, ATTR_FONT_UNDERLINE,cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, MID_TL_HASCOLOR },
        { SC_UNONAME_CWEIGHT,  ATTR_FONT_WEIGHT,   cppu::UnoType<float>::get(),                0, MID_WEIGHT },
        { SC_UNO_CJK_CWEIGHT,  ATTR_CJK_FONT_WEIGHT,cppu::UnoType<float>::get(),               0, MID_WEIGHT },
        { SC_UNO_CTL_CWEIGHT,  ATTR_CTL_FONT_WEIGHT,cppu::UnoType<float>::get(),               0, MID_WEIGHT },
        { SC_UNONAME_CWORDMOD, ATTR_FONT_WORDLINE, cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CHCOLHDR, SC_WID_UNO_CHCOLHDR,cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CHROWHDR, SC_WID_UNO_CHROWHDR,cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CONDFMT,  SC_WID_UNO_CONDFMT, cppu::UnoType<sheet::XSheetConditionalEntries>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CONDLOC,  SC_WID_UNO_CONDLOC, cppu::UnoType<sheet::XSheetConditionalEntries>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CONDXML,  SC_WID_UNO_CONDXML, cppu::UnoType<sheet::XSheetConditionalEntries>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_DIAGONAL_BLTR, ATTR_BORDER_BLTR, ::cppu::UnoType<table::BorderLine>::get(), 0, 0 | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_DIAGONAL_BLTR2, ATTR_BORDER_BLTR, ::cppu::UnoType<table::BorderLine2>::get(), 0, 0 | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_DIAGONAL_TLBR, ATTR_BORDER_TLBR, ::cppu::UnoType<table::BorderLine>::get(), 0, 0 | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_DIAGONAL_TLBR2, ATTR_BORDER_TLBR, ::cppu::UnoType<table::BorderLine2>::get(), 0, 0 | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_CELLHJUS, ATTR_HOR_JUSTIFY,   cppu::UnoType<table::CellHoriJustify>::get(), 0, MID_HORJUST_HORJUST },
        { SC_UNONAME_CELLHJUS_METHOD, ATTR_HOR_JUSTIFY_METHOD, ::cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),   0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CELLTRAN, ATTR_BACKGROUND,    cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, MID_GRAPHIC_TRANSPARENT },
        { SC_UNONAME_MANPAGE,  SC_WID_UNO_MANPAGE, cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_NEWPAGE,  SC_WID_UNO_NEWPAGE, cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_WRAP,     ATTR_LINEBREAK,     cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CELLVIS,  SC_WID_UNO_CELLVIS, cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_NUMFMT,   ATTR_VALUE_FORMAT,  cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),            0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_NUMRULES, SC_WID_UNO_NUMRULES,cppu::UnoType<container::XIndexReplace>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_OWIDTH,   SC_WID_UNO_OWIDTH,  cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CELLORI,  ATTR_STACKED,       cppu::UnoType<table::CellOrientation>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_PADJUST,  ATTR_HOR_JUSTIFY,   ::cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),    0, MID_HORJUST_ADJUST },
        { SC_UNONAME_PBMARGIN, ATTR_MARGIN,        cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),            0, MID_MARGIN_LO_MARGIN | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_PINDENT,  ATTR_INDENT,        cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, 0 }, //! CONVERT_TWIPS
        { SC_UNONAME_PISCHDIST,ATTR_SCRIPTSPACE,   cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_PISFORBID,ATTR_FORBIDDEN_RULES,cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_PISHANG,  ATTR_HANGPUNCTUATION,cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_PISHYPHEN,ATTR_HYPHENATE,     cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_PLASTADJ, ATTR_HOR_JUSTIFY,   ::cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),    0, MID_HORJUST_ADJUST },
        { SC_UNONAME_PLMARGIN, ATTR_MARGIN,        cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),            0, MID_MARGIN_L_MARGIN  | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_PRMARGIN, ATTR_MARGIN,        cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),            0, MID_MARGIN_R_MARGIN  | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_PTMARGIN, ATTR_MARGIN,        cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),            0, MID_MARGIN_UP_MARGIN | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_POS,      SC_WID_UNO_POS,     cppu::UnoType<awt::Point>::get(),           0 | beans::PropertyAttribute::READONLY, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_ROTANG,   ATTR_ROTATE_VALUE,  cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),            0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_ROTREF,   ATTR_ROTATE_MODE,   cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_SHADOW,   ATTR_SHADOW,        cppu::UnoType<table::ShadowFormat>::get(),  0, 0 | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_SHRINK_TO_FIT, ATTR_SHRINKTOFIT, cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),               0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_SIZE,     SC_WID_UNO_SIZE,    cppu::UnoType<awt::Size>::get(),            0 | beans::PropertyAttribute::READONLY, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_TBLBORD,  SC_WID_UNO_TBLBORD, cppu::UnoType<table::TableBorder>::get(),   0, 0 | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_TBLBORD2,  SC_WID_UNO_TBLBORD2, cppu::UnoType<table::TableBorder2>::get(),   0, 0 | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_USERDEF,  ATTR_USERDEF,       cppu::UnoType<container::XNameContainer>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_VALIDAT,  SC_WID_UNO_VALIDAT, cppu::UnoType<beans::XPropertySet>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_VALILOC,  SC_WID_UNO_VALILOC, cppu::UnoType<beans::XPropertySet>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_VALIXML,  SC_WID_UNO_VALIXML, cppu::UnoType<beans::XPropertySet>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CELLVJUS, ATTR_VER_JUSTIFY,   cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CELLVJUS_METHOD, ATTR_VER_JUSTIFY_METHOD, ::cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),   0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CELLWID,  SC_WID_UNO_CELLWID, cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),            0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_WRITING,  ATTR_WRITINGDIR,    cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, 0 },
    static SfxItemPropertySet aColumnPropertySet( aColumnPropertyMap_Impl );
    return &aColumnPropertySet;
static const SfxItemPropertySet* lcl_GetRowPropertySet()
    static const SfxItemPropertyMapEntry aRowPropertyMap_Impl[] =
        { SC_UNONAME_ABSNAME,  SC_WID_UNO_ABSNAME, cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),        0 | beans::PropertyAttribute::READONLY, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_ASIANVERT,ATTR_VERTICAL_ASIAN,cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CELLPRO,  ATTR_PROTECTION,    cppu::UnoType<util::CellProtection>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CELLSTYL, SC_WID_UNO_CELLSTYL,cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),        0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_COUTL,    ATTR_FONT_CONTOUR,  cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CCROSS,   ATTR_FONT_CROSSEDOUT,cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                 0, MID_CROSSED_OUT },
        { SC_UNONAME_CEMPHAS,  ATTR_FONT_EMPHASISMARK,cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),         0, MID_EMPHASIS },
        { SC_UNONAME_CFONT,    ATTR_FONT,          cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_FAMILY },
        { SC_UNONAME_CFCHARS,  ATTR_FONT,          cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_CHAR_SET },
        { SC_UNO_CJK_CFCHARS,  ATTR_CJK_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_CHAR_SET },
        { SC_UNO_CTL_CFCHARS,  ATTR_CTL_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_CHAR_SET },
        { SC_UNONAME_CFFAMIL,  ATTR_FONT,          cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_FAMILY },
        { SC_UNO_CJK_CFFAMIL,  ATTR_CJK_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_FAMILY },
        { SC_UNO_CTL_CFFAMIL,  ATTR_CTL_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_FAMILY },
        { SC_UNONAME_CFNAME,   ATTR_FONT,          cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),        0, MID_FONT_FAMILY_NAME },
        { SC_UNO_CJK_CFNAME,   ATTR_CJK_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),        0, MID_FONT_FAMILY_NAME },
        { SC_UNO_CTL_CFNAME,   ATTR_CTL_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),        0, MID_FONT_FAMILY_NAME },
        { SC_UNONAME_CFPITCH,  ATTR_FONT,          cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_PITCH },
        { SC_UNO_CJK_CFPITCH,  ATTR_CJK_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_PITCH },
        { SC_UNO_CTL_CFPITCH,  ATTR_CTL_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_PITCH },
        { SC_UNONAME_CFSTYLE,  ATTR_FONT,          cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),        0, MID_FONT_STYLE_NAME },
        { SC_UNO_CJK_CFSTYLE,  ATTR_CJK_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),        0, MID_FONT_STYLE_NAME },
        { SC_UNO_CTL_CFSTYLE,  ATTR_CTL_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),        0, MID_FONT_STYLE_NAME },
        { SC_UNONAME_CHEIGHT,  ATTR_FONT_HEIGHT,   cppu::UnoType<float>::get(),                0, MID_FONTHEIGHT | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNO_CJK_CHEIGHT,  ATTR_CJK_FONT_HEIGHT,cppu::UnoType<float>::get(),               0, MID_FONTHEIGHT | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNO_CTL_CHEIGHT,  ATTR_CTL_FONT_HEIGHT,cppu::UnoType<float>::get(),               0, MID_FONTHEIGHT | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_CLOCAL,   ATTR_FONT_LANGUAGE, cppu::UnoType<lang::Locale>::get(),         0, MID_LANG_LOCALE },
        { SC_UNO_CJK_CLOCAL,   ATTR_CJK_FONT_LANGUAGE,cppu::UnoType<lang::Locale>::get(),          0, MID_LANG_LOCALE },
        { SC_UNO_CTL_CLOCAL,   ATTR_CTL_FONT_LANGUAGE,cppu::UnoType<lang::Locale>::get(),          0, MID_LANG_LOCALE },
        { SC_UNONAME_COVER,    ATTR_FONT_OVERLINE, cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_TL_STYLE },
        { SC_UNONAME_COVRLCOL, ATTR_FONT_OVERLINE, cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),            0, MID_TL_COLOR },
        { SC_UNONAME_COVRLHAS, ATTR_FONT_OVERLINE, cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, MID_TL_HASCOLOR },
        { SC_UNONAME_CPOST,    ATTR_FONT_POSTURE,  cppu::UnoType<awt::FontSlant>::get(),       0, MID_POSTURE },
        { SC_UNO_CJK_CPOST,    ATTR_CJK_FONT_POSTURE,cppu::UnoType<awt::FontSlant>::get(),     0, MID_POSTURE },
        { SC_UNO_CTL_CPOST,    ATTR_CTL_FONT_POSTURE,cppu::UnoType<awt::FontSlant>::get(),     0, MID_POSTURE },
        { SC_UNONAME_CRELIEF,  ATTR_FONT_RELIEF,   cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_RELIEF },
        { SC_UNONAME_CSHADD,   ATTR_FONT_SHADOWED, cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CSTRIKE,  ATTR_FONT_CROSSEDOUT,cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),           0, MID_CROSS_OUT },
        { SC_UNONAME_CUNDER,   ATTR_FONT_UNDERLINE,cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_TL_STYLE },
        { SC_UNONAME_CUNDLCOL, ATTR_FONT_UNDERLINE,cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),            0, MID_TL_COLOR },
        { SC_UNONAME_CUNDLHAS, ATTR_FONT_UNDERLINE,cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, MID_TL_HASCOLOR },
        { SC_UNONAME_CWEIGHT,  ATTR_FONT_WEIGHT,   cppu::UnoType<float>::get(),                0, MID_WEIGHT },
        { SC_UNO_CJK_CWEIGHT,  ATTR_CJK_FONT_WEIGHT,cppu::UnoType<float>::get(),               0, MID_WEIGHT },
        { SC_UNO_CTL_CWEIGHT,  ATTR_CTL_FONT_WEIGHT,cppu::UnoType<float>::get(),               0, MID_WEIGHT },
        { SC_UNONAME_CWORDMOD, ATTR_FONT_WORDLINE, cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CHCOLHDR, SC_WID_UNO_CHCOLHDR,cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CHROWHDR, SC_WID_UNO_CHROWHDR,cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CONDFMT,  SC_WID_UNO_CONDFMT, cppu::UnoType<sheet::XSheetConditionalEntries>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CONDLOC,  SC_WID_UNO_CONDLOC, cppu::UnoType<sheet::XSheetConditionalEntries>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CONDXML,  SC_WID_UNO_CONDXML, cppu::UnoType<sheet::XSheetConditionalEntries>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_DIAGONAL_BLTR, ATTR_BORDER_BLTR, ::cppu::UnoType<table::BorderLine>::get(), 0, 0 | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_DIAGONAL_BLTR2, ATTR_BORDER_BLTR, ::cppu::UnoType<table::BorderLine2>::get(), 0, 0 | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_DIAGONAL_TLBR, ATTR_BORDER_TLBR, ::cppu::UnoType<table::BorderLine>::get(), 0, 0 | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_DIAGONAL_TLBR2, ATTR_BORDER_TLBR, ::cppu::UnoType<table::BorderLine2>::get(), 0, 0 | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_CELLHGT,  SC_WID_UNO_CELLHGT, cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),            0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CELLHJUS, ATTR_HOR_JUSTIFY,   cppu::UnoType<table::CellHoriJustify>::get(), 0, MID_HORJUST_HORJUST },
        { SC_UNONAME_CELLHJUS_METHOD, ATTR_HOR_JUSTIFY_METHOD, ::cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),   0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CELLTRAN, ATTR_BACKGROUND,    cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, MID_GRAPHIC_TRANSPARENT },
        { SC_UNONAME_CELLFILT, SC_WID_UNO_CELLFILT,cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_MANPAGE,  SC_WID_UNO_MANPAGE, cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_NEWPAGE,  SC_WID_UNO_NEWPAGE, cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_WRAP,     ATTR_LINEBREAK,     cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CELLVIS,  SC_WID_UNO_CELLVIS, cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_NUMFMT,   ATTR_VALUE_FORMAT,  cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),            0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_NUMRULES, SC_WID_UNO_NUMRULES,cppu::UnoType<container::XIndexReplace>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_OHEIGHT,  SC_WID_UNO_OHEIGHT, cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CELLORI,  ATTR_STACKED,       cppu::UnoType<table::CellOrientation>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_PADJUST,  ATTR_HOR_JUSTIFY,   ::cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),    0, MID_HORJUST_ADJUST },
        { SC_UNONAME_PBMARGIN, ATTR_MARGIN,        cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),            0, MID_MARGIN_LO_MARGIN | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_PINDENT,  ATTR_INDENT,        cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, 0 }, //! CONVERT_TWIPS
        { SC_UNONAME_PISCHDIST,ATTR_SCRIPTSPACE,   cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_PISFORBID,ATTR_FORBIDDEN_RULES,cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_PISHANG,  ATTR_HANGPUNCTUATION,cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_PISHYPHEN,ATTR_HYPHENATE,     cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_PLASTADJ, ATTR_HOR_JUSTIFY,   ::cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),    0, MID_HORJUST_ADJUST },
        { SC_UNONAME_PLMARGIN, ATTR_MARGIN,        cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),            0, MID_MARGIN_L_MARGIN  | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_PRMARGIN, ATTR_MARGIN,        cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),            0, MID_MARGIN_R_MARGIN  | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_PTMARGIN, ATTR_MARGIN,        cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),            0, MID_MARGIN_UP_MARGIN | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_POS,      SC_WID_UNO_POS,     cppu::UnoType<awt::Point>::get(),           0 | beans::PropertyAttribute::READONLY, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_ROTANG,   ATTR_ROTATE_VALUE,  cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),            0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_ROTREF,   ATTR_ROTATE_MODE,   cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_SHADOW,   ATTR_SHADOW,        cppu::UnoType<table::ShadowFormat>::get(),  0, 0 | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_SHRINK_TO_FIT, ATTR_SHRINKTOFIT, cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),               0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_SIZE,     SC_WID_UNO_SIZE,    cppu::UnoType<awt::Size>::get(),            0 | beans::PropertyAttribute::READONLY, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_TBLBORD,  SC_WID_UNO_TBLBORD, cppu::UnoType<table::TableBorder>::get(),   0, 0 | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_TBLBORD2,  SC_WID_UNO_TBLBORD2, cppu::UnoType<table::TableBorder2>::get(),   0, 0 | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_USERDEF,  ATTR_USERDEF,       cppu::UnoType<container::XNameContainer>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_VALIDAT,  SC_WID_UNO_VALIDAT, cppu::UnoType<beans::XPropertySet>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_VALILOC,  SC_WID_UNO_VALILOC, cppu::UnoType<beans::XPropertySet>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_VALIXML,  SC_WID_UNO_VALIXML, cppu::UnoType<beans::XPropertySet>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CELLVJUS, ATTR_VER_JUSTIFY,   cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CELLVJUS_METHOD, ATTR_VER_JUSTIFY_METHOD, ::cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),   0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_WRITING,  ATTR_WRITINGDIR,    cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, 0 },
    static SfxItemPropertySet aRowPropertySet( aRowPropertyMap_Impl );
    return &aRowPropertySet;
static const SfxItemPropertySet* lcl_GetSheetPropertySet()
    static const SfxItemPropertyMapEntry aSheetPropertyMap_Impl[] =
        { SC_UNONAME_ABSNAME,  SC_WID_UNO_ABSNAME, cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),        0 | beans::PropertyAttribute::READONLY, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_ASIANVERT,ATTR_VERTICAL_ASIAN,cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_AUTOPRINT,SC_WID_UNO_AUTOPRINT,cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_BORDCOL,  SC_WID_UNO_BORDCOL, cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),            0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CELLPRO,  ATTR_PROTECTION,    cppu::UnoType<util::CellProtection>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CELLSTYL, SC_WID_UNO_CELLSTYL,cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),        0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_COUTL,    ATTR_FONT_CONTOUR,  cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CCROSS,   ATTR_FONT_CROSSEDOUT,cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                 0, MID_CROSSED_OUT },
        { SC_UNONAME_CEMPHAS,  ATTR_FONT_EMPHASISMARK,cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),         0, MID_EMPHASIS },
        { SC_UNONAME_CFONT,    ATTR_FONT,          cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_FAMILY },
        { SC_UNONAME_CFCHARS,  ATTR_FONT,          cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_CHAR_SET },
        { SC_UNO_CJK_CFCHARS,  ATTR_CJK_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_CHAR_SET },
        { SC_UNO_CTL_CFCHARS,  ATTR_CTL_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_CHAR_SET },
        { SC_UNONAME_CFFAMIL,  ATTR_FONT,          cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_FAMILY },
        { SC_UNO_CJK_CFFAMIL,  ATTR_CJK_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_FAMILY },
        { SC_UNO_CTL_CFFAMIL,  ATTR_CTL_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_FAMILY },
        { SC_UNONAME_CFNAME,   ATTR_FONT,          cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),        0, MID_FONT_FAMILY_NAME },
        { SC_UNO_CJK_CFNAME,   ATTR_CJK_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),        0, MID_FONT_FAMILY_NAME },
        { SC_UNO_CTL_CFNAME,   ATTR_CTL_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),        0, MID_FONT_FAMILY_NAME },
        { SC_UNONAME_CFPITCH,  ATTR_FONT,          cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_PITCH },
        { SC_UNO_CJK_CFPITCH,  ATTR_CJK_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_PITCH },
        { SC_UNO_CTL_CFPITCH,  ATTR_CTL_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_FONT_PITCH },
        { SC_UNONAME_CFSTYLE,  ATTR_FONT,          cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),        0, MID_FONT_STYLE_NAME },
        { SC_UNO_CJK_CFSTYLE,  ATTR_CJK_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),        0, MID_FONT_STYLE_NAME },
        { SC_UNO_CTL_CFSTYLE,  ATTR_CTL_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),        0, MID_FONT_STYLE_NAME },
        { SC_UNONAME_CHEIGHT,  ATTR_FONT_HEIGHT,   cppu::UnoType<float>::get(),                0, MID_FONTHEIGHT | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNO_CJK_CHEIGHT,  ATTR_CJK_FONT_HEIGHT,cppu::UnoType<float>::get(),               0, MID_FONTHEIGHT | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNO_CTL_CHEIGHT,  ATTR_CTL_FONT_HEIGHT,cppu::UnoType<float>::get(),               0, MID_FONTHEIGHT | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_CLOCAL,   ATTR_FONT_LANGUAGE, cppu::UnoType<lang::Locale>::get(),         0, MID_LANG_LOCALE },
        { SC_UNO_CJK_CLOCAL,   ATTR_CJK_FONT_LANGUAGE,cppu::UnoType<lang::Locale>::get(),          0, MID_LANG_LOCALE },
        { SC_UNO_CTL_CLOCAL,   ATTR_CTL_FONT_LANGUAGE,cppu::UnoType<lang::Locale>::get(),          0, MID_LANG_LOCALE },
        { SC_UNONAME_COVER,    ATTR_FONT_OVERLINE, cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_TL_STYLE },
        { SC_UNONAME_COVRLCOL, ATTR_FONT_OVERLINE, cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),            0, MID_TL_COLOR },
        { SC_UNONAME_COVRLHAS, ATTR_FONT_OVERLINE, cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, MID_TL_HASCOLOR },
        { SC_UNONAME_CPOST,    ATTR_FONT_POSTURE,  cppu::UnoType<awt::FontSlant>::get(),       0, MID_POSTURE },
        { SC_UNO_CJK_CPOST,    ATTR_CJK_FONT_POSTURE,cppu::UnoType<awt::FontSlant>::get(),     0, MID_POSTURE },
        { SC_UNO_CTL_CPOST,    ATTR_CTL_FONT_POSTURE,cppu::UnoType<awt::FontSlant>::get(),     0, MID_POSTURE },
        { SC_UNONAME_CRELIEF,  ATTR_FONT_RELIEF,   cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_RELIEF },
        { SC_UNONAME_CSHADD,   ATTR_FONT_SHADOWED, cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CSTRIKE,  ATTR_FONT_CROSSEDOUT,cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),           0, MID_CROSS_OUT },
        { SC_UNONAME_CUNDER,   ATTR_FONT_UNDERLINE,cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, MID_TL_STYLE },
        { SC_UNONAME_CUNDLCOL, ATTR_FONT_UNDERLINE,cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),            0, MID_TL_COLOR },
        { SC_UNONAME_CUNDLHAS, ATTR_FONT_UNDERLINE,cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, MID_TL_HASCOLOR },
        { SC_UNONAME_CWEIGHT,  ATTR_FONT_WEIGHT,   cppu::UnoType<float>::get(),                0, MID_WEIGHT },
        { SC_UNO_CJK_CWEIGHT,  ATTR_CJK_FONT_WEIGHT,cppu::UnoType<float>::get(),               0, MID_WEIGHT },
        { SC_UNO_CTL_CWEIGHT,  ATTR_CTL_FONT_WEIGHT,cppu::UnoType<float>::get(),               0, MID_WEIGHT },
        { SC_UNONAME_CWORDMOD, ATTR_FONT_WORDLINE, cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CHCOLHDR, SC_WID_UNO_CHCOLHDR,cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CHROWHDR, SC_WID_UNO_CHROWHDR,cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CONDFMT,  SC_WID_UNO_CONDFMT, cppu::UnoType<sheet::XSheetConditionalEntries>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CONDLOC,  SC_WID_UNO_CONDLOC, cppu::UnoType<sheet::XSheetConditionalEntries>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CONDXML,  SC_WID_UNO_CONDXML, cppu::UnoType<sheet::XSheetConditionalEntries>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_COPYBACK, SC_WID_UNO_COPYBACK,cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_COPYFORM, SC_WID_UNO_COPYFORM,cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_COPYSTYL, SC_WID_UNO_COPYSTYL,cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_DIAGONAL_BLTR, ATTR_BORDER_BLTR, ::cppu::UnoType<table::BorderLine>::get(), 0, 0 | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_DIAGONAL_BLTR2, ATTR_BORDER_BLTR, ::cppu::UnoType<table::BorderLine2>::get(), 0, 0 | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_DIAGONAL_TLBR, ATTR_BORDER_TLBR, ::cppu::UnoType<table::BorderLine>::get(), 0, 0 | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_DIAGONAL_TLBR2, ATTR_BORDER_TLBR, ::cppu::UnoType<table::BorderLine2>::get(), 0, 0 | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_CELLHJUS, ATTR_HOR_JUSTIFY,   cppu::UnoType<table::CellHoriJustify>::get(), 0, MID_HORJUST_HORJUST },
        { SC_UNONAME_CELLHJUS_METHOD, ATTR_HOR_JUSTIFY_METHOD, ::cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),   0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_ISACTIVE, SC_WID_UNO_ISACTIVE,cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CELLTRAN, ATTR_BACKGROUND,    cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, MID_GRAPHIC_TRANSPARENT },
        { SC_UNONAME_WRAP,     ATTR_LINEBREAK,     cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CELLVIS,  SC_WID_UNO_CELLVIS, cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNO_LINKDISPBIT,  SC_WID_UNO_LINKDISPBIT,cppu::UnoType<awt::XBitmap>::get(), 0 | beans::PropertyAttribute::READONLY, 0 },
        { SC_UNO_LINKDISPNAME, SC_WID_UNO_LINKDISPNAME,cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),    0 | beans::PropertyAttribute::READONLY, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_NUMFMT,   ATTR_VALUE_FORMAT,  cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),            0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_NUMRULES, SC_WID_UNO_NUMRULES,cppu::UnoType<container::XIndexReplace>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CELLORI,  ATTR_STACKED,       cppu::UnoType<table::CellOrientation>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_PAGESTL,  SC_WID_UNO_PAGESTL, cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),        0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_PADJUST,  ATTR_HOR_JUSTIFY,   ::cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),    0, MID_HORJUST_ADJUST },
        { SC_UNONAME_PBMARGIN, ATTR_MARGIN,        cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),            0, MID_MARGIN_LO_MARGIN | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_PINDENT,  ATTR_INDENT,        cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, 0 }, //! CONVERT_TWIPS
        { SC_UNONAME_PISCHDIST,ATTR_SCRIPTSPACE,   cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_PISFORBID,ATTR_FORBIDDEN_RULES,cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_PISHANG,  ATTR_HANGPUNCTUATION,cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_PISHYPHEN,ATTR_HYPHENATE,     cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_PLASTADJ, ATTR_HOR_JUSTIFY,   ::cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),    0, MID_HORJUST_ADJUST },
        { SC_UNONAME_PLMARGIN, ATTR_MARGIN,        cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),            0, MID_MARGIN_L_MARGIN  | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_PRMARGIN, ATTR_MARGIN,        cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),            0, MID_MARGIN_R_MARGIN  | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_PTMARGIN, ATTR_MARGIN,        cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),            0, MID_MARGIN_UP_MARGIN | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_POS,      SC_WID_UNO_POS,     cppu::UnoType<awt::Point>::get(),           0 | beans::PropertyAttribute::READONLY, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_PRINTBORD,SC_WID_UNO_PRINTBORD,cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_PROTECT,  SC_WID_UNO_PROTECT, cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_ROTANG,   ATTR_ROTATE_VALUE,  cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),            0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_ROTREF,   ATTR_ROTATE_MODE,   cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_SHADOW,   ATTR_SHADOW,        cppu::UnoType<table::ShadowFormat>::get(),  0, 0 | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_SHOWBORD, SC_WID_UNO_SHOWBORD,cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),                  0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_SHRINK_TO_FIT, ATTR_SHRINKTOFIT, cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(),               0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_SIZE,     SC_WID_UNO_SIZE,    cppu::UnoType<awt::Size>::get(),            0 | beans::PropertyAttribute::READONLY, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_TBLBORD,  SC_WID_UNO_TBLBORD, cppu::UnoType<table::TableBorder>::get(),   0, 0 | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_TBLBORD2,  SC_WID_UNO_TBLBORD2, cppu::UnoType<table::TableBorder2>::get(),   0, 0 | CONVERT_TWIPS },
        { SC_UNONAME_TABLAYOUT,SC_WID_UNO_TABLAYOUT,cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),           0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CONDFORMAT, SC_WID_UNO_CONDFORMAT, cppu::UnoType<sheet::XConditionalFormats>::get(), 0, 0},
        { SC_UNONAME_USERDEF,  ATTR_USERDEF,       cppu::UnoType<container::XNameContainer>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_VALIDAT,  SC_WID_UNO_VALIDAT, cppu::UnoType<beans::XPropertySet>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_VALILOC,  SC_WID_UNO_VALILOC, cppu::UnoType<beans::XPropertySet>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_VALIXML,  SC_WID_UNO_VALIXML, cppu::UnoType<beans::XPropertySet>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CELLVJUS, ATTR_VER_JUSTIFY,   cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_CELLVJUS_METHOD, ATTR_VER_JUSTIFY_METHOD, ::cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),   0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_WRITING,  ATTR_WRITINGDIR,    cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),            0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_TABCOLOR, SC_WID_UNO_TABCOLOR, cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNO_CODENAME,        SC_WID_UNO_CODENAME, cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),    0, 0},
        { SC_UNO_NAMEDRANGES, SC_WID_UNO_NAMES, cppu::UnoType<sheet::XNamedRanges>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNO_SOLVERSETTINGS, SC_WID_UNO_SOLVERSETTINGS, cppu::UnoType<sheet::XSolverSettings>::get(), 0, 0 },
        { SC_UNONAME_TOTALBELOW, SC_WID_UNO_TOTALBELOW, cppu::UnoType<bool>::get(), 0, 0 },
    static SfxItemPropertySet aSheetPropertySet( aSheetPropertyMap_Impl );
    return &aSheetPropertySet;
static std::span<const SfxItemPropertyMapEntry> lcl_GetEditPropertyMap()
    static const SfxItemPropertyMapEntry aEditPropertyMap_Impl[] =
        SVX_UNOEDIT_NUMBERING_PROPERTY,    // for completeness of service ParagraphProperties
        { SC_UNONAME_TEXTUSER, EE_CHAR_XMLATTRIBS, cppu::UnoType<container::XNameContainer>::get(), 0, 0},
        { SC_UNONAME_USERDEF,  EE_PARA_XMLATTRIBS, cppu::UnoType<container::XNameContainer>::get(), 0, 0},
    return aEditPropertyMap_Impl;
static const SvxItemPropertySet* lcl_GetEditPropertySet()
    static SvxItemPropertySet aEditPropertySet( lcl_GetEditPropertyMap(), SdrObject::GetGlobalDrawObjectItemPool() );
    return &aEditPropertySet;
constexpr OUString SCCHARPROPERTIES_SERVICE = u"com.sun.star.style.CharacterProperties"_ustr;
constexpr OUString SCPARAPROPERTIES_SERVICE = u"com.sun.star.style.ParagraphProperties"_ustr;
constexpr OUString SCCELLPROPERTIES_SERVICE = u"com.sun.star.table.CellProperties"_ustr;
constexpr OUString SCCELLRANGE_SERVICE = u"com.sun.star.table.CellRange"_ustr;
constexpr OUString SCCELL_SERVICE = u"com.sun.star.table.Cell"_ustr;
constexpr OUString SCSHEETCELLRANGES_SERVICE = u"com.sun.star.sheet.SheetCellRanges"_ustr;
constexpr OUString SCSHEETCELLRANGE_SERVICE = u"com.sun.star.sheet.SheetCellRange"_ustr;
constexpr OUString SCSPREADSHEET_SERVICE = u"com.sun.star.sheet.Spreadsheet"_ustr;
constexpr OUString SCSHEETCELL_SERVICE = u"com.sun.star.sheet.SheetCell"_ustr;
SC_SIMPLE_SERVICE_INFO( ScCellFormatsEnumeration, u"ScCellFormatsEnumeration"_ustr, u"com.sun.star.sheet.CellFormatRangesEnumeration"_ustr )
SC_SIMPLE_SERVICE_INFO( ScCellFormatsObj, u"ScCellFormatsObj"_ustr, u"com.sun.star.sheet.CellFormatRanges"_ustr )
SC_SIMPLE_SERVICE_INFO( ScUniqueCellFormatsEnumeration, u"ScUniqueCellFormatsEnumeration"_ustr, u"com.sun.star.sheet.UniqueCellFormatRangesEnumeration"_ustr )
SC_SIMPLE_SERVICE_INFO( ScUniqueCellFormatsObj, u"ScUniqueCellFormatsObj"_ustr, u"com.sun.star.sheet.UniqueCellFormatRanges"_ustr )
SC_SIMPLE_SERVICE_INFO( ScCellRangesBase, u"ScCellRangesBase"_ustr, u"stardiv.unknown"_ustr )
SC_SIMPLE_SERVICE_INFO( ScCellsEnumeration, u"ScCellsEnumeration"_ustr, u"com.sun.star.sheet.CellsEnumeration"_ustr )
SC_SIMPLE_SERVICE_INFO( ScCellsObj, u"ScCellsObj"_ustr, u"com.sun.star.sheet.Cells"_ustr )
SC_SIMPLE_SERVICE_INFO( ScTableColumnObj, u"ScTableColumnObj"_ustr, u"com.sun.star.table.TableColumn"_ustr )
SC_SIMPLE_SERVICE_INFO( ScTableRowObj, u"ScTableRowObj"_ustr, u"com.sun.star.table.TableRow"_ustr )
//! move ScLinkListener into another file !!!
void ScLinkListener::Notify( const SfxHint& rHint )
    aLink.Call( rHint );
static void lcl_CopyProperties( beans::XPropertySet& rDest, beans::XPropertySet& rSource )
    uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySetInfo> xInfo(rSource.getPropertySetInfo());
    if (xInfo.is())
        const uno::Sequence<beans::Property> aSeq(xInfo->getProperties());
        for (const beans::Property& rProp : aSeq)
            OUString aName(rProp.Name);
            rDest.setPropertyValue( aName, rSource.getPropertyValue( aName ) );
static SCTAB lcl_FirstTab( const ScRangeList& rRanges )
    if (rRanges.empty())
        throw std::out_of_range("empty range");
    const ScRange & rFirst = rRanges[0];
    return rFirst.aStart.Tab();
static bool lcl_WholeSheet( const ScDocument& rDoc, const ScRangeList& rRanges )
    if ( rRanges.size() == 1 )
        const ScRange & rRange = rRanges[0];
        if ( rRange.aStart.Col() == 0 && rRange.aEnd.Col() == rDoc.MaxCol() &&
             rRange.aStart.Row() == 0 && rRange.aEnd.Row() == rDoc.MaxRow() )
            return true;
    return false;
namespace {
template<typename BorderLineType>
const ::editeng::SvxBorderLine* lcl_getBorderLine(
        ::editeng::SvxBorderLine& rLine, const BorderLineType& rStruct )
    // Convert from 1/100mm to Twips.
    if (!SvxBoxItem::LineToSvxLine( rStruct, rLine, true))
        return nullptr;
    if ( rLine.GetOutWidth() || rLine.GetInWidth() || rLine.GetDistance() )
        return &rLine;
        return nullptr;
const ::editeng::SvxBorderLine* ScHelperFunctions::GetBorderLine(
        ::editeng::SvxBorderLine& rLine, const table::BorderLine& rStruct )
    return lcl_getBorderLine( rLine, rStruct);
const ::editeng::SvxBorderLine* ScHelperFunctions::GetBorderLine(
        ::editeng::SvxBorderLine& rLine, const table::BorderLine2& rStruct )
    return lcl_getBorderLine( rLine, rStruct);
namespace {
template<typename TableBorderType>
void lcl_fillBoxItems( SvxBoxItem& rOuter, SvxBoxInfoItem& rInner, const TableBorderType& rBorder )
    ::editeng::SvxBorderLine aLine;
    rOuter.SetAllDistances(o3tl::toTwips(rBorder.Distance, o3tl::Length::mm100));
    rOuter.SetLine( ScHelperFunctions::GetBorderLine( aLine, rBorder.TopLine ),         SvxBoxItemLine::TOP );
    rOuter.SetLine( ScHelperFunctions::GetBorderLine( aLine, rBorder.BottomLine ),      SvxBoxItemLine::BOTTOM );
    rOuter.SetLine( ScHelperFunctions::GetBorderLine( aLine, rBorder.LeftLine ),        SvxBoxItemLine::LEFT );
    rOuter.SetLine( ScHelperFunctions::GetBorderLine( aLine, rBorder.RightLine ),       SvxBoxItemLine::RIGHT );
    rInner.SetLine( ScHelperFunctions::GetBorderLine( aLine, rBorder.HorizontalLine ),  SvxBoxInfoItemLine::HORI );
    rInner.SetLine( ScHelperFunctions::GetBorderLine( aLine, rBorder.VerticalLine ),    SvxBoxInfoItemLine::VERT );
    rInner.SetValid( SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags::TOP,      rBorder.IsTopLineValid );
    rInner.SetValid( SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags::BOTTOM,   rBorder.IsBottomLineValid );
    rInner.SetValid( SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags::LEFT,     rBorder.IsLeftLineValid );
    rInner.SetValid( SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags::RIGHT,    rBorder.IsRightLineValid );
    rInner.SetValid( SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags::HORI,     rBorder.IsHorizontalLineValid );
    rInner.SetValid( SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags::VERT,     rBorder.IsVerticalLineValid );
    rInner.SetValid( SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags::DISTANCE, rBorder.IsDistanceValid );
    rInner.SetTable( true );
void ScHelperFunctions::FillBoxItems( SvxBoxItem& rOuter, SvxBoxInfoItem& rInner, const table::TableBorder& rBorder )
    lcl_fillBoxItems( rOuter, rInner, rBorder);
void ScHelperFunctions::FillBoxItems( SvxBoxItem& rOuter, SvxBoxInfoItem& rInner, const table::TableBorder2& rBorder )
    lcl_fillBoxItems( rOuter, rInner, rBorder);
void ScHelperFunctions::FillBorderLine( table::BorderLine& rStruct, const ::editeng::SvxBorderLine* pLine )
    // Convert from Twips to 1/100mm.
    rStruct = SvxBoxItem::SvxLineToLine( pLine, true);
void ScHelperFunctions::FillBorderLine( table::BorderLine2& rStruct, const ::editeng::SvxBorderLine* pLine )
    rStruct = SvxBoxItem::SvxLineToLine( pLine, true);
namespace {
template<typename TableBorderItem>
void lcl_fillTableBorder( TableBorderItem& rBorder, const SvxBoxItem& rOuter, const SvxBoxInfoItem& rInner,
        bool bInvalidateHorVerDist )
    ScHelperFunctions::FillBorderLine( rBorder.TopLine,         rOuter.GetTop() );
    ScHelperFunctions::FillBorderLine( rBorder.BottomLine,      rOuter.GetBottom() );
    ScHelperFunctions::FillBorderLine( rBorder.LeftLine,        rOuter.GetLeft() );
    ScHelperFunctions::FillBorderLine( rBorder.RightLine,       rOuter.GetRight() );
    ScHelperFunctions::FillBorderLine( rBorder.HorizontalLine,  rInner.GetHori() );
    ScHelperFunctions::FillBorderLine( rBorder.VerticalLine,    rInner.GetVert() );
    rBorder.Distance                = rOuter.GetSmallestDistance();
    rBorder.IsTopLineValid          = rInner.IsValid(SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags::TOP);
    rBorder.IsBottomLineValid       = rInner.IsValid(SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags::BOTTOM);
    rBorder.IsLeftLineValid         = rInner.IsValid(SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags::LEFT);
    rBorder.IsRightLineValid        = rInner.IsValid(SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags::RIGHT);
    rBorder.IsHorizontalLineValid   = !bInvalidateHorVerDist && rInner.IsValid(SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags::HORI);
    rBorder.IsVerticalLineValid     = !bInvalidateHorVerDist && rInner.IsValid(SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags::VERT);
    rBorder.IsDistanceValid         = !bInvalidateHorVerDist && rInner.IsValid(SvxBoxInfoItemValidFlags::DISTANCE);
void ScHelperFunctions::AssignTableBorderToAny( uno::Any& rAny,
        const SvxBoxItem& rOuter, const SvxBoxInfoItem& rInner, bool bInvalidateHorVerDist )
    table::TableBorder aBorder;
    lcl_fillTableBorder( aBorder, rOuter, rInner, bInvalidateHorVerDist);
    rAny <<= aBorder;
void ScHelperFunctions::AssignTableBorder2ToAny( uno::Any& rAny,
        const SvxBoxItem& rOuter, const SvxBoxInfoItem& rInner, bool bInvalidateHorVerDist )
    table::TableBorder2 aBorder;
    lcl_fillTableBorder( aBorder, rOuter, rInner, bInvalidateHorVerDist);
    rAny <<= aBorder;
//! move lcl_ApplyBorder to docfunc !
void ScHelperFunctions::ApplyBorder( ScDocShell* pDocShell, const ScRangeList& rRanges,
                        const SvxBoxItem& rOuter, const SvxBoxInfoItem& rInner )
    ScDocument& rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
    bool bUndo(rDoc.IsUndoEnabled());
    ScDocumentUniquePtr pUndoDoc;
    if (bUndo)
        pUndoDoc.reset(new ScDocument( SCDOCMODE_UNDO ));
    size_t nCount = rRanges.size();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < nCount; ++i)
        ScRange const & rRange = rRanges[ i ];
        SCTAB nTab = rRange.aStart.Tab();
        if (bUndo)
            if ( i==0 )
                pUndoDoc->InitUndo( rDoc, nTab, nTab );
                pUndoDoc->AddUndoTab( nTab, nTab );
            rDoc.CopyToDocument(rRange, InsertDeleteFlags::ATTRIB, false, *pUndoDoc);
        ScMarkData aMark(rDoc.GetSheetLimits());
        aMark.SetMarkArea( rRange );
        aMark.SelectTable( nTab, true );
        rDoc.ApplySelectionFrame(aMark, rOuter, &rInner);
        // don't need RowHeight if there is only a border
    if (bUndo)
                std::make_unique<ScUndoBorder>( pDocShell, rRanges, std::move(pUndoDoc), rOuter, rInner ) );
    for (size_t i = 0; i < nCount; ++i )
        pDocShell->PostPaint( rRanges[ i ], PaintPartFlags::Grid, SC_PF_LINES | SC_PF_TESTMERGE );
//! move lcl_PutDataArray to docfunc?
//! merge loop with ScFunctionAccess::callFunction
static bool lcl_PutDataArray( ScDocShell& rDocShell, const ScRange& rRange,
                        const uno::Sequence< uno::Sequence<uno::Any> >& aData )
    ScDocument& rDoc = rDocShell.GetDocument();
    ScFieldEditEngine& rEngine = rDoc.GetEditEngine();
    SCTAB nTab = rRange.aStart.Tab();
    SCCOL nStartCol = rRange.aStart.Col();
    SCROW nStartRow = rRange.aStart.Row();
    SCCOL nEndCol = rRange.aEnd.Col();
    SCROW nEndRow = rRange.aEnd.Row();
    bool bUndo(rDoc.IsUndoEnabled());
    if ( !rDoc.IsBlockEditable( nTab, nStartCol,nStartRow, nEndCol,nEndRow ) )
        //! error message
        return false;
    sal_Int32 nCols = 0;
    sal_Int32 nRows = aData.getLength();
    if ( nRows )
        nCols = aData[0].getLength();
    if ( nCols != nEndCol-nStartCol+1 || nRows != nEndRow-nStartRow+1 )
        //! error message?
        return false;
    ScDocumentUniquePtr pUndoDoc;
    if ( bUndo )
        pUndoDoc.reset(new ScDocument( SCDOCMODE_UNDO ));
        pUndoDoc->InitUndo( rDoc, nTab, nTab );
        rDoc.CopyToDocument(rRange, InsertDeleteFlags::CONTENTS|InsertDeleteFlags::NOCAPTIONS, false, *pUndoDoc);
    rDoc.DeleteAreaTab( nStartCol, nStartRow, nEndCol, nEndRow, nTab, InsertDeleteFlags::CONTENTS );
    bool bError = false;
    SCROW nDocRow = nStartRow;
    for (const uno::Sequence<uno::Any>& rColSeq : aData)
        if ( rColSeq.getLength() == nCols )
            SCCOL nDocCol = nStartCol;
            for (const uno::Any& rElement : rColSeq)
                ScAddress aPos(nDocCol, nDocRow, nTab);
                switch( rElement.getValueTypeClass() )
                    case uno::TypeClass_VOID:
                        // void = "no value"
                        rDoc.SetError( nDocCol, nDocRow, nTab, FormulaError::NotAvailable );
                    //  #87871# accept integer types because Basic passes a floating point
                    //  variable as byte, short or long if it's an integer number.
                    case uno::TypeClass_BYTE:
                    case uno::TypeClass_SHORT:
                    case uno::TypeClass_UNSIGNED_SHORT:
                    case uno::TypeClass_LONG:
                    case uno::TypeClass_UNSIGNED_LONG:
                    case uno::TypeClass_FLOAT:
                    case uno::TypeClass_DOUBLE:
                        double fVal(0.0);
                        rElement >>= fVal;
                        rDoc.SetValue(aPos, fVal);
                    case uno::TypeClass_STRING:
                        OUString aUStr;
                        rElement >>= aUStr;
                        if ( !aUStr.isEmpty() )
                            // tdf#146454 - check for a multiline string since setting an edit
                            // or string cell is in magnitudes slower than setting a plain string
                            if (ScStringUtil::isMultiline(aUStr))
                                rDoc.SetEditText(aPos, rEngine.CreateTextObject());
                                ScSetStringParam aParam;
                                rDoc.SetString(aPos, aUStr, &aParam);
                    // accept Sequence<FormulaToken> for formula cells
                    case uno::TypeClass_SEQUENCE:
                        uno::Sequence< sheet::FormulaToken > aTokens;
                        if ( rElement >>= aTokens )
                            ScTokenArray aTokenArray(rDoc);
                            ScTokenConversion::ConvertToTokenArray( rDoc, aTokenArray, aTokens );
                            rDoc.SetFormula(aPos, aTokenArray);
                            bError = true;
                        bError = true;      // invalid type
            bError = true;                          // wrong size
    bool bHeight = rDocShell.AdjustRowHeight( nStartRow, nEndRow, nTab );
    if ( pUndoDoc )
        ScMarkData aDestMark(rDoc.GetSheetLimits());
        aDestMark.SelectOneTable( nTab );
                &rDocShell, ScRange(nStartCol, nStartRow, nTab, nEndCol, nEndRow, nTab),
                aDestMark, std::move(pUndoDoc), nullptr, InsertDeleteFlags::CONTENTS, nullptr, false));
    if (!bHeight)
        rDocShell.PostPaint( rRange, PaintPartFlags::Grid );      // AdjustRowHeight may have painted already
    return !bError;
static bool lcl_PutFormulaArray( ScDocShell& rDocShell, const ScRange& rRange,
        const uno::Sequence< uno::Sequence<OUString> >& aData,
        const formula::FormulaGrammar::Grammar eGrammar )
    ScDocument& rDoc = rDocShell.GetDocument();
    SCTAB nTab = rRange.aStart.Tab();
    SCCOL nStartCol = rRange.aStart.Col();
    SCROW nStartRow = rRange.aStart.Row();
    SCCOL nEndCol = rRange.aEnd.Col();
    SCROW nEndRow = rRange.aEnd.Row();
    bool bUndo(rDoc.IsUndoEnabled());
    if ( !rDoc.IsBlockEditable( nTab, nStartCol,nStartRow, nEndCol,nEndRow ) )
        //! error message
        return false;
    sal_Int32 nCols = 0;
    sal_Int32 nRows = aData.getLength();
    if ( nRows )
        nCols = aData[0].getLength();
    if ( nCols != nEndCol-nStartCol+1 || nRows != nEndRow-nStartRow+1 )
        //! error message?
        return false;
    ScDocumentUniquePtr pUndoDoc;
    if ( bUndo )
        pUndoDoc.reset(new ScDocument( SCDOCMODE_UNDO ));
        pUndoDoc->InitUndo( rDoc, nTab, nTab );
        rDoc.CopyToDocument(rRange, InsertDeleteFlags::CONTENTS, false, *pUndoDoc);
    rDoc.DeleteAreaTab( nStartCol, nStartRow, nEndCol, nEndRow, nTab, InsertDeleteFlags::CONTENTS );
    bool bError = false;
    SCROW nDocRow = nStartRow;
    for (const uno::Sequence<OUString>& rColSeq : aData)
        if ( rColSeq.getLength() == nCols )
            SCCOL nDocCol = nStartCol;
            for (const OUString& aText : rColSeq)
                ScAddress aPos( nDocCol, nDocRow, nTab );
                ScInputStringType aRes =
                        rDoc.GetNonThreadedContext(), aText, LANGUAGE_ENGLISH_US);
                switch (aRes.meType)
                    case ScInputStringType::Formula:
                        rDoc.SetFormula(aPos, aRes.maText, eGrammar);
                    case ScInputStringType::Number:
                        rDoc.SetValue(aPos, aRes.mfValue);
                    case ScInputStringType::Text:
                        rDoc.SetTextCell(aPos, aRes.maText);
            bError = true;                          // wrong size
    bool bHeight = rDocShell.AdjustRowHeight( nStartRow, nEndRow, nTab );
    if ( pUndoDoc )
        ScMarkData aDestMark(rDoc.GetSheetLimits());
        aDestMark.SelectOneTable( nTab );
            std::make_unique<ScUndoPaste>( &rDocShell,
                ScRange(nStartCol, nStartRow, nTab, nEndCol, nEndRow, nTab), aDestMark,
                std::move(pUndoDoc), nullptr, InsertDeleteFlags::CONTENTS, nullptr, false));
    if (!bHeight)
        rDocShell.PostPaint( rRange, PaintPartFlags::Grid );      // AdjustRowHeight may have painted already
    return !bError;
//  used in ScCellRangeObj::getFormulaArray and ScCellObj::GetInputString_Impl
static OUString lcl_GetInputString( ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAddress& rPos, bool bEnglish )
    ScRefCellValue aCell(rDoc, rPos);
    if (aCell.isEmpty())
        return OUString();
    OUString aVal;
    CellType eType = aCell.getType();
    if (eType == CELLTYPE_FORMULA)
        ScFormulaCell* pForm = aCell.getFormula();
        return pForm->GetFormula( formula::FormulaGrammar::mapAPItoGrammar( bEnglish, false));
    // use an InterpreterContext, possibly with a different formatter, to uniformly use
    // ScCellFormat::GetInputString everywhere
    ScInterpreterContextGetterGuard aContextGetterGuard(rDoc, bEnglish ? ScGlobal::GetEnglishFormatter()
                                                                       : rDoc.GetFormatTable());
    ScInterpreterContext* pInterpreterContext = aContextGetterGuard.GetInterpreterContext();
    // Since the English formatter was constructed with
    // LANGUAGE_ENGLISH_US the "General" format has index key 0,
    // we don't have to query.
    sal_uInt32 nNumFmt = bEnglish ? 0 : rDoc.GetNumberFormat(ScRange(rPos));
    if (eType == CELLTYPE_EDIT)
        //  GetString on EditCell turns breaks into spaces,
        //  but we need the breaks here
        const EditTextObject* pData = aCell.getEditText();
        if (pData)
            EditEngine& rEngine = rDoc.GetEditEngine();
            aVal = rEngine.GetText();
        aVal = ScCellFormat::GetInputString(aCell, nNumFmt, pInterpreterContext, rDoc);
    //  if applicable, prepend ' like in ScTabViewShell::UpdateInputHandler
    if ( eType == CELLTYPE_STRING || eType == CELLTYPE_EDIT )
        double fDummy;
        OUString aTempString = aVal;
        bool bIsNumberFormat(pInterpreterContext->NFIsNumberFormat(aTempString, nNumFmt, fDummy));
        if ( bIsNumberFormat )
            aTempString = "'" + aTempString;
        else if ( aTempString.startsWith("'") )
            //  if the string starts with a "'", add another one because setFormula
            //  strips one (like text input, except for "text" number formats)
            if ( bEnglish || ( pInterpreterContext->NFGetType(nNumFmt) != SvNumFormatType::TEXT ) )
                aTempString = "'" + aTempString;
        aVal = aTempString;
    return aVal;
ScCellRangesBase::ScCellRangesBase(ScDocShell* pDocSh, const ScRange& rR) :
    pDocShell( pDocSh ),
    nObjectId( 0 ),
    bChartColAsHdr( false ),
    bChartRowAsHdr( false ),
    bCursorOnly( false ),
    bGotDataChangedHint( false ),
    aValueListeners( 0 )
    ScRange aCellRange(rR);
    aRanges.push_back( aCellRange );
    if (pDocShell)  // Null if created with createInstance
        ScDocument& rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
        nObjectId = rDoc.GetNewUnoId();
ScCellRangesBase::ScCellRangesBase(ScDocShell* pDocSh, ScRangeList aR) :
    pDocShell( pDocSh ),
    aRanges(std::move( aR )),
    nObjectId( 0 ),
    bChartColAsHdr( false ),
    bChartRowAsHdr( false ),
    bCursorOnly( false ),
    bGotDataChangedHint( false ),
    aValueListeners( 0 )
    if (pDocShell)  // Null if created with createInstance
        ScDocument& rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
        nObjectId = rDoc.GetNewUnoId();
    SolarMutexGuard g;
    //  call RemoveUnoObject first, so no notification can happen
    //  during ForgetCurrentAttrs
    if (pDocShell)
    //! unregister XChartDataChangeEventListener ??
    //! (ChartCollection will then hold this object as well!)
void ScCellRangesBase::ForgetCurrentAttrs()
    // #i62483# pMarkData can remain unchanged, is deleted only if the range changes (RefChanged)
void ScCellRangesBase::ForgetMarkData()
const ScPatternAttr* ScCellRangesBase::GetCurrentAttrsFlat()
    //  get and cache direct cell attributes for this object's range
    if ( !pCurrentFlat && pDocShell )
        ScDocument& rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
        pCurrentFlat = rDoc.CreateSelectionPattern( *GetMarkData(), false );
    return pCurrentFlat.get();
const ScPatternAttr* ScCellRangesBase::GetCurrentAttrsDeep()
    //  get and cache cell attributes (incl. styles) for this object's range
    if ( !pCurrentDeep && pDocShell )
        ScDocument& rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
        pCurrentDeep = rDoc.CreateSelectionPattern( *GetMarkData() );
    return pCurrentDeep.get();
SfxItemSet* ScCellRangesBase::GetCurrentDataSet(bool bNoDflt)
        const ScPatternAttr* pPattern = GetCurrentAttrsDeep();
        if ( pPattern )
            //  replace Dontcare with Default,  so that we always have a reflection
            moCurrentDataSet.emplace( pPattern->GetItemSet() );
            moNoDfltCurrentDataSet.emplace( pPattern->GetItemSet() );
    if (bNoDflt)
        if (moNoDfltCurrentDataSet)
            return &*moNoDfltCurrentDataSet;
        if (moCurrentDataSet)
            return &*moCurrentDataSet;
    return nullptr;
const ScMarkData* ScCellRangesBase::GetMarkData()
    if (!pMarkData)
        pMarkData.reset( new ScMarkData(GetDocument()->GetSheetLimits(), aRanges) );
    return pMarkData.get();
void ScCellRangesBase::Notify( SfxBroadcaster&, const SfxHint& rHint )
    const SfxHintId nId = rHint.GetId();
    if ( nId == SfxHintId::Dying )
        // if the document dies, must reset to avoid crash in dtor!
        pDocShell = nullptr;           // invalid
        // fdo#72695: if UNO object is already dead, don't revive it with event
        if ( m_refCount > 0 && !aValueListeners.empty()  )
            //  dispose listeners
            lang::EventObject aEvent;
            aEvent.Source = getXWeak();
            for (uno::Reference<util::XModifyListener> & xValueListener : aValueListeners)
                xValueListener->disposing( aEvent );
            //  The listeners can't have the last ref to this, as it's still held
            //  by the DocShell.
    else if ( nId == SfxHintId::DataChanged )
        // document content changed -> forget cached attributes
        if ( bGotDataChangedHint && pDocShell )
            //  This object was notified of content changes, so one call
            //  for each listener is generated now.
            //  The calls can't be executed directly because the document's
            //  UNO broadcaster list must not be modified.
            //  Instead, add to the document's list of listener calls,
            //  which will be executed directly after the broadcast of
            //  SfxHintId::DataChanged.
            lang::EventObject aEvent;
            aEvent.Source = getXWeak();
            // the EventObject holds a Ref to this object until after the listener calls
            ScDocument& rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
            for (const uno::Reference<util::XModifyListener> & xValueListener : aValueListeners)
                rDoc.AddUnoListenerCall( xValueListener, aEvent );
            bGotDataChangedHint = false;
    else if ( nId == SfxHintId::ScCalcAll )
        // broadcast from DoHardRecalc - set bGotDataChangedHint
        // (SfxHintId::DataChanged follows separately)
        if ( !aValueListeners.empty() )
            bGotDataChangedHint = true;
    else if ( rHint.GetId() == SfxHintId::ScUpdateRef )
        auto pRefHint = static_cast<const ScUpdateRefHint*>(&rHint);
        ScDocument& rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
        std::unique_ptr<ScRangeList> pUndoRanges;
        if ( rDoc.HasUnoRefUndo() )
            pUndoRanges.reset(new ScRangeList( aRanges ));
        if ( aRanges.UpdateReference( pRefHint->GetMode(), &rDoc, pRefHint->GetRange(),
                                    pRefHint->GetDx(), pRefHint->GetDy(), pRefHint->GetDz() ) )
            if (  pRefHint->GetMode() == URM_INSDEL
               && aRanges.size() == 1
               && dynamic_cast<ScTableSheetObj*>(this)
                // #101755#; the range size of a sheet does not change
                ScRange & rR = aRanges.front();
            // any change of the range address is broadcast to value (modify) listeners
            if ( !aValueListeners.empty() )
                bGotDataChangedHint = true;
            if ( pUndoRanges )
                rDoc.AddUnoRefChange( nObjectId, *pUndoRanges );
    else if ( rHint.GetId() == SfxHintId::ScUnoRefUndo )
        auto pUndoHint = static_cast<const ScUnoRefUndoHint*>(&rHint);
        if ( pUndoHint->GetObjectId() == nObjectId )
            // restore ranges from hint
            aRanges = pUndoHint->GetRanges();
            if ( !aValueListeners.empty() )
                bGotDataChangedHint = true;     // need to broadcast the undo, too
void ScCellRangesBase::RefChanged()
    //! adjust XChartDataChangeEventListener
    if ( pValueListener && !aValueListeners.empty() )
        ScDocument& rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
        for ( size_t i = 0, nCount = aRanges.size(); i < nCount; ++i )
            rDoc.StartListeningArea( aRanges[ i ], false, pValueListener.get() );
ScDocument* ScCellRangesBase::GetDocument() const
    if (pDocShell)
        return &pDocShell->GetDocument();
        return nullptr;
void ScCellRangesBase::InitInsertRange(ScDocShell* pDocSh, const ScRange& rR)
    if ( pDocShell || !pDocSh )
    pDocShell = pDocSh;
    ScRange aCellRange(rR);
    aRanges.push_back( aCellRange );
    RefChanged();   // adjust range in range object
void ScCellRangesBase::AddRange(const ScRange& rRange, const bool bMergeRanges)
    if (bMergeRanges)
void ScCellRangesBase::SetNewRange(const ScRange& rNew)
    ScRange aCellRange(rNew);
    aRanges.push_back( aCellRange );
void ScCellRangesBase::SetNewRanges(const ScRangeList& rNew)
    aRanges = rNew;
void ScCellRangesBase::SetCursorOnly( bool bSet )
    //  set for a selection object that is created from the cursor position
    //  without anything selected (may contain several sheets)
    bCursorOnly = bSet;
void ScCellRangesBase::PaintGridRanges_Impl( )
    for (size_t i = 0, nCount = aRanges.size(); i < nCount; ++i)
        pDocShell->PostPaint( aRanges[ i ], PaintPartFlags::Grid );
// XSheetOperation
double SAL_CALL ScCellRangesBase::computeFunction( sheet::GeneralFunction nFunction )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScMarkData aMark(*GetMarkData());
    if (!aMark.IsMarked())
        aMark.SetMarkNegative(true);    // so we can enter dummy position
    ScAddress aDummy;                   // if not marked, ignored if it is negative
    double fVal;
    ScSubTotalFunc eFunc = ScDPUtil::toSubTotalFunc(static_cast<ScGeneralFunction>(nFunction));
    ScDocument& rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
    if ( !rDoc.GetSelectionFunction( eFunc, aDummy, aMark, fVal ) )
        throw uno::RuntimeException();      //! own exception?
    return fVal;
void SAL_CALL ScCellRangesBase::clearContents( sal_Int32 nContentFlags )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if ( !aRanges.empty() )
        // only for clearContents: EDITATTR is only used if no contents are deleted
        InsertDeleteFlags nDelFlags = static_cast<InsertDeleteFlags>(nContentFlags) & InsertDeleteFlags::ALL;
        if ( ( nDelFlags & InsertDeleteFlags::EDITATTR ) && ( nDelFlags & InsertDeleteFlags::CONTENTS ) == InsertDeleteFlags::NONE )
            nDelFlags |= InsertDeleteFlags::EDITATTR;
        pDocShell->GetDocFunc().DeleteContents( *GetMarkData(), nDelFlags, true, true );
    // otherwise nothing to do
// XPropertyState
const SfxItemPropertyMap& ScCellRangesBase::GetItemPropertyMap()
    return pPropSet->getPropertyMap();
static void lcl_GetPropertyWhich( const SfxItemPropertyMapEntry* pEntry,
                                                sal_uInt16& rItemWhich )
    //  Which-ID of the affected items also when the item can't handle
    //  the property by itself
    if ( !pEntry )
    if ( IsScItemWid( pEntry->nWID ) )
        rItemWhich = pEntry->nWID;
        switch ( pEntry->nWID )
            case SC_WID_UNO_TBLBORD:
            case SC_WID_UNO_TBLBORD2:
                rItemWhich = ATTR_BORDER;
            case SC_WID_UNO_CONDFMT:
            case SC_WID_UNO_CONDLOC:
            case SC_WID_UNO_CONDXML:
                rItemWhich = ATTR_CONDITIONAL;
            case SC_WID_UNO_VALIDAT:
            case SC_WID_UNO_VALILOC:
            case SC_WID_UNO_VALIXML:
                rItemWhich = ATTR_VALIDDATA;
beans::PropertyState ScCellRangesBase::GetOnePropertyState( sal_uInt16 nItemWhich, const SfxItemPropertyMapEntry* pEntry )
    beans::PropertyState eRet = beans::PropertyState_DIRECT_VALUE;
    if ( nItemWhich )                   // item wid (from map or special case)
        //  For items that contain several properties (like background),
        //  "ambiguous" is returned too often here
        //  for PropertyState, don't look at styles
        const ScPatternAttr* pPattern = GetCurrentAttrsFlat();
        if ( pPattern )
            SfxItemState eState = pPattern->GetItemSet().GetItemState( nItemWhich, false );
            if ( nItemWhich == ATTR_VALUE_FORMAT && eState == SfxItemState::DEFAULT )
                eState = pPattern->GetItemSet().GetItemState( ATTR_LANGUAGE_FORMAT, false );
            if ( eState == SfxItemState::SET )
                eRet = beans::PropertyState_DIRECT_VALUE;
            else if ( eState == SfxItemState::DEFAULT )
                eRet = beans::PropertyState_DEFAULT_VALUE;
            else if ( eState == SfxItemState::INVALID )
                eRet = beans::PropertyState_AMBIGUOUS_VALUE;
                OSL_FAIL("unknown ItemState");
    else if ( pEntry )
        if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_CHCOLHDR || pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_CHROWHDR || pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_ABSNAME )
            eRet = beans::PropertyState_DIRECT_VALUE;
        else if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_CELLSTYL )
            //  a style is always set, there's no default state
            const ScStyleSheet* pStyle = pDocShell->GetDocument().GetSelectionStyle(*GetMarkData());
            if (pStyle)
                eRet = beans::PropertyState_DIRECT_VALUE;
                eRet = beans::PropertyState_AMBIGUOUS_VALUE;
        else if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_NUMRULES )
            eRet = beans::PropertyState_DEFAULT_VALUE;      // numbering rules are always default
    return eRet;
beans::PropertyState SAL_CALL ScCellRangesBase::getPropertyState( const OUString& aPropertyName )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if ( aRanges.empty() )
        throw uno::RuntimeException();
    const SfxItemPropertyMap& rMap = GetItemPropertyMap();     // from derived class
    sal_uInt16 nItemWhich = 0;
    const SfxItemPropertyMapEntry* pEntry  = rMap.getByName( aPropertyName );
    lcl_GetPropertyWhich( pEntry, nItemWhich );
    return GetOnePropertyState( nItemWhich, pEntry );
uno::Sequence<beans::PropertyState> SAL_CALL ScCellRangesBase::getPropertyStates(
                                const uno::Sequence<OUString>& aPropertyNames )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    const SfxItemPropertyMap& rPropertyMap = GetItemPropertyMap();     // from derived class
    uno::Sequence<beans::PropertyState> aRet(aPropertyNames.getLength());
    std::transform(aPropertyNames.begin(), aPropertyNames.end(), aRet.getArray(),
        [this, &rPropertyMap](const auto& rName) -> beans::PropertyState {
            sal_uInt16 nItemWhich = 0;
            const SfxItemPropertyMapEntry* pEntry  = rPropertyMap.getByName( rName );
            lcl_GetPropertyWhich( pEntry, nItemWhich );
            return GetOnePropertyState(nItemWhich, pEntry);
    return aRet;
void SAL_CALL ScCellRangesBase::setPropertyToDefault( const OUString& aPropertyName )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if ( !pDocShell )
    const SfxItemPropertyMap& rPropertyMap = GetItemPropertyMap();     // from derived class
    sal_uInt16 nItemWhich = 0;
    const SfxItemPropertyMapEntry* pEntry  = rPropertyMap.getByName( aPropertyName );
    lcl_GetPropertyWhich( pEntry, nItemWhich );
    if ( nItemWhich )               // item wid (from map or special case)
        if ( !aRanges.empty() )     // empty = nothing to do
            //! for items that have multiple properties (e.g. background)
            //! too much will be reset
            //! for ATTR_ROTATE_VALUE, reset ATTR_ORIENTATION as well?
            sal_uInt16 aWIDs[3];
            aWIDs[0] = nItemWhich;
            if ( nItemWhich == ATTR_VALUE_FORMAT )
                aWIDs[1] = ATTR_LANGUAGE_FORMAT; // language for number formats
                aWIDs[2] = 0;
                aWIDs[1] = 0;
            pDocShell->GetDocFunc().ClearItems( *GetMarkData(), aWIDs, true );
    else if ( pEntry )
        if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_CHCOLHDR )
            bChartColAsHdr = false;
        else if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_CHROWHDR )
            bChartRowAsHdr = false;
        else if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_CELLSTYL )
            OUString aStyleName( ScResId( STR_STYLENAME_STANDARD ) );
            pDocShell->GetDocFunc().ApplyStyle( *GetMarkData(), aStyleName, true );
uno::Any SAL_CALL ScCellRangesBase::getPropertyDefault( const OUString& aPropertyName )
    //! bundle with getPropertyValue
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    uno::Any aAny;
    if ( pDocShell )
        ScDocument& rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
        const SfxItemPropertyMap& rPropertyMap = GetItemPropertyMap();     // from derived class
        const SfxItemPropertyMapEntry* pEntry = rPropertyMap.getByName( aPropertyName );
        if ( pEntry )
            if ( IsScItemWid( pEntry->nWID ) )
                const ScPatternAttr* pPattern(&rDoc.getCellAttributeHelper().getDefaultCellAttribute());
                if ( pPattern )
                    const SfxItemSet& rSet = pPattern->GetItemSet();
                    switch ( pEntry->nWID )     // for item-specific handling
                        case ATTR_VALUE_FORMAT:
                            //  default has no language set
                            aAny <<= static_cast<sal_Int32>( static_cast<const SfxUInt32Item&>(rSet.Get(pEntry->nWID)).GetValue() );
                        case ATTR_INDENT:
                            aAny <<= static_cast<sal_Int16>( convertTwipToMm100(static_cast<const ScIndentItem&>(
                                            rSet.Get(pEntry->nWID)).GetValue()) );
                            pPropSet->getPropertyValue(aPropertyName, rSet, aAny);
                switch ( pEntry->nWID )
                    case SC_WID_UNO_CHCOLHDR:
                    case SC_WID_UNO_CHROWHDR:
                        aAny <<= false;
                    case SC_WID_UNO_CELLSTYL:
                        aAny <<= ScStyleNameConversion::DisplayToProgrammaticName(
                                    ScResId(STR_STYLENAME_STANDARD), SfxStyleFamily::Para );
                    case SC_WID_UNO_TBLBORD:
                    case SC_WID_UNO_TBLBORD2:
                            const ScPatternAttr* pPattern(&rDoc.getCellAttributeHelper().getDefaultCellAttribute());
                            if ( pPattern )
                                if (pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_TBLBORD2)
                                    ScHelperFunctions::AssignTableBorder2ToAny( aAny,
                                            pPattern->GetItem(ATTR_BORDER_INNER) );
                                    ScHelperFunctions::AssignTableBorderToAny( aAny,
                                            pPattern->GetItem(ATTR_BORDER_INNER) );
                    case SC_WID_UNO_CONDFMT:
                    case SC_WID_UNO_CONDLOC:
                    case SC_WID_UNO_CONDXML:
                            bool bEnglish = ( pEntry->nWID != SC_WID_UNO_CONDLOC );
                            bool bXML = ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_CONDXML );
                            formula::FormulaGrammar::Grammar eGrammar = (bXML ?
                                    rDoc.GetStorageGrammar() :
                                   formula::FormulaGrammar::mapAPItoGrammar( bEnglish, bXML));
                            aAny <<= uno::Reference<sheet::XSheetConditionalEntries>(
                                    new ScTableConditionalFormat( &rDoc, 0, aRanges[0].aStart.Tab(), eGrammar ));
                    case SC_WID_UNO_VALIDAT:
                    case SC_WID_UNO_VALILOC:
                    case SC_WID_UNO_VALIXML:
                            bool bEnglish = ( pEntry->nWID != SC_WID_UNO_VALILOC );
                            bool bXML = ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_VALIXML );
                            formula::FormulaGrammar::Grammar eGrammar = (bXML ?
                                    rDoc.GetStorageGrammar() :
                                   formula::FormulaGrammar::mapAPItoGrammar( bEnglish, bXML));
                            aAny <<= uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySet>(
                                    new ScTableValidationObj( rDoc, 0, eGrammar ));
                    case SC_WID_UNO_NUMRULES:
                            aAny <<= ScStyleObj::CreateEmptyNumberingRules();
    return aAny;
// XPropertySet
uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySetInfo> SAL_CALL ScCellRangesBase::getPropertySetInfo()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    static uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySetInfo> aRef(
        new SfxItemPropertySetInfo( pPropSet->getPropertyMap() ));
    return aRef;
static void lcl_SetCellProperty( const SfxItemPropertyMapEntry& rEntry, const uno::Any& rValue,
                            ScPatternAttr& rPattern, const ScDocument &rDoc,
                            sal_uInt16& rFirstItemId, sal_uInt16& rSecondItemId )
    rFirstItemId = rEntry.nWID;
    rSecondItemId = 0;
    SfxItemSet& rSet = rPattern.GetItemSet();
    switch ( rEntry.nWID )
        case ATTR_VALUE_FORMAT:
                // language for number formats
                SvNumberFormatter* pFormatter = rDoc.GetFormatTable();
                sal_uLong nOldFormat = rSet.Get( ATTR_VALUE_FORMAT ).GetValue();
                LanguageType eOldLang = rSet.Get( ATTR_LANGUAGE_FORMAT ).GetLanguage();
                nOldFormat = pFormatter->GetFormatForLanguageIfBuiltIn( nOldFormat, eOldLang );
                sal_Int32 nIntVal = 0;
                if ( !(rValue >>= nIntVal) )
                    throw lang::IllegalArgumentException();
                sal_uLong nNewFormat = static_cast<sal_uLong>(nIntVal);
                rSet.Put( SfxUInt32Item( ATTR_VALUE_FORMAT, nNewFormat ) );
                const SvNumberformat* pNewEntry = pFormatter->GetEntry( nNewFormat );
                LanguageType eNewLang =
                    pNewEntry ? pNewEntry->GetLanguage() : LANGUAGE_DONTKNOW;
                if ( eNewLang != eOldLang && eNewLang != LANGUAGE_DONTKNOW )
                    rSet.Put( SvxLanguageItem( eNewLang, ATTR_LANGUAGE_FORMAT ) );
                    // if only language is changed,
                    // don't touch number format attribute
                    sal_uLong nNewMod = nNewFormat % SV_COUNTRY_LANGUAGE_OFFSET;
                    if ( nNewMod == ( nOldFormat % SV_COUNTRY_LANGUAGE_OFFSET ) &&
                         nNewMod <= SV_MAX_COUNT_STANDARD_FORMATS )
                        rFirstItemId = 0;       // don't use ATTR_VALUE_FORMAT value
                    rSecondItemId = ATTR_LANGUAGE_FORMAT;
        case ATTR_INDENT:
                sal_Int16 nIntVal = 0;
                if ( !(rValue >>= nIntVal) )
                    throw lang::IllegalArgumentException();
                rSet.Put(ScIndentItem(o3tl::toTwips(nIntVal, o3tl::Length::mm100)));
        case ATTR_ROTATE_VALUE:
                sal_Int32 nRotVal = 0;
                if ( !(rValue >>= nRotVal) )
                    throw lang::IllegalArgumentException();
                //  stored value is always between 0 and 360 deg.
                nRotVal %= 36000;
                if ( nRotVal < 0 )
                    nRotVal += 36000;
                rSet.Put( ScRotateValueItem( Degree100(nRotVal) ) );
        case ATTR_STACKED:
                table::CellOrientation eOrient;
                if( rValue >>= eOrient )
                    switch( eOrient )
                        case table::CellOrientation_STANDARD:
                            rSet.Put( ScVerticalStackCell( false ) );
                        case table::CellOrientation_TOPBOTTOM:
                            rSet.Put( ScVerticalStackCell( false ) );
                            rSet.Put( ScRotateValueItem( 27000_deg100 ) );
                            rSecondItemId = ATTR_ROTATE_VALUE;
                        case table::CellOrientation_BOTTOMTOP:
                            rSet.Put( ScVerticalStackCell( false ) );
                            rSet.Put( ScRotateValueItem( 9000_deg100 ) );
                            rSecondItemId = ATTR_ROTATE_VALUE;
                        case table::CellOrientation_STACKED:
                            rSet.Put( ScVerticalStackCell( true ) );
                            // added to avoid warnings
                SfxItemPropertySet::setPropertyValue(rEntry, rValue, rSet);
void SAL_CALL ScCellRangesBase::setPropertyValue(
                        const OUString& aPropertyName, const uno::Any& aValue )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if ( !pDocShell || aRanges.empty() )
        throw uno::RuntimeException();
    const SfxItemPropertyMap& rPropertyMap = GetItemPropertyMap();     // from derived class
    const SfxItemPropertyMapEntry* pEntry = rPropertyMap.getByName( aPropertyName );
    if ( !pEntry )
        throw beans::UnknownPropertyException(aPropertyName);
    SetOnePropertyValue( pEntry, aValue );
void ScCellRangesBase::SetOnePropertyValue( const SfxItemPropertyMapEntry* pEntry, const uno::Any& aValue )
    if ( !pEntry )
    if ( IsScItemWid( pEntry->nWID ) )
        if ( !aRanges.empty() )     // empty = nothing to do
            ScDocument& rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
            //  For parts of compound items with multiple properties (e.g. background)
            //  the old item has to be first fetched from the document.
            //! But we can't recognize this case here
            //! -> an extra flag in PropertyMap entry, or something like that???
            //! fetch the item directly from its position in the range?
            //  ClearInvalidItems, so that in any case we have an item with the correct type
            ScPatternAttr aPattern( *GetCurrentAttrsDeep() );
            SfxItemSet& rSet = aPattern.GetItemSet();
            sal_uInt16 nFirstItem, nSecondItem;
            lcl_SetCellProperty( *pEntry, aValue, aPattern, rDoc, nFirstItem, nSecondItem );
            for (sal_uInt16 nWhich = ATTR_PATTERN_START; nWhich <= ATTR_PATTERN_END; nWhich++)
                if ( nWhich != nFirstItem && nWhich != nSecondItem )
            pDocShell->GetDocFunc().ApplyAttributes( *GetMarkData(), aPattern, true );
    else        // implemented here
        switch ( pEntry->nWID )
            case EE_CHAR_ESCAPEMENT:    // Specifically for xlsx import
                sal_Int32 nValue = 0;
                aValue >>= nValue;
                if (nValue)
                    for (size_t i = 0, n = aRanges.size(); i < n; ++i)
                        ScRange const & rRange = aRanges[i];
                        /* TODO: Iterate through the range */
                        ScAddress aAddr = rRange.aStart;
                        ScDocument& rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
                        ScRefCellValue aCell(rDoc, aAddr);
                        OUString aStr = aCell.getString(&rDoc);
                        EditEngine aEngine( rDoc.GetEnginePool() );
                        /* EE_CHAR_ESCAPEMENT seems to be set on the cell _only_ when
                         * there are no other attribs for the cell.
                         * So, it is safe to overwrite the complete attribute set.
                         * If there is a need - getting CellType and processing
                         * the attributes could be considered.
                        SfxItemSet aAttr = aEngine.GetEmptyItemSet();
                        if( nValue < 0 )    // Subscript
                            aAttr.Put( SvxEscapementItem( SvxEscapement::Subscript, EE_CHAR_ESCAPEMENT ) );
                        else                // Superscript
                            aAttr.Put( SvxEscapementItem( SvxEscapement::Superscript, EE_CHAR_ESCAPEMENT ) );
                        aEngine.QuickSetAttribs(aAttr, ESelection(0, 0, 0, aStr.getLength()));
                        // The cell will own the text object instance.
                        rDoc.SetEditText(aRanges[0].aStart, aEngine.CreateTextObject());
            case SC_WID_UNO_CHCOLHDR:
                // chart header flags are set for this object, not stored with document
                bChartColAsHdr = ScUnoHelpFunctions::GetBoolFromAny( aValue );
            case SC_WID_UNO_CHROWHDR:
                bChartRowAsHdr = ScUnoHelpFunctions::GetBoolFromAny( aValue );
            case SC_WID_UNO_CELLSTYL:
                    OUString aStrVal;
                    aValue >>= aStrVal;
                    OUString aString(ScStyleNameConversion::ProgrammaticToDisplayName(
                                                        aStrVal, SfxStyleFamily::Para ));
                    pDocShell->GetDocFunc().ApplyStyle( *GetMarkData(), aString, true );
            case SC_WID_UNO_TBLBORD:
                    table::TableBorder aBorder;
                    if ( !aRanges.empty() && ( aValue >>= aBorder ) )   // empty = nothing to do
                        SvxBoxItem aOuter(ATTR_BORDER);
                        SvxBoxInfoItem aInner(ATTR_BORDER_INNER);
                        ScHelperFunctions::FillBoxItems( aOuter, aInner, aBorder );
                        ScHelperFunctions::ApplyBorder( pDocShell, aRanges, aOuter, aInner );   //! docfunc
            case SC_WID_UNO_TBLBORD2:
                    table::TableBorder2 aBorder2;
                    if ( !aRanges.empty() && ( aValue >>= aBorder2 ) )   // empty = nothing to do
                        SvxBoxItem aOuter(ATTR_BORDER);
                        SvxBoxInfoItem aInner(ATTR_BORDER_INNER);
                        ScHelperFunctions::FillBoxItems( aOuter, aInner, aBorder2 );
                        ScHelperFunctions::ApplyBorder( pDocShell, aRanges, aOuter, aInner );   //! docfunc
            case SC_WID_UNO_CONDFMT:
            case SC_WID_UNO_CONDLOC:
            case SC_WID_UNO_CONDXML:
                    uno::Reference<sheet::XSheetConditionalEntries> xInterface(aValue, uno::UNO_QUERY);
                    if ( !aRanges.empty() && xInterface.is() )  // empty = nothing to do
                        ScTableConditionalFormat* pFormat =
                                dynamic_cast<ScTableConditionalFormat*>( xInterface.get() );
                        if (pFormat)
                            ScDocument& rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
                            bool bEnglish = ( pEntry->nWID != SC_WID_UNO_CONDLOC );
                            bool bXML = ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_CONDXML );
                            formula::FormulaGrammar::Grammar eGrammar = (bXML ?
                                   formula::FormulaGrammar::GRAM_UNSPECIFIED :
                                   formula::FormulaGrammar::mapAPItoGrammar( bEnglish, bXML));
                            SCTAB nTab = aRanges.front().aStart.Tab();
                            // To remove conditional formats for all cells in aRanges we need to:
                            // Remove conditional format data from cells' attributes
                            rDoc.RemoveCondFormatData( aRanges, nTab,  0 );
                            // And also remove ranges from conditional formats list
                            for (size_t i = 0; i < aRanges.size(); ++i)
                                rDoc.GetCondFormList( aRanges[i].aStart.Tab() )->DeleteArea(
                                    aRanges[i].aStart.Col(), aRanges[i].aStart.Row(),
                                    aRanges[i].aEnd.Col(), aRanges[i].aEnd.Row() );
                            // Then we can apply new conditional format if there is one
                            if (pFormat->getCount())
                                auto pNew = std::make_unique<ScConditionalFormat>( 0, &rDoc );    // Index will be set on inserting
                                pFormat->FillFormat( *pNew, rDoc, eGrammar );
                                pNew->SetRange( aRanges );
                                pDocShell->GetDocFunc().ReplaceConditionalFormat( 0, std::move(pNew), nTab, aRanges );
                            // and repaint
                            for (size_t i = 0; i < aRanges.size(); ++i)
                                pDocShell->PostPaint(aRanges[i], PaintPartFlags::Grid);
            case SC_WID_UNO_VALIDAT:
            case SC_WID_UNO_VALILOC:
            case SC_WID_UNO_VALIXML:
                    uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySet> xInterface(aValue, uno::UNO_QUERY);
                    if ( !aRanges.empty() && xInterface.is() )  // empty = nothing to do
                        ScTableValidationObj* pValidObj =
                                dynamic_cast<ScTableValidationObj*>( xInterface.get() );
                        if (pValidObj)
                            ScDocument& rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
                            bool bEnglish = ( pEntry->nWID != SC_WID_UNO_VALILOC );
                            bool bXML = ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_VALIXML );
                            formula::FormulaGrammar::Grammar eGrammar = (bXML ?
                                   formula::FormulaGrammar::GRAM_UNSPECIFIED :
                                   formula::FormulaGrammar::mapAPItoGrammar( bEnglish, bXML));
                            std::unique_ptr<ScValidationData> pNewData(
                                    pValidObj->CreateValidationData( rDoc, eGrammar ));
                            sal_uInt32 nIndex = rDoc.AddValidationEntry( *pNewData );
                            ScPatternAttr aPattern(rDoc.getCellAttributeHelper());
                            aPattern.GetItemSet().Put( SfxUInt32Item( ATTR_VALIDDATA, nIndex ) );
                            pDocShell->GetDocFunc().ApplyAttributes( *GetMarkData(), aPattern, true );
            // SC_WID_UNO_NUMRULES is ignored...
uno::Any SAL_CALL ScCellRangesBase::getPropertyValue( const OUString& aPropertyName )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if ( !pDocShell || aRanges.empty() )
        throw uno::RuntimeException();
    const SfxItemPropertyMap& rPropertyMap = GetItemPropertyMap();     // from derived class
    const SfxItemPropertyMapEntry* pEntry = rPropertyMap.getByName( aPropertyName );
    if ( !pEntry )
        throw beans::UnknownPropertyException(aPropertyName);
    uno::Any aAny;
    GetOnePropertyValue( pEntry, aAny );
    return aAny;
void ScCellRangesBase::GetOnePropertyValue( const SfxItemPropertyMapEntry* pEntry, uno::Any& rAny )
    if ( !pEntry )
    if ( IsScItemWid( pEntry->nWID ) )
        SfxItemSet* pDataSet = GetCurrentDataSet();
        if ( pDataSet )
            switch ( pEntry->nWID )     // for special handling of items
                case ATTR_VALUE_FORMAT:
                        ScDocument& rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
                        sal_uLong nOldFormat =
                                pDataSet->Get( ATTR_VALUE_FORMAT ).GetValue();
                        LanguageType eOldLang =
                                pDataSet->Get( ATTR_LANGUAGE_FORMAT ).GetLanguage();
                        nOldFormat = rDoc.GetFormatTable()->
                                GetFormatForLanguageIfBuiltIn( nOldFormat, eOldLang );
                        rAny <<= static_cast<sal_Int32>(nOldFormat);
                case ATTR_INDENT:
                    rAny <<= static_cast<sal_Int16>( convertTwipToMm100(static_cast<const ScIndentItem&>(
                                    pDataSet->Get(pEntry->nWID)).GetValue()) );
                case ATTR_STACKED:
                        Degree100 nRot = pDataSet->Get(ATTR_ROTATE_VALUE).GetValue();
                        bool bStacked = static_cast<const ScVerticalStackCell&>(pDataSet->Get(pEntry->nWID)).GetValue();
                        SvxOrientationItem( nRot, bStacked, TypedWhichId<SvxOrientationItem>(0) ).QueryValue( rAny );
                    SfxItemPropertySet::getPropertyValue(*pEntry, *pDataSet, rAny);
    else        // implemented here
        switch ( pEntry->nWID )
            case SC_WID_UNO_CHCOLHDR:
                rAny <<= bChartColAsHdr;
            case SC_WID_UNO_CHROWHDR:
                rAny <<= bChartRowAsHdr;
            case SC_WID_UNO_CELLSTYL:
                    OUString aStyleName;
                    const ScStyleSheet* pStyle = pDocShell->GetDocument().GetSelectionStyle(*GetMarkData());
                    if (pStyle)
                        aStyleName = pStyle->GetName();
                    rAny <<= ScStyleNameConversion::DisplayToProgrammaticName(
                                                            aStyleName, SfxStyleFamily::Para );
            case SC_WID_UNO_TBLBORD:
            case SC_WID_UNO_TBLBORD2:
                    //! loop through all ranges
                    if ( !aRanges.empty() )
                        const ScRange & rFirst = aRanges[ 0 ];
                        SvxBoxItem aOuter(ATTR_BORDER);
                        SvxBoxInfoItem aInner(ATTR_BORDER_INNER);
                        ScDocument& rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
                        ScMarkData aMark(rDoc.GetSheetLimits());
                        aMark.SetMarkArea( rFirst );
                        aMark.SelectTable( rFirst.aStart.Tab(), true );
                        rDoc.GetSelectionFrame( aMark, aOuter, aInner );
                        if (pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_TBLBORD2)
                            ScHelperFunctions::AssignTableBorder2ToAny( rAny, aOuter, aInner);
                            ScHelperFunctions::AssignTableBorderToAny( rAny, aOuter, aInner);
            case SC_WID_UNO_CONDFMT:
            case SC_WID_UNO_CONDLOC:
            case SC_WID_UNO_CONDXML:
                    const ScPatternAttr* pPattern = GetCurrentAttrsDeep();
                    if ( pPattern )
                        ScDocument& rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
                        bool bEnglish = ( pEntry->nWID != SC_WID_UNO_CONDLOC );
                        bool bXML = ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_CONDXML );
                        formula::FormulaGrammar::Grammar eGrammar = (bXML ?
                                rDoc.GetStorageGrammar() :
                               formula::FormulaGrammar::mapAPItoGrammar( bEnglish, bXML));
                        const ScCondFormatIndexes& rIndex =
                        sal_uLong nIndex = 0;
                            nIndex = rIndex[0];
                        rAny <<= uno::Reference<sheet::XSheetConditionalEntries>(
                                new ScTableConditionalFormat( &rDoc, nIndex, aRanges.front().aStart.Tab(), eGrammar ));
            case SC_WID_UNO_VALIDAT:
            case SC_WID_UNO_VALILOC:
            case SC_WID_UNO_VALIXML:
                    const ScPatternAttr* pPattern = GetCurrentAttrsDeep();
                    if ( pPattern )
                        ScDocument& rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
                        bool bEnglish = ( pEntry->nWID != SC_WID_UNO_VALILOC );
                        bool bXML = ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_VALIXML );
                        formula::FormulaGrammar::Grammar eGrammar = (bXML ?
                                rDoc.GetStorageGrammar() :
                               formula::FormulaGrammar::mapAPItoGrammar( bEnglish, bXML));
                        sal_uLong nIndex =
                        rAny <<= uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySet>(
                                new ScTableValidationObj( rDoc, nIndex, eGrammar ));
            case SC_WID_UNO_NUMRULES:
                    // always return empty numbering rules object
                    rAny <<= ScStyleObj::CreateEmptyNumberingRules();
            case SC_WID_UNO_ABSNAME:
                    OUString sRet;
                    aRanges.Format(sRet, ScRefFlags::RANGE_ABS_3D, pDocShell->GetDocument());
                    rAny <<= sRet;
            case SC_WID_UNO_FORMATID:
                    const ScPatternAttr* pPattern = GetCurrentAttrsFlat();
                    rAny <<= pPattern->GetPAKey();
void SAL_CALL ScCellRangesBase::addPropertyChangeListener( const OUString& /* aPropertyName */,
                            const uno::Reference<beans::XPropertyChangeListener>& /* aListener */)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if ( aRanges.empty() )
        throw uno::RuntimeException();
    OSL_FAIL("not implemented");
void SAL_CALL ScCellRangesBase::removePropertyChangeListener( const OUString& /* aPropertyName */,
                            const uno::Reference<beans::XPropertyChangeListener>& /* aListener */)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if ( aRanges.empty() )
        throw uno::RuntimeException();
    OSL_FAIL("not implemented");
void SAL_CALL ScCellRangesBase::addVetoableChangeListener( const OUString&,
                            const uno::Reference<beans::XVetoableChangeListener>&)
    OSL_FAIL("not implemented");
void SAL_CALL ScCellRangesBase::removeVetoableChangeListener( const OUString&,
                            const uno::Reference<beans::XVetoableChangeListener>&)
    OSL_FAIL("not implemented");
// XMultiPropertySet
void SAL_CALL ScCellRangesBase::setPropertyValues( const uno::Sequence< OUString >& aPropertyNames,
                                    const uno::Sequence< uno::Any >& aValues )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    sal_Int32 nCount(aPropertyNames.getLength());
    sal_Int32 nValues(aValues.getLength());
    if (nCount != nValues)
        throw lang::IllegalArgumentException();
    if ( !(pDocShell && nCount) )
    const SfxItemPropertyMap& rPropertyMap = GetItemPropertyMap();      // from derived class
    const OUString* pNames = aPropertyNames.getConstArray();
    const uno::Any* pValues = aValues.getConstArray();
    std::unique_ptr<const SfxItemPropertyMapEntry*[]> pEntryArray(new const SfxItemPropertyMapEntry*[nCount]);
    sal_Int32 i;
    for(i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
        // first loop: find all properties in map, but handle only CellStyle
        // (CellStyle must be set before any other cell properties)
        const SfxItemPropertyMapEntry* pEntry = rPropertyMap.getByName( pNames[i] );
        pEntryArray[i] = pEntry;
        if (pEntry)
            if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_CELLSTYL )
                    SetOnePropertyValue( pEntry, pValues[i] );
                catch ( lang::IllegalArgumentException& )
                    TOOLS_WARN_EXCEPTION( "sc", "exception when setting cell style");     // not supposed to happen
    ScDocument& rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
    std::unique_ptr<ScPatternAttr> pOldPattern;
    std::unique_ptr<ScPatternAttr> pNewPattern;
    for(i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
        // second loop: handle other properties
        const SfxItemPropertyMapEntry* pEntry = pEntryArray[i];
        if ( pEntry )
            if ( IsScItemWid( pEntry->nWID ) )  // can be handled by SfxItemPropertySet
                if ( !pOldPattern )
                    pOldPattern.reset(new ScPatternAttr( *GetCurrentAttrsDeep() ));
                    pNewPattern.reset(new ScPatternAttr(rDoc.getCellAttributeHelper()));
                //  collect items in pNewPattern, apply with one call after the loop
                sal_uInt16 nFirstItem, nSecondItem;
                lcl_SetCellProperty( *pEntry, pValues[i], *pOldPattern, rDoc, nFirstItem, nSecondItem );
                //  put only affected items into new set
                if ( nFirstItem )
                    pNewPattern->GetItemSet().Put( pOldPattern->GetItemSet().Get( nFirstItem ) );
                if ( nSecondItem )
                    pNewPattern->GetItemSet().Put( pOldPattern->GetItemSet().Get( nSecondItem ) );
            else if ( pEntry->nWID != SC_WID_UNO_CELLSTYL )   // CellStyle is handled above
                //  call virtual method to set a single property
                SetOnePropertyValue( pEntry, pValues[i] );
    if ( pNewPattern && !aRanges.empty() )
        pDocShell->GetDocFunc().ApplyAttributes( *GetMarkData(), *pNewPattern, true );
uno::Sequence<uno::Any> SAL_CALL ScCellRangesBase::getPropertyValues(
                                const uno::Sequence< OUString >& aPropertyNames )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    const SfxItemPropertyMap& rPropertyMap = GetItemPropertyMap();     // from derived class
    uno::Sequence<uno::Any> aRet(aPropertyNames.getLength());
    uno::Any* pProperties = aRet.getArray();
    for(sal_Int32 i = 0; i < aPropertyNames.getLength(); i++)
        const SfxItemPropertyMapEntry* pEntry = rPropertyMap.getByName( aPropertyNames[i] );
        GetOnePropertyValue( pEntry, pProperties[i] );
    return aRet;
void SAL_CALL ScCellRangesBase::addPropertiesChangeListener( const uno::Sequence< OUString >& /* aPropertyNames */,
                                    const uno::Reference< beans::XPropertiesChangeListener >& /* xListener */ )
    OSL_FAIL("not implemented");
void SAL_CALL ScCellRangesBase::removePropertiesChangeListener( const uno::Reference< beans::XPropertiesChangeListener >& /* xListener */ )
    OSL_FAIL("not implemented");
void SAL_CALL ScCellRangesBase::firePropertiesChangeEvent( const uno::Sequence< OUString >& /* aPropertyNames */,
                                    const uno::Reference< beans::XPropertiesChangeListener >& /* xListener */ )
    OSL_FAIL("not implemented");
IMPL_LINK( ScCellRangesBase, ValueListenerHdl, const SfxHint&, rHint, void )
    if ( pDocShell && (rHint.GetId() == SfxHintId::ScDataChanged))
        //  This may be called several times for a single change, if several formulas
        //  in the range are notified. So only a flag is set that is checked when
        //  SfxHintId::DataChanged is received.
        bGotDataChangedHint = true;
// XTolerantMultiPropertySet
uno::Sequence< beans::SetPropertyTolerantFailed > SAL_CALL ScCellRangesBase::setPropertyValuesTolerant( const uno::Sequence< OUString >& aPropertyNames,
                                    const uno::Sequence< uno::Any >& aValues )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    sal_Int32 nCount(aPropertyNames.getLength());
    sal_Int32 nValues(aValues.getLength());
    if (nCount != nValues)
        throw lang::IllegalArgumentException();
    if ( pDocShell && nCount )
        uno::Sequence < beans::SetPropertyTolerantFailed > aReturns(nCount);
        beans::SetPropertyTolerantFailed* pReturns = aReturns.getArray();
        const SfxItemPropertyMap& rPropertyMap = GetItemPropertyMap();     // from derived class
        const OUString* pNames = aPropertyNames.getConstArray();
        const uno::Any* pValues = aValues.getConstArray();
        std::unique_ptr<const SfxItemPropertyMapEntry*[]> pMapArray(new const SfxItemPropertyMapEntry*[nCount]);
        sal_Int32 i;
        for(i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
            // first loop: find all properties in map, but handle only CellStyle
            // (CellStyle must be set before any other cell properties)
            const SfxItemPropertyMapEntry* pEntry = rPropertyMap.getByName( pNames[i] );
            pMapArray[i] = pEntry;
            if (pEntry)
                if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_CELLSTYL )
                        SetOnePropertyValue( pEntry, pValues[i] );
                    catch ( lang::IllegalArgumentException& )
                        TOOLS_WARN_EXCEPTION( "sc", "exception when setting cell style");     // not supposed to happen
        ScDocument& rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
        std::unique_ptr<ScPatternAttr> pOldPattern;
        std::unique_ptr<ScPatternAttr> pNewPattern;
        sal_Int32 nFailed(0);
        for(i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
            // second loop: handle other properties
            const SfxItemPropertyMapEntry* pEntry = pMapArray[i];
            if ( pEntry && ((pEntry->nFlags & beans::PropertyAttribute::READONLY) == 0))
                if ( IsScItemWid( pEntry->nWID ) )  // can be handled by SfxItemPropertySet
                    if ( !pOldPattern )
                        pOldPattern.reset(new ScPatternAttr( *GetCurrentAttrsDeep() ));
                        pNewPattern.reset(new ScPatternAttr(rDoc.getCellAttributeHelper()));
                    //  collect items in pNewPattern, apply with one call after the loop
                        sal_uInt16 nFirstItem, nSecondItem;
                        lcl_SetCellProperty( *pEntry, pValues[i], *pOldPattern, rDoc, nFirstItem, nSecondItem );
                        //  put only affected items into new set
                        if ( nFirstItem )
                            pNewPattern->GetItemSet().Put( pOldPattern->GetItemSet().Get( nFirstItem ) );
                        if ( nSecondItem )
                            pNewPattern->GetItemSet().Put( pOldPattern->GetItemSet().Get( nSecondItem ) );
                    catch ( lang::IllegalArgumentException& )
                        pReturns[nFailed].Name = pNames[i];
                        pReturns[nFailed++].Result = beans::TolerantPropertySetResultType::ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT;
                else if ( pEntry->nWID != SC_WID_UNO_CELLSTYL )   // CellStyle is handled above
                    //  call virtual method to set a single property
                        SetOnePropertyValue( pEntry, pValues[i] );
                    catch ( lang::IllegalArgumentException& )
                        pReturns[nFailed].Name = pNames[i];
                        pReturns[nFailed++].Result = beans::TolerantPropertySetResultType::ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT;
                pReturns[nFailed].Name = pNames[i];
                if (pEntry)
                    pReturns[nFailed++].Result = beans::TolerantPropertySetResultType::PROPERTY_VETO;
                    pReturns[nFailed++].Result = beans::TolerantPropertySetResultType::UNKNOWN_PROPERTY;
        if ( pNewPattern && !aRanges.empty() )
            pDocShell->GetDocFunc().ApplyAttributes( *GetMarkData(), *pNewPattern, true );
        return aReturns;
    return uno::Sequence < beans::SetPropertyTolerantFailed >();
uno::Sequence< beans::GetPropertyTolerantResult > SAL_CALL ScCellRangesBase::getPropertyValuesTolerant( const uno::Sequence< OUString >& aPropertyNames )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    sal_Int32 nCount(aPropertyNames.getLength());
    uno::Sequence < beans::GetPropertyTolerantResult > aReturns(nCount);
    beans::GetPropertyTolerantResult* pReturns = aReturns.getArray();
    const SfxItemPropertyMap& rPropertyMap = GetItemPropertyMap();     // from derived class
    for(sal_Int32 i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
        const SfxItemPropertyMapEntry* pEntry = rPropertyMap.getByName( aPropertyNames[i] );
        if (!pEntry)
            pReturns[i].Result = beans::TolerantPropertySetResultType::UNKNOWN_PROPERTY;
            sal_uInt16 nItemWhich = 0;
            lcl_GetPropertyWhich( pEntry, nItemWhich );
            pReturns[i].State = GetOnePropertyState( nItemWhich, pEntry );
            GetOnePropertyValue( pEntry, pReturns[i].Value );
            pReturns[i].Result = beans::TolerantPropertySetResultType::SUCCESS;
    return aReturns;
uno::Sequence< beans::GetDirectPropertyTolerantResult > SAL_CALL ScCellRangesBase::getDirectPropertyValuesTolerant( const uno::Sequence< OUString >& aPropertyNames )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    sal_Int32 nCount(aPropertyNames.getLength());
    uno::Sequence < beans::GetDirectPropertyTolerantResult > aReturns(nCount);
    beans::GetDirectPropertyTolerantResult* pReturns = aReturns.getArray();
    const SfxItemPropertyMap& rPropertyMap = GetItemPropertyMap();     // from derived class
    sal_Int32 j = 0;
    for(sal_Int32 i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
        const SfxItemPropertyMapEntry* pEntry = rPropertyMap.getByName( aPropertyNames[i] );
        if (!pEntry)
            pReturns[i].Result = beans::TolerantPropertySetResultType::UNKNOWN_PROPERTY;
            sal_uInt16 nItemWhich = 0;
            lcl_GetPropertyWhich( pEntry, nItemWhich );
            pReturns[j].State = GetOnePropertyState( nItemWhich, pEntry );
            if (pReturns[j].State == beans::PropertyState_DIRECT_VALUE)
                GetOnePropertyValue( pEntry, pReturns[j].Value );
                pReturns[j].Result = beans::TolerantPropertySetResultType::SUCCESS;
                pReturns[j].Name = aPropertyNames[i];
    if (j < nCount)
    return aReturns;
// XIndent
void SAL_CALL ScCellRangesBase::decrementIndent()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if ( pDocShell && !aRanges.empty() )
        //#97041#; put only MultiMarked ScMarkData in ChangeIndent
        ScMarkData aMarkData(*GetMarkData());
        pDocShell->GetDocFunc().ChangeIndent( aMarkData, false, true );
void SAL_CALL ScCellRangesBase::incrementIndent()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if ( pDocShell && !aRanges.empty() )
        //#97041#; put only MultiMarked ScMarkData in ChangeIndent
        ScMarkData aMarkData(*GetMarkData());
        pDocShell->GetDocFunc().ChangeIndent( aMarkData, true, true );
// XChartData
std::unique_ptr<ScMemChart> ScCellRangesBase::CreateMemChart_Impl() const
    if ( pDocShell && !aRanges.empty() )
        ScRangeListRef xChartRanges;
        if ( aRanges.size() == 1 )
            //  set useful table limit (only occupied data area)
            //  (only here - Listeners are registered for the whole area)
            //! check immediately if a ScTableSheetObj?
            const ScDocument & rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
            const ScRange & rRange = aRanges[0];
            if ( rRange.aStart.Col() == 0 && rRange.aEnd.Col() == rDoc.MaxCol() &&
                 rRange.aStart.Row() == 0 && rRange.aEnd.Row() == rDoc.MaxRow() )
                SCTAB nTab = rRange.aStart.Tab();
                SCCOL nStartX;
                SCROW nStartY; // Get start
                if (!pDocShell->GetDocument().GetDataStart( nTab, nStartX, nStartY ))
                    nStartX = 0;
                    nStartY = 0;
                SCCOL nEndX;
                SCROW nEndY; // Get end
                if (!pDocShell->GetDocument().GetTableArea( nTab, nEndX, nEndY ))
                    nEndX = 0;
                    nEndY = 0;
                xChartRanges = new ScRangeList( ScRange( nStartX, nStartY, nTab, nEndX, nEndY, nTab ) );
        if (!xChartRanges.is())         //  otherwise take Ranges directly
            xChartRanges = new ScRangeList(aRanges);
        ScChartArray aArr( pDocShell->GetDocument(), xChartRanges );
        // RowAsHdr = ColHeaders and vice versa
        aArr.SetHeaders( bChartRowAsHdr, bChartColAsHdr );
        return aArr.CreateMemChart();
    return nullptr;
uno::Sequence< uno::Sequence<double> > SAL_CALL ScCellRangesBase::getData()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    std::unique_ptr<ScMemChart> pMemChart(CreateMemChart_Impl());
    if ( pMemChart )
        sal_Int32 nColCount = pMemChart->GetColCount();
        sal_Int32 nRowCount = static_cast<sal_Int32>(pMemChart->GetRowCount());
        uno::Sequence< uno::Sequence<double> > aRowSeq( nRowCount );
        uno::Sequence<double>* pRowAry = aRowSeq.getArray();
        for (sal_Int32 nRow = 0; nRow < nRowCount; nRow++)
            uno::Sequence<double> aColSeq( nColCount );
            double* pColAry = aColSeq.getArray();
            for (sal_Int32 nCol = 0; nCol < nColCount; nCol++)
                pColAry[nCol] = pMemChart->GetData( nCol, nRow );
            pRowAry[nRow] = std::move(aColSeq);
        return aRowSeq;
    return {};
ScRangeListRef ScCellRangesBase::GetLimitedChartRanges_Impl( sal_Int32 nDataColumns, sal_Int32 nDataRows ) const
    if ( aRanges.size() == 1 )
        const ScDocument & rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
        const ScRange & rRange = aRanges[0];
        if ( rRange.aStart.Col() == 0 && rRange.aEnd.Col() == rDoc.MaxCol() &&
             rRange.aStart.Row() == 0 && rRange.aEnd.Row() == rDoc.MaxRow() )
            //  if aRanges is a complete sheet, limit to given size
            SCTAB nTab = rRange.aStart.Tab();
            sal_Int32 nEndColumn = nDataColumns - 1 + ( bChartColAsHdr ? 1 : 0 );
            if ( nEndColumn < 0 )
                nEndColumn = 0;
            if ( nEndColumn > rDoc.MaxCol() )
                nEndColumn = rDoc.MaxCol();
            sal_Int32 nEndRow = nDataRows - 1 + ( bChartRowAsHdr ? 1 : 0 );
            if ( nEndRow < 0 )
                nEndRow = 0;
            if ( nEndRow > rDoc.MaxRow() )
                nEndRow = rDoc.MaxRow();
            ScRangeListRef xChartRanges = new ScRangeList( ScRange( 0, 0, nTab, static_cast<SCCOL>(nEndColumn), static_cast<SCROW>(nEndRow), nTab ) );
            return xChartRanges;
    return new ScRangeList(aRanges);        // as-is
void SAL_CALL ScCellRangesBase::setData( const uno::Sequence< uno::Sequence<double> >& aData )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    bool bDone = false;
    sal_Int32 nRowCount = aData.getLength();
    sal_Int32 nColCount = nRowCount ? aData[0].getLength() : 0;
    ScRangeListRef xChartRanges = GetLimitedChartRanges_Impl( nColCount, nRowCount );
    if ( pDocShell && xChartRanges.is() )
        ScDocument& rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
        ScChartArray aArr( rDoc, xChartRanges );
        aArr.SetHeaders( bChartRowAsHdr, bChartColAsHdr );      // RowAsHdr = ColHeaders
        const ScChartPositionMap* pPosMap = aArr.GetPositionMap();
        if (pPosMap)
            if ( pPosMap->GetColCount() == static_cast<SCCOL>(nColCount) &&
                 pPosMap->GetRowCount() == static_cast<SCROW>(nRowCount) )
                for (sal_Int32 nRow=0; nRow<nRowCount; nRow++)
                    const uno::Sequence<double>& rRowSeq = aData[nRow];
                    const double* pArray = rRowSeq.getConstArray();
                    nColCount = rRowSeq.getLength();
                    for (sal_Int32 nCol=0; nCol<nColCount; nCol++)
                        const ScAddress* pPos = pPosMap->GetPosition(
                                sal::static_int_cast<SCROW>(nRow) );
                        if (pPos)
                            double fVal = pArray[nCol];
                            if ( fVal == DBL_MIN )
                                rDoc.SetValue(*pPos, pArray[nCol]);
                //! undo
                ForceChartListener_Impl();          // call listeners for this object synchronously
                bDone = true;
    if (!bDone)
        throw uno::RuntimeException();
uno::Sequence<OUString> SAL_CALL ScCellRangesBase::getRowDescriptions()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    std::unique_ptr<ScMemChart> pMemChart(CreateMemChart_Impl());
    if ( pMemChart )
        sal_Int32 nRowCount = static_cast<sal_Int32>(pMemChart->GetRowCount());
        uno::Sequence<OUString> aSeq( nRowCount );
        OUString* pAry = aSeq.getArray();
        for (sal_Int32 nRow = 0; nRow < nRowCount; nRow++)
            pAry[nRow] = pMemChart->GetRowText(nRow);
        return aSeq;
    return {};
void SAL_CALL ScCellRangesBase::setRowDescriptions(
                        const uno::Sequence<OUString>& aRowDescriptions )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    bool bDone = false;
    if ( bChartColAsHdr )
        sal_Int32 nRowCount = aRowDescriptions.getLength();
        ScRangeListRef xChartRanges = GetLimitedChartRanges_Impl( 1, nRowCount );
        if ( pDocShell && xChartRanges.is() )
            ScDocument& rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
            ScChartArray aArr( rDoc, xChartRanges );
            aArr.SetHeaders( bChartRowAsHdr, bChartColAsHdr );      // RowAsHdr = ColHeaders
            const ScChartPositionMap* pPosMap = aArr.GetPositionMap();
            if (pPosMap)
                if ( pPosMap->GetRowCount() == static_cast<SCROW>(nRowCount) )
                    const OUString* pArray = aRowDescriptions.getConstArray();
                    for (sal_Int32 nRow=0; nRow<nRowCount; nRow++)
                        const ScAddress* pPos = pPosMap->GetRowHeaderPosition(
                                static_cast<SCSIZE>(nRow) );
                        if (pPos)
                            const OUString& aStr = pArray[nRow];
                            if (aStr.isEmpty())
                                ScSetStringParam aParam;
                                rDoc.SetString(*pPos, aStr, &aParam);
                    //! undo
                    ForceChartListener_Impl();          // call listeners for this object synchronously
                    bDone = true;
    if (!bDone)
        throw uno::RuntimeException();
uno::Sequence<OUString> SAL_CALL ScCellRangesBase::getColumnDescriptions()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    std::unique_ptr<ScMemChart> pMemChart(CreateMemChart_Impl());
    if ( pMemChart )
        sal_Int32 nColCount = pMemChart->GetColCount();
        uno::Sequence<OUString> aSeq( nColCount );
        OUString* pAry = aSeq.getArray();
        for (sal_Int32 nCol = 0; nCol < nColCount; nCol++)
            pAry[nCol] = pMemChart->GetColText(nCol);
        return aSeq;
    return {};
void SAL_CALL ScCellRangesBase::setColumnDescriptions(
    const uno::Sequence<OUString>& aColumnDescriptions )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    bool bDone = false;
    if ( bChartRowAsHdr )
        sal_Int32 nColCount = aColumnDescriptions.getLength();
        ScRangeListRef xChartRanges = GetLimitedChartRanges_Impl( nColCount, 1 );
        if ( pDocShell && xChartRanges.is() )
            ScDocument& rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
            ScChartArray aArr( rDoc, xChartRanges );
            aArr.SetHeaders( bChartRowAsHdr, bChartColAsHdr );      // RowAsHdr = ColHeaders
            const ScChartPositionMap* pPosMap = aArr.GetPositionMap();
            if (pPosMap)
                if ( pPosMap->GetColCount() == static_cast<SCCOL>(nColCount) )
                    const OUString* pArray = aColumnDescriptions.getConstArray();
                    for (sal_Int32 nCol=0; nCol<nColCount; nCol++)
                        const ScAddress* pPos = pPosMap->GetColHeaderPosition(
                            sal::static_int_cast<SCCOL>(nCol) );
                        if (pPos)
                            const OUString& aStr = pArray[nCol];
                            if (aStr.isEmpty())
                                ScSetStringParam aParam;
                                rDoc.SetString(*pPos, aStr, &aParam);
                    //! undo
                    ForceChartListener_Impl();          // call listeners for this object synchronously
                    bDone = true;
    if (!bDone)
        throw uno::RuntimeException();
void ScCellRangesBase::ForceChartListener_Impl()
    //  call Update immediately so the caller to setData etc. can
    //  recognize the listener call
    if (!pDocShell)
    ScChartListenerCollection* pColl = pDocShell->GetDocument().GetChartListenerCollection();
    if (!pColl)
    ScChartListenerCollection::ListenersType& rListeners = pColl->getListeners();
    for (auto const& it : rListeners)
        ScChartListener *const p = it.second.get();
        if (p->GetUnoSource() == static_cast<chart::XChartData*>(this) && p->IsDirty())
void SAL_CALL ScCellRangesBase::addChartDataChangeEventListener( const uno::Reference<
                                    chart::XChartDataChangeEventListener >& aListener )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if ( !pDocShell || aRanges.empty() )
    //! test for duplicates ?
    ScDocument& rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
    ScRangeListRef aRangesRef( new ScRangeList(aRanges) );
    ScChartListenerCollection* pColl = rDoc.GetChartListenerCollection();
    OUString aName = pColl->getUniqueName(u"__Uno");
    if (aName.isEmpty())
        // failed to create unique name.
    ScChartListener* pListener = new ScChartListener( aName, rDoc, aRangesRef );
    pListener->SetUno( aListener, this );
    pColl->insert( pListener );
void SAL_CALL ScCellRangesBase::removeChartDataChangeEventListener( const uno::Reference<
                                    chart::XChartDataChangeEventListener >& aListener )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if ( pDocShell && !aRanges.empty() )
        ScDocument& rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
        ScChartListenerCollection* pColl = rDoc.GetChartListenerCollection();
        pColl->FreeUno( aListener, this );
double SAL_CALL ScCellRangesBase::getNotANumber()
    //  use DBL_MIN in ScChartArray, because Chart wants it so
    return DBL_MIN;
sal_Bool SAL_CALL ScCellRangesBase::isNotANumber( double nNumber )
    //  use DBL_MIN in ScChartArray, because Chart wants it so
    return (nNumber == DBL_MIN);
// XModifyBroadcaster
void SAL_CALL ScCellRangesBase::addModifyListener(const uno::Reference<util::XModifyListener>& aListener)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if ( aRanges.empty() )
        throw uno::RuntimeException();
    aValueListeners.emplace_back( aListener );
    if ( aValueListeners.size() == 1 )
        if (!pValueListener)
            pValueListener.reset( new ScLinkListener( LINK( this, ScCellRangesBase, ValueListenerHdl ) ) );
        ScDocument& rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
        for ( size_t i = 0, nCount = aRanges.size(); i < nCount; i++)
            rDoc.StartListeningArea( aRanges[ i ], false, pValueListener.get() );
        acquire();  // don't lose this object (one ref for all listeners)
void SAL_CALL ScCellRangesBase::removeModifyListener( const uno::Reference<util::XModifyListener>& aListener )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if ( aRanges.empty() )
        throw uno::RuntimeException();
    rtl::Reference<ScCellRangesBase> xSelfHold(this); // in case the listeners have the last ref
    sal_uInt16 nCount = aValueListeners.size();
    for ( sal_uInt16 n=nCount; n--; )
        uno::Reference<util::XModifyListener>& rObj = aValueListeners[n];
        if ( rObj == aListener )
            aValueListeners.erase( aValueListeners.begin() + n );
            if ( aValueListeners.empty() )
                if (pValueListener)
                release();      // release the ref for the listeners
// XCellRangesQuery
uno::Reference<sheet::XSheetCellRanges> SAL_CALL ScCellRangesBase::queryVisibleCells()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if (pDocShell)
        //! Separate for all tables, if markings separated per table
        SCTAB nTab = lcl_FirstTab(aRanges);
        ScMarkData aMarkData(*GetMarkData());
        ScDocument& rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
        SCCOL nCol = 0, nLastCol;
        while (nCol <= rDoc.MaxCol())
            if (rDoc.ColHidden(nCol, nTab, nullptr, &nLastCol))
                // hidden columns.  Deselect them.
                aMarkData.SetMultiMarkArea(ScRange(nCol, 0, nTab, nLastCol, rDoc.MaxRow(), nTab), false);
            nCol = nLastCol + 1;
        SCROW nRow = 0, nLastRow;
        while (nRow <= rDoc.MaxRow())
            if (rDoc.RowHidden(nRow, nTab, nullptr, &nLastRow))
                // These rows are hidden.  Deselect them.
                aMarkData.SetMultiMarkArea(ScRange(0, nRow, nTab, rDoc.MaxCol(), nLastRow, nTab), false);
            nRow = nLastRow + 1;
        ScRangeList aNewRanges;
        aMarkData.FillRangeListWithMarks( &aNewRanges, false );
        return new ScCellRangesObj( pDocShell, aNewRanges );
    return nullptr;
uno::Reference<sheet::XSheetCellRanges> SAL_CALL ScCellRangesBase::queryEmptyCells()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if (pDocShell)
        ScDocument& rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
        ScMarkData aMarkData(*GetMarkData());
        //  mark occupied cells
        for (size_t i = 0, nCount = aRanges.size(); i < nCount; ++i)
            ScRange const & rRange = aRanges[ i ];
            ScCellIterator aIter(rDoc, rRange);
            for (bool bHasCell = aIter.first(); bHasCell; bHasCell = aIter.next())
                //  notes count as non-empty
                if (!aIter.isEmpty())
                    aMarkData.SetMultiMarkArea(ScRange(aIter.GetPos()), false);
        ScRangeList aNewRanges;
        //  IsMultiMarked is not enough (will not be reset during deselecting)
        //if (aMarkData.HasAnyMultiMarks()) // #i20044# should be set for all empty range
        aMarkData.FillRangeListWithMarks( &aNewRanges, false );
        return new ScCellRangesObj( pDocShell, aNewRanges );    // aNewRanges can be empty
    return nullptr;
uno::Reference<sheet::XSheetCellRanges> SAL_CALL ScCellRangesBase::queryContentCells(
    sal_Int16 nContentFlags )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if (pDocShell)
        ScDocument& rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
        ScMarkData aMarkData(rDoc.GetSheetLimits());
        //  select matching cells
        for ( size_t i = 0, nCount = aRanges.size(); i < nCount; ++i )
            ScRange const & rRange = aRanges[ i ];
            ScCellIterator aIter(rDoc, rRange);
            for (bool bHasCell = aIter.first(); bHasCell; bHasCell = aIter.next())
                bool bAdd = false;
                switch (aIter.getType())
                    case CELLTYPE_STRING:
                        if ( nContentFlags & sheet::CellFlags::STRING )
                            bAdd = true;
                    case CELLTYPE_EDIT:
                        if ( (nContentFlags & sheet::CellFlags::STRING) || (nContentFlags & sheet::CellFlags::FORMATTED) )
                            bAdd = true;
                    case CELLTYPE_FORMULA:
                        if ( nContentFlags & sheet::CellFlags::FORMULA )
                            bAdd = true;
                    case CELLTYPE_VALUE:
                        if ( (nContentFlags & (sheet::CellFlags::VALUE|sheet::CellFlags::DATETIME))
                                == (sheet::CellFlags::VALUE|sheet::CellFlags::DATETIME) )
                            bAdd = true;
                            //  date/time identification
                            sal_uLong nIndex = static_cast<sal_uLong>(rDoc.GetAttr(
                                        aIter.GetPos(), ATTR_VALUE_FORMAT)->GetValue());
                            SvNumFormatType nTyp = rDoc.GetFormatTable()->GetType(nIndex);
                            if ((nTyp == SvNumFormatType::DATE) || (nTyp == SvNumFormatType::TIME) ||
                                    (nTyp == SvNumFormatType::DATETIME))
                                if ( nContentFlags & sheet::CellFlags::DATETIME )
                                    bAdd = true;
                                if ( nContentFlags & sheet::CellFlags::VALUE )
                                    bAdd = true;
                            // added to avoid warnings
                if (bAdd)
        if (nContentFlags & sheet::CellFlags::ANNOTATION)
            std::vector<sc::NoteEntry> aNotes;
            rDoc.GetNotesInRange(aRanges, aNotes);
            for (const auto& i : aNotes)
        ScRangeList aNewRanges;
        if (aMarkData.IsMultiMarked())
            aMarkData.FillRangeListWithMarks( &aNewRanges, false );
        return new ScCellRangesObj( pDocShell, aNewRanges );    // aNewRanges can be empty
    return nullptr;
uno::Reference<sheet::XSheetCellRanges> SAL_CALL ScCellRangesBase::queryFormulaCells(
    sal_Int32 nResultFlags )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if (pDocShell)
        ScDocument& rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
        ScMarkData aMarkData(rDoc.GetSheetLimits());
        //  select matching cells
        for ( size_t i = 0, nCount = aRanges.size(); i < nCount; ++i )
            ScRange const & rRange = aRanges[ i ];
            ScCellIterator aIter(rDoc, rRange);
            for (bool bHasCell = aIter.first(); bHasCell; bHasCell = aIter.next())
                if (aIter.getType() == CELLTYPE_FORMULA)
                    ScFormulaCell* pFCell = aIter.getFormulaCell();
                    bool bAdd = false;
                    if (pFCell->GetErrCode() != FormulaError::NONE)
                        if ( nResultFlags & sheet::FormulaResult::ERROR )
                            bAdd = true;
                    else if (pFCell->IsValue())
                        if ( nResultFlags & sheet::FormulaResult::VALUE )
                            bAdd = true;
                    else    // String
                        if ( nResultFlags & sheet::FormulaResult::STRING )
                            bAdd = true;
                    if (bAdd)
        ScRangeList aNewRanges;
        if (aMarkData.IsMultiMarked())
            aMarkData.FillRangeListWithMarks( &aNewRanges, false );
        return new ScCellRangesObj( pDocShell, aNewRanges );    // aNewRanges can be empty
    return nullptr;
uno::Reference<sheet::XSheetCellRanges> ScCellRangesBase::QueryDifferences_Impl(
                        const table::CellAddress& aCompare, bool bColumnDiff)
    if (pDocShell)
        size_t nRangeCount = aRanges.size();
        size_t i;
        ScDocument& rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
        ScMarkData aMarkData(rDoc.GetSheetLimits());
        SCCOLROW nCmpPos = bColumnDiff ? static_cast<SCCOLROW>(aCompare.Row) : static_cast<SCCOLROW>(aCompare.Column);
        //  first select everything, where at all something is in the comparison column
        //  (in the second step the selection is cancelled for equal cells)
        SCTAB nTab = lcl_FirstTab(aRanges); //! for all tables, if markings per table
        ScRange aCmpRange, aCellRange;
        if (bColumnDiff)
            aCmpRange = ScRange( 0,nCmpPos,nTab, rDoc.MaxCol(),nCmpPos,nTab );
            aCmpRange = ScRange( static_cast<SCCOL>(nCmpPos),0,nTab, static_cast<SCCOL>(nCmpPos),rDoc.MaxRow(),nTab );
        ScCellIterator aCmpIter(rDoc, aCmpRange);
        for (bool bHasCell = aCmpIter.first(); bHasCell; bHasCell = aCmpIter.next())
            SCCOLROW nCellPos = bColumnDiff ? static_cast<SCCOLROW>(aCmpIter.GetPos().Col()) : static_cast<SCCOLROW>(aCmpIter.GetPos().Row());
            if (bColumnDiff)
                aCellRange = ScRange( static_cast<SCCOL>(nCellPos),0,nTab,
                        static_cast<SCCOL>(nCellPos),rDoc.MaxRow(),nTab );
                aCellRange = ScRange( 0,nCellPos,nTab, rDoc.MaxCol(),nCellPos,nTab );
            for (i=0; i<nRangeCount; i++)
                ScRange aRange( aRanges[ i ] );
                if ( aRange.Intersects( aCellRange ) )
                    if (bColumnDiff)
                    aMarkData.SetMultiMarkArea( aRange );
        //  compare all not empty cells with the comparison column and accordingly
        //  select or cancel
        ScAddress aCmpAddr;
        for (i=0; i<nRangeCount; i++)
            ScRange const & rRange = aRanges[ i ];
            ScCellIterator aIter( rDoc, rRange );
            for (bool bHasCell = aIter.first(); bHasCell; bHasCell = aIter.next())
                if (bColumnDiff)
                    aCmpAddr = ScAddress( aIter.GetPos().Col(), nCmpPos, aIter.GetPos().Tab() );
                    aCmpAddr = ScAddress( static_cast<SCCOL>(nCmpPos), aIter.GetPos().Row(), aIter.GetPos().Tab() );
                ScRange aOneRange(aIter.GetPos());
                if (!aIter.equalsWithoutFormat(aCmpAddr))
                    aMarkData.SetMultiMarkArea( aOneRange );
                    aMarkData.SetMultiMarkArea( aOneRange, false );     // deselect
        ScRangeList aNewRanges;
        if (aMarkData.IsMultiMarked())
            aMarkData.FillRangeListWithMarks( &aNewRanges, false );
        return new ScCellRangesObj( pDocShell, aNewRanges );    // aNewRanges can be empty
    return nullptr;
uno::Reference<sheet::XSheetCellRanges > SAL_CALL ScCellRangesBase::queryColumnDifferences(
    const table::CellAddress& aCompare )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    return QueryDifferences_Impl( aCompare, true );
uno::Reference<sheet::XSheetCellRanges> SAL_CALL ScCellRangesBase::queryRowDifferences(
    const table::CellAddress& aCompare )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    return QueryDifferences_Impl( aCompare, false );
uno::Reference<sheet::XSheetCellRanges> SAL_CALL ScCellRangesBase::queryIntersection(
                            const table::CellRangeAddress& aRange )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScRange aMask( static_cast<SCCOL>(aRange.StartColumn), static_cast<SCROW>(aRange.StartRow), aRange.Sheet,
                   static_cast<SCCOL>(aRange.EndColumn),   static_cast<SCROW>(aRange.EndRow),   aRange.Sheet );
    ScRangeList aNew;
    for ( size_t i = 0, nCount = aRanges.size(); i < nCount; ++i )
        ScRange aTemp( aRanges[ i ] );
        if ( aTemp.Intersects( aMask ) )
            aNew.Join( ScRange( std::max( aTemp.aStart.Col(), aMask.aStart.Col() ),
                                std::max( aTemp.aStart.Row(), aMask.aStart.Row() ),
                                std::max( aTemp.aStart.Tab(), aMask.aStart.Tab() ),
                                std::min( aTemp.aEnd.Col(), aMask.aEnd.Col() ),
                                std::min( aTemp.aEnd.Row(), aMask.aEnd.Row() ),
                                std::min( aTemp.aEnd.Tab(), aMask.aEnd.Tab() ) ) );
    return new ScCellRangesObj( pDocShell, aNew );  // can be empty
// XFormulaQuery
uno::Reference<sheet::XSheetCellRanges> SAL_CALL ScCellRangesBase::queryPrecedents(
    sal_Bool bRecursive )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if ( pDocShell )
        ScDocument& rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
        ScRangeList aNewRanges(aRanges);
        bool bFound;
            bFound = false;
            //  aMarkData uses aNewRanges, not aRanges, so GetMarkData can't be used
            ScMarkData aMarkData(rDoc.GetSheetLimits());
            aMarkData.MarkFromRangeList( aNewRanges, false );
            for (size_t nR = 0, nCount = aNewRanges.size(); nR<nCount; ++nR)
                ScRange const & rRange = aNewRanges[ nR];
                ScCellIterator aIter(rDoc, rRange);
                for (bool bHasCell = aIter.first(); bHasCell; bHasCell = aIter.next())
                    if (aIter.getType() != CELLTYPE_FORMULA)
                    ScDetectiveRefIter aRefIter(rDoc, aIter.getFormulaCell());
                    ScRange aRefRange;
                    while ( aRefIter.GetNextRef( aRefRange) )
                        if ( bRecursive && !bFound && !aMarkData.IsAllMarked( aRefRange ) )
                            bFound = true;
            aMarkData.FillRangeListWithMarks( &aNewRanges, true );
        while ( bRecursive && bFound );
        return new ScCellRangesObj( pDocShell, aNewRanges );
    return nullptr;
uno::Reference<sheet::XSheetCellRanges> SAL_CALL ScCellRangesBase::queryDependents(
    sal_Bool bRecursive )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if ( pDocShell )
        ScDocument& rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
        ScRangeList aNewRanges(aRanges);
        bool bFound;
            bFound = false;
            //  aMarkData uses aNewRanges, not aRanges, so GetMarkData can't be used
            ScMarkData aMarkData(rDoc.GetSheetLimits());
            aMarkData.MarkFromRangeList( aNewRanges, false );
            SCTAB nTab = lcl_FirstTab(aNewRanges);              //! all tables
            ScCellIterator aCellIter( rDoc, ScRange(0, 0, nTab, rDoc.MaxCol(), rDoc.MaxRow(), nTab) );
            for (bool bHasCell = aCellIter.first(); bHasCell; bHasCell = aCellIter.next())
                if (aCellIter.getType() != CELLTYPE_FORMULA)
                bool bMark = false;
                ScDetectiveRefIter aIter(rDoc, aCellIter.getFormulaCell());
                ScRange aRefRange;
                while ( aIter.GetNextRef( aRefRange) && !bMark )
                    size_t nRangesCount = aNewRanges.size();
                    for (size_t nR = 0; nR < nRangesCount; ++nR)
                        ScRange const & rRange = aNewRanges[ nR ];
                        if (rRange.Intersects(aRefRange))
                            bMark = true;                   // depending on part of Range
                if (bMark)
                    ScRange aCellRange(aCellIter.GetPos());
                    if ( bRecursive && !bFound && !aMarkData.IsAllMarked( aCellRange ) )
                        bFound = true;
            aMarkData.FillRangeListWithMarks( &aNewRanges, true );
        while ( bRecursive && bFound );
        return new ScCellRangesObj( pDocShell, aNewRanges );
    return nullptr;
// XSearchable
uno::Reference<util::XSearchDescriptor> SAL_CALL ScCellRangesBase::createSearchDescriptor()
    return new ScCellSearchObj;
uno::Reference<container::XIndexAccess> SAL_CALL ScCellRangesBase::findAll(
                        const uno::Reference<util::XSearchDescriptor>& xDesc )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    //  should we return Null if nothing is found(?)
    uno::Reference<container::XIndexAccess> xRet;
    if ( pDocShell && xDesc.is() )
        ScCellSearchObj* pSearch = dynamic_cast<ScCellSearchObj*>( xDesc.get() );
        if (pSearch)
            SvxSearchItem* pSearchItem = pSearch->GetSearchItem();
            if (pSearchItem)
                ScDocument& rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
                pSearchItem->SetCommand( SvxSearchCmd::FIND_ALL );
                //  always only within this object
                pSearchItem->SetSelection( !lcl_WholeSheet(rDoc, aRanges) );
                ScMarkData aMark(*GetMarkData());
                OUString aDummyUndo;
                ScRangeList aMatchedRanges;
                SCCOL nCol = 0;
                SCROW nRow = 0;
                SCTAB nTab = 0;
                bool bMatchedRangesWereClamped = false;
                bool bFound = rDoc.SearchAndReplace(
                    *pSearchItem, nCol, nRow, nTab, aMark, aMatchedRanges, aDummyUndo, nullptr, bMatchedRangesWereClamped);
                if (bFound)
                    //  on findAll always CellRanges no matter how much has been found
                    xRet.set(new ScCellRangesObj( pDocShell, aMatchedRanges ));
    return xRet;
uno::Reference<uno::XInterface> ScCellRangesBase::Find_Impl(
                                    const uno::Reference<util::XSearchDescriptor>& xDesc,
                                    const ScAddress* pLastPos )
    uno::Reference<uno::XInterface> xRet;
    if ( pDocShell && xDesc.is() )
        ScCellSearchObj* pSearch = dynamic_cast<ScCellSearchObj*>( xDesc.get() );
        if (pSearch)
            SvxSearchItem* pSearchItem = pSearch->GetSearchItem();
            if (pSearchItem)
                ScDocument& rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
                pSearchItem->SetCommand( SvxSearchCmd::FIND );
                //  only always in this object
                pSearchItem->SetSelection( !lcl_WholeSheet(rDoc, aRanges) );
                ScMarkData aMark(*GetMarkData());
                SCCOL nCol;
                SCROW nRow;
                SCTAB nTab;
                if (pLastPos)
                    pLastPos->GetVars( nCol, nRow, nTab );
                    nTab = lcl_FirstTab(aRanges);   //! multiple sheets?
                    rDoc.GetSearchAndReplaceStart( *pSearchItem, nCol, nRow );
                OUString aDummyUndo;
                ScRangeList aMatchedRanges;
                bool bMatchedRangesWereClamped;
                bool bFound = rDoc.SearchAndReplace(
                    *pSearchItem, nCol, nRow, nTab, aMark, aMatchedRanges, aDummyUndo, nullptr, bMatchedRangesWereClamped);
                if (bFound)
                    ScAddress aFoundPos( nCol, nRow, nTab );
                    xRet.set(cppu::getXWeak(new ScCellObj( pDocShell, aFoundPos )));
    return xRet;
uno::Reference<uno::XInterface> SAL_CALL ScCellRangesBase::findFirst(
                        const uno::Reference<util::XSearchDescriptor>& xDesc )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    return Find_Impl( xDesc, nullptr );
uno::Reference<uno::XInterface> SAL_CALL ScCellRangesBase::findNext(
                        const uno::Reference<uno::XInterface>& xStartAt,
                        const uno::Reference<util::XSearchDescriptor >& xDesc )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if ( xStartAt.is() )
        ScCellRangesBase* pRangesImp = dynamic_cast<ScCellRangesBase*>( xStartAt.get() );
        if ( pRangesImp && pRangesImp->GetDocShell() == pDocShell )
            const ScRangeList& rStartRanges = pRangesImp->GetRangeList();
            if ( rStartRanges.size() == 1 )
                ScAddress aStartPos = rStartRanges[ 0 ].aStart;
                return Find_Impl( xDesc, &aStartPos );
    return nullptr;
// XReplaceable
uno::Reference<util::XReplaceDescriptor> SAL_CALL ScCellRangesBase::createReplaceDescriptor()
    return new ScCellSearchObj;
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL ScCellRangesBase::replaceAll( const uno::Reference<util::XSearchDescriptor>& xDesc )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    sal_uInt64 nReplaced = 0;
    if ( pDocShell && xDesc.is() )
        ScCellSearchObj* pSearch = dynamic_cast<ScCellSearchObj*>( xDesc.get() );
        if (pSearch)
            SvxSearchItem* pSearchItem = pSearch->GetSearchItem();
            if (pSearchItem)
                ScDocument& rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
                bool bUndo(rDoc.IsUndoEnabled());
                pSearchItem->SetCommand( SvxSearchCmd::REPLACE_ALL );
                //  only always in this object
                pSearchItem->SetSelection( !lcl_WholeSheet(rDoc, aRanges) );
                ScMarkData aMark(*GetMarkData());
                SCTAB nTabCount = rDoc.GetTableCount();
                bool bProtected = !pDocShell->IsEditable();
                for (const auto& rTab : aMark)
                    if (rTab >= nTabCount)
                    if ( rDoc.IsTabProtected(rTab) )
                        bProtected = true;
                if (bProtected)
                    //! Exception, or what?
                    SCTAB nTab = aMark.GetFirstSelected();      // do not use if SearchAndReplace
                    SCCOL nCol = 0;
                    SCROW nRow = 0;
                    OUString aUndoStr;
                    ScDocumentUniquePtr pUndoDoc;
                    if (bUndo)
                        pUndoDoc.reset(new ScDocument( SCDOCMODE_UNDO ));
                        pUndoDoc->InitUndo( rDoc, nTab, nTab );
                    for (const auto& rTab : aMark)
                        if (rTab >= nTabCount)
                        if (rTab != nTab && bUndo)
                            pUndoDoc->AddUndoTab( rTab, rTab );
                    std::unique_ptr<ScMarkData> pUndoMark;
                    if (bUndo)
                        pUndoMark.reset(new ScMarkData(aMark));
                    bool bFound = false;
                    if (bUndo)
                        ScRangeList aMatchedRanges;
                        bool bMatchedRangesWereClamped;
                        bFound = rDoc.SearchAndReplace(
                            *pSearchItem, nCol, nRow, nTab, aMark, aMatchedRanges, aUndoStr, pUndoDoc.get(), bMatchedRangesWereClamped );
                    if (bFound)
                        nReplaced = pUndoDoc->GetCellCount();
                            std::make_unique<ScUndoReplace>( pDocShell, *pUndoMark, nCol, nRow, nTab,
                                                        aUndoStr, std::move(pUndoDoc), pSearchItem ) );
    return nReplaced;
ScCellRangesObj::ScCellRangesObj(ScDocShell* pDocSh, const ScRangeList& rR)
    : ScCellRangesBase(pDocSh, rR)
void ScCellRangesObj::RefChanged()
uno::Any SAL_CALL ScCellRangesObj::queryInterface( const uno::Type& rType )
    uno::Any aReturn = ::cppu::queryInterface(rType,
    if ( aReturn.hasValue() )
        return aReturn;
    return ScCellRangesBase::queryInterface( rType );
void SAL_CALL ScCellRangesObj::acquire() noexcept
void SAL_CALL ScCellRangesObj::release() noexcept
uno::Sequence<uno::Type> SAL_CALL ScCellRangesObj::getTypes()
    static const uno::Sequence<uno::Type> aTypes = comphelper::concatSequences(
        } );
    return aTypes;
uno::Sequence<sal_Int8> SAL_CALL ScCellRangesObj::getImplementationId()
    return css::uno::Sequence<sal_Int8>();
// XCellRanges
rtl::Reference<ScCellRangeObj> ScCellRangesObj::GetObjectByIndex_Impl(sal_Int32 nIndex) const
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    const ScRangeList& rRanges = GetRangeList();
    if ( pDocSh && nIndex >= 0 && nIndex < sal::static_int_cast<sal_Int32>(rRanges.size()) )
        ScRange const & rRange = rRanges[ nIndex ];
        if ( rRange.aStart == rRange.aEnd )
            return new ScCellObj( pDocSh, rRange.aStart );
            return new ScCellRangeObj( pDocSh, rRange );
    return nullptr;        // no DocShell or wrong index
uno::Sequence<table::CellRangeAddress> SAL_CALL ScCellRangesObj::getRangeAddresses()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    const ScRangeList& rRanges = GetRangeList();
    size_t nCount = rRanges.size();
    if ( pDocSh && nCount )
        table::CellRangeAddress aRangeAddress;
        uno::Sequence<table::CellRangeAddress> aSeq(nCount);
        table::CellRangeAddress* pAry = aSeq.getArray();
        for ( size_t i=0; i < nCount; i++)
            ScUnoConversion::FillApiRange( aRangeAddress, rRanges[ i ] );
            pAry[i] = aRangeAddress;
        return aSeq;
    return {};   // can be empty
uno::Reference<container::XEnumerationAccess> SAL_CALL ScCellRangesObj::getCells()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    //  getCells with empty range list is possible (no exception),
    //  the resulting enumeration just has no elements
    //  (same behaviour as a valid range with no cells)
    //  This is handled in ScCellsEnumeration ctor.
    const ScRangeList& rRanges = GetRangeList();
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if (pDocSh)
        return new ScCellsObj( pDocSh, rRanges );
    return nullptr;
OUString SAL_CALL ScCellRangesObj::getRangeAddressesAsString()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    OUString aString;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    const ScRangeList& rRanges = GetRangeList();
    if (pDocSh)
        rRanges.Format( aString, ScRefFlags::VALID | ScRefFlags::TAB_3D, pDocSh->GetDocument() );
    return aString;
// XSheetCellRangeContainer
void SAL_CALL ScCellRangesObj::addRangeAddress( const table::CellRangeAddress& rRange,
                                    sal_Bool bMergeRanges )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScRange aRange(static_cast<SCCOL>(rRange.StartColumn),
    AddRange(aRange, bMergeRanges);
static void lcl_RemoveNamedEntry( std::vector<ScCellRangesObj::ScNamedEntry>& rNamedEntries, const ScRange& rRange )
    sal_uInt16 nCount = rNamedEntries.size();
    for ( sal_uInt16 n=nCount; n--; )
        if ( rNamedEntries[n].GetRange() == rRange )
            rNamedEntries.erase( rNamedEntries.begin() + n );
void SAL_CALL ScCellRangesObj::removeRangeAddress( const table::CellRangeAddress& rRange )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    const ScRangeList& rRanges = GetRangeList();
    ScRangeList aSheetRanges;
    ScRangeList aNotSheetRanges;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < rRanges.size(); ++i)
        if (rRanges[ i].aStart.Tab() == rRange.Sheet)
            aSheetRanges.push_back( rRanges[ i ] );
            aNotSheetRanges.push_back( rRanges[ i ] );
    ScMarkData aMarkData(GetDocument()->GetSheetLimits());
    aMarkData.MarkFromRangeList( aSheetRanges, false );
    ScRange aRange(static_cast<SCCOL>(rRange.StartColumn),
    if (aMarkData.GetTableSelect( aRange.aStart.Tab() ))
        if (!aMarkData.IsAllMarked( aRange ) )
            throw container::NoSuchElementException();
        aMarkData.SetMultiMarkArea( aRange, false );
        lcl_RemoveNamedEntry(m_aNamedEntries, aRange);
    ScRangeList aNew;
    aMarkData.FillRangeListWithMarks( &aNew, false );
    for ( size_t j = 0; j < aNew.size(); ++j)
        AddRange(aNew[ j ], false);
void SAL_CALL ScCellRangesObj::addRangeAddresses( const uno::Sequence<table::CellRangeAddress >& rRanges,
                                    sal_Bool bMergeRanges )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    for (const table::CellRangeAddress& rRange : rRanges)
        ScRange aRange(static_cast<SCCOL>(rRange.StartColumn),
        AddRange(aRange, bMergeRanges);
void SAL_CALL ScCellRangesObj::removeRangeAddresses( const uno::Sequence<table::CellRangeAddress >& rRangeSeq )
    // use sometimes a better/faster implementation
    for (const table::CellRangeAddress& rRange : rRangeSeq)
// XNameContainer
static void lcl_RemoveNamedEntry( std::vector<ScCellRangesObj::ScNamedEntry>& rNamedEntries, std::u16string_view rName )
    sal_uInt16 nCount = rNamedEntries.size();
    for ( sal_uInt16 n=nCount; n--; )
        if ( rNamedEntries[n].GetName() == rName )
            rNamedEntries.erase( rNamedEntries.begin() + n );
void SAL_CALL ScCellRangesObj::insertByName( const OUString& aName, const uno::Any& aElement )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    bool bDone = false;
    //! Type of aElement can be some specific interface instead of XInterface
    uno::Reference<uno::XInterface> xInterface(aElement, uno::UNO_QUERY);
    if ( pDocSh && xInterface.is() )
        ScCellRangesBase* pRangesImp = dynamic_cast<ScCellRangesBase*>( xInterface.get() );
        if ( pRangesImp && pRangesImp->GetDocShell() == pDocSh )
            //  if explicit name is given and already existing, throw exception
            if ( !aName.isEmpty() )
                size_t nNamedCount = m_aNamedEntries.size();
                for (size_t n = 0; n < nNamedCount; n++)
                    if (m_aNamedEntries[n].GetName() == aName)
                        throw container::ElementExistException();
            ScRangeList aNew(GetRangeList());
            const ScRangeList& rAddRanges = pRangesImp->GetRangeList();
            size_t nAddCount = rAddRanges.size();
            for ( size_t i = 0; i < nAddCount; i++ )
                aNew.Join( rAddRanges[ i ] );
            bDone = true;
            if ( !aName.isEmpty() && nAddCount == 1 )
                //  if a name is given, also insert into list of named entries
                //  (only possible for a single range)
                //  name is not in m_aNamedEntries (tested above)
                m_aNamedEntries.emplace_back( ScNamedEntry{aName, rAddRanges[ 0 ]} );
    if (!bDone)
        //  invalid element - double names are handled above
        throw lang::IllegalArgumentException();
static bool lcl_FindRangeByName( const ScRangeList& rRanges, ScDocShell* pDocSh,
                            std::u16string_view rName, size_t& rIndex )
    if (pDocSh)
        OUString aRangeStr;
        ScDocument& rDoc = pDocSh->GetDocument();
        for ( size_t i = 0, nCount = rRanges.size(); i < nCount; i++ )
            aRangeStr = rRanges[ i ].Format(rDoc, ScRefFlags::VALID | ScRefFlags::TAB_3D);
            if ( aRangeStr == rName )
                rIndex = i;
                return true;
    return false;
static bool lcl_FindRangeOrEntry( const std::vector<ScCellRangesObj::ScNamedEntry>& rNamedEntries,
                            const ScRangeList& rRanges, ScDocShell* pDocSh,
                            const OUString& rName, ScRange& rFound )
    //  exact range in list?
    size_t nIndex = 0;
    if ( lcl_FindRangeByName( rRanges, pDocSh, rName, nIndex ) )
        rFound = rRanges[ nIndex ];
        return true;
    //  range contained in selection? (sheet must be specified)
    ScRange aCellRange;
    ScRefFlags nParse = aCellRange.ParseAny( rName, pDocSh->GetDocument() );
    if ( (nParse & ( ScRefFlags::VALID | ScRefFlags::TAB_3D ))
               == ( ScRefFlags::VALID | ScRefFlags::TAB_3D ))
        ScMarkData aMarkData(pDocSh->GetDocument().GetSheetLimits());
        aMarkData.MarkFromRangeList( rRanges, false );
        if ( aMarkData.IsAllMarked( aCellRange ) )
            rFound = aCellRange;
            return true;
    //  named entry in this object?
    for (const auto & rNamedEntry : rNamedEntries)
        if ( rNamedEntry.GetName() == rName )
            //  test if named entry is contained in rRanges
            const ScRange& rComp = rNamedEntry.GetRange();
            ScMarkData aMarkData(pDocSh->GetDocument().GetSheetLimits());
            aMarkData.MarkFromRangeList( rRanges, false );
            if ( aMarkData.IsAllMarked( rComp ) )
                rFound = rComp;
                return true;
    return false;       // not found
void SAL_CALL ScCellRangesObj::removeByName( const OUString& aName )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    bool bDone = false;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    const ScRangeList& rRanges = GetRangeList();
    size_t nIndex = 0;
    if ( lcl_FindRangeByName( rRanges, pDocSh, aName, nIndex ) )
        // skip a single range
        ScRangeList aNew;
        for ( size_t i = 0, nCount = rRanges.size(); i < nCount; i++ )
            if (i != nIndex)
                aNew.push_back( rRanges[ i ] );
        bDone = true;
    else if (pDocSh)
        //  deselect any ranges (parsed or named entry)
        ScRangeList aDiff;
        bool bValid = ( aDiff.Parse( aName, pDocSh->GetDocument() ) & ScRefFlags::VALID )
                                                                       == ScRefFlags::VALID;
        if (!bValid)
            sal_uInt16 nCount = m_aNamedEntries.size();
            for (sal_uInt16 n=0; n<nCount && !bValid; n++)
                if (m_aNamedEntries[n].GetName() == aName)
                    bValid = true;
        if ( bValid )
            ScMarkData aMarkData(GetDocument()->GetSheetLimits());
            aMarkData.MarkFromRangeList( rRanges, false );
            for ( size_t i = 0, nDiffCount = aDiff.size(); i < nDiffCount; i++ )
                ScRange const & rDiffRange = aDiff[ i ];
                if (aMarkData.GetTableSelect( rDiffRange.aStart.Tab() ))
                    aMarkData.SetMultiMarkArea( rDiffRange, false );
            ScRangeList aNew;
            aMarkData.FillRangeListWithMarks( &aNew, false );
            bDone = true;       //! error if range was not selected before?
    if (!m_aNamedEntries.empty())
        lcl_RemoveNamedEntry(m_aNamedEntries, aName);
    if (!bDone)
        throw container::NoSuchElementException();      // not found
// XNameReplace
void SAL_CALL ScCellRangesObj::replaceByName( const OUString& aName, const uno::Any& aElement )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    //! combine?
    removeByName( aName );
    insertByName( aName, aElement );
// XNameAccess
uno::Any SAL_CALL ScCellRangesObj::getByName( const OUString& aName )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    uno::Any aRet;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    const ScRangeList& rRanges = GetRangeList();
    ScRange aRange;
    if (!lcl_FindRangeOrEntry(m_aNamedEntries, rRanges,
                pDocSh, aName, aRange))
        throw container::NoSuchElementException();
    uno::Reference<table::XCellRange> xRange;
    if ( aRange.aStart == aRange.aEnd )
        xRange.set(new ScCellObj( pDocSh, aRange.aStart ));
        xRange.set(new ScCellRangeObj( pDocSh, aRange ));
    aRet <<= xRange;
    return aRet;
static bool lcl_FindEntryName( const std::vector<ScCellRangesObj::ScNamedEntry>& rNamedEntries,
                        const ScRange& rRange, OUString& rName )
    sal_uInt16 nCount = rNamedEntries.size();
    for (sal_uInt16 i=0; i<nCount; i++)
        if (rNamedEntries[i].GetRange() == rRange)
            rName = rNamedEntries[i].GetName();
            return true;
    return false;
uno::Sequence<OUString> SAL_CALL ScCellRangesObj::getElementNames()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    const ScRangeList& rRanges = GetRangeList();
    if (pDocSh)
        OUString aRangeStr;
        ScDocument& rDoc = pDocSh->GetDocument();
        size_t nCount = rRanges.size();
        uno::Sequence<OUString> aSeq(nCount);
        OUString* pAry = aSeq.getArray();
        for (size_t i=0; i < nCount; i++)
            //  use given name if for exactly this range, otherwise just format
            ScRange const & rRange = rRanges[ i ];
            if (m_aNamedEntries.empty() ||
                !lcl_FindEntryName(m_aNamedEntries, rRange, aRangeStr))
                aRangeStr = rRange.Format(rDoc, ScRefFlags::VALID | ScRefFlags::TAB_3D);
            pAry[i] = aRangeStr;
        return aSeq;
    return {};
sal_Bool SAL_CALL ScCellRangesObj::hasByName( const OUString& aName )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    const ScRangeList& rRanges = GetRangeList();
    ScRange aRange;
    return lcl_FindRangeOrEntry(m_aNamedEntries, rRanges, pDocSh,
                aName, aRange);
// XEnumerationAccess
uno::Reference<container::XEnumeration> SAL_CALL ScCellRangesObj::createEnumeration()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    return new ScIndexEnumeration(this, u"com.sun.star.sheet.SheetCellRangesEnumeration"_ustr);
// XIndexAccess
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL ScCellRangesObj::getCount()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    const ScRangeList& rRanges = GetRangeList();
    return rRanges.size();
uno::Any SAL_CALL ScCellRangesObj::getByIndex( sal_Int32 nIndex )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    uno::Reference<table::XCellRange> xRange(GetObjectByIndex_Impl(nIndex));
    if (!xRange.is())
        throw lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException();
    return uno::Any(xRange);
uno::Type SAL_CALL ScCellRangesObj::getElementType()
    return cppu::UnoType<table::XCellRange>::get();
sal_Bool SAL_CALL ScCellRangesObj::hasElements()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    const ScRangeList& rRanges = GetRangeList();
    return !rRanges.empty();
// XServiceInfo
OUString SAL_CALL ScCellRangesObj::getImplementationName()
    return u"ScCellRangesObj"_ustr;
sal_Bool SAL_CALL ScCellRangesObj::supportsService( const OUString& rServiceName )
    return cppu::supportsService(this, rServiceName);
uno::Sequence<OUString> SAL_CALL ScCellRangesObj::getSupportedServiceNames()
uno::Reference<table::XCellRange> ScCellRangeObj::CreateRangeFromDoc( const ScDocument& rDoc, const ScRange& rR )
    if ( ScDocShell* pDocShell = rDoc.GetDocumentShell() )
        return new ScCellRangeObj( pDocShell, rR );
    return nullptr;
ScCellRangeObj::ScCellRangeObj(ScDocShell* pDocSh, const ScRange& rR) :
    ScCellRangesBase( pDocSh, rR ),
    pRangePropSet( lcl_GetRangePropertySet() ),
    aRange( rR )
    aRange.PutInOrder();       // beginning / end correct
void ScCellRangeObj::RefChanged()
    const ScRangeList& rRanges = GetRangeList();
    OSL_ENSURE(rRanges.size() == 1, "What ranges ?!?!");
    if ( !rRanges.empty() )
        const ScRange & rFirst = rRanges[0];
        aRange = rFirst;
uno::Any SAL_CALL ScCellRangeObj::queryInterface( const uno::Type& rType )
    uno::Any aReturn = ::cppu::queryInterface(rType,
    if ( aReturn.hasValue() )
        return aReturn;
    return ScCellRangesBase::queryInterface( rType );
void SAL_CALL ScCellRangeObj::acquire() noexcept
void SAL_CALL ScCellRangeObj::release() noexcept
uno::Sequence<uno::Type> SAL_CALL ScCellRangeObj::getTypes()
    static const uno::Sequence<uno::Type> aTypes = comphelper::concatSequences(
        } );
    return aTypes;
uno::Sequence<sal_Int8> SAL_CALL ScCellRangeObj::getImplementationId()
    return css::uno::Sequence<sal_Int8>();
// XCellRange
//  ColumnCount / RowCount vanished
//! are used in Writer for tables ???
uno::Reference<table::XCell> ScCellRangeObj::GetCellByPosition_Impl(
                                        sal_Int32 nColumn, sal_Int32 nRow )
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if (!pDocSh)
        throw uno::RuntimeException();
    if ( nColumn >= 0 && nRow >= 0 )
        sal_Int32 nPosX = aRange.aStart.Col() + nColumn;
        sal_Int32 nPosY = aRange.aStart.Row() + nRow;
        if ( nPosX <= aRange.aEnd.Col() && nPosY <= aRange.aEnd.Row() )
            ScAddress aNew( static_cast<SCCOL>(nPosX), static_cast<SCROW>(nPosY), aRange.aStart.Tab() );
            return new ScCellObj( pDocSh, aNew );
    throw lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException();
uno::Reference<table::XCell> SAL_CALL ScCellRangeObj::getCellByPosition(
                                        sal_Int32 nColumn, sal_Int32 nRow )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    return GetCellByPosition_Impl(nColumn, nRow);
uno::Reference<table::XCellRange> SAL_CALL ScCellRangeObj::getCellRangeByPosition(
                sal_Int32 nLeft, sal_Int32 nTop, sal_Int32 nRight, sal_Int32 nBottom )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if (!pDocSh)
        throw uno::RuntimeException();
    if ( nLeft >= 0 && nTop >= 0 && nRight >= 0 && nBottom >= 0 )
        sal_Int32 nStartX = aRange.aStart.Col() + nLeft;
        sal_Int32 nStartY = aRange.aStart.Row() + nTop;
        sal_Int32 nEndX = aRange.aStart.Col() + nRight;
        sal_Int32 nEndY = aRange.aStart.Row() + nBottom;
        if ( nStartX <= nEndX && nEndX <= aRange.aEnd.Col() &&
             nStartY <= nEndY && nEndY <= aRange.aEnd.Row() )
            ScRange aNew( static_cast<SCCOL>(nStartX), static_cast<SCROW>(nStartY), aRange.aStart.Tab(),
                          static_cast<SCCOL>(nEndX), static_cast<SCROW>(nEndY), aRange.aEnd.Tab() );
            return new ScCellRangeObj( pDocSh, aNew );
    throw lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException();
uno::Reference<table::XCellRange> SAL_CALL ScCellRangeObj::getCellRangeByName(
                        const OUString& aName )
    return getCellRangeByName( aName, ScAddress::detailsOOOa1 );
uno::Reference<table::XCellRange>  ScCellRangeObj::getCellRangeByName(
                        const OUString& aName, const ScAddress::Details& rDetails  )
    //  name refers to the whole document (with the range's table as default),
    //  valid only if the range is within this range
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( pDocSh )
        ScDocument& rDoc = pDocSh->GetDocument();
        SCTAB nTab = aRange.aStart.Tab();
        ScRange aCellRange;
        bool bFound = false;
        ScRefFlags nParse = aCellRange.ParseAny( aName, rDoc, rDetails );
        if ( nParse & ScRefFlags::VALID )
            if ( !(nParse & ScRefFlags::TAB_3D) )   // no sheet specified -> this sheet
            bFound = true;
            if ( ScRangeUtil::MakeRangeFromName( aName, rDoc, nTab, aCellRange, RUTL_NAMES, rDetails) ||
                 ScRangeUtil::MakeRangeFromName( aName, rDoc, nTab, aCellRange, RUTL_DBASE, rDetails))
                bFound = true;
        if (bFound)         // valid only if within this object's range
            if (!aRange.Contains(aCellRange))
                bFound = false;
        if (bFound)
            if ( aCellRange.aStart == aCellRange.aEnd )
                return new ScCellObj( pDocSh, aCellRange.aStart );
                return new ScCellRangeObj( pDocSh, aCellRange );
    throw uno::RuntimeException();
// XColumnRowRange
uno::Reference<table::XTableColumns> SAL_CALL ScCellRangeObj::getColumns()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if (pDocSh)
        return new ScTableColumnsObj( pDocSh, aRange.aStart.Tab(),
                                        aRange.aStart.Col(), aRange.aEnd.Col() );
    OSL_FAIL("Document invalid");
    return nullptr;
uno::Reference<table::XTableRows> SAL_CALL ScCellRangeObj::getRows()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if (pDocSh)
        return new ScTableRowsObj( pDocSh, aRange.aStart.Tab(),
                                    aRange.aStart.Row(), aRange.aEnd.Row() );
    OSL_FAIL("Document invalid");
    return nullptr;
// XAddressableCellRange
table::CellRangeAddress SAL_CALL ScCellRangeObj::getRangeAddress()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    table::CellRangeAddress aRet;
    ScUnoConversion::FillApiRange( aRet, aRange );
    return aRet;
// XSheetCellRange
uno::Reference<sheet::XSpreadsheet> SAL_CALL ScCellRangeObj::getSpreadsheet()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if (pDocSh)
        return new ScTableSheetObj( pDocSh, aRange.aStart.Tab() );
    OSL_FAIL("Document invalid");
    return nullptr;
// XArrayFormulaRange
OUString SAL_CALL ScCellRangeObj::getArrayFormula()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    //  Matrix formula if clearly part of a matrix (so when start and end of
    //  the block belong to the same matrix) else empty string.
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if (!pDocSh)
        return OUString();
    ScDocument& rDoc = pDocSh->GetDocument();
    ScRefCellValue aCell1(rDoc, aRange.aStart);
    ScRefCellValue aCell2(rDoc, aRange.aEnd);
    if (aCell1.getType() == CELLTYPE_FORMULA && aCell2.getType() == CELLTYPE_FORMULA)
        const ScFormulaCell* pFCell1 = aCell1.getFormula();
        const ScFormulaCell* pFCell2 = aCell2.getFormula();
        ScAddress aStart1;
        ScAddress aStart2;
        if (pFCell1->GetMatrixOrigin(rDoc, aStart1) && pFCell2->GetMatrixOrigin(rDoc, aStart2))
            if (aStart1 == aStart2)               // both the same matrix
                return pFCell1->GetFormula();    // it doesn't matter from which cell
    return OUString();
void ScCellRangeObj::SetArrayFormula_Impl(const OUString& rFormula,
    const formula::FormulaGrammar::Grammar eGrammar)
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if (!pDocSh)
    if ( !rFormula.isEmpty() )
        if ( dynamic_cast<ScTableSheetObj*>( this ) )
            //  don't set array formula for sheet object
            throw uno::RuntimeException();
        pDocSh->GetDocFunc().EnterMatrix( aRange, nullptr, nullptr, rFormula, true, true, OUString()/*rFormulaNmsp*/, eGrammar );
        //  empty string -> erase array formula
        ScMarkData aMark(GetDocument()->GetSheetLimits());
        aMark.SetMarkArea( aRange );
        aMark.SelectTable( aRange.aStart.Tab(), true );
        pDocSh->GetDocFunc().DeleteContents( aMark, InsertDeleteFlags::CONTENTS, true, true );
void SAL_CALL ScCellRangeObj::setArrayFormula( const OUString& aFormula )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    // GRAM_API for API compatibility.
    SetArrayFormula_Impl( aFormula, formula::FormulaGrammar::GRAM_API);
// XArrayFormulaTokens
uno::Sequence<sheet::FormulaToken> SAL_CALL ScCellRangeObj::getArrayTokens()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    // same cell logic as in getArrayFormula
    uno::Sequence<sheet::FormulaToken> aSequence;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if (!pDocSh)
        return aSequence;
    ScDocument& rDoc = pDocSh->GetDocument();
    ScRefCellValue aCell1(rDoc, aRange.aStart);
    ScRefCellValue aCell2(rDoc, aRange.aEnd);
    if (aCell1.getType() == CELLTYPE_FORMULA && aCell2.getType() == CELLTYPE_FORMULA)
        const ScFormulaCell* pFCell1 = aCell1.getFormula();
        const ScFormulaCell* pFCell2 = aCell2.getFormula();
        ScAddress aStart1;
        ScAddress aStart2;
        if (pFCell1->GetMatrixOrigin(rDoc, aStart1) && pFCell2->GetMatrixOrigin(rDoc, aStart2))
            if (aStart1 == aStart2)
                const ScTokenArray* pTokenArray = pFCell1->GetCode();
                if (pTokenArray)
                    ScTokenConversion::ConvertToTokenSequence(rDoc, aSequence, *pTokenArray);
    return aSequence;
void SAL_CALL ScCellRangeObj::setArrayTokens( const uno::Sequence<sheet::FormulaToken>& rTokens )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( !pDocSh )
    if ( rTokens.hasElements() )
        if ( dynamic_cast<ScTableSheetObj*>( this ) )
            throw uno::RuntimeException();
        ScDocument& rDoc = pDocSh->GetDocument();
        ScTokenArray aTokenArray(rDoc);
        (void)ScTokenConversion::ConvertToTokenArray( rDoc, aTokenArray, rTokens );
        // Actually GRAM_API is a don't-care here because of the token
        // array being set, it fits with other API compatibility grammars
        // though.
        pDocSh->GetDocFunc().EnterMatrix( aRange, nullptr, &aTokenArray, OUString(), true, true, OUString(), formula::FormulaGrammar::GRAM_API );
        //  empty sequence -> erase array formula
        ScMarkData aMark(pDocSh->GetDocument().GetSheetLimits());
        aMark.SetMarkArea( aRange );
        aMark.SelectTable( aRange.aStart.Tab(), true );
        pDocSh->GetDocFunc().DeleteContents( aMark, InsertDeleteFlags::CONTENTS, true, true );
// XCellRangeData
uno::Sequence< uno::Sequence<uno::Any> > SAL_CALL ScCellRangeObj::getDataArray()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if ( dynamic_cast<ScTableSheetObj*>( this ) )
        //  don't create a data array for the sheet
        throw uno::RuntimeException();
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if (pDocSh)
        uno::Any aAny;
        // bAllowNV = TRUE: errors as void
        if ( ScRangeToSequence::FillMixedArray( aAny, pDocSh->GetDocument(), aRange, true ) )
            uno::Sequence< uno::Sequence<uno::Any> > aSeq;
            if ( aAny >>= aSeq )
                return aSeq;            // success
    throw uno::RuntimeException();      // no other exceptions specified
void SAL_CALL ScCellRangeObj::setDataArray(
                        const uno::Sequence< uno::Sequence<uno::Any> >& aArray )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    bool bDone = false;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if (pDocSh)
        //! move lcl_PutDataArray to docfunc?
        bDone = lcl_PutDataArray( *pDocSh, aRange, aArray );
    if (!bDone)
        throw uno::RuntimeException();      // no other exceptions specified
// XCellRangeFormula
uno::Sequence< uno::Sequence<OUString> > SAL_CALL ScCellRangeObj::getFormulaArray()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if ( dynamic_cast<ScTableSheetObj*>( this ) )
        //  don't create a data array for the sheet
        throw uno::RuntimeException();
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if (pDocSh)
        SCCOL nStartCol = aRange.aStart.Col();
        SCROW nStartRow = aRange.aStart.Row();
        SCCOL nEndCol = aRange.aEnd.Col();
        SCROW nEndRow = aRange.aEnd.Row();
        SCCOL nColCount = nEndCol + 1 - nStartCol;
        SCROW nRowCount = nEndRow + 1 - nStartRow;
        SCTAB nTab = aRange.aStart.Tab();
        uno::Sequence< uno::Sequence<OUString> > aRowSeq( nRowCount );
        uno::Sequence<OUString>* pRowAry = aRowSeq.getArray();
        for (SCROW nRowIndex = 0; nRowIndex < nRowCount; nRowIndex++)
            uno::Sequence<OUString> aColSeq( nColCount );
            OUString* pColAry = aColSeq.getArray();
            for (SCCOL nColIndex = 0; nColIndex < nColCount; nColIndex++)
                pColAry[nColIndex] = lcl_GetInputString( pDocSh->GetDocument(),
                                    ScAddress( nStartCol+nColIndex, nStartRow+nRowIndex, nTab ), true );
            pRowAry[nRowIndex] = std::move(aColSeq);
        return aRowSeq;
    throw uno::RuntimeException();      // no other exceptions specified
void SAL_CALL ScCellRangeObj::setFormulaArray(
                        const uno::Sequence< uno::Sequence<OUString> >& aArray )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    bool bDone = false;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if (pDocSh)
        ScExternalRefManager::ApiGuard aExtRefGuard(pDocSh->GetDocument());
        // GRAM_API for API compatibility.
        bDone = lcl_PutFormulaArray( *pDocSh, aRange, aArray, formula::FormulaGrammar::GRAM_API );
    if (!bDone)
        throw uno::RuntimeException();      // no other exceptions specified
// XMultipleOperation
void SAL_CALL ScCellRangeObj::setTableOperation( const table::CellRangeAddress& aFormulaRange,
                                        sheet::TableOperationMode nMode,
                                        const table::CellAddress& aColumnCell,
                                        const table::CellAddress& aRowCell )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if (!pDocSh)
    bool bError = false;
    ScTabOpParam aParam;
    aParam.aRefFormulaCell = ScRefAddress( static_cast<SCCOL>(aFormulaRange.StartColumn),
                                          static_cast<SCROW>(aFormulaRange.StartRow), aFormulaRange.Sheet );
    aParam.aRefFormulaEnd  = ScRefAddress( static_cast<SCCOL>(aFormulaRange.EndColumn),
                                          static_cast<SCROW>(aFormulaRange.EndRow), aFormulaRange.Sheet );
    aParam.aRefRowCell     = ScRefAddress( static_cast<SCCOL>(aRowCell.Column),
                                          static_cast<SCROW>(aRowCell.Row), aRowCell.Sheet );
    aParam.aRefColCell     = ScRefAddress( static_cast<SCCOL>(aColumnCell.Column),
                                          static_cast<SCROW>(aColumnCell.Row), aColumnCell.Sheet );
    switch (nMode)
        case sheet::TableOperationMode_COLUMN:
            aParam.meMode = ScTabOpParam::Column;
        case sheet::TableOperationMode_ROW:
            aParam.meMode = ScTabOpParam::Row;
        case sheet::TableOperationMode_BOTH:
            aParam.meMode = ScTabOpParam::Both;
            bError = true;
    if (!bError)
        pDocSh->GetDocFunc().TabOp( aRange, nullptr, aParam, true, true );
// XMergeable
void SAL_CALL ScCellRangeObj::merge( sal_Bool bMerge )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( !pDocSh )
    ScCellMergeOption aMergeOption(
        aRange.aStart.Col(), aRange.aStart.Row(),
        aRange.aEnd.Col(), aRange.aEnd.Row(), false);
    if ( bMerge )
        pDocSh->GetDocFunc().MergeCells( aMergeOption, false, true, true );
        pDocSh->GetDocFunc().UnmergeCells( aMergeOption, true, nullptr );
    //! Catch error?
sal_Bool SAL_CALL ScCellRangeObj::getIsMerged()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    return pDocSh && pDocSh->GetDocument().HasAttrib( aRange, HasAttrFlags::Merged );
// XCellSeries
void SAL_CALL ScCellRangeObj::fillSeries( sheet::FillDirection nFillDirection,
                        sheet::FillMode nFillMode, sheet::FillDateMode nFillDateMode,
                        double fStep, double fEndValue )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( !pDocSh )
    bool bError = false;
    FillDir eDir = FILL_TO_BOTTOM;
    switch (nFillDirection)
        case sheet::FillDirection_TO_BOTTOM:
            eDir = FILL_TO_BOTTOM;
        case sheet::FillDirection_TO_RIGHT:
            eDir = FILL_TO_RIGHT;
        case sheet::FillDirection_TO_TOP:
            eDir = FILL_TO_TOP;
        case sheet::FillDirection_TO_LEFT:
            eDir = FILL_TO_LEFT;
            bError = true;
    FillCmd eCmd = FILL_SIMPLE;
    switch ( nFillMode )
        case sheet::FillMode_SIMPLE:
            eCmd = FILL_SIMPLE;
        case sheet::FillMode_LINEAR:
            eCmd = FILL_LINEAR;
        case sheet::FillMode_GROWTH:
            eCmd = FILL_GROWTH;
        case sheet::FillMode_DATE:
            eCmd = FILL_DATE;
        case sheet::FillMode_AUTO:
            eCmd = FILL_AUTO;
            bError = true;
    FillDateCmd eDateCmd = FILL_DAY;
    switch ( nFillDateMode )
        case sheet::FillDateMode_FILL_DATE_DAY:
            eDateCmd = FILL_DAY;
        case sheet::FillDateMode_FILL_DATE_WEEKDAY:
            eDateCmd = FILL_WEEKDAY;
        case sheet::FillDateMode_FILL_DATE_MONTH:
            eDateCmd = FILL_MONTH;
        case sheet::FillDateMode_FILL_DATE_YEAR:
            eDateCmd = FILL_YEAR;
            bError = true;
    if (!bError)
        pDocSh->GetDocFunc().FillSeries( aRange, nullptr, eDir, eCmd, eDateCmd,
                                            MAXDOUBLE, fStep, fEndValue, true );
void SAL_CALL ScCellRangeObj::fillAuto( sheet::FillDirection nFillDirection,
                                sal_Int32 nSourceCount )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( !(pDocSh && nSourceCount) )
    ScRange aSourceRange(aRange);
    SCCOLROW nCount = 0;                   // "Dest-Count"
    FillDir eDir = FILL_TO_BOTTOM;
    bool bError = false;
    switch (nFillDirection)
        case sheet::FillDirection_TO_BOTTOM:
            aSourceRange.aEnd.SetRow( static_cast<SCROW>( aSourceRange.aStart.Row() + nSourceCount - 1 ) );
            nCount = aRange.aEnd.Row() - aSourceRange.aEnd.Row();
            eDir = FILL_TO_BOTTOM;
        case sheet::FillDirection_TO_RIGHT:
            aSourceRange.aEnd.SetCol( static_cast<SCCOL>( aSourceRange.aStart.Col() + nSourceCount - 1 ) );
            nCount = aRange.aEnd.Col() - aSourceRange.aEnd.Col();
            eDir = FILL_TO_RIGHT;
        case sheet::FillDirection_TO_TOP:
            aSourceRange.aStart.SetRow( static_cast<SCROW>( aSourceRange.aEnd.Row() - nSourceCount + 1 ) );
            nCount = aSourceRange.aStart.Row() - aRange.aStart.Row();
            eDir = FILL_TO_TOP;
        case sheet::FillDirection_TO_LEFT:
            aSourceRange.aStart.SetCol( static_cast<SCCOL>( aSourceRange.aEnd.Col() - nSourceCount + 1 ) );
            nCount = aSourceRange.aStart.Col() - aRange.aStart.Col();
            eDir = FILL_TO_LEFT;
            bError = true;
    const ScDocument& rDoc = pDocSh->GetDocument();
    if (nCount < 0 || nCount > rDoc.MaxRow())      // overflow
        bError = true;
    if (!bError)
        pDocSh->GetDocFunc().FillAuto( aSourceRange, nullptr, eDir, nCount, true );
// XAutoFormattable
void SAL_CALL ScCellRangeObj::autoFormat( const OUString& aName )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( pDocSh )
        ScAutoFormat* pAutoFormat = ScGlobal::GetOrCreateAutoFormat();
        ScAutoFormat::const_iterator it = pAutoFormat->find(aName);
        if (it == pAutoFormat->end())
            throw lang::IllegalArgumentException();
        ScAutoFormat::const_iterator itBeg = pAutoFormat->begin();
        size_t nIndex = std::distance(itBeg, it);
        pDocSh->GetDocFunc().AutoFormat(aRange, nullptr, nIndex, true);
// XSortable
uno::Sequence<beans::PropertyValue> SAL_CALL ScCellRangeObj::createSortDescriptor()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScSortParam aParam;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( pDocSh )
        // create DB-Area only during execution; API always the exact area
        ScDBData* pData = pDocSh->GetDBData( aRange, SC_DB_OLD, ScGetDBSelection::ForceMark );
        if (pData)
            //  SortDescriptor contains the counted fields inside the area
            ScRange aDBRange;
            SCCOLROW nFieldStart = aParam.bByRow ?
                static_cast<SCCOLROW>(aDBRange.aStart.Col()) :
            for (sal_uInt16 i=0; i<aParam.GetSortKeyCount(); i++)
                if ( aParam.maKeyState[i].bDoSort && aParam.maKeyState[i].nField >= nFieldStart )
                    aParam.maKeyState[i].nField -= nFieldStart;
    uno::Sequence<beans::PropertyValue> aSeq( ScSortDescriptor::GetPropertyCount() );
    ScSortDescriptor::FillProperties( aSeq, aParam );
    return aSeq;
void SAL_CALL ScCellRangeObj::sort( const uno::Sequence<beans::PropertyValue>& aDescriptor )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if (!pDocSh)
    sal_uInt16 i;
    ScSortParam aParam;
    ScDBData* pData = pDocSh->GetDBData( aRange, SC_DB_MAKE, ScGetDBSelection::ForceMark ); // if needed create area
    if (pData)
        //  get old settings if not everything is set anew
        SCCOLROW nOldStart = aParam.bByRow ?
            static_cast<SCCOLROW>(aRange.aStart.Col()) :
        for (i=0; i<aParam.GetSortKeyCount(); i++)
            if ( aParam.maKeyState[i].bDoSort && aParam.maKeyState[i].nField >= nOldStart )
                aParam.maKeyState[i].nField -= nOldStart;
    ScSortDescriptor::FillSortParam( aParam, aDescriptor );
    //  SortDescriptor contains the counted fields inside the area
    //  ByRow can be changed during execution of FillSortParam
    SCCOLROW nFieldStart = aParam.bByRow ?
        static_cast<SCCOLROW>(aRange.aStart.Col()) :
    SCCOLROW nFieldEnd = aParam.bByRow ?
        static_cast<SCCOLROW>(aRange.aEnd.Col()) :
    for (i=0; i<aParam.GetSortKeyCount(); i++)
        aParam.maKeyState[i].nField += nFieldStart;
        // tdf#103632 - sanity check poorly behaved macros.
        if (aParam.maKeyState[i].nField > nFieldEnd)
            aParam.maKeyState[i].nField = nFieldEnd;
    SCTAB nTab = aRange.aStart.Tab();
    aParam.nCol1 = aRange.aStart.Col();
    aParam.nRow1 = aRange.aStart.Row();
    aParam.nCol2 = aRange.aEnd.Col();
    aParam.nRow2 = aRange.aEnd.Row();
    pDocSh->GetDBData( aRange, SC_DB_MAKE, ScGetDBSelection::ForceMark );       // if needed create area
    ScDBDocFunc aFunc(*pDocSh); // area must be created
    (void)aFunc.Sort( nTab, aParam, true, true, true );
// XFilterable
uno::Reference<sheet::XSheetFilterDescriptor> SAL_CALL ScCellRangeObj::createFilterDescriptor(
                                sal_Bool bEmpty )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    rtl::Reference<ScFilterDescriptor> pNew = new ScFilterDescriptor(pDocSh);
    if ( !bEmpty && pDocSh )
        // create DB-Area only during execution; API always the exact area
        ScDBData* pData = pDocSh->GetDBData( aRange, SC_DB_OLD, ScGetDBSelection::ForceMark );
        if (pData)
            ScQueryParam aParam;
            //  FilterDescriptor contains the counted fields inside the area
            ScRange aDBRange;
            SCCOLROW nFieldStart = aParam.bByRow ?
                static_cast<SCCOLROW>(aDBRange.aStart.Col()) :
            SCSIZE nCount = aParam.GetEntryCount();
            for (SCSIZE i=0; i<nCount; i++)
                ScQueryEntry& rEntry = aParam.GetEntry(i);
                if (rEntry.bDoQuery && rEntry.nField >= nFieldStart)
                    rEntry.nField -= nFieldStart;
    return pNew;
void SAL_CALL ScCellRangeObj::filter( const uno::Reference<sheet::XSheetFilterDescriptor>& xDescriptor )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if (!xDescriptor.is()) return;
    //  This could be theoretically an unknown object, so only use the
    //  public XSheetFilterDescriptor interface to copy the data into a
    //  ScFilterDescriptor object:
    //! if it already a ScFilterDescriptor is, direct via getImplementation?
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    rtl::Reference<ScFilterDescriptor> xImpl(new ScFilterDescriptor(pDocSh));
    uno::Reference< sheet::XSheetFilterDescriptor2 > xDescriptor2( xDescriptor, uno::UNO_QUERY );
    if ( xDescriptor2.is() )
        xImpl->setFilterFields2( xDescriptor2->getFilterFields2() );
        xImpl->setFilterFields( xDescriptor->getFilterFields() );
    //  the rest are now properties...
    uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySet> xPropSet( xDescriptor, uno::UNO_QUERY );
    if (xPropSet.is())
        lcl_CopyProperties(*xImpl, *xPropSet);
    if (!pDocSh)
    ScQueryParam aParam = xImpl->GetParam();
    //  FilterDescriptor contains the counted fields inside the area
    SCCOLROW nFieldStart = aParam.bByRow ?
        static_cast<SCCOLROW>(aRange.aStart.Col()) :
    SCSIZE nCount = aParam.GetEntryCount();
    svl::SharedStringPool& rPool = pDocSh->GetDocument().GetSharedStringPool();
    for (SCSIZE i=0; i<nCount; i++)
        ScQueryEntry& rEntry = aParam.GetEntry(i);
        if (rEntry.bDoQuery)
            rEntry.nField += nFieldStart;
            //  dialog always shows the string -> must match the value
            ScQueryEntry::QueryItemsType& rItems = rEntry.GetQueryItems();
            ScQueryEntry::Item& rItem = rItems.front();
            if (rItem.meType != ScQueryEntry::ByString)
                OUString aStr = pDocSh->GetDocument().GetFormatTable()->GetInputLineString(rItem.mfVal, 0);
                rItem.maString = rPool.intern(aStr);
    SCTAB nTab = aRange.aStart.Tab();
    aParam.nCol1 = aRange.aStart.Col();
    aParam.nRow1 = aRange.aStart.Row();
    aParam.nCol2 = aRange.aEnd.Col();
    aParam.nRow2 = aRange.aEnd.Row();
    pDocSh->GetDBData( aRange, SC_DB_MAKE, ScGetDBSelection::ForceMark );   // if needed create area
    //! keep source range in filter descriptor
    //! if created by createFilterDescriptorByObject ???
    ScDBDocFunc aFunc(*pDocSh);
    aFunc.Query( nTab, aParam, nullptr, true, true );  // area must be created
//! get/setAutoFilter as properties!!!
// XAdvancedFilterSource
uno::Reference<sheet::XSheetFilterDescriptor> SAL_CALL ScCellRangeObj::createFilterDescriptorByObject(
                        const uno::Reference<sheet::XSheetFilterable>& xObject )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    //  this here is not the area, which will be filtered, instead the area
    //  with the query
    uno::Reference<sheet::XCellRangeAddressable> xAddr( xObject, uno::UNO_QUERY );
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( !pDocSh || !xAddr.is() )
        OSL_FAIL("no document or no area");
        return nullptr;
    //! check if xObject is in the same document
    rtl::Reference<ScFilterDescriptor> pNew(new ScFilterDescriptor(pDocSh));  //! instead from object?
    ScQueryParam aParam = pNew->GetParam();
    aParam.bHasHeader = true;
    table::CellRangeAddress aDataAddress(xAddr->getRangeAddress());
    aParam.nCol1 = static_cast<SCCOL>(aDataAddress.StartColumn);
    aParam.nRow1 = static_cast<SCROW>(aDataAddress.StartRow);
    aParam.nCol2 = static_cast<SCCOL>(aDataAddress.EndColumn);
    aParam.nRow2 = static_cast<SCROW>(aDataAddress.EndRow);
    aParam.nTab  = aDataAddress.Sheet;
    ScDocument& rDoc = pDocSh->GetDocument();
    if (!rDoc.CreateQueryParam(aRange, aParam))
        return nullptr;
    //  FilterDescriptor contains the counted fields inside the area
    SCCOLROW nFieldStart = aParam.bByRow ?
        static_cast<SCCOLROW>(aDataAddress.StartColumn) :
    SCSIZE nCount = aParam.GetEntryCount();
    for (SCSIZE i=0; i<nCount; i++)
        ScQueryEntry& rEntry = aParam.GetEntry(i);
        if (rEntry.bDoQuery && rEntry.nField >= nFieldStart)
            rEntry.nField -= nFieldStart;
    pNew->SetParam( aParam );
    return pNew;
// XSubTotalSource
uno::Reference<sheet::XSubTotalDescriptor> SAL_CALL ScCellRangeObj::createSubTotalDescriptor(
                                sal_Bool bEmpty )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    rtl::Reference<ScSubTotalDescriptor> pNew = new ScSubTotalDescriptor;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( !bEmpty && pDocSh )
        // create DB-Area only during execution; API always the exact area
        ScDBData* pData = pDocSh->GetDBData( aRange, SC_DB_OLD, ScGetDBSelection::ForceMark );
        if (pData)
            ScSubTotalParam aParam;
            //  SubTotalDescriptor contains the counted fields inside the area
            ScRange aDBRange;
            SCCOL nFieldStart = aDBRange.aStart.Col();
            for (sal_uInt16 i=0; i<MAXSUBTOTAL; i++)
                if ( aParam.bGroupActive[i] )
                    if ( aParam.nField[i] >= nFieldStart )
                        aParam.nField[i] = sal::static_int_cast<SCCOL>( aParam.nField[i] - nFieldStart );
                    for (SCCOL j=0; j<aParam.nSubTotals[i]; j++)
                        if ( aParam.pSubTotals[i][j] >= nFieldStart )
                            aParam.pSubTotals[i][j] = sal::static_int_cast<SCCOL>( aParam.pSubTotals[i][j] - nFieldStart );
    return pNew;
void SAL_CALL ScCellRangeObj::applySubTotals(
    const uno::Reference<sheet::XSubTotalDescriptor>& xDescriptor,
    sal_Bool bReplace)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if (!xDescriptor.is()) return;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    ScSubTotalDescriptorBase* pImp =
        dynamic_cast<ScSubTotalDescriptorBase*>( xDescriptor.get() );
    if (!(pDocSh && pImp))
    ScSubTotalParam aParam;
    pImp->GetData(aParam);      // virtual method of base class
    //  SubTotalDescriptor contains the counted fields inside the area
    SCCOL nFieldStart = aRange.aStart.Col();
    for (sal_uInt16 i=0; i<MAXSUBTOTAL; i++)
        if ( aParam.bGroupActive[i] )
            aParam.nField[i] = sal::static_int_cast<SCCOL>( aParam.nField[i] + nFieldStart );
            for (SCCOL j=0; j<aParam.nSubTotals[i]; j++)
                aParam.pSubTotals[i][j] = sal::static_int_cast<SCCOL>( aParam.pSubTotals[i][j] + nFieldStart );
    aParam.bReplace = bReplace;
    SCTAB nTab = aRange.aStart.Tab();
    aParam.nCol1 = aRange.aStart.Col();
    aParam.nRow1 = aRange.aStart.Row();
    aParam.nCol2 = aRange.aEnd.Col();
    aParam.nRow2 = aRange.aEnd.Row();
    pDocSh->GetDBData( aRange, SC_DB_MAKE, ScGetDBSelection::ForceMark );   // if needed create area
    ScDBDocFunc aFunc(*pDocSh);
    aFunc.DoSubTotals( nTab, aParam, true, true );    // area must be created
void SAL_CALL ScCellRangeObj::removeSubTotals()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if (!pDocSh)
    ScSubTotalParam aParam;
    ScDBData* pData = pDocSh->GetDBData( aRange, SC_DB_OLD, ScGetDBSelection::ForceMark );
    if (pData)
        pData->GetSubTotalParam(aParam);    // also keep field entries during remove
    aParam.bRemoveOnly = true;
    SCTAB nTab = aRange.aStart.Tab();
    aParam.nCol1 = aRange.aStart.Col();
    aParam.nRow1 = aRange.aStart.Row();
    aParam.nCol2 = aRange.aEnd.Col();
    aParam.nRow2 = aRange.aEnd.Row();
    pDocSh->GetDBData( aRange, SC_DB_MAKE, ScGetDBSelection::ForceMark );   // if needed create area
    ScDBDocFunc aFunc(*pDocSh);
    aFunc.DoSubTotals( nTab, aParam, true, true );    // are must be created
uno::Sequence<beans::PropertyValue> SAL_CALL ScCellRangeObj::createImportDescriptor( sal_Bool bEmpty )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScImportParam aParam;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( !bEmpty && pDocSh )
        // create DB-Area only during execution; API always the exact area
        ScDBData* pData = pDocSh->GetDBData( aRange, SC_DB_OLD, ScGetDBSelection::ForceMark );
        if (pData)
    uno::Sequence<beans::PropertyValue> aSeq( ScImportDescriptor::GetPropertyCount() );
    ScImportDescriptor::FillProperties( aSeq, aParam );
    return aSeq;
void SAL_CALL ScCellRangeObj::doImport( const uno::Sequence<beans::PropertyValue>& aDescriptor )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if (!pDocSh)
    ScImportParam aParam;
    ScImportDescriptor::FillImportParam( aParam, aDescriptor );
    SCTAB nTab = aRange.aStart.Tab();
    aParam.nCol1 = aRange.aStart.Col();
    aParam.nRow1 = aRange.aStart.Row();
    aParam.nCol2 = aRange.aEnd.Col();
    aParam.nRow2 = aRange.aEnd.Row();
    //! TODO: could we get passed a valid result set by any means?
    pDocSh->GetDBData( aRange, SC_DB_MAKE, ScGetDBSelection::ForceMark );       // if needed create area
    ScDBDocFunc aFunc(*pDocSh);                         // are must be created
    aFunc.DoImport( nTab, aParam, nullptr );         //! Api-Flag as parameter
// XCellFormatRangesSupplier
uno::Reference<container::XIndexAccess> SAL_CALL ScCellRangeObj::getCellFormatRanges()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( pDocSh )
        return new ScCellFormatsObj( pDocSh, aRange );
    return nullptr;
// XUniqueCellFormatRangesSupplier
uno::Reference<container::XIndexAccess> SAL_CALL ScCellRangeObj::getUniqueCellFormatRanges()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( pDocSh )
        return new ScUniqueCellFormatsObj( pDocSh, aRange );
    return nullptr;
// XPropertySet extended for Range-Properties
uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySetInfo> SAL_CALL ScCellRangeObj::getPropertySetInfo()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    static uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySetInfo> aRef(
        new SfxItemPropertySetInfo( pRangePropSet->getPropertyMap() ));
    return aRef;
void ScCellRangeObj::SetOnePropertyValue( const SfxItemPropertyMapEntry* pEntry, const uno::Any& aValue )
    //  Range has only Position and Size in addition to ScCellRangesBase, both are ReadOnly
    //  -> nothing to do here
    ScCellRangesBase::SetOnePropertyValue( pEntry, aValue );
void ScCellRangeObj::GetOnePropertyValue( const SfxItemPropertyMapEntry* pEntry, uno::Any& rAny )
    if ( !pEntry )
    if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_POS )
        ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
        if (pDocSh)
            //  GetMMRect converts using HMM_PER_TWIPS, like the DrawingLayer
            tools::Rectangle aMMRect(pDocSh->GetDocument().GetMMRect(
                                    aRange.aStart.Col(), aRange.aStart.Row(),
                                    aRange.aEnd.Col(), aRange.aEnd.Row(), aRange.aStart.Tab() ));
            awt::Point aPos( aMMRect.Left(), aMMRect.Top() );
            rAny <<= aPos;
    else if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_SIZE )
        ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
        if (pDocSh)
            //  GetMMRect converts using HMM_PER_TWIPS, like the DrawingLayer
            tools::Rectangle aMMRect = pDocSh->GetDocument().GetMMRect(
                                    aRange.aStart.Col(), aRange.aStart.Row(),
                                    aRange.aEnd.Col(), aRange.aEnd.Row(), aRange.aStart.Tab() );
            Size aSize(aMMRect.GetSize());
            awt::Size aAwtSize( aSize.Width(), aSize.Height() );
            rAny <<= aAwtSize;
        ScCellRangesBase::GetOnePropertyValue( pEntry, rAny );
const SfxItemPropertyMap& ScCellRangeObj::GetItemPropertyMap()
    return pRangePropSet->getPropertyMap();
// XServiceInfo
OUString SAL_CALL ScCellRangeObj::getImplementationName()
    return u"ScCellRangeObj"_ustr;
sal_Bool SAL_CALL ScCellRangeObj::supportsService( const OUString& rServiceName )
    return cppu::supportsService(this, rServiceName);
uno::Sequence<OUString> SAL_CALL ScCellRangeObj::getSupportedServiceNames()
const SvxItemPropertySet* ScCellObj::GetEditPropertySet()
    return lcl_GetEditPropertySet();
const SfxItemPropertyMap& ScCellObj::GetCellPropertyMap()
    return lcl_GetCellPropertySet()->getPropertyMap();
ScCellObj::ScCellObj(ScDocShell* pDocSh, const ScAddress& rP) :
    ScCellRangeObj( pDocSh, ScRange(rP,rP) ),
    pCellPropSet( lcl_GetCellPropertySet() ),
    aCellPos( rP ),
    nActionLockCount( 0 )
    //  pUnoText is allocated on demand (GetUnoText)
    //  can't be aggregated because getString/setString is handled here
SvxUnoText& ScCellObj::GetUnoText()
    if (!mxUnoText.is())
        mxUnoText.set(new ScCellTextObj(GetDocShell(), aCellPos));
        if (nActionLockCount)
            ScCellEditSource* pEditSource =
                static_cast<ScCellEditSource*> (mxUnoText->GetEditSource());
            if (pEditSource)
    return *mxUnoText;
void ScCellObj::RefChanged()
    const ScRangeList& rRanges = GetRangeList();
    OSL_ENSURE(rRanges.size() == 1, "What ranges ?!?!");
    if ( !rRanges.empty() )
        aCellPos = rRanges[ 0 ].aStart;
uno::Any SAL_CALL ScCellObj::queryInterface( const uno::Type& rType )
    uno::Any aReturn = ::cppu::queryInterface(rType,
    if ( aReturn.hasValue() )
        return aReturn;
    return ScCellRangeObj::queryInterface( rType );
void SAL_CALL ScCellObj::acquire() noexcept
void SAL_CALL ScCellObj::release() noexcept
uno::Sequence<uno::Type> SAL_CALL ScCellObj::getTypes()
    static const uno::Sequence<uno::Type> aTypes = comphelper::concatSequences(
        } );
    return aTypes;
uno::Sequence<sal_Int8> SAL_CALL ScCellObj::getImplementationId()
    return css::uno::Sequence<sal_Int8>();
// helper methods
OUString ScCellObj::GetInputString_Impl(bool bEnglish) const      // for getFormula / FormulaLocal
    if (GetDocShell())
        return lcl_GetInputString( GetDocShell()->GetDocument(), aCellPos, bEnglish );
    return OUString();
OUString ScCellObj::GetOutputString_Impl() const
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    OUString aVal;
    if ( pDocSh )
        ScDocument& rDoc = pDocSh->GetDocument();
        ScRefCellValue aCell(rDoc, aCellPos);
        aVal = ScCellFormat::GetOutputString(rDoc, aCellPos, aCell);
    return aVal;
void ScCellObj::SetString_Impl(const OUString& rString, bool bInterpret, bool bEnglish)
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( pDocSh )
        // GRAM_API for API compatibility.
            aCellPos, rString, bInterpret, bEnglish, true, formula::FormulaGrammar::GRAM_API );
double ScCellObj::GetValue_Impl() const
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( pDocSh )
        return pDocSh->GetDocument().GetValue( aCellPos );
    return 0.0;
void ScCellObj::SetValue_Impl(double fValue)
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( pDocSh )
        pDocSh->GetDocFunc().SetValueCell(aCellPos, fValue, false);
// only for XML import
void ScCellObj::InputEnglishString( const OUString& rText )
    // This is like a mixture of setFormula and property FormulaLocal:
    // The cell's number format is checked for "text", a new cell format may be set,
    // but all parsing is in English.
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if (!pDocSh)
    ScDocument& rDoc = pDocSh->GetDocument();
    ScInterpreterContext& rContext = rDoc.GetNonThreadedContext();
    sal_uInt32 nOldFormat = rDoc.GetNumberFormat( ScRange(aCellPos) );
    if (rContext.NFGetType(nOldFormat) == SvNumFormatType::TEXT)
        SetString_Impl(rText, false, false);      // text cell
    ScDocFunc &rFunc = pDocSh->GetDocFunc();
    ScInputStringType aRes =
        ScStringUtil::parseInputString(rContext, rText, LANGUAGE_ENGLISH_US);
    if (aRes.meType != ScInputStringType::Unknown)
        if ((nOldFormat % SV_COUNTRY_LANGUAGE_OFFSET) == 0 && aRes.mnFormatType != SvNumFormatType::ALL)
            // apply a format for the recognized type and the old format's language
            sal_uInt32 nNewFormat = ScGlobal::GetStandardFormat(rContext, nOldFormat, aRes.mnFormatType);
            if (nNewFormat != nOldFormat)
                ScPatternAttr aPattern(rDoc.getCellAttributeHelper());
                aPattern.GetItemSet().Put( SfxUInt32Item( ATTR_VALUE_FORMAT, nNewFormat ) );
                // ATTR_LANGUAGE_FORMAT remains unchanged
                rFunc.ApplyAttributes( *GetMarkData(), aPattern, true );
    switch (aRes.meType)
        case ScInputStringType::Formula:
                new ScFormulaCell(rDoc, aCellPos, aRes.maText, formula::FormulaGrammar::GRAM_API),
        case ScInputStringType::Number:
            rFunc.SetValueCell(aCellPos, aRes.mfValue, false);
        case ScInputStringType::Text:
            rFunc.SetStringOrEditCell(aCellPos, aRes.maText, false);
            SetString_Impl(rText, false, false); // probably empty string
//  XText
uno::Reference<text::XTextCursor> SAL_CALL ScCellObj::createTextCursor()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    return new ScCellTextCursor( *this );
uno::Reference<text::XTextCursor> SAL_CALL ScCellObj::createTextCursorByRange(
                                    const uno::Reference<text::XTextRange>& aTextPosition )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    rtl::Reference<SvxUnoTextCursor> pCursor = new ScCellTextCursor( *this );
    SvxUnoTextRangeBase* pRange = comphelper::getFromUnoTunnel<SvxUnoTextRangeBase>( aTextPosition );
        pCursor->SetSelection( pRange->GetSelection() );
        ScCellTextCursor* pOther = comphelper::getFromUnoTunnel<ScCellTextCursor>( aTextPosition );
            throw uno::RuntimeException();
        pCursor->SetSelection( pOther->GetSelection() );
    return pCursor;
OUString SAL_CALL ScCellObj::getString()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    return GetOutputString_Impl();
void SAL_CALL ScCellObj::setString( const OUString& aText )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    SetString_Impl(aText, false, false);  // always text
    // don't create pUnoText here if not there
    if (mxUnoText.is())
        mxUnoText->SetSelection(ESelection( 0,0, 0,aText.getLength() ));
void SAL_CALL ScCellObj::insertString( const uno::Reference<text::XTextRange>& xRange,
                                        const OUString& aString, sal_Bool bAbsorb )
    // special handling for ScCellTextCursor is no longer needed,
    // SvxUnoText::insertString checks for SvxUnoTextRangeBase instead of SvxUnoTextRange
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    GetUnoText().insertString(xRange, aString, bAbsorb);
void SAL_CALL ScCellObj::insertControlCharacter( const uno::Reference<text::XTextRange>& xRange,
                                                sal_Int16 nControlCharacter, sal_Bool bAbsorb )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    GetUnoText().insertControlCharacter(xRange, nControlCharacter, bAbsorb);
void SAL_CALL ScCellObj::insertTextContent( const uno::Reference<text::XTextRange >& xRange,
                                                const uno::Reference<text::XTextContent >& xContent,
                                                sal_Bool bAbsorb )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( pDocSh && xContent.is() )
        ScEditFieldObj* pCellField = dynamic_cast<ScEditFieldObj*>(xContent.get());
        SvxUnoTextRangeBase* pTextRange = comphelper::getFromUnoTunnel<ScCellTextCursor>( xRange );
        if ( pCellField && !pCellField->IsInserted() && pTextRange )
            SvxEditSource* pEditSource = pTextRange->GetEditSource();
            ESelection aSelection(pTextRange->GetSelection());
            if (!bAbsorb)
                //  do not replace -> append
            if (pCellField->GetFieldType() == text::textfield::Type::TABLE)
                pCellField->setPropertyValue(SC_UNONAME_TABLEPOS, uno::Any(sal_Int32(aCellPos.Tab())));
            SvxFieldItem aItem = pCellField->CreateFieldItem();
            SvxTextForwarder* pForwarder = pEditSource->GetTextForwarder();
            pForwarder->QuickInsertField( aItem, aSelection );
            //  new selection: a digit
            aSelection.end.nPara = aSelection.start.nPara;
            aSelection.end.nIndex = aSelection.start.nIndex + 1;
            uno::Reference<text::XTextRange> xParent(this);
                xParent, std::make_unique<ScCellEditSource>(pDocSh, aCellPos), aSelection);
            //  for bAbsorb=FALSE, the new selection must be behind the inserted content
            //  (the xml filter relies on this)
            if (!bAbsorb)
                aSelection.start.nIndex = aSelection.end.nIndex;
            pTextRange->SetSelection( aSelection );
    GetUnoText().insertTextContent(xRange, xContent, bAbsorb);
void SAL_CALL ScCellObj::removeTextContent( const uno::Reference<text::XTextContent>& xContent )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if ( xContent.is() )
        ScEditFieldObj* pCellField = dynamic_cast<ScEditFieldObj*>(xContent.get());
        if ( pCellField && pCellField->IsInserted() )
            //! Check if field is in this cell
uno::Reference<text::XText> SAL_CALL ScCellObj::getText()
    return this;
uno::Reference<text::XTextRange> SAL_CALL ScCellObj::getStart()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    return GetUnoText().getStart();
uno::Reference<text::XTextRange> SAL_CALL ScCellObj::getEnd()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    return GetUnoText().getEnd();
uno::Reference<container::XEnumeration> SAL_CALL ScCellObj::createEnumeration()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    return GetUnoText().createEnumeration();
uno::Type SAL_CALL ScCellObj::getElementType()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    return GetUnoText().getElementType();
sal_Bool SAL_CALL ScCellObj::hasElements()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    return GetUnoText().hasElements();
//  XCell
OUString SAL_CALL ScCellObj::getFormula()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    return GetInputString_Impl( true /* English */ );
void SAL_CALL ScCellObj::setFormula( const OUString& aFormula )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    SetString_Impl(aFormula, true, true); // Interpret as English
double SAL_CALL ScCellObj::getValue()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    return GetValue_Impl();
void SAL_CALL ScCellObj::setValue( double nValue )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
void SAL_CALL ScCellObj::setFormulaString( const OUString& aFormula)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell *pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if( pDocSh )
        ScFormulaCell* pCell = new ScFormulaCell( pDocSh->GetDocument(), aCellPos );
        pCell->SetHybridFormula( aFormula, formula::FormulaGrammar::GRAM_NATIVE );
        pDocSh->GetDocFunc().SetFormulaCell(aCellPos, pCell, false);
void SAL_CALL ScCellObj::setFormulaResult( double nValue )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if (pDocSh)
        ScRefCellValue aCell(pDocSh->GetDocument(), aCellPos);
        if (aCell.getType() == CELLTYPE_FORMULA)
            ScFormulaCell* pCell = aCell.getFormula();
            pCell->SetHybridDouble( nValue );
table::CellContentType SAL_CALL ScCellObj::getType()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    table::CellContentType eRet = table::CellContentType_EMPTY;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if (pDocSh)
        CellType eCalcType = pDocSh->GetDocument().GetCellType( aCellPos );
        switch (eCalcType)
            case CELLTYPE_VALUE:
                eRet = table::CellContentType_VALUE;
            case CELLTYPE_STRING:
            case CELLTYPE_EDIT:
                eRet = table::CellContentType_TEXT;
            case CELLTYPE_FORMULA:
                eRet = table::CellContentType_FORMULA;
                eRet = table::CellContentType_EMPTY;
        OSL_FAIL("no DocShell");     //! Exception or so?
    return eRet;
sal_Int32 ScCellObj::GetResultType_Impl() const
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    sal_Int32 eRet = sheet::FormulaResult::STRING;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if (pDocSh)
        if (pDocSh->GetDocument().GetCellType(aCellPos) == CELLTYPE_FORMULA)
            ScFormulaCell* pFCell = pDocSh->GetDocument().GetFormulaCell(aCellPos);
            if (!pFCell)
                // should throw instead of default string?
            else if (pFCell->GetErrCode() != FormulaError::NONE )
                eRet = sheet::FormulaResult::ERROR;
            else if (pFCell->IsValue())
                eRet = sheet::FormulaResult::VALUE;
                eRet = sheet::FormulaResult::STRING;
        OSL_FAIL("no DocShell");
    return eRet;
table::CellContentType ScCellObj::GetContentType_Impl()
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( pDocSh )
        ScRefCellValue aCell(pDocSh->GetDocument(), aCellPos);
        if (aCell.getType() == CELLTYPE_FORMULA)
            bool bValue = aCell.getFormula()->IsValue();
            return bValue ? table::CellContentType_VALUE : table::CellContentType_TEXT;
    return getType();
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL ScCellObj::getError()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if (!pDocSh)
        OSL_FAIL("no DocShell");     //! Exception or so?
        return 0;
    FormulaError nError = FormulaError::NONE;
    ScRefCellValue aCell(pDocSh->GetDocument(), aCellPos);
    if (aCell.getType() == CELLTYPE_FORMULA)
        nError = aCell.getFormula()->GetErrCode();
    return static_cast<sal_Int32>(nError);
// XFormulaTokens
uno::Sequence<sheet::FormulaToken> SAL_CALL ScCellObj::getTokens()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    uno::Sequence<sheet::FormulaToken> aSequence;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if (!pDocSh)
        return aSequence;
    ScDocument& rDoc = pDocSh->GetDocument();
    ScRefCellValue aCell(rDoc, aCellPos);
    if (aCell.getType() == CELLTYPE_FORMULA)
        ScTokenArray* pTokenArray = aCell.getFormula()->GetCode();
        if (pTokenArray)
            ScTokenConversion::ConvertToTokenSequence(rDoc, aSequence, *pTokenArray);
    return aSequence;
void SAL_CALL ScCellObj::setTokens( const uno::Sequence<sheet::FormulaToken>& rTokens )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( pDocSh )
        ScDocument& rDoc = pDocSh->GetDocument();
        ScTokenArray aTokenArray(rDoc);
        (void)ScTokenConversion::ConvertToTokenArray( rDoc, aTokenArray, rTokens );
        ScFormulaCell* pNewCell = new ScFormulaCell(rDoc, aCellPos, aTokenArray);
        (void)pDocSh->GetDocFunc().SetFormulaCell(aCellPos, pNewCell, false);
// XCellAddressable
table::CellAddress SAL_CALL ScCellObj::getCellAddress()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    table::CellAddress aAdr;
    aAdr.Sheet  = aCellPos.Tab();
    aAdr.Column = aCellPos.Col();
    aAdr.Row    = aCellPos.Row();
    return aAdr;
// XSheetAnnotationAnchor
uno::Reference<sheet::XSheetAnnotation> SAL_CALL ScCellObj::getAnnotation()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( pDocSh )
        return new ScAnnotationObj( pDocSh, aCellPos );
    OSL_FAIL("getAnnotation without DocShell");
    return nullptr;
// XFieldTypesSupplier
uno::Reference<container::XEnumerationAccess> SAL_CALL ScCellObj::getTextFields()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( pDocSh )
        uno::Reference<text::XTextRange> xContent(this);
        return new ScCellFieldsObj(xContent, pDocSh, aCellPos);
    return nullptr;
uno::Reference<container::XNameAccess> SAL_CALL ScCellObj::getTextFieldMasters()
    //  there is no such thing in Calc (?)
    return nullptr;
// XPropertySet extended for Cell-Properties
uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySetInfo> SAL_CALL ScCellObj::getPropertySetInfo()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    static uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySetInfo> aRef(
        new SfxItemPropertySetInfo( pCellPropSet->getPropertyMap() ));
    return aRef;
void ScCellObj::SetOnePropertyValue( const SfxItemPropertyMapEntry* pEntry, const uno::Any& aValue )
    if ( !pEntry )
    if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_FORMLOC )
        OUString aStrVal;
        aValue >>= aStrVal;
        SetString_Impl(aStrVal, true, false);   // interpret locally
    else if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_FORMRT || pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_FORMRT2
              || pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_CELLCONTENTTYPE )
        //  Read-Only
        //! Exception or so...
        ScCellRangeObj::SetOnePropertyValue( pEntry, aValue );
void ScCellObj::GetOnePropertyValue( const SfxItemPropertyMapEntry* pEntry, uno::Any& rAny )
    if ( !pEntry )
    if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_FORMLOC )
        // sal_False = local
        rAny <<= GetInputString_Impl(false);
    else if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_FORMRT2 )
        sal_Int32 eType = GetResultType_Impl();
        rAny <<= eType;
    else if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_CELLCONTENTTYPE || pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_FORMRT )
        table::CellContentType eType = GetContentType_Impl();
        rAny <<= eType;
        ScCellRangeObj::GetOnePropertyValue(pEntry, rAny);
const SfxItemPropertyMap& ScCellObj::GetItemPropertyMap()
    return pCellPropSet->getPropertyMap();
// XServiceInfo
OUString SAL_CALL ScCellObj::getImplementationName()
    return u"ScCellObj"_ustr;
sal_Bool SAL_CALL ScCellObj::supportsService( const OUString& rServiceName )
    return cppu::supportsService(this, rServiceName);
uno::Sequence<OUString> SAL_CALL ScCellObj::getSupportedServiceNames()
// XActionLockable
sal_Bool SAL_CALL ScCellObj::isActionLocked()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    return nActionLockCount != 0;
void SAL_CALL ScCellObj::addActionLock()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if (!nActionLockCount)
        if (mxUnoText.is())
            ScCellEditSource* pEditSource =
                static_cast<ScCellEditSource*> (mxUnoText->GetEditSource());
            if (pEditSource)
void SAL_CALL ScCellObj::removeActionLock()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if (nActionLockCount <= 0)
    if (nActionLockCount)
    if (mxUnoText.is())
        ScCellEditSource* pEditSource =
            static_cast<ScCellEditSource*> (mxUnoText->GetEditSource());
        if (pEditSource)
            if (pEditSource->IsDirty())
void SAL_CALL ScCellObj::setActionLocks( sal_Int16 nLock )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if (mxUnoText.is())
        ScCellEditSource* pEditSource =
            static_cast<ScCellEditSource*> (mxUnoText->GetEditSource());
        if (pEditSource)
            pEditSource->SetDoUpdateData(nLock == 0);
            if ((nActionLockCount > 0) && (nLock == 0) && pEditSource->IsDirty())
    nActionLockCount = nLock;
sal_Int16 SAL_CALL ScCellObj::resetActionLocks()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    sal_uInt16 nRet(nActionLockCount);
    if (mxUnoText.is())
        ScCellEditSource* pEditSource =
            static_cast<ScCellEditSource*> (mxUnoText->GetEditSource());
        if (pEditSource)
            if (pEditSource->IsDirty())
    nActionLockCount = 0;
    return nRet;
static ScRange MaxDocRange(ScDocShell* pDocSh, SCTAB nTab)
    const SCCOL nMaxcol = pDocSh ? pDocSh->GetDocument().MaxCol() : MAXCOL;
    const SCROW nMaxRow = pDocSh ? pDocSh->GetDocument().MaxRow() : MAXROW;
    return ScRange(0, 0, nTab, nMaxcol, nMaxRow, nTab);
ScTableSheetObj::ScTableSheetObj( ScDocShell* pDocSh, SCTAB nTab ) :
    ScCellRangeObj( pDocSh, MaxDocRange(pDocSh, nTab) ),
void ScTableSheetObj::InitInsertSheet(ScDocShell* pDocSh, SCTAB nTab)
    ScDocument& rDoc = pDocSh->GetDocument();
    InitInsertRange( pDocSh, ScRange(0,0,nTab, rDoc.MaxCol(),rDoc.MaxRow(),nTab) );
uno::Any SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::queryInterface( const uno::Type& rType )
    uno::Any aReturn = ::cppu::queryInterface(rType,
    if ( aReturn.hasValue() )
        return aReturn;
    return ScCellRangeObj::queryInterface( rType );
void SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::acquire() noexcept
void SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::release() noexcept
uno::Sequence<uno::Type> SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::getTypes()
    static const uno::Sequence<uno::Type> aTypes = comphelper::concatSequences(
        } );
    return aTypes;
uno::Sequence<sal_Int8> SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::getImplementationId()
    return css::uno::Sequence<sal_Int8>();
//  Helper functions
SCTAB ScTableSheetObj::GetTab_Impl() const
    const ScRangeList& rRanges = GetRangeList();
    OSL_ENSURE(rRanges.size() == 1, "What ranges ?!?!");
    if ( !rRanges.empty() )
        return rRanges[ 0 ].aStart.Tab();
    return 0;
// former XSheet
uno::Reference<table::XTableCharts> SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::getCharts()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( pDocSh )
        return new ScChartsObj( pDocSh, GetTab_Impl() );
    OSL_FAIL("no document");
    return nullptr;
uno::Reference<table::XTablePivotCharts> SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::getPivotCharts()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if (pDocSh)
        return new sc::TablePivotCharts(pDocSh, GetTab_Impl());
    OSL_FAIL("no document");
    return nullptr;
uno::Reference<sheet::XDataPilotTables> SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::getDataPilotTables()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( pDocSh )
        return new ScDataPilotTablesObj(*pDocSh, GetTab_Impl());
    OSL_FAIL("no document");
    return nullptr;
uno::Reference<sheet::XScenarios> SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::getScenarios()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( pDocSh )
        return new ScScenariosObj( pDocSh, GetTab_Impl() );
    OSL_FAIL("no document");
    return nullptr;
uno::Reference<sheet::XSheetAnnotations> SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::getAnnotations()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( pDocSh )
        return new ScAnnotationsObj( pDocSh, GetTab_Impl() );
    OSL_FAIL("no document");
    return nullptr;
uno::Reference<table::XCellRange> SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::getCellRangeByName(
                        const OUString& rRange )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    return ScCellRangeObj::getCellRangeByName( rRange );
uno::Reference<sheet::XSheetCellCursor> SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::createCursor()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( pDocSh )
        //! single cell or whole table??????
        const ScDocument& rDoc = pDocSh->GetDocument();
        SCTAB nTab = GetTab_Impl();
        return new ScCellCursorObj( pDocSh, ScRange( 0,0,nTab, rDoc.MaxCol(),rDoc.MaxRow(),nTab ) );
    return nullptr;
uno::Reference<sheet::XSheetCellCursor> SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::createCursorByRange(
                        const uno::Reference<sheet::XSheetCellRange>& xCellRange )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( pDocSh && xCellRange.is() )
        ScCellRangesBase* pRangesImp = dynamic_cast<ScCellRangesBase*>( xCellRange.get() );
        if (pRangesImp)
            const ScRangeList& rRanges = pRangesImp->GetRangeList();
            SAL_WARN_IF( rRanges.size() != 1, "sc", "ScTableSheetObj::createCursorByRange: Range? Ranges?");
            if (rRanges.empty())
                return nullptr;
            return new ScCellCursorObj( pDocSh, rRanges[ 0 ] );
    return nullptr;
// XSheetCellRange
uno::Reference<sheet::XSpreadsheet> SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::getSpreadsheet()
    return this;        //!???
// XCellRange
uno::Reference<table::XCell> SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::getCellByPosition(
                                        sal_Int32 nColumn, sal_Int32 nRow )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    return ScCellRangeObj::GetCellByPosition_Impl(nColumn, nRow);
uno::Reference<table::XCellRange> SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::getCellRangeByPosition(
                sal_Int32 nLeft, sal_Int32 nTop, sal_Int32 nRight, sal_Int32 nBottom )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    return ScCellRangeObj::getCellRangeByPosition(nLeft,nTop,nRight,nBottom);
uno::Sequence<sheet::TablePageBreakData> SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::getColumnPageBreaks()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( pDocSh )
        ScDocument& rDoc = pDocSh->GetDocument();
        SCTAB nTab = GetTab_Impl();
        Size aSize(rDoc.GetPageSize( nTab ));
        if (aSize.Width() && aSize.Height())        // effective size already set?
            rDoc.UpdatePageBreaks( nTab );
            //  update breaks like in ScDocShell::PageStyleModified:
            ScPrintFunc aPrintFunc( pDocSh, pDocSh->GetPrinter(), nTab );
        SCCOL nCount = 0;
        for (SCCOL nCol : rDoc.GetColumnsRange(nTab, 0, rDoc.MaxCol()))
            if (rDoc.HasColBreak(nCol, nTab) != ScBreakType::NONE)
        sheet::TablePageBreakData aData;
        uno::Sequence<sheet::TablePageBreakData> aSeq(nCount);
        sheet::TablePageBreakData* pAry = aSeq.getArray();
        sal_uInt16 nPos = 0;
        for (SCCOL nCol : rDoc.GetColumnsRange(nTab, 0, rDoc.MaxCol()))
            ScBreakType nBreak = rDoc.HasColBreak(nCol, nTab);
            if (nBreak != ScBreakType::NONE)
                aData.Position    = nCol;
                aData.ManualBreak = bool(nBreak & ScBreakType::Manual);
                pAry[nPos] = aData;
        return aSeq;
    return {};
uno::Sequence<sheet::TablePageBreakData> SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::getRowPageBreaks()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( pDocSh )
        ScDocument& rDoc = pDocSh->GetDocument();
        SCTAB nTab = GetTab_Impl();
        Size aSize(rDoc.GetPageSize( nTab ));
        if (aSize.Width() && aSize.Height())        // effective size already set?
            rDoc.UpdatePageBreaks( nTab );
            //  update breaks like in ScDocShell::PageStyleModified:
            ScPrintFunc aPrintFunc( pDocSh, pDocSh->GetPrinter(), nTab );
        return rDoc.GetRowBreakData(nTab);
    return {};
void SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::removeAllManualPageBreaks()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( !pDocSh )
    //! DocFunc function, also for ScViewFunc::RemoveManualBreaks
    ScDocument& rDoc = pDocSh->GetDocument();
    bool bUndo (rDoc.IsUndoEnabled());
    SCTAB nTab = GetTab_Impl();
    if (bUndo)
        ScDocumentUniquePtr pUndoDoc(new ScDocument( SCDOCMODE_UNDO ));
        pUndoDoc->InitUndo( rDoc, nTab, nTab, true, true );
        rDoc.CopyToDocument(0,0,nTab, rDoc.MaxCol(),rDoc.MaxRow(),nTab, InsertDeleteFlags::NONE, false, *pUndoDoc);
                                std::make_unique<ScUndoRemoveBreaks>( pDocSh, nTab, std::move(pUndoDoc) ) );
    //? UpdatePageBreakData( sal_True );
    pDocSh->PostPaint(ScRange(0, 0, nTab, rDoc.MaxCol(), rDoc.MaxRow(), nTab), PaintPartFlags::Grid);
// XNamed
OUString SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::getName()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    OUString aName;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( pDocSh )
        pDocSh->GetDocument().GetName( GetTab_Impl(), aName );
    return aName;
void SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::setName( const OUString& aNewName )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( pDocSh )
        pDocSh->GetDocFunc().RenameTable( GetTab_Impl(), aNewName, true, true );
// XDrawPageSupplier
uno::Reference<drawing::XDrawPage> SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::getDrawPage()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( pDocSh )
        ScDrawLayer* pDrawLayer = pDocSh->MakeDrawLayer();
        OSL_ENSURE(pDrawLayer,"Cannot create Draw-Layer");
        SCTAB nTab = GetTab_Impl();
        SdrPage* pPage = pDrawLayer->GetPage(static_cast<sal_uInt16>(nTab));
        OSL_ENSURE(pPage,"Draw-Page not found");
        if (pPage)
            return uno::Reference<drawing::XDrawPage> (pPage->getUnoPage(), uno::UNO_QUERY);
        //  The DrawPage object will register itself as a Listener at SdrModel
        //  and should receive all action from there
    return nullptr;
// XCellMovement
void SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::insertCells( const table::CellRangeAddress& rRangeAddress,
                                sheet::CellInsertMode nMode )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( !pDocSh )
    bool bDo = true;
    InsCellCmd eCmd = INS_NONE;
    switch (nMode)
        case sheet::CellInsertMode_NONE:    bDo = false;                break;
        case sheet::CellInsertMode_DOWN:    eCmd = INS_CELLSDOWN;       break;
        case sheet::CellInsertMode_RIGHT:   eCmd = INS_CELLSRIGHT;      break;
        case sheet::CellInsertMode_ROWS:    eCmd = INS_INSROWS_BEFORE;  break;
        case sheet::CellInsertMode_COLUMNS: eCmd = INS_INSCOLS_BEFORE;  break;
            OSL_FAIL("insertCells: wrong mode");
            bDo = false;
    if (bDo)
        OSL_ENSURE( rRangeAddress.Sheet == GetTab_Impl(), "wrong table in CellRangeAddress" );
        ScRange aScRange;
        ScUnoConversion::FillScRange( aScRange, rRangeAddress );
        (void)pDocSh->GetDocFunc().InsertCells( aScRange, nullptr, eCmd, true, true );
void SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::removeRange( const table::CellRangeAddress& rRangeAddress,
                                sheet::CellDeleteMode nMode )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( !pDocSh )
    bool bDo = true;
    DelCellCmd eCmd = DelCellCmd::NONE;
    switch (nMode)
        case sheet::CellDeleteMode_NONE:     bDo = false;           break;
        case sheet::CellDeleteMode_UP:       eCmd = DelCellCmd::CellsUp;    break;
        case sheet::CellDeleteMode_LEFT:     eCmd = DelCellCmd::CellsLeft;  break;
        case sheet::CellDeleteMode_ROWS:     eCmd = DelCellCmd::Rows;    break;
        case sheet::CellDeleteMode_COLUMNS:  eCmd = DelCellCmd::Cols;    break;
            OSL_FAIL("deleteCells: wrong mode");
            bDo = false;
    if (bDo)
        OSL_ENSURE( rRangeAddress.Sheet == GetTab_Impl(), "wrong table in CellRangeAddress" );
        ScRange aScRange;
        ScUnoConversion::FillScRange( aScRange, rRangeAddress );
        (void)pDocSh->GetDocFunc().DeleteCells( aScRange, nullptr, eCmd, true );
void SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::moveRange( const table::CellAddress& aDestination,
                                        const table::CellRangeAddress& aSource )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( pDocSh )
        OSL_ENSURE( aSource.Sheet == GetTab_Impl(), "wrong table in CellRangeAddress" );
        ScRange aSourceRange;
        ScUnoConversion::FillScRange( aSourceRange, aSource );
        ScAddress aDestPos( static_cast<SCCOL>(aDestination.Column), static_cast<SCROW>(aDestination.Row), aDestination.Sheet );
        (void)pDocSh->GetDocFunc().MoveBlock( aSourceRange, aDestPos, true, true, true, true );
void SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::copyRange( const table::CellAddress& aDestination,
                                        const table::CellRangeAddress& aSource )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( pDocSh )
        OSL_ENSURE( aSource.Sheet == GetTab_Impl(), "wrong table in CellRangeAddress" );
        ScRange aSourceRange;
        ScUnoConversion::FillScRange( aSourceRange, aSource );
        ScAddress aDestPos( static_cast<SCCOL>(aDestination.Column), static_cast<SCROW>(aDestination.Row), aDestination.Sheet );
        (void)pDocSh->GetDocFunc().MoveBlock( aSourceRange, aDestPos, false, true, true, true );
// XPrintAreas
void ScTableSheetObj::PrintAreaUndo_Impl( std::unique_ptr<ScPrintRangeSaver> pOldRanges )
    //  page break and undo
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    ScDocument& rDoc = pDocSh->GetDocument();
    const bool bUndo(rDoc.IsUndoEnabled());
    const SCTAB nTab(GetTab_Impl());
                rDoc.CreatePrintRangeSaver())); // create new ranges
    ScPrintFunc(pDocSh, pDocSh->GetPrinter(), nTab).UpdatePages();
    SfxBindings* pBindings = pDocSh->GetViewBindings();
uno::Sequence<table::CellRangeAddress> SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::getPrintAreas()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( pDocSh )
        ScDocument& rDoc = pDocSh->GetDocument();
        SCTAB nTab = GetTab_Impl();
        sal_uInt16 nCount = rDoc.GetPrintRangeCount( nTab );
        table::CellRangeAddress aRangeAddress;
        uno::Sequence<table::CellRangeAddress> aSeq(nCount);
        table::CellRangeAddress* pAry = aSeq.getArray();
        for (sal_uInt16 i=0; i<nCount; i++)
            const ScRange* pRange = rDoc.GetPrintRange( nTab, i );
            OSL_ENSURE(pRange,"where is the printing area");
            if (pRange)
                ScUnoConversion::FillApiRange( aRangeAddress, *pRange );
                aRangeAddress.Sheet = nTab; // core does not care about sheet index
                pAry[i] = aRangeAddress;
        return aSeq;
    return uno::Sequence<table::CellRangeAddress>();
void SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::setPrintAreas(
                    const uno::Sequence<table::CellRangeAddress>& aPrintAreas )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( !pDocSh )
    std::unique_ptr<ScPrintRangeSaver> pOldRanges;
    ScDocument& rDoc = pDocSh->GetDocument();
    SCTAB nTab = GetTab_Impl();
    if ( rDoc.IsUndoEnabled() )
        pOldRanges = rDoc.CreatePrintRangeSaver();
    sal_uInt16 nCount = static_cast<sal_uInt16>(aPrintAreas.getLength());
    rDoc.ClearPrintRanges( nTab );
    if (nCount)
        ScRange aPrintRange;
        for (const table::CellRangeAddress& rPrintArea : aPrintAreas)
            ScUnoConversion::FillScRange( aPrintRange, rPrintArea );
            rDoc.AddPrintRange( nTab, aPrintRange );
    if ( rDoc.IsUndoEnabled() )
        PrintAreaUndo_Impl( std::move(pOldRanges) );   // Undo, Page Breaks, Modified etc.
sal_Bool SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::getPrintTitleColumns()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( pDocSh )
        ScDocument& rDoc = pDocSh->GetDocument();
        SCTAB nTab = GetTab_Impl();
        return rDoc.GetRepeatColRange(nTab).has_value();
    return false;
void SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::setPrintTitleColumns( sal_Bool bPrintTitleColumns )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( !pDocSh )
    ScDocument& rDoc = pDocSh->GetDocument();
    SCTAB nTab = GetTab_Impl();
    std::unique_ptr<ScPrintRangeSaver> pOldRanges = rDoc.CreatePrintRangeSaver();
    if ( bPrintTitleColumns )
        if ( !rDoc.GetRepeatColRange( nTab ) )         // do not change existing area
            rDoc.SetRepeatColRange( nTab, ScRange( 0, 0, nTab, 0, 0, nTab ) );     // enable
        rDoc.SetRepeatColRange( nTab, std::nullopt );          // disable
    PrintAreaUndo_Impl( std::move(pOldRanges) );   // undo, page break, modified etc.
    //! save last set area during switch off and recreate during switch on ???
table::CellRangeAddress SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::getTitleColumns()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    table::CellRangeAddress aRet;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( pDocSh )
        ScDocument& rDoc = pDocSh->GetDocument();
        SCTAB nTab = GetTab_Impl();
        std::optional<ScRange> oRange = rDoc.GetRepeatColRange(nTab);
        if (oRange)
            ScUnoConversion::FillApiRange( aRet, *oRange );
            aRet.Sheet = nTab; // core does not care about sheet index
    return aRet;
void SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::setTitleColumns( const table::CellRangeAddress& aTitleColumns )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( !pDocSh )
    ScDocument& rDoc = pDocSh->GetDocument();
    SCTAB nTab = GetTab_Impl();
    std::unique_ptr<ScPrintRangeSaver> pOldRanges = rDoc.CreatePrintRangeSaver();
    ScRange aNew;
    ScUnoConversion::FillScRange( aNew, aTitleColumns );
    rDoc.SetRepeatColRange( nTab, std::move(aNew) );     // also always enable
    PrintAreaUndo_Impl( std::move(pOldRanges) );           // undo, page breaks, modified etc.
sal_Bool SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::getPrintTitleRows()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( pDocSh )
        ScDocument& rDoc = pDocSh->GetDocument();
        SCTAB nTab = GetTab_Impl();
        return rDoc.GetRepeatRowRange(nTab).has_value();
    return false;
void SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::setPrintTitleRows( sal_Bool bPrintTitleRows )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( !pDocSh )
    ScDocument& rDoc = pDocSh->GetDocument();
    SCTAB nTab = GetTab_Impl();
    std::unique_ptr<ScPrintRangeSaver> pOldRanges = rDoc.CreatePrintRangeSaver();
    if ( bPrintTitleRows )
        if ( !rDoc.GetRepeatRowRange( nTab ) )         // do not change existing area
            rDoc.SetRepeatRowRange( nTab, ScRange(0, 0, nTab, 0, 0, nTab) );     // enable
        rDoc.SetRepeatRowRange( nTab, std::nullopt );          // disable
    PrintAreaUndo_Impl( std::move(pOldRanges) );   // undo, page breaks, modified etc.
    //! save last set area during switch off and recreate during switch on ???
table::CellRangeAddress SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::getTitleRows()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    table::CellRangeAddress aRet;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( pDocSh )
        ScDocument& rDoc = pDocSh->GetDocument();
        SCTAB nTab = GetTab_Impl();
        std::optional<ScRange> oRange = rDoc.GetRepeatRowRange(nTab);
        if (oRange)
            ScUnoConversion::FillApiRange( aRet, *oRange );
            aRet.Sheet = nTab; // core does not care about sheet index
    return aRet;
void SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::setTitleRows( const table::CellRangeAddress& aTitleRows )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( !pDocSh )
    ScDocument& rDoc = pDocSh->GetDocument();
    SCTAB nTab = GetTab_Impl();
    std::unique_ptr<ScPrintRangeSaver> pOldRanges = rDoc.CreatePrintRangeSaver();
    ScRange aNew;
    ScUnoConversion::FillScRange( aNew, aTitleRows );
    rDoc.SetRepeatRowRange( nTab, std::move(aNew) );     // also always enable
    PrintAreaUndo_Impl( std::move(pOldRanges) );           // Undo, page breaks, modified etc.
// XSheetLinkable
sheet::SheetLinkMode SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::getLinkMode()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    sheet::SheetLinkMode eRet = sheet::SheetLinkMode_NONE;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( pDocSh )
        ScLinkMode nMode = pDocSh->GetDocument().GetLinkMode( GetTab_Impl() );
        if ( nMode == ScLinkMode::NORMAL )
            eRet = sheet::SheetLinkMode_NORMAL;
        else if ( nMode == ScLinkMode::VALUE )
            eRet = sheet::SheetLinkMode_VALUE;
    return eRet;
void SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::setLinkMode( sheet::SheetLinkMode nLinkMode )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    //! search for filter and options in old link
    OUString aUrl(getLinkUrl());
    OUString aSheet(getLinkSheetName());
    link( aUrl, aSheet, u""_ustr, u""_ustr, nLinkMode );
OUString SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::getLinkUrl()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    OUString aFile;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( pDocSh )
        aFile = pDocSh->GetDocument().GetLinkDoc( GetTab_Impl() );
    return aFile;
void SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::setLinkUrl( const OUString& aLinkUrl )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    //! search for filter and options in old link
    sheet::SheetLinkMode eMode = getLinkMode();
    OUString aSheet(getLinkSheetName());
    link( aLinkUrl, aSheet, u""_ustr, u""_ustr, eMode );
OUString SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::getLinkSheetName()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    OUString aSheet;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( pDocSh )
        aSheet = pDocSh->GetDocument().GetLinkTab( GetTab_Impl() );
    return aSheet;
void SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::setLinkSheetName( const OUString& aLinkSheetName )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    //! search for filter and options in old link
    sheet::SheetLinkMode eMode = getLinkMode();
    OUString aUrl(getLinkUrl());
    link( aUrl, aLinkSheetName, u""_ustr, u""_ustr, eMode );
void SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::link( const OUString& aUrl, const OUString& aSheetName,
                        const OUString& aFilterName, const OUString& aFilterOptions,
                        sheet::SheetLinkMode nMode )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( !pDocSh )
    ScDocument& rDoc = pDocSh->GetDocument();
    SCTAB nTab = GetTab_Impl();
    OUString aFileString = aUrl;
    OUString aFilterString = aFilterName;
    OUString aOptString = aFilterOptions;
    aFileString = ScGlobal::GetAbsDocName( aFileString, pDocSh );
    if (aFilterString.isEmpty())
        ScDocumentLoader::GetFilterName( aFileString, aFilterString, aOptString, true, false );
    //  remove application prefix from filter name here, so the filter options
    //  aren't reset when the filter name is changed in ScTableLink::DataChanged
    ScDocumentLoader::RemoveAppPrefix( aFilterString );
    ScLinkMode nLinkMode = ScLinkMode::NONE;
    if ( nMode == sheet::SheetLinkMode_NORMAL )
        nLinkMode = ScLinkMode::NORMAL;
    else if ( nMode == sheet::SheetLinkMode_VALUE )
        nLinkMode = ScLinkMode::VALUE;
    rDoc.SetLink( nTab, nLinkMode, aFileString, aFilterString, aOptString, aSheetName, 0/*nRefresh*/ );
    pDocSh->UpdateLinks();                  // if needed add or delete link
    SfxBindings* pBindings = pDocSh->GetViewBindings();
    if (pBindings)
    //! undo of link data on the table
    if ( !(nLinkMode != ScLinkMode::NONE && rDoc.IsExecuteLinkEnabled()) )        // update link
    //  Always update link also if already exists
    //! update only on the affected table???
    sfx2::LinkManager* pLinkManager = rDoc.GetLinkManager();
    sal_uInt16 nCount = pLinkManager->GetLinks().size();
    for ( sal_uInt16 i=0; i<nCount; i++ )
        ::sfx2::SvBaseLink* pBase = pLinkManager->GetLinks()[i].get();
        if (auto pTabLink = dynamic_cast<ScTableLink*>( pBase))
            if ( aFileString == pTabLink->GetFileName() )
                pTabLink->Update();                         // include Paint&Undo
            //! The file name should only exists once (?)
    //! notify ScSheetLinkObj objects!!!
// XSheetAuditing
sal_Bool SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::hideDependents( const table::CellAddress& aPosition )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( pDocSh )
        SCTAB nTab = GetTab_Impl();
        OSL_ENSURE( aPosition.Sheet == nTab, "wrong table in CellAddress" );
        ScAddress aPos( static_cast<SCCOL>(aPosition.Column), static_cast<SCROW>(aPosition.Row), nTab );
        return pDocSh->GetDocFunc().DetectiveDelSucc( aPos );
    return false;
sal_Bool SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::hidePrecedents( const table::CellAddress& aPosition )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( pDocSh )
        SCTAB nTab = GetTab_Impl();
        OSL_ENSURE( aPosition.Sheet == nTab, "wrong table in CellAddress" );
        ScAddress aPos( static_cast<SCCOL>(aPosition.Column), static_cast<SCROW>(aPosition.Row), nTab );
        return pDocSh->GetDocFunc().DetectiveDelPred( aPos );
    return false;
sal_Bool SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::showDependents( const table::CellAddress& aPosition )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( pDocSh )
        SCTAB nTab = GetTab_Impl();
        OSL_ENSURE( aPosition.Sheet == nTab, "wrong table in CellAddress" );
        ScAddress aPos( static_cast<SCCOL>(aPosition.Column), static_cast<SCROW>(aPosition.Row), nTab );
        return pDocSh->GetDocFunc().DetectiveAddSucc( aPos );
    return false;
sal_Bool SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::showPrecedents( const table::CellAddress& aPosition )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( pDocSh )
        SCTAB nTab = GetTab_Impl();
        OSL_ENSURE( aPosition.Sheet == nTab, "wrong table in CellAddress" );
        ScAddress aPos( static_cast<SCCOL>(aPosition.Column), static_cast<SCROW>(aPosition.Row), nTab );
        return pDocSh->GetDocFunc().DetectiveAddPred( aPos );
    return false;
sal_Bool SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::showErrors( const table::CellAddress& aPosition )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( pDocSh )
        SCTAB nTab = GetTab_Impl();
        OSL_ENSURE( aPosition.Sheet == nTab, "wrong table in CellAddress" );
        ScAddress aPos( static_cast<SCCOL>(aPosition.Column), static_cast<SCROW>(aPosition.Row), nTab );
        return pDocSh->GetDocFunc().DetectiveAddError( aPos );
    return false;
sal_Bool SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::showInvalid()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( pDocSh )
        return pDocSh->GetDocFunc().DetectiveMarkInvalid( GetTab_Impl() );
    return false;
void SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::clearArrows()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( pDocSh )
        pDocSh->GetDocFunc().DetectiveDelAll( GetTab_Impl() );
// XSheetOutline
void SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::group( const table::CellRangeAddress& rGroupRange,
                                        table::TableOrientation nOrientation )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( pDocSh )
        bool bColumns = ( nOrientation == table::TableOrientation_COLUMNS );
        ScRange aGroupRange;
        ScUnoConversion::FillScRange( aGroupRange, rGroupRange );
        ScOutlineDocFunc aFunc(*pDocSh);
        aFunc.MakeOutline( aGroupRange, bColumns, true, true );
void SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::ungroup( const table::CellRangeAddress& rGroupRange,
                                        table::TableOrientation nOrientation )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( pDocSh )
        bool bColumns = ( nOrientation == table::TableOrientation_COLUMNS );
        ScRange aGroupRange;
        ScUnoConversion::FillScRange( aGroupRange, rGroupRange );
        ScOutlineDocFunc aFunc(*pDocSh);
        aFunc.RemoveOutline( aGroupRange, bColumns, true, true );
void SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::autoOutline( const table::CellRangeAddress& rCellRange )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( pDocSh )
        ScRange aFormulaRange;
        ScUnoConversion::FillScRange( aFormulaRange, rCellRange );
        ScOutlineDocFunc aFunc(*pDocSh);
        aFunc.AutoOutline( aFormulaRange, true );
void SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::clearOutline()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( pDocSh )
        SCTAB nTab = GetTab_Impl();
        ScOutlineDocFunc aFunc(*pDocSh);
        aFunc.RemoveAllOutlines( nTab, true );
void SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::hideDetail( const table::CellRangeAddress& rCellRange )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( pDocSh )
        ScRange aMarkRange;
        ScUnoConversion::FillScRange( aMarkRange, rCellRange );
        ScOutlineDocFunc aFunc(*pDocSh);
        aFunc.HideMarkedOutlines( aMarkRange, true );
void SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::showDetail( const table::CellRangeAddress& rCellRange )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( pDocSh )
        ScRange aMarkRange;
        ScUnoConversion::FillScRange( aMarkRange, rCellRange );
        ScOutlineDocFunc aFunc(*pDocSh);
        aFunc.ShowMarkedOutlines( aMarkRange, true );
void SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::showLevel( sal_Int16 nLevel, table::TableOrientation nOrientation )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( pDocSh )
        bool bColumns = ( nOrientation == table::TableOrientation_COLUMNS );
        SCTAB nTab = GetTab_Impl();
        ScOutlineDocFunc aFunc(*pDocSh);
        aFunc.SelectLevel( nTab, bColumns, nLevel, true, true );
// XProtectable
void SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::protect( const OUString& aPassword )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    // #i108245# if already protected, don't change anything
    if ( pDocSh && !pDocSh->GetDocument().IsTabProtected( GetTab_Impl() ) )
        pDocSh->GetDocFunc().Protect( GetTab_Impl(), aPassword );
void SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::unprotect( const OUString& aPassword )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( pDocSh )
        bool bDone = pDocSh->GetDocFunc().Unprotect( GetTab_Impl(), aPassword, true );
        if (!bDone)
            throw lang::IllegalArgumentException();
sal_Bool SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::isProtected()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( pDocSh )
        return pDocSh->GetDocument().IsTabProtected( GetTab_Impl() );
    OSL_FAIL("no DocShell");     //! Exception or so?
    return false;
// XScenario
sal_Bool SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::getIsScenario()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( pDocSh )
        return pDocSh->GetDocument().IsScenario( GetTab_Impl() );
    return false;
OUString SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::getScenarioComment()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( pDocSh )
        OUString aComment;
        Color  aColor;
        ScScenarioFlags nFlags;
        pDocSh->GetDocument().GetScenarioData( GetTab_Impl(), aComment, aColor, nFlags );
        return aComment;
    return OUString();
void SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::setScenarioComment( const OUString& aScenarioComment )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( !pDocSh )
    ScDocument& rDoc = pDocSh->GetDocument();
    SCTAB nTab = GetTab_Impl();
    OUString aName;
    OUString aComment;
    Color  aColor;
    ScScenarioFlags nFlags;
    rDoc.GetName( nTab, aName );
    rDoc.GetScenarioData( nTab, aComment, aColor, nFlags );
    aComment = aScenarioComment;
    pDocSh->ModifyScenario( nTab, aName, aComment, aColor, nFlags );
void SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::addRanges( const uno::Sequence<table::CellRangeAddress>& rScenRanges )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( !pDocSh )
    ScDocument& rDoc = pDocSh->GetDocument();
    SCTAB nTab = GetTab_Impl();
    if (!rDoc.IsScenario(nTab))
    ScMarkData aMarkData(rDoc.GetSheetLimits());
    aMarkData.SelectTable( nTab, true );
    for (const table::CellRangeAddress& rRange : rScenRanges)
        OSL_ENSURE( rRange.Sheet == nTab, "addRanges with wrong Tab" );
        ScRange aOneRange( static_cast<SCCOL>(rRange.StartColumn), static_cast<SCROW>(rRange.StartRow), nTab,
                           static_cast<SCCOL>(rRange.EndColumn),   static_cast<SCROW>(rRange.EndRow),   nTab );
        aMarkData.SetMultiMarkArea( aOneRange );
    //  Scenario ranges are tagged with attribute
    ScPatternAttr aPattern(rDoc.getCellAttributeHelper());
    aPattern.GetItemSet().Put( ScMergeFlagAttr( ScMF::Scenario ) );
    aPattern.GetItemSet().Put( ScProtectionAttr( true ) );
    pDocSh->GetDocFunc().ApplyAttributes( aMarkData, aPattern, true );
void SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::apply()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( !pDocSh )
    ScDocument& rDoc = pDocSh->GetDocument();
    SCTAB nTab = GetTab_Impl();
    OUString aName;
    rDoc.GetName( nTab, aName );       // scenario name
    SCTAB nDestTab = nTab;
    while ( nDestTab > 0 && rDoc.IsScenario(nDestTab) )
    if ( !rDoc.IsScenario(nDestTab) )
        pDocSh->UseScenario( nDestTab, aName );
    //! otherwise error or so
// XScenarioEnhanced
uno::Sequence< table::CellRangeAddress > SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::getRanges(  )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( pDocSh )
        ScDocument& rDoc = pDocSh->GetDocument();
        SCTAB nTab = GetTab_Impl();
        const ScRangeList* pRangeList = rDoc.GetScenarioRanges(nTab);
        if (pRangeList)
            size_t nCount = pRangeList->size();
            uno::Sequence< table::CellRangeAddress > aRetRanges( nCount );
            table::CellRangeAddress* pAry = aRetRanges.getArray();
            for( size_t nIndex = 0; nIndex < nCount; nIndex++ )
                const ScRange & rRange = (*pRangeList)[nIndex];
                pAry->StartColumn = rRange.aStart.Col();
                pAry->StartRow = rRange.aStart.Row();
                pAry->EndColumn = rRange.aEnd.Col();
                pAry->EndRow = rRange.aEnd.Row();
                pAry->Sheet = rRange.aStart.Tab();
            return aRetRanges;
    return uno::Sequence< table::CellRangeAddress > ();
// XExternalSheetName
void ScTableSheetObj::setExternalName( const OUString& aUrl, const OUString& aSheetName )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( pDocSh )
        ScDocument& rDoc = pDocSh->GetDocument();
        const SCTAB nTab = GetTab_Impl();
        const OUString aAbsDocName( ScGlobal::GetAbsDocName( aUrl, pDocSh ) );
        const OUString aDocTabName( ScGlobal::GetDocTabName( aAbsDocName, aSheetName ) );
        if ( !rDoc.RenameTab( nTab, aDocTabName, true /*bExternalDocument*/ ) )
            throw container::ElementExistException( OUString(), *this );
// XEventsSupplier
uno::Reference<container::XNameReplace> SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::getEvents()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if ( pDocSh )
        return new ScSheetEventsObj( pDocSh, GetTab_Impl() );
    return nullptr;
// XPropertySet extended for Sheet-Properties
uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySetInfo> SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::getPropertySetInfo()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    static uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySetInfo> aRef(
        new SfxItemPropertySetInfo( pSheetPropSet->getPropertyMap() ));
    return aRef;
void ScTableSheetObj::SetOnePropertyValue( const SfxItemPropertyMapEntry* pEntry, const uno::Any& aValue )
    if ( !pEntry )
    if ( IsScItemWid( pEntry->nWID ) )
        //  for Item WIDs, call ScCellRangesBase directly
        ScCellRangesBase::SetOnePropertyValue(pEntry, aValue);
    //  own properties
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if (!pDocSh)
        return;                                                 //! Exception or so?
    ScDocument& rDoc = pDocSh->GetDocument();
    SCTAB nTab = GetTab_Impl();
    ScDocFunc &rFunc = pDocSh->GetDocFunc();
    if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_PAGESTL )
        OUString aStrVal;
        aValue >>= aStrVal;
        OUString aNewStr(ScStyleNameConversion::ProgrammaticToDisplayName(
                                            aStrVal, SfxStyleFamily::Page ));
        //! Undo? (also if SID_STYLE_APPLY on View)
        if ( rDoc.GetPageStyle( nTab ) != aNewStr )
            rDoc.SetPageStyle( nTab, aNewStr );
            if (!rDoc.IsImportingXML())
                ScPrintFunc( pDocSh, pDocSh->GetPrinter(), nTab ).UpdatePages();
                SfxBindings* pBindings = pDocSh->GetViewBindings();
                if (pBindings)
                    pBindings->Invalidate( SID_STYLE_FAMILY4 );
                    pBindings->Invalidate( SID_STATUS_PAGESTYLE );
                    pBindings->Invalidate( FID_RESET_PRINTZOOM );
                    pBindings->Invalidate( SID_ATTR_PARA_LEFT_TO_RIGHT );
                    pBindings->Invalidate( SID_ATTR_PARA_RIGHT_TO_LEFT );
    else if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_CELLVIS )
        bool bVis = ScUnoHelpFunctions::GetBoolFromAny( aValue );
        rFunc.SetTableVisible( nTab, bVis, true );
    else if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_ISACTIVE )
        if (rDoc.IsScenario(nTab))
            rDoc.SetActiveScenario( nTab, ScUnoHelpFunctions::GetBoolFromAny( aValue ) );
    else if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_BORDCOL )
        if (rDoc.IsScenario(nTab))
            Color aColor;
            if (aValue >>= aColor)
                OUString aName;
                OUString aComment;
                ScScenarioFlags nFlags;
                Color aTmp;
                rDoc.GetName( nTab, aName );
                rDoc.GetScenarioData( nTab, aComment, aTmp, nFlags );
                pDocSh->ModifyScenario( nTab, aName, aComment, aColor, nFlags );
    else if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_PROTECT )
        if (rDoc.IsScenario(nTab))
            OUString aName;
            OUString aComment;
            Color  aColor;
            ScScenarioFlags nFlags;
            rDoc.GetName( nTab, aName );
            rDoc.GetScenarioData( nTab, aComment, aColor, nFlags );
            bool bModify(false);
            if (ScUnoHelpFunctions::GetBoolFromAny( aValue ))
                if (!(nFlags & ScScenarioFlags::Protected))
                    nFlags |= ScScenarioFlags::Protected;
                    bModify = true;
                if (nFlags & ScScenarioFlags::Protected)
                    nFlags &= ~ScScenarioFlags::Protected;
                    bModify = true;
            if (bModify)
                pDocSh->ModifyScenario( nTab, aName, aComment, aColor, nFlags );
    else if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_SHOWBORD )
        if (rDoc.IsScenario(nTab))
            OUString aName;
            OUString aComment;
            Color  aColor;
            ScScenarioFlags nFlags;
            rDoc.GetName( nTab, aName );
            rDoc.GetScenarioData( nTab, aComment, aColor, nFlags );
            bool bModify(false);
            if (ScUnoHelpFunctions::GetBoolFromAny( aValue ))
                if (!(nFlags & ScScenarioFlags::ShowFrame))
                    nFlags |= ScScenarioFlags::ShowFrame;
                    bModify = true;
                if (nFlags & ScScenarioFlags::ShowFrame)
                    nFlags &= ~ScScenarioFlags::ShowFrame;
                    bModify = true;
            if (bModify)
                pDocSh->ModifyScenario( nTab, aName, aComment, aColor, nFlags );
    else if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_PRINTBORD )
        if (rDoc.IsScenario(nTab))
            OUString aName;
            OUString aComment;
            Color  aColor;
            ScScenarioFlags nFlags;
            rDoc.GetName( nTab, aName );
            rDoc.GetScenarioData( nTab, aComment, aColor, nFlags );
            bool bModify(false);
            if (ScUnoHelpFunctions::GetBoolFromAny( aValue ))
                if (!(nFlags & ScScenarioFlags::PrintFrame))
                    nFlags |= ScScenarioFlags::PrintFrame;
                    bModify = true;
                if (nFlags & ScScenarioFlags::PrintFrame)
                    nFlags &= ~ScScenarioFlags::PrintFrame;
                    bModify = true;
            if (bModify)
                pDocSh->ModifyScenario( nTab, aName, aComment, aColor, nFlags );
    else if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_COPYBACK )
        if (rDoc.IsScenario(nTab))
            OUString aName;
            OUString aComment;
            Color  aColor;
            ScScenarioFlags nFlags;
            rDoc.GetName( nTab, aName );
            rDoc.GetScenarioData( nTab, aComment, aColor, nFlags );
            bool bModify(false);
            if (ScUnoHelpFunctions::GetBoolFromAny( aValue ))
                if (!(nFlags & ScScenarioFlags::TwoWay))
                    nFlags |= ScScenarioFlags::TwoWay;
                    bModify = true;
                if (nFlags & ScScenarioFlags::TwoWay)
                    nFlags &= ~ScScenarioFlags::TwoWay;
                    bModify = true;
            if (bModify)
                pDocSh->ModifyScenario( nTab, aName, aComment, aColor, nFlags );
    else if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_COPYSTYL )
        if (rDoc.IsScenario(nTab))
            OUString aName;
            OUString aComment;
            Color  aColor;
            ScScenarioFlags nFlags;
            rDoc.GetName( nTab, aName );
            rDoc.GetScenarioData( nTab, aComment, aColor, nFlags );
            bool bModify(false);
            if (ScUnoHelpFunctions::GetBoolFromAny( aValue ))
                if (!(nFlags & ScScenarioFlags::Attrib))
                    nFlags |= ScScenarioFlags::Attrib;
                    bModify = true;
                if (nFlags & ScScenarioFlags::Attrib)
                    nFlags &= ~ScScenarioFlags::Attrib;
                    bModify = true;
            if (bModify)
                pDocSh->ModifyScenario( nTab, aName, aComment, aColor, nFlags );
    else if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_COPYFORM )
        if (rDoc.IsScenario(nTab))
            OUString aName;
            OUString aComment;
            Color  aColor;
            ScScenarioFlags nFlags;
            rDoc.GetName( nTab, aName );
            rDoc.GetScenarioData( nTab, aComment, aColor, nFlags );
            bool bModify(false);
            if (ScUnoHelpFunctions::GetBoolFromAny( aValue ))
                if (nFlags & ScScenarioFlags::Value)
                    nFlags &= ~ScScenarioFlags::Value;
                    bModify = true;
                if (!(nFlags & ScScenarioFlags::Value))
                    nFlags |= ScScenarioFlags::Value;
                    bModify = true;
            if (bModify)
                pDocSh->ModifyScenario( nTab, aName, aComment, aColor, nFlags );
    else if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_TABLAYOUT )
        sal_Int16 nValue = 0;
        if (aValue >>= nValue)
            if (nValue == css::text::WritingMode2::RL_TB)
                rFunc.SetLayoutRTL(nTab, true);
                rFunc.SetLayoutRTL(nTab, false);
    else if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_AUTOPRINT )
        bool bAutoPrint = ScUnoHelpFunctions::GetBoolFromAny( aValue );
        if (bAutoPrint)
            rDoc.SetPrintEntireSheet( nTab ); // clears all print ranges
            if (rDoc.IsPrintEntireSheet( nTab ))
                rDoc.ClearPrintRanges( nTab ); // if this flag is true, there are no PrintRanges, so Clear clears only the flag.
    else if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_TABCOLOR )
        Color aColor = COL_AUTO;
        if ( aValue >>= aColor )
            if ( rDoc.GetTabBgColor( nTab ) != aColor )
                rFunc.SetTabBgColor( nTab, aColor, true, true );
    else if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_CODENAME )
        OUString aCodeName;
        if (aValue >>= aCodeName)
            pDocSh->GetDocument().SetCodeName( GetTab_Impl(), aCodeName );
    else if (pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_CONDFORMAT)
        uno::Reference<sheet::XConditionalFormats> xCondFormat;
        if (aValue >>= xCondFormat)
            // how to set the format correctly
    else if (pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_TOTALBELOW)
        bool bTotalsRowBelow = ScUnoHelpFunctions::GetBoolFromAny(aValue);
        rDoc.SetTotalsRowBelow(nTab, bTotalsRowBelow);
        ScCellRangeObj::SetOnePropertyValue(pEntry, aValue);        // base class, no Item WID
void ScTableSheetObj::GetOnePropertyValue( const SfxItemPropertyMapEntry* pEntry,
                                            uno::Any& rAny )
    if ( !pEntry )
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if (!pDocSh)
        throw uno::RuntimeException();
    ScDocument& rDoc = pDocSh->GetDocument();
    SCTAB nTab = GetTab_Impl();
    if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_NAMES )
        rAny <<= uno::Reference<sheet::XNamedRanges>(new ScLocalNamedRangesObj(pDocSh, this));
    else if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_PAGESTL )
        rAny <<= ScStyleNameConversion::DisplayToProgrammaticName(
                            rDoc.GetPageStyle( nTab ), SfxStyleFamily::Page );
    else if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_CELLVIS )
        bool bVis = rDoc.IsVisible( nTab );
        rAny <<= bVis;
    else if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_LINKDISPBIT )
        //  no target bitmaps for individual entries (would be all equal)
        // ScLinkTargetTypeObj::SetLinkTargetBitmap( aAny, SC_LINKTARGETTYPE_SHEET );
    else if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_LINKDISPNAME )
        //  LinkDisplayName for hyperlink dialog
        rAny <<= getName();     // sheet name
    else if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_ISACTIVE )
        if (rDoc.IsScenario(nTab))
            rAny <<= rDoc.IsActiveScenario( nTab );
    else if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_BORDCOL )
        if (rDoc.IsScenario(nTab))
            OUString aComment;
            Color  aColor;
            ScScenarioFlags nFlags;
            rDoc.GetScenarioData( nTab, aComment, aColor, nFlags );
            rAny <<= aColor;
    else if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_PROTECT )
        if (rDoc.IsScenario(nTab))
            ScScenarioFlags nFlags;
            rDoc.GetScenarioFlags(nTab, nFlags);
            rAny <<= ((nFlags & ScScenarioFlags::Protected) != ScScenarioFlags::NONE);
    else if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_SHOWBORD )
        if (rDoc.IsScenario(nTab))
            ScScenarioFlags nFlags;
            rDoc.GetScenarioFlags(nTab, nFlags);
            rAny <<= ((nFlags & ScScenarioFlags::ShowFrame) != ScScenarioFlags::NONE);
    else if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_PRINTBORD )
        if (rDoc.IsScenario(nTab))
            ScScenarioFlags nFlags;
            rDoc.GetScenarioFlags(nTab, nFlags);
            rAny <<= ((nFlags & ScScenarioFlags::PrintFrame) != ScScenarioFlags::NONE);
    else if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_COPYBACK )
        if (rDoc.IsScenario(nTab))
            ScScenarioFlags nFlags;
            rDoc.GetScenarioFlags(nTab, nFlags);
            rAny <<= ((nFlags & ScScenarioFlags::TwoWay) != ScScenarioFlags::NONE);
    else if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_COPYSTYL )
        if (rDoc.IsScenario(nTab))
            ScScenarioFlags nFlags;
            rDoc.GetScenarioFlags(nTab, nFlags);
            rAny <<= ((nFlags & ScScenarioFlags::Attrib) != ScScenarioFlags::NONE);
    else if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_COPYFORM )
        if (rDoc.IsScenario(nTab))
            ScScenarioFlags nFlags;
            rDoc.GetScenarioFlags(nTab, nFlags);
            rAny <<= !(nFlags & ScScenarioFlags::Value);
    else if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_TABLAYOUT )
        if (rDoc.IsLayoutRTL(nTab))
            rAny <<= sal_Int16(css::text::WritingMode2::RL_TB);
            rAny <<= sal_Int16(css::text::WritingMode2::LR_TB);
    else if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_AUTOPRINT )
        bool bAutoPrint = rDoc.IsPrintEntireSheet( nTab );
        rAny <<= bAutoPrint;
    else if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_TABCOLOR )
        rAny <<= rDoc.GetTabBgColor(nTab);
    else if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_CODENAME )
        OUString aCodeName;
        pDocSh->GetDocument().GetCodeName(GetTab_Impl(), aCodeName);
        rAny <<= aCodeName;
    else if (pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_CONDFORMAT)
        rAny <<= uno::Reference<sheet::XConditionalFormats>(new ScCondFormatsObj(pDocSh, nTab));
    else if (pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_SOLVERSETTINGS)
        rAny <<= uno::Reference<sheet::XSolverSettings>(new ScSolverSettings(pDocSh, this));
        ScCellRangeObj::GetOnePropertyValue(pEntry, rAny);
const SfxItemPropertyMap& ScTableSheetObj::GetItemPropertyMap()
    return pSheetPropSet->getPropertyMap();
// XServiceInfo
OUString SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::getImplementationName()
    return u"ScTableSheetObj"_ustr;
sal_Bool SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::supportsService( const OUString& rServiceName )
    return cppu::supportsService(this, rServiceName);
uno::Sequence<OUString> SAL_CALL ScTableSheetObj::getSupportedServiceNames()
ScTableColumnObj::ScTableColumnObj( ScDocShell* pDocSh, SCCOL nCol, SCTAB nTab ) :
    ScCellRangeObj( pDocSh, ScRange(nCol,0,nTab, nCol, pDocSh->GetDocument().MaxRow(),nTab) ),
uno::Any SAL_CALL ScTableColumnObj::queryInterface( const uno::Type& rType )
    uno::Any aReturn = ::cppu::queryInterface(rType,
    if ( aReturn.hasValue() )
        return aReturn;
    return ScCellRangeObj::queryInterface( rType );
void SAL_CALL ScTableColumnObj::acquire() noexcept
void SAL_CALL ScTableColumnObj::release() noexcept
uno::Sequence<uno::Type> SAL_CALL ScTableColumnObj::getTypes()
    return comphelper::concatSequences(
        uno::Sequence<uno::Type> { cppu::UnoType<container::XNamed>::get() } );
uno::Sequence<sal_Int8> SAL_CALL ScTableColumnObj::getImplementationId()
    return css::uno::Sequence<sal_Int8>();
// XNamed
OUString SAL_CALL ScTableColumnObj::getName()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    const ScRange& rRange = GetRange();
    OSL_ENSURE(rRange.aStart.Col() == rRange.aEnd.Col(), "too many columns");
    SCCOL nCol = rRange.aStart.Col();
    return ScColToAlpha( nCol );        // from global.hxx
void SAL_CALL ScTableColumnObj::setName( const OUString& /* aNewName */ )
    throw uno::RuntimeException();      // read-only
// XPropertySet extended for Column-Properties
uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySetInfo> SAL_CALL ScTableColumnObj::getPropertySetInfo()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    static uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySetInfo> aRef(
        new SfxItemPropertySetInfo( pColPropSet->getPropertyMap() ));
    return aRef;
void ScTableColumnObj::SetOnePropertyValue(const SfxItemPropertyMapEntry* pEntry, const uno::Any& aValue)
    if ( !pEntry )
    if ( IsScItemWid( pEntry->nWID ) )
        //  for Item WIDs, call ScCellRangesBase directly
        ScCellRangesBase::SetOnePropertyValue(pEntry, aValue);
    //  own properties
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if (!pDocSh)
        return;                                                 //! Exception or so?
    const ScRange& rRange = GetRange();
    OSL_ENSURE(rRange.aStart.Col() == rRange.aEnd.Col(), "Too many columns");
    SCCOL nCol = rRange.aStart.Col();
    SCTAB nTab = rRange.aStart.Tab();
    ScDocFunc &rFunc = pDocSh->GetDocFunc();
    std::vector<sc::ColRowSpan> aColArr(1, sc::ColRowSpan(nCol,nCol));
    if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_CELLWID )
        sal_Int32 nNewWidth = 0;
        if ( aValue >>= nNewWidth )
            //  property is 1/100mm, column width is twips
            nNewWidth = o3tl::toTwips(nNewWidth, o3tl::Length::mm100);
                true, aColArr, nTab, SC_SIZE_ORIGINAL, nNewWidth, true, true);
    else if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_CELLVIS )
        bool bVis = ScUnoHelpFunctions::GetBoolFromAny( aValue );
        ScSizeMode eMode = bVis ? SC_SIZE_SHOW : SC_SIZE_DIRECT;
        rFunc.SetWidthOrHeight(true, aColArr, nTab, eMode, 0, true, true);
        //  SC_SIZE_DIRECT with size 0 will hide
    else if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_OWIDTH )
        bool bOpt = ScUnoHelpFunctions::GetBoolFromAny( aValue );
        if (bOpt)
                true, aColArr, nTab, SC_SIZE_OPTIMAL, STD_EXTRA_WIDTH, true, true);
        // sal_False on columns currently without effect
    else if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_NEWPAGE || pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_MANPAGE )
        bool bSet = ScUnoHelpFunctions::GetBoolFromAny( aValue );
        if (bSet)
            rFunc.InsertPageBreak( true, rRange.aStart, true, true );
            rFunc.RemovePageBreak( true, rRange.aStart, true, true );
        ScCellRangeObj::SetOnePropertyValue(pEntry, aValue);        // base class, no Item WID
void ScTableColumnObj::GetOnePropertyValue( const SfxItemPropertyMapEntry* pEntry, uno::Any& rAny )
    if ( !pEntry )
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if (!pDocSh)
        throw uno::RuntimeException();
    ScDocument& rDoc = pDocSh->GetDocument();
    const ScRange& rRange = GetRange();
    OSL_ENSURE(rRange.aStart.Col() == rRange.aEnd.Col(), "too many columns");
    SCCOL nCol = rRange.aStart.Col();
    SCTAB nTab = rRange.aStart.Tab();
    if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_CELLWID )
        // for hidden column, return original height
        sal_uInt16 nWidth = rDoc.GetOriginalWidth( nCol, nTab );
        //  property is 1/100mm, column width is twips
        rAny <<= static_cast<sal_Int32>(convertTwipToMm100(nWidth));
    else if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_CELLVIS )
        bool bHidden = rDoc.ColHidden(nCol, nTab);
        rAny <<= !bHidden;
    else if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_OWIDTH )
        //! at the moment always set ??!?!
        bool bOpt = !(rDoc.GetColFlags( nCol, nTab ) & CRFlags::ManualSize);
        rAny <<= bOpt;
    else if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_NEWPAGE )
        ScBreakType nBreak = rDoc.HasColBreak(nCol, nTab);
        rAny <<= nBreak != ScBreakType::NONE;
    else if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_MANPAGE )
        ScBreakType nBreak = rDoc.HasColBreak(nCol, nTab);
        rAny <<= bool(nBreak & ScBreakType::Manual);
        ScCellRangeObj::GetOnePropertyValue(pEntry, rAny);
const SfxItemPropertyMap& ScTableColumnObj::GetItemPropertyMap()
    return pColPropSet->getPropertyMap();
ScTableRowObj::ScTableRowObj(ScDocShell* pDocSh, SCROW nRow, SCTAB nTab) :
    ScCellRangeObj( pDocSh, ScRange(0,nRow,nTab, pDocSh->GetDocument().MaxCol(),nRow,nTab) ),
// XPropertySet extended for Row-Properties
uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySetInfo> SAL_CALL ScTableRowObj::getPropertySetInfo()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    static uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySetInfo> aRef(
        new SfxItemPropertySetInfo( pRowPropSet->getPropertyMap() ));
    return aRef;
void ScTableRowObj::SetOnePropertyValue( const SfxItemPropertyMapEntry* pEntry, const uno::Any& aValue )
    if ( !pEntry )
    if ( IsScItemWid( pEntry->nWID ) )
        //  for Item WIDs, call ScCellRangesBase directly
        ScCellRangesBase::SetOnePropertyValue(pEntry, aValue);
    //  own properties
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if (!pDocSh)
        return;                                                 //! Exception or so?
    ScDocument& rDoc = pDocSh->GetDocument();
    const ScRange& rRange = GetRange();
    OSL_ENSURE(rRange.aStart.Row() == rRange.aEnd.Row(), "too many rows");
    SCROW nRow = rRange.aStart.Row();
    SCTAB nTab = rRange.aStart.Tab();
    ScDocFunc &rFunc = pDocSh->GetDocFunc();
    std::vector<sc::ColRowSpan> aRowArr(1, sc::ColRowSpan(nRow,nRow));
    if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_CELLHGT )
        sal_Int32 nNewHeight = 0;
        if ( aValue >>= nNewHeight )
            //  property is 1/100mm, row height is twips
            nNewHeight = o3tl::toTwips(nNewHeight, o3tl::Length::mm100);
                false, aRowArr, nTab, SC_SIZE_ORIGINAL, nNewHeight, true, true);
    else if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_CELLVIS )
        bool bVis = ScUnoHelpFunctions::GetBoolFromAny( aValue );
        ScSizeMode eMode = bVis ? SC_SIZE_SHOW : SC_SIZE_DIRECT;
        rFunc.SetWidthOrHeight(false, aRowArr, nTab, eMode, 0, true, true);
        //  SC_SIZE_DIRECT with size zero will hide
    else if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_CELLFILT )
        bool bFil = ScUnoHelpFunctions::GetBoolFromAny( aValue );
        //  SC_SIZE_DIRECT with size zero will hide
        rDoc.SetRowFiltered(nRow, nRow, nTab, bFil);
    else if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_OHEIGHT )
        bool bOpt = ScUnoHelpFunctions::GetBoolFromAny( aValue );
        if (bOpt)
            rFunc.SetWidthOrHeight(false, aRowArr, nTab, SC_SIZE_OPTIMAL, 0, true, true);
            //  set current height again manually
            sal_uInt16 nHeight = rDoc.GetOriginalHeight( nRow, nTab );
            rFunc.SetWidthOrHeight(false, aRowArr, nTab, SC_SIZE_ORIGINAL, nHeight, true, true);
    else if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_NEWPAGE || pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_MANPAGE )
        bool bSet = ScUnoHelpFunctions::GetBoolFromAny( aValue );
        if (bSet)
            rFunc.InsertPageBreak( false, rRange.aStart, true, true );
            rFunc.RemovePageBreak( false, rRange.aStart, true, true );
        ScCellRangeObj::SetOnePropertyValue(pEntry, aValue);        // base class, no Item WID
void ScTableRowObj::GetOnePropertyValue( const SfxItemPropertyMapEntry* pEntry, uno::Any& rAny )
    if ( !pEntry )
    ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetDocShell();
    if (!pDocSh)
        throw uno::RuntimeException();
    ScDocument& rDoc = pDocSh->GetDocument();
    const ScRange& rRange = GetRange();
    OSL_ENSURE(rRange.aStart.Row() == rRange.aEnd.Row(), "too many rows");
    SCROW nRow = rRange.aStart.Row();
    SCTAB nTab = rRange.aStart.Tab();
    if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_CELLHGT )
        // for hidden row, return original height
        sal_uInt16 nHeight = rDoc.GetOriginalHeight( nRow, nTab );
        //  property is 1/100mm, row height is twips
        rAny <<= static_cast<sal_Int32>(convertTwipToMm100(nHeight));
    else if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_CELLVIS )
        bool bHidden = rDoc.RowHidden(nRow, nTab);
        rAny <<= !bHidden;
    else if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_CELLFILT )
        bool bVis = rDoc.RowFiltered(nRow, nTab);
        rAny <<= bVis;
    else if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_OHEIGHT )
        bool bOpt = !(rDoc.GetRowFlags( nRow, nTab ) & CRFlags::ManualSize);
        rAny <<= bOpt;
    else if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_NEWPAGE )
        ScBreakType nBreak = rDoc.HasRowBreak(nRow, nTab);
        rAny <<= (nBreak != ScBreakType::NONE);
    else if ( pEntry->nWID == SC_WID_UNO_MANPAGE )
        bool bBreak(rDoc.HasRowBreak(nRow, nTab) & ScBreakType::Manual);
        rAny <<= bBreak;
        ScCellRangeObj::GetOnePropertyValue(pEntry, rAny);
const SfxItemPropertyMap& ScTableRowObj::GetItemPropertyMap()
    return pRowPropSet->getPropertyMap();
ScCellsObj::ScCellsObj(ScDocShell* pDocSh, ScRangeList aR) :
    pDocShell( pDocSh ),
    aRanges(std::move( aR ))
    SolarMutexGuard g;
    if (pDocShell)
void ScCellsObj::Notify( SfxBroadcaster&, const SfxHint& rHint )
    if ( rHint.GetId() == SfxHintId::ScUpdateRef )
        auto pRefHint = static_cast<const ScUpdateRefHint*>(&rHint);
        aRanges.UpdateReference( pRefHint->GetMode(), &pDocShell->GetDocument(), pRefHint->GetRange(),
                                        pRefHint->GetDx(), pRefHint->GetDy(), pRefHint->GetDz() );
    else if ( rHint.GetId() == SfxHintId::Dying )
        pDocShell = nullptr;
// XEnumerationAccess
uno::Reference<container::XEnumeration> SAL_CALL ScCellsObj::createEnumeration()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if (pDocShell)
        return new ScCellsEnumeration( pDocShell, aRanges );
    return nullptr;
uno::Type SAL_CALL ScCellsObj::getElementType()
    return cppu::UnoType<table::XCell>::get();
sal_Bool SAL_CALL ScCellsObj::hasElements()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    bool bHas = false;
    if ( pDocShell )
        //! faster if test ourself?
        uno::Reference<container::XEnumeration> xEnum(new ScCellsEnumeration( pDocShell, aRanges ));
        bHas = xEnum->hasMoreElements();
    return bHas;
ScCellsEnumeration::ScCellsEnumeration(ScDocShell* pDocSh, ScRangeList aR) :
    pDocShell( pDocSh ),
    aRanges(std::move( aR )),
    bAtEnd( false )
    ScDocument& rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
    if ( aRanges.empty() )
        bAtEnd = true;
        SCTAB nTab = aRanges[ 0 ].aStart.Tab();
        aPos = ScAddress(0,0,nTab);
        CheckPos_Impl();                    // set aPos on first matching cell
void ScCellsEnumeration::CheckPos_Impl()
    if (!pDocShell)
    bool bFound = false;
    ScDocument& rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
    ScRefCellValue aCell(rDoc, aPos);
    if (!aCell.isEmpty())
        if (!pMark)
            pMark.reset( new ScMarkData(rDoc.GetSheetLimits()) );
            pMark->MarkFromRangeList(aRanges, false);
            pMark->MarkToMulti();   // needed for GetNextMarkedCell
        bFound = pMark->IsCellMarked(aPos.Col(), aPos.Row());
    if (!bFound)
    SolarMutexGuard g;
    if (pDocShell)
void ScCellsEnumeration::Advance_Impl()
    OSL_ENSURE(!bAtEnd,"too much Advance_Impl");
    if (!pMark)
        pMark.reset( new ScMarkData(pDocShell->GetDocument().GetSheetLimits()) );
        pMark->MarkFromRangeList( aRanges, false );
        pMark->MarkToMulti();   // needed for GetNextMarkedCell
    SCCOL nCol = aPos.Col();
    SCROW nRow = aPos.Row();
    SCTAB nTab = aPos.Tab();
    bool bFound = pDocShell->GetDocument().GetNextMarkedCell( nCol, nRow, nTab, *pMark );
    if (bFound)
        aPos.Set( nCol, nRow, nTab );
        bAtEnd = true;      // nothing will follow
void ScCellsEnumeration::Notify( SfxBroadcaster&, const SfxHint& rHint )
    if ( rHint.GetId() == SfxHintId::ScUpdateRef )
        const ScUpdateRefHint* pRefHint = static_cast<const ScUpdateRefHint*>(&rHint);
        if (pDocShell)
            aRanges.UpdateReference( pRefHint->GetMode(), &pDocShell->GetDocument(), pRefHint->GetRange(),
                                     pRefHint->GetDx(), pRefHint->GetDy(), pRefHint->GetDz() );
            pMark.reset();       // recreate from moved area
            if (!bAtEnd)        // adjust aPos
                ScRangeList aNew { ScRange(aPos) };
                aNew.UpdateReference( pRefHint->GetMode(), &pDocShell->GetDocument(), pRefHint->GetRange(),
                                      pRefHint->GetDx(), pRefHint->GetDy(), pRefHint->GetDz() );
                if (aNew.size()==1)
                    aPos = aNew[ 0 ].aStart;
    else if ( rHint.GetId() == SfxHintId::Dying )
        pDocShell = nullptr;
// XEnumeration
sal_Bool SAL_CALL ScCellsEnumeration::hasMoreElements()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    return !bAtEnd;
uno::Any SAL_CALL ScCellsEnumeration::nextElement()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if (pDocShell && !bAtEnd)
        // interface must match ScCellsObj::getElementType
        ScAddress aTempPos(aPos);
        return uno::Any(uno::Reference<table::XCell>(new ScCellObj( pDocShell, aTempPos )));
    throw container::NoSuchElementException();      // no more elements
ScCellFormatsObj::ScCellFormatsObj(ScDocShell* pDocSh, const ScRange& rRange) :
    pDocShell( pDocSh ),
    aTotalRange( rRange )
    ScDocument& rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
    OSL_ENSURE( aTotalRange.aStart.Tab() == aTotalRange.aEnd.Tab(), "different tables" );
    SolarMutexGuard g;
    if (pDocShell)
void ScCellFormatsObj::Notify( SfxBroadcaster&, const SfxHint& rHint )
    if ( rHint.GetId() == SfxHintId::ScUpdateRef )
        //! aTotalRange...
    else if ( rHint.GetId() == SfxHintId::Dying )
        pDocShell = nullptr;
rtl::Reference<ScCellRangeObj> ScCellFormatsObj::GetObjectByIndex_Impl(tools::Long nIndex) const
    //! access the AttrArrays directly !!!!
    if (pDocShell)
        ScDocument& rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
        tools::Long nPos = 0;
        ScAttrRectIterator aIter( rDoc, aTotalRange.aStart.Tab(),
                                    aTotalRange.aStart.Col(), aTotalRange.aStart.Row(),
                                    aTotalRange.aEnd.Col(), aTotalRange.aEnd.Row() );
        SCCOL nCol1, nCol2;
        SCROW nRow1, nRow2;
        while ( aIter.GetNext( nCol1, nCol2, nRow1, nRow2 ) )
            if ( nPos == nIndex )
                SCTAB nTab = aTotalRange.aStart.Tab();
                ScRange aNext( nCol1, nRow1, nTab, nCol2, nRow2, nTab );
                if ( aNext.aStart == aNext.aEnd )
                    return new ScCellObj( pDocShell, aNext.aStart );
                    return new ScCellRangeObj( pDocShell, aNext );
    return {};
// XIndexAccess
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL ScCellFormatsObj::getCount()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    //! access the AttrArrays directly !!!!
    tools::Long nCount = 0;
    if (pDocShell)
        ScDocument& rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
        ScAttrRectIterator aIter( rDoc, aTotalRange.aStart.Tab(),
                                    aTotalRange.aStart.Col(), aTotalRange.aStart.Row(),
                                    aTotalRange.aEnd.Col(), aTotalRange.aEnd.Row() );
        SCCOL nCol1, nCol2;
        SCROW nRow1, nRow2;
        while ( aIter.GetNext( nCol1, nCol2, nRow1, nRow2 ) )
    return nCount;
uno::Any SAL_CALL ScCellFormatsObj::getByIndex( sal_Int32 nIndex )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    uno::Reference<table::XCellRange> xRange(GetObjectByIndex_Impl(nIndex));
    if (!xRange.is())
        throw lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException();
    return uno::Any(xRange);
uno::Type SAL_CALL ScCellFormatsObj::getElementType()
    return cppu::UnoType<table::XCellRange>::get();
sal_Bool SAL_CALL ScCellFormatsObj::hasElements()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    return ( getCount() != 0 );     //! always greater than zero ??
// XEnumerationAccess
uno::Reference<container::XEnumeration> SAL_CALL ScCellFormatsObj::createEnumeration()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if (pDocShell)
        return new ScCellFormatsEnumeration( pDocShell, aTotalRange );
    return nullptr;
ScCellFormatsEnumeration::ScCellFormatsEnumeration(ScDocShell* pDocSh, const ScRange& rRange) :
    pDocShell( pDocSh ),
    nTab( rRange.aStart.Tab() ),
    bAtEnd( false ),
    bDirty( false )
    ScDocument& rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
    OSL_ENSURE( rRange.aStart.Tab() == rRange.aEnd.Tab(),
                "CellFormatsEnumeration: different tables" );
    pIter.reset( new ScAttrRectIterator( rDoc, nTab,
                                    rRange.aStart.Col(), rRange.aStart.Row(),
                                    rRange.aEnd.Col(), rRange.aEnd.Row() ) );
    SolarMutexGuard g;
    if (pDocShell)
void ScCellFormatsEnumeration::Advance_Impl()
    OSL_ENSURE(!bAtEnd,"too many Advance_Impl");
    if ( pIter )
        if ( bDirty )
            pIter->DataChanged();   // new search for AttrArray-Index
            bDirty = false;
        SCCOL nCol1, nCol2;
        SCROW nRow1, nRow2;
        if ( pIter->GetNext( nCol1, nCol2, nRow1, nRow2 ) )
            aNext = ScRange( nCol1, nRow1, nTab, nCol2, nRow2, nTab );
            bAtEnd = true;
        bAtEnd = true;          // document vanished or so
rtl::Reference<ScCellRangeObj> ScCellFormatsEnumeration::NextObject_Impl()
    rtl::Reference<ScCellRangeObj> pRet;
    if (pDocShell && !bAtEnd)
        if ( aNext.aStart == aNext.aEnd )
            pRet = new ScCellObj( pDocShell, aNext.aStart );
            pRet = new ScCellRangeObj( pDocShell, aNext );
    return pRet;
void ScCellFormatsEnumeration::Notify( SfxBroadcaster&, const SfxHint& rHint )
    if ( rHint.GetId() == SfxHintId::ScUpdateRef )
        //! and now???
        const SfxHintId nId = rHint.GetId();
        if ( nId == SfxHintId::Dying )
            pDocShell = nullptr;
        else if ( nId == SfxHintId::DataChanged )
            bDirty = true;          // AttrArray-Index possibly invalid
// XEnumeration
sal_Bool SAL_CALL ScCellFormatsEnumeration::hasMoreElements()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    return !bAtEnd;
uno::Any SAL_CALL ScCellFormatsEnumeration::nextElement()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if ( bAtEnd || !pDocShell )
        throw container::NoSuchElementException();      // no more elements
    // interface must match ScCellFormatsObj::getElementType
    return uno::Any(uno::Reference<table::XCellRange> (NextObject_Impl()));
    SolarMutexGuard g;
    if (pDocShell)
void ScUniqueCellFormatsObj::Notify( SfxBroadcaster&, const SfxHint& rHint )
    if ( rHint.GetId() == SfxHintId::ScUpdateRef )
        //! aTotalRange...
        if ( rHint.GetId() == SfxHintId::Dying )
            pDocShell = nullptr;
//  Fill the list of formats from the document
namespace {
// hash code to access the range lists by ScPatternAttr pointer
struct ScPatternHashCode
    size_t operator()( const ScPatternAttr* pPattern ) const
        return reinterpret_cast<size_t>(pPattern);
// Hash map to find a range by its start row
typedef std::unordered_map< SCROW, ScRange > ScRowRangeHashMap;
namespace {
// Hash map entry.
// The Join method depends on the column-wise order of ScAttrRectIterator
class ScUniqueFormatsEntry
    EntryState          eState;
    ScRange             aSingleRange;
    ScRowRangeHashMap   aJoinedRanges;      // "active" ranges to be merged
    std::vector<ScRange> aCompletedRanges;   // ranges that will no longer be touched
    ScRangeListRef      aReturnRanges;      // result as ScRangeList for further use
                        ScUniqueFormatsEntry() : eState( STATE_EMPTY ) {}
    void                Join( const ScRange& rNewRange );
    const ScRangeList&  GetRanges();
    void                Clear() { aReturnRanges.clear(); }  // aJoinedRanges and aCompletedRanges are cleared in GetRanges
void ScUniqueFormatsEntry::Join( const ScRange& rNewRange )
    // Special-case handling for single range
    if ( eState == STATE_EMPTY )
        aSingleRange = rNewRange;
        eState = STATE_SINGLE;
    if ( eState == STATE_SINGLE )
        if ( aSingleRange.aStart.Row() == rNewRange.aStart.Row() &&
             aSingleRange.aEnd.Row() == rNewRange.aEnd.Row() &&
             aSingleRange.aEnd.Col() + 1 == rNewRange.aStart.Col() )
            aSingleRange.aEnd.SetCol( rNewRange.aEnd.Col() );
            return;     // still a single range
        SCROW nSingleRow = aSingleRange.aStart.Row();
        aJoinedRanges.emplace( nSingleRow, aSingleRange );
        eState = STATE_COMPLEX;
        // continue normally
    // This is called in the order of ScAttrRectIterator results.
    // rNewRange can only be joined with an existing entry if it's the same rows, starting in the next column.
    // If the old entry for the start row extends to a different end row, or ends in a different column, it
    // can be moved to aCompletedRanges because it can't be joined with following iterator results.
    // Everything happens within one sheet, so Tab can be ignored.
    SCROW nStartRow = rNewRange.aStart.Row();
    ScRowRangeHashMap::iterator aIter( aJoinedRanges.find( nStartRow ) );       // find the active entry for the start row
    if ( aIter != aJoinedRanges.end() )
        ScRange& rOldRange = aIter->second;
        if ( rOldRange.aEnd.Row() == rNewRange.aEnd.Row() &&
             rOldRange.aEnd.Col() + 1 == rNewRange.aStart.Col() )
            // extend existing range
            rOldRange.aEnd.SetCol( rNewRange.aEnd.Col() );
            // move old range to aCompletedRanges, keep rNewRange for joining
            aCompletedRanges.push_back( rOldRange );
            rOldRange = rNewRange;  // replace in hash map
        // keep rNewRange for joining
        aJoinedRanges.emplace( nStartRow, rNewRange );
const ScRangeList& ScUniqueFormatsEntry::GetRanges()
    if ( eState == STATE_SINGLE )
        aReturnRanges = new ScRangeList( aSingleRange );
        return *aReturnRanges;
    // move remaining entries from aJoinedRanges to aCompletedRanges
    for ( const auto& rEntry : aJoinedRanges )
        aCompletedRanges.push_back( rEntry.second );
    // sort all ranges for a predictable API result
    std::sort( aCompletedRanges.begin(), aCompletedRanges.end() );
    // fill and return ScRangeList
    aReturnRanges = new ScRangeList;
    aReturnRanges->insert( aReturnRanges->end(), aCompletedRanges.begin(), aCompletedRanges.end() );
    return *aReturnRanges;
namespace {
// function object to sort the range lists by start of first range
struct ScUniqueFormatsOrder
    bool operator()( const ScRangeList& rList1, const ScRangeList& rList2 ) const
        // all range lists have at least one entry
        OSL_ENSURE( !rList1.empty() && !rList2.empty(), "ScUniqueFormatsOrder: empty list" );
        // compare start positions using ScAddress comparison operator
        return ( rList1[ 0 ].aStart < rList2[ 0 ].aStart );
ScUniqueCellFormatsObj::ScUniqueCellFormatsObj(ScDocShell* pDocSh, const ScRange& rTotalRange) :
    pDocShell( pDocSh )
    OSL_ENSURE( rTotalRange.aStart.Tab() == rTotalRange.aEnd.Tab(), "different tables" );
    ScDocument& rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
    SCTAB nTab = rTotalRange.aStart.Tab();
    ScAttrRectIterator aIter( rDoc, nTab,
                                rTotalRange.aStart.Col(), rTotalRange.aStart.Row(),
                                rTotalRange.aEnd.Col(), rTotalRange.aEnd.Row() );
    SCCOL nCol1, nCol2;
    SCROW nRow1, nRow2;
    // Collect the ranges for each format in a hash map, to avoid nested loops
    std::unordered_map< const ScPatternAttr*, ScUniqueFormatsEntry, ScPatternHashCode > aHashMap;
    while (aIter.GetNext( nCol1, nCol2, nRow1, nRow2 ) )
        ScRange aRange( nCol1, nRow1, nTab, nCol2, nRow2, nTab );
        const ScPatternAttr* pPattern = rDoc.GetPattern(nCol1, nRow1, nTab);
        aHashMap[pPattern].Join( aRange );
    // Fill the vector aRangeLists with the range lists from the hash map
    aRangeLists.reserve( aHashMap.size() );
    for ( auto& rMapEntry : aHashMap )
        ScUniqueFormatsEntry& rEntry = rMapEntry.second;
        const ScRangeList& rRanges = rEntry.GetRanges();
        aRangeLists.push_back( rRanges );       // copy ScRangeList
        rEntry.Clear();                         // free memory, don't hold both copies of all ranges
    // Sort the vector by first range's start position, to avoid random shuffling
    // due to using the ScPatterAttr pointers
    ::std::sort( aRangeLists.begin(), aRangeLists.end(), ScUniqueFormatsOrder() );
// XIndexAccess
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL ScUniqueCellFormatsObj::getCount()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    return aRangeLists.size();
uno::Any SAL_CALL ScUniqueCellFormatsObj::getByIndex( sal_Int32 nIndex )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if(o3tl::make_unsigned(nIndex) >= aRangeLists.size())
        throw lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException();
    return uno::Any(uno::Reference<sheet::XSheetCellRangeContainer>(new ScCellRangesObj(pDocShell, aRangeLists[nIndex])));
uno::Type SAL_CALL ScUniqueCellFormatsObj::getElementType()
    return cppu::UnoType<sheet::XSheetCellRangeContainer>::get();
sal_Bool SAL_CALL ScUniqueCellFormatsObj::hasElements()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    return ( !aRangeLists.empty() );
// XEnumerationAccess
uno::Reference<container::XEnumeration> SAL_CALL ScUniqueCellFormatsObj::createEnumeration()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if (pDocShell)
        return new ScUniqueCellFormatsEnumeration( pDocShell, std::vector(aRangeLists) );
    return nullptr;
ScUniqueCellFormatsEnumeration::ScUniqueCellFormatsEnumeration(ScDocShell* pDocSh, std::vector<ScRangeList>&& rRangeLists) :
    pDocShell( pDocSh ),
    SolarMutexGuard g;
    if (pDocShell)
void ScUniqueCellFormatsEnumeration::Notify( SfxBroadcaster&, const SfxHint& rHint )
    if ( rHint.GetId() == SfxHintId::ScUpdateRef )
        //! and now ???
        if ( rHint.GetId() == SfxHintId::Dying )
            pDocShell = nullptr;
// XEnumeration
sal_Bool SAL_CALL ScUniqueCellFormatsEnumeration::hasMoreElements()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    return o3tl::make_unsigned(nCurrentPosition) < aRangeLists.size();
uno::Any SAL_CALL ScUniqueCellFormatsEnumeration::nextElement()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if ( !hasMoreElements() || !pDocShell )
        throw container::NoSuchElementException();      // no more elements
    // interface type must match ScCellFormatsObj::getElementType
    return uno::Any(uno::Reference<sheet::XSheetCellRangeContainer>(new ScCellRangesObj(pDocShell, aRangeLists[nCurrentPosition++])));
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V547 Expression 'pPattern' is always true.

V547 Expression 'pPattern' is always true.

V614 Potentially null smart pointer 'pUndoDoc' used.

V614 Potentially null smart pointer 'pUndoMark' used.

V1019 Compound assignment expression 'aValue >>= aBorder' is used inside condition.

V1019 Compound assignment expression 'aValue >>= aBorder2' is used inside condition.

V1029 Numeric Truncation Error. Return value of the 'size' function is written to the 16-bit variable.

V1029 Numeric Truncation Error. Return value of the 'size' function is written to the 16-bit variable.

V1029 Numeric Truncation Error. Return value of the 'size' function is written to the 16-bit variable.

V1029 Numeric Truncation Error. Return value of the 'size' function is written to the 16-bit variable.

V1029 Numeric Truncation Error. Return value of the 'size' function is written to the 16-bit variable.

V1029 Numeric Truncation Error. Return value of the 'size' function is written to the 16-bit variable.

V1048 The 'eRet' variable was assigned the same value.