/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
* This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
* This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
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* the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <tools/datetime.hxx>
#include <tools/duration.hxx>
#include <rtl/math.hxx>
#include <sal/log.hxx>
#include <systemdatetime.hxx>
: Date( Date::EMPTY )
, Time( Time::EMPTY )
sal_Int32 nD = 0;
sal_Int64 nT = 0;
if ( GetSystemDateTime( &nD, &nT ) )
Date::operator=( Date( nD ) );
SetTime( nT );
Date::operator=( Date( 1, 1, 1900 ) ); // Time::nTime is already 0
DateTime::DateTime( const css::util::DateTime& rDateTime )
: Date( rDateTime.Day, rDateTime.Month, rDateTime.Year ),
Time( rDateTime.Hours, rDateTime.Minutes, rDateTime.Seconds, rDateTime.NanoSeconds )
DateTime& DateTime::operator =( const css::util::DateTime& rUDateTime )
Date::operator=( Date( rUDateTime.Day, rUDateTime.Month, rUDateTime.Year));
Time::operator=( Time( rUDateTime));
return *this;
bool DateTime::IsBetween( const DateTime& rFrom, const DateTime& rTo ) const
return (*this >= rFrom) && (*this <= rTo);
bool DateTime::operator >( const DateTime& rDateTime ) const
return (Date::operator>( rDateTime )) ||
(Date::operator==( rDateTime ) && tools::Time::operator>( rDateTime ));
bool DateTime::operator <( const DateTime& rDateTime ) const
return (Date::operator<( rDateTime )) ||
(Date::operator==( rDateTime ) && tools::Time::operator<( rDateTime ));
bool DateTime::operator >=( const DateTime& rDateTime ) const
return (Date::operator>( rDateTime )) ||
(Date::operator==( rDateTime ) && tools::Time::operator>=( rDateTime ));
bool DateTime::operator <=( const DateTime& rDateTime ) const
return (Date::operator<( rDateTime )) ||
(Date::operator==( rDateTime ) && tools::Time::operator<=( rDateTime ));
sal_Int64 DateTime::GetSecFromDateTime( const Date& rDate ) const
if ( Date::operator<( rDate ) )
return 0;
sal_Int64 nSec = Date( *this ) - rDate;
nSec *= 24UL*60*60;
sal_Int64 nHour = GetHour();
sal_Int64 nMin = GetMin();
nSec += (nHour*3600)+(nMin*60)+GetSec();
return nSec;
void DateTime::NormalizeTimeRemainderAndApply( tools::Time& rTime )
sal_uInt16 nHours = rTime.GetHour();
if ( rTime.GetTime() > 0 )
if (nHours >= 24)
AddDays( nHours / 24 );
nHours %= 24;
rTime.SetHour( nHours );
else if ( rTime.GetTime() != 0 )
if (nHours >= 24)
AddDays( -static_cast<sal_Int32>(nHours) / 24 );
nHours %= 24;
rTime.SetHour( nHours );
rTime = Time( 24, 0, 0 ) + rTime;
tools::Time::operator=( rTime );
DateTime& DateTime::operator +=( const tools::Time& rTime )
tools::Time aTime = *this;
aTime += rTime;
return *this;
DateTime& DateTime::operator -=( const tools::Time& rTime )
tools::Time aTime = *this;
aTime -= rTime;
return *this;
DateTime& DateTime::operator +=( const tools::Duration& rDuration )
return *this;
DateTime operator +( const DateTime& rDateTime, sal_Int32 nDays )
DateTime aDateTime( rDateTime );
aDateTime.AddDays( nDays );
return aDateTime;
DateTime operator -( const DateTime& rDateTime, sal_Int32 nDays )
DateTime aDateTime( rDateTime );
aDateTime.AddDays( -nDays );
return aDateTime;
DateTime operator +( const DateTime& rDateTime, const tools::Time& rTime )
DateTime aDateTime( rDateTime );
aDateTime += rTime;
return aDateTime;
DateTime operator -( const DateTime& rDateTime, const tools::Time& rTime )
DateTime aDateTime( rDateTime );
aDateTime -= rTime;
return aDateTime;
DateTime operator +( const DateTime& rDateTime, const tools::Duration& rDuration )
DateTime aDateTime(rDateTime);
aDateTime.AddDays( rDuration.GetDays());
aDateTime += rDuration.GetTime();
return aDateTime;
void DateTime::AddTime( double fTimeInDays )
// Use Duration to diminish floating point accuracy errors.
tools::Duration aDuration(fTimeInDays);
DateTime operator +( const DateTime& rDateTime, double fTimeInDays )
DateTime aDateTime( rDateTime );
aDateTime.AddTime( fTimeInDays );
return aDateTime;
tools::Duration operator -( const DateTime& rDateTime1, const DateTime& rDateTime2 )
return tools::Duration( rDateTime2, rDateTime1);
// static
double DateTime::Sub( const DateTime& rDateTime1, const DateTime& rDateTime2 )
if (static_cast<const tools::Time&>(rDateTime1) != static_cast<const tools::Time&>(rDateTime2))
// Use Duration to diminish floating point accuracy errors.
const tools::Duration aDuration( rDateTime2, rDateTime1);
return aDuration.GetInDays();
return static_cast<const Date&>(rDateTime1) - static_cast<const Date&>(rDateTime2);
void DateTime::GetWin32FileDateTime( sal_uInt32 & rLower, sal_uInt32 & rUpper ) const
const sal_Int64 a100nPerSecond = SAL_CONST_INT64( 10000000 );
const sal_Int64 a100nPerDay = a100nPerSecond * sal_Int64( 60 * 60 * 24 );
// FILETIME is indirectly documented as uint64, see
// https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms724284.aspx
// mentioning the ULARGE_INTEGER structure.
// https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms724280.aspx
// mentions that if FILETIME is not less than 0x8000000000000000 then the
// FileTimeToSystemTime function fails, which is another indicator.
// Unless there's evidence that FILETIME can represent a signed offset from
// 1601-01-01 truncate at 0. (reading part below in
// CreateFromWin32FileDateTime() would had to be adapted to signed as
// well).
sal_Int16 nYear = GetYear();
SAL_WARN_IF( nYear < 1601, "tools.datetime", "DateTime::GetWin32FileDateTime - year < 1601: " << nYear);
sal_Int64 aTime = (nYear < 1601 ? 0 : (
a100nPerDay * (*this - Date(1,1,1601)) +
rLower = sal_uInt32( aTime % SAL_CONST_UINT64( 0x100000000 ) );
rUpper = sal_uInt32( aTime / SAL_CONST_UINT64( 0x100000000 ) );
DateTime DateTime::CreateFromWin32FileDateTime( sal_uInt32 rLower, sal_uInt32 rUpper )
// (rUpper|rLower) = 100-nanosecond intervals since 1601-01-01 00:00
const sal_uInt64 a100nPerSecond = SAL_CONST_UINT64( 10000000 );
const sal_uInt64 a100nPerDay = a100nPerSecond * sal_uInt64( 60 * 60 * 24 );
sal_uInt64 aTime =
sal_uInt64( rUpper ) * SAL_CONST_UINT64( 0x100000000 ) +
sal_uInt64( rLower );
SAL_WARN_IF( static_cast<sal_Int64>(aTime) < 0, "tools.datetime",
"DateTime::CreateFromWin32FileDateTime - absurdly high value expected?");
sal_uInt64 nDays = aTime / a100nPerDay;
Date aDate(1,1,1601);
// (0xffffffffffffffff / a100nPerDay = 21350398) fits into sal_Int32
// (0x7fffffff = 2147483647)
SAL_WARN_IF( aDate - Date(1,1,1601) != static_cast<sal_Int32>(nDays), "tools.datetime",
"DateTime::CreateFromWin32FileDateTime - date truncated to max");
sal_uInt64 nNanos = (aTime - (nDays * a100nPerDay)) * 100;
return DateTime( aDate, tools::Time(
static_cast<sal_uInt32>((nNanos / tools::Time::nanoSecPerHour) % sal_uInt64( 24 )),
static_cast<sal_uInt32>((nNanos / tools::Time::nanoSecPerMinute) % sal_uInt64( 60 )),
static_cast<sal_uInt32>((nNanos / tools::Time::nanoSecPerSec) % sal_uInt64( 60 )),
static_cast<sal_uInt64>( nNanos % tools::Time::nanoSecPerSec)));
DateTime DateTime::CreateFromUnixTime(const double fSecondsSinceEpoch)
double fValue = fSecondsSinceEpoch / Time::secondPerDay;
const sal_Int32 nDays = static_cast <sal_Int32>(::rtl::math::approxFloor(fValue));
Date aDate (1, 1, 1970);
SAL_WARN_IF(aDate - Date(1, 1, 1970) != nDays, "tools.datetime",
"DateTime::CreateFromUnixTime - date truncated to max");
fValue -= nDays;
const sal_uInt64 nNanos = fValue * tools::Time::nanoSecPerDay;
return DateTime( aDate, tools::Time(
static_cast<sal_uInt32>((nNanos / tools::Time::nanoSecPerHour) % sal_uInt64( 24 )),
static_cast<sal_uInt32>((nNanos / tools::Time::nanoSecPerMinute) % sal_uInt64( 60 )),
static_cast<sal_uInt32>((nNanos / tools::Time::nanoSecPerSec) % sal_uInt64( 60 )),
static_cast<sal_uInt64>( nNanos % tools::Time::nanoSecPerSec)));
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↑ V530 The return value of function '--' is required to be utilized.