/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <sal/config.h>
#include <sal/log.hxx>
#include <o3tl/safeint.hxx>
#include <unotools/transliterationwrapper.hxx>
#include <unotools/charclass.hxx>
#include <dbdata.hxx>
#include <globalnames.hxx>
#include <refupdat.hxx>
#include <document.hxx>
#include <queryparam.hxx>
#include <queryentry.hxx>
#include <globstr.hrc>
#include <scresid.hxx>
#include <subtotalparam.hxx>
#include <sortparam.hxx>
#include <dociter.hxx>
#include <brdcst.hxx>
#include <comphelper/stl_types.hxx>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
bool ScDBData::less::operator() (const std::unique_ptr<ScDBData>& left, const std::unique_ptr<ScDBData>& right) const
    return ScGlobal::GetTransliteration().compareString(left->GetUpperName(), right->GetUpperName()) < 0;
ScDBData::ScDBData( const OUString& rName,
                    SCTAB nTab,
                    SCCOL nCol1, SCROW nRow1, SCCOL nCol2, SCROW nRow2,
                    bool bByR, bool bHasH, bool bTotals) :
    // Listeners are to be setup by the "parent" container.
    mpSortParam(new ScSortParam),
    mpQueryParam(new ScQueryParam),
    mpSubTotal(new ScSubTotalParam),
    mpImportParam(new ScImportParam),
    mpContainer (nullptr),
    aName       (rName),
    aUpper      (rName),
    nTable      (nTab),
    nStartCol   (nCol1),
    nStartRow   (nRow1),
    nEndCol     (nCol2),
    nEndRow     (nRow2),
    bByRow      (bByR),
    bHasHeader  (bHasH),
    bHasTotals  (bTotals),
    bDoSize     (false),
    bKeepFmt    (false),
    bStripData  (false),
    bIsAdvanced (false),
    nIndex      (0),
    bAutoFilter (false),
    bModified   (false),
    aUpper = ScGlobal::getCharClass().uppercase(aUpper);
ScDBData::ScDBData( const ScDBData& rData ) :
    // Listeners are to be setup by the "parent" container.
    SvtListener         (),
    ScRefreshTimer      ( rData ),
    mpSortParam(new ScSortParam(*rData.mpSortParam)),
    mpQueryParam(new ScQueryParam(*rData.mpQueryParam)),
    mpSubTotal(new ScSubTotalParam(*rData.mpSubTotal)),
    mpImportParam(new ScImportParam(*rData.mpImportParam)),
    mpContainer         (nullptr),
    aName               (rData.aName),
    aUpper              (rData.aUpper),
    nTable              (rData.nTable),
    nStartCol           (rData.nStartCol),
    nStartRow           (rData.nStartRow),
    nEndCol             (rData.nEndCol),
    nEndRow             (rData.nEndRow),
    bByRow              (rData.bByRow),
    bHasHeader          (rData.bHasHeader),
    bHasTotals          (rData.bHasTotals),
    bDoSize             (rData.bDoSize),
    bKeepFmt            (rData.bKeepFmt),
    bStripData          (rData.bStripData),
    bIsAdvanced         (rData.bIsAdvanced),
    aAdvSource          (rData.aAdvSource),
    bDBSelection        (rData.bDBSelection),
    nIndex              (rData.nIndex),
    bAutoFilter         (rData.bAutoFilter),
    bModified           (rData.bModified),
    maTableColumnNames  (rData.maTableColumnNames),
    nFilteredRowCount   (rData.nFilteredRowCount)
ScDBData::ScDBData( const OUString& rName, const ScDBData& rData ) :
    // Listeners are to be setup by the "parent" container.
    SvtListener         (),
    ScRefreshTimer      ( rData ),
    mpSortParam(new ScSortParam(*rData.mpSortParam)),
    mpQueryParam(new ScQueryParam(*rData.mpQueryParam)),
    mpSubTotal(new ScSubTotalParam(*rData.mpSubTotal)),
    mpImportParam(new ScImportParam(*rData.mpImportParam)),
    mpContainer         (nullptr),
    aName               (rName),
    aUpper              (rName),
    nTable              (rData.nTable),
    nStartCol           (rData.nStartCol),
    nStartRow           (rData.nStartRow),
    nEndCol             (rData.nEndCol),
    nEndRow             (rData.nEndRow),
    bByRow              (rData.bByRow),
    bHasHeader          (rData.bHasHeader),
    bHasTotals          (rData.bHasTotals),
    bDoSize             (rData.bDoSize),
    bKeepFmt            (rData.bKeepFmt),
    bStripData          (rData.bStripData),
    bIsAdvanced         (rData.bIsAdvanced),
    aAdvSource          (rData.aAdvSource),
    bDBSelection        (rData.bDBSelection),
    nIndex              (rData.nIndex),
    bAutoFilter         (rData.bAutoFilter),
    bModified           (rData.bModified),
    maTableColumnNames  (rData.maTableColumnNames),
    mbTableColumnNamesDirty (rData.mbTableColumnNamesDirty),
    nFilteredRowCount   (rData.nFilteredRowCount)
    aUpper = ScGlobal::getCharClass().uppercase(aUpper);
ScDBData& ScDBData::operator= (const ScDBData& rData)
    if (this != &rData)
        // Don't modify the name.  The name is not mutable as it is used as a key
        // in the container to keep the db ranges sorted by the name.
        bool bHeaderRangeDiffers = (nTable != rData.nTable || nStartCol != rData.nStartCol ||
                nEndCol != rData.nEndCol || nStartRow != rData.nStartRow);
        bool bNeedsListening = ((bHasHeader && bHeaderRangeDiffers) || (!bHasHeader && rData.bHasHeader));
        if (bHasHeader && (!rData.bHasHeader || bHeaderRangeDiffers))
        ScRefreshTimer::operator=( rData );
        mpSortParam.reset(new ScSortParam(*rData.mpSortParam));
        mpQueryParam.reset(new ScQueryParam(*rData.mpQueryParam));
        mpSubTotal.reset(new ScSubTotalParam(*rData.mpSubTotal));
        mpImportParam.reset(new ScImportParam(*rData.mpImportParam));
        // Keep mpContainer.
        nTable              = rData.nTable;
        nStartCol           = rData.nStartCol;
        nStartRow           = rData.nStartRow;
        nEndCol             = rData.nEndCol;
        nEndRow             = rData.nEndRow;
        bByRow              = rData.bByRow;
        bHasHeader          = rData.bHasHeader;
        bHasTotals          = rData.bHasTotals;
        bDoSize             = rData.bDoSize;
        bKeepFmt            = rData.bKeepFmt;
        bStripData          = rData.bStripData;
        bIsAdvanced         = rData.bIsAdvanced;
        aAdvSource          = rData.aAdvSource;
        bDBSelection        = rData.bDBSelection;
        nIndex              = rData.nIndex;
        bAutoFilter         = rData.bAutoFilter;
        nFilteredRowCount   = rData.nFilteredRowCount;
        if (bHeaderRangeDiffers)
            InvalidateTableColumnNames( true);
            maTableColumnNames  = rData.maTableColumnNames;
            maTableColumnAttributes = rData.maTableColumnAttributes;
            mbTableColumnNamesDirty = rData.mbTableColumnNamesDirty;
        if (bNeedsListening)
    return *this;
bool ScDBData::operator== (const ScDBData& rData) const
    // Data that is not in sort or query params.
    if ( nTable     != rData.nTable     ||
         bDoSize    != rData.bDoSize    ||
         bKeepFmt   != rData.bKeepFmt   ||
         bIsAdvanced!= rData.bIsAdvanced||
         bStripData != rData.bStripData ||
//       SAB: I think this should be here, but I don't want to break something
//         bAutoFilter!= rData.bAutoFilter||
         ScRefreshTimer::operator!=( rData )
        return false;
    if ( bIsAdvanced && aAdvSource != rData.aAdvSource )
        return false;
    ScSortParam aSort1, aSort2;
    if (!(aSort1 == aSort2))
        return false;
    ScQueryParam aQuery1, aQuery2;
    if (!(aQuery1 == aQuery2))
        return false;
    ScSubTotalParam aSubTotal1, aSubTotal2;
    if (!(aSubTotal1 == aSubTotal2))
        return false;
    ScImportParam aImport1, aImport2;
    return aImport1 == aImport2;
OUString ScDBData::GetSourceString() const
    if (mpImportParam->bImport)
        return mpImportParam->aDBName + "/" + mpImportParam->aStatement;
    return OUString();
OUString ScDBData::GetOperations() const
    OUStringBuffer aBuf;
    if (mpQueryParam->GetEntryCount())
        const ScQueryEntry& rEntry = mpQueryParam->GetEntry(0);
        if (rEntry.bDoQuery)
    if (mpSortParam->maKeyState[0].bDoSort)
        if (!aBuf.isEmpty())
            aBuf.append(", ");
    if (mpSubTotal->bGroupActive[0] && !mpSubTotal->bRemoveOnly)
        if (!aBuf.isEmpty())
            aBuf.append(", ");
    if (aBuf.isEmpty())
    return aBuf.makeStringAndClear();
void ScDBData::GetArea(SCTAB& rTab, SCCOL& rCol1, SCROW& rRow1, SCCOL& rCol2, SCROW& rRow2) const
    rTab  = nTable;
    rCol1 = nStartCol;
    rRow1 = nStartRow;
    rCol2 = nEndCol;
    rRow2 = nEndRow;
void ScDBData::GetArea(ScRange& rRange) const
    SCROW nNewEndRow = nEndRow;
    rRange = ScRange( nStartCol, nStartRow, nTable, nEndCol, nNewEndRow, nTable );
ScRange ScDBData::GetHeaderArea() const
    if (HasHeader())
        return ScRange( nStartCol, nStartRow, nTable, nEndCol, nStartRow, nTable);
    return ScRange( ScAddress::INITIALIZE_INVALID);
void ScDBData::SetArea(SCTAB nTab, SCCOL nCol1, SCROW nRow1, SCCOL nCol2, SCROW nRow2)
    bool bHeaderRangeChange = (nTab != nTable || nCol1 != nStartCol || nCol2 != nEndCol || nRow1 != nStartRow);
    if (bHeaderRangeChange)
    nTable  = nTab;
    nStartCol = nCol1;
    nStartRow = nRow1;
    nEndCol   = nCol2;
    nEndRow   = nRow2;
    if (bHeaderRangeChange)
        SAL_WARN_IF( !maTableColumnNames.empty(), "sc.core", "ScDBData::SetArea - invalidating column names/offsets");
        // Invalidate *after* new area has been set above to add the proper
        // header range to dirty list.
        InvalidateTableColumnNames( true);
void ScDBData::MoveTo(SCTAB nTab, SCCOL nCol1, SCROW nRow1, SCCOL nCol2, SCROW nRow2,
                      SCCOL nUpdateCol)
    tools::Long nDifX = static_cast<tools::Long>(nCol1) - static_cast<tools::Long>(nStartCol);
    tools::Long nDifY = static_cast<tools::Long>(nRow1) - static_cast<tools::Long>(nStartRow);
    tools::Long nSortDif = bByRow ? nDifX : nDifY;
    tools::Long nSortEnd = bByRow ? static_cast<tools::Long>(nCol2) : static_cast<tools::Long>(nRow2);
    for (sal_uInt16 i=0; i<mpSortParam->GetSortKeyCount(); i++)
        mpSortParam->maKeyState[i].nField += nSortDif;
        if (mpSortParam->maKeyState[i].nField > nSortEnd)
            mpSortParam->maKeyState[i].nField = 0;
            mpSortParam->maKeyState[i].bDoSort = false;
    SCSIZE nCount = mpQueryParam->GetEntryCount();
    for (SCSIZE i = 0; i < nCount; ++i)
        ScQueryEntry& rEntry = mpQueryParam->GetEntry(i);
        rEntry.nField += nDifX;
        // tdf#48025, tdf#141946: update the column index of the filter criteria,
        // when the deleted/inserted columns are inside the data range
        if (nUpdateCol != -1)
            nUpdateCol += nDifX;
            tools::Long nDifX2
                = static_cast<tools::Long>(nCol2) - static_cast<tools::Long>(nEndCol);
            if (rEntry.nField >= nUpdateCol)
                rEntry.nField += nDifX2;
            else if (rEntry.nField >= nUpdateCol + nDifX2)
        if (rEntry.nField > nCol2)
            rEntry.nField = 0;
            rEntry.bDoQuery = false;
    for (sal_uInt16 i=0; i<MAXSUBTOTAL; i++)
        mpSubTotal->nField[i] = sal::static_int_cast<SCCOL>( mpSubTotal->nField[i] + nDifX );
        if (mpSubTotal->nField[i] > nCol2)
            mpSubTotal->nField[i] = 0;
            mpSubTotal->bGroupActive[i] = false;
    SetArea( nTab, nCol1, nRow1, nCol2, nRow2 );
void ScDBData::GetSortParam( ScSortParam& rSortParam ) const
    rSortParam = *mpSortParam;
    rSortParam.nCol1 = nStartCol;
    rSortParam.nRow1 = nStartRow;
    rSortParam.nCol2 = nEndCol;
    rSortParam.nRow2 = nEndRow;
    rSortParam.bByRow = bByRow;
    rSortParam.bHasHeader = bHasHeader;
    /* TODO: add Totals to ScSortParam? */
void ScDBData::SetSortParam( const ScSortParam& rSortParam )
    mpSortParam.reset(new ScSortParam(rSortParam));
    bByRow = rSortParam.bByRow;
void ScDBData::UpdateFromSortParam( const ScSortParam& rSortParam )
    bHasHeader = rSortParam.bHasHeader;
void ScDBData::GetQueryParam( ScQueryParam& rQueryParam ) const
    rQueryParam = *mpQueryParam;
    rQueryParam.nCol1 = nStartCol;
    rQueryParam.nRow1 = nStartRow;
    rQueryParam.nCol2 = nEndCol;
    rQueryParam.nRow2 = nEndRow;
    rQueryParam.nTab  = nTable;
    rQueryParam.bByRow = bByRow;
    rQueryParam.bHasHeader = bHasHeader;
    rQueryParam.bHasTotals = bHasTotals;
void ScDBData::SetQueryParam(const ScQueryParam& rQueryParam)
    mpQueryParam.reset(new ScQueryParam(rQueryParam));
    //  set bIsAdvanced to false for everything that is not from the
    //  advanced filter dialog
    bIsAdvanced = false;
void ScDBData::SetAdvancedQuerySource(const ScRange* pSource)
    if (pSource)
        aAdvSource = *pSource;
        bIsAdvanced = true;
        bIsAdvanced = false;
bool ScDBData::GetAdvancedQuerySource(ScRange& rSource) const
    rSource = aAdvSource;
    return bIsAdvanced;
void ScDBData::GetSubTotalParam(ScSubTotalParam& rSubTotalParam) const
    rSubTotalParam = *mpSubTotal;
    // Share the data range with the parent db data.  The range in the subtotal
    // param struct is not used.
    rSubTotalParam.nCol1 = nStartCol;
    rSubTotalParam.nRow1 = nStartRow;
    rSubTotalParam.nCol2 = nEndCol;
    rSubTotalParam.nRow2 = nEndRow;
void ScDBData::SetSubTotalParam(const ScSubTotalParam& rSubTotalParam)
    mpSubTotal.reset(new ScSubTotalParam(rSubTotalParam));
void ScDBData::GetImportParam(ScImportParam& rImportParam) const
    rImportParam = *mpImportParam;
    // set the range.
    rImportParam.nCol1 = nStartCol;
    rImportParam.nRow1 = nStartRow;
    rImportParam.nCol2 = nEndCol;
    rImportParam.nRow2 = nEndRow;
void ScDBData::SetImportParam(const ScImportParam& rImportParam)
    // the range is ignored.
    mpImportParam.reset(new ScImportParam(rImportParam));
bool ScDBData::IsDBAtCursor(SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, SCTAB nTab, ScDBDataPortion ePortion) const
    if (nTab == nTable)
        switch (ePortion)
            case ScDBDataPortion::TOP_LEFT:
                return nCol == nStartCol && nRow == nStartRow;
            case ScDBDataPortion::AREA:
                return nCol >= nStartCol && nCol <= nEndCol && nRow >= nStartRow && nRow <= nEndRow;
    return false;
bool ScDBData::IsDBAtArea(SCTAB nTab, SCCOL nCol1, SCROW nRow1, SCCOL nCol2, SCROW nRow2) const
    return (nTab == nTable)
           && (nCol1 == nStartCol) && (nRow1 == nStartRow)
           && (nCol2 == nEndCol) && (nRow2 == nEndRow);
bool ScDBData::HasImportParam() const
    return mpImportParam && mpImportParam->bImport;
bool ScDBData::HasQueryParam() const
    if (!mpQueryParam)
        return false;
    if (!mpQueryParam->GetEntryCount())
        return false;
    return mpQueryParam->GetEntry(0).bDoQuery;
bool ScDBData::HasSortParam() const
    return mpSortParam &&
        !mpSortParam->maKeyState.empty() &&
bool ScDBData::HasSubTotalParam() const
    return mpSubTotal && mpSubTotal->bGroupActive[0];
void ScDBData::UpdateMoveTab(SCTAB nOldPos, SCTAB nNewPos)
    ScRange aRange;
    SCTAB nTab = aRange.aStart.Tab(); // a database range is only on one sheet
    //  customize as the current table as ScTablesHint (tabvwsh5.cxx)
    if (nTab == nOldPos) // moved sheet
        nTab = nNewPos;
    else if (nOldPos < nNewPos) // moved to the back
        if (nTab > nOldPos && nTab <= nNewPos) // move this sheet
    else // moved to the front
        if (nTab >= nNewPos && nTab < nOldPos) // move this sheet
    bool bChanged = (nTab != aRange.aStart.Tab());
    if (bChanged)
        // SetArea() invalidates column names, but it is the same column range
        // just on a different sheet; remember and set new.
        ::std::vector<OUString> aNames(maTableColumnNames);
        bool bTableColumnNamesDirty = mbTableColumnNamesDirty;
        // Same column range.
        SetArea(nTab, aRange.aStart.Col(), aRange.aStart.Row(), aRange.aEnd.Col(),
        // Do not use SetTableColumnNames() because that resets mbTableColumnNamesDirty.
        maTableColumnNames = aNames;
        mbTableColumnNamesDirty = bTableColumnNamesDirty;
    //  MoveTo() is not necessary if only the sheet changed.
bool ScDBData::UpdateReference(const ScDocument* pDoc, UpdateRefMode eUpdateRefMode,
                                SCCOL nCol1, SCROW nRow1, SCTAB nTab1,
                                SCCOL nCol2, SCROW nRow2, SCTAB nTab2,
                                SCCOL nDx, SCROW nDy, SCTAB nDz)
    SCCOL theCol1;
    SCROW theRow1;
    SCTAB theTab1;
    SCCOL theCol2;
    SCROW theRow2;
    SCTAB theTab2;
    GetArea( theTab1, theCol1, theRow1, theCol2, theRow2 );
    theTab2 = theTab1;
    SCCOL nOldCol1 = theCol1, nOldCol2 = theCol2;
    ScRefUpdateRes eRet
        = ScRefUpdate::Update(pDoc, eUpdateRefMode, nCol1, nRow1, nTab1, nCol2, nRow2, nTab2, nDx,
                              nDy, nDz, theCol1, theRow1, theTab1, theCol2, theRow2, theTab2);
    bool bDoUpdate = eRet != UR_NOTHING;
    if (bDoUpdate && eRet != UR_INVALID)
        // MoveTo() invalidates column names via SetArea(); adjust, remember and set new.
        AdjustTableColumnAttributes( eUpdateRefMode, nDx, nCol1, nOldCol1, nOldCol2, theCol1, theCol2);
        ::std::vector<OUString> aNames( maTableColumnNames);
        bool bTableColumnNamesDirty = mbTableColumnNamesDirty;
        // tdf#48025, tdf#141946: update the column index of the filter criteria,
        // when the deleted/inserted columns are inside the data range
        if (HasAutoFilter() && theCol1 - nOldCol1 != theCol2 - nOldCol2)
            MoveTo(theTab1, theCol1, theRow1, theCol2, theRow2, nCol1);
            MoveTo( theTab1, theCol1, theRow1, theCol2, theRow2 );
        // Do not use SetTableColumnNames() because that resets mbTableColumnNamesDirty.
        maTableColumnNames = aNames;
        mbTableColumnNamesDirty = bTableColumnNamesDirty;
    ScRange aRangeAdvSource;
    if ( GetAdvancedQuerySource(aRangeAdvSource) )
        aRangeAdvSource.GetVars( theCol1,theRow1,theTab1, theCol2,theRow2,theTab2 );
        if ( ScRefUpdate::Update( pDoc, eUpdateRefMode,
                                    nCol1,nRow1,nTab1, nCol2,nRow2,nTab2, nDx,nDy,nDz,
                                    theCol1,theRow1,theTab1, theCol2,theRow2,theTab2 ) )
            aRangeAdvSource.aStart.Set( theCol1,theRow1,theTab1 );
            aRangeAdvSource.aEnd.Set( theCol2,theRow2,theTab2 );
            SetAdvancedQuerySource( &aRangeAdvSource );
            bDoUpdate = true;       // DBData is modified
    return eRet == UR_INVALID;
    //TODO: check if something was deleted/inserted with-in the range !!!
void ScDBData::ExtendDataArea(const ScDocument& rDoc)
    // Extend the DB area to include data rows immediately below.
    SCCOL nOldCol1 = nStartCol, nOldCol2 = nEndCol;
    SCROW nOldEndRow = nEndRow;
    rDoc.GetDataArea(nTable, nStartCol, nStartRow, nEndCol, nEndRow, false, true);
    // nOldEndRow==rDoc.MaxRow() may easily happen when selecting whole columns and
    // setting an AutoFilter (i.e. creating an anonymous database-range). We
    // certainly don't want to iterate over nearly a million empty cells, but
    // keep only an intentionally user selected range.
    if (nOldEndRow < rDoc.MaxRow() && nEndRow < nOldEndRow)
        nEndRow = nOldEndRow;
    if (nStartCol != nOldCol1 || nEndCol != nOldCol2)
        SAL_WARN_IF( !maTableColumnNames.empty(), "sc.core", "ScDBData::ExtendDataArea - invalidating column names/offsets");
        InvalidateTableColumnNames( true);
void ScDBData::ExtendBackColorArea(const ScDocument& rDoc)
    // Extend the DB area to include data rows immediately below.
    SCCOL nOldCol1 = nStartCol, nOldCol2 = nEndCol;
    SCROW nOldEndRow = nEndRow;
    rDoc.GetBackColorArea(nTable, nStartCol, nStartRow, nEndCol, nEndRow);
    if (nOldEndRow < rDoc.MaxRow() && nEndRow < nOldEndRow)
        nEndRow = nOldEndRow;
    if (nStartCol != nOldCol1 || nEndCol != nOldCol2)
        SAL_WARN_IF( !maTableColumnNames.empty(), "sc.core", "ScDBData::ExtendBackColorArea - invalidating column names/offsets");
        InvalidateTableColumnNames( true);
void ScDBData::StartTableColumnNamesListener()
    if (mpContainer && bHasHeader)
        ScDocument& rDoc = mpContainer->GetDocument();
        if (!rDoc.IsClipOrUndo())
            rDoc.StartListeningArea( GetHeaderArea(), false, this);
void ScDBData::EndTableColumnNamesListener()
void ScDBData::SetTableColumnNames( ::std::vector< OUString >&& rNames )
    maTableColumnNames = std::move(rNames);
    mbTableColumnNamesDirty = false;
void ScDBData::SetTableColumnAttributes( ::std::vector< TableColumnAttributes >&& rAttributes )
    maTableColumnAttributes = std::move(rAttributes);
void ScDBData::AdjustTableColumnAttributes( UpdateRefMode eUpdateRefMode, SCCOL nDx, SCCOL nCol1,
        SCCOL nOldCol1, SCCOL nOldCol2, SCCOL nNewCol1, SCCOL nNewCol2 )
    if (maTableColumnNames.empty())
    SCCOL nDiff1 = nNewCol1 - nOldCol1;
    SCCOL nDiff2 = nNewCol2 - nOldCol2;
    if (nDiff1 == nDiff2)
        return;     // not moved or entirely moved, nothing to do
    ::std::vector<OUString> aNewNames;
    ::std::vector<TableColumnAttributes> aNewAttributes;
    if (eUpdateRefMode == URM_INSDEL)
        if (nDx > 0)
            mbTableColumnNamesDirty = true;     // inserted columns will have empty names
        // nCol1 is the first column of the block that gets shifted, determine
        // the head and tail elements that are to be copied for deletion or
        // insertion.
        size_t nHead = static_cast<size_t>(::std::max( nCol1 + std::min<SCCOL>(nDx, 0) - nOldCol1, 0));
        size_t nTail = static_cast<size_t>(::std::max( nOldCol2 - nCol1 + 1, 0));
        size_t n = nHead + nTail;
        if (0 < n && n <= maTableColumnNames.size())
            if (nDx > 0)
                n += nDx;
            // Copy head.
            for (size_t i = 0; i < nHead; ++i)
                aNewNames[i] = maTableColumnNames[i];
                aNewAttributes[i] = maTableColumnAttributes[i];
            // Copy tail, inserted middle range, if any, stays empty.
            for (size_t i = n - nTail, j = maTableColumnNames.size() - nTail; i < n; ++i, ++j)
                aNewNames[i] = maTableColumnNames[j];
                aNewAttributes[i] = maTableColumnAttributes[j];
    } // else   empty aNewNames invalidates names/offsets
    SAL_WARN_IF( !maTableColumnNames.empty() && aNewNames.empty(),
            "sc.core", "ScDBData::AdjustTableColumnAttributes - invalidating column attributes/offsets");
    aNewNames.swap( maTableColumnNames);
    if (maTableColumnNames.empty())
        mbTableColumnNamesDirty = true;
    if (mbTableColumnNamesDirty)
        InvalidateTableColumnNames( false);     // preserve new column names array
void ScDBData::InvalidateTableColumnNames( bool bSwapToEmptyNames )
    mbTableColumnNamesDirty = true;
    if (bSwapToEmptyNames && !maTableColumnNames.empty())
        ::std::vector<OUString>().swap( maTableColumnNames);
    if (mpContainer)
        // Add header range to dirty list.
        if (HasHeader())
            mpContainer->GetDirtyTableColumnNames().Join( GetHeaderArea());
            // We need *some* range in the dirty list even without header area,
            // otherwise the container would not attempt to call a refresh.
            mpContainer->GetDirtyTableColumnNames().Join( ScRange( nStartCol, nStartRow, nTable));
namespace {
class TableColumnNameSearch
    explicit TableColumnNameSearch( OUString aSearchName ) :
        maSearchName(std::move( aSearchName ))
    bool operator()( const OUString& rName ) const
        return ScGlobal::GetTransliteration().isEqual( maSearchName, rName);
    OUString maSearchName;
/** Set a numbered table column name at given nIndex, preventing duplicates,
    numbering starting at nCount. If nCount==0 then the first attempt is made
    with an unnumbered name and if already present the next attempt with
    nCount=2, so "Original" and "Original2". No check whether nIndex is valid. */
void SetTableColumnName( ::std::vector<OUString>& rVec, size_t nIndex, const OUString& rName, size_t nCount )
    OUString aStr;
        if (nCount)
            aStr = rName + OUString::number( nCount);
            aStr = rName;
        if (std::none_of( rVec.begin(), rVec.end(), TableColumnNameSearch( aStr)))
            rVec[nIndex] = aStr;
            break;  // do while
    } while(true);
void ScDBData::RefreshTableColumnNames( ScDocument* pDoc )
    ::std::vector<OUString> aNewNames;
    aNewNames.resize( nEndCol - nStartCol + 1);
    bool bHaveEmpty = false;
    if (!HasHeader() || !pDoc)
        bHaveEmpty = true;  // Assume we have empty ones and fill below.
        ScHorizontalCellIterator aIter(*pDoc, nTable, nStartCol, nStartRow, nEndCol, nStartRow);  // header row only
        ScRefCellValue* pCell;
        SCCOL nCol, nLastColFilled = nStartCol - 1;
        SCROW nRow;
        while ((pCell = aIter.GetNext( nCol, nRow)) != nullptr)
            if (pCell->hasString())
                const OUString aStr = pCell->getString( pDoc);
                if (aStr.isEmpty())
                    bHaveEmpty = true;
                    SetTableColumnName( aNewNames, nCol-nStartCol, aStr, 0);
                    if (nLastColFilled < nCol-1)
                        bHaveEmpty = true;
                nLastColFilled = nCol;
                bHaveEmpty = true;
    // Never leave us with empty names, try to remember previous name that
    // might had been used to compile formulas, but only if same number of
    // columns and no duplicates.
    if (bHaveEmpty && aNewNames.size() == maTableColumnNames.size())
        bHaveEmpty = false;
        for (size_t i=0, n=aNewNames.size(); i < n; ++i)
            if (aNewNames[i].isEmpty())
                const OUString& rStr = maTableColumnNames[i];
                if (rStr.isEmpty())
                    bHaveEmpty = true;
                    SetTableColumnName( aNewNames, i, rStr, 0);
    // If we still have empty ones then fill those with "Column#" with #
    // starting at the column offset number. Still no duplicates of course.
    if (bHaveEmpty)
        OUString aColumn( ScResId(STR_COLUMN));
        for (size_t i=0, n=aNewNames.size(); i < n; ++i)
            if (aNewNames[i].isEmpty())
                SetTableColumnName( aNewNames, i, aColumn, i+1);
    aNewNames.swap( maTableColumnNames);
    mbTableColumnNamesDirty = false;
void ScDBData::RefreshTableColumnNames( ScDocument* pDoc, const ScRange& rRange )
    // Header-less tables get names generated, completely empty a full refresh.
    if (mbTableColumnNamesDirty && (!HasHeader() || maTableColumnNames.empty()))
        RefreshTableColumnNames( pDoc);
    // Check if this is affected for the range requested.
    ScRange aIntersection( GetHeaderArea().Intersection( rRange));
    if (!aIntersection.IsValid())
    // Always fully refresh, only one cell of a range was broadcasted per area
    // listener if multiple cells were affected. We don't know if there were
    // more. Also, we need the full check anyway in case a duplicated name was
    // entered.
    RefreshTableColumnNames( pDoc);
sal_Int32 ScDBData::GetColumnNameOffset( const OUString& rName ) const
    if (maTableColumnNames.empty())
        return -1;
    ::std::vector<OUString>::const_iterator it(
            ::std::find_if( maTableColumnNames.begin(), maTableColumnNames.end(), TableColumnNameSearch( rName)));
    if (it != maTableColumnNames.end())
        return it - maTableColumnNames.begin();
    return -1;
const OUString & ScDBData::GetTableColumnName( SCCOL nCol ) const
    if (maTableColumnNames.empty())
        return EMPTY_OUSTRING;
    SCCOL nOffset = nCol - nStartCol;
    if (nOffset <  0 || maTableColumnNames.size() <= o3tl::make_unsigned(nOffset))
        return EMPTY_OUSTRING;
    return maTableColumnNames[nOffset];
void ScDBData::Notify( const SfxHint& rHint )
    if (rHint.GetId() != SfxHintId::ScDataChanged)
    const ScHint* pScHint = static_cast<const ScHint*>(&rHint);
    mbTableColumnNamesDirty = true;
    if (!mpContainer)
        assert(!"ScDBData::Notify - how did we end up here without container?");
        // Only one cell of a range is broadcasted per area listener if
        // multiple cells are affected. Expand the range to what this is
        // listening to. Broadcasted address outside should not happen,
        // but... let it trigger a refresh if.
        const ScRange aHeaderRange( GetHeaderArea());
        ScAddress aHintAddress( pScHint->GetStartAddress());
        if (aHeaderRange.IsValid())
            mpContainer->GetDirtyTableColumnNames().Join( aHeaderRange);
            // Header range is one row.
            // The ScHint's "range" is an address with row count.
            // Though broadcasted is usually only one cell, check for the
            // possible case of row block and for one cell in the same row.
            if (aHintAddress.Row() <= aHeaderRange.aStart.Row()
                    && aHeaderRange.aStart.Row() < aHintAddress.Row() + pScHint->GetRowCount())
                aHintAddress.SetRow( aHeaderRange.aStart.Row());
                if (!aHeaderRange.Contains( aHintAddress))
                    mpContainer->GetDirtyTableColumnNames().Join( ScRange(aHintAddress) );
            // We need *some* range in the dirty list even without header area,
            // otherwise the container would not attempt to call a refresh.
            aHintAddress.SetRow( nStartRow);
            mpContainer->GetDirtyTableColumnNames().Join( ScRange(aHintAddress) );
    // Do not refresh column names here, which might trigger unwanted
    // recalculation.
void ScDBData::CalcSaveFilteredCount( SCSIZE nNonFilteredRowCount )
    SCSIZE nTotal = nEndRow - nStartRow + 1;
    if ( bHasHeader )
        nTotal -= 1;
    nFilteredRowCount = nTotal - nNonFilteredRowCount;
void ScDBData::GetFilterSelCount( SCSIZE& nSelected, SCSIZE& nTotal )
    nTotal = nEndRow - nStartRow + 1;
    if ( bHasHeader )
        nTotal -= 1;
    if( nFilteredRowCount != SCSIZE_MAX )
        nSelected = nTotal - nFilteredRowCount;
        nSelected = nFilteredRowCount;
namespace {
class FindByTable
    SCTAB mnTab;
    explicit FindByTable(SCTAB nTab) : mnTab(nTab) {}
    bool operator() (std::unique_ptr<ScDBData> const& p) const
        ScRange aRange;
        return aRange.aStart.Tab() == mnTab;
class UpdateMoveTabFunc
    SCTAB mnOldTab;
    SCTAB mnNewTab;
    UpdateMoveTabFunc(SCTAB nOld, SCTAB nNew) : mnOldTab(nOld), mnNewTab(nNew) {}
    void operator() (std::unique_ptr<ScDBData> const& p)
        p->UpdateMoveTab(mnOldTab, mnNewTab);
OUString lcl_IncrementNumberInNamedRange(ScDBCollection::NamedDBs& namedDBs,
                                         std::u16string_view rOldName)
    // Append or increment a numeric suffix and do not generate names that
    // could result in a cell reference by ensuring at least one underscore is
    // present.
    // "aa"     => "aa_2"
    // "aaaa1"  => "aaaa1_2"
    // "aa_a"   => "aa_a_2"
    // "aa_a_"  => "aa_a__2"
    // "aa_a1"  => "aa_a1_2"
    // "aa_1a"  => "aa_1a_2"
    // "aa_1"   => "aa_2"
    // "aa_2"   => "aa_3"
    size_t nLastIndex = rOldName.rfind('_');
    sal_Int32 nOldNumber = 1;
    OUString aPrefix;
    if (nLastIndex != std::u16string_view::npos)
        std::u16string_view sLastPart(rOldName.substr(nLastIndex));
        nOldNumber = o3tl::toInt32(sLastPart);
        // If that number is exactly at the end then increment the number; else
        // append "_" and number.
        // toInt32() returns 0 on failure and also stops at trailing non-digit
        // characters (toInt32("1a")==1).
        if (OUString::number(nOldNumber) == sLastPart)
            aPrefix = rOldName.substr(0, nLastIndex);
            aPrefix = OUString::Concat(rOldName) + "_";
            nOldNumber = 1;
    else // No "_" found, append "_" and number.
        aPrefix = OUString::Concat(rOldName) + "_";
    OUString sNewName;
        sNewName = aPrefix + OUString::number(++nOldNumber);
    } while (namedDBs.findByName(sNewName) != nullptr);
    return sNewName;
class FindByCursor
    SCCOL mnCol;
    SCROW mnRow;
    SCTAB mnTab;
    ScDBDataPortion mePortion;
    FindByCursor(SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, SCTAB nTab, ScDBDataPortion ePortion) :
        mnCol(nCol), mnRow(nRow), mnTab(nTab), mePortion(ePortion) {}
    bool operator() (std::unique_ptr<ScDBData> const& p)
        return p->IsDBAtCursor(mnCol, mnRow, mnTab, mePortion);
class FindByRange
    const ScRange& mrRange;
    explicit FindByRange(const ScRange& rRange) : mrRange(rRange) {}
    bool operator() (std::unique_ptr<ScDBData> const& p)
        return p->IsDBAtArea(
            mrRange.aStart.Tab(), mrRange.aStart.Col(), mrRange.aStart.Row(), mrRange.aEnd.Col(), mrRange.aEnd.Row());
class FindByIndex
    sal_uInt16 mnIndex;
    explicit FindByIndex(sal_uInt16 nIndex) : mnIndex(nIndex) {}
    bool operator() (std::unique_ptr<ScDBData> const& p) const
        return p->GetIndex() == mnIndex;
class FindByUpperName
    const OUString& mrName;
    explicit FindByUpperName(const OUString& rName) : mrName(rName) {}
    bool operator() (std::unique_ptr<ScDBData> const& p) const
        return p->GetUpperName() == mrName;
class FindByName
    const OUString& mrName;
    explicit FindByName(const OUString& rName) : mrName(rName) {}
    bool operator() (std::unique_ptr<ScDBData> const& p) const
        return p->GetName() == mrName;
class FindByPointer
    const ScDBData* mpDBData;
    explicit FindByPointer(const ScDBData* pDBData) : mpDBData(pDBData) {}
    bool operator() (std::unique_ptr<ScDBData> const& p) const
        return p.get() == mpDBData;
ScDocument& ScDBDataContainerBase::GetDocument() const
    return mrDoc;
ScRangeList& ScDBDataContainerBase::GetDirtyTableColumnNames()
    return maDirtyTableColumnNames;
ScDBCollection::NamedDBs::NamedDBs(ScDBCollection& rParent, ScDocument& rDoc) :
    ScDBDataContainerBase(rDoc), mrParent(rParent) {}
ScDBCollection::NamedDBs::NamedDBs(const NamedDBs& r, ScDBCollection& rParent)
    : ScDBDataContainerBase(r.mrDoc)
    , mrParent(rParent)
    for (auto const& it : r.m_DBs)
        ScDBData* p = new ScDBData(*it);
        std::unique_ptr<ScDBData> pData(p);
        if (m_DBs.insert( std::move(pData)).second)
void ScDBCollection::NamedDBs::initInserted( ScDBData* p )
    p->SetContainer( this);
    if (mrDoc.IsClipOrUndo())
    p->StartTableColumnNamesListener(); // needs the container be set already
    if (!p->AreTableColumnNamesDirty())
    if (p->HasHeader())
        // Refresh table column names in next round.
        maDirtyTableColumnNames.Join( p->GetHeaderArea());
        // Header-less table can generate its column names
        // already without accessing the document.
        p->RefreshTableColumnNames( nullptr);
ScDBCollection::NamedDBs::iterator ScDBCollection::NamedDBs::begin()
    return m_DBs.begin();
ScDBCollection::NamedDBs::iterator ScDBCollection::NamedDBs::end()
    return m_DBs.end();
ScDBCollection::NamedDBs::const_iterator ScDBCollection::NamedDBs::begin() const
    return m_DBs.begin();
ScDBCollection::NamedDBs::const_iterator ScDBCollection::NamedDBs::end() const
    return m_DBs.end();
ScDBData* ScDBCollection::NamedDBs::findByIndex(sal_uInt16 nIndex)
    DBsType::iterator itr = find_if(
        m_DBs.begin(), m_DBs.end(), FindByIndex(nIndex));
    return itr == m_DBs.end() ? nullptr : itr->get();
ScDBData* ScDBCollection::NamedDBs::findByUpperName(const OUString& rName)
    DBsType::iterator itr = find_if(
        m_DBs.begin(), m_DBs.end(), FindByUpperName(rName));
    return itr == m_DBs.end() ? nullptr : itr->get();
auto ScDBCollection::NamedDBs::findByUpperName2(const OUString& rName) -> iterator
    return find_if(
        m_DBs.begin(), m_DBs.end(), FindByUpperName(rName));
ScDBData* ScDBCollection::NamedDBs::findByName(const OUString& rName)
    DBsType::iterator itr = find_if(m_DBs.begin(), m_DBs.end(), FindByName(rName));
    return itr == m_DBs.end() ? nullptr : itr->get();
bool ScDBCollection::NamedDBs::insert(std::unique_ptr<ScDBData> pData)
    auto p = pData.get();
    if (!pData->GetIndex())
    std::pair<DBsType::iterator, bool> r = m_DBs.insert(std::move(pData));
    if (r.second)
        /* TODO: shouldn't the import refresh not be setup for
         * clipboard/undo documents? It was already like this before... */
        if (p->HasImportParam() && !p->HasImportSelection())
    return r.second;
ScDBCollection::NamedDBs::iterator ScDBCollection::NamedDBs::erase(const iterator& itr)
    return m_DBs.erase(itr);
bool ScDBCollection::NamedDBs::empty() const
    return m_DBs.empty();
size_t ScDBCollection::NamedDBs::size() const
    return m_DBs.size();
bool ScDBCollection::NamedDBs::operator== (const NamedDBs& r) const
    return ::comphelper::ContainerUniquePtrEquals(m_DBs, r.m_DBs);
ScDBCollection::AnonDBs::iterator ScDBCollection::AnonDBs::begin()
    return m_DBs.begin();
ScDBCollection::AnonDBs::iterator ScDBCollection::AnonDBs::end()
    return m_DBs.end();
ScDBCollection::AnonDBs::const_iterator ScDBCollection::AnonDBs::begin() const
    return m_DBs.begin();
ScDBCollection::AnonDBs::const_iterator ScDBCollection::AnonDBs::end() const
    return m_DBs.end();
const ScDBData* ScDBCollection::AnonDBs::findAtCursor(SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, SCTAB nTab,
        ScDBDataPortion ePortion) const
    DBsType::const_iterator itr = find_if(
        m_DBs.begin(), m_DBs.end(), FindByCursor(nCol, nRow, nTab, ePortion));
    return itr == m_DBs.end() ? nullptr : itr->get();
const ScDBData* ScDBCollection::AnonDBs::findByRange(const ScRange& rRange) const
    DBsType::const_iterator itr = find_if(
        m_DBs.begin(), m_DBs.end(), FindByRange(rRange));
    return itr == m_DBs.end() ? nullptr : itr->get();
void ScDBCollection::AnonDBs::deleteOnTab(SCTAB nTab)
    FindByTable func(nTab);
    std::erase_if(m_DBs, func);
ScDBData* ScDBCollection::AnonDBs::getByRange(const ScRange& rRange)
    const ScDBData* pData = findByRange(rRange);
    if (!pData)
        // Insert a new db data.  They all have identical names.
        ::std::unique_ptr<ScDBData> pNew(new ScDBData(
            STR_DB_GLOBAL_NONAME, rRange.aStart.Tab(), rRange.aStart.Col(), rRange.aStart.Row(),
            rRange.aEnd.Col(), rRange.aEnd.Row(), true, false, false));
        pData = pNew.get();
    return const_cast<ScDBData*>(pData);
void ScDBCollection::AnonDBs::insert(ScDBData* p)
ScDBCollection::AnonDBs::iterator ScDBCollection::AnonDBs::erase(const iterator& itr)
    return m_DBs.erase(itr);
bool ScDBCollection::AnonDBs::empty() const
    return m_DBs.empty();
bool ScDBCollection::AnonDBs::has( const ScDBData* p ) const
    return any_of(m_DBs.begin(), m_DBs.end(), FindByPointer(p));
bool ScDBCollection::AnonDBs::operator== (const AnonDBs& r) const
    return ::comphelper::ContainerUniquePtrEquals(m_DBs, r.m_DBs);
ScDBCollection::AnonDBs::AnonDBs(AnonDBs const& r)
    for (auto const& it : r.m_DBs)
ScDBCollection::ScDBCollection(ScDocument& rDocument) :
    rDoc(rDocument), nEntryIndex(1), maNamedDBs(*this, rDocument) {}
ScDBCollection::ScDBCollection(const ScDBCollection& r) :
    rDoc(r.rDoc), nEntryIndex(r.nEntryIndex), maNamedDBs(r.maNamedDBs, *this), maAnonDBs(r.maAnonDBs) {}
const ScDBData* ScDBCollection::GetDBAtCursor(SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, SCTAB nTab, ScDBDataPortion ePortion) const
    // First, search the global named db ranges.
    NamedDBs::DBsType::const_iterator itr = find_if(
        maNamedDBs.begin(), maNamedDBs.end(), FindByCursor(nCol, nRow, nTab, ePortion));
    if (itr != maNamedDBs.end())
        return itr->get();
    // Check for the sheet-local anonymous db range.
    const ScDBData* pNoNameData = rDoc.GetAnonymousDBData(nTab);
    if (pNoNameData)
        if (pNoNameData->IsDBAtCursor(nCol,nRow,nTab,ePortion))
            return pNoNameData;
    // Check the global anonymous db ranges.
    const ScDBData* pData = getAnonDBs().findAtCursor(nCol, nRow, nTab, ePortion);
    if (pData)
        return pData;
    // Do NOT check for the document global temporary anonymous db range here.
    return nullptr;
ScDBData* ScDBCollection::GetDBAtCursor(SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, SCTAB nTab, ScDBDataPortion ePortion)
    // First, search the global named db ranges.
    NamedDBs::DBsType::iterator itr = find_if(
        maNamedDBs.begin(), maNamedDBs.end(), FindByCursor(nCol, nRow, nTab, ePortion));
    if (itr != maNamedDBs.end())
        return itr->get();
    // Check for the sheet-local anonymous db range.
    ScDBData* pNoNameData = rDoc.GetAnonymousDBData(nTab);
    if (pNoNameData)
        if (pNoNameData->IsDBAtCursor(nCol,nRow,nTab,ePortion))
            return pNoNameData;
    // Check the global anonymous db ranges.
    const ScDBData* pData = getAnonDBs().findAtCursor(nCol, nRow, nTab, ePortion);
    if (pData)
        return const_cast<ScDBData*>(pData);
    // Do NOT check for the document global temporary anonymous db range here.
    return nullptr;
const ScDBData* ScDBCollection::GetDBAtArea(SCTAB nTab, SCCOL nCol1, SCROW nRow1, SCCOL nCol2, SCROW nRow2) const
    // First, search the global named db ranges.
    ScRange aRange(nCol1, nRow1, nTab, nCol2, nRow2, nTab);
    NamedDBs::DBsType::const_iterator itr = find_if(
        maNamedDBs.begin(), maNamedDBs.end(), FindByRange(aRange));
    if (itr != maNamedDBs.end())
        return itr->get();
    // Check for the sheet-local anonymous db range.
    ScDBData* pNoNameData = rDoc.GetAnonymousDBData(nTab);
    if (pNoNameData)
        if (pNoNameData->IsDBAtArea(nTab, nCol1, nRow1, nCol2, nRow2))
            return pNoNameData;
    // Lastly, check the global anonymous db ranges.
    const ScDBData* pData = maAnonDBs.findByRange(aRange);
    if (pData)
        return pData;
    // As a last resort, check for the document global temporary anonymous db range.
    pNoNameData = rDoc.GetAnonymousDBData();
    if (pNoNameData)
        if (pNoNameData->IsDBAtArea(nTab, nCol1, nRow1, nCol2, nRow2))
            return pNoNameData;
    return nullptr;
ScDBData* ScDBCollection::GetDBAtArea(SCTAB nTab, SCCOL nCol1, SCROW nRow1, SCCOL nCol2, SCROW nRow2)
    // First, search the global named db ranges.
    ScRange aRange(nCol1, nRow1, nTab, nCol2, nRow2, nTab);
    NamedDBs::DBsType::iterator itr = find_if(
        maNamedDBs.begin(), maNamedDBs.end(), FindByRange(aRange));
    if (itr != maNamedDBs.end())
        return itr->get();
    // Check for the sheet-local anonymous db range.
    ScDBData* pNoNameData = rDoc.GetAnonymousDBData(nTab);
    if (pNoNameData)
        if (pNoNameData->IsDBAtArea(nTab, nCol1, nRow1, nCol2, nRow2))
            return pNoNameData;
    // Lastly, check the global anonymous db ranges.
    const ScDBData* pData = getAnonDBs().findByRange(aRange);
    if (pData)
        return const_cast<ScDBData*>(pData);
    // As a last resort, check for the document global temporary anonymous db range.
    pNoNameData = rDoc.GetAnonymousDBData();
    if (pNoNameData)
        if (pNoNameData->IsDBAtArea(nTab, nCol1, nRow1, nCol2, nRow2))
            return pNoNameData;
    return nullptr;
void ScDBCollection::RefreshDirtyTableColumnNames()
    for (size_t i=0; i < maNamedDBs.maDirtyTableColumnNames.size(); ++i)
        const ScRange & rRange = maNamedDBs.maDirtyTableColumnNames[i];
        for (auto const& it : maNamedDBs)
            if (it->AreTableColumnNamesDirty())
                it->RefreshTableColumnNames( &maNamedDBs.mrDoc, rRange);
void ScDBCollection::DeleteOnTab( SCTAB nTab )
    FindByTable func(nTab);
    // First, collect the positions of all items that need to be deleted.
    ::std::vector<NamedDBs::DBsType::iterator> v;
        NamedDBs::DBsType::iterator itr = maNamedDBs.begin(), itrEnd = maNamedDBs.end();
        for (; itr != itrEnd; ++itr)
            if (func(*itr))
    // Delete them all.
    for (const auto& rIter : v)
void ScDBCollection::UpdateReference(UpdateRefMode eUpdateRefMode,
                                SCCOL nCol1, SCROW nRow1, SCTAB nTab1,
                                SCCOL nCol2, SCROW nRow2, SCTAB nTab2,
                                SCCOL nDx, SCROW nDy, SCTAB nDz )
    ScDBData* pData = rDoc.GetAnonymousDBData(nTab1);
    if (pData)
        if (nTab1 == nTab2 && nDz == 0)
            // Delete the database range, if some part of the reference became invalid.
            if (pData->UpdateReference(&rDoc, eUpdateRefMode, nCol1, nRow1, nTab1, nCol2, nRow2,
                                       nTab2, nDx, nDy, nDz))
                rDoc.SetAnonymousDBData(nTab1, nullptr);
            //this will perhaps break undo
    for (auto it = maNamedDBs.begin(); it != maNamedDBs.end(); )
        // Delete the database range, if some part of the reference became invalid.
        if (it->get()->UpdateReference(&rDoc, eUpdateRefMode, nCol1, nRow1, nTab1, nCol2, nRow2,
                                       nTab2, nDx, nDy, nDz))
            it = maNamedDBs.erase(it);
    for (auto it = maAnonDBs.begin(); it != maAnonDBs.end(); )
        // Delete the database range, if some part of the reference became invalid.
        if (it->get()->UpdateReference(&rDoc, eUpdateRefMode, nCol1, nRow1, nTab1, nCol2, nRow2,
                                       nTab2, nDx, nDy, nDz))
            it = maAnonDBs.erase(it);
void ScDBCollection::UpdateMoveTab( SCTAB nOldPos, SCTAB nNewPos )
    UpdateMoveTabFunc func(nOldPos, nNewPos);
    for_each(maNamedDBs.begin(), maNamedDBs.end(), func);
    for_each(maAnonDBs.begin(), maAnonDBs.end(), func);
void ScDBCollection::CopyToTable(SCTAB nOldPos, SCTAB nNewPos)
    // Create temporary copy of pointers to not insert in a set we are
    // iterating over.
    std::vector<const ScDBData*> aTemp;
    aTemp.reserve( maNamedDBs.size());
    for (const auto& rxNamedDB : maNamedDBs)
        if (rxNamedDB->GetTab() != nOldPos)
        aTemp.emplace_back( rxNamedDB.get());
    for (const auto& rxNamedDB : aTemp)
        const OUString newName( lcl_IncrementNumberInNamedRange( maNamedDBs, rxNamedDB->GetName()));
        std::unique_ptr<ScDBData> pDataCopy = std::make_unique<ScDBData>(newName, *rxNamedDB);
        pDataCopy->UpdateMoveTab(nOldPos, nNewPos);
ScDBData* ScDBCollection::GetDBNearCursor(SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, SCTAB nTab )
    ScDBData* pNearData = nullptr;
    for (const auto& rxNamedDB : maNamedDBs)
        SCTAB nAreaTab;
        SCCOL nStartCol, nEndCol;
        SCROW nStartRow, nEndRow;
        rxNamedDB->GetArea( nAreaTab, nStartCol, nStartRow, nEndCol, nEndRow );
        if ( nTab == nAreaTab && nCol+1 >= nStartCol && nCol <= nEndCol+1 &&
                                 nRow+1 >= nStartRow && nRow <= nEndRow+1 )
            if ( nCol < nStartCol || nCol > nEndCol || nRow < nStartRow || nRow > nEndRow )
                if (!pNearData)
                    pNearData = rxNamedDB.get(); // remember first adjacent area
                return rxNamedDB.get();          // not "unbenannt"/"unnamed" and cursor within
    if (pNearData)
        return pNearData;                   // adjacent, if no direct hit
    return rDoc.GetAnonymousDBData(nTab);  // "unbenannt"/"unnamed" only if nothing else
std::vector<ScDBData*> ScDBCollection::GetAllDBsFromTab(SCTAB nTab)
    std::vector<ScDBData*> pTabData;
    for (const auto& rxNamedDB : maNamedDBs)
        if (rxNamedDB->GetTab() == nTab)
    auto pAnonDBData = rDoc.GetAnonymousDBData(nTab);
    if (pAnonDBData)
    return pTabData;
bool ScDBCollection::empty() const
    return maNamedDBs.empty() && maAnonDBs.empty();
bool ScDBCollection::operator== (const ScDBCollection& r) const
    return maNamedDBs == r.maNamedDBs && maAnonDBs == r.maAnonDBs &&
        nEntryIndex == r.nEntryIndex && &rDoc == &r.rDoc && aRefreshHandler == r.aRefreshHandler;
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V1098 The insert function call contains potentially dangerous move operation. Moved object can be destroyed even if there is no insertion. Check the 'std::move(pData)' argument.

V1098 The insert function call contains potentially dangerous move operation. Moved object can be destroyed even if there is no insertion. Check the 'std::move(pData)' argument.

V547 Expression is always false.

V768 The expression is of enum type. It is odd that it is used as an expression of a Boolean-type.