/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
* This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
* This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <config_features.h>
#include <vcl/errinf.hxx>
#include <tools/urlobj.hxx>
#include <svl/converter.hxx>
#include <svl/numformat.hxx>
#include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx>
#include <comphelper/propertysequence.hxx>
#include <comphelper/types.hxx>
#include <ucbhelper/content.hxx>
#include <svx/txenctab.hxx>
#include <unotools/sharedunocomponent.hxx>
#include <unotools/charclass.hxx>
#include <rtl/character.hxx>
#include <rtl/tencinfo.h>
#include <sal/log.hxx>
#include <osl/diagnose.h>
#include <comphelper/diagnose_ex.hxx>
#include <o3tl/string_view.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/sdb/CommandType.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sdbc/DataType.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sdbc/SQLException.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sdbc/XConnection.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sdbc/DriverManager.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sdbc/XResultSetUpdate.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sdbc/XRow.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sdbc/XRowSet.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sdbc/XRowUpdate.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sdbc/XResultSetMetaDataSupplier.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sdbcx/XAppend.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sdbcx/XColumnsSupplier.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sdbcx/XDataDefinitionSupplier.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sdbcx/XDataDescriptorFactory.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sdbcx/XTablesSupplier.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/lang/XMultiServiceFactory.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/beans/XPropertySet.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/ucb/NameClash.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/ucb/TransferInfo.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/ucb/XCommandInfo.hpp>
#include <scerrors.hxx>
#include <docsh.hxx>
#include <progress.hxx>
#include <editutil.hxx>
#include <cellform.hxx>
#include <dbdocutl.hxx>
#include <dociter.hxx>
#include <globstr.hrc>
#include <scresid.hxx>
#include <svl/zformat.hxx>
#include <svl/intitem.hxx>
#include <patattr.hxx>
#include <scitems.hxx>
#include <docpool.hxx>
#include <segmenttree.hxx>
#include <docparam.hxx>
#include <cellvalue.hxx>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
using namespace com::sun::star;
using ::std::vector;
constexpr OUString SC_SERVICE_ROWSET = u"com.sun.star.sdb.RowSet"_ustr;
//! move to a header file?
constexpr OUString SC_DBPROP_ACTIVECONNECTION = u"ActiveConnection"_ustr;
constexpr OUString SC_DBPROP_COMMAND = u"Command"_ustr;
constexpr OUString SC_DBPROP_COMMANDTYPE = u"CommandType"_ustr;
constexpr OUStringLiteral SC_DBPROP_PROPCHANGE_NOTIFY = u"PropertyChangeNotificationEnabled";
constexpr OUString SC_DBPROP_NAME = u"Name"_ustr;
constexpr OUStringLiteral SC_DBPROP_TYPE = u"Type";
constexpr OUStringLiteral SC_DBPROP_PRECISION = u"Precision";
constexpr OUStringLiteral SC_DBPROP_SCALE = u"Scale";
constexpr OUString SC_DBPROP_EXTENSION = u"Extension"_ustr;
constexpr OUString SC_DBPROP_CHARSET = u"CharSet"_ustr;
ErrCode lcl_getDBaseConnection(uno::Reference<sdbc::XDriverManager2>& _rDrvMgr, uno::Reference<sdbc::XConnection>& _rConnection, OUString& _rTabName, std::u16string_view rFullFileName, rtl_TextEncoding eCharSet)
INetURLObject aURL;
aURL.SetSmartProtocol( INetProtocol::File );
aURL.SetSmartURL( rFullFileName );
_rTabName = aURL.getBase( INetURLObject::LAST_SEGMENT, true,
INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::Unambiguous );
OUString aExtension = aURL.getExtension();
OUString aPath = aURL.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE);
const uno::Reference<uno::XComponentContext>& xContext = comphelper::getProcessComponentContext();
_rDrvMgr.set( sdbc::DriverManager::create( xContext ) );
// get connection
const OUString aConnUrl{"sdbc:dbase:" + aPath};
// sdbc:dbase is based on the css.sdbc.FILEConnectionProperties UNOIDL service, so we can
// transport the raw rtl_TextEncoding value instead of having to translate it into an IANA
// character set name string (which might not exist for certain eCharSet values, like
uno::Sequence<beans::PropertyValue> aProps( comphelper::InitPropertySequence({
{ SC_DBPROP_EXTENSION, uno::Any(aExtension) },
{ SC_DBPROP_CHARSET, uno::Any(eCharSet) }
_rConnection = _rDrvMgr->getConnectionWithInfo( aConnUrl, aProps );
// MoveFile/KillFile/IsDocument: similar to SfxContentHelper
bool ScDocShell::MoveFile( const INetURLObject& rSourceObj, const INetURLObject& rDestObj )
bool bMoveData = true;
bool bRet = true, bKillSource = false;
if ( rSourceObj.GetProtocol() != rDestObj.GetProtocol() )
bMoveData = false;
bKillSource = true;
OUString aName = rDestObj.getName();
INetURLObject aDestPathObj = rDestObj;
::ucbhelper::Content aDestPath( aDestPathObj.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE),
uno::Reference< css::ucb::XCommandEnvironment >(),
comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() );
uno::Reference< css::ucb::XCommandInfo > xInfo = aDestPath.getCommands();
OUString aTransferName = u"transfer"_ustr;
if ( xInfo->hasCommandByName( aTransferName ) )
aDestPath.executeCommand( aTransferName, uno::Any(
css::ucb::TransferInfo( bMoveData, rSourceObj.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE), aName,
css::ucb::NameClash::ERROR ) ) );
OSL_FAIL( "transfer command not available" );
catch( uno::Exception& )
// ucb may throw different exceptions on failure now
bRet = false;
if ( bKillSource )
KillFile( rSourceObj );
return bRet;
bool ScDocShell::KillFile( const INetURLObject& rURL )
bool bRet = true;
::ucbhelper::Content aCnt( rURL.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE),
uno::Reference< css::ucb::XCommandEnvironment >(),
comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() );
aCnt.executeCommand( u"delete"_ustr, css::uno::Any( true ) );
catch( uno::Exception& )
// ucb may throw different exceptions on failure now
bRet = false;
return bRet;
bool ScDocShell::IsDocument( const INetURLObject& rURL )
bool bRet = false;
::ucbhelper::Content aCnt( rURL.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE),
uno::Reference< css::ucb::XCommandEnvironment >(),
comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() );
bRet = aCnt.isDocument();
catch( uno::Exception& )
// ucb may throw different exceptions on failure now - warning only
TOOLS_WARN_EXCEPTION( "sc", "Any other exception" );
return bRet;
static void lcl_setScalesToColumns(ScDocument& rDoc, const vector<tools::Long>& rScales)
SvNumberFormatter* pFormatter = rDoc.GetFormatTable();
if (!pFormatter)
SCCOL nColCount = static_cast<SCCOL>(rScales.size());
for (SCCOL i = 0; i < nColCount; ++i)
if (rScales[i] < 0)
sal_uInt32 nOldFormat = rDoc.GetNumberFormat(i, 0, 0);
const SvNumberformat* pOldEntry = pFormatter->GetEntry(nOldFormat);
if (!pOldEntry)
LanguageType eLang = pOldEntry->GetLanguage();
bool bThousand, bNegRed;
sal_uInt16 nPrecision, nLeading;
pOldEntry->GetFormatSpecialInfo(bThousand, bNegRed, nPrecision, nLeading);
nPrecision = static_cast<sal_uInt16>(rScales[i]);
OUString aNewPicture = pFormatter->GenerateFormat(nOldFormat, eLang,
bThousand, bNegRed, nPrecision, nLeading);
sal_uInt32 nNewFormat = pFormatter->GetEntryKey(aNewPicture, eLang);
sal_Int32 nErrPos = 0;
SvNumFormatType nNewType = SvNumFormatType::ALL;
bool bOk = pFormatter->PutEntry(
aNewPicture, nErrPos, nNewType, nNewFormat, eLang);
if (!bOk)
ScPatternAttr aNewAttrs(rDoc.getCellAttributeHelper());
SfxItemSet& rSet = aNewAttrs.GetItemSet();
rSet.Put( SfxUInt32Item(ATTR_VALUE_FORMAT, nNewFormat) );
rDoc.ApplyPatternAreaTab(i, 0, i, rDoc.MaxRow(), 0, aNewAttrs);
ErrCode ScDocShell::DBaseImport( const OUString& rFullFileName, rtl_TextEncoding eCharSet,
std::map<SCCOL, ScColWidthParam>& aColWidthParam, ScFlatBoolRowSegments& rRowHeightsRecalc )
(void) rFullFileName;
(void) eCharSet;
(void) aColWidthParam;
(void) rRowHeightsRecalc;
ErrCode nErr = ERRCODE_NONE;
sal_Int32 nColCount = 0;
OUString aTabName;
uno::Reference<sdbc::XDriverManager2> xDrvMan;
uno::Reference<sdbc::XConnection> xConnection;
ErrCode nRet = lcl_getDBaseConnection(xDrvMan,xConnection,aTabName,rFullFileName,eCharSet);
if ( !xConnection.is() || !xDrvMan.is() )
return nRet;
::utl::DisposableComponent aConnectionHelper(xConnection);
ScProgress aProgress( this, ScResId( STR_LOAD_DOC ), 0, true );
uno::Reference<lang::XMultiServiceFactory> xFactory = comphelper::getProcessServiceFactory();
uno::Reference<sdbc::XRowSet> xRowSet( xFactory->createInstance(SC_SERVICE_ROWSET),
::utl::DisposableComponent aRowSetHelper(xRowSet);
uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySet> xRowProp( xRowSet, uno::UNO_QUERY );
OSL_ENSURE( xRowProp.is(), "can't get RowSet" );
if (!xRowProp.is()) return SCERR_IMPORT_CONNECT;
xRowProp->setPropertyValue( SC_DBPROP_ACTIVECONNECTION, uno::Any(xConnection) );
xRowProp->setPropertyValue( SC_DBPROP_COMMANDTYPE, uno::Any(sdb::CommandType::TABLE) );
xRowProp->setPropertyValue( SC_DBPROP_COMMAND, uno::Any(aTabName) );
xRowProp->setPropertyValue( SC_DBPROP_PROPCHANGE_NOTIFY, uno::Any(false) );
uno::Reference<sdbc::XResultSetMetaData> xMeta;
uno::Reference<sdbc::XResultSetMetaDataSupplier> xMetaSupp( xRowSet, uno::UNO_QUERY );
if ( xMetaSupp.is() )
xMeta = xMetaSupp->getMetaData();
if ( xMeta.is() )
nColCount = xMeta->getColumnCount(); // this is the number of real columns
if ( nColCount > m_pDocument->MaxCol()+1 )
nColCount = m_pDocument->MaxCol()+1;
uno::Reference<sdbc::XRow> xRow( xRowSet, uno::UNO_QUERY );
OSL_ENSURE( xRow.is(), "can't get Row" );
if (!xRow.is()) return SCERR_IMPORT_CONNECT;
// currency flag is not needed for dBase
uno::Sequence<sal_Int32> aColTypes( nColCount ); // column types
sal_Int32* pTypeArr = aColTypes.getArray();
for (sal_Int32 i=0; i<nColCount; i++)
pTypeArr[i] = xMeta->getColumnType( i+1 );
// read column names
//! add type descriptions
aProgress.SetState( 0 );
vector<tools::Long> aScales(nColCount, -1);
for (sal_Int32 i=0; i<nColCount; i++)
OUString aHeader = xMeta->getColumnLabel( i+1 );
switch ( pTypeArr[i] )
case sdbc::DataType::BIT:
aHeader += ",L";
case sdbc::DataType::DATE:
aHeader += ",D";
case sdbc::DataType::LONGVARCHAR:
aHeader += ",M";
case sdbc::DataType::VARCHAR:
aHeader += ",C," + OUString::number( xMeta->getColumnDisplaySize( i+1 ) );
case sdbc::DataType::DECIMAL:
tools::Long nPrec = xMeta->getPrecision( i+1 );
tools::Long nScale = xMeta->getScale( i+1 );
aHeader += ",N," +
nPrec, nScale ) ) +
"," +
OUString::number( nScale );
aScales[i] = nScale;
m_pDocument->SetString( static_cast<SCCOL>(i), 0, 0, aHeader );
lcl_setScalesToColumns(*m_pDocument, aScales);
SCROW nRow = 1; // 0 is column titles
bool bEnd = false;
while ( !bEnd && xRowSet->next() )
if (nRow <= m_pDocument->MaxRow())
bool bSimpleRow = true;
SCCOL nCol = 0;
for (sal_Int32 i=0; i<nColCount; i++)
ScDatabaseDocUtil::StrData aStrData;
ScDatabaseDocUtil::PutData( *m_pDocument, nCol, nRow, 0,
xRow, i+1, pTypeArr[i], false,
&aStrData );
if (aStrData.mnStrLength > aColWidthParam[nCol].mnMaxTextLen)
aColWidthParam[nCol].mnMaxTextLen = aStrData.mnStrLength;
aColWidthParam[nCol].mnMaxTextRow = nRow;
if (!aStrData.mbSimpleText)
bSimpleRow = false;
aColWidthParam[nCol].mbSimpleText = false;
if (!bSimpleRow)
rRowHeightsRecalc.setTrue(nRow, nRow);
else // past the end of the spreadsheet
bEnd = true; // don't continue
nErr = SCWARN_IMPORT_RANGE_OVERFLOW; // warning message
catch ( sdbc::SQLException& )
catch ( uno::Exception& )
TOOLS_WARN_EXCEPTION( "sc", "Unexpected exception in database");
return nErr;
namespace {
void lcl_GetColumnTypes(
ScDocShell& rDocShell, const ScRange& rDataRange, bool bHasFieldNames,
OUString* pColNames, sal_Int32* pColTypes, sal_Int32* pColLengths,
sal_Int32* pColScales, bool& bHasMemo, rtl_TextEncoding eCharSet )
ScDocument& rDoc = rDocShell.GetDocument();
ScInterpreterContext& rContext = rDoc.GetNonThreadedContext();
SCTAB nTab = rDataRange.aStart.Tab();
SCCOL nFirstCol = rDataRange.aStart.Col();
SCROW nFirstRow = rDataRange.aStart.Row();
SCCOL nLastCol = rDataRange.aEnd.Col();
SCROW nLastRow = rDataRange.aEnd.Row();
typedef std::unordered_set<OUString> StrSetType;
StrSetType aFieldNames;
tools::Long nField = 0;
SCROW nFirstDataRow = ( bHasFieldNames ? nFirstRow + 1 : nFirstRow );
for ( SCCOL nCol = nFirstCol; nCol <= nLastCol; nCol++ )
bool bTypeDefined = false;
bool bPrecDefined = false;
sal_Int32 nFieldLen = 0;
sal_Int32 nPrecision = 0;
sal_Int32 nDbType = sdbc::DataType::SQLNULL;
OUString aFieldName;
// Fieldname[,Type[,Width[,Prec]]]
// Type etc.: L; D; C[,W]; N[,W[,P]]
if ( bHasFieldNames )
OUString aString {rDoc.GetString(nCol, nFirstRow, nTab).toAsciiUpperCase()};
sal_Int32 nIdx {0};
aFieldName = aString.getToken( 0, ',', nIdx);
if ( nIdx>0 )
aString = aString.replaceAll(" ", "");
switch ( o3tl::getToken(aString, 0, ',', nIdx )[0] )
case 'L' :
nDbType = sdbc::DataType::BIT;
nFieldLen = 1;
bTypeDefined = true;
bPrecDefined = true;
case 'D' :
nDbType = sdbc::DataType::DATE;
nFieldLen = 8;
bTypeDefined = true;
bPrecDefined = true;
case 'M' :
nDbType = sdbc::DataType::LONGVARCHAR;
nFieldLen = 10;
bTypeDefined = true;
bPrecDefined = true;
bHasMemo = true;
case 'C' :
nDbType = sdbc::DataType::VARCHAR;
bTypeDefined = true;
bPrecDefined = true;
case 'N' :
nDbType = sdbc::DataType::DECIMAL;
bTypeDefined = true;
if ( bTypeDefined && !nFieldLen && nIdx>0 )
nFieldLen = o3tl::toInt32(o3tl::getToken(aString, 0, ',', nIdx ));
if ( !bPrecDefined && nIdx>0 )
OUString aTmp( aString.getToken( 0, ',', nIdx ) );
if ( CharClass::isAsciiNumeric(aTmp) )
nPrecision = aTmp.toInt32();
if (nPrecision && nFieldLen < nPrecision+1)
nFieldLen = nPrecision + 1; // include decimal separator
bPrecDefined = true;
// Check field name and generate valid field name if necessary.
// First character has to be alphabetical, subsequent characters
// have to be alphanumerical or underscore.
// "_DBASELOCK" is reserved (obsolete because first character is
// not alphabetical).
// No duplicated names.
if ( !rtl::isAsciiAlpha(aFieldName[0]) )
aFieldName = "N" + aFieldName;
OUStringBuffer aTmpStr;
sal_Unicode c;
for ( const sal_Unicode* p = aFieldName.getStr(); ( c = *p ) != 0; p++ )
if ( rtl::isAsciiAlpha(c) || rtl::isAsciiDigit(c) || c == '_' )
aFieldName = aTmpStr.makeStringAndClear();
if ( aFieldName.getLength() > 10 )
aFieldName = aFieldName.copy(0, 10);
if (!aFieldNames.insert(aFieldName).second)
{ // Duplicated field name, append numeric suffix.
sal_uInt16 nSub = 1;
OUString aFixPart( aFieldName );
OUString aVarPart = OUString::number( nSub );
if ( aFixPart.getLength() + aVarPart.getLength() > 10 )
aFixPart = aFixPart.copy( 0, 10 - aVarPart.getLength() );
aFieldName = aFixPart + aVarPart;
} while (!aFieldNames.insert(aFieldName).second);
aFieldName = "N" + OUString::number(nCol+1);
if ( !bTypeDefined )
{ // Field type.
ScRefCellValue aCell(rDoc, ScAddress(nCol, nFirstDataRow, nTab));
if (aCell.isEmpty() || aCell.hasString())
nDbType = sdbc::DataType::VARCHAR;
sal_uInt32 nFormat = rDoc.GetNumberFormat( nCol, nFirstDataRow, nTab );
switch (rContext.NFGetType(nFormat))
case SvNumFormatType::LOGICAL :
nDbType = sdbc::DataType::BIT;
nFieldLen = 1;
case SvNumFormatType::DATE :
nDbType = sdbc::DataType::DATE;
nFieldLen = 8;
case SvNumFormatType::TIME :
case SvNumFormatType::DATETIME :
nDbType = sdbc::DataType::VARCHAR;
nDbType = sdbc::DataType::DECIMAL;
// Field length.
if ( nDbType == sdbc::DataType::VARCHAR && !nFieldLen )
{ // Determine maximum field width.
nFieldLen = rDoc.GetMaxStringLen( nTab, nCol, nFirstDataRow,
nLastRow, eCharSet );
if ( nFieldLen == 0 )
nFieldLen = 1;
else if ( nDbType == sdbc::DataType::DECIMAL )
{ // Determine maximum field width and precision.
sal_Int32 nLen;
sal_uInt16 nPrec;
nLen = rDoc.GetMaxNumberStringLen( nPrec, nTab, nCol,
nFirstDataRow, nLastRow );
// dBaseIII precision limit: 15
if ( nPrecision > 15 )
nPrecision = 15;
if ( nPrec > 15 )
nPrec = 15;
if ( bPrecDefined && nPrecision != nPrec )
if (nPrecision < nPrec)
// This is a hairy case. User defined nPrecision but a
// number format has more precision. Modifying a dBase
// field may as well render the resulting file useless for
// an application that relies on its defined structure,
// especially if we are resaving an already existing file.
// So who's right, the user who (or the loaded file that)
// defined the field, or the user who applied the format?
// Commit f59e350d1733125055f1144f8b3b1b0a46f6d1ca gave the
// format a higher priority, which is debatable.
SAL_WARN( "sc", "lcl_GetColumnTypes: conflicting dBase field precision for "
<< aFieldName << " (" << nPrecision << "<" << nPrec << ")");
// Adjust length to larger predefined integer part. There
// may be a reason that the field was prepared for larger
// numbers.
if (nFieldLen - nPrecision > nLen - nPrec)
nLen = nFieldLen - (nPrecision ? nPrecision+1 : 0) + 1 + nPrec;
// And override precision.
nPrecision = nPrec;
#if 1
// Adjust length to predefined precision.
nLen = nLen + ( nPrecision - nPrec );
/* If the above override for (nPrecision < nPrec) was not in place then
* nPrecision could be 0 and this would be the code path to correctly
* calculate nLen. But as is, nPrecision is never 0 here, see CID#982304 */
// Adjust length to predefined precision.
if ( nPrecision )
nLen = nLen + ( nPrecision - nPrec );
nLen -= nPrec+1; // also remove the decimal separator
if (nFieldLen < nLen)
if (!bTypeDefined)
nFieldLen = nLen;
// Again a hairy case and conflict. Furthermore, the
// larger overall length may be a result of only a higher
// precision obtained from formats.
SAL_WARN( "sc", "lcl_GetColumnTypes: conflicting dBase field length for "
<< aFieldName << " (" << nFieldLen << "<" << nLen << ")");
nFieldLen = nLen;
if ( !bPrecDefined )
nPrecision = nPrec;
if ( nFieldLen == 0 )
nFieldLen = 1;
else if ( nFieldLen > 19 )
nFieldLen = 19; // dBaseIII numeric field length limit: 19
if ( nPrecision && nFieldLen < nPrecision + 2 )
nFieldLen = nPrecision + 2; // 0. must fit into
// 538 MUST: Sdb internal representation adds 2 to the field length!
// To give the user what he wants we must subtract it here.
//! CAVEAT! There is no way to define a numeric field with a length
//! of 1 and no decimals!
nFieldLen = SvDbaseConverter::ConvertPrecisionToOdbc( nFieldLen, nPrecision );
if ( nFieldLen > 254 )
if ( nDbType == sdbc::DataType::VARCHAR )
{ // Too long for a normal text field => memo field.
nDbType = sdbc::DataType::LONGVARCHAR;
nFieldLen = 10;
bHasMemo = true;
nFieldLen = 254; // bad luck...
pColNames[nField] = aFieldName;
pColTypes[nField] = nDbType;
pColLengths[nField] = nFieldLen;
pColScales[nField] = nPrecision;
void lcl_getLongVarCharEditString( OUString& rString,
const ScRefCellValue& rCell, ScFieldEditEngine& rEditEngine )
if (!rCell.getEditText())
rString = rEditEngine.GetText( LINEEND_CRLF );
void lcl_getLongVarCharString(
OUString& rString, ScDocument& rDoc, SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, SCTAB nTab, ScInterpreterContext& rContext )
const Color* pColor;
ScAddress aPos(nCol, nRow, nTab);
sal_uInt32 nFormat = rDoc.GetNumberFormat(ScRange(aPos));
rString = ScCellFormat::GetString(rDoc, aPos, nFormat, &pColor, &rContext);
ErrCodeMsg ScDocShell::DBaseExport( const OUString& rFullFileName, rtl_TextEncoding eCharSet, bool& bHasMemo )
(void) rFullFileName;
(void) eCharSet;
(void) bHasMemo;
// remove the file so the dBase driver doesn't find an invalid file
INetURLObject aDeleteObj( rFullFileName, INetProtocol::File );
KillFile( aDeleteObj );
ErrCodeMsg nErr = ERRCODE_NONE;
SCCOL nFirstCol, nLastCol;
SCROW nFirstRow, nLastRow;
SCTAB nTab = GetSaveTab();
m_pDocument->GetDataStart( nTab, nFirstCol, nFirstRow );
m_pDocument->GetCellArea( nTab, nLastCol, nLastRow );
if ( nFirstCol > nLastCol )
nFirstCol = nLastCol;
if ( nFirstRow > nLastRow )
nFirstRow = nLastRow;
ScProgress aProgress( this, ScResId( STR_SAVE_DOC ),
nLastRow - nFirstRow, true );
ScInterpreterContext& rContext = m_pDocument->GetNonThreadedContext();
bool bHasFieldNames = true;
for ( SCCOL nDocCol = nFirstCol; nDocCol <= nLastCol && bHasFieldNames; nDocCol++ )
{ // only Strings in first row => are field names
if ( !m_pDocument->HasStringData( nDocCol, nFirstRow, nTab ) )
bHasFieldNames = false;
sal_Int32 nColCount = nLastCol - nFirstCol + 1;
uno::Sequence<OUString> aColNames( nColCount );
uno::Sequence<sal_Int32> aColTypes( nColCount );
uno::Sequence<sal_Int32> aColLengths( nColCount );
uno::Sequence<sal_Int32> aColScales( nColCount );
ScRange aDataRange( nFirstCol, nFirstRow, nTab, nLastCol, nLastRow, nTab );
lcl_GetColumnTypes( *this, aDataRange, bHasFieldNames,
aColNames.getArray(), aColTypes.getArray(),
aColLengths.getArray(), aColScales.getArray(),
bHasMemo, eCharSet );
// also needed for exception catch
SCROW nDocRow = 0;
ScFieldEditEngine aEditEngine(m_pDocument.get(), m_pDocument->GetEditPool());
OUString aString;
uno::Reference<sdbc::XDriverManager2> xDrvMan;
uno::Reference<sdbc::XConnection> xConnection;
OUString aTabName;
ErrCode nRet = lcl_getDBaseConnection(xDrvMan,xConnection,aTabName,rFullFileName,eCharSet);
if ( !xConnection.is() || !xDrvMan.is() )
return nRet;
::utl::DisposableComponent aConnectionHelper(xConnection);
// get dBase driver
uno::Reference< sdbcx::XDataDefinitionSupplier > xDDSup( xDrvMan->getDriverByURL( xConnection->getMetaData()->getURL() ), uno::UNO_QUERY );
if ( !xDDSup.is() )
// create table
uno::Reference<sdbcx::XTablesSupplier> xTablesSupp =xDDSup->getDataDefinitionByConnection( xConnection );
OSL_ENSURE( xTablesSupp.is(), "can't get Data Definition" );
if (!xTablesSupp.is()) return SCERR_EXPORT_CONNECT;
uno::Reference<container::XNameAccess> xTables = xTablesSupp->getTables();
OSL_ENSURE( xTables.is(), "can't get Tables" );
if (!xTables.is()) return SCERR_EXPORT_CONNECT;
uno::Reference<sdbcx::XDataDescriptorFactory> xTablesFact( xTables, uno::UNO_QUERY );
OSL_ENSURE( xTablesFact.is(), "can't get tables factory" );
if (!xTablesFact.is()) return SCERR_EXPORT_CONNECT;
uno::Reference<sdbcx::XAppend> xTablesAppend( xTables, uno::UNO_QUERY );
OSL_ENSURE( xTablesAppend.is(), "can't get tables XAppend" );
if (!xTablesAppend.is()) return SCERR_EXPORT_CONNECT;
uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySet> xTableDesc = xTablesFact->createDataDescriptor();
OSL_ENSURE( xTableDesc.is(), "can't get table descriptor" );
if (!xTableDesc.is()) return SCERR_EXPORT_CONNECT;
xTableDesc->setPropertyValue( SC_DBPROP_NAME, uno::Any(aTabName) );
// create columns
uno::Reference<sdbcx::XColumnsSupplier> xColumnsSupp( xTableDesc, uno::UNO_QUERY );
OSL_ENSURE( xColumnsSupp.is(), "can't get columns supplier" );
if (!xColumnsSupp.is()) return SCERR_EXPORT_CONNECT;
uno::Reference<container::XNameAccess> xColumns = xColumnsSupp->getColumns();
OSL_ENSURE( xColumns.is(), "can't get columns" );
if (!xColumns.is()) return SCERR_EXPORT_CONNECT;
uno::Reference<sdbcx::XDataDescriptorFactory> xColumnsFact( xColumns, uno::UNO_QUERY );
OSL_ENSURE( xColumnsFact.is(), "can't get columns factory" );
if (!xColumnsFact.is()) return SCERR_EXPORT_CONNECT;
uno::Reference<sdbcx::XAppend> xColumnsAppend( xColumns, uno::UNO_QUERY );
OSL_ENSURE( xColumnsAppend.is(), "can't get columns XAppend" );
if (!xColumnsAppend.is()) return SCERR_EXPORT_CONNECT;
const OUString* pColNames = aColNames.getConstArray();
const sal_Int32* pColTypes = aColTypes.getConstArray();
const sal_Int32* pColLengths = aColLengths.getConstArray();
const sal_Int32* pColScales = aColScales.getConstArray();
sal_Int32 nCol;
for (nCol=0; nCol<nColCount; nCol++)
uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySet> xColumnDesc = xColumnsFact->createDataDescriptor();
OSL_ENSURE( xColumnDesc.is(), "can't get column descriptor" );
if (!xColumnDesc.is()) return SCERR_EXPORT_CONNECT;
xColumnDesc->setPropertyValue( SC_DBPROP_NAME, uno::Any(pColNames[nCol]) );
xColumnDesc->setPropertyValue( SC_DBPROP_TYPE, uno::Any(pColTypes[nCol]) );
xColumnDesc->setPropertyValue( SC_DBPROP_PRECISION, uno::Any(pColLengths[nCol]) );
xColumnDesc->setPropertyValue( SC_DBPROP_SCALE, uno::Any(pColScales[nCol]) );
xColumnsAppend->appendByDescriptor( xColumnDesc );
xTablesAppend->appendByDescriptor( xTableDesc );
// get row set for writing
uno::Reference<lang::XMultiServiceFactory> xFactory = comphelper::getProcessServiceFactory();
uno::Reference<sdbc::XRowSet> xRowSet( xFactory->createInstance(SC_SERVICE_ROWSET),
::utl::DisposableComponent aRowSetHelper(xRowSet);
uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySet> xRowProp( xRowSet, uno::UNO_QUERY );
OSL_ENSURE( xRowProp.is(), "can't get RowSet" );
if (!xRowProp.is()) return SCERR_EXPORT_CONNECT;
xRowProp->setPropertyValue( SC_DBPROP_ACTIVECONNECTION, uno::Any(xConnection) );
xRowProp->setPropertyValue( SC_DBPROP_COMMANDTYPE, uno::Any(sal_Int32(sdb::CommandType::TABLE)) );
xRowProp->setPropertyValue( SC_DBPROP_COMMAND, uno::Any(aTabName) );
// write data rows
uno::Reference<sdbc::XResultSetUpdate> xResultUpdate( xRowSet, uno::UNO_QUERY );
OSL_ENSURE( xResultUpdate.is(), "can't get XResultSetUpdate" );
if (!xResultUpdate.is()) return SCERR_EXPORT_CONNECT;
uno::Reference<sdbc::XRowUpdate> xRowUpdate( xRowSet, uno::UNO_QUERY );
OSL_ENSURE( xRowUpdate.is(), "can't get XRowUpdate" );
if (!xRowUpdate.is()) return SCERR_EXPORT_CONNECT;
SCROW nFirstDataRow = ( bHasFieldNames ? nFirstRow + 1 : nFirstRow );
double fVal;
for ( nDocRow = nFirstDataRow; nDocRow <= nLastRow; nDocRow++ )
for (nCol=0; nCol<nColCount; nCol++)
SCCOL nDocCol = sal::static_int_cast<SCCOL>( nFirstCol + nCol );
switch (pColTypes[nCol])
case sdbc::DataType::LONGVARCHAR:
ScRefCellValue aCell(*m_pDocument, ScAddress(nDocCol, nDocRow, nTab));
if (!aCell.isEmpty())
if (aCell.getType() == CELLTYPE_EDIT)
{ // preserve paragraphs
lcl_getLongVarCharEditString(aString, aCell, aEditEngine);
aString, *m_pDocument, nDocCol, nDocRow, nTab, rContext);
xRowUpdate->updateString( nCol+1, aString );
xRowUpdate->updateNull( nCol+1 );
case sdbc::DataType::VARCHAR:
aString = m_pDocument->GetString(nDocCol, nDocRow, nTab);
xRowUpdate->updateString( nCol+1, aString );
if ( nErr == ERRCODE_NONE && pColLengths[nCol] < aString.getLength() )
case sdbc::DataType::DATE:
fVal = m_pDocument->GetValue( nDocCol, nDocRow, nTab );
// differentiate between 0 with value and 0 no-value
bool bIsNull = (fVal == 0.0);
if ( bIsNull )
bIsNull = !m_pDocument->HasValueData( nDocCol, nDocRow, nTab );
if ( bIsNull )
xRowUpdate->updateNull( nCol+1 );
if ( nErr == ERRCODE_NONE &&
m_pDocument->HasStringData( nDocCol, nDocRow, nTab ) )
Date aDate = rContext.NFGetNullDate(); // tools date
aDate.AddDays(fVal); //! approxfloor?
xRowUpdate->updateDate( nCol+1, aDate.GetUNODate() );
case sdbc::DataType::DECIMAL:
case sdbc::DataType::BIT:
fVal = m_pDocument->GetValue( nDocCol, nDocRow, nTab );
if ( fVal == 0.0 && nErr == ERRCODE_NONE &&
m_pDocument->HasStringData( nDocCol, nDocRow, nTab ) )
if ( pColTypes[nCol] == sdbc::DataType::BIT )
xRowUpdate->updateBoolean( nCol+1, ( fVal != 0.0 ) );
xRowUpdate->updateDouble( nCol+1, fVal );
OSL_FAIL( "ScDocShell::DBaseExport: unknown FieldType" );
if ( nErr == ERRCODE_NONE )
fVal = m_pDocument->GetValue( nDocCol, nDocRow, nTab );
xRowUpdate->updateDouble( nCol+1, fVal );
//! error handling and recovery of old
//! ScDocShell::SbaSdbExport is still missing!
aProgress.SetStateOnPercent( nDocRow - nFirstRow );
comphelper::disposeComponent( xRowSet );
comphelper::disposeComponent( xConnection );
catch ( const sdbc::SQLException& aException )
sal_Int32 nError = aException.ErrorCode;
TOOLS_WARN_EXCEPTION("sc", "ScDocShell::DBaseExport");
if (nError == 22018 || nError == 22001)
// SQL error 22018: Character not in target encoding.
// SQL error 22001: String length exceeds field width (after encoding).
bool bEncErr = (nError == 22018);
bool bIsOctetTextEncoding = rtl_isOctetTextEncoding( eCharSet);
OSL_ENSURE( !bEncErr || bIsOctetTextEncoding, "ScDocShell::DBaseExport: encoding error and not an octet textencoding");
SCCOL nDocCol = nFirstCol;
const sal_Int32* pColTypes = aColTypes.getConstArray();
const sal_Int32* pColLengths = aColLengths.getConstArray();
ScHorizontalCellIterator aIter( *m_pDocument, nTab, nFirstCol,
nDocRow, nLastCol, nDocRow);
bool bTest = true;
while (bTest)
ScRefCellValue* pCell = aIter.GetNext( nDocCol, nDocRow);
if (!pCell)
SCCOL nCol = nDocCol - nFirstCol;
switch (pColTypes[nCol])
case sdbc::DataType::LONGVARCHAR:
if (pCell->getType() == CELLTYPE_EDIT)
lcl_getLongVarCharEditString(aString, *pCell, aEditEngine);
aString, *m_pDocument, nDocCol, nDocRow, nTab, rContext);
case sdbc::DataType::VARCHAR:
aString = m_pDocument->GetString(nDocCol, nDocRow, nTab);
// NOTE: length of DECIMAL fields doesn't need to be
// checked here, the database driver adjusts the field
// width accordingly.
bTest = false;
if (bTest)
sal_Int32 nLen;
if (bIsOctetTextEncoding)
OString aOString;
if (!aString.convertToString( &aOString, eCharSet,
bTest = false;
bEncErr = true;
nLen = aOString.getLength();
if (!bTest)
SAL_WARN("sc", "ScDocShell::DBaseExport encoding error, string with default replacements: ``" << aString << "''");
nLen = aString.getLength() * sizeof(sal_Unicode);
if (!bEncErr &&
pColTypes[nCol] != sdbc::DataType::LONGVARCHAR &&
pColLengths[nCol] < nLen)
bTest = false;
SAL_INFO("sc", "ScDocShell::DBaseExport: field width: " << pColLengths[nCol] << ", encoded length: " << nLen);
bTest = true;
OUString sPosition(ScAddress(nDocCol, nDocRow, nTab).GetColRowString());
OUString sEncoding(SvxTextEncodingTable::GetTextString(eCharSet));
nErr = ErrCodeMsg( (bEncErr ? SCERR_EXPORT_ENCODING :
SCERR_EXPORT_FIELDWIDTH), sPosition, sEncoding,
DialogMask::ButtonsOk | DialogMask::MessageError);
else if ( !aException.Message.isEmpty() )
nErr = ErrCodeMsg( SCERR_EXPORT_SQLEXCEPTION, aException.Message, DialogMask::ButtonsOk | DialogMask::MessageError);
catch ( uno::Exception& )
TOOLS_WARN_EXCEPTION( "sc", "Unexpected exception in database");
return nErr;
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
↑ V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.