/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <dpcache.hxx>
#include <document.hxx>
#include <queryentry.hxx>
#include <queryparam.hxx>
#include <dpobject.hxx>
#include <globstr.hrc>
#include <scresid.hxx>
#include <docoptio.hxx>
#include <dpitemdata.hxx>
#include <dputil.hxx>
#include <dpnumgroupinfo.hxx>
#include <columniterator.hxx>
#include <cellvalue.hxx>
#include <comphelper/parallelsort.hxx>
#include <rtl/math.hxx>
#include <unotools/charclass.hxx>
#include <unotools/textsearch.hxx>
#include <unotools/localedatawrapper.hxx>
#include <unotools/collatorwrapper.hxx>
#include <svl/numformat.hxx>
#include <svl/zforlist.hxx>
#include <o3tl/safeint.hxx>
#include <osl/diagnose.h>
#include <com/sun/star/sheet/DataPilotFieldGroupBy.hpp>
// TODO : Threaded pivot cache operation is disabled until we can figure out
// ways to make the edit engine and number formatter codes thread-safe in a
// proper fashion.
#include <thread>
#include <future>
#include <queue>
using namespace ::com::sun::star;
using ::com::sun::star::uno::Exception;
ScDPCache::GroupItems::GroupItems() : mnGroupType(0) {}
ScDPCache::GroupItems::GroupItems(const ScDPNumGroupInfo& rInfo, sal_Int32 nGroupType) :
    maInfo(rInfo), mnGroupType(nGroupType) {}
ScDPCache::Field::Field() : mnNumFormat(0) {}
ScDPCache::ScDPCache(ScDocument& rDoc) :
    mrDoc( rDoc ),
    mnColumnCount ( 0 ),
    maEmptyRows(0, rDoc.GetMaxRowCount(), true),
namespace {
struct ClearObjectSource
    void operator() (ScDPObject* p) const
    // Make sure no live ScDPObject instances hold reference to this cache any
    // more.
    mbDisposing = true;
    std::for_each(maRefObjects.begin(), maRefObjects.end(), ClearObjectSource());
namespace {
 * While the macro interpret level is incremented, the formula cells are
 * (semi-)guaranteed to be interpreted.
class MacroInterpretIncrementer
    explicit MacroInterpretIncrementer(ScDocument& rDoc) :
    ScDocument& mrDoc;
rtl_uString* internString( ScDPCache::StringSetType& rPool, const OUString& rStr )
    return rPool.insert(rStr).first->pData;
OUString createLabelString( const ScDocument& rDoc, SCCOL nCol, const ScRefCellValue& rCell )
    OUString aDocStr = rCell.getRawString(rDoc);
    if (aDocStr.isEmpty())
        // Replace an empty label string with column name.
        ScAddress aColAddr(nCol, 0, 0);
        aDocStr = ScResId(STR_COLUMN) + " " + aColAddr.Format(ScRefFlags::COL_VALID);
    return aDocStr;
void initFromCell(
    ScDPCache::StringSetType& rStrPool, const ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAddress& rPos,
    const ScRefCellValue& rCell, ScDPItemData& rData, sal_uInt32& rNumFormat)
    OUString aDocStr = rCell.getRawString(rDoc);
    rNumFormat = 0;
    if (rCell.hasError())
        rData.SetErrorStringInterned(internString(rStrPool, rDoc.GetString(rPos.Col(), rPos.Row(), rPos.Tab())));
    else if (rCell.hasNumeric())
        double fVal = rCell.getRawValue();
        rNumFormat = rDoc.GetNumberFormat(ScRange(rPos));
    else if (!rCell.isEmpty())
        rData.SetStringInterned(internString(rStrPool, aDocStr));
struct Bucket
    ScDPItemData maValue;
    SCROW mnOrderIndex;
    SCROW mnDataIndex;
    Bucket() :
        mnOrderIndex(0), mnDataIndex(0) {}
    Bucket(const ScDPItemData& rValue, SCROW nData) :
        maValue(rValue), mnOrderIndex(0), mnDataIndex(nData) {}
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
struct PrintBucket
    void operator() (const Bucket& v) const
        cout << "value: " << v.maValue.GetValue() << "  order index: " << v.mnOrderIndex << "  data index: " << v.mnDataIndex << endl;
struct LessByValue
    bool operator() (const Bucket& left, const Bucket& right) const
        return left.maValue < right.maValue;
struct LessByOrderIndex
    bool operator() (const Bucket& left, const Bucket& right) const
        return left.mnOrderIndex < right.mnOrderIndex;
struct LessByDataIndex
    bool operator() (const Bucket& left, const Bucket& right) const
        return left.mnDataIndex < right.mnDataIndex;
struct EqualByOrderIndex
    bool operator() (const Bucket& left, const Bucket& right) const
        return left.mnOrderIndex == right.mnOrderIndex;
class PushBackValue
    ScDPCache::ScDPItemDataVec& mrItems;
    explicit PushBackValue(ScDPCache::ScDPItemDataVec& _items) : mrItems(_items) {}
    void operator() (const Bucket& v)
class PushBackOrderIndex
    ScDPCache::IndexArrayType& mrData;
    explicit PushBackOrderIndex(ScDPCache::IndexArrayType& _items) : mrData(_items) {}
    void operator() (const Bucket& v)
void processBuckets(std::vector<Bucket>& aBuckets, ScDPCache::Field& rField)
    if (aBuckets.empty())
    // Sort by the value.
    comphelper::parallelSort(aBuckets.begin(), aBuckets.end(), LessByValue());
        // Set order index such that unique values have identical index value.
        SCROW nCurIndex = 0;
        std::vector<Bucket>::iterator it = aBuckets.begin(), itEnd = aBuckets.end();
        ScDPItemData aPrev = it->maValue;
        it->mnOrderIndex = nCurIndex;
        for (++it; it != itEnd; ++it)
            if (!aPrev.IsCaseInsEqual(it->maValue))
            it->mnOrderIndex = nCurIndex;
            aPrev = it->maValue;
    // Re-sort the bucket this time by the data index.
    comphelper::parallelSort(aBuckets.begin(), aBuckets.end(), LessByDataIndex());
    // Copy the order index series into the field object.
    std::for_each(aBuckets.begin(), aBuckets.end(), PushBackOrderIndex(rField.maData));
    // Sort by the value again.
    comphelper::parallelSort(aBuckets.begin(), aBuckets.end(), LessByOrderIndex());
    // Unique by value.
    std::vector<Bucket>::iterator itUniqueEnd =
        std::unique(aBuckets.begin(), aBuckets.end(), EqualByOrderIndex());
    // Copy the unique values into items.
    std::vector<Bucket>::iterator itBeg = aBuckets.begin();
    size_t nLen = distance(itBeg, itUniqueEnd);
    std::for_each(itBeg, itUniqueEnd, PushBackValue(rField.maItems));
struct InitColumnData
    ScDPCache::EmptyRowsType maEmptyRows;
    OUString maLabel;
    ScDPCache::StringSetType* mpStrPool;
    ScDPCache::Field* mpField;
    SCCOL mnCol;
    InitColumnData(ScSheetLimits const & rSheetLimits) :
        maEmptyRows(0, rSheetLimits.GetMaxRowCount(), true),
        mnCol(-1) {}
    void init( SCCOL nCol, ScDPCache::StringSetType* pStrPool, ScDPCache::Field* pField )
        mpStrPool = pStrPool;
        mpField = pField;
        mnCol = nCol;
struct InitDocData
    ScDocument& mrDoc;
    SCTAB mnDocTab;
    SCROW mnStartRow;
    SCROW mnEndRow;
    bool mbTailEmptyRows;
    InitDocData(ScDocument& rDoc) :
        mbTailEmptyRows(false) {}
typedef std::unordered_set<OUString> LabelSet;
void normalizeAddLabel(const OUString& rLabel, std::vector<OUString>& rLabels, LabelSet& rExistingNames)
    const OUString aLabelLower = ScGlobal::getCharClass().lowercase(rLabel);
    sal_Int32 nSuffix = 1;
    OUString aNewLabel = rLabel;
    OUString aNewLabelLower = aLabelLower;
    while (true)
        if (!rExistingNames.count(aNewLabelLower))
            // this is a unique label.
        // This name already exists.
        aNewLabel = rLabel + OUString::number(++nSuffix);
        aNewLabelLower = aLabelLower + OUString::number(nSuffix);
std::vector<OUString> normalizeLabels(const std::vector<InitColumnData>& rColData)
    std::vector<OUString> aLabels;
    aLabels.reserve(rColData.size() + 1);
    LabelSet aExistingNames;
    normalizeAddLabel(ScResId(STR_PIVOT_DATA), aLabels, aExistingNames);
    for (const InitColumnData& rCol : rColData)
        normalizeAddLabel(rCol.maLabel, aLabels, aExistingNames);
    return aLabels;
std::vector<OUString> normalizeLabels(const ScDPCache::DBConnector& rDB, const sal_Int32 nLabelCount)
    std::vector<OUString> aLabels;
    aLabels.reserve(nLabelCount + 1);
    LabelSet aExistingNames;
    normalizeAddLabel(ScResId(STR_PIVOT_DATA), aLabels, aExistingNames);
    for (sal_Int32 nCol = 0; nCol < nLabelCount; ++nCol)
        OUString aColTitle = rDB.getColumnLabel(nCol);
        normalizeAddLabel(aColTitle, aLabels, aExistingNames);
    return aLabels;
void initColumnFromDoc( InitDocData& rDocData, InitColumnData &rColData )
    ScDPCache::Field& rField = *rColData.mpField;
    ScDocument& rDoc = rDocData.mrDoc;
    SCTAB nDocTab = rDocData.mnDocTab;
    SCCOL nCol = rColData.mnCol;
    SCROW nStartRow = rDocData.mnStartRow;
    SCROW nEndRow = rDocData.mnEndRow;
    bool bTailEmptyRows = rDocData.mbTailEmptyRows;
    std::optional<sc::ColumnIterator> pIter =
        rDoc.GetColumnIterator(nDocTab, nCol, nStartRow, nEndRow);
    ScDPItemData aData;
    rColData.maLabel = createLabelString(rDoc, nCol, pIter->getCell());
    std::vector<Bucket> aBuckets;
    aBuckets.reserve(nEndRow-nStartRow); // skip the topmost label cell.
    // Push back all original values.
    for (SCROW i = 0, n = nEndRow-nStartRow; i < n; ++i, pIter->next())
        sal_uInt32 nNumFormat = 0;
        ScAddress aPos(nCol, pIter->getRow(), nDocTab);
        initFromCell(*rColData.mpStrPool, rDoc, aPos, pIter->getCell(), aData, nNumFormat);
        aBuckets.emplace_back(aData, i);
        if (!aData.IsEmpty())
            rColData.maEmptyRows.insert_back(i, i+1, false);
            if (nNumFormat)
                // Only take non-default number format.
                rField.mnNumFormat = nNumFormat;
    processBuckets(aBuckets, rField);
    if (bTailEmptyRows)
        // If the last item is not empty, append one. Note that the items
        // are sorted, and empty item should come last when sorted.
        if (rField.maItems.empty() || !rField.maItems.back().IsEmpty())
class ThreadQueue
    using FutureType = std::future<void>;
    std::queue<FutureType> maQueue;
    std::mutex maMutex;
    std::condition_variable maCond;
    size_t mnMaxQueue;
    ThreadQueue( size_t nMaxQueue ) : mnMaxQueue(nMaxQueue) {}
    void push( std::function<void()> aFunc )
        std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(maMutex);
        while (maQueue.size() >= mnMaxQueue)
        FutureType f = std::async(std::launch::async, aFunc);
    void waitForOne()
        std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(maMutex);
        while (maQueue.empty())
        FutureType ret = std::move(maQueue.front());
        ret.get(); // This may throw if an exception was thrown on the async thread.
class ThreadScopedGuard
    std::thread maThread;
    ThreadScopedGuard(std::thread thread) : maThread(std::move(thread)) {}
    ThreadScopedGuard(ThreadScopedGuard&& other) : maThread(std::move(other.maThread)) {}
    ThreadScopedGuard(const ThreadScopedGuard&) = delete;
    ThreadScopedGuard& operator= (const ThreadScopedGuard&) = delete;
void ScDPCache::InitFromDoc(ScDocument& rDoc, const ScRange& rRange)
    InitDocData aDocData(rDoc);
    // Make sure the formula cells within the data range are interpreted
    // during this call, for this method may be called from the interpretation
    // of GETPIVOTDATA, which disables nested formula interpretation without
    // increasing the macro level.
    MacroInterpretIncrementer aMacroInc(rDoc);
    aDocData.mnStartRow = rRange.aStart.Row();  // start of data
    aDocData.mnEndRow = rRange.aEnd.Row();
    // Sanity check
    if (!GetDoc().ValidRow(aDocData.mnStartRow) || !GetDoc().ValidRow(aDocData.mnEndRow) || aDocData.mnEndRow <= aDocData.mnStartRow)
    SCCOL nStartCol = rRange.aStart.Col();
    SCCOL nEndCol = rRange.aEnd.Col();
    aDocData.mnDocTab = rRange.aStart.Tab();
    mnColumnCount = nEndCol - nStartCol + 1;
    // this row count must include the trailing empty rows.
    mnRowCount = aDocData.mnEndRow - aDocData.mnStartRow; // skip the topmost label row.
    // Skip trailing empty rows if exists.
    SCCOL nCol1 = nStartCol, nCol2 = nEndCol;
    SCROW nRow1 = aDocData.mnStartRow, nRow2 = aDocData.mnEndRow;
    rDoc.ShrinkToDataArea(aDocData.mnDocTab, nCol1, nRow1, nCol2, nRow2);
    aDocData.mbTailEmptyRows = aDocData.mnEndRow > nRow2; // Trailing empty rows exist.
    aDocData.mnEndRow = nRow2;
    if (aDocData.mnEndRow <= aDocData.mnStartRow)
        // Check this again since the end row position has changed. It's
        // possible that the new end row becomes lower than the start row
        // after the shrinkage.
    std::vector<InitColumnData> aColData(mnColumnCount, InitColumnData(rDoc.GetSheetLimits()));
    for (SCCOL i = 0; i < mnColumnCount; ++i)
    // Ensure that none of the formula cells in the data range are dirty.
    ThreadQueue aQueue(std::thread::hardware_concurrency());
    auto aFuncLaunchFieldThreads = [&]()
        for (sal_uInt16 nCol = nStartCol; nCol <= nEndCol; ++nCol)
            size_t nDim = nCol - nStartCol;
            InitColumnData& rColData = aColData[nDim];
            rColData.init(nCol, &maStringPools[nDim], maFields[nDim].get());
            auto func = [&aDocData,&rColData]()
                initColumnFromDoc(aDocData, rColData);
        // Launch a separate thread that in turn spawns async threads to populate the fields.
        std::thread t(aFuncLaunchFieldThreads);
        ThreadScopedGuard sg(std::move(t));
        // Wait for all the async threads to complete on the main thread.
        for (SCCOL i = 0; i < mnColumnCount; ++i)
    for (sal_uInt16 nCol = nStartCol; nCol <= nEndCol; ++nCol)
        size_t nDim = nCol - nStartCol;
        InitColumnData& rColData = aColData[nDim];
        rColData.init(nCol, &maStringPools[nDim], maFields[nDim].get());
        initColumnFromDoc(aDocData, rColData);
    maLabelNames = normalizeLabels(aColData);
    // Merge all non-empty rows data.
    for (const InitColumnData& rCol : aColData)
        EmptyRowsType::const_segment_iterator it = rCol.maEmptyRows.begin_segment();
        EmptyRowsType::const_segment_iterator ite = rCol.maEmptyRows.end_segment();
        EmptyRowsType::const_iterator pos = maEmptyRows.begin();
        for (; it != ite; ++it)
            if (!it->value)
                // Non-empty segment found.  Record it.
                pos = maEmptyRows.insert(pos, it->start, it->end, false).first;
bool ScDPCache::InitFromDataBase(DBConnector& rDB)
        mnColumnCount = rDB.getColumnCount();
        for (SCCOL i = 0; i < mnColumnCount; ++i)
        // Get column titles and types.
        maLabelNames = normalizeLabels(rDB, mnColumnCount);
        std::vector<Bucket> aBuckets;
        ScDPItemData aData;
        for (sal_Int32 nCol = 0; nCol < mnColumnCount; ++nCol)
            if (!rDB.first())
            Field& rField = *maFields[nCol];
            SCROW nRow = 0;
                SvNumFormatType nFormatType = SvNumFormatType::UNDEFINED;
                rDB.getValue(nCol, aData, nFormatType);
                aBuckets.emplace_back(aData, nRow);
                if (!aData.IsEmpty())
                    maEmptyRows.insert_back(nRow, nRow+1, false);
                    ScInterpreterContext& rContext = mrDoc.GetNonThreadedContext();
                    rField.mnNumFormat = rContext.NFGetStandardFormat(nFormatType);
            while (rDB.next());
            processBuckets(aBuckets, rField);
        if (!maFields.empty())
            mnRowCount = maFields[0]->maData.size();
        return true;
    catch (const Exception&)
        return false;
bool ScDPCache::ValidQuery( SCROW nRow, const ScQueryParam &rParam) const
    if (!rParam.GetEntryCount())
        return true;
    if (!rParam.GetEntry(0).bDoQuery)
        return true;
    bool bMatchWholeCell = mrDoc.GetDocOptions().IsMatchWholeCell();
    SCSIZE nEntryCount = rParam.GetEntryCount();
    std::vector<bool> aPassed(nEntryCount, false);
    tools::Long nPos = -1;
    CollatorWrapper& rCollator = ScGlobal::GetCollator(rParam.bCaseSens);
    ::utl::TransliterationWrapper& rTransliteration = ScGlobal::GetTransliteration(rParam.bCaseSens);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < nEntryCount && rParam.GetEntry(i).bDoQuery; ++i)
        const ScQueryEntry& rEntry = rParam.GetEntry(i);
        const ScQueryEntry::Item& rItem = rEntry.GetQueryItem();
        // we can only handle one single direct query
        // #i115431# nField in QueryParam is the sheet column, not the field within the source range
        SCCOL nQueryCol = static_cast<SCCOL>(rEntry.nField);
        if ( nQueryCol < rParam.nCol1 )
            nQueryCol = rParam.nCol1;
        if ( nQueryCol > rParam.nCol2 )
            nQueryCol = rParam.nCol2;
        SCCOL nSourceField = nQueryCol - rParam.nCol1;
        SCROW nId = GetItemDataId( nSourceField, nRow, false );
        const ScDPItemData* pCellData = GetItemDataById( nSourceField, nId );
        bool bOk = false;
        if (rEntry.GetQueryItem().meType == ScQueryEntry::ByEmpty)
            if (rEntry.IsQueryByEmpty())
                bOk = pCellData->IsEmpty();
                bOk = !pCellData->IsEmpty();
        else if (rEntry.GetQueryItem().meType != ScQueryEntry::ByString && pCellData->IsValue())
        {   // by Value
            double nCellVal = pCellData->GetValue();
            switch (rEntry.eOp)
                case SC_EQUAL :
                    bOk = ::rtl::math::approxEqual(nCellVal, rItem.mfVal);
                case SC_LESS :
                    bOk = (nCellVal < rItem.mfVal) && !::rtl::math::approxEqual(nCellVal, rItem.mfVal);
                case SC_GREATER :
                    bOk = (nCellVal > rItem.mfVal) && !::rtl::math::approxEqual(nCellVal, rItem.mfVal);
                case SC_LESS_EQUAL :
                    bOk = (nCellVal < rItem.mfVal) || ::rtl::math::approxEqual(nCellVal, rItem.mfVal);
                case SC_GREATER_EQUAL :
                    bOk = (nCellVal > rItem.mfVal) || ::rtl::math::approxEqual(nCellVal, rItem.mfVal);
                case SC_NOT_EQUAL :
                    bOk = !::rtl::math::approxEqual(nCellVal, rItem.mfVal);
                    bOk= false;
        else if ((rEntry.eOp == SC_EQUAL || rEntry.eOp == SC_NOT_EQUAL)
                 || (rEntry.GetQueryItem().meType == ScQueryEntry::ByString
                     && pCellData->HasStringData() )
        {   // by String
            OUString  aCellStr = pCellData->GetString();
            bool bRealWildOrRegExp = (rParam.eSearchType != utl::SearchParam::SearchType::Normal &&
                    ((rEntry.eOp == SC_EQUAL) || (rEntry.eOp == SC_NOT_EQUAL)));
            if (bRealWildOrRegExp)
                sal_Int32 nStart = 0;
                sal_Int32 nEnd   = aCellStr.getLength();
                bool bMatch = rEntry.GetSearchTextPtr( rParam.eSearchType, rParam.bCaseSens, bMatchWholeCell )
                                ->SearchForward( aCellStr, &nStart, &nEnd );
                // from 614 on, nEnd is behind the found text
                if (bMatch && bMatchWholeCell
                    && (nStart != 0 || nEnd != aCellStr.getLength()))
                    bMatch = false;    // RegExp must match entire cell string
                bOk = ((rEntry.eOp == SC_NOT_EQUAL) ? !bMatch : bMatch);
                if (rEntry.eOp == SC_EQUAL || rEntry.eOp == SC_NOT_EQUAL)
                    if (bMatchWholeCell)
                        // TODO: Use shared string for fast equality check.
                        OUString aStr = rEntry.GetQueryItem().maString.getString();
                        bOk = rTransliteration.isEqual(aCellStr, aStr);
                        bool bHasStar = false;
                        sal_Int32 nIndex;
                        if (( nIndex = aStr.indexOf('*') ) != -1)
                            bHasStar = true;
                        if (bHasStar && (nIndex>0))
                            for (sal_Int32 j=0;(j<nIndex) && (j< aCellStr.getLength()) ; j++)
                                if (aCellStr[j] == aStr[j])
                        OUString aQueryStr = rEntry.GetQueryItem().maString.getString();
                        css::uno::Sequence< sal_Int32 > xOff;
                        const LanguageType nLang = ScGlobal::oSysLocale->GetLanguageTag().getLanguageType();
                        OUString aCell = rTransliteration.transliterate(
                            aCellStr, nLang, 0, aCellStr.getLength(), &xOff);
                        OUString aQuer = rTransliteration.transliterate(
                            aQueryStr, nLang, 0, aQueryStr.getLength(), &xOff);
                        bOk = (aCell.indexOf( aQuer ) != -1);
                    if (rEntry.eOp == SC_NOT_EQUAL)
                        bOk = !bOk;
                {   // use collator here because data was probably sorted
                    sal_Int32 nCompare = rCollator.compareString(
                        aCellStr, rEntry.GetQueryItem().maString.getString());
                    switch (rEntry.eOp)
                        case SC_LESS :
                            bOk = (nCompare < 0);
                        case SC_GREATER :
                            bOk = (nCompare > 0);
                        case SC_LESS_EQUAL :
                            bOk = (nCompare <= 0);
                        case SC_GREATER_EQUAL :
                            bOk = (nCompare >= 0);
                        case SC_NOT_EQUAL:
                        case SC_TOPVAL:
                        case SC_BOTVAL:
                        case SC_TOPPERC:
                        case SC_BOTPERC:
        if (nPos == -1)
            aPassed[nPos] = bOk;
            if (rEntry.eConnect == SC_AND)
                aPassed[nPos] = aPassed[nPos] && bOk;
                aPassed[nPos] = bOk;
    for (tools::Long j=1; j <= nPos; j++)
        aPassed[0] = aPassed[0] || aPassed[j];
    bool bRet = aPassed[0];
    return bRet;
ScDocument& ScDPCache::GetDoc() const
    return mrDoc;
tools::Long ScDPCache::GetColumnCount() const
    return mnColumnCount;
bool ScDPCache::IsRowEmpty(SCROW nRow) const
    bool bEmpty = true;
    maEmptyRows.search_tree(nRow, bEmpty);
    return bEmpty;
const ScDPCache::GroupItems* ScDPCache::GetGroupItems(tools::Long nDim) const
    if (nDim < 0)
        return nullptr;
    tools::Long nSourceCount = static_cast<tools::Long>(maFields.size());
    if (nDim < nSourceCount)
        return maFields[nDim]->mpGroup.get();
    nDim -= nSourceCount;
    if (nDim < static_cast<tools::Long>(maGroupFields.size()))
        return maGroupFields[nDim].get();
    return nullptr;
const OUString & ScDPCache::GetDimensionName(std::vector<OUString>::size_type nDim) const
    OSL_ENSURE(nDim < maLabelNames.size()-1 , "ScDPTableDataCache::GetDimensionName");
    OSL_ENSURE(maLabelNames.size() == static_cast <sal_uInt16> (mnColumnCount+1), "ScDPTableDataCache::GetDimensionName");
    if ( nDim+1 < maLabelNames.size() )
        return maLabelNames[nDim+1];
        return EMPTY_OUSTRING;
void ScDPCache::PostInit()
    OSL_ENSURE(!maFields.empty(), "Cache not initialized!");
    auto it = maEmptyRows.rbegin();
    OSL_ENSURE(it != maEmptyRows.rend(), "corrupt flat_segment_tree instance!");
    mnDataSize = maFields[0]->maData.size();
    ++it; // Skip the first position.
    OSL_ENSURE(it != maEmptyRows.rend(), "buggy version of flat_segment_tree is used.");
    if (it->second)
        SCROW nLastNonEmpty = it->first - 1;
        if (nLastNonEmpty+1 < mnDataSize)
            mnDataSize = nLastNonEmpty+1;
void ScDPCache::Clear()
    mnColumnCount = 0;
    mnRowCount = 0;
SCROW ScDPCache::GetItemDataId(sal_uInt16 nDim, SCROW nRow, bool bRepeatIfEmpty) const
    OSL_ENSURE(nDim < mnColumnCount, "ScDPTableDataCache::GetItemDataId ");
    const Field& rField = *maFields[nDim];
    if (o3tl::make_unsigned(nRow) >= rField.maData.size())
        // nRow is in the trailing empty rows area.
        if (bRepeatIfEmpty)
            nRow = rField.maData.size()-1; // Move to the last non-empty row.
            // Return the last item, which should always be empty if the
            // initialization has skipped trailing empty rows.
            return rField.maItems.size()-1;
    else if (bRepeatIfEmpty)
        while (nRow > 0 && rField.maItems[rField.maData[nRow]].IsEmpty())
    return rField.maData[nRow];
const ScDPItemData* ScDPCache::GetItemDataById(tools::Long nDim, SCROW nId) const
    if (nDim < 0 || nId < 0)
        return nullptr;
    size_t nSourceCount = maFields.size();
    size_t nDimPos = static_cast<size_t>(nDim);
    size_t nItemId = static_cast<size_t>(nId);
    if (nDimPos < nSourceCount)
        // source field.
        const Field& rField = *maFields[nDimPos];
        if (nItemId < rField.maItems.size())
            return &rField.maItems[nItemId];
        if (!rField.mpGroup)
            return nullptr;
        nItemId -= rField.maItems.size();
        const ScDPItemDataVec& rGI = rField.mpGroup->maItems;
        if (nItemId >= rGI.size())
            return nullptr;
        return &rGI[nItemId];
    // Try group fields.
    nDimPos -= nSourceCount;
    if (nDimPos >= maGroupFields.size())
        return nullptr;
    const ScDPItemDataVec& rGI = maGroupFields[nDimPos]->maItems;
    if (nItemId >= rGI.size())
        return nullptr;
    return &rGI[nItemId];
size_t ScDPCache::GetFieldCount() const
    return maFields.size();
size_t ScDPCache::GetGroupFieldCount() const
    return maGroupFields.size();
SCROW ScDPCache::GetRowCount() const
    return mnRowCount;
SCROW ScDPCache::GetDataSize() const
    OSL_ENSURE(mnDataSize <= GetRowCount(), "Data size should never be larger than the row count.");
    return mnDataSize >= 0 ? mnDataSize : 0;
const ScDPCache::IndexArrayType* ScDPCache::GetFieldIndexArray( size_t nDim ) const
    if (nDim >= maFields.size())
        return nullptr;
    return &maFields[nDim]->maData;
const ScDPCache::ScDPItemDataVec& ScDPCache::GetDimMemberValues(SCCOL nDim) const
    OSL_ENSURE( nDim>=0 && nDim < mnColumnCount ," nDim < mnColumnCount ");
    return maFields.at(nDim)->maItems;
sal_uInt32 ScDPCache::GetNumberFormat( tools::Long nDim ) const
    if ( nDim >= mnColumnCount )
        return 0;
    // TODO: Find a way to determine the dominant number format in presence of
    // multiple number formats in the same field.
    return maFields[nDim]->mnNumFormat;
bool ScDPCache::IsDateDimension( tools::Long nDim ) const
    if (nDim >= mnColumnCount)
        return false;
    ScInterpreterContext& rContext = mrDoc.GetNonThreadedContext();
    SvNumFormatType eType = rContext.NFGetType(maFields[nDim]->mnNumFormat);
    return (eType == SvNumFormatType::DATE) || (eType == SvNumFormatType::DATETIME);
tools::Long ScDPCache::GetDimMemberCount(tools::Long nDim) const
    OSL_ENSURE( nDim>=0 && nDim < mnColumnCount ," ScDPTableDataCache::GetDimMemberCount : out of bound ");
    return maFields[nDim]->maItems.size();
SCCOL ScDPCache::GetDimensionIndex(std::u16string_view sName) const
    for (size_t i = 1; i < maLabelNames.size(); ++i)
        if (maLabelNames[i] == sName)
            return static_cast<SCCOL>(i-1);
    return -1;
rtl_uString* ScDPCache::InternString( size_t nDim, const OUString& rStr )
    assert(nDim < maStringPools.size());
    return internString(maStringPools[nDim], rStr);
void ScDPCache::AddReference(ScDPObject* pObj) const
void ScDPCache::RemoveReference(ScDPObject* pObj) const
    if (mbDisposing)
        // Object being deleted.
    if (maRefObjects.empty())
const ScDPCache::ScDPObjectSet& ScDPCache::GetAllReferences() const
    return maRefObjects;
SCROW ScDPCache::GetIdByItemData(tools::Long nDim, const ScDPItemData& rItem) const
    if (nDim < 0)
        return -1;
    if (nDim < mnColumnCount)
        // source field.
        const ScDPItemDataVec& rItems = maFields[nDim]->maItems;
        for (size_t i = 0, n = rItems.size(); i < n; ++i)
            if (rItems[i] == rItem)
                return i;
        if (!maFields[nDim]->mpGroup)
            return -1;
        // grouped source field.
        const ScDPItemDataVec& rGI = maFields[nDim]->mpGroup->maItems;
        for (size_t i = 0, n = rGI.size(); i < n; ++i)
            if (rGI[i] == rItem)
                return rItems.size() + i;
        return -1;
    // group field.
    nDim -= mnColumnCount;
    if (o3tl::make_unsigned(nDim) < maGroupFields.size())
        const ScDPItemDataVec& rGI = maGroupFields[nDim]->maItems;
        for (size_t i = 0, n = rGI.size(); i < n; ++i)
            if (rGI[i] == rItem)
                return i;
    return -1;
// static
sal_uInt32 ScDPCache::GetLocaleIndependentFormat(ScInterpreterContext& rContext, sal_uInt32 nNumFormat)
    // For a date or date+time format use ISO format so it works across locales
    // and can be matched against string based item queries. For time use 24h
    // format. All others use General format, no currency, percent, ...
    // Use en-US locale for all.
    switch (rContext.NFGetType(nNumFormat))
        case SvNumFormatType::DATE:
            return rContext.NFGetFormatIndex( NF_DATE_ISO_YYYYMMDD, LANGUAGE_ENGLISH_US);
        case SvNumFormatType::TIME:
            return rContext.NFGetFormatIndex( NF_TIME_HHMMSS, LANGUAGE_ENGLISH_US);
        case SvNumFormatType::DATETIME:
            return rContext.NFGetFormatIndex( NF_DATETIME_ISO_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS, LANGUAGE_ENGLISH_US);
            return rContext.NFGetFormatIndex( NF_NUMBER_STANDARD, LANGUAGE_ENGLISH_US);
// static
OUString ScDPCache::GetLocaleIndependentFormattedNumberString( double fValue )
    return rtl::math::doubleToUString( fValue, rtl_math_StringFormat_Automatic, rtl_math_DecimalPlaces_Max, '.', true);
// static
OUString ScDPCache::GetLocaleIndependentFormattedString( double fValue,
        ScInterpreterContext& rContext, sal_uInt32 nNumFormat )
    nNumFormat = GetLocaleIndependentFormat( rContext, nNumFormat);
    if ((nNumFormat % SV_COUNTRY_LANGUAGE_OFFSET) == 0)
        return GetLocaleIndependentFormattedNumberString( fValue);
    OUString aStr;
    const Color* pColor = nullptr;
    rContext.NFGetOutputString( fValue, nNumFormat, aStr, &pColor);
    return aStr;
OUString ScDPCache::GetFormattedString(tools::Long nDim, const ScDPItemData& rItem, bool bLocaleIndependent) const
    if (nDim < 0)
        return rItem.GetString();
    ScDPItemData::Type eType = rItem.GetType();
    if (eType == ScDPItemData::Value)
        // Format value using the stored number format.
        ScInterpreterContext& rContext = mrDoc.GetNonThreadedContext();
        sal_uInt32 nNumFormat = GetNumberFormat(nDim);
        if (bLocaleIndependent)
            return GetLocaleIndependentFormattedString( rItem.GetValue(), rContext, nNumFormat);
        OUString aStr;
        const Color* pColor = nullptr;
        rContext.NFGetOutputString(rItem.GetValue(), nNumFormat, aStr, &pColor);
        return aStr;
    if (eType == ScDPItemData::GroupValue)
        ScDPItemData::GroupValueAttr aAttr = rItem.GetGroupValue();
        double fStart = 0.0, fEnd = 0.0;
        const GroupItems* p = GetGroupItems(nDim);
        if (p)
            fStart = p->maInfo.mfStart;
            fEnd = p->maInfo.mfEnd;
        return ScDPUtil::getDateGroupName(
            aAttr.mnGroupType, aAttr.mnValue, mrDoc.GetFormatTable(), fStart, fEnd);
    if (eType == ScDPItemData::RangeStart)
        double fVal = rItem.GetValue();
        const GroupItems* p = GetGroupItems(nDim);
        if (!p)
            return rItem.GetString();
        sal_Unicode cDecSep = ScGlobal::getLocaleData().getNumDecimalSep()[0];
        return ScDPUtil::getNumGroupName(fVal, p->maInfo, cDecSep, mrDoc.GetFormatTable());
    return rItem.GetString();
ScInterpreterContext& ScDPCache::GetInterpreterContext() const
    return mrDoc.GetNonThreadedContext();
tools::Long ScDPCache::AppendGroupField()
    return static_cast<tools::Long>(maFields.size() + maGroupFields.size() - 1);
void ScDPCache::ResetGroupItems(tools::Long nDim, const ScDPNumGroupInfo& rNumInfo, sal_Int32 nGroupType)
    if (nDim < 0)
    tools::Long nSourceCount = static_cast<tools::Long>(maFields.size());
    if (nDim < nSourceCount)
        maFields.at(nDim)->mpGroup.reset(new GroupItems(rNumInfo, nGroupType));
    nDim -= nSourceCount;
    if (nDim < static_cast<tools::Long>(maGroupFields.size()))
        GroupItems& rGI = *maGroupFields[nDim];
        rGI.maInfo = rNumInfo;
        rGI.mnGroupType = nGroupType;
SCROW ScDPCache::SetGroupItem(tools::Long nDim, const ScDPItemData& rData)
    if (nDim < 0)
        return -1;
    tools::Long nSourceCount = static_cast<tools::Long>(maFields.size());
    if (nDim < nSourceCount)
        GroupItems& rGI = *maFields.at(nDim)->mpGroup;
        SCROW nId = maFields[nDim]->maItems.size() + rGI.maItems.size() - 1;
        return nId;
    nDim -= nSourceCount;
    if (nDim < static_cast<tools::Long>(maGroupFields.size()))
        ScDPItemDataVec& rItems = maGroupFields.at(nDim)->maItems;
        return rItems.size()-1;
    return -1;
void ScDPCache::GetGroupDimMemberIds(tools::Long nDim, std::vector<SCROW>& rIds) const
    if (nDim < 0)
    tools::Long nSourceCount = static_cast<tools::Long>(maFields.size());
    if (nDim < nSourceCount)
        if (!maFields.at(nDim)->mpGroup)
        size_t nOffset = maFields[nDim]->maItems.size();
        const ScDPItemDataVec& rGI = maFields[nDim]->mpGroup->maItems;
        for (size_t i = 0, n = rGI.size(); i < n; ++i)
            rIds.push_back(static_cast<SCROW>(i + nOffset));
    nDim -= nSourceCount;
    if (nDim < static_cast<tools::Long>(maGroupFields.size()))
        const ScDPItemDataVec& rGI = maGroupFields.at(nDim)->maItems;
        for (size_t i = 0, n = rGI.size(); i < n; ++i)
namespace {
struct ClearGroupItems
    void operator() (const std::unique_ptr<ScDPCache::Field>& r) const
void ScDPCache::ClearGroupFields()
void ScDPCache::ClearAllFields()
    std::for_each(maFields.begin(), maFields.end(), ClearGroupItems());
const ScDPNumGroupInfo* ScDPCache::GetNumGroupInfo(tools::Long nDim) const
    if (nDim < 0)
        return nullptr;
    tools::Long nSourceCount = static_cast<tools::Long>(maFields.size());
    if (nDim < nSourceCount)
        if (!maFields.at(nDim)->mpGroup)
            return nullptr;
        return &maFields[nDim]->mpGroup->maInfo;
    nDim -= nSourceCount;
    if (nDim < static_cast<tools::Long>(maGroupFields.size()))
        return &maGroupFields.at(nDim)->maInfo;
    return nullptr;
sal_Int32 ScDPCache::GetGroupType(tools::Long nDim) const
    if (nDim < 0)
        return 0;
    tools::Long nSourceCount = static_cast<tools::Long>(maFields.size());
    if (nDim < nSourceCount)
        if (!maFields.at(nDim)->mpGroup)
            return 0;
        return maFields[nDim]->mpGroup->mnGroupType;
    nDim -= nSourceCount;
    if (nDim < static_cast<tools::Long>(maGroupFields.size()))
        return maGroupFields.at(nDim)->mnGroupType;
    return 0;
namespace {
void dumpItems(const ScDPCache& rCache, tools::Long nDim, const ScDPCache::ScDPItemDataVec& rItems, size_t nOffset)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < rItems.size(); ++i)
        cout << "      " << (i+nOffset) << ": " << rCache.GetFormattedString(nDim, rItems[i], false) << endl;
void dumpSourceData(const ScDPCache& rCache, tools::Long nDim, const ScDPCache::ScDPItemDataVec& rItems, const ScDPCache::IndexArrayType& rArray)
    for (const auto& rIndex : rArray)
        cout << "      '" << rCache.GetFormattedString(nDim, rItems[rIndex], false) << "'" << endl;
const char* getGroupTypeName(sal_Int32 nType)
    static const char* pNames[] = {
        "", "years", "quarters", "months", "days", "hours", "minutes", "seconds"
    switch (nType)
        case sheet::DataPilotFieldGroupBy::YEARS:    return pNames[1];
        case sheet::DataPilotFieldGroupBy::QUARTERS: return pNames[2];
        case sheet::DataPilotFieldGroupBy::MONTHS:   return pNames[3];
        case sheet::DataPilotFieldGroupBy::DAYS:     return pNames[4];
        case sheet::DataPilotFieldGroupBy::HOURS:    return pNames[5];
        case sheet::DataPilotFieldGroupBy::MINUTES:  return pNames[6];
        case sheet::DataPilotFieldGroupBy::SECONDS:  return pNames[7];
    return pNames[0];
void ScDPCache::Dump() const
    // Change these flags to fit your debugging needs.
    bool bDumpItems = false;
    bool bDumpSourceData = false;
    cout << "--- pivot cache dump" << endl;
        size_t i = 0;
        for (const auto& rxField : maFields)
            const Field& fld = *rxField;
            cout << "* source dimension: " << GetDimensionName(i) << " (ID = " << i << ")" << endl;
            cout << "    item count: " << fld.maItems.size() << endl;
            if (bDumpItems)
                dumpItems(*this, i, fld.maItems, 0);
            if (fld.mpGroup)
                cout << "    group item count: " << fld.mpGroup->maItems.size() << endl;
                cout << "    group type: " << getGroupTypeName(fld.mpGroup->mnGroupType) << endl;
                if (bDumpItems)
                    dumpItems(*this, i, fld.mpGroup->maItems, fld.maItems.size());
            if (bDumpSourceData)
                cout << "    source data (re-constructed):" << endl;
                dumpSourceData(*this, i, fld.maItems, fld.maData);
        size_t i = maFields.size();
        for (const auto& rxGroupField : maGroupFields)
            const GroupItems& gi = *rxGroupField;
            cout << "* group dimension: (unnamed) (ID = " << i << ")" << endl;
            cout << "    item count: " << gi.maItems.size() << endl;
            cout << "    group type: " << getGroupTypeName(gi.mnGroupType) << endl;
            if (bDumpItems)
                dumpItems(*this, i, gi.maItems, 0);
        struct { SCROW start; SCROW end; bool empty; } aRange;
        cout << "* empty rows: " << endl;
        mdds::flat_segment_tree<SCROW, bool>::const_iterator it = maEmptyRows.begin(), itEnd = maEmptyRows.end();
        if (it != itEnd)
            aRange.start = it->first;
            aRange.empty = it->second;
            for (++it; it != itEnd; ++it)
                aRange.end = it->first-1;
                cout << "    rows " << aRange.start << "-" << aRange.end << ": " << (aRange.empty ? "empty" : "not-empty") << endl;
                aRange.start = it->first;
                aRange.empty = it->second;
    cout << "---" << endl;
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V1007 The value from the potentially uninitialized optional 'pIter' is used. Probably it is a mistake.

V1007 The value from the potentially uninitialized optional 'pIter' is used. Probably it is a mistake.

V1007 The value from the potentially uninitialized optional 'pIter' is used. Probably it is a mistake.

V1007 The value from the potentially uninitialized optional 'pIter' is used. Probably it is a mistake.

V1007 The value from the potentially uninitialized optional 'pIter' is used. Probably it is a mistake.

V1007 The value from the potentially uninitialized optional 'pIter' is used. Probably it is a mistake.

V1007 The value from the potentially uninitialized optional 'pIter' is used. Probably it is a mistake.