/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <drawingfragment.hxx>
#include <basegfx/matrix/b2dhommatrix.hxx>
#include <comphelper/propertyvalue.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/beans/XPropertySet.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/container/XIndexContainer.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/container/XNameReplace.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/document/XEventsSupplier.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/drawing/XControlShape.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/drawing/XDrawPage.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/drawing/XShapes.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/script/ScriptEventDescriptor.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/script/XEventAttacherManager.hpp>
#include <rtl/strbuf.hxx>
#include <svx/svdobj.hxx>
#include <drwlayer.hxx>
#include <oox/core/filterbase.hxx>
#include <oox/drawingml/connectorshapecontext.hxx>
#include <oox/drawingml/graphicshapecontext.hxx>
#include <oox/helper/attributelist.hxx>
#include <oox/helper/propertyset.hxx>
#include <oox/shape/ShapeDrawingFragmentHandler.hxx>
#include <oox/token/namespaces.hxx>
#include <oox/token/properties.hxx>
#include <oox/token/tokens.hxx>
#include <oox/vml/vmlshape.hxx>
#include <oox/vml/vmlshapecontainer.hxx>
#include <osl/diagnose.h>
#include <o3tl/string_view.hxx>
#include <formulaparser.hxx>
#include <stylesbuffer.hxx>
#include <themebuffer.hxx>
#include <worksheetbuffer.hxx>
namespace oox::xls {
using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::container;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::document;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::drawing;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::script;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
using namespace ::oox::core;
using namespace ::oox::drawingml;
using namespace ::oox::ole;
using ::com::sun::star::awt::Size;
using ::com::sun::star::awt::Point;
using ::com::sun::star::awt::Rectangle;
using ::com::sun::star::awt::XControlModel;
// no using's for ::oox::vml, that may clash with ::oox::drawingml types
ShapeMacroAttacher::ShapeMacroAttacher( const OUString& rMacroName, const Reference< XShape >& rxShape ) :
    VbaMacroAttacherBase( rMacroName ),
    mxShape( rxShape )
void ShapeMacroAttacher::attachMacro( const OUString& rMacroUrl )
        Reference< XEventsSupplier > xSupplier( mxShape, UNO_QUERY_THROW );
        Reference< XNameReplace > xEvents( xSupplier->getEvents(), UNO_SET_THROW );
        Sequence aEventProps{ comphelper::makePropertyValue(u"EventType"_ustr, u"Script"_ustr),
                              comphelper::makePropertyValue(u"Script"_ustr, rMacroUrl) };
        xEvents->replaceByName( u"OnClick"_ustr, Any( aEventProps ) );
    catch( Exception& )
Shape::Shape( const WorksheetHelper& rHelper, const AttributeList& rAttribs, const OUString& rServiceName ) :
    ::oox::drawingml::Shape( rServiceName ),
    WorksheetHelper( rHelper )
    OUString aMacro = rAttribs.getXString( XML_macro, OUString() );
    if( !aMacro.isEmpty() )
        maMacroName = getFormulaParser().importMacroName( aMacro );
void Shape::finalizeXShape( XmlFilterBase& rFilter, const Reference< XShapes >& rxShapes )
    OUString sURL;
    getShapeProperties().getProperty( PROP_URL ) >>= sURL;
    getWorksheets().convertSheetNameRef( sURL );
    if( !maMacroName.isEmpty() && mxShape.is() )
        VbaMacroAttacherRef xAttacher = std::make_shared<ShapeMacroAttacher>( maMacroName, mxShape );
        getBaseFilter().getVbaProject().registerMacroAttacher( xAttacher );
    ::oox::drawingml::Shape::finalizeXShape( rFilter, rxShapes );
    if ( !sURL.isEmpty() )
        SdrObject* pObj = SdrObject::getSdrObjectFromXShape( mxShape );
        if ( pObj )
GroupShapeContext::GroupShapeContext( const FragmentHandler2& rParent,
        const WorksheetHelper& rHelper, const ShapePtr& rxParentShape, const ShapePtr& rxShape ) :
    ShapeGroupContext( rParent, rxParentShape, rxShape ),
    WorksheetHelper( rHelper )
/*static*/ ContextHandlerRef GroupShapeContext::createShapeContext( FragmentHandler2& rParent,
        const WorksheetHelper& rHelper, sal_Int32 nElement, const AttributeList& rAttribs,
        const ShapePtr& rxParentShape, ShapePtr* pxShape )
    switch( nElement )
        case XDR_TOKEN( sp ):
            ShapePtr xShape = std::make_shared<Shape>( rHelper, rAttribs, u"com.sun.star.drawing.CustomShape"_ustr );
            if( pxShape ) *pxShape = xShape;
            xShape->setMacro(rAttribs.getXString(XML_macro, OUString()));
            xShape->setTextLinkAttr(rAttribs.getXString(XML_textlink, OUString()));
            xShape->setFLocksText(rAttribs.getBool(XML_fLocksText, true));  // default="true"
            xShape->setFPublished(rAttribs.getBool(XML_fPublished, false)); // default="false"
            return new ShapeContext( rParent, rxParentShape, std::move(xShape) );
        case XDR_TOKEN( cxnSp ):
            ShapePtr xShape = std::make_shared<Shape>( rHelper, rAttribs, u"com.sun.star.drawing.ConnectorShape"_ustr );
            if( pxShape ) *pxShape = xShape;
            return new ConnectorShapeContext(rParent, rxParentShape, xShape,
        case XDR_TOKEN( pic ):
            ShapePtr xShape = std::make_shared<Shape>( rHelper, rAttribs, u"com.sun.star.drawing.GraphicObjectShape"_ustr );
            if( pxShape ) *pxShape = xShape;
            return new GraphicShapeContext( rParent, rxParentShape, xShape );
        case XDR_TOKEN( graphicFrame ):
            ShapePtr xShape = std::make_shared<Shape>( rHelper, rAttribs, u"com.sun.star.drawing.GraphicObjectShape"_ustr );
            if( pxShape ) *pxShape = xShape;
            return new GraphicalObjectFrameContext( rParent, rxParentShape, xShape, rHelper.getSheetType() != WorksheetType::Chart );
        case XDR_TOKEN( grpSp ):
            ShapePtr xShape = std::make_shared<Shape>( rHelper, rAttribs, u"com.sun.star.drawing.GroupShape"_ustr );
            if( pxShape ) *pxShape = xShape;
            return new GroupShapeContext( rParent, rHelper, rxParentShape, xShape );
    return nullptr;
ContextHandlerRef GroupShapeContext::onCreateContext(
        sal_Int32 nElement, const AttributeList& rAttribs )
    ContextHandlerRef xContext = createShapeContext( *this, *this, nElement, rAttribs, mpGroupShapePtr );
    return xContext ? xContext : ShapeGroupContext::onCreateContext( nElement, rAttribs );
DrawingFragment::DrawingFragment( const WorksheetHelper& rHelper, const OUString& rFragmentPath ) :
    WorksheetFragmentBase( rHelper, rFragmentPath ),
    mxDrawPage( rHelper.getDrawPage() )
    OSL_ENSURE( mxDrawPage.is(), "DrawingFragment::DrawingFragment - missing drawing page" );
ContextHandlerRef DrawingFragment::onCreateContext( sal_Int32 nElement, const AttributeList& rAttribs )
    switch( getCurrentElement() )
        case XML_ROOT_CONTEXT:
            if( nElement == XDR_TOKEN( wsDr ) ) return this;
        case XDR_TOKEN( wsDr ):
            switch( nElement )
                case XDR_TOKEN( absoluteAnchor ):
                case XDR_TOKEN( oneCellAnchor ):
                case XDR_TOKEN( twoCellAnchor ):
                    mxAnchor.reset( new ShapeAnchor( *this ) );
                    mxAnchor->importAnchor( nElement, rAttribs );
                    return this;
        case XDR_TOKEN( absoluteAnchor ):
        case XDR_TOKEN( oneCellAnchor ):
        case XDR_TOKEN( twoCellAnchor ):
            switch( nElement )
                case XDR_TOKEN( from ):
                case XDR_TOKEN( to ):           return this;
                case XDR_TOKEN( pos ):          if( mxAnchor ) mxAnchor->importPos( rAttribs );           break;
                case XDR_TOKEN( ext ):          if( mxAnchor ) mxAnchor->importExt( rAttribs );           break;
                case XDR_TOKEN( clientData ):   if( mxAnchor ) mxAnchor->importClientData( rAttribs );    break;
                default:                        return GroupShapeContext::createShapeContext( *this, *this, nElement, rAttribs, ShapePtr(), &mxShape );
        case XDR_TOKEN( from ):
        case XDR_TOKEN( to ):
            switch( nElement )
                case XDR_TOKEN( col ):
                case XDR_TOKEN( row ):
                case XDR_TOKEN( colOff ):
                case XDR_TOKEN( rowOff ):       return this;    // collect index in onCharacters()
    return nullptr;
void DrawingFragment::onCharacters( const OUString& rChars )
    switch( getCurrentElement() )
        case XDR_TOKEN( col ):
        case XDR_TOKEN( row ):
        case XDR_TOKEN( colOff ):
        case XDR_TOKEN( rowOff ):
            if( mxAnchor ) mxAnchor->setCellPos( getCurrentElement(), getParentElement(), rChars );
void DrawingFragment::onEndElement()
    switch( getCurrentElement() )
        case XDR_TOKEN( absoluteAnchor ):
        case XDR_TOKEN( oneCellAnchor ):
        case XDR_TOKEN( twoCellAnchor ):
            if( mxDrawPage.is() && mxShape && mxAnchor )
                EmuRectangle aShapeRectEmu = mxAnchor->calcAnchorRectEmu( getDrawPageSize() );
                const bool bIsShapeVisible = mxAnchor->isAnchorValid();
                if( (aShapeRectEmu.X >= 0) && (aShapeRectEmu.Y >= 0) && (aShapeRectEmu.Width >= 0) && (aShapeRectEmu.Height >= 0) )
                    const sal_Int32 aRotation = mxShape->getRotation();
                    if ((aRotation >= 45  * PER_DEGREE && aRotation < 135 * PER_DEGREE)
                     || (aRotation >= 225 * PER_DEGREE && aRotation < 315 * PER_DEGREE))
                        // When rotating any shape in MSO Excel within the range of degrees given above,
                        // Excel changes the cells in which the shape is anchored. The new position of
                        // the anchors are always calculated using a 90 degrees rotation anticlockwise.
                        // There is an important result of this operation: the top left point of the shape changes,
                        // it will be another vertex.
                        // The anchor position is given in the xml file, it is in the xdr:from and xdr:to elements.
                        // Let's see what happens in time order:
                        // We create a shape in Excel, the anchor position is in a given cell, then the rotation happens
                        // as mentioned above, and excel recalculates the cells in which the anchors are positioned.
                        // This new cell is exported into the xml elements xdr:from and xdr:to, when Excel exports the document!
                        // Thus, if we have a 90 degrees rotation and an already rotated point from which we base
                        // our calculations here in LO, the result is an incorrect 180 degrees rotation.
                        // Now, we need to create the bounding rectangle of the shape with this in mind.
                        // (Important to mention that at this point we don't talk about rotations at all, this bounding
                        // rectangle contains the original not-rotated shape. Rotation happens later in the code.)
                        // We get the new (x, y) coords, then swap width with height.
                        // To get the new coords we reflect the rectangle in the line y = x. (This will return the
                        // correct vertex, which is the actual top left one.)
                        // Another fact that appears to be true in Excel is that there are only 2 of possible anchor
                        // positions for a shape that is only rotated (and not resized for example).
                        // The first position happens in the set of degrees {[45, 135) U [225, 315)} and the second
                        // set is all the other angles. The two sets partition the circle (of all rotations: 360 degrees).
                        sal_Int64 nHalfWidth = aShapeRectEmu.Width / 2;
                        sal_Int64 nHalfHeight = aShapeRectEmu.Height / 2;
                        aShapeRectEmu.X = aShapeRectEmu.X + nHalfWidth - nHalfHeight;
                        aShapeRectEmu.Y = aShapeRectEmu.Y + nHalfHeight - nHalfWidth;
                        std::swap(aShapeRectEmu.Width, aShapeRectEmu.Height);
                    // TODO: DrawingML implementation expects 32-bit coordinates for EMU rectangles (change that to EmuRectangle)
                    // tdf#135918: Negative X,Y position has to be allowed to avoid shape displacement on rotation.
                    // The negative values can exist because of previous lines where the anchor rectangle must be mirrored in some ranges.
                    Rectangle aShapeRectEmu32(
                        getLimitedValue< sal_Int32, sal_Int64 >( aShapeRectEmu.X, SAL_MIN_INT32, SAL_MAX_INT32 ),
                        getLimitedValue< sal_Int32, sal_Int64 >( aShapeRectEmu.Y, SAL_MIN_INT32, SAL_MAX_INT32 ),
                        getLimitedValue< sal_Int32, sal_Int64 >( aShapeRectEmu.Width, 0, SAL_MAX_INT32 ),
                        getLimitedValue< sal_Int32, sal_Int64 >( aShapeRectEmu.Height, 0, SAL_MAX_INT32 ) );
                    // Make sure to set the position and size *before* calling addShape().
                    mxShape->setPosition(Point(aShapeRectEmu32.X, aShapeRectEmu32.Y));
                    mxShape->setSize(Size(aShapeRectEmu32.Width, aShapeRectEmu32.Height));
                    // tdf#83671. Because Excel saves a diagram with zero size in xdr:xfm, the
                    // initial diagram import produces a background shape with zero size and no
                    // diagram shapes at all. Here the size has been determined from the anchor and
                    // thus repeating the import of diagram.xml gives the diagram shapes.
                    if (mxShape->getDiagramDoms().getLength() > 0
                        && mxShape->getChildren().size() == 1
                        && mxShape->getExtDrawings().size() == 1)
                        OUString sFragmentPath(
                        // Don't know why importFragment looses shape name and id. Rescue them.
                        OUString sBackupName(mxShape->getName());
                        OUString sBackupId(mxShape->getId());
                        getOoxFilter().importFragment(new oox::shape::ShapeDrawingFragmentHandler(
                            getOoxFilter(), sFragmentPath, mxShape));
                    if (mxShape->getFontRefColorForNodes().isUsed())
                          applyFontRefColor(mxShape, mxShape->getFontRefColorForNodes());
                    basegfx::B2DHomMatrix aTransformation;
                    if ( !bIsShapeVisible)
                    mxShape->addShape( getOoxFilter(), &getTheme(), mxDrawPage, aTransformation, mxShape->getFillProperties() );
                    /*  Collect all shape positions in the WorksheetHelper base
                        class. But first, scale EMUs to 1/100 mm. */
                    Rectangle aShapeRectHmm(
                        convertEmuToHmm(aShapeRectEmu32.X > 0 ? aShapeRectEmu32.X : 0), convertEmuToHmm(aShapeRectEmu32.Y > 0 ? aShapeRectEmu32.Y : 0),
                        convertEmuToHmm(aShapeRectEmu32.Width ), convertEmuToHmm(aShapeRectEmu32.Height ) );
                    extendShapeBoundingBox( aShapeRectHmm );
                    // set cell Anchoring
                    if ( mxAnchor->getEditAs() != ShapeAnchor::ANCHOR_ABSOLUTE )
                        SdrObject* pObj = SdrObject::getSdrObjectFromXShape( mxShape->getXShape() );
                        if ( pObj )
                            bool bResizeWithCell = mxAnchor->getEditAs() == ShapeAnchor::ANCHOR_TWOCELL;
                            ScDrawLayer::SetCellAnchoredFromPosition( *pObj, getScDocument(), getSheetIndex(), bResizeWithCell );
void DrawingFragment::applyFontRefColor(const oox::drawingml::ShapePtr& pShape,
                                        const oox::drawingml::Color& rFontRefColor)
    pShape->getShapeStyleRefs()[XML_fontRef].maPhClr = rFontRefColor;
    std::vector<oox::drawingml::ShapePtr>& vChildren = pShape->getChildren();
    for (auto const& child : vChildren)
        applyFontRefColor(child, rFontRefColor);
// VML
namespace {
class VmlFindNoteFunc
    explicit            VmlFindNoteFunc( const ScAddress& rPos );
    bool                operator()( const ::oox::vml::ShapeBase& rShape ) const;
    sal_Int32           mnCol;
    sal_Int32           mnRow;
VmlFindNoteFunc::VmlFindNoteFunc( const ScAddress& rPos ) :
    mnCol( rPos.Col() ),
    mnRow( rPos.Row() )
bool VmlFindNoteFunc::operator()( const ::oox::vml::ShapeBase& rShape ) const
    const ::oox::vml::ClientData* pClientData = rShape.getClientData();
    return pClientData && (pClientData->mnCol == mnCol) && (pClientData->mnRow == mnRow);
} // namespace
VmlControlMacroAttacher::VmlControlMacroAttacher( const OUString& rMacroName,
        const Reference< XIndexContainer >& rxCtrlFormIC, sal_Int32 nCtrlIndex, sal_Int32 nCtrlType, sal_Int32 nDropStyle ) :
    VbaMacroAttacherBase( rMacroName ),
    mxCtrlFormIC( rxCtrlFormIC ),
    mnCtrlIndex( nCtrlIndex ),
    mnCtrlType( nCtrlType ),
    mnDropStyle( nDropStyle )
void VmlControlMacroAttacher::attachMacro( const OUString& rMacroUrl )
    ScriptEventDescriptor aEventDesc;
    aEventDesc.ScriptType = "Script";
    aEventDesc.ScriptCode = rMacroUrl;
    // editable drop downs are treated like edit boxes
    bool bEditDropDown = (mnCtrlType == XML_Drop) && (mnDropStyle == XML_ComboEdit);
    sal_Int32 nCtrlType = bEditDropDown ? XML_Edit : mnCtrlType;
    switch( nCtrlType )
        case XML_Button:
        case XML_Checkbox:
        case XML_Radio:
            aEventDesc.ListenerType = "XActionListener";
            aEventDesc.EventMethod = "actionPerformed";
        case XML_Label:
        case XML_GBox:
        case XML_Dialog:
            aEventDesc.ListenerType = "XMouseListener";
            aEventDesc.EventMethod = "mouseReleased";
        case XML_Edit:
            aEventDesc.ListenerType = "XTextListener";
            aEventDesc.EventMethod = "textChanged";
        case XML_Spin:
        case XML_Scroll:
            aEventDesc.ListenerType = "XAdjustmentListener";
            aEventDesc.EventMethod = "adjustmentValueChanged";
        case XML_List:
        case XML_Drop:
            aEventDesc.ListenerType = "XChangeListener";
            aEventDesc.EventMethod = "changed";
            OSL_ENSURE( false, "VmlControlMacroAttacher::attachMacro - unexpected object type" );
        Reference< XEventAttacherManager > xEventMgr( mxCtrlFormIC, UNO_QUERY_THROW );
        xEventMgr->registerScriptEvent( mnCtrlIndex, aEventDesc );
    catch( Exception& )
VmlDrawing::VmlDrawing( const WorksheetHelper& rHelper ) :
    ::oox::vml::Drawing( rHelper.getOoxFilter(), rHelper.getDrawPage(), ::oox::vml::VMLDRAWING_EXCEL ),
    WorksheetHelper( rHelper ),
    maControlConv( rHelper.getBaseFilter().getModel(), rHelper.getBaseFilter().getGraphicHelper() )
    // default font for legacy listboxes and dropdowns: Tahoma, 8pt
    maListBoxFont.moName = "Tahoma";
    maListBoxFont.moColor = "auto";
    maListBoxFont.monSize = 160;
const ::oox::vml::ShapeBase* VmlDrawing::getNoteShape( const ScAddress& rPos ) const
    return getShapes().findShape( VmlFindNoteFunc( rPos ) );
bool VmlDrawing::isShapeSupported( const ::oox::vml::ShapeBase& rShape ) const
    const ::oox::vml::ClientData* pClientData = rShape.getClientData();
    return !pClientData || (pClientData->mnObjType != XML_Note);
OUString VmlDrawing::getShapeBaseName( const ::oox::vml::ShapeBase& rShape ) const
    if( const ::oox::vml::ClientData* pClientData = rShape.getClientData() )
        switch( pClientData->mnObjType )
            case XML_Button:    return u"Button"_ustr;
            case XML_Checkbox:  return u"Check Box"_ustr;
            case XML_Dialog:    return u"Dialog Frame"_ustr;
            case XML_Drop:      return u"Drop Down"_ustr;
            case XML_Edit:      return u"Edit Box"_ustr;
            case XML_GBox:      return u"Group Box"_ustr;
            case XML_Label:     return u"Label"_ustr;
            case XML_List:      return u"List Box"_ustr;
            case XML_Note:      return u"Comment"_ustr;
            case XML_Pict:      return (pClientData->mbDde || getOleObjectInfo( rShape.getShapeId() )) ? u"Object"_ustr : u"Picture"_ustr;
            case XML_Radio:     return u"Option Button"_ustr;
            case XML_Scroll:    return u"Scroll Bar"_ustr;
            case XML_Spin:      return u"Spinner"_ustr;
    return ::oox::vml::Drawing::getShapeBaseName( rShape );
bool VmlDrawing::convertClientAnchor( Rectangle& orShapeRect, const OUString& rShapeAnchor ) const
    if( rShapeAnchor.isEmpty() )
        return false;
    ShapeAnchor aAnchor( *this );
    aAnchor.importVmlAnchor( rShapeAnchor );
    orShapeRect = aAnchor.calcAnchorRectHmm( getDrawPageSize() );
    return (orShapeRect.Width >= 0) && (orShapeRect.Height >= 0);
Reference< XShape > VmlDrawing::createAndInsertClientXShape( const ::oox::vml::ShapeBase& rShape,
        const Reference< XShapes >& rxShapes, const Rectangle& rShapeRect ) const
    // simulate the legacy drawing controls with OLE form controls
    OUString aShapeName = rShape.getShapeName();
    const ::oox::vml::ClientData* pClientData = rShape.getClientData();
    if( !aShapeName.isEmpty() && pClientData )
        Rectangle aShapeRect = rShapeRect;
        const ::oox::vml::TextBox* pTextBox = rShape.getTextBox();
        EmbeddedControl aControl( aShapeName );
        switch( pClientData->mnObjType )
            case XML_Button:
                AxCommandButtonModel& rAxModel = aControl.createModel< AxCommandButtonModel >();
                convertControlText( rAxModel.maFontData, rAxModel.mnTextColor, rAxModel.maCaption, pTextBox, pClientData->mnTextHAlign );
                rAxModel.mnFlags = AX_FLAGS_ENABLED | AX_FLAGS_OPAQUE | AX_FLAGS_WORDWRAP;
                rAxModel.mnVerticalAlign = pClientData->mnTextVAlign;
            case XML_Label:
                AxLabelModel& rAxModel = aControl.createModel< AxLabelModel >();
                convertControlText( rAxModel.maFontData, rAxModel.mnTextColor, rAxModel.maCaption, pTextBox, pClientData->mnTextHAlign );
                rAxModel.mnFlags = AX_FLAGS_ENABLED | AX_FLAGS_WORDWRAP;
                rAxModel.mnBorderStyle = AX_BORDERSTYLE_NONE;
                rAxModel.mnSpecialEffect = AX_SPECIALEFFECT_FLAT;
                rAxModel.mnVerticalAlign = pClientData->mnTextVAlign;
            case XML_Edit:
                bool bNumeric = (pClientData->mnVTEdit == ::oox::vml::VML_CLIENTDATA_INTEGER) || (pClientData->mnVTEdit == ::oox::vml::VML_CLIENTDATA_NUMBER);
                AxMorphDataModelBase& rAxModel = bNumeric ?
                    static_cast< AxMorphDataModelBase& >( aControl.createModel< AxNumericFieldModel >() ) :
                    static_cast< AxMorphDataModelBase& >( aControl.createModel< AxTextBoxModel >() );
                convertControlText( rAxModel.maFontData, rAxModel.mnTextColor, rAxModel.maValue, pTextBox, pClientData->mnTextHAlign );
                setFlag( rAxModel.mnFlags, AX_FLAGS_MULTILINE, pClientData->mbMultiLine );
                setFlag( rAxModel.mnScrollBars, AX_SCROLLBAR_VERTICAL, pClientData->mbVScroll );
                if( pClientData->mbSecretEdit )
                    rAxModel.mnPasswordChar = '*';
            case XML_GBox:
                AxFrameModel& rAxModel = aControl.createModel< AxFrameModel >();
                convertControlText( rAxModel.maFontData, rAxModel.mnTextColor, rAxModel.maCaption, pTextBox, pClientData->mnTextHAlign );
                rAxModel.mnBorderStyle = pClientData->mbNo3D ? AX_BORDERSTYLE_SINGLE : AX_BORDERSTYLE_NONE;
                rAxModel.mnSpecialEffect = pClientData->mbNo3D ? AX_SPECIALEFFECT_FLAT : AX_SPECIALEFFECT_BUMPED;
                /*  Move top border of groupbox up by half font height, because
                    Excel specifies Y position of the groupbox border line
                    instead the top border of the caption text. */
                if( const ::oox::vml::TextFontModel* pFontModel = pTextBox ? pTextBox->getFirstFont() : nullptr )
                    sal_Int32 nFontHeightHmm = o3tl::convert( pFontModel->monSize.value_or( 160 ), o3tl::Length::twip, o3tl::Length::mm100 );
                    sal_Int32 nYDiff = ::std::min< sal_Int32 >( nFontHeightHmm / 2, aShapeRect.Y );
                    aShapeRect.Y -= nYDiff;
                    aShapeRect.Height += nYDiff;
            case XML_Checkbox:
                AxCheckBoxModel& rAxModel = aControl.createModel< AxCheckBoxModel >();
                convertControlText( rAxModel.maFontData, rAxModel.mnTextColor, rAxModel.maCaption, pTextBox, pClientData->mnTextHAlign );
                convertControlBackground( rAxModel, rShape );
                rAxModel.maValue = OUString::number( pClientData->mnChecked );
                rAxModel.mnSpecialEffect = pClientData->mbNo3D ? AX_SPECIALEFFECT_FLAT : AX_SPECIALEFFECT_SUNKEN;
                rAxModel.mnVerticalAlign = pClientData->mnTextVAlign;
                bool bTriState = (pClientData->mnChecked != ::oox::vml::VML_CLIENTDATA_UNCHECKED) && (pClientData->mnChecked != ::oox::vml::VML_CLIENTDATA_CHECKED);
                rAxModel.mnMultiSelect = bTriState ? AX_SELECTION_MULTI : AX_SELECTION_SINGLE;
            case XML_Radio:
                AxOptionButtonModel& rAxModel = aControl.createModel< AxOptionButtonModel >();
                // unique name to prevent autoGrouping with ActiveX controls and which a GroupBox may override - see vmldrawing.cxx.
                rAxModel.maGroupName = "autoGroup_formControl";
                convertControlText( rAxModel.maFontData, rAxModel.mnTextColor, rAxModel.maCaption, pTextBox, pClientData->mnTextHAlign );
                convertControlBackground( rAxModel, rShape );
                rAxModel.maValue = OUString::number( pClientData->mnChecked );
                rAxModel.mnSpecialEffect = pClientData->mbNo3D ? AX_SPECIALEFFECT_FLAT : AX_SPECIALEFFECT_SUNKEN;
                rAxModel.mnVerticalAlign = pClientData->mnTextVAlign;
            case XML_List:
                AxListBoxModel& rAxModel = aControl.createModel< AxListBoxModel >();
                convertControlFontData( rAxModel.maFontData, rAxModel.mnTextColor, maListBoxFont );
                rAxModel.mnBorderStyle = pClientData->mbNo3D2 ? AX_BORDERSTYLE_SINGLE : AX_BORDERSTYLE_NONE;
                rAxModel.mnSpecialEffect = pClientData->mbNo3D2 ? AX_SPECIALEFFECT_FLAT : AX_SPECIALEFFECT_SUNKEN;
                switch( pClientData->mnSelType )
                    case XML_Single:    rAxModel.mnMultiSelect = AX_SELECTION_SINGLE;    break;
                    case XML_Multi:     rAxModel.mnMultiSelect = AX_SELECTION_MULTI;     break;
                    case XML_Extend:    rAxModel.mnMultiSelect = AX_SELECTION_EXTENDED;  break;
            case XML_Drop:
                AxComboBoxModel& rAxModel = aControl.createModel< AxComboBoxModel >();
                convertControlFontData( rAxModel.maFontData, rAxModel.mnTextColor, maListBoxFont );
                rAxModel.mnDisplayStyle = AX_DISPLAYSTYLE_DROPDOWN;
                rAxModel.mnShowDropButton = AX_SHOWDROPBUTTON_ALWAYS;
                rAxModel.mnBorderStyle = pClientData->mbNo3D2 ? AX_BORDERSTYLE_SINGLE : AX_BORDERSTYLE_NONE;
                rAxModel.mnSpecialEffect = pClientData->mbNo3D2 ? AX_SPECIALEFFECT_FLAT : AX_SPECIALEFFECT_SUNKEN;
                rAxModel.mnListRows = pClientData->mnDropLines;
            case XML_Spin:
                AxSpinButtonModel& rAxModel = aControl.createModel< AxSpinButtonModel >();
                rAxModel.mnMin = pClientData->mnMin;
                rAxModel.mnMax = pClientData->mnMax;
                rAxModel.mnPosition = pClientData->mnVal;
                rAxModel.mnSmallChange = pClientData->mnInc;
            case XML_Scroll:
                AxScrollBarModel& rAxModel = aControl.createModel< AxScrollBarModel >();
                rAxModel.mnMin = pClientData->mnMin;
                rAxModel.mnMax = pClientData->mnMax;
                rAxModel.mnPosition = pClientData->mnVal;
                rAxModel.mnSmallChange = pClientData->mnInc;
                rAxModel.mnLargeChange = pClientData->mnPage;
            case XML_Dialog:
                // fake with a group box
                AxFrameModel& rAxModel = aControl.createModel< AxFrameModel >();
                convertControlText( rAxModel.maFontData, rAxModel.mnTextColor, rAxModel.maCaption, pTextBox, XML_Left );
                rAxModel.mnBorderStyle = AX_BORDERSTYLE_SINGLE;
                rAxModel.mnSpecialEffect = AX_SPECIALEFFECT_FLAT;
        if( ControlModelBase* pAxModel = aControl.getModel() )
            // create the control shape
            pAxModel->maSize.first = aShapeRect.Width;
            pAxModel->maSize.second = aShapeRect.Height;
            sal_Int32 nCtrlIndex = -1;
            Reference< XShape > xShape = createAndInsertXControlShape( aControl, rxShapes, aShapeRect, nCtrlIndex );
            // control shape macro
            if( xShape.is() && (nCtrlIndex >= 0) && !pClientData->maFmlaMacro.isEmpty() )
                OUString aMacroName = getFormulaParser().importMacroName( pClientData->maFmlaMacro );
                if( !aMacroName.isEmpty() )
                    Reference< XIndexContainer > xFormIC = getControlForm().getXForm();
                    VbaMacroAttacherRef xAttacher = std::make_shared<VmlControlMacroAttacher>( aMacroName, xFormIC, nCtrlIndex, pClientData->mnObjType, pClientData->mnDropStyle );
                    getBaseFilter().getVbaProject().registerMacroAttacher( xAttacher );
            return xShape;
    return Reference< XShape >();
void VmlDrawing::notifyXShapeInserted( const Reference< XShape >& rxShape,
        const Rectangle& rShapeRect, const ::oox::vml::ShapeBase& rShape, bool bGroupChild )
    // collect all shape positions in the WorksheetHelper base class (but not children of group shapes)
    if( !bGroupChild )
        extendShapeBoundingBox( rShapeRect );
    // convert settings from VML client data
    const ::oox::vml::ClientData* pClientData = rShape.getClientData();
    // specific settings for embedded form controls
        Reference< XControlShape > xCtrlShape( rxShape, UNO_QUERY_THROW );
        Reference< XControlModel > xCtrlModel( xCtrlShape->getControl(), UNO_SET_THROW );
        PropertySet aPropSet( xCtrlModel );
        // printable
        aPropSet.setProperty( PROP_Printable, pClientData->mbPrintObject );
        // control source links
        if( !pClientData->maFmlaLink.isEmpty() || !pClientData->maFmlaRange.isEmpty() )
            maControlConv.bindToSources( xCtrlModel, pClientData->maFmlaLink, pClientData->maFmlaRange, getSheetIndex() );
    catch( Exception& )
// private --------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_uInt32 VmlDrawing::convertControlTextColor( std::u16string_view aTextColor ) const
    // color attribute not present or 'auto' - use passed default color
    if( aTextColor.empty() || o3tl::equalsIgnoreAsciiCase( aTextColor, u"auto" ) )
    if( aTextColor[ 0 ] == '#' )
        // RGB colors in the format '#RRGGBB'
        if( aTextColor.size() == 7 )
            return OleHelper::encodeOleColor( o3tl::toUInt32(aTextColor.substr( 1 ), 16) );
        // RGB colors in the format '#RGB'
        if( aTextColor.size() == 4 )
            sal_Int32 nR = o3tl::toUInt32(aTextColor.substr( 1, 1 ), 16) * 0x11;
            sal_Int32 nG = o3tl::toUInt32(aTextColor.substr( 2, 1 ), 16) * 0x11;
            sal_Int32 nB = o3tl::toUInt32(aTextColor.substr( 3, 1 ), 16) * 0x11;
            return OleHelper::encodeOleColor( (nR << 16) | (nG << 8) | nB );
        OSL_ENSURE( false, OStringBuffer( "VmlDrawing::convertControlTextColor - invalid color name '"
                + OUStringToOString( aTextColor, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ) + "\'" ).getStr() );
    const GraphicHelper& rGraphicHelper = getBaseFilter().getGraphicHelper();
    /*  Predefined color names or system color names (resolve to RGB to detect
        valid color name). */
    sal_Int32 nColorToken = AttributeConversion::decodeToken( aTextColor );
    ::Color nRgbValue = Color::getVmlPresetColor( nColorToken, API_RGB_TRANSPARENT );
    if( nRgbValue == API_RGB_TRANSPARENT )
        nRgbValue = rGraphicHelper.getSystemColor( nColorToken );
    if( nRgbValue != API_RGB_TRANSPARENT )
        return OleHelper::encodeOleColor( nRgbValue );
    // try palette color
    return OleHelper::encodeOleColor( rGraphicHelper.getPaletteColor( o3tl::toInt32(aTextColor) ) );
void VmlDrawing::convertControlFontData( AxFontData& rAxFontData, sal_uInt32& rnOleTextColor, const ::oox::vml::TextFontModel& rFontModel ) const
    if( rFontModel.moName.has_value() )
        rAxFontData.maFontName = rFontModel.moName.value();
    // font height: convert from twips to points, then to internal representation of AX controls
    rAxFontData.setHeightPoints( static_cast< sal_Int16 >( (rFontModel.monSize.value_or( 200 ) + 10) / 20 ) );
    // font effects
    rAxFontData.mnFontEffects = AxFontFlags::NONE;
    setFlag( rAxFontData.mnFontEffects, AxFontFlags::Bold, rFontModel.mobBold.value_or( false ) );
    setFlag( rAxFontData.mnFontEffects, AxFontFlags::Italic, rFontModel.mobItalic.value_or( false ) );
    setFlag( rAxFontData.mnFontEffects, AxFontFlags::Strikeout, rFontModel.mobStrikeout.value_or( false ) );
    sal_Int32 nUnderline = rFontModel.monUnderline.value_or( XML_none );
    setFlag( rAxFontData.mnFontEffects, AxFontFlags::Underline, nUnderline != XML_none );
    rAxFontData.mbDblUnderline = nUnderline == XML_double;
    // font color
    rnOleTextColor = convertControlTextColor( rFontModel.moColor.value_or( OUString() ) );
void VmlDrawing::convertControlText( AxFontData& rAxFontData, sal_uInt32& rnOleTextColor,
        OUString& rCaption, const ::oox::vml::TextBox* pTextBox, sal_Int32 nTextHAlign ) const
    if( pTextBox )
        rCaption = pTextBox->getText();
        if( const ::oox::vml::TextFontModel* pFontModel = pTextBox->getFirstFont() )
            convertControlFontData( rAxFontData, rnOleTextColor, *pFontModel );
    switch( nTextHAlign )
        case XML_Left:      rAxFontData.mnHorAlign = AxHorizontalAlign::Left;      break;
        case XML_Center:    rAxFontData.mnHorAlign = AxHorizontalAlign::Center;    break;
        case XML_Right:     rAxFontData.mnHorAlign = AxHorizontalAlign::Right;     break;
        default:            rAxFontData.mnHorAlign = AxHorizontalAlign::Left;
void VmlDrawing::convertControlBackground( AxMorphDataModelBase& rAxModel, const ::oox::vml::ShapeBase& rShape ) const
    const ::oox::vml::FillModel& rFillModel = rShape.getTypeModel().maFillModel;
    bool bHasFill = rFillModel.moFilled.value_or( true );
    setFlag( rAxModel.mnFlags, AX_FLAGS_OPAQUE, bHasFill );
    if( bHasFill )
        const GraphicHelper& rGraphicHelper = getBaseFilter().getGraphicHelper();
        ::Color nSysWindowColor = rGraphicHelper.getSystemColor( XML_window, API_RGB_WHITE );
        ::oox::drawingml::Color aColor = ::oox::vml::ConversionHelper::decodeColor( rGraphicHelper, rFillModel.moColor, rFillModel.moOpacity, nSysWindowColor );
        ::Color nRgbValue = aColor.getColor( rGraphicHelper );
        rAxModel.mnBackColor = OleHelper::encodeOleColor( nRgbValue );
VmlDrawingFragment::VmlDrawingFragment( const WorksheetHelper& rHelper, const OUString& rFragmentPath ) :
    ::oox::vml::DrawingFragment( rHelper.getOoxFilter(), rFragmentPath, rHelper.getVmlDrawing() ),
    WorksheetHelper( rHelper )
void VmlDrawingFragment::finalizeImport()
} // namespace oox
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V1051 Consider checking for misprints. It's possible that the 'xShape' should be checked here.

V1051 Consider checking for misprints. It's possible that the 'xShape' should be checked here.

V1051 Consider checking for misprints. It's possible that the 'xShape' should be checked here.

V1051 Consider checking for misprints. It's possible that the 'xShape' should be checked here.

V1051 Consider checking for misprints. It's possible that the 'xShape' should be checked here.