/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
* This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
* This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <drawingfragment.hxx>
#include <basegfx/matrix/b2dhommatrix.hxx>
#include <comphelper/propertyvalue.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/beans/XPropertySet.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/container/XIndexContainer.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/container/XNameReplace.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/document/XEventsSupplier.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/drawing/XControlShape.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/drawing/XDrawPage.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/drawing/XShapes.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/script/ScriptEventDescriptor.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/script/XEventAttacherManager.hpp>
#include <rtl/strbuf.hxx>
#include <svx/svdobj.hxx>
#include <drwlayer.hxx>
#include <oox/core/filterbase.hxx>
#include <oox/drawingml/connectorshapecontext.hxx>
#include <oox/drawingml/graphicshapecontext.hxx>
#include <oox/helper/attributelist.hxx>
#include <oox/helper/propertyset.hxx>
#include <oox/shape/ShapeDrawingFragmentHandler.hxx>
#include <oox/token/namespaces.hxx>
#include <oox/token/properties.hxx>
#include <oox/token/tokens.hxx>
#include <oox/vml/vmlshape.hxx>
#include <oox/vml/vmlshapecontainer.hxx>
#include <osl/diagnose.h>
#include <o3tl/string_view.hxx>
#include <formulaparser.hxx>
#include <stylesbuffer.hxx>
#include <themebuffer.hxx>
#include <worksheetbuffer.hxx>
namespace oox::xls {
using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::container;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::document;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::drawing;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::script;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
using namespace ::oox::core;
using namespace ::oox::drawingml;
using namespace ::oox::ole;
using ::com::sun::star::awt::Size;
using ::com::sun::star::awt::Point;
using ::com::sun::star::awt::Rectangle;
using ::com::sun::star::awt::XControlModel;
// no using's for ::oox::vml, that may clash with ::oox::drawingml types
ShapeMacroAttacher::ShapeMacroAttacher( const OUString& rMacroName, const Reference< XShape >& rxShape ) :
VbaMacroAttacherBase( rMacroName ),
mxShape( rxShape )
void ShapeMacroAttacher::attachMacro( const OUString& rMacroUrl )
Reference< XEventsSupplier > xSupplier( mxShape, UNO_QUERY_THROW );
Reference< XNameReplace > xEvents( xSupplier->getEvents(), UNO_SET_THROW );
Sequence aEventProps{ comphelper::makePropertyValue(u"EventType"_ustr, u"Script"_ustr),
comphelper::makePropertyValue(u"Script"_ustr, rMacroUrl) };
xEvents->replaceByName( u"OnClick"_ustr, Any( aEventProps ) );
catch( Exception& )
Shape::Shape( const WorksheetHelper& rHelper, const AttributeList& rAttribs, const OUString& rServiceName ) :
::oox::drawingml::Shape( rServiceName ),
WorksheetHelper( rHelper )
OUString aMacro = rAttribs.getXString( XML_macro, OUString() );
if( !aMacro.isEmpty() )
maMacroName = getFormulaParser().importMacroName( aMacro );
void Shape::finalizeXShape( XmlFilterBase& rFilter, const Reference< XShapes >& rxShapes )
OUString sURL;
getShapeProperties().getProperty( PROP_URL ) >>= sURL;
getWorksheets().convertSheetNameRef( sURL );
if( !maMacroName.isEmpty() && mxShape.is() )
VbaMacroAttacherRef xAttacher = std::make_shared<ShapeMacroAttacher>( maMacroName, mxShape );
getBaseFilter().getVbaProject().registerMacroAttacher( xAttacher );
::oox::drawingml::Shape::finalizeXShape( rFilter, rxShapes );
if ( !sURL.isEmpty() )
SdrObject* pObj = SdrObject::getSdrObjectFromXShape( mxShape );
if ( pObj )
GroupShapeContext::GroupShapeContext( const FragmentHandler2& rParent,
const WorksheetHelper& rHelper, const ShapePtr& rxParentShape, const ShapePtr& rxShape ) :
ShapeGroupContext( rParent, rxParentShape, rxShape ),
WorksheetHelper( rHelper )
/*static*/ ContextHandlerRef GroupShapeContext::createShapeContext( FragmentHandler2& rParent,
const WorksheetHelper& rHelper, sal_Int32 nElement, const AttributeList& rAttribs,
const ShapePtr& rxParentShape, ShapePtr* pxShape )
switch( nElement )
case XDR_TOKEN( sp ):
ShapePtr xShape = std::make_shared<Shape>( rHelper, rAttribs, u"com.sun.star.drawing.CustomShape"_ustr );
if( pxShape ) *pxShape = xShape;
xShape->setMacro(rAttribs.getXString(XML_macro, OUString()));
xShape->setTextLinkAttr(rAttribs.getXString(XML_textlink, OUString()));
xShape->setFLocksText(rAttribs.getBool(XML_fLocksText, true)); // default="true"
xShape->setFPublished(rAttribs.getBool(XML_fPublished, false)); // default="false"
return new ShapeContext( rParent, rxParentShape, std::move(xShape) );
case XDR_TOKEN( cxnSp ):
ShapePtr xShape = std::make_shared<Shape>( rHelper, rAttribs, u"com.sun.star.drawing.ConnectorShape"_ustr );
if( pxShape ) *pxShape = xShape;
return new ConnectorShapeContext(rParent, rxParentShape, xShape,
case XDR_TOKEN( pic ):
ShapePtr xShape = std::make_shared<Shape>( rHelper, rAttribs, u"com.sun.star.drawing.GraphicObjectShape"_ustr );
if( pxShape ) *pxShape = xShape;
return new GraphicShapeContext( rParent, rxParentShape, xShape );
case XDR_TOKEN( graphicFrame ):
ShapePtr xShape = std::make_shared<Shape>( rHelper, rAttribs, u"com.sun.star.drawing.GraphicObjectShape"_ustr );
if( pxShape ) *pxShape = xShape;
return new GraphicalObjectFrameContext( rParent, rxParentShape, xShape, rHelper.getSheetType() != WorksheetType::Chart );
case XDR_TOKEN( grpSp ):
ShapePtr xShape = std::make_shared<Shape>( rHelper, rAttribs, u"com.sun.star.drawing.GroupShape"_ustr );
if( pxShape ) *pxShape = xShape;
return new GroupShapeContext( rParent, rHelper, rxParentShape, xShape );
return nullptr;
ContextHandlerRef GroupShapeContext::onCreateContext(
sal_Int32 nElement, const AttributeList& rAttribs )
ContextHandlerRef xContext = createShapeContext( *this, *this, nElement, rAttribs, mpGroupShapePtr );
return xContext ? xContext : ShapeGroupContext::onCreateContext( nElement, rAttribs );
DrawingFragment::DrawingFragment( const WorksheetHelper& rHelper, const OUString& rFragmentPath ) :
WorksheetFragmentBase( rHelper, rFragmentPath ),
mxDrawPage( rHelper.getDrawPage() )
OSL_ENSURE( mxDrawPage.is(), "DrawingFragment::DrawingFragment - missing drawing page" );
ContextHandlerRef DrawingFragment::onCreateContext( sal_Int32 nElement, const AttributeList& rAttribs )
switch( getCurrentElement() )
if( nElement == XDR_TOKEN( wsDr ) ) return this;
case XDR_TOKEN( wsDr ):
switch( nElement )
case XDR_TOKEN( absoluteAnchor ):
case XDR_TOKEN( oneCellAnchor ):
case XDR_TOKEN( twoCellAnchor ):
mxAnchor.reset( new ShapeAnchor( *this ) );
mxAnchor->importAnchor( nElement, rAttribs );
return this;
case XDR_TOKEN( absoluteAnchor ):
case XDR_TOKEN( oneCellAnchor ):
case XDR_TOKEN( twoCellAnchor ):
switch( nElement )
case XDR_TOKEN( from ):
case XDR_TOKEN( to ): return this;
case XDR_TOKEN( pos ): if( mxAnchor ) mxAnchor->importPos( rAttribs ); break;
case XDR_TOKEN( ext ): if( mxAnchor ) mxAnchor->importExt( rAttribs ); break;
case XDR_TOKEN( clientData ): if( mxAnchor ) mxAnchor->importClientData( rAttribs ); break;
default: return GroupShapeContext::createShapeContext( *this, *this, nElement, rAttribs, ShapePtr(), &mxShape );
case XDR_TOKEN( from ):
case XDR_TOKEN( to ):
switch( nElement )
case XDR_TOKEN( col ):
case XDR_TOKEN( row ):
case XDR_TOKEN( colOff ):
case XDR_TOKEN( rowOff ): return this; // collect index in onCharacters()
return nullptr;
void DrawingFragment::onCharacters( const OUString& rChars )
switch( getCurrentElement() )
case XDR_TOKEN( col ):
case XDR_TOKEN( row ):
case XDR_TOKEN( colOff ):
case XDR_TOKEN( rowOff ):
if( mxAnchor ) mxAnchor->setCellPos( getCurrentElement(), getParentElement(), rChars );
void DrawingFragment::onEndElement()
switch( getCurrentElement() )
case XDR_TOKEN( absoluteAnchor ):
case XDR_TOKEN( oneCellAnchor ):
case XDR_TOKEN( twoCellAnchor ):
if( mxDrawPage.is() && mxShape && mxAnchor )
EmuRectangle aShapeRectEmu = mxAnchor->calcAnchorRectEmu( getDrawPageSize() );
const bool bIsShapeVisible = mxAnchor->isAnchorValid();
if( (aShapeRectEmu.X >= 0) && (aShapeRectEmu.Y >= 0) && (aShapeRectEmu.Width >= 0) && (aShapeRectEmu.Height >= 0) )
const sal_Int32 aRotation = mxShape->getRotation();
if ((aRotation >= 45 * PER_DEGREE && aRotation < 135 * PER_DEGREE)
|| (aRotation >= 225 * PER_DEGREE && aRotation < 315 * PER_DEGREE))
// When rotating any shape in MSO Excel within the range of degrees given above,
// Excel changes the cells in which the shape is anchored. The new position of
// the anchors are always calculated using a 90 degrees rotation anticlockwise.
// There is an important result of this operation: the top left point of the shape changes,
// it will be another vertex.
// The anchor position is given in the xml file, it is in the xdr:from and xdr:to elements.
// Let's see what happens in time order:
// We create a shape in Excel, the anchor position is in a given cell, then the rotation happens
// as mentioned above, and excel recalculates the cells in which the anchors are positioned.
// This new cell is exported into the xml elements xdr:from and xdr:to, when Excel exports the document!
// Thus, if we have a 90 degrees rotation and an already rotated point from which we base
// our calculations here in LO, the result is an incorrect 180 degrees rotation.
// Now, we need to create the bounding rectangle of the shape with this in mind.
// (Important to mention that at this point we don't talk about rotations at all, this bounding
// rectangle contains the original not-rotated shape. Rotation happens later in the code.)
// We get the new (x, y) coords, then swap width with height.
// To get the new coords we reflect the rectangle in the line y = x. (This will return the
// correct vertex, which is the actual top left one.)
// Another fact that appears to be true in Excel is that there are only 2 of possible anchor
// positions for a shape that is only rotated (and not resized for example).
// The first position happens in the set of degrees {[45, 135) U [225, 315)} and the second
// set is all the other angles. The two sets partition the circle (of all rotations: 360 degrees).
sal_Int64 nHalfWidth = aShapeRectEmu.Width / 2;
sal_Int64 nHalfHeight = aShapeRectEmu.Height / 2;
aShapeRectEmu.X = aShapeRectEmu.X + nHalfWidth - nHalfHeight;
aShapeRectEmu.Y = aShapeRectEmu.Y + nHalfHeight - nHalfWidth;
std::swap(aShapeRectEmu.Width, aShapeRectEmu.Height);
// TODO: DrawingML implementation expects 32-bit coordinates for EMU rectangles (change that to EmuRectangle)
// tdf#135918: Negative X,Y position has to be allowed to avoid shape displacement on rotation.
// The negative values can exist because of previous lines where the anchor rectangle must be mirrored in some ranges.
Rectangle aShapeRectEmu32(
getLimitedValue< sal_Int32, sal_Int64 >( aShapeRectEmu.X, SAL_MIN_INT32, SAL_MAX_INT32 ),
getLimitedValue< sal_Int32, sal_Int64 >( aShapeRectEmu.Y, SAL_MIN_INT32, SAL_MAX_INT32 ),
getLimitedValue< sal_Int32, sal_Int64 >( aShapeRectEmu.Width, 0, SAL_MAX_INT32 ),
getLimitedValue< sal_Int32, sal_Int64 >( aShapeRectEmu.Height, 0, SAL_MAX_INT32 ) );
// Make sure to set the position and size *before* calling addShape().
mxShape->setPosition(Point(aShapeRectEmu32.X, aShapeRectEmu32.Y));
mxShape->setSize(Size(aShapeRectEmu32.Width, aShapeRectEmu32.Height));
// tdf#83671. Because Excel saves a diagram with zero size in xdr:xfm, the
// initial diagram import produces a background shape with zero size and no
// diagram shapes at all. Here the size has been determined from the anchor and
// thus repeating the import of diagram.xml gives the diagram shapes.
if (mxShape->getDiagramDoms().getLength() > 0
&& mxShape->getChildren().size() == 1
&& mxShape->getExtDrawings().size() == 1)
OUString sFragmentPath(
// Don't know why importFragment looses shape name and id. Rescue them.
OUString sBackupName(mxShape->getName());
OUString sBackupId(mxShape->getId());
getOoxFilter().importFragment(new oox::shape::ShapeDrawingFragmentHandler(
getOoxFilter(), sFragmentPath, mxShape));
if (mxShape->getFontRefColorForNodes().isUsed())
applyFontRefColor(mxShape, mxShape->getFontRefColorForNodes());
basegfx::B2DHomMatrix aTransformation;
if ( !bIsShapeVisible)
mxShape->addShape( getOoxFilter(), &getTheme(), mxDrawPage, aTransformation, mxShape->getFillProperties() );
/* Collect all shape positions in the WorksheetHelper base
class. But first, scale EMUs to 1/100 mm. */
Rectangle aShapeRectHmm(
convertEmuToHmm(aShapeRectEmu32.X > 0 ? aShapeRectEmu32.X : 0), convertEmuToHmm(aShapeRectEmu32.Y > 0 ? aShapeRectEmu32.Y : 0),
convertEmuToHmm(aShapeRectEmu32.Width ), convertEmuToHmm(aShapeRectEmu32.Height ) );
extendShapeBoundingBox( aShapeRectHmm );
// set cell Anchoring
if ( mxAnchor->getEditAs() != ShapeAnchor::ANCHOR_ABSOLUTE )
SdrObject* pObj = SdrObject::getSdrObjectFromXShape( mxShape->getXShape() );
if ( pObj )
bool bResizeWithCell = mxAnchor->getEditAs() == ShapeAnchor::ANCHOR_TWOCELL;
ScDrawLayer::SetCellAnchoredFromPosition( *pObj, getScDocument(), getSheetIndex(), bResizeWithCell );
void DrawingFragment::applyFontRefColor(const oox::drawingml::ShapePtr& pShape,
const oox::drawingml::Color& rFontRefColor)
pShape->getShapeStyleRefs()[XML_fontRef].maPhClr = rFontRefColor;
std::vector<oox::drawingml::ShapePtr>& vChildren = pShape->getChildren();
for (auto const& child : vChildren)
applyFontRefColor(child, rFontRefColor);
// VML
namespace {
class VmlFindNoteFunc
explicit VmlFindNoteFunc( const ScAddress& rPos );
bool operator()( const ::oox::vml::ShapeBase& rShape ) const;
sal_Int32 mnCol;
sal_Int32 mnRow;
VmlFindNoteFunc::VmlFindNoteFunc( const ScAddress& rPos ) :
mnCol( rPos.Col() ),
mnRow( rPos.Row() )
bool VmlFindNoteFunc::operator()( const ::oox::vml::ShapeBase& rShape ) const
const ::oox::vml::ClientData* pClientData = rShape.getClientData();
return pClientData && (pClientData->mnCol == mnCol) && (pClientData->mnRow == mnRow);
} // namespace
VmlControlMacroAttacher::VmlControlMacroAttacher( const OUString& rMacroName,
const Reference< XIndexContainer >& rxCtrlFormIC, sal_Int32 nCtrlIndex, sal_Int32 nCtrlType, sal_Int32 nDropStyle ) :
VbaMacroAttacherBase( rMacroName ),
mxCtrlFormIC( rxCtrlFormIC ),
mnCtrlIndex( nCtrlIndex ),
mnCtrlType( nCtrlType ),
mnDropStyle( nDropStyle )
void VmlControlMacroAttacher::attachMacro( const OUString& rMacroUrl )
ScriptEventDescriptor aEventDesc;
aEventDesc.ScriptType = "Script";
aEventDesc.ScriptCode = rMacroUrl;
// editable drop downs are treated like edit boxes
bool bEditDropDown = (mnCtrlType == XML_Drop) && (mnDropStyle == XML_ComboEdit);
sal_Int32 nCtrlType = bEditDropDown ? XML_Edit : mnCtrlType;
switch( nCtrlType )
case XML_Button:
case XML_Checkbox:
case XML_Radio:
aEventDesc.ListenerType = "XActionListener";
aEventDesc.EventMethod = "actionPerformed";
case XML_Label:
case XML_GBox:
case XML_Dialog:
aEventDesc.ListenerType = "XMouseListener";
aEventDesc.EventMethod = "mouseReleased";
case XML_Edit:
aEventDesc.ListenerType = "XTextListener";
aEventDesc.EventMethod = "textChanged";
case XML_Spin:
case XML_Scroll:
aEventDesc.ListenerType = "XAdjustmentListener";
aEventDesc.EventMethod = "adjustmentValueChanged";
case XML_List:
case XML_Drop:
aEventDesc.ListenerType = "XChangeListener";
aEventDesc.EventMethod = "changed";
OSL_ENSURE( false, "VmlControlMacroAttacher::attachMacro - unexpected object type" );
Reference< XEventAttacherManager > xEventMgr( mxCtrlFormIC, UNO_QUERY_THROW );
xEventMgr->registerScriptEvent( mnCtrlIndex, aEventDesc );
catch( Exception& )
VmlDrawing::VmlDrawing( const WorksheetHelper& rHelper ) :
::oox::vml::Drawing( rHelper.getOoxFilter(), rHelper.getDrawPage(), ::oox::vml::VMLDRAWING_EXCEL ),
WorksheetHelper( rHelper ),
maControlConv( rHelper.getBaseFilter().getModel(), rHelper.getBaseFilter().getGraphicHelper() )
// default font for legacy listboxes and dropdowns: Tahoma, 8pt
maListBoxFont.moName = "Tahoma";
maListBoxFont.moColor = "auto";
maListBoxFont.monSize = 160;
const ::oox::vml::ShapeBase* VmlDrawing::getNoteShape( const ScAddress& rPos ) const
return getShapes().findShape( VmlFindNoteFunc( rPos ) );
bool VmlDrawing::isShapeSupported( const ::oox::vml::ShapeBase& rShape ) const
const ::oox::vml::ClientData* pClientData = rShape.getClientData();
return !pClientData || (pClientData->mnObjType != XML_Note);
OUString VmlDrawing::getShapeBaseName( const ::oox::vml::ShapeBase& rShape ) const
if( const ::oox::vml::ClientData* pClientData = rShape.getClientData() )
switch( pClientData->mnObjType )
case XML_Button: return u"Button"_ustr;
case XML_Checkbox: return u"Check Box"_ustr;
case XML_Dialog: return u"Dialog Frame"_ustr;
case XML_Drop: return u"Drop Down"_ustr;
case XML_Edit: return u"Edit Box"_ustr;
case XML_GBox: return u"Group Box"_ustr;
case XML_Label: return u"Label"_ustr;
case XML_List: return u"List Box"_ustr;
case XML_Note: return u"Comment"_ustr;
case XML_Pict: return (pClientData->mbDde || getOleObjectInfo( rShape.getShapeId() )) ? u"Object"_ustr : u"Picture"_ustr;
case XML_Radio: return u"Option Button"_ustr;
case XML_Scroll: return u"Scroll Bar"_ustr;
case XML_Spin: return u"Spinner"_ustr;
return ::oox::vml::Drawing::getShapeBaseName( rShape );
bool VmlDrawing::convertClientAnchor( Rectangle& orShapeRect, const OUString& rShapeAnchor ) const
if( rShapeAnchor.isEmpty() )
return false;
ShapeAnchor aAnchor( *this );
aAnchor.importVmlAnchor( rShapeAnchor );
orShapeRect = aAnchor.calcAnchorRectHmm( getDrawPageSize() );
return (orShapeRect.Width >= 0) && (orShapeRect.Height >= 0);
Reference< XShape > VmlDrawing::createAndInsertClientXShape( const ::oox::vml::ShapeBase& rShape,
const Reference< XShapes >& rxShapes, const Rectangle& rShapeRect ) const
// simulate the legacy drawing controls with OLE form controls
OUString aShapeName = rShape.getShapeName();
const ::oox::vml::ClientData* pClientData = rShape.getClientData();
if( !aShapeName.isEmpty() && pClientData )
Rectangle aShapeRect = rShapeRect;
const ::oox::vml::TextBox* pTextBox = rShape.getTextBox();
EmbeddedControl aControl( aShapeName );
switch( pClientData->mnObjType )
case XML_Button:
AxCommandButtonModel& rAxModel = aControl.createModel< AxCommandButtonModel >();
convertControlText( rAxModel.maFontData, rAxModel.mnTextColor, rAxModel.maCaption, pTextBox, pClientData->mnTextHAlign );
rAxModel.mnVerticalAlign = pClientData->mnTextVAlign;
case XML_Label:
AxLabelModel& rAxModel = aControl.createModel< AxLabelModel >();
convertControlText( rAxModel.maFontData, rAxModel.mnTextColor, rAxModel.maCaption, pTextBox, pClientData->mnTextHAlign );
rAxModel.mnBorderStyle = AX_BORDERSTYLE_NONE;
rAxModel.mnSpecialEffect = AX_SPECIALEFFECT_FLAT;
rAxModel.mnVerticalAlign = pClientData->mnTextVAlign;
case XML_Edit:
bool bNumeric = (pClientData->mnVTEdit == ::oox::vml::VML_CLIENTDATA_INTEGER) || (pClientData->mnVTEdit == ::oox::vml::VML_CLIENTDATA_NUMBER);
AxMorphDataModelBase& rAxModel = bNumeric ?
static_cast< AxMorphDataModelBase& >( aControl.createModel< AxNumericFieldModel >() ) :
static_cast< AxMorphDataModelBase& >( aControl.createModel< AxTextBoxModel >() );
convertControlText( rAxModel.maFontData, rAxModel.mnTextColor, rAxModel.maValue, pTextBox, pClientData->mnTextHAlign );
setFlag( rAxModel.mnFlags, AX_FLAGS_MULTILINE, pClientData->mbMultiLine );
setFlag( rAxModel.mnScrollBars, AX_SCROLLBAR_VERTICAL, pClientData->mbVScroll );
if( pClientData->mbSecretEdit )
rAxModel.mnPasswordChar = '*';
case XML_GBox:
AxFrameModel& rAxModel = aControl.createModel< AxFrameModel >();
convertControlText( rAxModel.maFontData, rAxModel.mnTextColor, rAxModel.maCaption, pTextBox, pClientData->mnTextHAlign );
rAxModel.mnBorderStyle = pClientData->mbNo3D ? AX_BORDERSTYLE_SINGLE : AX_BORDERSTYLE_NONE;
rAxModel.mnSpecialEffect = pClientData->mbNo3D ? AX_SPECIALEFFECT_FLAT : AX_SPECIALEFFECT_BUMPED;
/* Move top border of groupbox up by half font height, because
Excel specifies Y position of the groupbox border line
instead the top border of the caption text. */
if( const ::oox::vml::TextFontModel* pFontModel = pTextBox ? pTextBox->getFirstFont() : nullptr )
sal_Int32 nFontHeightHmm = o3tl::convert( pFontModel->monSize.value_or( 160 ), o3tl::Length::twip, o3tl::Length::mm100 );
sal_Int32 nYDiff = ::std::min< sal_Int32 >( nFontHeightHmm / 2, aShapeRect.Y );
aShapeRect.Y -= nYDiff;
aShapeRect.Height += nYDiff;
case XML_Checkbox:
AxCheckBoxModel& rAxModel = aControl.createModel< AxCheckBoxModel >();
convertControlText( rAxModel.maFontData, rAxModel.mnTextColor, rAxModel.maCaption, pTextBox, pClientData->mnTextHAlign );
convertControlBackground( rAxModel, rShape );
rAxModel.maValue = OUString::number( pClientData->mnChecked );
rAxModel.mnSpecialEffect = pClientData->mbNo3D ? AX_SPECIALEFFECT_FLAT : AX_SPECIALEFFECT_SUNKEN;
rAxModel.mnVerticalAlign = pClientData->mnTextVAlign;
bool bTriState = (pClientData->mnChecked != ::oox::vml::VML_CLIENTDATA_UNCHECKED) && (pClientData->mnChecked != ::oox::vml::VML_CLIENTDATA_CHECKED);
rAxModel.mnMultiSelect = bTriState ? AX_SELECTION_MULTI : AX_SELECTION_SINGLE;
case XML_Radio:
AxOptionButtonModel& rAxModel = aControl.createModel< AxOptionButtonModel >();
// unique name to prevent autoGrouping with ActiveX controls and which a GroupBox may override - see vmldrawing.cxx.
rAxModel.maGroupName = "autoGroup_formControl";
convertControlText( rAxModel.maFontData, rAxModel.mnTextColor, rAxModel.maCaption, pTextBox, pClientData->mnTextHAlign );
convertControlBackground( rAxModel, rShape );
rAxModel.maValue = OUString::number( pClientData->mnChecked );
rAxModel.mnSpecialEffect = pClientData->mbNo3D ? AX_SPECIALEFFECT_FLAT : AX_SPECIALEFFECT_SUNKEN;
rAxModel.mnVerticalAlign = pClientData->mnTextVAlign;
case XML_List:
AxListBoxModel& rAxModel = aControl.createModel< AxListBoxModel >();
convertControlFontData( rAxModel.maFontData, rAxModel.mnTextColor, maListBoxFont );
rAxModel.mnBorderStyle = pClientData->mbNo3D2 ? AX_BORDERSTYLE_SINGLE : AX_BORDERSTYLE_NONE;
rAxModel.mnSpecialEffect = pClientData->mbNo3D2 ? AX_SPECIALEFFECT_FLAT : AX_SPECIALEFFECT_SUNKEN;
switch( pClientData->mnSelType )
case XML_Single: rAxModel.mnMultiSelect = AX_SELECTION_SINGLE; break;
case XML_Multi: rAxModel.mnMultiSelect = AX_SELECTION_MULTI; break;
case XML_Extend: rAxModel.mnMultiSelect = AX_SELECTION_EXTENDED; break;
case XML_Drop:
AxComboBoxModel& rAxModel = aControl.createModel< AxComboBoxModel >();
convertControlFontData( rAxModel.maFontData, rAxModel.mnTextColor, maListBoxFont );
rAxModel.mnBorderStyle = pClientData->mbNo3D2 ? AX_BORDERSTYLE_SINGLE : AX_BORDERSTYLE_NONE;
rAxModel.mnSpecialEffect = pClientData->mbNo3D2 ? AX_SPECIALEFFECT_FLAT : AX_SPECIALEFFECT_SUNKEN;
rAxModel.mnListRows = pClientData->mnDropLines;
case XML_Spin:
AxSpinButtonModel& rAxModel = aControl.createModel< AxSpinButtonModel >();
rAxModel.mnMin = pClientData->mnMin;
rAxModel.mnMax = pClientData->mnMax;
rAxModel.mnPosition = pClientData->mnVal;
rAxModel.mnSmallChange = pClientData->mnInc;
case XML_Scroll:
AxScrollBarModel& rAxModel = aControl.createModel< AxScrollBarModel >();
rAxModel.mnMin = pClientData->mnMin;
rAxModel.mnMax = pClientData->mnMax;
rAxModel.mnPosition = pClientData->mnVal;
rAxModel.mnSmallChange = pClientData->mnInc;
rAxModel.mnLargeChange = pClientData->mnPage;
case XML_Dialog:
// fake with a group box
AxFrameModel& rAxModel = aControl.createModel< AxFrameModel >();
convertControlText( rAxModel.maFontData, rAxModel.mnTextColor, rAxModel.maCaption, pTextBox, XML_Left );
rAxModel.mnBorderStyle = AX_BORDERSTYLE_SINGLE;
rAxModel.mnSpecialEffect = AX_SPECIALEFFECT_FLAT;
if( ControlModelBase* pAxModel = aControl.getModel() )
// create the control shape
pAxModel->maSize.first = aShapeRect.Width;
pAxModel->maSize.second = aShapeRect.Height;
sal_Int32 nCtrlIndex = -1;
Reference< XShape > xShape = createAndInsertXControlShape( aControl, rxShapes, aShapeRect, nCtrlIndex );
// control shape macro
if( xShape.is() && (nCtrlIndex >= 0) && !pClientData->maFmlaMacro.isEmpty() )
OUString aMacroName = getFormulaParser().importMacroName( pClientData->maFmlaMacro );
if( !aMacroName.isEmpty() )
Reference< XIndexContainer > xFormIC = getControlForm().getXForm();
VbaMacroAttacherRef xAttacher = std::make_shared<VmlControlMacroAttacher>( aMacroName, xFormIC, nCtrlIndex, pClientData->mnObjType, pClientData->mnDropStyle );
getBaseFilter().getVbaProject().registerMacroAttacher( xAttacher );
return xShape;
return Reference< XShape >();
void VmlDrawing::notifyXShapeInserted( const Reference< XShape >& rxShape,
const Rectangle& rShapeRect, const ::oox::vml::ShapeBase& rShape, bool bGroupChild )
// collect all shape positions in the WorksheetHelper base class (but not children of group shapes)
if( !bGroupChild )
extendShapeBoundingBox( rShapeRect );
// convert settings from VML client data
const ::oox::vml::ClientData* pClientData = rShape.getClientData();
// specific settings for embedded form controls
Reference< XControlShape > xCtrlShape( rxShape, UNO_QUERY_THROW );
Reference< XControlModel > xCtrlModel( xCtrlShape->getControl(), UNO_SET_THROW );
PropertySet aPropSet( xCtrlModel );
// printable
aPropSet.setProperty( PROP_Printable, pClientData->mbPrintObject );
// control source links
if( !pClientData->maFmlaLink.isEmpty() || !pClientData->maFmlaRange.isEmpty() )
maControlConv.bindToSources( xCtrlModel, pClientData->maFmlaLink, pClientData->maFmlaRange, getSheetIndex() );
catch( Exception& )
// private --------------------------------------------------------------------
sal_uInt32 VmlDrawing::convertControlTextColor( std::u16string_view aTextColor ) const
// color attribute not present or 'auto' - use passed default color
if( aTextColor.empty() || o3tl::equalsIgnoreAsciiCase( aTextColor, u"auto" ) )
if( aTextColor[ 0 ] == '#' )
// RGB colors in the format '#RRGGBB'
if( aTextColor.size() == 7 )
return OleHelper::encodeOleColor( o3tl::toUInt32(aTextColor.substr( 1 ), 16) );
// RGB colors in the format '#RGB'
if( aTextColor.size() == 4 )
sal_Int32 nR = o3tl::toUInt32(aTextColor.substr( 1, 1 ), 16) * 0x11;
sal_Int32 nG = o3tl::toUInt32(aTextColor.substr( 2, 1 ), 16) * 0x11;
sal_Int32 nB = o3tl::toUInt32(aTextColor.substr( 3, 1 ), 16) * 0x11;
return OleHelper::encodeOleColor( (nR << 16) | (nG << 8) | nB );
OSL_ENSURE( false, OStringBuffer( "VmlDrawing::convertControlTextColor - invalid color name '"
+ OUStringToOString( aTextColor, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ) + "\'" ).getStr() );
const GraphicHelper& rGraphicHelper = getBaseFilter().getGraphicHelper();
/* Predefined color names or system color names (resolve to RGB to detect
valid color name). */
sal_Int32 nColorToken = AttributeConversion::decodeToken( aTextColor );
::Color nRgbValue = Color::getVmlPresetColor( nColorToken, API_RGB_TRANSPARENT );
if( nRgbValue == API_RGB_TRANSPARENT )
nRgbValue = rGraphicHelper.getSystemColor( nColorToken );
if( nRgbValue != API_RGB_TRANSPARENT )
return OleHelper::encodeOleColor( nRgbValue );
// try palette color
return OleHelper::encodeOleColor( rGraphicHelper.getPaletteColor( o3tl::toInt32(aTextColor) ) );
void VmlDrawing::convertControlFontData( AxFontData& rAxFontData, sal_uInt32& rnOleTextColor, const ::oox::vml::TextFontModel& rFontModel ) const
if( rFontModel.moName.has_value() )
rAxFontData.maFontName = rFontModel.moName.value();
// font height: convert from twips to points, then to internal representation of AX controls
rAxFontData.setHeightPoints( static_cast< sal_Int16 >( (rFontModel.monSize.value_or( 200 ) + 10) / 20 ) );
// font effects
rAxFontData.mnFontEffects = AxFontFlags::NONE;
setFlag( rAxFontData.mnFontEffects, AxFontFlags::Bold, rFontModel.mobBold.value_or( false ) );
setFlag( rAxFontData.mnFontEffects, AxFontFlags::Italic, rFontModel.mobItalic.value_or( false ) );
setFlag( rAxFontData.mnFontEffects, AxFontFlags::Strikeout, rFontModel.mobStrikeout.value_or( false ) );
sal_Int32 nUnderline = rFontModel.monUnderline.value_or( XML_none );
setFlag( rAxFontData.mnFontEffects, AxFontFlags::Underline, nUnderline != XML_none );
rAxFontData.mbDblUnderline = nUnderline == XML_double;
// font color
rnOleTextColor = convertControlTextColor( rFontModel.moColor.value_or( OUString() ) );
void VmlDrawing::convertControlText( AxFontData& rAxFontData, sal_uInt32& rnOleTextColor,
OUString& rCaption, const ::oox::vml::TextBox* pTextBox, sal_Int32 nTextHAlign ) const
if( pTextBox )
rCaption = pTextBox->getText();
if( const ::oox::vml::TextFontModel* pFontModel = pTextBox->getFirstFont() )
convertControlFontData( rAxFontData, rnOleTextColor, *pFontModel );
switch( nTextHAlign )
case XML_Left: rAxFontData.mnHorAlign = AxHorizontalAlign::Left; break;
case XML_Center: rAxFontData.mnHorAlign = AxHorizontalAlign::Center; break;
case XML_Right: rAxFontData.mnHorAlign = AxHorizontalAlign::Right; break;
default: rAxFontData.mnHorAlign = AxHorizontalAlign::Left;
void VmlDrawing::convertControlBackground( AxMorphDataModelBase& rAxModel, const ::oox::vml::ShapeBase& rShape ) const
const ::oox::vml::FillModel& rFillModel = rShape.getTypeModel().maFillModel;
bool bHasFill = rFillModel.moFilled.value_or( true );
setFlag( rAxModel.mnFlags, AX_FLAGS_OPAQUE, bHasFill );
if( bHasFill )
const GraphicHelper& rGraphicHelper = getBaseFilter().getGraphicHelper();
::Color nSysWindowColor = rGraphicHelper.getSystemColor( XML_window, API_RGB_WHITE );
::oox::drawingml::Color aColor = ::oox::vml::ConversionHelper::decodeColor( rGraphicHelper, rFillModel.moColor, rFillModel.moOpacity, nSysWindowColor );
::Color nRgbValue = aColor.getColor( rGraphicHelper );
rAxModel.mnBackColor = OleHelper::encodeOleColor( nRgbValue );
VmlDrawingFragment::VmlDrawingFragment( const WorksheetHelper& rHelper, const OUString& rFragmentPath ) :
::oox::vml::DrawingFragment( rHelper.getOoxFilter(), rFragmentPath, rHelper.getVmlDrawing() ),
WorksheetHelper( rHelper )
void VmlDrawingFragment::finalizeImport()
} // namespace oox
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
↑ V1051 Consider checking for misprints. It's possible that the 'xShape' should be checked here.
↑ V1051 Consider checking for misprints. It's possible that the 'xShape' should be checked here.
↑ V1051 Consider checking for misprints. It's possible that the 'xShape' should be checked here.
↑ V1051 Consider checking for misprints. It's possible that the 'xShape' should be checked here.
↑ V1051 Consider checking for misprints. It's possible that the 'xShape' should be checked here.