/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
* This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
* This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <svl/solar.hrc>
#include <svl/typedwhich.hxx>
class SfxBoolItem;
class SfxGrabBagItem;
class SfxInt16Item;
class SvxAdjustItem;
class SvxAutoKernItem;
class SvxCaseMapItem;
class SvxCharReliefItem;
class SvxCharScaleWidthItem;
class SvxColorItem;
class SvxContourItem;
class SvxCrossedOutItem;
class SvxEmphasisMarkItem;
class SvxEscapementItem;
class SvxFieldItem;
class SvxFontHeightItem;
class SvxFontItem;
class SvxForbiddenRuleItem;
class SvxFrameDirectionItem;
class SvxHangingPunctuationItem;
class SvxKerningItem;
class SvxLanguageItem;
class SvxLineSpacingItem;
class SvxLRSpaceItem;
class SvxOverlineItem;
class SvxPostureItem;
class SvXMLAttrContainerItem;
class SvxScriptSpaceItem;
class SvxShadowedItem;
class SvxTabStopItem;
class SvxULSpaceItem;
class SvxUnderlineItem;
class SvxWeightItem;
class SvxWordLineModeItem;
class SvxBulletItem;
class SvxNumBulletItem;
class SvxJustifyMethodItem;
class SvxVerJustifyItem;
class SfxVoidItem;
* NOTE: Changes in this file will probably require
* consistent changes in eerdll.cxx and editdoc.cxx
* as well.
constexpr sal_uInt16 EE_ITEMS_START(OWN_ATTR_VALUE_END + 1);
// Paragraph attributes:
constexpr sal_uInt16 EE_PARA_START (EE_ITEMS_START + 0);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxFrameDirectionItem> EE_PARA_WRITINGDIR (EE_PARA_START+0);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvXMLAttrContainerItem> EE_PARA_XMLATTRIBS (EE_PARA_START+1);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxHangingPunctuationItem> EE_PARA_HANGINGPUNCTUATION (EE_PARA_START+2);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxForbiddenRuleItem> EE_PARA_FORBIDDENRULES (EE_PARA_START+3);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxScriptSpaceItem> EE_PARA_ASIANCJKSPACING (EE_PARA_START+4);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxNumBulletItem> EE_PARA_NUMBULLET (EE_PARA_START+5);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SfxBoolItem> EE_PARA_HYPHENATE (EE_PARA_START+6);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SfxBoolItem> EE_PARA_HYPHENATE_NO_CAPS (EE_PARA_START+7);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SfxBoolItem> EE_PARA_HYPHENATE_NO_LAST_WORD (EE_PARA_START+8);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SfxBoolItem> EE_PARA_BULLETSTATE (EE_PARA_START+9);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxLRSpaceItem> EE_PARA_OUTLLRSPACE (EE_PARA_START+10);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SfxInt16Item> EE_PARA_OUTLLEVEL (EE_PARA_START+11);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxBulletItem> EE_PARA_BULLET (EE_PARA_START+12);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxLRSpaceItem> EE_PARA_LRSPACE (EE_PARA_START+13);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxULSpaceItem> EE_PARA_ULSPACE (EE_PARA_START+14);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxLineSpacingItem> EE_PARA_SBL (EE_PARA_START+15);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxAdjustItem> EE_PARA_JUST (EE_PARA_START+16);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxTabStopItem> EE_PARA_TABS (EE_PARA_START+17);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxJustifyMethodItem> EE_PARA_JUST_METHOD (EE_PARA_START+18);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxVerJustifyItem> EE_PARA_VER_JUST (EE_PARA_START+19);
constexpr sal_uInt16 EE_PARA_END (EE_PARA_START + 19);
// Character attributes:
constexpr sal_uInt16 EE_CHAR_START (EE_PARA_END + 1);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxColorItem> EE_CHAR_COLOR (EE_CHAR_START+0);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxFontItem> EE_CHAR_FONTINFO (EE_CHAR_START+1);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxFontHeightItem> EE_CHAR_FONTHEIGHT (EE_CHAR_START+2);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxCharScaleWidthItem> EE_CHAR_FONTWIDTH (EE_CHAR_START+3);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxWeightItem> EE_CHAR_WEIGHT (EE_CHAR_START+4);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxUnderlineItem> EE_CHAR_UNDERLINE (EE_CHAR_START+5);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxCrossedOutItem> EE_CHAR_STRIKEOUT (EE_CHAR_START+6);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxPostureItem> EE_CHAR_ITALIC (EE_CHAR_START+7);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxContourItem> EE_CHAR_OUTLINE (EE_CHAR_START+8);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxShadowedItem> EE_CHAR_SHADOW (EE_CHAR_START+9);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxEscapementItem> EE_CHAR_ESCAPEMENT (EE_CHAR_START+10);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxAutoKernItem> EE_CHAR_PAIRKERNING (EE_CHAR_START+11);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxKerningItem> EE_CHAR_KERNING (EE_CHAR_START+12);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxWordLineModeItem> EE_CHAR_WLM (EE_CHAR_START+13);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxLanguageItem> EE_CHAR_LANGUAGE (EE_CHAR_START+14);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxLanguageItem> EE_CHAR_LANGUAGE_CJK (EE_CHAR_START+15);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxLanguageItem> EE_CHAR_LANGUAGE_CTL (EE_CHAR_START+16);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxFontItem> EE_CHAR_FONTINFO_CJK (EE_CHAR_START+17);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxFontItem> EE_CHAR_FONTINFO_CTL (EE_CHAR_START+18);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxFontHeightItem> EE_CHAR_FONTHEIGHT_CJK (EE_CHAR_START+19);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxFontHeightItem> EE_CHAR_FONTHEIGHT_CTL (EE_CHAR_START+20);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxWeightItem> EE_CHAR_WEIGHT_CJK (EE_CHAR_START+21);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxWeightItem> EE_CHAR_WEIGHT_CTL (EE_CHAR_START+22);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxPostureItem> EE_CHAR_ITALIC_CJK (EE_CHAR_START+23);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxPostureItem> EE_CHAR_ITALIC_CTL (EE_CHAR_START+24);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxEmphasisMarkItem> EE_CHAR_EMPHASISMARK (EE_CHAR_START+25);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxCharReliefItem> EE_CHAR_RELIEF (EE_CHAR_START+26);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvXMLAttrContainerItem> EE_CHAR_XMLATTRIBS (EE_CHAR_START+27);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxOverlineItem> EE_CHAR_OVERLINE (EE_CHAR_START+28);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxCaseMapItem> EE_CHAR_CASEMAP (EE_CHAR_START+29);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SfxGrabBagItem> EE_CHAR_GRABBAG (EE_CHAR_START+30);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxColorItem> EE_CHAR_BKGCOLOR (EE_CHAR_START+31);
constexpr sal_uInt16 EE_CHAR_END (EE_CHAR_START + 31);
constexpr sal_uInt16 EE_FEATURE_START (EE_CHAR_END + 1);
constexpr sal_uInt16 EE_FEATURE_TAB (EE_FEATURE_START + 0);
constexpr sal_uInt16 EE_FEATURE_LINEBR (EE_FEATURE_TAB + 1);
constexpr sal_uInt16 EE_FEATURE_NOTCONV (EE_FEATURE_LINEBR + 1);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxFieldItem> EE_FEATURE_FIELD (EE_FEATURE_NOTCONV + 1);
constexpr sal_uInt16 EE_FEATURE_END (EE_FEATURE_FIELD + 0);
constexpr sal_uInt16 EE_ITEMS_END (EE_FEATURE_END);
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'EE_PARA_WRITINGDIR' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'EE_PARA_XMLATTRIBS' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'EE_PARA_HANGINGPUNCTUATION' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'EE_PARA_FORBIDDENRULES' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'EE_PARA_ASIANCJKSPACING' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'EE_PARA_NUMBULLET' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'EE_PARA_HYPHENATE' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'EE_PARA_HYPHENATE_NO_CAPS' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'EE_PARA_HYPHENATE_NO_LAST_WORD' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'EE_PARA_BULLETSTATE' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'EE_PARA_OUTLLRSPACE' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'EE_PARA_OUTLLEVEL' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'EE_PARA_BULLET' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'EE_PARA_LRSPACE' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'EE_PARA_ULSPACE' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'EE_PARA_SBL' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'EE_PARA_JUST' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'EE_PARA_TABS' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'EE_PARA_JUST_METHOD' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'EE_PARA_VER_JUST' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'EE_CHAR_COLOR' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'EE_CHAR_FONTINFO' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'EE_CHAR_FONTHEIGHT' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'EE_CHAR_FONTWIDTH' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'EE_CHAR_WEIGHT' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'EE_CHAR_UNDERLINE' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'EE_CHAR_STRIKEOUT' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'EE_CHAR_ITALIC' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'EE_CHAR_OUTLINE' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'EE_CHAR_SHADOW' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'EE_CHAR_ESCAPEMENT' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'EE_CHAR_PAIRKERNING' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'EE_CHAR_KERNING' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'EE_CHAR_WLM' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'EE_CHAR_LANGUAGE' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'EE_CHAR_LANGUAGE_CJK' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'EE_CHAR_LANGUAGE_CTL' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'EE_CHAR_FONTINFO_CJK' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'EE_CHAR_FONTINFO_CTL' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'EE_CHAR_FONTHEIGHT_CJK' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'EE_CHAR_FONTHEIGHT_CTL' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'EE_CHAR_WEIGHT_CJK' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'EE_CHAR_WEIGHT_CTL' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'EE_CHAR_ITALIC_CJK' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'EE_CHAR_ITALIC_CTL' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'EE_CHAR_EMPHASISMARK' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'EE_CHAR_RELIEF' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'EE_CHAR_XMLATTRIBS' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'EE_CHAR_OVERLINE' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'EE_CHAR_CASEMAP' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'EE_CHAR_GRABBAG' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'EE_CHAR_BKGCOLOR' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'EE_FEATURE_FIELD' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.