/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4; fill-column: 100 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
#pragma once
#include "attribute.hxx"
#include <rect.hxx>
#include <editeng/editdata.hxx>
class SmMlElement final : public SmRect
    /* Technical stuff */
        : m_aElementType(SmMlElementType::NMlEmpty)
        , m_aText(u""_ustr)
        , m_aESelection(0, 0, 0, 0)
        , m_aAttributeList(0)
        , m_aAttributePosList(0)
        , m_aSubElements(0)
        , m_aParentElement(nullptr)
        , m_nSubElementId(0)
    /* Mathml stuff */
    explicit SmMlElement(SmMlElementType aElementType)
        : m_aElementType(aElementType)
        , m_aText(u"\u00B6"_ustr)
        , m_aESelection(0, 0, 0, 0)
        , m_aSubElements(0)
        , m_aParentElement(nullptr)
        , m_nSubElementId(0)
    SmMlElement(const SmMlElement& aElement)
        : SmRect(static_cast<SmRect>(aElement))
        , m_aElementType(aElement.getMlElementType())
        , m_aText(aElement.getText())
        , m_aESelection(aElement.getESelectionReference())
        , m_aSubElements(0)
        , m_aParentElement(nullptr)
        , m_nSubElementId(aElement.getSubElementId())
        m_aAttributePosList = std::vector<SmMlAttributePos>(aElement.getAttributeCount());
        for (size_t i = 0; i < aElement.getAttributeCount(); ++i)
            setAttributeForce(i, aElement.getAttributePointer(i));
    // Type of element
    SmMlElementType m_aElementType;
    // Element text
    OUString m_aText;
    // Location in source code
    ESelection m_aESelection;
    // Attribute list
    std::vector<SmMlAttribute> m_aAttributeList;
    // Attribute position list
    std::vector<SmMlAttributePos> m_aAttributePosList;
    // Sub elements
    std::vector<SmMlElement*> m_aSubElements;
    // Parent element
    SmMlElement* m_aParentElement;
    // Child id, so it is possible to iterate
    size_t m_nSubElementId;
    void SmImplAttributeType();
public: // Element type
      * Returns the mathml element type
      * @return mathml element type
    SmMlElementType getMlElementType() const { return m_aElementType; };
      * Check if the mathml element is of a given type
      * @param aElementType
      * @return is mathml element type
    bool isMlElementType(SmMlElementType aElementType) const
        return m_aElementType == aElementType;
public: // location in the source
      * Returns the location in the source code of the node type
      * @return selection
    const ESelection& getESelection() const { return m_aESelection; };
      * Returns the location in the source code of the node type
      * @return selection
    const ESelection& getESelectionReference() const { return m_aESelection; };
      * Sets the location in the source code of the node type
      * @param aESelection
    void setESelection(ESelection aESelection) { m_aESelection = aESelection; };
      * Gets the line in the text where the node is located.
      * It is used to do the visual <-> text correspondence.
      * @return line
    sal_Int32 GetSourceCodeRow() const { return m_aESelection.start.nPara; }
      * Gets the column of the line in the text where the node is located.
      * It is used to do the visual <-> text correspondence.
      * @return column
    sal_Int32 GetSourceCodeColumn() const { return m_aESelection.start.nIndex; }
public: // attributes
      * Returns the amount of available attributes
      * @return attribute count
    size_t getAttributeCount() const { return m_aAttributeList.size(); };
      * Gets a given attribute.
      * If no available returns empty attribute.
      * @param nAttributePos
      * @return given attribute.
    SmMlAttribute getAttribute(size_t nAttributePos) const
        return nAttributePos < m_aAttributeList.size() ? m_aAttributeList[nAttributePos]
                                                       : SmMlAttribute();
      * Gets a given attribute.
      * If no available returns empty attribute.
      * @param nAttributePos
      * @return given attribute.
    SmMlAttribute getAttribute(SmMlAttributeValueType aAttributeType) const;
      * Sets a given attribute.
      * If no available does nothing.
      * @param nAttributePos
      * @return given attribute.
    void setAttribute(const SmMlAttribute* aAttribute);
      * Set's a given attribute.
      * If no available does nothing.
      * @param nAttributePos
      * @return given attribute.
    void setAttribute(const SmMlAttribute& aAttribute) { setAttribute(&aAttribute); }
    /** Checks if an attribute has been manually set
    * @param aElementType
    bool isAttributeSet(SmMlAttributeValueType aAttributeType) const;
private: // attributes
      * Gets a given attribute.
      * If no available returns empty attribute.
      * @param nAttributePos
      * @return given attribute.
    const SmMlAttribute* getAttributePointer(size_t nAttributePos) const
        return nAttributePos < m_aAttributeList.size() ? &m_aAttributeList[nAttributePos] : nullptr;
      * Sets a given attribute.
      * If no available undefined behaviour.
      * @param nAttributePos
      * @param aAttribute
      * @return given attribute.
    void setAttributeForce(size_t nAttributePos, const SmMlAttribute* aAttribute)
public: // sub elements
      * Returns the sub elements count
      * @return sub elements count
    size_t getSubElementsCount() const { return m_aSubElements.size(); };
      * Returns a given sub element
      * @param nPos
      * @return sub elements
    SmMlElement* getSubElement(size_t nPos)
        return nPos < m_aSubElements.size() ? m_aSubElements[nPos] : nullptr;
      * Returns a given sub element
      * @param nPos
      * @return sub elements
    const SmMlElement* getSubElement(size_t nPos) const
        return nPos < m_aSubElements.size() ? m_aSubElements[nPos] : nullptr;
      * Sets a given sub element
      * @param nPos
      * @param aElement
    void setSubElement(size_t nPos, SmMlElement* aElement);
      * Gets subelement id
    size_t getSubElementId() const { return m_nSubElementId; }
      * Sets subelement id
      * @param nSubElementId
    void setSubElementId(size_t nSubElementId) { m_nSubElementId = nSubElementId; }
public: // parent elements
      * Returns the parent element
      * @return parent element
    SmMlElement* getParentElement() { return m_aParentElement; };
      * Returns the parent element
      * @return parent element
    const SmMlElement* getParentElement() const { return m_aParentElement; };
      * Sets the parent element
      * No allocation / free is done.
      * @param aParentElement
    void setParentElement(SmMlElement* aParentElement) { m_aParentElement = aParentElement; };
public: // text elements
      * Returns the element text
    const OUString& getText() const { return m_aText; };
      * Returns the element text
    void setText(const OUString& rText) { m_aText = rText; };
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab cinoptions=b1,g0,N-s cinkeys+=0=break: */

V690 The 'SmMlElement' class implements a copy constructor, but lacks the copy assignment operator. It is dangerous to use such a class.