/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <o3tl/safeint.hxx>
#include <o3tl/string_view.hxx>
#include <unotools/fontdefs.hxx>
#include <unotools/fontcfg.hxx>
#include <rtl/ustrbuf.hxx>
#include <string_view>
#include <unordered_map>
OUString StripScriptFromName(const OUString& _aName)
    // I worry that someone will have a font which *does* have
    // e.g. "Greek" legitimately at the end of its name :-(
    const char*const suffixes[] = { " baltic",
                              " ce",
                              " cyr",
                              " greek",
                              " tur",
                              " (arabic)",
                              " (hebrew)",
                              " (thai)",
                              " (vietnamese)"
    OUString aName = _aName;
    // These can be crazily piled up, e.g. Times New Roman CYR Greek
    bool bFinished = false;
    while (!bFinished)
        bFinished = true;
        for (const char* suffix : suffixes)
            size_t nLen = strlen(suffix);
            if (aName.endsWithIgnoreAsciiCaseAsciiL(suffix, nLen))
                bFinished = false;
                aName = aName.copy(0, aName.getLength() - nLen);
    return aName;
//return true if the character is stripped from the string
static bool toOnlyLowerAsciiOrStrip(sal_Unicode c, OUStringBuffer &rName, sal_Int32 nIndex, sal_Int32& rLen)
    // not lowercase Ascii
    if (c < 'a' || c > 'z')
        // To Lowercase-Ascii
        if ( (c >= 'A') && (c <= 'Z') )
            c += 'a' - 'A';
            rName[nIndex] = c;
        else if( ((c < '0') || (c > '9')) && (c != ';') && (c != '(') && (c != ')') ) // not 0-9, semicolon, or brackets
            // Remove white spaces and special characters
            rName.remove(nIndex, 1);
            return true;
    return false;
OUString GetEnglishSearchFontName(std::u16string_view rInName)
    OUStringBuffer rName(rInName);
    bool        bNeedTranslation = false;
    sal_Int32  nLen = rName.getLength();
    // Remove trailing whitespaces
    sal_Int32 i = nLen;
    while ( i && (rName[ i-1 ] < 32) )
    if ( i != nLen )
    nLen = rName.getLength();
    // remove all whitespaces and converts to lower case ASCII
    // TODO: better transliteration to ASCII e.g. all digits
    i = 0;
    while ( i < nLen )
        sal_Unicode c = rName[ i ];
        if ( c > 127 )
            // Translate to Lowercase-ASCII
            // FullWidth-ASCII to half ASCII
            if ( (c >= 0xFF00) && (c <= 0xFF5E) )
                c -= 0xFF00-0x0020;
                rName[ i ] = c;
                if (toOnlyLowerAsciiOrStrip(c, rName, i, nLen))
                // Only Fontnames with None-Ascii-Characters must be translated
                bNeedTranslation = true;
        else if (toOnlyLowerAsciiOrStrip(c, rName, i, nLen))
    OUString rNameStr = rName.makeStringAndClear();
    // translate normalized localized name to its normalized English ASCII name
    if( bNeedTranslation )
        typedef std::unordered_map<OUString, OUString> FontNameDictionary;
        static FontNameDictionary const aDictionary = {
            {u"\uBC14\uD0D5"_ustr, "batang"},
            {u"\uBC14\uD0D5\uCCB4"_ustr, "batangche"},
            {u"\uAD81\uC11C"_ustr, "gungshu"},
            {u"\uAD81\uC11C\uCCB4"_ustr, "gungshuche"},
            {u"\uAD74\uB9BC"_ustr, "gulim"},
            {u"\uAD74\uB9BC\uCCB4"_ustr, "gulimche"},
            {u"\uB3CB\uC6C0"_ustr, "dotum"},
            {u"\uB3CB\uC6C0\uCCB4"_ustr, "dotumche"},
            {u"\u5B8B\u4F53"_ustr, "simsun"},
            {u"\u65B0\u5B8B\u4F53"_ustr, "nsimsun"},
            {u"\u9ED1\u4F53"_ustr, "simhei"},
            {u"\u6977\u4F53"_ustr, "simkai"},
            {u"\u4E2D\u6613\u5B8B\u4F53"_ustr, "zycjksun"},
            {u"\u4E2D\u6613\u9ED1\u4F53"_ustr, "zycjkhei"},
            {u"\u4E2D\u6613\u6977\u4F53"_ustr, "zycjkkai"},
            {u"\u65B9\u6B63\u9ED1\u4F53"_ustr, "fzhei"},
            {u"\u65B9\u6B63\u6977\u4F53"_ustr, "fzkai"},
            {u"\u65B9\u6B63\u5B8B\u4E00"_ustr, "fzsong"},
            {u"\u65B9\u6B63\u4E66\u5B8B"_ustr, "fzshusong"},
            {u"\u65B9\u6B63\u4EFF\u5B8B"_ustr, "fzfangsong"},
            // Attention: this fonts includes the wrong encoding vector - so we double the names with correct and wrong encoding
            // First one is the GB-Encoding (we think the correct one), second is the big5 encoded name
            {u"m\u7B80\u9ED1"_ustr, "mhei"},
            {u"m\u6F60\u7AAA"_ustr, "mhei"},
            {u"m\u7B80\u6977\u566C"_ustr, "mkai"},
            {u"m\u6F60\u7FF1\u628E"_ustr, "mkai"},
            {u"m\u7B80\u5B8B"_ustr, "msong"},
            {u"m\u6F60\u51BC"_ustr, "msong"},
            {u"m\u7B80\u592B\u5B8B"_ustr, "cfangsong"},
            {u"m\u6F60\u6E98\u51BC"_ustr, "cfangsong"},
            {u"\u7D30\u660E\u9AD4"_ustr, "mingliu"},
            {u"\u65B0\u7D30\u660E\u9AD4"_ustr, "pmingliu"},
            {u"\u6865"_ustr, "hei"},
            {u"\u6B61"_ustr, "kai"},
            {u"\u6D69\u6E67"_ustr, "ming"},
            {u"ms\u30B4\u30B7\u30C3\u30AF"_ustr, "msgothic"},
            {u"msp\u30B4\u30B7\u30C3\u30AF"_ustr, "mspgothic"},
            {u"ms\u660E\u671D"_ustr, "msmincho"},
            {u"msp\u660E\u671D"_ustr, "mspmincho"},
            {u"\u5FAE\u8EDF\u6B63\u9ED1\u9AD4"_ustr, "microsoftjhenghei"},
            {u"\u5FAE\u8F6F\u96C5\u9ED1"_ustr, "microsoftyahei"},
            {u"\u30e1\u30a4\u30ea\u30aa"_ustr, "meiryo"},
            {u"hg\u660E\u671Dl"_ustr, "hgminchol"},
            {u"hg\u30B4\u30B7\u30C3\u30AFb"_ustr, "hggothicb"},
            {u"hgp\u660E\u671Dl"_ustr, "hgpminchol"},
            {u"hgp\u30B4\u30B7\u30C3\u30AFb"_ustr, "hgpgothicb"},
            {u"hg\u660E\u671Dlsun"_ustr, "hgmincholsun"},
            {u"hg\u30B4\u30B7\u30C3\u30AFbsun"_ustr, "hggothicbsun"},
            {u"hgp\u660E\u671Dlsun"_ustr, "hgpmincholsun"},
            {u"hgp\u30B4\u30B7\u30C3\u30AFbsun"_ustr, "hgpgothicbsun"},
            {u"hg\u5E73\u6210\u660E\u671D\u4F53"_ustr, "hgheiseimin"},
            {u"hg\u5E73\u6210\u660E\u671D\u4F53w3x12"_ustr, "hgheiseimin"},
            {u"ipa\u660E\u671D"_ustr, "ipamincho"},
            {u"ipap\u660E\u671D"_ustr, "ipapmincho"},
            {u"ipa\u30B4\u30B7\u30C3\u30AF"_ustr, "ipagothic"},
            {u"ipap\u30B4\u30B7\u30C3\u30AF"_ustr, "ipapgothic"},
            {u"ipaui\u30B4\u30B7\u30C3\u30AF"_ustr, "ipauigothic"},
            {u"takao\u660E\u671D"_ustr, "takaomincho"},
            {u"takaop\u660E\u671D"_ustr, "takaopmincho"},
            {u"takao\u30B4\u30B7\u30C3\u30AF"_ustr, "takaogothic"},
            {u"takaop\u30B4\u30B7\u30C3\u30AF"_ustr, "takaopgothic"},
            {u"\u3055\u3056\u306A\u307F\u660E\u671D"_ustr, "sazanamimincho"},
            {u"\u3055\u3056\u306A\u307F\u30B4\u30B7\u30C3\u30AF"_ustr, "sazanamigothic"},
            {u"\u6771\u98A8\u660E\u671D"_ustr, "kochimincho"},
            {u"\u6771\u98A8\u30B4\u30B7\u30C3\u30AF"_ustr, "kochigothic"},
            {u"\uC36C\uB3CB\uC6C0"_ustr, "sundotum"},
            {u"\uC36C\uAD74\uB9BC"_ustr, "sungulim"},
            {u"\uC36C\uBC14\uD0D5"_ustr, "sunbatang"},
            {u"\uBC31\uBB35\uB3CB\uC6C0"_ustr, "baekmukdotum"},
            {u"\uBC31\uBB35\uAD74\uB9BC"_ustr, "baekmukgulim"},
            {u"\uBC31\uBB35\uBC14\uD0D5"_ustr, "baekmukbatang"},
            {u"\u65B9\u6B63\u9ED1\u4F53"_ustr, "fzheiti"},
            {u"\u65B9\u6B63\u9ED1\u9AD4"_ustr, "fzheiti"},
            {u"\u65B9\u6B63\u6977\u4F53"_ustr, "fzkaiti"},
            {u"\u65B9\u6B63\u6977\u9AD4"_ustr, "fzkaitib"},
            {u"\u65B9\u6B63\u660E\u9AD4"_ustr, "fzmingtib"},
            {u"\u65B9\u6B63\u5B8B\u4F53"_ustr, "fzsongti"},
            {u"hy\uACAC\uBA85\uC870"_ustr, "hymyeongjoextra"},
            {u"hy\uC2E0\uBA85\uC870"_ustr, "hysinmyeongjomedium"},
            {u"hy\uC911\uACE0\uB515"_ustr, "hygothicmedium"},
            {u"hy\uADF8\uB798\uD53Dm"_ustr, "hygraphicmedium"},
            {u"hy\uADF8\uB798\uD53D"_ustr, "hygraphic"},
            {u"\uC0C8\uAD74\uB9BC"_ustr, "newgulim"},
            {u"\uC36C\uAD81\uC11C"_ustr, "sungungseo"},
            {u"hy\uAD81\uC11Cb"_ustr, "hygungsobold"},
            {u"hy\uAD81\uC11C"_ustr, "hygungso"},
            {u"\uC36C\uD5E4\uB4DC\uB77C\uC778"_ustr, "sunheadline"},
            {u"hy\uD5E4\uB4DC\uB77C\uC778m"_ustr, "hyheadlinemedium"},
            {u"hy\uD5E4\uB4DC\uB77C\uC778"_ustr, "hyheadline"},
            {u"\uD734\uBA3C\uC61B\uCCB4"_ustr, "yetr"},
            {u"hy\uACAC\uACE0\uB515"_ustr, "hygothicextra"},
            {u"\uC36C\uBAA9\uD310"_ustr, "sunmokpan"},
            {u"\uC36C\uC5FD\uC11C"_ustr, "sunyeopseo"},
            {u"\uC36C\uBC31\uC1A1"_ustr, "sunbaeksong"},
            {u"hy\uC5FD\uC11Cl"_ustr, "hypostlight"},
            {u"hy\uC5FD\uC11C"_ustr, "hypost"},
            {u"\uD734\uBA3C\uB9E4\uC9C1\uCCB4"_ustr, "magicr"},
            {u"\uC36C\uD06C\uB9AC\uC2A4\uD0C8"_ustr, "suncrystal"},
            {u"\uC36C\uC0D8\uBB3C"_ustr, "sunsaemmul"},
            {u"hy\uC595\uC740\uC0D8\uBB3Cm"_ustr, "hyshortsamulmedium"},
            {u"hy\uC595\uC740\uC0D8\uBB3C"_ustr, "hyshortsamul"},
            {u"\uD55C\uCEF4\uBC14\uD0D5"_ustr, "haansoftbatang"},
            {u"\uD55C\uCEF4\uB3CB\uC6C0"_ustr, "haansoftdotum"},
            {u"\uD55C\uC591\uD574\uC11C"_ustr, "hyhaeseo"},
            {u"md\uC194\uCCB4"_ustr, "mdsol"},
            {u"md\uAC1C\uC131\uCCB4"_ustr, "mdgaesung"},
            {u"md\uC544\uD2B8\uCCB4"_ustr, "mdart"},
            {u"md\uC544\uB871\uCCB4"_ustr, "mdalong"},
            {u"md\uC774\uC19D\uCCB4"_ustr, "mdeasop"},
            {u"hg\uFF7A\uFF9E\uFF7C\uFF6F\uFF78e"_ustr, "hggothice"},
            {u"hgp\uFF7A\uFF9E\uFF7C\uFF6F\uFF78e"_ustr, "hgpgothice"},
            {u"hgs\uFF7A\uFF9E\uFF7C\uFF6F\uFF78e"_ustr, "hgsgothice"},
            {u"hg\uFF7A\uFF9E\uFF7C\uFF6F\uFF78m"_ustr, "hggothicm"},
            {u"hgp\uFF7A\uFF9E\uFF7C\uFF6F\uFF78m"_ustr, "hgpgothicm"},
            {u"hgs\uFF7A\uFF9E\uFF7C\uFF6F\uFF78m"_ustr, "hgsgothicm"},
            {u"hg\u884C\u66F8\u4F53"_ustr, "hggyoshotai"},
            {u"hgp\u884C\u66F8\u4F53"_ustr, "hgpgyoshotai"},
            {u"hgs\u884C\u66F8\u4F53"_ustr, "hgsgyoshotai"},
            {u"hg\u6559\u79D1\u66F8\u4F53"_ustr, "hgkyokashotai"},
            {u"hgp\u6559\u79D1\u66F8\u4F53"_ustr, "hgpkyokashotai"},
            {u"hgs\u6559\u79D1\u66F8\u4F53"_ustr, "hgskyokashotai"},
            {u"hg\u660E\u671Db"_ustr, "hgminchob"},
            {u"hgp\u660E\u671Db"_ustr, "hgpminchob"},
            {u"hgs\u660E\u671Db"_ustr, "hgsminchob"},
            {u"hg\u660E\u671De"_ustr, "hgminchoe"},
            {u"hgp\u660E\u671De"_ustr, "hgpminchoe"},
            {u"hgs\u660E\u671De"_ustr, "hgsminchoe"},
            {u"hg\u5275\u82F1\u89D2\uFF8E\uFF9F\uFF6F\uFF8C\uFF9F\u4F53"_ustr, "hgsoeikakupoptai"},
            {u"hgp\u5275\u82F1\u89D2\uFF8E\uFF9F\uFF6F\uFF8C\uFF9F\u4F53"_ustr, "hgpsoeikakupopta"},
            {u"hgs\u5275\u82F1\u89D2\uFF8E\uFF9F\uFF6F\uFF8C\uFF9F\u4F53"_ustr, "hgssoeikakupopta"},
            {u"hg\u5275\u82F1\u89D2\uFF7A\uFF9E\uFF7C\uFF6F\uFF78ub"_ustr, "hgsoeikakugothicub"},
            {u"hgp\u5275\u82F1\u89D2\uFF7A\uFF9E\uFF7C\uFF6F\uFF78ub"_ustr, "hgpsoeikakugothicub"},
            {u"hgs\u5275\u82F1\u89D2\uFF7A\uFF9E\uFF7C\uFF6F\uFF78ub"_ustr, "hgssoeikakugothicub"},
            {u"hg\u6B63\u6977\u66F8\u4F53-pro"_ustr, "hgseikaishotaipro"},
            {u"hg\u4E38\uFF7A\uFF9E\uFF7C\uFF6F\uFF78-pro"_ustr, "hgmarugothicmpro"},
            {u"\u30D2\u30E9\u30AE\u30CE\u660E\u671Dpro"_ustr, "hiraginominchopro"},
            {u"\u30D2\u30E9\u30AE\u30CE\u660E\u671Dpron"_ustr, "hiraginominchopron"},
            {u"\u30D2\u30E9\u30AE\u30CE\u89D2\u30B4\u30B7\u30C3\u30AF"_ustr, "hiraginosans"},
            {u"\u30D2\u30E9\u30AE\u30CE\u89D2\u30B4pro"_ustr, "hiraginokakugothicpro"},
            {u"\u30D2\u30E9\u30AE\u30CE\u89D2\u30B4pron"_ustr, "hiraginokakugothicpron"},
            {u"\u30D2\u30E9\u30AE\u30CE\u4E38\u30B4pro"_ustr, "hiraginomarugothicpro"},
            {u"\u30D2\u30E9\u30AE\u30CE\u4E38\u30B4pron"_ustr, "hiraginomarugothicpron"},
            {u"\u6E38\u30B4\u30B7\u30C3\u30AF"_ustr, "yugothic"},
            {u"\u6E38\u30B4\u30B7\u30C3\u30AF\u4F53"_ustr, "yugothictai"},
            {u"\u6E38\u660E\u671D"_ustr, "yumincho"},
            {u"\u6E38\u660E\u671D\u4F53"_ustr, "yuminchotai"},
            {u"\u6E90\u30CE\u89D2\u30B4\u30B7\u30C3\u30AF"_ustr, "sourcehansans"},
            {u"\u6E90\u30CE\u89D2\u30B4\u30B7\u30C3\u30AFjp"_ustr, "sourcehansansjp"},
            {u"\u6E90\u30CE\u89D2\u30B4\u30B7\u30C3\u30AFhw"_ustr, "sourcehansanshw"},
            {u"\u6E90\u30CE\u660E\u671D"_ustr, "sourcehanserif"},
            {u"\u6E90\u30CE\u660E\u671Djp"_ustr, "sourcehanserifjp"},
            {u"ipamj\u660E\u671D"_ustr, "ipamjmincho"},
            {u"ipaex\u30B4\u30B7\u30C3\u30AF"_ustr, "ipaexgothic"},
            {u"ipaex\u660E\u671D"_ustr, "ipaexmimcho"}};
        FontNameDictionary::const_iterator it = aDictionary.find( rNameStr );
        if( it != aDictionary.end() )
            rNameStr = it->second;
    return rNameStr;
std::u16string_view GetNextFontToken( std::u16string_view rTokenStr, sal_Int32& rIndex )
    // check for valid start index
    size_t nStringLen = rTokenStr.size();
    if( o3tl::make_unsigned(rIndex) >= nStringLen )
        rIndex = -1;
        return {};
    // find the next token delimiter and return the token substring
    const sal_Unicode* pStr = rTokenStr.data() + rIndex;
    const sal_Unicode* pEnd = rTokenStr.data() + nStringLen;
    for(; pStr < pEnd; ++pStr )
        if( (*pStr == ';') || (*pStr == ',') )
    sal_Int32 nTokenStart = rIndex;
    sal_Int32 nTokenLen;
    if( pStr < pEnd )
        rIndex = sal::static_int_cast<sal_Int32>(pStr - rTokenStr.data());
        nTokenLen = rIndex - nTokenStart;
        ++rIndex; // skip over token separator
        // no token delimiter found => handle last token
        rIndex = -1;
        // optimize if the token string consists of just one token
        if( !nTokenStart )
            return rTokenStr;
            nTokenLen = nStringLen - nTokenStart;
    return rTokenStr.substr( nTokenStart, nTokenLen );
static bool ImplIsFontToken( std::u16string_view rName, std::u16string_view rToken )
    sal_Int32  nIndex = 0;
        std::u16string_view aTempName = GetNextFontToken( rName, nIndex );
        if ( rToken == aTempName )
            return true;
    while ( nIndex != -1 );
    return false;
static void ImplAppendFontToken( OUString& rName, std::u16string_view rNewToken )
    if ( !rName.isEmpty() )
        rName += ";";
    rName += rNewToken;
void AddTokenFontName( OUString& rName, std::u16string_view rNewToken )
    if ( !ImplIsFontToken( rName, rNewToken ) )
        ImplAppendFontToken( rName, rNewToken );
OUString GetSubsFontName( std::u16string_view rName, SubsFontFlags nFlags )
    OUString aName;
    sal_Int32 nIndex = 0;
    OUString aOrgName = GetEnglishSearchFontName(
                                GetNextFontToken( rName, nIndex ) );
    // #93662# do not try to replace StarSymbol with MS only font
    if( nFlags == (SubsFontFlags::MS|SubsFontFlags::ONLYONE)
    &&  ( aOrgName == "starsymbol"
      ||  aOrgName == "opensymbol" ) )
        return aName;
    if (nFlags & SubsFontFlags::MS)
        const utl::FontNameAttr* pAttr = utl::FontSubstConfiguration::get().getSubstInfo( aOrgName );
        if (pAttr)
            for( const auto& rSubstitution : pAttr->MSSubstitutions )
                if( ! ImplIsFontToken( rName, rSubstitution ) )
                    ImplAppendFontToken( aName, rSubstitution );
                    if( nFlags & SubsFontFlags::ONLYONE )
    return aName;
bool IsOpenSymbol(std::u16string_view rFontName)
    sal_Int32 nIndex = 0;
    std::u16string_view sFamilyNm(GetNextFontToken(rFontName, nIndex));
    return (o3tl::equalsIgnoreAsciiCase(sFamilyNm, "starsymbol") ||
        o3tl::equalsIgnoreAsciiCase(sFamilyNm, "opensymbol"));
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V530 The return value of function 'remove' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'truncate' is required to be utilized.

V766 An item with the same key 'u"\u65B9\u6B63\u9ED1\u4F53"_ustr' has already been added.

V766 An item with the same key 'u"\u65B9\u6B63\u6977\u4F53"_ustr' has already been added.

V1074 Boundary between escape sequence and string is unclear. The escape sequence ends with a letter and the next character is also a letter. Check for typos.

V1074 Boundary between escape sequence and string is unclear. The escape sequence ends with a letter and the next character is also a letter. Check for typos.

V1074 Boundary between escape sequence and string is unclear. The escape sequence ends with a letter and the next character is also a letter. Check for typos.

V1074 Boundary between escape sequence and string is unclear. The escape sequence ends with a letter and the next character is also a letter. Check for typos.

V1074 Boundary between escape sequence and string is unclear. The escape sequence ends with a letter and the next character is also a letter. Check for typos.

V1074 Boundary between escape sequence and string is unclear. The escape sequence ends with a letter and the next character is also a letter. Check for typos.

V1074 Boundary between escape sequence and string is unclear. The escape sequence ends with a letter and the next character is also a letter. Check for typos.

V1074 Boundary between escape sequence and string is unclear. The escape sequence ends with a letter and the next character is also a letter. Check for typos.

V1074 Boundary between escape sequence and string is unclear. The escape sequence ends with a letter and the next character is also a letter. Check for typos.

V1074 Boundary between escape sequence and string is unclear. The escape sequence ends with a letter and the next character is also a letter. Check for typos.

V1074 Boundary between escape sequence and string is unclear. The escape sequence ends with a letter and the next character is also a letter. Check for typos.

V1074 Boundary between escape sequence and string is unclear. The escape sequence ends with a letter and the next character is also a letter. Check for typos.

V1074 Boundary between escape sequence and string is unclear. The escape sequence ends with a letter and the next character is also a letter. Check for typos.

V1074 Boundary between escape sequence and string is unclear. The escape sequence ends with a letter and the next character is also a letter. Check for typos.

V1074 Boundary between escape sequence and string is unclear. The escape sequence ends with a letter and the next character is also a letter. Check for typos.

V1074 Boundary between escape sequence and string is unclear. The escape sequence ends with a letter and the next character is also a letter. Check for typos.

V1074 Boundary between escape sequence and string is unclear. The escape sequence ends with a letter and the next character is also a letter. Check for typos.

V1074 Boundary between escape sequence and string is unclear. The escape sequence ends with a letter and the next character is also a letter. Check for typos.

V1074 Boundary between escape sequence and string is unclear. The escape sequence ends with a letter and the next character is also a letter. Check for typos.

V1074 Boundary between escape sequence and string is unclear. The escape sequence ends with a letter and the next character is also a letter. Check for typos.

V1074 Boundary between escape sequence and string is unclear. The escape sequence ends with a letter and the next character is also a letter. Check for typos.

V1074 Boundary between escape sequence and string is unclear. The escape sequence ends with a letter and the next character is also a letter. Check for typos.

V1074 Boundary between escape sequence and string is unclear. The escape sequence ends with a letter and the next character is also a letter. Check for typos.

V1074 Boundary between escape sequence and string is unclear. The escape sequence ends with a letter and the next character is also a letter. Check for typos.

V1074 Boundary between escape sequence and string is unclear. The escape sequence ends with a letter and the next character is also a letter. Check for typos.

V1074 Boundary between escape sequence and string is unclear. The escape sequence ends with a letter and the next character is also a letter. Check for typos.