/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <editeng/unolingu.hxx>
#include <breakit.hxx>
#include <IDocumentSettingAccess.hxx>
#include "guess.hxx"
#include "inftxt.hxx"
#include <pagefrm.hxx>
#include <tgrditem.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/i18n/BreakType.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/i18n/WordType.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/i18n/XBreakIterator.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/text/ParagraphHyphenationKeepType.hpp>
#include <unotools/charclass.hxx>
#include <svl/urihelper.hxx>
#include "porfld.hxx"
#include <paratr.hxx>
#include <doc.hxx>
#include <unotools/linguprops.hxx>
using namespace ::com::sun::star;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::i18n;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::linguistic2;
bool IsBlank(sal_Unicode ch) { return ch == CH_BLANK || ch == CH_FULL_BLANK || ch == CH_NB_SPACE || ch == CH_SIX_PER_EM; }
// Used when spaces should not be counted in layout
// Returns adjusted cut position
TextFrameIndex AdjustCutPos(TextFrameIndex cutPos, TextFrameIndex& rBreakPos,
                            const SwTextFormatInfo& rInf)
    assert(cutPos >= rInf.GetIdx());
    TextFrameIndex x = rBreakPos = cutPos;
    // we step back until a non blank character has been found
    // or there is only one more character left
    while (x && x > rInf.GetIdx() + TextFrameIndex(1) && IsBlank(rInf.GetChar(--x)))
    while (IsBlank(rInf.GetChar(cutPos)))
    return cutPos;
bool hasBlanksInLine(const SwTextFormatInfo& rInf, TextFrameIndex end)
    for (auto x = rInf.GetLineStart(); x < end; ++x)
        if (IsBlank(rInf.GetChar(x)))
            return true;
    return false;
// Called for the last text run in a line; if it is block-adjusted, or center / right-adjusted
// with Word compatibility option set, and it has trailing spaces, then the function sets the
// values, and returns 'false' value that SwTextGuess::Guess should return, to create a
// trailing SwHolePortion.
bool SwTextGuess::maybeAdjustPositionsForBlockAdjust(tools::Long& rMaxSizeDiff,
                                                     SwTwips& rExtraAscent, SwTwips& rExtraDescent,
                                                     const SwTextFormatInfo& rInf, const SwScriptInfo& rSI,
                                                     sal_uInt16 maxComp,
                                                     std::optional<SwLinePortionLayoutContext> nLayoutContext)
    const auto& adjObj = rInf.GetTextFrame()->GetTextNodeForParaProps()->GetSwAttrSet().GetAdjust();
    const SvxAdjust adjust = adjObj.GetAdjust();
    if (adjust == SvxAdjust::Block)
        if (rInf.DontBlockJustify())
            return true; // See tdf#106234
        // tdf#104668 space chars at the end should be cut if the compatibility option is enabled
        if (!rInf.GetTextFrame()->GetDoc().getIDocumentSettingAccess().get(
            return true;
        // for LTR mode only
        if (rInf.GetTextFrame()->IsRightToLeft())
            return true;
    if (auto ch = rInf.GetChar(m_nCutPos); !ch) // end of paragraph - last line
        if (adjust == SvxAdjust::Block)
            // Check adjustment for last line
            switch (adjObj.GetLastBlock())
                    return true;
                case SvxAdjust::Center: // tdf#104668
                    if (!rInf.GetTextFrame()->GetDoc().getIDocumentSettingAccess().get(
                        return true;
                case SvxAdjust::Block:
                    break; // OK - last line uses block-adjustment
    else if (ch != CH_BREAK && !IsBlank(ch))
        return true;
    // tdf#57187: block-adjusted line shorter than full width, terminated by manual
    // line break, must not use trailing spaces for adjustment
    TextFrameIndex breakPos;
    TextFrameIndex newCutPos = AdjustCutPos(m_nCutPos, breakPos, rInf);
    if (auto ch = rInf.GetChar(newCutPos); ch && ch != CH_BREAK)
        return true; // next is neither line break nor paragraph end
    if (breakPos == newCutPos)
        return true; // no trailing whitespace
    if (adjust == SvxAdjust::Block && adjObj.GetOneWord() != SvxAdjust::Block
        && !hasBlanksInLine(rInf, breakPos))
        return true; // line can't block-adjust
    // Some trailing spaces actually found, and in case of block adjustment, the text portion
    // itself has spaces to be able to block-adjust, or single word is allowed to adjust
    m_nBreakStart = m_nCutPos = newCutPos;
    m_nBreakPos = breakPos;
    // throw away old m_xHyphWord because the current break pos is now between words
    m_xHyphWord = nullptr;
    rInf.GetTextSize(&rSI, rInf.GetIdx(), breakPos - rInf.GetIdx(), nLayoutContext, maxComp,
                     m_nBreakWidth, rMaxSizeDiff, rExtraAscent, rExtraDescent,
    rInf.GetTextSize(&rSI, breakPos, m_nBreakStart - breakPos, nLayoutContext, maxComp,
                     m_nExtraBlankWidth, rMaxSizeDiff, rExtraAscent, rExtraDescent,
    return false; // require SwHolePortion creation
// provides information for line break calculation
// returns true if no line break has to be performed
// otherwise possible break or hyphenation position is determined
bool SwTextGuess::Guess( const SwTextPortion& rPor, SwTextFormatInfo &rInf,
                            const sal_uInt16 nPorHeight, sal_Int32 nSpacesInLine )
    m_nCutPos = rInf.GetIdx();
    // Empty strings are always 0
    if( !rInf.GetLen() || rInf.GetText().isEmpty() )
        return false;
    OSL_ENSURE( rInf.GetIdx() < TextFrameIndex(rInf.GetText().getLength()),
            "+SwTextGuess::Guess: invalid SwTextFormatInfo" );
    OSL_ENSURE( nPorHeight, "+SwTextGuess::Guess: no height" );
    tools::Long nMaxSizeDiff;
    SwTwips nExtraAscent = 0;
    SwTwips nExtraDescent = 0;
    const SwScriptInfo& rSI = rInf.GetParaPortion()->GetScriptInfo();
    sal_uInt16 nMaxComp = ( SwFontScript::CJK == rInf.GetFont()->GetActual() ) &&
                        rSI.CountCompChg() &&
                        ! rInf.IsMulti() &&
                        ! rPor.InFieldGrp() &&
                        ! rPor.IsDropPortion() ?
                        10000 :
                            0 ;
    SwTwips nLineWidth = rInf.GetLineWidth();
    TextFrameIndex nMaxLen = TextFrameIndex(rInf.GetText().getLength()) - rInf.GetIdx();
    const SvxAdjust aAdjust = rInf.GetTextFrame()->GetTextNodeForParaProps()->GetSwAttrSet().GetAdjust().GetAdjust();
    // allow up to 20% shrinking of the spaces
    if ( nSpacesInLine )
        static constexpr OUStringLiteral STR_BLANK = u" ";
        sal_Int16 nSpaceWidth = rInf.GetTextSize(STR_BLANK).Width();
        SwTwips nExtraSpace = nSpacesInLine * (nSpaceWidth/0.8 - nSpaceWidth);
        nLineWidth += nExtraSpace;
    if ( rInf.GetLen() < nMaxLen )
        nMaxLen = rInf.GetLen();
    if( !nMaxLen )
        return false;
    sal_uInt16 nItalic = 0;
    if( ITALIC_NONE != rInf.GetFont()->GetItalic() && !rInf.NotEOL() )
        bool bAddItalic = true;
        // do not add extra italic value if we have an active character grid
        if ( rInf.SnapToGrid() )
            SwTextGridItem const*const pGrid(
            bAddItalic = !pGrid || GRID_LINES_CHARS != pGrid->GetGridType();
        // do not add extra italic value for an isolated blank:
        if (TextFrameIndex(1) == rInf.GetLen() &&
            CH_BLANK == rInf.GetText()[sal_Int32(rInf.GetIdx())])
            bAddItalic = false;
        if (rInf.GetTextFrame()->GetDoc().getIDocumentSettingAccess().get(
            // Content is allowed over the margin: in this case over-margin content caused by italic
            // formatting is OK.
            bAddItalic = false;
        nItalic = bAddItalic ? nPorHeight / 12 : 0;
        nLineWidth -= nItalic;
        // #i46524# LineBreak bug with italics
        if ( nLineWidth < 0 ) nLineWidth = 0;
    const sal_Int32 nLeftRightBorderSpace =
        (!rPor.GetJoinBorderWithNext() ? rInf.GetFont()->GetRightBorderSpace() : 0) +
        (!rPor.GetJoinBorderWithPrev() ? rInf.GetFont()->GetLeftBorderSpace() : 0);
    nLineWidth -= nLeftRightBorderSpace;
    const bool bUnbreakableNumberings = rInf.GetTextFrame()->GetDoc()
    // first check if everything fits to line
    if ( ( nLineWidth * 2 > SwTwips(sal_Int32(nMaxLen)) * nPorHeight ) ||
         ( bUnbreakableNumberings && rPor.IsNumberPortion() ) )
        // call GetTextSize with maximum compression (for kanas)
        rInf.GetTextSize(&rSI, rInf.GetIdx(), nMaxLen, rInf.GetLayoutContext(), nMaxComp,
                         m_nBreakWidth, nMaxSizeDiff, nExtraAscent, nExtraDescent);
        if ( ( m_nBreakWidth <= nLineWidth ) || ( bUnbreakableNumberings && rPor.IsNumberPortion() ) )
            // portion fits to line
            m_nCutPos = rInf.GetIdx() + nMaxLen;
            bool bRet = rPor.InFieldGrp()
                        || maybeAdjustPositionsForBlockAdjust(
                            nMaxSizeDiff, nExtraAscent, nExtraDescent, rInf,
                            rSI, nMaxComp, rInf.GetLayoutContext());
            if( nItalic &&
                (m_nCutPos >= TextFrameIndex(rInf.GetText().getLength()) ||
                  // #i48035# Needed for CalcFitToContent
                  // if first line ends with a manual line break
                  rInf.GetText()[sal_Int32(m_nCutPos)] == CH_BREAK))
                m_nBreakWidth += nItalic;
            // save maximum width for later use
            if ( nMaxSizeDiff )
                rInf.SetMaxWidthDiff( &rPor, nMaxSizeDiff );
            m_nBreakWidth += nLeftRightBorderSpace;
            return bRet;
    bool bHyph = rInf.IsHyphenate() && !rInf.IsHyphForbud();
    TextFrameIndex nHyphPos(0);
    // nCutPos is the first character not fitting to the current line
    // nHyphPos is the first character not fitting to the current line,
    // considering an additional "-" for hyphenation
    if( bHyph )
        // nHyphZone is the first character not fitting in the hyphenation zone,
        // or 0, if the whole line in the hyphenation zone,
        // or -1, if no hyphenation zone defined (i.e. it is 0)
        sal_Int32 nHyphZone = -1;
        const css::beans::PropertyValues & rHyphValues = rInf.GetHyphValues();
        assert( rHyphValues.getLength() > 5 && rHyphValues[5].Name == UPN_HYPH_ZONE );
        // hyphenation zone (distance from the line end in twips)
        sal_uInt16 nTextHyphenZone;
        if ( rHyphValues[5].Value >>= nTextHyphenZone )
            nHyphZone = nTextHyphenZone >= nLineWidth
                ? 0
                : sal_Int32(rInf.GetTextBreak( nLineWidth - nTextHyphenZone,
                                        nMaxLen, nMaxComp, rInf.GetCachedVclData().get() ));
        m_nCutPos = rInf.GetTextBreak( nLineWidth, nMaxLen, nMaxComp, nHyphPos, rInf.GetCachedVclData().get() );
        // don't try to hyphenate in the hyphenation zone
        if ( nHyphZone != -1 && TextFrameIndex(COMPLETE_STRING) != m_nCutPos )
            sal_Int32 nZonePos = sal_Int32(m_nCutPos);
            // disable hyphenation, if there is a space within the hyphenation zone
            // Note: for better interoperability, not fitting space character at
            // rInf.GetIdx()[nHyphZone] always disables the hyphenation, don't need to calculate
            // with its fitting part. Moreover, do not check double or more spaces there, they
            // are accepted outside of the hyphenation zone, too.
            for (; sal_Int32(rInf.GetIdx()) <= nZonePos && nHyphZone <= nZonePos; --nZonePos )
                sal_Unicode cChar = rInf.GetText()[nZonePos];
                if ( cChar == CH_BLANK || cChar == CH_FULL_BLANK || cChar == CH_SIX_PER_EM )
                    bHyph = false;
        if (!rInf.GetTextFrame()->GetDoc().getIDocumentSettingAccess().get(
            // check URL from preceding space - similar to what AutoFormat does
            const CharClass& rCC = GetAppCharClass();
            sal_Int32 begin(m_nCutPos == TextFrameIndex(COMPLETE_STRING) ? rInf.GetText().getLength() : sal_Int32(m_nCutPos));
            sal_Int32 end(begin);
            for (; 0 < begin; --begin)
                sal_Unicode cChar = rInf.GetText()[begin - 1];
                if (cChar == CH_BLANK || cChar == CH_FULL_BLANK || cChar == CH_SIX_PER_EM)
            for (; end < rInf.GetText().getLength(); ++end)
                sal_Unicode cChar = rInf.GetText()[end];
                if (cChar == CH_BLANK || cChar == CH_FULL_BLANK || cChar == CH_SIX_PER_EM)
            if (!URIHelper::FindFirstURLInText(rInf.GetText(), begin, end, rCC).isEmpty())
                bHyph = false;
        // search start of the last word, if needed
        if ( bHyph )
            // nLastWord is the space character before the last word of the line
            sal_Int32 nLastWord = rInf.GetText().getLength() - 1;
            bool bDoNotHyphenateLastLine = false; // don't hyphenate last full line of the paragraph
            bool bHyphenationNoLastWord = false;  // do not hyphenate the last word of the paragraph
            assert( rHyphValues.getLength() > 3 && rHyphValues[3].Name == UPN_HYPH_NO_LAST_WORD );
            assert( rHyphValues.getLength() > 6 && rHyphValues[6].Name == UPN_HYPH_KEEP_TYPE );
            assert( rHyphValues.getLength() > 8 && rHyphValues[8].Name == UPN_HYPH_KEEP );
            rHyphValues[3].Value >>= bHyphenationNoLastWord;
            rHyphValues[8].Value >>= bDoNotHyphenateLastLine;
            if ( bDoNotHyphenateLastLine )
                sal_Int16 nKeepType = css::text::ParagraphHyphenationKeepType::COLUMN;
                rHyphValues[6].Value >>= nKeepType;
                if ( nKeepType == css::text::ParagraphHyphenationKeepType::ALWAYS )
                    if ( TextFrameIndex(COMPLETE_STRING) != m_nCutPos )
                        nLastWord = sal_Int32(m_nCutPos);
                    bDoNotHyphenateLastLine = false;
            if ( bHyphenationNoLastWord || bDoNotHyphenateLastLine )
                // skip spaces after the last word
                bool bCutBlank = false;
                for (; sal_Int32(rInf.GetIdx()) <= nLastWord; --nLastWord )
                    sal_Unicode cChar = rInf.GetText()[nLastWord];
                    if ( cChar != CH_BLANK && cChar != CH_FULL_BLANK && cChar != CH_SIX_PER_EM )
                        bCutBlank = true;
                    else if ( bCutBlank )
            // don't hyphenate the last word of the paragraph line
            if ( ( bHyphenationNoLastWord || bDoNotHyphenateLastLine ) &&
                            sal_Int32(m_nCutPos) > nLastWord &&
                            TextFrameIndex(COMPLETE_STRING) != m_nCutPos &&
                            // if the last word is multiple line long, e.g. an URL,
                            // apply this only if the space before the word is there
                            // in the actual line, i.e. start the long word in a new
                            // line, but still allows to break its last parts
                            sal_Int32(rInf.GetIdx()) < nLastWord &&
                            // if the case of bDoNotHyphenateLastLine == true, skip hyphenation
                            // only if the character length of the very last line of the paragraph
                            // would be still less, than the length of the recent last but one line
                            // with hyphenation, i.e. don't skip hyphenation, if the last paragraph
                            // line is already near full.
                            ( !bDoNotHyphenateLastLine ||
                                  rInf.GetText().getLength() - sal_Int32(nLastWord) <
                                  sal_Int32(m_nCutPos) - sal_Int32(rInf.GetIdx() ) ) )
                m_nCutPos = TextFrameIndex(nLastWord);
        if ( !nHyphPos && rInf.GetIdx() )
            nHyphPos = rInf.GetIdx() - TextFrameIndex(1);
        m_nCutPos = rInf.GetTextBreak( nLineWidth, nMaxLen, nMaxComp, rInf.GetCachedVclData().get() );
        if ( TextFrameIndex(COMPLETE_STRING) != m_nCutPos )
            SwTwips nMinSize;
            rInf.GetTextSize(&rSI, rInf.GetIdx(), m_nCutPos - rInf.GetIdx(), std::nullopt, nMaxComp,
                             nMinSize, nMaxSizeDiff, nExtraAscent, nExtraDescent);
            OSL_ENSURE( nMinSize <= nLineWidth, "What a Guess!!!" );
    if( m_nCutPos > rInf.GetIdx() + nMaxLen )
        // second check if everything fits to line
        m_nCutPos = m_nBreakPos = rInf.GetIdx() + nMaxLen - TextFrameIndex(1);
        rInf.GetTextSize(&rSI, rInf.GetIdx(), nMaxLen, rInf.GetLayoutContext(), nMaxComp,
                         m_nBreakWidth, nMaxSizeDiff, nExtraAscent, nExtraDescent);
        // The following comparison should always give true, otherwise
        // there likely has been a pixel rounding error in GetTextBreak
        if ( m_nBreakWidth <= nLineWidth )
            bool bRet = rPor.InFieldGrp()
                        || maybeAdjustPositionsForBlockAdjust(
                            nMaxSizeDiff, nExtraAscent, nExtraDescent, rInf,
                            rSI, nMaxComp, rInf.GetLayoutContext());
            if (nItalic && (m_nBreakPos + TextFrameIndex(1)) >= TextFrameIndex(rInf.GetText().getLength()))
                m_nBreakWidth += nItalic;
            // save maximum width for later use
            if ( nMaxSizeDiff )
                rInf.SetMaxWidthDiff( &rPor, nMaxSizeDiff );
            m_nBreakWidth += nLeftRightBorderSpace;
            return bRet;
    // we have to trigger an underflow for a footnote portion
    // which does not fit to the current line
    if ( rPor.IsFootnotePortion() )
        m_nBreakPos = rInf.GetIdx();
        m_nCutPos = TextFrameIndex(-1);
        return false;
    TextFrameIndex nPorLen(0);
    // do not call the break iterator nCutPos is a blank
    sal_Unicode cCutChar = rInf.GetChar(m_nCutPos);
    if (IsBlank(cCutChar))
        m_nCutPos = m_nBreakStart = AdjustCutPos(m_nCutPos, m_nBreakPos, rInf);
        nPorLen = m_nBreakPos - rInf.GetIdx();
        // throw away old m_xHyphWord when m_nBreakStart changes
        m_xHyphWord = nullptr;
        // New: We should have a look into the last portion, if it was a
        // field portion. For this, we expand the text of the field portion
        // into our string. If the line break position is inside of before
        // the field portion, we trigger an underflow.
        TextFrameIndex nOldIdx = rInf.GetIdx();
        sal_Unicode cFieldChr = 0;
        OUString aDebugString;
        // be careful: a field portion can be both: 0x01 (common field)
        // or 0x02 (the follow of a footnode)
        if ( rInf.GetLast() && rInf.GetLast()->InFieldGrp() &&
             ! rInf.GetLast()->IsFootnotePortion() &&
             rInf.GetIdx() > rInf.GetLineStart() &&
             CH_TXTATR_BREAKWORD ==
                (cFieldChr = rInf.GetText()[sal_Int32(rInf.GetIdx()) - 1]))
            SwFieldPortion* pField = static_cast<SwFieldPortion*>(rInf.GetLast());
            OUString aText;
            pField->GetExpText( rInf, aText );
            if ( !aText.isEmpty() )
                m_nFieldDiff = TextFrameIndex(aText.getLength() - 1);
                m_nCutPos = m_nCutPos + m_nFieldDiff;
                nHyphPos = nHyphPos + m_nFieldDiff;
                aDebugString = rInf.GetText();
                // this is pretty nutso... reverted at the end...
                OUString& rOldText = const_cast<OUString&> (rInf.GetText());
                rOldText = rOldText.replaceAt(sal_Int32(rInf.GetIdx()) - 1, 1, aText);
                rInf.SetIdx( rInf.GetIdx() + m_nFieldDiff );
                cFieldChr = 0;
        LineBreakHyphenationOptions aHyphOpt;
        Reference< XHyphenator >  xHyph;
        if( bHyph )
            xHyph = ::GetHyphenator();
            aHyphOpt = LineBreakHyphenationOptions( xHyph,
                                rInf.GetHyphValues(), sal_Int32(nHyphPos));
        // Get Language for break iterator.
        // We have to switch the current language if we have a script
        // change at nCutPos. Otherwise LATIN punctuation would never
        // be allowed to be hanging punctuation.
        // NEVER call GetLangOfChar if the string has been modified!!!
        LanguageType aLang = rInf.GetFont()->GetLanguage();
        // If we are inside a field portion, we use a temporary string which
        // differs from the string at the textnode. Therefore we are not allowed
        // to call the GetLangOfChar function.
        if ( m_nCutPos && ! rPor.InFieldGrp() )
            const CharClass& rCC = GetAppCharClass();
            // step back until a non-punctuation character is reached
            TextFrameIndex nLangIndex = m_nCutPos;
            // If a field has been expanded right in front of us we do not
            // step further than the beginning of the expanded field
            // (which is the position of the field placeholder in our
            // original string).
            const TextFrameIndex nDoNotStepOver = CH_TXTATR_BREAKWORD == cFieldChr
                    ? rInf.GetIdx() - m_nFieldDiff - TextFrameIndex(1)
                    : TextFrameIndex(0);
            if ( nLangIndex > nDoNotStepOver &&
                    TextFrameIndex(rInf.GetText().getLength()) == nLangIndex)
            while ( nLangIndex > nDoNotStepOver &&
                    !rCC.isLetterNumeric(rInf.GetText(), sal_Int32(nLangIndex)))
            // last "real" character is not inside our current portion
            // we have to check the script type of the last "real" character
            if ( nLangIndex < rInf.GetIdx() )
                sal_uInt16 nScript = g_pBreakIt->GetRealScriptOfText( rInf.GetText(),
                OSL_ENSURE( nScript, "Script is not between 1 and 4" );
                // compare current script with script from last "real" character
                if ( SwFontScript(nScript - 1) != rInf.GetFont()->GetActual() )
                    aLang = rInf.GetTextFrame()->GetLangOfChar(
                        CH_TXTATR_BREAKWORD == cFieldChr
                            ? nDoNotStepOver
                            : nLangIndex,
                        nScript, true);
        const ForbiddenCharacters aForbidden(
            *rInf.GetTextFrame()->GetDoc().getIDocumentSettingAccess().getForbiddenCharacters(aLang, true));
        const bool bAllowHanging = rInf.IsHanging() && ! rInf.IsMulti() &&
                                      ! rInf.GetTextFrame()->IsInTab() &&
                                      ! rPor.InFieldGrp();
        LineBreakUserOptions aUserOpt(
                aForbidden.beginLine, aForbidden.endLine,
                rInf.HasForbiddenChars(), bAllowHanging, false );
        // !!! We must have a local copy of the locale, because inside
        // getLineBreak the LinguEventListener can trigger a new formatting,
        // which can corrupt the locale pointer inside pBreakIt.
        const lang::Locale aLocale = g_pBreakIt->GetLocale( aLang );
        // determines first possible line break from nCutPos to
        // start index of current line
        LineBreakResults aResult = g_pBreakIt->GetBreakIter()->getLineBreak(
            rInf.GetText(), sal_Int32(m_nCutPos), aLocale,
            sal_Int32(rInf.GetLineStart()), aHyphOpt, aUserOpt );
        m_nBreakPos = TextFrameIndex(aResult.breakIndex);
        // if we are formatting multi portions we want to allow line breaks
        // at the border between single line and multi line portion
        // we have to be careful with footnote portions, they always come in
        // with an index 0
        if ( m_nBreakPos < rInf.GetLineStart() && rInf.IsFirstMulti() &&
             ! rInf.IsFootnoteInside() )
            m_nBreakPos = rInf.GetLineStart();
        m_nBreakStart = m_nBreakPos;
        bHyph = BreakType::HYPHENATION == aResult.breakType;
        if (bHyph)
            LanguageType aNoHyphLang;
            if (rPor.InFieldGrp())
                // If we are inside a field portion, we use a temporary string which
                // differs from the string at the textnode. Therefore we are not allowed
                // to call the GetLangOfChar function.
                aNoHyphLang = LANGUAGE_DONTKNOW;
                // allow hyphenation of the word only if it's not disabled by character formatting
                aNoHyphLang = rInf.GetTextFrame()->GetLangOfChar(
                                  TextFrameIndex( sal_Int32(m_nBreakPos) +
                                            aResult.rHyphenatedWord->getHyphenationPos() ),
                                    1, true, /*bNoneIfNoHyphenation=*/true );
            // allow hyphenation of the word only if it's not disabled by character formatting
            bHyph = aNoHyphLang != LANGUAGE_NONE;
        if (bHyph && m_nBreakPos != TextFrameIndex(COMPLETE_STRING))
            // found hyphenation position within line
            // nBreakPos is set to the hyphenation position
            m_xHyphWord = aResult.rHyphenatedWord;
            m_nBreakPos += TextFrameIndex(m_xHyphWord->getHyphenationPos() + 1);
            // if not in interactive mode, we have to break behind a soft hyphen
            if ( ! rInf.IsInterHyph() && rInf.GetIdx() )
                sal_Int32 const nSoftHyphPos =
                        m_xHyphWord->getWord().indexOf( CHAR_SOFTHYPHEN );
                if ( nSoftHyphPos >= 0 &&
                     m_nBreakStart + TextFrameIndex(nSoftHyphPos) <= m_nBreakPos &&
                     m_nBreakPos > rInf.GetLineStart() )
                    m_nBreakPos = rInf.GetIdx() - TextFrameIndex(1);
            if( m_nBreakPos >= rInf.GetIdx() )
                nPorLen = m_nBreakPos - rInf.GetIdx();
                if ('-' == rInf.GetText()[ sal_Int32(m_nBreakPos) - 1 ])
                    m_xHyphWord = nullptr;
        else if ( !bHyph && m_nBreakPos >= rInf.GetLineStart() )
            OSL_ENSURE(sal_Int32(m_nBreakPos) != COMPLETE_STRING, "we should have found a break pos");
            // found break position within line
            m_xHyphWord = nullptr;
            // check, if break position is soft hyphen and an underflow
            // has to be triggered
            if( m_nBreakPos > rInf.GetLineStart() && rInf.GetIdx() &&
                CHAR_SOFTHYPHEN == rInf.GetText()[ sal_Int32(m_nBreakPos) - 1 ])
                m_nBreakPos = rInf.GetIdx() - TextFrameIndex(1);
            if( aAdjust != SvxAdjust::Left )
                // Delete any blanks at the end of a line, but be careful:
                // If a field has been expanded, we do not want to delete any
                // blanks inside the field portion. This would cause an unwanted
                // underflow
                TextFrameIndex nX = m_nBreakPos;
                while( nX > rInf.GetLineStart() &&
                       ( CH_TXTATR_BREAKWORD != cFieldChr || nX > rInf.GetIdx() ) &&
                       ( CH_BLANK == rInf.GetChar( --nX ) ||
                         CH_SIX_PER_EM == rInf.GetChar( nX ) ||
                         CH_FULL_BLANK == rInf.GetChar( nX ) ) )
                    m_nBreakPos = nX;
            if( m_nBreakPos > rInf.GetIdx() )
                nPorLen = m_nBreakPos - rInf.GetIdx();
            // no line break found, setting nBreakPos to COMPLETE_STRING
            // causes a break cut
            m_nBreakPos = TextFrameIndex(COMPLETE_STRING);
            OSL_ENSURE( m_nCutPos >= rInf.GetIdx(), "Deep cut" );
            nPorLen = m_nCutPos - rInf.GetIdx();
        if (m_nBreakPos > m_nCutPos && m_nBreakPos != TextFrameIndex(COMPLETE_STRING))
            const TextFrameIndex nHangingLen = m_nBreakPos - m_nCutPos;
            SwPosSize aTmpSize = rInf.GetTextSize( &rSI, m_nCutPos, nHangingLen );
            aTmpSize.Width(aTmpSize.Width() + nLeftRightBorderSpace);
            OSL_ENSURE( !m_pHanging, "A hanging portion is hanging around" );
            m_pHanging.reset( new SwHangingPortion( std::move(aTmpSize) ) );
            m_pHanging->SetLen( nHangingLen );
            nPorLen = m_nCutPos - rInf.GetIdx();
        // If we expanded a field, we must repair the original string.
        // In case we do not trigger an underflow, we correct the nBreakPos
        // value, but we cannot correct the nBreakStart value:
        // If we have found a hyphenation position, nBreakStart can lie before
        // the field.
        if ( CH_TXTATR_BREAKWORD == cFieldChr )
            if ( m_nBreakPos < rInf.GetIdx() )
                m_nBreakPos = nOldIdx - TextFrameIndex(1);
            else if (TextFrameIndex(COMPLETE_STRING) != m_nBreakPos)
                OSL_ENSURE( m_nBreakPos >= m_nFieldDiff, "I've got field trouble!" );
                m_nBreakPos = m_nBreakPos - m_nFieldDiff;
            OSL_ENSURE( m_nCutPos >= rInf.GetIdx() && m_nCutPos >= m_nFieldDiff,
                    "I've got field trouble, part2!" );
            m_nCutPos = m_nCutPos - m_nFieldDiff;
            OUString& rOldText = const_cast<OUString&> (rInf.GetText());
            OUString aReplacement( cFieldChr );
            rOldText = rOldText.replaceAt(sal_Int32(nOldIdx) - 1, sal_Int32(m_nFieldDiff) + 1, aReplacement);
            rInf.SetIdx( nOldIdx );
            OSL_ENSURE( aDebugString == rInf.GetText(),
                    "Somebody, somebody, somebody put something in my string" );
    if( nPorLen )
        rInf.GetTextSize(&rSI, rInf.GetIdx(), nPorLen, std::nullopt, nMaxComp, m_nBreakWidth,
                         nMaxSizeDiff, nExtraAscent, nExtraDescent, rInf.GetCachedVclData().get());
        // save maximum width for later use
        if ( nMaxSizeDiff )
            rInf.SetMaxWidthDiff( &rPor, nMaxSizeDiff );
        m_nBreakWidth += nItalic + nLeftRightBorderSpace;
        m_nBreakWidth = 0;
    if (m_nBreakStart > rInf.GetIdx() + nPorLen + m_nFieldDiff)
        rInf.GetTextSize(&rSI, rInf.GetIdx() + nPorLen,
                         m_nBreakStart - rInf.GetIdx() - nPorLen - m_nFieldDiff, std::nullopt,
                         nMaxComp, m_nExtraBlankWidth, nMaxSizeDiff, nExtraAscent, nExtraDescent,
    if( m_pHanging )
        m_nBreakPos = m_nCutPos;
        // Keep following SwBreakPortion in the same line.
        if ( CH_BREAK == rInf.GetChar( m_nBreakPos + m_pHanging->GetLen() ) )
            return true;
    return false;
// returns true if word at position nPos has a different spelling
// if hyphenated at this position (old german spelling)
bool SwTextGuess::AlternativeSpelling( const SwTextFormatInfo &rInf,
    const TextFrameIndex nPos)
    // get word boundaries
    Boundary aBound = g_pBreakIt->GetBreakIter()->getWordBoundary(
        rInf.GetText(), sal_Int32(nPos),
        g_pBreakIt->GetLocale( rInf.GetFont()->GetLanguage() ),
        WordType::DICTIONARY_WORD, true );
    m_nBreakStart = TextFrameIndex(aBound.startPos);
    sal_Int32 nWordLen = aBound.endPos - sal_Int32(m_nBreakStart);
    // if everything else fails, we want to cut at nPos
    m_nCutPos = nPos;
    OUString const aText( rInf.GetText().copy(sal_Int32(m_nBreakStart), nWordLen) );
    // check, if word has alternative spelling
    Reference< XHyphenator >  xHyph( ::GetHyphenator() );
    OSL_ENSURE( xHyph.is(), "Hyphenator is missing");
    //! subtract 1 since the UNO-interface is 0 based
    m_xHyphWord = xHyph->queryAlternativeSpelling( aText,
                        g_pBreakIt->GetLocale( rInf.GetFont()->GetLanguage() ),
                    sal::static_int_cast<sal_Int16>(sal_Int32(nPos - m_nBreakStart)),
                    rInf.GetHyphValues() );
    return m_xHyphWord.is() && m_xHyphWord->isAlternativeSpelling();
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V614 Uninitialized variable 'nTextHyphenZone' used.

V547 Expression 'bDoNotHyphenateLastLine' is always false.