/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <com/sun/star/i18n/XBreakIterator.hpp>
#include <comphelper/string.hxx>
#include <comphelper/xmlencode.hxx>
#include <svtools/htmlkywd.hxx>
#include <svtools/htmlout.hxx>
#include <osl/diagnose.h>
#include <o3tl/string_view.hxx>
#include <fmtfld.hxx>
#include <doc.hxx>
#include <docsh.hxx>
#include <view.hxx>
#include <wrtsh.hxx>
#include <breakit.hxx>
#include <ndtxt.hxx>
#include <txtfld.hxx>
#include <fldbas.hxx>
#include <docufld.hxx>
#include <flddat.hxx>
#include <viewopt.hxx>
#include "htmlfld.hxx"
#include "wrthtml.hxx"
#include <rtl/strbuf.hxx>
#include "css1atr.hxx"
#include "css1kywd.hxx"
using namespace nsSwDocInfoSubType;
const char *SwHTMLWriter::GetNumFormat( sal_uInt16 nFormat )
    const char *pFormatStr = nullptr;
    switch( static_cast<SvxNumType>(nFormat) )
    case SVX_NUM_CHARS_UPPER_LETTER:    pFormatStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FF_uletter;    break;
    case SVX_NUM_CHARS_LOWER_LETTER:    pFormatStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FF_lletter;    break;
    case SVX_NUM_ROMAN_UPPER:           pFormatStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FF_uroman;         break;
    case SVX_NUM_ROMAN_LOWER:           pFormatStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FF_lroman;         break;
    case SVX_NUM_ARABIC:                pFormatStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FF_arabic;     break;
    case SVX_NUM_NUMBER_NONE:           pFormatStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FF_none;       break;
    case SVX_NUM_CHAR_SPECIAL:          pFormatStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FF_char;       break;
    case SVX_NUM_PAGEDESC:              pFormatStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FF_page;       break;
    case SVX_NUM_CHARS_UPPER_LETTER_N:  pFormatStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FF_ulettern;   break;
    case SVX_NUM_CHARS_LOWER_LETTER_N:  pFormatStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FF_llettern;   break;
    return pFormatStr;
static SwHTMLWriter& OutHTML_SwField( SwHTMLWriter& rWrt, const SwField* pField,
                                 const SwTextNode& rTextNd, sal_Int32 nFieldPos )
    const SwFieldType* pFieldTyp = pField->GetTyp();
    SwFieldIds nField = pFieldTyp->Which();
    sal_uLong nFormat = pField->GetFormat();
    const char *pTypeStr=nullptr, // TYPE
                      *pSubStr=nullptr,   // SUBTYPE
                   *pFormatStr=nullptr;  // FORMAT (SW)
    OUString aValue;              // VALUE (SW)
    bool bNumFormat=false;         // SDNUM (Number-Formatter-Format)
    bool bNumValue=false;       // SDVAL (Number-Formatter-Value)
    double dNumValue = 0.0;     // SDVAL (Number-Formatter-Value)
    bool bFixed=false;          // SDFIXED
    OUString aName;               // NAME (CUSTOM)
    switch( nField )
        case SwFieldIds::ExtUser:
            pTypeStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FT_sender;
            switch( static_cast<SwExtUserSubType>(pField->GetSubType()) )
                case EU_COMPANY:    pSubStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FS_company;        break;
                case EU_FIRSTNAME:  pSubStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FS_firstname;  break;
                case EU_NAME:       pSubStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FS_name;       break;
                case EU_SHORTCUT:   pSubStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FS_shortcut;   break;
                case EU_STREET:     pSubStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FS_street;     break;
                case EU_COUNTRY:    pSubStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FS_country;     break;
                case EU_ZIP:        pSubStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FS_zip;         break;
                case EU_CITY:       pSubStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FS_city;        break;
                case EU_TITLE:      pSubStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FS_title;       break;
                case EU_POSITION:   pSubStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FS_position;    break;
                case EU_PHONE_PRIVATE:  pSubStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FS_pphone;      break;
                case EU_PHONE_COMPANY:  pSubStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FS_cphone;      break;
                case EU_FAX:        pSubStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FS_fax;         break;
                case EU_EMAIL:      pSubStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FS_email;       break;
                case EU_STATE:      pSubStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FS_state;       break;
            OSL_ENSURE( pSubStr, "unknown sub type for SwExtUserField" );
            bFixed = static_cast<const SwExtUserField*>(pField)->IsFixed();
        case SwFieldIds::Author:
            pTypeStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FT_author;
            switch( static_cast<SwAuthorFormat>(nFormat) & 0xff)
                case AF_NAME:     pFormatStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FF_name;     break;
                case AF_SHORTCUT:  pFormatStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FF_shortcut;    break;
            OSL_ENSURE( pFormatStr, "unknown format for SwAuthorField" );
            bFixed = static_cast<const SwAuthorField*>(pField)->IsFixed();
        case SwFieldIds::DateTime:
            pTypeStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FT_datetime;
            bNumFormat = true;
            if( static_cast<const SwDateTimeField*>(pField)->IsFixed() )
                bNumValue = true;
                dNumValue = static_cast<const SwDateTimeField*>(pField)->GetValue();
        case SwFieldIds::PageNumber:
                pTypeStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FT_page;
                SwPageNumSubType eSubType = static_cast<SwPageNumSubType>(pField->GetSubType());
                switch( eSubType )
                    case PG_RANDOM:     pSubStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FS_random;     break;
                    case PG_NEXT:       pSubStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FS_next;       break;
                    case PG_PREV:       pSubStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FS_prev;       break;
                OSL_ENSURE( pSubStr, "unknown sub type for SwPageNumberField" );
                pFormatStr = SwHTMLWriter::GetNumFormat( static_cast< sal_uInt16 >(nFormat) );
                if( static_cast<SvxNumType>(nFormat)==SVX_NUM_CHAR_SPECIAL )
                    aValue = static_cast<const SwPageNumberField *>(pField)->GetUserString();
                    const OUString aPar2Value = pField->GetPar2();
                    short nValue = static_cast<short>(aPar2Value.toInt32());
                    if( (eSubType == PG_NEXT && nValue!=1) ||
                        (eSubType == PG_PREV && nValue!=-1) ||
                        (eSubType == PG_RANDOM && nValue!=0) )
                        aValue = aPar2Value;
        case SwFieldIds::DocInfo:
                sal_uInt16 nSubType = pField->GetSubType();
                pTypeStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FT_docinfo;
                sal_uInt16 nExtSubType = nSubType & 0x0f00;
                nSubType &= 0x00ff;
                switch( nSubType )
                    case DI_TITLE:      pSubStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FS_title;  break;
                    case DI_SUBJECT:    pSubStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FS_theme;  break;
                    case DI_KEYS:       pSubStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FS_keys;   break;
                    case DI_COMMENT:    pSubStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FS_comment; break;
                    case DI_CREATE:     pSubStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FS_create;     break;
                    case DI_CHANGE:     pSubStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FS_change;     break;
                    case DI_CUSTOM:     pSubStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FS_custom;     break;
                    default:            pTypeStr = nullptr;               break;
                if( DI_CUSTOM == nSubType ) {
                    aName = static_cast<const SwDocInfoField*>(pField)->GetName();
                if( DI_CREATE == nSubType || DI_CHANGE == nSubType )
                    switch( nExtSubType )
                        case DI_SUB_AUTHOR:
                            pFormatStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FF_author;
                        case DI_SUB_TIME:
                            pFormatStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FF_time;
                            bNumFormat = true;
                        case DI_SUB_DATE:
                            pFormatStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FF_date;
                            bNumFormat = true;
                bFixed = static_cast<const SwDocInfoField*>(pField)->IsFixed();
                if( bNumFormat )
                    if( bFixed )
                        // For a fixed field output the num value too.
                        // Fixed fields without number format shouldn't
                        // exist. See below for OSL_ENSURE().
                        dNumValue = static_cast<const SwDocInfoField*>(pField)->GetValue();
                        bNumValue = true;
                    else if( !nFormat  )
                        // Non-fixed fields may not have a number format, when
                        // they come from a 4.0-document.
                        bNumFormat = false;
        case SwFieldIds::DocStat:
                pTypeStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FT_docstat;
                sal_uInt16 nSubType = pField->GetSubType();
                switch( nSubType )
                    case DS_PAGE:       pSubStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FS_page;   break;
                    case DS_PARA:       pSubStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FS_para;   break;
                    case DS_WORD:       pSubStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FS_word;   break;
                    case DS_CHAR:       pSubStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FS_char;   break;
                    case DS_TBL:        pSubStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FS_tbl;    break;
                    case DS_GRF:        pSubStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FS_grf;    break;
                    case DS_OLE:        pSubStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FS_ole;    break;
                    default:            pTypeStr = nullptr;               break;
                pFormatStr = SwHTMLWriter::GetNumFormat( static_cast< sal_uInt16 >(nFormat) );
        case SwFieldIds::Filename:
            pTypeStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FT_filename;
            switch( static_cast<SwFileNameFormat>(nFormat & ~FF_FIXED) )
                case FF_NAME:       pFormatStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FF_name;       break;
                case FF_PATHNAME:   pFormatStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FF_pathname;   break;
                case FF_PATH:       pFormatStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FF_path;       break;
                case FF_NAME_NOEXT: pFormatStr = OOO_STRING_SW_HTML_FF_name_noext; break;
            bFixed = static_cast<const SwFileNameField*>(pField)->IsFixed();
            OSL_ENSURE( pFormatStr, "unknown format for SwFileNameField" );
        default: break;
    // ReqIF-XHTML doesn't allow <sdfield>.
    if (rWrt.mbReqIF && pTypeStr)
        pTypeStr = nullptr;
    // Output the <sdfield> tag.
    if( pTypeStr )
        OStringBuffer sOut("<"
            + rWrt.GetNamespace()
            + OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_sdfield
            " "
            + pTypeStr);
        if( pSubStr )
            sOut.append(OString::Concat(" " OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_O_subtype "=")
                + pSubStr);
        if( pFormatStr )
            sOut.append(OString::Concat(" " OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_O_format "=")
                + pFormatStr);
        if( !aName.isEmpty() )
            sOut.append(" " OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_O_name "=\"");
            rWrt.Strm().WriteOString( sOut );
            HTMLOutFuncs::Out_String( rWrt.Strm(), aName );
        if( !aValue.isEmpty() )
            sOut.append(" " OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_O_value "=\"");
            rWrt.Strm().WriteOString( sOut );
            HTMLOutFuncs::Out_String( rWrt.Strm(), aValue );
        if( bNumFormat )
            OSL_ENSURE( nFormat, "number format is 0" );
                bNumValue, dNumValue, nFormat,
        if( bFixed )
            sOut.append(" " OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_O_sdfixed);
        rWrt.Strm().WriteOString( sOut );
    // output content of the field
    OUString const sExpand( pField->ExpandField(true, nullptr) );
    bool bNeedsCJKProcessing = false;
    if( !sExpand.isEmpty() )
        sal_uInt16 nScriptType = g_pBreakIt->GetBreakIter()->getScriptType( sExpand, 0 );
        sal_Int32 nPos = g_pBreakIt->GetBreakIter()->endOfScript( sExpand, 0,
                                                          nScriptType );
        sal_uInt16 nScript =
            SwHTMLWriter::GetCSS1ScriptForScriptType( nScriptType );
        if( (nPos < sExpand.getLength() && nPos >= 0) || nScript != rWrt.m_nCSS1Script )
            bNeedsCJKProcessing = true;
    if( bNeedsCJKProcessing )
        //sequence of (start, end) property ranges we want to
                       RES_CHRATR_WEIGHT, RES_CHRATR_WEIGHT,
            aScriptItemSet( rWrt.m_pDoc->GetAttrPool() );
        rTextNd.GetParaAttr(aScriptItemSet, nFieldPos, nFieldPos+1);
        sal_uInt16 aWesternWhichIds[4] =
        sal_uInt16 aCJKWhichIds[4] =
        sal_uInt16 aCTLWhichIds[4] =
        sal_uInt16 *pRefWhichIds = nullptr;
        switch( rWrt.m_nCSS1Script )
        case CSS1_OUTMODE_WESTERN:
            pRefWhichIds = aWesternWhichIds;
        case CSS1_OUTMODE_CJK:
            pRefWhichIds = aCJKWhichIds;
        case CSS1_OUTMODE_CTL:
            pRefWhichIds = aCTLWhichIds;
        sal_Int32 nPos = 0;
            sal_uInt16 nScriptType = g_pBreakIt->GetBreakIter()->getScriptType( sExpand, nPos );
            sal_uInt16 nScript =
                SwHTMLWriter::GetCSS1ScriptForScriptType( nScriptType );
            sal_Int32 nEndPos = g_pBreakIt->GetBreakIter()->endOfScript(
                                    sExpand, nPos, nScriptType );
            sal_Int32 nChunkLen = nEndPos - nPos;
            if( nScript != CSS1_OUTMODE_ANY_SCRIPT &&
                /* #108791# */ nScript != rWrt.m_nCSS1Script )
                sal_uInt16 *pWhichIds = nullptr;
                switch( nScript )
                case CSS1_OUTMODE_WESTERN:  pWhichIds = aWesternWhichIds; break;
                case CSS1_OUTMODE_CJK:      pWhichIds = aCJKWhichIds; break;
                case CSS1_OUTMODE_CTL:      pWhichIds = aCTLWhichIds; break;
                rWrt.m_bTagOn = true;
                const SfxPoolItem *aItems[5];
                int nItems = 0;
                assert(pWhichIds && pRefWhichIds);
                if (pWhichIds && pRefWhichIds)
                    for( int i=0; i<4; i++ )
                        const SfxPoolItem *pRefItem =
                            aScriptItemSet.GetItem( pRefWhichIds[i] );
                        const SfxPoolItem *pItem =
                            aScriptItemSet.GetItem( pWhichIds[i] );
                        if( pRefItem && pItem &&
                            !(0==i ? swhtml_css1atr_equalFontItems( *pRefItem, *pItem )
                                   : *pRefItem == *pItem) )
                            Out( aHTMLAttrFnTab, *pItem, rWrt );
                            aItems[nItems++] = pItem;
                HTMLOutFuncs::Out_String( rWrt.Strm(), sExpand.subView( nPos, nChunkLen ) );
                rWrt.m_bTagOn = false;
                while( nItems )
                    Out( aHTMLAttrFnTab, *aItems[--nItems], rWrt );
                HTMLOutFuncs::Out_String( rWrt.Strm(), sExpand.subView( nPos, nChunkLen ) );
            nPos = nEndPos;
        while( nPos < sExpand.getLength() );
        HTMLOutFuncs::Out_String( rWrt.Strm(), sExpand );
    // Output the closing tag.
    if( pTypeStr )
        HTMLOutFuncs::Out_AsciiTag( rWrt.Strm(), Concat2View(rWrt.GetNamespace() + OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_sdfield), false );
    return rWrt;
const SwViewOption* GetViewOptionFromDoc(SwDoc* pDoc)
    SwDocShell* pDocShell = pDoc->GetDocShell();
    if (!pDocShell)
        return nullptr;
    SwWrtShell* pWrtShell = pDocShell->GetWrtShell();
    if (!pWrtShell)
        return nullptr;
    return pWrtShell->GetViewOptions();
SwHTMLWriter& OutHTML_SwFormatField( SwHTMLWriter& rWrt, const SfxPoolItem& rHt )
    const SwFormatField & rField = static_cast<const SwFormatField&>(rHt);
    const SwField* pField = rField.GetField();
    const SwFieldType* pFieldTyp = pField->GetTyp();
    if( SwFieldIds::SetExp == pFieldTyp->Which() &&
        (nsSwGetSetExpType::GSE_STRING & pField->GetSubType()) )
        const bool bOn = pFieldTyp->GetName() == "HTML_ON";
        if (!bOn && pFieldTyp->GetName() != "HTML_OFF")
            return rWrt;
        OUString rText(comphelper::string::strip(pField->GetPar2(), ' '));
        rWrt.Strm().WriteChar( '<' );
        if( !bOn )
            rWrt.Strm().WriteChar( '/' );
        // TODO: HTML-Tags are written without entities, that for, characters
        // not contained in the destination encoding are lost!
        OString sTmp(OUStringToOString(rText,
        rWrt.Strm().WriteOString( sTmp ).WriteChar( '>' );
    else if( SwFieldIds::Postit == pFieldTyp->Which() )
        // Comments will be written in ANSI character set, but with system
        // line breaks.
        const OUString aComment = pField->GetPar2();
        bool bWritten = false;
        if( (aComment.getLength() >= 6 && aComment.startsWith("<") && aComment.endsWith(">") &&
             o3tl::equalsIgnoreAsciiCase(aComment.subView( 1, 4 ), u"" OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_meta) ) ||
            (aComment.getLength() >= 7 &&
             aComment.startsWith( "<!--" ) &&
             aComment.endsWith( "-->" )) )
            // directly output META tags
            OUString sComment(convertLineEnd(aComment, GetSystemLineEnd()));
            // TODO: HTML-Tags are written without entities, that for,
            // characters not contained in the destination encoding are lost!
            OString sTmp(OUStringToOString(sComment,
            rWrt.Strm().WriteOString( sTmp );
            bWritten = true;
        else if( aComment.getLength() >= 7 &&
                 aComment.endsWith(">") &&
                 aComment.startsWithIgnoreAsciiCase( "HTML:" ) )
            OUString sComment(comphelper::string::stripStart(aComment.subView(5), ' '));
            if( '<' == sComment[0] )
                sComment = convertLineEnd(sComment, GetSystemLineEnd());
                // TODO: HTML-Tags are written without entities, that for,
                // characters not contained in the destination encoding are
                // lost!
                OString sTmp(OUStringToOString(sComment,
                rWrt.Strm().WriteOString( sTmp );
                bWritten = true;
        if( !bWritten )
            OUString sComment(convertLineEnd(aComment, GetSystemLineEnd()));
            // TODO: ???
            OString sOut =
                "<" OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_comment
                " " +
                OUStringToOString(comphelper::string::encodeForXml(sComment), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8) +
                " -->";
            rWrt.Strm().WriteOString( sOut );
    else if( SwFieldIds::Script == pFieldTyp->Which() )
        if (rWrt.IsLFPossible())
            rWrt.OutNewLine( true );
        bool bURL = static_cast<const SwScriptField *>(pField)->IsCodeURL();
        const OUString aType = pField->GetPar1();
        OUString aContents, aURL;
            aURL = pField->GetPar2();
            aContents = pField->GetPar2();
        // otherwise is the script content itself. Since only JavaScript
        // is in fields, it must be JavaScript ...:)
        HTMLOutFuncs::OutScript( rWrt.Strm(), rWrt.GetBaseURL(), aContents, aType, JAVASCRIPT,
                                 aURL, nullptr, nullptr );
        if (rWrt.IsLFPossible())
            rWrt.OutNewLine( true );
        const SwTextField *pTextField = rField.GetTextField();
        OSL_ENSURE( pTextField, "Where is the txt fld?" );
        if (pTextField)
            const SwViewOption* pViewOptions = GetViewOptionFromDoc(rWrt.m_pDoc);
            // ReqIF-XHTML doesn't allow specifying a background color.
            bool bFieldShadings = pViewOptions && pViewOptions->IsFieldShadings() && !rWrt.mbReqIF;
            if (bFieldShadings)
                // If there is a text portion background started already, that should have priority.
                auto it = rWrt.maStartedAttributes.find(RES_CHRATR_BACKGROUND);
                if (it != rWrt.maStartedAttributes.end())
                    bFieldShadings = it->second <= 0;
            if (bFieldShadings)
                const Color& rColor = pViewOptions->GetFieldShadingsColor();
                OString sOut(
                    "<" + rWrt.GetNamespace() + OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_span
                    " " OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_O_style "=\""
                    + sCSS1_P_background
                    + ": "
                    + GetCSS1_Color(rColor)
                    + "\">");
            OutHTML_SwField( rWrt, pField, pTextField->GetTextNode(),
                             pTextField->GetStart()  );
            if (bFieldShadings)
                    rWrt.Strm(), Concat2View(rWrt.GetNamespace() + OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_span), false);
    return rWrt;
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.