/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <hintids.hxx>
#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
#include <svtools/htmlout.hxx>
#include <svtools/htmltokn.h>
#include <svtools/htmlkywd.hxx>
#include <svtools/HtmlWriter.hxx>
#include <editeng/ulspitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/lrspitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/brushitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/boxitem.hxx>
#include <fmtornt.hxx>
#include <frmfmt.hxx>
#include <fmtfsize.hxx>
#include <fmtsrnd.hxx>
#include <frmatr.hxx>
#include <doc.hxx>
#include <IDocumentLayoutAccess.hxx>
#include <pam.hxx>
#include <ndtxt.hxx>
#include <swrect.hxx>
#include <cellatr.hxx>
#include <poolfmt.hxx>
#include <swtable.hxx>
#include <htmltbl.hxx>
#include "htmlnum.hxx"
#include "wrthtml.hxx"
#include <wrtswtbl.hxx>
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
#include <viewsh.hxx>
#include <viewopt.hxx>
#include <rtl/strbuf.hxx>
#include <sal/types.h>
#include <osl/diagnose.h>
#define MAX_DEPTH (3)
using namespace ::com::sun::star;
namespace {
class SwHTMLWrtTable : public SwWriteTable
    static void Pixelize( sal_uInt16& rValue );
    void PixelizeBorders();
    /// Writes a single table cell.
    /// bCellRowSpan decides if the cell's row span should be written or not.
    void OutTableCell( SwHTMLWriter& rWrt, const SwWriteTableCell *pCell,
                       bool bOutVAlign,
                       bool bCellRowSpan ) const;
    /// Writes a single table row.
    /// rSkipRows decides if the next N rows should be skipped or written.
    void OutTableCells( SwHTMLWriter& rWrt,
                        const SwWriteTableCells& rCells,
                        const SvxBrushItem *pBrushItem,
                        sal_uInt16& rSkipRows ) const;
    virtual bool ShouldExpandSub( const SwTableBox *pBox,
                            bool bExpandedBefore, sal_uInt16 nDepth ) const override;
    static bool HasTabBackground( const SwTableLine& rLine,
                        bool bTop, bool bBottom, bool bLeft, bool bRight );
    static bool HasTabBackground( const SwTableBox& rBox,
                        bool bTop, bool bBottom, bool bLeft, bool bRight );
    SwHTMLWrtTable( const SwTableLines& rLines, tools::Long nWidth, sal_uInt32 nBWidth,
                    bool bRel, sal_uInt16 nLeftSub, sal_uInt16 nRightSub,
                    sal_uInt16 nNumOfRowsToRepeat );
    explicit SwHTMLWrtTable( const SwHTMLTableLayout *pLayoutInfo );
    void Write( SwHTMLWriter& rWrt, sal_Int16 eAlign=text::HoriOrientation::NONE,
                bool bTHead=false, const SwFrameFormat *pFrameFormat=nullptr,
                const OUString *pCaption=nullptr, bool bTopCaption=false,
                sal_uInt16 nHSpace=0, sal_uInt16 nVSpace=0 ) const;
SwHTMLWrtTable::SwHTMLWrtTable( const SwTableLines& rLines, tools::Long nWidth,
                                sal_uInt32 nBWidth, bool bRel,
                                sal_uInt16 nLSub, sal_uInt16 nRSub,
                                sal_uInt16 nNumOfRowsToRepeat )
    : SwWriteTable(nullptr, rLines, nWidth, nBWidth, bRel, MAX_DEPTH, nLSub, nRSub, nNumOfRowsToRepeat)
SwHTMLWrtTable::SwHTMLWrtTable( const SwHTMLTableLayout *pLayoutInfo )
    : SwWriteTable(nullptr, pLayoutInfo)
    // Adjust some Twip values to pixel limits
    if( m_bCollectBorderWidth )
void SwHTMLWrtTable::Pixelize( sal_uInt16& rValue )
    if( rValue )
        rValue = o3tl::convert(SwHTMLWriter::ToPixel(rValue), o3tl::Length::px, o3tl::Length::twip);
void SwHTMLWrtTable::PixelizeBorders()
    Pixelize( m_nBorder );
    Pixelize( m_nCellSpacing );
    Pixelize( m_nCellPadding );
bool SwHTMLWrtTable::HasTabBackground( const SwTableBox& rBox,
                        bool bTop, bool bBottom, bool bLeft, bool bRight )
    OSL_ENSURE( bTop || bBottom || bLeft || bRight,
            "HasTabBackground: cannot be called" );
    bool bRet = false;
    if( rBox.GetSttNd() )
        std::unique_ptr<SvxBrushItem> aBrushItem =
        /// The table box has a background, if its background color is not "no fill"/
        /// "auto fill" or it has a background graphic.
        bRet = aBrushItem->GetColor() != COL_TRANSPARENT ||
               !aBrushItem->GetGraphicLink().isEmpty() || aBrushItem->GetGraphic();
        const SwTableLines& rLines = rBox.GetTabLines();
        const SwTableLines::size_type nCount = rLines.size();
        bool bLeftRight = bLeft || bRight;
        for( SwTableLines::size_type i=0; !bRet && i<nCount; ++i )
            bool bT = bTop && 0 == i;
            bool bB = bBottom && nCount-1 == i;
            if( bT || bB || bLeftRight )
                bRet = HasTabBackground( *rLines[i], bT, bB, bLeft, bRight);
    return bRet;
bool SwHTMLWrtTable::HasTabBackground( const SwTableLine& rLine,
                        bool bTop, bool bBottom, bool bLeft, bool bRight )
    OSL_ENSURE( bTop || bBottom || bLeft || bRight,
            "HasTabBackground: cannot be called" );
    std::unique_ptr<SvxBrushItem> aBrushItem = rLine.GetFrameFormat()->makeBackgroundBrushItem();
    /// The table line has a background, if its background color is not "no fill"/
    /// "auto fill" or it has a background graphic.
    bool bRet = aBrushItem->GetColor() != COL_TRANSPARENT ||
           !aBrushItem->GetGraphicLink().isEmpty() || aBrushItem->GetGraphic();
    if( !bRet )
        const SwTableBoxes& rBoxes = rLine.GetTabBoxes();
        const SwTableBoxes::size_type nCount = rBoxes.size();
        bool bTopBottom = bTop || bBottom;
        for( SwTableBoxes::size_type i=0; !bRet && i<nCount; ++i )
            bool bL = bLeft && 0 == i;
            bool bR = bRight && nCount-1 == i;
            if( bTopBottom || bL || bR )
                bRet = HasTabBackground( *rBoxes[i], bTop, bBottom, bL, bR );
    return bRet;
static bool lcl_TableLine_HasTabBorders( const SwTableLine* pLine, bool *pBorders );
static bool lcl_TableBox_HasTabBorders( const SwTableBox* pBox, bool *pBorders )
    if( *pBorders )
        return false;
    if( !pBox->GetSttNd() )
        for( const auto& rpLine : pBox->GetTabLines() )
            if ( lcl_TableLine_HasTabBorders( rpLine, pBorders ) )
        const SvxBoxItem& rBoxItem =
            pBox->GetFrameFormat()->GetFormatAttr( RES_BOX );
        *pBorders = rBoxItem.GetTop() || rBoxItem.GetBottom() ||
                    rBoxItem.GetLeft() || rBoxItem.GetRight();
    return !*pBorders;
static bool lcl_TableLine_HasTabBorders( const SwTableLine* pLine, bool *pBorders )
    if( *pBorders )
        return false;
    for( const auto& rpBox : pLine->GetTabBoxes() )
        if ( lcl_TableBox_HasTabBorders( rpBox, pBorders ) )
    return !*pBorders;
bool SwHTMLWrtTable::ShouldExpandSub( const SwTableBox *pBox,
                                      bool bExpandedBefore,
                                      sal_uInt16 nDepth ) const
    bool bExpand = !pBox->GetSttNd() && nDepth>0;
    if( bExpand && bExpandedBefore )
        // MIB 30.6.97: If a box was already expanded, another one is only
        // expanded when it has a border.
        bool bBorders = false;
        lcl_TableBox_HasTabBorders( pBox, &bBorders );
        if( !bBorders )
            bBorders = HasTabBackground( *pBox, true, true, true, true );
        bExpand = bBorders;
    return bExpand;
// Write a box as single cell
void SwHTMLWrtTable::OutTableCell( SwHTMLWriter& rWrt,
                                   const SwWriteTableCell *pCell,
                                   bool bOutVAlign,
                                   bool bCellRowSpan ) const
    const SwTableBox *pBox = pCell->GetBox();
    sal_uInt16 nRow = pCell->GetRow();
    sal_uInt16 nCol = pCell->GetCol();
    sal_uInt16 nRowSpan = pCell->GetRowSpan();
    sal_uInt16 nColSpan = pCell->GetColSpan();
    if ( !nRowSpan )
    const SwStartNode* pSttNd = pBox->GetSttNd();
    bool bHead = false;
    if( pSttNd )
        SwNodeOffset nNdPos = pSttNd->GetIndex()+1;
        // determine the type of cell (TD/TH)
        SwNode* pNd;
        while( !( pNd = rWrt.m_pDoc->GetNodes()[nNdPos])->IsEndNode() )
            if( pNd->IsTextNode() )
                // The only paragraphs relevant for the distinction are those
                // where the style is one of the two table related styles
                // or inherits from one of these.
                const SwFormat *pFormat = &static_cast<SwTextNode*>(pNd)->GetAnyFormatColl();
                sal_uInt16 nPoolId = pFormat->GetPoolFormatId();
                while( !pFormat->IsDefault() &&
                       RES_POOLCOLL_TABLE_HDLN!=nPoolId &&
                       RES_POOLCOLL_TABLE!=nPoolId )
                    pFormat = pFormat->DerivedFrom();
                    nPoolId = pFormat->GetPoolFormatId();
                if( !pFormat->IsDefault() )
                    bHead = (RES_POOLCOLL_TABLE_HDLN==nPoolId);
    rWrt.OutNewLine();  // <TH>/<TD> in new line
    OStringBuffer sOut("<");
    OString aTag(bHead ? OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_tableheader : OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_tabledata);
    sOut.append(rWrt.GetNamespace() + aTag);
    // output ROW- and COLSPAN
    if (nRowSpan > 1 && bCellRowSpan)
        sOut.append(" " OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_O_rowspan
                "=\"" + OString::number(nRowSpan) + "\"");
    if( nColSpan > 1 )
        sOut.append(" " OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_O_colspan
                "=\"" + OString::number(nColSpan) + "\"");
    tools::Long nWidth = 0;
    bool bOutWidth = true;
    sal_uInt32 nPercentWidth = SAL_MAX_UINT32;
    if( m_bLayoutExport )
        if( pCell->HasPercentWidthOpt() )
            nPercentWidth = pCell->GetWidthOpt();
            nWidth = pCell->GetWidthOpt();
            if( !nWidth )
                bOutWidth = false;
        if( HasRelWidths() )
            nPercentWidth = GetPercentWidth(nCol, nColSpan);
            nWidth = GetAbsWidth( nCol, nColSpan );
    if (rWrt.mbReqIF)
        // ReqIF implies strict XHTML: no width for <td>.
        bOutWidth = false;
    tools::Long nHeight = pCell->GetHeight() > 0
                        ? GetAbsHeight( pCell->GetHeight(), nRow, nRowSpan )
                        : 0;
    Size aPixelSz(SwHTMLWriter::ToPixel(nWidth), SwHTMLWriter::ToPixel(nHeight));
    // output WIDTH: from layout or calculated
    if( bOutWidth )
        sOut.append(" " OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_O_width "=\"");
        if( nPercentWidth != SAL_MAX_UINT32 )
            sOut.append(OString::number(static_cast<sal_Int32>(nPercentWidth)) + "%");
    if (rWrt.mbReqIF)
        // ReqIF implies strict XHTML: no height for <td>.
        nHeight = 0;
    if( nHeight )
        sOut.append(" " OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_O_height
                "=\"" + OString::number(aPixelSz.Height()) + "\"");
    const SfxItemSet& rItemSet = pBox->GetFrameFormat()->GetAttrSet();
    // ALIGN is only outputted at the paragraphs from now on
    // output VALIGN
    if( bOutVAlign )
        sal_Int16 eVertOri = pCell->GetVertOri();
        if( text::VertOrientation::TOP==eVertOri || text::VertOrientation::BOTTOM==eVertOri )
            sOut.append(" " OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_O_valign
                    "=\"").append(text::VertOrientation::TOP==eVertOri ?
                    OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_VA_top :
    rWrt.Strm().WriteOString( sOut );
    rWrt.m_bTextAttr = false;
    rWrt.m_bOutOpts = true;
    const SvxBrushItem *pBrushItem = rItemSet.GetItemIfSet( RES_BACKGROUND, false );
    if( !pBrushItem )
        pBrushItem = pCell->GetBackground();
    if( pBrushItem )
        // output background
        if (!rWrt.mbReqIF)
            // Avoid non-CSS version in the ReqIF case.
            rWrt.OutBackground( pBrushItem, false );
        if (!rWrt.m_bCfgOutStyles)
            pBrushItem = nullptr;
    // tdf#132739 with rWrt.m_bCfgOutStyles of true bundle the brush item css
    // properties into the same "style" tag as the borders so there is only one
    // style tag
    rWrt.OutCSS1_TableCellBordersAndBG(*pBox->GetFrameFormat(), pBrushItem);
    sal_uInt32 nNumFormat = 0;
    double nValue = 0.0;
    bool bNumFormat = false, bValue = false;
    if( const SwTableBoxNumFormat* pItem = rItemSet.GetItemIfSet( RES_BOXATR_FORMAT, false ) )
        nNumFormat = pItem->GetValue();
        bNumFormat = true;
    if( const SwTableBoxValue* pItem = rItemSet.GetItemIfSet( RES_BOXATR_VALUE, false ) )
        nValue = pItem->GetValue();
        bValue = true;
        if( !bNumFormat )
            nNumFormat = pBox->GetFrameFormat()->GetTableBoxNumFormat().GetValue();
    if ((bNumFormat || bValue) && !rWrt.mbXHTML)
        sOut.append(HTMLOutFuncs::CreateTableDataOptionsValNum(bValue, nValue,
            nNumFormat, *rWrt.m_pDoc->GetNumberFormatter()));
    rWrt.Strm().WriteOString( sOut );
    rWrt.IncIndentLevel();  // indent the content of <TD>...</TD>
    if( pSttNd )
        HTMLSaveData aSaveData( rWrt, pSttNd->GetIndex()+1,
                                pSttNd->EndOfSectionIndex() );
        rWrt.Out_SwDoc( rWrt.m_pCurrentPam.get() );
        sal_uInt16 nTWidth;
        sal_uInt32 nBWidth;
        sal_uInt16 nLSub, nRSub;
        if( HasRelWidths() )
            nTWidth = 100;
            nBWidth = GetRawWidth( nCol, nColSpan );
            nLSub = 0;
            nRSub = 0;
            nTWidth = GetAbsWidth( nCol, nColSpan );
            nBWidth = nTWidth;
            nLSub = GetLeftSpace( nCol );
            nRSub = GetRightSpace( nCol, nColSpan );
        SwHTMLWrtTable aTableWrt( pBox->GetTabLines(), nTWidth,
                                  nBWidth, HasRelWidths(), nLSub, nRSub, /*nNumOfRowsToRepeat*/0 );
        aTableWrt.Write( rWrt );
    rWrt.DecIndentLevel();  // indent the content of <TD>...</TD>
    if (rWrt.IsLFPossible())
    aTag = bHead ? OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_tableheader : OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_tabledata;
    HTMLOutFuncs::Out_AsciiTag(rWrt.Strm(), Concat2View(rWrt.GetNamespace() + aTag), false);
// output a line as lines
void SwHTMLWrtTable::OutTableCells( SwHTMLWriter& rWrt,
                                    const SwWriteTableCells& rCells,
                                    const SvxBrushItem *pBrushItem,
                                    sal_uInt16& rSkipRows ) const
    // If the line contains more the one cell and all cells have the same
    // alignment, then output the VALIGN at the line instead of the cell.
    sal_Int16 eRowVertOri = text::VertOrientation::NONE;
    if( rCells.size() > 1 )
        for (SwWriteTableCells::size_type nCell = 0; nCell < rCells.size(); ++nCell)
            sal_Int16 eCellVertOri = rCells[nCell]->GetVertOri();
            if( 0==nCell )
                eRowVertOri = eCellVertOri;
            else if( eRowVertOri != eCellVertOri )
                eRowVertOri = text::VertOrientation::NONE;
    rWrt.OutNewLine();  // <TR> in new line
    rWrt.Strm().WriteChar( '<' ).WriteOString( Concat2View(rWrt.GetNamespace() + OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_tablerow) );
    if( pBrushItem )
        if (!rWrt.mbXHTML)
            rWrt.OutBackground(pBrushItem, false);
        rWrt.m_bTextAttr = false;
        rWrt.m_bOutOpts = true;
        if (rWrt.m_bCfgOutStyles || rWrt.mbXHTML)
            OutCSS1_TableBGStyleOpt( rWrt, *pBrushItem );
    if( text::VertOrientation::TOP==eRowVertOri || text::VertOrientation::BOTTOM==eRowVertOri )
        OStringBuffer sOut;
        sOut.append(" " OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_O_valign
                "=\"").append(text::VertOrientation::TOP==eRowVertOri ? OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_VA_top : OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_VA_bottom)
        rWrt.Strm().WriteOString( sOut );
    rWrt.Strm().WriteChar( '>' );
    rWrt.IncIndentLevel(); // indent content of <TR>...</TR>
    bool bCellRowSpan = true;
    if (!rCells.empty() && rCells[0]->GetRowSpan() > 1)
        // Skip the rowspan attrs of <td> elements if they are the same for every cell of this row.
        bCellRowSpan = std::adjacent_find(rCells.begin(), rCells.end(),
                                          [](const std::unique_ptr<SwWriteTableCell>& pA,
                                             const std::unique_ptr<SwWriteTableCell>& pB)
                                          { return pA->GetRowSpan() != pB->GetRowSpan(); })
                       != rCells.end();
        if (!bCellRowSpan)
            // If no rowspan is written, then skip rows which would only contain covered cells, but
            // not the current row.
            rSkipRows = rCells[0]->GetRowSpan() - 1;
    for (const auto &rpCell : rCells)
        OutTableCell(rWrt, rpCell.get(), text::VertOrientation::NONE == eRowVertOri, bCellRowSpan);
    rWrt.DecIndentLevel(); // indent content of <TR>...</TR>
    rWrt.OutNewLine();  // </TR> in new line
    HTMLOutFuncs::Out_AsciiTag( rWrt.Strm(), Concat2View(rWrt.GetNamespace() + OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_tablerow), false );
void SwHTMLWrtTable::Write( SwHTMLWriter& rWrt, sal_Int16 eAlign,
                            bool bTHead, const SwFrameFormat *pFrameFormat,
                            const OUString *pCaption, bool bTopCaption,
                            sal_uInt16 nHSpace, sal_uInt16 nVSpace ) const
    // determine value of RULES
    bool bRowsHaveBorder = false;
    bool bRowsHaveBorderOnly = true;
    assert(m_aRows.begin() != m_aRows.end());
    for (auto row = m_aRows.begin(), next = std::next(row); next < m_aRows.end(); ++row, ++next)
        SwWriteTableRow* pRow = row->get();
        SwWriteTableRow* pNextRow = next->get();
        bool bBorder = ( pRow->HasBottomBorder() || pNextRow->HasTopBorder() );
        bRowsHaveBorder |= bBorder;
        bRowsHaveBorderOnly &= bBorder;
    bool bColsHaveBorder = false;
    bool bColsHaveBorderOnly = true;
    assert(m_aCols.begin() != m_aCols.end());
    for (auto col = m_aCols.begin(), next = std::next(col); next < m_aCols.end(); ++col, ++next)
        SwWriteTableCol* pCol = col->get();
        SwWriteTableCol* pNextCol = next->get();
        bool bBorder = ( pCol->m_bRightBorder || pNextCol->m_bLeftBorder );
        bColsHaveBorder |= bBorder;
        bColsHaveBorderOnly &= bBorder;
        pCol->m_bRightBorder = bBorder;
        pNextCol->m_bLeftBorder = bBorder;
    // close previous numbering, etc
    rWrt.ChangeParaToken( HtmlTokenId::NONE );
    if (rWrt.IsLFPossible())
        rWrt.OutNewLine();  // <TABLE> in new line
    OStringBuffer sOut("<" + rWrt.GetNamespace() + OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_table);
    const SvxFrameDirection nOldDirection = rWrt.m_nDirection;
    if( pFrameFormat )
        rWrt.m_nDirection = rWrt.GetHTMLDirection( pFrameFormat->GetAttrSet() );
    if( rWrt.m_bOutFlyFrame || nOldDirection != rWrt.m_nDirection )
        rWrt.Strm().WriteOString( sOut );
        rWrt.OutDirection( rWrt.m_nDirection );
    // output ALIGN=
    if( text::HoriOrientation::RIGHT == eAlign )
        sOut.append(" " OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_O_align
                "=\"" OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_AL_right "\"");
    else if( text::HoriOrientation::CENTER == eAlign )
        sOut.append(" " OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_O_align
                "=\"" OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_AL_center "\"");
    else if( text::HoriOrientation::LEFT == eAlign )
        sOut.append(" " OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_O_align
                "=\"" OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_AL_left "\"");
    // output WIDTH: from layout or calculated
    if( m_nTabWidth )
        sOut.append(" " OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_O_width "=\"");
        if( HasRelWidths() )
            sOut.append(OString::number(static_cast<sal_Int32>(m_nTabWidth)) + "%");
            sal_Int32 nPixWidth =  SwHTMLWriter::ToPixel(m_nTabWidth);
    if( (nHSpace || nVSpace) && !rWrt.mbReqIF)
        if (auto nPixHSpace = SwHTMLWriter::ToPixel(nHSpace))
            sOut.append(" " OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_O_hspace
                    "=\"" + OString::number(nPixHSpace) + "\"");
        if (auto nPixVSpace = SwHTMLWriter::ToPixel(nVSpace))
            sOut.append(" " OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_O_vspace
                    "=\"" + OString::number(nPixVSpace) + "\"");
    // output CELLPADDING: from layout or calculated
    sOut.append(" " OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_O_cellpadding
            "=\"" + OString::number(SwHTMLWriter::ToPixel(m_nCellPadding)) + "\"");
    // output CELLSPACING: from layout or calculated
    sOut.append(" " OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_O_cellspacing
            "=\"" + OString::number(SwHTMLWriter::ToPixel(m_nCellSpacing)) + "\"");
    rWrt.Strm().WriteOString( sOut );
    // output background
    if( pFrameFormat )
        if (!rWrt.mbXHTML)
            rWrt.OutBackground(pFrameFormat->GetAttrSet(), false);
        if (rWrt.m_bCfgOutStyles || rWrt.mbXHTML)
            rWrt.OutCSS1_TableFrameFormatOptions( *pFrameFormat );
    rWrt.Strm().WriteOString( sOut );
    rWrt.IncIndentLevel(); // indent content of table
    // output caption
    if( pCaption && !pCaption->isEmpty() )
        rWrt.OutNewLine(); // <CAPTION> in new line
        OStringBuffer sOutStr(OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_caption);
        sOutStr.append(" " OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_O_align "=\"")
               .append(bTopCaption ? OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_VA_top : OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_VA_bottom)
        HTMLOutFuncs::Out_AsciiTag( rWrt.Strm(), Concat2View(rWrt.GetNamespace() + sOutStr) );
        HTMLOutFuncs::Out_String( rWrt.Strm(), *pCaption );
        HTMLOutFuncs::Out_AsciiTag( rWrt.Strm(), Concat2View(rWrt.GetNamespace() + OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_caption), false );
    // output <COLGRP>/<COL>: If exporting via layout only when during import
    // some were there, otherwise always.
    bool bColGroups = (bColsHaveBorder && !bColsHaveBorderOnly);
    if( m_bColTags )
        if( bColGroups )
            rWrt.OutNewLine(); // <COLGRP> in new line
            HTMLOutFuncs::Out_AsciiTag( rWrt.Strm(), Concat2View(rWrt.GetNamespace() + OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_colgroup) );
            rWrt.IncIndentLevel(); // indent content of <COLGRP>
        const SwWriteTableCols::size_type nCols = m_aCols.size();
        for( SwWriteTableCols::size_type nCol=0; nCol<nCols; ++nCol )
            rWrt.OutNewLine(); // </COL> in new line
            const SwWriteTableCol *pColumn = m_aCols[nCol].get();
            HtmlWriter html(rWrt.Strm(), rWrt.maNamespace);
            html.prettyPrint(false); // We add newlines ourself
            html.start(OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_col ""_ostr);
            sal_uInt32 nWidth;
            bool bRel;
            if( m_bLayoutExport )
                bRel = pColumn->HasRelWidthOpt();
                nWidth = pColumn->GetWidthOpt();
                bRel = HasRelWidths();
                nWidth = bRel ? GetRelWidth(nCol,1) : GetAbsWidth(nCol,1);
            if( bRel )
                html.attribute(OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_O_width, Concat2View(OString::number(nWidth) + "*"));
                html.attribute(OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_O_width, OString::number(SwHTMLWriter::ToPixel(nWidth)));
            if( bColGroups && pColumn->m_bRightBorder && nCol<nCols-1 )
                rWrt.DecIndentLevel(); // indent content of <COLGRP>
                rWrt.OutNewLine(); // </COLGRP> in new line
                HTMLOutFuncs::Out_AsciiTag( rWrt.Strm(), Concat2View(rWrt.GetNamespace() + OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_colgroup),
                                            false );
                rWrt.OutNewLine(); // <COLGRP> in new line
                HTMLOutFuncs::Out_AsciiTag( rWrt.Strm(), Concat2View(rWrt.GetNamespace() + OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_colgroup) );
                rWrt.IncIndentLevel(); // indent content of <COLGRP>
        if( bColGroups )
            rWrt.DecIndentLevel(); // indent content of <COLGRP>
            rWrt.OutNewLine(); // </COLGRP> in new line
            HTMLOutFuncs::Out_AsciiTag( rWrt.Strm(), Concat2View(rWrt.GetNamespace() + OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_colgroup),
                                        false );
    // output the lines as table lines
    // Output <TBODY>?
    bool bTSections = (bRowsHaveBorder && !bRowsHaveBorderOnly);
    bool bTBody = bTSections;
    // If sections must be outputted, then a THEAD around the first line only
    // can be outputted if there is a line below the cell.
    if( bTHead &&
        (bTSections || bColGroups) &&
        m_nHeadEndRow<m_aRows.size()-1 && !m_aRows[m_nHeadEndRow]->HasBottomBorder() )
        bTHead = false;
    // Output <TBODY> only if <THEAD> is outputted.
    bTSections |= bTHead;
    if( bTSections )
        rWrt.OutNewLine(); // <THEAD>/<TDATA> in new line
        OString aTag = bTHead ? OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_thead : OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_tbody;
        HTMLOutFuncs::Out_AsciiTag(rWrt.Strm(), Concat2View(rWrt.GetNamespace() + aTag));
        rWrt.IncIndentLevel(); // indent content of <THEAD>/<TDATA>
    sal_uInt16 nSkipRows = 0;
    for( SwWriteTableRows::size_type nRow = 0; nRow < m_aRows.size(); ++nRow )
        const SwWriteTableRow *pRow = m_aRows[nRow].get();
        if (nSkipRows == 0)
            OutTableCells(rWrt, pRow->GetCells(), pRow->GetBackground(), nSkipRows);
        if( ( (bTHead && nRow==m_nHeadEndRow) ||
              (bTBody && pRow->HasBottomBorder()) ) &&
            nRow < m_aRows.size()-1 )
            rWrt.DecIndentLevel(); // indent content of <THEAD>/<TDATA>
            rWrt.OutNewLine(); // </THEAD>/</TDATA> in new line
            OString aTag = bTHead ? OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_thead : OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_tbody;
            HTMLOutFuncs::Out_AsciiTag(rWrt.Strm(), Concat2View(rWrt.GetNamespace() + aTag), false);
            rWrt.OutNewLine(); // <THEAD>/<TDATA> in new line
            if( bTHead && nRow==m_nHeadEndRow )
                bTHead = false;
            aTag = bTHead ? OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_thead : OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_tbody;
            HTMLOutFuncs::Out_AsciiTag(rWrt.Strm(), Concat2View(rWrt.GetNamespace() + aTag));
            rWrt.IncIndentLevel(); // indent content of <THEAD>/<TDATA>
    if( bTSections )
        rWrt.DecIndentLevel(); // indent content of <THEAD>/<TDATA>
        rWrt.OutNewLine(); // </THEAD>/</TDATA> in new line
        OString aTag = bTHead ? OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_thead : OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_tbody;
        HTMLOutFuncs::Out_AsciiTag(rWrt.Strm(), Concat2View(rWrt.GetNamespace() + aTag), false);
    rWrt.DecIndentLevel(); // indent content of <TABLE>
    rWrt.OutNewLine(); // </TABLE> in new line
    HTMLOutFuncs::Out_AsciiTag( rWrt.Strm(), Concat2View(rWrt.GetNamespace() + OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_table), false );
    rWrt.m_nDirection = nOldDirection;
SwHTMLWriter& OutHTML_SwTableNode( SwHTMLWriter& rWrt, SwTableNode & rNode,
                           const SwFrameFormat *pFlyFrameFormat,
                           const OUString *pCaption, bool bTopCaption )
    SwTable& rTable = rNode.GetTable();
    rWrt.m_bOutTable = true;
    // The horizontal alignment of the frame (if exists) has priority.
    // NONE means that no horizontal alignment was outputted.
    sal_Int16 eFlyHoriOri = text::HoriOrientation::NONE;
    css::text::WrapTextMode eSurround = css::text::WrapTextMode_NONE;
    sal_uInt8 nFlyPercentWidth = 0;
    tools::Long nFlyWidth = 0;
    sal_uInt16 nFlyHSpace = 0;
    sal_uInt16 nFlyVSpace = 0;
    if( pFlyFrameFormat )
        eSurround = pFlyFrameFormat->GetSurround().GetSurround();
        const SwFormatFrameSize& rFrameSize = pFlyFrameFormat->GetFrameSize();
        nFlyPercentWidth = rFrameSize.GetWidthPercent();
        nFlyWidth = rFrameSize.GetSize().Width();
        eFlyHoriOri = pFlyFrameFormat->GetHoriOrient().GetHoriOrient();
        if( text::HoriOrientation::NONE == eFlyHoriOri )
            eFlyHoriOri = text::HoriOrientation::LEFT;
        const SvxLRSpaceItem& rLRSpace = pFlyFrameFormat->GetLRSpace();
        nFlyHSpace = static_cast< sal_uInt16 >((rLRSpace.GetLeft() + rLRSpace.GetRight()) / 2);
        const SvxULSpaceItem& rULSpace = pFlyFrameFormat->GetULSpace();
        nFlyVSpace = (rULSpace.GetUpper() + rULSpace.GetLower()) / 2;
    // maybe open a FORM
    bool bPreserveForm = false;
    if( !rWrt.m_bPreserveForm )
        rWrt.OutForm( true, &rNode );
        bPreserveForm = rWrt.mxFormComps.is();
        rWrt.m_bPreserveForm = bPreserveForm;
    SwFrameFormat *pFormat = rTable.GetFrameFormat();
    const SwFormatFrameSize& rFrameSize = pFormat->GetFrameSize();
    tools::Long nWidth = rFrameSize.GetSize().Width();
    sal_uInt8 nPercentWidth = rFrameSize.GetWidthPercent();
    sal_uInt16 nBaseWidth = o3tl::narrowing<sal_uInt16>(nWidth);
    sal_Int16 eTabHoriOri = pFormat->GetHoriOrient().GetHoriOrient();
    // text::HoriOrientation::NONE and text::HoriOrientation::FULL tables need relative widths
    sal_uInt16 nNewDefListLvl = 0;
    bool bRelWidths = false;
    bool bCheckDefList = false;
    switch( eTabHoriOri )
    case text::HoriOrientation::FULL:
        // Tables with automatic alignment become tables with 100% width.
        bRelWidths = true;
        nWidth = 100;
        eTabHoriOri = text::HoriOrientation::LEFT;
    case text::HoriOrientation::NONE:
            const SvxLRSpaceItem& aLRItem = pFormat->GetLRSpace();
            if( aLRItem.GetRight() )
                // The table width is defined on the basis of the left and
                // right margin. Therefore we try to define the actual
                // width of the table. If that's not possible we transform
                // it to a table with width 100%.
                nWidth = pFormat->FindLayoutRect(true).Width();
                if( !nWidth )
                    bRelWidths = true;
                    nWidth = 100;
            else if( nPercentWidth  )
                // Without a right border the %-width is maintained.
                nWidth = nPercentWidth;
                bRelWidths = true;
                // Without a right margin also an absolute width is maintained.
                // We still try to define the actual width via the layout.
                tools::Long nRealWidth = pFormat->FindLayoutRect(true).Width();
                if( nRealWidth )
                    nWidth = nRealWidth;
            bCheckDefList = true;
    case text::HoriOrientation::LEFT_AND_WIDTH:
        eTabHoriOri = text::HoriOrientation::LEFT;
        bCheckDefList = true;
        // In all other case it's possible to use directly an absolute
        // or relative width.
        if( nPercentWidth )
            bRelWidths = true;
            nWidth = nPercentWidth;
    // In ReqIF case, do not emulate indentation with fake description list
    if( bCheckDefList && !rWrt.mbReqIF )
        OSL_ENSURE( !rWrt.GetNumInfo().GetNumRule() ||
                "NumInfo for next paragraph is missing!" );
        const SvxLRSpaceItem& aLRItem = pFormat->GetLRSpace();
        if( aLRItem.GetLeft() > 0 && rWrt.m_nDefListMargin > 0 &&
            ( !rWrt.GetNumInfo().GetNumRule() ||
              ( rWrt.GetNextNumInfo() &&
                (rWrt.GetNumInfo().GetNumRule() != rWrt.GetNextNumInfo()->GetNumRule() ||
                 rWrt.GetNextNumInfo()->IsRestart(rWrt.GetNumInfo())) ) ) )
            // If the paragraph before the table is not numbered or the
            // paragraph after the table starts with a new numbering or with
            // a different rule, we can maintain the indentation with a DL.
            // Otherwise we keep the indentation of the numbering.
            nNewDefListLvl = static_cast< sal_uInt16 >(
                (aLRItem.GetLeft() + (rWrt.m_nDefListMargin/2)) /
                rWrt.m_nDefListMargin );
    if( !pFlyFrameFormat && !rWrt.mbReqIF && nNewDefListLvl != rWrt.m_nDefListLvl )
        rWrt.OutAndSetDefList( nNewDefListLvl );
    // eFlyHoriOri and eTabHoriOri now only contain the values of
    if( eFlyHoriOri!=text::HoriOrientation::NONE )
        eTabHoriOri = eFlyHoriOri;
        // MIB 4.7.97: If the table has a relative width, then the width is
        // adjusted to the width of the frame, therefore we export its width.
        // If fixed width, the table width is relevant. Whoever puts tables with
        // relative width <100% into frames is to blame when the result looks bad.
        if( bRelWidths )
            nWidth = nFlyPercentWidth ? nFlyPercentWidth : nFlyWidth;
            bRelWidths = nFlyPercentWidth > 0;
    sal_Int16 eDivHoriOri = text::HoriOrientation::NONE;
    switch( eTabHoriOri )
    case text::HoriOrientation::LEFT:
        // If a left-aligned table has no right sided flow, then we don't need
        // an ALIGN=LEFT in the table.
        if( eSurround==css::text::WrapTextMode_NONE || eSurround==css::text::WrapTextMode_LEFT )
            eTabHoriOri = text::HoriOrientation::NONE;
    case text::HoriOrientation::RIGHT:
        // Something like that also applies to right-aligned tables,
        // here we use a <DIV ALIGN=RIGHT> instead.
        if( eSurround==css::text::WrapTextMode_NONE || eSurround==css::text::WrapTextMode_RIGHT )
            eDivHoriOri = text::HoriOrientation::RIGHT;
            eTabHoriOri = text::HoriOrientation::NONE;
    case text::HoriOrientation::CENTER:
        // Almost nobody understands ALIGN=CENTER, therefore we abstain
        // from it and use a <CENTER>.
        eDivHoriOri = text::HoriOrientation::CENTER;
        eTabHoriOri = text::HoriOrientation::NONE;
    if( text::HoriOrientation::NONE==eTabHoriOri )
        nFlyHSpace = nFlyVSpace = 0;
    if( !pFormat->GetName().isEmpty() )
        rWrt.OutImplicitMark( pFormat->GetName(), "table" );
    if( text::HoriOrientation::NONE!=eDivHoriOri )
        if (rWrt.IsLFPossible())
            rWrt.OutNewLine();  // <CENTER> in new line
        if( text::HoriOrientation::CENTER==eDivHoriOri )
            if (!rWrt.mbXHTML)
                // Not XHTML's css center: start <center>.
                HTMLOutFuncs::Out_AsciiTag( rWrt.Strm(), Concat2View(rWrt.GetNamespace() + OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_center) );
            if (rWrt.mbReqIF)
                // In ReqIF, div cannot have an 'align' attribute. For now, use 'style' only
                // for ReqIF; maybe it makes sense to use it in both cases?
                static constexpr char sOut[] = OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_division
                    " style=\"display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: flex-end\"";
                HTMLOutFuncs::Out_AsciiTag(rWrt.Strm(), Concat2View(rWrt.GetNamespace() + sOut));
                static constexpr char sOut[] = OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_division
                    " " OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_O_align "=\"" OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_AL_right "\"";
                HTMLOutFuncs::Out_AsciiTag(rWrt.Strm(), Concat2View(rWrt.GetNamespace() + sOut));
        rWrt.IncIndentLevel();  // indent content of <CENTER>
    // If the table isn't in a frame, then you always can output a LF.
    if( text::HoriOrientation::NONE==eTabHoriOri )
    const SwHTMLTableLayout *pLayout = rTable.GetHTMLTableLayout();
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
    SwViewShell *pSh = rWrt.m_pDoc->getIDocumentLayoutAccess().GetCurrentViewShell();
    if ( pSh && pSh->GetViewOptions()->IsTest1() )
        pLayout = nullptr;
    if( pLayout && pLayout->IsExportable() )
        SwHTMLWrtTable aTableWrt( pLayout );
        aTableWrt.Write( rWrt, eTabHoriOri, rTable.GetRowsToRepeat() > 0,
                         pFormat, pCaption, bTopCaption,
                         nFlyHSpace, nFlyVSpace );
        SwHTMLWrtTable aTableWrt( rTable.GetTabLines(), nWidth,
                                  nBaseWidth, bRelWidths, 0, 0, rTable.GetRowsToRepeat() );
        aTableWrt.Write( rWrt, eTabHoriOri, rTable.GetRowsToRepeat() > 0,
                         pFormat, pCaption, bTopCaption,
                         nFlyHSpace, nFlyVSpace );
    // If the table wasn't in a frame, then you always can output a LF.
    if( text::HoriOrientation::NONE==eTabHoriOri )
    if( text::HoriOrientation::NONE!=eDivHoriOri )
        rWrt.DecIndentLevel();  // indent content of <CENTER>
        rWrt.OutNewLine();      // </CENTER> in new line
        OString aTag = text::HoriOrientation::CENTER == eDivHoriOri
                           ? OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_center
                           : OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_division;
        if (!rWrt.mbXHTML || eDivHoriOri != text::HoriOrientation::CENTER)
            // Not XHTML's css center: end <center>.
            HTMLOutFuncs::Out_AsciiTag(rWrt.Strm(), Concat2View(rWrt.GetNamespace() + aTag), false);
    // move Pam behind the table
    rWrt.m_pCurrentPam->GetPoint()->Assign( *rNode.EndOfSectionNode() );
    if( bPreserveForm )
        rWrt.m_bPreserveForm = false;
        rWrt.OutForm( false );
    rWrt.m_bOutTable = false;
    if( rWrt.GetNextNumInfo() &&
        rWrt.GetNextNumInfo()->GetNumRule() == rWrt.GetNumInfo().GetNumRule() &&
        !rWrt.GetNextNumInfo()->IsRestart(rWrt.GetNumInfo()) )
        // If the paragraph after the table is numbered with the same rule as the
        // one before, then the NumInfo of the next paragraph holds the level of
        // paragraph before the table. Therefore NumInfo must be fetched again
        // to maybe close the Num list.
        OutHTML_NumberBulletListEnd( rWrt, *rWrt.GetNextNumInfo() );
    return rWrt;
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.