/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <sal/config.h>
#include <sal/log.hxx>
#include <algorithm>
#include <utility>
#include <cppuhelper/factory.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/beans/XPropertySet.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/uno/XComponentContext.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/linguistic2/XLinguProperties.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/linguistic2/XLinguServiceEventBroadcaster.hpp>
#include <rtl/ustrbuf.hxx>
#include <i18nlangtag/lang.h>
#include <unotools/localedatawrapper.hxx>
#include <tools/debug.hxx>
#include <svl/lngmisc.hxx>
#include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx>
#include <comphelper/sequence.hxx>
#include <osl/mutex.hxx>
#include "hyphdsp.hxx"
#include <linguistic/hyphdta.hxx>
#include <linguistic/misc.hxx>
#include "lngsvcmgr.hxx"
using namespace osl;
using namespace com::sun::star;
using namespace com::sun::star::beans;
using namespace com::sun::star::lang;
using namespace com::sun::star::uno;
using namespace com::sun::star::linguistic2;
using namespace linguistic;
HyphenatorDispatcher::HyphenatorDispatcher( LngSvcMgr &rLngSvcMgr ) :
    rMgr    (rLngSvcMgr)
void HyphenatorDispatcher::ClearSvcList()
    // release memory for each table entry
Reference<XHyphenatedWord>  HyphenatorDispatcher::buildHyphWord(
            const OUString& rOrigWord,
            const Reference<XDictionaryEntry> &xEntry,
            LanguageType nLang, sal_Int16 nMaxLeading )
    MutexGuard  aGuard( GetLinguMutex() );
    Reference< XHyphenatedWord > xRes;
    if (xEntry.is())
        OUString aText( xEntry->getDictionaryWord() );
        sal_Int32 nTextLen = aText.getLength();
        // trailing '=' means "hyphenation should not be possible"
        if (nTextLen > 0  &&  aText[ nTextLen - 1 ] != '=' && aText[ nTextLen - 1 ] != '[')
            sal_Int16 nHyphenationPos = -1;
            sal_Int16 nOrigHyphPos = -1;
            OUStringBuffer aTmp( nTextLen );
            bool  bSkip = false;
            bool  bSkip2 = false;
            sal_Int32 nHyphIdx = -1;
            sal_Int32 nLeading = 0;
            for (sal_Int32 i = 0;  i < nTextLen;  i++)
                sal_Unicode cTmp = aText[i];
                if (cTmp == '[' || cTmp == ']')
                    bSkip2 = !bSkip2;
                if (cTmp != '=' && !bSkip2 && cTmp != ']')
                    aTmp.append( cTmp );
                    bSkip = false;
                    if (!bSkip  &&  nHyphIdx >= 0)
                        if (nLeading <= nMaxLeading) {
                            nHyphenationPos = static_cast<sal_Int16>(nHyphIdx);
                            nOrigHyphPos = i;
                    bSkip = true;   //! multiple '=' should count as one only
            if (nHyphenationPos > 0)
                    if (std::u16string_view(aTmp) != rOrigWord)
                        // both words should only differ by a having a trailing '.'
                        // character or not...
                        std::u16string_view aShorter(aTmp), aLonger(rOrigWord);
                        if (aTmp.getLength() > rOrigWord.getLength())
                            std::swap(aShorter, aLonger);
                        sal_Int32 nS = aShorter.size();
                        sal_Int32 nL = aLonger.size();
                        if (nS > 0 && nL > 0)
                            assert( ((nS + 1 == nL) && aLonger[nL-1] == '.') && "HyphenatorDispatcher::buildHyphWord: unexpected difference between words!" );
                sal_Int32 nHyphenPos = -1;
                if (aText[ nOrigHyphPos ] == '[')  // alternative hyphenation
                    sal_Int16 split = 0;
                    sal_Unicode c = aText [ nOrigHyphPos + 1 ];
                    sal_Int32 endhyphpat = aText.indexOf( ']', nOrigHyphPos );
                    if ('0' <= c && c <= '9')
                        split = c - '0';
                    if (endhyphpat > -1)
                        OUStringBuffer aTmp2 ( aTmp.copy(0, std::max (nHyphenationPos + 1 - split, 0) ) );
                        aTmp2.append( aText.subView( nOrigHyphPos + 1, endhyphpat - nOrigHyphPos - 1) );
                        nHyphenPos = aTmp2.getLength();
                        aTmp2.append( aTmp.subView( nHyphenationPos + 1 ) );
                        //! take care of #i22591#
                        if (rOrigWord[ rOrigWord.getLength() - 1 ] == '.')
                            aTmp2.append( '.' );
                        aText = aTmp2.makeStringAndClear();
                if (nHyphenPos == -1)
                    aText = rOrigWord;
                xRes = new HyphenatedWord( rOrigWord, nLang, nHyphenationPos,
                                aText, (nHyphenPos > -1) ? nHyphenPos - 1 : nHyphenationPos);
    return xRes;
Reference< XPossibleHyphens > HyphenatorDispatcher::buildPossHyphens(
            const Reference< XDictionaryEntry > &xEntry, LanguageType nLanguage )
    MutexGuard  aGuard( GetLinguMutex() );
    Reference<XPossibleHyphens> xRes;
    if (xEntry.is())
        // text with hyphenation info
        OUString aText( xEntry->getDictionaryWord() );
        sal_Int32 nTextLen = aText.getLength();
        // trailing '=' means "hyphenation should not be possible"
        if (nTextLen > 0  &&  aText[ nTextLen - 1 ] != '=' && aText[ nTextLen - 1 ] != '[')
            // sequence to hold hyphenation positions
            Sequence< sal_Int16 > aHyphPos( nTextLen );
            sal_Int16 *pPos = aHyphPos.getArray();
            sal_Int32 nHyphCount = 0;
            OUStringBuffer aTmp( nTextLen );
            bool  bSkip = false;
            bool  bSkip2 = false;
            sal_Int32 nHyphIdx = -1;
            for (sal_Int32 i = 0;  i < nTextLen;  i++)
                sal_Unicode cTmp = aText[i];
                if (cTmp == '[' || cTmp == ']')
                    bSkip2 = !bSkip2;
                if (cTmp != '=' && !bSkip2 && cTmp != ']')
                    aTmp.append( cTmp );
                    bSkip = false;
                    if (!bSkip  &&  nHyphIdx >= 0)
                        pPos[ nHyphCount++ ] = static_cast<sal_Int16>(nHyphIdx);
                    bSkip = true;   //! multiple '=' should count as one only
            // ignore (multiple) trailing '='
            if (bSkip  &&  nHyphIdx >= 0)
            DBG_ASSERT( nHyphCount >= 0, "lng : invalid hyphenation count");
            if (nHyphCount > 0)
                aHyphPos.realloc( nHyphCount );
                xRes = new PossibleHyphens( aTmp.makeStringAndClear(), nLanguage,
                                aText, aHyphPos );
    return xRes;
Sequence< Locale > SAL_CALL HyphenatorDispatcher::getLocales()
    MutexGuard  aGuard( GetLinguMutex() );
    std::vector<Locale> aLocales;
    std::transform(aSvcMap.begin(), aSvcMap.end(), std::back_inserter(aLocales),
        [](HyphSvcByLangMap_t::const_reference elem) { return LanguageTag::convertToLocale(elem.first); });
    return comphelper::containerToSequence(aLocales);
sal_Bool SAL_CALL HyphenatorDispatcher::hasLocale(const Locale& rLocale)
    MutexGuard  aGuard( GetLinguMutex() );
    HyphSvcByLangMap_t::const_iterator aIt( aSvcMap.find( LinguLocaleToLanguage( rLocale ) ) );
    return aIt != aSvcMap.end();
Reference< XHyphenatedWord > SAL_CALL
            const OUString& rWord, const Locale& rLocale, sal_Int16 nMaxLeading,
            const css::uno::Sequence< ::css::beans::PropertyValue >& rProperties )
    MutexGuard  aGuard( GetLinguMutex() );
    Reference< XHyphenatedWord >    xRes;
    sal_Int32 nWordLen = rWord.getLength();
    LanguageType nLanguage = LinguLocaleToLanguage( rLocale );
    if (LinguIsUnspecified(nLanguage) || !nWordLen ||
        nMaxLeading == 0 || nMaxLeading == nWordLen)
        return xRes;
    // search for entry with that language
    HyphSvcByLangMap_t::iterator    aIt( aSvcMap.find( nLanguage ) );
    LangSvcEntries_Hyph     *pEntry = aIt != aSvcMap.end() ? aIt->second.get() : nullptr;
    bool bWordModified = false;
    if (!pEntry || (nMaxLeading < 0 || nMaxLeading > nWordLen))
        return nullptr;
        OUString aChkWord( rWord );
        // replace typographical apostroph by ascii apostroph
        OUString aSingleQuote( GetLocaleDataWrapper( nLanguage ).getQuotationMarkEnd() );
        DBG_ASSERT( 1 == aSingleQuote.getLength(), "unexpected length of quotation mark" );
        if (!aSingleQuote.isEmpty())
            aChkWord = aChkWord.replace( aSingleQuote[0], '\'' );
        bWordModified |= RemoveHyphens( aChkWord );
        if (IsIgnoreControlChars( rProperties, GetPropSet() ))
            bWordModified |= RemoveControlChars( aChkWord );
        sal_Int16 nChkMaxLeading = static_cast<sal_Int16>(GetPosInWordToCheck( rWord, nMaxLeading ));
        // check for results from (positive) dictionaries which have precedence!
        Reference< XDictionaryEntry > xEntry;
        if (GetDicList().is()  &&  IsUseDicList( rProperties, GetPropSet() ))
            xEntry = GetDicList()->queryDictionaryEntry( aChkWord, rLocale,
                        true, false );
        if (xEntry.is())
            //! because queryDictionaryEntry (in the end DictionaryNeo::getEntry)
            //! does not distinguish between "XYZ" and "XYZ." in order to avoid
            //! to require them as different entry we have to supply the
            //! original word here as well so it can be used in th result
            //! otherwise a strange effect may occur (see #i22591#)
            xRes = buildHyphWord( rWord, xEntry, nLanguage, nChkMaxLeading );
            sal_Int32 nLen = pEntry->aSvcImplNames.hasElements() ? 1 : 0;
            DBG_ASSERT( pEntry->nLastTriedSvcIndex < nLen,
                    "lng : index out of range");
            sal_Int32 i = 0;
            Reference< XHyphenator > xHyph;
            if (pEntry->aSvcRefs.hasElements())
                xHyph = pEntry->aSvcRefs[0];
            // try already instantiated service
            if (i <= pEntry->nLastTriedSvcIndex)
                if (xHyph.is()  &&  xHyph->hasLocale( rLocale ))
                    xRes = xHyph->hyphenate( aChkWord, rLocale, nChkMaxLeading,
                                            rProperties );
            else if (pEntry->nLastTriedSvcIndex < nLen - 1)
            // instantiate services and try it
                Reference< XHyphenator > *pRef = pEntry->aSvcRefs.getArray();
                const Reference< XComponentContext >& xContext(
                    comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() );
                // build service initialization argument
                Sequence< Any > aArgs(2);
                aArgs.getArray()[0] <<= GetPropSet();
                // create specific service via it's implementation name
                    xHyph = Reference< XHyphenator >(
                                    pEntry->aSvcImplNames[0], aArgs, xContext ),
                                UNO_QUERY );
                catch (uno::Exception &)
                    SAL_WARN( "linguistic", "createInstanceWithArguments failed" );
                pRef [i] = xHyph;
                Reference< XLinguServiceEventBroadcaster >
                        xBroadcaster( xHyph, UNO_QUERY );
                if (xBroadcaster.is())
                    rMgr.AddLngSvcEvtBroadcaster( xBroadcaster );
                if (xHyph.is()  &&  xHyph->hasLocale( rLocale ))
                    xRes = xHyph->hyphenate( aChkWord, rLocale, nChkMaxLeading,
                                            rProperties );
                pEntry->nLastTriedSvcIndex = static_cast<sal_Int16>(i);
                // if language is not supported by the services
                // remove it from the list.
                if (xHyph.is()  &&  !xHyph->hasLocale( rLocale ))
                    aSvcMap.erase( nLanguage );
        }   // if (xEntry.is())
    if (bWordModified  &&  xRes.is())
        xRes = RebuildHyphensAndControlChars( rWord, xRes );
    if (xRes.is()  &&  xRes->getWord() != rWord)
        xRes = new HyphenatedWord( rWord, nLanguage, xRes->getHyphenationPos(),
                                   xRes->getHyphenPos() );
    return xRes;
Reference< XHyphenatedWord > SAL_CALL
            const OUString& rWord, const Locale& rLocale, sal_Int16 nIndex,
            const css::uno::Sequence< ::css::beans::PropertyValue >& rProperties )
    MutexGuard  aGuard( GetLinguMutex() );
    Reference< XHyphenatedWord >    xRes;
    sal_Int32 nWordLen = rWord.getLength();
    LanguageType nLanguage = LinguLocaleToLanguage( rLocale );
    if (LinguIsUnspecified(nLanguage) || !nWordLen)
        return xRes;
    // search for entry with that language
    HyphSvcByLangMap_t::iterator    aIt( aSvcMap.find( nLanguage ) );
    LangSvcEntries_Hyph     *pEntry = aIt != aSvcMap.end() ? aIt->second.get() : nullptr;
    bool bWordModified = false;
    if (!pEntry || 0 > nIndex || nIndex > nWordLen - 2)
        return nullptr;
        OUString aChkWord( rWord );
        // replace typographical apostroph by ascii apostroph
        OUString aSingleQuote( GetLocaleDataWrapper( nLanguage ).getQuotationMarkEnd() );
        DBG_ASSERT( 1 == aSingleQuote.getLength(), "unexpected length of quotation mark" );
        if (!aSingleQuote.isEmpty())
            aChkWord = aChkWord.replace( aSingleQuote[0], '\'' );
        bWordModified |= RemoveHyphens( aChkWord );
        if (IsIgnoreControlChars( rProperties, GetPropSet() ))
            bWordModified |= RemoveControlChars( aChkWord );
        sal_Int16 nChkIndex = static_cast<sal_Int16>(GetPosInWordToCheck( rWord, nIndex ));
        // check for results from (positive) dictionaries which have precedence!
        Reference< XDictionaryEntry > xEntry;
        if (GetDicList().is()  &&  IsUseDicList( rProperties, GetPropSet() ))
            xEntry = GetDicList()->queryDictionaryEntry( aChkWord, rLocale,
                        true, false );
        if (xEntry.is())
            xRes = buildHyphWord(aChkWord, xEntry, nLanguage, nIndex + 1);
            if (xRes.is() && xRes->isAlternativeSpelling() && xRes->getHyphenationPos() == nIndex)
                    return xRes;
            sal_Int32 nLen = pEntry->aSvcImplNames.hasElements() ? 1 : 0;
            DBG_ASSERT( pEntry->nLastTriedSvcIndex < nLen,
                    "lng : index out of range");
            sal_Int32 i = 0;
            Reference< XHyphenator > xHyph;
            if (pEntry->aSvcRefs.hasElements())
                xHyph = pEntry->aSvcRefs[0];
            // try already instantiated service
            if (i <= pEntry->nLastTriedSvcIndex)
                if (xHyph.is()  &&  xHyph->hasLocale( rLocale ))
                    xRes = xHyph->queryAlternativeSpelling( aChkWord, rLocale,
                                nChkIndex, rProperties );
            else if (pEntry->nLastTriedSvcIndex < nLen - 1)
            // instantiate services and try it
                Reference< XHyphenator > *pRef = pEntry->aSvcRefs.getArray();
                const Reference< XComponentContext >& xContext(
                    comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() );
                // build service initialization argument
                Sequence< Any > aArgs(2);
                aArgs.getArray()[0] <<= GetPropSet();
                // create specific service via it's implementation name
                    xHyph = Reference< XHyphenator >(
                                    pEntry->aSvcImplNames[0], aArgs, xContext ), UNO_QUERY );
                catch (uno::Exception &)
                    SAL_WARN( "linguistic", "createInstanceWithArguments failed" );
                pRef [i] = xHyph;
                Reference< XLinguServiceEventBroadcaster >
                        xBroadcaster( xHyph, UNO_QUERY );
                if (xBroadcaster.is())
                    rMgr.AddLngSvcEvtBroadcaster( xBroadcaster );
                if (xHyph.is()  &&  xHyph->hasLocale( rLocale ))
                    xRes = xHyph->queryAlternativeSpelling( aChkWord, rLocale,
                                nChkIndex, rProperties );
                pEntry->nLastTriedSvcIndex = static_cast<sal_Int16>(i);
                // if language is not supported by the services
                // remove it from the list.
                if (xHyph.is()  &&  !xHyph->hasLocale( rLocale ))
                    aSvcMap.erase( nLanguage );
        }   // if (xEntry.is())
    if (bWordModified  &&  xRes.is())
        xRes = RebuildHyphensAndControlChars( rWord, xRes );
    if (xRes.is()  &&  xRes->getWord() != rWord)
        xRes = new HyphenatedWord( rWord, nLanguage, xRes->getHyphenationPos(),
                                   xRes->getHyphenPos() );
    return xRes;
Reference< XPossibleHyphens > SAL_CALL
            const OUString& rWord, const Locale& rLocale,
            const css::uno::Sequence< ::css::beans::PropertyValue >& rProperties )
    MutexGuard  aGuard( GetLinguMutex() );
    Reference< XPossibleHyphens >   xRes;
    LanguageType nLanguage = LinguLocaleToLanguage( rLocale );
    if (LinguIsUnspecified(nLanguage) || rWord.isEmpty())
        return xRes;
    // search for entry with that language
    HyphSvcByLangMap_t::iterator    aIt( aSvcMap.find( nLanguage ) );
    LangSvcEntries_Hyph     *pEntry = aIt != aSvcMap.end() ? aIt->second.get() : nullptr;
    if (pEntry)
        OUString aChkWord( rWord );
        // replace typographical apostroph by ascii apostroph
        OUString aSingleQuote( GetLocaleDataWrapper( nLanguage ).getQuotationMarkEnd() );
        DBG_ASSERT( 1 == aSingleQuote.getLength(), "unexpected length of quotation mark" );
        if (!aSingleQuote.isEmpty())
            aChkWord = aChkWord.replace( aSingleQuote[0], '\'' );
        RemoveHyphens( aChkWord );
        if (IsIgnoreControlChars( rProperties, GetPropSet() ))
            RemoveControlChars( aChkWord );
        // check for results from (positive) dictionaries which have precedence!
        Reference< XDictionaryEntry > xEntry;
        if (GetDicList().is()  &&  IsUseDicList( rProperties, GetPropSet() ))
            xEntry = GetDicList()->queryDictionaryEntry( aChkWord, rLocale,
                        true, false );
        if (xEntry.is())
            xRes = buildPossHyphens( xEntry, nLanguage );
            sal_Int32 nLen = pEntry->aSvcImplNames.hasElements() ? 1 : 0;
            DBG_ASSERT( pEntry->nLastTriedSvcIndex < nLen,
                    "lng : index out of range");
            sal_Int32 i = 0;
            Reference< XHyphenator > xHyph;
            if (pEntry->aSvcRefs.hasElements())
                xHyph = pEntry->aSvcRefs[0];
            // try already instantiated service
            if (i <= pEntry->nLastTriedSvcIndex)
                if (xHyph.is()  &&  xHyph->hasLocale( rLocale ))
                    xRes = xHyph->createPossibleHyphens( aChkWord, rLocale,
                                rProperties );
            else if (pEntry->nLastTriedSvcIndex < nLen - 1)
            // instantiate services and try it
                Reference< XHyphenator > *pRef = pEntry->aSvcRefs.getArray();
                const Reference< XComponentContext >& xContext(
                    comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() );
                // build service initialization argument
                Sequence< Any > aArgs(2);
                aArgs.getArray()[0] <<= GetPropSet();
                // create specific service via it's implementation name
                    xHyph.set( xContext->getServiceManager()->createInstanceWithArgumentsAndContext(
                                   pEntry->aSvcImplNames[0], aArgs, xContext ),
                               UNO_QUERY );
                catch (uno::Exception &)
                    SAL_WARN( "linguistic", "createWithArguments failed" );
                pRef [i] = xHyph;
                Reference< XLinguServiceEventBroadcaster >
                        xBroadcaster( xHyph, UNO_QUERY );
                if (xBroadcaster.is())
                    rMgr.AddLngSvcEvtBroadcaster( xBroadcaster );
                if (xHyph.is()  &&  xHyph->hasLocale( rLocale ))
                    xRes = xHyph->createPossibleHyphens( aChkWord, rLocale, rProperties );
                pEntry->nLastTriedSvcIndex = static_cast<sal_Int16>(i);
                // if language is not supported by the services
                // remove it from the list.
                if (xHyph.is()  &&  !xHyph->hasLocale( rLocale ))
                    aSvcMap.erase( nLanguage );
        }   // if (xEntry.is())
    if (xRes.is()  &&  xRes->getWord() != rWord)
        xRes = new PossibleHyphens( rWord, nLanguage,
                                    xRes->getHyphenationPositions() );
    return xRes;
void HyphenatorDispatcher::SetServiceList( const Locale &rLocale,
        const Sequence< OUString > &rSvcImplNames )
    MutexGuard  aGuard( GetLinguMutex() );
    LanguageType nLanguage = LinguLocaleToLanguage( rLocale );
    if (!rSvcImplNames.hasElements())
        // remove entry
        aSvcMap.erase( nLanguage );
        // modify/add entry
        LangSvcEntries_Hyph *pEntry = aSvcMap[ nLanguage ].get();
        if (pEntry)
            pEntry->aSvcImplNames = rSvcImplNames;
            pEntry->aSvcRefs  = Sequence< Reference < XHyphenator > > ( 1 );
            auto pTmpEntry = std::make_shared<LangSvcEntries_Hyph>( rSvcImplNames[0] );
            pTmpEntry->aSvcRefs = Sequence< Reference < XHyphenator > >( 1 );
            aSvcMap[ nLanguage ] = std::move(pTmpEntry);
Sequence< OUString >
    HyphenatorDispatcher::GetServiceList( const Locale &rLocale ) const
    MutexGuard  aGuard( GetLinguMutex() );
    Sequence< OUString > aRes;
    // search for entry with that language and use data from that
    LanguageType nLanguage = LinguLocaleToLanguage( rLocale );
    const HyphSvcByLangMap_t::const_iterator  aIt( aSvcMap.find( nLanguage ) );
    const LangSvcEntries_Hyph       *pEntry = aIt != aSvcMap.end() ? aIt->second.get() : nullptr;
    if (pEntry)
        aRes = pEntry->aSvcImplNames;
        if (aRes.hasElements())
    return aRes;
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.