/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <contentindex.hxx>
#include <assert.h>
#include <sal/log.hxx>
#include <crossrefbookmark.hxx>
ISwContentIndexOwner::~ISwContentIndexOwner() {}
SwContentIndex::SwContentIndex(const SwContentNode * pContentNode, sal_Int32 const nIdx)
    : m_nIndex( nIdx )
    , m_pContentNode( const_cast<SwContentNode*>(pContentNode) )
    , m_pNext( nullptr )
    , m_pPrev( nullptr )
SwContentIndex::SwContentIndex( const SwContentIndex& rIdx, short nDiff )
    : m_pContentNode( rIdx.m_pContentNode )
    , m_pNext( nullptr )
    , m_pPrev( nullptr )
    ChgValue( rIdx, rIdx.m_nIndex + nDiff );
SwContentIndex::SwContentIndex( const SwContentIndex& rIdx )
    : m_nIndex( rIdx.m_nIndex )
    , m_pContentNode( rIdx.m_pContentNode )
    , m_pNext( nullptr )
    , m_pPrev( nullptr )
    ChgValue( rIdx, rIdx.m_nIndex );
void SwContentIndex::Init(sal_Int32 const nIdx)
    if (!m_pContentNode)
        m_nIndex = 0; // always 0 if no IndexReg
    else if (!m_pContentNode->m_pFirst) // first Index?
        m_pContentNode->m_pFirst = m_pContentNode->m_pLast = this;
        m_nIndex = nIdx;
    else if (nIdx > ((m_pContentNode->m_pLast->m_nIndex
                        - m_pContentNode->m_pFirst->m_nIndex) / 2))
        ChgValue( *m_pContentNode->m_pLast, nIdx );
        ChgValue( *m_pContentNode->m_pFirst, nIdx );
SwContentIndex& SwContentIndex::ChgValue( const SwContentIndex& rIdx, sal_Int32 nNewValue )
    assert(m_pContentNode == rIdx.m_pContentNode);
    if (!m_pContentNode)
        m_nIndex = 0;
        return *this; // no IndexReg => no list to sort into; m_nIndex is 0
    SwContentIndex* pFnd = const_cast<SwContentIndex*>(&rIdx);
    if (rIdx.m_nIndex > nNewValue) // move forwards
        for (;;)
            SwContentIndex* pPrv = pFnd->m_pPrev;
            if (!pPrv || pPrv->m_nIndex <= nNewValue)
            pFnd = pPrv;
        if( pFnd != this )
            // remove from list at old position
            m_pNext = pFnd;
            m_pPrev = pFnd->m_pPrev;
            if (m_pPrev)
                m_pPrev->m_pNext = this;
                m_pContentNode->m_pFirst = this;
            pFnd->m_pPrev = this;
    else if (rIdx.m_nIndex < nNewValue)
        for (;;)
            SwContentIndex* pNxt = pFnd->m_pNext;
            if (!pNxt || pNxt->m_nIndex >= nNewValue)
            pFnd = pNxt;
        if( pFnd != this )
            // remove from list at old position
            m_pPrev = pFnd;
            m_pNext = pFnd->m_pNext;
            if (m_pNext)
                m_pNext->m_pPrev = this;
                m_pContentNode->m_pLast = this;
            pFnd->m_pNext = this;
    else if( pFnd != this )
        // remove from list at old position
        m_pPrev = pFnd; // == &rIdx here
        m_pNext = rIdx.m_pNext;
        m_pPrev->m_pNext = this;
        if (!m_pNext) // last in the list
            m_pContentNode->m_pLast = this;
            m_pNext->m_pPrev = this;
    if (m_pContentNode->m_pFirst == m_pNext)
        m_pContentNode->m_pFirst = this;
    if (m_pContentNode->m_pLast == m_pPrev)
        m_pContentNode->m_pLast = this;
    m_nIndex = nNewValue;
    return *this;
void SwContentIndex::Remove()
    if (!m_pContentNode)
        assert(!m_pPrev && !m_pNext);
    if (m_pPrev)
        m_pPrev->m_pNext = m_pNext;
    else if (m_pContentNode->m_pFirst == this)
        m_pContentNode->m_pFirst = m_pNext;
    if (m_pNext)
        m_pNext->m_pPrev = m_pPrev;
    else if (m_pContentNode->m_pLast == this)
        m_pContentNode->m_pLast = m_pPrev;
SwContentIndex& SwContentIndex::operator=( const SwContentIndex& rIdx )
    bool bEqual;
    if (rIdx.m_pContentNode != m_pContentNode) // unregister!
        m_pContentNode = rIdx.m_pContentNode;
        m_pNext = m_pPrev = nullptr;
        bEqual = false;
        bEqual = rIdx.m_nIndex == m_nIndex;
    if( !bEqual )
        ChgValue( rIdx, rIdx.m_nIndex );
    return *this;
SwContentIndex& SwContentIndex::Assign( const SwContentNode* pArr, sal_Int32 nIdx )
    if (pArr != m_pContentNode) // unregister!
        m_pContentNode = const_cast<SwContentNode*>(pArr);
        m_pNext = m_pPrev = nullptr;
    else if (m_nIndex != nIdx)
        ChgValue( *this, nIdx );
    return *this;
    : m_pFirst( nullptr ), m_pLast( nullptr )
    assert(!m_pFirst && !m_pLast && "There are still indices registered");
void SwContentIndexReg::Update(
    SwContentIndex const & rIdx,
    const sal_Int32 nDiff,
    UpdateMode const eMode)
    SwContentIndex* pStt = const_cast<SwContentIndex*>(&rIdx);
    const sal_Int32 nNewVal = rIdx.m_nIndex;
    if (eMode & UpdateMode::Negative)
        const sal_Int32 nLast = rIdx.m_nIndex + nDiff;
        pStt = rIdx.m_pNext;
        // skip over the ones that already have the right value
        while (pStt && pStt->m_nIndex == nNewVal)
            pStt = pStt->m_pNext;
        while (pStt && pStt->m_nIndex <= nLast)
            pStt->m_nIndex = nNewVal;
            pStt = pStt->m_pNext;
        while( pStt )
            pStt->m_nIndex = pStt->m_nIndex - nDiff;
            pStt = pStt->m_pNext;
        while (pStt && pStt->m_nIndex == nNewVal)
            pStt->m_nIndex = pStt->m_nIndex + nDiff;
            pStt = pStt->m_pPrev;
        pStt = rIdx.m_pNext;
        while( pStt )
            // HACK: avoid updating position of cross-ref bookmarks
            if (pStt->m_pOwner && pStt->m_pOwner->GetOwnerType() == SwContentIndexOwnerType::Mark
                && dynamic_cast< ::sw::mark::CrossRefBookmark const*>(pStt->m_pOwner))
                ; // do nothing
                pStt->m_nIndex = pStt->m_nIndex + nDiff;
            pStt = pStt->m_pNext;
void SwContentIndexReg::MoveTo( SwContentNode& rArr )
    if (!(this != &rArr && m_pFirst))
    SwContentIndex * pIdx = const_cast<SwContentIndex*>(m_pFirst);
    SwContentIndex * pNext;
    while( pIdx )
        pNext = pIdx->m_pNext;
        pIdx->Assign( &rArr, pIdx->GetIndex() );
        pIdx = pNext;
    m_pFirst = nullptr;
    m_pLast = nullptr;
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
// SwContentIndex
sal_Int32 SwContentIndex::operator++()
    SAL_WARN_IF( !(m_nIndex < SAL_MAX_INT32), "sw.core",
                 "SwContentIndex::operator++() wraps around" );
    ChgValue( *this, m_nIndex+1 );
    return m_nIndex;
sal_Int32 SwContentIndex::operator--(int)
    SAL_WARN_IF( !(m_nIndex > 0), "sw.core",
                 "SwContentIndex::operator--(int) wraps around" );
    const sal_Int32 nOldIndex = m_nIndex;
    ChgValue( *this, m_nIndex-1 );
    return nOldIndex;
sal_Int32 SwContentIndex::operator--()
    SAL_WARN_IF( !( m_nIndex > 0), "sw.core",
                 "SwContentIndex::operator--() wraps around" );
    return ChgValue( *this, m_nIndex-1 ).m_nIndex;
sal_Int32 SwContentIndex::operator+=( sal_Int32 const nVal )
    SAL_WARN_IF( !(nVal > 0 ? m_nIndex <= SAL_MAX_INT32 - nVal : m_nIndex >= nVal), "sw.core",
                 "SwContentIndex SwContentIndex::operator+=(sal_Int32) wraps around" );
    return ChgValue( *this, m_nIndex + nVal ).m_nIndex;
sal_Int32 SwContentIndex::operator-=( sal_Int32 const nVal )
    SAL_WARN_IF( !(m_nIndex >= nVal), "sw.core",
                 "SwContentIndex::operator-=(sal_Int32) wraps around" );
    return ChgValue( *this, m_nIndex - nVal ).m_nIndex;
bool SwContentIndex::operator< ( const SwContentIndex & rIndex ) const
    // Attempt to compare indices into different arrays
    assert(m_pContentNode == rIndex.m_pContentNode);
    return m_nIndex < rIndex.m_nIndex;
bool SwContentIndex::operator<=( const SwContentIndex & rIndex ) const
    // Attempt to compare indices into different arrays
    assert(m_pContentNode == rIndex.m_pContentNode);
    return m_nIndex <= rIndex.m_nIndex;
bool SwContentIndex::operator> ( const SwContentIndex & rIndex ) const
    // Attempt to compare indices into different arrays
    assert(m_pContentNode == rIndex.m_pContentNode);
    return m_nIndex > rIndex.m_nIndex;
bool SwContentIndex::operator>=( const SwContentIndex & rIndex ) const
    // Attempt to compare indices into different arrays
    assert(m_pContentNode == rIndex.m_pContentNode);
    return m_nIndex >= rIndex.m_nIndex;
SwContentIndex& SwContentIndex::operator= ( sal_Int32 const nVal )
    if (m_nIndex != nVal)
        ChgValue( *this, nVal );
    return *this;
std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream& s, const SwContentIndex& index)
    return s << "SwContentIndex offset (" << index.GetIndex() << ")";
std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream& s, const SwNodeOffset& index)
    return s << sal_Int32(index);
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V530 The return value of function 'ChgValue' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'ChgValue' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'ChgValue' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'ChgValue' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'ChgValue' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'ChgValue' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'Assign' is required to be utilized.