/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <config_java.h>
#include <cppu/EnvDcp.hxx>
#include <sal/log.hxx>
#include <osl/diagnose.h>
#include <osl/interlck.h>
#include <osl/mutex.hxx>
#include <osl/module.hxx>
#include <osl/process.h>
#include <rtl/process.h>
#include <rtl/string.hxx>
#include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
#include <rtl/ustrbuf.hxx>
#include <typelib/typedescription.h>
#include <uno/dispatcher.h>
#include <uno/environment.h>
#include <uno/lbnames.h>
#include "prim.hxx"
#include "loadmodule.hxx"
#include <string_view>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <stdio.h>
bool td_equals( typelib_InterfaceTypeDescription const * pTD1,
                       typelib_InterfaceTypeDescription const * pTD2 )
    return (pTD1 == pTD2 ||
            (pTD1->aBase.pTypeName->length == pTD2->aBase.pTypeName->length &&
                 pTD2->aBase.pTypeName->buffer ) == 0));
struct uno_DefaultEnvironment;
struct InterfaceEntry
    sal_Int32 refCount;
    void * pInterface;
    uno_freeProxyFunc fpFreeProxy;
    typelib_InterfaceTypeDescription * pTypeDescr;
struct ObjectEntry
    OUString oid;
    std::vector< InterfaceEntry > aInterfaces;
    sal_Int32 nRef;
    bool mixedObject;
    explicit ObjectEntry( OUString aOId_ );
    void append(
        uno_DefaultEnvironment * pEnv,
        void * pInterface, typelib_InterfaceTypeDescription * pTypeDescr,
        uno_freeProxyFunc fpFreeProxy );
    InterfaceEntry * find(
        typelib_InterfaceTypeDescription * pTypeDescr );
    sal_Int32 find( void const * iface_ptr, std::size_t pos ) const;
struct FctPtrHash
    std::size_t operator () ( const void * pKey ) const
        { return reinterpret_cast< std::size_t>( pKey ); }
// mapping from environment name to environment
typedef std::unordered_map<
    OUString, uno_Environment * > OUString2EnvironmentMap;
// mapping from ptr to object entry
typedef std::unordered_map<
    void *, ObjectEntry *, FctPtrHash > Ptr2ObjectMap;
// mapping from oid to object entry
typedef std::unordered_map<
    OUString, ObjectEntry * > OId2ObjectMap;
struct EnvironmentsData
    ::osl::Mutex mutex;
    OUString2EnvironmentMap aName2EnvMap;
    EnvironmentsData() : isDisposing(false) {}
    void getEnvironment(
        uno_Environment ** ppEnv, std::u16string_view rEnvDcp, void * pContext );
    void registerEnvironment( uno_Environment ** ppEnv );
    void getRegisteredEnvironments(
        uno_Environment *** pppEnvs, sal_Int32 * pnLen,
        uno_memAlloc memAlloc, std::u16string_view rEnvDcp );
    bool isDisposing;
EnvironmentsData& theEnvironmentsData()
    static EnvironmentsData SINGLETON;
    return SINGLETON;
struct uno_DefaultEnvironment : public uno_ExtEnvironment
    sal_Int32 nRef;
    sal_Int32 nWeakRef;
    ::osl::Mutex mutex;
    Ptr2ObjectMap aPtr2ObjectMap;
    OId2ObjectMap aOId2ObjectMap;
        const OUString & rEnvDcp_, void * pContext_ );
ObjectEntry::ObjectEntry( OUString aOId_ )
    : oid(std::move( aOId_ )),
      nRef( 0 ),
      mixedObject( false )
    aInterfaces.reserve( 2 );
void ObjectEntry::append(
    uno_DefaultEnvironment * pEnv,
    void * pInterface, typelib_InterfaceTypeDescription * pTypeDescr,
    uno_freeProxyFunc fpFreeProxy )
    InterfaceEntry aNewEntry;
    if (! fpFreeProxy)
        (*pEnv->acquireInterface)( pEnv, pInterface );
    aNewEntry.refCount = 1;
    aNewEntry.pInterface = pInterface;
    aNewEntry.fpFreeProxy = fpFreeProxy;
    typelib_typedescription_acquire( &pTypeDescr->aBase );
    aNewEntry.pTypeDescr = pTypeDescr;
    std::pair< Ptr2ObjectMap::iterator, bool > i(
        pEnv->aPtr2ObjectMap.emplace( pInterface, this ) );
        !i.second && (find(pInterface, 0) == -1 || i.first->second != this),
        "map already contains " << i.first->second << " != " << this << " for "
            << pInterface);
    aInterfaces.push_back( aNewEntry );
InterfaceEntry * ObjectEntry::find(
    typelib_InterfaceTypeDescription * pTypeDescr_ )
    OSL_ASSERT( ! aInterfaces.empty() );
    if (aInterfaces.empty())
        return nullptr;
    // shortcut common case:
    OUString const & type_name =
        OUString::unacquired( &pTypeDescr_->aBase.pTypeName );
    if ( type_name == "com.sun.star.uno.XInterface" )
        return aInterfaces.data();
    std::size_t nSize = aInterfaces.size();
    for ( std::size_t nPos = 0; nPos < nSize; ++nPos )
        typelib_InterfaceTypeDescription * pITD =
            aInterfaces[ nPos ].pTypeDescr;
        while (pITD)
            if (td_equals( pITD, pTypeDescr_ ))
                return &aInterfaces[ nPos ];
            pITD = pITD->pBaseTypeDescription;
    return nullptr;
sal_Int32 ObjectEntry::find(
    void const * iface_ptr, std::size_t pos ) const
    std::size_t size = aInterfaces.size();
    for ( ; pos < size; ++pos )
        if (aInterfaces[ pos ].pInterface == iface_ptr)
            return pos;
    return -1;
extern "C"
static void defenv_registerInterface(
    uno_ExtEnvironment * pEnv, void ** ppInterface,
    rtl_uString * pOId, typelib_InterfaceTypeDescription * pTypeDescr )
    assert(pEnv && ppInterface && pOId && pTypeDescr && "### null ptr!");
    OUString const & rOId = OUString::unacquired( &pOId );
    uno_DefaultEnvironment * that =
        static_cast< uno_DefaultEnvironment * >( pEnv );
    ::osl::ClearableMutexGuard guard( that->mutex );
    // try to insert dummy 0:
    std::pair<OId2ObjectMap::iterator, bool> const insertion(
        that->aOId2ObjectMap.emplace(  rOId, nullptr ) );
    if (insertion.second)
        ObjectEntry * pOEntry = new ObjectEntry( rOId );
        insertion.first->second = pOEntry;
        ++pOEntry->nRef; // another register call on object
        pOEntry->append( that, *ppInterface, pTypeDescr, nullptr );
    else // object entry exists
        ObjectEntry * pOEntry = insertion.first->second;
        ++pOEntry->nRef; // another register call on object
        InterfaceEntry * pIEntry = pOEntry->find( pTypeDescr );
        if (pIEntry) // type entry exists
            if (pIEntry->pInterface != *ppInterface)
                void * pInterface = pIEntry->pInterface;
                (*pEnv->acquireInterface)( pEnv, pInterface );
                (*pEnv->releaseInterface)( pEnv, *ppInterface );
                *ppInterface = pInterface;
            pOEntry->append( that, *ppInterface, pTypeDescr, nullptr );
static void defenv_registerProxyInterface(
    uno_ExtEnvironment * pEnv, void ** ppInterface, uno_freeProxyFunc freeProxy,
    rtl_uString * pOId, typelib_InterfaceTypeDescription * pTypeDescr )
    assert(pEnv && ppInterface && pOId && pTypeDescr && freeProxy && "### null ptr!");
    OUString const & rOId = OUString::unacquired( &pOId );
    uno_DefaultEnvironment * that =
        static_cast< uno_DefaultEnvironment * >( pEnv );
    ::osl::ClearableMutexGuard guard( that->mutex );
    // try to insert dummy 0:
    std::pair<OId2ObjectMap::iterator, bool> const insertion(
        that->aOId2ObjectMap.emplace(  rOId, nullptr ) );
    if (insertion.second)
        ObjectEntry * pOEntry = new ObjectEntry( rOId );
        insertion.first->second = pOEntry;
        ++pOEntry->nRef; // another register call on object
        pOEntry->append( that, *ppInterface, pTypeDescr, freeProxy );
    else // object entry exists
        ObjectEntry * pOEntry = insertion.first->second;
        // first registration was an original, then registerProxyInterface():
        pOEntry->mixedObject |=
            (!pOEntry->aInterfaces.empty() &&
             pOEntry->aInterfaces[ 0 ].fpFreeProxy == nullptr);
        ++pOEntry->nRef; // another register call on object
        InterfaceEntry * pIEntry = pOEntry->find( pTypeDescr );
        if (pIEntry) // type entry exists
            if (pIEntry->pInterface == *ppInterface)
                void * pInterface = pIEntry->pInterface;
                (*pEnv->acquireInterface)( pEnv, pInterface );
                --pOEntry->nRef; // manual revoke of proxy to be freed
                (*freeProxy)( pEnv, *ppInterface );
                *ppInterface = pInterface;
            pOEntry->append( that, *ppInterface, pTypeDescr, freeProxy );
static void s_stub_defenv_revokeInterface(va_list * pParam)
    uno_ExtEnvironment * pEnv       = va_arg(*pParam, uno_ExtEnvironment *);
    void               * pInterface = va_arg(*pParam, void *);
    assert(pEnv && pInterface && "### null ptr!");
    uno_DefaultEnvironment * that =
        static_cast< uno_DefaultEnvironment * >( pEnv );
    ::osl::ClearableMutexGuard guard( that->mutex );
    Ptr2ObjectMap::const_iterator const iFind(
        that->aPtr2ObjectMap.find( pInterface ) );
    assert(iFind != that->aPtr2ObjectMap.end());
    ObjectEntry * pOEntry = iFind->second;
    if (! --pOEntry->nRef)
        // cleanup maps
        that->aOId2ObjectMap.erase( pOEntry->oid );
        sal_Int32 nPos;
        for ( nPos = pOEntry->aInterfaces.size(); nPos--; )
            that->aPtr2ObjectMap.erase( pOEntry->aInterfaces[nPos].pInterface );
        // the last proxy interface of the environment might kill this
        // environment, because of releasing its language binding!!!
        // release interfaces
        for ( nPos = pOEntry->aInterfaces.size(); nPos--; )
            InterfaceEntry const & rEntry = pOEntry->aInterfaces[nPos];
            typelib_typedescription_release( &rEntry.pTypeDescr->aBase );
            if (rEntry.fpFreeProxy) // is proxy or used interface?
                (*rEntry.fpFreeProxy)( pEnv, rEntry.pInterface );
                (*pEnv->releaseInterface)( pEnv, rEntry.pInterface );
        delete pOEntry;
    else if (pOEntry->mixedObject)
        OSL_ASSERT( !pOEntry->aInterfaces.empty() &&
                    pOEntry->aInterfaces[ 0 ].fpFreeProxy == nullptr );
        sal_Int32 index = pOEntry->find( pInterface, 1 );
        OSL_ASSERT( index > 0 );
        if (index > 0)
            InterfaceEntry & entry = pOEntry->aInterfaces[ index ];
            OSL_ASSERT( entry.pInterface == pInterface );
            if (entry.fpFreeProxy != nullptr)
                if (entry.refCount == 0)
                    uno_freeProxyFunc fpFreeProxy = entry.fpFreeProxy;
                    typelib_TypeDescription * pTypeDescr =
                        reinterpret_cast< typelib_TypeDescription * >(
                            entry.pTypeDescr );
                        pOEntry->aInterfaces.begin() + index );
                    if (pOEntry->find( pInterface, index ) < 0)
                        // proxy ptr not registered for another interface:
                        // remove from ptr map
                        std::size_t erased =
                              that->aPtr2ObjectMap.erase( pInterface );
                        OSL_ASSERT( erased == 1 );
                    typelib_typedescription_release( pTypeDescr );
                    (*fpFreeProxy)( pEnv, pInterface );
static void defenv_revokeInterface(uno_ExtEnvironment * pEnv, void * pInterface)
    uno_Environment_invoke(&pEnv->aBase, s_stub_defenv_revokeInterface, pEnv, pInterface);
static void defenv_getObjectIdentifier(
    uno_ExtEnvironment * pEnv, rtl_uString ** ppOId, void * pInterface )
    assert(pEnv && ppOId && pInterface && "### null ptr!");
    if (*ppOId)
        ::rtl_uString_release( *ppOId );
        *ppOId = nullptr;
    uno_DefaultEnvironment * that =
        static_cast< uno_DefaultEnvironment * >( pEnv );
    ::osl::ClearableMutexGuard guard( that->mutex );
    Ptr2ObjectMap::const_iterator const iFind(
        that->aPtr2ObjectMap.find( pInterface ) );
    if (iFind == that->aPtr2ObjectMap.end())
        (*pEnv->computeObjectIdentifier)( pEnv, ppOId, pInterface );
        rtl_uString * hstr = iFind->second->oid.pData;
        rtl_uString_acquire( hstr );
        *ppOId = hstr;
static void defenv_getRegisteredInterface(
    uno_ExtEnvironment * pEnv, void ** ppInterface,
    rtl_uString * pOId, typelib_InterfaceTypeDescription * pTypeDescr )
    assert(pEnv && ppInterface && pOId && pTypeDescr && "### null ptr!");
    if (*ppInterface)
        (*pEnv->releaseInterface)( pEnv, *ppInterface );
        *ppInterface = nullptr;
    OUString const & rOId = OUString::unacquired( &pOId );
    uno_DefaultEnvironment * that =
        static_cast< uno_DefaultEnvironment * >( pEnv );
    ::osl::MutexGuard guard( that->mutex );
    OId2ObjectMap::const_iterator const iFind
        ( that->aOId2ObjectMap.find( rOId ) );
    if (iFind != that->aOId2ObjectMap.end())
        InterfaceEntry const * pIEntry = iFind->second->find( pTypeDescr );
        if (pIEntry)
            (*pEnv->acquireInterface)( pEnv, pIEntry->pInterface );
            *ppInterface = pIEntry->pInterface;
static void defenv_getRegisteredInterfaces(
    uno_ExtEnvironment * pEnv, void *** pppInterfaces, sal_Int32 * pnLen,
    uno_memAlloc memAlloc )
    assert(pEnv && pppInterfaces && pnLen && memAlloc && "### null ptr!");
    uno_DefaultEnvironment * that =
        static_cast< uno_DefaultEnvironment * >( pEnv );
    ::osl::MutexGuard guard( that->mutex );
    sal_Int32 nLen = that->aPtr2ObjectMap.size();
    sal_Int32 nPos = 0;
    void ** ppInterfaces = static_cast<void **>((*memAlloc)( nLen * sizeof (void *) ));
    for (const auto& rEntry : that->aPtr2ObjectMap)
        ppInterfaces[nPos] = rEntry.first;
        (*pEnv->acquireInterface)( pEnv, ppInterfaces[nPos] );
    *pppInterfaces = ppInterfaces;
    *pnLen = nLen;
static void defenv_acquire( uno_Environment * pEnv )
    uno_DefaultEnvironment * that = reinterpret_cast<uno_DefaultEnvironment *>(pEnv);
    osl_atomic_increment( &that->nWeakRef );
    osl_atomic_increment( &that->nRef );
static void defenv_release( uno_Environment * pEnv )
    uno_DefaultEnvironment * that = reinterpret_cast<uno_DefaultEnvironment *>(pEnv);
    if (! osl_atomic_decrement( &that->nRef ))
        // invoke dispose callback
        if (pEnv->environmentDisposing)
            (*pEnv->environmentDisposing)( pEnv );
        OSL_ENSURE( that->aOId2ObjectMap.empty(), "### object entries left!" );
    // free memory if no weak refs left
    if (! osl_atomic_decrement( &that->nWeakRef ))
        delete that;
static void defenv_acquireWeak( uno_Environment * pEnv )
    uno_DefaultEnvironment * that = reinterpret_cast<uno_DefaultEnvironment *>(pEnv);
    osl_atomic_increment( &that->nWeakRef );
static void defenv_releaseWeak( uno_Environment * pEnv )
    uno_DefaultEnvironment * that = reinterpret_cast<uno_DefaultEnvironment *>(pEnv);
    if (! osl_atomic_decrement( &that->nWeakRef ))
        delete that;
static void defenv_harden(
    uno_Environment ** ppHardEnv, uno_Environment * pEnv )
    if (*ppHardEnv)
        (*(*ppHardEnv)->release)( *ppHardEnv );
        *ppHardEnv = nullptr;
    EnvironmentsData & rData = theEnvironmentsData();
    if (rData.isDisposing)
    uno_DefaultEnvironment * that = reinterpret_cast<uno_DefaultEnvironment *>(pEnv);
    ::osl::MutexGuard guard( rData.mutex );
    if (1 == osl_atomic_increment( &that->nRef )) // is dead
        that->nRef = 0;
    osl_atomic_increment( &that->nWeakRef );
    *ppHardEnv = pEnv;
static void defenv_dispose( SAL_UNUSED_PARAMETER uno_Environment * )
    const OUString & rEnvDcp_, void * pContext_ )
    : nRef( 0 ),
      nWeakRef( 0 )
    uno_Environment * that = reinterpret_cast< uno_Environment * >(this);
    that->pReserved = nullptr;
    // functions
    that->acquire = defenv_acquire;
    that->release = defenv_release;
    that->acquireWeak = defenv_acquireWeak;
    that->releaseWeak = defenv_releaseWeak;
    that->harden = defenv_harden;
    that->dispose = defenv_dispose;
    that->pExtEnv = this;
    // identifier
    ::rtl_uString_acquire( rEnvDcp_.pData );
    that->pTypeName = rEnvDcp_.pData;
    that->pContext = pContext_;
    // will be late initialized
    that->environmentDisposing = nullptr;
    uno_ExtEnvironment::registerInterface = defenv_registerInterface;
    uno_ExtEnvironment::registerProxyInterface = defenv_registerProxyInterface;
    uno_ExtEnvironment::revokeInterface = defenv_revokeInterface;
    uno_ExtEnvironment::getObjectIdentifier = defenv_getObjectIdentifier;
    uno_ExtEnvironment::getRegisteredInterface = defenv_getRegisteredInterface;
    uno_ExtEnvironment::getRegisteredInterfaces =
    ::rtl_uString_release( aBase.pTypeName );
void writeLine(
    void * stream, const char * pLine, const char * pFilter )
    if (pFilter && *pFilter)
        // lookup pFilter in pLine
        while (*pLine)
            if (*pLine == *pFilter)
                sal_Int32 nPos = 1;
                while (pLine[nPos] && pFilter[nPos] == pLine[nPos])
                if (! pFilter[nPos])
                    if (stream)
                        fprintf( static_cast<FILE *>(stream), "%s\n", pLine );
                        SAL_WARN("cppu", pLine );
        if (stream)
            fprintf( static_cast<FILE *>(stream), "%s\n", pLine );
            fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", pLine );
void writeLine(
    void * stream, std::u16string_view rLine, const char * pFilter )
    OString aLine( OUStringToOString(
                              rLine, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ) );
    writeLine( stream, aLine.getStr(), pFilter );
extern "C" void SAL_CALL uno_dumpEnvironment(
    void * stream, uno_Environment * pEnv, const char * pFilter ) noexcept
    assert(pEnv && "### null ptr!");
    OUStringBuffer buf;
    if (! pEnv->pExtEnv)
        writeLine( stream, "###################################"
                   "###########################################", pFilter );
        buf.append( OUString::Concat("environment: ") + OUString::unacquired(&pEnv->pTypeName) );
        writeLine( stream, buf, pFilter );
        writeLine( stream, "NO INTERFACE INFORMATION AVAILABLE!", pFilter );
    writeLine( stream, "########################################"
               "######################################", pFilter );
    buf.append( OUString::Concat("environment dump: ") + OUString::unacquired(&pEnv->pTypeName) );
    writeLine( stream, buf, pFilter );
    uno_DefaultEnvironment * that =
        reinterpret_cast< uno_DefaultEnvironment * >(pEnv);
    ::osl::MutexGuard guard( that->mutex );
    Ptr2ObjectMap ptr2obj( that->aPtr2ObjectMap );
    for (const auto& rEntry : that->aOId2ObjectMap)
        ObjectEntry * pOEntry = rEntry.second;
        buf.append( "+ " );
        if (pOEntry->mixedObject)
            buf.append( "mixed " );
        buf.append( "object entry: nRef="
                + OUString::number(pOEntry->nRef)
                + "; oid=\""
                + pOEntry->oid
                + "\"" );
        writeLine( stream, buf, pFilter );
        for ( std::size_t nPos = 0;
              nPos < pOEntry->aInterfaces.size(); ++nPos )
            const InterfaceEntry & rIEntry = pOEntry->aInterfaces[nPos];
            buf.append( OUString::Concat("  - ")
                + OUString::unacquired(&rIEntry.pTypeDescr->aBase.pTypeName) );
            if (rIEntry.fpFreeProxy)
                buf.append( "; proxy free=0x"
                    + OUString::number( reinterpret_cast< sal_IntPtr >(rIEntry.fpFreeProxy), 16 ) );
                buf.append( "; original" );
            buf.append( "; ptr=0x"
                + OUString::number(reinterpret_cast< sal_IntPtr >(rIEntry.pInterface), 16 ) );
            if (pOEntry->find( rIEntry.pInterface, nPos + 1 ) < 0)
                std::size_t erased = ptr2obj.erase( rIEntry.pInterface );
                if (erased != 1)
                    buf.append( " (ptr not found in map!)" );
            writeLine( stream, buf, pFilter );
    if (! ptr2obj.empty())
        writeLine( stream, "ptr map inconsistency!!!", pFilter );
    writeLine( stream, "#####################################"
               "#########################################", pFilter );
extern "C" void SAL_CALL uno_dumpEnvironmentByName(
    void * stream, rtl_uString * pEnvDcp, const char * pFilter ) noexcept
    uno_Environment * pEnv = nullptr;
    uno_getEnvironment( &pEnv, pEnvDcp, nullptr );
    if (pEnv)
        ::uno_dumpEnvironment( stream, pEnv, pFilter );
        (*pEnv->release)( pEnv );
            Concat2View("environment \"" + OUString::unacquired(&pEnvDcp) + "\" does not exist!"),
            pFilter );
const OUString & unoenv_getStaticOIdPart()
    static auto const theStaticOIdPart = [] {
            OUStringBuffer aRet( 64 );
            aRet.append( "];" );
            // pid
            oslProcessInfo info;
            info.Size = sizeof(oslProcessInfo);
            if (::osl_getProcessInfo( nullptr, osl_Process_IDENTIFIER, &info ) ==
                aRet.append( static_cast<sal_Int64>(info.Ident), 16 );
                aRet.append( "unknown process id" );
            // good guid
            sal_uInt8 ar[16];
            ::rtl_getGlobalProcessId( ar );
            aRet.append( ';' );
            for (unsigned char i : ar)
                aRet.append( static_cast<sal_Int32>(i), 16 );
            return aRet.makeStringAndClear();
    return theStaticOIdPart;
extern "C"
static void unoenv_computeObjectIdentifier(
    uno_ExtEnvironment * pEnv, rtl_uString ** ppOId, void * pInterface )
    assert(pEnv && ppOId && pInterface && "### null ptr!");
    if (*ppOId)
        ::rtl_uString_release( *ppOId );
        *ppOId = nullptr;
    uno_Interface * pUnoI = static_cast<uno_Interface *>(
            pInterface, *typelib_static_type_getByTypeClass(
                typelib_TypeClass_INTERFACE ) ));
    if (nullptr == pUnoI)
    (*pUnoI->release)( pUnoI );
    OUString aStr(
        // interface
        OUString::number( reinterpret_cast< sal_IntPtr >(pUnoI), 16 ) + ";"
        // environment[context]
        + OUString::unacquired(&pEnv->aBase.pTypeName) + "["
        + OUString::number( reinterpret_cast< sal_IntPtr >(
                    uno_Environment * >(pEnv)->pContext ), 16 )
        // process;good guid
        + unoenv_getStaticOIdPart() );
    *ppOId = aStr.pData;
    ::rtl_uString_acquire( *ppOId );
static void unoenv_acquireInterface(
    SAL_UNUSED_PARAMETER uno_ExtEnvironment *, void * pUnoI_ )
    uno_Interface * pUnoI = static_cast< uno_Interface * >(pUnoI_);
    (*pUnoI->acquire)( pUnoI );
static void unoenv_releaseInterface(
    SAL_UNUSED_PARAMETER uno_ExtEnvironment *, void * pUnoI_ )
    uno_Interface * pUnoI = static_cast< uno_Interface * >(pUnoI_);
    (*pUnoI->release)( pUnoI );
namespace {
    ::osl::MutexGuard guard( mutex );
    isDisposing = true;
    for ( const auto& rEntry : aName2EnvMap )
        uno_Environment * pWeak = rEntry.second;
        uno_Environment * pHard = nullptr;
        (*pWeak->harden)( &pHard, pWeak );
        (*pWeak->releaseWeak)( pWeak );
        if (pHard)
            (*pHard->dispose)( pHard ); // send explicit dispose
            (*pHard->release)( pHard );
void EnvironmentsData::getEnvironment(
    uno_Environment ** ppEnv, std::u16string_view rEnvDcp, void * pContext )
    if (*ppEnv)
        (*(*ppEnv)->release)( *ppEnv );
        *ppEnv = nullptr;
    OUString aKey = OUString::number( reinterpret_cast< sal_IntPtr >(pContext) ) + rEnvDcp;
    // try to find registered mapping
    OUString2EnvironmentMap::const_iterator const iFind(
        aName2EnvMap.find( aKey ) );
    if (iFind != aName2EnvMap.end())
        uno_Environment * pWeak = iFind->second;
        (*pWeak->harden)( ppEnv, pWeak );
void EnvironmentsData::registerEnvironment( uno_Environment ** ppEnv )
    assert(ppEnv && "### null ptr!");
    uno_Environment * pEnv =  *ppEnv;
    OUString aKey =
        OUString::number( reinterpret_cast< sal_IntPtr >(pEnv->pContext) ) +
    // try to find registered environment
    OUString2EnvironmentMap::const_iterator const iFind(
        aName2EnvMap.find( aKey ) );
    if (iFind == aName2EnvMap.end())
        (*pEnv->acquireWeak)( pEnv );
        std::pair< OUString2EnvironmentMap::iterator, bool > insertion (
            aName2EnvMap.emplace( aKey, pEnv ) );
        SAL_WARN_IF( !insertion.second, "cppu", "key " << aKey << " already in env map" );
        uno_Environment * pHard = nullptr;
        uno_Environment * pWeak = iFind->second;
        (*pWeak->harden)( &pHard, pWeak );
        if (pHard)
            (*pEnv->release)( pEnv );
            *ppEnv = pHard;
        else // registered one is dead
            (*pWeak->releaseWeak)( pWeak );
            (*pEnv->acquireWeak)( pEnv );
            aName2EnvMap[ aKey ] = pEnv;
void EnvironmentsData::getRegisteredEnvironments(
    uno_Environment *** pppEnvs, sal_Int32 * pnLen, uno_memAlloc memAlloc,
    std::u16string_view rEnvDcp )
    assert(pppEnvs && pnLen && memAlloc && "### null ptr!");
    // max size
    std::vector<uno_Environment*> aFounds(aName2EnvMap.size());
    sal_Int32 nSize = 0;
    // find matching environment
    for ( const auto& rEntry : aName2EnvMap )
        uno_Environment * pWeak = rEntry.second;
        if (rEnvDcp.empty() ||
            rEnvDcp == OUString::unacquired(&pWeak->pTypeName) )
            aFounds[nSize] = nullptr;
            (*pWeak->harden)( &aFounds[nSize], pWeak );
            if (aFounds[nSize])
    *pnLen = nSize;
    if (nSize)
        *pppEnvs = static_cast<uno_Environment **>((*memAlloc)(
            sizeof (uno_Environment *) * nSize ));
        OSL_ASSERT( *pppEnvs );
        while (nSize--)
            (*pppEnvs)[nSize] = aFounds[nSize];
        *pppEnvs = nullptr;
bool loadEnv(OUString const  & cLibStem,
                    uno_Environment * pEnv)
    uno_initEnvironmentFunc fpInit;
    if ( cLibStem == CPPU_CURRENT_LANGUAGE_BINDING_NAME "_uno" )
        fpInit = CPPU_ENV_uno_initEnvironment;
    else if ( cLibStem == "java_uno" )
        fpInit = java_uno_initEnvironment;
        SAL_INFO("cppu", ": Unhandled env: " << cLibStem);
        return false;
    // late init with some code from matching uno language binding
    // will be unloaded by environment
    osl::Module aMod;
    try {
        bool bMod = cppu::detail::loadModule(aMod, cLibStem);
        if (!bMod)
            return false;
    catch(...) {
        // Catch everything and convert to return false
        return false;
    uno_initEnvironmentFunc fpInit = reinterpret_cast<uno_initEnvironmentFunc>(aMod.getSymbol(u"" UNO_INIT_ENVIRONMENT ""_ustr));
    if (!fpInit)
        return false;
    (*fpInit)( pEnv ); // init of environment
    return true;
extern "C"
static uno_Environment * initDefaultEnvironment(
    const OUString & rEnvDcp, void * pContext )
    // coverity[leaked_storage : FALSE] - lifetime is controlled by acquire()/release() calls
    uno_Environment * pEnv = &(new uno_DefaultEnvironment( rEnvDcp, pContext ))->aBase;
    (*pEnv->acquire)( pEnv );
    OUString envTypeName = cppu::EnvDcp::getTypeName(rEnvDcp);
    // create default environment
    if ( envTypeName == UNO_LB_UNO )
        uno_DefaultEnvironment * that = reinterpret_cast<uno_DefaultEnvironment *>(pEnv);
        that->computeObjectIdentifier = unoenv_computeObjectIdentifier;
        that->acquireInterface = unoenv_acquireInterface;
        that->releaseInterface = unoenv_releaseInterface;
        OUString envPurpose = cppu::EnvDcp::getPurpose(rEnvDcp);
        if (!envPurpose.isEmpty())
            OUString libStem(
                OUString::Concat(envPurpose.subView(envPurpose.lastIndexOf(':') + 1)) + "_uno_uno");
            if(!loadEnv(libStem, pEnv))
                return nullptr;
        // late init with some code from matching uno language binding
        OUString aStr( envTypeName + "_uno" );
        if (!loadEnv(aStr, pEnv))
            return nullptr;
    return pEnv;
void SAL_CALL uno_createEnvironment(
    uno_Environment ** ppEnv, rtl_uString * pEnvDcp, void * pContext ) noexcept
    assert(ppEnv && "### null ptr!");
    if (*ppEnv)
        (*(*ppEnv)->release)( *ppEnv );
    OUString const & rEnvDcp = OUString::unacquired( &pEnvDcp );
    *ppEnv = initDefaultEnvironment( rEnvDcp, pContext );
void SAL_CALL uno_getEnvironment(
    uno_Environment ** ppEnv, rtl_uString * pEnvDcp, void * pContext ) noexcept
    assert(ppEnv && "### null ptr!");
    OUString const & rEnvDcp = OUString::unacquired( &pEnvDcp );
    EnvironmentsData & rData = theEnvironmentsData();
    ::osl::MutexGuard guard( rData.mutex );
    rData.getEnvironment( ppEnv, rEnvDcp, pContext );
    if (! *ppEnv)
        *ppEnv = initDefaultEnvironment( rEnvDcp, pContext );
        if (*ppEnv)
            // register new environment:
            rData.registerEnvironment( ppEnv );
void SAL_CALL uno_getRegisteredEnvironments(
    uno_Environment *** pppEnvs, sal_Int32 * pnLen, uno_memAlloc memAlloc,
    rtl_uString * pEnvDcp ) noexcept
    EnvironmentsData & rData = theEnvironmentsData();
    ::osl::MutexGuard guard( rData.mutex );
        pppEnvs, pnLen, memAlloc,
        (pEnvDcp ? OUString(pEnvDcp) : OUString()) );
} // extern "C"
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V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.