/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <limits>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <sal/log.hxx>
#include <unotools/localedatawrapper.hxx>
#include <unotools/digitgroupingiterator.hxx>
#include <comphelper/diagnose_ex.hxx>
#include <tools/debug.hxx>
#include <i18nlangtag/languagetag.hxx>
#include <o3tl/safeint.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/i18n/KNumberFormatUsage.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/i18n/KNumberFormatType.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/i18n/LocaleData2.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/i18n/NumberFormatIndex.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/i18n/NumberFormatMapper.hpp>
#include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx>
#include <comphelper/sequence.hxx>
#include <rtl/ustrbuf.hxx>
#include <rtl/math.hxx>
#include <tools/date.hxx>
#include <tools/time.hxx>
#include <tools/duration.hxx>
#include <o3tl/string_view.hxx>
#include <utility>
const sal_uInt16 nCurrFormatDefault = 0;
using namespace ::com::sun::star;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::i18n;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
    uno::Sequence< lang::Locale > gInstalledLocales;
    std::vector< LanguageType > gInstalledLanguageTypes;
sal_uInt8 LocaleDataWrapper::nLocaleDataChecking = 0;
            const Reference< uno::XComponentContext > & rxContext,
            LanguageTag aLanguageTag
        m_xContext( rxContext ),
        xLD( LocaleData2::create(rxContext) ),
        maLanguageTag(std::move( aLanguageTag ))
            LanguageTag aLanguageTag,
            const std::vector<OUString> & rOverrideDateAcceptancePatterns
        m_xContext( comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() ),
        xLD( LocaleData2::create(m_xContext) ),
        maLanguageTag(std::move( aLanguageTag ))
const LanguageTag& LocaleDataWrapper::getLanguageTag() const
    return maLanguageTag;
const css::lang::Locale& LocaleDataWrapper::getMyLocale() const
    return maLanguageTag.getLocale();
void LocaleDataWrapper::loadData()
    const css::lang::Locale& rMyLocale = maLanguageTag.getLocale();
        const Sequence< Currency2 > aCurrSeq = getAllCurrencies();
        if ( !aCurrSeq.hasElements() )
            if (areChecksEnabled())
                outputCheckMessage("LocaleDataWrapper::getCurrSymbolsImpl: no currency at all, using ShellsAndPebbles");
            aCurrSymbol = "ShellsAndPebbles";
            aCurrBankSymbol = aCurrSymbol;
            nCurrPositiveFormat = nCurrNegativeFormat = nCurrFormatDefault;
            nCurrDigits = 2;
            auto pCurr = std::find_if(aCurrSeq.begin(), aCurrSeq.end(),
                [](const Currency2& rCurr) { return rCurr.Default; });
            if ( pCurr == aCurrSeq.end() )
                if (areChecksEnabled())
                    outputCheckMessage( appendLocaleInfo( u"LocaleDataWrapper::getCurrSymbolsImpl: no default currency" ) );
                pCurr = aCurrSeq.begin();
            aCurrSymbol = pCurr->Symbol;
            aCurrBankSymbol = pCurr->BankSymbol;
            nCurrDigits = pCurr->DecimalPlaces;
        const Sequence< Calendar2 > xCals = getAllCalendars();
        if (xCals.getLength() > 1)
            auto pCal = std::find_if(xCals.begin(), xCals.end(),
                [](const Calendar2& rCal) { return !rCal.Default; });
            if (pCal != xCals.end())
                xSecondaryCalendar = std::make_shared<Calendar2>( *pCal);
        auto pCal = xCals.begin();
        if (xCals.getLength() > 1)
            pCal = std::find_if(xCals.begin(), xCals.end(),
                [](const Calendar2& rCal) { return rCal.Default; });
            if (pCal == xCals.end())
                pCal = xCals.begin();
        xDefaultCalendar = std::make_shared<Calendar2>( *pCal);
        aDateAcceptancePatterns = xLD->getDateAcceptancePatterns( rMyLocale );
    catch (const Exception&)
        TOOLS_WARN_EXCEPTION( "unotools.i18n", "getDateAcceptancePatterns" );
        aDateAcceptancePatterns = {};
        aReservedWords = comphelper::sequenceToContainer<std::vector<OUString>>(xLD->getReservedWord( rMyLocale ));
    catch ( const Exception& )
        TOOLS_WARN_EXCEPTION( "unotools.i18n", "getReservedWord" );
        aLocaleDataItem = xLD->getLocaleItem2( rMyLocale );
    catch (const Exception&)
        TOOLS_WARN_EXCEPTION( "unotools.i18n", "getLocaleItem" );
        static const css::i18n::LocaleDataItem2 aEmptyItem;
        aLocaleDataItem = aEmptyItem;
    aLocaleItem[LocaleItem::DATE_SEPARATOR] = aLocaleDataItem.dateSeparator;
    aLocaleItem[LocaleItem::THOUSAND_SEPARATOR] = aLocaleDataItem.thousandSeparator;
    aLocaleItem[LocaleItem::DECIMAL_SEPARATOR] = aLocaleDataItem.decimalSeparator;
    aLocaleItem[LocaleItem::TIME_SEPARATOR] = aLocaleDataItem.timeSeparator;
    aLocaleItem[LocaleItem::TIME_100SEC_SEPARATOR] = aLocaleDataItem.time100SecSeparator;
    aLocaleItem[LocaleItem::LIST_SEPARATOR] = aLocaleDataItem.listSeparator;
    aLocaleItem[LocaleItem::SINGLE_QUOTATION_START] = aLocaleDataItem.quotationStart;
    aLocaleItem[LocaleItem::SINGLE_QUOTATION_END] = aLocaleDataItem.quotationEnd;
    aLocaleItem[LocaleItem::DOUBLE_QUOTATION_START] = aLocaleDataItem.doubleQuotationStart;
    aLocaleItem[LocaleItem::DOUBLE_QUOTATION_END] = aLocaleDataItem.doubleQuotationEnd;
    aLocaleItem[LocaleItem::MEASUREMENT_SYSTEM] = aLocaleDataItem.measurementSystem;
    aLocaleItem[LocaleItem::TIME_AM] = aLocaleDataItem.timeAM;
    aLocaleItem[LocaleItem::TIME_PM] = aLocaleDataItem.timePM;
    aLocaleItem[LocaleItem::LONG_DATE_DAY_OF_WEEK_SEPARATOR] = aLocaleDataItem.LongDateDayOfWeekSeparator;
    aLocaleItem[LocaleItem::LONG_DATE_DAY_SEPARATOR] = aLocaleDataItem.LongDateDaySeparator;
    aLocaleItem[LocaleItem::LONG_DATE_MONTH_SEPARATOR] = aLocaleDataItem.LongDateMonthSeparator;
    aLocaleItem[LocaleItem::LONG_DATE_YEAR_SEPARATOR] = aLocaleDataItem.LongDateYearSeparator;
    aLocaleItem[LocaleItem::DECIMAL_SEPARATOR_ALTERNATIVE] = aLocaleDataItem.decimalSeparatorAlternative;
/* FIXME-BCP47: locale data should provide a language tag instead that could be
 * passed on. */
css::i18n::LanguageCountryInfo LocaleDataWrapper::getLanguageCountryInfo() const
        return xLD->getLanguageCountryInfo( getMyLocale() );
    catch (const Exception&)
        TOOLS_WARN_EXCEPTION( "unotools.i18n", "getLanguageCountryInfo" );
    return css::i18n::LanguageCountryInfo();
const css::i18n::LocaleDataItem2& LocaleDataWrapper::getLocaleItem() const
    return aLocaleDataItem;
css::uno::Sequence< css::i18n::Currency2 > LocaleDataWrapper::getAllCurrencies() const
        return xLD->getAllCurrencies2( getMyLocale() );
    catch (const Exception&)
        TOOLS_WARN_EXCEPTION( "unotools.i18n", "getAllCurrencies" );
    return {};
css::uno::Sequence< css::i18n::FormatElement > LocaleDataWrapper::getAllFormats() const
        return xLD->getAllFormats( getMyLocale() );
    catch (const Exception&)
        TOOLS_WARN_EXCEPTION( "unotools.i18n", "getAllFormats" );
    return {};
css::i18n::ForbiddenCharacters LocaleDataWrapper::getForbiddenCharacters() const
        return xLD->getForbiddenCharacters( getMyLocale() );
    catch (const Exception&)
        TOOLS_WARN_EXCEPTION( "unotools.i18n", "getForbiddenCharacters" );
    return css::i18n::ForbiddenCharacters();
const css::uno::Sequence< css::lang::Locale > & LocaleDataWrapper::getAllInstalledLocaleNames() const
    uno::Sequence< lang::Locale > &rInstalledLocales = gInstalledLocales;
    if ( rInstalledLocales.hasElements() )
        return rInstalledLocales;
        rInstalledLocales = xLD->getAllInstalledLocaleNames();
    catch ( const Exception& )
        TOOLS_WARN_EXCEPTION( "unotools.i18n", "getAllInstalledLocaleNames" );
    return rInstalledLocales;
// --- Impl and helpers ----------------------------------------------------
// static
const css::uno::Sequence< css::lang::Locale >& LocaleDataWrapper::getInstalledLocaleNames()
    const uno::Sequence< lang::Locale > &rInstalledLocales = gInstalledLocales;
    if ( !rInstalledLocales.hasElements() )
        LocaleDataWrapper aLDW( ::comphelper::getProcessComponentContext(), LanguageTag( LANGUAGE_SYSTEM) );
    return rInstalledLocales;
// static
const std::vector< LanguageType >& LocaleDataWrapper::getInstalledLanguageTypes()
    std::vector< LanguageType > &rInstalledLanguageTypes = gInstalledLanguageTypes;
    if ( !rInstalledLanguageTypes.empty() )
        return rInstalledLanguageTypes;
    const css::uno::Sequence< css::lang::Locale > xLoc =  getInstalledLocaleNames();
    sal_Int32 nCount = xLoc.getLength();
    std::vector< LanguageType > xLang;
    for ( const auto& rLoc : xLoc )
        LanguageTag aLanguageTag( rLoc );
        OUString aDebugLocale;
        if (areChecksEnabled())
            aDebugLocale = aLanguageTag.getBcp47( false);
        LanguageType eLang = aLanguageTag.getLanguageType( false);
        if (areChecksEnabled() && eLang == LANGUAGE_DONTKNOW)
            OUString aMsg = "ConvertIsoNamesToLanguage: unknown MS-LCID for locale\n" +
        if ( eLang == LANGUAGE_NORWEGIAN)       // no_NO, not Bokmal (nb_NO), not Nynorsk (nn_NO)
            eLang = LANGUAGE_DONTKNOW;  // don't offer "Unknown" language
        if ( eLang != LANGUAGE_DONTKNOW )
            LanguageTag aBackLanguageTag( eLang);
            if ( aLanguageTag != aBackLanguageTag )
                // In checks, exclude known problems because no MS-LCID defined
                // and default for Language found.
                if ( areChecksEnabled()
                        && aDebugLocale != "ar-SD"  // Sudan/ar
                        && aDebugLocale != "en-CB"  // Caribbean is not a country
//                      && aDebugLocale != "en-BG"  // ?!? Bulgaria/en
//                      && aDebugLocale != "es-BR"  // ?!? Brazil/es
                        "ConvertIsoNamesToLanguage/ConvertLanguageToIsoNames: ambiguous locale (MS-LCID?)\n"
                        + aDebugLocale
                        + "  ->  0x"
                        + OUString::number(static_cast<sal_Int32>(static_cast<sal_uInt16>(eLang)), 16)
                        + "  ->  "
                        + aBackLanguageTag.getBcp47() ));
                eLang = LANGUAGE_DONTKNOW;
        if ( eLang != LANGUAGE_DONTKNOW )
    rInstalledLanguageTypes = std::move(xLang);
    return rInstalledLanguageTypes;
const OUString& LocaleDataWrapper::getOneLocaleItem( sal_Int16 nItem ) const
    if ( nItem >= LocaleItem::COUNT2 )
        SAL_WARN( "unotools.i18n", "getOneLocaleItem: bounds" );
        return aLocaleItem[0];
    return aLocaleItem[nItem];
const OUString& LocaleDataWrapper::getOneReservedWord( sal_Int16 nWord ) const
    if ( nWord < 0 || o3tl::make_unsigned(nWord) >= aReservedWords.size() )
        SAL_WARN( "unotools.i18n", "getOneReservedWord: bounds" );
        return EMPTY_OUSTRING;
    return aReservedWords[nWord];
// static
MeasurementSystem LocaleDataWrapper::mapMeasurementStringToEnum( std::u16string_view rMS )
//! TODO: could be cached too
    if ( o3tl::equalsIgnoreAsciiCase( rMS, u"metric" ) )
        return MeasurementSystem::Metric;
//! TODO: other measurement systems? => extend enum MeasurementSystem
    return MeasurementSystem::US;
bool LocaleDataWrapper::doesSecondaryCalendarUseEC( std::u16string_view rName ) const
    if (rName.empty())
        return false;
    // Check language tag first to avoid loading all calendars of this locale.
    LanguageTag aLoaded( getLoadedLanguageTag());
    const OUString& aBcp47( aLoaded.getBcp47());
    // So far determine only by locale, we know for a few.
    /* TODO: check date format codes? or add to locale data? */
    if (    aBcp47 != "ja-JP" &&
            aBcp47 != "lo-LA" &&
            aBcp47 != "zh-TW")
        return false;
    if (!xSecondaryCalendar)
        return false;
    if (!xSecondaryCalendar->Name.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase( rName))
        return false;
    return true;
const std::shared_ptr< css::i18n::Calendar2 >& LocaleDataWrapper::getDefaultCalendar() const
    return xDefaultCalendar;
css::uno::Sequence< css::i18n::CalendarItem2 > const & LocaleDataWrapper::getDefaultCalendarDays() const
    return getDefaultCalendar()->Days;
css::uno::Sequence< css::i18n::CalendarItem2 > const & LocaleDataWrapper::getDefaultCalendarMonths() const
    return getDefaultCalendar()->Months;
// --- currencies -----------------------------------------------------
const OUString& LocaleDataWrapper::getCurrSymbol() const
    return aCurrSymbol;
const OUString& LocaleDataWrapper::getCurrBankSymbol() const
    return aCurrBankSymbol;
sal_uInt16 LocaleDataWrapper::getCurrPositiveFormat() const
    return nCurrPositiveFormat;
sal_uInt16 LocaleDataWrapper::getCurrNegativeFormat() const
    return nCurrNegativeFormat;
sal_uInt16 LocaleDataWrapper::getCurrDigits() const
    return nCurrDigits;
void LocaleDataWrapper::scanCurrFormatImpl( std::u16string_view rCode,
        sal_Int32 nStart, sal_Int32& nSign, sal_Int32& nPar,
        sal_Int32& nNum, sal_Int32& nBlank, sal_Int32& nSym ) const
    nSign = nPar = nNum = nBlank = nSym = -1;
    const sal_Unicode* const pStr = rCode.data();
    const sal_Unicode* const pStop = pStr + rCode.size();
    const sal_Unicode* p = pStr + nStart;
    int nInSection = 0;
    bool bQuote = false;
    while ( p < pStop )
        if ( bQuote )
            if ( *p == '"' && *(p-1) != '\\' )
                bQuote = false;
            switch ( *p )
                case '"' :
                    if ( pStr == p || *(p-1) != '\\' )
                        bQuote = true;
                case '-' :
                    if (!nInSection && nSign == -1)
                        nSign = p - pStr;
                case '(' :
                    if (!nInSection && nPar == -1)
                        nPar = p - pStr;
                case '0' :
                case '#' :
                    if (!nInSection && nNum == -1)
                        nNum = p - pStr;
                case '[' :
                case ']' :
                    if ( nInSection )
                        if (!nInSection && nBlank == -1
                          && nSym != -1 && p < pStop-1 && *(p+1) == ' ' )
                            nBlank = p - pStr + 1;
                case '$' :
                    if (nSym == -1 && nInSection && *(p-1) == '[')
                        nSym = p - pStr + 1;
                        if (nNum != -1 && *(p-2) == ' ')
                            nBlank = p - pStr - 2;
                case ';' :
                    if ( !nInSection )
                        p = pStop;
                    if (!nInSection && nSym == -1 && o3tl::starts_with(rCode.substr(static_cast<sal_Int32>(p - pStr)), aCurrSymbol))
                    {   // currency symbol not surrounded by [$...]
                        nSym = p - pStr;
                        if (nBlank == -1 && pStr < p && *(p-1) == ' ')
                            nBlank = p - pStr - 1;
                        p += aCurrSymbol.getLength() - 1;
                        if (nBlank == -1 && p < pStop-2 && *(p+2) == ' ')
                            nBlank = p - pStr + 2;
void LocaleDataWrapper::loadCurrencyFormats()
    css::uno::Reference< css::i18n::XNumberFormatCode > xNFC = i18n::NumberFormatMapper::create( m_xContext );
    uno::Sequence< NumberFormatCode > aFormatSeq = xNFC->getAllFormatCode( KNumberFormatUsage::CURRENCY, maLanguageTag.getLocale() );
    sal_Int32 nCnt = aFormatSeq.getLength();
    if ( !nCnt )
    {   // bad luck
        if (areChecksEnabled())
            outputCheckMessage( appendLocaleInfo( u"LocaleDataWrapper::getCurrFormatsImpl: no currency formats" ) );
        nCurrPositiveFormat = nCurrNegativeFormat = nCurrFormatDefault;
    // find a negative code (medium preferred) and a default (medium preferred) (not necessarily the same)
    NumberFormatCode const * const pFormatArr = aFormatSeq.getArray();
    sal_Int32 nElem, nDef, nNeg, nMedium;
    nDef = nNeg = nMedium = -1;
    for ( nElem = 0; nElem < nCnt; nElem++ )
        if ( pFormatArr[nElem].Type == KNumberFormatType::MEDIUM )
            if ( pFormatArr[nElem].Default )
                nDef = nElem;
                nMedium = nElem;
                if ( pFormatArr[nElem].Code.indexOf( ';' ) >= 0 )
                    nNeg = nElem;
                if ( (nNeg == -1 || nMedium == -1) && pFormatArr[nElem].Code.indexOf( ';' ) >= 0 )
                    nNeg = nElem;
                if ( nMedium == -1 )
                    nMedium = nElem;
            if ( nDef == -1 && pFormatArr[nElem].Default )
                nDef = nElem;
            if ( nNeg == -1 && pFormatArr[nElem].Code.indexOf( ';' ) >= 0 )
                nNeg = nElem;
    sal_Int32 nSign, nPar, nNum, nBlank, nSym;
    // positive format
    nElem = (nDef >= 0 ? nDef : (nNeg >= 0 ? nNeg : 0));
    scanCurrFormatImpl( pFormatArr[nElem].Code, 0, nSign, nPar, nNum, nBlank, nSym );
    if (areChecksEnabled() && (nNum == -1 || nSym == -1))
        outputCheckMessage( appendLocaleInfo( u"LocaleDataWrapper::getCurrFormatsImpl: CurrPositiveFormat?" ) );
    if (nBlank == -1)
        if ( nSym < nNum )
            nCurrPositiveFormat = 0;    // $1
            nCurrPositiveFormat = 1;    // 1$
        if ( nSym < nNum )
            nCurrPositiveFormat = 2;    // $ 1
            nCurrPositiveFormat = 3;    // 1 $
    // negative format
    if ( nNeg < 0 )
        nCurrNegativeFormat = nCurrFormatDefault;
        const OUString& rCode = pFormatArr[nNeg].Code;
        sal_Int32 nDelim = rCode.indexOf(';');
        scanCurrFormatImpl( rCode, nDelim+1, nSign, nPar, nNum, nBlank, nSym );
        if (areChecksEnabled() && (nNum == -1 || nSym == -1 || (nPar == -1 && nSign == -1)))
            outputCheckMessage( appendLocaleInfo( u"LocaleDataWrapper::getCurrFormatsImpl: CurrNegativeFormat?" ) );
        // NOTE: one of nPar or nSign are allowed to be -1
        if (nBlank == -1)
            if ( nSym < nNum )
                if ( -1 < nPar && nPar < nSym )
                    nCurrNegativeFormat = 0;    // ($1)
                else if ( -1 < nSign && nSign < nSym )
                    nCurrNegativeFormat = 1;    // -$1
                else if ( nNum < nSign )
                    nCurrNegativeFormat = 3;    // $1-
                    nCurrNegativeFormat = 2;    // $-1
                if ( -1 < nPar && nPar < nNum )
                    nCurrNegativeFormat = 4;    // (1$)
                else if ( -1 < nSign && nSign < nNum )
                    nCurrNegativeFormat = 5;    // -1$
                else if ( nSym < nSign )
                    nCurrNegativeFormat = 7;    // 1$-
                    nCurrNegativeFormat = 6;    // 1-$
            if ( nSym < nNum )
                if ( -1 < nPar && nPar < nSym )
                    nCurrNegativeFormat = 14;   // ($ 1)
                else if ( -1 < nSign && nSign < nSym )
                    nCurrNegativeFormat = 9;    // -$ 1
                else if ( nNum < nSign )
                    nCurrNegativeFormat = 12;   // $ 1-
                    nCurrNegativeFormat = 11;   // $ -1
                if ( -1 < nPar && nPar < nNum )
                    nCurrNegativeFormat = 15;   // (1 $)
                else if ( -1 < nSign && nSign < nNum )
                    nCurrNegativeFormat = 8;    // -1 $
                else if ( nSym < nSign )
                    nCurrNegativeFormat = 10;   // 1 $-
                    nCurrNegativeFormat = 13;   // 1- $
// --- date -----------------------------------------------------------
DateOrder LocaleDataWrapper::getDateOrder() const
    return nDateOrder;
LongDateOrder LocaleDataWrapper::getLongDateOrder() const
    return nLongDateOrder;
LongDateOrder LocaleDataWrapper::scanDateOrderImpl( std::u16string_view rCode ) const
    // Only some european versions were translated, the ones with different
    // keyword combinations are:
    // English DMY, German TMJ, Spanish DMA, French JMA, Italian GMA,
    // Dutch DMJ, Finnish PKV
    // default is English keywords for every other language
    size_t nDay = rCode.find('D');
    size_t nMonth = rCode.find('M');
    size_t nYear = rCode.find('Y');
    if (nDay == std::u16string_view::npos || nMonth == std::u16string_view::npos || nYear == std::u16string_view::npos)
    {   // This algorithm assumes that all three parts (DMY) are present
        if (nMonth == std::u16string_view::npos)
        {   // only Finnish has something else than 'M' for month
            nMonth = rCode.find('K');
            if (nMonth != std::u16string_view::npos)
                nDay = rCode.find('P');
                nYear = rCode.find('V');
        else if (nDay == std::u16string_view::npos)
        {   // We have a month 'M' if we reach this branch.
            // Possible languages containing 'M' but no 'D':
            // German, French, Italian
            nDay = rCode.find('T');         // German
            if (nDay != std::u16string_view::npos)
                nYear = rCode.find('J');
                nYear = rCode.find('A');    // French, Italian
                if (nYear != std::u16string_view::npos)
                    nDay = rCode.find('J'); // French
                    if (nDay == std::u16string_view::npos)
                        nDay = rCode.find('G'); // Italian
        {   // We have a month 'M' and a day 'D'.
            // Possible languages containing 'D' and 'M' but not 'Y':
            // Spanish, Dutch
            nYear = rCode.find('A');        // Spanish
            if (nYear == std::u16string_view::npos)
                nYear = rCode.find('J');    // Dutch
        if (nDay == std::u16string_view::npos || nMonth == std::u16string_view::npos || nYear == std::u16string_view::npos)
            if (areChecksEnabled())
                outputCheckMessage( appendLocaleInfo( u"LocaleDataWrapper::scanDateOrder: not all DMY present" ) );
            if (nDay == std::u16string_view::npos)
                nDay = rCode.size();
            if (nMonth == std::u16string_view::npos)
                nMonth = rCode.size();
            if (nYear == std::u16string_view::npos)
                nYear = rCode.size();
    // compare with <= because each position may equal rCode.getLength()
    if ( nDay <= nMonth && nMonth <= nYear )
        return LongDateOrder::DMY;     // also if every position equals rCode.getLength()
    else if ( nMonth <= nDay && nDay <= nYear )
        return LongDateOrder::MDY;
    else if ( nYear <= nMonth && nMonth <= nDay )
        return LongDateOrder::YMD;
    else if ( nYear <= nDay && nDay <= nMonth )
        return LongDateOrder::YDM;
        if (areChecksEnabled())
            outputCheckMessage( appendLocaleInfo( u"LocaleDataWrapper::scanDateOrder: no magic applicable" ) );
        return LongDateOrder::DMY;
static DateOrder getDateOrderFromLongDateOrder( LongDateOrder eLong )
    switch (eLong)
        case LongDateOrder::YMD:
            return DateOrder::YMD;
        case LongDateOrder::DMY:
            return DateOrder::DMY;
        case LongDateOrder::MDY:
            return DateOrder::MDY;
        case LongDateOrder::YDM:
            assert(!"unhandled LongDateOrder to DateOrder");
            return DateOrder::DMY;
void LocaleDataWrapper::loadDateOrders()
    css::uno::Reference< css::i18n::XNumberFormatCode > xNFC = i18n::NumberFormatMapper::create( m_xContext );
    uno::Sequence< NumberFormatCode > aFormatSeq = xNFC->getAllFormatCode( KNumberFormatUsage::DATE, maLanguageTag.getLocale() );
    sal_Int32 nCnt = aFormatSeq.getLength();
    if ( !nCnt )
    {   // bad luck
        if (areChecksEnabled())
            outputCheckMessage( appendLocaleInfo( u"LocaleDataWrapper::getDateOrdersImpl: no date formats" ) );
        nDateOrder = DateOrder::DMY;
        nLongDateOrder = LongDateOrder::DMY;
    // find the edit (21), a default (medium preferred),
    // a medium (default preferred), and a long (default preferred)
    NumberFormatCode const * const pFormatArr = aFormatSeq.getArray();
    sal_Int32 nEdit, nDef, nMedium, nLong;
    nEdit = nDef = nMedium = nLong = -1;
    for ( sal_Int32 nElem = 0; nElem < nCnt; nElem++ )
        if ( nEdit == -1 && pFormatArr[nElem].Index == NumberFormatIndex::DATE_SYS_DDMMYYYY )
            nEdit = nElem;
        if ( nDef == -1 && pFormatArr[nElem].Default )
            nDef = nElem;
        switch ( pFormatArr[nElem].Type )
            case KNumberFormatType::MEDIUM :
                if ( pFormatArr[nElem].Default )
                    nDef = nElem;
                    nMedium = nElem;
                else if ( nMedium == -1 )
                    nMedium = nElem;
            case KNumberFormatType::LONG :
                if ( pFormatArr[nElem].Default )
                    nLong = nElem;
                else if ( nLong == -1 )
                    nLong = nElem;
    if ( nEdit == -1 )
        if (areChecksEnabled())
            outputCheckMessage( appendLocaleInfo( u"LocaleDataWrapper::getDateOrdersImpl: no edit" ) );
        if ( nDef == -1 )
            if (areChecksEnabled())
                outputCheckMessage( appendLocaleInfo( u"LocaleDataWrapper::getDateOrdersImpl: no default" ) );
            if ( nMedium != -1 )
                nDef = nMedium;
            else if ( nLong != -1 )
                nDef = nLong;
                nDef = 0;
        nEdit = nDef;
    LongDateOrder nDO = scanDateOrderImpl( pFormatArr[nEdit].Code );
    if ( pFormatArr[nEdit].Type == KNumberFormatType::LONG )
    {   // normally this is not the case
        nLongDateOrder = nDO;
        nDateOrder = getDateOrderFromLongDateOrder(nDO);
        // YDM should not occur in a short/medium date (i.e. no locale has
        // that) and is nowhere handled.
        nDateOrder = getDateOrderFromLongDateOrder(nDO);
        if ( nLong == -1 )
            nLongDateOrder = nDO;
            nLongDateOrder = scanDateOrderImpl( pFormatArr[nLong].Code );
// --- digit grouping -------------------------------------------------
void LocaleDataWrapper::loadDigitGrouping()
    /* TODO: This is a very simplified grouping setup that only serves its
     * current purpose for Indian locales. A free-form flexible one would
     * obtain grouping from locale data where it could be specified using, for
     * example, codes like #,### and #,##,### that would generate the integer
     * sequence. Needed additional API and a locale data element.
    if (aGrouping.hasElements() && aGrouping[0])
    i18n::LanguageCountryInfo aLCInfo( getLanguageCountryInfo());
    if (aLCInfo.Country.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase("IN") || // India
        aLCInfo.Country.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase("BT") )  // Bhutan
        aGrouping = { 3, 2, 0 };
        aGrouping = { 3, 0, 0 };
const css::uno::Sequence< sal_Int32 >& LocaleDataWrapper::getDigitGrouping() const
    return aGrouping;
// --- simple number formatting helpers -------------------------------
// The ImplAdd... methods are taken from class International and modified to
// suit the needs.
static void ImplAddUNum( OUStringBuffer& rBuf, sal_uInt64 nNumber )
    // fill temp buffer with digits
    sal_Unicode aTempBuf[64];
    sal_Unicode* pTempBuf = aTempBuf;
        *pTempBuf = static_cast<sal_Unicode>(nNumber % 10) + '0';
        nNumber /= 10;
    while ( nNumber );
    // copy temp buffer to buffer passed
    while ( pTempBuf != aTempBuf );
static void ImplAddUNum( OUStringBuffer& rBuf, sal_uInt64 nNumber, int nMinLen )
    // fill temp buffer with digits
    sal_Unicode aTempBuf[64];
    sal_Unicode* pTempBuf = aTempBuf;
        *pTempBuf = static_cast<sal_Unicode>(nNumber % 10) + '0';
        nNumber /= 10;
    while ( nNumber );
    // fill with zeros up to the minimal length
    while ( nMinLen > 0 )
    // copy temp buffer to real buffer
    while ( pTempBuf != aTempBuf );
static void ImplAddNum( OUStringBuffer& rBuf, sal_Int64 nNumber, int nMinLen )
    if (nNumber < 0)
        nNumber = -nNumber;
    return ImplAddUNum( rBuf, nNumber, nMinLen);
static void ImplAdd2UNum( OUStringBuffer& rBuf, sal_uInt16 nNumber )
    DBG_ASSERT( nNumber < 100, "ImplAdd2UNum() - Number >= 100" );
    if ( nNumber < 10 )
        rBuf.append(static_cast<char>(nNumber + '0'));
        sal_uInt16 nTemp = nNumber % 10;
        nNumber /= 10;
        rBuf.append(static_cast<char>(nNumber + '0'));
        rBuf.append(static_cast<char>(nTemp + '0'));
static void ImplAdd9UNum( OUStringBuffer& rBuf, sal_uInt32 nNumber )
    DBG_ASSERT( nNumber < 1000000000, "ImplAdd9UNum() - Number >= 1000000000" );
    std::ostringstream ostr;
    ostr << nNumber;
    std::string aStr = ostr.str();
    rBuf.appendAscii(aStr.c_str(), aStr.size());
void LocaleDataWrapper::ImplAddFormatNum( OUStringBuffer& rBuf,
        sal_Int64 nNumber, sal_uInt16 nDecimals, bool bUseThousandSep,
        bool bTrailingZeros ) const
    OUStringBuffer aNumBuf(64);
    sal_uInt16  nNumLen;
    // negative number
    sal_uInt64 abs;
    if ( nNumber < 0 )
        // Avoid overflow, map -2^63 -> 2^63 explicitly:
        abs = nNumber == std::numeric_limits<sal_Int64>::min()
            ? static_cast<sal_uInt64>(std::numeric_limits<sal_Int64>::min()) : nNumber * -1;
        abs = nNumber;
    // convert number
    ImplAddUNum( aNumBuf, abs );
    nNumLen = static_cast<sal_uInt16>(aNumBuf.getLength());
    if ( nNumLen <= nDecimals )
        // strip .0 in decimals?
        if ( !nNumber && !bTrailingZeros )
            // LeadingZero, insert 0
            if ( isNumLeadingZero() )
            // append decimal separator
            rBuf.append( aLocaleDataItem.decimalSeparator );
            // fill with zeros
            sal_uInt16 i = 0;
            while ( i < (nDecimals-nNumLen) )
            // append decimals
        const OUString& rThoSep = aLocaleDataItem.thousandSeparator;
        // copy number to buffer (excluding decimals)
        sal_uInt16 nNumLen2 = nNumLen-nDecimals;
        uno::Sequence< sal_Bool > aGroupPos;
        if (bUseThousandSep)
            aGroupPos = utl::DigitGroupingIterator::createForwardSequence(
                    nNumLen2, getDigitGrouping());
        sal_uInt16 i = 0;
        for (; i < nNumLen2; ++i )
            // add thousand separator?
            if ( bUseThousandSep && aGroupPos[i] )
                rBuf.append( rThoSep );
        // append decimals
        if ( nDecimals )
            rBuf.append( aLocaleDataItem.decimalSeparator );
            bool bNullEnd = true;
            while ( i < nNumLen )
                if ( aNumBuf[i] != '0' )
                    bNullEnd = false;
            // strip .0 in decimals?
            if ( bNullEnd && !bTrailingZeros )
                rBuf.setLength( rBuf.getLength() - (nDecimals + 1) );
// --- simple date and time formatting --------------------------------
OUString LocaleDataWrapper::getDate( const Date& rDate ) const
//!TODO: leading zeros et al
    OUStringBuffer aBuf(128);
    sal_uInt16  nDay    = rDate.GetDay();
    sal_uInt16  nMonth  = rDate.GetMonth();
    sal_Int16   nYear   = rDate.GetYear();
    sal_uInt16  nYearLen;
    if ( (true) /* IsDateCentury() */ )
        nYearLen = 4;
        nYearLen = 2;
        nYear %= 100;
    switch ( getDateOrder() )
        case DateOrder::DMY :
            ImplAdd2UNum( aBuf, nDay );
            aBuf.append( aLocaleDataItem.dateSeparator );
            ImplAdd2UNum( aBuf, nMonth );
            aBuf.append( aLocaleDataItem.dateSeparator );
            ImplAddNum( aBuf, nYear, nYearLen );
        case DateOrder::MDY :
            ImplAdd2UNum( aBuf, nMonth );
            aBuf.append( aLocaleDataItem.dateSeparator );
            ImplAdd2UNum( aBuf, nDay );
            aBuf.append( aLocaleDataItem.dateSeparator );
            ImplAddNum( aBuf, nYear, nYearLen );
            ImplAddNum( aBuf, nYear, nYearLen );
            aBuf.append( aLocaleDataItem.dateSeparator );
            ImplAdd2UNum( aBuf, nMonth );
            aBuf.append( aLocaleDataItem.dateSeparator );
            ImplAdd2UNum( aBuf, nDay );
    return aBuf.makeStringAndClear();
OUString LocaleDataWrapper::getTime( const tools::Time& rTime, bool bSec, bool b100Sec ) const
//!TODO: leading zeros et al
    OUStringBuffer aBuf(128);
    sal_uInt16  nHour = rTime.GetHour();
    nHour %= 24;
    ImplAdd2UNum( aBuf, nHour );
    aBuf.append( aLocaleDataItem.timeSeparator );
    ImplAdd2UNum( aBuf, rTime.GetMin() );
    if ( bSec )
        aBuf.append( aLocaleDataItem.timeSeparator );
        ImplAdd2UNum( aBuf, rTime.GetSec() );
        if ( b100Sec )
            aBuf.append( aLocaleDataItem.time100SecSeparator );
            ImplAdd9UNum( aBuf, rTime.GetNanoSec() );
    return aBuf.makeStringAndClear();
OUString LocaleDataWrapper::getDuration( const tools::Duration& rDuration, bool bSec, bool b100Sec ) const
    OUStringBuffer aBuf(128);
    if ( rDuration.IsNegative() )
        aBuf.append(' ');
    sal_Int64 nHours = static_cast<sal_Int64>(rDuration.GetDays()) * 24 +
        (rDuration.IsNegative() ?
         -static_cast<sal_Int64>(rDuration.GetTime().GetHour()) :
    if ( (true) /* IsTimeLeadingZero() */ )
        ImplAddNum( aBuf, nHours, 2 );
        ImplAddNum( aBuf, nHours, 1 );
    aBuf.append( aLocaleDataItem.timeSeparator );
    ImplAdd2UNum( aBuf, rDuration.GetTime().GetMin() );
    if ( bSec )
        aBuf.append( aLocaleDataItem.timeSeparator );
        ImplAdd2UNum( aBuf, rDuration.GetTime().GetSec() );
        if ( b100Sec )
            aBuf.append( aLocaleDataItem.time100SecSeparator );
            ImplAdd9UNum( aBuf, rDuration.GetTime().GetNanoSec() );
    return aBuf.makeStringAndClear();
// --- simple number formatting ---------------------------------------
static size_t ImplGetNumberStringLengthGuess( const css::i18n::LocaleDataItem2& rLocaleDataItem, sal_uInt16 nDecimals )
    // approximately 3.2 bits per digit
    const size_t nDig = ((sizeof(sal_Int64) * 8) / 3) + 1;
    // digits, separators (pessimized for insane "every digit may be grouped"), leading zero, sign
    size_t nGuess = ((nDecimals < nDig) ?
        (((nDig - nDecimals) * rLocaleDataItem.thousandSeparator.getLength()) + nDig) :
        nDecimals) + rLocaleDataItem.decimalSeparator.getLength() + 3;
    return nGuess;
OUString LocaleDataWrapper::getNum( sal_Int64 nNumber, sal_uInt16 nDecimals,
        bool bUseThousandSep, bool bTrailingZeros ) const
    // check if digits and separators will fit into fixed buffer or allocate
    size_t nGuess = ImplGetNumberStringLengthGuess( aLocaleDataItem, nDecimals );
    OUStringBuffer aBuf(int(nGuess + 16));
    ImplAddFormatNum( aBuf, nNumber, nDecimals,
        bUseThousandSep, bTrailingZeros );
    return aBuf.makeStringAndClear();
OUString LocaleDataWrapper::getCurr( sal_Int64 nNumber, sal_uInt16 nDecimals,
        std::u16string_view rCurrencySymbol, bool bUseThousandSep ) const
    sal_Unicode cZeroChar = getCurrZeroChar();
    // check if digits and separators will fit into fixed buffer or allocate
    size_t nGuess = ImplGetNumberStringLengthGuess( aLocaleDataItem, nDecimals );
    OUStringBuffer aNumBuf(sal_Int32(nGuess + 16));
    bool bNeg;
    if ( nNumber < 0 )
        bNeg = true;
        nNumber *= -1;
        bNeg = false;
    // convert number
    ImplAddFormatNum( aNumBuf, nNumber, nDecimals,
        bUseThousandSep, true );
    const sal_Int32 nNumLen = aNumBuf.getLength();
    // replace zeros with zero character
    if ( (cZeroChar != '0') && nDecimals /* && IsNumTrailingZeros() */ )
        sal_uInt16  i;
        bool    bZero = true;
        sal_uInt16 nNumBufIndex = nNumLen-nDecimals;
        i = 0;
            if ( aNumBuf[nNumBufIndex] != '0' )
                bZero = false;
        while ( i < nDecimals );
        if ( bZero )
            nNumBufIndex = nNumLen-nDecimals;
            i = 0;
                aNumBuf[nNumBufIndex] = cZeroChar;
            while ( i < nDecimals );
    OUString aCur;
    if ( !bNeg )
        switch( getCurrPositiveFormat() )
            case 0:
                aCur = rCurrencySymbol + aNumBuf;
            case 1:
                aCur = aNumBuf + rCurrencySymbol;
            case 2:
                aCur = OUString::Concat(rCurrencySymbol) + " " + aNumBuf;
            case 3:
                aCur = aNumBuf + " " + rCurrencySymbol;
        switch( getCurrNegativeFormat() )
            case 0:
                 aCur = OUString::Concat("(") + rCurrencySymbol + aNumBuf + ")";
            case 1:
                 aCur = OUString::Concat("-") + rCurrencySymbol + aNumBuf;
            case 2:
                 aCur = OUString::Concat(rCurrencySymbol) + "-" + aNumBuf;
            case 3:
                 aCur = rCurrencySymbol + aNumBuf + "-";
            case 4:
                 aCur = "(" + aNumBuf + rCurrencySymbol + ")";
            case 5:
                 aCur = "-" + aNumBuf + rCurrencySymbol;
            case 6:
                 aCur = aNumBuf + "-" + rCurrencySymbol;
            case 7:
                 aCur = aNumBuf + rCurrencySymbol + "-";
            case 8:
                 aCur = "-" + aNumBuf + " " + rCurrencySymbol;
            case 9:
                 aCur = OUString::Concat("-") + rCurrencySymbol + " " + aNumBuf;
            case 10:
                 aCur = aNumBuf + " " + rCurrencySymbol + "-";
            case 11:
                 aCur = OUString::Concat(rCurrencySymbol) + " -" + aNumBuf;
            case 12:
                 aCur = OUString::Concat(rCurrencySymbol) + " " + aNumBuf + "-";
            case 13:
                 aCur = aNumBuf + "- " + rCurrencySymbol;
            case 14:
                 aCur = OUString::Concat("(") + rCurrencySymbol + " " + aNumBuf + ")";
            case 15:
                 aCur = "(" + aNumBuf + " " + rCurrencySymbol + ")";
    return aCur;
// --- number parsing -------------------------------------------------
double LocaleDataWrapper::stringToDouble( std::u16string_view aString, bool bUseGroupSep,
        rtl_math_ConversionStatus* pStatus, sal_Int32* pParseEnd ) const
    const sal_Unicode* pParseEndChar;
    double fValue = stringToDouble(aString.data(), aString.data() + aString.size(), bUseGroupSep, pStatus, &pParseEndChar);
    if (pParseEnd)
        *pParseEnd = pParseEndChar - aString.data();
    return fValue;
double LocaleDataWrapper::stringToDouble( const sal_Unicode* pBegin, const sal_Unicode* pEnd, bool bUseGroupSep,
        rtl_math_ConversionStatus* pStatus, const sal_Unicode** ppParseEnd ) const
    const sal_Unicode cGroupSep = (bUseGroupSep ? aLocaleDataItem.thousandSeparator[0] : 0);
    rtl_math_ConversionStatus eStatus = rtl_math_ConversionStatus_Ok;
    const sal_Unicode* pParseEnd = nullptr;
    double fValue = rtl_math_uStringToDouble( pBegin, pEnd, aLocaleDataItem.decimalSeparator[0], cGroupSep, &eStatus, &pParseEnd);
    bool bTryAlt = (pParseEnd < pEnd && !aLocaleDataItem.decimalSeparatorAlternative.isEmpty() &&
            *pParseEnd == aLocaleDataItem.decimalSeparatorAlternative.toChar());
    // Try re-parsing with alternative if that was the reason to stop.
    if (bTryAlt)
        fValue = rtl_math_uStringToDouble( pBegin, pEnd, aLocaleDataItem.decimalSeparatorAlternative.toChar(), cGroupSep, &eStatus, &pParseEnd);
    if (pStatus)
        *pStatus = eStatus;
    if (ppParseEnd)
        *ppParseEnd = pParseEnd;
    return fValue;
// --- mixed ----------------------------------------------------------
LanguageTag LocaleDataWrapper::getLoadedLanguageTag() const
    LanguageCountryInfo aLCInfo = getLanguageCountryInfo();
    return LanguageTag( lang::Locale( aLCInfo.Language, aLCInfo.Country, aLCInfo.Variant ));
OUString LocaleDataWrapper::appendLocaleInfo(std::u16string_view rDebugMsg) const
    LanguageTag aLoaded = getLoadedLanguageTag();
    return OUString::Concat(rDebugMsg) + "\n" + maLanguageTag.getBcp47() + " requested\n"
        + aLoaded.getBcp47() + " loaded";
// static
void LocaleDataWrapper::outputCheckMessage( std::u16string_view rMsg )
    outputCheckMessage(OUStringToOString(rMsg, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8).getStr());
// static
void LocaleDataWrapper::outputCheckMessage( const char* pStr )
    fprintf( stderr, "\n%s\n", pStr);
    fflush( stderr);
    SAL_WARN("unotools.i18n", pStr);
// static
void LocaleDataWrapper::evaluateLocaleDataChecking()
    // Using the rtl_Instance template here wouldn't solve all threaded write
    // accesses, since we want to assign the result to the static member
    // variable and would need to dereference the pointer returned and assign
    // the value unguarded. This is the same pattern manually coded.
    sal_uInt8 nCheck = nLocaleDataChecking;
    if (!nCheck)
        ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( ::osl::Mutex::getGlobalMutex());
        nCheck = nLocaleDataChecking;
        if (!nCheck)
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
            nCheck = 1;
            const char* pEnv = getenv( "OOO_ENABLE_LOCALE_DATA_CHECKS");
            if (pEnv && (pEnv[0] == 'Y' || pEnv[0] == 'y' || pEnv[0] == '1'))
                nCheck = 1;
                nCheck = 2;
            nLocaleDataChecking = nCheck;
    else {
// --- XLocaleData3 ----------------------------------------------------------
css::uno::Sequence< css::i18n::Calendar2 > LocaleDataWrapper::getAllCalendars() const
        return xLD->getAllCalendars2( getMyLocale() );
    catch (const Exception&)
        TOOLS_WARN_EXCEPTION( "unotools.i18n", "getAllCalendars" );
    return {};
// --- XLocaleData4 ----------------------------------------------------------
const css::uno::Sequence< OUString > & LocaleDataWrapper::getDateAcceptancePatterns() const
    return aDateAcceptancePatterns;
// --- Override layer --------------------------------------------------------
void LocaleDataWrapper::loadDateAcceptancePatterns(
        const std::vector<OUString> & rPatterns )
    if (!aDateAcceptancePatterns.hasElements() || rPatterns.empty())
            aDateAcceptancePatterns = xLD->getDateAcceptancePatterns( maLanguageTag.getLocale() );
        catch (const Exception&)
            TOOLS_WARN_EXCEPTION( "unotools.i18n", "setDateAcceptancePatterns" );
        if (rPatterns.empty())
            return;     // just a reset
        if (!aDateAcceptancePatterns.hasElements())
            aDateAcceptancePatterns = comphelper::containerToSequence(rPatterns);
    // Earlier versions checked for presence of the full date pattern with
    // aDateAcceptancePatterns[0] == rPatterns[0] and prepended that if not.
    // This lead to confusion if the patterns were intentionally specified
    // without, giving entirely a different DMY order, see tdf#150288.
    // Not checking this and accepting the given patterns as is may result in
    // the user shooting themself in the foot, but we can't have both.
    aDateAcceptancePatterns = comphelper::containerToSequence(rPatterns);
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'appendAscii' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V547 Expression '!"unhandled LongDateOrder to DateOrder"' is always false.

V560 A part of conditional expression is always false: (cZeroChar != '0').