/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include "model.hxx"
#include "model_helper.hxx"
#include "mip.hxx"
#include "evaluationcontext.hxx"
#include "unohelper.hxx"
#include "submission/serialization_app_xml.hxx"
#include "resourcehelper.hxx"
#include "xmlhelper.hxx"
#include "convert.hxx"
#include "datatyperepository.hxx"
#include <strings.hrc>
#include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
#include <rtl/ustrbuf.hxx>
#include <tools/debug.hxx>
#include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx>
// UNO classes
#include <com/sun/star/xml/dom/XNode.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/xml/dom/XDocumentBuilder.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/xml/dom/XDocumentFragment.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/xml/dom/XNamedNodeMap.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/xml/xpath/XXPathObject.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/xml/xpath/XPathObjectType.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/beans/PropertyValue.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/io/TextInputStream.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/container/XEnumeration.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/container/XNameContainer.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/frame/XModel.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/xforms/XFormsSupplier.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/xforms/XDataTypeRepository.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/xsd/XDataType.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/xsd/DataTypeClass.hpp>
using com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue;
using com::sun::star::io::TextInputStream;
using com::sun::star::io::XTextInputStream2;
using com::sun::star::container::XEnumeration;
using com::sun::star::container::XNameContainer;
using com::sun::star::xforms::XFormsSupplier;
using namespace xforms;
using namespace com::sun::star::uno;
using namespace com::sun::star::xml::dom;
using namespace com::sun::star::xml::xpath;
// implement XFormsUIHelper1
OUString Model::getDefaultServiceNameForNode( const css::uno::Reference<css::xml::dom::XNode>& xNode )
    // determine service for control. string/text field is default.
    OUString sService = u"com.sun.star.form.component.TextField"_ustr;
    // query repository for suitable type
    OSL_ENSURE( mxDataTypes.is(), "no type repository?" );
    OUString sTypeName = queryMIP( xNode ).getTypeName();
    if( mxDataTypes->hasByName( sTypeName ) )
        OSL_ENSURE( mxDataTypes->getDataType( sTypeName ).is(),
                    "has or has not?" );
        switch( mxDataTypes->getDataType( sTypeName )->getTypeClass() )
        case css::xsd::DataTypeClass::BOOLEAN:
            sService = "com.sun.star.form.component.CheckBox";
        case css::xsd::DataTypeClass::DOUBLE:
        case css::xsd::DataTypeClass::DECIMAL:
        case css::xsd::DataTypeClass::FLOAT:
            sService = "com.sun.star.form.component.NumericField";
        case css::xsd::DataTypeClass::STRING:
        case css::xsd::DataTypeClass::DURATION:
        case css::xsd::DataTypeClass::DATETIME:
        case css::xsd::DataTypeClass::TIME:
        case css::xsd::DataTypeClass::DATE:
        case css::xsd::DataTypeClass::gYearMonth:
        case css::xsd::DataTypeClass::gYear:
        case css::xsd::DataTypeClass::gMonthDay:
        case css::xsd::DataTypeClass::gDay:
        case css::xsd::DataTypeClass::gMonth:
        case css::xsd::DataTypeClass::hexBinary:
        case css::xsd::DataTypeClass::base64Binary:
        case css::xsd::DataTypeClass::anyURI:
        case css::xsd::DataTypeClass::QName:
        case css::xsd::DataTypeClass::NOTATION:
            // keep default
    return sService;
static void lcl_OutPosition( OUStringBuffer& rBuffer,
                      const Reference<XNode>& xNode )
    OSL_ENSURE( xNode->getParentNode().is(), "need parent" );
    // count # of occurrences of this node
    sal_Int32 nFound = 0;
    sal_Int32 nPosition = -1;
    if( xNode->getParentNode().is() )
        for( Reference<XNode> xIter = xNode->getParentNode()->getFirstChild();
             xIter != nullptr;
             xIter = xIter->getNextSibling() )
            if( xIter->getNodeType() == xNode->getNodeType() &&
                xIter->getNodeName() == xNode->getNodeName() &&
                xIter->getNamespaceURI() == xNode->getNamespaceURI() )
                if( xIter == xNode )
                    nPosition = nFound;
    OSL_ENSURE( nFound > 0  &&  nPosition > 0, "node not found???" );
    // output position (if necessary)
    if( nFound > 1 )
        rBuffer.insert( 0, ']' );
        rBuffer.insert( 0, nPosition );
        rBuffer.insert( 0, '[' );
static void lcl_OutName( OUStringBuffer& rBuffer,
                  const Reference<XNode>& xNode )
    rBuffer.insert( 0, xNode->getNodeName() );
    OUString sPrefix = xNode->getPrefix();
    if( !sPrefix.isEmpty() )
        rBuffer.insert( 0, sPrefix + ":" );
static void lcl_OutInstance( OUStringBuffer& rBuffer,
                      const Reference<XNode>& xNode,
                      Model* pModel )
    Reference<XDocument> xDoc = xNode->getOwnerDocument();
    if( xDoc == pModel->getDefaultInstance() )
    rBuffer.insert( 0, "')" );
    // iterate over instances, and find the right one
    OUString sInstanceName;
    Reference<XEnumeration> xEnum =
    while( sInstanceName.isEmpty() && xEnum->hasMoreElements() )
        Sequence<PropertyValue> aValues;
        xEnum->nextElement() >>= aValues;
        // get ID and instance
        OUString sId;
        Reference<XDocument> xInstance;
        getInstanceData( aValues, &sId, &xInstance, nullptr, nullptr );
        // now check whether this was our instance:
        if( xInstance == xDoc )
            sInstanceName = sId;
    rBuffer.insert( 0, "instance('" + sInstanceName );
OUString Model::getDefaultBindingExpressionForNode(
    const XNode_t& xNode,
    const EvaluationContext& rContext)
    OSL_ENSURE( xNode.is(), "need node" );
    // iterate upwards and put sections into the expression buffer.
    // Stop iteration either at context node (relative expression) or
    // at document root, whichever occurs first.
    OUStringBuffer aBuffer;
    for( Reference<XNode> xCurrent = xNode;
         xCurrent.is()  &&  xCurrent != rContext.mxContextNode;
         xCurrent = xCurrent->getParentNode() )
        // insert a '/' for every step except the first
        if( !aBuffer.isEmpty() )
            aBuffer.insert( 0, '/' );
        switch( xCurrent->getNodeType() )
        case NodeType_ELEMENT_NODE:
            lcl_OutPosition( aBuffer, xCurrent );
            lcl_OutName( aBuffer, xCurrent );
        case NodeType_TEXT_NODE:
            lcl_OutPosition( aBuffer, xCurrent );
            aBuffer.insert( 0, "text()" );
        case NodeType_ATTRIBUTE_NODE:
            lcl_OutName( aBuffer, xCurrent );
            aBuffer.insert( 0, '@' );
        case NodeType_DOCUMENT_NODE:
            // check for which instance we have
            lcl_OutInstance( aBuffer, xCurrent, this );
            // unknown type? fail!
            OSL_FAIL( "unknown node type!" );
            return OUString();
    return aBuffer.makeStringAndClear();
OUString Model::getDefaultBindingExpressionForNode( const css::uno::Reference<css::xml::dom::XNode>& xNode )
    return getDefaultBindingExpressionForNode( xNode, getEvaluationContext() );
static bool lcl_isWhitespace( const OUString& rString )
    sal_Int32 nLength = rString.getLength();
    const sal_Unicode* pStr = rString.getStr();
    bool bWhitespace = true;
    for( sal_Int32 i = 0; bWhitespace && ( i < nLength ); i++ )
        sal_Unicode c = pStr[i];
        bWhitespace = ( c == u'\x0009' ||
                        c == u'\x000A' ||
                        c == u'\x000D' ||
                        c == u' ' );
    return bWhitespace;
OUString Model::getNodeDisplayName( const css::uno::Reference<css::xml::dom::XNode>& xNode,
                                    sal_Bool bDetail )
    OUStringBuffer aBuffer;
    switch( xNode->getNodeType() )
    case NodeType_ELEMENT_NODE:
        lcl_OutName( aBuffer, xNode );
    case NodeType_TEXT_NODE:
            OUString sContent = xNode->getNodeValue();
            if( bDetail || ! lcl_isWhitespace( sContent ) )
                aBuffer.append("\"" + Convert::collapseWhitespace( sContent ) + "\"");
    case NodeType_ATTRIBUTE_NODE:
        lcl_OutName( aBuffer, xNode );
        aBuffer.insert( 0, '@' );
    case NodeType_DOCUMENT_NODE:
        if( xNode == getDefaultInstance() )
            aBuffer.append( '/' );
            lcl_OutInstance( aBuffer, xNode, this );
        // unknown type? fail!
        OSL_FAIL( "unknown node type!" );
    return aBuffer.makeStringAndClear();
OUString Model::getNodeName( const css::uno::Reference<css::xml::dom::XNode>& xNode )
    OUStringBuffer aBuffer;
    switch( xNode->getNodeType() )
    case NodeType_ELEMENT_NODE:
    case NodeType_ATTRIBUTE_NODE:
        lcl_OutName( aBuffer, xNode );
    case NodeType_TEXT_NODE:
    case NodeType_DOCUMENT_NODE:
        // unknown type? fail!
        OSL_FAIL( "no name for this node type!" );
    return aBuffer.makeStringAndClear();
OUString Model::getBindingName( const css::uno::Reference< ::css::beans::XPropertySet >& xBinding,
                                sal_Bool /*bDetail*/ )
    OUString sID;
    xBinding->getPropertyValue( u"BindingID"_ustr ) >>= sID;
    OUString sExpression;
    xBinding->getPropertyValue( u"BindingExpression"_ustr ) >>= sExpression;
    OUString sRet;
    if( !sID.isEmpty() )
        sRet = sID + " (" + sExpression + ") ";
        sRet = sExpression;
    return sRet;
OUString Model::getSubmissionName( const css::uno::Reference< ::css::beans::XPropertySet >& xSubmission,
                                   sal_Bool /*bDetail*/ )
    OUString sID;
    xSubmission->getPropertyValue( u"ID"_ustr ) >>= sID;
    return sID;
css::uno::Reference< ::css::beans::XPropertySet > Model::cloneBindingAsGhost( const css::uno::Reference< ::css::beans::XPropertySet > &xBinding )
    // Create a new binding instance first...
    rtl::Reference<Binding> pBinding = new Binding();
    // ...and bump up the "deferred notification counter"
    // to prevent this binding from contributing to the
    // MIPs table...
    // Copy the propertyset and return result...
    XPropertySet_t xNewBinding(pBinding);
    copy( xBinding, xNewBinding );
    return xNewBinding;
void Model::removeBindingIfUseless( const css::uno::Reference< ::css::beans::XPropertySet >& xBinding )
    Binding* pBinding = comphelper::getFromUnoTunnel<Binding>( xBinding );
    if( pBinding != nullptr )
        if( ! pBinding->isUseful() )
            mxBindings->removeItem( pBinding );
css::uno::Reference<css::xml::dom::XDocument> Model::newInstance( const OUString& sName,
                         const OUString& sURL,
                         sal_Bool bURLOnce )
    // create a default instance with <instanceData> element
    css::uno::Reference<css::xml::dom::XDocument> xInstance = getDocumentBuilder()->newDocument();
    DBG_ASSERT( xInstance.is(), "failed to create DOM instance" );
    Reference<XNode>( xInstance, UNO_QUERY_THROW )->appendChild(
        Reference<XNode>( xInstance->createElement( u"instanceData"_ustr ),
                          UNO_QUERY_THROW ) );
    Sequence<PropertyValue> aSequence;
    bool bOnce = bURLOnce; // bool, so we can take address in setInstanceData
    setInstanceData( aSequence, &sName, &xInstance, &sURL, &bOnce );
    sal_Int32 nInstance = mxInstances->addItem( aSequence );
    loadInstance( nInstance );
    return xInstance;
static sal_Int32 lcl_findProp( const PropertyValue* pValues,
                        sal_Int32 nLength,
                        std::u16string_view rName )
    bool bFound = false;
    sal_Int32 n = 0;
    for( ; !bFound && n < nLength; n++ )
        bFound = ( pValues[n].Name == rName );
    return bFound ? ( n - 1) : -1;
sal_Int32 xforms::lcl_findInstance( const InstanceCollection* pInstances,
                                    std::u16string_view rName )
    sal_Int32 nLength = pInstances->countItems();
    sal_Int32 n = 0;
    bool bFound = false;
    for( ; !bFound  &&  n < nLength; n++ )
        OUString sName;
        getInstanceData( pInstances->getItem( n ), &sName, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr );
        bFound = ( sName == rName );
    return bFound ? ( n - 1 ) : -1;
void Model::renameInstance( const OUString& sFrom,
                            const OUString& sTo,
                            const OUString& sURL,
                            sal_Bool bURLOnce )
    sal_Int32 nPos = lcl_findInstance( mxInstances.get(), sFrom );
    if( nPos == -1 )
    Sequence<PropertyValue> aSeq = mxInstances->getItem( nPos );
    PropertyValue* pSeq = aSeq.getArray();
    sal_Int32 nLength = aSeq.getLength();
    sal_Int32 nProp = lcl_findProp( pSeq, nLength, u"ID" );
    if( nProp == -1 )
        // add name property
        aSeq.realloc( nLength + 1 );
        pSeq = aSeq.getArray();
        pSeq[ nLength ].Name = "ID";
        nProp = nLength;
    // change name
    pSeq[ nProp ].Value <<= sTo;
    // change url
    nProp = lcl_findProp( pSeq, nLength, u"URL" );
    if(nProp != -1)
        pSeq[ nProp ].Value <<= sURL;
    // change urlonce
    nProp = lcl_findProp( pSeq, nLength, u"URLOnce" );
    if(nProp != -1)
        pSeq[ nProp ].Value <<= bURLOnce;
    // set instance
    mxInstances->setItem( nPos, aSeq );
void Model::removeInstance( const OUString& sName )
    sal_Int32 nPos = lcl_findInstance( mxInstances.get(), sName );
    if( nPos != -1 )
        mxInstances->removeItem( mxInstances->getItem( nPos ) );
static Reference<XNameContainer> lcl_getModels(
    const Reference<css::frame::XModel>& xComponent )
    Reference<XNameContainer> xRet;
    Reference<XFormsSupplier> xSupplier( xComponent, UNO_QUERY );
    if( xSupplier.is() )
        xRet = xSupplier->getXForms();
    return xRet;
css::uno::Reference<css::xforms::XModel> Model::newModel( const Reference<css::frame::XModel>& xCmp,
                                 const OUString& sName )
    css::uno::Reference<css::xforms::XModel> xModel;
    Reference<XNameContainer> xModels = lcl_getModels( xCmp );
    if( xModels.is()
        && ! xModels->hasByName( sName ) )
        rtl::Reference<Model> pModel = new Model();
        xModel.set( pModel );
        pModel->setID( sName );
        pModel->newInstance( OUString(), OUString(), false );
        xModels->insertByName( sName, Any( xModel ) );
    return xModel;
void Model::renameModel( const Reference<css::frame::XModel>& xCmp,
                         const OUString& sFrom,
                         const OUString& sTo )
    Reference<XNameContainer> xModels = lcl_getModels( xCmp );
    if( xModels.is()
        && xModels->hasByName( sFrom )
        && ! xModels->hasByName( sTo ) )
        Reference<XModel> xModel( xModels->getByName( sFrom ), UNO_QUERY );
        xModel->setID( sTo );
        xModels->insertByName( sTo, Any( xModel ) );
        xModels->removeByName( sFrom );
void Model::removeModel( const Reference<css::frame::XModel>& xCmp,
                         const OUString& sName )
    Reference<XNameContainer> xModels = lcl_getModels( xCmp );
    if( xModels.is()
        && xModels->hasByName( sName ) )
        xModels->removeByName( sName );
css::uno::Reference<css::xml::dom::XNode> Model::createElement( const css::uno::Reference<css::xml::dom::XNode>& xParent,
                                     const OUString& sName )
    Reference<XNode> xNode;
    if( xParent.is()
        && isValidXMLName( sName ) )
        // TODO: implement proper namespace handling
        xNode = xParent->getOwnerDocument()->createElement( sName );
    return xNode;
css::uno::Reference<css::xml::dom::XNode> Model::createAttribute( const css::uno::Reference<css::xml::dom::XNode>& xParent,
                                       const OUString& sName )
    Reference<XNode> xNode;
    Reference<XElement> xElement( xParent, UNO_QUERY );
    if( xParent.is()
        && xElement.is()
        && isValidXMLName( sName ) )
        // handle case where attribute already exists
        sal_Int32 nCount = 0;
        OUString sUniqueName = sName;
        while( xElement->hasAttribute( sUniqueName ) )
            sUniqueName = sName + OUString::number( nCount );
        // TODO: implement proper namespace handling
        xNode = xParent->getOwnerDocument()->createAttribute( sUniqueName );
    return xNode;
css::uno::Reference<css::xml::dom::XNode> Model::renameNode( const css::uno::Reference<css::xml::dom::XNode>& xNode,
                                  const OUString& sName )
    // early out if we don't have to change the name
    if( xNode->getNodeName() == sName )
        return xNode;
    // refuse to change name if it's an attribute, and the name is already used
    if( xNode->getNodeType() == NodeType_ATTRIBUTE_NODE
        && xNode->getParentNode().is()
        && Reference<XElement>(xNode->getParentNode(), UNO_QUERY_THROW)->hasAttribute( sName ) )
        return xNode;
    // note old binding expression so we can adjust bindings below
    OUString sOldDefaultBindingExpression =
        getDefaultBindingExpressionForNode( xNode );
    Reference<XDocument> xDoc = xNode->getOwnerDocument();
    Reference<XNode> xNew;
    if( xNode->getNodeType() == NodeType_ELEMENT_NODE )
        Reference<XElement> xElem = xDoc->createElement( sName );
        xNew = xElem;
        // iterate over all attributes and append them to the new element
        Reference<XElement> xOldElem( xNode, UNO_QUERY );
        OSL_ENSURE( xNode.is(), "no element?" );
        Reference<XNamedNodeMap> xMap = xNode->getAttributes();
        sal_Int32 nLength = xMap.is() ? xMap->getLength() : 0;
        // looping until nLength is suspicious wrt removeAttributeNode
        // presumably shrinking XNamedNodeMap::getLength by 1
        for( sal_Int32 n = 0; n < nLength; n++ )
            Reference<XAttr> xAttr( xMap->item(n), UNO_QUERY );
            xElem->setAttributeNode( xOldElem->removeAttributeNode( xAttr ) );
        // iterate over all children and append them to the new element
        for( Reference<XNode> xCurrent = xNode->getFirstChild();
             xCurrent = xNode->getFirstChild() )
            xNew->appendChild( xNode->removeChild( xCurrent ) );
        xNode->getParentNode()->replaceChild( xNew, xNode );
    else if( xNode->getNodeType() == NodeType_ATTRIBUTE_NODE )
        // create new attribute
        Reference<XAttr> xAttr = xDoc->createAttribute( sName );
        xAttr->setValue( xNode->getNodeValue() );
        // replace node
        Reference<XNode> xParent = xNode->getParentNode();
        xParent->removeChild( xNode );
        xNew = xParent->appendChild( xAttr );
        OSL_FAIL( "can't rename this node type" );
    // adjust bindings (if necessary):
    if( xNew.is() )
        // iterate over bindings and replace default expressions
        OUString sNewDefaultBindingExpression =
            getDefaultBindingExpressionForNode( xNew );
        for( sal_Int32 n = 0; n < mxBindings->countItems(); n++ )
            Binding* pBinding = comphelper::getFromUnoTunnel<Binding>(
                mxBindings->Collection<XPropertySet_t>::getItem( n ) );
            if( pBinding->getBindingExpression()
                    == sOldDefaultBindingExpression )
                pBinding->setBindingExpression( sNewDefaultBindingExpression );
    // return node; return old node if renaming failed
    return xNew.is() ? xNew : xNode;
css::uno::Reference< ::css::beans::XPropertySet > Model::getBindingForNode( const css::uno::Reference<css::xml::dom::XNode>& xNode,
                                                sal_Bool bCreate )
    OSL_ENSURE( xNode.is(), "no node?" );
    // We will iterate over all bindings and determine the
    // appropriateness of the respective binding for this node. The
    // best one will be used. If we don't find any and bCreate is set,
    // then we will create a suitable binding.
    rtl::Reference<Binding> pBestBinding;
    sal_Int32 nBestScore = 0;
    for( sal_Int32 n = 0; n < mxBindings->countItems(); n++ )
        Binding* pBinding = comphelper::getFromUnoTunnel<Binding>(
            mxBindings->Collection<XPropertySet_t>::getItem( n ) );
        assert(pBinding != nullptr && "no binding?");
        Reference<XNodeList> xNodeList = pBinding->getXNodeList();
        sal_Int32 nNodes = xNodeList.is() ? xNodeList->getLength() : 0;
        if( nNodes > 0  &&  xNodeList->item( 0 ) == xNode )
            // allright, we found a suitable node. Let's determine how
            // well it fits. Score:
            // - bind to exactly this node is better than whole nodeset
            // - simple binding expressions is better than complex ones
            sal_Int32 nScore = 0;
            if( nNodes == 1 )
                nScore ++;
            if( pBinding->isSimpleBindingExpression() )
                nScore ++;
            // if we found a better binding, remember it
            if( nScore > nBestScore )
                pBestBinding = pBinding;
                nBestScore = nScore;
    // create binding, if none was found and bCreate is set
    OSL_ENSURE( ( nBestScore == 0 ) == ( pBestBinding == nullptr ),
                "score != binding?" );
    if( bCreate  &&  pBestBinding == nullptr )
        pBestBinding = new Binding();
            getDefaultBindingExpressionForNode( xNode ) );
        mxBindings->addItem( pBestBinding );
    return pBestBinding;
void Model::removeBindingForNode( const css::uno::Reference<css::xml::dom::XNode>& )
    // determine whether suitable binding is still used
static OUString lcl_serializeForDisplay( const Reference< XAttr >& _rxAttrNode )
    OUString sResult;
    OSL_ENSURE( _rxAttrNode.is(), "lcl_serializeForDisplay( attr ): invalid argument!" );
    if ( _rxAttrNode.is() )
        OUString sValue = _rxAttrNode->getValue();
        sal_Unicode nQuote = '"';
        if ( sValue.indexOf( nQuote ) >= 0 )
            nQuote = '\'';
        sResult = _rxAttrNode->getName() + "=" + OUStringChar(nQuote) + sValue + OUStringChar(nQuote) + " ";
    return sResult;
static OUString lcl_serializeForDisplay( const Reference<XNodeList>& xNodes )
    OUStringBuffer sResult;
    // create document fragment
    Reference<XDocument> xDocument( getDocumentBuilder()->newDocument() );
    Reference<XDocumentFragment> xFragment(
        xDocument->createDocumentFragment() );
    OSL_ENSURE( xFragment.is(), "xFragment" );
    sal_Int32 nAttributeNodes = 0;
    // attach nodelist to fragment
    sal_Int32 nLength = xNodes->getLength();
    for( sal_Int32 i = 0; i < nLength; i++ )
        Reference<XNode> xCurrent = xNodes->item( i );
        switch ( xCurrent->getNodeType() )
        case NodeType_DOCUMENT_NODE:
            // special-case documents: use top-level element instead
            xCurrent = xCurrent->getFirstChild();
        case NodeType_ATTRIBUTE_NODE:
            Reference< XAttr > xAttr( xCurrent, UNO_QUERY );
            if ( xAttr.is() )
                sResult.append(lcl_serializeForDisplay( xAttr ));
        // append node
        xFragment->appendChild( xDocument->importNode( xCurrent, true ) );
    OSL_ENSURE( ( nAttributeNodes == 0 ) || ( nAttributeNodes == nLength ),
        "lcl_serializeForDisplay: mixed attribute and non-attribute nodes?" );
    if ( nAttributeNodes )
        // had only attribute nodes
        return sResult.makeStringAndClear();
    // serialize fragment
    CSerializationAppXML aSerialization;
    aSerialization.setSource( xFragment );
    // copy stream into buffer
    Reference<XTextInputStream2> xTextInputStream = TextInputStream::create( comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() );
    xTextInputStream->setInputStream( aSerialization.getInputStream() );
    /* WORK AROUND for problem in serialization: currently, multiple
      XML declarations (<?xml...?>) are being written out and we don't
      want them. When this is fixed, the code below is nice and
      simple. The current code filters out the declarations.
    OUString sResult = xTextInputStream->readString( Sequence<sal_Unicode>(),
                                                     sal_True );
    // well, the serialization prepends XML header(s) that we need to
    // remove first.
    while( ! xTextInputStream->isEOF() )
        OUString sLine = xTextInputStream->readLine();
        if( !sLine.isEmpty()
            && !sLine.startsWith( "<?xml" ) )
            sResult.append( sLine + "\n" );
    return sResult.makeStringAndClear();
static OUString lcl_serializeForDisplay( const Reference<XXPathObject>& xResult )
    // error handling first
    if( ! xResult.is() )
        return getResource( RID_STR_XFORMS_CANT_EVALUATE );
    // TODO: localize
    switch( xResult->getObjectType() )
    case XPathObjectType_XPATH_BOOLEAN:
        return OUString::boolean(xResult->getBoolean());
    case XPathObjectType_XPATH_STRING:
        return "\"" + xResult->getString() + "\"";
    case XPathObjectType_XPATH_NODESET:
        return lcl_serializeForDisplay( xResult->getNodeList() );
    case XPathObjectType_XPATH_NUMBER:
        return OUString::number(xResult->getDouble());
    case XPathObjectType_XPATH_UNDEFINED:
    case XPathObjectType_XPATH_POINT:
    case XPathObjectType_XPATH_RANGE:
    case XPathObjectType_XPATH_LOCATIONSET:
    case XPathObjectType_XPATH_USERS:
    case XPathObjectType_XPATH_XSLT_TREE:
        // TODO: localized error message?
        return OUString();
OUString Model::getResultForExpression(
    const css::uno::Reference< ::css::beans::XPropertySet >& xBinding,
    sal_Bool bIsBindingExpression,
    const OUString& sExpression )
    Binding* pBinding = comphelper::getFromUnoTunnel<Binding>( xBinding );
    if( pBinding == nullptr )
        throw RuntimeException();
    // prepare & evaluate expression
    OUStringBuffer aBuffer;
    ComputedExpression aExpression;
    aExpression.setExpression( sExpression );
    if( bIsBindingExpression )
        // binding: use binding context and evaluation
        aExpression.evaluate( pBinding->getEvaluationContext() );
        aBuffer.append( lcl_serializeForDisplay( aExpression.getXPath() ) );
        // MIP (not binding): iterate over bindings contexts
        std::vector<EvaluationContext> aContext =
        for (auto const& elem : aContext)
            aBuffer.append( lcl_serializeForDisplay(aExpression.getXPath()) );
            aBuffer.append( '\n' );
    return aBuffer.makeStringAndClear();
sal_Bool Model::isValidXMLName( const OUString& sName )
    return isValidQName( sName, nullptr );
sal_Bool Model::isValidPrefixName( const OUString& sName )
    return ::isValidPrefixName( sName, nullptr );
void Model::setNodeValue(
    const css::uno::Reference< ::css::xml::dom::XNode >& xNode,
    const OUString& sValue )
    setSimpleContent( xNode, sValue );
// helper functions from model_helper.hxx
void xforms::getInstanceData(
    const Sequence<PropertyValue>& aValues,
    OUString* pID,
    Reference<XDocument>* pInstance,
    OUString* pURL,
    bool* pURLOnce )
    sal_Int32 nValues = aValues.getLength();
    const PropertyValue* pValues = aValues.getConstArray();
    for( sal_Int32 n = 0; n < nValues; n++ )
        const PropertyValue& rValue = pValues[n];
        if( pID != nullptr && rValue.Name == "ID")
            rValue.Value >>= *pID;
        if( pInstance != nullptr && rValue.Name == "Instance")
            rValue.Value >>= *pInstance;
        if( pURL != nullptr && rValue.Name == "URL")
            rValue.Value >>= *pURL;
        if( pURLOnce != nullptr && rValue.Name == "URLOnce")
            rValue.Value >>= *pURLOnce;
void xforms::setInstanceData(
    Sequence<PropertyValue>& aSequence,
    const OUString* _pID,
    const Reference<XDocument>* _pInstance,
    const OUString* _pURL,
    const bool* _pURLOnce )
    // get old instance data
    OUString sID;
    Reference<XDocument> xInstance;
    OUString sURL;
    bool bURLOnce = false;
    getInstanceData( aSequence, &sID, &xInstance, &sURL, &bURLOnce );
    const OUString* pID = !sID.isEmpty() ? &sID : nullptr;
    const Reference<XDocument>* pInstance = xInstance.is() ? &xInstance : nullptr;
    const OUString* pURL = !sURL.isEmpty() ? &sURL : nullptr;
    const bool* pURLOnce = ( bURLOnce && pURL != nullptr ) ? &bURLOnce : nullptr;
    // determine new instance data
    if (_pID != nullptr)
        pID = _pID;
    if (_pInstance != nullptr)
        pInstance = _pInstance;
    if (_pURL != nullptr)
        pURL = _pURL;
    if (_pURLOnce != nullptr)
        pURLOnce = _pURLOnce;
    // count # of values we want to set
    sal_Int32 nCount = 0;
    if (pID != nullptr)
    if (pInstance != nullptr)
    if (pURL != nullptr)
    if (pURLOnce != nullptr)
    // realloc sequence and enter values;
    aSequence.realloc( nCount );
    PropertyValue* pSequence = aSequence.getArray();
    sal_Int32 nIndex = 0;
    if(pID != nullptr)
        pSequence[ nIndex ].Name = "ID";
        pSequence[ nIndex ].Value <<= *pID;
    if(pInstance != nullptr)
        pSequence[ nIndex ].Name = "Instance";
        pSequence[ nIndex ].Value <<= *pInstance;
    if(pURL != nullptr)
        pSequence[ nIndex ].Name = "URL";
        pSequence[ nIndex ].Value <<= *pURL;
    if(pURLOnce != nullptr)
        pSequence[ nIndex ].Name = "URLOnce";
        pSequence[ nIndex ].Value <<= *pURLOnce;
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V530 The return value of function 'insert' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'insert' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'insert' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'insert' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'insert' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'insert' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'insert' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.