/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
* This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
* This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include "model.hxx"
#include "model_helper.hxx"
#include "mip.hxx"
#include "evaluationcontext.hxx"
#include "unohelper.hxx"
#include "submission/serialization_app_xml.hxx"
#include "resourcehelper.hxx"
#include "xmlhelper.hxx"
#include "convert.hxx"
#include "datatyperepository.hxx"
#include <strings.hrc>
#include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
#include <rtl/ustrbuf.hxx>
#include <tools/debug.hxx>
#include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx>
// UNO classes
#include <com/sun/star/xml/dom/XNode.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/xml/dom/XDocumentBuilder.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/xml/dom/XDocumentFragment.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/xml/dom/XNamedNodeMap.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/xml/xpath/XXPathObject.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/xml/xpath/XPathObjectType.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/beans/PropertyValue.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/io/TextInputStream.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/container/XEnumeration.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/container/XNameContainer.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/frame/XModel.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/xforms/XFormsSupplier.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/xforms/XDataTypeRepository.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/xsd/XDataType.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/xsd/DataTypeClass.hpp>
using com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue;
using com::sun::star::io::TextInputStream;
using com::sun::star::io::XTextInputStream2;
using com::sun::star::container::XEnumeration;
using com::sun::star::container::XNameContainer;
using com::sun::star::xforms::XFormsSupplier;
using namespace xforms;
using namespace com::sun::star::uno;
using namespace com::sun::star::xml::dom;
using namespace com::sun::star::xml::xpath;
// implement XFormsUIHelper1
OUString Model::getDefaultServiceNameForNode( const css::uno::Reference<css::xml::dom::XNode>& xNode )
// determine service for control. string/text field is default.
OUString sService = u"com.sun.star.form.component.TextField"_ustr;
// query repository for suitable type
OSL_ENSURE( mxDataTypes.is(), "no type repository?" );
OUString sTypeName = queryMIP( xNode ).getTypeName();
if( mxDataTypes->hasByName( sTypeName ) )
OSL_ENSURE( mxDataTypes->getDataType( sTypeName ).is(),
"has or has not?" );
switch( mxDataTypes->getDataType( sTypeName )->getTypeClass() )
case css::xsd::DataTypeClass::BOOLEAN:
sService = "com.sun.star.form.component.CheckBox";
case css::xsd::DataTypeClass::DOUBLE:
case css::xsd::DataTypeClass::DECIMAL:
case css::xsd::DataTypeClass::FLOAT:
sService = "com.sun.star.form.component.NumericField";
case css::xsd::DataTypeClass::STRING:
case css::xsd::DataTypeClass::DURATION:
case css::xsd::DataTypeClass::DATETIME:
case css::xsd::DataTypeClass::TIME:
case css::xsd::DataTypeClass::DATE:
case css::xsd::DataTypeClass::gYearMonth:
case css::xsd::DataTypeClass::gYear:
case css::xsd::DataTypeClass::gMonthDay:
case css::xsd::DataTypeClass::gDay:
case css::xsd::DataTypeClass::gMonth:
case css::xsd::DataTypeClass::hexBinary:
case css::xsd::DataTypeClass::base64Binary:
case css::xsd::DataTypeClass::anyURI:
case css::xsd::DataTypeClass::QName:
case css::xsd::DataTypeClass::NOTATION:
// keep default
return sService;
static void lcl_OutPosition( OUStringBuffer& rBuffer,
const Reference<XNode>& xNode )
OSL_ENSURE( xNode->getParentNode().is(), "need parent" );
// count # of occurrences of this node
sal_Int32 nFound = 0;
sal_Int32 nPosition = -1;
if( xNode->getParentNode().is() )
for( Reference<XNode> xIter = xNode->getParentNode()->getFirstChild();
xIter != nullptr;
xIter = xIter->getNextSibling() )
if( xIter->getNodeType() == xNode->getNodeType() &&
xIter->getNodeName() == xNode->getNodeName() &&
xIter->getNamespaceURI() == xNode->getNamespaceURI() )
if( xIter == xNode )
nPosition = nFound;
OSL_ENSURE( nFound > 0 && nPosition > 0, "node not found???" );
// output position (if necessary)
if( nFound > 1 )
rBuffer.insert( 0, ']' );
rBuffer.insert( 0, nPosition );
rBuffer.insert( 0, '[' );
static void lcl_OutName( OUStringBuffer& rBuffer,
const Reference<XNode>& xNode )
rBuffer.insert( 0, xNode->getNodeName() );
OUString sPrefix = xNode->getPrefix();
if( !sPrefix.isEmpty() )
rBuffer.insert( 0, sPrefix + ":" );
static void lcl_OutInstance( OUStringBuffer& rBuffer,
const Reference<XNode>& xNode,
Model* pModel )
Reference<XDocument> xDoc = xNode->getOwnerDocument();
if( xDoc == pModel->getDefaultInstance() )
rBuffer.insert( 0, "')" );
// iterate over instances, and find the right one
OUString sInstanceName;
Reference<XEnumeration> xEnum =
while( sInstanceName.isEmpty() && xEnum->hasMoreElements() )
Sequence<PropertyValue> aValues;
xEnum->nextElement() >>= aValues;
// get ID and instance
OUString sId;
Reference<XDocument> xInstance;
getInstanceData( aValues, &sId, &xInstance, nullptr, nullptr );
// now check whether this was our instance:
if( xInstance == xDoc )
sInstanceName = sId;
rBuffer.insert( 0, "instance('" + sInstanceName );
OUString Model::getDefaultBindingExpressionForNode(
const XNode_t& xNode,
const EvaluationContext& rContext)
OSL_ENSURE( xNode.is(), "need node" );
// iterate upwards and put sections into the expression buffer.
// Stop iteration either at context node (relative expression) or
// at document root, whichever occurs first.
OUStringBuffer aBuffer;
for( Reference<XNode> xCurrent = xNode;
xCurrent.is() && xCurrent != rContext.mxContextNode;
xCurrent = xCurrent->getParentNode() )
// insert a '/' for every step except the first
if( !aBuffer.isEmpty() )
aBuffer.insert( 0, '/' );
switch( xCurrent->getNodeType() )
case NodeType_ELEMENT_NODE:
lcl_OutPosition( aBuffer, xCurrent );
lcl_OutName( aBuffer, xCurrent );
case NodeType_TEXT_NODE:
lcl_OutPosition( aBuffer, xCurrent );
aBuffer.insert( 0, "text()" );
lcl_OutName( aBuffer, xCurrent );
aBuffer.insert( 0, '@' );
case NodeType_DOCUMENT_NODE:
// check for which instance we have
lcl_OutInstance( aBuffer, xCurrent, this );
// unknown type? fail!
OSL_FAIL( "unknown node type!" );
return OUString();
return aBuffer.makeStringAndClear();
OUString Model::getDefaultBindingExpressionForNode( const css::uno::Reference<css::xml::dom::XNode>& xNode )
return getDefaultBindingExpressionForNode( xNode, getEvaluationContext() );
static bool lcl_isWhitespace( const OUString& rString )
sal_Int32 nLength = rString.getLength();
const sal_Unicode* pStr = rString.getStr();
bool bWhitespace = true;
for( sal_Int32 i = 0; bWhitespace && ( i < nLength ); i++ )
sal_Unicode c = pStr[i];
bWhitespace = ( c == u'\x0009' ||
c == u'\x000A' ||
c == u'\x000D' ||
c == u' ' );
return bWhitespace;
OUString Model::getNodeDisplayName( const css::uno::Reference<css::xml::dom::XNode>& xNode,
sal_Bool bDetail )
OUStringBuffer aBuffer;
switch( xNode->getNodeType() )
case NodeType_ELEMENT_NODE:
lcl_OutName( aBuffer, xNode );
case NodeType_TEXT_NODE:
OUString sContent = xNode->getNodeValue();
if( bDetail || ! lcl_isWhitespace( sContent ) )
aBuffer.append("\"" + Convert::collapseWhitespace( sContent ) + "\"");
lcl_OutName( aBuffer, xNode );
aBuffer.insert( 0, '@' );
case NodeType_DOCUMENT_NODE:
if( xNode == getDefaultInstance() )
aBuffer.append( '/' );
lcl_OutInstance( aBuffer, xNode, this );
// unknown type? fail!
OSL_FAIL( "unknown node type!" );
return aBuffer.makeStringAndClear();
OUString Model::getNodeName( const css::uno::Reference<css::xml::dom::XNode>& xNode )
OUStringBuffer aBuffer;
switch( xNode->getNodeType() )
case NodeType_ELEMENT_NODE:
lcl_OutName( aBuffer, xNode );
case NodeType_TEXT_NODE:
case NodeType_DOCUMENT_NODE:
// unknown type? fail!
OSL_FAIL( "no name for this node type!" );
return aBuffer.makeStringAndClear();
OUString Model::getBindingName( const css::uno::Reference< ::css::beans::XPropertySet >& xBinding,
sal_Bool /*bDetail*/ )
OUString sID;
xBinding->getPropertyValue( u"BindingID"_ustr ) >>= sID;
OUString sExpression;
xBinding->getPropertyValue( u"BindingExpression"_ustr ) >>= sExpression;
OUString sRet;
if( !sID.isEmpty() )
sRet = sID + " (" + sExpression + ") ";
sRet = sExpression;
return sRet;
OUString Model::getSubmissionName( const css::uno::Reference< ::css::beans::XPropertySet >& xSubmission,
sal_Bool /*bDetail*/ )
OUString sID;
xSubmission->getPropertyValue( u"ID"_ustr ) >>= sID;
return sID;
css::uno::Reference< ::css::beans::XPropertySet > Model::cloneBindingAsGhost( const css::uno::Reference< ::css::beans::XPropertySet > &xBinding )
// Create a new binding instance first...
rtl::Reference<Binding> pBinding = new Binding();
// ...and bump up the "deferred notification counter"
// to prevent this binding from contributing to the
// MIPs table...
// Copy the propertyset and return result...
XPropertySet_t xNewBinding(pBinding);
copy( xBinding, xNewBinding );
return xNewBinding;
void Model::removeBindingIfUseless( const css::uno::Reference< ::css::beans::XPropertySet >& xBinding )
Binding* pBinding = comphelper::getFromUnoTunnel<Binding>( xBinding );
if( pBinding != nullptr )
if( ! pBinding->isUseful() )
mxBindings->removeItem( pBinding );
css::uno::Reference<css::xml::dom::XDocument> Model::newInstance( const OUString& sName,
const OUString& sURL,
sal_Bool bURLOnce )
// create a default instance with <instanceData> element
css::uno::Reference<css::xml::dom::XDocument> xInstance = getDocumentBuilder()->newDocument();
DBG_ASSERT( xInstance.is(), "failed to create DOM instance" );
Reference<XNode>( xInstance, UNO_QUERY_THROW )->appendChild(
Reference<XNode>( xInstance->createElement( u"instanceData"_ustr ),
Sequence<PropertyValue> aSequence;
bool bOnce = bURLOnce; // bool, so we can take address in setInstanceData
setInstanceData( aSequence, &sName, &xInstance, &sURL, &bOnce );
sal_Int32 nInstance = mxInstances->addItem( aSequence );
loadInstance( nInstance );
return xInstance;
static sal_Int32 lcl_findProp( const PropertyValue* pValues,
sal_Int32 nLength,
std::u16string_view rName )
bool bFound = false;
sal_Int32 n = 0;
for( ; !bFound && n < nLength; n++ )
bFound = ( pValues[n].Name == rName );
return bFound ? ( n - 1) : -1;
sal_Int32 xforms::lcl_findInstance( const InstanceCollection* pInstances,
std::u16string_view rName )
sal_Int32 nLength = pInstances->countItems();
sal_Int32 n = 0;
bool bFound = false;
for( ; !bFound && n < nLength; n++ )
OUString sName;
getInstanceData( pInstances->getItem( n ), &sName, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr );
bFound = ( sName == rName );
return bFound ? ( n - 1 ) : -1;
void Model::renameInstance( const OUString& sFrom,
const OUString& sTo,
const OUString& sURL,
sal_Bool bURLOnce )
sal_Int32 nPos = lcl_findInstance( mxInstances.get(), sFrom );
if( nPos == -1 )
Sequence<PropertyValue> aSeq = mxInstances->getItem( nPos );
PropertyValue* pSeq = aSeq.getArray();
sal_Int32 nLength = aSeq.getLength();
sal_Int32 nProp = lcl_findProp( pSeq, nLength, u"ID" );
if( nProp == -1 )
// add name property
aSeq.realloc( nLength + 1 );
pSeq = aSeq.getArray();
pSeq[ nLength ].Name = "ID";
nProp = nLength;
// change name
pSeq[ nProp ].Value <<= sTo;
// change url
nProp = lcl_findProp( pSeq, nLength, u"URL" );
if(nProp != -1)
pSeq[ nProp ].Value <<= sURL;
// change urlonce
nProp = lcl_findProp( pSeq, nLength, u"URLOnce" );
if(nProp != -1)
pSeq[ nProp ].Value <<= bURLOnce;
// set instance
mxInstances->setItem( nPos, aSeq );
void Model::removeInstance( const OUString& sName )
sal_Int32 nPos = lcl_findInstance( mxInstances.get(), sName );
if( nPos != -1 )
mxInstances->removeItem( mxInstances->getItem( nPos ) );
static Reference<XNameContainer> lcl_getModels(
const Reference<css::frame::XModel>& xComponent )
Reference<XNameContainer> xRet;
Reference<XFormsSupplier> xSupplier( xComponent, UNO_QUERY );
if( xSupplier.is() )
xRet = xSupplier->getXForms();
return xRet;
css::uno::Reference<css::xforms::XModel> Model::newModel( const Reference<css::frame::XModel>& xCmp,
const OUString& sName )
css::uno::Reference<css::xforms::XModel> xModel;
Reference<XNameContainer> xModels = lcl_getModels( xCmp );
if( xModels.is()
&& ! xModels->hasByName( sName ) )
rtl::Reference<Model> pModel = new Model();
xModel.set( pModel );
pModel->setID( sName );
pModel->newInstance( OUString(), OUString(), false );
xModels->insertByName( sName, Any( xModel ) );
return xModel;
void Model::renameModel( const Reference<css::frame::XModel>& xCmp,
const OUString& sFrom,
const OUString& sTo )
Reference<XNameContainer> xModels = lcl_getModels( xCmp );
if( xModels.is()
&& xModels->hasByName( sFrom )
&& ! xModels->hasByName( sTo ) )
Reference<XModel> xModel( xModels->getByName( sFrom ), UNO_QUERY );
xModel->setID( sTo );
xModels->insertByName( sTo, Any( xModel ) );
xModels->removeByName( sFrom );
void Model::removeModel( const Reference<css::frame::XModel>& xCmp,
const OUString& sName )
Reference<XNameContainer> xModels = lcl_getModels( xCmp );
if( xModels.is()
&& xModels->hasByName( sName ) )
xModels->removeByName( sName );
css::uno::Reference<css::xml::dom::XNode> Model::createElement( const css::uno::Reference<css::xml::dom::XNode>& xParent,
const OUString& sName )
Reference<XNode> xNode;
if( xParent.is()
&& isValidXMLName( sName ) )
// TODO: implement proper namespace handling
xNode = xParent->getOwnerDocument()->createElement( sName );
return xNode;
css::uno::Reference<css::xml::dom::XNode> Model::createAttribute( const css::uno::Reference<css::xml::dom::XNode>& xParent,
const OUString& sName )
Reference<XNode> xNode;
Reference<XElement> xElement( xParent, UNO_QUERY );
if( xParent.is()
&& xElement.is()
&& isValidXMLName( sName ) )
// handle case where attribute already exists
sal_Int32 nCount = 0;
OUString sUniqueName = sName;
while( xElement->hasAttribute( sUniqueName ) )
sUniqueName = sName + OUString::number( nCount );
// TODO: implement proper namespace handling
xNode = xParent->getOwnerDocument()->createAttribute( sUniqueName );
return xNode;
css::uno::Reference<css::xml::dom::XNode> Model::renameNode( const css::uno::Reference<css::xml::dom::XNode>& xNode,
const OUString& sName )
// early out if we don't have to change the name
if( xNode->getNodeName() == sName )
return xNode;
// refuse to change name if it's an attribute, and the name is already used
if( xNode->getNodeType() == NodeType_ATTRIBUTE_NODE
&& xNode->getParentNode().is()
&& Reference<XElement>(xNode->getParentNode(), UNO_QUERY_THROW)->hasAttribute( sName ) )
return xNode;
// note old binding expression so we can adjust bindings below
OUString sOldDefaultBindingExpression =
getDefaultBindingExpressionForNode( xNode );
Reference<XDocument> xDoc = xNode->getOwnerDocument();
Reference<XNode> xNew;
if( xNode->getNodeType() == NodeType_ELEMENT_NODE )
Reference<XElement> xElem = xDoc->createElement( sName );
xNew = xElem;
// iterate over all attributes and append them to the new element
Reference<XElement> xOldElem( xNode, UNO_QUERY );
OSL_ENSURE( xNode.is(), "no element?" );
Reference<XNamedNodeMap> xMap = xNode->getAttributes();
sal_Int32 nLength = xMap.is() ? xMap->getLength() : 0;
// looping until nLength is suspicious wrt removeAttributeNode
// presumably shrinking XNamedNodeMap::getLength by 1
for( sal_Int32 n = 0; n < nLength; n++ )
Reference<XAttr> xAttr( xMap->item(n), UNO_QUERY );
xElem->setAttributeNode( xOldElem->removeAttributeNode( xAttr ) );
// iterate over all children and append them to the new element
for( Reference<XNode> xCurrent = xNode->getFirstChild();
xCurrent = xNode->getFirstChild() )
xNew->appendChild( xNode->removeChild( xCurrent ) );
xNode->getParentNode()->replaceChild( xNew, xNode );
else if( xNode->getNodeType() == NodeType_ATTRIBUTE_NODE )
// create new attribute
Reference<XAttr> xAttr = xDoc->createAttribute( sName );
xAttr->setValue( xNode->getNodeValue() );
// replace node
Reference<XNode> xParent = xNode->getParentNode();
xParent->removeChild( xNode );
xNew = xParent->appendChild( xAttr );
OSL_FAIL( "can't rename this node type" );
// adjust bindings (if necessary):
if( xNew.is() )
// iterate over bindings and replace default expressions
OUString sNewDefaultBindingExpression =
getDefaultBindingExpressionForNode( xNew );
for( sal_Int32 n = 0; n < mxBindings->countItems(); n++ )
Binding* pBinding = comphelper::getFromUnoTunnel<Binding>(
mxBindings->Collection<XPropertySet_t>::getItem( n ) );
if( pBinding->getBindingExpression()
== sOldDefaultBindingExpression )
pBinding->setBindingExpression( sNewDefaultBindingExpression );
// return node; return old node if renaming failed
return xNew.is() ? xNew : xNode;
css::uno::Reference< ::css::beans::XPropertySet > Model::getBindingForNode( const css::uno::Reference<css::xml::dom::XNode>& xNode,
sal_Bool bCreate )
OSL_ENSURE( xNode.is(), "no node?" );
// We will iterate over all bindings and determine the
// appropriateness of the respective binding for this node. The
// best one will be used. If we don't find any and bCreate is set,
// then we will create a suitable binding.
rtl::Reference<Binding> pBestBinding;
sal_Int32 nBestScore = 0;
for( sal_Int32 n = 0; n < mxBindings->countItems(); n++ )
Binding* pBinding = comphelper::getFromUnoTunnel<Binding>(
mxBindings->Collection<XPropertySet_t>::getItem( n ) );
assert(pBinding != nullptr && "no binding?");
Reference<XNodeList> xNodeList = pBinding->getXNodeList();
sal_Int32 nNodes = xNodeList.is() ? xNodeList->getLength() : 0;
if( nNodes > 0 && xNodeList->item( 0 ) == xNode )
// allright, we found a suitable node. Let's determine how
// well it fits. Score:
// - bind to exactly this node is better than whole nodeset
// - simple binding expressions is better than complex ones
sal_Int32 nScore = 0;
if( nNodes == 1 )
nScore ++;
if( pBinding->isSimpleBindingExpression() )
nScore ++;
// if we found a better binding, remember it
if( nScore > nBestScore )
pBestBinding = pBinding;
nBestScore = nScore;
// create binding, if none was found and bCreate is set
OSL_ENSURE( ( nBestScore == 0 ) == ( pBestBinding == nullptr ),
"score != binding?" );
if( bCreate && pBestBinding == nullptr )
pBestBinding = new Binding();
getDefaultBindingExpressionForNode( xNode ) );
mxBindings->addItem( pBestBinding );
return pBestBinding;
void Model::removeBindingForNode( const css::uno::Reference<css::xml::dom::XNode>& )
// determine whether suitable binding is still used
static OUString lcl_serializeForDisplay( const Reference< XAttr >& _rxAttrNode )
OUString sResult;
OSL_ENSURE( _rxAttrNode.is(), "lcl_serializeForDisplay( attr ): invalid argument!" );
if ( _rxAttrNode.is() )
OUString sValue = _rxAttrNode->getValue();
sal_Unicode nQuote = '"';
if ( sValue.indexOf( nQuote ) >= 0 )
nQuote = '\'';
sResult = _rxAttrNode->getName() + "=" + OUStringChar(nQuote) + sValue + OUStringChar(nQuote) + " ";
return sResult;
static OUString lcl_serializeForDisplay( const Reference<XNodeList>& xNodes )
OUStringBuffer sResult;
// create document fragment
Reference<XDocument> xDocument( getDocumentBuilder()->newDocument() );
Reference<XDocumentFragment> xFragment(
xDocument->createDocumentFragment() );
OSL_ENSURE( xFragment.is(), "xFragment" );
sal_Int32 nAttributeNodes = 0;
// attach nodelist to fragment
sal_Int32 nLength = xNodes->getLength();
for( sal_Int32 i = 0; i < nLength; i++ )
Reference<XNode> xCurrent = xNodes->item( i );
switch ( xCurrent->getNodeType() )
case NodeType_DOCUMENT_NODE:
// special-case documents: use top-level element instead
xCurrent = xCurrent->getFirstChild();
Reference< XAttr > xAttr( xCurrent, UNO_QUERY );
if ( xAttr.is() )
sResult.append(lcl_serializeForDisplay( xAttr ));
// append node
xFragment->appendChild( xDocument->importNode( xCurrent, true ) );
OSL_ENSURE( ( nAttributeNodes == 0 ) || ( nAttributeNodes == nLength ),
"lcl_serializeForDisplay: mixed attribute and non-attribute nodes?" );
if ( nAttributeNodes )
// had only attribute nodes
return sResult.makeStringAndClear();
// serialize fragment
CSerializationAppXML aSerialization;
aSerialization.setSource( xFragment );
// copy stream into buffer
Reference<XTextInputStream2> xTextInputStream = TextInputStream::create( comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() );
xTextInputStream->setInputStream( aSerialization.getInputStream() );
/* WORK AROUND for problem in serialization: currently, multiple
XML declarations (<?xml...?>) are being written out and we don't
want them. When this is fixed, the code below is nice and
simple. The current code filters out the declarations.
OUString sResult = xTextInputStream->readString( Sequence<sal_Unicode>(),
sal_True );
// well, the serialization prepends XML header(s) that we need to
// remove first.
while( ! xTextInputStream->isEOF() )
OUString sLine = xTextInputStream->readLine();
if( !sLine.isEmpty()
&& !sLine.startsWith( "<?xml" ) )
sResult.append( sLine + "\n" );
return sResult.makeStringAndClear();
static OUString lcl_serializeForDisplay( const Reference<XXPathObject>& xResult )
// error handling first
if( ! xResult.is() )
return getResource( RID_STR_XFORMS_CANT_EVALUATE );
// TODO: localize
switch( xResult->getObjectType() )
case XPathObjectType_XPATH_BOOLEAN:
return OUString::boolean(xResult->getBoolean());
case XPathObjectType_XPATH_STRING:
return "\"" + xResult->getString() + "\"";
case XPathObjectType_XPATH_NODESET:
return lcl_serializeForDisplay( xResult->getNodeList() );
case XPathObjectType_XPATH_NUMBER:
return OUString::number(xResult->getDouble());
case XPathObjectType_XPATH_UNDEFINED:
case XPathObjectType_XPATH_POINT:
case XPathObjectType_XPATH_RANGE:
case XPathObjectType_XPATH_USERS:
case XPathObjectType_XPATH_XSLT_TREE:
// TODO: localized error message?
return OUString();
OUString Model::getResultForExpression(
const css::uno::Reference< ::css::beans::XPropertySet >& xBinding,
sal_Bool bIsBindingExpression,
const OUString& sExpression )
Binding* pBinding = comphelper::getFromUnoTunnel<Binding>( xBinding );
if( pBinding == nullptr )
throw RuntimeException();
// prepare & evaluate expression
OUStringBuffer aBuffer;
ComputedExpression aExpression;
aExpression.setExpression( sExpression );
if( bIsBindingExpression )
// binding: use binding context and evaluation
aExpression.evaluate( pBinding->getEvaluationContext() );
aBuffer.append( lcl_serializeForDisplay( aExpression.getXPath() ) );
// MIP (not binding): iterate over bindings contexts
std::vector<EvaluationContext> aContext =
for (auto const& elem : aContext)
aBuffer.append( lcl_serializeForDisplay(aExpression.getXPath()) );
aBuffer.append( '\n' );
return aBuffer.makeStringAndClear();
sal_Bool Model::isValidXMLName( const OUString& sName )
return isValidQName( sName, nullptr );
sal_Bool Model::isValidPrefixName( const OUString& sName )
return ::isValidPrefixName( sName, nullptr );
void Model::setNodeValue(
const css::uno::Reference< ::css::xml::dom::XNode >& xNode,
const OUString& sValue )
setSimpleContent( xNode, sValue );
// helper functions from model_helper.hxx
void xforms::getInstanceData(
const Sequence<PropertyValue>& aValues,
OUString* pID,
Reference<XDocument>* pInstance,
OUString* pURL,
bool* pURLOnce )
sal_Int32 nValues = aValues.getLength();
const PropertyValue* pValues = aValues.getConstArray();
for( sal_Int32 n = 0; n < nValues; n++ )
const PropertyValue& rValue = pValues[n];
if( pID != nullptr && rValue.Name == "ID")
rValue.Value >>= *pID;
if( pInstance != nullptr && rValue.Name == "Instance")
rValue.Value >>= *pInstance;
if( pURL != nullptr && rValue.Name == "URL")
rValue.Value >>= *pURL;
if( pURLOnce != nullptr && rValue.Name == "URLOnce")
rValue.Value >>= *pURLOnce;
void xforms::setInstanceData(
Sequence<PropertyValue>& aSequence,
const OUString* _pID,
const Reference<XDocument>* _pInstance,
const OUString* _pURL,
const bool* _pURLOnce )
// get old instance data
OUString sID;
Reference<XDocument> xInstance;
OUString sURL;
bool bURLOnce = false;
getInstanceData( aSequence, &sID, &xInstance, &sURL, &bURLOnce );
const OUString* pID = !sID.isEmpty() ? &sID : nullptr;
const Reference<XDocument>* pInstance = xInstance.is() ? &xInstance : nullptr;
const OUString* pURL = !sURL.isEmpty() ? &sURL : nullptr;
const bool* pURLOnce = ( bURLOnce && pURL != nullptr ) ? &bURLOnce : nullptr;
// determine new instance data
if (_pID != nullptr)
pID = _pID;
if (_pInstance != nullptr)
pInstance = _pInstance;
if (_pURL != nullptr)
pURL = _pURL;
if (_pURLOnce != nullptr)
pURLOnce = _pURLOnce;
// count # of values we want to set
sal_Int32 nCount = 0;
if (pID != nullptr)
if (pInstance != nullptr)
if (pURL != nullptr)
if (pURLOnce != nullptr)
// realloc sequence and enter values;
aSequence.realloc( nCount );
PropertyValue* pSequence = aSequence.getArray();
sal_Int32 nIndex = 0;
if(pID != nullptr)
pSequence[ nIndex ].Name = "ID";
pSequence[ nIndex ].Value <<= *pID;
if(pInstance != nullptr)
pSequence[ nIndex ].Name = "Instance";
pSequence[ nIndex ].Value <<= *pInstance;
if(pURL != nullptr)
pSequence[ nIndex ].Name = "URL";
pSequence[ nIndex ].Value <<= *pURL;
if(pURLOnce != nullptr)
pSequence[ nIndex ].Name = "URLOnce";
pSequence[ nIndex ].Value <<= *pURLOnce;
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
↑ V530 The return value of function 'insert' is required to be utilized.
↑ V530 The return value of function 'insert' is required to be utilized.
↑ V530 The return value of function 'insert' is required to be utilized.
↑ V530 The return value of function 'insert' is required to be utilized.
↑ V530 The return value of function 'insert' is required to be utilized.
↑ V530 The return value of function 'insert' is required to be utilized.
↑ V530 The return value of function 'insert' is required to be utilized.
↑ V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.
↑ V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.