/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <doc.hxx>
#include <IDocumentFieldsAccess.hxx>
#include <IDocumentUndoRedo.hxx>
#include <node.hxx>
#include <frmfmt.hxx>
#include <swtable.hxx>
#include <ndtxt.hxx>
#include <swtblfmt.hxx>
#include <cellatr.hxx>
#include <ddefld.hxx>
#include <swddetbl.hxx>
#include <ndindex.hxx>
#include <frameformats.hxx>
#include <vector>
#include <osl/diagnose.h>
#include <svl/numformat.hxx>
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
#define CHECK_TABLE(t) (t).CheckConsistency();
#define CHECK_TABLE(t)
namespace {
// Structure for the mapping from old and new frame formats to the
// boxes and lines of a table
struct MapTableFrameFormat
    const SwFrameFormat *pOld;
    SwFrameFormat *pNew;
    MapTableFrameFormat( const SwFrameFormat *pOldFormat, SwFrameFormat*pNewFormat )
        : pOld( pOldFormat ), pNew( pNewFormat )
typedef std::vector<MapTableFrameFormat> MapTableFrameFormats;
SwContentNode* SwTextNode::MakeCopy(SwDoc& rDoc, SwNode& rIdx, bool const bNewFrames) const
    // the Copy-Textnode is the Node with the Text, the Copy-Attrnode is the
    // node with the collection and hard attributes. Normally is the same
    // node, but if insert a glossary without formatting, then the Attrnode
    // is the prev node of the destination position in dest. document.
    SwTextNode* pCpyTextNd = const_cast<SwTextNode*>(this);
    SwTextNode* pCpyAttrNd = pCpyTextNd;
    // Copy the formats to the other document
    SwTextFormatColl* pColl = nullptr;
    if( rDoc.IsInsOnlyTextGlossary() )
        SwNodeIndex aIdx( rIdx, -1 );
        if( aIdx.GetNode().IsTextNode() )
            pCpyAttrNd = aIdx.GetNode().GetTextNode();
            pColl = &pCpyAttrNd->GetTextColl()->GetNextTextFormatColl();
    if( !pColl )
        pColl = rDoc.CopyTextColl( *GetTextColl() );
    SwTextNode* pTextNd = rDoc.GetNodes().MakeTextNode(rIdx, pColl, bNewFrames);
    // METADATA: register copy
    // Copy Attribute/Text
    if( !pCpyAttrNd->HasSwAttrSet() )
        // An AttrSet was added for numbering, so delete it
    // if Copy-Textnode unequal to Copy-Attrnode, then copy first
    // the attributes into the new Node.
    if( pCpyAttrNd != pCpyTextNd )
        pCpyAttrNd->CopyAttr( pTextNd, 0, 0 );
        if( pCpyAttrNd->HasSwAttrSet() )
            SwAttrSet aSet( *pCpyAttrNd->GetpSwAttrSet() );
            aSet.ClearItem( RES_PAGEDESC );
            aSet.ClearItem( RES_BREAK );
            aSet.CopyToModify( *pTextNd );
    // Is that enough? What about PostIts/Fields/FieldTypes?
    // #i96213# - force copy of all attributes
    pCpyTextNd->CopyText( pTextNd, SwContentIndex( pCpyTextNd ),
        pCpyTextNd->GetText().getLength(), true );
    if( RES_CONDTXTFMTCOLL == pColl->Which() )
    return pTextNd;
static bool lcl_SrchNew( const MapTableFrameFormat& rMap, SwFrameFormat** pPara )
    if( rMap.pOld != *pPara )
        return true;
    *pPara = rMap.pNew;
    return false;
namespace {
struct CopyTable
    SwDoc& m_rDoc;
    SwNodeOffset m_nOldTableSttIdx;
    MapTableFrameFormats& m_rMapArr;
    SwTableLine* m_pInsLine;
    SwTableBox* m_pInsBox;
    SwTableNode *m_pTableNd;
    const SwTable *m_pOldTable;
    CopyTable(SwDoc& rDc, MapTableFrameFormats& rArr, SwNodeOffset nOldStt,
               SwTableNode& rTableNd, const SwTable* pOldTable)
        : m_rDoc(rDc), m_nOldTableSttIdx(nOldStt), m_rMapArr(rArr),
          m_pInsLine(nullptr), m_pInsBox(nullptr), m_pTableNd(&rTableNd), m_pOldTable(pOldTable)
static void lcl_CopyTableLine( const SwTableLine* pLine, CopyTable* pCT );
static void lcl_CopyTableBox( SwTableBox* pBox, CopyTable* pCT )
    SwTableBoxFormat * pBoxFormat = pBox->GetFrameFormat();
    for (const auto& rMap : pCT->m_rMapArr)
        if ( !lcl_SrchNew( rMap, reinterpret_cast<SwFrameFormat**>(&pBoxFormat) ) )
    if (pBoxFormat == pBox->GetFrameFormat()) // Create a new one?
        const SwTableBoxFormula* pFormulaItem = pBoxFormat->GetItemIfSet( RES_BOXATR_FORMULA, false );
        if( pFormulaItem && pFormulaItem->IsIntrnlName() )
        pBoxFormat = pCT->m_rDoc.MakeTableBoxFormat();
        pBoxFormat->CopyAttrs( *pBox->GetFrameFormat() );
        if( pBox->GetSttIdx() )
            SvNumberFormatter* pN = pCT->m_rDoc.GetNumberFormatter(false);
            const SwTableBoxNumFormat* pFormatItem;
            if( pN && pN->HasMergeFormatTable() &&
                (pFormatItem = pBoxFormat->GetItemIfSet( RES_BOXATR_FORMAT, false )) )
                sal_uLong nOldIdx = pFormatItem->GetValue();
                sal_uLong nNewIdx = pN->GetMergeFormatIndex( nOldIdx );
                if( nNewIdx != nOldIdx )
                    pBoxFormat->SetFormatAttr( SwTableBoxNumFormat( nNewIdx ));
        pCT->m_rMapArr.emplace_back(pBox->GetFrameFormat(), pBoxFormat);
    sal_uInt16 nLines = pBox->GetTabLines().size();
    SwTableBox* pNewBox;
    if( nLines )
        pNewBox = new SwTableBox(pBoxFormat, nLines, pCT->m_pInsLine);
        SwNodeIndex aNewIdx(*pCT->m_pTableNd, pBox->GetSttIdx() - pCT->m_nOldTableSttIdx);
        assert(aNewIdx.GetNode().IsStartNode() && "Index is not on the start node");
        pNewBox = new SwTableBox(pBoxFormat, aNewIdx, pCT->m_pInsLine);
        pNewBox->setRowSpan( pBox->getRowSpan() );
    pCT->m_pInsLine->GetTabBoxes().push_back( pNewBox );
    if (nLines)
        CopyTable aPara(*pCT);
        aPara.m_pInsBox = pNewBox;
        for( const SwTableLine* pLine : pBox->GetTabLines() )
            lcl_CopyTableLine( pLine, &aPara );
    else if (pNewBox->IsInHeadline(&pCT->m_pTableNd->GetTable()))
        // In the headline, the paragraphs must match conditional styles
static void lcl_CopyTableLine( const SwTableLine* pLine, CopyTable* pCT )
    SwTableLineFormat * pLineFormat = pLine->GetFrameFormat();
    for (const auto& rMap : pCT->m_rMapArr)
        if ( !lcl_SrchNew( rMap, reinterpret_cast<SwFrameFormat**>(&pLineFormat) ) )
    if( pLineFormat == pLine->GetFrameFormat() ) // Create a new one?
        pLineFormat = pCT->m_rDoc.MakeTableLineFormat();
        pLineFormat->CopyAttrs( *pLine->GetFrameFormat() );
        pCT->m_rMapArr.emplace_back(pLine->GetFrameFormat(), pLineFormat);
    SwTableLine* pNewLine = new SwTableLine(pLineFormat, pLine->GetTabBoxes().size(), pCT->m_pInsBox);
    // Insert the new row into the table
    if (pCT->m_pInsBox)
    pCT->m_pInsLine = pNewLine;
    for( auto& rpBox : const_cast<SwTableLine*>(pLine)->GetTabBoxes() )
        lcl_CopyTableBox(rpBox, pCT);
SwTableNode* SwTableNode::MakeCopy( SwDoc& rDoc, const SwNodeIndex& rIdx ) const
    // In which array are we? Nodes? UndoNodes?
    SwNodes& rNds = const_cast<SwNodes&>(GetNodes());
        if( rIdx < rDoc.GetNodes().GetEndOfInserts().GetIndex() &&
            rIdx >= rDoc.GetNodes().GetEndOfInserts().StartOfSectionIndex() )
            return nullptr;
    // Copy the TableFrameFormat
    OUString sTableName( GetTable().GetFrameFormat()->GetName() );
    if( !rDoc.IsCopyIsMove() )
        const sw::TableFrameFormats& rTableFormats = *rDoc.GetTableFrameFormats();
        for( size_t n = rTableFormats.size(); n; )
            const SwTableFormat* pFormat = rTableFormats[--n];
            if (pFormat->GetName() == sTableName && rDoc.IsUsed(*pFormat))
                sTableName = rDoc.GetUniqueTableName();
    SwFrameFormat* pTableFormat = rDoc.MakeTableFrameFormat( sTableName, rDoc.GetDfltFrameFormat() );
    pTableFormat->CopyAttrs( *GetTable().GetFrameFormat() );
    SwTableNode* pTableNd = new SwTableNode( rIdx.GetNode() );
    SwEndNode* pEndNd = new SwEndNode( rIdx.GetNode(), *pTableNd );
    SwNodeIndex aInsPos( *pEndNd );
    SwTable& rTable = pTableNd->GetTable();
    rTable.RegisterToFormat( *pTableFormat );
    rTable.SetRowsToRepeat( GetTable().GetRowsToRepeat() );
    rTable.SetTableChgMode( GetTable().GetTableChgMode() );
    rTable.SetTableModel( GetTable().IsNewModel() );
    SwDDEFieldType* pDDEType = nullptr;
    if( auto pSwDDETable = dynamic_cast<const SwDDETable*>( &GetTable() ) )
        // We're copying a DDE table
        // Is the field type available in the new document?
        pDDEType = const_cast<SwDDETable*>(pSwDDETable)->GetDDEFieldType();
        if( pDDEType->IsDeleted() )
            rDoc.getIDocumentFieldsAccess().InsDeletedFieldType( *pDDEType );
            pDDEType = static_cast<SwDDEFieldType*>(rDoc.getIDocumentFieldsAccess().InsertFieldType( *pDDEType ));
        OSL_ENSURE( pDDEType, "unknown FieldType" );
        // Swap the table pointers in the node
        std::unique_ptr<SwDDETable> pNewTable(new SwDDETable( pTableNd->GetTable(), pDDEType ));
        pTableNd->SetNewTable( std::move(pNewTable), false );
    // First copy the content of the tables, we will later assign the
    // boxes/lines and create the frames
    SwNodeRange aRg( *this, SwNodeOffset(+1), *EndOfSectionNode() );
    // If there is a table in this table, the table format for the outer table
    // does not seem to be used, because the table does not have any contents yet
    // (see IsUsed). Therefore the inner table gets the same name as the outer table.
    // We have to make sure that the table node of the SwTable is accessible, even
    // without any content in m_TabSortContentBoxes. #i26629#
    pTableNd->GetTable().SetTableNode( pTableNd );
    rNds.Copy_( aRg, aInsPos.GetNode(), false );
    pTableNd->GetTable().SetTableNode( nullptr );
    // Special case for a single box
    if( 1 == GetTable().GetTabSortBoxes().size() )
        aRg.aStart.Assign( *pTableNd, 1 );
        aRg.aEnd.Assign( *pTableNd->EndOfSectionNode() );
        rDoc.GetNodes().SectionDown( &aRg, SwTableBoxStartNode );
    // Delete all frames from the copied area, they will be created
    // during the generation of the table frame
    MapTableFrameFormats aMapArr;
    CopyTable aPara( rDoc, aMapArr, GetIndex(), *pTableNd, &GetTable() );
    for( const SwTableLine* pLine : GetTable().GetTabLines() )
        lcl_CopyTableLine( pLine, &aPara );
    if( pDDEType )
    CHECK_TABLE( GetTable() );
    return pTableNd;
void SwTextNode::CopyCollFormat(SwTextNode& rDestNd, bool const bUndoForChgFormatColl)
    // Copy the formats into the other document:
    // Special case for PageBreak/PageDesc/ColBrk
    SwDoc& rDestDoc = rDestNd.GetDoc();
    SwAttrSet aPgBrkSet( rDestDoc.GetAttrPool(), aBreakSetRange );
    const SwAttrSet* pSet;
    pSet = rDestNd.GetpSwAttrSet();
    if( nullptr != pSet )
        // Special cases for Break-Attributes
        const SfxPoolItem* pAttr;
        if( SfxItemState::SET == pSet->GetItemState( RES_BREAK, false, &pAttr ) )
            aPgBrkSet.Put( *pAttr );
        if( SfxItemState::SET == pSet->GetItemState( RES_PAGEDESC, false, &pAttr ) )
            aPgBrkSet.Put( *pAttr );
    // this may create undo action SwUndoFormatCreate
    auto const pCopy( rDestDoc.CopyTextColl( *GetTextColl() ) );
    if (bUndoForChgFormatColl)
    else // tdf#138897
        ::sw::UndoGuard const ug(rDestDoc.GetIDocumentUndoRedo());
    pSet = GetpSwAttrSet();
    if( nullptr != pSet )
        // note: this may create undo actions but not for setting the items
        pSet->CopyToModify( rDestNd );
    if( aPgBrkSet.Count() )
        rDestNd.SetAttr( aPgBrkSet );
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V530 The return value of function 'Assign' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'Assign' is required to be utilized.

V1029 Numeric Truncation Error. Return value of the 'size' function is written to the 16-bit variable.