/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
* This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
* This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <libxml/xmlwriter.h>
#include <config_wasm_strip.h>
#include <memory>
#include <fesh.hxx>
#include <hintids.hxx>
#include <editeng/lrspitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/protitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/boxitem.hxx>
#include <svl/stritem.hxx>
#include <editeng/shaditem.hxx>
#include <fmtfsize.hxx>
#include <fmtornt.hxx>
#include <fmtfordr.hxx>
#include <fmtpdsc.hxx>
#include <fmtanchr.hxx>
#include <fmtlsplt.hxx>
#include <frmatr.hxx>
#include <cellfrm.hxx>
#include <pagefrm.hxx>
#include <tabcol.hxx>
#include <doc.hxx>
#include <IDocumentUndoRedo.hxx>
#include <UndoManager.hxx>
#include <DocumentSettingManager.hxx>
#include <IDocumentChartDataProviderAccess.hxx>
#include <IDocumentRedlineAccess.hxx>
#include <IDocumentStylePoolAccess.hxx>
#include <IDocumentFieldsAccess.hxx>
#include <IDocumentLayoutAccess.hxx>
#include <IDocumentState.hxx>
#include <cntfrm.hxx>
#include <pam.hxx>
#include <swcrsr.hxx>
#include <swtable.hxx>
#include <swundo.hxx>
#include <tblsel.hxx>
#include <poolfmt.hxx>
#include <tabfrm.hxx>
#include <UndoCore.hxx>
#include <UndoRedline.hxx>
#include <UndoDelete.hxx>
#include <UndoNumbering.hxx>
#include <UndoTable.hxx>
#include <hints.hxx>
#include <tblafmt.hxx>
#include <frminf.hxx>
#include <cellatr.hxx>
#include <swtblfmt.hxx>
#include <swddetbl.hxx>
#include <mvsave.hxx>
#include <docary.hxx>
#include <redline.hxx>
#include <rolbck.hxx>
#include <tblrwcl.hxx>
#include <editsh.hxx>
#include <txtfrm.hxx>
#include <section.hxx>
#include <frmtool.hxx>
#include <node2lay.hxx>
#include <strings.hrc>
#include <docsh.hxx>
#include <unochart.hxx>
#include <node.hxx>
#include <ndtxt.hxx>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
#include <rootfrm.hxx>
#include <fldupde.hxx>
#include <calbck.hxx>
#include <fntcache.hxx>
#include <frameformats.hxx>
#include <officecfg/Office/Writer.hxx>
#include <o3tl/numeric.hxx>
#include <o3tl/string_view.hxx>
#include <svl/numformat.hxx>
#include <tools/datetimeutils.hxx>
#include <sal/log.hxx>
#include <osl/diagnose.h>
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
#define CHECK_TABLE(t) (t).CheckConsistency();
#define CHECK_TABLE(t)
using ::editeng::SvxBorderLine;
using namespace ::com::sun::star;
const sal_Unicode T2T_PARA = 0x0a;
static void lcl_SetDfltBoxAttr( SwFrameFormat& rFormat, sal_uInt8 nId )
bool bTop = false, bBottom = false, bLeft = false, bRight = false;
switch ( nId )
case 0: bTop = bBottom = bLeft = true; break;
case 1: bTop = bBottom = bLeft = bRight = true; break;
case 2: bBottom = bLeft = true; break;
case 3: bBottom = bLeft = bRight = true; break;
const bool bHTML = rFormat.getIDocumentSettingAccess().get(DocumentSettingId::HTML_MODE);
Color aCol( bHTML ? COL_GRAY : COL_BLACK );
// Default border in Writer: 0.5pt (matching Word)
SvxBorderLine aLine( &aCol, SvxBorderLineWidth::VeryThin );
if ( bHTML )
SvxBoxItem aBox(RES_BOX);
if ( bTop )
aBox.SetLine( &aLine, SvxBoxItemLine::TOP );
if ( bBottom )
aBox.SetLine( &aLine, SvxBoxItemLine::BOTTOM );
if ( bLeft )
aBox.SetLine( &aLine, SvxBoxItemLine::LEFT );
if ( bRight )
aBox.SetLine( &aLine, SvxBoxItemLine::RIGHT );
rFormat.SetFormatAttr( aBox );
typedef std::map<SwFrameFormat *, SwTableBoxFormat *> DfltBoxAttrMap_t;
typedef std::vector<DfltBoxAttrMap_t *> DfltBoxAttrList_t;
static void
lcl_SetDfltBoxAttr(SwTableBox& rBox, DfltBoxAttrList_t & rBoxFormatArr,
sal_uInt8 const nId, SwTableAutoFormat const*const pAutoFormat = nullptr)
DfltBoxAttrMap_t * pMap = rBoxFormatArr[ nId ];
if (!pMap)
pMap = new DfltBoxAttrMap_t;
rBoxFormatArr[ nId ] = pMap;
SwTableBoxFormat* pNewTableBoxFormat = nullptr;
SwFrameFormat* pBoxFrameFormat = rBox.GetFrameFormat();
DfltBoxAttrMap_t::iterator const iter(pMap->find(pBoxFrameFormat));
if (pMap->end() != iter)
pNewTableBoxFormat = iter->second;
SwDoc* pDoc = pBoxFrameFormat->GetDoc();
// format does not exist, so create it
pNewTableBoxFormat = pDoc->MakeTableBoxFormat();
pNewTableBoxFormat->SetFormatAttr( pBoxFrameFormat->GetAttrSet().Get( RES_FRM_SIZE ) );
if( pAutoFormat )
pAutoFormat->UpdateToSet( nId, false, false,
const_cast<SfxItemSet&>(static_cast<SfxItemSet const &>(pNewTableBoxFormat->GetAttrSet())),
pDoc->GetNumberFormatter() );
::lcl_SetDfltBoxAttr( *pNewTableBoxFormat, nId );
(*pMap)[pBoxFrameFormat] = pNewTableBoxFormat;
rBox.ChgFrameFormat( pNewTableBoxFormat );
static SwTableBoxFormat *lcl_CreateDfltBoxFormat( SwDoc &rDoc, std::vector<SwTableBoxFormat*> &rBoxFormatArr,
sal_uInt16 nCols, sal_uInt8 nId )
if ( !rBoxFormatArr[nId] )
SwTableBoxFormat* pBoxFormat = rDoc.MakeTableBoxFormat();
if( USHRT_MAX != nCols )
pBoxFormat->SetFormatAttr( SwFormatFrameSize( SwFrameSize::Variable,
USHRT_MAX / nCols, 0 ));
::lcl_SetDfltBoxAttr( *pBoxFormat, nId );
rBoxFormatArr[ nId ] = pBoxFormat;
return rBoxFormatArr[nId];
static SwTableBoxFormat *lcl_CreateAFormatBoxFormat( SwDoc &rDoc, std::vector<SwTableBoxFormat*> &rBoxFormatArr,
const SwTableAutoFormat& rAutoFormat,
const sal_uInt16 nRows, const sal_uInt16 nCols, sal_uInt8 nId )
if( !rBoxFormatArr[nId] )
SwTableBoxFormat* pBoxFormat = rDoc.MakeTableBoxFormat();
rAutoFormat.UpdateToSet( nId, nRows==1, nCols==1,
const_cast<SfxItemSet&>(static_cast<SfxItemSet const &>(pBoxFormat->GetAttrSet())),
rDoc.GetNumberFormatter( ) );
if( USHRT_MAX != nCols )
pBoxFormat->SetFormatAttr( SwFormatFrameSize( SwFrameSize::Variable,
USHRT_MAX / nCols, 0 ));
rBoxFormatArr[ nId ] = pBoxFormat;
return rBoxFormatArr[nId];
SwTableNode* SwDoc::IsIdxInTable( const SwNodeIndex& rIdx ) { return IsInTable(rIdx.GetNode()); }
SwTableNode* SwDoc::IsInTable(const SwNode& rIdx)
SwNode* pNd = const_cast<SwNode*>(&rIdx);
do {
pNd = pNd->StartOfSectionNode();
SwTableNode* pTableNd = pNd->GetTableNode();
if( pTableNd )
return pTableNd;
} while ( pNd->GetIndex() );
return nullptr;
* Insert a new Box before the InsPos
bool SwNodes::InsBoxen( SwTableNode* pTableNd,
SwTableLine* pLine,
SwTableBoxFormat* pBoxFormat,
SwTextFormatColl* pTextColl,
const SfxItemSet* pAutoAttr,
sal_uInt16 nInsPos,
sal_uInt16 nCnt )
if( !nCnt )
return false;
OSL_ENSURE( pLine, "No valid Line" );
// Move Index after the Line's last Box
SwNodeOffset nIdxPos(0);
SwTableBox *pPrvBox = nullptr, *pNxtBox = nullptr;
if( !pLine->GetTabBoxes().empty() )
if( nInsPos < pLine->GetTabBoxes().size() )
pPrvBox = pLine->FindPreviousBox( pTableNd->GetTable(),
pLine->GetTabBoxes()[ nInsPos ] );
if( nullptr == pPrvBox )
pPrvBox = pLine->FindPreviousBox( pTableNd->GetTable() );
pNxtBox = pLine->FindNextBox( pTableNd->GetTable(),
pLine->GetTabBoxes().back() );
if( nullptr == pNxtBox )
pNxtBox = pLine->FindNextBox( pTableNd->GetTable() );
pNxtBox = pLine->FindNextBox( pTableNd->GetTable() );
if( nullptr == pNxtBox )
pPrvBox = pLine->FindPreviousBox( pTableNd->GetTable() );
if( !pPrvBox && !pNxtBox )
bool bSetIdxPos = true;
if( !pTableNd->GetTable().GetTabLines().empty() && !nInsPos )
const SwTableLine* pTableLn = pLine;
while( pTableLn->GetUpper() )
pTableLn = pTableLn->GetUpper()->GetUpper();
if( pTableNd->GetTable().GetTabLines()[ 0 ] == pTableLn )
// Before the Table's first Box
while( !( pNxtBox = pLine->GetTabBoxes()[0])->GetTabLines().empty() )
pLine = pNxtBox->GetTabLines()[0];
nIdxPos = pNxtBox->GetSttIdx();
bSetIdxPos = false;
if( bSetIdxPos )
// Tables without content or at the end; move before the End
nIdxPos = pTableNd->EndOfSectionIndex();
else if( pNxtBox ) // There is a successor
nIdxPos = pNxtBox->GetSttIdx();
else // There is a predecessor
nIdxPos = pPrvBox->GetSttNd()->EndOfSectionIndex() + 1;
SwNodeIndex aEndIdx( *this, nIdxPos );
for( sal_uInt16 n = 0; n < nCnt; ++n )
SwStartNode* pSttNd = new SwStartNode( aEndIdx.GetNode(), SwNodeType::Start,
SwTableBoxStartNode );
pSttNd->m_pStartOfSection = pTableNd;
new SwEndNode( aEndIdx.GetNode(), *pSttNd );
pPrvBox = new SwTableBox( pBoxFormat, *pSttNd, pLine );
SwTableBoxes & rTabBoxes = pLine->GetTabBoxes();
sal_uInt16 nRealInsPos = nInsPos + n;
if (nRealInsPos > rTabBoxes.size())
nRealInsPos = rTabBoxes.size();
rTabBoxes.insert( rTabBoxes.begin() + nRealInsPos, pPrvBox );
if( ! pTextColl->IsAssignedToListLevelOfOutlineStyle()
&& RES_CONDTXTFMTCOLL != pTextColl->Which()
new SwTextNode( *pSttNd->EndOfSectionNode(), pTextColl, pAutoAttr );
// Handle Outline numbering correctly!
SwTextNode* pTNd = new SwTextNode(
pAutoAttr );
pTNd->ChgFormatColl( pTextColl );
return true;
* Insert a new Table
const SwTable* SwDoc::InsertTable( const SwInsertTableOptions& rInsTableOpts,
const SwPosition& rPos, sal_uInt16 nRows,
sal_uInt16 nCols, sal_Int16 eAdjust,
const SwTableAutoFormat* pTAFormat,
const std::vector<sal_uInt16> *pColArr,
bool bCalledFromShell,
bool bNewModel,
const OUString& rTableName )
assert(nRows && "Table without line?");
assert(nCols && "Table without rows?");
// Do not copy into Footnotes!
if( rPos.GetNode() < GetNodes().GetEndOfInserts() &&
rPos.GetNode().GetIndex() >= GetNodes().GetEndOfInserts().StartOfSectionIndex() )
return nullptr;
// If the ColumnArray has a wrong count, ignore it!
if( pColArr &&
static_cast<size_t>(nCols + ( text::HoriOrientation::NONE == eAdjust ? 2 : 1 )) != pColArr->size() )
pColArr = nullptr;
OUString aTableName = rTableName;
if (aTableName.isEmpty() || FindTableFormatByName(aTableName) != nullptr)
aTableName = GetUniqueTableName();
if( GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo() )
std::make_unique<SwUndoInsTable>( rPos, nCols, nRows, o3tl::narrowing<sal_uInt16>(eAdjust),
rInsTableOpts, pTAFormat, pColArr,
// Start with inserting the Nodes and get the AutoFormat for the Table
SwTextFormatColl *pBodyColl = getIDocumentStylePoolAccess().GetTextCollFromPool( RES_POOLCOLL_TABLE ),
*pHeadColl = pBodyColl;
bool bDfltBorders( rInsTableOpts.mnInsMode & SwInsertTableFlags::DefaultBorder );
if( (rInsTableOpts.mnInsMode & SwInsertTableFlags::Headline) && (1 != nRows || !bDfltBorders) )
pHeadColl = getIDocumentStylePoolAccess().GetTextCollFromPool( RES_POOLCOLL_TABLE_HDLN );
const sal_uInt16 nRowsToRepeat =
SwInsertTableFlags::Headline == (rInsTableOpts.mnInsMode & SwInsertTableFlags::Headline) ?
rInsTableOpts.mnRowsToRepeat :
/* Save content node to extract FRAMEDIR from. */
const SwContentNode * pContentNd = rPos.GetNode().GetContentNode();
/* If we are called from a shell pass the attrset from
pContentNd (aka the node the table is inserted at) thus causing
SwNodes::InsertTable to propagate an adjust item if
necessary. */
SwTableNode *pTableNd = SwNodes::InsertTable(
bCalledFromShell ? &pContentNd->GetSwAttrSet() : nullptr );
// Create the Box/Line/Table construct
SwTableLineFormat* pLineFormat = MakeTableLineFormat();
SwTableFormat* pTableFormat = MakeTableFrameFormat( aTableName, GetDfltFrameFormat() );
/* If the node to insert the table at is a context node and has a
non-default FRAMEDIR propagate it to the table. */
if (pContentNd)
const SwAttrSet & aNdSet = pContentNd->GetSwAttrSet();
if (const SvxFrameDirectionItem* pItem = aNdSet.GetItemIfSet( RES_FRAMEDIR ))
pTableFormat->SetFormatAttr( *pItem );
// Set Orientation at the Table's Format
pTableFormat->SetFormatAttr( SwFormatHoriOrient( 0, eAdjust ) );
// All lines use the left-to-right Fill-Order!
pLineFormat->SetFormatAttr( SwFormatFillOrder( ATT_LEFT_TO_RIGHT ));
// Set USHRT_MAX as the Table's default SSize
SwTwips nWidth = USHRT_MAX;
if( pColArr )
sal_uInt16 nSttPos = pColArr->front();
sal_uInt16 nLastPos = pColArr->back();
if( text::HoriOrientation::NONE == eAdjust )
sal_uInt16 nFrameWidth = nLastPos;
nLastPos = (*pColArr)[ pColArr->size()-2 ];
pTableFormat->SetFormatAttr( SvxLRSpaceItem( nSttPos, nFrameWidth - nLastPos, 0, RES_LR_SPACE ) );
nWidth = nLastPos - nSttPos;
nWidth /= nCols;
nWidth *= nCols; // to avoid rounding problems
pTableFormat->SetFormatAttr( SwFormatFrameSize( SwFrameSize::Variable, nWidth ));
if( !(rInsTableOpts.mnInsMode & SwInsertTableFlags::SplitLayout) )
pTableFormat->SetFormatAttr( SwFormatLayoutSplit( false ));
// Move the hard PageDesc/PageBreak Attributes if needed
SwContentNode* pNextNd = GetNodes()[ pTableNd->EndOfSectionIndex()+1 ]
if( pNextNd && pNextNd->HasSwAttrSet() )
const SfxItemSet* pNdSet = pNextNd->GetpSwAttrSet();
if( const SwFormatPageDesc* pItem = pNdSet->GetItemIfSet( RES_PAGEDESC, false ) )
pTableFormat->SetFormatAttr( *pItem );
pNextNd->ResetAttr( RES_PAGEDESC );
pNdSet = pNextNd->GetpSwAttrSet();
const SvxFormatBreakItem* pItem;
if( pNdSet && (pItem = pNdSet->GetItemIfSet( RES_BREAK, false )) )
pTableFormat->SetFormatAttr( *pItem );
pNextNd->ResetAttr( RES_BREAK );
SwTable& rNdTable = pTableNd->GetTable();
rNdTable.RegisterToFormat( *pTableFormat );
rNdTable.SetRowsToRepeat( nRowsToRepeat );
rNdTable.SetTableModel( bNewModel );
std::vector<SwTableBoxFormat*> aBoxFormatArr;
SwTableBoxFormat* pBoxFormat = nullptr;
if( !bDfltBorders && !pTAFormat )
pBoxFormat = MakeTableBoxFormat();
pBoxFormat->SetFormatAttr( SwFormatFrameSize( SwFrameSize::Variable, USHRT_MAX / nCols, 0 ));
const sal_uInt16 nBoxArrLen = pTAFormat ? 16 : 4;
aBoxFormatArr.resize( nBoxArrLen, nullptr );
SfxItemSetFixed<RES_CHRATR_BEGIN, RES_PARATR_LIST_END-1> aCharSet( GetAttrPool() );
SwNodeIndex aNdIdx( *pTableNd, 1 ); // Set to StartNode of first Box
SwTableLines& rLines = rNdTable.GetTabLines();
for( sal_uInt16 n = 0; n < nRows; ++n )
SwTableLine* pLine = new SwTableLine( pLineFormat, nCols, nullptr );
rLines.insert( rLines.begin() + n, pLine );
SwTableBoxes& rBoxes = pLine->GetTabBoxes();
for( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nCols; ++i )
SwTableBoxFormat *pBoxF;
if( pTAFormat )
sal_uInt8 nId = SwTableAutoFormat::CountPos(i, nCols, n, nRows);
pBoxF = ::lcl_CreateAFormatBoxFormat( *this, aBoxFormatArr, *pTAFormat,
nRows, nCols, nId );
// Set the Paragraph/Character Attributes if needed
if( pTAFormat->IsFont() || pTAFormat->IsJustify() )
pTAFormat->UpdateToSet( nId, nRows==1, nCols==1, aCharSet,
SwTableAutoFormatUpdateFlags::Char, nullptr );
if( aCharSet.Count() )
GetNodes()[ aNdIdx.GetIndex()+1 ]->GetContentNode()->
SetAttr( aCharSet );
else if( bDfltBorders )
sal_uInt8 nBoxId = (i < nCols - 1 ? 0 : 1) + (n ? 2 : 0 );
pBoxF = ::lcl_CreateDfltBoxFormat( *this, aBoxFormatArr, nCols, nBoxId);
pBoxF = pBoxFormat;
// For AutoFormat on input: the columns are set when inserting the Table
// The Array contains the columns positions and not their widths!
if( pColArr )
nWidth = (*pColArr)[ i + 1 ] - (*pColArr)[ i ];
if( pBoxF->GetFrameSize().GetWidth() != nWidth )
if( pBoxF->HasWriterListeners() ) // Create new Format
SwTableBoxFormat *pNewFormat = MakeTableBoxFormat();
*pNewFormat = *pBoxF;
pBoxF = pNewFormat;
pBoxF->SetFormatAttr( SwFormatFrameSize( SwFrameSize::Variable, nWidth ));
SwTableBox *pBox = new SwTableBox( pBoxF, aNdIdx, pLine);
rBoxes.insert( rBoxes.begin() + i, pBox );
aNdIdx += SwNodeOffset(3); // StartNode, TextNode, EndNode == 3 Nodes
// Insert Frames
// To-Do - add 'SwExtraRedlineTable' also ?
if( getIDocumentRedlineAccess().IsRedlineOn() || (!getIDocumentRedlineAccess().IsIgnoreRedline() && !getIDocumentRedlineAccess().GetRedlineTable().empty() ))
SwPaM aPam( *pTableNd->EndOfSectionNode(), *pTableNd, SwNodeOffset(1) );
if( getIDocumentRedlineAccess().IsRedlineOn() )
getIDocumentRedlineAccess().AppendRedline( new SwRangeRedline( RedlineType::Insert, aPam ), true);
getIDocumentRedlineAccess().SplitRedline( aPam );
return &rNdTable;
SwTableNode* SwNodes::InsertTable( SwNode& rNd,
sal_uInt16 nBoxes,
SwTextFormatColl* pContentTextColl,
sal_uInt16 nLines,
sal_uInt16 nRepeat,
SwTextFormatColl* pHeadlineTextColl,
const SwAttrSet * pAttrSet)
if( !nBoxes )
return nullptr;
// If Lines is given, create the Matrix from Lines and Boxes
if( !pHeadlineTextColl || !nLines )
pHeadlineTextColl = pContentTextColl;
SwTableNode * pTableNd = new SwTableNode( rNd );
SwEndNode* pEndNd = new SwEndNode( rNd, *pTableNd );
if( !nLines ) // For the for loop
SwTextFormatColl* pTextColl = pHeadlineTextColl;
for( sal_uInt16 nL = 0; nL < nLines; ++nL )
for( sal_uInt16 nB = 0; nB < nBoxes; ++nB )
SwStartNode* pSttNd = new SwStartNode( *pEndNd, SwNodeType::Start,
SwTableBoxStartNode );
pSttNd->m_pStartOfSection = pTableNd;
SwTextNode * pTmpNd = new SwTextNode( *pEndNd, pTextColl );
// #i60422# Propagate some more attributes.
const SfxPoolItem* pItem = nullptr;
if ( nullptr != pAttrSet )
static const sal_uInt16 aPropagateItems[] = {
const sal_uInt16* pIdx = aPropagateItems;
while ( *pIdx != 0 )
if ( SfxItemState::SET != pTmpNd->GetSwAttrSet().GetItemState( *pIdx ) &&
SfxItemState::SET == pAttrSet->GetItemState( *pIdx, true, &pItem ) )
static_cast<SwContentNode *>(pTmpNd)->SetAttr(*pItem);
new SwEndNode( *pEndNd, *pSttNd );
if ( nL + 1 >= nRepeat )
pTextColl = pContentTextColl;
return pTableNd;
* Text to Table
const SwTable* SwDoc::TextToTable( const SwInsertTableOptions& rInsTableOpts,
const SwPaM& rRange, sal_Unicode cCh,
sal_Int16 eAdjust,
const SwTableAutoFormat* pTAFormat )
// See if the selection contains a Table
auto [pStt, pEnd] = rRange.StartEnd(); // SwPosition*
SwNodeOffset nCnt = pStt->GetNodeIndex();
for( ; nCnt <= pEnd->GetNodeIndex(); ++nCnt )
if( !GetNodes()[ nCnt ]->IsTextNode() )
return nullptr;
if (GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo())
GetIDocumentUndoRedo().StartUndo(SwUndoId::TEXTTOTABLE, nullptr);
// tdf#153115 first, remove all redlines; splitting them at cell boundaries
// would be tricky to implement, and it's unclear what the value of
// existing redlines is once it's been converted to a table
getIDocumentRedlineAccess().AcceptRedline(rRange, true);
// Save first node in the selection if it is a context node
SwContentNode * pSttContentNd = pStt->GetNode().GetContentNode();
SwPaM aOriginal( *pStt, *pEnd );
pStt = aOriginal.GetMark();
pEnd = aOriginal.GetPoint();
SwUndoTextToTable* pUndo = nullptr;
if( GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo() )
pUndo = new SwUndoTextToTable( aOriginal, rInsTableOpts, cCh,
o3tl::narrowing<sal_uInt16>(eAdjust), pTAFormat );
GetIDocumentUndoRedo().AppendUndo( std::unique_ptr<SwUndo>(pUndo) );
// Do not add splitting the TextNode to the Undo history
GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoUndo( false );
::PaMCorrAbs( aOriginal, *pEnd );
// Make sure that the range is on Node Edges
SwNodeRange aRg( pStt->GetNode(), pEnd->GetNode() );
if( pStt->GetContentIndex() )
getIDocumentContentOperations().SplitNode( *pStt, false );
bool bEndContent = 0 != pEnd->GetContentIndex();
// Do not split at the End of a Line (except at the End of the Doc)
if( bEndContent )
if( pEnd->GetNode().GetContentNode()->Len() != pEnd->GetContentIndex()
|| pEnd->GetNodeIndex() >= GetNodes().GetEndOfContent().GetIndex()-1 )
getIDocumentContentOperations().SplitNode( *pEnd, false );
// A Node and at the End?
if( pStt->GetNodeIndex() >= pEnd->GetNodeIndex() )
if( aRg.aEnd.GetIndex() == aRg.aStart.GetIndex() )
OSL_FAIL( "empty range" );
// We always use Upper to insert the Table
SwNode2LayoutSaveUpperFrames aNode2Layout( aRg.aStart.GetNode() );
GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoUndo( nullptr != pUndo );
// Create the Box/Line/Table construct
SwTableBoxFormat* pBoxFormat = MakeTableBoxFormat();
SwTableLineFormat* pLineFormat = MakeTableLineFormat();
SwTableFormat* pTableFormat = MakeTableFrameFormat( GetUniqueTableName(), GetDfltFrameFormat() );
// All Lines have a left-to-right Fill Order
pLineFormat->SetFormatAttr( SwFormatFillOrder( ATT_LEFT_TO_RIGHT ));
// The Table's SSize is USHRT_MAX
pTableFormat->SetFormatAttr( SwFormatFrameSize( SwFrameSize::Variable, USHRT_MAX ));
if( !(rInsTableOpts.mnInsMode & SwInsertTableFlags::SplitLayout) )
pTableFormat->SetFormatAttr( SwFormatLayoutSplit( false ));
/* If the first node in the selection is a context node and if it
has an item FRAMEDIR set (no default) propagate the item to the
replacing table. */
if (pSttContentNd)
const SwAttrSet & aNdSet = pSttContentNd->GetSwAttrSet();
if (const SvxFrameDirectionItem *pItem = aNdSet.GetItemIfSet( RES_FRAMEDIR ) )
pTableFormat->SetFormatAttr( *pItem );
//Resolves: tdf#87977, tdf#78599, disable broadcasting modifications
//until after RegisterToFormat is completed
bool bEnableSetModified = getIDocumentState().IsEnableSetModified();
SwTableNode* pTableNd = GetNodes().TextToTable(
aRg, cCh, pTableFormat, pLineFormat, pBoxFormat,
getIDocumentStylePoolAccess().GetTextCollFromPool( RES_POOLCOLL_STANDARD ), pUndo );
SwTable& rNdTable = pTableNd->GetTable();
const sal_uInt16 nRowsToRepeat =
SwInsertTableFlags::Headline == (rInsTableOpts.mnInsMode & SwInsertTableFlags::Headline) ?
rInsTableOpts.mnRowsToRepeat :
bool bUseBoxFormat = false;
if( !pBoxFormat->HasWriterListeners() )
// The Box's Formats already have the right size, we must only set
// the right Border/AutoFormat.
bUseBoxFormat = true;
pTableFormat->SetFormatAttr( pBoxFormat->GetFrameSize() );
delete pBoxFormat;
eAdjust = text::HoriOrientation::NONE;
// Set Orientation in the Table's Format
pTableFormat->SetFormatAttr( SwFormatHoriOrient( 0, eAdjust ) );
if( pTAFormat || ( rInsTableOpts.mnInsMode & SwInsertTableFlags::DefaultBorder) )
sal_uInt8 nBoxArrLen = pTAFormat ? 16 : 4;
std::unique_ptr< DfltBoxAttrList_t > aBoxFormatArr1;
std::optional< std::vector<SwTableBoxFormat*> > aBoxFormatArr2;
if( bUseBoxFormat )
aBoxFormatArr1.reset(new DfltBoxAttrList_t( nBoxArrLen, nullptr ));
aBoxFormatArr2 = std::vector<SwTableBoxFormat*>( nBoxArrLen, nullptr );
SfxItemSetFixed<RES_CHRATR_BEGIN, RES_PARATR_LIST_END-1> aCharSet( GetAttrPool() );
SwHistory* pHistory = pUndo ? &pUndo->GetHistory() : nullptr;
SwTableBoxFormat *pBoxF = nullptr;
SwTableLines& rLines = rNdTable.GetTabLines();
const SwTableLines::size_type nRows = rLines.size();
for( SwTableLines::size_type n = 0; n < nRows; ++n )
SwTableBoxes& rBoxes = rLines[ n ]->GetTabBoxes();
const SwTableBoxes::size_type nCols = rBoxes.size();
for( SwTableBoxes::size_type i = 0; i < nCols; ++i )
SwTableBox* pBox = rBoxes[ i ];
bool bChgSz = false;
if( pTAFormat )
sal_uInt8 nId = static_cast<sal_uInt8>(!n ? 0 : (( n+1 == nRows )
? 12 : (4 * (1 + ((n-1) & 1 )))));
nId = nId + static_cast<sal_uInt8>(!i ? 0 :
( i+1 == nCols ? 3 : (1 + ((i-1) & 1))));
if( bUseBoxFormat )
::lcl_SetDfltBoxAttr( *pBox, *aBoxFormatArr1, nId, pTAFormat );
bChgSz = nullptr == (*aBoxFormatArr2)[ nId ];
pBoxF = ::lcl_CreateAFormatBoxFormat( *this, *aBoxFormatArr2,
*pTAFormat, USHRT_MAX, USHRT_MAX, nId );
// Set Paragraph/Character Attributes if needed
if( pTAFormat->IsFont() || pTAFormat->IsJustify() )
pTAFormat->UpdateToSet( nId, nRows==1, nCols==1, aCharSet,
SwTableAutoFormatUpdateFlags::Char, nullptr );
if( aCharSet.Count() )
SwNodeOffset nSttNd = pBox->GetSttIdx()+1;
SwNodeOffset nEndNd = pBox->GetSttNd()->EndOfSectionIndex();
for( ; nSttNd < nEndNd; ++nSttNd )
SwContentNode* pNd = GetNodes()[ nSttNd ]->GetContentNode();
if( pNd )
if( pHistory )
SwRegHistory aReg( pNd, *pNd, pHistory );
pNd->SetAttr( aCharSet );
pNd->SetAttr( aCharSet );
sal_uInt8 nId = (i < nCols - 1 ? 0 : 1) + (n ? 2 : 0 );
if( bUseBoxFormat )
::lcl_SetDfltBoxAttr( *pBox, *aBoxFormatArr1, nId );
bChgSz = nullptr == (*aBoxFormatArr2)[ nId ];
pBoxF = ::lcl_CreateDfltBoxFormat( *this, *aBoxFormatArr2,
if( !bUseBoxFormat )
if( bChgSz )
pBoxF->SetFormatAttr( pBox->GetFrameFormat()->GetFrameSize() );
pBox->ChgFrameFormat( pBoxF );
if( bUseBoxFormat )
for( sal_uInt8 i = 0; i < nBoxArrLen; ++i )
delete (*aBoxFormatArr1)[ i ];
// Check the boxes for numbers
if( IsInsTableFormatNum() )
for (size_t nBoxes = rNdTable.GetTabSortBoxes().size(); nBoxes; )
ChkBoxNumFormat(*rNdTable.GetTabSortBoxes()[ --nBoxes ], false);
SwNodeOffset nIdx = pTableNd->GetIndex();
aNode2Layout.RestoreUpperFrames( GetNodes(), nIdx, nIdx + 1 );
SwPaM& rTmp = const_cast<SwPaM&>(rRange); // Point always at the Start
rTmp.GetPoint()->Assign( *pTableNd );
if( pUndo )
GetIDocumentUndoRedo().EndUndo( SwUndoId::TEXTTOTABLE, nullptr );
getIDocumentFieldsAccess().SetFieldsDirty(true, nullptr, SwNodeOffset(0));
return &rNdTable;
static void lcl_RemoveBreaksTable(SwTableNode & rNode, SwTableFormat *const pTableFormat)
// delete old layout frames, new ones need to be created...
// remove PageBreaks/PageDesc/ColBreak
SwFrameFormat & rFormat(*rNode.GetTable().GetFrameFormat());
if (const SvxFormatBreakItem* pItem = rFormat.GetItemIfSet(RES_BREAK, false))
if (pTableFormat)
SwFormatPageDesc const*const pPageDescItem(rFormat.GetItemIfSet(RES_PAGEDESC, false));
if (pPageDescItem && pPageDescItem->GetPageDesc())
if (pTableFormat)
static void lcl_RemoveBreaks(SwContentNode & rNode, SwTableFormat *const pTableFormat)
// delete old layout frames, new ones need to be created...
if (!rNode.IsTextNode())
SwTextNode & rTextNode = *rNode.GetTextNode();
// remove PageBreaks/PageDesc/ColBreak
SfxItemSet const* pSet = rTextNode.GetpSwAttrSet();
if (!pSet)
if (const SvxFormatBreakItem* pItem = pSet->GetItemIfSet(RES_BREAK, false))
if (pTableFormat)
pSet = rTextNode.GetpSwAttrSet();
const SwFormatPageDesc* pPageDescItem;
if (pSet
&& (pPageDescItem = pSet->GetItemIfSet(RES_PAGEDESC, false))
&& pPageDescItem->GetPageDesc())
if (pTableFormat)
* balance lines in table, insert empty boxes so all lines have the size
static void
lcl_BalanceTable(SwTable & rTable, size_t const nMaxBoxes,
SwTableNode & rTableNd, SwTableBoxFormat & rBoxFormat, SwTextFormatColl & rTextColl,
SwUndoTextToTable *const pUndo, std::vector<sal_uInt16> *const pPositions)
for (size_t n = 0; n < rTable.GetTabLines().size(); ++n)
SwTableLine *const pCurrLine = rTable.GetTabLines()[ n ];
size_t const nBoxes = pCurrLine->GetTabBoxes().size();
if (nMaxBoxes != nBoxes)
rTableNd.GetNodes().InsBoxen(&rTableNd, pCurrLine, &rBoxFormat, &rTextColl,
nullptr, nBoxes, nMaxBoxes - nBoxes);
if (pUndo)
for (size_t i = nBoxes; i < nMaxBoxes; ++i)
pUndo->AddFillBox( *pCurrLine->GetTabBoxes()[i] );
// if the first line is missing boxes, the width array is useless!
if (!n && pPositions)
static void
lcl_SetTableBoxWidths(SwTable & rTable, size_t const nMaxBoxes,
SwTableBoxFormat & rBoxFormat, SwDoc & rDoc,
std::vector<sal_uInt16> *const pPositions)
if (pPositions && !pPositions->empty())
SwTableLines& rLns = rTable.GetTabLines();
sal_uInt16 nLastPos = 0;
for (size_t n = 0; n < pPositions->size(); ++n)
SwTableBoxFormat *pNewFormat = rDoc.MakeTableBoxFormat();
SwFormatFrameSize(SwFrameSize::Variable, (*pPositions)[n] - nLastPos));
for (size_t nTmpLine = 0; nTmpLine < rLns.size(); ++nTmpLine)
// Have to do an Add here, because the BoxFormat
// is still needed by the caller
nLastPos = (*pPositions)[ n ];
// propagate size upwards from format, so the table gets the right size
SAL_WARN_IF(rBoxFormat.HasWriterListeners(), "sw.core",
"who is still registered in the format?");
rBoxFormat.SetFormatAttr( SwFormatFrameSize( SwFrameSize::Variable, nLastPos ));
size_t nWidth = nMaxBoxes ? USHRT_MAX / nMaxBoxes : USHRT_MAX;
rBoxFormat.SetFormatAttr(SwFormatFrameSize(SwFrameSize::Variable, nWidth));
SwTableNode* SwNodes::TextToTable( const SwNodeRange& rRange, sal_Unicode cCh,
SwTableFormat* pTableFormat,
SwTableLineFormat* pLineFormat,
SwTableBoxFormat* pBoxFormat,
SwTextFormatColl* pTextColl,
SwUndoTextToTable* pUndo )
if( rRange.aStart >= rRange.aEnd )
return nullptr;
SwTableNode * pTableNd = new SwTableNode( rRange.aStart.GetNode() );
new SwEndNode( rRange.aEnd.GetNode(), *pTableNd );
SwDoc& rDoc = GetDoc();
std::vector<sal_uInt16> aPosArr;
SwTable& rTable = pTableNd->GetTable();
SwTableBox* pBox;
sal_uInt16 nBoxes, nLines, nMaxBoxes = 0;
SwNodeIndex aSttIdx( *pTableNd, 1 );
SwNodeIndex aEndIdx( rRange.aEnd, -1 );
for( nLines = 0, nBoxes = 0;
aSttIdx.GetIndex() < aEndIdx.GetIndex();
aSttIdx += SwNodeOffset(2), nLines++, nBoxes = 0 )
SwTextNode* pTextNd = aSttIdx.GetNode().GetTextNode();
OSL_ENSURE( pTextNd, "Only add TextNodes to the Table" );
if( !nLines && 0x0b == cCh )
cCh = 0x09;
// Get the separator's position from the first Node, in order for the Boxes to be set accordingly
SwTextFrameInfo aFInfo( static_cast<SwTextFrame*>(pTextNd->getLayoutFrame( pTextNd->GetDoc().getIDocumentLayoutAccess().GetCurrentLayout() )) );
if( aFInfo.IsOneLine() ) // only makes sense in this case
OUString const& rText(pTextNd->GetText());
for (sal_Int32 nChPos = 0; nChPos < rText.getLength(); ++nChPos)
if (rText[nChPos] == cCh)
// sw_redlinehide: no idea if this makes any sense...
TextFrameIndex const nPos(aFInfo.GetFrame()->MapModelToView(pTextNd, nChPos));
aPosArr.push_back( o3tl::narrowing<sal_uInt16>(
aFInfo.GetCharPos(nPos+TextFrameIndex(1), false)) );
o3tl::narrowing<sal_uInt16>(aFInfo.GetFrame()->IsVertical() ?
aFInfo.GetFrame()->getFramePrintArea().Bottom() :
aFInfo.GetFrame()->getFramePrintArea().Right()) );
lcl_RemoveBreaks(*pTextNd, (0 == nLines) ? pTableFormat : nullptr);
// Set the TableNode as StartNode for all TextNodes in the Table
pTextNd->m_pStartOfSection = pTableNd;
SwTableLine* pLine = new SwTableLine( pLineFormat, 1, nullptr );
rTable.GetTabLines().insert(rTable.GetTabLines().begin() + nLines, pLine);
SwStartNode* pSttNd;
SwPosition aCntPos( aSttIdx, pTextNd, 0);
const std::shared_ptr< sw::mark::ContentIdxStore> pContentStore(sw::mark::ContentIdxStore::Create());
pContentStore->Save(rDoc, aSttIdx.GetIndex(), SAL_MAX_INT32);
if( T2T_PARA != cCh )
for (sal_Int32 nChPos = 0; nChPos < pTextNd->GetText().getLength();)
if (pTextNd->GetText()[nChPos] == cCh)
std::function<void (SwTextNode *, sw::mark::RestoreMode, bool)> restoreFunc(
[&](SwTextNode *const pNewNode, sw::mark::RestoreMode const eMode, bool)
if (!pContentStore->Empty())
pContentStore->Restore(*pNewNode, nChPos, nChPos + 1, eMode);
SwContentNode *const pNewNd =
pTextNd->SplitContentNode(aCntPos, &restoreFunc);
// Delete separator and correct search string
pTextNd->EraseText( aCntPos, 1 );
nChPos = 0;
// Set the TableNode as StartNode for all TextNodes in the Table
const SwNodeIndex aTmpIdx( aCntPos.GetNode(), -1 );
pSttNd = new SwStartNode( aTmpIdx.GetNode(), SwNodeType::Start,
SwTableBoxStartNode );
new SwEndNode( aCntPos.GetNode(), *pSttNd );
pNewNd->m_pStartOfSection = pSttNd;
// Assign Section to the Box
pBox = new SwTableBox( pBoxFormat, *pSttNd, pLine );
pLine->GetTabBoxes().insert( pLine->GetTabBoxes().begin() + nBoxes++, pBox );
// Now for the last substring
if( !pContentStore->Empty())
pContentStore->Restore( *pTextNd, pTextNd->GetText().getLength(), pTextNd->GetText().getLength()+1 );
pSttNd = new SwStartNode( aCntPos.GetNode(), SwNodeType::Start, SwTableBoxStartNode );
const SwNodeIndex aTmpIdx( aCntPos.GetNode(), 1 );
new SwEndNode( aTmpIdx.GetNode(), *pSttNd );
pTextNd->m_pStartOfSection = pSttNd;
pBox = new SwTableBox( pBoxFormat, *pSttNd, pLine );
pLine->GetTabBoxes().insert( pLine->GetTabBoxes().begin() + nBoxes++, pBox );
if( nMaxBoxes < nBoxes )
nMaxBoxes = nBoxes;
lcl_BalanceTable(rTable, nMaxBoxes, *pTableNd, *pBoxFormat, *pTextColl,
pUndo, &aPosArr);
lcl_SetTableBoxWidths(rTable, nMaxBoxes, *pBoxFormat, rDoc, &aPosArr);
return pTableNd;
const SwTable* SwDoc::TextToTable( const std::vector< std::vector<SwNodeRange> >& rTableNodes )
if (rTableNodes.empty())
return nullptr;
const std::vector<SwNodeRange>& rFirstRange = *rTableNodes.begin();
if (rFirstRange.empty())
return nullptr;
const std::vector<SwNodeRange>& rLastRange = *rTableNodes.rbegin();
if (rLastRange.empty())
return nullptr;
/* Save first node in the selection if it is a content node. */
SwContentNode * pSttContentNd = rFirstRange.begin()->aStart.GetNode().GetContentNode();
const SwNodeRange& rStartRange = *rFirstRange.begin();
const SwNodeRange& rEndRange = *rLastRange.rbegin();
//!!! not necessarily TextNodes !!!
SwPaM aOriginal( rStartRange.aStart, rEndRange.aEnd );
const SwPosition *pStt = aOriginal.GetMark();
SwPosition *pEnd = aOriginal.GetPoint();
bool const bUndo(GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo());
if (bUndo)
// Do not add splitting the TextNode to the Undo history
::PaMCorrAbs( aOriginal, *pEnd );
// make sure that the range is on Node Edges
SwNodeRange aRg( pStt->GetNode(), pEnd->GetNode() );
if( pStt->GetContentIndex() )
getIDocumentContentOperations().SplitNode( *pStt, false );
bool bEndContent = 0 != pEnd->GetContentIndex();
// Do not split at the End of a Line (except at the End of the Doc)
if( bEndContent )
if( pEnd->GetNode().GetContentNode()->Len() != pEnd->GetContentIndex()
|| pEnd->GetNodeIndex() >= GetNodes().GetEndOfContent().GetIndex()-1 )
getIDocumentContentOperations().SplitNode( *pEnd, false );
// A Node and at the End?
if( pStt->GetNodeIndex() >= pEnd->GetNodeIndex() )
assert(aRg.aEnd.GetNode() == pEnd->GetNode());
assert(aRg.aStart.GetNode() == pStt->GetNode());
if( aRg.aEnd.GetIndex() == aRg.aStart.GetIndex() )
OSL_FAIL( "empty range" );
// TODO: this is not Undo-able - only good enough for file import
IDocumentRedlineAccess & rIDRA(getIDocumentRedlineAccess());
SwNodeIndex const prev(rTableNodes.begin()->begin()->aStart, -1);
SwNodeIndex const* pPrev(&prev);
// pPrev could point to non-textnode now
for (const auto& rRow : rTableNodes)
for (const auto& rCell : rRow)
assert(SwNodeIndex(*pPrev, +1) == rCell.aStart);
SwPaM pam(rCell.aStart, 0, *pPrev,
? pPrev->GetNode().GetContentNode()->Len() : 0);
pPrev = &rCell.aEnd;
// another one to break between last cell and node after table
SwPaM pam(pPrev->GetNode(), SwNodeOffset(+1), 0,
pPrev->GetNode(), SwNodeOffset(0),
? pPrev->GetNode().GetContentNode()->Len() : 0);
// We always use Upper to insert the Table
SwNode2LayoutSaveUpperFrames aNode2Layout( aRg.aStart.GetNode() );
// Create the Box/Line/Table construct
SwTableBoxFormat* pBoxFormat = MakeTableBoxFormat();
SwTableLineFormat* pLineFormat = MakeTableLineFormat();
SwTableFormat* pTableFormat = MakeTableFrameFormat( GetUniqueTableName(), GetDfltFrameFormat() );
// All Lines have a left-to-right Fill Order
pLineFormat->SetFormatAttr( SwFormatFillOrder( ATT_LEFT_TO_RIGHT ));
// The Table's SSize is USHRT_MAX
pTableFormat->SetFormatAttr( SwFormatFrameSize( SwFrameSize::Variable, USHRT_MAX ));
/* If the first node in the selection is a context node and if it
has an item FRAMEDIR set (no default) propagate the item to the
replacing table. */
if (pSttContentNd)
const SwAttrSet & aNdSet = pSttContentNd->GetSwAttrSet();
if (const SvxFrameDirectionItem* pItem = aNdSet.GetItemIfSet( RES_FRAMEDIR ))
pTableFormat->SetFormatAttr( *pItem );
//Resolves: tdf#87977, tdf#78599, disable broadcasting modifications
//until after RegisterToFormat is completed
bool bEnableSetModified = getIDocumentState().IsEnableSetModified();
SwTableNode* pTableNd = GetNodes().TextToTable(
rTableNodes, pTableFormat, pLineFormat, pBoxFormat );
SwTable& rNdTable = pTableNd->GetTable();
if( !pBoxFormat->HasWriterListeners() )
// The Box's Formats already have the right size, we must only set
// the right Border/AutoFormat.
pTableFormat->SetFormatAttr( pBoxFormat->GetFrameSize() );
delete pBoxFormat;
SwNodeOffset nIdx = pTableNd->GetIndex();
aNode2Layout.RestoreUpperFrames( GetNodes(), nIdx, nIdx + 1 );
getIDocumentFieldsAccess().SetFieldsDirty( true, nullptr, SwNodeOffset(0) );
return &rNdTable;
void SwNodes::ExpandRangeForTableBox(const SwNodeRange & rRange, std::optional<SwNodeRange>& rExpandedRange)
bool bChanged = false;
SwNodeIndex aNewStart = rRange.aStart;
SwNodeIndex aNewEnd = rRange.aEnd;
SwNodeIndex aEndIndex = rRange.aEnd;
SwNodeIndex aIndex = rRange.aStart;
while (aIndex < aEndIndex)
SwNode& rNode = aIndex.GetNode();
if (rNode.IsStartNode())
// advance aIndex to the end node of this start node
SwNode * pEndNode = rNode.EndOfSectionNode();
aIndex = *pEndNode;
if (aIndex > aNewEnd)
aNewEnd = aIndex;
bChanged = true;
else if (rNode.IsEndNode())
SwNode * pStartNode = rNode.StartOfSectionNode();
if (pStartNode->GetIndex() < aNewStart.GetIndex())
aNewStart = *pStartNode;
bChanged = true;
if (aIndex < aEndIndex)
SwNode * pNode = &aIndex.GetNode();
while (pNode->IsEndNode() && aIndex < Count() - 1)
SwNode * pStartNode = pNode->StartOfSectionNode();
aNewStart = *pStartNode;
aNewEnd = aIndex;
bChanged = true;
pNode = &aIndex.GetNode();
if (bChanged)
rExpandedRange.emplace(aNewStart, aNewEnd);
static void
lcl_SetTableBoxWidths2(SwTable & rTable, size_t const nMaxBoxes,
SwTableBoxFormat & rBoxFormat, SwDoc & rDoc)
// rhbz#820283, fdo#55462: set default box widths so table width is covered
SwTableLines & rLines = rTable.GetTabLines();
for (size_t nTmpLine = 0; nTmpLine < rLines.size(); ++nTmpLine)
SwTableBoxes & rBoxes = rLines[nTmpLine]->GetTabBoxes();
assert(!rBoxes.empty()); // ensured by convertToTable
size_t const nMissing = nMaxBoxes - rBoxes.size();
if (nMissing)
// default width for box at the end of an incomplete line
SwTableBoxFormat *const pNewFormat = rDoc.MakeTableBoxFormat();
size_t nWidth = nMaxBoxes ? USHRT_MAX / nMaxBoxes : USHRT_MAX;
pNewFormat->SetFormatAttr( SwFormatFrameSize(SwFrameSize::Variable,
nWidth * (nMissing + 1)) );
size_t nWidth = nMaxBoxes ? USHRT_MAX / nMaxBoxes : USHRT_MAX;
// default width for all boxes not at the end of an incomplete line
rBoxFormat.SetFormatAttr(SwFormatFrameSize(SwFrameSize::Variable, nWidth));
SwTableNode* SwNodes::TextToTable( const SwNodes::TableRanges_t & rTableNodes,
SwTableFormat* pTableFormat,
SwTableLineFormat* pLineFormat,
SwTableBoxFormat* pBoxFormat )
if( rTableNodes.empty() )
return nullptr;
SwTableNode * pTableNd = new SwTableNode( rTableNodes.begin()->begin()->aStart.GetNode() );
//insert the end node after the last text node
SwNodeIndex aInsertIndex( rTableNodes.rbegin()->rbegin()->aEnd );
//!! ownership will be transferred in c-tor to SwNodes array.
//!! Thus no real problem here...
new SwEndNode( aInsertIndex.GetNode(), *pTableNd );
SwDoc& rDoc = GetDoc();
SwTable& rTable = pTableNd->GetTable();
SwTableBox* pBox;
sal_uInt16 nLines, nMaxBoxes = 0;
SwNodeIndex aNodeIndex = rTableNodes.begin()->begin()->aStart;
// delete frames of all contained content nodes
for( nLines = 0; aNodeIndex <= rTableNodes.rbegin()->rbegin()->aEnd; ++aNodeIndex,++nLines )
SwNode* pNode(&aNodeIndex.GetNode());
while (pNode->IsSectionNode()) // could be ToX field in table
pNode = pNode->GetNodes()[pNode->GetIndex()+1];
if (pNode->IsTableNode())
(0 == nLines) ? pTableFormat : nullptr);
else if (pNode->IsContentNode())
(0 == nLines) ? pTableFormat : nullptr);
nLines = 0;
for( const auto& rRow : rTableNodes )
sal_uInt16 nBoxes = 0;
SwTableLine* pLine = new SwTableLine( pLineFormat, 1, nullptr );
rTable.GetTabLines().insert(rTable.GetTabLines().begin() + nLines, pLine);
for( const auto& rCell : rRow )
SwNodeIndex aCellEndIdx(rCell.aEnd);
SwStartNode* pSttNd = new SwStartNode( rCell.aStart.GetNode(), SwNodeType::Start,
SwTableBoxStartNode );
// Quotation of http://nabble.documentfoundation.org/Some-strange-lines-by-taking-a-look-at-the-bt-of-fdo-51916-tp3994561p3994639.html
// SwNode's constructor adds itself to the same SwNodes array as the other node (pSttNd).
// So this statement is only executed for the side-effect.
new SwEndNode( aCellEndIdx.GetNode(), *pSttNd );
//set the start node on all node of the current cell
SwNodeIndex aCellNodeIdx = rCell.aStart;
for(;aCellNodeIdx <= rCell.aEnd; ++aCellNodeIdx )
aCellNodeIdx.GetNode().m_pStartOfSection = pSttNd;
//skip start/end node pairs
if( aCellNodeIdx.GetNode().IsStartNode() )
// assign Section to the Box
pBox = new SwTableBox( pBoxFormat, *pSttNd, pLine );
pLine->GetTabBoxes().insert( pLine->GetTabBoxes().begin() + nBoxes++, pBox );
if( nMaxBoxes < nBoxes )
nMaxBoxes = nBoxes;
lcl_SetTableBoxWidths2(rTable, nMaxBoxes, *pBoxFormat, rDoc);
return pTableNd;
* Table to Text
bool SwDoc::TableToText( const SwTableNode* pTableNd, sal_Unicode cCh )
if( !pTableNd )
return false;
// #i34471#
// If this is triggered by SwUndoTableToText::Repeat() nobody ever deleted
// the table cursor.
SwEditShell* pESh = GetEditShell();
if (pESh && pESh->IsTableMode())
SwNodeRange aRg( *pTableNd, SwNodeOffset(0), *pTableNd->EndOfSectionNode() );
std::unique_ptr<SwUndoTableToText> pUndo;
SwNodeRange* pUndoRg = nullptr;
if (GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo())
pUndoRg = new SwNodeRange( aRg.aStart, SwNodeOffset(-1), aRg.aEnd, SwNodeOffset(+1) );
pUndo.reset(new SwUndoTableToText( pTableNd->GetTable(), cCh ));
bool bRet = GetNodes().TableToText( aRg, cCh, pUndo.get() );
if( pUndoRg )
pUndo->SetRange( *pUndoRg );
delete pUndoRg;
if( bRet )
return bRet;
namespace {
* Use the ForEach method from PtrArray to recreate Text from a Table.
* The Boxes can also contain Lines!
struct DelTabPara
SwTextNode* pLastNd;
SwNodes& rNds;
SwUndoTableToText* pUndo;
sal_Unicode cCh;
DelTabPara( SwNodes& rNodes, sal_Unicode cChar, SwUndoTableToText* pU ) :
pLastNd(nullptr), rNds( rNodes ), pUndo( pU ), cCh( cChar ) {}
// Forward declare so that the Lines and Boxes can use recursion
static void lcl_DelBox( SwTableBox* pBox, DelTabPara* pDelPara );
static void lcl_DelLine( SwTableLine* pLine, DelTabPara* pPara )
assert(pPara && "The parameters are missing!");
DelTabPara aPara( *pPara );
for( auto& rpBox : pLine->GetTabBoxes() )
lcl_DelBox(rpBox, &aPara );
if( pLine->GetUpper() ) // Is there a parent Box?
// Return the last TextNode
pPara->pLastNd = aPara.pLastNd;
static void lcl_DelBox( SwTableBox* pBox, DelTabPara* pDelPara )
assert(pDelPara && "The parameters are missing");
// Delete the Box's Lines
if( !pBox->GetTabLines().empty() )
for( SwTableLine* pLine : pBox->GetTabLines() )
lcl_DelLine( pLine, pDelPara );
SwDoc& rDoc = pDelPara->rNds.GetDoc();
SwNodeRange aDelRg( *pBox->GetSttNd(), SwNodeOffset(0),
*pBox->GetSttNd()->EndOfSectionNode() );
// Delete the Section
pDelPara->rNds.SectionUp( &aDelRg );
const SwTextNode* pCurTextNd = nullptr;
if (T2T_PARA != pDelPara->cCh && pDelPara->pLastNd)
pCurTextNd = aDelRg.aStart.GetNode().GetTextNode();
if (nullptr != pCurTextNd)
// Join the current text node with the last from the previous box if possible
SwNodeOffset nNdIdx = aDelRg.aStart.GetIndex();
if( pDelPara->pLastNd == &aDelRg.aStart.GetNode() )
// Inserting the separator
SwContentIndex aCntIdx( pDelPara->pLastNd,
pDelPara->pLastNd->InsertText( OUString(pDelPara->cCh), aCntIdx,
SwInsertFlags::EMPTYEXPAND );
if( pDelPara->pUndo )
pDelPara->pUndo->AddBoxPos( rDoc, nNdIdx, aDelRg.aEnd.GetIndex(),
aCntIdx.GetIndex() );
const std::shared_ptr<sw::mark::ContentIdxStore> pContentStore(sw::mark::ContentIdxStore::Create());
const sal_Int32 nOldTextLen = aCntIdx.GetIndex();
pContentStore->Save(rDoc, nNdIdx, SAL_MAX_INT32);
if( !pContentStore->Empty() )
pContentStore->Restore( rDoc, pDelPara->pLastNd->GetIndex(), nOldTextLen );
else if( pDelPara->pUndo )
pDelPara->pUndo->AddBoxPos( rDoc, nNdIdx, aDelRg.aEnd.GetIndex() );
else if( pDelPara->pUndo )
pDelPara->pUndo->AddBoxPos( rDoc, aDelRg.aStart.GetIndex(), aDelRg.aEnd.GetIndex() );
pDelPara->pLastNd = aDelRg.aEnd.GetNode().GetTextNode();
// Do not take over the NumberFormatting's adjustment
if( pDelPara->pLastNd && pDelPara->pLastNd->HasSwAttrSet() )
pDelPara->pLastNd->ResetAttr( RES_PARATR_ADJUST );
bool SwNodes::TableToText( const SwNodeRange& rRange, sal_Unicode cCh,
SwUndoTableToText* pUndo )
// Is a Table selected?
if (rRange.aStart.GetIndex() >= rRange.aEnd.GetIndex())
return false;
SwTableNode *const pTableNd(rRange.aStart.GetNode().GetTableNode());
if (nullptr == pTableNd ||
&rRange.aEnd.GetNode() != pTableNd->EndOfSectionNode() )
return false;
// If the Table was alone in a Section, create the Frames via the Table's Upper
std::optional<SwNode2LayoutSaveUpperFrames> oNode2Layout;
SwNode* pFrameNd = FindPrvNxtFrameNode( rRange.aStart.GetNode(), &rRange.aEnd.GetNode() );
SwNodeIndex aFrameIdx( pFrameNd ? *pFrameNd: rRange.aStart.GetNode() );
if( !pFrameNd )
// Collect all Uppers
// Delete the Frames
// "Delete" the Table and merge all Lines/Boxes
DelTabPara aDelPara( *this, cCh, pUndo );
for( SwTableLine *pLine : pTableNd->m_pTable->GetTabLines() )
lcl_DelLine( pLine, &aDelPara );
// We just created a TextNode with fitting separator for every TableLine.
// Now we only need to delete the TableSection and create the Frames for the
// new TextNode.
SwNodeRange aDelRg( rRange.aStart, rRange.aEnd );
// If the Table has PageDesc/Break Attributes, carry them over to the
// first Text Node
// What about UNDO?
const SfxItemSet& rTableSet = pTableNd->m_pTable->GetFrameFormat()->GetAttrSet();
const SvxFormatBreakItem* pBreak = rTableSet.GetItemIfSet( RES_BREAK, false );
const SwFormatPageDesc* pDesc = rTableSet.GetItemIfSet( RES_PAGEDESC, false );
if( pBreak || pDesc )
SwNodeIndex aIdx( *pTableNd );
SwContentNode* pCNd = GoNext( &aIdx );
if( pBreak )
pCNd->SetAttr( *pBreak );
if( pDesc )
pCNd->SetAttr( *pDesc );
SectionUp( &aDelRg ); // Delete this Section and by that the Table
// #i28006#
SwNodeOffset nStt = aDelRg.aStart.GetIndex(), nEnd = aDelRg.aEnd.GetIndex();
if( !pFrameNd )
oNode2Layout->RestoreUpperFrames( *this,
aDelRg.aStart.GetIndex(), aDelRg.aEnd.GetIndex() );
SwContentNode *pCNd;
SwSectionNode *pSNd;
while( aDelRg.aStart.GetIndex() < nEnd )
pCNd = aDelRg.aStart.GetNode().GetContentNode();
if( nullptr != pCNd )
if( pFrameNd->IsContentNode() )
else if( pFrameNd->IsTableNode() )
else if( pFrameNd->IsSectionNode() )
pFrameNd = pCNd;
pSNd = aDelRg.aStart.GetNode().GetSectionNode();
if( pSNd )
if( !pSNd->GetSection().IsHidden() && !pSNd->IsContentHidden() )
pSNd->MakeOwnFrames(&aFrameIdx, &aDelRg.aEnd);
aDelRg.aStart = *pSNd->EndOfSectionNode();
// #i28006# Fly frames have to be restored even if the table was
// #alone in the section
for(sw::SpzFrameFormat* pFly: *GetDoc().GetSpzFrameFormats())
SwFrameFormat *const pFormat = pFly;
const SwFormatAnchor& rAnchor = pFormat->GetAnchor();
SwNode const*const pAnchorNode = rAnchor.GetAnchorNode();
if (pAnchorNode &&
((RndStdIds::FLY_AT_PARA == rAnchor.GetAnchorId()) ||
(RndStdIds::FLY_AT_CHAR == rAnchor.GetAnchorId())) &&
nStt <= pAnchorNode->GetIndex() &&
pAnchorNode->GetIndex() < nEnd )
return true;
* Inserting Columns/Rows
void SwDoc::InsertCol( const SwCursor& rCursor, sal_uInt16 nCnt, bool bBehind )
if( !::CheckSplitCells( rCursor, nCnt + 1, SwTableSearchType::Col ) )
// Find the Boxes via the Layout
SwSelBoxes aBoxes;
::GetTableSel( rCursor, aBoxes, SwTableSearchType::Col );
if( !aBoxes.empty() )
InsertCol( aBoxes, nCnt, bBehind );
bool SwDoc::InsertCol( const SwSelBoxes& rBoxes, sal_uInt16 nCnt, bool bBehind, bool bInsertDummy )
OSL_ENSURE( !rBoxes.empty(), "No valid Box list" );
SwTableNode* pTableNd = const_cast<SwTableNode*>(rBoxes[0]->GetSttNd()->FindTableNode());
if( !pTableNd )
return false;
SwTable& rTable = pTableNd->GetTable();
if( dynamic_cast<const SwDDETable*>( &rTable) != nullptr)
return false;
SwTableSortBoxes aTmpLst;
std::unique_ptr<SwUndoTableNdsChg> pUndo;
if (GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo())
pUndo.reset(new SwUndoTableNdsChg( SwUndoId::TABLE_INSCOL, rBoxes, *pTableNd,
0, 0, nCnt, bBehind, false ));
aTmpLst.insert( rTable.GetTabSortBoxes() );
bool bRet(false);
::sw::UndoGuard const undoGuard(GetIDocumentUndoRedo());
bRet = rTable.InsertCol(*this, rBoxes, nCnt, bBehind, bInsertDummy);
if (bRet)
::ClearFEShellTabCols(*this, nullptr);
getIDocumentFieldsAccess().SetFieldsDirty( true, nullptr, SwNodeOffset(0) );
if( pUndo && bRet )
pUndo->SaveNewBoxes( *pTableNd, aTmpLst );
GetIDocumentUndoRedo().AppendUndo( std::move(pUndo) );
return bRet;
void SwDoc::InsertRow( const SwCursor& rCursor, sal_uInt16 nCnt, bool bBehind )
// Find the Boxes via the Layout
SwSelBoxes aBoxes;
GetTableSel( rCursor, aBoxes, SwTableSearchType::Row );
if( !aBoxes.empty() )
InsertRow( aBoxes, nCnt, bBehind );
bool SwDoc::InsertRow( const SwSelBoxes& rBoxes, sal_uInt16 nCnt, bool bBehind, bool bInsertDummy )
OSL_ENSURE( !rBoxes.empty(), "No valid Box list" );
SwTableNode* pTableNd = const_cast<SwTableNode*>(rBoxes[0]->GetSttNd()->FindTableNode());
if( !pTableNd )
return false;
SwTable& rTable = pTableNd->GetTable();
if( dynamic_cast<const SwDDETable*>( &rTable) != nullptr)
return false;
SwTableSortBoxes aTmpLst;
std::unique_ptr<SwUndoTableNdsChg> pUndo;
if (GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo())
pUndo.reset(new SwUndoTableNdsChg( SwUndoId::TABLE_INSROW,rBoxes, *pTableNd,
0, 0, nCnt, bBehind, false ));
aTmpLst.insert( rTable.GetTabSortBoxes() );
bool bRet(false);
::sw::UndoGuard const undoGuard(GetIDocumentUndoRedo());
bRet = rTable.InsertRow( this, rBoxes, nCnt, bBehind, bInsertDummy );
if (bRet)
::ClearFEShellTabCols(*this, nullptr);
getIDocumentFieldsAccess().SetFieldsDirty( true, nullptr, SwNodeOffset(0) );
if( pUndo && bRet )
pUndo->SaveNewBoxes( *pTableNd, aTmpLst );
GetIDocumentUndoRedo().AppendUndo( std::move(pUndo) );
return bRet;
* Deleting Columns/Rows
void SwDoc::DeleteRow( const SwCursor& rCursor )
// Find the Boxes via the Layout
SwSelBoxes aBoxes;
GetTableSel( rCursor, aBoxes, SwTableSearchType::Row );
if( ::HasProtectedCells( aBoxes ))
// Remove the Cursor from the to-be-deleted Section.
// The Cursor is placed after the table, except for
// - when there's another Line, we place it in that one
// - when a Line precedes it, we place it in that one
SwTableNode* pTableNd = rCursor.GetPointNode().FindTableNode();
if(dynamic_cast<const SwDDETable*>( & pTableNd->GetTable()) != nullptr)
// Find all Boxes/Lines
FndBox_ aFndBox( nullptr, nullptr );
FndPara aPara( aBoxes, &aFndBox );
ForEach_FndLineCopyCol( pTableNd->GetTable().GetTabLines(), &aPara );
if( aFndBox.GetLines().empty() )
if (SwEditShell* pESh = GetEditShell())
// FIXME: actually we should be iterating over all Shells!
FndBox_* pFndBox = &aFndBox;
while( 1 == pFndBox->GetLines().size() &&
1 == pFndBox->GetLines().front()->GetBoxes().size() )
FndBox_ *const pTmp = pFndBox->GetLines().front()->GetBoxes()[0].get();
if( pTmp->GetBox()->GetSttNd() )
break; // Else it gets too far
pFndBox = pTmp;
SwTableLine* pDelLine = pFndBox->GetLines().back()->GetLine();
SwTableBox* pDelBox = pDelLine->GetTabBoxes().back();
while( !pDelBox->GetSttNd() )
SwTableLine* pLn = pDelBox->GetTabLines()[
pDelBox->GetTabLines().size()-1 ];
pDelBox = pLn->GetTabBoxes().back();
SwTableBox* pNextBox = pDelLine->FindNextBox( pTableNd->GetTable(),
pDelBox );
while( pNextBox &&
pNextBox->GetFrameFormat()->GetProtect().IsContentProtected() )
pNextBox = pNextBox->FindNextBox( pTableNd->GetTable(), pNextBox );
if( !pNextBox ) // No succeeding Boxes? Then take the preceding one
pDelLine = pFndBox->GetLines().front()->GetLine();
pDelBox = pDelLine->GetTabBoxes()[ 0 ];
while( !pDelBox->GetSttNd() )
pDelBox = pDelBox->GetTabLines()[0]->GetTabBoxes()[0];
pNextBox = pDelLine->FindPreviousBox( pTableNd->GetTable(),
pDelBox );
while( pNextBox &&
pNextBox->GetFrameFormat()->GetProtect().IsContentProtected() )
pNextBox = pNextBox->FindPreviousBox( pTableNd->GetTable(), pNextBox );
SwNodeOffset nIdx;
if( pNextBox ) // Place the Cursor here
nIdx = pNextBox->GetSttIdx() + 1;
else // Else after the Table
nIdx = pTableNd->EndOfSectionIndex() + 1;
SwNodeIndex aIdx( GetNodes(), nIdx );
SwContentNode* pCNd = aIdx.GetNode().GetContentNode();
if( !pCNd )
pCNd = SwNodes::GoNext(&aIdx);
if( pCNd )
// Change the Shell's Cursor or the one passed?
SwPaM* pPam = const_cast<SwPaM*>(static_cast<SwPaM const *>(&rCursor));
pPam->SetMark(); // Both want a part of it
// Thus delete the Rows
GetIDocumentUndoRedo().StartUndo(SwUndoId::ROW_DELETE, nullptr);
DeleteRowCol( aBoxes );
GetIDocumentUndoRedo().EndUndo(SwUndoId::ROW_DELETE, nullptr);
void SwDoc::DeleteCol( const SwCursor& rCursor )
// Find the Boxes via the Layout
SwSelBoxes aBoxes;
GetTableSel( rCursor, aBoxes, SwTableSearchType::Col );
if( ::HasProtectedCells( aBoxes ))
// The Cursors need to be removed from the to-be-deleted range.
// Always place them after/on top of the Table; they are always set
// to the old position via the document position.
if (SwEditShell* pESh = GetEditShell())
const SwNode* pNd = rCursor.GetPointNode().FindTableBoxStartNode();
pESh->ParkCursor( *pNd );
// Thus delete the Columns
GetIDocumentUndoRedo().StartUndo(SwUndoId::COL_DELETE, nullptr);
DeleteRowCol(aBoxes, SwDoc::RowColMode::DeleteColumn);
GetIDocumentUndoRedo().EndUndo(SwUndoId::COL_DELETE, nullptr);
void SwDoc::DelTable(SwTableNode *const pTableNd)
// tdf#156267 remove DdeBookmarks before deleting nodes
SwPaM aTmpPaM(*pTableNd, *pTableNd->EndOfSectionNode());
SwDataChanged aTmp(aTmpPaM);
bool bNewTextNd = false;
// Is it alone in a FlyFrame?
SwNodeIndex aIdx( *pTableNd, -1 );
const SwStartNode* pSttNd = aIdx.GetNode().GetStartNode();
if (pSttNd)
const SwNodeOffset nTableEnd = pTableNd->EndOfSectionIndex() + 1;
const SwNodeOffset nSectEnd = pSttNd->EndOfSectionIndex();
if (nTableEnd == nSectEnd)
if (SwFlyStartNode == pSttNd->GetStartNodeType())
SwFrameFormat* pFormat = pSttNd->GetFlyFormat();
if (pFormat)
// That's the FlyFormat we're looking for
getIDocumentLayoutAccess().DelLayoutFormat( pFormat );
// No Fly? Thus Header or Footer: always leave a TextNode
// We can forget about Undo then!
bNewTextNd = true;
// No Fly? Then it is a Header or Footer, so keep always a TextNode
if (GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo())
SwPaM aPaM( *pTableNd->EndOfSectionNode(), aIdx.GetNode() );
if (bNewTextNd)
const SwNodeIndex aTmpIdx( *pTableNd->EndOfSectionNode(), 1 );
GetNodes().MakeTextNode( aTmpIdx.GetNode(),
getIDocumentStylePoolAccess().GetTextCollFromPool( RES_POOLCOLL_STANDARD ) );
// Save the cursors (UNO and otherwise)
SwPaM const* pSavePaM(nullptr);
SwPaM forwardPaM(*pTableNd->EndOfSectionNode());
if (forwardPaM.Move(fnMoveForward, GoInNode))
pSavePaM = &forwardPaM;
SwPaM backwardPaM(*pTableNd);
if (backwardPaM.Move(fnMoveBackward, GoInNode))
if (pSavePaM == nullptr
// try to stay in the same outer table cell
|| (forwardPaM.GetPoint()->GetNode().FindTableNode() != pTableNd->StartOfSectionNode()->FindTableNode()
&& forwardPaM.GetPoint()->GetNode().StartOfSectionIndex()
< backwardPaM.GetPoint()->GetNode().StartOfSectionIndex()))
pSavePaM = &backwardPaM;
assert(pSavePaM); // due to bNewTextNd this must succeed
SwPaM const tmpPaM(*pTableNd, *pTableNd->EndOfSectionNode());
::PaMCorrAbs(tmpPaM, *pSavePaM->GetPoint());
// Move hard PageBreaks to the succeeding Node
bool bSavePageBreak = false, bSavePageDesc = false;
SwNodeOffset nNextNd = pTableNd->EndOfSectionIndex()+1;
SwContentNode* pNextNd = GetNodes()[ nNextNd ]->GetContentNode();
if (pNextNd)
SwFrameFormat* pTableFormat = pTableNd->GetTable().GetFrameFormat();
const SfxPoolItem *pItem;
if (SfxItemState::SET == pTableFormat->GetItemState(RES_PAGEDESC,
false, &pItem))
pNextNd->SetAttr( *pItem );
bSavePageDesc = true;
if (SfxItemState::SET == pTableFormat->GetItemState(RES_BREAK,
false, &pItem))
pNextNd->SetAttr( *pItem );
bSavePageBreak = true;
std::unique_ptr<SwUndoDelete> pUndo(new SwUndoDelete(aPaM, SwDeleteFlags::Default));
if (bNewTextNd)
pUndo->SetPgBrkFlags( bSavePageBreak, bSavePageDesc );
GetIDocumentUndoRedo().AppendUndo( std::move(pUndo) );
if (bNewTextNd)
const SwNodeIndex aTmpIdx( *pTableNd->EndOfSectionNode(), 1 );
GetNodes().MakeTextNode( aTmpIdx.GetNode(),
getIDocumentStylePoolAccess().GetTextCollFromPool( RES_POOLCOLL_STANDARD ) );
// Save the cursors (UNO and otherwise)
SwPaM const* pSavePaM(nullptr);
SwPaM forwardPaM(*pTableNd->EndOfSectionNode());
if (forwardPaM.Move(fnMoveForward, GoInNode))
pSavePaM = &forwardPaM;
SwPaM backwardPaM(*pTableNd);
if (backwardPaM.Move(fnMoveBackward, GoInNode))
if (pSavePaM == nullptr
// try to stay in the same outer table cell
|| (forwardPaM.GetPoint()->GetNode().FindTableNode() != pTableNd->StartOfSectionNode()->FindTableNode()
&& forwardPaM.GetPoint()->GetNode().StartOfSectionIndex()
< backwardPaM.GetPoint()->GetNode().StartOfSectionIndex()))
pSavePaM = &backwardPaM;
assert(pSavePaM); // due to bNewTextNd this must succeed
SwPaM const tmpPaM(*pTableNd, *pTableNd->EndOfSectionNode());
::PaMCorrAbs(tmpPaM, *pSavePaM->GetPoint());
// Move hard PageBreaks to the succeeding Node
SwContentNode* pNextNd = GetNodes()[ pTableNd->EndOfSectionIndex()+1 ]->GetContentNode();
if (pNextNd)
SwFrameFormat* pTableFormat = pTableNd->GetTable().GetFrameFormat();
const SfxPoolItem *pItem;
if (SfxItemState::SET == pTableFormat->GetItemState(RES_PAGEDESC,
false, &pItem))
pNextNd->SetAttr( *pItem );
if (SfxItemState::SET == pTableFormat->GetItemState(RES_BREAK,
false, &pItem))
pNextNd->SetAttr( *pItem );
getIDocumentContentOperations().DeleteSection( pTableNd );
getIDocumentFieldsAccess().SetFieldsDirty( true, nullptr, SwNodeOffset(0) );
bool SwDoc::DeleteRowCol(const SwSelBoxes& rBoxes, RowColMode const eMode)
if (!(eMode & SwDoc::RowColMode::DeleteProtected)
&& ::HasProtectedCells(rBoxes))
return false;
OSL_ENSURE( !rBoxes.empty(), "No valid Box list" );
SwTableNode* pTableNd = const_cast<SwTableNode*>(rBoxes[0]->GetSttNd()->FindTableNode());
if( !pTableNd )
return false;
if (!(eMode & SwDoc::RowColMode::DeleteProtected)
&& dynamic_cast<const SwDDETable*>(&pTableNd->GetTable()) != nullptr)
return false;
::ClearFEShellTabCols(*this, nullptr);
SwSelBoxes aSelBoxes( rBoxes );
SwTable &rTable = pTableNd->GetTable();
tools::Long nMin = 0;
tools::Long nMax = 0;
if( rTable.IsNewModel() )
if (eMode & SwDoc::RowColMode::DeleteColumn)
rTable.ExpandColumnSelection( aSelBoxes, nMin, nMax );
rTable.FindSuperfluousRows( aSelBoxes );
// Are we deleting the whole Table?
const SwNodeOffset nTmpIdx1 = pTableNd->GetIndex();
const SwNodeOffset nTmpIdx2 = aSelBoxes.back()->GetSttNd()->EndOfSectionIndex() + 1;
if( pTableNd->GetTable().GetTabSortBoxes().size() == aSelBoxes.size() &&
aSelBoxes[0]->GetSttIdx()-1 == nTmpIdx1 &&
nTmpIdx2 == pTableNd->EndOfSectionIndex() )
return true;
std::unique_ptr<SwUndoTableNdsChg> pUndo;
if (GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo())
pUndo.reset(new SwUndoTableNdsChg( SwUndoId::TABLE_DELBOX, aSelBoxes, *pTableNd,
nMin, nMax, 0, false, false ));
bool bRet(false);
::sw::UndoGuard const undoGuard(GetIDocumentUndoRedo());
if (rTable.IsNewModel())
if (eMode & SwDoc::RowColMode::DeleteColumn)
rTable.PrepareDeleteCol( nMin, nMax );
rTable.FindSuperfluousRows( aSelBoxes );
if (pUndo)
pUndo->ReNewBoxes( aSelBoxes );
bRet = rTable.DeleteSel( this, aSelBoxes, nullptr, pUndo.get(), true, true );
if (bRet)
if (SwFEShell* pFEShell = GetDocShell()->GetFEShell())
if (officecfg::Office::Writer::Table::Change::ApplyTableAutoFormat::get())
getIDocumentFieldsAccess().SetFieldsDirty( true, nullptr, SwNodeOffset(0) );
if( pUndo && bRet )
GetIDocumentUndoRedo().AppendUndo( std::move(pUndo) );
return bRet;
* Split up/merge Boxes in the Table
bool SwDoc::SplitTable( const SwSelBoxes& rBoxes, bool bVert, sal_uInt16 nCnt,
bool bSameHeight )
OSL_ENSURE( !rBoxes.empty() && nCnt, "No valid Box list" );
SwTableNode* pTableNd = const_cast<SwTableNode*>(rBoxes[0]->GetSttNd()->FindTableNode());
if( !pTableNd )
return false;
SwTable& rTable = pTableNd->GetTable();
if( dynamic_cast<const SwDDETable*>( &rTable) != nullptr)
return false;
std::vector<SwNodeOffset> aNdsCnts;
SwTableSortBoxes aTmpLst;
std::unique_ptr<SwUndoTableNdsChg> pUndo;
if (GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo())
pUndo.reset(new SwUndoTableNdsChg( SwUndoId::TABLE_SPLIT, rBoxes, *pTableNd, 0, 0,
nCnt, bVert, bSameHeight ));
aTmpLst.insert( rTable.GetTabSortBoxes() );
if( !bVert )
for (size_t n = 0; n < rBoxes.size(); ++n)
const SwStartNode* pSttNd = rBoxes[ n ]->GetSttNd();
aNdsCnts.push_back( pSttNd->EndOfSectionIndex() -
pSttNd->GetIndex() );
bool bRet(false);
::sw::UndoGuard const undoGuard(GetIDocumentUndoRedo());
if (bVert)
bRet = rTable.SplitCol(*this, rBoxes, nCnt);
bRet = rTable.SplitRow(*this, rBoxes, nCnt, bSameHeight);
if (bRet)
if (SwFEShell* pFEShell = GetDocShell()->GetFEShell())
if (officecfg::Office::Writer::Table::Change::ApplyTableAutoFormat::get())
getIDocumentFieldsAccess().SetFieldsDirty( true, nullptr, SwNodeOffset(0) );
if( pUndo && bRet )
if( bVert )
pUndo->SaveNewBoxes( *pTableNd, aTmpLst );
pUndo->SaveNewBoxes( *pTableNd, aTmpLst, rBoxes, aNdsCnts );
GetIDocumentUndoRedo().AppendUndo( std::move(pUndo) );
return bRet;
TableMergeErr SwDoc::MergeTable( SwPaM& rPam )
// Check if the current cursor's Point/Mark are inside a Table
SwTableNode* pTableNd = rPam.GetPointNode().FindTableNode();
if( !pTableNd )
return TableMergeErr::NoSelection;
SwTable& rTable = pTableNd->GetTable();
if( dynamic_cast<const SwDDETable*>( &rTable) != nullptr )
return TableMergeErr::NoSelection;
TableMergeErr nRet = TableMergeErr::NoSelection;
if( !rTable.IsNewModel() )
nRet =::CheckMergeSel( rPam );
if( TableMergeErr::Ok != nRet )
return nRet;
nRet = TableMergeErr::NoSelection;
// #i33394#
GetIDocumentUndoRedo().StartUndo( SwUndoId::TABLE_MERGE, nullptr );
RedlineFlags eOld = getIDocumentRedlineAccess().GetRedlineFlags();
getIDocumentRedlineAccess().SetRedlineFlags_intern(eOld | RedlineFlags::Ignore);
std::unique_ptr<SwUndoTableMerge> pUndo;
if (GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo())
pUndo.reset(new SwUndoTableMerge( rPam ));
// Find the Boxes via the Layout
SwSelBoxes aBoxes;
SwSelBoxes aMerged;
SwTableBox* pMergeBox;
if( !rTable.PrepareMerge( rPam, aBoxes, aMerged, &pMergeBox, pUndo.get() ) )
{ // No cells found to merge
getIDocumentRedlineAccess().SetRedlineFlags_intern( eOld );
if( pUndo )
SwUndoId nLastUndoId(SwUndoId::EMPTY);
if (GetIDocumentUndoRedo().GetLastUndoInfo(nullptr, & nLastUndoId)
&& (SwUndoId::REDLINE == nLastUndoId))
// FIXME: why is this horrible cleanup necessary?
SwUndoRedline *const pU = dynamic_cast<SwUndoRedline*>(
if (pU && pU->GetRedlSaveCount())
SwEditShell *const pEditShell(GetEditShell());
::sw::UndoRedoContext context(*this, *pEditShell);
static_cast<SfxUndoAction *>(pU)->UndoWithContext(context);
delete pU;
// The PaMs need to be removed from the to-be-deleted range. Thus always place
// them at the end of/on top of the Table; it's always set to the old position via
// the Document Position.
// For a start remember an index for the temporary position, because we cannot
// access it after GetMergeSel
SwPaM* pTmp = &rPam;
while( &rPam != ( pTmp = pTmp->GetNext() ))
for( int i = 0; i < 2; ++i )
pTmp->GetBound( static_cast<bool>(i) ) = *rPam.GetPoint();
if (SwTableCursor* pTableCursor = dynamic_cast<SwTableCursor*>(&rPam))
// tdf#135098 update selection so rPam's m_SelectedBoxes is updated
// to not contain the soon to-be-deleted SwTableBox so if the rPam
// is queried via a11y it doesn't claim the deleted cell still
// exists
// Merge them
if( pTableNd->GetTable().Merge( this, aBoxes, aMerged, pMergeBox, pUndo.get() ))
nRet = TableMergeErr::Ok;
getIDocumentFieldsAccess().SetFieldsDirty( true, nullptr, SwNodeOffset(0) );
if( pUndo )
GetIDocumentUndoRedo().AppendUndo( std::move(pUndo) );
rPam.GetPoint()->Assign( *pMergeBox->GetSttNd() );
::ClearFEShellTabCols(*this, nullptr);
getIDocumentRedlineAccess().SetRedlineFlags_intern( eOld );
GetIDocumentUndoRedo().EndUndo( SwUndoId::TABLE_MERGE, nullptr );
return nRet;
SwTableNode::SwTableNode( const SwNode& rWhere )
: SwStartNode( rWhere, SwNodeType::Table )
m_pTable.reset(new SwTable);
// Notify UNO wrappers
m_pTable->SetTableNode(this); // set this so that ~SwDDETable can read it!
SwTabFrame *SwTableNode::MakeFrame( SwFrame* pSib )
return new SwTabFrame( *m_pTable, pSib );
* Creates all Views from the Document for the preceding Node. The resulting ContentFrames
* are added to the corresponding Layout.
void SwTableNode::MakeFramesForAdjacentContentNode(const SwNodeIndex & rIdx)
if( !GetTable().GetFrameFormat()->HasWriterListeners()) // Do we actually have Frame?
SwFrame *pFrame;
SwContentNode * pNode = rIdx.GetNode().GetContentNode();
assert(pNode && "No ContentNode or CopyNode and new Node is identical");
bool bBefore = rIdx < GetIndex();
SwNode2Layout aNode2Layout( *this, rIdx.GetIndex() );
while( nullptr != (pFrame = aNode2Layout.NextFrame()) )
if ( ( pFrame->getRootFrame()->HasMergedParas() &&
!pNode->IsCreateFrameWhenHidingRedlines() ) ||
// tdf#153819 table deletion with change tracking:
// table node without frames in Hide Changes mode
!pFrame->GetUpper() )
SwFrame *pNew = pNode->MakeFrame( pFrame );
// Will the Node receive Frames before or after?
if ( bBefore )
// The new one precedes me
pNew->Paste( pFrame->GetUpper(), pFrame );
// The new one succeeds me
pNew->Paste( pFrame->GetUpper(), pFrame->GetNext() );
* Create a TableFrame for every Shell and insert before the corresponding ContentFrame.
void SwTableNode::MakeOwnFrames(SwPosition* pIdxBehind)
SwNode *pNd = GetNodes().FindPrvNxtFrameNode( *this, EndOfSectionNode() );
if( !pNd )
if (pIdxBehind)
if (pIdxBehind)
SwFrame *pFrame( nullptr );
SwLayoutFrame *pUpper( nullptr );
SwNode2Layout aNode2Layout( *pNd, GetIndex() );
while( nullptr != (pUpper = aNode2Layout.UpperFrame( pFrame, *this )) )
if (pUpper->getRootFrame()->HasMergedParas()
&& !IsCreateFrameWhenHidingRedlines())
SwTabFrame* pNew = MakeFrame( pUpper );
pNew->Paste( pUpper, pFrame );
// #i27138#
// notify accessibility paragraphs objects about changed
// Relation CONTENT_FLOWS_FROM for next paragraph will change
// and relation CONTENT_FLOWS_TO for previous paragraph will change.
SwViewShell* pViewShell( pNew->getRootFrame()->GetCurrShell() );
if ( pViewShell && pViewShell->GetLayout() &&
pViewShell->GetLayout()->IsAnyShellAccessible() )
auto pNext = pNew->FindNextCnt( true );
auto pPrev = pNew->FindPrevCnt();
pNext ? pNext->DynCastTextFrame() : nullptr,
pPrev ? pPrev->DynCastTextFrame() : nullptr );
void SwTableNode::DelFrames(SwRootFrame const*const pLayout)
/* For a start, cut out and delete the TabFrames (which will also delete the Columns and Rows)
The TabFrames are attached to the FrameFormat of the SwTable.
We need to delete them in a more cumbersome way, for the Master to also delete the Follows. */
SwIterator<SwTabFrame,SwFormat> aIter( *(m_pTable->GetFrameFormat()) );
SwTabFrame *pFrame = aIter.First();
while ( pFrame )
bool bAgain = false;
if (!pFrame->IsFollow() && (!pLayout || pLayout == pFrame->getRootFrame()))
while ( pFrame->HasFollow() )
// #i27138#
// notify accessibility paragraphs objects about changed
// Relation CONTENT_FLOWS_FROM for current next paragraph will change
// and relation CONTENT_FLOWS_TO for current previous paragraph will change.
if (!GetDoc().IsInDtor())
SwViewShell* pViewShell( pFrame->getRootFrame()->GetCurrShell() );
if ( pViewShell && pViewShell->GetLayout() &&
pViewShell->GetLayout()->IsAnyShellAccessible() )
auto pNext = pFrame->FindNextCnt( true );
auto pPrev = pFrame->FindPrevCnt();
pNext ? pNext->DynCastTextFrame() : nullptr,
pPrev ? pPrev->DynCastTextFrame() : nullptr );
if (pFrame->GetUpper())
bAgain = true;
pFrame = bAgain ? aIter.First() : aIter.Next();
void SwTableNode::SetNewTable( std::unique_ptr<SwTable> pNewTable, bool bNewFrames )
m_pTable = std::move(pNewTable);
if( bNewFrames )
void SwTableNode::RemoveRedlines()
SwDoc& rDoc = GetDoc();
SwTable& rTable = GetTable();
rDoc.getIDocumentRedlineAccess().GetExtraRedlineTable().DeleteAllTableRedlines(rDoc, rTable, true, RedlineType::Any);
void SwTableNode::dumpAsXml(xmlTextWriterPtr pWriter) const
(void)xmlTextWriterStartElement(pWriter, BAD_CAST("SwTableNode"));
(void)xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(pWriter, BAD_CAST("ptr"), "%p", this);
(void)xmlTextWriterWriteAttribute(pWriter, BAD_CAST("index"), BAD_CAST(OString::number(sal_Int32(GetIndex())).getStr()));
if (m_pTable)
// (void)xmlTextWriterEndElement(pWriter); - it is a start node, so don't end, will make xml better nested
void SwDoc::GetTabCols( SwTabCols &rFill, const SwCellFrame* pBoxFrame )
OSL_ENSURE( pBoxFrame, "pBoxFrame needs to be specified!" );
if( !pBoxFrame )
SwTabFrame *pTab = const_cast<SwFrame*>(static_cast<SwFrame const *>(pBoxFrame))->ImplFindTabFrame();
const SwTableBox* pBox = pBoxFrame->GetTabBox();
// Set fixed points, LeftMin in Document coordinates, all others relative
SwRectFnSet aRectFnSet(pTab);
const SwPageFrame* pPage = pTab->FindPageFrame();
const sal_uLong nLeftMin = aRectFnSet.GetLeft(pTab->getFrameArea()) -
const sal_uLong nRightMax = aRectFnSet.GetRight(pTab->getFrameArea()) -
rFill.SetLeftMin ( nLeftMin );
rFill.SetLeft ( aRectFnSet.GetLeft(pTab->getFramePrintArea()) );
rFill.SetRight ( aRectFnSet.GetRight(pTab->getFramePrintArea()));
rFill.SetRightMax( nRightMax - nLeftMin );
pTab->GetTable()->GetTabCols( rFill, pBox );
// Here are some little helpers used in SwDoc::GetTabRows
#define ROWFUZZY 25
namespace {
struct FuzzyCompare
bool operator() ( tools::Long s1, tools::Long s2 ) const;
bool FuzzyCompare::operator() ( tools::Long s1, tools::Long s2 ) const
return ( s1 < s2 && std::abs( s1 - s2 ) > ROWFUZZY );
static bool lcl_IsFrameInColumn( const SwCellFrame& rFrame, SwSelBoxes const & rBoxes )
for (size_t i = 0; i < rBoxes.size(); ++i)
if ( rFrame.GetTabBox() == rBoxes[ i ] )
return true;
return false;
void SwDoc::GetTabRows( SwTabCols &rFill, const SwCellFrame* pBoxFrame )
OSL_ENSURE( pBoxFrame, "GetTabRows called without pBoxFrame" );
// Make code robust:
if ( !pBoxFrame )
// #i39552# Collection of the boxes of the current
// column has to be done at the beginning of this function, because
// the table may be formatted in ::GetTableSel.
SwDeletionChecker aDelCheck( pBoxFrame );
SwSelBoxes aBoxes;
const SwContentFrame* pContent = ::GetCellContent( *pBoxFrame );
if ( pContent && pContent->IsTextFrame() )
const SwPosition aPos(*static_cast<const SwTextFrame*>(pContent)->GetTextNodeFirst());
const SwCursor aTmpCursor( aPos, nullptr );
::GetTableSel( aTmpCursor, aBoxes, SwTableSearchType::Col );
// Make code robust:
if ( aDelCheck.HasBeenDeleted() )
OSL_FAIL( "Current box has been deleted during GetTabRows()" );
// Make code robust:
const SwTabFrame* pTab = pBoxFrame->FindTabFrame();
OSL_ENSURE( pTab, "GetTabRows called without a table" );
if ( !pTab )
const SwFrame* pFrame = pTab->GetNextLayoutLeaf();
// Set fixed points, LeftMin in Document coordinates, all others relative
SwRectFnSet aRectFnSet(pTab);
const SwPageFrame* pPage = pTab->FindPageFrame();
const tools::Long nLeftMin = ( aRectFnSet.IsVert() ?
pTab->GetPrtLeft() - pPage->getFrameArea().Left() :
pTab->GetPrtTop() - pPage->getFrameArea().Top() );
const tools::Long nLeft = aRectFnSet.IsVert() ? LONG_MAX : 0;
const tools::Long nRight = aRectFnSet.GetHeight(pTab->getFramePrintArea());
const tools::Long nRightMax = aRectFnSet.IsVert() ? nRight : LONG_MAX;
rFill.SetLeftMin( nLeftMin );
rFill.SetLeft( nLeft );
rFill.SetRight( nRight );
rFill.SetRightMax( nRightMax );
typedef std::map< tools::Long, std::pair< tools::Long, long >, FuzzyCompare > BoundaryMap;
BoundaryMap aBoundaries;
BoundaryMap::iterator aIter;
std::pair< tools::Long, long > aPair;
typedef std::map< tools::Long, bool > HiddenMap;
HiddenMap aHidden;
HiddenMap::iterator aHiddenIter;
while ( pFrame && pTab->IsAnLower( pFrame ) )
if ( pFrame->IsCellFrame() && pFrame->FindTabFrame() == pTab )
// upper and lower borders of current cell frame:
tools::Long nUpperBorder = aRectFnSet.GetTop(pFrame->getFrameArea());
tools::Long nLowerBorder = aRectFnSet.GetBottom(pFrame->getFrameArea());
// get boundaries for nUpperBorder:
aIter = aBoundaries.find( nUpperBorder );
if ( aIter == aBoundaries.end() )
aPair.first = nUpperBorder; aPair.second = LONG_MAX;
aBoundaries[ nUpperBorder ] = aPair;
// get boundaries for nLowerBorder:
aIter = aBoundaries.find( nLowerBorder );
if ( aIter == aBoundaries.end() )
aPair.first = nUpperBorder; aPair.second = LONG_MAX;
nLowerBorder = (*aIter).first;
tools::Long nNewLowerBorderUpperBoundary = std::max( (*aIter).second.first, nUpperBorder );
aPair.first = nNewLowerBorderUpperBoundary; aPair.second = LONG_MAX;
aBoundaries[ nLowerBorder ] = aPair;
// calculate hidden flags for entry nUpperBorder/nLowerBorder:
tools::Long nTmpVal = nUpperBorder;
for ( sal_uInt8 i = 0; i < 2; ++i )
aHiddenIter = aHidden.find( nTmpVal );
if ( aHiddenIter == aHidden.end() )
aHidden[ nTmpVal ] = !lcl_IsFrameInColumn( *static_cast<const SwCellFrame*>(pFrame), aBoxes );
if ( aHidden[ nTmpVal ] &&
lcl_IsFrameInColumn( *static_cast<const SwCellFrame*>(pFrame), aBoxes ) )
aHidden[ nTmpVal ] = false;
nTmpVal = nLowerBorder;
pFrame = pFrame->GetNextLayoutLeaf();
// transfer calculated values from BoundaryMap and HiddenMap into rFill:
size_t nIdx = 0;
for ( const auto& rEntry : aBoundaries )
const tools::Long nTabTop = aRectFnSet.GetPrtTop(*pTab);
const tools::Long nKey = aRectFnSet.YDiff( rEntry.first, nTabTop );
const std::pair< tools::Long, long > aTmpPair = rEntry.second;
const tools::Long nFirst = aRectFnSet.YDiff( aTmpPair.first, nTabTop );
const tools::Long nSecond = aTmpPair.second;
aHiddenIter = aHidden.find( rEntry.first );
const bool bHidden = aHiddenIter != aHidden.end() && (*aHiddenIter).second;
rFill.Insert( nKey, nFirst, nSecond, bHidden, nIdx++ );
// delete first and last entry
OSL_ENSURE( rFill.Count(), "Deleting from empty vector. Fasten your seatbelts!" );
// #i60818# There may be only one entry in rFill. Make
// code robust by checking count of rFill.
if ( rFill.Count() ) rFill.Remove( 0 );
if ( rFill.Count() ) rFill.Remove( rFill.Count() - 1 );
rFill.SetLastRowAllowedToChange( !pTab->HasFollowFlowLine() );
void SwDoc::SetTabCols( const SwTabCols &rNew, bool bCurRowOnly,
const SwCellFrame* pBoxFrame )
const SwTableBox* pBox = nullptr;
SwTabFrame *pTab = nullptr;
if( pBoxFrame )
pTab = const_cast<SwFrame*>(static_cast<SwFrame const *>(pBoxFrame))->ImplFindTabFrame();
pBox = pBoxFrame->GetTabBox();
OSL_ENSURE( false, "must specify pBoxFrame" );
return ;
// If the Table is still using relative values (USHRT_MAX)
// we need to switch to absolute ones.
SwTable& rTab = *pTab->GetTable();
const SwFormatFrameSize& rTableFrameSz = rTab.GetFrameFormat()->GetFrameSize();
SwRectFnSet aRectFnSet(pTab);
// #i17174# - With fix for #i9040# the shadow size is taken
// from the table width. Thus, add its left and right size to current table
// printing area width in order to get the correct table size attribute.
SwTwips nPrtWidth = aRectFnSet.GetWidth(pTab->getFramePrintArea());
SvxShadowItem aShadow( rTab.GetFrameFormat()->GetShadow() );
nPrtWidth += aShadow.CalcShadowSpace( SvxShadowItemSide::LEFT ) +
aShadow.CalcShadowSpace( SvxShadowItemSide::RIGHT );
if( nPrtWidth != rTableFrameSz.GetWidth() )
SwFormatFrameSize aSz( rTableFrameSz );
aSz.SetWidth( nPrtWidth );
rTab.GetFrameFormat()->SetFormatAttr( aSz );
SwTabCols aOld( rNew.Count() );
const SwPageFrame* pPage = pTab->FindPageFrame();
const sal_uLong nLeftMin = aRectFnSet.GetLeft(pTab->getFrameArea()) -
const sal_uLong nRightMax = aRectFnSet.GetRight(pTab->getFrameArea()) -
// Set fixed points, LeftMin in Document coordinates, all others relative
aOld.SetLeftMin ( nLeftMin );
aOld.SetLeft ( aRectFnSet.GetLeft(pTab->getFramePrintArea()) );
aOld.SetRight ( aRectFnSet.GetRight(pTab->getFramePrintArea()));
aOld.SetRightMax( nRightMax - nLeftMin );
rTab.GetTabCols( aOld, pBox );
SetTabCols(rTab, rNew, aOld, pBox, bCurRowOnly );
void SwDoc::SetTabRows( const SwTabCols &rNew, bool bCurColOnly,
const SwCellFrame* pBoxFrame )
SwTabFrame *pTab = nullptr;
if( pBoxFrame )
pTab = const_cast<SwFrame*>(static_cast<SwFrame const *>(pBoxFrame))->ImplFindTabFrame();
OSL_ENSURE( false, "must specify pBoxFrame" );
return ;
// If the Table is still using relative values (USHRT_MAX)
// we need to switch to absolute ones.
SwRectFnSet aRectFnSet(pTab);
SwTabCols aOld( rNew.Count() );
// Set fixed points, LeftMin in Document coordinates, all others relative
const SwPageFrame* pPage = pTab->FindPageFrame();
aOld.SetRight( aRectFnSet.GetHeight(pTab->getFramePrintArea()) );
tools::Long nLeftMin;
if ( aRectFnSet.IsVert() )
nLeftMin = pTab->GetPrtLeft() - pPage->getFrameArea().Left();
aOld.SetLeft ( LONG_MAX );
aOld.SetRightMax( aOld.GetRight() );
nLeftMin = pTab->GetPrtTop() - pPage->getFrameArea().Top();
aOld.SetLeft ( 0 );
aOld.SetRightMax( LONG_MAX );
aOld.SetLeftMin ( nLeftMin );
GetTabRows( aOld, pBoxFrame );
GetIDocumentUndoRedo().StartUndo( SwUndoId::TABLE_ATTR, nullptr );
// check for differences between aOld and rNew:
const size_t nCount = rNew.Count();
const SwTable* pTable = pTab->GetTable();
OSL_ENSURE( pTable, "My colleague told me, this couldn't happen" );
for ( size_t i = 0; i <= nCount; ++i )
const size_t nIdxStt = aRectFnSet.IsVert() ? nCount - i : i - 1;
const size_t nIdxEnd = aRectFnSet.IsVert() ? nCount - i - 1 : i;
const tools::Long nOldRowStart = i == 0 ? 0 : aOld[ nIdxStt ];
const tools::Long nOldRowEnd = i == nCount ? aOld.GetRight() : aOld[ nIdxEnd ];
const tools::Long nOldRowHeight = nOldRowEnd - nOldRowStart;
const tools::Long nNewRowStart = i == 0 ? 0 : rNew[ nIdxStt ];
const tools::Long nNewRowEnd = i == nCount ? rNew.GetRight() : rNew[ nIdxEnd ];
const tools::Long nNewRowHeight = nNewRowEnd - nNewRowStart;
const tools::Long nDiff = nNewRowHeight - nOldRowHeight;
if ( std::abs( nDiff ) >= ROWFUZZY )
// For the old table model pTextFrame and pLine will be set for every box.
// For the new table model pTextFrame will be set if the box is not covered,
// but the pLine will be set if the box is not an overlapping box
// In the new table model the row height can be adjusted,
// when both variables are set.
const SwTextFrame* pTextFrame = nullptr;
const SwTableLine* pLine = nullptr;
// Iterate over all SwCellFrames with Bottom = nOldPos
const SwFrame* pFrame = pTab->GetNextLayoutLeaf();
while ( pFrame && pTab->IsAnLower( pFrame ) )
if ( pFrame->IsCellFrame() && pFrame->FindTabFrame() == pTab )
const tools::Long nLowerBorder = aRectFnSet.GetBottom(pFrame->getFrameArea());
const sal_uLong nTabTop = aRectFnSet.GetPrtTop(*pTab);
if ( std::abs( aRectFnSet.YInc( nTabTop, nOldRowEnd ) - nLowerBorder ) <= ROWFUZZY )
if ( !bCurColOnly || pFrame == pBoxFrame )
const SwFrame* pContent = ::GetCellContent( static_cast<const SwCellFrame&>(*pFrame) );
if ( pContent && pContent->IsTextFrame() )
const SwTableBox* pBox = static_cast<const SwCellFrame*>(pFrame)->GetTabBox();
const sal_Int32 nRowSpan = pBox->getRowSpan();
if( nRowSpan > 0 ) // Not overlapped
pTextFrame = static_cast<const SwTextFrame*>(pContent);
if( nRowSpan < 2 ) // Not overlapping for row height
pLine = pBox->GetUpper();
if( pLine && pTextFrame ) // always for old table model
// The new row height must not to be calculated from an overlapping box
SwFormatFrameSize aNew( pLine->GetFrameFormat()->GetFrameSize() );
const tools::Long nNewSize = aRectFnSet.GetHeight(pFrame->getFrameArea()) + nDiff;
if( nNewSize != aNew.GetHeight() )
aNew.SetHeight( nNewSize );
if ( SwFrameSize::Variable == aNew.GetHeightSizeType() )
aNew.SetHeightSizeType( SwFrameSize::Minimum );
// This position must not be in an overlapped box
const SwPosition aPos(*static_cast<const SwTextFrame*>(pContent)->GetTextNodeFirst());
const SwCursor aTmpCursor( aPos, nullptr );
SetRowHeight( aTmpCursor, aNew );
// For the new table model we're done, for the old one
// there might be another (sub)row to adjust...
if( pTable->IsNewModel() )
pLine = nullptr;
pFrame = pFrame->GetNextLayoutLeaf();
GetIDocumentUndoRedo().EndUndo( SwUndoId::TABLE_ATTR, nullptr );
::ClearFEShellTabCols(*this, nullptr);
* Direct access for UNO
void SwDoc::SetTabCols(SwTable& rTab, const SwTabCols &rNew, const SwTabCols &rOld,
const SwTableBox *pStart, bool bCurRowOnly )
if (GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo())
std::make_unique<SwUndoAttrTable>( *rTab.GetTableNode(), true ));
rTab.SetTabCols( rNew, rOld, pStart, bCurRowOnly );
::ClearFEShellTabCols(*this, nullptr);
void SwDoc::SetRowsToRepeat( SwTable &rTable, sal_uInt16 nSet )
if( nSet == rTable.GetRowsToRepeat() )
if (GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo())
std::make_unique<SwUndoTableHeadline>(rTable, rTable.GetRowsToRepeat(), nSet) );
void SwCollectTableLineBoxes::AddToUndoHistory( const SwContentNode& rNd )
if( m_pHistory )
m_pHistory->AddColl(rNd.GetFormatColl(), rNd.GetIndex(), SwNodeType::Text);
void SwCollectTableLineBoxes::AddBox( const SwTableBox& rBox )
SwTableBox* p = const_cast<SwTableBox*>(&rBox);
m_nWidth = m_nWidth + o3tl::narrowing<sal_uInt16>(rBox.GetFrameFormat()->GetFrameSize().GetWidth());
const SwTableBox* SwCollectTableLineBoxes::GetBoxOfPos( const SwTableBox& rBox )
size_t nCount = m_aPositionArr.size();
if (nCount == 0)
return nullptr;
std::vector<sal_uInt16>::size_type n;
for (n = 0; n < nCount; ++n)
if( m_aPositionArr[ n ] == m_nWidth )
else if( m_aPositionArr[ n ] > m_nWidth )
if( n )
if (n >= nCount)
m_nWidth = m_nWidth + o3tl::narrowing<sal_uInt16>(rBox.GetFrameFormat()->GetFrameSize().GetWidth());
return m_Boxes[ n ];
bool SwCollectTableLineBoxes::Resize( sal_uInt16 nOffset, sal_uInt16 nOldWidth )
if( !m_aPositionArr.empty() )
std::vector<sal_uInt16>::size_type n;
for( n = 0; n < m_aPositionArr.size(); ++n )
if( m_aPositionArr[ n ] == nOffset )
else if( m_aPositionArr[ n ] > nOffset )
if( n )
m_aPositionArr.erase( m_aPositionArr.begin(), m_aPositionArr.begin() + n );
m_Boxes.erase(m_Boxes.begin(), m_Boxes.begin() + n);
size_t nArrSize = m_aPositionArr.size();
if (nArrSize)
if (nOldWidth == 0)
throw o3tl::divide_by_zero();
// Adapt the positions to the new Size
for( n = 0; n < nArrSize; ++n )
sal_uLong nSize = m_nWidth;
nSize *= ( m_aPositionArr[ n ] - nOffset );
nSize /= nOldWidth;
m_aPositionArr[ n ] = sal_uInt16( nSize );
return !m_aPositionArr.empty();
bool sw_Line_CollectBox( const SwTableLine*& rpLine, void* pPara )
SwCollectTableLineBoxes* pSplPara = static_cast<SwCollectTableLineBoxes*>(pPara);
if( pSplPara->IsGetValues() )
for( const auto& rpBox : const_cast<SwTableLine*>(rpLine)->GetTabBoxes() )
sw_Box_CollectBox(rpBox, pSplPara );
for( auto& rpBox : const_cast<SwTableLine*>(rpLine)->GetTabBoxes() )
sw_BoxSetSplitBoxFormats(rpBox, pSplPara );
return true;
void sw_Box_CollectBox( const SwTableBox* pBox, SwCollectTableLineBoxes* pSplPara )
auto nLen = pBox->GetTabLines().size();
if( nLen )
// Continue with the actual Line
if( pSplPara->IsGetFromTop() )
nLen = 0;
const SwTableLine* pLn = pBox->GetTabLines()[ nLen ];
sw_Line_CollectBox( pLn, pSplPara );
pSplPara->AddBox( *pBox );
void sw_BoxSetSplitBoxFormats( SwTableBox* pBox, SwCollectTableLineBoxes* pSplPara )
auto nLen = pBox->GetTabLines().size();
if( nLen )
// Continue with the actual Line
if( pSplPara->IsGetFromTop() )
nLen = 0;
const SwTableLine* pLn = pBox->GetTabLines()[ nLen ];
sw_Line_CollectBox( pLn, pSplPara );
const SwTableBox* pSrcBox = pSplPara->GetBoxOfPos( *pBox );
SwFrameFormat* pFormat = pSrcBox->GetFrameFormat();
if( SplitTable_HeadlineOption::BorderCopy == pSplPara->GetMode() )
const SvxBoxItem& rBoxItem = pBox->GetFrameFormat()->GetBox();
if( !rBoxItem.GetTop() )
SvxBoxItem aNew( rBoxItem );
aNew.SetLine( pFormat->GetBox().GetBottom(), SvxBoxItemLine::TOP );
if( aNew != rBoxItem )
pBox->ClaimFrameFormat()->SetFormatAttr( aNew );
aTmpSet( pFormat->GetDoc()->GetAttrPool() );
aTmpSet.Put( pFormat->GetAttrSet() );
if( aTmpSet.Count() )
pBox->ClaimFrameFormat()->SetFormatAttr( aTmpSet );
if( SplitTable_HeadlineOption::BoxAttrAllCopy == pSplPara->GetMode() )
SwNodeIndex aIdx( *pSrcBox->GetSttNd(), 1 );
SwContentNode* pCNd = aIdx.GetNode().GetContentNode();
if( !pCNd )
pCNd = SwNodes::GoNext(&aIdx);
aIdx = *pBox->GetSttNd();
SwContentNode* pDNd = SwNodes::GoNext(&aIdx);
// If the Node is alone in the Section
if( SwNodeOffset(2) == pDNd->EndOfSectionIndex() -
pDNd->StartOfSectionIndex() )
pSplPara->AddToUndoHistory( *pDNd );
pDNd->ChgFormatColl( pCNd->GetFormatColl() );
// note conditional template
* Splits a Table in the top-level Line which contains the Index.
* All succeeding top-level Lines go into a new Table/Node.
* @param bCalcNewSize true
* Calculate the new Size for both from the
* Boxes' Max; but only if Size is using absolute
* values (USHRT_MAX)
void SwDoc::SplitTable( const SwPosition& rPos, SplitTable_HeadlineOption eHdlnMode,
bool bCalcNewSize )
SwNode* pNd = &rPos.GetNode();
SwTableNode* pTNd = pNd->FindTableNode();
if( !pTNd || pNd->IsTableNode() )
if( dynamic_cast<const SwDDETable*>( &pTNd->GetTable() ) != nullptr)
SwTable& rTable = pTNd->GetTable();
rTable.SetHTMLTableLayout(std::shared_ptr<SwHTMLTableLayout>()); // Delete HTML Layout
SwHistory aHistory;
SwNodeOffset nSttIdx = pNd->FindTableBoxStartNode()->GetIndex();
// Find top-level Line
SwTableBox* pBox = rTable.GetTableBox(nSttIdx);
sal_uInt16 nSplitLine = 0;
SwTableLine* pLine = pBox->GetUpper();
pLine = pLine->GetUpper()->GetUpper();
// pLine contains the top-level Line now
nSplitLine = rTable.GetTabLines().GetPos(pLine);
rTable.Split(GetUniqueTableName(), nSplitLine, GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo() ? &aHistory : nullptr);
// Find Lines for the Layout update
FndBox_ aFndBox( nullptr, nullptr );
aFndBox.SetTableLines( rTable );
aFndBox.DelFrames( rTable );
SwTableNode* pNew = GetNodes().SplitTable( rPos.GetNode(), false, bCalcNewSize );
if( pNew )
std::unique_ptr<SwSaveRowSpan> pSaveRowSp = pNew->GetTable().CleanUpTopRowSpan( rTable.GetTabLines().size() );
SwUndoSplitTable* pUndo = nullptr;
if (GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo())
pUndo = new SwUndoSplitTable(
*pNew, std::move(pSaveRowSp), eHdlnMode, bCalcNewSize);
if( aHistory.Count() )
pUndo->SaveFormula( aHistory );
switch( eHdlnMode )
// Set the lower Border of the preceding Line to
// the upper Border of the current one
case SplitTable_HeadlineOption::BorderCopy:
SwCollectTableLineBoxes aPara( false, eHdlnMode );
SwTableLine* pLn = rTable.GetTabLines()[
rTable.GetTabLines().size() - 1 ];
for( const auto& rpBox : pLn->GetTabBoxes() )
sw_Box_CollectBox(rpBox, &aPara );
aPara.SetValues( true );
pLn = pNew->GetTable().GetTabLines()[ 0 ];
for( auto& rpBox : pLn->GetTabBoxes() )
sw_BoxSetSplitBoxFormats(rpBox, &aPara );
// Switch off repeating Header
pNew->GetTable().SetRowsToRepeat( 0 );
// Take over the Attributes of the first Line to the new one
case SplitTable_HeadlineOption::BoxAttrCopy:
case SplitTable_HeadlineOption::BoxAttrAllCopy:
SwHistory* pHst = nullptr;
if( SplitTable_HeadlineOption::BoxAttrAllCopy == eHdlnMode && pUndo )
pHst = pUndo->GetHistory();
SwCollectTableLineBoxes aPara( true, eHdlnMode, pHst );
SwTableLine* pLn = rTable.GetTabLines()[ 0 ];
for( const auto& rpBox : pLn->GetTabBoxes() )
sw_Box_CollectBox(rpBox, &aPara );
aPara.SetValues( true );
pLn = pNew->GetTable().GetTabLines()[ 0 ];
for( auto& rpBox : pLn->GetTabBoxes() )
sw_BoxSetSplitBoxFormats(rpBox, &aPara );
case SplitTable_HeadlineOption::ContentCopy:
rTable.CopyHeadlineIntoTable( *pNew );
if( pUndo )
pUndo->SetTableNodeOffset( pNew->GetIndex() );
case SplitTable_HeadlineOption::NONE:
// Switch off repeating the Header
pNew->GetTable().SetRowsToRepeat( 0 );
// And insert Frames
// Insert a paragraph between the Table
GetNodes().MakeTextNode( *pNew,
getIDocumentStylePoolAccess().GetTextCollFromPool( RES_POOLCOLL_TEXT ) );
// Update Layout
aFndBox.MakeFrames( rTable );
// TL_CHART2: need to inform chart of probably changed cell names
UpdateCharts( rTable.GetFrameFormat()->GetName() );
// update table style formatting of both the tables
if (SwFEShell* pFEShell = GetDocShell()->GetFEShell())
if (officecfg::Office::Writer::Table::Change::ApplyTableAutoFormat::get())
getIDocumentFieldsAccess().SetFieldsDirty( true, nullptr, SwNodeOffset(0) );
static bool lcl_ChgTableSize( SwTable& rTable )
// The Attribute must not be set via the Modify or else all Boxes are
// set back to 0.
// So lock the Format.
SwFrameFormat* pFormat = rTable.GetFrameFormat();
SwFormatFrameSize aTableMaxSz( pFormat->GetFrameSize() );
if( USHRT_MAX == aTableMaxSz.GetWidth() )
return false;
bool bLocked = pFormat->IsModifyLocked();
aTableMaxSz.SetWidth( 0 );
SwTableLines& rLns = rTable.GetTabLines();
for( auto pLn : rLns )
SwTwips nMaxLnWidth = 0;
SwTableBoxes& rBoxes = pLn->GetTabBoxes();
for( auto pBox : rBoxes )
nMaxLnWidth += pBox->GetFrameFormat()->GetFrameSize().GetWidth();
if( nMaxLnWidth > aTableMaxSz.GetWidth() )
aTableMaxSz.SetWidth( nMaxLnWidth );
pFormat->SetFormatAttr( aTableMaxSz );
if( !bLocked ) // Release the Lock if appropriate
return true;
namespace {
class SplitTable_Para
std::map<SwFrameFormat const*, SwFrameFormat*> m_aSrcDestMap;
SwTableNode* m_pNewTableNode;
SwTable& m_rOldTable;
SplitTable_Para(SwTableNode* pNew, SwTable& rOld)
: m_pNewTableNode(pNew)
, m_rOldTable(rOld)
SwFrameFormat* GetDestFormat( SwFrameFormat* pSrcFormat ) const
auto it = m_aSrcDestMap.find(pSrcFormat);
return it == m_aSrcDestMap.end() ? nullptr : it->second;
void InsertSrcDest( SwFrameFormat const * pSrcFormat, SwFrameFormat* pDestFormat )
m_aSrcDestMap[pSrcFormat] = pDestFormat;
void ChgBox( SwTableBox* pBox )
static void lcl_SplitTable_CpyBox( SwTableBox* pBox, SplitTable_Para* pPara );
static void lcl_SplitTable_CpyLine( SwTableLine* pLn, SplitTable_Para* pPara )
SwFrameFormat *pSrcFormat = pLn->GetFrameFormat();
SwTableLineFormat* pDestFormat = static_cast<SwTableLineFormat*>( pPara->GetDestFormat( pSrcFormat ) );
if( pDestFormat == nullptr )
pPara->InsertSrcDest( pSrcFormat, pLn->ClaimFrameFormat() );
pLn->ChgFrameFormat( pDestFormat );
for( auto& rpBox : pLn->GetTabBoxes() )
lcl_SplitTable_CpyBox(rpBox, pPara );
static void lcl_SplitTable_CpyBox( SwTableBox* pBox, SplitTable_Para* pPara )
SwFrameFormat *pSrcFormat = pBox->GetFrameFormat();
SwTableBoxFormat* pDestFormat = static_cast<SwTableBoxFormat*>(pPara->GetDestFormat( pSrcFormat ));
if( pDestFormat == nullptr )
pPara->InsertSrcDest( pSrcFormat, pBox->ClaimFrameFormat() );
pBox->ChgFrameFormat( pDestFormat );
if( pBox->GetSttNd() )
pPara->ChgBox( pBox );
for( SwTableLine* pLine : pBox->GetTabLines() )
lcl_SplitTable_CpyLine( pLine, pPara );
SwTableNode* SwNodes::SplitTable( SwNode& rPos, bool bAfter,
bool bCalcNewSize )
SwNode* pNd = &rPos;
SwTableNode* pTNd = pNd->FindTableNode();
if( !pTNd || pNd->IsTableNode() )
return nullptr;
SwNodeOffset nSttIdx = pNd->FindTableBoxStartNode()->GetIndex();
// Find this Box/top-level line
SwTable& rTable = pTNd->GetTable();
SwTableBox* pBox = rTable.GetTableBox( nSttIdx );
if( !pBox )
return nullptr;
SwTableLine* pLine = pBox->GetUpper();
while( pLine->GetUpper() )
pLine = pLine->GetUpper()->GetUpper();
// pLine now contains the top-level line
sal_uInt16 nLinePos = rTable.GetTabLines().GetPos( pLine );
if( USHRT_MAX == nLinePos ||
( bAfter ? ++nLinePos >= rTable.GetTabLines().size() : !nLinePos ))
return nullptr; // Not found or last Line!
// Find the first Box of the succeeding Line
SwTableLine* pNextLine = rTable.GetTabLines()[ nLinePos ];
pBox = pNextLine->GetTabBoxes()[0];
while( !pBox->GetSttNd() )
pBox = pBox->GetTabLines()[0]->GetTabBoxes()[0];
// Insert an EndNode and TableNode into the Nodes Array
SwTableNode * pNewTableNd;
SwEndNode* pOldTableEndNd = pTNd->EndOfSectionNode()->GetEndNode();
assert(pOldTableEndNd && "Where is the EndNode?");
new SwEndNode( *pBox->GetSttNd(), *pTNd );
pNewTableNd = new SwTableNode( *pBox->GetSttNd() );
pNewTableNd->GetTable().SetTableModel( rTable.IsNewModel() );
pOldTableEndNd->m_pStartOfSection = pNewTableNd;
pNewTableNd->m_pEndOfSection = pOldTableEndNd;
SwNode* pBoxNd = const_cast<SwStartNode*>(pBox->GetSttNd()->GetStartNode());
do {
OSL_ENSURE( pBoxNd->IsStartNode(), "This needs to be a StartNode!" );
pBoxNd->m_pStartOfSection = pNewTableNd;
pBoxNd = (*this)[ pBoxNd->EndOfSectionIndex() + 1 ];
} while( pBoxNd != pOldTableEndNd );
// Move the Lines
SwTable& rNewTable = pNewTableNd->GetTable();
rNewTable.GetTabLines().insert( rNewTable.GetTabLines().begin(),
rTable.GetTabLines().begin() + nLinePos, rTable.GetTabLines().end() );
/* From the back (bottom right) to the front (top left) deregister all Boxes from the
Chart Data Provider. The Modify event is triggered in the calling function.
SwChartDataProvider *pPCD = rTable.GetFrameFormat()->getIDocumentChartDataProviderAccess().GetChartDataProvider();
if( pPCD )
for (SwTableLines::size_type k = nLinePos; k < rTable.GetTabLines().size(); ++k)
const SwTableLines::size_type nLineIdx = (rTable.GetTabLines().size() - 1) - k + nLinePos;
const SwTableBoxes::size_type nBoxCnt = rTable.GetTabLines()[ nLineIdx ]->GetTabBoxes().size();
for (SwTableBoxes::size_type j = 0; j < nBoxCnt; ++j)
const SwTableBoxes::size_type nIdx = nBoxCnt - 1 - j;
pPCD->DeleteBox( &rTable, *rTable.GetTabLines()[ nLineIdx ]->GetTabBoxes()[nIdx] );
// Delete
sal_uInt16 nDeleted = rTable.GetTabLines().size() - nLinePos;
rTable.GetTabLines().erase( rTable.GetTabLines().begin() + nLinePos, rTable.GetTabLines().end() );
// Move the affected Boxes. Make the Formats unique and correct the StartNodes
SplitTable_Para aPara( pNewTableNd, rTable );
for( SwTableLine* pNewLine : rNewTable.GetTabLines() )
lcl_SplitTable_CpyLine( pNewLine, &aPara );
rTable.CleanUpBottomRowSpan( nDeleted );
// Copy the Table FrameFormat
SwFrameFormat* pOldTableFormat = rTable.GetFrameFormat();
SwFrameFormat* pNewTableFormat = pOldTableFormat->GetDoc()->MakeTableFrameFormat(
pOldTableFormat->GetDoc()->GetDfltFrameFormat() );
*pNewTableFormat = *pOldTableFormat;
pNewTableNd->GetTable().RegisterToFormat( *pNewTableFormat );
// Calculate a new Size?
// lcl_ChgTableSize: Only execute the second call if the first call was
// successful, thus has an absolute Size
if( bCalcNewSize && lcl_ChgTableSize( rTable ) )
lcl_ChgTableSize( pNewTableNd->GetTable() );
// TL_CHART2: need to inform chart of probably changed cell names
return pNewTableNd; // That's it!
* rPos needs to be in the Table that remains
* @param bWithPrev merge the current Table with the preceding
* or succeeding one
bool SwDoc::MergeTable( const SwPosition& rPos, bool bWithPrev )
SwTableNode* pTableNd = rPos.GetNode().FindTableNode(), *pDelTableNd;
if( !pTableNd )
return false;
SwNodes& rNds = GetNodes();
if( bWithPrev )
pDelTableNd = rNds[ pTableNd->GetIndex() - 1 ]->FindTableNode();
pDelTableNd = rNds[ pTableNd->EndOfSectionIndex() + 1 ]->GetTableNode();
if( !pDelTableNd )
return false;
if( dynamic_cast<const SwDDETable*>( &pTableNd->GetTable() ) != nullptr ||
dynamic_cast<const SwDDETable*>( &pDelTableNd->GetTable() ) != nullptr)
return false;
// Delete HTML Layout
// Both Tables are present; we can start
SwUndoMergeTable* pUndo = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<SwHistory> pHistory;
if (GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo())
pUndo = new SwUndoMergeTable( *pTableNd, *pDelTableNd, bWithPrev );
pHistory.reset(new SwHistory);
// Adapt all "TableFormulas"
pTableNd->GetTable().Merge(pDelTableNd->GetTable(), pHistory.get());
// The actual merge
bool bRet = rNds.MergeTable( bWithPrev ? *pTableNd : *pDelTableNd, !bWithPrev );
if( pHistory )
if( pHistory->Count() )
pUndo->SaveFormula( *pHistory );
if( bRet )
if (SwFEShell* pFEShell = GetDocShell()->GetFEShell())
if (officecfg::Office::Writer::Table::Change::ApplyTableAutoFormat::get())
getIDocumentFieldsAccess().SetFieldsDirty( true, nullptr, SwNodeOffset(0) );
return bRet;
bool SwNodes::MergeTable( SwNode& rPos, bool bWithPrev )
SwTableNode* pDelTableNd = rPos.GetTableNode();
OSL_ENSURE( pDelTableNd, "Where did the TableNode go?" );
SwTableNode* pTableNd = (*this)[ rPos.GetIndex() - 1]->FindTableNode();
OSL_ENSURE( pTableNd, "Where did the TableNode go?" );
if( !pDelTableNd || !pTableNd )
return false;
SwTable& rDelTable = pDelTableNd->GetTable();
SwTable& rTable = pTableNd->GetTable();
// Find Lines for the Layout update
FndBox_ aFndBox( nullptr, nullptr );
aFndBox.SetTableLines( rTable );
aFndBox.DelFrames( rTable );
// tell the charts about the table to be deleted and have them use their own data
GetDoc().getIDocumentChartDataProviderAccess().CreateChartInternalDataProviders( &rDelTable );
// Sync the TableFormat's Width
const SwFormatFrameSize& rTableSz = rTable.GetFrameFormat()->GetFrameSize();
const SwFormatFrameSize& rDelTableSz = rDelTable.GetFrameFormat()->GetFrameSize();
if( rTableSz != rDelTableSz )
// The needs correction
if( bWithPrev )
rDelTable.GetFrameFormat()->SetFormatAttr( rTableSz );
rTable.GetFrameFormat()->SetFormatAttr( rDelTableSz );
if( !bWithPrev )
// Transfer all Attributes of the succeeding Table to the preceding one
// We do this, because the succeeding one is deleted when deleting the Node
rTable.SetRowsToRepeat( rDelTable.GetRowsToRepeat() );
rTable.SetTableChgMode( rDelTable.GetTableChgMode() );
*rTable.GetFrameFormat() = *rDelTable.GetFrameFormat();
// Also switch the Name
rTable.GetFrameFormat()->SetFormatName( rDelTable.GetFrameFormat()->GetName() );
// Move the Lines and Boxes
SwTableLines::size_type nOldSize = rTable.GetTabLines().size();
rTable.GetTabLines().insert( rTable.GetTabLines().begin() + nOldSize,
rDelTable.GetTabLines().begin(), rDelTable.GetTabLines().end() );
rTable.GetTabSortBoxes().insert( rDelTable.GetTabSortBoxes() );
// The preceding Table always remains, while the succeeding one is deleted
SwEndNode* pTableEndNd = pDelTableNd->EndOfSectionNode();
pTableNd->m_pEndOfSection = pTableEndNd;
SwNodeIndex aIdx( *pDelTableNd, 1 );
SwNode* pBoxNd = aIdx.GetNode().GetStartNode();
do {
OSL_ENSURE( pBoxNd->IsStartNode(), "This needs to be a StartNode!" );
pBoxNd->m_pStartOfSection = pTableNd;
pBoxNd = (*this)[ pBoxNd->EndOfSectionIndex() + 1 ];
} while( pBoxNd != pTableEndNd );
pBoxNd->m_pStartOfSection = pTableNd;
aIdx -= SwNodeOffset(2);
DelNodes( aIdx, SwNodeOffset(2) );
// tweak the conditional styles at the first inserted Line
const SwTableLine* pFirstLn = rTable.GetTabLines()[ nOldSize ];
sw_LineSetHeadCondColl( pFirstLn );
// Clean up the Borders
if( nOldSize )
SwGCLineBorder aPara( rTable );
aPara.nLinePos = --nOldSize;
pFirstLn = rTable.GetTabLines()[ nOldSize ];
sw_GC_Line_Border( pFirstLn, &aPara );
// Update Layout
aFndBox.MakeFrames( rTable );
return true;
namespace {
// Use the PtrArray's ForEach method
struct SetAFormatTabPara
SwTableAutoFormat& rTableFormat;
SwUndoTableAutoFormat* pUndo;
sal_uInt16 nEndBox, nCurBox;
sal_uInt8 nAFormatLine, nAFormatBox;
bool bSingleRowTable;
explicit SetAFormatTabPara( const SwTableAutoFormat& rNew )
: rTableFormat( const_cast<SwTableAutoFormat&>(rNew) ), pUndo( nullptr ),
nEndBox( 0 ), nCurBox( 0 ), nAFormatLine( 0 ), nAFormatBox( 0 ), bSingleRowTable(false)
// Forward declare so that the Lines and Boxes can use recursion
static bool lcl_SetAFormatBox(FndBox_ &, SetAFormatTabPara *pSetPara, bool bResetDirect);
static bool lcl_SetAFormatLine(FndLine_ &, SetAFormatTabPara *pPara, bool bResetDirect);
static bool lcl_SetAFormatLine(FndLine_ & rLine, SetAFormatTabPara *pPara, bool bResetDirect)
for (auto const& it : rLine.GetBoxes())
lcl_SetAFormatBox(*it, pPara, bResetDirect);
return true;
static bool lcl_SetAFormatBox(FndBox_ & rBox, SetAFormatTabPara *pSetPara, bool bResetDirect)
if (!rBox.GetUpper()->GetUpper()) // Box on first level?
if( !pSetPara->nCurBox )
pSetPara->nAFormatBox = 0;
else if( pSetPara->nCurBox == pSetPara->nEndBox )
pSetPara->nAFormatBox = 3;
else //Even column(1) or Odd column(2)
pSetPara->nAFormatBox = static_cast<sal_uInt8>(1 + ((pSetPara->nCurBox-1) & 1));
if (rBox.GetBox()->GetSttNd())
SwTableBox* pSetBox = rBox.GetBox();
if (!pSetBox->HasDirectFormatting() || bResetDirect)
if (bResetDirect)
SwDoc* pDoc = pSetBox->GetFrameFormat()->GetDoc();
SfxItemSetFixed<RES_CHRATR_BEGIN, RES_PARATR_LIST_END-1> aCharSet(pDoc->GetAttrPool());
SfxItemSet aBoxSet(pDoc->GetAttrPool(), aTableBoxSetRange);
sal_uInt8 nPos = pSetPara->nAFormatLine * 4 + pSetPara->nAFormatBox;
const bool bSingleRowTable = pSetPara->bSingleRowTable;
const bool bSingleColTable = pSetPara->nEndBox == 0;
pSetPara->rTableFormat.UpdateToSet(nPos, bSingleRowTable, bSingleColTable, aCharSet, SwTableAutoFormatUpdateFlags::Char, nullptr);
pSetPara->rTableFormat.UpdateToSet(nPos, bSingleRowTable, bSingleColTable, aBoxSet, SwTableAutoFormatUpdateFlags::Box, pDoc->GetNumberFormatter());
if (aCharSet.Count())
SwNodeOffset nSttNd = pSetBox->GetSttIdx()+1;
SwNodeOffset nEndNd = pSetBox->GetSttNd()->EndOfSectionIndex();
for (; nSttNd < nEndNd; ++nSttNd)
SwContentNode* pNd = pDoc->GetNodes()[ nSttNd ]->GetContentNode();
if (pNd)
if (aBoxSet.Count())
if (pSetPara->pUndo && SfxItemState::SET == aBoxSet.GetItemState(RES_BOXATR_FORMAT))
pSetPara->pUndo->SaveBoxContent( *pSetBox );
// Not sure how this situation can occur, but apparently we have some kind of table in table.
// I am guessing at how to best handle singlerow in this situation.
const bool bOrigSingleRowTable = pSetPara->bSingleRowTable;
pSetPara->bSingleRowTable = rBox.GetLines().size() == 1;
for (auto const& rpFndLine : rBox.GetLines())
lcl_SetAFormatLine(*rpFndLine, pSetPara, bResetDirect);
pSetPara->bSingleRowTable = bOrigSingleRowTable;
if (!rBox.GetUpper()->GetUpper()) // a BaseLine
return true;
bool SwDoc::SetTableAutoFormat(const SwSelBoxes& rBoxes,
const SwTableAutoFormat& rNew, bool bResetDirect,
OUString const*const pStyleNameToSet)
OSL_ENSURE( !rBoxes.empty(), "No valid Box list" );
SwTableNode* pTableNd = const_cast<SwTableNode*>(rBoxes[0]->GetSttNd()->FindTableNode());
if( !pTableNd )
return false;
// Find all Boxes/Lines
FndBox_ aFndBox( nullptr, nullptr );
FndPara aPara( rBoxes, &aFndBox );
ForEach_FndLineCopyCol( pTableNd->GetTable().GetTabLines(), &aPara );
if( aFndBox.GetLines().empty() )
return false;
SwTable &table = pTableNd->GetTable();
FndBox_* pFndBox = &aFndBox;
while( 1 == pFndBox->GetLines().size() &&
1 == pFndBox->GetLines().front()->GetBoxes().size())
pFndBox = pFndBox->GetLines().front()->GetBoxes()[0].get();
if( pFndBox->GetLines().empty() ) // One too far? (only one sel. Box)
pFndBox = pFndBox->GetUpper()->GetUpper();
// Disable Undo, but first store parameters
SwUndoTableAutoFormat* pUndo = nullptr;
bool const bUndo(GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo());
if (bUndo)
pUndo = new SwUndoTableAutoFormat( *pTableNd, rNew );
if (pStyleNameToSet)
{ // tdf#98226 do this here where undo can record it
SetAFormatTabPara aPara( rNew );
FndLines_t& rFLns = pFndBox->GetLines();
aPara.bSingleRowTable = rFLns.size() == 1;
for (FndLines_t::size_type n = 0; n < rFLns.size(); ++n)
FndLine_* pLine = rFLns[n].get();
// Set Upper to 0 (thus simulate BaseLine)
FndBox_* pSaveBox = pLine->GetUpper();
pLine->SetUpper( nullptr );
if( !n )
aPara.nAFormatLine = 0;
else if (static_cast<size_t>(n+1) == rFLns.size())
aPara.nAFormatLine = 3;
aPara.nAFormatLine = static_cast<sal_uInt8>(1 + ((n-1) & 1 ));
aPara.nAFormatBox = 0;
aPara.nCurBox = 0;
aPara.nEndBox = pLine->GetBoxes().size()-1;
aPara.pUndo = pUndo;
for (auto const& it : pLine->GetBoxes())
lcl_SetAFormatBox(*it, &aPara, bResetDirect);
pLine->SetUpper( pSaveBox );
if( pUndo )
getIDocumentFieldsAccess().SetFieldsDirty( true, nullptr, SwNodeOffset(0) );
return true;
* Find out who has the Attributes
bool SwDoc::GetTableAutoFormat( const SwSelBoxes& rBoxes, SwTableAutoFormat& rGet )
OSL_ENSURE( !rBoxes.empty(), "No valid Box list" );
SwTableNode* pTableNd = const_cast<SwTableNode*>(rBoxes[0]->GetSttNd()->FindTableNode());
if( !pTableNd )
return false;
// Find all Boxes/Lines
FndBox_ aFndBox( nullptr, nullptr );
FndPara aPara( rBoxes, &aFndBox );
ForEach_FndLineCopyCol( pTableNd->GetTable().GetTabLines(), &aPara );
if( aFndBox.GetLines().empty() )
return false;
// Store table properties
SwTable &table = pTableNd->GetTable();
FndBox_* pFndBox = &aFndBox;
while( 1 == pFndBox->GetLines().size() &&
1 == pFndBox->GetLines().front()->GetBoxes().size())
pFndBox = pFndBox->GetLines().front()->GetBoxes()[0].get();
if( pFndBox->GetLines().empty() ) // One too far? (only one sel. Box)
pFndBox = pFndBox->GetUpper()->GetUpper();
FndLines_t& rFLns = pFndBox->GetLines();
sal_uInt16 aLnArr[4];
aLnArr[0] = 0;
aLnArr[1] = 1 < rFLns.size() ? 1 : 0;
aLnArr[2] = 2 < rFLns.size() ? 2 : aLnArr[1];
aLnArr[3] = rFLns.size() - 1;
for( sal_uInt8 nLine = 0; nLine < 4; ++nLine )
FndLine_& rLine = *rFLns[ aLnArr[ nLine ] ];
sal_uInt16 aBoxArr[4];
aBoxArr[0] = 0;
aBoxArr[1] = 1 < rLine.GetBoxes().size() ? 1 : 0;
aBoxArr[2] = 2 < rLine.GetBoxes().size() ? 2 : aBoxArr[1];
aBoxArr[3] = rLine.GetBoxes().size() - 1;
for( sal_uInt8 nBox = 0; nBox < 4; ++nBox )
SwTableBox* pFBox = rLine.GetBoxes()[ aBoxArr[ nBox ] ]->GetBox();
// Always apply to the first ones
while( !pFBox->GetSttNd() )
pFBox = pFBox->GetTabLines()[0]->GetTabBoxes()[0];
sal_uInt8 nPos = nLine * 4 + nBox;
SwNodeIndex aIdx( *pFBox->GetSttNd(), 1 );
SwContentNode* pCNd = aIdx.GetNode().GetContentNode();
if( !pCNd )
pCNd = SwNodes::GoNext(&aIdx);
if( pCNd )
rGet.UpdateFromSet( nPos, pCNd->GetSwAttrSet(),
SwTableAutoFormatUpdateFlags::Char, nullptr );
rGet.UpdateFromSet( nPos, pFBox->GetFrameFormat()->GetAttrSet(),
GetNumberFormatter() );
return true;
SwTableAutoFormatTable& SwDoc::GetTableStyles()
if (!m_pTableStyles)
m_pTableStyles.reset(new SwTableAutoFormatTable);
return *m_pTableStyles;
OUString SwDoc::GetUniqueTableName() const
if( IsInMailMerge())
OUString newName = "MailMergeTable"
+ DateTimeToOUString( DateTime( DateTime::SYSTEM ) )
+ OUString::number( mpTableFrameFormatTable->size() + 1 );
return newName;
const OUString aName(SwResId(STR_TABLE_DEFNAME));
const size_t nFlagSize = ( mpTableFrameFormatTable->size() / 8 ) + 2;
std::unique_ptr<sal_uInt8[]> pSetFlags( new sal_uInt8[ nFlagSize ] );
memset( pSetFlags.get(), 0, nFlagSize );
for( size_t n = 0; n < mpTableFrameFormatTable->size(); ++n )
const SwTableFormat* pFormat = (*mpTableFrameFormatTable)[ n ];
if( !pFormat->IsDefault() && IsUsed( *pFormat ) &&
pFormat->GetName().startsWith( aName ) )
// Get number and set the Flag
const sal_Int32 nNmLen = aName.getLength();
size_t nNum = o3tl::toInt32(pFormat->GetName().subView( nNmLen ));
if( nNum-- && nNum < mpTableFrameFormatTable->size() )
pSetFlags[ nNum / 8 ] |= (0x01 << ( nNum & 0x07 ));
// All numbers are flagged properly, thus calculate the right number
size_t nNum = mpTableFrameFormatTable->size();
for( size_t n = 0; n < nFlagSize; ++n )
auto nTmp = pSetFlags[ n ];
if( nTmp != 0xFF )
// Calculate the number
nNum = n * 8;
while( nTmp & 1 )
nTmp >>= 1;
return aName + OUString::number( ++nNum );
SwTableFormat* SwDoc::FindTableFormatByName( const OUString& rName, bool bAll ) const
const SwFormat* pRet = nullptr;
if( bAll )
pRet = mpTableFrameFormatTable->FindFormatByName( rName );
auto [it, itEnd] = mpTableFrameFormatTable->findRangeByName(rName);
// Only the ones set in the Doc
for( ; it != itEnd; ++it )
const SwFrameFormat* pFormat = *it;
if( !pFormat->IsDefault() && IsUsed( *pFormat ) &&
pFormat->GetName() == rName )
pRet = pFormat;
return const_cast<SwTableFormat*>(static_cast<const SwTableFormat*>(pRet));
void SwDoc::SetColRowWidthHeight( SwTableBox& rCurrentBox, TableChgWidthHeightType eType,
SwTwips nAbsDiff, SwTwips nRelDiff )
SwTableNode* pTableNd = const_cast<SwTableNode*>(rCurrentBox.GetSttNd()->FindTableNode());
std::unique_ptr<SwUndo> pUndo;
bool const bUndo(GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo());
bool bRet = false;
switch( extractPosition(eType) )
case TableChgWidthHeightType::ColLeft:
case TableChgWidthHeightType::ColRight:
case TableChgWidthHeightType::CellLeft:
case TableChgWidthHeightType::CellRight:
bRet = pTableNd->GetTable().SetColWidth( rCurrentBox,
eType, nAbsDiff, nRelDiff,
bUndo ? &pUndo : nullptr );
case TableChgWidthHeightType::RowBottom:
case TableChgWidthHeightType::CellTop:
case TableChgWidthHeightType::CellBottom:
bRet = pTableNd->GetTable().SetRowHeight( rCurrentBox,
eType, nAbsDiff, nRelDiff,
bUndo ? &pUndo : nullptr );
default: break;
GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoUndo(bUndo); // SetColWidth can turn it off
if( pUndo )
GetIDocumentUndoRedo().AppendUndo( std::move(pUndo) );
if( bRet )
bool SwDoc::IsNumberFormat( const OUString& aString, sal_uInt32& F_Index, double& fOutNumber )
if( aString.getLength() > 308 ) // optimization matches svl:IsNumberFormat arbitrary value
return false;
// remove any comment anchor marks
return GetNumberFormatter()->IsNumberFormat(
aString.replaceAll(OUStringChar(CH_TXTATR_INWORD), u""), F_Index, fOutNumber);
void SwDoc::ChkBoxNumFormat( SwTableBox& rBox, bool bCallUpdate )
// Optimization: If the Box says it's Text, it remains Text
const SwTableBoxNumFormat* pNumFormatItem = rBox.GetFrameFormat()->GetItemIfSet( RES_BOXATR_FORMAT,
false );
if( pNumFormatItem && GetNumberFormatter()->IsTextFormat(pNumFormatItem->GetValue()) )
return ;
std::unique_ptr<SwUndoTableNumFormat> pUndo;
bool bIsEmptyTextNd;
bool bChgd = true;
sal_uInt32 nFormatIdx;
double fNumber;
if( rBox.HasNumContent( fNumber, nFormatIdx, bIsEmptyTextNd ) )
if( !rBox.IsNumberChanged() )
bChgd = false;
if (GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo())
GetIDocumentUndoRedo().StartUndo( SwUndoId::TABLE_AUTOFMT, nullptr );
pUndo.reset(new SwUndoTableNumFormat( rBox ));
pUndo->SetNumFormat( nFormatIdx, fNumber );
SwTableBoxFormat* pBoxFormat = rBox.GetFrameFormat();
SfxItemSetFixed<RES_BOXATR_FORMAT, RES_BOXATR_VALUE> aBoxSet( GetAttrPool() );
bool bLockModify = true;
bool bSetNumberFormat = IsInsTableFormatNum();
const bool bForceNumberFormat = IsInsTableFormatNum() && IsInsTableChangeNumFormat();
// if the user forced a number format in this cell previously,
// keep it, unless the user set that she wants the full number
// format recognition
if( pNumFormatItem && !bForceNumberFormat )
sal_uLong nOldNumFormat = pNumFormatItem->GetValue();
SvNumberFormatter* pNumFormatr = GetNumberFormatter();
SvNumFormatType nFormatType = pNumFormatr->GetType( nFormatIdx );
if( nFormatType == pNumFormatr->GetType( nOldNumFormat ) || SvNumFormatType::NUMBER == nFormatType )
// Current and specified NumFormat match
// -> keep old Format
nFormatIdx = nOldNumFormat;
bSetNumberFormat = true;
// Current and specified NumFormat do not match
// -> insert as Text
bLockModify = bSetNumberFormat = false;
if( bSetNumberFormat || bForceNumberFormat )
pBoxFormat = rBox.ClaimFrameFormat();
aBoxSet.Put( SwTableBoxValue( fNumber ));
aBoxSet.Put( SwTableBoxNumFormat( nFormatIdx ));
// It's not enough to only reset the Formula.
// Make sure that the Text is formatted accordingly
if( !bSetNumberFormat && !bIsEmptyTextNd && pNumFormatItem )
// Just resetting Attributes is not enough
// Make sure that the Text is formatted accordingly
pBoxFormat->SetFormatAttr( *GetDfltAttr( RES_BOXATR_FORMAT ));
if( bLockModify ) pBoxFormat->LockModify();
if( bLockModify ) pBoxFormat->UnlockModify();
if( bSetNumberFormat )
pBoxFormat->SetFormatAttr( aBoxSet );
// It's not a number
SwTableBoxFormat* pBoxFormat = rBox.GetFrameFormat();
if( SfxItemState::SET == pBoxFormat->GetItemState( RES_BOXATR_FORMAT, false ) ||
SfxItemState::SET == pBoxFormat->GetItemState( RES_BOXATR_VALUE, false ) )
if (GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo())
GetIDocumentUndoRedo().StartUndo( SwUndoId::TABLE_AUTOFMT, nullptr );
pUndo.reset(new SwUndoTableNumFormat( rBox ));
pBoxFormat = rBox.ClaimFrameFormat();
// Remove all number formats
sal_uInt16 nWhich1 = RES_BOXATR_FORMULA;
if( !bIsEmptyTextNd )
// Just resetting Attributes is not enough
// Make sure that the Text is formatted accordingly
pBoxFormat->SetFormatAttr( *GetDfltAttr( nWhich1 ));
pBoxFormat->ResetFormatAttr( nWhich1, RES_BOXATR_VALUE );
bChgd = false;
if( !bChgd )
if( pUndo )
pUndo->SetBox( rBox );
GetIDocumentUndoRedo().EndUndo( SwUndoId::END, nullptr );
const SwTableNode* pTableNd = rBox.GetSttNd()->FindTableNode();
if( bCallUpdate )
// TL_CHART2: update charts (when cursor leaves cell and
// automatic update is enabled)
if (AUTOUPD_FIELD_AND_CHARTS == GetDocumentSettingManager().getFieldUpdateFlags(true))
void SwDoc::SetTableBoxFormulaAttrs( SwTableBox& rBox, const SfxItemSet& rSet )
if (GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo())
GetIDocumentUndoRedo().AppendUndo( std::make_unique<SwUndoTableNumFormat>(rBox, &rSet) );
SwFrameFormat* pBoxFormat = rBox.ClaimFrameFormat();
if( SfxItemState::SET == rSet.GetItemState( RES_BOXATR_FORMULA ))
pBoxFormat->ResetFormatAttr( RES_BOXATR_VALUE );
else if( SfxItemState::SET == rSet.GetItemState( RES_BOXATR_VALUE ))
pBoxFormat->ResetFormatAttr( RES_BOXATR_FORMULA );
pBoxFormat->SetFormatAttr( rSet );
void SwDoc::ClearLineNumAttrs( SwPosition const & rPos )
SwPaM aPam(rPos);
SwContentNode *pNode = aPam.GetPointContentNode();
if ( nullptr == pNode )
return ;
if( !pNode->IsTextNode() )
SwTextNode * pTextNode = pNode->GetTextNode();
if (!(pTextNode && pTextNode->IsNumbered()
&& pTextNode->GetText().isEmpty()))
rSet( pTextNode->GetDoc().GetAttrPool() );
pTextNode->SwContentNode::GetAttr( rSet );
const SfxStringItem* pFormatItem = rSet.GetItemIfSet( RES_PARATR_NUMRULE, false );
if ( !pFormatItem )
SwUndoDelNum * pUndo;
if( GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo() )
pUndo = new SwUndoDelNum( aPam );
GetIDocumentUndoRedo().AppendUndo( std::unique_ptr<SwUndo>(pUndo) );
pUndo = nullptr;
SwRegHistory aRegH( pUndo ? pUndo->GetHistory() : nullptr );
aRegH.RegisterInModify( pTextNode , *pTextNode );
if ( pUndo )
pUndo->AddNode( *pTextNode );
std::unique_ptr<SfxStringItem> pNewItem(pFormatItem->Clone());
rSet.Put( std::move(pNewItem) );
pTextNode->SetAttr( rSet );
void SwDoc::ClearBoxNumAttrs( SwNode& rNode )
SwStartNode* pSttNd = rNode.FindSttNodeByType( SwTableBoxStartNode );
if( nullptr == pSttNd ||
SwNodeOffset(2) != pSttNd->EndOfSectionIndex() - pSttNd->GetIndex())
SwTableBox* pBox = pSttNd->FindTableNode()->GetTable().
GetTableBox( pSttNd->GetIndex() );
const SfxItemSet& rSet = pBox->GetFrameFormat()->GetAttrSet();
const SwTableBoxNumFormat* pFormatItem = rSet.GetItemIfSet( RES_BOXATR_FORMAT, false );
if( !pFormatItem ||
SfxItemState::SET == rSet.GetItemState( RES_BOXATR_FORMULA, false ) ||
SfxItemState::SET == rSet.GetItemState( RES_BOXATR_VALUE, false ))
if (GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo())
SwFrameFormat* pBoxFormat = pBox->ClaimFrameFormat();
// Keep TextFormats!
sal_uInt16 nWhich1 = RES_BOXATR_FORMAT;
if( pFormatItem && GetNumberFormatter()->IsTextFormat(
pFormatItem->GetValue() ))
// Just resetting Attributes is not enough
// Make sure that the Text is formatted accordingly
pBoxFormat->SetFormatAttr( *GetDfltAttr( RES_BOXATR_FORMAT ));
pBoxFormat->ResetFormatAttr( nWhich1, RES_BOXATR_VALUE );
* Copies a Table from the same or another Doc into itself
* We create a new Table or an existing one is filled with the Content.
* We either fill in the Content from a certain Box or a certain TableSelection
* This method is called by edglss.cxx/fecopy.cxx
bool SwDoc::InsCopyOfTable( SwPosition& rInsPos, const SwSelBoxes& rBoxes,
const SwTable* pCpyTable, bool bCpyName, bool bCorrPos, const OUString& rStyleName )
bool bRet;
const SwTableNode* pSrcTableNd = pCpyTable
? pCpyTable->GetTableNode()
: rBoxes[ 0 ]->GetSttNd()->FindTableNode();
SwTableNode * pInsTableNd = rInsPos.GetNode().FindTableNode();
bool const bUndo( GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo() );
if( !pCpyTable && !pInsTableNd )
std::unique_ptr<SwUndoCpyTable> pUndo;
if (bUndo)
pUndo.reset(new SwUndoCpyTable(*this));
::sw::UndoGuard const undoGuard(GetIDocumentUndoRedo());
bRet = pSrcTableNd->GetTable().MakeCopy( *this, rInsPos, rBoxes,
bCpyName, rStyleName );
if( pUndo && bRet )
pInsTableNd = GetNodes()[ rInsPos.GetNodeIndex() - 1 ]->FindTableNode();
pUndo->SetTableSttIdx( pInsTableNd->GetIndex() );
GetIDocumentUndoRedo().AppendUndo( std::move(pUndo) );
RedlineFlags eOld = getIDocumentRedlineAccess().GetRedlineFlags();
if( getIDocumentRedlineAccess().IsRedlineOn() )
getIDocumentRedlineAccess().SetRedlineFlags( RedlineFlags::On |
RedlineFlags::ShowInsert |
RedlineFlags::ShowDelete );
std::unique_ptr<SwUndoTableCpyTable> pUndo;
if (bUndo)
pUndo.reset(new SwUndoTableCpyTable(*this));
rtl::Reference<SwDoc> xCpyDoc(&const_cast<SwDoc&>(pSrcTableNd->GetDoc()));
bool bDelCpyDoc = xCpyDoc == this;
if( bDelCpyDoc )
// Copy the Table into a temporary Doc
xCpyDoc = new SwDoc;
SwPosition aPos( xCpyDoc->GetNodes().GetEndOfContent() );
if( !pSrcTableNd->GetTable().MakeCopy( *xCpyDoc, aPos, rBoxes, true ))
if( pUndo )
return false;
aPos.Adjust(SwNodeOffset(-1)); // Set to the Table's EndNode
pSrcTableNd = aPos.GetNode().FindTableNode();
const SwStartNode* pSttNd = rInsPos.GetNode().FindTableBoxStartNode();
rInsPos.nContent.Assign( nullptr, 0 );
// no complex into complex, but copy into or from new model is welcome
if( ( !pSrcTableNd->GetTable().IsTableComplex() || pInsTableNd->GetTable().IsNewModel() )
&& ( bDelCpyDoc || !rBoxes.empty() ) )
// Copy the Table "relatively"
const SwSelBoxes* pBoxes;
SwSelBoxes aBoxes;
if( bDelCpyDoc )
SwTableBox* pBox = pInsTableNd->GetTable().GetTableBox(
pSttNd->GetIndex() );
OSL_ENSURE( pBox, "Box is not in this Table" );
aBoxes.insert( pBox );
pBoxes = &aBoxes;
pBoxes = &rBoxes;
// Copy Table to the selected Lines
bRet = pInsTableNd->GetTable().InsTable( pSrcTableNd->GetTable(),
*pBoxes, pUndo.get() );
SwNodeIndex aNdIdx( *pSttNd, 1 );
bRet = pInsTableNd->GetTable().InsTable( pSrcTableNd->GetTable(),
aNdIdx, pUndo.get() );
if( pUndo )
// If the Table could not be copied, delete the Undo object
if( bRet || !pUndo->IsEmpty() )
if( bCorrPos )
rInsPos.Assign( *pSttNd );
getIDocumentRedlineAccess().SetRedlineFlags( eOld );
if( bRet )
getIDocumentFieldsAccess().SetFieldsDirty( true, nullptr, SwNodeOffset(0) );
return bRet;
bool SwDoc::UnProtectTableCells( SwTable& rTable )
bool bChgd = false;
std::unique_ptr<SwUndoAttrTable> pUndo;
if (GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo())
pUndo.reset(new SwUndoAttrTable( *rTable.GetTableNode() ));
SwTableSortBoxes& rSrtBox = rTable.GetTabSortBoxes();
for (size_t i = rSrtBox.size(); i; )
SwFrameFormat *pBoxFormat = rSrtBox[ --i ]->GetFrameFormat();
if( pBoxFormat->GetProtect().IsContentProtected() )
pBoxFormat->ResetFormatAttr( RES_PROTECT );
bChgd = true;
if( pUndo && bChgd )
GetIDocumentUndoRedo().AppendUndo( std::move(pUndo) );
return bChgd;
void SwDoc::UnProtectCells( const OUString& rName )
SwTableFormat* pFormat = FindTableFormatByName( rName );
if( pFormat )
bool bChgd = UnProtectTableCells( *SwTable::FindTable( pFormat ) );
if( bChgd )
bool SwDoc::UnProtectCells( const SwSelBoxes& rBoxes )
bool bChgd = false;
if( !rBoxes.empty() )
std::unique_ptr<SwUndoAttrTable> pUndo;
if (GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo())
pUndo.reset(new SwUndoAttrTable( *rBoxes[0]->GetSttNd()->FindTableNode() ));
std::map<SwFrameFormat*, SwTableBoxFormat*> aFormatsMap;
for (size_t i = rBoxes.size(); i; )
SwTableBox* pBox = rBoxes[ --i ];
SwFrameFormat* pBoxFormat = pBox->GetFrameFormat();
if( pBoxFormat->GetProtect().IsContentProtected() )
std::map<SwFrameFormat*, SwTableBoxFormat*>::const_iterator const it =
if (aFormatsMap.end() != it)
SwTableBoxFormat *const pNewBoxFormat(pBox->ClaimFrameFormat());
pNewBoxFormat->ResetFormatAttr( RES_PROTECT );
aFormatsMap.insert(std::make_pair(pBoxFormat, pNewBoxFormat));
bChgd = true;
if( pUndo && bChgd )
GetIDocumentUndoRedo().AppendUndo( std::move(pUndo) );
return bChgd;
void SwDoc::UnProtectTables( const SwPaM& rPam )
GetIDocumentUndoRedo().StartUndo(SwUndoId::EMPTY, nullptr);
bool bChgd = false, bHasSel = rPam.HasMark() ||
rPam.GetNext() != &rPam;
sw::TableFrameFormats& rFormats = *GetTableFrameFormats();
SwTable* pTable;
const SwTableNode* pTableNd;
for( auto n = rFormats.size(); n ; )
if( nullptr != (pTable = SwTable::FindTable( rFormats[ --n ])) &&
nullptr != (pTableNd = pTable->GetTableNode() ) &&
pTableNd->GetNodes().IsDocNodes() )
SwNodeOffset nTableIdx = pTableNd->GetIndex();
// Check whether the Table is within the Selection
if( bHasSel )
bool bFound = false;
SwPaM* pTmp = const_cast<SwPaM*>(&rPam);
do {
auto [pStt, pEnd] = pTmp->StartEnd(); // SwPosition*
bFound = pStt->GetNodeIndex() < nTableIdx &&
nTableIdx < pEnd->GetNodeIndex();
} while( !bFound && &rPam != ( pTmp = pTmp->GetNext() ) );
if( !bFound )
continue; // Continue searching
// Lift the protection
bChgd |= UnProtectTableCells( *pTable );
GetIDocumentUndoRedo().EndUndo(SwUndoId::EMPTY, nullptr);
if( bChgd )
bool SwDoc::HasTableAnyProtection( const SwPosition* pPos,
const OUString* pTableName,
bool* pFullTableProtection )
bool bHasProtection = false;
SwTable* pTable = nullptr;
if( pTableName )
pTable = SwTable::FindTable( FindTableFormatByName( *pTableName ) );
else if( pPos )
SwTableNode* pTableNd = pPos->GetNode().FindTableNode();
if( pTableNd )
pTable = &pTableNd->GetTable();
if( pTable )
SwTableSortBoxes& rSrtBox = pTable->GetTabSortBoxes();
for (size_t i = rSrtBox.size(); i; )
SwFrameFormat *pBoxFormat = rSrtBox[ --i ]->GetFrameFormat();
if( pBoxFormat->GetProtect().IsContentProtected() )
if( !bHasProtection )
bHasProtection = true;
if( !pFullTableProtection )
*pFullTableProtection = true;
else if( bHasProtection && pFullTableProtection )
*pFullTableProtection = false;
return bHasProtection;
SwTableAutoFormat* SwDoc::MakeTableStyle(const OUString& rName)
SwTableAutoFormat aTableFormat(rName);
SwTableAutoFormat* pTableFormat = GetTableStyles().FindAutoFormat(rName);
if (GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo())
std::make_unique<SwUndoTableStyleMake>(rName, *this));
return pTableFormat;
std::unique_ptr<SwTableAutoFormat> SwDoc::DelTableStyle(const OUString& rName, bool bBroadcast)
if (bBroadcast)
BroadcastStyleOperation(rName, SfxStyleFamily::Table, SfxHintId::StyleSheetErased);
std::unique_ptr<SwTableAutoFormat> pReleasedFormat = GetTableStyles().ReleaseAutoFormat(rName);
std::vector<SwTable*> vAffectedTables;
if (pReleasedFormat)
size_t nTableCount = GetTableFrameFormatCount(true);
for (size_t i=0; i < nTableCount; ++i)
SwFrameFormat* pFrameFormat = &GetTableFrameFormat(i, true);
SwTable* pTable = SwTable::FindTable(pFrameFormat);
if (pTable->GetTableStyleName() == pReleasedFormat->GetName())
if (GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo())
std::make_unique<SwUndoTableStyleDelete>(std::move(pReleasedFormat), std::move(vAffectedTables), *this));
return pReleasedFormat;
void SwDoc::ChgTableStyle(const OUString& rName, const SwTableAutoFormat& rNewFormat)
SwTableAutoFormat* pFormat = GetTableStyles().FindAutoFormat(rName);
if (!pFormat)
SwTableAutoFormat aOldFormat = *pFormat;
*pFormat = rNewFormat;
size_t nTableCount = GetTableFrameFormatCount(true);
for (size_t i=0; i < nTableCount; ++i)
SwFrameFormat* pFrameFormat = &GetTableFrameFormat(i, true);
SwTable* pTable = SwTable::FindTable(pFrameFormat);
if (pTable->GetTableStyleName() == rName)
if (SwFEShell* pFEShell = GetDocShell()->GetFEShell())
if (GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DoesUndo())
std::make_unique<SwUndoTableStyleUpdate>(*pFormat, aOldFormat, *this));
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
↑ V530 The return value of function 'Assign' is required to be utilized.
↑ V530 The return value of function 'InsertText' is required to be utilized.
↑ V530 The return value of function 'Assign' is required to be utilized.
↑ V595 The 'pContentNd' pointer was utilized before it was verified against nullptr. Check lines: 402, 410.
↑ V1028 Possible overflow. Consider casting operands, not the result.
↑ V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: pFormatItem.
↑ V1007 The value from the potentially uninitialized optional 'aBoxFormatArr2' is used. Probably it is a mistake.
↑ V1007 The value from the potentially uninitialized optional 'aBoxFormatArr2' is used. Probably it is a mistake.
↑ V1007 The value from the potentially uninitialized optional 'aBoxFormatArr2' is used. Probably it is a mistake.
↑ V1007 The value from the potentially uninitialized optional 'aBoxFormatArr2' is used. Probably it is a mistake.
↑ V1007 The value from the potentially uninitialized optional 'oNode2Layout' is used. Probably it is a mistake.
↑ V1029 Numeric Truncation Error. Return value of the 'size' function is written to the 16-bit variable.