/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <sal/config.h>
#include <o3tl/safeint.hxx>
#include <svx/svdpage.hxx>
#include <osl/diagnose.h>
#include <drawdoc.hxx>
#include <fmtpdsc.hxx>
#include <swtable.hxx>
#include <rootfrm.hxx>
#include <pagefrm.hxx>
#include <dflyobj.hxx>
#include <frmtool.hxx>
#include "virtoutp.hxx"
#include <notxtfrm.hxx>
#include <pagedesc.hxx>
#include <viewimp.hxx>
#include <hints.hxx>
#include <viewopt.hxx>
#include <set>
#include <IDocumentDrawModelAccess.hxx>
#include <IDocumentSettingAccess.hxx>
#include <IDocumentFieldsAccess.hxx>
#include <DocumentLayoutManager.hxx>
#include <DocumentRedlineManager.hxx>
#include <ndindex.hxx>
SwLayVout     *SwRootFrame::s_pVout = nullptr;
bool           SwRootFrame::s_isInPaint = false;
bool           SwRootFrame::s_isNoVirDev = false;
SwRootFrame* SwRootFrame::s_pLast = nullptr;
SwCache *SwFrame::spCache = nullptr;
static tools::Long FirstMinusSecond( tools::Long nFirst, tools::Long nSecond )
    { return nFirst - nSecond; }
static tools::Long SecondMinusFirst( tools::Long nFirst, tools::Long nSecond )
    { return nSecond - nFirst; }
static tools::Long SwIncrement( tools::Long nA, tools::Long nAdd )
    { return nA + nAdd; }
static tools::Long SwDecrement( tools::Long nA, tools::Long nSub )
    { return nA - nSub; }
static SwRectFnCollection aHorizontal = {
    /*.fnGetTop =*/&SwRect::Top_,
    /*.fnGetBottom =*/&SwRect::Bottom_,
    /*.fnGetLeft =*/&SwRect::Left_,
    /*.fnGetRight =*/&SwRect::Right_,
    /*.fnGetWidth =*/&SwRect::Width_,
    /*.fnGetHeight =*/&SwRect::Height_,
    /*.fnGetPos =*/&SwRect::TopLeft,
    /*.fnGetSize =*/&SwRect::Size_,
    /*.fnSetTop =*/&SwRect::Top_,
    /*.fnSetBottom =*/&SwRect::Bottom_,
    /*.fnSetLeft =*/&SwRect::Left_,
    /*.fnSetRight =*/&SwRect::Right_,
    /*.fnSetWidth =*/&SwRect::Width_,
    /*.fnSetHeight =*/&SwRect::Height_,
    /*.fnSubTop =*/&SwRect::SubTop,
    /*.fnAddBottom =*/&SwRect::AddBottom,
    /*.fnSubLeft =*/&SwRect::SubLeft,
    /*.fnAddRight =*/&SwRect::AddRight,
    /*.fnAddWidth =*/&SwRect::AddWidth,
    /*.fnAddHeight =*/&SwRect::AddHeight,
    /*.fnSetPosX =*/&SwRect::SetPosX,
    /*.fnSetPosY =*/&SwRect::SetPosY,
    /*.fnGetTopMargin =*/&SwFrame::GetTopMargin,
    /*.fnGetBottomMargin =*/&SwFrame::GetBottomMargin,
    /*.fnGetLeftMargin =*/&SwFrame::GetLeftMargin,
    /*.fnGetRightMargin =*/&SwFrame::GetRightMargin,
    /*.fnSetXMargins =*/&SwFrame::SetLeftRightMargins,
    /*.fnSetYMargins =*/&SwFrame::SetTopBottomMargins,
    /*.fnGetPrtTop =*/&SwFrame::GetPrtTop,
    /*.fnGetPrtBottom =*/&SwFrame::GetPrtBottom,
    /*.fnGetPrtLeft =*/&SwFrame::GetPrtLeft,
    /*.fnGetPrtRight =*/&SwFrame::GetPrtRight,
    /*.fnTopDist =*/&SwRect::GetTopDistance,
    /*.fnBottomDist =*/&SwRect::GetBottomDistance,
    /*.fnLeftDist =*/&SwRect::GetLeftDistance,
    /*.fnRightDist =*/&SwRect::GetRightDistance,
    /*.fnSetLimit =*/&SwFrame::SetMaxBottom,
    /*.fnOverStep =*/&SwRect::OverStepBottom,
    /*.fnSetPos =*/&SwRect::SetUpperLeftCorner,
    /*.fnMakePos =*/&SwFrame::MakeBelowPos,
    /*.fnXDiff =*/&FirstMinusSecond,
    /*.fnYDiff =*/&FirstMinusSecond,
    /*.fnXInc =*/&SwIncrement,
    /*.fnYInc =*/&o3tl::saturating_add<tools::Long>,
    /*.fnSetLeftAndWidth =*/&SwRect::SetLeftAndWidth,
    /*.fnSetTopAndHeight =*/&SwRect::SetTopAndHeight
static SwRectFnCollection aVertical = {
    /*.fnGetTop =*/&SwRect::Right_,
    /*.fnGetBottom =*/&SwRect::Left_,
    /*.fnGetLeft =*/&SwRect::Top_,
    /*.fnGetRight =*/&SwRect::Bottom_,
    /*.fnGetWidth =*/&SwRect::Height_,
    /*.fnGetHeight =*/&SwRect::Width_,
    /*.fnGetPos =*/&SwRect::TopRight,
    /*.fnGetSize =*/&SwRect::SwappedSize,
    /*.fnSetTop =*/&SwRect::Right_,
    /*.fnSetBottom =*/&SwRect::Left_,
    /*.fnSetLeft =*/&SwRect::Top_,
    /*.fnSetRight =*/&SwRect::Bottom_,
    /*.fnSetWidth =*/&SwRect::Height_,
    /*.fnSetHeight =*/&SwRect::Width_,
    /*.fnSubTop =*/&SwRect::AddRight,
    /*.fnAddBottom =*/&SwRect::SubLeft,
    /*.fnSubLeft =*/&SwRect::SubTop,
    /*.fnAddRight =*/&SwRect::AddBottom,
    /*.fnAddWidth =*/&SwRect::AddHeight,
    /*.fnAddHeight =*/&SwRect::AddWidth,
    /*.fnSetPosX =*/&SwRect::SetPosY,
    /*.fnSetPosY =*/&SwRect::SetPosX,
    /*.fnGetTopMargin =*/&SwFrame::GetRightMargin,
    /*.fnGetBottomMargin =*/&SwFrame::GetLeftMargin,
    /*.fnGetLeftMargin =*/&SwFrame::GetTopMargin,
    /*.fnGetRightMargin =*/&SwFrame::GetBottomMargin,
    /*.fnSetXMargins =*/&SwFrame::SetTopBottomMargins,
    /*.fnSetYMargins =*/&SwFrame::SetRightLeftMargins,
    /*.fnGetPrtTop =*/&SwFrame::GetPrtRight,
    /*.fnGetPrtBottom =*/&SwFrame::GetPrtLeft,
    /*.fnGetPrtLeft =*/&SwFrame::GetPrtTop,
    /*.fnGetPrtRight =*/&SwFrame::GetPrtBottom,
    /*.fnTopDist =*/&SwRect::GetRightDistance,
    /*.fnBottomDist =*/&SwRect::GetLeftDistance,
    /*.fnLeftDist =*/&SwRect::GetTopDistance,
    /*.fnRightDist =*/&SwRect::GetBottomDistance,
    /*.fnSetLimit =*/&SwFrame::SetMinLeft,
    /*.fnOverStep =*/&SwRect::OverStepLeft,
    /*.fnSetPos =*/&SwRect::SetUpperRightCorner,
    /*.fnMakePos =*/&SwFrame::MakeLeftPos,
    /*.fnXDiff =*/&FirstMinusSecond,
    /*.fnYDiff =*/&SecondMinusFirst,
    /*.fnXInc =*/&SwIncrement,
    /*.fnYInc =*/&SwDecrement,
    /*.fnSetLeftAndWidth =*/&SwRect::SetTopAndHeight,
    /*.fnSetTopAndHeight =*/&SwRect::SetRightAndWidth
static SwRectFnCollection aVerticalLeftToRight = {
    /*.fnGetTop =*/&SwRect::Left_,
    /*.fnGetBottom =*/&SwRect::Right_,
    /*.fnGetLeft =*/&SwRect::Top_,
    /*.fnGetRight =*/&SwRect::Bottom_,
    /*.fnGetWidth =*/&SwRect::Height_,
    /*.fnGetHeight =*/&SwRect::Width_,
    /*.fnGetPos =*/&SwRect::TopLeft,
    /*.fnGetSize =*/&SwRect::SwappedSize,
    /*.fnSetTop =*/&SwRect::Left_,
    /*.fnSetBottom =*/&SwRect::Right_,
    /*.fnSetLeft =*/&SwRect::Top_,
    /*.fnSetRight =*/&SwRect::Bottom_,
    /*.fnSetWidth =*/&SwRect::Height_,
    /*.fnSetHeight =*/&SwRect::Width_,
    /*.fnSubTop =*/&SwRect::SubLeft,
    /*.fnAddBottom =*/&SwRect::AddRight,
    /*.fnSubLeft =*/&SwRect::SubTop,
    /*.fnAddRight =*/&SwRect::AddBottom,
    /*.fnAddWidth =*/&SwRect::AddHeight,
    /*.fnAddHeight =*/&SwRect::AddWidth,
    /*.fnSetPosX =*/&SwRect::SetPosY,
    /*.fnSetPosY =*/&SwRect::SetPosX,
    /*.fnGetTopMargin =*/&SwFrame::GetLeftMargin,
    /*.fnGetBottomMargin =*/&SwFrame::GetRightMargin,
    /*.fnGetLeftMargin =*/&SwFrame::GetTopMargin,
    /*.fnGetRightMargin =*/&SwFrame::GetBottomMargin,
    /*.fnSetXMargins =*/&SwFrame::SetTopBottomMargins,
    /*.fnSetYMargins =*/&SwFrame::SetLeftRightMargins,
    /*.fnGetPrtTop =*/&SwFrame::GetPrtLeft,
    /*.fnGetPrtBottom =*/&SwFrame::GetPrtRight,
    /*.fnGetPrtLeft =*/&SwFrame::GetPrtTop,
    /*.fnGetPrtRight =*/&SwFrame::GetPrtBottom,
    /*.fnTopDist =*/&SwRect::GetLeftDistance,
    /*.fnBottomDist =*/&SwRect::GetRightDistance,
    /*.fnLeftDist =*/&SwRect::GetTopDistance,
    /*.fnRightDist =*/&SwRect::GetBottomDistance,
    /*.fnSetLimit =*/&SwFrame::SetMaxRight,
    /*.fnOverStep =*/&SwRect::OverStepRight,
    /*.fnSetPos =*/&SwRect::SetUpperLeftCorner,
    /*.fnMakePos =*/&SwFrame::MakeRightPos,
    /*.fnXDiff =*/&FirstMinusSecond,
    /*.fnYDiff =*/&FirstMinusSecond,
    /*.fnXInc =*/&SwIncrement,
    /*.fnYInc =*/&SwIncrement,
    /*.fnSetLeftAndWidth =*/&SwRect::SetTopAndHeight,
    /*.fnSetTopAndHeight =*/&SwRect::SetLeftAndWidth
 * This is the same as horizontal, but rotated counter-clockwise by 90 degrees.
 * This means logical top is physical left, bottom is right, left is bottom,
 * finally right is top. Values map from logical to physical.
static SwRectFnCollection aVerticalLeftToRightBottomToTop = {
    /*.fnGetTop =*/&SwRect::Left_,
    /*.fnGetBottom =*/&SwRect::Right_,
    /*.fnGetLeft =*/&SwRect::Bottom_,
    /*.fnGetRight =*/&SwRect::Top_,
    /*.fnGetWidth =*/&SwRect::Height_,
    /*.fnGetHeight =*/&SwRect::Width_,
    /*.fnGetPos =*/&SwRect::BottomLeft,
    /*.fnGetSize =*/&SwRect::SwappedSize,
    /*.fnSetTop =*/&SwRect::Left_,
    /*.fnSetBottom =*/&SwRect::Right_,
    /*.fnSetLeft =*/&SwRect::Bottom_,
    /*.fnSetRight =*/&SwRect::Top_,
    /*.fnSetWidth =*/&SwRect::Height_,
    /*.fnSetHeight =*/&SwRect::Width_,
    /*.fnSubTop =*/&SwRect::SubLeft,
    /*.fnAddBottom =*/&SwRect::AddRight,
    /*.fnSubLeft =*/&SwRect::AddBottom,
    /*.fnAddRight =*/&SwRect::SubTop,
    /*.fnAddWidth =*/&SwRect::AddHeight,
    /*.fnAddHeight =*/&SwRect::AddWidth,
    /*.fnSetPosX =*/&SwRect::SetPosY,
    /*.fnSetPosY =*/&SwRect::SetPosX,
    /*.fnGetTopMargin =*/&SwFrame::GetLeftMargin,
    /*.fnGetBottomMargin =*/&SwFrame::GetRightMargin,
    /*.fnGetLeftMargin =*/&SwFrame::GetBottomMargin,
    /*.fnGetRightMargin =*/&SwFrame::GetTopMargin,
    /*.fnSetXMargins =*/&SwFrame::SetTopBottomMargins,
    /*.fnSetYMargins =*/&SwFrame::SetLeftRightMargins,
    /*.fnGetPrtTop =*/&SwFrame::GetPrtLeft,
    /*.fnGetPrtBottom =*/&SwFrame::GetPrtRight,
    /*.fnGetPrtLeft =*/&SwFrame::GetPrtBottom,
    /*.fnGetPrtRight =*/&SwFrame::GetPrtTop,
    /*.fnTopDist =*/&SwRect::GetLeftDistance,
    /*.fnBottomDist =*/&SwRect::GetRightDistance,
    /*.fnLeftDist =*/&SwRect::GetBottomDistance,
    /*.fnRightDist =*/&SwRect::GetTopDistance,
    /*.fnSetLimit =*/&SwFrame::SetMaxRight,
    /*.fnOverStep =*/&SwRect::OverStepRight,
    /*.fnSetPos =*/&SwRect::SetLowerLeftCorner,
    /*.fnMakePos =*/&SwFrame::MakeRightPos,
    /*.fnXDiff =*/&SecondMinusFirst,
    /*.fnYDiff =*/&FirstMinusSecond,
    /*.fnXInc =*/&SwDecrement,
    /*.fnYInc =*/&SwIncrement,
    /*.fnSetLeftAndWidth =*/&SwRect::SetBottomAndHeight,
    /*.fnSetTopAndHeight =*/&SwRect::SetLeftAndWidth
SwRectFn fnRectHori = &aHorizontal;
SwRectFn fnRectVert = &aVertical;
SwRectFn fnRectVertL2R = &aVerticalLeftToRight;
SwRectFn fnRectVertL2RB2T = &aVerticalLeftToRightBottomToTop;
// #i65250#
sal_uInt32 SwFrameAreaDefinition::snLastFrameId=0;
void FrameInit()
    SwRootFrame::s_pVout = new SwLayVout();
    SwCache *pNew = new SwCache( 100
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
    , "static SwBorderAttrs::pCache"_ostr
    SwFrame::SetCache( pNew );
void FrameFinit()
    // The cache may only contain null pointers at this time.
    for( size_t n = SwFrame::GetCachePtr()->size(); n; )
        if( (*SwFrame::GetCachePtr())[ --n ] )
            SwCacheObj* pObj = (*SwFrame::GetCachePtr())[ n ];
            OSL_ENSURE( !pObj, "Who didn't deregister?");
    delete SwRootFrame::s_pVout;
    delete SwFrame::GetCachePtr();
// RootFrame::Everything that belongs to CurrShell
CurrShell::CurrShell( SwViewShell *pNew )
    assert(pNew && "insert 0-Shell?");
    pRoot = pNew->GetLayout();
    if ( pRoot )
        pPrev = pRoot->mpCurrShell;
        pRoot->mpCurrShell = pNew;
        pRoot->mpCurrShells->insert( this );
        pPrev = nullptr;
    if ( pRoot )
        pRoot->mpCurrShells->erase( this );
        if ( pPrev )
            pRoot->mpCurrShell = pPrev;
        if ( pRoot->mpCurrShells->empty() && pRoot->mpWaitingCurrShell )
            pRoot->mpCurrShell = pRoot->mpWaitingCurrShell;
            pRoot->mpWaitingCurrShell = nullptr;
void SetShell( SwViewShell *pSh )
    SwRootFrame *pRoot = pSh->GetLayout();
    if ( pRoot->mpCurrShells->empty() )
        pRoot->mpCurrShell = pSh;
        pRoot->mpWaitingCurrShell = pSh;
void SwRootFrame::DeRegisterShell( SwViewShell *pSh )
    // Activate some shell if possible
    if ( mpCurrShell == pSh )
        mpCurrShell = nullptr;
        for(SwViewShell& rShell : pSh->GetRingContainer())
            if(&rShell != pSh)
                mpCurrShell = &rShell;
    // Doesn't matter anymore
    if ( mpWaitingCurrShell == pSh )
        mpWaitingCurrShell = nullptr;
    // Remove references
    for ( CurrShell *pC : *mpCurrShells )
        if (pC->pPrev == pSh)
            pC->pPrev = nullptr;
void InitCurrShells( SwRootFrame *pRoot )
    pRoot->mpCurrShells.reset( new SwCurrShells );
|*      The RootFrame requests an own FrameFormat from the document, which it is
|*      going to delete again in the dtor. The own FrameFormat is derived from
|*      the passed FrameFormat.
SwRootFrame::SwRootFrame( SwFrameFormat *pFormat, SwViewShell * pSh ) :
    SwLayoutFrame( pFormat->GetDoc()->MakeFrameFormat(
        u"Root"_ustr, pFormat ), nullptr ),
    mnViewWidth( -1 ),
    mnColumns( 0 ),
    mbBookMode( false ),
    mbSidebarChanged( false ),
    mbNeedGrammarCheck( false ),
    mbCheckSuperfluous( false ),
    mbIdleFormat( true ),
    mbBrowseWidthValid( false ),
    mbTurboAllowed( true ),
    mbAssertFlyPages( true ),
    mbTableUpdateInProgress( false ),
    mbIsVirtPageNum( false ),
    mbIsNewLayout( true ),
    mbCallbackActionEnabled ( false ),
    mbLayoutFreezed ( false ),
            ? sw::FieldmarkMode::ShowCommand
            : sw::FieldmarkMode::ShowResult),
            ? sw::ParagraphBreakMode::Shown
            : sw::ParagraphBreakMode::Hidden),
    mpTurbo( nullptr ),
    mpLastPage( nullptr ),
    mpCurrShell( pSh ),
    mpWaitingCurrShell( nullptr ),
    mpDrawPage( nullptr ),
    mnPhyPageNums( 0 ),
    mnAccessibleShells( 0 )
    mnFrameType = SwFrameType::Root;
    setRootFrame( this );
    s_pLast = this;
void SwRootFrame::Init( SwFrameFormat* pFormat )
    InitCurrShells( this );
    IDocumentTimerAccess& rTimerAccess = pFormat->getIDocumentTimerAccess();
    IDocumentLayoutAccess& rLayoutAccess = pFormat->getIDocumentLayoutAccess();
    IDocumentFieldsAccess& rFieldsAccess = pFormat->getIDocumentFieldsAccess();
    const IDocumentSettingAccess& rSettingAccess = pFormat->getIDocumentSettingAccess();
    // For creating the Flys by MakeFrames()
    rLayoutAccess.SetCurrentViewShell( GetCurrShell() );
    mbCallbackActionEnabled = false; // needs to be set to true before leaving!
    SwDrawModel* pMd = pFormat->getIDocumentDrawModelAccess().GetDrawModel();
    if ( pMd )
        // Disable "multiple layout"
        mpDrawPage = pMd->GetPage(0);
        mpDrawPage->SetSize( getFrameArea().SSize() );
    // Initialize the layout: create pages, link content with Content etc.
    // First, initialize some stuff, then get hold of the first
    // node (which will be needed for the PageDesc).
    SwDoc* pDoc = pFormat->GetDoc();
    SwNodeIndex aIndex( *pDoc->GetNodes().GetEndOfContent().StartOfSectionNode() );
    SwContentNode* pNode = SwNodes::GoNextSection(&aIndex, true, false);
    // #123067# pNode = 0 can really happen
    SwTableNode *pTableNd= pNode ? pNode->FindTableNode() : nullptr;
    // Get hold of PageDesc (either via FrameFormat of the first node or the initial one).
    SwPageDesc *pDesc = nullptr;
    ::std::optional<sal_uInt16> oPgNum;
    if ( pTableNd )
        const SwFormatPageDesc &rDesc = pTableNd->GetTable().GetFrameFormat()->GetPageDesc();
        pDesc = const_cast<SwPageDesc*>(rDesc.GetPageDesc());
        //#19104# respect the page number offset!!
        oPgNum = rDesc.GetNumOffset();
        if (oPgNum)
            mbIsVirtPageNum = true;
    else if ( pNode )
        const SwFormatPageDesc &rDesc = pNode->GetSwAttrSet().GetPageDesc();
        pDesc = const_cast<SwPageDesc*>(rDesc.GetPageDesc());
        //#19104# respect the page number offset!!
        oPgNum = rDesc.GetNumOffset();
        if (oPgNum)
            mbIsVirtPageNum = true;
        mbIsVirtPageNum = false;
    if ( !pDesc )
        pDesc = &pDoc->GetPageDesc( 0 );
    // Create a page and put it in the layout
    // The first page is always a right-page and always a first-page
    SwPageFrame* pPage = ::InsertNewPage(
        *pDesc, /*pUpper=*/this, /*isRightPage=*/true, /*bFirst=*/true, /*bInsertEmpty=*/false,
        /*bFootnote=*/false, /*pSibling=*/nullptr, /*bVeryFirstPage=*/true);
    // Find the first page in the Bodytext section.
    SwLayoutFrame *pLay = pPage->FindBodyCont();
    while( pLay->Lower() )
        pLay = static_cast<SwLayoutFrame*>(pLay->Lower());
    SwNodeIndex aTmp( *pDoc->GetNodes().GetEndOfContent().StartOfSectionNode(), 1 );
    ::InsertCnt_( pLay, pDoc, aTmp.GetIndex(), true );
    // tdf#156077 create all pages for at-page anchored flys now because all
    // these flys must be attached to some page when Init() is finished
    if( rSettingAccess.get(DocumentSettingId::GLOBAL_DOCUMENT) )
    //b6433357: Update page fields after loading
    if ( !mpCurrShell || !mpCurrShell->Imp()->IsUpdateExpFields() )
    mbCallbackActionEnabled = true;
    SwViewShell *pViewSh  = GetCurrShell();
    if (pViewSh)
        mbNeedGrammarCheck = pViewSh->GetViewOptions()->IsOnlineSpell();
void SwRootFrame::DestroyImpl()
    mbTurboAllowed = false;
    mpTurbo = nullptr;
    SwFrameFormat *pRegisteredInNonConst = static_cast<SwFrameFormat*>(GetDep());
    if ( pRegisteredInNonConst )
        SwDoc *pDoc = pRegisteredInNonConst->GetDoc();
        pDoc->DelFrameFormat( pRegisteredInNonConst );
        // do this before calling RemoveFootnotes() because footnotes
        // can contain anchored objects
    // Remove references
    for ( auto& rpCurrShell : *mpCurrShells )
        rpCurrShell->pRoot = nullptr;
    // Some accessible shells are left => problems on second SwFrame::Destroy call
    assert(0 == mnAccessibleShells);
    // fdo#39510 crash on document close with footnotes
    // Object ownership in writer and esp. in layout are a mess: Before the
    // document/layout split SwDoc and SwRootFrame were essentially one object
    // and magically/uncleanly worked around their common destruction by call
    // to SwDoc::IsInDtor() -- even from the layout. As of now destruction of
    // the layout proceeds forward through the frames. Since SwTextFootnote::DelFrames
    // also searches backwards to find the master of footnotes, they must be
    // considered to be owned by the SwRootFrame and also be destroyed here,
    // before tearing down the (now footnote free) rest of the layout.
    RemoveFootnotes(nullptr, false, true);
    s_pLast = nullptr;
void SwRootFrame::RemoveMasterObjs( SdrPage *pPg )
    // Remove all master objects from the Page. But don't delete!
    for( size_t i = pPg ? pPg->GetObjCount() : 0; i; )
        SdrObject* pObj = pPg->GetObj( --i );
        if( dynamic_cast< const SwFlyDrawObj *>( pObj ) !=  nullptr )
            pPg->RemoveObject( i );
void SwRootFrame::AllCheckPageDescs() const
    if ( !IsLayoutFreezed() )
        CheckPageDescs( const_cast<SwPageFrame*>(static_cast<const SwPageFrame*>(Lower())) );
void SwRootFrame::AllInvalidateAutoCompleteWords() const
    SwPageFrame *pPage = const_cast<SwPageFrame*>(static_cast<const SwPageFrame*>(Lower()));
    while ( pPage )
        pPage = static_cast<SwPageFrame*>(pPage->GetNext());
void SwRootFrame::AllAddPaintRect() const
    GetCurrShell()->AddPaintRect( getFrameArea() );
void SwRootFrame::AllRemoveFootnotes()
void SwRootFrame::AllInvalidateSmartTagsOrSpelling(bool bSmartTags) const
    SwPageFrame *pPage = const_cast<SwPageFrame*>(static_cast<const SwPageFrame*>(Lower()));
    while ( pPage )
        if ( bSmartTags )
        pPage = static_cast<SwPageFrame*>(pPage->GetNext());
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V1004 The 'pPg' pointer was used unsafely after it was verified against nullptr. Check lines: 581, 583.