/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <libxml/xmlwriter.h>
#include <osl/diagnose.h>
#include <tools/json_writer.hxx>
#include <LibreOfficeKit/LibreOfficeKitEnums.h>
#include <sfx2/viewsh.hxx>
#include <comphelper/lok.hxx>
#include <node.hxx>
#include <doc.hxx>
#include <IDocumentUndoRedo.hxx>
#include <IDocumentFieldsAccess.hxx>
#include <IDocumentLayoutAccess.hxx>
#include <pam.hxx>
#include <txtfld.hxx>
#include <fmtfld.hxx>
#include <numrule.hxx>
#include <ndtxt.hxx>
#include <ndnotxt.hxx>
#include <swtable.hxx>
#include <section.hxx>
#include <ddefld.hxx>
#include <swddetbl.hxx>
#include <txtatr.hxx>
#include <tox.hxx>
#include <fmtrfmrk.hxx>
#include <fmtftn.hxx>
#include <docsh.hxx>
#include <rootfrm.hxx>
#include <txtfrm.hxx>
typedef std::vector<SwStartNode*> SwStartNodePointers;
// function to determine the highest level in the given range
static sal_uInt16 HighestLevel( SwNodes & rNodes, const SwNodeRange & rRange );
/** Constructor
 * creates the base sections (PostIts, Inserts, AutoText, RedLines, Content)
 * @param rDocument TODO: provide documentation
SwNodes::SwNodes( SwDoc& rDocument )
    : m_rMyDoc( rDocument )
    m_bInNodesDel = m_bInDelUpdOutline = false;
    SwNodeOffset nPos(0);
    SwStartNode* pSttNd = new SwStartNode( *this, nPos++ );
    m_pEndOfPostIts = new SwEndNode( *this, nPos++, *pSttNd );
    SwStartNode* pTmp = new SwStartNode( *this, nPos++ );
    m_pEndOfInserts = new SwEndNode( *this, nPos++, *pTmp );
    pTmp = new SwStartNode( *this, nPos++ );
    pTmp->m_pStartOfSection = pSttNd;
    m_pEndOfAutotext = new SwEndNode( *this, nPos++, *pTmp );
    pTmp = new SwStartNode( *this, nPos++ );
    pTmp->m_pStartOfSection = pSttNd;
    m_pEndOfRedlines = new SwEndNode( *this, nPos++, *pTmp );
    pTmp = new SwStartNode( *this, nPos++ );
    pTmp->m_pStartOfSection = pSttNd;
    m_pEndOfContent.reset(new SwEndNode( *this, nPos++, *pTmp ));
/** Destructor
 * Deletes all nodes whose pointer are in a dynamic array. This should be no
 * problem as nodes cannot be created outside this array and, thus, cannot be
 * part of multiple arrays.
        SwNodeIndex aNdIdx( *this );
        while( true )
            SwNode *pNode = &aNdIdx.GetNode();
            if( pNode == m_pEndOfContent.get() )
            delete pNode;
    // here, all SwNodeIndices must be unregistered
static bool IsInsertOutline(SwNodes const& rNodes, SwNodeOffset const nIndex)
    if (!rNodes.IsDocNodes())
        return false;
    return nIndex < rNodes.GetEndOfRedlines().StartOfSectionNode()->GetIndex()
        || rNodes.GetEndOfRedlines().GetIndex() < nIndex;
void SwNodes::ChgNode( SwNodeIndex const & rDelPos, SwNodeOffset nSz,
                        SwNodeIndex& rInsPos, bool bNewFrames )
    // no need for frames in the UndoArea
    SwNodes& rNds = rInsPos.GetNodes();
    const SwNode* pPrevInsNd = rNds[ rInsPos.GetIndex() -SwNodeOffset(1) ];
    // declare all fields as invalid, updating will happen
    // in the idle-handler of the doc
    if( GetDoc().getIDocumentFieldsAccess().SetFieldsDirty( true, &rDelPos.GetNode(), nSz ) &&
        &rNds.GetDoc() != &GetDoc() )
        rNds.GetDoc().getIDocumentFieldsAccess().SetFieldsDirty( true, nullptr, SwNodeOffset(0) );
    // NEVER include nodes from the RedLineArea
    SwNodeOffset nNd = rInsPos.GetIndex();
    bool const bInsOutlineIdx = IsInsertOutline(rNds, nNd);
    if( &rNds == this ) // if in the same node array -> move
        // Move order: from front to back, so that new entries are added at
        // first position, thus, deletion position stays the same
        const SwNodeOffset nDiff(rDelPos.GetIndex() < rInsPos.GetIndex() ? 0 : 1);
        for( SwNodeOffset n = rDelPos.GetIndex(); nSz; n += nDiff, --nSz )
            SwNodeIndex aDelIdx( *this, n );
            SwNode& rNd = aDelIdx.GetNode();
            // #i57920# - correction of refactoring done by cws swnumtree:
            // - <SwTextNode::SetLevel( NO_NUMBERING ) is deprecated and
            //   set <IsCounted> state of the text node to <false>, which
            //   isn't correct here.
            if ( rNd.IsTextNode() )
                SwTextNode* pTextNode = rNd.GetTextNode();
                if (pTextNode->IsOutline())
                    SwNode* pSrch = &rNd;
                    m_aOutlineNodes.erase( pSrch );
            BigPtrArray::Move( sal_Int32(aDelIdx.GetIndex()), sal_Int32(rInsPos.GetIndex()) );
            if( rNd.IsTextNode() )
                SwTextNode& rTextNd = static_cast<SwTextNode&>(rNd);
                if (bInsOutlineIdx && rTextNd.IsOutline())
                    SwNode* pSrch = &rNd;
                    m_aOutlineNodes.insert( pSrch );
                if( RES_CONDTXTFMTCOLL == rTextNd.GetTextColl()->Which() )
            else if( rNd.IsContentNode() )
        bool bSavePersData(GetDoc().GetIDocumentUndoRedo().IsUndoNodes(rNds));
        bool bRestPersData(GetDoc().GetIDocumentUndoRedo().IsUndoNodes(*this));
        SwDoc* pDestDoc = &rNds.GetDoc() != &GetDoc() ? &rNds.GetDoc() : nullptr;
        OSL_ENSURE(!pDestDoc, "SwNodes::ChgNode(): "
            "the code to handle text fields here looks broken\n"
            "if the target is in a different document.");
        if( !bRestPersData && !bSavePersData && pDestDoc )
            bSavePersData = bRestPersData = true;
        OUString sNumRule;
        for( SwNodeOffset n(0); n < nSz; n++ )
            SwNode* pNd = &rDelPos.GetNode();
            // NoTextNode keep their persistent data
            if( pNd->IsNoTextNode() )
                if( bSavePersData )
            else if( pNd->IsTextNode() )
                SwTextNode* pTextNd = static_cast<SwTextNode*>(pNd);
                // remove outline index from old nodes array
                if (pTextNd->IsOutline())
                    m_aOutlineNodes.erase( pNd );
                // copy rules if needed
                if( pDestDoc )
                    const SwNumRule* pNumRule = pTextNd->GetNumRule();
                    if( pNumRule && sNumRule != pNumRule->GetName() )
                        sNumRule = pNumRule->GetName();
                        SwNumRule* pDestRule = pDestDoc->FindNumRulePtr( sNumRule );
                        if( pDestRule )
                            pDestDoc->MakeNumRule( sNumRule, pNumRule );
                    // if movement into the UndoNodes-array, update numbering
                    if (sw::HasNumberingWhichNeedsLayoutUpdate(*pTextNd))
            RemoveNode( rDelPos.GetIndex(), SwNodeOffset(1), false ); // move indices
            SwContentNode * pCNd = pNd->GetContentNode();
            rNds.InsertNode( pNd, rInsPos );
            if( pCNd )
                SwTextNode* pTextNd = pCNd->GetTextNode();
                if( pTextNd )
                    SwpHints * const pHts = pTextNd->GetpSwpHints();
                    // OutlineNodes set the new nodes in the array
                    if (bInsOutlineIdx && pTextNd->IsOutline())
                        rNds.m_aOutlineNodes.insert( pTextNd );
                    // special treatment for fields
                    if( pHts && pHts->Count() )
                        bool const bToUndo = !pDestDoc &&
                        for( size_t i = pHts->Count(); i; )
                            SwTextAttr * const pAttr = pHts->Get( --i );
                            switch ( pAttr->Which() )
                            case RES_TXTATR_FIELD:
                            case RES_TXTATR_ANNOTATION:
                            case RES_TXTATR_INPUTFIELD:
                                    SwTextField* pTextField = static_txtattr_cast<SwTextField*>(pAttr);
                                    rNds.GetDoc().getIDocumentFieldsAccess().InsDelFieldInFieldLst( !bToUndo, *pTextField );
                                    SwFieldType* pTyp = pTextField->GetFormatField().GetField()->GetTyp();
                                    if ( SwFieldIds::Postit == pTyp->Which() )
                                                ( pTextField->GetFormatField().IsFieldInDoc()
                                                  ? SwFormatFieldHintWhich::INSERTED
                                                  : SwFormatFieldHintWhich::REMOVED ) ) );
                                    else if( SwFieldIds::Dde == pTyp->Which() )
                                        if( bToUndo )
                            case RES_TXTATR_FTN:
                            case RES_TXTATR_TOXMARK:
                            case RES_TXTATR_REFMARK:
                            case RES_TXTATR_META:
                            case RES_TXTATR_METAFIELD:
                                    SwTextMeta *const pTextMeta(
                                    // force removal of UNO object
                    if( RES_CONDTXTFMTCOLL == pTextNd->GetTextColl()->Which() )
                    // Moved into different Docs? Persist data again!
                    if( pCNd->IsNoTextNode() && bRestPersData )
                // reset Accessibility issue state
    // declare all fields as invalid, updating will happen
    // in the idle-handler of the doc
    GetDoc().getIDocumentFieldsAccess().SetFieldsDirty( true, nullptr, SwNodeOffset(0) );
    if( &rNds.GetDoc() != &GetDoc() )
        rNds.GetDoc().getIDocumentFieldsAccess().SetFieldsDirty( true, nullptr, SwNodeOffset(0) );
    if( bNewFrames )
        bNewFrames = &GetDoc().GetNodes() == &rNds &&
    if( !bNewFrames )
    // get the frames:
    SwNodeIndex aIdx( *pPrevInsNd, 1 );
    SwNode* pFrameNd = rNds.FindPrvNxtFrameNode( aIdx.GetNode(),
                                    rNds[ rInsPos.GetIndex() - 1 ] );
    if( !pFrameNd )
    while( aIdx != rInsPos )
        SwContentNode* pCNd = aIdx.GetNode().GetContentNode();
        if( pCNd )
            if( pFrameNd->IsTableNode() )
            else if( pFrameNd->IsSectionNode() )
            pFrameNd = pCNd;
// TODO: provide documentation
/** move the node pointer
 * Move the node pointer from "(inclusive) start position to (exclusive) end
 * position" to target position.
 * If the target is in front of the first or in the area between first and
 * last element to move, nothing happens.
 * If the area to move is empty or the end position is before the start
 * position, nothing happens.
 * @param aRange range to move (excluding end node)
 * @return
bool SwNodes::MoveNodes( const SwNodeRange& aRange, SwNodes & rNodes,
                    SwNode& rPos, bool bNewFrames )
    SwNode * pCurrentNode;
    if( rPos.GetIndex() == SwNodeOffset(0) ||
        ( (pCurrentNode = &rPos)->GetStartNode() &&
          !pCurrentNode->StartOfSectionIndex() ))
        return false;
    SwNodeRange aRg( aRange );
    // skip "simple" start or end nodes
    while( SwNodeType::Start == (pCurrentNode = &aRg.aStart.GetNode())->GetNodeType()
            || ( pCurrentNode->IsEndNode() &&
                !pCurrentNode->m_pStartOfSection->IsSectionNode() ) )
    // if aEnd-1 points to no ContentNode, search previous one
    while( ( (( pCurrentNode = &aRg.aEnd.GetNode())->GetStartNode() &&
            !pCurrentNode->IsSectionNode() ) ||
            ( pCurrentNode->IsEndNode() &&
            SwNodeType::Start == pCurrentNode->m_pStartOfSection->GetNodeType()) ) &&
            aRg.aEnd > aRg.aStart )
    // if in same array, check insertion position
    if( aRg.aStart >= aRg.aEnd )
        return false;
    if( this == &rNodes )
        if( ( rPos.GetIndex()-SwNodeOffset(1) >= aRg.aStart.GetIndex() &&
              rPos.GetIndex()-SwNodeOffset(1) < aRg.aEnd.GetIndex()) ||
            ( rPos.GetIndex()-SwNodeOffset(1) == aRg.aEnd.GetIndex() ) )
            return false;
    SwNodeOffset nInsPos(0); // counter for tmp array
    // array as a stack, storing all StartOfSelections
    SwStartNodePointers aSttNdStack;
    SwStartNodePointers::size_type nLevel = 0; // level counter
    // set start index
    SwNodeIndex  aIdx( rPos );
    SwStartNode* pStartNode = aIdx.GetNode().m_pStartOfSection;
    aSttNdStack.insert( aSttNdStack.begin(), pStartNode );
    SwNodeRange aOrigInsPos( aIdx, SwNodeOffset(-1), aIdx ); // original insertion position
    // call DelFrames/MakeFrames for the upmost SectionNode
    int nSectNdCnt = 0;
    bool bSaveNewFrames = bNewFrames;
    // continue until everything has been moved
    while( aRg.aStart < aRg.aEnd )
        pCurrentNode = &aRg.aEnd.GetNode();
        switch( pCurrentNode->GetNodeType() )
        case SwNodeType::End:
                if( nInsPos ) // move everything until here
                    // delete and copy. CAUTION: all indices after
                    // "aRg.aEnd+1" will be moved as well!
                    SwNodeIndex aSwIndex( aRg.aEnd, 1 );
                    ChgNode( aSwIndex, nInsPos, aIdx, bNewFrames );
                    aIdx -= nInsPos;
                    nInsPos = SwNodeOffset(0);
                SwStartNode* pSttNd = pCurrentNode->m_pStartOfSection;
                if( pSttNd->IsTableNode() )
                    SwTableNode* pTableNd = static_cast<SwTableNode*>(pSttNd);
                    // move the whole table/range
                    nInsPos = (aRg.aEnd.GetIndex() -
                                    pSttNd->GetIndex() )+1;
                    aRg.aEnd -= nInsPos;
                    // NEVER include nodes from the RedLineArea
                    SwNodeOffset nNd = aIdx.GetIndex();
                    bool const bInsOutlineIdx = IsInsertOutline(rNodes, nNd);
                    if( bNewFrames )
                        // delete all frames
                    if( &rNodes == this ) // move into self?
                        // move all Start/End/ContentNodes
                        // ContentNodes: delete also the frames!
                        pTableNd->m_pStartOfSection = aIdx.GetNode().m_pStartOfSection;
                        for( SwNodeOffset n(0); n < nInsPos; ++n )
                            SwNodeIndex aMvIdx( aRg.aEnd, 1 );
                            SwContentNode* pCNd = nullptr;
                            SwNode* pTmpNd = &aMvIdx.GetNode();
                            if( pTmpNd->IsContentNode() )
                                pCNd = static_cast<SwContentNode*>(pTmpNd);
                                if( pTmpNd->IsTextNode() )
                                // remove outline index from old nodes array
                                if (pCNd->IsTextNode() && pCNd->GetTextNode()->IsOutline())
                                    m_aOutlineNodes.erase( pCNd );
                                    pCNd = nullptr;
                            BigPtrArray::Move( sal_Int32(aMvIdx.GetIndex()), sal_Int32(aIdx.GetIndex()) );
                            if( bInsOutlineIdx && pCNd )
                                m_aOutlineNodes.insert( pCNd );
                            if( pTmpNd->IsTextNode() )
                        // get StartNode
                        // Even aIdx points to a startnode, we need the startnode
                        // of the environment of aIdx (#i80941)
                        SwStartNode* pSttNode = aIdx.GetNode().m_pStartOfSection;
                        // get all boxes with content because their indices
                        // pointing to the StartNodes need to be reset
                        // (copying the array and deleting all found ones eases
                        // searching)
                        SwNodeIndex aMvIdx( aRg.aEnd, 1 );
                        for( SwNodeOffset n(0); n < nInsPos; ++n )
                            SwNode* pNd = &aMvIdx.GetNode();
                            const bool bOutlNd = pNd->IsTextNode() && pNd->GetTextNode()->IsOutline();
                            // delete outline indices from old node array
                            if( bOutlNd )
                                m_aOutlineNodes.erase( pNd );
                            RemoveNode( aMvIdx.GetIndex(), SwNodeOffset(1), false );
                            pNd->m_pStartOfSection = pSttNode;
                            rNodes.InsertNode( pNd, aIdx );
                            // set correct indices in Start/EndNodes
                            if( bInsOutlineIdx && bOutlNd )
                                // and put them into the new node array
                                rNodes.m_aOutlineNodes.insert( pNd );
                            else if( pNd->IsStartNode() )
                                pSttNode = static_cast<SwStartNode*>(pNd);
                            else if( pNd->IsEndNode() )
                                pSttNode->m_pEndOfSection = static_cast<SwEndNode*>(pNd);
                                if( pSttNode->IsSectionNode() )
                                pSttNode = pSttNode->m_pStartOfSection;
                        if( auto pDDETable = dynamic_cast<SwDDETable*>(&pTableNd->GetTable()) )
                            SwDDEFieldType* pTyp = pDDETable->GetDDEFieldType();
                            if( pTyp )
                                if( rNodes.IsDocNodes() )
                        if (GetDoc().GetIDocumentUndoRedo().IsUndoNodes(rNodes))
                            SwFrameFormat* pTableFormat = pTableNd->GetTable().GetFrameFormat();
                    if( bNewFrames )
                    aIdx -= nInsPos;
                    nInsPos = SwNodeOffset(0);
                else if( pSttNd->GetIndex() < aRg.aStart.GetIndex() )
                    // SectionNode: not the whole section will be moved, thus,
                    //              move only the ContentNodes
                    // StartNode:   create a new section at the given position
                    do {        // middle check loop
                        if( !pSttNd->IsSectionNode() )
                            // create StartNode and EndNode at InsertPos
                            SwStartNode* pTmp = new SwStartNode( aIdx.GetNode(),
/*?? NodeType ??*/                                  SwNormalStartNode );
                            nLevel++; // put the index to StartNode on the stack
                            aSttNdStack.insert( aSttNdStack.begin() + nLevel, pTmp );
                            // create EndNode
                            new SwEndNode( aIdx.GetNode(), *pTmp );
                        else if (GetDoc().GetIDocumentUndoRedo().IsUndoNodes(
                            // use placeholder in UndoNodes array
                            new SwPlaceholderNode(aIdx.GetNode());
                            // JP 18.5.2001 (Bug 70454) creating new section?
                    } while( false );
                    // move StartNode and EndNode in total
                    // if Start is exactly the Start of the area,
                    // then the Node needs to be re-visited
                    if( &aRg.aStart.GetNode() == pSttNd )
                    SwSectionNode* pSctNd = pSttNd->GetSectionNode();
                    if( bNewFrames && pSctNd )
                    {   // tdf#135056 skip over code in DelFrames() that moves
                        // SwNodeIndex around because in case of nested
                        // sections, m_pStartOfSection will point between
                        // undo nodes-array and doc nodes-array
                        pSctNd->DelFrames(nullptr, true);
                    RemoveNode( aRg.aEnd.GetIndex(), SwNodeOffset(1), false ); // delete EndNode
                    SwNodeOffset nSttPos = pSttNd->GetIndex();
                    // this StartNode will be removed later
                    SwStartNode* pTmpSttNd = new SwStartNode( *this, nSttPos+1 );
                    pTmpSttNd->m_pStartOfSection = pSttNd->m_pStartOfSection;
                    RemoveNode( nSttPos, SwNodeOffset(1), false ); // delete SttNode
                    pSttNd->m_pStartOfSection = aIdx.GetNode().m_pStartOfSection;
                    rNodes.InsertNode( pSttNd, aIdx  );
                    rNodes.InsertNode( pCurrentNode, aIdx );
                    pSttNd->m_pEndOfSection = static_cast<SwEndNode*>(pCurrentNode);
                    nLevel++; // put the index pointing to the StartNode onto the stack
                    aSttNdStack.insert( aSttNdStack.begin() + nLevel, pSttNd );
                    // reset remaining indices if SectionNode
                    if( pSctNd )
                        // tdf#132326 do not let frames survive in undo nodes
                        if (!GetDoc().GetIDocumentUndoRedo().IsUndoNodes(rNodes))
                            bNewFrames = false;
        case SwNodeType::Section:
            if( !nLevel &&
                // here, a SectionDummyNode needs to be inserted at the current position
                if( nInsPos ) // move everything until here
                    // delete and copy. CAUTION: all indices after
                    // "aRg.aEnd+1" will be moved as well!
                    SwNodeIndex aSwIndex( aRg.aEnd, 1 );
                    ChgNode( aSwIndex, nInsPos, aIdx, bNewFrames );
                    aIdx -= nInsPos;
                    nInsPos = SwNodeOffset(0);
                new SwPlaceholderNode(aIdx.GetNode());
        case SwNodeType::Table:
        case SwNodeType::Start:
                // empty section -> nothing to do
                //  and only if it's a top level section
                if( !nInsPos && !nLevel )
                if( !nLevel ) // level is decreasing
                    // create decrease
                    SwNodeIndex aTmpSIdx( aOrigInsPos.aStart, 1 );
                    SwStartNode* pTmpStt = new SwStartNode( aTmpSIdx.GetNode(),
                                static_cast<SwStartNode*>(pCurrentNode)->GetStartNodeType() );
                    SwNodeIndex aTmpEIdx( aOrigInsPos.aEnd );
                    new SwEndNode( aTmpEIdx.GetNode(), *pTmpStt );
                    // set correct StartOfSection
                        SwNodeIndex aCntIdx( aRg.aEnd );
                        for( SwNodeOffset n(0); n < nInsPos; n++, ++aCntIdx)
                            aCntIdx.GetNode().m_pStartOfSection = pTmpStt;
                    // also set correct StartNode for all decreased nodes
                    while( aTmpSIdx < aTmpEIdx )
                        if( nullptr != (( pCurrentNode = &aTmpEIdx.GetNode())->GetEndNode()) )
                            aTmpEIdx = pCurrentNode->StartOfSectionIndex();
                            pCurrentNode->m_pStartOfSection = pTmpStt;
                    --aIdx;     // after the inserted StartNode
                    --aRg.aEnd; // before StartNode
                    // copy array. CAUTION: all indices after
                    // "aRg.aEnd+1" will be moved as well!
                    SwNodeIndex aSwIndex( aRg.aEnd, 1 );
                    ChgNode( aSwIndex, nInsPos, aIdx, bNewFrames );
                    aIdx -= nInsPos+1;
                    nInsPos = SwNodeOffset(0);
                else // all nodes between StartNode and EndNode were moved
                    OSL_ENSURE( pCurrentNode == aSttNdStack[nLevel] ||
                            ( pCurrentNode->IsStartNode() &&
                             "wrong StartNode" );
                    SwNodeIndex aSwIndex( aRg.aEnd, 1 );
                    ChgNode( aSwIndex, nInsPos, aIdx, bNewFrames );
                    aIdx -= nInsPos+1; // before inserted StartNode
                    nInsPos = SwNodeOffset(0);
                    // remove pointer from node array
                    RemoveNode( aRg.aEnd.GetIndex(), SwNodeOffset(1), true );
                    SwSectionNode* pSectNd = aSttNdStack[ nLevel ]->GetSectionNode();
                    if( pSectNd && !--nSectNdCnt )
                        SwNodeIndex aTmp( *pSectNd );
                        bNewFrames = bSaveNewFrames;
                    aSttNdStack.erase( aSttNdStack.begin() + nLevel ); // remove from stack
                // delete all resulting empty start/end node pairs
                SwNode* pTmpNode = (*this)[ aRg.aEnd.GetIndex()+1 ]->GetEndNode();
                if( pTmpNode && SwNodeType::Start == (pCurrentNode = &aRg.aEnd.GetNode())
                    ->GetNodeType() && pCurrentNode->StartOfSectionIndex() &&
                    pTmpNode->StartOfSectionNode() == pCurrentNode )
                    DelNodes( aRg.aEnd, SwNodeOffset(2) );
        case SwNodeType::Text:
            //Add special function to text node.
                if( bNewFrames && pCurrentNode->GetContentNode() )
                pCurrentNode->m_pStartOfSection = aSttNdStack[ nLevel ];
        case SwNodeType::Grf:
        case SwNodeType::Ole:
                if( bNewFrames && pCurrentNode->GetContentNode() )
                pCurrentNode->m_pStartOfSection = aSttNdStack[ nLevel ];
                // reset Accessibility issue state
        case SwNodeType::PlaceHolder:
            if (GetDoc().GetIDocumentUndoRedo().IsUndoNodes(*this))
                if( &rNodes == this ) // inside UndoNodesArray
                    // move everything
                    pCurrentNode->m_pStartOfSection = aSttNdStack[ nLevel ];
                else // move into "normal" node array
                    // than a SectionNode (start/end) is needed at the current
                    // InsPos; if so skip it, otherwise ignore current node
                    if( nInsPos ) // move everything until here
                        // delete and copy. CAUTION: all indices after
                        // "aRg.aEnd+1" will be moved as well!
                        SwNodeIndex aSwIndex( aRg.aEnd, 1 );
                        ChgNode( aSwIndex, nInsPos, aIdx, bNewFrames );
                        aIdx -= nInsPos;
                        nInsPos = SwNodeOffset(0);
                    SwNode* pTmpNd = &aIdx.GetNode();
                    if( pTmpNd->IsSectionNode() ||
                        pTmpNd->StartOfSectionNode()->IsSectionNode() )
                        --aIdx; // skip
            else {
                assert(!"How can this node be in the node array?");
            assert(!"Unknown node type");
    if( nInsPos ) // copy remaining rest
        // rest should be ok
        SwNodeIndex aSwIndex( aRg.aEnd, 1 );
        ChgNode( aSwIndex, nInsPos, aIdx, bNewFrames );
    ++aRg.aEnd; // again, exclusive end
    // delete all resulting empty start/end node pairs
    if( ( pCurrentNode = &aRg.aStart.GetNode())->GetStartNode() &&
        pCurrentNode->StartOfSectionIndex() &&
        aRg.aEnd.GetNode().GetEndNode() )
            DelNodes( aRg.aStart, SwNodeOffset(2) );
    // initialize numbering update
    // Moved in same node array? Then call update top down!
    if( this == &rNodes &&
        aRg.aEnd.GetIndex() >= aOrigInsPos.aStart.GetIndex() )
        UpdateOutlineIdx( aOrigInsPos.aStart.GetNode() );
        UpdateOutlineIdx( aRg.aEnd.GetNode() );
        UpdateOutlineIdx( aRg.aEnd.GetNode() );
        rNodes.UpdateOutlineIdx( aOrigInsPos.aStart.GetNode() );
    return true;
/** create a start/end section pair
 * Other nodes might be in between.
 * After this method call, the start node of pRange will be pointing to the
 * first node after the start section node and the end node will be the index
 * of the end section node. If this method is called multiple times with the
 * same input, multiple sections containing the previous ones will be created
 * (no content nodes between start or end node).
 * @note Start and end node of the range must be on the same level but MUST
 *       NOT be on the top level.
 * @param [IN,OUT] pRange the range (excl. end)
 * @param eSttNdTyp type of the start node
void SwNodes::SectionDown(SwNodeRange *pRange, SwStartNodeType eSttNdTyp )
    if( pRange->aStart >= pRange->aEnd ||
        pRange->aEnd >= Count() ||
        !::CheckNodesRange(pRange->aStart.GetNode(), pRange->aEnd.GetNode(), false))
    // If the beginning of a range is before or at a start node position, so
    // delete it, otherwise empty S/E or E/S nodes would be created.
    // For other nodes, create a new start node.
    SwNode * pCurrentNode = &pRange->aStart.GetNode();
    SwNodeIndex aTmpIdx( *pCurrentNode->StartOfSectionNode() );
    if( pCurrentNode->GetEndNode() )
        DelNodes( pRange->aStart ); // prevent empty section
        // insert a new StartNode
        SwNode* pSttNd = new SwStartNode( pRange->aStart.GetNode(), SwNodeType::Start, eSttNdTyp );
        pRange->aStart = *pSttNd;
        aTmpIdx = pRange->aStart;
    // If the end of a range is before or at a StartNode, so delete it,
    // otherwise empty S/E or E/S nodes would be created.
    // For other nodes, insert a new end node.
    if( pRange->aEnd.GetNode().GetStartNode() )
        DelNodes( pRange->aEnd );
        // insert a new EndNode
        new SwEndNode( pRange->aEnd.GetNode(), *pRange->aStart.GetNode().GetStartNode() );
    SectionUpDown( aTmpIdx, pRange->aEnd );
/** increase level of the given range
 * The range contained in pRange will be lifted to the next higher level.
 * This is done by adding an end node at pRange.start and a start node at
 * pRange.end. Furthermore all indices for this range will be updated.
 * After this method call, the start node of pRange will be pointing to the
 * first node inside the lifted range and the end node will be pointing to the
 * last position inside the lifted range.
 * @param [IN,OUT] pRange the range of nodes where the level should be increased
void SwNodes::SectionUp(SwNodeRange *pRange)
    if( pRange->aStart >= pRange->aEnd ||
        pRange->aEnd >= Count() ||
        !::CheckNodesRange(pRange->aStart.GetNode(), pRange->aEnd.GetNode(), false) ||
        ( HighestLevel( *this, *pRange ) <= 1 ))
    // If the beginning of a range is before or at a start node position, so
    // delete it, otherwise empty S/E or E/S nodes would be created.
    // For other nodes, create a new start node.
    SwNode * pCurrentNode = &pRange->aStart.GetNode();
    SwNodeIndex aIdx( *pCurrentNode->StartOfSectionNode() );
    if( pCurrentNode->IsStartNode() )       // is StartNode itself
        SwEndNode* pEndNd = pRange->aEnd.GetNode().GetEndNode();
        if (pEndNd && pCurrentNode == pEndNd->m_pStartOfSection)
            // there was a pairwise reset, adjust only those in the range
            SwStartNode* pTmpSttNd = pCurrentNode->m_pStartOfSection;
            RemoveNode( pRange->aStart.GetIndex(), SwNodeOffset(1), true );
            RemoveNode( pRange->aEnd.GetIndex(), SwNodeOffset(1), true );
            SwNodeIndex aTmpIdx( pRange->aStart );
            while( aTmpIdx < pRange->aEnd )
                pCurrentNode = &aTmpIdx.GetNode();
                pCurrentNode->m_pStartOfSection = pTmpSttNd;
                if( pCurrentNode->IsStartNode() )
                    aTmpIdx = pCurrentNode->EndOfSectionIndex() + 1;
            return ;
        DelNodes( pRange->aStart );
    else if( aIdx == pRange->aStart.GetIndex()-1 ) // before StartNode
        DelNodes( aIdx );
        new SwEndNode( pRange->aStart.GetNode(), *aIdx.GetNode().GetStartNode() );
    // If the end of a range is before or at a StartNode, so delete it,
    // otherwise empty S/E or E/S nodes would be created.
    // For other nodes, insert a new end node.
    SwNodeIndex aTmpIdx( pRange->aEnd );
    if( pRange->aEnd.GetNode().IsEndNode() )
        DelNodes( pRange->aEnd );
        new SwStartNode( pRange->aEnd.GetNode() );
/*?? which NodeType ??*/
        aTmpIdx = *pRange->aEnd.GetNode().EndOfSectionNode();
    SectionUpDown( aIdx, aTmpIdx );
/** correct indices after movement
 * Update all indices after movement so that the levels are consistent again.
 * @param aStart index of the start node
 * @param aEnd index of the end point
 * @see SwNodes::SectionUp
 * @see SwNodes::SectionDown
void SwNodes::SectionUpDown( const SwNodeIndex & aStart, const SwNodeIndex & aEnd )
    SwNodeIndex aTmpIdx( aStart, +1 );
    // array forms a stack, holding all StartOfSelections
    SwStartNodePointers aSttNdStack;
    SwStartNode* pTmp = aStart.GetNode().GetStartNode();
    aSttNdStack.push_back( pTmp );
    // loop until the first start node that needs to be change was found
    // (the indices are updated from the end node backwards to the start)
    for( ;; ++aTmpIdx )
        SwNode * pCurrentNode = &aTmpIdx.GetNode();
        pCurrentNode->m_pStartOfSection = aSttNdStack[ aSttNdStack.size()-1 ];
        if( pCurrentNode->GetStartNode() )
            pTmp = static_cast<SwStartNode*>(pCurrentNode);
            aSttNdStack.push_back( pTmp );
        else if( pCurrentNode->GetEndNode() )
            SwStartNode* pSttNd = aSttNdStack[ aSttNdStack.size() - 1 ];
            pSttNd->m_pEndOfSection = static_cast<SwEndNode*>(pCurrentNode);
            if( !aSttNdStack.empty() )
                continue; // still enough EndNodes on the stack
            else if( aTmpIdx < aEnd ) // too many StartNodes
                // if the end is not reached, yet, get the start of the section above
                aSttNdStack.insert( aSttNdStack.begin(), pSttNd->m_pStartOfSection );
            else // finished, as soon as out of the range
void SwNodes::Delete(const SwNodeIndex &rIndex, SwNodeOffset nNodes)
    Delete(rIndex.GetNode(), nNodes);
/** delete nodes
 * This is a specific implementation of a delete function for a variable array.
 * It is necessary as there might be inconsistencies after deleting start or
 * end nodes. This method can clean those up.
 * @param rIndex position to delete at (unchanged afterwards)
 * @param nNodes number of nodes to delete (default: 1)
void SwNodes::Delete(const SwNode &rIndex, SwNodeOffset nNodes)
    int nLevel = 0; // level counter
    SwNode * pCurrentNode;
    SwNodeOffset nCnt = Count() - rIndex.GetIndex() - 1;
    if( nCnt > nNodes ) nCnt = nNodes;
    if( nCnt == SwNodeOffset(0) ) // no count -> return
    SwNodeRange aRg( rIndex, SwNodeOffset(0), rIndex, nCnt-1 );
    // check if [rIndex..rIndex + nCnt] is larger than the range
    if( ( !aRg.aStart.GetNode().StartOfSectionIndex() &&
            !aRg.aStart.GetIndex() ) ||
            !::CheckNodesRange(aRg.aStart.GetNode(), aRg.aEnd.GetNode(), false))
    // if aEnd is not on a ContentNode, search the previous one
    while( ( pCurrentNode = &aRg.aEnd.GetNode())->GetStartNode() ||
             ( pCurrentNode->GetEndNode() &&
                !pCurrentNode->m_pStartOfSection->IsTableNode() ))
    nCnt = SwNodeOffset(0);
//TODO: check/improve comment
    // increase start so that we are able to use "<" (using "<=" might cause
    // problems if aEnd == aStart and aEnd is deleted, so aEnd <= aStart)
    bool bSaveInNodesDel = m_bInNodesDel;
    m_bInNodesDel = true;
    bool bUpdateOutline = false;
    // loop until everything is deleted
    while( aRg.aStart < aRg.aEnd )
        pCurrentNode = &aRg.aEnd.GetNode();
        if( pCurrentNode->GetEndNode() )
            // delete the whole section?
            if( pCurrentNode->StartOfSectionIndex() > aRg.aStart.GetIndex() )
                SwTableNode* pTableNd = pCurrentNode->m_pStartOfSection->GetTableNode();
                if( pTableNd )
                SwNode *pNd, *pChkNd = pCurrentNode->m_pStartOfSection;
                SwOutlineNodes::size_type nIdxPos;
                do {
                    pNd = &aRg.aEnd.GetNode();
                    if( pNd->IsTextNode() )
                        SwTextNode *const pTextNode(pNd->GetTextNode());
                        if (pTextNode->IsOutline() &&
                                m_aOutlineNodes.Seek_Entry( pNd, &nIdxPos ))
                            // remove outline indices
                            bUpdateOutline = true;
                    else if( pNd->IsEndNode() &&
                            pNd->m_pStartOfSection->IsTableNode() )
                } while( pNd != pChkNd );
                RemoveNode( aRg.aEnd.GetIndex()+1, nCnt, true ); // delete
                nCnt = SwNodeOffset(0);
                --aRg.aEnd; // before the EndNode
        else if( pCurrentNode->GetStartNode() ) // found StartNode
            if( nLevel == 0 ) // decrease one level
                if( nCnt )
                    // now delete array
                    RemoveNode( aRg.aEnd.GetIndex(), nCnt, true );
                    nCnt = SwNodeOffset(0);
            else // remove all nodes between start and end node (incl. both)
                RemoveNode( aRg.aEnd.GetIndex(), nCnt + 2, true ); // delete array
                nCnt = SwNodeOffset(0);
            // after deletion, aEnd might point to an EndNode...
            // delete all empty start/end node pairs
            SwNode* pTmpNode = aRg.aEnd.GetNode().GetEndNode();
            while(  pTmpNode &&
                    ( pCurrentNode = &aRg.aEnd.GetNode())->GetStartNode() &&
                    pCurrentNode->StartOfSectionIndex() )
                // remove end and start node
                DelNodes( aRg.aEnd, SwNodeOffset(2) );
                pTmpNode = aRg.aEnd.GetNode().GetEndNode();
        else // "normal" node, so insert into TmpArray
            SwTextNode* pTextNd = pCurrentNode->GetTextNode();
            if( pTextNd )
                if( pTextNd->IsOutline())
                    // delete outline indices
                    m_aOutlineNodes.erase( pTextNd );
                    bUpdateOutline = true;
                if (sw::HasNumberingWhichNeedsLayoutUpdate(*pTextNd))
            else if( pCurrentNode->IsContentNode() )
    if( nCnt != SwNodeOffset(0) )
        RemoveNode( aRg.aEnd.GetIndex(), nCnt, true ); // delete the rest
    // delete all empty start/end node pairs
    while( aRg.aEnd.GetNode().GetEndNode() &&
            ( pCurrentNode = &aRg.aStart.GetNode())->GetStartNode() &&
            pCurrentNode->StartOfSectionIndex() )
    // but none of the holy 5. (???)
        DelNodes( aRg.aStart, SwNodeOffset(2) );  // delete start and end node
    m_bInNodesDel = bSaveInNodesDel;
    if( !m_bInNodesDel )
        // update numbering
        if( bUpdateOutline || m_bInDelUpdOutline )
            UpdateOutlineIdx( aRg.aEnd.GetNode() );
            m_bInDelUpdOutline = false;
        if( bUpdateOutline )
            m_bInDelUpdOutline = true;
/** get section level at the given position
 * @note The first node in an array should always be a start node.
 *       Because of this, there is a special treatment here based on the
 *       assumption that this is true in this context as well.
 * @param rIdx position of the node
 * @return section level at the given position
sal_uInt16 SwNodes::GetSectionLevel(const SwNode &rIdx)
    // special treatment for 1st Node
    if(rIdx.GetIndex() == SwNodeOffset(0)) return 1;
    // no recursion! This calls a SwNode::GetSectionLevel (missing "s")
    return rIdx.GetSectionLevel();
void SwNodes::GoStartOfSection(SwNodeIndex *pIdx)
    // after the next start node
    SwNodeIndex aTmp( *pIdx->GetNode().StartOfSectionNode(), +1 );
    // If index points to no ContentNode, then go to one.
    // If there is no further available, do not change the index' position!
    while( !aTmp.GetNode().IsContentNode() )
    {   // go from this StartNode (can only be one) to its end
        if( *pIdx <= aTmp )
            return;     // ERROR: already after the section
        aTmp = aTmp.GetNode().EndOfSectionIndex()+1;
        if( *pIdx <= aTmp )
            return;     // ERROR: already after the section
    (*pIdx) = aTmp;     // is on a ContentNode
void SwNodes::GoEndOfSection(SwNodeIndex *pIdx)
    if( !pIdx->GetNode().IsEndNode() )
        (*pIdx) = *pIdx->GetNode().EndOfSectionNode();
static SwContentNode* goNext(const SwNodeIndex& rIdx)
    const SwNodes& rNodes = rIdx.GetNodes();
    const SwNodeOffset last = rNodes.Count() - 1;
    for (SwNodeOffset i(rIdx.GetIndex() + 1); i < last; ++i)
        if (SwContentNode* pNd = rNodes[i]->GetContentNode())
            return pNd;
    return nullptr;
SwContentNode* SwNodes::GoNext(SwNodeIndex *pIdx)
    SwContentNode* pNd = goNext(*pIdx);
    if (pNd)
        *pIdx = *pNd;
    return pNd;
SwContentNode* SwNodes::GoNext(SwPosition *pIdx)
    SwContentNode* pNd = goNext(pIdx->nNode);
    if (pNd)
    return pNd;
static SwNodeOffset startOfGlobalSection(const SwNode& node)
    const SwNodes& rNodes = node.GetNodes();
    const SwNodeOffset pos = node.GetIndex();
    if (rNodes.GetEndOfExtras().GetIndex() < pos)
        // Regular ContentSection
        return rNodes.GetEndOfExtras().GetIndex() + SwNodeOffset(1);
    if (rNodes.GetEndOfAutotext().GetIndex() < pos)
        // Redlines
        return rNodes.GetEndOfAutotext().GetIndex() + SwNodeOffset(1);
    if (rNodes.GetEndOfInserts().GetIndex() < pos)
        // Flys/Headers/Footers
        if (auto* p = node.FindFlyStartNode())
            return p->GetIndex();
        if (auto* p = node.FindHeaderStartNode())
            return p->GetIndex();
        if (auto* p = node.FindFooterStartNode())
            return p->GetIndex();
        return rNodes.GetEndOfInserts().GetIndex() + SwNodeOffset(1);
    if (rNodes.GetEndOfPostIts().GetIndex() < pos)
        // Footnotes
        if (auto* p = node.FindFootnoteStartNode())
            return p->GetIndex();
        return rNodes.GetEndOfPostIts().GetIndex() + SwNodeOffset(1);
    return SwNodeOffset(0);
static SwContentNode* goPrevious(const SwNodeIndex& rIdx, bool canCrossBoundary)
    const SwNodes& rNodes = rIdx.GetNodes();
    const SwNodeOffset first(canCrossBoundary ? SwNodeOffset(0)
                                              : startOfGlobalSection(rIdx.GetNode()));
    for (SwNodeOffset i(rIdx.GetIndex() - 1); i > first; --i)
        if (SwContentNode* pNd = rNodes[i]->GetContentNode())
            return pNd;
    return nullptr;
SwContentNode* SwNodes::GoPrevious(SwNodeIndex* pIdx, bool canCrossBoundary)
    SwContentNode* pNd = goPrevious(*pIdx, canCrossBoundary);
    if (pNd)
        *pIdx = *pNd;
    return pNd;
SwContentNode* SwNodes::GoPrevious(SwPosition* pIdx, bool canCrossBoundary)
    SwContentNode* pNd = goPrevious(pIdx->nNode, canCrossBoundary);
    if (pNd)
    return pNd;
/** Delete a number of nodes
 * @param rStart starting position in this nodes array
 * @param nCnt number of nodes to delete
void SwNodes::DelNodes( const SwNodeIndex & rStart, SwNodeOffset nCnt )
    SwNodeOffset nSttIdx = rStart.GetIndex();
    if( !nSttIdx && nCnt == GetEndOfContent().GetIndex()+1 )
        // The whole nodes array will be destroyed, you're in the Doc's DTOR!
        // The initial start/end nodes should be only destroyed in the SwNodes' DTOR!
        SwNode* aEndNdArr[] = { m_pEndOfContent.get(),
                                m_pEndOfPostIts, m_pEndOfInserts,
                                m_pEndOfAutotext, m_pEndOfRedlines,
        SwNode** ppEndNdArr = aEndNdArr;
        while( *ppEndNdArr )
            nSttIdx = (*ppEndNdArr)->StartOfSectionIndex() + 1;
            SwNodeOffset nEndIdx = (*ppEndNdArr)->GetIndex();
            if( nSttIdx != nEndIdx )
                RemoveNode( nSttIdx, nEndIdx - nSttIdx, true );
        int bUpdateNum = 0;
        for( SwNodeOffset n = nSttIdx, nEnd = nSttIdx + nCnt; n < nEnd; ++n )
            SwNode* pNd = (*this)[ n ];
            if (pNd->IsTextNode() && pNd->GetTextNode()->IsOutline())
                // remove the outline indices
                if (m_aOutlineNodes.erase(pNd))
                    bUpdateNum = 1;
            if( pNd->IsContentNode() )
        RemoveNode( nSttIdx, nCnt, true );
        // update numbering
        if( bUpdateNum )
            UpdateOutlineIdx( rStart.GetNode() );
namespace {
struct HighLevel
    sal_uInt16 nLevel, nTop;
    explicit HighLevel( sal_uInt16 nLv ) : nLevel( nLv ), nTop( nLv ) {}
static bool lcl_HighestLevel( SwNode* pNode, void * pPara )
    HighLevel * pHL = static_cast<HighLevel*>(pPara);
    if( pNode->GetStartNode() )
        if( pHL->nTop > pHL->nLevel )
            pHL->nTop = pHL->nLevel;
    else if( pNode->GetEndNode() )
    return true;
/** Calculate the highest level in a range
 * @param rNodes the nodes array
 * @param rRange the range to inspect
 * @return the highest level
sal_uInt16 HighestLevel( SwNodes & rNodes, const SwNodeRange & rRange )
    HighLevel aPara( SwNodes::GetSectionLevel( rRange.aStart.GetNode() ));
    rNodes.ForEach( rRange.aStart, rRange.aEnd, lcl_HighestLevel, &aPara );
    return aPara.nTop;
/** move a range
 * @param rPam the range to move
 * @param rPos to destination position in the given nodes array
 * @param rNodes the node array to move the range into
void SwNodes::MoveRange( SwPaM & rPam, SwPosition & rPos, SwNodes& rNodes )
    auto [pStt, pEnd] = rPam.StartEnd(); // SwPosition*
    if( !rPam.HasMark() || *pStt >= *pEnd )
    if( this == &rNodes && *pStt <= rPos && rPos < *pEnd )
    SwNodeIndex aEndIdx( pEnd->GetNode() );
    SwNodeIndex aSttIdx( pStt->GetNode() );
    SwTextNode *const pSrcNd = aSttIdx.GetNode().GetTextNode();
    SwTextNode * pDestNd = rPos.GetNode().GetTextNode();
    bool bSplitDestNd = true;
    bool bCopyCollFormat = pDestNd && pDestNd->GetText().isEmpty();
    if( pSrcNd )
        // if the first node is a TextNode, then there must
        // be also a TextNode in the NodesArray to store the content
        if( !pDestNd )
            pDestNd = rNodes.MakeTextNode( rPos.GetNode(), pSrcNd->GetTextColl() );
            rPos.nContent.Assign( pDestNd, 0 );
            bCopyCollFormat = true;
        bSplitDestNd = pDestNd->Len() > rPos.GetContentIndex() ||
        // move the content into the new node
        bool bOneNd = pStt->GetNode() == pEnd->GetNode();
        const sal_Int32 nLen =
                ( bOneNd ? std::min(pEnd->GetContentIndex(), pSrcNd->Len()) : pSrcNd->Len() )
                - pStt->GetContentIndex();
        if( !pEnd->GetNode().IsContentNode() )
            bOneNd = true;
            SwNodeOffset nSttNdIdx = pStt->GetNodeIndex() + 1;
            const SwNodeOffset nEndNdIdx = pEnd->GetNodeIndex();
            for( ; nSttNdIdx < nEndNdIdx; ++nSttNdIdx )
                if( (*this)[ nSttNdIdx ]->IsContentNode() )
                    bOneNd = false;
        // templates must be copied/set after a split
        if( !bOneNd && bSplitDestNd )
            if( !rPos.GetContentIndex() )
                bCopyCollFormat = true;
            if( rNodes.IsDocNodes() )
                SwDoc& rInsDoc = pDestNd->GetDoc();
                ::sw::UndoGuard const ug(rInsDoc.GetIDocumentUndoRedo());
                rInsDoc.getIDocumentContentOperations().SplitNode( rPos, false );
                pDestNd->SplitContentNode(rPos, nullptr);
            if( rPos.GetNode() == aEndIdx.GetNode() )
            bSplitDestNd = true;
            pDestNd = rNodes[ rPos.GetNodeIndex() - 1 ]->GetTextNode();
            if( nLen )
                pSrcNd->CutText( pDestNd, SwContentIndex( pDestNd, pDestNd->Len()),
                            pStt->nContent, nLen );
        else if ( nLen )
            pSrcNd->CutText( pDestNd, rPos.nContent, pStt->nContent, nLen );
        if( bCopyCollFormat )
            SwDoc& rInsDoc = pDestNd->GetDoc();
            ::sw::UndoGuard const undoGuard(rInsDoc.GetIDocumentUndoRedo());
            pSrcNd->CopyCollFormat( *pDestNd );
        if( bOneNd )
            // Correct the PaM, because it might have happened that the move
            // went over the node borders (so the data might be in different nodes).
            // Also, a selection is invalidated.
            pEnd->nContent = pStt->nContent;
            GetDoc().GetDocShell()->Broadcast( SwFormatFieldHint( nullptr,
                rNodes.IsDocNodes() ? SwFormatFieldHintWhich::INSERTED : SwFormatFieldHintWhich::REMOVED ) );
    else if( pDestNd )
        if( rPos.GetContentIndex() )
            if( rPos.GetContentIndex() == pDestNd->Len() )
            else if( rPos.GetContentIndex() )
                // if the EndNode is split than correct the EndIdx
                const bool bCorrEnd = aEndIdx == rPos.nNode;
                // if no text is attached to the TextNode, split it
                if( rNodes.IsDocNodes() )
                    SwDoc& rInsDoc = pDestNd->GetDoc();
                    ::sw::UndoGuard const ug(rInsDoc.GetIDocumentUndoRedo());
                    rInsDoc.getIDocumentContentOperations().SplitNode( rPos, false );
                    pDestNd->SplitContentNode(rPos, nullptr);
                if ( bCorrEnd )
        // at the end only an empty TextNode is left over
        bSplitDestNd = true;
    SwTextNode* const pEndSrcNd = aEndIdx.GetNode().GetTextNode();
    if ( pEndSrcNd )
        // at the end of this range a new TextNode will be created
        if( !bSplitDestNd )
            if( rPos.GetNode() < rNodes.GetEndOfContent() )
            pDestNd =
                rNodes.MakeTextNode( rPos.GetNode(), pEndSrcNd->GetTextColl() );
            rPos.nContent.Assign( pDestNd, 0 );
            pDestNd = rPos.GetNode().GetTextNode();
        if (pDestNd && pEnd->GetContentIndex())
            // move the content into the new node
            SwContentIndex aIdx( pEndSrcNd, 0 );
            pEndSrcNd->CutText( pDestNd, rPos.nContent, aIdx,
        if (pDestNd && bCopyCollFormat)
            SwDoc& rInsDoc = pDestNd->GetDoc();
            ::sw::UndoGuard const ug(rInsDoc.GetIDocumentUndoRedo());
            pEndSrcNd->CopyCollFormat( *pDestNd );
        if ( pSrcNd && aEndIdx.GetNode().IsContentNode() )
        if( !bSplitDestNd )
    if( aEndIdx != aSttIdx )
        // move the nodes into the NodesArray
        const SwNodeOffset nSttDiff = aSttIdx.GetIndex() - pStt->GetNodeIndex();
        SwNodeRange aRg( aSttIdx, aEndIdx );
        MoveNodes( aRg, rNodes, rPos.GetNode() );
        // if in the same node array, all indices are now at new positions (so correct them)
        if( &rNodes == this )
            pStt->nNode = aRg.aEnd.GetIndex() - nSttDiff;
    // if the StartNode was moved to whom the cursor pointed, so
    // the content must be registered in the current content!
    if ( pStt->GetNode() == GetEndOfContent() )
        const bool bSuccess = GoPrevious( &pStt->nNode );
        OSL_ENSURE( bSuccess, "Move() - no ContentNode here" );
    pStt->nContent.Assign( pStt->GetNode().GetContentNode(),
                            pStt->GetContentIndex() );
    // Correct the PaM, because it might have happened that the move
    // went over the node borders (so the data might be in different nodes).
    // Also, a selection is invalidated.
    *pEnd = *pStt;
    GetDoc().GetDocShell()->Broadcast( SwFormatFieldHint( nullptr,
                rNodes.IsDocNodes() ? SwFormatFieldHintWhich::INSERTED : SwFormatFieldHintWhich::REMOVED ) );
///@see SwNodes::MoveNodes (TODO: seems to be C&P programming here)
void SwNodes::CopyNodes( const SwNodeRange& rRange,
            SwNode& rPos, bool bNewFrames, bool bTableInsDummyNode ) const
    SwDoc& rDoc = rPos.GetDoc();
    SwNode * pCurrentNode;
    if( rPos.GetIndex() == SwNodeOffset(0) ||
        ( (pCurrentNode = &rPos)->GetStartNode() &&
          !pCurrentNode->StartOfSectionIndex() ))
    SwNodeRange aRg( rRange );
    // skip "simple" StartNodes or EndNodes
    while( SwNodeType::Start == (pCurrentNode = & aRg.aStart.GetNode())->GetNodeType()
            || ( pCurrentNode->IsEndNode() &&
                !pCurrentNode->m_pStartOfSection->IsSectionNode() ) )
    const SwNode *aEndNode = &aRg.aEnd.GetNode();
    SwNodeOffset nIsEndOfContent((aEndNode == &aEndNode->GetNodes().GetEndOfContent()) ? 1 : 0);
    if (SwNodeOffset(0) == nIsEndOfContent)
        // if aEnd-1 points to no ContentNode, search previous one
        // #i107142#: if aEnd is start node of a special section, do nothing.
        // Otherwise this could lead to crash: going through all previous
        // special section nodes and then one before the first.
        if (aRg.aEnd.GetNode().StartOfSectionIndex() != SwNodeOffset(0))
            while( ((pCurrentNode = & aRg.aEnd.GetNode())->GetStartNode() &&
                    !pCurrentNode->IsSectionNode() ) ||
                    ( pCurrentNode->IsEndNode() &&
                    SwNodeType::Start == pCurrentNode->m_pStartOfSection->GetNodeType()) )
    // is there anything left to copy?
    if( aRg.aStart >= aRg.aEnd )
    // when inserting into the source range, nothing need to be done
    assert(&aRg.aStart.GetNodes() == this);
    assert(&aRg.aStart.GetNodes() == &aRg.aEnd.GetNodes());
    if( &rPos.GetNodes() == &aRg.aStart.GetNodes() &&
        rPos.GetIndex() >= aRg.aStart.GetIndex() &&
        rPos.GetIndex() < aRg.aEnd.GetIndex() )
    SwNodeIndex aInsPos( rPos );
    SwNodeIndex aOrigInsPos( rPos, -1 ); // original insertion position
    int nLevel = 0;                        // level counter
    for( SwNodeOffset nNodeCnt = aRg.aEnd.GetIndex() - aRg.aStart.GetIndex();
            nNodeCnt > SwNodeOffset(0); --nNodeCnt )
        pCurrentNode = &aRg.aStart.GetNode();
        switch( pCurrentNode->GetNodeType() )
        case SwNodeType::Table:
            // Does it copy a table in(to) a footnote?
            if( aInsPos < rDoc.GetNodes().GetEndOfInserts().GetIndex() &&
                    < aInsPos.GetIndex() )
                const SwNodeOffset nDistance =
                    pCurrentNode->EndOfSectionIndex() -
                if (nDistance < nNodeCnt)
                    nNodeCnt -= nDistance;
                    nNodeCnt = SwNodeOffset(1);
                // insert a DummyNode for a TableNode
                if( bTableInsDummyNode )
                    new SwPlaceholderNode(aInsPos.GetNode());
                // copy all of the table's nodes into the current cell
                for( ++aRg.aStart; aRg.aStart.GetIndex() <
                    ++aRg.aStart )
                    // insert a DummyNode for the box-StartNode?
                    if( bTableInsDummyNode )
                        new SwPlaceholderNode(aInsPos.GetNode());
                    SwStartNode* pSttNd = aRg.aStart.GetNode().GetStartNode();
                    CopyNodes( SwNodeRange( *pSttNd, SwNodeOffset(+ 1),
                                            *pSttNd->EndOfSectionNode() ),
                                aInsPos.GetNode(), bNewFrames );
                    // insert a DummyNode for the box-EndNode?
                    if( bTableInsDummyNode )
                        new SwPlaceholderNode(aInsPos.GetNode());
                    aRg.aStart = *pSttNd->EndOfSectionNode();
                // insert a DummyNode for the table-EndNode
                if( bTableInsDummyNode )
                    new SwPlaceholderNode(aInsPos.GetNode());
                aRg.aStart = *pCurrentNode->EndOfSectionNode();
                SwNodeIndex nStt( aInsPos, -1 );
                SwTableNode* pTableNd = static_cast<SwTableNode*>(pCurrentNode)->
                                        MakeCopy( rDoc, aInsPos );
                const SwNodeOffset nDistance = aInsPos.GetIndex() - nStt.GetIndex() - 2;
                if (nDistance < nNodeCnt)
                    nNodeCnt -= nDistance;
                    nNodeCnt = SwNodeOffset(1) - nIsEndOfContent;
                aRg.aStart = pCurrentNode->EndOfSectionIndex();
                if( bNewFrames && pTableNd )
        case SwNodeType::Section:
            // If the end of the section is outside the copy range,
            // the section node will skipped, not copied!
            // If someone want to change this behaviour, he has to adjust the function
            // lcl_NonCopyCount() which relies on it.
            if( pCurrentNode->EndOfSectionIndex() < aRg.aEnd.GetIndex() )
                // copy of the whole section, so create a new SectionNode
                SwNodeIndex nStt( aInsPos, -1 );
                SwSectionNode* pSectNd = static_cast<SwSectionNode*>(pCurrentNode)->
                                    MakeCopy( rDoc, aInsPos );
                const SwNodeOffset nDistance = aInsPos.GetIndex() - nStt.GetIndex() - 2;
                if (nDistance < nNodeCnt)
                    nNodeCnt -= nDistance;
                    nNodeCnt = SwNodeOffset(1) - nIsEndOfContent;
                aRg.aStart = pCurrentNode->EndOfSectionIndex();
                if( bNewFrames && pSectNd &&
                    !pSectNd->GetSection().IsHidden() )
        case SwNodeType::Start:
                SwStartNode* pTmp = new SwStartNode( aInsPos.GetNode(), SwNodeType::Start,
                            static_cast<SwStartNode*>(pCurrentNode)->GetStartNodeType() );
                new SwEndNode( aInsPos.GetNode(), *pTmp );
        case SwNodeType::End:
            if( nLevel ) // complete section
                ++aInsPos; // EndNode already exists
            else if( SwNodeOffset(1) == nNodeCnt && SwNodeOffset(1) == nIsEndOfContent )
                // we have reached the EndOfContent node - nothing to do!
            else if( !pCurrentNode->m_pStartOfSection->IsSectionNode() )
                // create a section at the original InsertPosition
                SwNodeRange aTmpRg( aOrigInsPos, SwNodeOffset(1), aInsPos );
                rDoc.GetNodes().SectionDown( &aTmpRg,
                        pCurrentNode->m_pStartOfSection->GetStartNodeType() );
        case SwNodeType::Text:
        case SwNodeType::Grf:
        case SwNodeType::Ole:
                                            rDoc, aInsPos.GetNode(), bNewFrames);
        case SwNodeType::PlaceHolder:
            if (GetDoc().GetIDocumentUndoRedo().IsUndoNodes(*this))
                // than a SectionNode (start/end) is needed at the current
                // InsPos; if so skip it, otherwise ignore current node
                SwNode *const pTmpNd = & aInsPos.GetNode();
                if( pTmpNd->IsSectionNode() ||
                    pTmpNd->StartOfSectionNode()->IsSectionNode() )
                    ++aInsPos;  // skip
            else {
                assert(!"How can this node be in the node array?");
void SwNodes::DelDummyNodes( const SwNodeRange& rRg )
    SwNodeIndex aIdx( rRg.aStart );
    while( aIdx.GetIndex() < rRg.aEnd.GetIndex() )
        if (SwNodeType::PlaceHolder == aIdx.GetNode().GetNodeType())
            RemoveNode( aIdx.GetIndex(), SwNodeOffset(1), true );
SwStartNode* SwNodes::MakeEmptySection( SwNode& rWhere,
                                        SwStartNodeType eSttNdTyp )
    SwStartNode* pSttNd = new SwStartNode( rWhere, SwNodeType::Start, eSttNdTyp );
    new SwEndNode( rWhere, *pSttNd );
    return pSttNd;
SwStartNode* SwNodes::MakeTextSection( const SwNode & rWhere,
                                        SwStartNodeType eSttNdTyp,
                                        SwTextFormatColl *pColl )
    SwStartNode* pSttNd = new SwStartNode( rWhere, SwNodeType::Start, eSttNdTyp );
    new SwEndNode( rWhere, *pSttNd );
    MakeTextNode( SwNodeIndex( rWhere, - 1 ).GetNode(), pColl );
    return pSttNd;
static bool shouldSkipSection(const SwSectionNode& rSectNode, bool bSkipHidden, bool bSkipProtect)
    const SwSection& rSect = rSectNode.GetSection();
    return (bSkipHidden && rSect.CalcHiddenFlag()) || (bSkipProtect && rSect.IsProtectFlag());
static SwContentNode* goNextSection(const SwNode& rNode, bool bSkipHidden, bool bSkipProtect)
    const SwNodes& rNodes = rNode.GetNodes();
    const SwNodeOffset last = rNodes.Count() - 1;
    for (SwNodeOffset i(rNode.GetIndex()); i < last; ++i)
        SwNode* pNd = rNodes[i];
        if (SwSectionNode* pSectNd = pNd->GetSectionNode())
            if (shouldSkipSection(*pSectNd, bSkipHidden, bSkipProtect))
                // than skip the section
                i = pSectNd->EndOfSectionIndex();
        else if (i == rNode.GetIndex()) // The first iteration
            if ((pSectNd = pNd->StartOfSectionNode()->GetSectionNode()))
                if (shouldSkipSection(*pSectNd, bSkipHidden, bSkipProtect))
                    // than skip the section
                    i = pSectNd->EndOfSectionIndex();
        else if (SwContentNode* pContentNode = pNd->GetContentNode())
            if (bSkipHidden || bSkipProtect)
                if ((pSectNd = pNd->FindSectionNode()))
                    if (shouldSkipSection(*pSectNd, bSkipHidden, bSkipProtect))
                        i = pSectNd->EndOfSectionIndex();
            return pContentNode;
    return nullptr;
//TODO: provide better documentation
/** go to next section that is not protected nor hidden
 * @note if !bSkipHidden and !bSkipProtect, use GoNext/GoPrevious
 * @param pIdx
 * @param bSkipHidden
 * @param bSkipProtect
 * @return
 * @see SwNodes::GoNext
 * @see SwNodes::GoPrevious
 * @see SwNodes::GoNextSection (TODO: seems to be C&P programming here)
SwContentNode* SwNodes::GoNextSection(SwNodeIndex* pIdx, bool bSkipHidden, bool bSkipProtect)
    SwContentNode* pNd = goNextSection(pIdx->GetNode(), bSkipHidden, bSkipProtect);
    if (pNd)
        *pIdx = *pNd;
    return pNd;
//TODO: provide better documentation
/** go to next section that is not protected nor hidden
 * @note if !bSkipHidden and !bSkipProtect, use GoNext/GoPrevious
 * @param pIdx
 * @param bSkipHidden
 * @param bSkipProtect
 * @return
 * @see SwNodes::GoNext
 * @see SwNodes::GoPrevious
 * @see SwNodes::GoNextSection (TODO: seems to be C&P programming here)
SwContentNode* SwNodes::GoNextSection(SwPosition* pIdx, bool bSkipHidden, bool bSkipProtect)
    SwContentNode* pNd = goNextSection(pIdx->GetNode(), bSkipHidden, bSkipProtect);
    if (pNd)
    return pNd;
static SwContentNode* goPrevSection(const SwNode& rNode, bool bSkipHidden, bool bSkipProtect)
    const SwNodes& rNodes = rNode.GetNodes();
    SwNodeOffset first(startOfGlobalSection(rNode));
    for (SwNodeOffset i(rNode.GetIndex()); i > first; --i)
        SwNode* pNd = rNodes[i];
        if (pNd->IsEndNode() || i == rNode.GetIndex() /* the first iteration */)
            if (SwSectionNode* pSectNd = pNd->StartOfSectionNode()->GetSectionNode())
                if (shouldSkipSection(*pSectNd, bSkipHidden, bSkipProtect))
                    // then skip section
                    i = pSectNd->GetIndex();
        else if (SwContentNode* pContentNode = pNd->GetContentNode())
            if (bSkipHidden || bSkipProtect)
                if (const SwSectionNode* pSectNd = pNd->FindSectionNode())
                    if (shouldSkipSection(*pSectNd, bSkipHidden, bSkipProtect))
                        i = pSectNd->GetIndex();
            return pContentNode;
    return nullptr;
///@see SwNodes::GoNextSection
SwContentNode* SwNodes::GoPrevSection(SwNodeIndex* pIdx, bool bSkipHidden, bool bSkipProtect)
    SwContentNode* pNd = goPrevSection(pIdx->GetNode(), bSkipHidden, bSkipProtect);
    if (pNd)
        *pIdx = *pNd;
    return pNd;
///@see SwNodes::GoNextSection
SwContentNode* SwNodes::GoPrevSection(SwPosition* pIdx, bool bSkipHidden, bool bSkipProtect)
    SwContentNode* pNd = goPrevSection(pIdx->GetNode(), bSkipHidden, bSkipProtect);
    if (pNd)
    return pNd;
//TODO: The inventor of the "single responsibility principle" will be crying if you ever show this code to him!
/** find the next/previous ContentNode or table node that should have layout
 * frames that are siblings to the ones of the node at rFrameNd.
 * Search is started backward with the one before rFrameNd and
 * forward after pEnd.
 * @param rFrameNd node with frames to search in
 * @param pEnd last node after rFrameNd that should be excluded from search
 * @return result node; nullptr if not found
SwNode* SwNodes::FindPrvNxtFrameNode( const SwNode& rFrameNd,
        SwNode const*const pEnd,
        SwRootFrame const*const pLayout) const
    assert(pEnd != nullptr); // every caller currently
    // no layout -> skip
    if (!GetDoc().getIDocumentLayoutAccess().GetCurrentViewShell())
        return nullptr;
    const SwNode *const pSttNd = &rFrameNd;
    // inside a hidden section?
    const SwSectionNode *const pSectNd = pSttNd->IsSectionNode()
                ? pSttNd->StartOfSectionNode()->FindSectionNode()
                : pSttNd->FindSectionNode();
    if (pSectNd && pSectNd->GetSection().CalcHiddenFlag())
        return nullptr;
    // in a table in table situation we have to assure that we don't leave the
    // outer table cell when the inner table is looking for a PrvNxt...
    const SwTableNode *const pTableNd = pSttNd->IsTableNode()
            ? pSttNd->StartOfSectionNode()->FindTableNode()
            : pSttNd->FindTableNode();
    SwNodeIndex aIdx( rFrameNd );
    // search backward for a content or table node
    SwNode* pFrameNd = &aIdx.GetNode();
        if (pFrameNd->IsContentNode())
            // TODO why does this not check for nested tables like forward direction
            return pFrameNd;
        else if (pFrameNd->IsEndNode() && pFrameNd->StartOfSectionNode()->IsTableNode())
            if (pLayout == nullptr
                || !pLayout->HasMergedParas()
                || pFrameNd->StartOfSectionNode()->GetRedlineMergeFlag() != SwNode::Merge::Hidden)
                pFrameNd = pFrameNd->StartOfSectionNode();
                return pFrameNd;
                aIdx = *pFrameNd->StartOfSectionNode();
                pFrameNd = &aIdx.GetNode();
        else if (pFrameNd->IsSectionNode()
            || (pFrameNd->IsEndNode() && pFrameNd->StartOfSectionNode()->IsSectionNode()))
            pFrameNd = GoPrevSection( &aIdx, true, false );
            // did we move *into* a table?
            if (pFrameNd && ::CheckNodesRange(aIdx.GetNode(), rFrameNd, true))
                for (SwTableNode * pTable = pFrameNd->FindTableNode();
                    pTable && pTable->EndOfSectionIndex() < rFrameNd.GetIndex();
                    pTable = pTable->StartOfSectionNode()->FindTableNode())
                    pFrameNd = pTable->EndOfSectionNode();
                if (pFrameNd->IsEndNode())
                {   // GoPrevSection() checks that text node isn't section-hidden,
                    // so table node between can't be section-hidden either
                    continue; // check other hidden conditions on next iteration
            if ( nullptr != pFrameNd && !(
                    ::CheckNodesRange( aIdx.GetNode(), rFrameNd, true ) &&
                    // Never out of the table at the start
                    pFrameNd->FindTableNode() == pTableNd &&
                    // Bug 37652: Never out of the table at the end
                    (!pFrameNd->FindTableNode() || pFrameNd->FindTableBoxStartNode()
                        == pSttNd->FindTableBoxStartNode() ) &&
                     (!pSectNd || pSttNd->IsSectionNode() ||
                      pSectNd->GetIndex() < pFrameNd->GetIndex())
                pFrameNd = nullptr; // no preceding content node, stop search
            pFrameNd = nullptr; // no preceding content node, stop search
    while (pFrameNd != nullptr);
    // search forward for a content or table node
    aIdx = pEnd->GetIndex() + 1;
    pFrameNd = &aIdx.GetNode();
        if (pFrameNd->IsContentNode())
            // Undo when merging a table with one before, if there is also one after it.
            // However, if the node is in a table, it needs to be returned if the
            // SttNode is a section or a table!
            SwTableNode *const pTableNode = pFrameNd->FindTableNode();
            if (pSttNd->IsTableNode() &&
                nullptr != pTableNode &&
                // TABLE IN TABLE:
                pTableNode != pSttNd->StartOfSectionNode()->FindTableNode())
                pFrameNd = pTableNode;
            return pFrameNd;
        else if (pFrameNd->IsTableNode())
            if (pLayout == nullptr
                || !pLayout->HasMergedParas()
                || pFrameNd->GetRedlineMergeFlag() != SwNode::Merge::Hidden)
                return pFrameNd;
                aIdx = *pFrameNd->EndOfSectionNode();
                pFrameNd = &aIdx.GetNode();
        else if (pFrameNd->IsSectionNode()
            || (pFrameNd->IsEndNode() && pFrameNd->StartOfSectionNode()->IsSectionNode()))
            pFrameNd = GoNextSection( &aIdx, true, false );
            // did we move *into* a table?
            if (pFrameNd && ::CheckNodesRange(aIdx.GetNode(), rFrameNd, true))
                for (SwTableNode * pTable = pFrameNd->FindTableNode();
                    pTable && pEnd->GetIndex() < pTable->GetIndex();
                    pTable = pTable->StartOfSectionNode()->FindTableNode())
                    pFrameNd = pTable;
                if (pFrameNd->IsTableNode())
                {   // GoNextSection() checks that text node isn't section-hidden,
                    // so table node between can't be section-hidden either
                    continue; // check other hidden conditions on next iteration
            // NEVER leave the section when doing this!
            if (pFrameNd
                && !(::CheckNodesRange(aIdx.GetNode(), rFrameNd, true)
                     && (pFrameNd->FindTableNode() == pTableNd &&
                        // NEVER go out of the table cell at the end
                        (!pFrameNd->FindTableNode() || pFrameNd->FindTableBoxStartNode()
                            == pSttNd->FindTableBoxStartNode()))
                     && (!pSectNd || pSttNd->IsSectionNode() ||
                       pSectNd->EndOfSectionIndex() > pFrameNd->GetIndex()))
                pFrameNd = nullptr; // no following content node, stop search
            pFrameNd = nullptr; // no preceding content node, stop search
    while (pFrameNd != nullptr);
    return pFrameNd;
void SwNodes::ForEach( SwNodeOffset nStart, SwNodeOffset nEnd,
                       FnForEach_SwNodes fn, void* pArgs )
    if( nEnd > SwNodeOffset(m_nSize) )
        nEnd = SwNodeOffset(m_nSize);
    if( nStart >= nEnd )
    sal_uInt16 cur = Index2Block( sal_Int32(nStart) );
    BlockInfo** pp = m_ppInf.get() + cur;
    BlockInfo* p = *pp;
    sal_uInt16 nElem = sal_uInt16( sal_Int32(nStart) - p->nStart );
    auto pElem = p->mvData.begin() + nElem;
    nElem = p->nElem - nElem;
        if( !(*fn)( static_cast<SwNode *>(*pElem++), pArgs ) || ++nStart >= nEnd )
        // next element
        if( !--nElem )
            // new block
            p = *++pp;
            pElem = p->mvData.begin();
            nElem = p->nElem;
void SwNodes::ForEach( const SwNodeIndex& rStart, const SwNodeIndex& rEnd,
                    FnForEach_SwNodes fnForEach, void* pArgs )
    ForEach( rStart.GetIndex(), rEnd.GetIndex(), fnForEach, pArgs );
void SwNodes::ForEach( SwNode& rStart, SwNode& rEnd,
                    FnForEach_SwNodes fnForEach, void* pArgs )
    ForEach( rStart.GetIndex(), rEnd.GetIndex(), fnForEach, pArgs );
void SwNodes::RemoveNode( SwNodeOffset nDelPos, SwNodeOffset nSz, bool bDel )
#ifndef NDEBUG
    SwNode *const pFirst((*this)[nDelPos]);
    std::vector<SwTextAttr*> flys;
    for (SwNodeOffset nCnt(0); nCnt < nSz; nCnt++)
        SwNode* pNode = (*this)[ nDelPos + nCnt ];
        SwTextNode * pTextNd = pNode->GetTextNode();
        if (pTextNd)
            // remove RndStdIds::FLY_AS_CHAR *before* adjusting SwNodeIndex
            // so their anchor still points to correct node when deleted!
            // NOTE: this will call RemoveNode() recursively!
            // so adjust our indexes to account for removed nodes
            SwpHints *const pHints(pTextNd->GetpSwpHints());
            if (pHints)
                SwNodeOffset const nPos = pTextNd->GetIndex();
                for (size_t i = 0; i < pHints->Count(); ++i)
                    SwTextAttr *const pHint(pHints->Get(i));
                    if (RES_TXTATR_FLYCNT == pHint->Which())
                for (SwTextAttr * pHint : flys)
                }   // pHints may be dead now
                SwNodeOffset const nDiff = nPos - pTextNd->GetIndex();
                if (nDiff)
                    nDelPos -= nDiff;
                assert(pTextNd == (*this)[nDelPos + nCnt]);
                assert(pFirst == (*this)[nDelPos]);
        SwTableNode* pTableNode = pNode->GetTableNode();
        if (pTableNode)
            // The node that is deleted is a table node.
            // Need to make sure that all the redlines that are
            // related to this table are removed from the
            // 'Extra Redlines' array
        SwSectionNode* pSectionNode = pNode->GetSectionNode();
        SfxViewShell* pKitClipSh = (comphelper::LibreOfficeKit::isActive() && pSectionNode && !GetDoc().IsClipBoard())
            ? SfxViewShell::Current() : nullptr;
        if (pKitClipSh)
            OUString fieldCommand = pSectionNode->GetSection().GetSectionName();
            tools::JsonWriter aJson;
            aJson.put("commandName", ".uno:DeleteSection");
            aJson.put("success", true);
                auto result = aJson.startNode("result");
                aJson.put("DeleteSection", fieldCommand);
            pKitClipSh->libreOfficeKitViewCallback(LOK_CALLBACK_UNO_COMMAND_RESULT, aJson.finishAndGetAsOString());
    SwNodeOffset nEnd = nDelPos + nSz;
    SwNode* pNew = (*this)[ nEnd ];
    for (SwNodeOffset nCnt(0); nCnt < nSz; nCnt++)
        SwNode* pNode = (*this)[ nDelPos + nCnt ];
        // the assignment will de-link the entry from the ring
        while (pNode->m_vIndices)
            (*pNode->m_vIndices) = *pNew;
    std::vector<BigPtrEntry> aTempEntries;
    if( bDel )
        SwNodeOffset nCnt = nSz;
        BigPtrEntry *pDel = (*this)[ nDelPos+nCnt-1 ], *pPrev = (*this)[ nDelPos+nCnt-2 ];
        // set temporary object
        // JP 24.08.98: this should actually be removed because one could
        // call Remove recursively, e.g. for character bound frames. However,
        // since there happens way too much here, this temporary object was
        // inserted that will be deleted in Remove again (see Bug 55406)
        while( nCnt-- )
            delete pDel;
            // coverity[use_after_free : FALSE] - pPrev will be reassigned if there will be another iteration to the loop
            pDel = pPrev;
            BigPtrEntry* pTempEntry = &aTempEntries[sal_Int32(nCnt)];
            pPrev = ReplaceTheOneAfter(pPrev, pTempEntry);
        nDelPos = SwNodeOffset(pDel->GetPos() + 1);
    BigPtrArray::Remove( sal_Int32(nDelPos), sal_Int32(nSz) );
void SwNodes::InsertNode( SwNode* pNode, const SwNodeIndex& rPos )
    BigPtrEntry* pIns = pNode;
    BigPtrArray::Insert( pIns, sal_Int32(rPos.GetIndex()) );
void SwNodes::InsertNode( SwNode* pNode, SwNodeOffset nPos )
    BigPtrEntry* pIns = pNode;
    BigPtrArray::Insert( pIns, sal_Int32(nPos) );
// ->#112139#
SwNode * SwNodes::DocumentSectionStartNode(SwNode * pNode) const
    if (nullptr != pNode)
        SwNodeIndex aIdx(*pNode);
        if (aIdx <= (*this)[SwNodeOffset(0)]->EndOfSectionIndex())
            pNode = (*this)[SwNodeOffset(0)];
            while ((*this)[SwNodeOffset(0)] != pNode->StartOfSectionNode())
                pNode = pNode->StartOfSectionNode();
    return pNode;
SwNode * SwNodes::DocumentSectionEndNode(SwNode * pNode) const
    return DocumentSectionStartNode(pNode)->EndOfSectionNode();
bool SwNodes::IsDocNodes() const
    return this == &m_rMyDoc.GetNodes();
void SwNodes::dumpAsXml(xmlTextWriterPtr pWriter) const
    (void)xmlTextWriterStartElement(pWriter, BAD_CAST("SwNodes"));
    for (SwNodeOffset i(0); i < Count(); ++i)
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V530 The return value of function 'Assign' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'Assign' is required to be utilized.

V773 Visibility scope of the 'pTmpSttNd' pointer was exited without releasing the memory. A memory leak is possible.

V773 Visibility scope of the 'pSttNd' pointer was exited without releasing the memory. A memory leak is possible.

V547 Expression is always false.

V547 Expression '!"Unknown node type"' is always false.

V547 Expression is always false.

V1044 Loop break conditions do not depend on the number of iterations.

V1048 The 'bSplitDestNd' variable was assigned the same value.

V1048 The 'bSplitDestNd' variable was assigned the same value.