/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
#include <sal/config.h>
#include <unicode/regex.h>
#include <comphelper/configuration.hxx>
#include <officecfg/Office/Common.hxx>
#include <opencl/openclconfig.hxx>
#include <opencl/platforminfo.hxx>
#include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
#include <rtl/ustrbuf.hxx>
#include <sal/log.hxx>
#include <sal/types.h>
#include <o3tl/string_view.hxx>
OpenCLConfig::OpenCLConfig() :
    // This entry we have had for some time (when denylisting was
    // done elsewhere in the code), so presumably there is a known
    // good reason for it.
    maDenyList.insert(ImplMatcher(u"Windows"_ustr, u""_ustr, u"Intel\\(R\\) Corporation"_ustr, u""_ustr, u"9\\.17\\.10\\.2884"_ustr));
    // This was reported to produce bogus values in unit tests
    maDenyList.insert(ImplMatcher(u"Windows"_ustr, u""_ustr, u"Intel\\(R\\) Corporation"_ustr, u""_ustr, u"27\\.20\\.100\\.8681"_ustr));
    // For now, assume that AMD, Intel and NVIDIA drivers are good
    maAllowList.insert(ImplMatcher(u""_ustr, u""_ustr, u"Advanced Micro Devices, Inc\\."_ustr, u""_ustr, u""_ustr));
    maAllowList.insert(ImplMatcher(u""_ustr, u""_ustr, u"Intel\\(R\\) Corporation"_ustr, u""_ustr, u""_ustr));
    maAllowList.insert(ImplMatcher(u""_ustr, u""_ustr, u"NVIDIA Corporation"_ustr, u""_ustr, u""_ustr));
bool OpenCLConfig::operator== (const OpenCLConfig& r) const
    return (mbUseOpenCL == r.mbUseOpenCL &&
            maDenyList == r.maDenyList &&
            maAllowList == r.maAllowList);
bool OpenCLConfig::operator!= (const OpenCLConfig& r) const
    return !operator== (r);
namespace {
css::uno::Sequence<OUString> SetOfImplMatcherToStringSequence(const OpenCLConfig::ImplMatcherSet& rSet)
    css::uno::Sequence<OUString> result(rSet.size());
    auto resultRange = asNonConstRange(result);
    size_t n(0);
    for (const auto& rItem : rSet)
        resultRange[n++] =
            rItem.maOS.replaceAll("%", "%25").replaceAll("/", "%2F").replaceAll(";", "%3B") + "/" +
            rItem.maOSVersion.replaceAll("%", "%25").replaceAll("/", "%2F").replaceAll(";", "%3B") + "/" +
            rItem.maPlatformVendor.replaceAll("%", "%25").replaceAll("/", "%2F").replaceAll(";", "%3B") + "/" +
            rItem.maDevice.replaceAll("%", "%25").replaceAll("/", "%2F").replaceAll(";", "%3B") + "/" +
            rItem.maDriverVersion.replaceAll("%", "%25").replaceAll("/", "%2F").replaceAll(";", "%3B");
    return result;
OUString getToken(std::u16string_view string, sal_Int32& index)
    std::u16string_view token(o3tl::getToken(string, 0, '/', index));
    OUStringBuffer result;
    sal_Int32 i(0);
    size_t p;
    while ((p = token.find('%', i)) != std::u16string_view::npos)
        if (static_cast<sal_Int32>(p) > i)
            result.append(token.substr(i, p - i));
        if (p < token.size() - 2)
            result.append(sal_Unicode(o3tl::toInt32(token.substr(p+1, 2), 16)));
            i = p + 3;
            i = token.size();
    return result.makeStringAndClear();
OpenCLConfig::ImplMatcherSet StringSequenceToSetOfImplMatcher(const css::uno::Sequence<OUString>& rSequence)
    OpenCLConfig::ImplMatcherSet result;
    for (const auto& rItem : rSequence)
        OpenCLConfig::ImplMatcher m;
        sal_Int32 index(0);
        m.maOS = getToken(rItem, index);
        m.maOSVersion = getToken(rItem, index);
        m.maPlatformVendor = getToken(rItem, index);
        m.maDevice = getToken(rItem, index);
        m.maDriverVersion = getToken(rItem, index);
    return result;
bool match(const OUString& rPattern, const OUString& rInput)
    if (rPattern.isEmpty())
        return true;
    UErrorCode nIcuError(U_ZERO_ERROR);
    icu::UnicodeString sIcuPattern(reinterpret_cast<const UChar*>(rPattern.getStr()), rPattern.getLength());
    icu::UnicodeString sIcuInput(reinterpret_cast<const UChar*>(rInput.getStr()), rInput.getLength());
    icu::RegexMatcher aMatcher(sIcuPattern, sIcuInput, 0, nIcuError);
    return U_SUCCESS(nIcuError) && aMatcher.matches(nIcuError) && U_SUCCESS(nIcuError);
bool match(const OpenCLConfig::ImplMatcher& rListEntry, const OpenCLPlatformInfo& rPlatform, const OpenCLDeviceInfo& rDevice)
#if defined(_WIN32)
    if (!rListEntry.maOS.isEmpty() && rListEntry.maOS != "Windows")
        return false;
#elif defined LINUX
    if (!rListEntry.maOS.isEmpty() && rListEntry.maOS != "Linux")
        return false;
#elif defined MACOSX
    if (!rListEntry.maOS.isEmpty() && rListEntry.maOS != "OS X")
        return false;
    // OS version check not yet implemented
    if (!match(rListEntry.maPlatformVendor, rPlatform.maVendor))
        return false;
    if (!match(rListEntry.maDevice, rDevice.maName))
        return false;
    if (!match(rListEntry.maDriverVersion, rDevice.maDriver))
        return false;
    return true;
bool match(const OpenCLConfig::ImplMatcherSet& rList, const OpenCLPlatformInfo& rPlatform, const OpenCLDeviceInfo& rDevice, const char* sKindOfList)
    for (const auto& rListEntry : rList)
        SAL_INFO("opencl", "Looking for match for platform=" << rPlatform << ", device=" << rDevice <<
                 " in " << sKindOfList << " entry=" << rListEntry);
        if (match(rListEntry, rPlatform, rDevice))
            SAL_INFO("opencl", "Match!");
            return true;
    return false;
} // anonymous namespace
OpenCLConfig OpenCLConfig::get()
    OpenCLConfig result;
    result.mbUseOpenCL = officecfg::Office::Common::Misc::UseOpenCL::get();
    result.maDenyList = StringSequenceToSetOfImplMatcher(officecfg::Office::Common::Misc::OpenCLDenyList::get());
    result.maAllowList = StringSequenceToSetOfImplMatcher(officecfg::Office::Common::Misc::OpenCLAllowList::get());
    return result;
void OpenCLConfig::set()
    std::shared_ptr<comphelper::ConfigurationChanges> batch(comphelper::ConfigurationChanges::create());
    officecfg::Office::Common::Misc::UseOpenCL::set(mbUseOpenCL, batch);
    officecfg::Office::Common::Misc::OpenCLDenyList::set(SetOfImplMatcherToStringSequence(maDenyList), batch);
    officecfg::Office::Common::Misc::OpenCLAllowList::set(SetOfImplMatcherToStringSequence(maAllowList), batch);
bool OpenCLConfig::checkImplementation(const OpenCLPlatformInfo& rPlatform, const OpenCLDeviceInfo& rDevice) const
    // Check denylist of known bad OpenCL implementations
    if (match(maDenyList, rPlatform, rDevice, "denylist"))
        SAL_INFO("opencl", "Rejecting");
        return true;
    // Check for allowlist of known good OpenCL implementations
    if (match(maAllowList, rPlatform, rDevice, "allowlist"))
        SAL_INFO("opencl", "Approving");
        return false;
    // Fallback: reject
    SAL_INFO("opencl", "Fallback: rejecting platform=" << rPlatform << ", device=" << rDevice);
    return true;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& rStream, const OpenCLConfig& rConfig)
    rStream << "{"
        "UseOpenCL=" << (rConfig.mbUseOpenCL ? "YES" : "NO") << ","
        "DenyList=" << rConfig.maDenyList << ","
        "AllowList=" << rConfig.maAllowList <<
    return rStream;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& rStream, const OpenCLConfig::ImplMatcher& rImpl)
    rStream << "{"
        "OS=" << rImpl.maOS << ","
        "OSVersion=" << rImpl.maOSVersion << ","
        "PlatformVendor=" << rImpl.maPlatformVendor << ","
        "Device=" << rImpl.maDevice << ","
        "DriverVersion=" << rImpl.maDriverVersion <<
    return rStream;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& rStream, const OpenCLConfig::ImplMatcherSet& rSet)
    rStream << "{";
    for (auto i = rSet.cbegin(); i != rSet.cend(); ++i)
        if (i != rSet.cbegin())
            rStream << ",";
        rStream << *i;
    rStream << "}";
    return rStream;
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.