/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <pdfiprocessor.hxx>
#include <xmlemitter.hxx>
#include <pdfihelper.hxx>
#include <imagecontainer.hxx>
#include <genericelements.hxx>
#include "style.hxx"
#include <treevisiting.hxx>
#include <sal/log.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/geometry/AffineMatrix2D.hpp>
#include <comphelper/sequence.hxx>
#include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolygonclipper.hxx>
#include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolygontools.hxx>
#include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolypolygoncutter.hxx>
#include <basegfx/utils/canvastools.hxx>
#include <basegfx/vector/b2enums.hxx>
#include <basegfx/matrix/b2dhommatrix.hxx>
#include <i18nutil/unicode.hxx>
#include <o3tl/string_view.hxx>
using namespace com::sun::star;
#include <drawinglayer/primitive2d/PolyPolygonStrokePrimitive2D.hxx>
#include <drawinglayer/processor2d/linegeometryextractor2d.hxx>
#include <iostream>
namespace pdfi
 PDFIProcessor::PDFIProcessor( const uno::Reference< task::XStatusIndicator >& xStat ,
            css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XComponentContext > const & xContext) :
    m_pDocument( ElementFactory::createDocumentElement() ),
    m_nNextFontId( 1 ),
    m_nNextGCId( 1 ),
    m_nNextZOrder( 1 ),
    m_xStatusIndicator( xStat )
    FontAttributes aDefFont;
    aDefFont.familyName = "Helvetica";
    aDefFont.fontWeight = u"normal"_ustr;
    aDefFont.isItalic   = false;
    aDefFont.size       = 10*PDFI_OUTDEV_RESOLUTION/72;
    m_aIdToFont.insert({0, aDefFont});
    m_aFontToId.insert({aDefFont, 0});
    GraphicsContext aDefGC;
    m_aGCStack.push_back( aDefGC );
    m_aGCToId.insert({aDefGC, 0});
    m_aIdToGC.insert({0, aDefGC});
void PDFIProcessor::setPageNum( sal_Int32 nPages )
    m_nPages = nPages;
void PDFIProcessor::pushState()
    GraphicsContextStack::value_type const a(m_aGCStack.back());
void PDFIProcessor::popState()
void PDFIProcessor::setFlatness( double value )
    getCurrentContext().Flatness = value;
void PDFIProcessor::setTransformation( const geometry::AffineMatrix2D& rMatrix )
        rMatrix );
void PDFIProcessor::setLineDash( const uno::Sequence<double>& dashes,
                                 double                       /*start*/ )
    // TODO(F2): factor in start offset
    GraphicsContext& rContext( getCurrentContext() );
void PDFIProcessor::setLineJoin(basegfx::B2DLineJoin nJoin)
    getCurrentContext().LineJoin = nJoin;
void PDFIProcessor::setLineCap(sal_Int8 nCap)
    getCurrentContext().LineCap = nCap;
void PDFIProcessor::setMiterLimit(double)
    SAL_WARN("sdext.pdfimport", "PDFIProcessor::setMiterLimit(): not supported by ODF");
void PDFIProcessor::setLineWidth(double nWidth)
    getCurrentContext().LineWidth = nWidth;
void PDFIProcessor::setFillColor( const rendering::ARGBColor& rColor )
    getCurrentContext().FillColor = rColor;
void PDFIProcessor::setStrokeColor( const rendering::ARGBColor& rColor )
    getCurrentContext().LineColor = rColor;
void PDFIProcessor::setFont( const FontAttributes& i_rFont )
    FontAttributes aChangedFont( i_rFont );
    GraphicsContext& rGC=getCurrentContext();
    // for text render modes, please see PDF reference manual
    if (rGC.TextRenderMode == 1)
        aChangedFont.isOutline = true;
    else if (rGC.TextRenderMode == 2)
        // tdf#81484: faux bold is represented as "stroke+fill" (while using the same color for both stroke and fill) in pdf.
        // Convert to bold instead if the stroke color is the same as the fill color,
        // otherwise it should be outline.
        if (getCurrentContext().LineColor == getCurrentContext().FillColor)
            aChangedFont.fontWeight = u"bold"_ustr;
            aChangedFont.isOutline = true;
    FontToIdMap::const_iterator it = m_aFontToId.find( aChangedFont );
    if( it != m_aFontToId.end() )
        rGC.FontId = it->second;
        m_aFontToId[ aChangedFont ] = m_nNextFontId;
        m_aIdToFont[ m_nNextFontId ] = std::move(aChangedFont);
        rGC.FontId = m_nNextFontId;
void PDFIProcessor::setTextRenderMode( sal_Int32 i_nMode )
    GraphicsContext& rGC=getCurrentContext();
    rGC.TextRenderMode = i_nMode;
    IdToFontMap::iterator it = m_aIdToFont.find( rGC.FontId );
    if( it != m_aIdToFont.end() )
        setFont( it->second );
sal_Int32 PDFIProcessor::getFontId( const FontAttributes& rAttr ) const
    const sal_Int32 nCurFont = getCurrentContext().FontId;
    const_cast<PDFIProcessor*>(this)->setFont( rAttr );
    const sal_Int32 nFont = getCurrentContext().FontId;
    const_cast<PDFIProcessor*>(this)->getCurrentContext().FontId = nCurFont;
    return nFont;
// line diagnose block - start
void PDFIProcessor::processGlyphLine()
    if (m_GlyphsList.empty())
    double spaceDetectBoundary = 0.0;
    // Try to find space glyph and its width
    for (CharGlyph & i : m_GlyphsList)
        OUString& glyph = i.getGlyph();
        sal_Unicode ch = '\0';
        if (!glyph.isEmpty())
            ch = glyph[0];
        if ((ch == 0x20) || (ch == 0xa0))
            double spaceWidth = i.getWidth();
            spaceDetectBoundary = spaceWidth * 0.5;
    // If space glyph is not found, use average glyph width instead
    if (spaceDetectBoundary == 0.0)
        double avgGlyphWidth = 0.0;
        for (const CharGlyph & i : m_GlyphsList)
            avgGlyphWidth += i.getWidth();
        avgGlyphWidth /= m_GlyphsList.size();
        spaceDetectBoundary = avgGlyphWidth * 0.2;
    FrameElement* frame = ElementFactory::createFrameElement(
    frame->ZOrder = m_nNextZOrder++;
    frame->IsForText = true;
    frame->FontSize = getFont(m_GlyphsList[0].getGC().FontId).size;
    ParagraphElement* para = ElementFactory::createParagraphElement(frame);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < m_GlyphsList.size(); i++)
        bool prependSpace = false;
        TextElement* text = ElementFactory::createTextElement(
        if (i == 0)
            text->x = m_GlyphsList[0].getGC().Transformation.get(0, 2);
            text->y = m_GlyphsList[0].getGC().Transformation.get(1, 2);
            text->w = 0;
            text->h = 0;
            double spaceSize = m_GlyphsList[i].getPrevSpaceWidth();
            prependSpace = spaceSize > spaceDetectBoundary;
        if (prependSpace)
            text->Text.append(" ");
void PDFIProcessor::drawGlyphs( const OUString&             rGlyphs,
                                const geometry::RealRectangle2D& rRect,
                                const geometry::Matrix2D&        rFontMatrix,
                                double fontSize)
    double ascent = getFont(getCurrentContext().FontId).ascent;
    basegfx::B2DHomMatrix fontMatrix(
        rFontMatrix.m00, rFontMatrix.m01, 0.0,
        rFontMatrix.m10, rFontMatrix.m11, 0.0);
    fontMatrix.scale(fontSize, fontSize);
    basegfx::B2DHomMatrix totalTextMatrix1(fontMatrix);
    basegfx::B2DHomMatrix totalTextMatrix2(fontMatrix);
    totalTextMatrix1.translate(rRect.X1, rRect.Y1);
    totalTextMatrix2.translate(rRect.X2, rRect.Y2);
    basegfx::B2DHomMatrix corrMatrix;
    corrMatrix.scale(1.0, -1.0);
    corrMatrix.translate(0.0, ascent);
    totalTextMatrix1 = totalTextMatrix1 * corrMatrix;
    totalTextMatrix2 = totalTextMatrix2 * corrMatrix;
    totalTextMatrix1 *= getCurrentContext().Transformation;
    totalTextMatrix2 *= getCurrentContext().Transformation;
    basegfx::B2DHomMatrix invMatrix(totalTextMatrix1);
    basegfx::B2DHomMatrix invPrevMatrix(prevTextMatrix);
    basegfx::B2DHomMatrix offsetMatrix1(totalTextMatrix1);
    basegfx::B2DHomMatrix offsetMatrix2(totalTextMatrix2);
    offsetMatrix1 *= invPrevMatrix;
    offsetMatrix2 *= invMatrix;
    double charWidth = offsetMatrix2.get(0, 2);
    double prevSpaceWidth = offsetMatrix1.get(0, 2) - prevCharWidth;
    if ((totalTextMatrix1.get(0, 0) != prevTextMatrix.get(0, 0)) ||
        (totalTextMatrix1.get(0, 1) != prevTextMatrix.get(0, 1)) ||
        (totalTextMatrix1.get(1, 0) != prevTextMatrix.get(1, 0)) ||
        (totalTextMatrix1.get(1, 1) != prevTextMatrix.get(1, 1)) ||
        (offsetMatrix1.get(0, 2) < 0.0) ||
        (prevSpaceWidth > prevCharWidth * 1.3) ||
        (!basegfx::fTools::equalZero(offsetMatrix1.get(1, 2), 0.0001)))
    CharGlyph aGlyph(m_pCurElement, getCurrentContext(), charWidth, prevSpaceWidth, rGlyphs);
    aGlyph.getGC().Transformation = totalTextMatrix1;
    prevCharWidth = charWidth;
    prevTextMatrix = totalTextMatrix1;
void PDFIProcessor::endText()
    TextElement* pText = m_pCurElement->dynCastAsTextElement();
    if( pText )
        m_pCurElement = pText->Parent;
void PDFIProcessor::setupImage(ImageId nImage)
    const GraphicsContext& rGC(getCurrentContext());
    basegfx::B2DTuple aScale, aTranslation;
    double fRotate, fShearX;
    rGC.Transformation.decompose(aScale, aTranslation, fRotate, fShearX);
    const sal_Int32 nGCId = getGCId(rGC);
    FrameElement* pFrame = ElementFactory::createFrameElement( m_pCurElement, nGCId );
    ImageElement* pImageElement = ElementFactory::createImageElement( pFrame, nGCId, nImage );
    pFrame->x = pImageElement->x = aTranslation.getX();
    pFrame->y = pImageElement->y = aTranslation.getY();
    pFrame->w = pImageElement->w = aScale.getX();
    pFrame->h = pImageElement->h = aScale.getY();
    pFrame->ZOrder = m_nNextZOrder++;
    // Poppler wrapper takes into account that vertical axes of PDF and ODF are opposite,
    // and it flips matrix vertically (see poppler's GfxState::GfxState()).
    // But image internal vertical axis is independent of PDF vertical axis direction,
    // so arriving matrix is extra-flipped relative to image.
    // We force vertical flip here to compensate that.
    pFrame->MirrorVertical = true;
void PDFIProcessor::drawMask(const uno::Sequence<beans::PropertyValue>& xBitmap,
                             bool                                       /*bInvert*/ )
    // TODO(F3): Handle mask and inversion
    setupImage( m_aImages.addImage(xBitmap) );
void PDFIProcessor::drawImage(const uno::Sequence<beans::PropertyValue>& xBitmap )
    setupImage( m_aImages.addImage(xBitmap) );
void PDFIProcessor::drawColorMaskedImage(const uno::Sequence<beans::PropertyValue>& xBitmap,
                                         const uno::Sequence<uno::Any>&             /*xMaskColors*/ )
    // TODO(F3): Handle mask colors
    setupImage( m_aImages.addImage(xBitmap) );
void PDFIProcessor::drawMaskedImage(const uno::Sequence<beans::PropertyValue>& xBitmap,
                                    const uno::Sequence<beans::PropertyValue>& /*xMask*/,
                                    bool                                       /*bInvertMask*/)
    // TODO(F3): Handle mask and inversion
    setupImage( m_aImages.addImage(xBitmap) );
void PDFIProcessor::drawAlphaMaskedImage(const uno::Sequence<beans::PropertyValue>& xBitmap,
                                         const uno::Sequence<beans::PropertyValue>& /*xMask*/)
    // TODO(F3): Handle mask
    setupImage( m_aImages.addImage(xBitmap) );
void PDFIProcessor::tilingPatternFill(int nX0, int nY0, int nX1, int nY1,
                                      double nxStep, double nyStep,
                                      int /* nPaintType */,
                                      css::geometry::AffineMatrix2D& rMat,
                                      const css::uno::Sequence<css::beans::PropertyValue>& xTile)
    const GraphicsContext& rGC(getCurrentContext());
    auto nTile = m_aImages.addImage(xTile);
    basegfx::B2DTuple aScale, aTranslation;
    double fRotate, fShearX;
    rGC.Transformation.decompose(aScale, aTranslation, fRotate, fShearX);
    // Build a poly covering the whole fill area
    double np0x = nX0 * nxStep;
    double np0y = nY0 * nyStep;
    double np1x = nX1 * nxStep;
    double np1y = nY1 * nyStep;
    // Transform with the rMat passed in
    double tmpx, tmpy;
    tmpx = np0x * rMat.m00 + np0y * rMat.m01 + rMat.m02;
    tmpy = np0x * rMat.m10 + np0y * rMat.m11 + rMat.m12;
    np0x = tmpx;
    np0y = tmpy;
    tmpx = np1x * rMat.m00 + np1y * rMat.m01 + rMat.m02;
    tmpy = np1x * rMat.m10 + np1y * rMat.m11 + rMat.m12;
    np1x = tmpx;
    np1y = tmpy;
    auto aB2DPoly = basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon(basegfx::utils::createPolygonFromRect(basegfx::B2DRange(np0x, np0y, np1x, np1y)));
    // Clip against current clip path, if any
    basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aCurClip = getCurrentContext().Clip;
    if( aCurClip.count() ) {
        aB2DPoly = basegfx::utils::clipPolyPolygonOnPolyPolygon( aB2DPoly, aCurClip,
                       true, /* bInside, keep parts inside the clip */
                       false /* bStroke, filled not stroked */ );
    // TODO: That clipping might shift the fill pattern offsets
    double transformedxStep = nxStep * rMat.m00 + nyStep * rMat.m01;
    double transformedyStep = nxStep * rMat.m10 + nyStep * rMat.m11;
    auto pPolyElement = ElementFactory::createPolyPolyElement(
        PATH_EOFILL, // Hmm how do I know if this should be EO or not?
        transformedxStep * aScale.getX(),
        transformedyStep * -aScale.getY());
    pPolyElement->ZOrder = m_nNextZOrder++;
void PDFIProcessor::strokePath( const uno::Reference< rendering::XPolyPolygon2D >& rPath )
    basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aPoly=basegfx::unotools::b2DPolyPolygonFromXPolyPolygon2D(rPath);
    PolyPolyElement* pPoly = ElementFactory::createPolyPolyElement(
        -1, 0, 0 );
    pPoly->ZOrder = m_nNextZOrder++;
void PDFIProcessor::fillPath( const uno::Reference< rendering::XPolyPolygon2D >& rPath )
    basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aPoly=basegfx::unotools::b2DPolyPolygonFromXPolyPolygon2D(rPath);
    basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aCurClip = getCurrentContext().Clip;
    if( aCurClip.count() ) {
        aPoly = basegfx::utils::clipPolyPolygonOnPolyPolygon( aPoly, aCurClip,
                    true, /* bInside, keep parts inside the clip */
                    false /* bStroke, filled not stroked */ );
    PolyPolyElement* pPoly = ElementFactory::createPolyPolyElement(
        -1, 0, 0 );
    pPoly->ZOrder = m_nNextZOrder++;
void PDFIProcessor::eoFillPath( const uno::Reference< rendering::XPolyPolygon2D >& rPath )
    basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aPoly=basegfx::unotools::b2DPolyPolygonFromXPolyPolygon2D(rPath);
    basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aCurClip = getCurrentContext().Clip;
    if( aCurClip.count() ) {
        aPoly = basegfx::utils::clipPolyPolygonOnPolyPolygon( aPoly, aCurClip,
                    true, /* bInside, keep parts inside the clip */
                    false /* bStroke, filled not stroked */ );
    PolyPolyElement* pPoly = ElementFactory::createPolyPolyElement(
        -1, 0, 0 );
    pPoly->ZOrder = m_nNextZOrder++;
void PDFIProcessor::intersectClip(const uno::Reference< rendering::XPolyPolygon2D >& rPath)
    // TODO(F3): interpret fill mode
    basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aNewClip = basegfx::unotools::b2DPolyPolygonFromXPolyPolygon2D(rPath);
    basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aCurClip = getCurrentContext().Clip;
    if( aCurClip.count() )  // #i92985# adapted API from (..., false, false) to (..., true, false)
        aNewClip = basegfx::utils::clipPolyPolygonOnPolyPolygon( aCurClip, aNewClip, true, false );
    getCurrentContext().Clip = std::move(aNewClip);
void PDFIProcessor::intersectEoClip(const uno::Reference< rendering::XPolyPolygon2D >& rPath)
    // TODO(F3): interpret fill mode
    basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aNewClip = basegfx::unotools::b2DPolyPolygonFromXPolyPolygon2D(rPath);
    basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aCurClip = getCurrentContext().Clip;
    if( aCurClip.count() )  // #i92985# adapted API from (..., false, false) to (..., true, false)
        aNewClip = basegfx::utils::clipPolyPolygonOnPolyPolygon( aCurClip, aNewClip, true, false );
    getCurrentContext().Clip = std::move(aNewClip);
void PDFIProcessor::intersectClipToStroke(const uno::Reference< rendering::XPolyPolygon2D >& rPath)
    // TODO(F3): interpret fill mode
    basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aNewClip = basegfx::unotools::b2DPolyPolygonFromXPolyPolygon2D(rPath);
    const GraphicsContext& rGC(getCurrentContext());
    basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aCurClip = rGC.Clip;
    double nScale = GetAverageTransformationScale(rGC.Transformation);
    // We need to get a path that corresponds to a 'stroked path' - i.e. with whatever line
    // thickness etc is set.  PolyPolygonStrokePrimitive2D::create2DDecomposition does most
    // of the work.
    const basegfx::BColor aBlack(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    drawinglayer::attribute::LineAttribute aLineAttribute(aBlack, rGC.LineWidth * nScale,
    rtl::Reference<drawinglayer::primitive2d::PolyPolygonStrokePrimitive2D> aStrokePrimitive(
        new drawinglayer::primitive2d::PolyPolygonStrokePrimitive2D(aNewClip, aLineAttribute));
    drawinglayer::primitive2d::Primitive2DContainer aPrimitiveContainer;
    const drawinglayer::geometry::ViewInformation2D aViewInformation2D;
    aStrokePrimitive->get2DDecomposition(aPrimitiveContainer, aViewInformation2D);
    // Based on extractLineContourFromPrimitive2DSequence and ImpConvertToContourObj
    drawinglayer::processor2d::LineGeometryExtractor2D aExtractor(aViewInformation2D);
    basegfx::B2DPolygonVector aHairlines = aExtractor.getExtractedHairlines();
    auto aFills = aExtractor.getExtractedLineFills();
    basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aTmpClip = basegfx::utils::mergeToSinglePolyPolygon(std::move(aFills));
    for (const basegfx::B2DPolygon & rExtractedHairline : aHairlines)
    aNewClip = std::move(aTmpClip);
    if( aCurClip.count() )  // #i92985# adapted API from (..., false, false) to (..., true, false)
        aNewClip = basegfx::utils::clipPolyPolygonOnPolyPolygon( aCurClip, aNewClip, true, false );
    getCurrentContext().Clip = std::move(aNewClip);
void PDFIProcessor::hyperLink( const geometry::RealRectangle2D& rBounds,
                               const OUString&           rURI )
    if( !rURI.isEmpty() )
        HyperlinkElement* pLink = ElementFactory::createHyperlinkElement(
            rURI );
        pLink->x = rBounds.X1;
        pLink->y = rBounds.Y1;
        pLink->w = rBounds.X2-rBounds.X1;
        pLink->h = rBounds.Y2-rBounds.Y1;
const FontAttributes& PDFIProcessor::getFont( sal_Int32 nFontId ) const
    IdToFontMap::const_iterator it = m_aIdToFont.find( nFontId );
    if( it == m_aIdToFont.end() )
        it = m_aIdToFont.find( 0 );
    assert(it != m_aIdToFont.end());
    return it->second;
sal_Int32 PDFIProcessor::getGCId( const GraphicsContext& rGC )
    sal_Int32 nGCId = 0;
    auto it = m_aGCToId.find( rGC );
    if( it != m_aGCToId.end() )
        nGCId = it->second;
        m_aGCToId.insert({rGC, m_nNextGCId});
        m_aIdToGC.insert({m_nNextGCId, rGC});
        nGCId = m_nNextGCId;
    return nGCId;
const GraphicsContext& PDFIProcessor::getGraphicsContext( sal_Int32 nGCId ) const
    auto it = m_aIdToGC.find( nGCId );
    if( it == m_aIdToGC.end() )
        it = m_aIdToGC.find( 0 );
    assert(it != m_aIdToGC.end());
    return it->second;
void PDFIProcessor::endPage()
    processGlyphLine(); // draw last line
    if( m_xStatusIndicator.is()
        && m_pCurPage
        && m_pCurPage->PageNumber == m_nPages
void PDFIProcessor::startPage( const geometry::RealSize2D& rSize )
    // initial clip is to page bounds
    getCurrentContext().Clip = basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon(
            basegfx::B2DRange( 0, 0, rSize.Width, rSize.Height )));
    sal_Int32 nNextPageNr = m_pCurPage ? m_pCurPage->PageNumber+1 : 1;
    if( m_xStatusIndicator.is() )
        if( nNextPageNr == 1 )
            startIndicator( u" "_ustr );
        m_xStatusIndicator->setValue( nNextPageNr );
    m_pCurPage = ElementFactory::createPageElement(m_pDocument.get(), nNextPageNr);
    m_pCurElement = m_pCurPage;
    m_pCurPage->w = rSize.Width;
    m_pCurPage->h = rSize.Height;
    m_nNextZOrder = 1;
void PDFIProcessor::emit( XmlEmitter&               rEmitter,
                          const TreeVisitorFactory& rVisitorFactory )
    m_pDocument->emitStructure( 0 );
    ElementTreeVisitorSharedPtr optimizingVisitor(
    // FIXME: localization
    startIndicator( u" "_ustr );
    m_pDocument->visitedBy( *optimizingVisitor, std::list<std::unique_ptr<Element>>::const_iterator());
    m_pDocument->emitStructure( 0 );
    // get styles
    StyleContainer aStyles;
    ElementTreeVisitorSharedPtr finalizingVisitor(
    // FIXME: localization
    m_pDocument->visitedBy( *finalizingVisitor, std::list<std::unique_ptr<Element>>::const_iterator() );
    EmitContext aContext( rEmitter, aStyles, m_aImages, *this, m_xStatusIndicator, m_xContext );
    ElementTreeVisitorSharedPtr aEmittingVisitor(
    PropertyMap aProps;
    // document prolog
    #define OASIS_STR "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:"
    aProps[ u"xmlns:office"_ustr ]      = OASIS_STR "office:1.0" ;
    aProps[ u"xmlns:style"_ustr ]       = OASIS_STR "style:1.0" ;
    aProps[ u"xmlns:text"_ustr ]        = OASIS_STR "text:1.0" ;
    aProps[ u"xmlns:svg"_ustr ]         = OASIS_STR "svg-compatible:1.0" ;
    aProps[ u"xmlns:table"_ustr ]       = OASIS_STR "table:1.0" ;
    aProps[ u"xmlns:draw"_ustr ]        = OASIS_STR "drawing:1.0" ;
    aProps[ u"xmlns:fo"_ustr ]          = OASIS_STR "xsl-fo-compatible:1.0" ;
    aProps[ u"xmlns:xlink"_ustr]        = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink";
    aProps[ u"xmlns:dc"_ustr]           = "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/";
    aProps[ u"xmlns:number"_ustr]       = OASIS_STR "datastyle:1.0" ;
    aProps[ u"xmlns:presentation"_ustr] = OASIS_STR "presentation:1.0" ;
    aProps[ u"xmlns:math"_ustr]         = "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML";
    aProps[ u"xmlns:form"_ustr]         = OASIS_STR "form:1.0" ;
    aProps[ u"xmlns:script"_ustr]       = OASIS_STR "script:1.0" ;
    aProps[ u"xmlns:dom"_ustr]          = "http://www.w3.org/2001/xml-events";
    aProps[ u"xmlns:xforms"_ustr]       = "http://www.w3.org/2002/xforms";
    aProps[ u"xmlns:xsd"_ustr]          = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema";
    aProps[ u"xmlns:xsi"_ustr]          = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";
    aProps[ u"office:version"_ustr ]    = "1.0";
    aContext.rEmitter.beginTag( "office:document", aProps );
    // emit style list
    aStyles.emit( aContext, *aEmittingVisitor );
    m_pDocument->visitedBy( *aEmittingVisitor, std::list<std::unique_ptr<Element>>::const_iterator() );
    aContext.rEmitter.endTag( "office:document" );
void PDFIProcessor::startIndicator( const OUString& rText  )
    sal_Int32 nElements = m_nPages;
    if( !m_xStatusIndicator.is() )
    sal_Int32 nLength = rText.getLength();
    OUStringBuffer aStr( nLength*2 );
    const sal_Unicode* pText = rText.getStr();
    for( int i = 0; i < nLength; i++ )
        if( nLength-i > 1&&
            pText[i]   == '%' &&
            pText[i+1] == 'd'
            aStr.append( nElements );
            aStr.append( pText[i] );
    m_xStatusIndicator->start( aStr.makeStringAndClear(), nElements );
void PDFIProcessor::endIndicator()
    if( m_xStatusIndicator.is() )
static bool lr_tb_sort( std::unique_ptr<Element> const & pLeft, std::unique_ptr<Element> const & pRight )
    // Ensure irreflexivity (which could be compromised if h or w is negative):
    if (pLeft == pRight)
        return false;
    // first: top-bottom sorting
    // Note: allow for 10% overlap on text lines since text lines are usually
    // of the same order as font height whereas the real paint area
    // of text is usually smaller
    double fudge_factor_left = 0.0, fudge_factor_right = 0.0;
    if( pLeft->dynCastAsTextElement() )
        fudge_factor_left = 0.1;
    if( pRight->dynCastAsTextElement() )
        fudge_factor_right = 0.1;
    // Allow negative height
    double lower_boundary_left  = pLeft->y  + std::max(pLeft->h, 0.0)  - fabs(pLeft->h)  * fudge_factor_left;
    double lower_boundary_right = pRight->y + std::max(pRight->h, 0.0) - fabs(pRight->h) * fudge_factor_right;
    double upper_boundary_left  = pLeft->y  + std::min(pLeft->h, 0.0);
    double upper_boundary_right = pRight->y + std::min(pRight->h, 0.0);
    // if left's lower boundary is above right's upper boundary
    // then left is smaller
    if( lower_boundary_left < upper_boundary_right )
        return true;
    // if right's lower boundary is above left's upper boundary
    // then left is definitely not smaller
    if( lower_boundary_right < upper_boundary_left )
        return false;
    // Allow negative width
    double left_boundary_left   = pLeft->y  + std::min(pLeft->w, 0.0);
    double left_boundary_right  = pRight->y + std::min(pRight->w, 0.0);
    double right_boundary_left  = pLeft->y  + std::max(pLeft->w, 0.0);
    double right_boundary_right = pRight->y + std::max(pRight->w, 0.0);
    // by now we have established that left and right are inside
    // a "line", that is they have vertical overlap
    // second: left-right sorting
    // if left's right boundary is left to right's left boundary
    // then left is smaller
    if( right_boundary_left < left_boundary_right )
        return true;
    // if right's right boundary is left to left's left boundary
    // then left is definitely not smaller
    if( right_boundary_right < left_boundary_left )
        return false;
    // here we have established vertical and horizontal overlap
    // so sort left first, top second
    if( pLeft->x < pRight->x )
        return true;
    if( pRight->x < pLeft->x )
        return false;
    if( pLeft->y < pRight->y )
        return true;
    return false;
void PDFIProcessor::sortElements(Element* pEle)
    if( pEle->Children.empty() )
    // sort method from std::list is equivalent to stable_sort
    // See S Meyers, Effective STL
/* Produce mirrored-image for each code point which has the Bidi_Mirrored property, within a string.
   This need to be done in forward order.
OUString PDFIProcessor::SubstituteBidiMirrored(std::u16string_view rString)
    const sal_Int32 nLen = rString.size();
    OUStringBuffer aMirror(nLen);
    for (sal_Int32 i = 0; i < nLen;) {
        const sal_uInt32 nCodePoint = o3tl::iterateCodePoints(rString, &i);
    return aMirror.makeStringAndClear();
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V530 The return value of function 'homMatrixFromAffineMatrix' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'appendUtf32' is required to be utilized.

V773 Visibility scope of the 'pPolyElement' pointer was exited without releasing the memory. A memory leak is possible.

V773 Visibility scope of the 'pPoly' pointer was exited without releasing the memory. A memory leak is possible.

V773 Visibility scope of the 'pPoly' pointer was exited without releasing the memory. A memory leak is possible.

V773 Visibility scope of the 'pPoly' pointer was exited without releasing the memory. A memory leak is possible.

V773 Visibility scope of the 'pLink' pointer was exited without releasing the memory. A memory leak is possible.