/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <sal/config.h>
#include <config_cpdb.h>
#include <config_cups.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <comphelper/string.hxx>
#include <o3tl/string_view.hxx>
#include <i18nlangtag/languagetag.hxx>
#include <jobdata.hxx>
#include <ppdparser.hxx>
#include <printerinfomanager.hxx>
#include <strhelper.hxx>
#include <utility>
#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
#include <vcl/settings.hxx>
#include <unx/helper.hxx>
#include <unx/cpdmgr.hxx>
#include <unx/cupsmgr.hxx>
#include <tools/urlobj.hxx>
#include <tools/stream.hxx>
#include <tools/zcodec.hxx>
#include <o3tl/safeint.hxx>
#include <osl/file.hxx>
#include <osl/process.h>
#include <osl/thread.h>
#include <rtl/strbuf.hxx>
#include <rtl/ustrbuf.hxx>
#include <sal/log.hxx>
#include <salhelper/linkhelper.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/lang/Locale.hpp>
#include <mutex>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <cups/cups.h>
#include <config_dbus.h>
#include <config_gio.h>
#include <o3tl/hash_combine.hxx>
namespace psp
    class PPDTranslator
        struct LocaleEqual
            bool operator()(const css::lang::Locale& i_rLeft,
                            const css::lang::Locale& i_rRight) const
                return i_rLeft.Language == i_rRight.Language &&
                    i_rLeft.Country == i_rRight.Country &&
                    i_rLeft.Variant == i_rRight.Variant;
        struct LocaleHash
            size_t operator()(const css::lang::Locale& rLocale) const
                std::size_t seed = 0;
                o3tl::hash_combine(seed, rLocale.Language.hashCode());
                o3tl::hash_combine(seed, rLocale.Country.hashCode());
                o3tl::hash_combine(seed, rLocale.Variant.hashCode());
                return seed;
        typedef std::unordered_map< css::lang::Locale, OUString, LocaleHash, LocaleEqual > translation_map;
        typedef std::unordered_map< OUString, translation_map > key_translation_map;
        key_translation_map     m_aTranslations;
        PPDTranslator() {}
        void insertValue(
            std::u16string_view i_rKey,
            std::u16string_view i_rOption,
            std::u16string_view i_rValue,
            const OUString& i_rTranslation,
            const css::lang::Locale& i_rLocale
        void insertOption( std::u16string_view i_rKey,
                           std::u16string_view i_rOption,
                           const OUString& i_rTranslation,
                           const css::lang::Locale& i_rLocale )
            insertValue( i_rKey, i_rOption, u"", i_rTranslation, i_rLocale );
        void insertKey( std::u16string_view i_rKey,
                        const OUString& i_rTranslation,
                        const css::lang::Locale& i_rLocale = css::lang::Locale() )
            insertValue( i_rKey, u"", u"", i_rTranslation, i_rLocale );
        OUString translateValue(
            std::u16string_view i_rKey,
            std::u16string_view i_rOption
            ) const;
        OUString translateOption( std::u16string_view i_rKey,
                                       std::u16string_view i_rOption ) const
            return translateValue( i_rKey, i_rOption  );
        OUString translateKey( std::u16string_view i_rKey ) const
            return translateValue( i_rKey, u"" );
    static css::lang::Locale normalizeInputLocale(
        const css::lang::Locale& i_rLocale
        css::lang::Locale aLoc( i_rLocale );
        if( aLoc.Language.isEmpty() )
            // empty locale requested, fill in application UI locale
            aLoc = Application::GetSettings().GetUILanguageTag().getLocale();
            #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1
            static const char* pEnvLocale = getenv( "SAL_PPDPARSER_LOCALE" );
            if( pEnvLocale && *pEnvLocale )
                OString aStr( pEnvLocale );
                sal_Int32 nLen = aStr.getLength();
                aLoc.Language = OStringToOUString( aStr.copy( 0, std::min(nLen, 2) ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252 );
                if( nLen >=5 && aStr[2] == '_' )
                    aLoc.Country = OStringToOUString( aStr.copy( 3, 2 ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252 );
        /* FIXME-BCP47: using Variant, uppercase? */
        aLoc.Language = aLoc.Language.toAsciiLowerCase();
        aLoc.Country  = aLoc.Country.toAsciiUpperCase();
        aLoc.Variant  = aLoc.Variant.toAsciiUpperCase();
        return aLoc;
    void PPDTranslator::insertValue(
        std::u16string_view i_rKey,
        std::u16string_view i_rOption,
        std::u16string_view i_rValue,
        const OUString& i_rTranslation,
        const css::lang::Locale& i_rLocale
        OUStringBuffer aKey( i_rKey.size() + i_rOption.size() + i_rValue.size() + 2 );
        aKey.append( i_rKey );
        if( !i_rOption.empty() || !i_rValue.empty() )
            aKey.append( OUString::Concat(":") + i_rOption );
        if( !i_rValue.empty() )
            aKey.append( OUString::Concat(":") + i_rValue );
        if( !aKey.isEmpty() && !i_rTranslation.isEmpty() )
            OUString aK( aKey.makeStringAndClear() );
            css::lang::Locale aLoc;
            /* FIXME-BCP47: using Variant, uppercase? */
            aLoc.Language = i_rLocale.Language.toAsciiLowerCase();
            aLoc.Country  = i_rLocale.Country.toAsciiUpperCase();
            aLoc.Variant  = i_rLocale.Variant.toAsciiUpperCase();
            m_aTranslations[ aK ][ aLoc ] = i_rTranslation;
    OUString PPDTranslator::translateValue(
        std::u16string_view i_rKey,
        std::u16string_view i_rOption
        ) const
        OUString aResult;
        OUStringBuffer aKey( i_rKey.size() + i_rOption.size() + 2 );
        aKey.append( i_rKey );
        if( !i_rOption.empty() )
            aKey.append( OUString::Concat(":") + i_rOption );
        if( !aKey.isEmpty() )
            OUString aK( aKey.makeStringAndClear() );
            key_translation_map::const_iterator it = m_aTranslations.find( aK );
            if( it != m_aTranslations.end() )
                const translation_map& rMap( it->second );
                css::lang::Locale aLoc( normalizeInputLocale( css::lang::Locale() ) );
                /* FIXME-BCP47: use LanguageTag::getFallbackStrings()? */
                for( int nTry = 0; nTry < 4; nTry++ )
                    translation_map::const_iterator tr = rMap.find( aLoc );
                    if( tr != rMap.end() )
                        aResult = tr->second;
                    switch( nTry )
                    case 0: aLoc.Variant.clear();break;
                    case 1: aLoc.Country.clear();break;
                    case 2: aLoc.Language.clear();break;
        return aResult;
    class PPDCache
        std::vector< std::unique_ptr<PPDParser> > aAllParsers;
        std::optional<std::unordered_map< OUString, OUString >> xAllPPDFiles;
using namespace psp;
    PPDCache& getPPDCache()
        static PPDCache thePPDCache;
        return thePPDCache;
class PPDDecompressStream
    PPDDecompressStream(const PPDDecompressStream&) = delete;
    PPDDecompressStream& operator=(const PPDDecompressStream&) = delete;
    std::unique_ptr<SvFileStream>   mpFileStream;
    std::unique_ptr<SvMemoryStream> mpMemStream;
    OUString       maFileName;
    explicit PPDDecompressStream( const OUString& rFile );
    bool IsOpen() const;
    bool eof() const;
    OString ReadLine();
    void Open( const OUString& i_rFile );
    void Close();
    const OUString& GetFileName() const { return maFileName; }
PPDDecompressStream::PPDDecompressStream( const OUString& i_rFile )
    Open( i_rFile );
void PPDDecompressStream::Open( const OUString& i_rFile )
    mpFileStream.reset( new SvFileStream( i_rFile, StreamMode::READ ) );
    maFileName = mpFileStream->GetFileName();
    if( ! mpFileStream->IsOpen() )
    OString aLine;
    mpFileStream->ReadLine( aLine );
    mpFileStream->Seek( 0 );
    // check for compress'ed or gzip'ed file
    if( aLine.getLength() <= 1 ||
        static_cast<unsigned char>(aLine[0]) != 0x1f ||
        static_cast<unsigned char>(aLine[1]) != 0x8b /* check for gzip */ )
    // so let's try to decompress the stream
    mpMemStream.reset( new SvMemoryStream( 4096, 4096 ) );
    ZCodec aCodec;
    aCodec.BeginCompression( ZCODEC_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, /*gzLib*/true );
    tools::Long nComp = aCodec.Decompress( *mpFileStream, *mpMemStream );
    if( nComp < 0 )
        // decompression failed, must be an uncompressed stream after all
        mpFileStream->Seek( 0 );
        // compression successful, can get rid of file stream
        mpMemStream->Seek( 0 );
void PPDDecompressStream::Close()
bool PPDDecompressStream::IsOpen() const
    return (mpMemStream || (mpFileStream && mpFileStream->IsOpen()));
bool PPDDecompressStream::eof() const
    return ( mpMemStream ? mpMemStream->eof() : ( mpFileStream == nullptr || mpFileStream->eof() ) );
OString PPDDecompressStream::ReadLine()
    OString o_rLine;
    if( mpMemStream )
        mpMemStream->ReadLine( o_rLine );
    else if( mpFileStream )
        mpFileStream->ReadLine( o_rLine );
    return o_rLine;
static osl::FileBase::RC resolveLink( const OUString& i_rURL, OUString& o_rResolvedURL, OUString& o_rBaseName, osl::FileStatus::Type& o_rType)
    salhelper::LinkResolver aResolver(osl_FileStatus_Mask_FileName |
                                      osl_FileStatus_Mask_Type |
    osl::FileBase::RC aRet = aResolver.fetchFileStatus(i_rURL, 10/*nLinkLevel*/);
    if (aRet  == osl::FileBase::E_None)
        o_rResolvedURL = aResolver.m_aStatus.getFileURL();
        o_rBaseName = aResolver.m_aStatus.getFileName();
        o_rType = aResolver.m_aStatus.getFileType();
    return aRet;
void PPDParser::scanPPDDir( const OUString& rDir )
    static struct suffix_t
        const char* pSuffix;
        const sal_Int32 nSuffixLen;
    } const pSuffixes[] =
    { { ".PS", 3 },  { ".PPD", 4 }, { ".PS.GZ", 6 }, { ".PPD.GZ", 7 } };
    PPDCache &rPPDCache = getPPDCache();
    osl::Directory aDir( rDir );
    if ( aDir.open() != osl::FileBase::E_None )
    osl::DirectoryItem aItem;
    INetURLObject aPPDDir(rDir);
    while( aDir.getNextItem( aItem ) == osl::FileBase::E_None )
        osl::FileStatus aStatus( osl_FileStatus_Mask_FileName );
        if( aItem.getFileStatus( aStatus ) == osl::FileBase::E_None )
            OUString aFileURL, aFileName;
            osl::FileStatus::Type eType = osl::FileStatus::Unknown;
            OUString aURL = rDir + "/" + aStatus.getFileName();
            if(resolveLink( aURL, aFileURL, aFileName, eType ) == osl::FileBase::E_None)
                if( eType == osl::FileStatus::Regular )
                    INetURLObject aPPDFile = aPPDDir;
                    aPPDFile.Append( aFileName );
                    // match extension
                    for(const suffix_t & rSuffix : pSuffixes)
                        if( aFileName.getLength() > rSuffix.nSuffixLen )
                            if( aFileName.endsWithIgnoreAsciiCaseAsciiL( rSuffix.pSuffix, rSuffix.nSuffixLen ) )
                                (*rPPDCache.xAllPPDFiles)[ aFileName.copy( 0, aFileName.getLength() - rSuffix.nSuffixLen ) ] = aPPDFile.PathToFileName();
                else if( eType == osl::FileStatus::Directory )
                    scanPPDDir( aFileURL );
void PPDParser::initPPDFiles(PPDCache &rPPDCache)
    if( rPPDCache.xAllPPDFiles )
    // check installation directories
    std::vector< OUString > aPathList;
    psp::getPrinterPathList( aPathList, PRINTER_PPDDIR );
    for (auto const& path : aPathList)
        INetURLObject aPPDDir( path, INetProtocol::File, INetURLObject::EncodeMechanism::All );
        scanPPDDir( aPPDDir.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE ) );
    if( rPPDCache.xAllPPDFiles->find( u"SGENPRT"_ustr ) != rPPDCache.xAllPPDFiles->end() )
    // last try: search in directory of executable (mainly for setup)
    OUString aExe;
    if( osl_getExecutableFile( &aExe.pData ) == osl_Process_E_None )
        INetURLObject aDir( aExe );
        SAL_INFO("vcl.unx.print", "scanning last chance dir: "
                << aDir.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE));
        scanPPDDir( aDir.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE ) );
        SAL_INFO("vcl.unx.print", "SGENPRT "
                << (rPPDCache.xAllPPDFiles->find(u"SGENPRT"_ustr) ==
                    rPPDCache.xAllPPDFiles->end() ? "not found" : "found"));
OUString PPDParser::getPPDFile( const OUString& rFile )
    INetURLObject aPPD( rFile, INetProtocol::File, INetURLObject::EncodeMechanism::All );
    // someone might enter a full qualified name here
    PPDDecompressStream aStream( aPPD.PathToFileName() );
    if( ! aStream.IsOpen() )
        std::unordered_map< OUString, OUString >::const_iterator it;
        PPDCache &rPPDCache = getPPDCache();
        bool bRetry = true;
            // some PPD files contain dots beside the extension, so try name first
            // and cut of points after that
            OUString aBase( rFile );
            sal_Int32 nLastIndex = aBase.lastIndexOf( '/' );
            if( nLastIndex >= 0 )
                aBase = aBase.copy( nLastIndex+1 );
                it = rPPDCache.xAllPPDFiles->find( aBase );
                nLastIndex = aBase.lastIndexOf( '.' );
                if( nLastIndex > 0 )
                    aBase = aBase.copy( 0, nLastIndex );
            } while( it == rPPDCache.xAllPPDFiles->end() && nLastIndex > 0 );
            if( it == rPPDCache.xAllPPDFiles->end() && bRetry )
                // a new file ? rehash
                bRetry = false;
                // note this is optimized for office start where
                // no new files occur and initPPDFiles is called only once
        } while( ! rPPDCache.xAllPPDFiles );
        if( it != rPPDCache.xAllPPDFiles->end() )
            aStream.Open( it->second );
    OUString aRet;
    if( aStream.IsOpen() )
        OString aLine = aStream.ReadLine();
        if (aLine.startsWith("*PPD-Adobe"))
            aRet = aStream.GetFileName();
            // our *Include hack does usually not begin
            // with *PPD-Adobe, so try some lines for *Include
            int nLines = 10;
            while (aLine.indexOf("*Include") != 0 && --nLines)
                aLine = aStream.ReadLine();
            if( nLines )
                aRet = aStream.GetFileName();
    return aRet;
const PPDParser* PPDParser::getParser( const OUString& rFile )
    // Recursive because we can get re-entered via CUPSManager::createCUPSParser
    static std::recursive_mutex aMutex;
    std::scoped_lock aGuard( aMutex );
    OUString aFile = rFile;
    if( !rFile.startsWith( "CUPS:" ) && !rFile.startsWith( "CPD:" ) )
        aFile = getPPDFile( rFile );
    if( aFile.isEmpty() )
        SAL_INFO("vcl.unx.print", "Could not get printer PPD file \""
                << rFile << "\" !");
        return nullptr;
        SAL_INFO("vcl.unx.print", "Parsing printer info from \""
                 << rFile << "\" !");
    PPDCache &rPPDCache = getPPDCache();
    for( auto const & i : rPPDCache.aAllParsers )
        if( i->m_aFile == aFile )
            return i.get();
    PPDParser* pNewParser = nullptr;
    if( !aFile.startsWith( "CUPS:" ) && !aFile.startsWith( "CPD:" ) )
        pNewParser = new PPDParser( aFile );
        PrinterInfoManager& rMgr = PrinterInfoManager::get();
        if( rMgr.getType() == PrinterInfoManager::Type::CUPS )
            pNewParser = const_cast<PPDParser*>(static_cast<CUPSManager&>(rMgr).createCUPSParser( aFile ));
        } else if ( rMgr.getType() == PrinterInfoManager::Type::CPD )
            pNewParser = const_cast<PPDParser*>(static_cast<CPDManager&>(rMgr).createCPDParser( aFile ));
    if( pNewParser )
        // this may actually be the SGENPRT parser,
        // so ensure uniqueness here (but don't remove last we delete us!)
        if (std::none_of(
                    [pNewParser] (std::unique_ptr<PPDParser> const & x) { return x.get() == pNewParser; } ))
            // insert new parser to vector
    return pNewParser;
PPDParser::PPDParser(OUString aFile, const std::vector<PPDKey*>& keys)
    : m_aFile(std::move(aFile))
    , m_aFileEncoding(RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252)
    , m_pImageableAreas(nullptr)
    , m_pDefaultPaperDimension(nullptr)
    , m_pPaperDimensions(nullptr)
    , m_pDefaultInputSlot(nullptr)
    , m_pDefaultResolution(nullptr)
    , m_pTranslator(new PPDTranslator())
    for (auto & key: keys)
        insertKey( std::unique_ptr<PPDKey>(key) );
    // fill in shortcuts
    const PPDKey* pKey;
    pKey = getKey( u"PageSize"_ustr );
    if ( pKey ) {
        std::unique_ptr<PPDKey> pImageableAreas(new PPDKey(u"ImageableArea"_ustr));
        std::unique_ptr<PPDKey> pPaperDimensions(new PPDKey(u"PaperDimension"_ustr));
        for (int i = 0; i < pKey->countValues(); i++) {
            const PPDValue* pValue = pKey -> getValue(i);
            OUString aValueName = pValue -> m_aOption;
            PPDValue* pImageableAreaValue = pImageableAreas -> insertValue( aValueName, eQuoted );
            PPDValue* pPaperDimensionValue = pPaperDimensions -> insertValue( aValueName, eQuoted );
            rtl_TextEncoding aEncoding = osl_getThreadTextEncoding();
            OString o = OUStringToOString( aValueName, aEncoding );
            pwg_media_t *pPWGMedia = pwgMediaForPWG(o.pData->buffer);
            if (pPWGMedia != nullptr) {
                OUStringBuffer aBuf( 256 );
                aBuf = "0 0 " +
                    OUString::number(PWG_TO_POINTS(pPWGMedia -> width)) +
                    " " +
                    OUString::number(PWG_TO_POINTS(pPWGMedia -> length));
                if ( pImageableAreaValue )
                    pImageableAreaValue->m_aValue = aBuf.makeStringAndClear();
                aBuf.append( OUString::number(PWG_TO_POINTS(pPWGMedia -> width))
                    + " "
                    + OUString::number(PWG_TO_POINTS(pPWGMedia -> length) ));
                if ( pPaperDimensionValue )
                    pPaperDimensionValue->m_aValue = aBuf.makeStringAndClear();
                if (aValueName.equals(pKey -> getDefaultValue() -> m_aOption)) {
                    pImageableAreas -> m_pDefaultValue = pImageableAreaValue;
                    pPaperDimensions -> m_pDefaultValue = pPaperDimensionValue;
    m_pImageableAreas = getKey( u"ImageableArea"_ustr );
    const PPDValue* pDefaultImageableArea = nullptr;
    if( m_pImageableAreas )
        pDefaultImageableArea = m_pImageableAreas->getDefaultValue();
    if (m_pImageableAreas == nullptr) {
        SAL_WARN( "vcl.unx.print", "no ImageableArea in " << m_aFile);
    if (pDefaultImageableArea == nullptr) {
        SAL_WARN( "vcl.unx.print", "no DefaultImageableArea in " << m_aFile);
    m_pPaperDimensions = getKey( u"PaperDimension"_ustr );
    if( m_pPaperDimensions )
        m_pDefaultPaperDimension = m_pPaperDimensions->getDefaultValue();
    if (m_pPaperDimensions == nullptr) {
        SAL_WARN( "vcl.unx.print", "no PaperDimensions in " << m_aFile);
    if (m_pDefaultPaperDimension == nullptr) {
        SAL_WARN( "vcl.unx.print", "no DefaultPaperDimensions in " << m_aFile);
    auto pResolutions = getKey( u"Resolution"_ustr );
    if( pResolutions )
        m_pDefaultResolution = pResolutions->getDefaultValue();
    if (pResolutions == nullptr) {
        SAL_INFO( "vcl.unx.print", "no Resolution in " << m_aFile);
    SAL_INFO_IF(!m_pDefaultResolution, "vcl.unx.print", "no DefaultResolution in " + m_aFile);
    auto pInputSlots = getKey( u"InputSlot"_ustr );
    if( pInputSlots )
        m_pDefaultInputSlot = pInputSlots->getDefaultValue();
    SAL_INFO_IF(!pInputSlots, "vcl.unx.print", "no InputSlot in " << m_aFile);
    SAL_INFO_IF(!m_pDefaultInputSlot, "vcl.unx.print", "no DefaultInputSlot in " << m_aFile);
PPDParser::PPDParser( OUString aFile ) :
        m_aFile(std::move( aFile )),
        m_aFileEncoding( RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252 ),
        m_pImageableAreas( nullptr ),
        m_pDefaultPaperDimension( nullptr ),
        m_pPaperDimensions( nullptr ),
        m_pDefaultInputSlot( nullptr ),
        m_pDefaultResolution( nullptr ),
        m_pTranslator( new PPDTranslator() )
    // read in the file
    std::vector< OString > aLines;
    PPDDecompressStream aStream( m_aFile );
    if( aStream.IsOpen() )
        bool bLanguageEncoding = false;
        while( ! aStream.eof() )
            OString aCurLine = aStream.ReadLine();
            if( aCurLine.startsWith("*") )
                if (aCurLine.matchIgnoreAsciiCase("*include:"))
                    aCurLine = aCurLine.copy(9);
                    aCurLine = comphelper::string::strip(aCurLine, ' ');
                    aCurLine = comphelper::string::strip(aCurLine, '\t');
                    aCurLine = comphelper::string::stripEnd(aCurLine, '\r');
                    aCurLine = comphelper::string::stripEnd(aCurLine, '\n');
                    aCurLine = comphelper::string::strip(aCurLine, '"');
                    aStream.Open(getPPDFile(OStringToOUString(aCurLine, m_aFileEncoding)));
                else if( ! bLanguageEncoding &&
                         aCurLine.matchIgnoreAsciiCase("*languageencoding") )
                    bLanguageEncoding = true; // generally only the first one counts
                    OString aLower = aCurLine.toAsciiLowerCase();
                    if( aLower.indexOf("isolatin1", 17 ) != -1 ||
                        aLower.indexOf("windowsansi", 17 ) != -1 )
                        m_aFileEncoding = RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252;
                    else if( aLower.indexOf("isolatin2", 17 ) != -1 )
                        m_aFileEncoding = RTL_TEXTENCODING_ISO_8859_2;
                    else if( aLower.indexOf("isolatin5", 17 ) != -1 )
                        m_aFileEncoding = RTL_TEXTENCODING_ISO_8859_5;
                    else if( aLower.indexOf("jis83-rksj", 17 ) != -1 )
                        m_aFileEncoding = RTL_TEXTENCODING_SHIFT_JIS;
                    else if( aLower.indexOf("macstandard", 17 ) != -1 )
                        m_aFileEncoding = RTL_TEXTENCODING_APPLE_ROMAN;
                    else if( aLower.indexOf("utf-8", 17 ) != -1 )
                        m_aFileEncoding = RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8;
            aLines.push_back( aCurLine );
    // now get the Values
    parse( aLines );
    SAL_INFO("vcl.unx.print", "acquired " << m_aKeys.size()
            << " Keys from PPD " << m_aFile << ":");
    for (auto const& key : m_aKeys)
        const PPDKey* pKey = key.second.get();
        char const* pSetupType = "<unknown>";
        switch( pKey->m_eSetupType )
            case PPDKey::SetupType::ExitServer:        pSetupType = "ExitServer";break;
            case PPDKey::SetupType::Prolog:            pSetupType = "Prolog";break;
            case PPDKey::SetupType::DocumentSetup:     pSetupType = "DocumentSetup";break;
            case PPDKey::SetupType::PageSetup:         pSetupType = "PageSetup";break;
            case PPDKey::SetupType::JCLSetup:          pSetupType = "JCLSetup";break;
            case PPDKey::SetupType::AnySetup:          pSetupType = "AnySetup";break;
            default: break;
        SAL_INFO("vcl.unx.print", "\t\"" << pKey->getKey() << "\" ("
                << pKey->countValues() << "values) OrderDependency: "
                << pKey->m_nOrderDependency << pSetupType );
        for( int j = 0; j < pKey->countValues(); j++ )
            const PPDValue* pValue = pKey->getValue( j );
            char const* pVType = "<unknown>";
            switch( pValue->m_eType )
                case eInvocation:       pVType = "invocation";break;
                case eQuoted:           pVType = "quoted";break;
                case eString:           pVType = "string";break;
                case eSymbol:           pVType = "symbol";break;
                case eNo:               pVType = "no";break;
                default: break;
            SAL_INFO("vcl.unx.print", "\t\t"
                << (pValue == pKey->m_pDefaultValue ? "(Default:) " : "")
                << "option: \"" << pValue->m_aOption
                << "\", value: type " << pVType << " \""
                << pValue->m_aValue << "\"");
            "constraints: (" << m_aConstraints.size() << " found)");
    for (auto const& constraint : m_aConstraints)
        SAL_INFO("vcl.unx.print", "*\"" << constraint.m_pKey1->getKey() << "\" \""
                << (constraint.m_pOption1 ? constraint.m_pOption1->m_aOption : "<nil>")
                << "\" *\"" << constraint.m_pKey2->getKey() << "\" \""
                << (constraint.m_pOption2 ? constraint.m_pOption2->m_aOption : "<nil>")
                << "\"");
    m_pImageableAreas = getKey( u"ImageableArea"_ustr );
    const PPDValue * pDefaultImageableArea = nullptr;
    if( m_pImageableAreas )
        pDefaultImageableArea = m_pImageableAreas->getDefaultValue();
    if (m_pImageableAreas == nullptr) {
        SAL_WARN( "vcl.unx.print", "no ImageableArea in " << m_aFile);
    if (pDefaultImageableArea == nullptr) {
        SAL_WARN( "vcl.unx.print", "no DefaultImageableArea in " << m_aFile);
    m_pPaperDimensions = getKey( u"PaperDimension"_ustr );
    if( m_pPaperDimensions )
        m_pDefaultPaperDimension = m_pPaperDimensions->getDefaultValue();
    if (m_pPaperDimensions == nullptr) {
        SAL_WARN( "vcl.unx.print", "no PaperDimensions in " << m_aFile);
    if (m_pDefaultPaperDimension == nullptr) {
        SAL_WARN( "vcl.unx.print", "no DefaultPaperDimensions in " << m_aFile);
    auto pResolutions = getKey( u"Resolution"_ustr );
    if( pResolutions )
        m_pDefaultResolution = pResolutions->getDefaultValue();
    if (pResolutions == nullptr) {
        SAL_INFO( "vcl.unx.print", "no Resolution in " << m_aFile);
    SAL_INFO_IF(!m_pDefaultResolution, "vcl.unx.print", "no DefaultResolution in " + m_aFile);
    auto pInputSlots = getKey( u"InputSlot"_ustr );
    if( pInputSlots )
        m_pDefaultInputSlot = pInputSlots->getDefaultValue();
    SAL_INFO_IF(!pInputSlots, "vcl.unx.print", "no InputSlot in " << m_aFile);
    SAL_INFO_IF(!m_pDefaultInputSlot, "vcl.unx.print", "no DefaultInputSlot in " << m_aFile);
void PPDParser::insertKey( std::unique_ptr<PPDKey> pKey )
    m_aOrderedKeys.push_back( pKey.get() );
    m_aKeys[ pKey->getKey() ] = std::move(pKey);
const PPDKey* PPDParser::getKey( int n ) const
    return (n >= 0 && o3tl::make_unsigned(n) < m_aOrderedKeys.size()) ? m_aOrderedKeys[n] : nullptr;
const PPDKey* PPDParser::getKey( const OUString& rKey ) const
    PPDParser::hash_type::const_iterator it = m_aKeys.find( rKey );
    return it != m_aKeys.end() ? it->second.get() : nullptr;
bool PPDParser::hasKey( const PPDKey* pKey ) const
    return pKey && ( m_aKeys.find( pKey->getKey() ) != m_aKeys.end() );
static sal_uInt8 getNibble( char cChar )
    sal_uInt8 nRet = 0;
    if( cChar >= '0' && cChar <= '9' )
        nRet = sal_uInt8( cChar - '0' );
    else if( cChar >= 'A' && cChar <= 'F' )
        nRet = 10 + sal_uInt8( cChar - 'A' );
    else if( cChar >= 'a' && cChar <= 'f' )
        nRet = 10 + sal_uInt8( cChar - 'a' );
    return nRet;
OUString PPDParser::handleTranslation(const OString& i_rString, bool bIsGlobalized)
    sal_Int32 nOrigLen = i_rString.getLength();
    OStringBuffer aTrans( nOrigLen );
    const char* pStr = i_rString.getStr();
    const char* pEnd = pStr + nOrigLen;
    while( pStr < pEnd )
        if( *pStr == '<' )
            char cChar;
            while( *pStr != '>' && pStr < pEnd-1 )
                cChar = getNibble( *pStr++ ) << 4;
                cChar |= getNibble( *pStr++ );
                aTrans.append( cChar );
            aTrans.append( *pStr++ );
    return OStringToOUString( aTrans, bIsGlobalized ? RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 : m_aFileEncoding );
    bool oddDoubleQuoteCount(OStringBuffer &rBuffer)
        bool bHasOddCount = false;
        for (sal_Int32 i = 0; i < rBuffer.getLength(); ++i)
            if (rBuffer[i] == '"')
                bHasOddCount = !bHasOddCount;
        return bHasOddCount;
void PPDParser::parse( ::std::vector< OString >& rLines )
    // Name for PPD group into which all options are put for which the PPD
    // does not explicitly define a group.
    // This is similar to how CUPS handles it,
    // s. Sweet, Michael R. (2001): Common UNIX Printing System, p. 251:
    // "Each option in turn is associated with a group stored in the
    // ppd_group_t structure. Groups can be specified in the PPD file; if an
    // option is not associated with a group, it is put in a "General" or
    // "Extra" group depending on the option.
    static constexpr OString aDefaultPPDGroupName("General"_ostr);
    std::vector< OString >::iterator line = rLines.begin();
    PPDParser::hash_type::const_iterator keyit;
    // name of the PPD group that is currently being processed
    OString aCurrentGroup = aDefaultPPDGroupName;
    while( line != rLines.end() )
        OString aCurrentLine( *line );
        SAL_INFO("vcl.unx.print", "Parse line '" << aCurrentLine << "'");
        if (aCurrentLine.getLength() < 2 || aCurrentLine[0] != '*')
        if( aCurrentLine[1] == '%' )
        OString aKey = GetCommandLineToken( 0, aCurrentLine.getToken(0, ':') );
        sal_Int32 nPos = aKey.indexOf('/');
        if (nPos != -1)
            aKey = aKey.copy(0, nPos);
            aKey = aKey.copy(1); // remove the '*'
        if (aKey == "CloseGroup")
            aCurrentGroup = aDefaultPPDGroupName;
        if (aKey == "OpenGroup")
            OString aGroupName = aCurrentLine;
            sal_Int32 nPosition = aGroupName.indexOf('/');
            if (nPosition != -1)
                aGroupName = aGroupName.copy(0, nPosition);
            aCurrentGroup = GetCommandLineToken(1, aGroupName);
        if ((aKey == "CloseUI") ||
            (aKey == "JCLCloseUI") ||
            (aKey == "End") ||
            (aKey == "JCLEnd") ||
            (aKey == "OpenSubGroup") ||
            (aKey == "CloseSubGroup"))
        if ((aKey == "OpenUI") || (aKey == "JCLOpenUI"))
            parseOpenUI( aCurrentLine, aCurrentGroup);
        else if (aKey == "OrderDependency")
            parseOrderDependency( aCurrentLine );
        else if (aKey == "UIConstraints" ||
                 aKey == "NonUIConstraints")
            continue; // parsed in pass 2
        else if( aKey == "CustomPageSize" ) // currently not handled
        else if ( std::string_view rest; aKey.startsWith("Custom", &rest) )
            //fdo#43049 very basic support for Custom entries, we ignore the
            //validation params and types
            OUString aUniKey(OStringToOUString(rest, RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252));
            keyit = m_aKeys.find( aUniKey );
            if(keyit != m_aKeys.end())
                PPDKey* pKey = keyit->second.get();
                pKey->insertValue(u"Custom"_ustr, eInvocation, true);
        // default values are parsed in pass 2
        if (aKey.startsWith("Default"))
        bool bQuery     = false;
        if (aKey[0] == '?')
            aKey = aKey.copy(1);
            bQuery = true;
        OUString aUniKey(OStringToOUString(aKey, RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252));
        // handle CUPS extension for globalized PPDs
        /* FIXME-BCP47: really only ISO 639-1 two character language codes?
         * goodnight... */
        bool bIsGlobalizedLine = false;
        css::lang::Locale aTransLocale;
        if( ( aUniKey.getLength() > 3 && aUniKey[ 2 ] == '.' ) ||
            ( aUniKey.getLength() > 5 && aUniKey[ 2 ] == '_' && aUniKey[ 5 ] == '.' ) )
            if( aUniKey[ 2 ] == '.' )
                aTransLocale.Language = aUniKey.copy( 0, 2 );
                aUniKey = aUniKey.copy( 3 );
                aTransLocale.Language = aUniKey.copy( 0, 2 );
                aTransLocale.Country = aUniKey.copy( 3, 2 );
                aUniKey = aUniKey.copy( 6 );
            bIsGlobalizedLine = true;
        OUString aOption;
        nPos = aCurrentLine.indexOf(':');
        if( nPos != -1 )
            aOption = OStringToOUString(
                aCurrentLine.subView( 1, nPos-1 ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252 );
            aOption = GetCommandLineToken( 1, aOption );
            sal_Int32 nTransPos = aOption.indexOf( '/' );
            if( nTransPos != -1 )
                aOption = aOption.copy(0,  nTransPos);
        PPDValueType eType = eNo;
        OUString aValue;
        OUString aOptionTranslation;
        OUString aValueTranslation;
        if( nPos != -1 )
            // found a colon, there may be an option
            OString aLine = aCurrentLine.copy( 1, nPos-1 );
            aLine = WhitespaceToSpace( aLine );
            sal_Int32 nTransPos = aLine.indexOf('/');
            if (nTransPos != -1)
                aOptionTranslation = handleTranslation( aLine.copy(nTransPos+1), bIsGlobalizedLine );
            // read in more lines if necessary for multiline values
            aLine = aCurrentLine.copy( nPos+1 );
            if (!aLine.isEmpty())
                OStringBuffer aBuffer(aLine);
                while (line != rLines.end() && oddDoubleQuoteCount(aBuffer))
                    // copy the newlines also
                    aBuffer.append("\n" + *line);
                aLine = aBuffer.makeStringAndClear();
            aLine = WhitespaceToSpace( aLine );
            // #i100644# handle a missing value (actually a broken PPD)
            if( aLine.isEmpty() )
                if( !aOption.isEmpty() &&
                    !aUniKey.startsWith( "JCL" ) )
                    eType = eInvocation;
                    eType = eQuoted;
            // check for invocation or quoted value
            else if(aLine[0] == '"')
                aLine = aLine.copy(1);
                nTransPos = aLine.indexOf('"');
                if (nTransPos == -1)
                    nTransPos = aLine.getLength();
                aValue = OStringToOUString(aLine.subView(0, nTransPos), RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252);
                // after the second doublequote can follow a / and a translation
                if (nTransPos < aLine.getLength() - 2)
                    aValueTranslation = handleTranslation( aLine.copy( nTransPos+2 ), bIsGlobalizedLine );
                // check for quoted value
                if( !aOption.isEmpty() &&
                    !aUniKey.startsWith( "JCL" ) )
                    eType = eInvocation;
                    eType = eQuoted;
            // check for symbol value
            else if(aLine[0] == '^')
                aLine = aLine.copy(1);
                aValue = OStringToOUString(aLine, RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252);
                eType = eSymbol;
                // must be a string value then
                // strictly this is false because string values
                // can contain any whitespace which is reduced
                // to one space by now
                // who cares ...
                nTransPos = aLine.indexOf('/');
                if (nTransPos == -1)
                    nTransPos = aLine.getLength();
                aValue = OStringToOUString(aLine.subView(0, nTransPos), RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252);
                if (nTransPos+1 < aLine.getLength())
                    aValueTranslation = handleTranslation( aLine.copy( nTransPos+1 ), bIsGlobalizedLine );
                eType = eString;
        // handle globalized PPD entries
        if( bIsGlobalizedLine )
            // handle main key translations of form:
            // *ll_CC.Translation MainKeyword/translated text: ""
            if( aUniKey == "Translation" )
                m_pTranslator->insertKey( aOption, aOptionTranslation, aTransLocale );
            // handle options translations of for:
            // *ll_CC.MainKeyword OptionKeyword/translated text: ""
                m_pTranslator->insertOption( aUniKey, aOption, aOptionTranslation, aTransLocale );
        PPDKey* pKey = nullptr;
        keyit = m_aKeys.find( aUniKey );
        if( keyit == m_aKeys.end() )
            pKey = new PPDKey( aUniKey );
            insertKey( std::unique_ptr<PPDKey>(pKey) );
            pKey = keyit->second.get();
        if( eType == eNo && bQuery )
        PPDValue* pValue = pKey->insertValue( aOption, eType );
        if( ! pValue )
        pValue->m_aValue = aValue;
        if( !aOptionTranslation.isEmpty() )
            m_pTranslator->insertOption( aUniKey, aOption, aOptionTranslation, aTransLocale );
        if( !aValueTranslation.isEmpty() )
            m_pTranslator->insertValue( aUniKey, aOption, aValue, aValueTranslation, aTransLocale );
        // eventually update query and remove from option list
        if( bQuery && !pKey->m_bQueryValue )
            pKey->m_bQueryValue = true;
            pKey->eraseValue( pValue->m_aOption );
    // second pass: fill in defaults
    for( const auto& aLine : rLines )
        if (aLine.startsWith("*Default"))
            SAL_INFO("vcl.unx.print", "Found a default: '" << aLine << "'");
            OUString aKey(OStringToOUString(aLine.subView(8), RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252));
            sal_Int32 nPos = aKey.indexOf( ':' );
            if( nPos != -1 )
                aKey = aKey.copy(0, nPos);
                OUString aOption(OStringToOUString(
                keyit = m_aKeys.find( aKey );
                if( keyit != m_aKeys.end() )
                    PPDKey* pKey = keyit->second.get();
                    const PPDValue* pDefValue = pKey->getValue( aOption );
                    if( pKey->m_pDefaultValue == nullptr )
                        pKey->m_pDefaultValue = pDefValue;
                    // some PPDs contain defaults for keys that
                    // do not exist otherwise
                    // (example: DefaultResolution)
                    // so invent that key here and have a default value
                    std::unique_ptr<PPDKey> pKey(new PPDKey( aKey ));
                    pKey->insertValue( aOption, eInvocation /*or what ?*/ );
                    pKey->m_pDefaultValue = pKey->getValue( aOption );
                    insertKey( std::move(pKey) );
        else if (aLine.startsWith("*UIConstraints") ||
            parseConstraint( aLine );
void PPDParser::parseOpenUI(const OString& rLine, std::string_view rPPDGroup)
    OUString aTranslation;
    OString aKey = rLine;
    sal_Int32 nPos = aKey.indexOf(':');
    if( nPos != -1 )
        aKey = aKey.copy(0, nPos);
    nPos = aKey.indexOf('/');
    if( nPos != -1 )
        aTranslation = handleTranslation( aKey.copy( nPos + 1 ), false );
        aKey = aKey.copy(0, nPos);
    aKey = GetCommandLineToken( 1, aKey );
    aKey = aKey.copy(1);
    OUString aUniKey(OStringToOUString(aKey, RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252));
    PPDParser::hash_type::const_iterator keyit = m_aKeys.find( aUniKey );
    PPDKey* pKey;
    if( keyit == m_aKeys.end() )
        pKey = new PPDKey( aUniKey );
        insertKey( std::unique_ptr<PPDKey>(pKey) );
        pKey = keyit->second.get();
    pKey->m_bUIOption = true;
    m_pTranslator->insertKey( pKey->getKey(), aTranslation );
    pKey->m_aGroup = OStringToOUString(rPPDGroup, RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252);
void PPDParser::parseOrderDependency(const OString& rLine)
    OString aLine(rLine);
    sal_Int32 nPos = aLine.indexOf(':');
    if( nPos != -1 )
        aLine = aLine.copy( nPos+1 );
    sal_Int32 nOrder = GetCommandLineToken( 0, aLine ).toInt32();
    OUString aKey(OStringToOUString(GetCommandLineToken(2, aLine), RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252));
    if( aKey[ 0 ] != '*' )
        return; // invalid order dependency
    aKey = aKey.replaceAt( 0, 1, u"" );
    PPDKey* pKey;
    PPDParser::hash_type::const_iterator keyit = m_aKeys.find( aKey );
    if( keyit == m_aKeys.end() )
        pKey = new PPDKey( aKey );
        insertKey( std::unique_ptr<PPDKey>(pKey) );
        pKey = keyit->second.get();
    pKey->m_nOrderDependency = nOrder;
void PPDParser::parseConstraint( const OString& rLine )
    bool bFailed = false;
    OUString aLine(OStringToOUString(rLine, RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252));
    sal_Int32 nIdx = rLine.indexOf(':');
    if (nIdx != -1)
        aLine = aLine.replaceAt(0, nIdx + 1, u"");
    PPDConstraint aConstraint;
    int nTokens = GetCommandLineTokenCount( aLine );
    for( int i = 0; i < nTokens; i++ )
        OUString aToken = GetCommandLineToken( i, aLine );
        if( !aToken.isEmpty() && aToken[ 0 ] == '*' )
            aToken = aToken.replaceAt( 0, 1, u"" );
            if( aConstraint.m_pKey1 )
                aConstraint.m_pKey2 = getKey( aToken );
                aConstraint.m_pKey1 = getKey( aToken );
            if( aConstraint.m_pKey2 )
                if( ! ( aConstraint.m_pOption2 = aConstraint.m_pKey2->getValue( aToken ) ) )
                    bFailed = true;
            else if( aConstraint.m_pKey1 )
                if( ! ( aConstraint.m_pOption1 = aConstraint.m_pKey1->getValue( aToken ) ) )
                    bFailed = true;
                // constraint for nonexistent keys; this happens
                // e.g. in HP4PLUS3
                bFailed = true;
    // there must be two keywords
    if( ! aConstraint.m_pKey1 || ! aConstraint.m_pKey2 || bFailed )
                "Warning: constraint \"" << rLine << "\" is invalid");
        m_aConstraints.push_back( aConstraint );
const OUString & PPDParser::getDefaultPaperDimension() const
    if( m_pDefaultPaperDimension )
        return m_pDefaultPaperDimension->m_aOption;
    return EMPTY_OUSTRING;
bool PPDParser::getMargins(
                           std::u16string_view rPaperName,
                           int& rLeft, int& rRight,
                           int& rUpper, int& rLower ) const
    if( ! m_pImageableAreas || ! m_pPaperDimensions )
        return false;
    int nPDim=-1, nImArea=-1, i;
    for( i = 0; i < m_pImageableAreas->countValues(); i++ )
        if( rPaperName == m_pImageableAreas->getValue( i )->m_aOption )
            nImArea = i;
    for( i = 0; i < m_pPaperDimensions->countValues(); i++ )
        if( rPaperName == m_pPaperDimensions->getValue( i )->m_aOption )
            nPDim = i;
    if( nPDim == -1 || nImArea == -1 )
        return false;
    double ImLLx, ImLLy, ImURx, ImURy;
    double PDWidth, PDHeight;
    OUString aArea = m_pImageableAreas->getValue( nImArea )->m_aValue;
    ImLLx = StringToDouble( GetCommandLineToken( 0, aArea ) );
    ImLLy = StringToDouble( GetCommandLineToken( 1, aArea ) );
    ImURx = StringToDouble( GetCommandLineToken( 2, aArea ) );
    ImURy = StringToDouble( GetCommandLineToken( 3, aArea ) );
    aArea = m_pPaperDimensions->getValue( nPDim )->m_aValue;
    PDWidth     = StringToDouble( GetCommandLineToken( 0, aArea ) );
    PDHeight    = StringToDouble( GetCommandLineToken( 1, aArea ) );
    rLeft  = static_cast<int>(ImLLx + 0.5);
    rLower = static_cast<int>(ImLLy + 0.5);
    rUpper = static_cast<int>(PDHeight - ImURy + 0.5);
    rRight = static_cast<int>(PDWidth - ImURx + 0.5);
    return true;
bool PPDParser::getPaperDimension(
                                  std::u16string_view rPaperName,
                                  int& rWidth, int& rHeight ) const
    if( ! m_pPaperDimensions )
        return false;
    int nPDim=-1;
    for( int i = 0; i < m_pPaperDimensions->countValues(); i++ )
        if( rPaperName == m_pPaperDimensions->getValue( i )->m_aOption )
            nPDim = i;
    if( nPDim == -1 )
        return false;
    double PDWidth, PDHeight;
    OUString aArea = m_pPaperDimensions->getValue( nPDim )->m_aValue;
    PDWidth     = StringToDouble( GetCommandLineToken( 0, aArea ) );
    PDHeight    = StringToDouble( GetCommandLineToken( 1, aArea ) );
    rHeight = static_cast<int>(PDHeight + 0.5);
    rWidth  = static_cast<int>(PDWidth + 0.5);
    return true;
OUString PPDParser::matchPaperImpl(int nWidth, int nHeight, bool bSwapped, psp::orientation* pOrientation) const
    if( ! m_pPaperDimensions )
        return OUString();
    int nPDim = -1;
    double fSort = 2e36, fNewSort;
    for( int i = 0; i < m_pPaperDimensions->countValues(); i++ )
        OUString aArea =  m_pPaperDimensions->getValue( i )->m_aValue;
        double PDWidth     = StringToDouble( GetCommandLineToken( 0, aArea ) );
        double PDHeight    = StringToDouble( GetCommandLineToken( 1, aArea ) );
        PDWidth     /= static_cast<double>(nWidth);
        PDHeight    /= static_cast<double>(nHeight);
        if( PDWidth >= 0.9      &&  PDWidth <= 1.1      &&
            PDHeight >= 0.9     &&  PDHeight <= 1.1         )
            fNewSort =
                (1.0-PDWidth)*(1.0-PDWidth) + (1.0-PDHeight)*(1.0-PDHeight);
            if( fNewSort == 0.0 ) // perfect match
                return m_pPaperDimensions->getValue( i )->m_aOption;
            if( fNewSort < fSort )
                fSort = fNewSort;
                nPDim = i;
    if (nPDim == -1 && !bSwapped)
        // swap portrait/landscape and try again
        return matchPaperImpl(nHeight, nWidth, true, pOrientation);
    if (nPDim == -1)
        return OUString();
    if (bSwapped && pOrientation)
        switch (*pOrientation)
            case psp::orientation::Portrait:
                *pOrientation = psp::orientation::Landscape;
            case psp::orientation::Landscape:
                *pOrientation = psp::orientation::Portrait;
    return m_pPaperDimensions->getValue( nPDim )->m_aOption;
OUString PPDParser::matchPaper(int nWidth, int nHeight, psp::orientation* pOrientation) const
    return matchPaperImpl(nHeight, nWidth, false, pOrientation);
const OUString & PPDParser::getDefaultInputSlot() const
    if( m_pDefaultInputSlot )
        return m_pDefaultInputSlot->m_aValue;
    return EMPTY_OUSTRING;
void PPDParser::getResolutionFromString(std::u16string_view rString,
                                        int& rXRes, int& rYRes )
    rXRes = rYRes = 300;
    const size_t nDPIPos {rString.find( u"dpi" )};
    if( nDPIPos != std::u16string_view::npos )
        const size_t nPos {rString.find( 'x' )};
        if( nPos != std::u16string_view::npos )
            rXRes = o3tl::toInt32(rString.substr( 0, nPos ));
            rYRes = o3tl::toInt32(rString.substr(nPos+1, nDPIPos - nPos - 1));
            rXRes = rYRes = o3tl::toInt32(rString.substr( 0, nDPIPos ));
void PPDParser::getDefaultResolution( int& rXRes, int& rYRes ) const
    if( m_pDefaultResolution )
        getResolutionFromString( m_pDefaultResolution->m_aValue, rXRes, rYRes );
    rXRes = 300;
    rYRes = 300;
OUString PPDParser::translateKey( const OUString& i_rKey ) const
    OUString aResult( m_pTranslator->translateKey( i_rKey ) );
    if( aResult.isEmpty() )
        aResult = i_rKey;
    return aResult;
OUString PPDParser::translateOption( std::u16string_view i_rKey,
                                          const OUString& i_rOption ) const
    OUString aResult( m_pTranslator->translateOption( i_rKey, i_rOption ) );
    if( aResult.isEmpty() )
        aResult = i_rOption;
    return aResult;
 *  PPDKey
PPDKey::PPDKey( OUString aKey ) :
        m_aKey(std::move( aKey )),
        m_pDefaultValue( nullptr ),
        m_bQueryValue( false ),
        m_bUIOption( false ),
        m_nOrderDependency( 100 )
const PPDValue* PPDKey::getValue( int n ) const
    return (n >= 0 && o3tl::make_unsigned(n) < m_aOrderedValues.size()) ? m_aOrderedValues[n] : nullptr;
const PPDValue* PPDKey::getValue( const OUString& rOption ) const
    PPDKey::hash_type::const_iterator it = m_aValues.find( rOption );
    return it != m_aValues.end() ? &it->second : nullptr;
const PPDValue* PPDKey::getValueCaseInsensitive( const OUString& rOption ) const
    const PPDValue* pValue = getValue( rOption );
    if( ! pValue )
        for( size_t n = 0; n < m_aOrderedValues.size() && ! pValue; n++ )
            if( m_aOrderedValues[n]->m_aOption.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase( rOption ) )
                pValue = m_aOrderedValues[n];
    return pValue;
void PPDKey::eraseValue( const OUString& rOption )
    PPDKey::hash_type::iterator it = m_aValues.find( rOption );
    if( it == m_aValues.end() )
    auto vit = std::find(m_aOrderedValues.begin(), m_aOrderedValues.end(), &(it->second ));
    if( vit != m_aOrderedValues.end() )
        m_aOrderedValues.erase( vit );
    m_aValues.erase( it );
PPDValue* PPDKey::insertValue(const OUString& rOption, PPDValueType eType, bool bCustomOption)
    if( m_aValues.find( rOption ) != m_aValues.end() )
        return nullptr;
    PPDValue aValue;
    aValue.m_aOption = rOption;
    aValue.m_bCustomOption = bCustomOption;
    aValue.m_bCustomOptionSetViaApp = false;
    aValue.m_eType = eType;
    m_aValues[rOption] = std::move(aValue);
    PPDValue* pValue = &m_aValues[rOption];
    m_aOrderedValues.push_back( pValue );
    return pValue;
 * PPDContext
PPDContext::PPDContext() :
        m_pParser( nullptr )
PPDContext& PPDContext::operator=( PPDContext&& rCopy )
    std::swap(m_pParser, rCopy.m_pParser);
    std::swap(m_aCurrentValues, rCopy.m_aCurrentValues);
    return *this;
const PPDKey* PPDContext::getModifiedKey( std::size_t n ) const
    if( m_aCurrentValues.size() <= n )
        return nullptr;
    hash_type::const_iterator it = m_aCurrentValues.begin();
    std::advance(it, n);
    return it->first;
void PPDContext::setParser( const PPDParser* pParser )
    if( pParser != m_pParser )
        m_pParser = pParser;
const PPDValue* PPDContext::getValue( const PPDKey* pKey ) const
    if( ! m_pParser )
        return nullptr;
    hash_type::const_iterator it = m_aCurrentValues.find( pKey );
    if( it != m_aCurrentValues.end() )
        return it->second;
    if( ! m_pParser->hasKey( pKey ) )
        return nullptr;
    const PPDValue* pValue = pKey->getDefaultValue();
    if( ! pValue )
        pValue = pKey->getValue( 0 );
    return pValue;
const PPDValue* PPDContext::setValue( const PPDKey* pKey, const PPDValue* pValue, bool bDontCareForConstraints )
    if( ! m_pParser || ! pKey )
        return nullptr;
    // pValue can be NULL - it means ignore this option
    if( ! m_pParser->hasKey( pKey ) )
        return nullptr;
    // check constraints
    if( pValue )
        if( bDontCareForConstraints )
            m_aCurrentValues[ pKey ] = pValue;
        else if( checkConstraints( pKey, pValue, true ) )
            m_aCurrentValues[ pKey ] = pValue;
            // after setting this value, check all constraints !
            hash_type::iterator it = m_aCurrentValues.begin();
            while(  it != m_aCurrentValues.end() )
                if( it->first != pKey &&
                    ! checkConstraints( it->first, it->second, false ) )
                    SAL_INFO("vcl.unx.print", "PPDContext::setValue: option "
                         << it->first->getKey()
                         << " (" << it->second->m_aOption
                         << ") is constrained after setting "
                         << pKey->getKey()
                         << " to " << pValue->m_aOption);
                    resetValue( it->first, true );
                    it = m_aCurrentValues.begin();
        m_aCurrentValues[ pKey ] = nullptr;
    return pValue;
bool PPDContext::checkConstraints( const PPDKey* pKey, const PPDValue* pValue )
    if( ! m_pParser || ! pKey || ! pValue )
        return false;
    // ensure that this key is already in the list if it exists at all
    if( m_aCurrentValues.find( pKey ) != m_aCurrentValues.end() )
        return checkConstraints( pKey, pValue, false );
    // it is not in the list, insert it temporarily
    bool bRet = false;
    if( m_pParser->hasKey( pKey ) )
        const PPDValue* pDefValue = pKey->getDefaultValue();
        m_aCurrentValues[ pKey ] = pDefValue;
        bRet = checkConstraints( pKey, pValue, false );
        m_aCurrentValues.erase( pKey );
    return bRet;
bool PPDContext::resetValue( const PPDKey* pKey, bool bDefaultable )
    if( ! pKey || ! m_pParser || ! m_pParser->hasKey( pKey ) )
        return false;
    const PPDValue* pResetValue = pKey->getValue( u"None"_ustr );
    if( ! pResetValue )
        pResetValue = pKey->getValue( u"False"_ustr );
    if( ! pResetValue && bDefaultable )
        pResetValue = pKey->getDefaultValue();
    bool bRet = pResetValue && ( setValue( pKey, pResetValue ) == pResetValue );
    return bRet;
bool PPDContext::checkConstraints( const PPDKey* pKey, const PPDValue* pNewValue, bool bDoReset )
    if( ! pNewValue )
        return true;
    // sanity checks
    if( ! m_pParser )
        return false;
    if( pKey->getValue( pNewValue->m_aOption ) != pNewValue )
        return false;
    // None / False and the default can always be set, but be careful !
    // setting them might influence constrained values
    if( pNewValue->m_aOption == "None" || pNewValue->m_aOption == "False" ||
        pNewValue == pKey->getDefaultValue() )
        return true;
    const ::std::vector< PPDParser::PPDConstraint >& rConstraints( m_pParser->getConstraints() );
    for (auto const& constraint : rConstraints)
        const PPDKey* pLeft     = constraint.m_pKey1;
        const PPDKey* pRight    = constraint.m_pKey2;
        if( ! pLeft || ! pRight || ( pKey != pLeft && pKey != pRight ) )
        const PPDKey* pOtherKey = pKey == pLeft ? pRight : pLeft;
        const PPDValue* pOtherKeyOption = pKey == pLeft ? constraint.m_pOption2 : constraint.m_pOption1;
        const PPDValue* pKeyOption = pKey == pLeft ? constraint.m_pOption1 : constraint.m_pOption2;
        // syntax *Key1 option1 *Key2 option2
        if( pKeyOption && pOtherKeyOption )
            if( pNewValue != pKeyOption )
            if( pOtherKeyOption == getValue( pOtherKey ) )
                return false;
        // syntax *Key1 option *Key2  or  *Key1 *Key2 option
        else if( pOtherKeyOption || pKeyOption )
            if( pKeyOption )
                if( ! ( pOtherKeyOption = getValue( pOtherKey ) ) )
                    continue; // this should not happen, PPD broken
                if( pKeyOption == pNewValue &&
                    pOtherKeyOption->m_aOption != "None" &&
                    pOtherKeyOption->m_aOption != "False" )
                    // check if the other value can be reset and
                    // do so if possible
                    if( bDoReset && resetValue( pOtherKey ) )
                    return false;
            else if( pOtherKeyOption )
                if( getValue( pOtherKey ) == pOtherKeyOption &&
                    pNewValue->m_aOption != "None" &&
                    pNewValue->m_aOption != "False" )
                    return false;
                // this should not happen, PPD is broken
        // syntax *Key1 *Key2
            const PPDValue* pOtherValue = getValue( pOtherKey );
            if( pOtherValue->m_aOption != "None"  &&
                pOtherValue->m_aOption != "False" &&
                pNewValue->m_aOption != "None"    &&
                pNewValue->m_aOption != "False" )
                return false;
    return true;
char* PPDContext::getStreamableBuffer( sal_uLong& rBytes ) const
    rBytes = 0;
    if( m_aCurrentValues.empty() )
        return nullptr;
    for (auto const& elem : m_aCurrentValues)
        OString aCopy(OUStringToOString(elem.first->getKey(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252));
        rBytes += aCopy.getLength();
        rBytes += 1; // for ':'
        if( elem.second )
            aCopy = OUStringToOString(elem.second->m_aOption, RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252);
            rBytes += aCopy.getLength();
            rBytes += 4;
        rBytes += 1; // for '\0'
    rBytes += 1;
    char* pBuffer = new char[ rBytes ];
    memset( pBuffer, 0, rBytes );
    char* pRun = pBuffer;
    for (auto const& elem : m_aCurrentValues)
        OString aCopy(OUStringToOString(elem.first->getKey(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252));
        int nBytes = aCopy.getLength();
        memcpy( pRun, aCopy.getStr(), nBytes );
        pRun += nBytes;
        *pRun++ = ':';
        if( elem.second )
            aCopy = OUStringToOString(elem.second->m_aOption, RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252);
            aCopy = "*nil"_ostr;
        nBytes = aCopy.getLength();
        memcpy( pRun, aCopy.getStr(), nBytes );
        pRun += nBytes;
        *pRun++ = 0;
    return pBuffer;
void PPDContext::rebuildFromStreamBuffer(const std::vector<char> &rBuffer)
    if( ! m_pParser )
    const size_t nBytes = rBuffer.size() - 1;
    size_t nRun = 0;
    while (nRun < nBytes && rBuffer[nRun])
        OString aLine(rBuffer.data() + nRun);
        sal_Int32 nPos = aLine.indexOf(':');
        if( nPos != -1 )
            const PPDKey* pKey = m_pParser->getKey( OStringToOUString( aLine.subView( 0, nPos ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252 ) );
            if( pKey )
                const PPDValue* pValue = nullptr;
                OUString aOption(
                    OStringToOUString(aLine.subView(nPos+1), RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252));
                if (aOption != "*nil")
                    pValue = pKey->getValue( aOption );
                m_aCurrentValues[ pKey ] = pValue;
                    "PPDContext::rebuildFromStreamBuffer: read PPDKeyValue { "
                    << pKey->getKey() << " , "
                    << (pValue ? aOption : u"<nil>"_ustr)
                    << " }");
        nRun += aLine.getLength()+1;
int PPDContext::getRenderResolution() const
    // initialize to reasonable default, if parser is not set
    int nDPI = 300;
    if( m_pParser )
        int nDPIx = 300, nDPIy = 300;
        const PPDKey* pKey = m_pParser->getKey( u"Resolution"_ustr );
        if( pKey )
            const PPDValue* pValue = getValue( pKey );
            if( pValue )
                PPDParser::getResolutionFromString( pValue->m_aOption, nDPIx, nDPIy );
                m_pParser->getDefaultResolution( nDPIx, nDPIy );
            m_pParser->getDefaultResolution( nDPIx, nDPIy );
        nDPI = std::max(nDPIx, nDPIy);
    return  nDPI;
void PPDContext::getPageSize( OUString& rPaper, int& rWidth, int& rHeight ) const
    // initialize to reasonable default, if parser is not set
    rPaper  = "A4";
    rWidth  = 595;
    rHeight = 842;
    if( !m_pParser )
    const PPDKey* pKey = m_pParser->getKey( u"PageSize"_ustr );
    if( !pKey )
    const PPDValue* pValue = getValue( pKey );
    if( pValue )
        rPaper = pValue->m_aOption;
        m_pParser->getPaperDimension( rPaper, rWidth, rHeight );
        rPaper = m_pParser->getDefaultPaperDimension();
        m_pParser->getDefaultPaperDimension( rWidth, rHeight );
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.