/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <sal/config.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string_view>
#include <config_features.h>
#include <comphelper/errcode.hxx>
#include <unotools/resmgr.hxx>
#include "sbxconv.hxx"
#include <unotools/syslocale.hxx>
#include <unotools/charclass.hxx>
#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
#include <vcl/settings.hxx>
#include <math.h>
#include <sbxbase.hxx>
#include <sbintern.hxx>
#include <sbxform.hxx>
#include <date.hxx>
#include <runtime.hxx>
#include <strings.hrc>
#include <rtl/character.hxx>
#include <rtl/math.hxx>
#include <svl/numformat.hxx>
#include <svl/zforlist.hxx>
#include <o3tl/temporary.hxx>
#include <o3tl/string_view.hxx>
#include <officecfg/Office/Scripting.hxx>
void ImpGetIntntlSep( sal_Unicode& rcDecimalSep, sal_Unicode& rcThousandSep, sal_Unicode& rcDecimalSepAlt )
    SvtSysLocale aSysLocale;
    const LocaleDataWrapper& rData = aSysLocale.GetLocaleData();
    rcDecimalSep = rData.getNumDecimalSep()[0];
    rcThousandSep = rData.getNumThousandSep()[0];
    rcDecimalSepAlt = rData.getNumDecimalSepAlt().toChar();
static bool ImpStrChr( std::u16string_view str, sal_Unicode c ) { return str.find(c) != std::u16string_view::npos; }
// scanning a string according to BASIC-conventions
// but exponent may also be a D, so data type is SbxDOUBLE
// conversion error if data type is fixed and it doesn't fit
ErrCode ImpScan( const OUString& rWSrc, double& nVal, SbxDataType& rType,
                  sal_uInt16* pLen, bool bOnlyIntntl )
    sal_Unicode cIntntlDecSep, cIntntlGrpSep, cIntntlDecSepAlt;
    sal_Unicode cNonIntntlDecSep = '.';
    if( bOnlyIntntl )
        ImpGetIntntlSep( cIntntlDecSep, cIntntlGrpSep, cIntntlDecSepAlt );
        cNonIntntlDecSep = cIntntlDecSep;
        // Ensure that the decimal separator alternative is really one.
        if (cIntntlDecSepAlt && cIntntlDecSepAlt == cNonIntntlDecSep)
            cIntntlDecSepAlt = 0;
        cIntntlDecSep = cNonIntntlDecSep;
        cIntntlGrpSep = 0;  // no group separator accepted in non-i18n
        cIntntlDecSepAlt = 0;
    const sal_Unicode* const pStart = rWSrc.getStr();
    const sal_Unicode* p = pStart;
    OUStringBuffer aBuf( rWSrc.getLength());
    bool bRes = true;
    bool bMinus = false;
    nVal = 0;
    SbxDataType eScanType = SbxSINGLE;
    while( *p == ' ' || *p == '\t' )
    if (*p == '+')
    else if( *p == '-' )
        bMinus = true;
    if( rtl::isAsciiDigit( *p ) || ((*p == cNonIntntlDecSep || *p == cIntntlDecSep ||
                    (cIntntlDecSep && *p == cIntntlGrpSep) || (cIntntlDecSepAlt && *p == cIntntlDecSepAlt)) &&
                rtl::isAsciiDigit( *(p+1) )))
        // tdf#118442: Whitespace and minus are skipped; store the position to calculate index
        const sal_Unicode* const pDigitsStart = p;
        short exp = 0;
        short decsep = 0;
        short ndig = 0;
        short ncdig = 0;    // number of digits after decimal point
        OUStringBuffer aSearchStr(OUString::Concat("0123456789DEde") + OUStringChar(cNonIntntlDecSep));
        if( cIntntlDecSep != cNonIntntlDecSep )
        if( cIntntlDecSepAlt && cIntntlDecSepAlt != cNonIntntlDecSep )
        if( bOnlyIntntl )
        const OUString pSearchStr = aSearchStr.makeStringAndClear();
        static constexpr OUStringLiteral pDdEe = u"DdEe";
        while( ImpStrChr( pSearchStr, *p ) )
            aBuf.append( *p );
            if( bOnlyIntntl && *p == cIntntlGrpSep )
            if( *p == cNonIntntlDecSep || *p == cIntntlDecSep || (cIntntlDecSepAlt && *p == cIntntlDecSepAlt) )
                // Use the separator that is passed to stringToDouble()
                aBuf[p - pDigitsStart] = cIntntlDecSep;
                if( ++decsep > 1 )
            else if( ImpStrChr( pDdEe, *p ) )
                if( ++exp > 1 )
                if( *p == 'D' || *p == 'd' )
                    eScanType = SbxDOUBLE;
                aBuf[p - pDigitsStart] = 'E';
                if (*p == '+')
                else if (*p == '-')
                if( decsep && !exp )
            if( !exp )
        if( decsep > 1 || exp > 1 )
            bRes = false;
        rtl_math_ConversionStatus eStatus = rtl_math_ConversionStatus_Ok;
        sal_Int32 nParseEnd = 0;
        nVal = rtl::math::stringToDouble( aBuf, cIntntlDecSep, cIntntlGrpSep, &eStatus, &nParseEnd );
        if( eStatus != rtl_math_ConversionStatus_Ok || nParseEnd != aBuf.getLength() )
            bRes = false;
        if( !decsep && !exp )
            if( nVal >= SbxMININT && nVal <= SbxMAXINT )
                eScanType = SbxINTEGER;
            else if( nVal >= SbxMINLNG && nVal <= SbxMAXLNG )
                eScanType = SbxLONG;
        ndig = ndig - decsep;
        // too many numbers for SINGLE?
        if( ndig > 15 || ncdig > 6 )
            eScanType = SbxDOUBLE;
        // type detection?
        static constexpr OUStringLiteral pTypes = u"%!&#";
        if( ImpStrChr( pTypes, *p ) )
    // hex/octal number? read in and convert:
    else if( *p == '&' )
        eScanType = SbxLONG;
        OUString aCmp( u"0123456789ABCDEF"_ustr );
        char base = 16;
        char ndig = 8;
        switch( *p++ )
            case 'O':
            case 'o':
                aCmp = "01234567";
                base = 8;
                ndig = 11;
            case 'H':
            case 'h':
            default :
                bRes = false;
        while( rtl::isAsciiAlphanumeric( *p ) )    /* XXX: really munge all alnum also when error? */
            sal_Unicode ch = rtl::toAsciiUpperCase(*p);
            if( ImpStrChr( aCmp, ch ) )
                aBuf.append( ch );
                bRes = false;
        OUString aBufStr( aBuf.makeStringAndClear());
        sal_Int32 l = 0;
        for( const sal_Unicode* q = aBufStr.getStr(); bRes && *q; q++ )
            int i = *q - '0';
            if( i > 9 )
                i -= 7;     // 'A'-'0' = 17 => 10, ...
            l = ( l * base ) + i;
            if( !ndig-- )
                bRes = false;
        if( *p == '&' )
        nVal = static_cast<double>(l);
        if( l >= SbxMININT && l <= SbxMAXINT )
            eScanType = SbxINTEGER;
    else if ( SbiRuntime::isVBAEnabled() )
    // tdf#146672 - skip whitespaces and tabs at the end of the scanned string
    while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t')
    if( pLen )
        *pLen = static_cast<sal_uInt16>( p - pStart );
    if( !bRes )
    if( bMinus )
        nVal = -nVal;
    rType = eScanType;
    return ERRCODE_NONE;
ErrCode ImpScan(const OUString& rSrc, double& nVal, SbxDataType& rType, sal_uInt16* pLen)
    using namespace officecfg::Office::Scripting;
    static const bool bEnv = std::getenv("LIBREOFFICE6FLOATINGPOINTMODE") != nullptr;
    bool bMode = bEnv || Basic::Compatibility::UseLibreOffice6FloatingPointConversion::get();
    return ImpScan(rSrc, nVal, rType, pLen, !bMode);
// port for CDbl in the Basic
ErrCode SbxValue::ScanNumIntnl( const OUString& rSrc, double& nVal, bool bSingle )
    SbxDataType t;
    sal_uInt16 nLen = 0;
    ErrCode nRetError = ImpScan( rSrc, nVal, t, &nLen,
        /*bOnlyIntntl*/true );
    // read completely?
    if( nRetError == ERRCODE_NONE && nLen != rSrc.getLength() )
    if( bSingle )
        SbxValues aValues( nVal );
        nVal = static_cast<double>(ImpGetSingle( &aValues ));    // here error at overflow
    return nRetError;
// The number is prepared unformattedly with the given number of
// NK-positions. A leading minus is added if applicable.
// This routine is public because it's also used by the Put-functions
// in the class SbxImpSTRING.
void ImpCvtNum( double nNum, short nPrec, OUString& rRes, bool bCoreString )
    sal_Unicode cDecimalSep;
    if( bCoreString )
        cDecimalSep = '.';
        ImpGetIntntlSep(cDecimalSep, o3tl::temporary(sal_Unicode()), o3tl::temporary(sal_Unicode()));
    // tdf#143575 - use rtl::math::doubleToUString to convert numbers to strings in basic
    rRes = rtl::math::doubleToUString(nNum, rtl_math_StringFormat_Automatic, nPrec, cDecimalSep, true);
bool ImpConvStringExt( OUString& rSrc, SbxDataType eTargetType )
    bool bChanged = false;
    OUString aNewString;
    // only special cases are handled, nothing on default
    switch( eTargetType )
        // consider international for floating point
        case SbxSINGLE:
        case SbxDOUBLE:
        case SbxCURRENCY:
            sal_Unicode cDecimalSep, cThousandSep, cDecimalSepAlt;
            ImpGetIntntlSep( cDecimalSep, cThousandSep, cDecimalSepAlt );
            aNewString = rSrc;
            if( cDecimalSep != '.' || (cDecimalSepAlt && cDecimalSepAlt != '.') )
                sal_Int32 nPos = aNewString.indexOf( cDecimalSep );
                if( nPos == -1 && cDecimalSepAlt )
                    nPos = aNewString.indexOf( cDecimalSepAlt );
                if( nPos != -1 )
                    sal_Unicode* pStr = const_cast<sal_Unicode*>(aNewString.getStr());
                    pStr[nPos] = '.';
                    bChanged = true;
        // check as string in case of sal_Bool sal_True and sal_False
        case SbxBOOL:
            if( rSrc.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase("true") )
                aNewString = OUString::number( SbxTRUE );
                bChanged = true;
            else if( rSrc.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase("false") )
                aNewString = OUString::number( SbxFALSE );
                bChanged = true;
        default: break;
    if( bChanged )
        rSrc = aNewString;
    return bChanged;
// formatted number output
// the return value is the number of characters used
// from the format
static void printfmtstr(std::u16string_view rStr, OUString& rRes, std::u16string_view rFmt)
    if (rFmt.empty())
        rFmt = u"&";
    OUStringBuffer aTemp;
    auto pStr = rStr.begin();
    auto pFmt = rFmt.begin();
    switch( *pFmt )
    case '!':
        if (pStr != rStr.end())
    case '\\':
            aTemp.append(pStr != rStr.end() ? *pStr++ : u' ');
        } while (++pFmt != rFmt.end() && *pFmt != '\\');
        aTemp.append(pStr != rStr.end() ? *pStr : u' ');
    case '&':
        aTemp = rStr;
    rRes = aTemp.makeStringAndClear();
bool SbxValue::Scan( const OUString& rSrc, sal_uInt16* pLen )
    ErrCode eRes = ERRCODE_NONE;
    if( !CanWrite() )
        double n;
        SbxDataType t;
        eRes = ImpScan( rSrc, n, t, pLen );
        if( eRes == ERRCODE_NONE )
            if( !IsFixed() )
                SetType( t );
            PutDouble( n );
    if( eRes )
        SetError( eRes );
        return false;
        return true;
std::locale BasResLocale()
    return Translate::Create("sb");
OUString BasResId(TranslateId aId)
    return Translate::get(aId, BasResLocale());
enum class VbaFormatType
    Offset,      // standard number format
    UserDefined, // user defined number format
struct VbaFormatInfo
    VbaFormatType meType;
    std::u16string_view mpVbaFormat; // Format string in vba
    NfIndexTableOffset meOffset; // SvNumberFormatter format index, if meType = VbaFormatType::Offset
    OUString mpOOoFormat;     // if meType = VbaFormatType::UserDefined
const VbaFormatInfo* getFormatInfo( std::u16string_view rFmt )
    static constexpr const VbaFormatInfo formatInfoTable[] =
        { VbaFormatType::Offset,      u"Long Date",   NF_DATE_SYSTEM_LONG,    u""_ustr },
        { VbaFormatType::UserDefined, u"Medium Date", NF_NUMBER_STANDARD,     u"DD-MMM-YY"_ustr },
        { VbaFormatType::Offset,      u"Short Date",  NF_DATE_SYSTEM_SHORT,   u""_ustr },
        { VbaFormatType::UserDefined, u"Long Time",   NF_NUMBER_STANDARD,     u"H:MM:SS AM/PM"_ustr },
        { VbaFormatType::Offset,      u"Medium Time", NF_TIME_HHMMAMPM,       u""_ustr },
        { VbaFormatType::Offset,      u"Short Time",  NF_TIME_HHMM,           u""_ustr },
        { VbaFormatType::Offset,      u"ddddd",       NF_DATE_SYSTEM_SHORT,   u""_ustr },
        { VbaFormatType::Offset,      u"dddddd",      NF_DATE_SYSTEM_LONG,    u""_ustr },
        { VbaFormatType::UserDefined, u"ttttt",       NF_NUMBER_STANDARD,     u"H:MM:SS AM/PM"_ustr },
        { VbaFormatType::Offset,      u"ww",          NF_DATE_WW,             u""_ustr },
    for (auto& info : formatInfoTable)
        if (o3tl::equalsIgnoreAsciiCase(rFmt, info.mpVbaFormat))
            return &info;
    return nullptr;
void BasicFormatNum(double d, const OUString& rFmt, OUString& rRes)
    SbxAppData& rAppData = GetSbxData_Impl();
    LanguageType eLangType = Application::GetSettings().GetLanguageTag().getLanguageType();
    if (rAppData.pBasicFormater)
        if (rAppData.eBasicFormaterLangType != eLangType)
    rAppData.eBasicFormaterLangType = eLangType;
    if (!rAppData.pBasicFormater)
        SvtSysLocale aSysLocale;
        const LocaleDataWrapper& rData = aSysLocale.GetLocaleData();
        sal_Unicode cComma = rData.getNumDecimalSep()[0];
        sal_Unicode c1000 = rData.getNumThousandSep()[0];
        const OUString& aCurrencyStrg = rData.getCurrSymbol();
        // initialize the Basic-formater help object:
        // get resources for predefined output
        // of the Format()-command, e. g. for "On/Off"
        OUString aOnStrg = BasResId(STR_BASICKEY_FORMAT_ON);
        OUString aOffStrg = BasResId(STR_BASICKEY_FORMAT_OFF);
        OUString aYesStrg = BasResId(STR_BASICKEY_FORMAT_YES);
        OUString aNoStrg = BasResId(STR_BASICKEY_FORMAT_NO);
        OUString aTrueStrg = BasResId(STR_BASICKEY_FORMAT_TRUE);
        OUString aFalseStrg = BasResId(STR_BASICKEY_FORMAT_FALSE);
        OUString aCurrencyFormatStrg = BasResId(STR_BASICKEY_FORMAT_CURRENCY);
        rAppData.pBasicFormater = std::make_unique<SbxBasicFormater>(
            cComma, c1000, aOnStrg, aOffStrg, aYesStrg, aNoStrg, aTrueStrg, aFalseStrg,
            aCurrencyStrg, aCurrencyFormatStrg);
    // Remark: For performance reasons there's only ONE BasicFormater-
    //    object created and 'stored', so that the expensive resource-
    //    loading is saved (for country-specific predefined outputs,
    //    e. g. "On/Off") and the continuous string-creation
    //    operations, too.
    // BUT: therefore this code is NOT multithreading capable!
    rRes = rAppData.pBasicFormater->BasicFormat(d, rFmt);
void BasicFormatNum(double d, const OUString* pFmt, SbxDataType eType, OUString& rRes)
    if (pFmt)
        BasicFormatNum(d, *pFmt, rRes);
        ImpCvtNum(d, eType == SbxSINGLE ? 6 : eType == SbxDOUBLE ? 14 : 0, rRes);
// For numeric types, takes the number directly; otherwise, tries to take string and convert it
bool GetNumberIntl(const SbxValue& val, double& ret)
    switch (val.GetType())
        case SbxCHAR:
        case SbxBYTE:
        case SbxINTEGER:
        case SbxUSHORT:
        case SbxLONG:
        case SbxULONG:
        case SbxINT:
        case SbxUINT:
        case SbxSINGLE:
        case SbxDOUBLE:
        case SbxDATE:
            ret = val.GetDouble();
            return true;
        case SbxSTRING:
            return SbxValue::ScanNumIntnl(val.GetOUString(), ret) == ERRCODE_NONE;
} // namespace
void SbxValue::Format( OUString& rRes, const OUString* pFmt ) const
    if (pFmt)
        if (*pFmt == "<") // VBA lowercase
            rRes = SvtSysLocale().GetCharClass().lowercase(GetOUString());
        if (*pFmt == ">") // VBA uppercase
            rRes = SvtSysLocale().GetCharClass().uppercase(GetOUString());
    // pflin, It is better to use SvNumberFormatter to handle the date/time/number format.
    // the SvNumberFormatter output is mostly compatible with
    // VBA output besides the OOo-basic output
        // number format, use SvNumberFormatter to handle it.
        if (double nNumber; !SbxBasicFormater::isBasicFormat(*pFmt) && GetNumberIntl(*this, nNumber))
            LanguageType eLangType = Application::GetSettings().GetLanguageTag().getLanguageType();
            std::shared_ptr<SvNumberFormatter> pFormatter;
            if (GetSbData()->pInst)
                pFormatter = GetSbData()->pInst->GetNumberFormatter();
                sal_uInt32 n; // Dummy
                pFormatter = SbiInstance::PrepareNumberFormatter(n, n, n);
            sal_uInt32 nIndex;
            const Color* pCol;
            sal_Int32 nCheckPos = 0;
            SvNumFormatType nType;
            OUString aFmtStr = *pFmt;
            if (const VbaFormatInfo* pInfo = getFormatInfo(aFmtStr))
                if( pInfo->meType == VbaFormatType::Offset )
                    nIndex = pFormatter->GetFormatIndex( pInfo->meOffset, eLangType );
                    aFmtStr = pInfo->mpOOoFormat;
                    pFormatter->PutandConvertEntry( aFmtStr, nCheckPos, nType, nIndex, LANGUAGE_ENGLISH_US, eLangType, true);
                pFormatter->GetOutputString( nNumber, nIndex, rRes, &pCol );
            else if (aFmtStr.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase("General Date") // VBA general date variants
                     || aFmtStr.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase("c"))
                OUString dateStr;
                if( nNumber <=-1.0 || nNumber >= 1.0 )
                    // short date
                    nIndex = pFormatter->GetFormatIndex( NF_DATE_SYSTEM_SHORT, eLangType );
                    pFormatter->GetOutputString(nNumber, nIndex, dateStr, &pCol);
                    if (floor(nNumber) == nNumber)
                        rRes = dateStr;
                // long time
                aFmtStr = u"H:MM:SS AM/PM"_ustr;
                pFormatter->PutandConvertEntry(aFmtStr, nCheckPos, nType, nIndex,
                                               LANGUAGE_ENGLISH_US, eLangType, true);
                pFormatter->GetOutputString(nNumber, nIndex, rRes, &pCol);
                if (!dateStr.isEmpty())
                    rRes = dateStr + " " + rRes;
            else if (aFmtStr.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase("n") // VBA minute variants
                     || aFmtStr.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase("nn"))
                sal_Int32 nMin = implGetMinute( nNumber );
                if (nMin < 10 && aFmtStr.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase("nn"))
                    // Minute in two digits
                     sal_Unicode aBuf[2];
                     aBuf[0] = '0';
                     aBuf[1] = '0' + nMin;
                     rRes = OUString(aBuf, std::size(aBuf));
                    rRes = OUString::number(nMin);
            else if (aFmtStr.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase("w")) // VBA weekday number
                rRes = OUString::number(implGetWeekDay(nNumber));
            else if (aFmtStr.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase("y")) // VBA year day number
                sal_Int16 nYear = implGetDateYear( nNumber );
                double dBaseDate;
                implDateSerial( nYear, 1, 1, true, SbDateCorrection::None, dBaseDate );
                sal_Int32 nYear32 = 1 + sal_Int32( nNumber - dBaseDate );
                rRes = OUString::number(nYear32);
                pFormatter->PutandConvertEntry( aFmtStr, nCheckPos, nType, nIndex, LANGUAGE_ENGLISH_US, eLangType, true);
                pFormatter->GetOutputString( nNumber, nIndex, rRes, &pCol );
    SbxDataType eType = GetType();
    switch( eType )
    case SbxNULL:
        rRes = SbxBasicFormater::BasicFormatNull(pFmt ? *pFmt : std::u16string_view{});
    case SbxCHAR:
    case SbxBYTE:
    case SbxINTEGER:
    case SbxUSHORT:
    case SbxLONG:
    case SbxULONG:
    case SbxINT:
    case SbxUINT:
    case SbxSINGLE:
    case SbxDOUBLE:
        BasicFormatNum(GetDouble(), pFmt, eType, rRes);
    case SbxSTRING:
        rRes = GetOUString();
        if( pFmt )
            // #45355 converting if numeric
            if (double d; ScanNumIntnl(rRes, d) == ERRCODE_NONE)
                BasicFormatNum(d, *pFmt, rRes);
                printfmtstr(rRes, rRes, *pFmt);
        rRes = GetOUString();
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.