/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
* This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
* This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#pragma once
#include <svl/typedwhich.hxx>
class ScConsolidateItem;
class SfxBoolItem;
class SvxCharReliefItem;
class SvxColorItem;
class SvxContourItem;
class SvxCrossedOutItem;
class SvxEmphasisMarkItem;
class SvxFontHeightItem;
class SvxFontItem;
class SvxForbiddenRuleItem;
class SvxFrameDirectionItem;
class SvxHangingPunctuationItem;
class SvxLanguageItem;
class SvxLRSpaceItem;
class SvxOverlineItem;
class SvxPostureItem;
class SvXMLAttrContainerItem;
class SvxScriptSpaceItem;
class SvxShadowedItem;
class SvxULSpaceItem;
class SvxUnderlineItem;
class SvxWeightItem;
class SvxWordLineModeItem;
class SvxShadowItem;
class SvxHorJustifyItem;
class SvxVerJustifyItem;
class SvxBrushItem;
class SvxBoxItem;
class ScCondFormatItem;
class ScLineBreakCell;
class ScRotateValueItem;
class ScVerticalStackCell;
class SvxLineItem;
class SvxRotateModeItem;
class SfxStringItem;
class SvxSizeItem;
class SvxJustifyMethodItem;
class SvxMarginItem;
class SvxPaperBinItem;
class ScHyphenateCell;
class SfxUInt32Item;
class ScIndentItem;
class ScShrinkToFitCell;
class ScMergeAttr;
class ScMergeFlagAttr;
class ScProtectionAttr;
class SvxBoxInfoItem;
class ScPatternAttr;
class SvxPageItem;
class ScViewObjectModeItem;
class SfxUInt16Item;
class ScPageHFItem;
class ScPageScaleToItem;
class SvxSetItem;
// EditEngine is not allowed to define its own ITEMID's
// Item-IDs for UI-MsgPool:
//! shall be moved to the below-1000 range!
#define MSGPOOL_START 1100
#define SCITEM_STRING TypedWhichId<SfxStringItem>(1100)
#define SCITEM_SEARCHDATA TypedWhichId<SvxSearchItem>(1101)
#define SCITEM_SORTDATA TypedWhichId<ScSortItem>(1102)
#define SCITEM_QUERYDATA TypedWhichId<ScQueryItem>(1103)
#define SCITEM_SUBTDATA TypedWhichId<ScSubTotalItem>(1104)
#define SCITEM_CONSOLIDATEDATA TypedWhichId<ScConsolidateItem>(1105)
#define SCITEM_PIVOTDATA TypedWhichId<ScPivotItem>(1106)
#define SCITEM_SOLVEDATA TypedWhichId<ScSolveItem>(1107)
#define SCITEM_USERLIST TypedWhichId<ScUserListItem>(1108)
#define MSGPOOL_END 1108
// Item-IDs for attributes:
constexpr sal_uInt16 ATTR_STARTINDEX(100); // begin of attributes
constexpr sal_uInt16 ATTR_PATTERN_START(100); // begin of cell-attribute-pattern
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxFontItem> ATTR_FONT (100); // begin of cell-attributes
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxFontHeightItem> ATTR_FONT_HEIGHT (101);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxWeightItem> ATTR_FONT_WEIGHT (102);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxPostureItem> ATTR_FONT_POSTURE (103);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxUnderlineItem> ATTR_FONT_UNDERLINE (104);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxOverlineItem> ATTR_FONT_OVERLINE (105);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxCrossedOutItem> ATTR_FONT_CROSSEDOUT (106);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxContourItem> ATTR_FONT_CONTOUR (107);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxShadowedItem> ATTR_FONT_SHADOWED (108);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxColorItem> ATTR_FONT_COLOR (109);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxLanguageItem> ATTR_FONT_LANGUAGE (110);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxFontItem> ATTR_CJK_FONT (111);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxFontHeightItem> ATTR_CJK_FONT_HEIGHT (112);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxWeightItem> ATTR_CJK_FONT_WEIGHT (113);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxPostureItem> ATTR_CJK_FONT_POSTURE (114);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxLanguageItem> ATTR_CJK_FONT_LANGUAGE (115);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxFontItem> ATTR_CTL_FONT (116);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxFontHeightItem> ATTR_CTL_FONT_HEIGHT (117);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxWeightItem> ATTR_CTL_FONT_WEIGHT (118);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxPostureItem> ATTR_CTL_FONT_POSTURE (119);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxLanguageItem> ATTR_CTL_FONT_LANGUAGE (120);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxEmphasisMarkItem> ATTR_FONT_EMPHASISMARK (121);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvXMLAttrContainerItem> ATTR_USERDEF (122); // not saved in binary files
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxWordLineModeItem> ATTR_FONT_WORDLINE (123);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxCharReliefItem> ATTR_FONT_RELIEF (124);
constexpr TypedWhichId<ScHyphenateCell> ATTR_HYPHENATE (125);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxScriptSpaceItem> ATTR_SCRIPTSPACE (126);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxHangingPunctuationItem> ATTR_HANGPUNCTUATION (127);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxForbiddenRuleItem> ATTR_FORBIDDEN_RULES (128);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxHorJustifyItem> ATTR_HOR_JUSTIFY (129);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxJustifyMethodItem> ATTR_HOR_JUSTIFY_METHOD (130);
constexpr TypedWhichId<ScIndentItem> ATTR_INDENT (131);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxVerJustifyItem> ATTR_VER_JUSTIFY (132);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxJustifyMethodItem> ATTR_VER_JUSTIFY_METHOD (133);
constexpr TypedWhichId<ScVerticalStackCell> ATTR_STACKED (134);
constexpr TypedWhichId<ScRotateValueItem> ATTR_ROTATE_VALUE (135);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxRotateModeItem> ATTR_ROTATE_MODE (136);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SfxBoolItem> ATTR_VERTICAL_ASIAN (137);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxFrameDirectionItem> ATTR_WRITINGDIR (138);
constexpr TypedWhichId<ScLineBreakCell> ATTR_LINEBREAK (139);
constexpr TypedWhichId<ScShrinkToFitCell> ATTR_SHRINKTOFIT (140);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxLineItem> ATTR_BORDER_TLBR (141);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxLineItem> ATTR_BORDER_BLTR (142);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxMarginItem> ATTR_MARGIN (143);
constexpr TypedWhichId<ScMergeAttr> ATTR_MERGE (144);
constexpr TypedWhichId<ScMergeFlagAttr> ATTR_MERGE_FLAG (145);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SfxUInt32Item> ATTR_VALUE_FORMAT (146);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxLanguageItem> ATTR_LANGUAGE_FORMAT (147);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxBrushItem> ATTR_BACKGROUND (148);
constexpr TypedWhichId<ScProtectionAttr> ATTR_PROTECTION (149);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxBoxItem> ATTR_BORDER (150);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxBoxInfoItem> ATTR_BORDER_INNER (151); // inside, because of template-EditDialog
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxShadowItem> ATTR_SHADOW (152);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SfxUInt32Item> ATTR_VALIDDATA (153);
constexpr TypedWhichId<ScCondFormatItem> ATTR_CONDITIONAL (154);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SfxStringItem> ATTR_HYPERLINK (155);
constexpr sal_uInt16 ATTR_PATTERN_END(155); // end cell-attribute-pattern
// page attributes
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxLRSpaceItem> ATTR_LRSPACE (156); // editor: PageDesc-TabPage
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxULSpaceItem> ATTR_ULSPACE (157);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxPageItem> ATTR_PAGE (158);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxPaperBinItem> ATTR_PAGE_PAPERBIN (159);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxSizeItem> ATTR_PAGE_SIZE (160);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SfxBoolItem> ATTR_PAGE_HORCENTER (161);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SfxBoolItem> ATTR_PAGE_VERCENTER (162);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SfxBoolItem> ATTR_PAGE_ON (163); // editor: header/footer-page
constexpr TypedWhichId<SfxBoolItem> ATTR_PAGE_DYNAMIC (164);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SfxBoolItem> ATTR_PAGE_SHARED (165);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SfxBoolItem> ATTR_PAGE_SHARED_FIRST (166);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SfxBoolItem> ATTR_PAGE_NOTES (167); // editor: table
constexpr TypedWhichId<SfxBoolItem> ATTR_PAGE_GRID (168);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SfxBoolItem> ATTR_PAGE_HEADERS (169);
constexpr TypedWhichId<ScViewObjectModeItem> ATTR_PAGE_CHARTS (170);
constexpr TypedWhichId<ScViewObjectModeItem> ATTR_PAGE_OBJECTS (171);
constexpr TypedWhichId<ScViewObjectModeItem> ATTR_PAGE_DRAWINGS (172);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SfxBoolItem> ATTR_PAGE_TOPDOWN (173);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SfxUInt16Item> ATTR_PAGE_SCALE (174);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SfxUInt16Item> ATTR_PAGE_SCALETOPAGES (175);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SfxUInt16Item> ATTR_PAGE_FIRSTPAGENO (176);
constexpr TypedWhichId<ScPageHFItem> ATTR_PAGE_HEADERLEFT (177); // contents of header/
constexpr TypedWhichId<ScPageHFItem> ATTR_PAGE_FOOTERLEFT (178); // footer (left)
constexpr TypedWhichId<ScPageHFItem> ATTR_PAGE_HEADERRIGHT (179); // contents of header/
constexpr TypedWhichId<ScPageHFItem> ATTR_PAGE_FOOTERRIGHT (180); // footer (right)
constexpr TypedWhichId<ScPageHFItem> ATTR_PAGE_HEADERFIRST (181); // contents of header/
constexpr TypedWhichId<ScPageHFItem> ATTR_PAGE_FOOTERFIRST (182); // footer (first page)
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxSetItem> ATTR_PAGE_HEADERSET (183); // the corresponding sets
constexpr TypedWhichId<SvxSetItem> ATTR_PAGE_FOOTERSET (184);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SfxBoolItem> ATTR_PAGE_FORMULAS (185);
constexpr TypedWhichId<SfxBoolItem> ATTR_PAGE_NULLVALS (186);
constexpr TypedWhichId<ScPageScaleToItem> ATTR_PAGE_SCALETO (187); // #i8868# scale printout to width/height
constexpr TypedWhichId<SfxBoolItem> ATTR_HIDDEN (188);
constexpr sal_uInt16 ATTR_ENDINDEX(ATTR_HIDDEN); // end of pool-range
// Dummy Slot-IDs for dialogs
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_FONT' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_FONT_HEIGHT' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_FONT_WEIGHT' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_FONT_POSTURE' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_FONT_UNDERLINE' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_FONT_OVERLINE' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_FONT_CROSSEDOUT' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_FONT_CONTOUR' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_FONT_SHADOWED' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_FONT_COLOR' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_FONT_LANGUAGE' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_CJK_FONT' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_CJK_FONT_HEIGHT' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_CJK_FONT_WEIGHT' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_CJK_FONT_POSTURE' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_CJK_FONT_LANGUAGE' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_CTL_FONT' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_CTL_FONT_HEIGHT' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_CTL_FONT_WEIGHT' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_CTL_FONT_POSTURE' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_CTL_FONT_LANGUAGE' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_FONT_EMPHASISMARK' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_USERDEF' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_FONT_WORDLINE' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_FONT_RELIEF' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_HYPHENATE' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_SCRIPTSPACE' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_HANGPUNCTUATION' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_FORBIDDEN_RULES' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_HOR_JUSTIFY' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_HOR_JUSTIFY_METHOD' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_INDENT' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_VER_JUSTIFY' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_VER_JUSTIFY_METHOD' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_STACKED' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_ROTATE_VALUE' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_ROTATE_MODE' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_VERTICAL_ASIAN' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_WRITINGDIR' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_LINEBREAK' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_SHRINKTOFIT' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_BORDER_TLBR' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_BORDER_BLTR' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_MARGIN' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_MERGE' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_MERGE_FLAG' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_VALUE_FORMAT' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_LANGUAGE_FORMAT' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_BACKGROUND' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_PROTECTION' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_BORDER' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_BORDER_INNER' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_SHADOW' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_VALIDDATA' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_CONDITIONAL' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_HYPERLINK' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_LRSPACE' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_ULSPACE' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_PAGE' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_PAGE_PAPERBIN' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_PAGE_SIZE' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_PAGE_HORCENTER' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_PAGE_VERCENTER' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_PAGE_ON' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_PAGE_DYNAMIC' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_PAGE_SHARED' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_PAGE_SHARED_FIRST' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_PAGE_NOTES' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_PAGE_GRID' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_PAGE_HEADERS' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_PAGE_CHARTS' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_PAGE_OBJECTS' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_PAGE_DRAWINGS' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_PAGE_TOPDOWN' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_PAGE_SCALE' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_PAGE_SCALETOPAGES' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_PAGE_FIRSTPAGENO' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_PAGE_HEADERLEFT' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_PAGE_FOOTERLEFT' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_PAGE_HEADERRIGHT' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_PAGE_FOOTERRIGHT' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_PAGE_HEADERFIRST' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_PAGE_FOOTERFIRST' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_PAGE_HEADERSET' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_PAGE_FOOTERSET' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_PAGE_FORMULAS' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_PAGE_NULLVALS' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_PAGE_SCALETO' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.
↑ V1043 A global object variable 'ATTR_HIDDEN' is declared in the header. Multiple copies of it will be created in all translation units that include this header file.