/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
* This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
* This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
* Sun Font Tools
* Author: Alexander Gelfenbain
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#ifdef UNX
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sft.hxx>
#include <impfontcharmap.hxx>
#include <libfixmath/fix16.hpp>
#include <tools/fix16.hxx>
#include "ttcr.hxx"
#include "xlat.hxx"
#include <rtl/crc.h>
#include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
#include <rtl/ustrbuf.hxx>
#include <sal/log.hxx>
#include <o3tl/safeint.hxx>
#include <osl/endian.h>
#include <osl/thread.h>
#include <unotools/tempfile.hxx>
#include <fontsubset.hxx>
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
namespace vcl
namespace {
/*- In horizontal writing mode right sidebearing is calculated using this formula
*- rsb = aw - (lsb + xMax - xMin) -*/
struct TTGlyphMetrics {
sal_Int16 xMin;
sal_Int16 yMin;
sal_Int16 xMax;
sal_Int16 yMax;
sal_uInt16 aw; /*- Advance Width (horizontal writing mode) */
sal_Int16 lsb; /*- Left sidebearing (horizontal writing mode) */
sal_uInt16 ah; /*- advance height (vertical writing mode) */
/*- Data access methods for data stored in big-endian format */
static sal_Int16 GetInt16(const sal_uInt8 *ptr, size_t offset)
sal_Int16 t;
assert(ptr != nullptr);
t = (ptr+offset)[0] << 8 | (ptr+offset)[1];
return t;
static sal_uInt16 GetUInt16(const sal_uInt8 *ptr, size_t offset)
sal_uInt16 t;
assert(ptr != nullptr);
t = (ptr+offset)[0] << 8 | (ptr+offset)[1];
return t;
static sal_Int32 GetInt32(const sal_uInt8 *ptr, size_t offset)
sal_Int32 t;
assert(ptr != nullptr);
t = (ptr+offset)[0] << 24 | (ptr+offset)[1] << 16 |
(ptr+offset)[2] << 8 | (ptr+offset)[3];
return t;
static sal_uInt32 GetUInt32(const sal_uInt8 *ptr, size_t offset)
sal_uInt32 t;
assert(ptr != nullptr);
t = (ptr+offset)[0] << 24 | (ptr+offset)[1] << 16 |
(ptr+offset)[2] << 8 | (ptr+offset)[3];
return t;
static F16Dot16 fixedMul(F16Dot16 a, F16Dot16 b)
return fix16_mul(a, b);
static F16Dot16 fixedDiv(F16Dot16 a, F16Dot16 b)
return fix16_div(a, b);
/*- returns a * b / c -*/
/* XXX provide a real implementation that preserves accuracy */
static F16Dot16 fixedMulDiv(F16Dot16 a, F16Dot16 b, F16Dot16 c)
F16Dot16 res = fixedMul(a, b);
return fixedDiv(res, c);
/*- Translate units from TT to PS (standard 1/1000) -*/
static int XUnits(int unitsPerEm, int n)
return (n * 1000) / unitsPerEm;
/* Outline Extraction functions */
/* fills the aw and lsb entries of the TTGlyphMetrics structure from hmtx table -*/
static void GetMetrics(AbstractTrueTypeFont const *ttf, sal_uInt32 glyphID, TTGlyphMetrics *metrics)
sal_uInt32 nSize;
const sal_uInt8* table = ttf->table(O_hmtx, nSize);
metrics->aw = metrics->lsb = metrics->ah = 0;
if (!table || !ttf->horzMetricCount())
if (glyphID < ttf->horzMetricCount())
metrics->aw = GetUInt16(table, 4 * glyphID);
metrics->lsb = GetInt16(table, 4 * glyphID + 2);
metrics->aw = GetUInt16(table, 4 * (ttf->horzMetricCount() - 1));
metrics->lsb = GetInt16(table + ttf->horzMetricCount() * 4, (glyphID - ttf->horzMetricCount()) * 2);
table = ttf->table(O_vmtx, nSize);
if (!table || !ttf->vertMetricCount())
if (glyphID < ttf->vertMetricCount())
metrics->ah = GetUInt16(table, 4 * glyphID);
metrics->ah = GetUInt16(table, 4 * (ttf->vertMetricCount() - 1));
static int GetTTGlyphOutline(AbstractTrueTypeFont *, sal_uInt32 , std::vector<ControlPoint>&, TTGlyphMetrics *, std::vector< sal_uInt32 >* );
/* returns the number of control points, allocates the pointArray */
static int GetSimpleTTOutline(AbstractTrueTypeFont const *ttf, sal_uInt32 glyphID,
std::vector<ControlPoint>& pointArray, TTGlyphMetrics *metrics)
sal_uInt32 nTableSize;
const sal_uInt8* table = ttf->table(O_glyf, nTableSize);
sal_uInt8 n;
int i, j, z;
if (glyphID >= ttf->glyphCount())
return 0;
sal_uInt32 nGlyphOffset = ttf->glyphOffset(glyphID);
if (nGlyphOffset > nTableSize)
return 0;
const sal_uInt8* ptr = table + nGlyphOffset;
const sal_uInt32 nMaxGlyphSize = nTableSize - nGlyphOffset;
constexpr sal_uInt32 nContourOffset = 10;
if (nMaxGlyphSize < nContourOffset)
return 0;
const sal_Int16 numberOfContours = GetInt16(ptr, GLYF_numberOfContours_offset);
if( numberOfContours <= 0 ) /*- glyph is not simple */
return 0;
const sal_Int32 nMaxContours = (nMaxGlyphSize - nContourOffset)/2;
if (numberOfContours > nMaxContours)
return 0;
if (metrics) { /*- GetCompoundTTOutline() calls this function with NULL metrics -*/
metrics->xMin = GetInt16(ptr, GLYF_xMin_offset);
metrics->yMin = GetInt16(ptr, GLYF_yMin_offset);
metrics->xMax = GetInt16(ptr, GLYF_xMax_offset);
metrics->yMax = GetInt16(ptr, GLYF_yMax_offset);
GetMetrics(ttf, glyphID, metrics);
/* determine the last point and be extra safe about it. But probably this code is not needed */
sal_uInt16 lastPoint=0;
for (i=0; i<numberOfContours; i++)
const sal_uInt16 t = GetUInt16(ptr, nContourOffset + i * 2);
if (t > lastPoint)
lastPoint = t;
sal_uInt32 nInstLenOffset = nContourOffset + numberOfContours * 2;
if (nInstLenOffset + 2 > nMaxGlyphSize)
return 0;
sal_uInt16 instLen = GetUInt16(ptr, nInstLenOffset);
sal_uInt32 nOffset = nContourOffset + 2 * numberOfContours + 2 + instLen;
if (nOffset > nMaxGlyphSize)
return 0;
const sal_uInt8* p = ptr + nOffset;
sal_uInt32 nBytesRemaining = nMaxGlyphSize - nOffset;
const sal_uInt32 palen = lastPoint+1;
//at a minimum its one byte per entry
if (palen > nBytesRemaining || lastPoint > nBytesRemaining-1)
SAL_WARN("vcl.fonts", "Font " << OUString::createFromAscii(ttf->fileName()) <<
"claimed a palen of "
<< palen << " but max bytes remaining is " << nBytesRemaining);
return 0;
std::vector<ControlPoint> pa(palen);
i = 0;
while (i <= lastPoint) {
if (!nBytesRemaining)
SAL_WARN("vcl.fonts", "short read");
sal_uInt8 flag = *p++;
pa[i++].flags = static_cast<sal_uInt32>(flag);
if (flag & 8) { /*- repeat flag */
if (!nBytesRemaining)
SAL_WARN("vcl.fonts", "short read");
n = *p++;
// coverity[tainted_data : FALSE] - i > lastPoint extra checks the n loop bound
for (j=0; j<n; j++) {
if (i > lastPoint) { /*- if the font is really broken */
return 0;
pa[i++].flags = flag;
/*- Process the X coordinate */
z = 0;
for (i = 0; i <= lastPoint; i++) {
if (pa[i].flags & 0x02) {
if (!nBytesRemaining)
SAL_WARN("vcl.fonts", "short read");
if (pa[i].flags & 0x10) {
z += static_cast<int>(*p++);
} else {
z -= static_cast<int>(*p++);
} else if ( !(pa[i].flags & 0x10)) {
if (nBytesRemaining < 2)
SAL_WARN("vcl.fonts", "short read");
z += GetInt16(p, 0);
p += 2;
nBytesRemaining -= 2;
pa[i].x = static_cast<sal_Int16>(z);
/*- Process the Y coordinate */
z = 0;
for (i = 0; i <= lastPoint; i++) {
if (pa[i].flags & 0x04) {
if (!nBytesRemaining)
SAL_WARN("vcl.fonts", "short read");
if (pa[i].flags & 0x20) {
z += *p++;
} else {
z -= *p++;
} else if ( !(pa[i].flags & 0x20)) {
if (nBytesRemaining < 2)
SAL_WARN("vcl.fonts", "short read");
z += GetInt16(p, 0);
p += 2;
nBytesRemaining -= 2;
pa[i].y = static_cast<sal_Int16>(z);
for (i=0; i<numberOfContours; i++) {
sal_uInt16 offset = GetUInt16(ptr, 10 + i * 2);
SAL_WARN_IF(offset >= palen, "vcl.fonts", "Font " << OUString::createFromAscii(ttf->fileName()) <<
" contour " << i << " claimed an illegal offset of "
<< offset << " but max offset is " << palen-1);
if (offset >= palen)
pa[offset].flags |= 0x00008000; /*- set the end contour flag */
pointArray = std::move(pa);
return lastPoint + 1;
static F16Dot16 fromF2Dot14(sal_Int16 n)
// Avoid undefined shift of negative values prior to C++2a:
return sal_uInt32(n) << 2;
static int GetCompoundTTOutline(AbstractTrueTypeFont *ttf, sal_uInt32 glyphID, std::vector<ControlPoint>& pointArray,
TTGlyphMetrics *metrics, std::vector<sal_uInt32>& glyphlist)
sal_uInt16 flags, index;
sal_Int16 e, f;
sal_uInt32 nTableSize;
const sal_uInt8* table = ttf->table(O_glyf, nTableSize);
std::vector<ControlPoint> myPoints;
std::vector<ControlPoint> nextComponent;
int i, np;
F16Dot16 a = 0x10000, b = 0, c = 0, d = 0x10000, m, n, abs1, abs2, abs3;
if (glyphID >= ttf->glyphCount())
return 0;
sal_uInt32 nGlyphOffset = ttf->glyphOffset(glyphID);
if (nGlyphOffset > nTableSize)
return 0;
const sal_uInt8* ptr = table + nGlyphOffset;
sal_uInt32 nAvailableBytes = nTableSize - nGlyphOffset;
if (GLYF_numberOfContours_offset + 2 > nAvailableBytes)
return 0;
if (GetInt16(ptr, GLYF_numberOfContours_offset) != -1) /* number of contours - glyph is not compound */
return 0;
if (metrics) {
metrics->xMin = GetInt16(ptr, GLYF_xMin_offset);
metrics->yMin = GetInt16(ptr, GLYF_yMin_offset);
metrics->xMax = GetInt16(ptr, GLYF_xMax_offset);
metrics->yMax = GetInt16(ptr, GLYF_yMax_offset);
GetMetrics(ttf, glyphID, metrics);
if (nAvailableBytes < 10)
SAL_WARN("vcl.fonts", "short read");
return 0;
ptr += 10;
nAvailableBytes -= 10;
do {
if (nAvailableBytes < 4)
SAL_WARN("vcl.fonts", "short read");
return 0;
flags = GetUInt16(ptr, 0);
/* printf("flags: 0x%X\n", flags); */
index = GetUInt16(ptr, 2);
ptr += 4;
nAvailableBytes -= 4;
if( std::find( glyphlist.begin(), glyphlist.end(), index ) != glyphlist.end() )
SAL_WARN("vcl.fonts", "Endless loop found in a compound glyph.");
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << index << " -> [";
for( const auto& rGlyph : glyphlist )
oss << (int) rGlyph << " ";
oss << "]";
SAL_INFO("vcl.fonts", oss.str());
return 0;
glyphlist.push_back( index );
np = GetTTGlyphOutline(ttf, index, nextComponent, nullptr, &glyphlist);
if( ! glyphlist.empty() )
if (np == 0)
/* XXX that probably indicates a corrupted font */
SAL_WARN("vcl.fonts", "An empty compound!");
/* assert(!"An empty compound"); */
return 0;
if ((flags & USE_MY_METRICS) && metrics)
GetMetrics(ttf, index, metrics);
if (flags & ARG_1_AND_2_ARE_WORDS) {
if (nAvailableBytes < 4)
SAL_WARN("vcl.fonts", "short read");
return 0;
e = GetInt16(ptr, 0);
f = GetInt16(ptr, 2);
/* printf("ARG_1_AND_2_ARE_WORDS: %d %d\n", e & 0xFFFF, f & 0xFFFF); */
ptr += 4;
nAvailableBytes -= 4;
} else {
if (nAvailableBytes < 2)
SAL_WARN("vcl.fonts", "short read");
return 0;
if (flags & ARGS_ARE_XY_VALUES) { /* args are signed */
e = static_cast<sal_Int8>(*ptr++);
f = static_cast<sal_Int8>(*ptr++);
/* printf("ARGS_ARE_XY_VALUES: %d %d\n", e & 0xFF, f & 0xFF); */
} else { /* args are unsigned */
/* printf("!ARGS_ARE_XY_VALUES\n"); */
e = *ptr++;
f = *ptr++;
nAvailableBytes -= 2;
a = d = 0x10000;
b = c = 0;
if (flags & WE_HAVE_A_SCALE) {
if (nAvailableBytes < 2)
SAL_WARN("vcl.fonts", "short read");
return 0;
a = fromF2Dot14(GetInt16(ptr, 0));
d = a;
ptr += 2;
nAvailableBytes -= 2;
} else if (flags & WE_HAVE_AN_X_AND_Y_SCALE) {
if (nAvailableBytes < 4)
SAL_WARN("vcl.fonts", "short read");
return 0;
a = fromF2Dot14(GetInt16(ptr, 0));
d = fromF2Dot14(GetInt16(ptr, 2));
ptr += 4;
nAvailableBytes -= 4;
} else if (flags & WE_HAVE_A_TWO_BY_TWO) {
if (nAvailableBytes < 8)
SAL_WARN("vcl.fonts", "short read");
return 0;
a = fromF2Dot14(GetInt16(ptr, 0));
b = fromF2Dot14(GetInt16(ptr, 2));
c = fromF2Dot14(GetInt16(ptr, 4));
d = fromF2Dot14(GetInt16(ptr, 6));
ptr += 8;
nAvailableBytes -= 8;
abs1 = (a < 0) ? -a : a;
abs2 = (b < 0) ? -b : b;
m = std::max(abs1, abs2);
abs3 = abs1 - abs2;
if (abs3 < 0) abs3 = -abs3;
if (abs3 <= 33) m *= 2;
abs1 = (c < 0) ? -c : c;
abs2 = (d < 0) ? -d : d;
n = std::max(abs1, abs2);
abs3 = abs1 - abs2;
if (abs3 < 0) abs3 = -abs3;
if (abs3 <= 33) n *= 2;
SAL_WARN_IF(np && (!m || !n), "vcl.fonts", "Parsing error in " << OUString::createFromAscii(ttf->fileName()) <<
": divide by zero");
if (m != 0 && n != 0) {
for (i=0; i<np; i++) {
F16Dot16 t;
ControlPoint cp;
cp.flags = nextComponent[i].flags;
const sal_uInt16 x = nextComponent[i].x;
const sal_uInt16 y = nextComponent[i].y;
t = o3tl::saturating_add(o3tl::saturating_add(fixedMulDiv(a, x << 16, m), fixedMulDiv(c, y << 16, m)), sal_Int32(sal_uInt16(e) << 16));
cp.x = static_cast<sal_Int16>(fixedMul(t, m) >> 16);
t = o3tl::saturating_add(o3tl::saturating_add(fixedMulDiv(b, x << 16, n), fixedMulDiv(d, y << 16, n)), sal_Int32(sal_uInt16(f) << 16));
cp.y = static_cast<sal_Int16>(fixedMul(t, n) >> 16);
myPoints.push_back( cp );
if (myPoints.size() > SAL_MAX_UINT16) {
SAL_WARN("vcl.fonts", "number of points has to be limited to max value GlyphData::npoints can contain, abandon effort");
} while (flags & MORE_COMPONENTS);
// #i123417# some fonts like IFAOGrec have no outline points in some compound glyphs
// so this unlikely but possible scenario should be handled gracefully
if( myPoints.empty() )
return 0;
np = myPoints.size();
pointArray = std::move(myPoints);
return np;
/* NOTE: GetTTGlyphOutline() returns -1 if the glyphID is incorrect,
* but Get{Simple|Compound}GlyphOutline returns 0 in such a case.
* NOTE: glyphlist is the stack of glyphs traversed while constructing
* a composite glyph. This is a safeguard against endless recursion
* in corrupted fonts.
static int GetTTGlyphOutline(AbstractTrueTypeFont *ttf, sal_uInt32 glyphID, std::vector<ControlPoint>& pointArray, TTGlyphMetrics *metrics, std::vector< sal_uInt32 >* glyphlist)
sal_uInt32 glyflength;
const sal_uInt8 *table = ttf->table(O_glyf, glyflength);
sal_Int16 numberOfContours;
int res;
if (metrics)
memset(metrics, 0, sizeof(TTGlyphMetrics));
if (glyphID >= ttf->glyphCount())
return -1;
sal_uInt32 nNextOffset = ttf->glyphOffset(glyphID + 1);
if (nNextOffset > glyflength)
return -1;
sal_uInt32 nOffset = ttf->glyphOffset(glyphID);
if (nOffset > nNextOffset)
return -1;
int length = nNextOffset - nOffset;
if (length == 0) { /*- empty glyphs still have hmtx and vmtx metrics values */
if (metrics) GetMetrics(ttf, glyphID, metrics);
return 0;
const sal_uInt8* ptr = table + nOffset;
const sal_uInt32 nMaxGlyphSize = glyflength - nOffset;
if (nMaxGlyphSize < 2)
return -1;
numberOfContours = GetInt16(ptr, 0);
if (numberOfContours >= 0)
res = GetSimpleTTOutline(ttf, glyphID, pointArray, metrics);
std::vector< sal_uInt32 > aPrivList { glyphID };
res = GetCompoundTTOutline(ttf, glyphID, pointArray, metrics, glyphlist ? *glyphlist : aPrivList );
return res;
/*- Extracts a string from the name table and allocates memory for it -*/
static OString nameExtract( const sal_uInt8* name, int nTableSize, int n, int dbFlag, OUString* ucs2result )
OStringBuffer res;
const sal_uInt8* ptr = name + GetUInt16(name, 4) + GetUInt16(name + 6, 12 * n + 10);
int len = GetUInt16(name+6, 12 * n + 8);
// sanity check
const sal_uInt8* end_table = name+nTableSize;
const int available_space = ptr > end_table ? 0 : (end_table - ptr);
if( (len <= 0) || len > available_space)
if( ucs2result )
return OString();
if( ucs2result )
if (dbFlag) {
for (int i = 0; i < len/2; i++)
res[i] = *(ptr + i * 2 + 1);
SAL_WARN_IF(res[i] == 0, "vcl.fonts", "font name is bogus");
if( ucs2result )
OUStringBuffer buf(len/2);
for (int i = 0; i < len/2; i++ )
buf[i] = GetUInt16( ptr, 2*i );
SAL_WARN_IF(buf[i] == 0, "vcl.fonts", "font name is bogus");
*ucs2result = buf.makeStringAndClear();
} else {
memcpy(static_cast<void*>(const_cast<char*>(res.getStr())), ptr, len);
return res.makeStringAndClear();
static int findname( const sal_uInt8 *name, sal_uInt16 n, sal_uInt16 platformID,
sal_uInt16 encodingID, sal_uInt16 languageID, sal_uInt16 nameID )
if (n == 0) return -1;
int l = 0, r = n-1;
sal_uInt32 t1, t2;
sal_uInt32 m1, m2;
m1 = (platformID << 16) | encodingID;
m2 = (languageID << 16) | nameID;
do {
const int i = (l + r) >> 1;
t1 = GetUInt32(name + 6, i * 12 + 0);
t2 = GetUInt32(name + 6, i * 12 + 4);
if (! ((m1 < t1) || ((m1 == t1) && (m2 < t2)))) l = i + 1;
if (! ((m1 > t1) || ((m1 == t1) && (m2 > t2)))) r = i - 1;
} while (l <= r);
if (l - r == 2) {
return l - 1;
return -1;
/* XXX marlett.ttf uses (3, 0, 1033) instead of (3, 1, 1033) and does not have any Apple tables.
* Fix: if (3, 1, 1033) is not found - need to check for (3, 0, 1033)
* /d/fonts/ttzh_tw/Big5/Hanyi/ma6b5p uses (1, 0, 19) for English strings, instead of (1, 0, 0)
* and does not have (3, 1, 1033)
* Fix: if (1, 0, 0) and (3, 1, 1033) are not found need to look for (1, 0, *) - that will
* require a change in algorithm
* /d/fonts/fdltest/Korean/h2drrm has unsorted names and an unknown (to me) Mac LanguageID,
* but (1, 0, 1042) strings usable
* Fix: change algorithm, and use (1, 0, *) if both standard Mac and MS strings are not found
static void GetNames(AbstractTrueTypeFont *t)
sal_uInt32 nTableSize;
const sal_uInt8* table = t->table(O_name, nTableSize);
if (nTableSize < 6)
SAL_WARN("vcl.fonts", "O_name table too small.");
sal_uInt16 n = GetUInt16(table, 2);
/* simple sanity check for name table entry count */
const size_t nMinRecordSize = 12;
const size_t nSpaceAvailable = nTableSize - 6;
const size_t nMaxRecords = nSpaceAvailable/nMinRecordSize;
if (n >= nMaxRecords)
n = 0;
int i, r;
bool bPSNameOK = true;
/* PostScript name: preferred Microsoft */
if ((r = findname(table, n, 3, 1, 0x0409, 6)) != -1)
t->psname = nameExtract(table, nTableSize, r, 1, nullptr);
if ( t->psname.isEmpty() && (r = findname(table, n, 1, 0, 0, 6)) != -1)
t->psname = nameExtract(table, nTableSize, r, 0, nullptr);
if ( t->psname.isEmpty() && (r = findname(table, n, 3, 0, 0x0409, 6)) != -1)
// some symbol fonts like Marlett have a 3,0 name!
t->psname = nameExtract(table, nTableSize, r, 1, nullptr);
// for embedded font in Ghostscript PDFs
if ( t->psname.isEmpty() && (r = findname(table, n, 2, 2, 0, 6)) != -1)
t->psname = nameExtract(table, nTableSize, r, 0, nullptr);
if ( t->psname.isEmpty() )
if (!t->fileName().empty())
const char* pReverse = t->fileName().data() + t->fileName().length();
/* take only last token of filename */
while (pReverse != t->fileName().data() && *pReverse != '/') pReverse--;
if(*pReverse == '/') pReverse++;
int nReverseLen = strlen(pReverse);
for (i=nReverseLen - 1; i > 0; i--)
/*- Remove the suffix -*/
if (*(pReverse + i) == '.' ) {
nReverseLen = i;
t->psname = OString(std::string_view(pReverse, nReverseLen));
t->psname = "Unknown"_ostr;
/* Font family and subfamily names: preferred Apple */
if ((r = findname(table, n, 0, 0, 0, 1)) != -1)
t->family = nameExtract(table, nTableSize, r, 1, &t->ufamily);
if ( t->family.isEmpty() && (r = findname(table, n, 3, 1, 0x0409, 1)) != -1)
t->family = nameExtract(table, nTableSize, r, 1, &t->ufamily);
if ( t->family.isEmpty() && (r = findname(table, n, 1, 0, 0, 1)) != -1)
t->family = nameExtract(table, nTableSize, r, 0, nullptr);
if ( t->family.isEmpty() && (r = findname(table, n, 3, 1, 0x0411, 1)) != -1)
t->family = nameExtract(table, nTableSize, r, 1, &t->ufamily);
if ( t->family.isEmpty() && (r = findname(table, n, 3, 0, 0x0409, 1)) != -1)
t->family = nameExtract(table, nTableSize, r, 1, &t->ufamily);
if ( t->family.isEmpty() )
t->family = t->psname;
if ((r = findname(table, n, 1, 0, 0, 2)) != -1)
t->subfamily = nameExtract(table, nTableSize, r, 0, &t->usubfamily);
if ( t->subfamily.isEmpty() && (r = findname(table, n, 3, 1, 0x0409, 2)) != -1)
t->subfamily = nameExtract(table, nTableSize, r, 1, &t->usubfamily);
/* #i60349# sanity check psname
* psname practically has to be 7bit ASCII and should not contain spaces
* there is a class of broken fonts which do not fulfill that at all, so let's try
* if the family name is 7bit ASCII and take it instead if so
/* check psname */
for( i = 0; i < t->psname.getLength() && bPSNameOK; i++ )
if( t->psname[ i ] < 33 || (t->psname[ i ] & 0x80) )
bPSNameOK = false;
if( bPSNameOK )
/* check if family is a suitable replacement */
if( t->ufamily.isEmpty() && t->family.isEmpty() )
bool bReplace = true;
for( i = 0; i < t->ufamily.getLength() && bReplace; i++ )
if( t->ufamily[ i ] < 33 || t->ufamily[ i ] > 127 )
bReplace = false;
if( bReplace )
t->psname = t->family;
/*- Public functions */
int CountTTCFonts(const char* fname)
FILE* fd;
#ifdef LINUX
int nFD;
int n;
if (sscanf(fname, "/:FD:/%d%n", &nFD, &n) == 1 && fname[n] == '\0')
lseek(nFD, 0, SEEK_SET);
int nDupFd = dup(nFD);
fd = nDupFd != -1 ? fdopen(nDupFd, "rb") : nullptr;
fd = fopen(fname, "rb");
if (!fd)
return 0;
int nFonts = 0;
sal_uInt8 buffer[12];
if (fread(buffer, 1, 12, fd) == 12) {
if(GetUInt32(buffer, 0) == T_ttcf )
nFonts = GetUInt32(buffer, 8);
if (nFonts > 0)
fseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END);
sal_uInt64 fileSize = ftell(fd);
//Feel free to calc the exact max possible number of fonts a file
//could contain given its physical size. But this will clamp it to
//a sane starting point
const int nMaxFontsPossible = fileSize / 528;
if (nFonts > nMaxFontsPossible)
SAL_WARN("vcl.fonts", "font file " << fname <<" claims to have "
<< nFonts << " fonts, but only "
<< nMaxFontsPossible << " are possible");
nFonts = nMaxFontsPossible;
return nFonts;
#if !defined(_WIN32)
SFErrCodes OpenTTFontFile(const char* fname, sal_uInt32 facenum, TrueTypeFont** ttf,
const FontCharMapRef xCharMap)
SFErrCodes ret;
int fd = -1;
struct stat st;
if (!fname || !*fname) return SFErrCodes::BadFile;
*ttf = new TrueTypeFont(fname, xCharMap);
if( ! *ttf )
return SFErrCodes::Memory;
if( (*ttf)->fileName().empty() )
ret = SFErrCodes::Memory;
goto cleanup;
int nFD;
int n;
if (sscanf(fname, "/:FD:/%d%n", &nFD, &n) == 1 && fname[n] == '\0')
lseek(nFD, 0, SEEK_SET);
fd = dup(nFD);
fd = open(fname, O_RDONLY);
if (fd == -1) {
ret = SFErrCodes::BadFile;
goto cleanup;
if (fstat(fd, &st) == -1) {
ret = SFErrCodes::FileIo;
goto cleanup;
(*ttf)->fsize = st.st_size;
/* On Mac OS, most likely will happen if a Mac user renames a font file
* to be .ttf when it's really a Mac resource-based font.
* Size will be 0, but fonts smaller than 4 bytes would be broken anyway.
if ((*ttf)->fsize == 0) {
ret = SFErrCodes::BadFile;
goto cleanup;
if (((*ttf)->ptr = static_cast<sal_uInt8 *>(mmap(nullptr, (*ttf)->fsize, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0))) == MAP_FAILED) {
ret = SFErrCodes::Memory;
goto cleanup;
ret = (*ttf)->open(facenum);
if (fd != -1) close(fd);
if (ret != SFErrCodes::Ok)
delete *ttf;
*ttf = nullptr;
return ret;
SFErrCodes OpenTTFontBuffer(const void* pBuffer, sal_uInt32 nLen, sal_uInt32 facenum, TrueTypeFont** ttf,
const FontCharMapRef xCharMap)
*ttf = new TrueTypeFont(nullptr, xCharMap);
if( *ttf == nullptr )
return SFErrCodes::Memory;
(*ttf)->fsize = nLen;
(*ttf)->ptr = const_cast<sal_uInt8 *>(static_cast<sal_uInt8 const *>(pBuffer));
SFErrCodes ret = (*ttf)->open(facenum);
if (ret != SFErrCodes::Ok)
delete *ttf;
*ttf = nullptr;
return ret;
namespace {
bool withinBounds(sal_uInt32 tdoffset, sal_uInt32 moreoffset, sal_uInt32 len, sal_uInt32 available)
sal_uInt32 result;
if (o3tl::checked_add(tdoffset, moreoffset, result))
return false;
if (o3tl::checked_add(result, len, result))
return false;
return result <= available;
AbstractTrueTypeFont::AbstractTrueTypeFont(const char* pFileName, const FontCharMapRef xCharMap)
: m_nGlyphs(0xFFFFFFFF)
, m_nHorzMetrics(0)
, m_nVertMetrics(0)
, m_nUnitsPerEm(0)
, m_xCharMap(xCharMap)
, m_bMicrosoftSymbolEncoded(false)
if (pFileName)
m_sFileName = pFileName;
TrueTypeFont::TrueTypeFont(const char* pFileName, const FontCharMapRef xCharMap)
: AbstractTrueTypeFont(pFileName, xCharMap)
, fsize(-1)
, ptr(nullptr)
, ntables(0)
#if !defined(_WIN32)
if (!fileName().empty())
munmap(ptr, fsize);
void CloseTTFont(TrueTypeFont* ttf) { delete ttf; }
SFErrCodes AbstractTrueTypeFont::initialize()
SFErrCodes ret = indexGlyphData();
if (ret != SFErrCodes::Ok)
return ret;
return SFErrCodes::Ok;
sal_uInt32 AbstractTrueTypeFont::glyphOffset(sal_uInt32 glyphID) const
if (m_aGlyphOffsets.empty()) // the O_CFF and Bitmap cases
return 0;
return m_aGlyphOffsets[glyphID];
SFErrCodes AbstractTrueTypeFont::indexGlyphData()
if (!(hasTable(O_maxp) && hasTable(O_head) && hasTable(O_name) && hasTable(O_cmap)))
return SFErrCodes::TtFormat;
sal_uInt32 table_size;
const sal_uInt8* table = this->table(O_maxp, table_size);
m_nGlyphs = table_size >= 6 ? GetUInt16(table, 4) : 0;
table = this->table(O_head, table_size);
if (table_size < HEAD_Length)
return SFErrCodes::TtFormat;
m_nUnitsPerEm = GetUInt16(table, HEAD_unitsPerEm_offset);
int indexfmt = GetInt16(table, HEAD_indexToLocFormat_offset);
if (((indexfmt != 0) && (indexfmt != 1)) || (m_nUnitsPerEm <= 0))
return SFErrCodes::TtFormat;
if (hasTable(O_glyf) && (table = this->table(O_loca, table_size))) /* TTF or TTF-OpenType */
int k = (table_size / (indexfmt ? 4 : 2)) - 1;
if (k < static_cast<int>(m_nGlyphs)) /* Hack for broken Chinese fonts */
m_nGlyphs = k;
m_aGlyphOffsets.reserve(m_nGlyphs + 1);
for (int i = 0; i <= static_cast<int>(m_nGlyphs); ++i)
m_aGlyphOffsets.push_back(indexfmt ? GetUInt32(table, i << 2) : static_cast<sal_uInt32>(GetUInt16(table, i << 1)) << 1);
else if (this->table(O_CFF, table_size)) /* PS-OpenType */
int k = (table_size / 2) - 1; /* set a limit here, presumably much lower than the table size, but establishes some sort of physical bound */
if (k < static_cast<int>(m_nGlyphs))
m_nGlyphs = k;
/* TODO: implement to get subsetting */
else {
// Bitmap font, accept for now.
// TODO: We only need this for fonts with CBDT table since they usually
// lack glyf or CFF table, the check should be more specific, or better
// non-subsetting code should not be calling this.
table = this->table(O_hhea, table_size);
m_nHorzMetrics = (table && table_size >= 36) ? GetUInt16(table, 34) : 0;
table = this->table(O_vhea, table_size);
m_nVertMetrics = (table && table_size >= 36) ? GetUInt16(table, 34) : 0;
if (!m_xCharMap.is())
table = this->table(O_cmap, table_size);
m_bMicrosoftSymbolEncoded = HasMicrosoftSymbolCmap(table, table_size);
m_bMicrosoftSymbolEncoded = m_xCharMap->isMicrosoftSymbolMap();
return SFErrCodes::Ok;
SFErrCodes TrueTypeFont::open(sal_uInt32 facenum)
if (fsize < 4)
return SFErrCodes::TtFormat;
int i;
sal_uInt32 length, tag;
sal_uInt32 tdoffset = 0; /* offset to TableDirectory in a TTC file. For TTF files is 0 */
sal_uInt32 TTCTag = GetInt32(ptr, 0);
if ((TTCTag == 0x00010000) || (TTCTag == T_true)) {
tdoffset = 0;
} else if (TTCTag == T_otto) { /* PS-OpenType font */
tdoffset = 0;
} else if (TTCTag == T_ttcf) { /* TrueType collection */
if (!withinBounds(12, 4 * facenum, sizeof(sal_uInt32), fsize))
return SFErrCodes::FontNo;
sal_uInt32 Version = GetUInt32(ptr, 4);
if (Version != 0x00010000 && Version != 0x00020000) {
return SFErrCodes::TtFormat;
if (facenum >= GetUInt32(ptr, 8))
return SFErrCodes::FontNo;
tdoffset = GetUInt32(ptr, 12 + 4 * facenum);
} else {
return SFErrCodes::TtFormat;
if (withinBounds(tdoffset, 0, 4 + sizeof(sal_uInt16), fsize))
ntables = GetUInt16(ptr + tdoffset, 4);
if (ntables >= 128 || ntables == 0)
return SFErrCodes::TtFormat;
/* parse the tables */
for (i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(ntables); i++)
int nIndex;
const sal_uInt32 nStart = tdoffset + 12;
const sal_uInt32 nOffset = 16 * i;
if (withinBounds(nStart, nOffset, sizeof(sal_uInt32), fsize))
tag = GetUInt32(ptr + nStart, nOffset);
tag = static_cast<sal_uInt32>(-1);
switch( tag ) {
case T_maxp: nIndex = O_maxp; break;
case T_glyf: nIndex = O_glyf; break;
case T_head: nIndex = O_head; break;
case T_loca: nIndex = O_loca; break;
case T_name: nIndex = O_name; break;
case T_hhea: nIndex = O_hhea; break;
case T_hmtx: nIndex = O_hmtx; break;
case T_cmap: nIndex = O_cmap; break;
case T_vhea: nIndex = O_vhea; break;
case T_vmtx: nIndex = O_vmtx; break;
case T_OS2 : nIndex = O_OS2; break;
case T_post: nIndex = O_post; break;
case T_cvt : nIndex = O_cvt; break;
case T_prep: nIndex = O_prep; break;
case T_fpgm: nIndex = O_fpgm; break;
case T_CFF: nIndex = O_CFF; break;
default: nIndex = -1; break;
if ((nIndex >= 0) && withinBounds(nStart, nOffset, 12 + sizeof(sal_uInt32), fsize))
sal_uInt32 nTableOffset = GetUInt32(ptr + nStart, nOffset + 8);
length = GetUInt32(ptr + nStart, nOffset + 12);
m_aTableList[nIndex].pData = ptr + nTableOffset;
m_aTableList[nIndex].nSize = length;
/* Fixup offsets when only a TTC extract was provided */
if (facenum == sal_uInt32(~0))
sal_uInt8* pHead = const_cast<sal_uInt8*>(m_aTableList[O_head].pData);
if (!pHead)
return SFErrCodes::TtFormat;
/* limit Head candidate to TTC extract's limits */
if (pHead > ptr + (fsize - 54))
pHead = ptr + (fsize - 54);
/* TODO: find better method than searching head table's magic */
sal_uInt8* p = nullptr;
for (p = pHead + 12; p > ptr; --p)
if( p[0]==0x5F && p[1]==0x0F && p[2]==0x3C && p[3]==0xF5 ) {
int nDelta = (pHead + 12) - p;
if( nDelta )
for( int j = 0; j < NUM_TAGS; ++j )
if (hasTable(j))
m_aTableList[j].pData -= nDelta;
if (p <= ptr)
return SFErrCodes::TtFormat;
/* Check the table offsets after TTC correction */
for (i=0; i<NUM_TAGS; i++) {
/* sanity check: table must lay completely within the file
* at this point one could check the checksum of all contained
* tables, but this would be quite time intensive.
* Try to fix tables, so we can cope with minor problems.
if (m_aTableList[i].pData < ptr)
SAL_WARN_IF(m_aTableList[i].pData, "vcl.fonts", "font file " << fileName()
<< " has bad table offset "
<< (sal_uInt8*)m_aTableList[i].pData - ptr
<< "d (tagnum=" << i << ").");
m_aTableList[i].nSize = 0;
m_aTableList[i].pData = nullptr;
else if (const_cast<sal_uInt8*>(m_aTableList[i].pData) + m_aTableList[i].nSize > ptr + fsize)
sal_PtrDiff nMaxLen = (ptr + fsize) - m_aTableList[i].pData;
if( nMaxLen < 0 )
nMaxLen = 0;
m_aTableList[i].nSize = nMaxLen;
SAL_WARN("vcl.fonts", "font file " << fileName()
<< " has too big table (tagnum=" << i << ").");
/* At this point TrueTypeFont is constructed, now need to verify the font format
and read the basic font properties */
return AbstractTrueTypeFont::initialize();
int GetTTGlyphPoints(AbstractTrueTypeFont *ttf, sal_uInt32 glyphID, std::vector<ControlPoint>& pointArray)
return GetTTGlyphOutline(ttf, glyphID, pointArray, nullptr, nullptr);
int GetTTGlyphComponents(AbstractTrueTypeFont *ttf, sal_uInt32 glyphID, std::vector< sal_uInt32 >& glyphlist)
int n = 1;
if (glyphID >= ttf->glyphCount())
return 0;
sal_uInt32 glyflength;
const sal_uInt8* glyf = ttf->table(O_glyf, glyflength);
sal_uInt32 nNextOffset = ttf->glyphOffset(glyphID + 1);
if (nNextOffset > glyflength)
return 0;
sal_uInt32 nOffset = ttf->glyphOffset(glyphID);
if (nOffset > nNextOffset)
return 0;
if (std::find(glyphlist.begin(), glyphlist.end(), glyphID) != glyphlist.end())
SAL_WARN("vcl.fonts", "Endless loop found in a compound glyph.");
return 0;
glyphlist.push_back( glyphID );
// Empty glyph.
if (nOffset == nNextOffset)
return n;
const auto* ptr = glyf + nOffset;
sal_uInt32 nRemainingData = glyflength - nOffset;
if (nRemainingData >= 10 && GetInt16(ptr, 0) == -1) {
sal_uInt16 flags, index;
ptr += 10;
nRemainingData -= 10;
do {
if (nRemainingData < 4)
SAL_WARN("vcl.fonts", "short read");
flags = GetUInt16(ptr, 0);
index = GetUInt16(ptr, 2);
ptr += 4;
nRemainingData -= 4;
n += GetTTGlyphComponents(ttf, index, glyphlist);
sal_uInt32 nAdvance;
if (flags & ARG_1_AND_2_ARE_WORDS) {
nAdvance = 4;
} else {
nAdvance = 2;
if (flags & WE_HAVE_A_SCALE) {
nAdvance += 2;
} else if (flags & WE_HAVE_AN_X_AND_Y_SCALE) {
nAdvance += 4;
} else if (flags & WE_HAVE_A_TWO_BY_TWO) {
nAdvance += 8;
if (nRemainingData < nAdvance)
SAL_WARN("vcl.fonts", "short read");
ptr += nAdvance;
nRemainingData -= nAdvance;
} while (flags & MORE_COMPONENTS);
return n;
SFErrCodes CreateTTFromTTGlyphs(AbstractTrueTypeFont *ttf,
std::vector<sal_uInt8>& rOutBuffer,
sal_uInt16 const *glyphArray,
sal_uInt8 const *encoding,
int nGlyphs)
std::unique_ptr<TrueTypeTableGeneric> cvt, prep, fpgm, os2;
std::unique_ptr<TrueTypeTableName> name;
std::unique_ptr<TrueTypeTableMaxp> maxp;
std::unique_ptr<TrueTypeTableHhea> hhea;
std::unique_ptr<TrueTypeTableHead> head;
std::unique_ptr<TrueTypeTableGlyf> glyf;
std::unique_ptr<TrueTypeTableCmap> cmap;
std::unique_ptr<TrueTypeTablePost> post;
int i;
SFErrCodes res;
TrueTypeCreator ttcr(T_true);
/** name **/
std::vector<NameRecord> names;
GetTTNameRecords(ttf, names);
name.reset(new TrueTypeTableName(std::move(names)));
/** maxp **/
sal_uInt32 nTableSize;
const sal_uInt8* p = ttf->table(O_maxp, nTableSize);
maxp.reset(new TrueTypeTableMaxp(p, nTableSize));
/** hhea **/
p = ttf->table(O_hhea, nTableSize);
if (p && nTableSize >= HHEA_caretSlopeRun_offset + 2)
hhea.reset(new TrueTypeTableHhea(GetInt16(p, HHEA_ascender_offset), GetInt16(p, HHEA_descender_offset), GetInt16(p, HHEA_lineGap_offset), GetInt16(p, HHEA_caretSlopeRise_offset), GetInt16(p, HHEA_caretSlopeRun_offset)));
hhea.reset(new TrueTypeTableHhea(0, 0, 0, 0, 0));
/** head **/
p = ttf->table(O_head, nTableSize);
assert(p != nullptr);
head.reset(new TrueTypeTableHead(GetInt32(p, HEAD_fontRevision_offset),
GetUInt16(p, HEAD_flags_offset),
GetUInt16(p, HEAD_unitsPerEm_offset),
GetUInt16(p, HEAD_macStyle_offset),
GetUInt16(p, HEAD_lowestRecPPEM_offset),
GetInt16(p, HEAD_fontDirectionHint_offset)));
/** glyf **/
glyf.reset(new TrueTypeTableGlyf());
std::unique_ptr<sal_uInt32[]> gID(new sal_uInt32[nGlyphs]);
for (i = 0; i < nGlyphs; i++) {
gID[i] = glyf->glyfAdd(GetTTRawGlyphData(ttf, glyphArray[i]), ttf);
/** cmap **/
cmap.reset(new TrueTypeTableCmap());
for (i=0; i < nGlyphs; i++) {
cmap->cmapAdd(0x010000, encoding[i], gID[i]);
/** cvt **/
if ((p = ttf->table(O_cvt, nTableSize)) != nullptr)
cvt.reset(new TrueTypeTableGeneric(T_cvt, nTableSize, p));
/** prep **/
if ((p = ttf->table(O_prep, nTableSize)) != nullptr)
prep.reset(new TrueTypeTableGeneric(T_prep, nTableSize, p));
/** fpgm **/
if ((p = ttf->table(O_fpgm, nTableSize)) != nullptr)
fpgm.reset(new TrueTypeTableGeneric(T_fpgm, nTableSize, p));
/** post **/
if ((p = ttf->table(O_post, nTableSize)) != nullptr)
sal_Int32 nItalic = (POST_italicAngle_offset + 4 < nTableSize) ?
GetInt32(p, POST_italicAngle_offset) : 0;
sal_Int16 nPosition = (POST_underlinePosition_offset + 2 < nTableSize) ?
GetInt16(p, POST_underlinePosition_offset) : 0;
sal_Int16 nThickness = (POST_underlineThickness_offset + 2 < nTableSize) ?
GetInt16(p, POST_underlineThickness_offset) : 0;
sal_uInt32 nFixedPitch = (POST_isFixedPitch_offset + 4 < nTableSize) ?
GetUInt32(p, POST_isFixedPitch_offset) : 0;
post.reset(new TrueTypeTablePost(0x00030000,
nItalic, nPosition,
nThickness, nFixedPitch));
post.reset(new TrueTypeTablePost(0x00030000, 0, 0, 0, 0));
ttcr.AddTable(std::move(name)); ttcr.AddTable(std::move(maxp)); ttcr.AddTable(std::move(hhea));
ttcr.AddTable(std::move(head)); ttcr.AddTable(std::move(glyf)); ttcr.AddTable(std::move(cmap));
ttcr.AddTable(std::move(cvt)); ttcr.AddTable(std::move(prep)); ttcr.AddTable(std::move(fpgm));
ttcr.AddTable(std::move(post)); ttcr.AddTable(std::move(os2));
res = ttcr.StreamToMemory(rOutBuffer);
SAL_WARN_IF(res != SFErrCodes::Ok, "vcl.fonts", "StreamToMemory: error code: "
<< (int) res << ".");
return res;
void FillFontSubsetInfo(AbstractTrueTypeFont* ttf, FontSubsetInfo& rInfo)
TTGlobalFontInfo aTTInfo;
GetTTGlobalFontInfo(ttf, &aTTInfo);
rInfo.m_aPSName = OUString::fromUtf8(aTTInfo.psname);
rInfo.m_nFontType = FontType::SFNT_TTF;
= tools::Rectangle(Point(aTTInfo.xMin, aTTInfo.yMin), Point(aTTInfo.xMax, aTTInfo.yMax));
rInfo.m_nCapHeight = aTTInfo.yMax; // Well ...
rInfo.m_nAscent = aTTInfo.winAscent;
rInfo.m_nDescent = aTTInfo.winDescent;
// mac fonts usually do not have an OS2-table
// => get valid ascent/descent values from other tables
if (!rInfo.m_nAscent)
rInfo.m_nAscent = +aTTInfo.typoAscender;
if (!rInfo.m_nAscent)
rInfo.m_nAscent = +aTTInfo.ascender;
if (!rInfo.m_nDescent)
rInfo.m_nDescent = +aTTInfo.typoDescender;
if (!rInfo.m_nDescent)
rInfo.m_nDescent = -aTTInfo.descender;
rInfo.m_bFilled = true;
bool CreateCFFfontSubset(const unsigned char* pFontBytes, int nByteLength,
std::vector<sal_uInt8>& rOutBuffer, const sal_GlyphId* pGlyphIds,
const sal_uInt8* pEncoding, int nGlyphCount, FontSubsetInfo& rInfo)
utl::TempFileFast aTempFile;
SvStream* pStream = aTempFile.GetStream(StreamMode::READWRITE);
rInfo.LoadFont(FontType::CFF_FONT, pFontBytes, nByteLength);
bool bRet = rInfo.CreateFontSubset(FontType::TYPE1_PFB, pStream, pGlyphIds, pEncoding,
if (bRet)
auto nRead = pStream->ReadBytes(rOutBuffer.data(), rOutBuffer.size());
if (nRead != rOutBuffer.size())
return false;
return bRet;
bool CreateTTFfontSubset(vcl::AbstractTrueTypeFont& rTTF, std::vector<sal_uInt8>& rOutBuffer,
const sal_GlyphId* pGlyphIds, const sal_uInt8* pEncoding,
const int nOrigGlyphCount, FontSubsetInfo& rInfo)
// Get details about the subset font.
FillFontSubsetInfo(&rTTF, rInfo);
// Shortcut for CFF-subsetting.
sal_uInt32 nCFF;
const sal_uInt8* pCFF = rTTF.table(O_CFF, nCFF);
if (nCFF)
return CreateCFFfontSubset(pCFF, nCFF, rOutBuffer, pGlyphIds, pEncoding,
nOrigGlyphCount, rInfo);
// Multiple questions:
// - Why is there a glyph limit?
// MacOS used to handle 257 glyphs...
// Also the much more complex PrintFontManager variant has this limit.
// Also the very first implementation has the limit in
// commit 8789ed701e98031f2a1657ea0dfd6f7a0b050992
// - Why doesn't the PrintFontManager care about the fake glyph? It
// is used on all unx platforms to create the subset font.
// - Should the SAL_WARN actually be asserts, like on MacOS?
if (nOrigGlyphCount > 256)
SAL_WARN("vcl.fonts", "too many glyphs for subsetting");
return false;
int nGlyphCount = nOrigGlyphCount;
sal_uInt16 aShortIDs[256];
sal_uInt8 aTempEncs[256];
// handle the undefined / first font glyph
int nNotDef = -1, i;
for (i = 0; i < nGlyphCount; ++i)
aTempEncs[i] = pEncoding[i];
aShortIDs[i] = static_cast<sal_uInt16>(pGlyphIds[i]);
if (!aShortIDs[i])
if (nNotDef < 0)
nNotDef = i;
// nNotDef glyph must be in pos 0 => swap glyphids
if (nNotDef != 0)
if (nNotDef < 0)
if (nGlyphCount == 256)
SAL_WARN("vcl.fonts", "too many glyphs for subsetting");
return false;
nNotDef = nGlyphCount++;
aShortIDs[nNotDef] = aShortIDs[0];
aTempEncs[nNotDef] = aTempEncs[0];
aShortIDs[0] = 0;
aTempEncs[0] = 0;
// write subset into destination file
return (CreateTTFromTTGlyphs(&rTTF, rOutBuffer, aShortIDs, aTempEncs, nGlyphCount)
== vcl::SFErrCodes::Ok);
bool GetTTGlobalFontHeadInfo(const AbstractTrueTypeFont *ttf, int& xMin, int& yMin, int& xMax, int& yMax, sal_uInt16& macStyle)
sal_uInt32 table_size;
const sal_uInt8* table = ttf->table(O_head, table_size);
if (table_size < 46)
return false;
const int UPEm = ttf->unitsPerEm();
if (UPEm == 0)
return false;
xMin = XUnits(UPEm, GetInt16(table, HEAD_xMin_offset));
yMin = XUnits(UPEm, GetInt16(table, HEAD_yMin_offset));
xMax = XUnits(UPEm, GetInt16(table, HEAD_xMax_offset));
yMax = XUnits(UPEm, GetInt16(table, HEAD_yMax_offset));
macStyle = GetUInt16(table, HEAD_macStyle_offset);
return true;
void GetTTGlobalFontInfo(AbstractTrueTypeFont *ttf, TTGlobalFontInfo *info)
int UPEm = ttf->unitsPerEm();
info->family = ttf->family;
info->ufamily = ttf->ufamily;
info->subfamily = ttf->subfamily;
info->usubfamily = ttf->usubfamily;
info->psname = ttf->psname;
info->microsoftSymbolEncoded = ttf->IsMicrosoftSymbolEncoded();
sal_uInt32 table_size;
const sal_uInt8* table = ttf->table(O_OS2, table_size);
if (table_size >= 42)
info->weight = GetUInt16(table, OS2_usWeightClass_offset);
info->width = GetUInt16(table, OS2_usWidthClass_offset);
if (table_size >= OS2_V0_length && UPEm != 0) {
info->typoAscender = XUnits(UPEm,GetInt16(table, OS2_typoAscender_offset));
info->typoDescender = XUnits(UPEm, GetInt16(table, OS2_typoDescender_offset));
info->typoLineGap = XUnits(UPEm, GetInt16(table, OS2_typoLineGap_offset));
info->winAscent = XUnits(UPEm, GetUInt16(table, OS2_winAscent_offset));
info->winDescent = XUnits(UPEm, GetUInt16(table, OS2_winDescent_offset));
/* sanity check; some fonts treat winDescent as signed
* violating the standard */
if( info->winDescent > 5*UPEm )
info->winDescent = XUnits(UPEm, GetInt16(table, OS2_winDescent_offset));
memcpy(info->panose, table + OS2_panose_offset, OS2_panoseNbBytes_offset);
info->typeFlags = GetUInt16( table, OS2_fsType_offset );
table = ttf->table(O_post, table_size);
if (table_size >= 12 + sizeof(sal_uInt32))
info->pitch = GetUInt32(table, POST_isFixedPitch_offset);
info->italicAngle = GetInt32(table, POST_italicAngle_offset);
GetTTGlobalFontHeadInfo(ttf, info->xMin, info->yMin, info->xMax, info->yMax, info->macStyle);
table = ttf->table(O_hhea, table_size);
if (table_size >= 10 && UPEm != 0)
info->ascender = XUnits(UPEm, GetInt16(table, HHEA_ascender_offset));
info->descender = XUnits(UPEm, GetInt16(table, HHEA_descender_offset));
info->linegap = XUnits(UPEm, GetInt16(table, HHEA_lineGap_offset));
std::unique_ptr<GlyphData> GetTTRawGlyphData(AbstractTrueTypeFont *ttf, sal_uInt32 glyphID)
if (glyphID >= ttf->glyphCount())
return nullptr;
sal_uInt32 hmtxlength;
const sal_uInt8* hmtx = ttf->table(O_hmtx, hmtxlength);
if (!hmtxlength)
return nullptr;
sal_uInt32 glyflength;
const sal_uInt8* glyf = ttf->table(O_glyf, glyflength);
int n;
/* #127161# check the glyph offsets */
sal_uInt32 nNextOffset = ttf->glyphOffset(glyphID + 1);
if (nNextOffset > glyflength)
return nullptr;
sal_uInt32 nOffset = ttf->glyphOffset(glyphID);
if (nOffset > nNextOffset)
return nullptr;
sal_uInt32 length = nNextOffset - nOffset;
std::unique_ptr<GlyphData> d(new GlyphData);
if (length > 0) {
const sal_uInt8* srcptr = glyf + ttf->glyphOffset(glyphID);
const size_t nChunkLen = ((length + 1) & ~1);
d->ptr.reset(new sal_uInt8[nChunkLen]);
memcpy(d->ptr.get(), srcptr, length);
memset(d->ptr.get() + length, 0, nChunkLen - length);
d->compflag = (GetInt16( srcptr, 0 ) < 0);
} else {
d->ptr = nullptr;
d->compflag = false;
d->glyphID = glyphID;
d->nbytes = static_cast<sal_uInt16>((length + 1) & ~1);
/* now calculate npoints and ncontours */
std::vector<ControlPoint> cp;
n = GetTTGlyphPoints(ttf, glyphID, cp);
if (n > 0)
int m = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (cp[i].flags & 0x8000)
d->npoints = static_cast<sal_uInt16>(n);
d->ncontours = static_cast<sal_uInt16>(m);
} else {
d->npoints = 0;
d->ncontours = 0;
/* get advance width and left sidebearing */
sal_uInt32 nAwOffset;
sal_uInt32 nLsboffset;
if (glyphID < ttf->horzMetricCount()) {
nAwOffset = 4 * glyphID;
nLsboffset = 4 * glyphID + 2;
} else {
nAwOffset = 4 * (ttf->horzMetricCount() - 1);
nLsboffset = (ttf->horzMetricCount() * 4) + ((glyphID - ttf->horzMetricCount()) * 2);
if (nAwOffset + 2 <= hmtxlength)
d->aw = GetUInt16(hmtx, nAwOffset);
SAL_WARN("vcl.fonts", "hmtx offset " << nAwOffset << " not available");
d->aw = 0;
if (nLsboffset + 2 <= hmtxlength)
d->lsb = GetInt16(hmtx, nLsboffset);
SAL_WARN("vcl.fonts", "hmtx offset " << nLsboffset << " not available");
d->lsb = 0;
return d;
void GetTTNameRecords(AbstractTrueTypeFont const *ttf, std::vector<NameRecord>& nr)
sal_uInt32 nTableSize;
const sal_uInt8* table = ttf->table(O_name, nTableSize);
if (nTableSize < 6)
SAL_WARN("vcl.fonts", "O_name table too small.");
sal_uInt16 n = GetUInt16(table, 2);
sal_uInt32 nStrBase = GetUInt16(table, 4);
int i;
if (n == 0) return;
const sal_uInt32 remaining_table_size = nTableSize-6;
const sal_uInt32 nMinRecordSize = 12;
const sal_uInt32 nMaxRecords = remaining_table_size / nMinRecordSize;
if (n > nMaxRecords)
SAL_WARN("vcl.fonts", "Parsing error in " << OUString::createFromAscii(ttf->fileName()) <<
": " << nMaxRecords << " max possible entries, but " <<
n << " claimed, truncating");
n = nMaxRecords;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
sal_uInt32 nLargestFixedOffsetPos = 6 + 10 + 12 * i;
sal_uInt32 nMinSize = nLargestFixedOffsetPos + sizeof(sal_uInt16);
if (nMinSize > nTableSize)
SAL_WARN( "vcl.fonts", "Font " << OUString::createFromAscii(ttf->fileName()) << " claimed to have "
<< n << " name records, but only space for " << i);
nr[i].platformID = GetUInt16(table, 6 + 0 + 12 * i);
nr[i].encodingID = GetUInt16(table, 6 + 2 + 12 * i);
nr[i].languageID = LanguageType(GetUInt16(table, 6 + 4 + 12 * i));
nr[i].nameID = GetUInt16(table, 6 + 6 + 12 * i);
sal_uInt16 slen = GetUInt16(table, 6 + 8 + 12 * i);
sal_uInt32 nStrOffset = GetUInt16(table, nLargestFixedOffsetPos);
if (slen) {
if (nStrBase + nStrOffset + slen >= nTableSize)
const sal_uInt32 rec_string = nStrBase + nStrOffset;
const size_t available_space = rec_string > nTableSize ? 0 : (nTableSize - rec_string);
if (slen <= available_space)
memcpy(nr[i].sptr.data(), table + rec_string, slen);
// some fonts have 3.0 names => fix them to 3.1
if( (nr[i].platformID == 3) && (nr[i].encodingID == 0) )
nr[i].encodingID = 1;
template<size_t N> static void
append(std::bitset<N> & rSet, size_t const nOffset, sal_uInt32 const nValue)
for (size_t i = 0; i < 32; ++i)
rSet.set(nOffset + i, (nValue & (1U << i)) != 0);
bool getTTCoverage(
std::optional<std::bitset<UnicodeCoverage::MAX_UC_ENUM>> &rUnicodeRange,
std::optional<std::bitset<CodePageCoverage::MAX_CP_ENUM>> &rCodePageRange,
const unsigned char* pTable, size_t nLength)
bool bRet = false;
// parse OS/2 header
if (nLength >= OS2_Legacy_length)
rUnicodeRange = std::bitset<UnicodeCoverage::MAX_UC_ENUM>();
append(*rUnicodeRange, 0, GetUInt32(pTable, OS2_ulUnicodeRange1_offset));
append(*rUnicodeRange, 32, GetUInt32(pTable, OS2_ulUnicodeRange2_offset));
append(*rUnicodeRange, 64, GetUInt32(pTable, OS2_ulUnicodeRange3_offset));
append(*rUnicodeRange, 96, GetUInt32(pTable, OS2_ulUnicodeRange4_offset));
bRet = true;
if (nLength >= OS2_V1_length)
rCodePageRange = std::bitset<CodePageCoverage::MAX_CP_ENUM>();
append(*rCodePageRange, 0, GetUInt32(pTable, OS2_ulCodePageRange1_offset));
append(*rCodePageRange, 32, GetUInt32(pTable, OS2_ulCodePageRange2_offset));
return bRet;
} // namespace vcl
int TestFontSubset(const void* data, sal_uInt32 size)
int nResult = -1;
vcl::TrueTypeFont* pTTF = nullptr;
if (OpenTTFontBuffer(data, size, 0, &pTTF) == vcl::SFErrCodes::Ok)
vcl::TTGlobalFontInfo aInfo;
GetTTGlobalFontInfo(pTTF, &aInfo);
sal_uInt16 aGlyphIds[ 256 ] = {};
sal_uInt8 aEncoding[ 256 ] = {};
for (sal_uInt16 c = 32; c < 256; ++c)
aEncoding[c] = c;
aGlyphIds[c] = c - 31;
std::vector<sal_uInt8> aBuffer;
CreateTTFromTTGlyphs(pTTF, aBuffer, aGlyphIds, aEncoding, 256);
// cleanup
CloseTTFont( pTTF );
// success
nResult = 0;
return nResult;
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
↑ V575 The null pointer is passed into 'move' function. Inspect the first argument.
↑ V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: np.
↑ V668 There is no sense in testing the '* ttf' pointer against null, as the memory was allocated using the 'new' operator. The exception will be generated in the case of memory allocation error.