/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <strings.hrc>
#include "svgwriter.hxx"
#include "svgfontexport.hxx"
#include "svgfilter.hxx"
#include <svgscript.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/awt/Rectangle.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/animations/XAnimationNodeSupplier.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/container/XEnumerationAccess.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/drawing/FillStyle.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/drawing/XMasterPageTarget.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/drawing/GraphicExportFilter.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/presentation/XPresentationSupplier.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/style/ParagraphAdjust.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/text/textfield/Type.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/util/MeasureUnit.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/xml/sax/Writer.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/beans/XPropertySet.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/drawing/ShapeCollection.hpp>
#include <rtl/bootstrap.hxx>
#include <svx/unopage.hxx>
#include <svx/svdpage.hxx>
#include <svx/svdoutl.hxx>
#include <editeng/outliner.hxx>
#include <editeng/flditem.hxx>
#include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx>
#include <comphelper/propertyvalue.hxx>
#include <comphelper/scopeguard.hxx>
#include <comphelper/sequenceashashmap.hxx>
#include <i18nlangtag/lang.h>
#include <svl/numformat.hxx>
#include <tools/debug.hxx>
#include <tools/urlobj.hxx>
#include <unotools/streamwrap.hxx>
#include <unotools/tempfile.hxx>
#include <unotools/ucbstreamhelper.hxx>
#include <vcl/filter/SvmReader.hxx>
#include <xmloff/unointerfacetouniqueidentifiermapper.hxx>
#include <xmloff/namespacemap.hxx>
#include <xmloff/xmlnamespace.hxx>
#include <xmloff/xmltoken.hxx>
#include <xmloff/animationexport.hxx>
#include <svx/svdograf.hxx>
#include <svx/svdmodel.hxx>
#include <svx/svdxcgv.hxx>
#include <sal/log.hxx>
#include <comphelper/diagnose_ex.hxx>
#include <tools/zcodec.hxx>
#include <rtl/crc.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string_view>
using namespace css::animations;
using namespace css::presentation;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::graphic;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::style;
using namespace ::com::sun::star;
using namespace ::xmloff::token;
// - ooo elements and attributes -
#define NSPREFIX u"ooo:"
constexpr OUStringLiteral SVG_PROP_TINYPROFILE = u"TinyMode";
constexpr OUStringLiteral SVG_PROP_DTDSTRING = u"DTDString";
constexpr OUStringLiteral SVG_PROP_EMBEDFONTS = u"EmbedFonts";
constexpr OUStringLiteral SVG_PROP_NATIVEDECORATION = u"UseNativeTextDecoration";
constexpr OUStringLiteral SVG_PROP_OPACITY = u"Opacity";
constexpr OUStringLiteral SVG_PROP_POSITIONED_CHARACTERS = u"UsePositionedCharacters";
// ooo xml elements
constexpr OUString aOOOElemTextField = NSPREFIX "text_field"_ustr;
// ooo xml attributes for meta_slide
constexpr OUString aOOOAttrSlide = NSPREFIX "slide"_ustr;
constexpr OUString aOOOAttrMaster = NSPREFIX "master"_ustr;
constexpr OUStringLiteral aOOOAttrHasCustomBackground = NSPREFIX "has-custom-background";
constexpr OUStringLiteral aOOOAttrDisplayName = NSPREFIX "display-name";
constexpr OUString aOOOAttrBackgroundVisibility = NSPREFIX "background-visibility"_ustr;
constexpr OUString aOOOAttrMasterObjectsVisibility = NSPREFIX "master-objects-visibility"_ustr;
constexpr OUStringLiteral aOOOAttrSlideDuration = NSPREFIX "slide-duration";
constexpr OUString aOOOAttrDateTimeField = NSPREFIX "date-time-field"_ustr;
constexpr OUString aOOOAttrFooterField = NSPREFIX "footer-field"_ustr;
constexpr OUString aOOOAttrHasTransition = NSPREFIX "has-transition"_ustr;
// ooo xml attributes for pages and shapes
constexpr OUString aOOOAttrName = NSPREFIX "name"_ustr;
constexpr OUString constSvgNamespace = u"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"_ustr;
/** Text Field Class Hierarchy
    This is a set of classes for exporting text field meta info.
namespace {
class TextField
    SVGFilter::ObjectSet mMasterPageSet;
    TextField() = default;
    TextField(TextField const &) = default;
    TextField(TextField &&) = default;
    TextField & operator =(TextField const &) = default;
    TextField & operator =(TextField &&) = default;
    virtual OUString getClassName() const
        return u"TextField"_ustr;
    virtual bool equalTo( const TextField & aTextField ) const = 0;
    virtual void growCharSet( SVGFilter::UCharSetMapMap & aTextFieldCharSets ) const = 0;
    virtual void elementExport( SVGExport* pSVGExport ) const
        pSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"class"_ustr, getClassName() );
    void insertMasterPage( const Reference< css::drawing::XDrawPage>& xMasterPage )
        mMasterPageSet.insert( xMasterPage );
    virtual ~TextField() {}
    void implGrowCharSet( SVGFilter::UCharSetMapMap & aTextFieldCharSets, const OUString& sText, const OUString& sTextFieldId ) const
        const sal_Unicode * ustr = sText.getStr();
        sal_Int32 nLength = sText.getLength();
        for (auto const& masterPage : mMasterPageSet)
            const Reference< XInterface > & xMasterPage = masterPage;
            for( sal_Int32 i = 0; i < nLength; ++i )
                aTextFieldCharSets[ xMasterPage ][ sTextFieldId ].insert( ustr[i] );
class FixedTextField : public TextField
    OUString text;
    virtual OUString getClassName() const override
        return u"FixedTextField"_ustr;
    virtual bool equalTo( const TextField & aTextField ) const override
        if( const FixedTextField* aFixedTextField = dynamic_cast< const FixedTextField* >( &aTextField ) )
            return ( text == aFixedTextField->text );
        return false;
    virtual void elementExport( SVGExport* pSVGExport ) const override
        TextField::elementExport( pSVGExport );
        SvXMLElementExport aExp( *pSVGExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"g"_ustr, true, true );
        pSVGExport->GetDocHandler()->characters( text );
class FixedDateTimeField : public FixedTextField
    FixedDateTimeField() {}
    virtual OUString getClassName() const override
        return u"FixedDateTimeField"_ustr;
    virtual void growCharSet( SVGFilter::UCharSetMapMap & aTextFieldCharSets ) const override
        implGrowCharSet( aTextFieldCharSets, text, aOOOAttrDateTimeField );
class FooterField : public FixedTextField
    FooterField() {}
    virtual OUString getClassName() const override
        return u"FooterField"_ustr;
    virtual void growCharSet( SVGFilter::UCharSetMapMap & aTextFieldCharSets ) const override
        static constexpr OUString sFieldId = aOOOAttrFooterField;
        implGrowCharSet( aTextFieldCharSets, text, sFieldId );
class VariableTextField : public TextField
    virtual OUString getClassName() const override
        return u"VariableTextField"_ustr;
class VariableDateTimeField : public VariableTextField
    sal_Int32 format;
        : format(0)
    virtual OUString getClassName() const override
        return u"VariableDateTimeField"_ustr;
    virtual bool equalTo( const TextField & aTextField ) const override
        if( const VariableDateTimeField* aField = dynamic_cast< const VariableDateTimeField* >( &aTextField ) )
            return ( format == aField->format );
        return false;
    virtual void elementExport( SVGExport* pSVGExport ) const override
        VariableTextField::elementExport( pSVGExport );
        OUString sDateFormat, sTimeFormat;
        SvxDateFormat eDateFormat = static_cast<SvxDateFormat>( format & 0x0f );
        if( eDateFormat != SvxDateFormat::AppDefault )
            switch( eDateFormat )
                case SvxDateFormat::StdSmall:
                case SvxDateFormat::A:       // 13.02.96
                case SvxDateFormat::C:       // 13.Feb 1996
                case SvxDateFormat::D:       // 13.February 1996
                case SvxDateFormat::E:       // Tue, 13.February 1996
                case SvxDateFormat::StdBig:
                case SvxDateFormat::F:       // Tuesday, 13.February 1996
                // default case
                case SvxDateFormat::B:      // 13.02.1996
        SvxTimeFormat eTimeFormat = static_cast<SvxTimeFormat>( ( format >> 4 ) & 0x0f );
        if( eTimeFormat != SvxTimeFormat::AppDefault )
            switch( eTimeFormat )
                case SvxTimeFormat::HH24_MM_SS:      // 13:49:38
                case SvxTimeFormat::HH12_MM_AMPM:      // 01:49 PM
                case SvxTimeFormat::HH12_MM:
                case SvxTimeFormat::HH12_MM_SS_AMPM:     // 01:49:38 PM
                case SvxTimeFormat::HH12_MM_SS:
                // default case
                case SvxTimeFormat::HH24_MM:     // 13:49
        OUString sDateTimeFormat = sDateFormat + " " + sTimeFormat;
        pSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, NSPREFIX "date-time-format"_ustr, sDateTimeFormat );
        SvXMLElementExport aExp( *pSVGExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"g"_ustr, true, true );
    virtual void growCharSet( SVGFilter::UCharSetMapMap & aTextFieldCharSets ) const override
        // we use the unicode char set in an improper way: we put in the date/time format
        // in order to pass it to the CalcFieldValue method
        static const OUString sFieldId = aOOOAttrDateTimeField + "-variable";
        for (auto const& masterPage : mMasterPageSet)
            aTextFieldCharSets[ masterPage ][ sFieldId ].insert( static_cast<sal_Unicode>( format ) );
bool operator==( const TextField & aLhsTextField, const TextField & aRhsTextField )
    return aLhsTextField.equalTo( aRhsTextField );
    const css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XComponentContext >& rContext,
    const Reference< XDocumentHandler >& rxHandler,
    const Sequence< PropertyValue >& rFilterData )
    : SvXMLExport( rContext, u""_ustr,
                   SvXMLExportFlags::META|SvXMLExportFlags::PRETTY )
    SetDocHandler( rxHandler );
    // initializing filter settings from filter data
    comphelper::SequenceAsHashMap aFilterDataHashMap = rFilterData;
    // TinyProfile
    mbIsUseTinyProfile = aFilterDataHashMap.getUnpackedValueOrDefault(SVG_PROP_TINYPROFILE, false);
    // DTD string
    mbIsUseDTDString = aFilterDataHashMap.getUnpackedValueOrDefault(SVG_PROP_DTDSTRING, true);
    // Font Embedding
    comphelper::SequenceAsHashMap::const_iterator iter = aFilterDataHashMap.find(SVG_PROP_EMBEDFONTS);
        OUString v;
        mbIsEmbedFonts = !rtl::Bootstrap::get(u"SVG_DISABLE_FONT_EMBEDDING"_ustr, v);
        if(!(iter->second >>= mbIsEmbedFonts))
            mbIsEmbedFonts = false;
    // Native Decoration
    mbIsUseNativeTextDecoration = !mbIsUseTinyProfile && aFilterDataHashMap.getUnpackedValueOrDefault(SVG_PROP_NATIVEDECORATION, true);
    // Tiny Opacity (supported from SVG Tiny 1.2)
    mbIsUseOpacity = aFilterDataHashMap.getUnpackedValueOrDefault(SVG_PROP_OPACITY, true);
    // Positioned Characters    (The old method)
    mbIsUsePositionedCharacters = aFilterDataHashMap.getUnpackedValueOrDefault(SVG_PROP_POSITIONED_CHARACTERS, false);
    // add namespaces
ObjectRepresentation::ObjectRepresentation( const Reference< XInterface >& rxObject,
                                            const GDIMetaFile& rMtf ) :
    mxObject( rxObject ),
    mxMtf( new GDIMetaFile( rMtf ) )
ObjectRepresentation::ObjectRepresentation( const ObjectRepresentation& rPresentation ) :
    mxObject( rPresentation.mxObject ),
    mxMtf( rPresentation.mxMtf ? new GDIMetaFile( *rPresentation.mxMtf ) : nullptr )
ObjectRepresentation& ObjectRepresentation::operator=( const ObjectRepresentation& rPresentation )
    // Check for self-assignment
    if (this == &rPresentation)
        return *this;
    mxObject = rPresentation.mxObject;
    mxMtf.reset(rPresentation.mxMtf ? new GDIMetaFile(*rPresentation.mxMtf) : nullptr);
    return *this;
BitmapChecksum GetBitmapChecksum( const MetaAction* pAction )
    if( !pAction )
        OSL_FAIL( "GetBitmapChecksum: passed MetaAction pointer is null." );
        return 0;
    BitmapChecksum nChecksum = 0;
    const MetaActionType nType = pAction->GetType();
    switch( nType )
        case MetaActionType::BMPSCALE:
            const MetaBmpScaleAction* pA = static_cast<const MetaBmpScaleAction*>(pAction);
            // The conversion to BitmapEx is needed since a Bitmap object is
            // converted to BitmapEx before passing it to SVGActionWriter::ImplWriteBmp
            // where the checksum is checked for matching.
            nChecksum = BitmapEx( pA->GetBitmap() ).GetChecksum();
        case MetaActionType::BMPEXSCALE:
            const MetaBmpExScaleAction* pA = static_cast<const MetaBmpExScaleAction*>(pAction);
            nChecksum = pA->GetBitmapEx().GetChecksum();
        default: break;
    return nChecksum;
MetaAction* CreateMetaBitmapAction( const MetaAction* pAction, const Point& rPt, const Size& rSz )
    if( !pAction )
        OSL_FAIL( "CreateMetaBitmapAction: passed MetaAction pointer is null." );
        return nullptr;
    MetaAction* pResAction = nullptr;
    const MetaActionType nType = pAction->GetType();
    switch( nType )
        case MetaActionType::BMPSCALE:
            const MetaBmpScaleAction* pA = static_cast<const MetaBmpScaleAction*>(pAction);
            pResAction = new MetaBmpScaleAction( rPt, rSz, pA->GetBitmap() );
        case MetaActionType::BMPEXSCALE:
            const MetaBmpExScaleAction* pA = static_cast<const MetaBmpExScaleAction*>(pAction);
            pResAction = new MetaBmpExScaleAction( rPt, rSz, pA->GetBitmapEx() );
        default: break;
    return pResAction;
void MetaBitmapActionGetPoint( const MetaAction* pAction, Point& rPt )
    if( !pAction )
        OSL_FAIL( "MetaBitmapActionGetPoint: passed MetaAction pointer is null." );
    const MetaActionType nType = pAction->GetType();
    switch( nType )
        case MetaActionType::BMPSCALE:
            const MetaBmpScaleAction* pA = static_cast<const MetaBmpScaleAction*>(pAction);
            rPt = pA->GetPoint();
        case MetaActionType::BMPEXSCALE:
            const MetaBmpExScaleAction* pA = static_cast<const MetaBmpExScaleAction*>(pAction);
            rPt = pA->GetPoint();
        default: break;
void MetaBitmapActionGetSize( const MetaAction* pAction, Size& rSz )
    if( !pAction )
        OSL_FAIL( "MetaBitmapActionGetSize: passed MetaAction pointer is null." );
    const MetaActionType nType = pAction->GetType();
    switch( nType )
        case MetaActionType::BMPSCALE:
            const MetaBmpScaleAction* pA = static_cast<const MetaBmpScaleAction*>(pAction);
            rSz = pA->GetSize();
        case MetaActionType::BMPEXSCALE:
            const MetaBmpExScaleAction* pA = static_cast<const MetaBmpExScaleAction*>(pAction);
            rSz = pA->GetSize();
        default: break;
void MetaBitmapActionGetOrigSize( const MetaAction* pAction, Size& rSz )
    if( !pAction )
        OSL_FAIL( "MetaBitmapActionGetOrigSize: passed MetaAction pointer is null." );
    const MetaActionType nType = pAction->GetType();
    MapMode aSourceMode( MapUnit::MapPixel );
    MapMode aTargetMode( MapUnit::Map100thMM );
    switch( nType )
        case MetaActionType::BMPSCALE:
            const MetaBmpScaleAction* pA = static_cast<const MetaBmpScaleAction*>(pAction);
            const Bitmap& rBitmap = pA->GetBitmap();
            rSz = rBitmap.GetSizePixel();
        case MetaActionType::BMPEXSCALE:
            const MetaBmpExScaleAction* pA = static_cast<const MetaBmpExScaleAction*>(pAction);
            const BitmapEx& rBitmap = pA->GetBitmapEx();
            rSz = rBitmap.GetSizePixel();
        default: break;
    rSz = OutputDevice::LogicToLogic( rSz, aSourceMode, aTargetMode );
OUString getPatternIdForTiledBackground( std::u16string_view sSlideId, BitmapChecksum nChecksum )
    return OUString::Concat("bg-pattern.") + sSlideId + "." + OUString::number( nChecksum );
OUString getIdForTiledBackground( std::u16string_view sSlideId, BitmapChecksum nChecksum )
    return OUString::Concat("bg-") + sSlideId + "." + OUString::number( nChecksum );
} // end anonymous namespace
size_t HashBitmap::operator()( const ObjectRepresentation& rObjRep ) const
    const GDIMetaFile& aMtf = rObjRep.GetRepresentation();
    if( aMtf.GetActionSize() == 1 )
        return static_cast< size_t >( GetBitmapChecksum( aMtf.GetAction( 0 ) ) );
        OSL_FAIL( "HashBitmap: metafile should have a single action." );
        return 0;
bool EqualityBitmap::operator()( const ObjectRepresentation& rObjRep1,
                                     const ObjectRepresentation& rObjRep2 ) const
    const GDIMetaFile& aMtf1 = rObjRep1.GetRepresentation();
    const GDIMetaFile& aMtf2 = rObjRep2.GetRepresentation();
    if( aMtf1.GetActionSize() == 1 && aMtf2.GetActionSize() == 1 )
        BitmapChecksum nChecksum1 = GetBitmapChecksum( aMtf1.GetAction( 0 ) );
        BitmapChecksum nChecksum2 = GetBitmapChecksum( aMtf2.GetAction( 0 ) );
        return ( nChecksum1 == nChecksum2 );
        OSL_FAIL( "EqualityBitmap: metafile should have a single action." );
        return false;
bool SVGFilter::implExport( const Sequence< PropertyValue >& rDescriptor )
    Reference< XOutputStream >            xOStm;
    std::unique_ptr<SvStream>             pOStm;
    sal_Int32                             nLength = rDescriptor.getLength();
    const PropertyValue*                  pValue = rDescriptor.getConstArray();
    maFilterData.realloc( 0 );
    for ( sal_Int32 i = 0 ; i < nLength; ++i)
        if ( pValue[ i ].Name == "OutputStream" )
            pValue[ i ].Value >>= xOStm;
        else if ( pValue[ i ].Name == "FileName" )
            OUString aFileName;
            pValue[ i ].Value >>= aFileName;
            pOStm = ::utl::UcbStreamHelper::CreateStream( aFileName, StreamMode::WRITE | StreamMode::TRUNC );
            if( pOStm )
                xOStm.set( new ::utl::OOutputStreamWrapper ( *pOStm ) );
        else if ( pValue[ i ].Name == "FilterData" )
            pValue[ i ].Value >>= maFilterData;
        else if (pValue[i].Name == "StatusIndicator")
            pValue[i].Value >>= mxStatusIndicator;
    if(mbWriterFilter || mbCalcFilter)
       return implExportWriterOrCalc(xOStm);
    return implExportImpressOrDraw(xOStm);
bool SVGFilter::implExportImpressOrDraw( const Reference< XOutputStream >& rxOStm)
    const Reference< XComponentContext >&        xContext( ::comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() ) ;
    bool                                  bRet = false;
    // Instead of writing to rxOStm directly, we write here in case we need
    // to compress the output later
    SvMemoryStream                        aTempStm;
    if( rxOStm.is() )
        if (!mSelectedPages.empty())
            ::rtl::Reference< ::utl::OStreamWrapper > aTempStmWrapper = new ::utl::OStreamWrapper( aTempStm );
            Reference< XDocumentHandler > xDocHandler = implCreateExportDocumentHandler( aTempStmWrapper );
            if( xDocHandler.is() )
                mbPresentation = Reference< XPresentationSupplier >( mxSrcDoc, UNO_QUERY ).is();
                mpObjects = new ObjectMap;
                // mpSVGExport = new SVGExport( xDocHandler );
                mpSVGExport = new SVGExport( xContext, xDocHandler, maFilterData );
                // create an id for each draw page
                for( const auto& rPage : mSelectedPages )
                    implRegisterInterface( rPage );
                // create an id for each master page
                for(const uno::Reference<drawing::XDrawPage> & mMasterPageTarget : mMasterPageTargets)
                    implRegisterInterface( mMasterPageTarget );
                SdrModel* pSdrModel(nullptr);
                    mxDefaultPage = mSelectedPages[0];
                    if( mxDefaultPage.is() )
                        SvxDrawPage* pSvxDrawPage = comphelper::getFromUnoTunnel<SvxDrawPage>( mxDefaultPage );
                        if( pSvxDrawPage )
                            mpDefaultSdrPage = pSvxDrawPage->GetSdrPage();
                            pSdrModel = &mpDefaultSdrPage->getSdrModelFromSdrPage();
                            SdrOutliner& rOutl = pSdrModel->GetDrawOutliner();
                            maOldFieldHdl = rOutl.GetCalcFieldValueHdl();
                            maNewFieldHdl = LINK(this, SVGFilter, CalcFieldHdl);
                        bRet = implExportDocument();
                catch( ... )
                    delete mpSVGDoc;
                    mpSVGDoc = nullptr;
                    SAL_WARN("filter.svg", "Exception caught");
                if( nullptr != pSdrModel )
                    // fdo#62682 The maNewFieldHdl can end up getting copied
                    // into various other outliners which live past this
                    // method, so get the full list of outliners and restore
                    // the maOldFieldHdl for all that have ended up using
                    // maNewFieldHdl
                    std::vector<SdrOutliner*> aOutliners(pSdrModel->GetActiveOutliners());
                    for (auto const& outliner : aOutliners)
                        if (maNewFieldHdl == outliner->GetCalcFieldValueHdl())
                delete mpSVGWriter;
                mpSVGWriter = nullptr;
                mpSVGExport = nullptr; // pointed object is released by xSVGExport dtor at the end of this scope
                delete mpSVGFontExport;
                mpSVGFontExport = nullptr;
                delete mpObjects;
                mpObjects = nullptr;
                mbPresentation = false;
    if ( bRet )
        const sal_Int8* aDataPtr = static_cast< const sal_Int8* >( aTempStm.GetData() );
        sal_uInt32 aDataSize = aTempStm.GetSize();
        SvMemoryStream aCompressedStm;
        if ( mbShouldCompress )
            sal_uInt32 nUncompressedCRC32
                = rtl_crc32( 0, aTempStm.GetData(), aTempStm.GetSize() );
            ZCodec aCodec;
            aTempStm.Seek( 0 );
            aCodec.BeginCompression( ZCODEC_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, /*gzLib*/true );
            // the inner modify time/filename doesn't really matter in this context because
            // compressed graphic formats are meant to be opened as is - not to be extracted
            aCodec.SetCompressionMetadata( "inner"_ostr, 0, nUncompressedCRC32 );
            aCodec.Compress( aTempStm, aCompressedStm );
            sal_uInt32 nTotalIn = static_cast< sal_uInt32 >( aCodec.EndCompression() );
            if ( aCompressedStm.GetError() || nTotalIn != aDataSize )
                bRet = false;
                return bRet;
                aDataPtr = static_cast< const sal_Int8* >( aCompressedStm.GetData() );
                aDataSize = aCompressedStm.GetSize();
        Sequence< sal_Int8 > aTempSeq( aDataPtr, aDataSize );
        rxOStm->writeBytes( aTempSeq );
    return bRet;
bool SVGFilter::implExportWriterOrCalc( const Reference< XOutputStream >& rxOStm )
    const Reference< XComponentContext >&        xContext( ::comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() ) ;
    bool                                  bRet = false;
    if( rxOStm.is() )
        Reference< XDocumentHandler > xDocHandler = implCreateExportDocumentHandler( rxOStm );
        if( xDocHandler.is() )
            mpObjects = new ObjectMap;
            // mpSVGExport = new SVGExport( xDocHandler );
            mpSVGExport = new SVGExport( xContext, xDocHandler, maFilterData );
                mxDefaultPage = mSelectedPages[0];
                bRet = implExportDocument();
            catch( ... )
                TOOLS_WARN_EXCEPTION( "filter.svg", "" );
                delete mpSVGDoc;
                mpSVGDoc = nullptr;
            delete mpSVGWriter;
            mpSVGWriter = nullptr;
            mpSVGExport = nullptr; // pointed object is released by xSVGExport dtor at the end of this scope
            delete mpSVGFontExport;
            mpSVGFontExport = nullptr;
            delete mpObjects;
            mpObjects = nullptr;
    return bRet;
bool SVGFilter::implExportWriterTextGraphic( const Reference< view::XSelectionSupplier >& xSelectionSupplier )
    Any selection = xSelectionSupplier->getSelection();
    uno::Reference<lang::XServiceInfo> xSelection;
    selection >>= xSelection;
    if (!xSelection || !xSelection->supportsService(u"com.sun.star.text.TextGraphicObject"_ustr))
        return true;
    uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySet> xPropertySet(xSelection, uno::UNO_QUERY);
    uno::Reference<graphic::XGraphic> xOriginalGraphic;
    xPropertySet->getPropertyValue(u"Graphic"_ustr) >>= xOriginalGraphic;
    const Graphic aOriginalGraphic(xOriginalGraphic);
    uno::Reference<graphic::XGraphic> xTransformedGraphic;
        mbIsPreview ? u"GraphicPreview"_ustr : u"TransformedGraphic"_ustr)
            >>= xTransformedGraphic;
    if (!xTransformedGraphic.is())
        return false;
    const Graphic aTransformedGraphic(xTransformedGraphic);
    bool bSameGraphic = aTransformedGraphic == aOriginalGraphic ||
        aOriginalGraphic.GetChecksum() == aTransformedGraphic.GetChecksum();
    const Graphic aGraphic = bSameGraphic ? aOriginalGraphic : aTransformedGraphic;
    uno::Reference<graphic::XGraphic> xGraphic = bSameGraphic ? xOriginalGraphic : xTransformedGraphic;
    // Calculate size from Graphic
    Point aPos( OutputDevice::LogicToLogic(aGraphic.GetPrefMapMode().GetOrigin(), aGraphic.GetPrefMapMode(), MapMode(MapUnit::Map100thMM)) );
    Size  aSize( OutputDevice::LogicToLogic(aGraphic.GetPrefSize(), aGraphic.GetPrefMapMode(), MapMode(MapUnit::Map100thMM)) );
    assert(mSelectedPages.size() == 1);
    SvxDrawPage* pSvxDrawPage(comphelper::getFromUnoTunnel<SvxDrawPage>(mSelectedPages[0]));
    if(pSvxDrawPage == nullptr || pSvxDrawPage->GetSdrPage() == nullptr)
        return false;
    SdrModel& rModel = pSvxDrawPage->GetSdrPage()->getSdrModelFromSdrPage();
    const bool bUndoEnable = rModel.IsUndoEnabled();
    if (bUndoEnable)
    comphelper::ScopeGuard guard([bUndoEnable, &rModel]() {
        // restore when leaving
        if (bUndoEnable)
    rtl::Reference<SdrGrafObj> pGraphicObj = new SdrGrafObj(rModel, aGraphic, tools::Rectangle( aPos, aSize ));
    uno::Reference< drawing::XShape > xShape = GetXShapeForSdrObject(pGraphicObj.get());
    uno::Reference< XPropertySet > xShapePropSet(xShape, uno::UNO_QUERY);
    xShapePropSet->setPropertyValue(u"Graphic"_ustr, uno::Any(xGraphic));
    maShapeSelection = drawing::ShapeCollection::create(comphelper::getProcessComponentContext());
    return true;
Reference< XWriter > SVGFilter::implCreateExportDocumentHandler( const Reference< XOutputStream >& rxOStm )
    Reference< XWriter >       xSaxWriter;
    if( rxOStm.is() )
        xSaxWriter = Writer::create( ::comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() );
        xSaxWriter->setOutputStream( rxOStm );
    return xSaxWriter;
bool SVGFilter::implLookForFirstVisiblePage()
    sal_Int32 nCurPage = 0, nLastPage = mSelectedPages.size() - 1;
    if(!mbPresentation || mbSinglePage)
        mnVisiblePage = nCurPage;
    while( ( nCurPage <= nLastPage ) && ( -1 == mnVisiblePage ) )
        const Reference< css::drawing::XDrawPage > & xDrawPage = mSelectedPages[nCurPage];
        if( xDrawPage.is() )
            Reference< XPropertySet > xPropSet( xDrawPage, UNO_QUERY );
            if( xPropSet.is() )
                bool bVisible = false;
                if( ( xPropSet->getPropertyValue( u"Visible"_ustr ) >>= bVisible ) && bVisible )
                    mnVisiblePage = nCurPage;
    return ( mnVisiblePage != -1 );
bool SVGFilter::implExportDocument()
    sal_Int32        nDocX = 0, nDocY = 0; // #i124608#
    sal_Int32        nDocWidth = 0, nDocHeight = 0;
    bool             bRet = false;
    sal_Int32        nLastPage = mSelectedPages.size() - 1;
    mbSinglePage = (nLastPage == 0);
    mnVisiblePage = -1;
    const Reference< XPropertySet >             xDefaultPagePropertySet( mxDefaultPage, UNO_QUERY );
    // #i124608#
    mbExportShapeSelection = mbSinglePage && maShapeSelection.is() && maShapeSelection->getCount();
    if (xDefaultPagePropertySet.is())
        sal_Int32 nWidth = 0;
        sal_Int32 nHeight = 0;
        if (xDefaultPagePropertySet->getPropertyValue(u"Width"_ustr) >>= nWidth)
            nDocWidth = nWidth;
        if (xDefaultPagePropertySet->getPropertyValue(u"Height"_ustr) >>= nHeight)
            nDocHeight = nHeight;
        // #i124608# create BoundRange and set nDocX, nDocY, nDocWidth and nDocHeight
        basegfx::B2DRange aShapeRange;
        for(sal_Int32 a(0); a < maShapeSelection->getCount(); a++)
            Reference< css::drawing::XShape > xShapeCandidate;
            if((maShapeSelection->getByIndex(a) >>= xShapeCandidate) && xShapeCandidate.is())
                Reference< XPropertySet > xShapePropSet( xShapeCandidate, UNO_QUERY );
                css::awt::Rectangle aBoundRect;
                if( xShapePropSet.is() && ( xShapePropSet->getPropertyValue( u"BoundRect"_ustr ) >>= aBoundRect ))
                    aShapeRange.expand(basegfx::B2DTuple(aBoundRect.X, aBoundRect.Y));
                    aShapeRange.expand(basegfx::B2DTuple(aBoundRect.X + aBoundRect.Width,
                                                         aBoundRect.Y + aBoundRect.Height));
            nDocX = basegfx::fround(aShapeRange.getMinX());
            nDocY = basegfx::fround(aShapeRange.getMinY());
            nDocWidth  = basegfx::fround(aShapeRange.getWidth());
            nDocHeight = basegfx::fround(aShapeRange.getHeight());
    if(mbWriterFilter || mbCalcFilter)
        implExportDocumentHeaderWriterOrCalc(nDocX, nDocY, nDocWidth, nDocHeight);
        implExportDocumentHeaderImpressOrDraw(nDocX, nDocY, nDocWidth, nDocHeight);
    if( implLookForFirstVisiblePage() )  // OK! We found at least one visible page.
        if( mbPresentation && !mbExportShapeSelection )
            implGetPagePropSet( mSelectedPages[0] );
        // Create the (Shape, GDIMetaFile) map
        if( implCreateObjects() )
            ::std::vector< ObjectRepresentation >    aObjects( mpObjects->size() );
            sal_uInt32                               nPos = 0;
            for (auto const& elem : *mpObjects)
                aObjects[ nPos++ ] = elem.second;
            mpSVGFontExport = new SVGFontExport( *mpSVGExport, std::move(aObjects) );
            mpSVGWriter = new SVGActionWriter( *mpSVGExport, *mpSVGFontExport );
            if( mpSVGExport->IsEmbedFonts() )
            if( !mpSVGExport->IsUsePositionedCharacters() )
                mpSVGWriter->SetEmbeddedBitmapRefs( &maBitmapActionMap );
            if( mbIsPreview )
            // #i124608# export a given object selection, so no MasterPage export at all
            if (!mbExportShapeSelection && !mMasterPageTargets.empty())
                implExportMasterPages( mMasterPageTargets, 0, mMasterPageTargets.size() - 1 );
            implExportDrawPages( mSelectedPages, 0, nLastPage );
            if( mbPresentation && !mbExportShapeSelection )
            delete mpSVGDoc;
            mpSVGDoc = nullptr;
            bRet = true;
    return bRet;
void SVGFilter::implExportDocumentHeaderImpressOrDraw(sal_Int32 nDocX, sal_Int32 nDocY,
                                                    sal_Int32 nDocWidth, sal_Int32 nDocHeight)
    const Reference< XExtendedDocumentHandler > xExtDocHandler( mpSVGExport->GetDocHandler(), UNO_QUERY );
    if( xExtDocHandler.is() && !mpSVGExport->IsUseTinyProfile() )
        xExtDocHandler->unknown( SVG_DTD_STRING );
    mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"version"_ustr, u"1.2"_ustr );
    if( mpSVGExport->IsUseTinyProfile() )
         mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"baseProfile"_ustr, u"tiny"_ustr );
    // The following if block means that the slide size is not adapted
    // to the size of the browser window, moreover the slide is top left aligned
    // instead of centered:
    OUString aAttr;
    if( !mbPresentation )
        aAttr = OUString::number( nDocWidth * 0.01 ) + "mm";
        mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"width"_ustr, aAttr );
        aAttr = OUString::number( nDocHeight * 0.01 ) + "mm";
        mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"height"_ustr, aAttr );
    // #i124608# set viewBox explicitly to the exported content
    if (mbExportShapeSelection)
        aAttr = OUString::number(nDocX) + " " + OUString::number(nDocY) + " ";
        aAttr = "0 0 ";
    aAttr += OUString::number(nDocWidth) + " " + OUString::number(nDocHeight);
    mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"viewBox"_ustr, aAttr );
    mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"preserveAspectRatio"_ustr, u"xMidYMid"_ustr );
    mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"fill-rule"_ustr, u"evenodd"_ustr );
    // standard line width is based on 1 pixel on a 90 DPI device (0.28222mmm)
    mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"stroke-width"_ustr, OUString::number( 28.222 ) );
    mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"stroke-linejoin"_ustr, u"round"_ustr );
    mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"xmlns"_ustr, constSvgNamespace );
    mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"xmlns:ooo"_ustr, u"http://xml.openoffice.org/svg/export"_ustr );
    mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"xmlns:xlink"_ustr, u"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"_ustr );
    mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"xmlns:presentation"_ustr, u"http://sun.com/xmlns/staroffice/presentation"_ustr );
    mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"xmlns:smil"_ustr, u"http://www.w3.org/2001/SMIL20/"_ustr );
    mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"xmlns:anim"_ustr, u"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:animation:1.0"_ustr );
    mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"xmlns:svg"_ustr, u"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:svg-compatible:1.0"_ustr );
    mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"xml:space"_ustr, u"preserve"_ustr );
    mpSVGDoc = new SvXMLElementExport( *mpSVGExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"svg"_ustr, true, true );
    // Create a ClipPath element that will be used for cutting bitmaps and other elements that could exceed the page margins.
    mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"class"_ustr, u"ClipPathGroup"_ustr );
    SvXMLElementExport aDefsElem( *mpSVGExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"defs"_ustr, true, true );
        msClipPathId = "presentation_clip_path";
        mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"id"_ustr, msClipPathId );
        mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"clipPathUnits"_ustr, u"userSpaceOnUse"_ustr );
        SvXMLElementExport aClipPathElem( *mpSVGExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"clipPath"_ustr, true, true );
            mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"x"_ustr, OUString::number( nDocX ) );
            mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"y"_ustr, OUString::number( nDocY ) );
            mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"width"_ustr, OUString::number( nDocWidth ) );
            mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"height"_ustr, OUString::number( nDocHeight ) );
            SvXMLElementExport aRectElem( *mpSVGExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"rect"_ustr, true, true );
    // Create a ClipPath element applied to the leaving slide in order
    // to avoid that slide borders are visible during transition
        mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"id"_ustr, u"presentation_clip_path_shrink"_ustr );
        mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"clipPathUnits"_ustr, u"userSpaceOnUse"_ustr );
        SvXMLElementExport aClipPathElem( *mpSVGExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"clipPath"_ustr, true, true );
            sal_Int32 nDocWidthExt = nDocWidth / 500;
            sal_Int32 nDocHeightExt = nDocHeight / 500;
            mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"x"_ustr, OUString::number( nDocX + nDocWidthExt / 2 ) );
            mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"y"_ustr, OUString::number( nDocY + nDocHeightExt / 2) );
            mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"width"_ustr, OUString::number( nDocWidth - nDocWidthExt ) );
            mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"height"_ustr, OUString::number( nDocHeight - nDocHeightExt ) );
            SvXMLElementExport aRectElem( *mpSVGExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"rect"_ustr, true, true );
void SVGFilter::implExportDocumentHeaderWriterOrCalc(sal_Int32 nDocX, sal_Int32 nDocY,
                                               sal_Int32 nDocWidth, sal_Int32 nDocHeight)
    OUString aAttr;
    mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"version"_ustr, u"1.2"_ustr );
    aAttr = OUString::number( nDocWidth * 0.01 ) + "mm";
    mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"width"_ustr, aAttr );
    aAttr = OUString::number( nDocHeight * 0.01 ) + "mm";
    mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"height"_ustr, aAttr );
    aAttr = OUString::number(nDocX) + " " + OUString::number(nDocY) + " " +
        OUString::number(nDocWidth) + " " + OUString::number(nDocHeight);
    mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"viewBox"_ustr, aAttr );
    mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"preserveAspectRatio"_ustr, u"xMidYMid"_ustr );
    mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"fill-rule"_ustr, u"evenodd"_ustr );
    // standard line width is based on 1 pixel on a 90 DPI device (0.28222mmm)
    mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"stroke-width"_ustr, OUString::number( 28.222 ) );
    mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"stroke-linejoin"_ustr, u"round"_ustr );
    mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"xmlns"_ustr, constSvgNamespace );
    mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"xmlns:ooo"_ustr, u"http://xml.openoffice.org/svg/export"_ustr );
    mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"xmlns:xlink"_ustr, u"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"_ustr );
    mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"xmlns:office"_ustr, u"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:office:1.0"_ustr );
    mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"xmlns:smil"_ustr, u"urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:smil-compatible:1.0"_ustr );
    mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"xml:space"_ustr, u"preserve"_ustr );
    mpSVGDoc = new SvXMLElementExport( *mpSVGExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"svg"_ustr, true, true );
/// Append aField to aFieldSet if it is not already present in the set and create the field id sFieldId
template< typename TextFieldType >
static OUString implGenerateFieldId( std::vector< std::unique_ptr<TextField> > & aFieldSet,
                              const TextFieldType & aField,
                              std::u16string_view sOOOElemField,
                              const Reference< css::drawing::XDrawPage >& xMasterPage )
    bool bFound = false;
    sal_Int32 i;
    sal_Int32 nSize = aFieldSet.size();
    for( i = 0; i < nSize; ++i )
        if( *(aFieldSet[i]) == aField )
            bFound = true;
    OUString sFieldId(OUString::Concat(sOOOElemField) + "_");
    if( !bFound )
        aFieldSet.emplace_back( new TextFieldType( aField ) );
    aFieldSet[i]->insertMasterPage( xMasterPage );
    sFieldId += OUString::number( i );
    return sFieldId;
void SVGFilter::implGenerateMetaData()
    sal_Int32 nCount = mSelectedPages.size();
    if( nCount == 0 )
    // we wrap all meta presentation info into a svg:defs element
    SvXMLElementExport aDefsElem( *mpSVGExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"defs"_ustr, true, true );
    mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"id"_ustr, NSPREFIX "meta_slides"_ustr );
    mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, NSPREFIX "number-of-slides"_ustr, OUString::number( nCount ) );
    mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, NSPREFIX "start-slide-number"_ustr, OUString::number( mnVisiblePage ) );
    if( mpSVGExport->IsUsePositionedCharacters() )
        mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, NSPREFIX "use-positioned-chars"_ustr, u"true"_ustr );
    // Add a (global) Page Numbering Type attribute for the document
    // NOTE: at present pSdrModel->GetPageNumType() returns always css::style::NumberingType::ARABIC
    // so the following code fragment is pretty useless
    sal_Int32 nPageNumberingType = css::style::NumberingType::ARABIC;
    SvxDrawPage* pSvxDrawPage = comphelper::getFromUnoTunnel<SvxDrawPage>( mSelectedPages[0] );
    if( pSvxDrawPage )
        SdrPage* pSdrPage = pSvxDrawPage->GetSdrPage();
        SdrModel& rSdrModel(pSdrPage->getSdrModelFromSdrPage());
        nPageNumberingType = rSdrModel.GetPageNumType();
        // That is used by CalcFieldHdl method.
        mVisiblePagePropSet.nPageNumberingType = nPageNumberingType;
    if( nPageNumberingType != css::style::NumberingType::NUMBER_NONE )
        OUString sNumberingType;
        switch( nPageNumberingType )
            case css::style::NumberingType::CHARS_UPPER_LETTER:
                sNumberingType = "alpha-upper";
            case css::style::NumberingType::CHARS_LOWER_LETTER:
                sNumberingType = "alpha-lower";
            case css::style::NumberingType::ROMAN_UPPER:
                sNumberingType = "roman-upper";
            case css::style::NumberingType::ROMAN_LOWER:
                sNumberingType = "roman-lower";
            case css::style::NumberingType::ARABIC:
                // arabic numbering type is the default, so we do not append any attribute for it
                // in case the numbering type is not handled we fall back on arabic numbering
        if( !sNumberingType.isEmpty() )
            mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, NSPREFIX "page-numbering-type"_ustr, sNumberingType );
        SvXMLElementExport    aExp( *mpSVGExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"g"_ustr, true, true );
        const OUString                aId( NSPREFIX "meta_slide"_ustr );
        const OUString                aElemTextFieldId( aOOOElemTextField );
        std::vector< std::unique_ptr<TextField> >     aFieldSet;
        // dummy slide - used as leaving slide for transition on the first slide
        if( mbPresentation )
            mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"id"_ustr, NSPREFIX "meta_dummy_slide"_ustr );
            mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aOOOAttrSlide, u"dummy-slide"_ustr );
            mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aOOOAttrMaster, u"dummy-master-page"_ustr );
            mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aOOOAttrBackgroundVisibility, u"hidden"_ustr );
            mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aOOOAttrMasterObjectsVisibility, u"hidden"_ustr );
            mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aOOOAttrHasTransition, u"false"_ustr );
            SvXMLElementExport aMetaDummySlideElem( *mpSVGExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"g"_ustr, true, true );
        for( sal_Int32 i = 0; i < nCount; ++i )
            const Reference< css::drawing::XDrawPage > & xDrawPage = mSelectedPages[i];
            Reference< css::drawing::XMasterPageTarget > xMasterPageTarget( xDrawPage, UNO_QUERY );
            if (!xMasterPageTarget.is())
            Reference< css::drawing::XDrawPage > xMasterPage = xMasterPageTarget->getMasterPage();
            OUString aSlideId(aId + "_" + OUString::number( i ));
            mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"id"_ustr, aSlideId );
            mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aOOOAttrSlide, implGetValidIDFromInterface( xDrawPage ) );
            mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aOOOAttrMaster, implGetValidIDFromInterface( xMasterPage ) );
            if( mbPresentation )
                Reference< XPropertySet > xPropSet( xDrawPage, UNO_QUERY );
                if( xPropSet.is() )
                    OUString sDisplayName;
                    if (xPropSet->getPropertyValue(u"LinkDisplayName"_ustr) >>= sDisplayName)
                        mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aOOOAttrDisplayName, sDisplayName);
                    bool bBackgroundVisibility                = true;     // default: visible
                    bool bBackgroundObjectsVisibility         = true;     // default: visible
                    FixedDateTimeField            aFixedDateTimeField;
                    VariableDateTimeField         aVariableDateTimeField;
                    FooterField                   aFooterField;
                    // check if the slide has a custom background which overlaps the master page background
                    Reference< XPropertySet > xBackground;
                    xPropSet->getPropertyValue( u"Background"_ustr ) >>= xBackground;
                    if( xBackground.is() )
                        drawing::FillStyle aFillStyle;
                        bool assigned = ( xBackground->getPropertyValue( u"FillStyle"_ustr ) >>= aFillStyle );
                        // has a custom background ?
                        if( assigned && aFillStyle != drawing::FillStyle_NONE )
                            mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aOOOAttrHasCustomBackground, u"true"_ustr );
                    xPropSet->getPropertyValue( u"IsBackgroundVisible"_ustr )  >>= bBackgroundVisibility;
                    // in case the attribute is set to its default value it is not appended to the meta-slide element
                    if( !bBackgroundVisibility ) // visibility default value: 'visible'
                        mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aOOOAttrBackgroundVisibility, u"hidden"_ustr );
                    // Page Number, DateTime, Footer and Header Fields are regarded as background objects.
                    // So bBackgroundObjectsVisibility overrides visibility of master page text fields.
                    xPropSet->getPropertyValue( u"IsBackgroundObjectsVisible"_ustr )  >>= bBackgroundObjectsVisibility;
                    if( bBackgroundObjectsVisibility ) // visibility default value: 'visible'
                        bool bPageNumberVisibility    = false;    // default: hidden
                        bool bDateTimeVisibility      = true;     // default: visible
                        bool bFooterVisibility        = true;     // default: visible
                        //  Page Number Field
                        xPropSet->getPropertyValue( u"IsPageNumberVisible"_ustr )  >>= bPageNumberVisibility;
                        bPageNumberVisibility = bPageNumberVisibility && ( nPageNumberingType != css::style::NumberingType::NUMBER_NONE );
                        if( bPageNumberVisibility ) // visibility default value: 'hidden'
                            mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, NSPREFIX "page-number-visibility"_ustr, u"visible"_ustr );
                        // DateTime Field
                        bool bDateTimeFixed           = true;     // default: fixed
                        xPropSet->getPropertyValue( u"IsDateTimeFixed"_ustr ) >>= bDateTimeFixed;
                        if( bDateTimeFixed ) // we are interested only in the field text not in the date/time format
                            xPropSet->getPropertyValue( u"DateTimeText"_ustr ) >>= aFixedDateTimeField.text;
                            if( !aFixedDateTimeField.text.isEmpty() )
                                OUString sFieldId = implGenerateFieldId( aFieldSet, aFixedDateTimeField, aElemTextFieldId, xMasterPage );
                                mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aOOOAttrDateTimeField, sFieldId );
                        else // the inverse applies: we are interested only in the date/time format not in the field text
                            xPropSet->getPropertyValue( u"DateTimeFormat"_ustr ) >>= aVariableDateTimeField.format;
                            OUString sFieldId = implGenerateFieldId( aFieldSet, aVariableDateTimeField, aElemTextFieldId, xMasterPage );
                            mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aOOOAttrDateTimeField, sFieldId );
                        xPropSet->getPropertyValue( u"IsDateTimeVisible"_ustr ) >>= bDateTimeVisibility;
                        if( !bDateTimeVisibility ) // visibility default value: 'visible'
                            mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, NSPREFIX "date-time-visibility"_ustr, u"hidden"_ustr );
                        // Footer Field
                        xPropSet->getPropertyValue( u"FooterText"_ustr ) >>= aFooterField.text;
                        if( !aFooterField.text.isEmpty() )
                            OUString sFieldId = implGenerateFieldId( aFieldSet, aFooterField, aElemTextFieldId, xMasterPage );
                            mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aOOOAttrFooterField, sFieldId );
                        xPropSet->getPropertyValue( u"IsFooterVisible"_ustr )  >>= bFooterVisibility;
                        if( !bFooterVisibility ) // visibility default value: 'visible'
                            mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, NSPREFIX "footer-visibility"_ustr, u"hidden"_ustr );
                        mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aOOOAttrMasterObjectsVisibility, u"hidden"_ustr );
                    sal_Int32 nChange(0);
                    if( xPropSet->getPropertySetInfo()->hasPropertyByName( u"Change"_ustr ) &&
                        (xPropSet->getPropertyValue( u"Change"_ustr ) >>= nChange ) && nChange == 1 )
                        double fSlideDuration(0);
                        if( xPropSet->getPropertySetInfo()->hasPropertyByName( u"HighResDuration"_ustr ) &&
                            (xPropSet->getPropertyValue( u"HighResDuration"_ustr ) >>= fSlideDuration) )
                            mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aOOOAttrSlideDuration, OUString::number(fSlideDuration) );
                    // We look for a slide transition.
                    // Transition properties are exported together with animations.
                    sal_Int16 nTransitionType(0);
                    if( xPropSet->getPropertySetInfo()->hasPropertyByName( u"TransitionType"_ustr ) &&
                        (xPropSet->getPropertyValue( u"TransitionType"_ustr ) >>= nTransitionType) )
                        sal_Int16 nTransitionSubType(0);
                        if( xPropSet->getPropertyValue( u"TransitionSubtype"_ustr )  >>= nTransitionSubType )
                            mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aOOOAttrHasTransition, u"true"_ustr );
                SvXMLElementExport aExp2( *mpSVGExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"g"_ustr, true, true );
            }  // when the aExp2 destructor is called the </g> tag is appended to the output file
        // export text field elements
        if( mbPresentation )
            for( sal_Int32 i = 0, nSize = aFieldSet.size(); i < nSize; ++i )
                OUString sElemId = OUString::Concat(aOOOElemTextField) + "_" + OUString::number( i );
                mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"id"_ustr, sElemId );
                aFieldSet[i]->elementExport( mpSVGExport.get() );
            if( mpSVGExport->IsEmbedFonts() && mpSVGExport->IsUsePositionedCharacters() )
                for(const std::unique_ptr<TextField>& i : aFieldSet)
                    i->growCharSet( mTextFieldCharSets );
        // text fields are used only for generating meta info so we don't need them anymore
void SVGFilter::implExportAnimations()
    mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"id"_ustr, u"presentation-animations"_ustr );
    SvXMLElementExport aDefsContainerElem( *mpSVGExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"defs"_ustr, true, true );
    for(const uno::Reference<drawing::XDrawPage> & mSelectedPage : mSelectedPages)
        Reference< XPropertySet > xProps( mSelectedPage, UNO_QUERY );
        if( xProps.is() && xProps->getPropertySetInfo()->hasPropertyByName( u"TransitionType"_ustr ) )
            sal_Int16 nTransition = 0;
            xProps->getPropertyValue( u"TransitionType"_ustr )  >>= nTransition;
            // we have a slide transition ?
            bool bHasEffects = ( nTransition != 0 );
            Reference< XAnimationNodeSupplier > xAnimNodeSupplier( mSelectedPage, UNO_QUERY );
            if( xAnimNodeSupplier.is() )
                Reference< XAnimationNode > xRootNode = xAnimNodeSupplier->getAnimationNode();
                if( xRootNode.is() )
                    if( !bHasEffects )
                        // first check if there are no animations
                        Reference< XEnumerationAccess > xEnumerationAccess( xRootNode, UNO_QUERY_THROW );
                        Reference< XEnumeration > xEnumeration( xEnumerationAccess->createEnumeration(), UNO_SET_THROW );
                        if( xEnumeration->hasMoreElements() )
                            // first child node may be an empty main sequence, check this
                            Reference< XAnimationNode > xMainNode( xEnumeration->nextElement(), UNO_QUERY_THROW );
                            Reference< XEnumerationAccess > xMainEnumerationAccess( xMainNode, UNO_QUERY_THROW );
                            Reference< XEnumeration > xMainEnumeration( xMainEnumerationAccess->createEnumeration(), UNO_SET_THROW );
                            // only export if the main sequence is not empty or if there are additional
                            // trigger sequences
                            bHasEffects = xMainEnumeration->hasMoreElements() || xEnumeration->hasMoreElements();
                    if( bHasEffects )
                        OUString sId = implGetValidIDFromInterface( mSelectedPage );
                        mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aOOOAttrSlide, sId  );
                        sId += "-animations";
                        mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"id"_ustr, sId  );
                        mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"class"_ustr, u"Animations"_ustr );
                        SvXMLElementExport aDefsElem( *mpSVGExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"defs"_ustr, true, true );
                        rtl::Reference< xmloff::AnimationsExporter > xAnimationsExporter = new xmloff::AnimationsExporter( *mpSVGExport, xProps );
                        xAnimationsExporter->prepare( xRootNode );
                        xAnimationsExporter->exportAnimations( xRootNode );
void SVGFilter::implExportTextShapeIndex()
    mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"class"_ustr, u"TextShapeIndex"_ustr );
    SvXMLElementExport aDefsContainerElem( *mpSVGExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"defs"_ustr, true, true );
    sal_Int32 nCount = mSelectedPages.size();
    for( sal_Int32 i = 0; i < nCount; ++i )
        const Reference< css::drawing::XDrawPage > & xDrawPage = mSelectedPages[i];
        if( mTextShapeIdListMap.contains(xDrawPage) )
            OUString sTextShapeIdList = mTextShapeIdListMap[xDrawPage].trim();
            const OUString& rPageId = implGetValidIDFromInterface( Reference<XInterface>(xDrawPage, UNO_QUERY) );
            if( !rPageId.isEmpty() && !sTextShapeIdList.isEmpty() )
                mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aOOOAttrSlide, rPageId  );
                mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, NSPREFIX "id-list"_ustr, sTextShapeIdList );
                SvXMLElementExport aGElem( *mpSVGExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"g"_ustr, true, true );
void SVGFilter::implEmbedBulletGlyphs()
    mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"class"_ustr, u"EmbeddedBulletChars"_ustr );
    SvXMLElementExport aDefsContainerElem( *mpSVGExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"defs"_ustr, true, true );
    OUString sPathData = u"M 580,1141 L 1163,571 580,0 -4,571 580,1141 Z"_ustr;
    implEmbedBulletGlyph( 57356, sPathData );
    sPathData = "M 8,1128 L 1137,1128 1137,0 8,0 8,1128 Z";
    implEmbedBulletGlyph( 57354, sPathData );
    sPathData = "M 174,0 L 602,739 174,1481 1456,739 174,0 Z M 1358,739 L 309,1346 659,739 1358,739 Z";
    implEmbedBulletGlyph( 10146, sPathData );
    sPathData = "M 2015,739 L 1276,0 717,0 1260,543 174,543 174,936 1260,936 717,1481 1274,1481 2015,739 Z";
    implEmbedBulletGlyph( 10132, sPathData );
    sPathData = "M 0,-2 C -7,14 -16,27 -25,37 L 356,567 C 262,823 215,952 215,954 215,979 228,992 255,992 264,992 276,990 289,987 310,991 331,999 354,1012 L 381,999 492,748 772,1049 836,1024 860,1049 C 881,1039 901,1025 922,1006 886,937 835,863 770,784 769,783 710,716 594,584 L 774,223 C 774,196 753,168 711,139 L 727,119 C 717,90 699,76 672,76 641,76 570,178 457,381 L 164,-76 C 142,-110 111,-127 72,-127 30,-127 9,-110 8,-76 1,-67 -2,-52 -2,-32 -2,-23 -1,-13 0,-2 Z";
    implEmbedBulletGlyph( 10007, sPathData );
    sPathData = "M 285,-33 C 182,-33 111,30 74,156 52,228 41,333 41,471 41,549 55,616 82,672 116,743 169,778 240,778 293,778 328,747 346,684 L 369,508 C 377,444 397,411 428,410 L 1163,1116 C 1174,1127 1196,1133 1229,1133 1271,1133 1292,1118 1292,1087 L 1292,965 C 1292,929 1282,901 1262,881 L 442,47 C 390,-6 338,-33 285,-33 Z";
    implEmbedBulletGlyph( 10004, sPathData );
    sPathData = "M 813,0 C 632,0 489,54 383,161 276,268 223,411 223,592 223,773 276,916 383,1023 489,1130 632,1184 813,1184 992,1184 1136,1130 1245,1023 1353,916 1407,772 1407,592 1407,412 1353,268 1245,161 1136,54 992,0 813,0 Z";
    implEmbedBulletGlyph( 9679, sPathData );
    sPathData = "M 346,457 C 273,457 209,483 155,535 101,586 74,649 74,723 74,796 101,859 155,911 209,963 273,989 346,989 419,989 480,963 531,910 582,859 608,796 608,723 608,648 583,586 532,535 482,483 420,457 346,457 Z";
    implEmbedBulletGlyph( 8226, sPathData );
    sPathData = "M -4,459 L 1135,459 1135,606 -4,606 -4,459 Z";
    implEmbedBulletGlyph( 8211, sPathData );
    sPathData = "M 173,740 C 173,903 231,1043 346,1159 462,1274 601,1332 765,1332 928,1332 1067,1274 1183,1159 1299,1043 1357,903 1357,740 1357,577 1299,437 1183,322 1067,206 928,148 765,148 601,148 462,206 346,322 231,437 173,577 173,740 Z";
    implEmbedBulletGlyph( 61548, sPathData );
void SVGFilter::implEmbedBulletGlyph( sal_Unicode cBullet, const OUString & sPathData )
    OUString sId = "bullet-char-template-" + OUString::number( static_cast<sal_Int32>(cBullet) );
    mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"id"_ustr, sId );
    OUString sFactor = OUString::number( 1.0 / 2048 );
    OUString sTransform = "scale(" + sFactor + ",-" + sFactor + ")";
    mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"transform"_ustr, sTransform );
    SvXMLElementExport aGElem( *mpSVGExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"g"_ustr, true, true );
    mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"d"_ustr, sPathData );
    SvXMLElementExport aPathElem( *mpSVGExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"path"_ustr, true, true );
void SVGFilter::implExportBackgroundBitmaps()
    if (maBitmapActionMap.empty())
    mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"class"_ustr, u"BackgroundBitmaps"_ustr );
    SvXMLElementExport aDefsContainerElem( *mpSVGExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"defs"_ustr, true, true );
    OUString sId;
    for( const auto& rItem : maBitmapActionMap )
        BitmapChecksum nChecksum = rItem.first;
        const GDIMetaFile& aEmbeddedBitmapMtf = *(rItem.second);
        MetaAction* pBitmapAction = aEmbeddedBitmapMtf.GetAction( 0 );
        if( pBitmapAction )
            sId = "bitmap(" + OUString::number( nChecksum ) + ")";
            mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"id"_ustr, sId );
            const Point aPos; // (0, 0)
            const Size aSize = aEmbeddedBitmapMtf.GetPrefSize();
            mpSVGWriter->WriteMetaFile( aPos, aSize, aEmbeddedBitmapMtf, 0xffffffff );
void SVGFilter::implExportTiledBackground()
    if( maPatterProps.empty() )
    mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"class"_ustr, u"BackgroundPatterns"_ustr );
    SvXMLElementExport aDefsContainerElem( *mpSVGExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"defs"_ustr, true, true );
    for( const auto& [ rSlideId, rData ] : maPatterProps )
        auto aBitmapActionIt = maBitmapActionMap.find( rData.aBitmapChecksum );
        if( aBitmapActionIt != maBitmapActionMap.end() )
            // pattern element attributes
            const OUString sPatternId = getPatternIdForTiledBackground( rSlideId, rData.aBitmapChecksum );
            // <pattern> <use>
                // pattern element attributes
                mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"id"_ustr, sPatternId );
                mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"x"_ustr, OUString::number( rData.aPos.X() ) );
                mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"y"_ustr, OUString::number( rData.aPos.Y() ) );
                mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"width"_ustr, OUString::number( rData.aSize.Width() ) );
                mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"height"_ustr, OUString::number( rData.aSize.Height() ) );
                mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"patternUnits"_ustr, u"userSpaceOnUse"_ustr );
                SvXMLElementExport aPatternElem( *mpSVGExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"pattern"_ustr, true, true );
                // use element attributes
                const Size& aOrigSize = aBitmapActionIt->second->GetPrefSize();
                OUString sTransform;
                Fraction aFractionX( rData.aSize.Width(), aOrigSize.Width() );
                Fraction aFractionY( rData.aSize.Height(), aOrigSize.Height() );
                double scaleX = rtl_math_round( double(aFractionX), 3, rtl_math_RoundingMode::rtl_math_RoundingMode_Corrected );
                double scaleY = rtl_math_round( double(aFractionY), 3, rtl_math_RoundingMode::rtl_math_RoundingMode_Corrected );
                if( !rtl_math_approxEqual( scaleX, 1.0 ) || !rtl_math_approxEqual( scaleY, 1.0 ) )
                    sTransform += " scale(" + OUString::number( double(aFractionX) ) + ", " + OUString::number( double(aFractionY) ) + ")";
                if( !sTransform.isEmpty() )
                    mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"transform"_ustr, sTransform );
                // referenced bitmap
                OUString sRefId = "#bitmap(" + OUString::number( rData.aBitmapChecksum ) + ")";
                mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"xlink:href"_ustr, sRefId );
                SvXMLElementExport aUseElem( *mpSVGExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"use"_ustr, true, true );
            } // </use> </pattern>
            // <g> <rect>
                // group
                const OUString sBgId = getIdForTiledBackground( rSlideId, rData.aBitmapChecksum );
                mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"id"_ustr, sBgId );
                SvXMLElementExport aGroupElem( *mpSVGExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"g"_ustr, true, true );
                // rectangle
                const OUString sUrl = "url(#" + sPatternId + ")";
                mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"x"_ustr, u"0"_ustr );
                mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"y"_ustr, u"0"_ustr );
                mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"width"_ustr, OUString::number( rData.aSlideSize.Width() ) );
                mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"height"_ustr, OUString::number( rData.aSlideSize.Height() ) );
                mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"stroke"_ustr, u"none"_ustr );
                mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"fill"_ustr, sUrl );
                SvXMLElementExport aRectElem( *mpSVGExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"rect"_ustr, true, true );
            } // </g> </rect>
/** SVGFilter::implExportTextEmbeddedBitmaps
    We export bitmaps embedded into text shapes, such as those used by list
    items with image style, only once in a specific defs element.
void SVGFilter::implExportTextEmbeddedBitmaps()
    if (mEmbeddedBitmapActionSet.empty())
    mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"class"_ustr, u"TextEmbeddedBitmaps"_ustr );
    SvXMLElementExport aDefsContainerElem( *mpSVGExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"defs"_ustr, true, true );
    OUString sId;
    for (auto const& embeddedBitmapAction : mEmbeddedBitmapActionSet)
        const GDIMetaFile& aMtf = embeddedBitmapAction.GetRepresentation();
        if( aMtf.GetActionSize() == 1 )
            MetaAction* pAction = aMtf.GetAction( 0 );
            if( pAction )
                BitmapChecksum nId = GetBitmapChecksum( pAction );
                sId = "bitmap(" + OUString::number( nId ) + ")";
                mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"id"_ustr, sId );
                const Reference< XInterface >& rxShape = embeddedBitmapAction.GetObject();
                Reference< XPropertySet > xShapePropSet( rxShape, UNO_QUERY );
                css::awt::Rectangle    aBoundRect;
                if( xShapePropSet.is() && ( xShapePropSet->getPropertyValue( u"BoundRect"_ustr ) >>= aBoundRect ) )
                    // Origin of the coordinate device must be (0,0).
                    const Point aTopLeft;
                    const Size  aSize( aBoundRect.Width, aBoundRect.Height );
                    Point aPt;
                    MetaBitmapActionGetPoint( pAction, aPt );
                    // The image must be exported with x, y attribute set to 0,
                    // on the contrary when referenced by a <use> element,
                    // specifying the wanted position, they will result
                    // misplaced.
                    pAction->Move( -aPt.X(), -aPt.Y() );
                    mpSVGWriter->WriteMetaFile( aTopLeft, aSize, aMtf, 0xffffffff );
                    // We reset to the original values so that when the <use>
                    // element is created the x, y attributes are correct.
                    pAction->Move( aPt.X(), aPt.Y() );
                    OSL_FAIL( "implExportTextEmbeddedBitmaps: no shape bounding box." );
                OSL_FAIL( "implExportTextEmbeddedBitmaps: metafile should have MetaBmpExScaleAction only." );
            OSL_FAIL( "implExportTextEmbeddedBitmaps: metafile should have a single action." );
void SVGFilter::implGenerateScript()
    mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"type"_ustr, u"text/ecmascript"_ustr );
        SvXMLElementExport                       aExp( *mpSVGExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"script"_ustr, true, true );
        Reference< XExtendedDocumentHandler >    xExtDocHandler( mpSVGExport->GetDocHandler(), UNO_QUERY );
        if( xExtDocHandler.is() )
            for (size_t i = 0; i < N_SVGSCRIPT_FRAGMENTS; ++i)
Any SVGFilter::implSafeGetPagePropSet( const OUString & sPropertyName,
                                            const Reference< XPropertySet > & rxPropSet,
                                            const Reference< XPropertySetInfo > & rxPropSetInfo )
    Any result;
    if( rxPropSetInfo->hasPropertyByName( sPropertyName ) )
        result = rxPropSet->getPropertyValue( sPropertyName );
    return result;
/** We collect info on master page elements visibility, and placeholder text shape content.
    This method is used when exporting a single page as implGenerateMetaData is not invoked.
void SVGFilter::implGetPagePropSet( const Reference< css::drawing::XDrawPage > & rxPage )
    mVisiblePagePropSet.bIsBackgroundVisible                = true;
    mVisiblePagePropSet.bAreBackgroundObjectsVisible        = true;
    mVisiblePagePropSet.bIsPageNumberFieldVisible           = false;
    mVisiblePagePropSet.bIsHeaderFieldVisible               = false;
    mVisiblePagePropSet.bIsFooterFieldVisible               = true;
    mVisiblePagePropSet.bIsDateTimeFieldVisible             = true;
    mVisiblePagePropSet.bIsDateTimeFieldFixed               = true;
    mVisiblePagePropSet.nDateTimeFormat                     = SvxDateFormat::B;
    mVisiblePagePropSet.nPageNumberingType                  = css::style::NumberingType::ARABIC;
    //  We collect info on master page elements visibility, and placeholder text shape content.
    Reference< XPropertySet > xPropSet( rxPage, UNO_QUERY );
    if( !xPropSet.is() )
    Reference< XPropertySetInfo > xPropSetInfo( xPropSet->getPropertySetInfo() );
    if( !xPropSetInfo.is() )
    implSafeGetPagePropSet( u"IsBackgroundVisible"_ustr, xPropSet, xPropSetInfo )          >>= mVisiblePagePropSet.bIsBackgroundVisible;
    implSafeGetPagePropSet( u"IsBackgroundObjectsVisible"_ustr, xPropSet, xPropSetInfo )   >>= mVisiblePagePropSet.bAreBackgroundObjectsVisible;
    implSafeGetPagePropSet( u"IsPageNumberVisible"_ustr, xPropSet, xPropSetInfo )          >>= mVisiblePagePropSet.bIsPageNumberFieldVisible;
    implSafeGetPagePropSet( u"IsHeaderVisible"_ustr, xPropSet, xPropSetInfo )              >>= mVisiblePagePropSet.bIsHeaderFieldVisible;
    implSafeGetPagePropSet( u"IsFooterVisible"_ustr, xPropSet, xPropSetInfo )              >>= mVisiblePagePropSet.bIsFooterFieldVisible;
    implSafeGetPagePropSet( u"IsDateTimeVisible"_ustr, xPropSet, xPropSetInfo )            >>= mVisiblePagePropSet.bIsDateTimeFieldVisible;
    implSafeGetPagePropSet( u"IsDateTimeFixed"_ustr, xPropSet, xPropSetInfo )              >>= mVisiblePagePropSet.bIsDateTimeFieldFixed;
    sal_Int32 nTmp;
    if (implSafeGetPagePropSet( u"DateTimeFormat"_ustr, xPropSet, xPropSetInfo ) >>= nTmp)
        mVisiblePagePropSet.nDateTimeFormat = static_cast<SvxDateFormat>(nTmp);
    if( mVisiblePagePropSet.bIsPageNumberFieldVisible )
        SvxDrawPage* pSvxDrawPage = comphelper::getFromUnoTunnel<SvxDrawPage>( rxPage );
        if( pSvxDrawPage )
            SdrPage* pSdrPage = pSvxDrawPage->GetSdrPage();
            SdrModel& rSdrModel(pSdrPage->getSdrModelFromSdrPage());
            mVisiblePagePropSet.nPageNumberingType = rSdrModel.GetPageNumType();
bool SVGFilter::implExportMasterPages( const std::vector< Reference< css::drawing::XDrawPage > > & rxPages,
                                           sal_Int32 nFirstPage, sal_Int32 nLastPage )
    DBG_ASSERT( nFirstPage <= nLastPage,
                "SVGFilter::implExportMasterPages: nFirstPage > nLastPage" );
    // When the exported slides are more than one we wrap master page elements
    // with a svg <defs> element.
    OUString aContainerTag = (!mbPresentation) ? u"g"_ustr : u"defs"_ustr;
    SvXMLElementExport aContainerElement( *mpSVGExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aContainerTag, true, true );
    // dummy slide - used as leaving slide for transition on the first slide
    if( mbPresentation )
        mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"id"_ustr, u"dummy-master-page"_ustr );
        mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aOOOAttrName, u"dummy-master-page"_ustr );
        mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"class"_ustr, u"Master_Slide"_ustr );
        SvXMLElementExport aMasterSlideElem( *mpSVGExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"g"_ustr, true, true );
            mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"id"_ustr, u"bg-dummy-master-page"_ustr );
            mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"class"_ustr, u"Background"_ustr );
            mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"visibility"_ustr, u"hidden"_ustr );
            SvXMLElementExport aBackgroundElem( *mpSVGExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"g"_ustr, true, true );
            mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"id"_ustr, u"bo-dummy-master-page"_ustr );
            mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"class"_ustr, u"BackgroundObjects"_ustr );
            mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"visibility"_ustr, u"hidden"_ustr );
            SvXMLElementExport aBackgroundObjectElem( *mpSVGExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"g"_ustr, true, true );
    bool bRet = false;
    for( sal_Int32 i = nFirstPage; i <= nLastPage; ++i )
        if( rxPages[i].is() )
            // add id attribute
            const OUString & sPageId = implGetValidIDFromInterface( rxPages[i] );
            mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"id"_ustr, sPageId );
            bRet = implExportPage( sPageId, rxPages[i], rxPages[i], true /* is a master page */ ) || bRet;
    return bRet;
void SVGFilter::implExportDrawPages( const std::vector< Reference< css::drawing::XDrawPage > > & rxPages,
                                           sal_Int32 nFirstPage, sal_Int32 nLastPage )
    DBG_ASSERT( nFirstPage <= nLastPage,
                "SVGFilter::implExportDrawPages: nFirstPage > nLastPage" );
    // dummy slide - used as leaving slide for transition on the first slide
    if( mbPresentation && !mbExportShapeSelection)
        mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"class"_ustr, u"DummySlide"_ustr );
        SvXMLElementExport aDummySlideElement( *mpSVGExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"g"_ustr, true, true );
            SvXMLElementExport aGElement( *mpSVGExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"g"_ustr, true, true );
                mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"id"_ustr, u"dummy-slide"_ustr );
                mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"class"_ustr, u"Slide"_ustr );
                OUString sClipPathAttrValue = "url(#" + msClipPathId + ")";
                mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"clip-path"_ustr, sClipPathAttrValue );
                SvXMLElementExport aSlideElement( *mpSVGExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"g"_ustr, true, true );
                    mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aOOOAttrName, u"dummy-page"_ustr );
                    mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"class"_ustr, u"Page"_ustr );
                    SvXMLElementExport aPageElement( *mpSVGExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"g"_ustr, true, true );
    if (!mbExportShapeSelection)
        // We wrap all slide in a group element with class name "SlideGroup".
        mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"class"_ustr, u"SlideGroup"_ustr );
        SvXMLElementExport aExp( *mpSVGExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"g"_ustr, true, true );
        if (mxStatusIndicator)
            mxStatusIndicator->start(FilterResId(STR_FILTER_DOC_SAVING), nLastPage - nFirstPage + 1);
        for( sal_Int32 i = nFirstPage; i <= nLastPage; ++i )
            if (mxStatusIndicator.is())
                mxStatusIndicator->setValue(i - nFirstPage);
            Reference<css::drawing::XShapes> xShapes = rxPages[i];
            if( xShapes.is() )
                // Insert the <g> open tag related to the svg element for
                // handling a slide visibility.
                // In case the exported slides are more than one the initial
                // visibility of each slide is set to 'hidden'.
                if( mbPresentation )
                    mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"visibility"_ustr, u"hidden"_ustr );
                SvXMLElementExport aGElement( *mpSVGExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"g"_ustr, true, true );
                    // Insert a further inner the <g> open tag for handling elements
                    // inserted before or after a slide: that is used for some
                    // when switching from the last to the first slide.
                    const OUString & sPageId = implGetValidIDFromInterface( rxPages[i] );
                    OUString sContainerId = "container-" + sPageId;
                    mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"id"_ustr, sContainerId );
                    SvXMLElementExport aContainerExp( *mpSVGExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"g"_ustr, true, true );
                        // add id attribute
                        mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"id"_ustr, sPageId );
                        mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"class"_ustr, u"Slide"_ustr );
                        // Adding a clip path to each exported slide , so in case
                        // bitmaps or other elements exceed the slide margins, they are
                        // trimmed, even when they are shown inside a thumbnail view.
                        OUString sClipPathAttrValue = "url(#" + msClipPathId + ")";
                        mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"clip-path"_ustr, sClipPathAttrValue );
                        SvXMLElementExport aSlideElement( *mpSVGExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"g"_ustr, true, true );
                        implExportPage( sPageId, rxPages[i], xShapes, false /* is not a master page */ );
                } // append the </g> closing tag related to inserted elements
            } // append the </g> closing tag related to the svg element handling the slide visibility
        if (mxStatusIndicator)
        assert(rxPages.size() == 1);
        const OUString & sPageId = implGetValidIDFromInterface( rxPages[0] );
        implExportPage( sPageId, rxPages[0], maShapeSelection, false /* is not a master page */ );
bool SVGFilter::implExportPage( std::u16string_view sPageId,
                                    const Reference< css::drawing::XDrawPage > & rxPage,
                                    const Reference< css::drawing::XShapes > & xShapes,
                                    bool bMaster )
    bool bRet = false;
        OUString sPageName = implGetInterfaceName( rxPage );
        if( mbPresentation && !sPageName.isEmpty() )
            mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, aOOOAttrName, sPageName );
            Reference< XExtendedDocumentHandler > xExtDocHandler( mpSVGExport->GetDocHandler(), UNO_QUERY );
            if( xExtDocHandler.is() )
                OUString aDesc;
                if( bMaster )
                    aDesc = "Master_Slide";
                    aDesc = "Page";
                mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"class"_ustr, aDesc );
        // insert the <g> open tag related to the DrawPage/MasterPage
        SvXMLElementExport aExp( *mpSVGExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"g"_ustr, true, true );
        // In case the page has a background object we append it .
        if( mpObjects->find( rxPage ) != mpObjects->end() )
            const GDIMetaFile& rMtf = (*mpObjects)[ rxPage ].GetRepresentation();
            if( rMtf.GetActionSize() )
                // If this is not a master page wrap the slide custom background
                // by a <defs> element.
                // Slide custom background, if any, is referenced at a different position
                // in order to not overlap background objects.
                std::unique_ptr<SvXMLElementExport> xDefsExp;
                if (!bMaster) // insert the <defs> open tag related to the slide background
                    mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"class"_ustr,  u"SlideBackground"_ustr );
                    xDefsExp.reset( new SvXMLElementExport( *mpSVGExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"defs"_ustr, true, true ) );
                    // background id = "bg-" + page id
                    OUString sBackgroundId = OUString::Concat("bg-") + sPageId;
                    mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"id"_ustr, sBackgroundId );
                    // At present (LibreOffice 3.4.0) the 'IsBackgroundVisible' property is not handled
                    // by Impress; anyway we handle this property as referring only to the visibility
                    // of the master page background. So if a slide has its own background object,
                    // the visibility of such a background object is always inherited from the visibility
                    // of the parent slide regardless of the value of the 'IsBackgroundVisible' property.
                    // This means that we need to set up the visibility attribute only for the background
                    // element of a master page.
                    if( !mbPresentation && bMaster )
                        if( !mVisiblePagePropSet.bIsBackgroundVisible )
                            mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"visibility"_ustr, u"hidden"_ustr );
                    mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"class"_ustr,  u"Background"_ustr );
                    // insert the <g> open tag related to the Background
                    SvXMLElementExport aExp2( *mpSVGExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"g"_ustr, true, true );
                    // append all elements that make up the Background
                    const Point aNullPt;
                    mpSVGWriter->WriteMetaFile( aNullPt, rMtf.GetPrefSize(), rMtf, SVGWRITER_WRITE_FILL );
                } // insert the </g> closing tag related to the Background
            } // insert the </defs> closing tag related to the slide background
        // In case we are dealing with a master page we need to group all its shapes
        // into a group element, this group will make up the so named "background objects"
        if( bMaster )
            // background objects id = "bo-" + page id
            OUString sBackgroundObjectsId = OUString::Concat("bo-") + sPageId;
            mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"id"_ustr, sBackgroundObjectsId );
            if( !mbPresentation )
                if( !mVisiblePagePropSet.bAreBackgroundObjectsVisible )
                    mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"visibility"_ustr, u"hidden"_ustr );
            mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"class"_ustr,  u"BackgroundObjects"_ustr );
            // insert the <g> open tag related to the Background Objects
            SvXMLElementExport aExp2( *mpSVGExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"g"_ustr, true, true );
            // append all shapes that make up the Master Slide
            bRet = implExportShapes( xShapes, true ) || bRet;
        }   // append the </g> closing tag related to the Background Objects
            // append all shapes that make up the Slide
            bRet = implExportShapes( xShapes, false ) || bRet;
    }  // append the </g> closing tag related to the Slide/Master_Slide
    return bRet;
bool SVGFilter::implExportShapes( const Reference< css::drawing::XShapes >& rxShapes, bool bMaster )
    Reference< css::drawing::XShape > xShape;
    bool bRet = false;
    for( sal_Int32 i = 0, nCount = rxShapes->getCount(); i < nCount; ++i )
        if( ( rxShapes->getByIndex( i ) >>= xShape ) && xShape.is() )
            bRet = implExportShape( xShape, bMaster ) || bRet;
        xShape = nullptr;
    return bRet;
bool SVGFilter::implExportShape( const Reference< css::drawing::XShape >& rxShape, bool bMaster )
    Reference< XPropertySet > xShapePropSet( rxShape, UNO_QUERY );
    bool bRet = false;
    if( xShapePropSet.is() )
        const OUString   aShapeType( rxShape->getShapeType() );
        bool                    bHideObj = false;
        if( mbPresentation )
            xShapePropSet->getPropertyValue( u"IsEmptyPresentationObject"_ustr )  >>= bHideObj;
        OUString aShapeClass = implGetClassFromShape( rxShape );
        if( bMaster )
            if( aShapeClass == "TitleText" || aShapeClass == "Outline" )
                bHideObj = true;
        if( !bHideObj )
            if( aShapeType.lastIndexOf( "drawing.GroupShape" ) != -1 )
                Reference< css::drawing::XShapes > xShapes( rxShape, UNO_QUERY );
                if( xShapes.is() )
                    mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"class"_ustr, u"Group"_ustr );
                    const OUString& rShapeId = implGetValidIDFromInterface( Reference<XInterface>(rxShape, UNO_QUERY) );
                    if( !rShapeId.isEmpty() )
                        mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"id"_ustr, rShapeId );
                    SvXMLElementExport aExp( *mpSVGExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"g"_ustr, true, true );
                    bRet = implExportShapes( xShapes, bMaster );
            if( !bRet && mpObjects->find( rxShape ) !=  mpObjects->end() )
                css::awt::Rectangle    aBoundRect;
                const GDIMetaFile&     rMtf = (*mpObjects)[ rxShape ].GetRepresentation();
                xShapePropSet->getPropertyValue( u"BoundRect"_ustr ) >>= aBoundRect;
                const Point aTopLeft( aBoundRect.X, aBoundRect.Y );
                const Size  aSize( aBoundRect.Width, aBoundRect.Height );
                if( rMtf.GetActionSize() )
                {   // for text field shapes we set up text-adjust attributes
                    // and set visibility to hidden
                    OUString aElementId;
                    if( mbPresentation )
                        bool bIsPageNumber  = ( aShapeClass == "PageNumber" );
                        bool bIsFooter      = ( aShapeClass == "Footer" );
                        bool bIsDateTime    = ( aShapeClass == "DateTime" );
                        bool bTextField = bIsPageNumber || bIsFooter || bIsDateTime;
                        if( bTextField )
                            // to notify to the SVGActionWriter::ImplWriteActions method
                            // that we are dealing with a placeholder shape
                            aElementId = sPlaceholderTag;
                            mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"visibility"_ustr, u"hidden"_ustr );
                        if( bTextField || ( aShapeClass == "TextShape" ) )
                            sal_uInt16 nTextAdjust = sal_uInt16(ParagraphAdjust_LEFT);
                            OUString sTextAdjust;
                            xShapePropSet->getPropertyValue( u"ParaAdjust"_ustr ) >>= nTextAdjust;
                            switch( static_cast<ParagraphAdjust>(nTextAdjust) )
                                case ParagraphAdjust_LEFT:
                                        sTextAdjust = "left";
                                case ParagraphAdjust_CENTER:
                                        sTextAdjust = "center";
                                case ParagraphAdjust_RIGHT:
                                        sTextAdjust = "right";
                            mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, NSPREFIX "text-adjust"_ustr, sTextAdjust );
                    mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"class"_ustr, aShapeClass );
                    SvXMLElementExport aExp( *mpSVGExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"g"_ustr, true, true );
                    Reference< XExtendedDocumentHandler > xExtDocHandler( mpSVGExport->GetDocHandler(), UNO_QUERY );
                    OUString aTitle;
                    xShapePropSet->getPropertyValue( u"Title"_ustr ) >>= aTitle;
                    if( !aTitle.isEmpty() )
                        SvXMLElementExport aExp2( *mpSVGExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"title"_ustr, true, true );
                        xExtDocHandler->characters( aTitle );
                    OUString aDescription;
                    xShapePropSet->getPropertyValue( u"Description"_ustr ) >>= aDescription;
                    if( !aDescription.isEmpty() )
                        SvXMLElementExport aExp2( *mpSVGExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"desc"_ustr, true, true );
                        xExtDocHandler->characters( aDescription );
                    const OUString& rShapeId = implGetValidIDFromInterface( Reference<XInterface>(rxShape, UNO_QUERY) );
                    if( !rShapeId.isEmpty() )
                        mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"id"_ustr, rShapeId );
                    const GDIMetaFile* pEmbeddedBitmapsMtf = nullptr;
                    if( mEmbeddedBitmapActionMap.find( rxShape ) !=  mEmbeddedBitmapActionMap.end() )
                        pEmbeddedBitmapsMtf = &( mEmbeddedBitmapActionMap[ rxShape ].GetRepresentation() );
                        OUString aBookmark;
                        Reference<XPropertySetInfo> xShapePropSetInfo = xShapePropSet->getPropertySetInfo();
                            xShapePropSet->getPropertyValue( u"Bookmark"_ustr ) >>= aBookmark;
                        SvXMLElementExport aExp2( *mpSVGExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"g"_ustr, true, true );
                        // export the shape bounding box
                            mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"class"_ustr, u"BoundingBox"_ustr );
                            mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"stroke"_ustr, u"none"_ustr );
                            mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"fill"_ustr, u"none"_ustr );
                            mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"x"_ustr, OUString::number( aBoundRect.X ) );
                            mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"y"_ustr, OUString::number( aBoundRect.Y ) );
                            mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"width"_ustr, OUString::number( aBoundRect.Width ) );
                            mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"height"_ustr, OUString::number( aBoundRect.Height ) );
                            SvXMLElementExport aBB( *mpSVGExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"rect"_ustr, true, true );
                        if( !aBookmark.isEmpty() )
                            INetURLObject aINetURLObject(aBookmark);
                            if (!aINetURLObject.HasError()
                                && aINetURLObject.GetProtocol() != INetProtocol::Javascript)
                                mpSVGExport->AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"xlink:href"_ustr, aBookmark);
                                SvXMLElementExport alinkA( *mpSVGExport, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"a"_ustr, true, true );
                                mpSVGWriter->WriteMetaFile( aTopLeft, aSize, rMtf,
                                                            pEmbeddedBitmapsMtf );
                            mpSVGWriter->WriteMetaFile( aTopLeft, aSize, rMtf,
                                                        pEmbeddedBitmapsMtf );
                bRet = true;
    return bRet;
bool SVGFilter::implCreateObjects()
    if (mbExportShapeSelection)
        // #i124608# export a given object selection
        if (!mSelectedPages.empty() && mSelectedPages[0].is())
            implCreateObjectsFromShapes(mSelectedPages[0], maShapeSelection);
            return true;
        return false;
    sal_Int32 i, nCount;
    for( i = 0, nCount = mMasterPageTargets.size(); i < nCount; ++i )
        const Reference< css::drawing::XDrawPage > & xMasterPage = mMasterPageTargets[i];
        if( xMasterPage.is() )
            mCreateOjectsCurrentMasterPage = xMasterPage;
            implCreateObjectsFromBackground( xMasterPage );
            if( xMasterPage.is() )
                implCreateObjectsFromShapes( xMasterPage, xMasterPage );
    for( i = 0, nCount = mSelectedPages.size(); i < nCount; ++i )
        const Reference< css::drawing::XDrawPage > & xDrawPage = mSelectedPages[i];
        if( xDrawPage.is() )
            // TODO complete the implementation for exporting custom background for each slide
            // implementation status:
            // - hatch stroke color is set to 'none' so the hatch is not visible, why?
            // - gradient look is not really awesome, too few colors are used;
            // - gradient and hatch are not exported only once
            //   and then referenced in case more than one slide uses them.
            Reference< XPropertySet > xPropSet( xDrawPage, UNO_QUERY );
            if( xPropSet.is() )
                Reference< XPropertySet > xBackground;
                if (xPropSet->getPropertySetInfo()->hasPropertyByName(u"Background"_ustr))
                    xPropSet->getPropertyValue( u"Background"_ustr ) >>= xBackground;
                if( xBackground.is() )
                    drawing::FillStyle aFillStyle;
                    bool assigned = ( xBackground->getPropertyValue( u"FillStyle"_ustr ) >>= aFillStyle );
                    if( assigned && aFillStyle != drawing::FillStyle_NONE )
                        implCreateObjectsFromBackground( xDrawPage );
            implCreateObjectsFromShapes( xDrawPage, xDrawPage );
    return true;
bool SVGFilter::implCreateObjectsFromShapes( const Reference< css::drawing::XDrawPage > & rxPage, const Reference< css::drawing::XShapes >& rxShapes )
    Reference< css::drawing::XShape > xShape;
    bool            bRet = false;
    for( sal_Int32 i = 0, nCount = rxShapes->getCount(); i < nCount; ++i )
        if( ( rxShapes->getByIndex( i ) >>= xShape ) && xShape.is() )
            bRet = implCreateObjectsFromShape( rxPage, xShape ) || bRet;
        xShape = nullptr;
    return bRet;
bool SVGFilter::implCreateObjectsFromShape( const Reference< css::drawing::XDrawPage > & rxPage, const Reference< css::drawing::XShape >& rxShape )
    bool bRet = false;
    if( rxShape->getShapeType().lastIndexOf( "drawing.GroupShape" ) != -1 )
        Reference< css::drawing::XShapes > xShapes( rxShape, UNO_QUERY );
        if( xShapes.is() )
            bRet = implCreateObjectsFromShapes( rxPage, xShapes );
        SdrObject* pObj = SdrObject::getSdrObjectFromXShape(rxShape);
        if( pObj )
            // tdf#155479 need to signal SVG export
            Graphic aGraphic(SdrExchangeView::GetObjGraphic(*pObj, true));
            // Writer graphic shapes are handled differently
            if( mbWriterFilter && aGraphic.GetType() == GraphicType::NONE )
                if (rxShape->getShapeType() == "com.sun.star.drawing.GraphicObjectShape")
                    uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySet> xPropertySet(rxShape, uno::UNO_QUERY);
                    uno::Reference<graphic::XGraphic> xGraphic;
                    xPropertySet->getPropertyValue(u"Graphic"_ustr) >>= xGraphic;
                    if (!xGraphic.is())
                        return false;
                    aGraphic = Graphic(xGraphic);
            if( aGraphic.GetType() != GraphicType::NONE )
                if( aGraphic.GetType() == GraphicType::Bitmap )
                    GDIMetaFile    aMtf;
                    const Point    aNullPt;
                    const Size    aSize( pObj->GetCurrentBoundRect().GetSize() );
                    aMtf.AddAction( new MetaBmpExScaleAction( aNullPt, aSize, aGraphic.GetBitmapEx() ) );
                    aMtf.SetPrefSize( aSize );
                    (*mpObjects)[ rxShape ] = ObjectRepresentation( rxShape, aMtf );
                    if( aGraphic.GetGDIMetaFile().GetActionSize() )
                        Reference< XText > xText( rxShape, UNO_QUERY );
                        bool bIsTextShape = xText.is();
                        if( !mpSVGExport->IsUsePositionedCharacters() && bIsTextShape )
                            Reference< XPropertySet >   xShapePropSet( rxShape, UNO_QUERY );
                            if( xShapePropSet.is() )
                                bool bHideObj = false;
                                if( mbPresentation )
                                    xShapePropSet->getPropertyValue( u"IsEmptyPresentationObject"_ustr )  >>= bHideObj;
                                if( !bHideObj )
                                    // We create a map of text shape ids.
                                    implRegisterInterface( rxShape );
                                    const OUString& rShapeId = implGetValidIDFromInterface( Reference<XInterface>(rxShape, UNO_QUERY) );
                                    if( !rShapeId.isEmpty() )
                                        mTextShapeIdListMap[rxPage] += rShapeId;
                                        mTextShapeIdListMap[rxPage] += " ";
                                    // We create a set of bitmaps embedded into text shape.
                                    GDIMetaFile   aMtf;
                                    const Size    aSize( pObj->GetCurrentBoundRect().GetSize() );
                                    MetaAction*   pAction;
                                    bool bIsTextShapeStarted = false;
                                    const GDIMetaFile& rMtf = aGraphic.GetGDIMetaFile();
                                    size_t nCount = rMtf.GetActionSize();
                                    for( size_t nCurAction = 0; nCurAction < nCount; ++nCurAction )
                                        pAction = rMtf.GetAction( nCurAction );
                                        const MetaActionType nType = pAction->GetType();
                                        if( nType == MetaActionType::COMMENT )
                                            const MetaCommentAction* pA = static_cast<const MetaCommentAction*>(pAction);
                                            if( pA->GetComment().equalsIgnoreAsciiCase("XTEXT_PAINTSHAPE_BEGIN") )
                                                bIsTextShapeStarted = true;
                                            else if( pA->GetComment().equalsIgnoreAsciiCase( "XTEXT_PAINTSHAPE_END" ) )
                                                bIsTextShapeStarted = false;
                                        if( bIsTextShapeStarted && ( nType == MetaActionType::BMPSCALE  || nType == MetaActionType::BMPEXSCALE ) )
                                            GDIMetaFile aEmbeddedBitmapMtf;
                                            aEmbeddedBitmapMtf.AddAction( pAction );
                                            aEmbeddedBitmapMtf.SetPrefSize( aSize );
                                            mEmbeddedBitmapActionSet.insert( ObjectRepresentation( rxShape, aEmbeddedBitmapMtf ) );
                                            aMtf.AddAction( pAction );
                                    aMtf.SetPrefSize( aSize );
                                    mEmbeddedBitmapActionMap[ rxShape ] = ObjectRepresentation( rxShape, aMtf );
                    (*mpObjects)[ rxShape ] = ObjectRepresentation( rxShape, aGraphic.GetGDIMetaFile() );
                bRet = true;
    return bRet;
void SVGFilter::implCreateObjectsFromBackground( const Reference< css::drawing::XDrawPage >& rxDrawPage )
    Reference< css::drawing::XGraphicExportFilter >  xExporter = drawing::GraphicExportFilter::create( mxContext );
    GDIMetaFile             aMtf;
    utl::TempFileFast aFile;
    SvStream* pStream = aFile.GetStream(StreamMode::READWRITE);
    Sequence< PropertyValue > aDescriptor{
        comphelper::makePropertyValue(u"FilterName"_ustr, u"SVM"_ustr),
        comphelper::makePropertyValue(u"OutputStream"_ustr, uno::Reference<XOutputStream>(new utl::OOutputStreamWrapper(*pStream))),
        comphelper::makePropertyValue(u"ExportOnlyBackground"_ustr, true)
    xExporter->setSourceDocument( Reference< XComponent >( rxDrawPage, UNO_QUERY ) );
    xExporter->filter( aDescriptor );
    SvmReader aReader( *pStream );
    aReader.Read( aMtf );
    bool bIsBitmap = false;
    bool bIsTiled = false;
    // look for background type
    Reference< XPropertySet > xPropSet( rxDrawPage, UNO_QUERY );
    if( xPropSet.is() )
        Reference< XPropertySet > xBackground;
        xPropSet->getPropertyValue( u"Background"_ustr ) >>= xBackground;
        if( xBackground.is() )
            drawing::FillStyle aFillStyle;
            if( xBackground->getPropertyValue( u"FillStyle"_ustr ) >>= aFillStyle )
                if( aFillStyle == drawing::FillStyle::FillStyle_BITMAP )
                    bIsBitmap = true;
                    xBackground->getPropertyValue( u"FillBitmapTile"_ustr ) >>= bIsTiled;
                    // we do not handle tiled background with a row or column offset
                    sal_Int32 nFillBitmapOffsetX = 0, nFillBitmapOffsetY = 0;
                    xBackground->getPropertyValue( u"FillBitmapOffsetX"_ustr ) >>= nFillBitmapOffsetX;
                    xBackground->getPropertyValue( u"FillBitmapOffsetY"_ustr ) >>= nFillBitmapOffsetY;
                    bIsTiled = bIsTiled && ( nFillBitmapOffsetX == 0 && nFillBitmapOffsetY == 0 );
    if( !bIsBitmap )
        (*mpObjects)[ rxDrawPage ] = ObjectRepresentation( rxDrawPage, aMtf );
    GDIMetaFile aTiledMtf;
    bool bBitmapFound = false;
    MetaAction* pAction;
    size_t nCount = aMtf.GetActionSize();
    for( size_t nCurAction = 0; nCurAction < nCount; ++nCurAction )
        pAction = aMtf.GetAction( nCurAction );
        const MetaActionType nType = pAction->GetType();
        // collect bitmap
        if( nType == MetaActionType::BMPSCALE  || nType == MetaActionType::BMPEXSCALE )
            if( bBitmapFound )
            bBitmapFound = true; // the subsequent bitmaps are still the same just translated
            BitmapChecksum nChecksum = GetBitmapChecksum( pAction );
            if( maBitmapActionMap.find( nChecksum ) == maBitmapActionMap.end() )
                Point aPos; // (0, 0)
                Size  aSize;
                MetaBitmapActionGetOrigSize( pAction, aSize );
                MetaAction* pBitmapAction = CreateMetaBitmapAction( pAction, aPos, aSize );
                if( pBitmapAction )
                    GDIMetaFile* pEmbeddedBitmapMtf = new GDIMetaFile();
                    pEmbeddedBitmapMtf->AddAction( pBitmapAction );
                    pEmbeddedBitmapMtf->SetPrefSize( aSize );
                    pEmbeddedBitmapMtf->SetPrefMapMode( MapMode(MapUnit::Map100thMM) );
                    maBitmapActionMap[ nChecksum ].reset( pEmbeddedBitmapMtf );
            if( bIsTiled )
                // collect data for <pattern> and <rect>
                const OUString & sPageId = implGetValidIDFromInterface( rxDrawPage );
                Point aPos;
                MetaBitmapActionGetPoint( pAction,  aPos );
                Size aSize;
                MetaBitmapActionGetSize( pAction, aSize );
                sal_Int32 nSlideWidth = 0, nSlideHeight = 0;
                xPropSet->getPropertyValue( u"Width"_ustr ) >>= nSlideWidth;
                xPropSet->getPropertyValue( u"Height"_ustr ) >>= nSlideHeight;
                maPatterProps[ sPageId ] = { nChecksum, aPos, aSize, { nSlideWidth, nSlideHeight } };
                // create meta comment action that is used to exporting
                // a <use> element which points to the group element representing the background
                const OUString sBgId = getIdForTiledBackground( sPageId, nChecksum );
                OString sComment = sTiledBackgroundTag + " " + sBgId.toUtf8();
                MetaCommentAction* pCommentAction = new MetaCommentAction( sComment );
                aTiledMtf.AddAction( pCommentAction );
        else if( bIsTiled && nType != MetaActionType::CLIPREGION )
            aTiledMtf.AddAction( pAction );
    (*mpObjects)[ rxDrawPage ] = ObjectRepresentation( rxDrawPage, bIsTiled ? aTiledMtf : aMtf );
OUString SVGFilter::implGetClassFromShape( const Reference< css::drawing::XShape >& rxShape )
    OUString            aRet;
    const OUString      aShapeType( rxShape->getShapeType() );
    if( aShapeType.lastIndexOf( "drawing.GroupShape" ) != -1 )
        aRet = "Group";
    else if( aShapeType.lastIndexOf( "drawing.GraphicObjectShape" ) != -1 )
        aRet = "Graphic";
    else if( aShapeType.lastIndexOf( "drawing.OLE2Shape" ) != -1 )
        aRet = "OLE2";
    else if( aShapeType.lastIndexOf( "drawing.TextShape" ) != -1 )
        aRet = "TextShape";
    else if( aShapeType.lastIndexOf( "presentation.HeaderShape" ) != -1 )
        aRet = "Header";
    else if( aShapeType.lastIndexOf( "presentation.FooterShape" ) != -1 )
        aRet = "Footer";
    else if( aShapeType.lastIndexOf( "presentation.DateTimeShape" ) != -1 )
        aRet = "DateTime";
    else if( aShapeType.lastIndexOf( "presentation.SlideNumberShape" ) != -1 )
        aRet = "PageNumber";
    else if( aShapeType.lastIndexOf( "presentation.TitleTextShape" ) != -1 )
        aRet = "TitleText";
    else if( aShapeType.lastIndexOf( "presentation.OutlinerShape" ) != -1 )
        aRet = "Outline";
        aRet = aShapeType;
    return aRet;
void SVGFilter::implRegisterInterface( const Reference< XInterface >& rxIf )
    if( rxIf.is() )
        mpSVGExport->getInterfaceToIdentifierMapper().registerReference( rxIf );
const OUString & SVGFilter::implGetValidIDFromInterface( const Reference< XInterface >& rxIf )
   return mpSVGExport->getInterfaceToIdentifierMapper().getIdentifier( rxIf );
OUString SVGFilter::implGetInterfaceName( const Reference< XInterface >& rxIf )
    Reference< XNamed > xNamed( rxIf, UNO_QUERY );
    OUString            aRet;
    if( xNamed.is() )
        aRet = xNamed->getName().replace( ' ', '_' );
    return aRet;
IMPL_LINK( SVGFilter, CalcFieldHdl, EditFieldInfo*, pInfo, void )
    bool bFieldProcessed = false;
    if( pInfo && mbPresentation )
        bFieldProcessed = true;
        if( mpSVGExport->IsEmbedFonts() && mpSVGExport->IsUsePositionedCharacters() )
            // to notify to the SVGActionWriter::ImplWriteText method
            // that we are dealing with a placeholder shape
            OUStringBuffer aRepresentation(sPlaceholderTag);
            if( !mCreateOjectsCurrentMasterPage.is() )
                OSL_FAIL( "error: !mCreateOjectsCurrentMasterPage.is()" );
            bool bHasCharSetMap = mTextFieldCharSets.find( mCreateOjectsCurrentMasterPage ) != mTextFieldCharSets.end();
            static constexpr OUString aHeaderId( NSPREFIX "header-field"_ustr );
            static constexpr OUString aFooterId( aOOOAttrFooterField );
            static constexpr OUString aDateTimeId( aOOOAttrDateTimeField );
            static const OUString aVariableDateTimeId( aOOOAttrDateTimeField + "-variable" );
            const UCharSet * pCharSet = nullptr;
            UCharSetMap * pCharSetMap = nullptr;
            if( bHasCharSetMap )
                pCharSetMap = &( mTextFieldCharSets[ mCreateOjectsCurrentMasterPage ] );
            const SvxFieldData* pField = pInfo->GetField().GetField();
            if( bHasCharSetMap && ( pField->GetClassId() == text::textfield::Type::PRESENTATION_HEADER ) && ( pCharSetMap->find( aHeaderId ) != pCharSetMap->end() ) )
                pCharSet = &( (*pCharSetMap)[ aHeaderId ] );
            else if( bHasCharSetMap && ( pField->GetClassId() == text::textfield::Type::PRESENTATION_FOOTER ) && ( pCharSetMap->find( aFooterId ) != pCharSetMap->end() ) )
                pCharSet = &( (*pCharSetMap)[ aFooterId ] );
            else if( pField->GetClassId() == text::textfield::Type::PRESENTATION_DATE_TIME )
                if( bHasCharSetMap && ( pCharSetMap->find( aDateTimeId ) != pCharSetMap->end() ) )
                    pCharSet = &( (*pCharSetMap)[ aDateTimeId ] );
                if( bHasCharSetMap && ( pCharSetMap->find( aVariableDateTimeId ) != pCharSetMap->end() ) && !(*pCharSetMap)[ aVariableDateTimeId ].empty() )
                    SvxDateFormat eDateFormat = SvxDateFormat::B, eCurDateFormat;
                    const UCharSet & aCharSet = (*pCharSetMap)[ aVariableDateTimeId ];
                    // we look for the most verbose date format
                    for (auto const& elem : aCharSet)
                        eCurDateFormat = static_cast<SvxDateFormat>( static_cast<int>(elem) & 0x0f );
                        switch( eDateFormat )
                            case SvxDateFormat::StdSmall:
                            case SvxDateFormat::A:       // 13.02.96
                            case SvxDateFormat::B:       // 13.02.1996
                                switch( eCurDateFormat )
                                    case SvxDateFormat::C:       // 13.Feb 1996
                                    case SvxDateFormat::D:       // 13.February 1996
                                    case SvxDateFormat::E:       // Tue, 13.February 1996
                                    case SvxDateFormat::StdBig:
                                    case SvxDateFormat::F:       // Tuesday, 13.February 1996
                                        eDateFormat = eCurDateFormat;
                            case SvxDateFormat::C:       // 13.Feb 1996
                            case SvxDateFormat::D:       // 13.February 1996
                                switch( eCurDateFormat )
                                    case SvxDateFormat::E:       // Tue, 13.February 1996
                                    case SvxDateFormat::StdBig:
                                    case SvxDateFormat::F:       // Tuesday, 13.February 1996
                                        eDateFormat = eCurDateFormat;
                    // Independently of the date format, we always put all these characters by default.
                    // They should be enough to cover every time format.
                    aRepresentation.append( "0123456789.:/-APM" );
                    if( eDateFormat != SvxDateFormat::AppDefault )
                        OUStringBuffer sDate;
                        LanguageType eLang = pInfo->GetOutliner()->GetLanguage( pInfo->GetPara(), pInfo->GetPos() );
                        SvNumberFormatter * pNumberFormatter = new SvNumberFormatter( ::comphelper::getProcessComponentContext(), LANGUAGE_SYSTEM );
                        // We always collect the characters obtained by using the SvxDateFormat::B (as: 13.02.1996)
                        // so we are sure to include any unusual day|month|year separator.
                        Date aDate( 1, 1, 1996 );
                        sDate.append( SvxDateField::GetFormatted( aDate, SvxDateFormat::B, *pNumberFormatter, eLang ) );
                        switch( eDateFormat )
                            case SvxDateFormat::E:       // Tue, 13.February 1996
                            case SvxDateFormat::StdBig:
                            case SvxDateFormat::F:       // Tuesday, 13.February 1996
                                for( sal_uInt16 i = 1; i <= 7; ++i )  // we get all days in a week
                                    aDate.SetDay( i );
                                    sDate.append( SvxDateField::GetFormatted( aDate, eDateFormat, *pNumberFormatter, eLang ) );
                                [[fallthrough]]; // We need months too!
                            case SvxDateFormat::C:       // 13.Feb 1996
                            case SvxDateFormat::D:       // 13.February 1996
                                for( sal_uInt16 i = 1; i <= 12; ++i ) // we get all months in a year
                                    aDate.SetMonth( i );
                                    sDate.append( SvxDateField::GetFormatted( aDate, eDateFormat, *pNumberFormatter, eLang ) );
                            // coverity[dead_error_begin] - following conditions exist to avoid compiler warning
                            case SvxDateFormat::StdSmall:
                            case SvxDateFormat::A:       // 13.02.96
                            case SvxDateFormat::B:       // 13.02.1996
                                // nothing to do here, we always collect the characters needed for these cases.
                        aRepresentation.append( sDate );
            else if( pField->GetClassId() == text::textfield::Type::PAGE )
                switch( mVisiblePagePropSet.nPageNumberingType )
                    case css::style::NumberingType::CHARS_UPPER_LETTER:
                        aRepresentation.append( "QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM" );
                    case css::style::NumberingType::CHARS_LOWER_LETTER:
                        aRepresentation.append( "qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm" );
                    case css::style::NumberingType::ROMAN_UPPER:
                        aRepresentation.append( "IVXLCDM" );
                    case css::style::NumberingType::ROMAN_LOWER:
                        aRepresentation.append( "ivxlcdm" );
                    // arabic numbering type is the default
                    case css::style::NumberingType::ARABIC:
                    // in case the numbering type is not handled we fall back on arabic numbering
                        aRepresentation.append( "0123456789" );
                bFieldProcessed = false;
            if( bFieldProcessed )
                if( pCharSet != nullptr )
                    for (auto const& elem : *pCharSet)
                pInfo->SetRepresentation( aRepresentation.makeStringAndClear() );
            bFieldProcessed = false;
    if (!bFieldProcessed)
        maOldFieldHdl.Call( pInfo );
void SVGExport::writeMtf( const GDIMetaFile& rMtf )
    const Size aSize( OutputDevice::LogicToLogic(rMtf.GetPrefSize(), rMtf.GetPrefMapMode(), MapMode(MapUnit::MapMM)) );
    OUString aAttr;
    Reference< XExtendedDocumentHandler> xExtDocHandler( GetDocHandler(), UNO_QUERY );
    if( xExtDocHandler.is() && IsUseDTDString() )
        xExtDocHandler->unknown( SVG_DTD_STRING );
    aAttr = OUString::number( aSize.Width() ) + "mm";
    AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"width"_ustr, aAttr );
    aAttr = OUString::number( aSize.Height() ) + "mm";
    AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"height"_ustr, aAttr );
    aAttr = "0 0 " + OUString::number( aSize.Width() * 100 ) + " " +
        OUString::number( aSize.Height() * 100 );
    AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"viewBox"_ustr, aAttr );
    AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"version"_ustr, u"1.1"_ustr );
    if( IsUseTinyProfile() )
         AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"baseProfile"_ustr, u"tiny"_ustr );
    AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"xmlns"_ustr, constSvgNamespace );
    // For <image xlink:href="...">.
    AddAttribute(XML_NAMESPACE_XMLNS, u"xlink"_ustr, u"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"_ustr);
    AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"stroke-width"_ustr, OUString::number( 28.222 ) );
    AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"stroke-linejoin"_ustr, u"round"_ustr );
    AddAttribute( XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"xml:space"_ustr, u"preserve"_ustr );
        SvXMLElementExport  aSVG( *this, XML_NAMESPACE_NONE, u"svg"_ustr, true, true );
        std::vector< ObjectRepresentation > aObjects;
        aObjects.emplace_back( Reference< XInterface >(), rMtf );
        SVGFontExport aSVGFontExport( *this, std::move(aObjects) );
        Point aPoint100thmm( OutputDevice::LogicToLogic(rMtf.GetPrefMapMode().GetOrigin(), rMtf.GetPrefMapMode(), MapMode(MapUnit::Map100thMM)) );
        Size  aSize100thmm( OutputDevice::LogicToLogic(rMtf.GetPrefSize(), rMtf.GetPrefMapMode(), MapMode(MapUnit::Map100thMM)) );
        SVGActionWriter aWriter( *this, aSVGFontExport );
        aWriter.WriteMetaFile( aPoint100thmm, aSize100thmm, rMtf,
void SVGExport::SetEmbeddedBulletGlyph(sal_Unicode cBullet)
bool SVGExport::IsEmbeddedBulletGlyph(sal_Unicode cBullet) const
    auto it = maEmbeddedBulletGlyphs.find(cBullet);
    return it != maEmbeddedBulletGlyphs.end();
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V530 The return value of function 'registerReference' is required to be utilized.

V1023 A pointer without owner is added to the 'aFieldSet' container by the 'emplace_back' method. A memory leak will occur in case of an exception.

V1051 Consider checking for misprints. It's possible that the 'nLastPage' should be checked here.

V1077 The 'SVGExport' constructor contains potentially uninitialized members. Inspect the following: mbIsEmbedFonts.