/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4; fill-column: 100 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <table.hxx>
#include <patattr.hxx>
#include <docpool.hxx>
#include <formulacell.hxx>
#include <document.hxx>
#include <drwlayer.hxx>
#include <olinetab.hxx>
#include <stlpool.hxx>
#include <attarray.hxx>
#include <markdata.hxx>
#include <dociter.hxx>
#include <conditio.hxx>
#include <chartlis.hxx>
#include <fillinfo.hxx>
#include <bcaslot.hxx>
#include <postit.hxx>
#include <sheetevents.hxx>
#include <segmenttree.hxx>
#include <dbdata.hxx>
#include <tokenarray.hxx>
#include <clipcontext.hxx>
#include <types.hxx>
#include <editutil.hxx>
#include <mtvcellfunc.hxx>
#include <refupdatecontext.hxx>
#include <scopetools.hxx>
#include <tabprotection.hxx>
#include <columnspanset.hxx>
#include <rowheightcontext.hxx>
#include <listenercontext.hxx>
#include <compressedarray.hxx>
#include <refdata.hxx>
#include <docsh.hxx>
#include <dpobject.hxx>
#include <scitems.hxx>
#include <editeng/boxitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/editobj.hxx>
#include <o3tl/safeint.hxx>
#include <o3tl/unit_conversion.hxx>
#include <osl/diagnose.h>
#include <sal/log.hxx>
#include <poolcach.hxx>
#include <unotools/charclass.hxx>
#include <math.h>
namespace {
class ColumnRegroupFormulaCells
    ScColContainer& mrCols;
    std::vector<ScAddress>* mpGroupPos;
    ColumnRegroupFormulaCells( ScColContainer& rCols, std::vector<ScAddress>* pGroupPos ) :
        mrCols(rCols), mpGroupPos(pGroupPos) {}
    void operator() (SCCOL nCol)
sal_uInt16 ScTable::GetTextWidth(SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow) const
    return aCol[nCol].GetTextWidth(nRow);
bool ScTable::SetOutlineTable( const ScOutlineTable* pNewOutline )
    sal_uInt16 nOldSizeX = 0;
    sal_uInt16 nOldSizeY = 0;
    sal_uInt16 nNewSizeX = 0;
    sal_uInt16 nNewSizeY = 0;
    if (pOutlineTable)
        nOldSizeX = pOutlineTable->GetColArray().GetDepth();
        nOldSizeY = pOutlineTable->GetRowArray().GetDepth();
    if (pNewOutline)
        pOutlineTable.reset(new ScOutlineTable( *pNewOutline ));
        nNewSizeX = pOutlineTable->GetColArray().GetDepth();
        nNewSizeY = pOutlineTable->GetRowArray().GetDepth();
    return ( nNewSizeX != nOldSizeX || nNewSizeY != nOldSizeY );        // changed size?
void ScTable::StartOutlineTable()
    if (!pOutlineTable)
        pOutlineTable.reset(new ScOutlineTable);
void ScTable::SetSheetEvents( std::unique_ptr<ScSheetEvents> pNew )
    pSheetEvents = std::move(pNew);
    SetCalcNotification( false );       // discard notifications before the events were set
void ScTable::SetCalcNotification( bool bSet )
    bCalcNotification = bSet;
bool ScTable::TestInsertRow( SCCOL nStartCol, SCCOL nEndCol, SCROW nStartRow, SCSIZE nSize ) const
    if ( nStartCol==0 && nEndCol==rDocument.MaxCol() && pOutlineTable )
        if (!pOutlineTable->TestInsertRow(nSize))
            return false;
    SCCOL maxCol = ClampToAllocatedColumns(nEndCol);
    for (SCCOL i=nStartCol; i<=maxCol; i++)
        if (!aCol[i].TestInsertRow(nStartRow, nSize))
            return false;
    if( maxCol != nEndCol )
        if (!aDefaultColData.TestInsertRow(nSize))
            return false;
    return true;
void ScTable::InsertRow( SCCOL nStartCol, SCCOL nEndCol, SCROW nStartRow, SCSIZE nSize )
    if (nStartCol==0 && nEndCol==rDocument.MaxCol())
        if (mpRowHeights && pRowFlags)
            mpRowHeights->insertSegment(nStartRow, nSize);
            CRFlags nNewFlags = pRowFlags->Insert( nStartRow, nSize);
            // only copy manual size flag, clear all others
            if (nNewFlags != CRFlags::NONE && (nNewFlags != CRFlags::ManualSize))
                pRowFlags->SetValue( nStartRow, nStartRow + nSize - 1,
                        nNewFlags & CRFlags::ManualSize);
        if (pOutlineTable)
            pOutlineTable->InsertRow( nStartRow, nSize );
        mpFilteredRows->insertSegment(nStartRow, nSize);
        mpHiddenRows->insertSegment(nStartRow, nSize);
        if (!maRowManualBreaks.empty())
            // Copy all breaks up to nStartRow (non-inclusive).
            ::std::set<SCROW>::iterator itr1 = maRowManualBreaks.lower_bound(nStartRow);
            ::std::set<SCROW> aNewBreaks(maRowManualBreaks.begin(), itr1);
            // Copy all breaks from nStartRow (inclusive) to the last element,
            // but add nSize to each value.
            ::std::set<SCROW>::iterator itr2 = maRowManualBreaks.end();
            for (; itr1 != itr2; ++itr1)
                aNewBreaks.insert(static_cast<SCROW>(*itr1 + nSize));
    for (SCCOL j : GetAllocatedColumnsRange(nStartCol, nEndCol))
        aCol[j].InsertRow( nStartRow, nSize );
    aDefaultColData.InsertRow( nStartRow, nSize );
    mpCondFormatList->InsertRow(nTab, nStartCol, nEndCol, nStartRow, nSize);
    // TODO: In the future we may want to check if the table has been
    // really modified before setting the stream invalid.
void ScTable::DeleteRow(
    const sc::ColumnSet& rRegroupCols, SCCOL nStartCol, SCCOL nEndCol, SCROW nStartRow, SCSIZE nSize,
    bool* pUndoOutline, std::vector<ScAddress>* pGroupPos )
    if (nStartCol==0 && nEndCol==rDocument.MaxCol())
        if (pRowFlags)
            pRowFlags->Remove( nStartRow, nSize);
        if (mpRowHeights)
            mpRowHeights->removeSegment(nStartRow, nStartRow+nSize);
        if (pOutlineTable)
            if (pOutlineTable->DeleteRow( nStartRow, nSize ))
                if (pUndoOutline)
                    *pUndoOutline = true;
        mpFilteredRows->removeSegment(nStartRow, nStartRow+nSize);
        mpHiddenRows->removeSegment(nStartRow, nStartRow+nSize);
        if (!maRowManualBreaks.empty())
            // Erase all manual breaks between nStartRow and nStartRow + nSize - 1 (inclusive).
            std::set<SCROW>::iterator itr1 = maRowManualBreaks.lower_bound(nStartRow);
            std::set<SCROW>::iterator itr2 = maRowManualBreaks.upper_bound(static_cast<SCROW>(nStartRow + nSize - 1));
            maRowManualBreaks.erase(itr1, itr2);
            // Copy all breaks from the 1st element up to nStartRow to the new container.
            itr1 = maRowManualBreaks.lower_bound(nStartRow);
            ::std::set<SCROW> aNewBreaks(maRowManualBreaks.begin(), itr1);
            // Copy all breaks from nStartRow to the last element, but subtract each value by nSize.
            itr2 = maRowManualBreaks.end();
            for (; itr1 != itr2; ++itr1)
                aNewBreaks.insert(static_cast<SCROW>(*itr1 - nSize));
    {   // scope for bulk broadcast
        ScBulkBroadcast aBulkBroadcast( rDocument.GetBASM(), SfxHintId::ScDataChanged);
        for (SCCOL j=nStartCol; j<=ClampToAllocatedColumns(nEndCol); j++)
            aCol[j].DeleteRow(nStartRow, nSize, pGroupPos);
    std::vector<SCCOL> aRegroupCols;
    rRegroupCols.getColumns(nTab, aRegroupCols);
        aRegroupCols.begin(), aRegroupCols.end(), ColumnRegroupFormulaCells(aCol, pGroupPos));
    // TODO: In the future we may want to check if the table has been
    // really modified before setting the stream invalid.
bool ScTable::TestInsertCol( SCROW nStartRow, SCROW nEndRow, SCSIZE nSize ) const
    if ( nSize > o3tl::make_unsigned(rDocument.MaxCol()) )
        return false;
    if ( nStartRow==0 && nEndRow==rDocument.MaxRow() && pOutlineTable
        && ! pOutlineTable->TestInsertCol(nSize) )
            return false;
    auto range = GetAllocatedColumnsRange( rDocument.MaxCol() - static_cast<SCCOL>(nSize) + 1, rDocument.MaxCol() );
    for (auto it = range.rbegin(); it != range.rend(); ++it )
        if (! aCol[*it].TestInsertCol(nStartRow, nEndRow))
            return false;
    return true;
void ScTable::InsertCol(
    const sc::ColumnSet& rRegroupCols, SCCOL nStartCol, SCROW nStartRow, SCROW nEndRow, SCSIZE nSize )
    if (nStartRow==0 && nEndRow==rDocument.MaxRow())
        if (mpColWidth && mpColFlags)
            mpColWidth->InsertPreservingSize(nStartCol, nSize, STD_COL_WIDTH);
            // The inserted columns have the same widths as the columns, which were selected for insert.
            for (SCSIZE i=0; i < std::min(rDocument.MaxCol()-nSize-nStartCol, nSize); ++i)
                mpColWidth->SetValue(nStartCol + i, mpColWidth->GetValue(nStartCol+i+nSize));
            mpColFlags->InsertPreservingSize(nStartCol, nSize, CRFlags::NONE);
        if (pOutlineTable)
            pOutlineTable->InsertCol( nStartCol, nSize );
        mpHiddenCols->insertSegment(nStartCol, static_cast<SCCOL>(nSize));
        mpFilteredCols->insertSegment(nStartCol, static_cast<SCCOL>(nSize));
        if (!maColManualBreaks.empty())
            // Copy all breaks up to nStartCol (non-inclusive).
            ::std::set<SCCOL>::iterator itr1 = maColManualBreaks.lower_bound(nStartCol);
            ::std::set<SCCOL> aNewBreaks(maColManualBreaks.begin(), itr1);
            // Copy all breaks from nStartCol (inclusive) to the last element,
            // but add nSize to each value.
            ::std::set<SCCOL>::iterator itr2 = maColManualBreaks.end();
            for (; itr1 != itr2; ++itr1)
                aNewBreaks.insert(static_cast<SCCOL>(*itr1 + nSize));
    // Make sure there are enough columns at the end.
    CreateColumnIfNotExists(std::min<SCCOL>(rDocument.MaxCol(), std::max(nStartCol, aCol.size()) + nSize - 1 ));
    if ((nStartRow == 0) && (nEndRow == rDocument.MaxRow()))
        // Move existing columns back, this will swap last empty columns in the inserted place.
        for (SCCOL nCol = aCol.size() - 1 - nSize; nCol >= nStartCol; --nCol)
        for (SCSIZE i=0; static_cast<SCCOL>(i+nSize)+nStartCol < aCol.size(); i++)
            aCol[aCol.size() - 1 - nSize - i].MoveTo(nStartRow, nEndRow, aCol[aCol.size() - 1 - i]);
    std::vector<SCCOL> aRegroupCols;
    rRegroupCols.getColumns(nTab, aRegroupCols);
    std::for_each(aRegroupCols.begin(), aRegroupCols.end(), ColumnRegroupFormulaCells(aCol, nullptr));
    if (nStartCol>0)                        // copy old attributes
        sal_uInt16 nWhichArray[2];
        nWhichArray[0] = ATTR_MERGE;
        nWhichArray[1] = 0;
        sc::CopyToDocContext aCxt(rDocument);
        for (SCSIZE i=0; i<nSize; i++)
            aCol[nStartCol-1].CopyToColumn(aCxt, nStartRow, nEndRow, InsertDeleteFlags::ATTRIB,
                                                false, aCol[nStartCol+i] );
            aCol[nStartCol+i].RemoveFlags( nStartRow, nEndRow,
                                                ScMF::Hor | ScMF::Ver | ScMF::Auto );
            aCol[nStartCol+i].ClearItems( nStartRow, nEndRow, nWhichArray );
    mpCondFormatList->InsertCol(nTab, nStartRow, nEndRow, nStartCol, nSize);
    // TODO: In the future we may want to check if the table has been
    // really modified before setting the stream invalid.
void ScTable::DeleteCol(
    const sc::ColumnSet& rRegroupCols, SCCOL nStartCol, SCROW nStartRow, SCROW nEndRow, SCSIZE nSize, bool* pUndoOutline )
    if (nStartRow==0 && nEndRow==rDocument.MaxRow())
        if (mpColWidth && mpColFlags)
            assert( nStartCol + nSize <= o3tl::make_unsigned(rDocument.MaxCol()+1) );    // moving 0 if ==rDocument.MaxCol()+1 is correct
            mpColWidth->RemovePreservingSize(nStartCol, nSize, STD_COL_WIDTH);
            mpColFlags->RemovePreservingSize(nStartCol, nSize, CRFlags::NONE);
        if (pOutlineTable)
            if (pOutlineTable->DeleteCol( nStartCol, nSize ))
                if (pUndoOutline)
                    *pUndoOutline = true;
        SCCOL nRmSize = nStartCol + static_cast<SCCOL>(nSize);
        mpHiddenCols->removeSegment(nStartCol, nRmSize);
        mpFilteredCols->removeSegment(nStartCol, nRmSize);
        if (!maColManualBreaks.empty())
            // Erase all manual breaks between nStartCol and nStartCol + nSize - 1 (inclusive).
            std::set<SCCOL>::iterator itr1 = maColManualBreaks.lower_bound(nStartCol);
            std::set<SCCOL>::iterator itr2 = maColManualBreaks.upper_bound(static_cast<SCCOL>(nStartCol + nSize - 1));
            maColManualBreaks.erase(itr1, itr2);
            // Copy all breaks from the 1st element up to nStartCol to the new container.
            itr1 = maColManualBreaks.lower_bound(nStartCol);
            ::std::set<SCCOL> aNewBreaks(maColManualBreaks.begin(), itr1);
            // Copy all breaks from nStartCol to the last element, but subtract each value by nSize.
            itr2 = maColManualBreaks.end();
            for (; itr1 != itr2; ++itr1)
                aNewBreaks.insert(static_cast<SCCOL>(*itr1 - nSize));
    for (SCCOL col = nStartCol; col <= ClampToAllocatedColumns(nStartCol + nSize - 1); ++col)
        aCol[col].DeleteArea(nStartRow, nEndRow, InsertDeleteFlags::ALL, false);
    if ((nStartRow == 0) && (nEndRow == rDocument.MaxRow()))
        for (SCCOL nCol = nStartCol + nSize; nCol < aCol.size(); ++nCol)
            aCol[nCol].SwapCol(aCol[nCol - nSize]);
        for (SCSIZE i=0; static_cast<SCCOL>(i+nSize)+nStartCol < aCol.size(); i++)
            aCol[nStartCol + nSize + i].MoveTo(nStartRow, nEndRow, aCol[nStartCol + i]);
    std::vector<SCCOL> aRegroupCols;
    rRegroupCols.getColumns(nTab, aRegroupCols);
    std::for_each(aRegroupCols.begin(), aRegroupCols.end(), ColumnRegroupFormulaCells(aCol, nullptr));
    // TODO: In the future we may want to check if the table has been
    // really modified before setting the stream invalid.
void ScTable::DeleteArea(
    SCCOL nCol1, SCROW nRow1, SCCOL nCol2, SCROW nRow2, InsertDeleteFlags nDelFlag,
    bool bBroadcast, sc::ColumnSpanSet* pBroadcastSpans )
    if ( nCol2 >= aCol.size() ) nCol2 = aCol.size() - 1;
    if (nRow2 > rDocument.MaxRow()) nRow2 = rDocument.MaxRow();
    if (ValidColRow(nCol1, nRow1) && ValidColRow(nCol2, nRow2))
        {   // scope for bulk broadcast
            ScBulkBroadcast aBulkBroadcast( rDocument.GetBASM(), SfxHintId::ScDataChanged);
            for (SCCOL i = nCol1; i <= nCol2; i++)
                aCol[i].DeleteArea(nRow1, nRow2, nDelFlag, bBroadcast, pBroadcastSpans);
        if( nDelFlag & InsertDeleteFlags::ATTRIB )
            mpCondFormatList->DeleteArea( nCol1, nRow1, nCol2, nRow2 );
    // TODO: In the future we may want to check if the table has been
    // really modified before setting the stream invalid.
void ScTable::DeleteSelection( InsertDeleteFlags nDelFlag, const ScMarkData& rMark, bool bBroadcast )
    {   // scope for bulk broadcast
        ScBulkBroadcast aBulkBroadcast( rDocument.GetBASM(), SfxHintId::ScDataChanged);
        for (SCCOL i=0; i < aCol.size(); i++)
            aCol[i].DeleteSelection(nDelFlag, rMark, bBroadcast);
    ScRangeList aRangeList;
    rMark.FillRangeListWithMarks(&aRangeList, false);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < aRangeList.size(); ++i)
        const ScRange & rRange = aRangeList[i];
        if((nDelFlag & InsertDeleteFlags::ATTRIB) && rRange.aStart.Tab() == nTab)
            mpCondFormatList->DeleteArea( rRange.aStart.Col(), rRange.aStart.Row(), rRange.aEnd.Col(), rRange.aEnd.Row() );
    // TODO: In the future we may want to check if the table has been
    // really modified before setting the stream invalid.
// pTable = Clipboard
void ScTable::CopyToClip(
    sc::CopyToClipContext& rCxt, SCCOL nCol1, SCROW nRow1, SCCOL nCol2, SCROW nRow2,
    ScTable* pTable )
    if (!ValidColRow(nCol1, nRow1) || !ValidColRow(nCol2, nRow2))
    //  copy content
    //local range names need to be copied first for formula cells
    if (!pTable->mpRangeName && mpRangeName)
        pTable->mpRangeName.reset( new ScRangeName(*mpRangeName) );
    nCol2 = ClampToAllocatedColumns(nCol2);
    pTable->CreateColumnIfNotExists(nCol2);  // prevent repeated resizing
    for ( SCCOL i = nCol1; i <= nCol2; i++)
        aCol[i].CopyToClip(rCxt, nRow1, nRow2, pTable->CreateColumnIfNotExists(i));  // notes are handled at column level
    //  copy widths/heights, and only "hidden", "filtered" and "manual" flags
    //  also for all preceding columns/rows, to have valid positions for drawing objects
    if (mpColWidth && pTable->mpColWidth)
        pTable->mpColWidth->CopyFrom(*mpColWidth, 0, nCol2);
    pTable->CopyColHidden(*this, 0, nCol2);
    pTable->CopyColFiltered(*this, 0, nCol2);
    if (pDBDataNoName)
        pTable->SetAnonymousDBData(std::unique_ptr<ScDBData>(new ScDBData(*pDBDataNoName)));
    if (pRowFlags && pTable->pRowFlags && mpRowHeights && pTable->mpRowHeights)
        pTable->pRowFlags->CopyFromAnded( *pRowFlags, 0, nRow2, CRFlags::ManualSize);
        pTable->CopyRowHeight(*this, 0, nRow2, 0);
    pTable->CopyRowHidden(*this, 0, nRow2);
    pTable->CopyRowFiltered(*this, 0, nRow2);
    // If necessary replace formulas with values
    if ( IsProtected() )
        for (SCCOL i = nCol1; i <= nCol2; i++)
            pTable->aCol[i].RemoveProtected(nRow1, nRow2);
    pTable->mpCondFormatList.reset(new ScConditionalFormatList(pTable->rDocument, *mpCondFormatList));
void ScTable::CopyToClip(
    sc::CopyToClipContext& rCxt, const ScRangeList& rRanges, ScTable* pTable )
    for ( size_t i = 0, nListSize = rRanges.size(); i < nListSize; ++i )
        const ScRange & r = rRanges[ i ];
        CopyToClip( rCxt, r.aStart.Col(), r.aStart.Row(), r.aEnd.Col(), r.aEnd.Row(), pTable);
void ScTable::CopyStaticToDocument(
    SCCOL nCol1, SCROW nRow1, SCCOL nCol2, SCROW nRow2, const SvNumberFormatterMergeMap& rMap, ScTable* pDestTab )
    if (nCol1 > nCol2 || nRow1 > nRow2)
    const SCCOL nFirstUnallocated = std::clamp<SCCOL>(GetAllocatedColumnsCount(), nCol1, nCol2 + 1);
    if (nFirstUnallocated > nCol1)
        pDestTab->CreateColumnIfNotExists(nFirstUnallocated - 1);
    for (SCCOL i = nCol1; i < nFirstUnallocated; ++i)
        ScColumn& rSrcCol = aCol[i];
        ScColumn& rDestCol = pDestTab->aCol[i];
        rSrcCol.CopyStaticToDocument(nRow1, nRow2, rMap, rDestCol);
    // Maybe copy this table's default attrs to dest not limiting to already allocated in dest?
    const SCCOL nLastInDest = std::min<SCCOL>(pDestTab->GetAllocatedColumnsCount() - 1, nCol2);
    for (SCCOL i = nFirstUnallocated; i <= nLastInDest; ++i)
        ScColumn& rDestCol = pDestTab->aCol[i];
        rDestCol.maCellTextAttrs.set_empty(nRow1, nRow2);
        rDestCol.maCells.set_empty(nRow1, nRow2);
        for (SCROW nRow = nRow1; nRow <= nRow2; ++nRow)
            sal_uInt32 nNumFmt = aDefaultColData.GetPattern(nRow)->GetNumberFormat(
            SvNumberFormatterMergeMap::const_iterator itNum = rMap.find(nNumFmt);
            if (itNum != rMap.end())
                nNumFmt = itNum->second;
            rDestCol.SetNumberFormat(nRow, nNumFmt);
void ScTable::CopyCellToDocument(SCCOL nSrcCol, SCROW nSrcRow, SCCOL nDestCol, SCROW nDestRow, ScTable& rDestTab )
    if (!ValidColRow(nSrcCol, nSrcRow) || !ValidColRow(nDestCol, nDestRow))
    if (nSrcCol >= GetAllocatedColumnsCount())
        if (nDestCol < rDestTab.GetAllocatedColumnsCount())
            ScColumn& rDestCol = rDestTab.aCol[nDestCol];
            rDestCol.maCells.set_empty(nDestRow, nDestRow);
            rDestCol.maCellTextAttrs.set_empty(nDestRow, nDestRow);
            rDestCol.maCellNotes.set_empty(nDestRow, nDestRow);
    ScColumn& rSrcCol = aCol[nSrcCol];
    ScColumn& rDestCol = rDestTab.CreateColumnIfNotExists(nDestCol);
    rSrcCol.CopyCellToDocument(nSrcRow, nDestRow, rDestCol);
namespace {
bool CheckAndDeduplicateCondFormat(ScDocument& rDocument, ScConditionalFormat* pOldFormat, const ScConditionalFormat* pNewFormat, SCTAB nTab)
    if (!pOldFormat)
        return false;
    if (pOldFormat->EqualEntries(*pNewFormat, true))
        const ScRangeList& rNewRangeList = pNewFormat->GetRange();
        ScRangeList& rDstRangeList = pOldFormat->GetRangeList();
        for (size_t i = 0; i < rNewRangeList.size(); ++i)
        rDocument.AddCondFormatData(rNewRangeList, nTab, pOldFormat->GetKey());
        return true;
    return false;
void ScTable::CopyConditionalFormat( SCCOL nCol1, SCROW nRow1, SCCOL nCol2, SCROW nRow2,
        SCCOL nDx, SCROW nDy, const ScTable* pTable)
    ScRange aOldRange( nCol1 - nDx, nRow1 - nDy, pTable->nTab, nCol2 - nDx, nRow2 - nDy, pTable->nTab);
    ScRange aNewRange( nCol1, nRow1, nTab, nCol2, nRow2, nTab );
    // Don't deduplicate when undoing or creating an Undo document! It would disallow correct undo
    bool bUndoContext = rDocument.IsUndo() || pTable->rDocument.IsUndo();
    // Note that Undo documents use same pool as the original document
    bool bSameDoc = rDocument.GetStyleSheetPool() == pTable->rDocument.GetStyleSheetPool();
    for(const auto& rxCondFormat : *pTable->mpCondFormatList)
        const ScRangeList& rCondFormatRange = rxCondFormat->GetRange();
        if(!rCondFormatRange.Intersects( aOldRange ))
        ScRangeList aIntersectedRange = rCondFormatRange.GetIntersectedRange(aOldRange);
        std::unique_ptr<ScConditionalFormat> pNewFormat = rxCondFormat->Clone(&rDocument);
        sc::RefUpdateContext aRefCxt(rDocument);
        aRefCxt.meMode = URM_COPY;
        aRefCxt.maRange = aNewRange;
        aRefCxt.mnColDelta = nDx;
        aRefCxt.mnRowDelta = nDy;
        aRefCxt.mnTabDelta = nTab - pTable->nTab;
        pNewFormat->UpdateReference(aRefCxt, true);
        if (!bUndoContext && bSameDoc && pTable->nTab == nTab && CheckAndDeduplicateCondFormat(rDocument, mpCondFormatList->GetFormat(rxCondFormat->GetKey()), pNewFormat.get(), nTab))
        sal_uInt32 nMax = 0;
        bool bDuplicate = false;
        for(const auto& rxCond : *mpCondFormatList)
            // Check if there is the same format in the destination
            // If there is, then simply expand its range
            if (!bUndoContext && CheckAndDeduplicateCondFormat(rDocument, rxCond.get(), pNewFormat.get(), nTab))
                bDuplicate = true;
            if (rxCond->GetKey() > nMax)
                nMax = rxCond->GetKey();
        // Do not add duplicate entries
        if (bDuplicate)
        pNewFormat->SetKey(nMax + 1);
        auto pNewFormatTmp = pNewFormat.get();
            for(size_t i = 0, n = pNewFormatTmp->size();
                    i < n; ++i)
                OUString aStyleName;
                const ScFormatEntry* pEntry = pNewFormatTmp->GetEntry(i);
                if(pEntry->GetType() == ScFormatEntry::Type::Condition ||
                   pEntry->GetType() == ScFormatEntry::Type::ExtCondition)
                    aStyleName = static_cast<const ScCondFormatEntry*>(pEntry)->GetStyle();
                else if(pEntry->GetType() == ScFormatEntry::Type::Date)
                    aStyleName = static_cast<const ScCondDateFormatEntry*>(pEntry)->GetStyleName();
                            pTable->rDocument.GetStyleSheetPool(), aStyleName, SfxStyleFamily::Para, true );
        rDocument.AddCondFormatData( pNewFormatTmp->GetRange(), nTab, pNewFormatTmp->GetKey() );
bool ScTable::InitColumnBlockPosition( sc::ColumnBlockPosition& rBlockPos, SCCOL nCol )
    if (!ValidCol(nCol))
        return false;
    return true;
// pTable is source
void ScTable::CopyFromClip(
    sc::CopyFromClipContext& rCxt, SCCOL nCol1, SCROW nRow1, SCCOL nCol2, SCROW nRow2,
    SCCOL nDx, SCROW nDy, ScTable* pTable )
    if (nCol2 > rDocument.MaxCol())
        nCol2 = rDocument.MaxCol();
    if (nRow2 > rDocument.MaxRow())
        nRow2 = rDocument.MaxRow();
    if (!(ValidColRow(nCol1, nRow1) && ValidColRow(nCol2, nRow2)))
    for ( SCCOL i = nCol1; i <= nCol2; i++)
        pTable->CreateColumnIfNotExists(i - nDx);
        aCol[i].CopyFromClip(rCxt, nRow1, nRow2, nDy, pTable->aCol[i - nDx]); // notes are handles at column level
    if (rCxt.getInsertFlag() & InsertDeleteFlags::ATTRIB)
        // make sure that there are no old references to the cond formats
        sal_uInt16 nWhichArray[2];
        nWhichArray[0] = ATTR_CONDITIONAL;
        nWhichArray[1] = 0;
        for ( SCCOL i = nCol1; i <= nCol2; ++i)
            aCol[i].ClearItems(nRow1, nRow2, nWhichArray);
    if ((rCxt.getInsertFlag() & InsertDeleteFlags::ATTRIB) == InsertDeleteFlags::NONE)
    if (nRow1==0 && nRow2==rDocument.MaxRow() && mpColWidth && pTable->mpColWidth)
        mpColWidth->CopyFrom(*pTable->mpColWidth, nCol1, nCol2, nCol1 - nDx);
    if (nCol1==0 && nCol2==rDocument.MaxCol() && mpRowHeights && pTable->mpRowHeights &&
                                     pRowFlags && pTable->pRowFlags)
        CopyRowHeight(*pTable, nRow1, nRow2, -nDy);
        // Must copy CRFlags::ManualSize bit too, otherwise pRowHeight doesn't make sense
        for (SCROW j=nRow1; j<=nRow2; j++)
            if ( pTable->pRowFlags->GetValue(j-nDy) & CRFlags::ManualSize )
                pRowFlags->OrValue( j, CRFlags::ManualSize);
                pRowFlags->AndValue( j, ~CRFlags::ManualSize);
    // create deep copies for conditional formatting
    CopyConditionalFormat( nCol1, nRow1, nCol2, nRow2, nDx, nDy, pTable);
void ScTable::MixData(
    sc::MixDocContext& rCxt, SCCOL nCol1, SCROW nRow1, SCCOL nCol2, SCROW nRow2,
    ScPasteFunc nFunction, bool bSkipEmpty, const ScTable* pSrcTab )
    for (SCCOL nCol : pSrcTab->GetAllocatedColumnsRange(nCol1, nCol2))
        aCol[nCol].MixData(rCxt, nRow1, nRow2, nFunction, bSkipEmpty, pSrcTab->aCol[nCol]);
// Selection form this document
void ScTable::MixMarked(
    sc::MixDocContext& rCxt, const ScMarkData& rMark, ScPasteFunc nFunction,
    bool bSkipEmpty, const ScTable* pSrcTab )
    for (SCCOL i=0; i < aCol.size(); i++)
        aCol[i].MixMarked(rCxt, rMark, nFunction, bSkipEmpty, pSrcTab->aCol[i]);
namespace {
class TransClipHandler
    ScTable& mrClipTab;
    const ScTable& mrSrcTab;
    SCTAB mnSrcTab;
    SCCOL mnCol1;
    SCCOL mnSrcCol;
    size_t mnTopRow;
    size_t mnEndRow;
    SCROW mnTransRow;
    SCROW mnFilteredRows = 0;
    SCROW mnRowDestOffset = 0;
    bool mbAsLink;
    bool mbWasCut;
    bool mbIncludeFiltered;
    InsertDeleteFlags mnFlags;
    ScAddress getDestPos(size_t nRow) const
        return ScAddress(static_cast<SCCOL>(mnCol1 + nRow - mnTopRow), mnTransRow,
    ScFormulaCell* createRefCell(size_t nSrcRow, const ScAddress& rDestPos) const
        ScAddress aSrcPos(mnSrcCol, nSrcRow, mnSrcTab);
        ScSingleRefData aRef;
        aRef.InitAddress(aSrcPos); // Absolute reference.
        ScTokenArray aArr(mrClipTab.GetDoc());
        return new ScFormulaCell(mrClipTab.GetDoc(), rDestPos, aArr);
    void setLink(size_t nRow)
        SCCOL nTransCol = mnCol1 + nRow - mnTopRow - mnFilteredRows + mnRowDestOffset;
        mrClipTab.SetFormulaCell(nTransCol, mnTransRow,
                                 createRefCell(nRow, getDestPos(nRow)));
    TransClipHandler(ScTable& rClipTab, const ScTable& rSrcTab, SCTAB nSrcTab, SCCOL nCol1,
                     SCCOL nSrcCol, size_t nTopRow, size_t nEndRow, SCROW nCombinedStartRow,
                     SCROW nRowDestOffset, bool bAsLink, bool bWasCut,
                     const InsertDeleteFlags& nFlags, const bool bIncludeFiltered,
                     std::vector<SCROW>& rFilteredRows)
        : mrClipTab(rClipTab)
        , mrSrcTab(rSrcTab)
        , mnSrcTab(nSrcTab)
        , mnCol1(nCol1)
        , mnSrcCol(nSrcCol)
        , mnTopRow(nTopRow)
        , mnEndRow(nEndRow)
        , mnTransRow(nSrcCol - nCol1 + nCombinedStartRow)
        , mnRowDestOffset(nRowDestOffset)
        , mbAsLink(bAsLink)
        , mbWasCut(bWasCut)
        , mbIncludeFiltered(bIncludeFiltered)
        , mnFlags(nFlags)
        // Create list of filtered rows.
        if (!mbIncludeFiltered)
            for (SCROW curRow = nTopRow; curRow <= static_cast<SCROW>(mnEndRow); ++curRow)
                // maybe this loop could be optimized
                bool bFiltered = mrSrcTab.RowFiltered(curRow, nullptr, nullptr);
                if (bFiltered)
    void operator() (size_t nRow, double fVal)
        bool bFiltered = mrSrcTab.RowFiltered(nRow, nullptr, nullptr);
        if (!mbIncludeFiltered && bFiltered)
        if (mbAsLink)
        SCCOL nTransCol = mnCol1 + nRow - mnTopRow - mnFilteredRows + mnRowDestOffset;
        mrClipTab.SetValue(nTransCol, mnTransRow, fVal);
    void operator() (size_t nRow, const svl::SharedString& rStr)
        bool bFiltered = mrSrcTab.RowFiltered(nRow, nullptr, nullptr);
        if (!mbIncludeFiltered && bFiltered)
        if (mbAsLink)
        SCCOL nTransCol = mnCol1 + nRow - mnTopRow - mnFilteredRows + mnRowDestOffset;
        mrClipTab.SetRawString(nTransCol, mnTransRow, rStr);
    void operator() (size_t nRow, const EditTextObject* p)
        bool bFiltered = mrSrcTab.RowFiltered(nRow, nullptr, nullptr);
        if (!mbIncludeFiltered && bFiltered)
        if (mbAsLink)
        SCCOL nTransCol = mnCol1 + nRow - mnTopRow - mnFilteredRows + mnRowDestOffset;
        mrClipTab.SetEditText(nTransCol, mnTransRow, ScEditUtil::Clone(*p, mrClipTab.GetDoc()));
    void operator() (size_t nRow, const ScFormulaCell* p)
        bool bFiltered = mrSrcTab.RowFiltered(nRow, nullptr, nullptr);
        if (!mbIncludeFiltered && bFiltered)
        if (mbAsLink)
        ScFormulaCell* pNew = new ScFormulaCell(*p, mrClipTab.GetDoc(),
                                                getDestPos(nRow - mnFilteredRows + mnRowDestOffset),
        //  rotate reference
        //  for Cut, the references are later adjusted through UpdateTranspose
        if (!mbWasCut)
        SCCOL nTransCol = mnCol1 + nRow - mnTopRow - mnFilteredRows + mnRowDestOffset;
        mrClipTab.SetFormulaCell(nTransCol, mnTransRow, pNew);
    // empty cells
    void operator()(const int /*type*/, size_t nRow, size_t nDataSize)
        for (size_t curRow = nRow; curRow < nRow + nDataSize; ++curRow)
            bool bFiltered = mrSrcTab.RowFiltered(curRow, nullptr, nullptr);
            if (!mbIncludeFiltered && bFiltered)
            if (mbAsLink && mnFlags == InsertDeleteFlags::ALL)
                //  with InsertDeleteFlags::ALL, also create links (formulas) for empty cells
void ScTable::TransposeClip(SCCOL nCol1, SCROW nRow1, SCCOL nCol2, SCROW nRow2,
                            SCROW nCombinedStartRow, SCROW nRowDestOffset, ScTable* pTransClip,
                            InsertDeleteFlags nFlags, bool bAsLink, bool bIncludeFiltered)
    bool bWasCut = rDocument.IsCutMode();
    for (SCCOL nCol : GetWritableColumnsRange(nCol1, nCol2))
        std::vector<SCROW> aFilteredRows;
        TransClipHandler aFunc(*pTransClip, *this, nTab, nCol1, nCol, nRow1, nRow2,
                               nCombinedStartRow, nRowDestOffset, bAsLink, bWasCut, nFlags,
                               bIncludeFiltered, aFilteredRows);
        const sc::CellStoreType& rCells = aCol[nCol].maCells;
        // Loop through all rows by iterator and call aFunc operators
        sc::ParseAll(rCells.begin(), rCells, nRow1, nRow2, aFunc,
        //  Attributes
        if (nFlags & InsertDeleteFlags::ATTRIB)
            TransposeColPatterns(pTransClip, nCol1, nCol, nRow1, nRow2, nCombinedStartRow,
                                 bIncludeFiltered, aFilteredRows, nRowDestOffset);
        // Cell Notes - fdo#68381 paste cell notes on Transpose
        if ((nFlags & InsertDeleteFlags::NOTE) && rDocument.HasColNotes(nCol, nTab))
            TransposeColNotes(pTransClip, nCol1, nCol, nRow1, nRow2, nCombinedStartRow,
                              bIncludeFiltered, nRowDestOffset);
static void lcl_SetTransposedPatternInRows(ScTable* pTransClip, SCROW nAttrRow1, SCROW nAttrRow2,
                                           SCCOL nCol1, SCROW nRow1, SCROW nCombinedStartRow, SCCOL nCol,
                                           const CellAttributeHolder& rPatternHolder, bool bIncludeFiltered,
                                           const std::vector<SCROW>& rFilteredRows,
                                           SCROW nRowDestOffset)
    for (SCROW nRow = nAttrRow1; nRow <= nAttrRow2; nRow++)
        size_t nFilteredRowAdjustment = 0;
        if (!bIncludeFiltered)
            // aFilteredRows is sorted thus lower_bound() can be used.
            // lower_bound() has a logarithmic complexity O(log(n))
            auto itRow1 = std::lower_bound(rFilteredRows.begin(), rFilteredRows.end(), nRow1);
            auto itRow = std::lower_bound(rFilteredRows.begin(), rFilteredRows.end(), nRow);
            bool bRefRowIsFiltered = itRow != rFilteredRows.end() && *itRow == nRow;
            if (bRefRowIsFiltered)
            // How many filtered rows are between the formula cell and the reference?
            // distance() has a constant complexity O(1) for vectors
            nFilteredRowAdjustment = std::distance(itRow1, itRow);
            static_cast<SCCOL>(nCol1 + nRow - nRow1 - nFilteredRowAdjustment + nRowDestOffset),
            static_cast<SCROW>(nCombinedStartRow + nCol - nCol1), rPatternHolder);
void ScTable::TransposeColPatterns(ScTable* pTransClip, SCCOL nCol1, SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow1,
                                   SCROW nRow2, SCROW nCombinedStartRow, bool bIncludeFiltered,
                                   const std::vector<SCROW>& rFilteredRows, SCROW nRowDestOffset)
    SCROW nAttrRow1 = {}; // spurious -Werror=maybe-uninitialized
    SCROW nAttrRow2 = {}; // spurious -Werror=maybe-uninitialized
    const ScPatternAttr* pPattern;
    ScAttrIterator aAttrIter(aCol[nCol].CreateAttrIterator( nRow1, nRow2 ));
    while ( (pPattern = aAttrIter.Next( nAttrRow1, nAttrRow2 )) != nullptr )
            // ptr compare OK, was so before
            if (&rDocument.getCellAttributeHelper().getDefaultCellAttribute() != pPattern)
                const SfxItemSet& rSet = pPattern->GetItemSet();
                if ( rSet.GetItemState( ATTR_MERGE, false ) == SfxItemState::DEFAULT &&
                     rSet.GetItemState( ATTR_MERGE_FLAG, false ) == SfxItemState::DEFAULT &&
                     rSet.GetItemState( ATTR_BORDER, false ) == SfxItemState::DEFAULT )
                    // Set pattern in cells from nAttrRow1 to nAttrRow2
                    // no borders or merge items involved - use pattern as-is
                    const CellAttributeHolder aPatternHolder(pPattern);
                    lcl_SetTransposedPatternInRows(pTransClip, nAttrRow1, nAttrRow2, nCol1, nRow1,
                                                   nCombinedStartRow, nCol, aPatternHolder,
                                                   bIncludeFiltered, rFilteredRows, nRowDestOffset);
                    // transpose borders and merge values, remove merge flags (refreshed after pasting)
                    ScPatternAttr aNewPattern( *pPattern );
                    SfxItemSet& rNewSet = aNewPattern.GetItemSet();
                    const SvxBoxItem& rOldBox = rSet.Get(ATTR_BORDER);
                    if ( rOldBox.GetTop() || rOldBox.GetBottom() || rOldBox.GetLeft() || rOldBox.GetRight() )
                        SvxBoxItem aNew( ATTR_BORDER );
                        aNew.SetLine( rOldBox.GetLine( SvxBoxItemLine::TOP ), SvxBoxItemLine::LEFT );
                        aNew.SetLine( rOldBox.GetLine( SvxBoxItemLine::LEFT ), SvxBoxItemLine::TOP );
                        aNew.SetLine( rOldBox.GetLine( SvxBoxItemLine::BOTTOM ), SvxBoxItemLine::RIGHT );
                        aNew.SetLine( rOldBox.GetLine( SvxBoxItemLine::RIGHT ), SvxBoxItemLine::BOTTOM );
                        aNew.SetDistance( rOldBox.GetDistance( SvxBoxItemLine::TOP ), SvxBoxItemLine::LEFT );
                        aNew.SetDistance( rOldBox.GetDistance( SvxBoxItemLine::LEFT ), SvxBoxItemLine::TOP );
                        aNew.SetDistance( rOldBox.GetDistance( SvxBoxItemLine::BOTTOM ), SvxBoxItemLine::RIGHT );
                        aNew.SetDistance( rOldBox.GetDistance( SvxBoxItemLine::RIGHT ), SvxBoxItemLine::BOTTOM );
                        rNewSet.Put( aNew );
                    const ScMergeAttr& rOldMerge = rSet.Get(ATTR_MERGE);
                    if (rOldMerge.IsMerged())
                        rNewSet.Put( ScMergeAttr( std::min(
                                        static_cast<SCCOL>(rDocument.MaxCol()+1 - (nAttrRow2-nRow1))),
                                        static_cast<SCROW>(rDocument.MaxRow()+1 - (nCol-nCol1)))));
                    const ScMergeFlagAttr& rOldFlag = rSet.Get(ATTR_MERGE_FLAG);
                    if (rOldFlag.IsOverlapped())
                        ScMF nNewFlags = rOldFlag.GetValue() & ~ScMF( ScMF::Hor | ScMF::Ver );
                        if ( nNewFlags != ScMF::NONE )
                            rNewSet.Put( ScMergeFlagAttr( nNewFlags ) );
                            rNewSet.ClearItem( ATTR_MERGE_FLAG );
                    // Set pattern in cells from nAttrRow1 to nAttrRow2
                    const CellAttributeHolder aPatternHolder(&aNewPattern);
                    lcl_SetTransposedPatternInRows(pTransClip, nAttrRow1, nAttrRow2, nCol1, nRow1,
                                                   nCombinedStartRow, nCol, aPatternHolder,
                                                   bIncludeFiltered, rFilteredRows, nRowDestOffset);
void ScTable::TransposeColNotes(ScTable* pTransClip, SCCOL nCol1, SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow1,
                                SCROW nRow2, SCROW nCombinedStartRow, bool bIncludeFiltered,
                                SCROW nRowDestOffset)
    sc::CellNoteStoreType::const_iterator itBlk = aCol[nCol].maCellNotes.begin(), itBlkEnd = aCol[nCol].maCellNotes.end();
    // Locate the top row position.
    size_t nOffsetInBlock = 0;
    size_t nBlockStart = 0, nBlockEnd = 0, nRowPos = static_cast<size_t>(nRow1);
    for (; itBlk != itBlkEnd; ++itBlk, nBlockStart = nBlockEnd)
        nBlockEnd = nBlockStart + itBlk->size;
        if (nBlockStart <= nRowPos && nRowPos < nBlockEnd)
            // Found.
            nOffsetInBlock = nRowPos - nBlockStart;
    if (itBlk == itBlkEnd)
        // Specified range found
    nRowPos = static_cast<size_t>(nRow2); // End row position.
    SCCOL nFilteredRows = 0;
    // Keep processing until we hit the end row position.
    sc::cellnote_block::const_iterator itData, itDataEnd;
    for (; itBlk != itBlkEnd; ++itBlk, nBlockStart = nBlockEnd, nOffsetInBlock = 0)
        nBlockEnd = nBlockStart + itBlk->size;
        if (itBlk->data)
            itData = sc::cellnote_block::begin(*itBlk->data);
            std::advance(itData, nOffsetInBlock);
            // selected area is smaller than the iteration block
            if (nBlockStart <= nRowPos && nRowPos < nBlockEnd)
                // This block contains the end row. Only process partially.
                size_t nOffsetEnd = nRowPos - nBlockStart + 1;
                itDataEnd = sc::cellnote_block::begin(*itBlk->data);
                std::advance(itDataEnd, nOffsetEnd);
                size_t curRow = nBlockStart + nOffsetInBlock;
                for (; itData != itDataEnd; ++itData, ++curRow)
                    bool bFiltered = this->RowFiltered(curRow, nullptr, nullptr);
                    if (!bIncludeFiltered && bFiltered)
                    ScAddress aDestPos(
                        static_cast<SCCOL>(nCol1 + curRow - nRow1 - nFilteredRows + nRowDestOffset),
                        static_cast<SCROW>(nCombinedStartRow + nCol - nCol1), pTransClip->nTab);
                    ScPostIt* pNote = *itData;
                    if (pNote)
                        std::unique_ptr<ScPostIt> pClonedNote = pNote->Clone( ScAddress(nCol, curRow, nTab), pTransClip->rDocument, aDestPos, true );
                        pTransClip->rDocument.SetNote(aDestPos, std::move(pClonedNote));
                break; // we reached the last valid block
                itDataEnd = sc::cellnote_block::end(*itBlk->data);
                size_t curRow = nBlockStart + nOffsetInBlock;
                for (; itData != itDataEnd; ++itData, ++curRow)
                    bool bFiltered = this->RowFiltered(curRow, nullptr, nullptr);
                    if (!bIncludeFiltered && bFiltered)
                    ScAddress aDestPos(
                        static_cast<SCCOL>(nCol1 + curRow - nRow1 - nFilteredRows + nRowDestOffset),
                        static_cast<SCROW>(nCombinedStartRow + nCol - nCol1), pTransClip->nTab);
                    ScPostIt* pNote = *itData;
                    if (pNote)
                        std::unique_ptr<ScPostIt> pClonedNote = pNote->Clone( ScAddress(nCol, curRow, nTab), pTransClip->rDocument, aDestPos, true );
                        pTransClip->rDocument.SetNote(aDestPos, std::move(pClonedNote));
        else // remove dest notes for rows without notes
            for (size_t curRow = nBlockStart + nOffsetInBlock;
                 curRow <= nBlockEnd && curRow <= nRowPos; ++curRow)
                bool bFiltered = this->RowFiltered(curRow, nullptr, nullptr);
                if (!bIncludeFiltered && bFiltered && curRow < nBlockEnd)
                ScAddress aDestPos(
                    static_cast<SCCOL>(nCol1 + curRow - nRow1 - nFilteredRows + nRowDestOffset),
                    static_cast<SCROW>(nCombinedStartRow + nCol - nCol1), pTransClip->nTab);
ScColumn* ScTable::FetchColumn( SCCOL nCol )
    if (!ValidCol(nCol))
        return nullptr;
    return &CreateColumnIfNotExists(nCol);
const ScColumn* ScTable::FetchColumn( SCCOL nCol ) const
    if (!ValidCol(nCol) || nCol >= GetAllocatedColumnsCount())
        return nullptr;
    return &aCol[nCol];
void ScTable::StartListeners( sc::StartListeningContext& rCxt, bool bAll )
    std::shared_ptr<const sc::ColumnSet> pColSet = rCxt.getColumnSet();
    if (!pColSet)
        for (SCCOL i=0; i < aCol.size(); i++)
            aCol[i].StartListeners(rCxt, bAll);
    else if (pColSet->hasTab( nTab))
        std::vector<SCCOL> aColumns;
        pColSet->getColumns( nTab, aColumns);
        for (auto i : aColumns)
            if (0 <= i && i < aCol.size())
                aCol[i].StartListeners(rCxt, bAll);
void ScTable::AttachFormulaCells(
    sc::StartListeningContext& rCxt, SCCOL nCol1, SCROW nRow1, SCCOL nCol2, SCROW nRow2 )
    nCol2 = ClampToAllocatedColumns(nCol2);
    for (SCCOL nCol = nCol1; nCol <= nCol2; ++nCol)
        aCol[nCol].AttachFormulaCells(rCxt, nRow1, nRow2);
void ScTable::DetachFormulaCells(
    sc::EndListeningContext& rCxt, SCCOL nCol1, SCROW nRow1, SCCOL nCol2, SCROW nRow2 )
    nCol2 = ClampToAllocatedColumns(nCol2);
    for (SCCOL nCol = nCol1; nCol <= nCol2; ++nCol)
        aCol[nCol].DetachFormulaCells(rCxt, nRow1, nRow2);
void ScTable::SetDirtyFromClip(
    SCCOL nCol1, SCROW nRow1, SCCOL nCol2, SCROW nRow2, sc::ColumnSpanSet& rBroadcastSpans )
    if ( nCol2 >= aCol.size() ) nCol2 = aCol.size() - 1;
    if (nCol2 > rDocument.MaxCol()) nCol2 = rDocument.MaxCol();
    if (nRow2 > rDocument.MaxRow()) nRow2 = rDocument.MaxRow();
    if (ValidColRow(nCol1, nRow1) && ValidColRow(nCol2, nRow2))
        for (SCCOL i = nCol1; i <= nCol2; i++)
            aCol[i].SetDirtyFromClip(nRow1, nRow2, rBroadcastSpans);
void ScTable::StartListeningFormulaCells(
    sc::StartListeningContext& rStartCxt, sc::EndListeningContext& rEndCxt,
    SCCOL nCol1, SCROW nRow1, SCCOL nCol2, SCROW nRow2 )
    if ( nCol2 >= aCol.size() ) nCol2 = aCol.size() - 1;
    if (nCol2 > rDocument.MaxCol()) nCol2 = rDocument.MaxCol();
    if (nRow2 > rDocument.MaxRow()) nRow2 = rDocument.MaxRow();
    if (ValidColRow(nCol1, nRow1) && ValidColRow(nCol2, nRow2))
        for (SCCOL i = nCol1; i <= nCol2; i++)
            aCol[i].StartListeningFormulaCells(rStartCxt, rEndCxt, nRow1, nRow2);
void ScTable::CopyToTable(
    sc::CopyToDocContext& rCxt, SCCOL nCol1, SCROW nRow1, SCCOL nCol2, SCROW nRow2,
    InsertDeleteFlags nFlags, bool bMarked, ScTable* pDestTab, const ScMarkData* pMarkData,
    bool bAsLink, bool bColRowFlags, bool bGlobalNamesToLocal, bool bCopyCaptions )
    if (!ValidColRow(nCol1, nRow1) || !ValidColRow(nCol2, nRow2))
    const bool bToUndoDoc = pDestTab->rDocument.IsUndo();
    const bool bFromUndoDoc = rDocument.IsUndo();
    if (bToUndoDoc && (nFlags & InsertDeleteFlags::ATTRIB) && nCol2 >= aCol.size())
        // tdf#154044: Copy also the default column data
        aDefaultColData.AttrArray().CopyArea(nRow1, nRow2, 0,
    if ((bToUndoDoc || bFromUndoDoc) && (nFlags & InsertDeleteFlags::CONTENTS) && mpRangeName)
        // Copying formulas may create sheet-local named expressions on the
        // destination sheet. Add existing to Undo first.
        // During Undo restore the previous named expressions.
        pDestTab->SetRangeName( std::unique_ptr<ScRangeName>( new ScRangeName( *GetRangeName())));
        if (!pDestTab->rDocument.IsClipOrUndo())
            ScDocShell* pDocSh = pDestTab->rDocument.GetDocumentShell();
            if (pDocSh)
    if (nFlags != InsertDeleteFlags::NONE)
        InsertDeleteFlags nTempFlags( nFlags &
                ~InsertDeleteFlags( InsertDeleteFlags::NOTE | InsertDeleteFlags::ADDNOTES));
        // tdf#102364 - in some pathological cases CopyToTable() replacing cells with new cells
        // can lead to repetitive splitting and rejoining of the same formula group, which can get
        // quadratically expensive with large groups. So do the grouping just once at the end.
        sc::DelayFormulaGroupingSwitch delayGrouping( pDestTab->rDocument, true );
        pDestTab->CreateColumnIfNotExists(ClampToAllocatedColumns(nCol2)); // avoid repeated resizing
        for (SCCOL i = nCol1; i <= ClampToAllocatedColumns(nCol2); i++)
            aCol[i].CopyToColumn(rCxt, nRow1, nRow2, bToUndoDoc ? nFlags : nTempFlags, bMarked,
                                 pDestTab->CreateColumnIfNotExists(i), pMarkData, bAsLink, bGlobalNamesToLocal);
        // tdf#154044: Restore from the default column data
        if (bFromUndoDoc && (nFlags & InsertDeleteFlags::ATTRIB) && nCol2 >= aCol.size())
            aDefaultColData.AttrArray().CopyArea(nRow1, nRow2, 0,
            SCCOL nMaxSetDefault = pDestTab->ClampToAllocatedColumns(nCol2);
            for (SCCOL i = aCol.size(); i <= nMaxSetDefault; i++)
                aDefaultColData.AttrArray().CopyArea(nRow1, nRow2, 0,
    if (!bColRowFlags)      // Column widths/Row heights/Flags
    if (bToUndoDoc && (nFlags & InsertDeleteFlags::ATTRIB))
        pDestTab->mpCondFormatList.reset(new ScConditionalFormatList(pDestTab->rDocument, *mpCondFormatList));
    if (pDBDataNoName)
        std::unique_ptr<ScDBData> pNewDBData(new ScDBData(*pDBDataNoName));
        SCCOL aCol1, aCol2;
        SCROW aRow1, aRow2;
        SCTAB aTab;
        pNewDBData->GetArea(aTab, aCol1, aRow1, aCol2, aRow2);
        pNewDBData->MoveTo(pDestTab->nTab, aCol1, aRow1, aCol2, aRow2);
    //  Charts have to be adjusted when hide/show
    ScChartListenerCollection* pCharts = pDestTab->rDocument.GetChartListenerCollection();
    bool bFlagChange = false;
    bool bWidth  = (nRow1==0 && nRow2==rDocument.MaxRow() && mpColWidth && pDestTab->mpColWidth);
    bool bHeight = (nCol1==0 && nCol2==rDocument.MaxCol() && mpRowHeights && pDestTab->mpRowHeights);
    if (bWidth || bHeight)
        if (bWidth)
            auto destTabColWidthIt = pDestTab->mpColWidth->begin() + nCol1;
            auto thisTabColWidthIt = mpColWidth->begin() + nCol1;
            pDestTab->mpColWidth->CopyFrom(*mpColWidth, nCol1, nCol2);
            pDestTab->mpColFlags->CopyFrom(*mpColFlags, nCol1, nCol2);
            for (SCCOL i = nCol1; i <= nCol2; ++i)
                bool bThisHidden = ColHidden(i);
                bool bHiddenChange = (pDestTab->ColHidden(i) != bThisHidden);
                bool bChange = bHiddenChange || (*destTabColWidthIt != *thisTabColWidthIt);
                pDestTab->SetColHidden(i, i, bThisHidden);
                //TODO: collect changes?
                if (bHiddenChange && pCharts)
                    pCharts->SetRangeDirty(ScRange( i, 0, nTab, i, rDocument.MaxRow(), nTab ));
                if (bChange)
                    bFlagChange = true;
            pDestTab->SetColManualBreaks( std::set(maColManualBreaks) );
        if (bHeight)
            bool bChange = pDestTab->GetRowHeight(nRow1, nRow2) != GetRowHeight(nRow1, nRow2);
            if (bChange)
                bFlagChange = true;
            pDestTab->CopyRowHeight(*this, nRow1, nRow2, 0);
            pDestTab->pRowFlags->CopyFrom(*pRowFlags, nRow1, nRow2);
            // Hidden flags.
            for (SCROW i = nRow1; i <= nRow2; ++i)
                SCROW nLastRow;
                bool bHidden = RowHidden(i, nullptr, &nLastRow);
                if (nLastRow >= nRow2)
                    // the last row shouldn't exceed the upper bound the caller specified.
                    nLastRow = nRow2;
                bool bHiddenChanged = pDestTab->SetRowHidden(i, nLastRow, bHidden);
                if (bHiddenChanged && pCharts)
                    // Hidden flags differ.
                    pCharts->SetRangeDirty(ScRange(0, i, nTab, rDocument.MaxCol(), nLastRow, nTab));
                if (bHiddenChanged)
                    bFlagChange = true;
                // Jump to the last row of the identical flag segment.
                i = nLastRow;
            // Filtered flags.
            for (SCROW i = nRow1; i <= nRow2; ++i)
                SCROW nLastRow;
                bool bFiltered = RowFiltered(i, nullptr, &nLastRow);
                if (nLastRow >= nRow2)
                    // the last row shouldn't exceed the upper bound the caller specified.
                    nLastRow = nRow2;
                pDestTab->SetRowFiltered(i, nLastRow, bFiltered);
                i = nLastRow;
            pDestTab->SetRowManualBreaks( std::set(maRowManualBreaks) );
    if (bFlagChange)
    if(nFlags & InsertDeleteFlags::ATTRIB)
        pDestTab->mpCondFormatList->DeleteArea(nCol1, nRow1, nCol2, nRow2);
        pDestTab->CopyConditionalFormat(nCol1, nRow1, nCol2, nRow2, 0, 0, this);
    if(nFlags & InsertDeleteFlags::OUTLINE) // also only when bColRowFlags
        pDestTab->SetOutlineTable( pOutlineTable.get() );
    if (nFlags & InsertDeleteFlags::SPARKLINES)
        CopySparklinesToTable(nCol1, nRow1, nCol2, nRow2, pDestTab);
    if (!bToUndoDoc && bCopyCaptions && (nFlags & (InsertDeleteFlags::NOTE | InsertDeleteFlags::ADDNOTES)))
        bool bCloneCaption = (nFlags & InsertDeleteFlags::NOCAPTIONS) == InsertDeleteFlags::NONE;
        CopyCaptionsToTable( nCol1, nRow1, nCol2, nRow2, pDestTab, bCloneCaption);
void ScTable::CopySparklinesToTable(SCCOL nCol1, SCROW nRow1, SCCOL nCol2, SCROW nRow2, ScTable* pDestTab)
    if (!ValidColRow(nCol1, nRow1) || !ValidColRow(nCol2, nRow2))
    nCol2 = ClampToAllocatedColumns(nCol2);
    for (SCCOL i = nCol1; i <= nCol2; i++)
        aCol[i].CopyCellSparklinesToDocument(nRow1, nRow2, pDestTab->CreateColumnIfNotExists(i));
void ScTable::CopyCaptionsToTable( SCCOL nCol1, SCROW nRow1, SCCOL nCol2, SCROW nRow2, ScTable* pDestTab,
        bool bCloneCaption )
    if (!ValidColRow(nCol1, nRow1) || !ValidColRow(nCol2, nRow2))
    nCol2 = ClampToAllocatedColumns(nCol2);
    for (SCCOL i = nCol1; i <= nCol2; i++)
        aCol[i].CopyCellNotesToDocument(nRow1, nRow2, pDestTab->CreateColumnIfNotExists(i), bCloneCaption);
        pDestTab->aCol[i].UpdateNoteCaptions(nRow1, nRow2, false /* address unchanged from initial create */);
void ScTable::UndoToTable(
    sc::CopyToDocContext& rCxt, SCCOL nCol1, SCROW nRow1, SCCOL nCol2, SCROW nRow2,
    InsertDeleteFlags nFlags, bool bMarked, ScTable* pDestTab )
    if (!(ValidColRow(nCol1, nRow1) && ValidColRow(nCol2, nRow2)))
    bool bWidth  = (nRow1==0 && nRow2==rDocument.MaxRow() && mpColWidth && pDestTab->mpColWidth);
    bool bHeight = (nCol1==0 && nCol2==rDocument.MaxCol() && mpRowHeights && pDestTab->mpRowHeights);
    if ((nFlags & InsertDeleteFlags::CONTENTS) && mpRangeName)
        // Undo sheet-local named expressions created during copying
        // formulas. If mpRangeName is not set then the Undo wasn't even
        // set to an empty ScRangeName map so don't "undo" that.
        pDestTab->SetRangeName( std::unique_ptr<ScRangeName>( new ScRangeName( *GetRangeName())));
        if (!pDestTab->rDocument.IsClipOrUndo())
            ScDocShell* pDocSh = pDestTab->rDocument.GetDocumentShell();
            if (pDocSh)
    for ( SCCOL i = 0; i < aCol.size(); i++)
        auto& rDestCol = pDestTab->CreateColumnIfNotExists(i);
        if ( i >= nCol1 && i <= nCol2 )
            aCol[i].UndoToColumn(rCxt, nRow1, nRow2, nFlags, bMarked, rDestCol);
            aCol[i].CopyToColumn(rCxt, 0, rDocument.MaxRow(), InsertDeleteFlags::FORMULA, false, rDestCol);
    if (nFlags & InsertDeleteFlags::ATTRIB)
        pDestTab->mpCondFormatList.reset(new ScConditionalFormatList(pDestTab->rDocument, *mpCondFormatList));
    if (!(bWidth||bHeight))
    if (bWidth)
        pDestTab->mpColWidth->CopyFrom(*mpColWidth, nCol1, nCol2);
        pDestTab->SetColManualBreaks( std::set(maColManualBreaks) );
    if (bHeight)
        pDestTab->CopyRowHeight(*this, nRow1, nRow2, 0);
        pDestTab->SetRowManualBreaks( std::set(maRowManualBreaks) );
void ScTable::CopyUpdated( const ScTable* pPosTab, ScTable* pDestTab ) const
    for (SCCOL i=0; i < aCol.size(); i++)
        aCol[i].CopyUpdated( pPosTab->FetchColumn(i), pDestTab->aCol[i] );
void ScTable::InvalidateTableArea()
    bTableAreaValid = false;
    bTableAreaVisibleValid = false;
void ScTable::InvalidatePageBreaks()
    mbPageBreaksValid = false;
void ScTable::CopyScenarioTo( ScTable* pDestTab ) const
    OSL_ENSURE( bScenario, "bScenario == FALSE" );
    for (SCCOL i=0; i < aCol.size(); i++)
        aCol[i].CopyScenarioTo( pDestTab->CreateColumnIfNotExists(i) );
void ScTable::CopyScenarioFrom( const ScTable* pSrcTab )
    OSL_ENSURE( bScenario, "bScenario == FALSE" );
    SCCOL nEndCol = pSrcTab->aCol.size();
    for (SCCOL i=0; i < nEndCol; i++)
        aCol[i].CopyScenarioFrom( pSrcTab->aCol[i] );
void ScTable::MarkScenarioIn( ScMarkData& rDestMark, ScScenarioFlags nNeededBits ) const
    OSL_ENSURE( bScenario, "bScenario == FALSE" );
    if ( ( nScenarioFlags & nNeededBits ) != nNeededBits )  // Are all Bits set?
    for (SCCOL i=0; i < aCol.size(); i++)
        aCol[i].MarkScenarioIn( rDestMark );
bool ScTable::HasScenarioRange( const ScRange& rRange ) const
    OSL_ENSURE( bScenario, "bScenario == FALSE" );
    ScRange aTabRange = rRange;
    aTabRange.aStart.SetTab( nTab );
    aTabRange.aEnd.SetTab( nTab );
    const ScRangeList* pList = GetScenarioRanges();
    if (pList)
        for ( size_t j = 0, n = pList->size(); j < n; j++ )
            const ScRange & rR = (*pList)[j];
            if ( rR.Intersects( aTabRange ) )
                return true;
    return false;
void ScTable::InvalidateScenarioRanges()
const ScRangeList* ScTable::GetScenarioRanges() const
    OSL_ENSURE( bScenario, "bScenario == FALSE" );
    if (!pScenarioRanges)
        const_cast<ScTable*>(this)->pScenarioRanges.reset(new ScRangeList);
        ScMarkData aMark(rDocument.GetSheetLimits());
        MarkScenarioIn( aMark, ScScenarioFlags::NONE );     // always
        aMark.FillRangeListWithMarks( pScenarioRanges.get(), false );
    return pScenarioRanges.get();
bool ScTable::TestCopyScenarioTo( const ScTable* pDestTab ) const
    OSL_ENSURE( bScenario, "bScenario == FALSE" );
    if (!pDestTab->IsProtected())
        return true;
    bool bOk = true;
    for (SCCOL i=0; i < aCol.size() && bOk; i++)
        bOk = aCol[i].TestCopyScenarioTo( pDestTab->aCol[i] );
    return bOk;
bool ScTable::SetString( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, SCTAB nTabP, const OUString& rString,
                         const ScSetStringParam * pParam )
    if (!ValidColRow(nCol,nRow))
        return false;
    return CreateColumnIfNotExists(nCol).SetString(
        nRow, nTabP, rString, rDocument.GetAddressConvention(), pParam);
bool ScTable::SetEditText( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, std::unique_ptr<EditTextObject> pEditText )
    if (!ValidColRow(nCol, nRow))
        return false;
    CreateColumnIfNotExists(nCol).SetEditText(nRow, std::move(pEditText));
    return true;
void ScTable::SetEditText( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, const EditTextObject& rEditText, const SfxItemPool* pEditPool )
    if (!ValidColRow(nCol, nRow))
    CreateColumnIfNotExists(nCol).SetEditText(nRow, rEditText, pEditPool);
SCROW ScTable::GetFirstEditTextRow( SCCOL nCol1, SCROW nRow1, SCCOL nCol2, SCROW nRow2 ) const
    if (!ValidCol(nCol1) || !ValidCol(nCol2) || nCol2 < nCol1)
        return -1;
    if (!ValidRow(nRow1) || !ValidRow(nRow2) || nRow2 < nRow1)
        return -1;
    nCol2 = ClampToAllocatedColumns(nCol2);
    SCROW nFirst = rDocument.MaxRow()+1;
    for (SCCOL i = nCol1; i <= nCol2; ++i)
        const ScColumn& rCol = aCol[i];
        SCROW nThisFirst = -1;
        if (const_cast<ScColumn&>(rCol).HasEditCells(nRow1, nRow2, nThisFirst))
            if (nThisFirst == nRow1)
                return nRow1;
            if (nThisFirst < nFirst)
                nFirst = nThisFirst;
    return nFirst == (rDocument.MaxRow()+1) ? -1 : nFirst;
void ScTable::SetEmptyCell( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow )
    if (!ValidColRow(nCol, nRow) || nCol >= GetAllocatedColumnsCount())
void ScTable::SetFormula(
    SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, const ScTokenArray& rArray, formula::FormulaGrammar::Grammar eGram )
    if (!ValidColRow(nCol, nRow))
    CreateColumnIfNotExists(nCol).SetFormula(nRow, rArray, eGram);
void ScTable::SetFormula(
    SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, const OUString& rFormula, formula::FormulaGrammar::Grammar eGram )
    if (!ValidColRow(nCol, nRow))
    CreateColumnIfNotExists(nCol).SetFormula(nRow, rFormula, eGram);
ScFormulaCell* ScTable::SetFormulaCell( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, ScFormulaCell* pCell )
    if (!ValidColRow(nCol, nRow))
        delete pCell;
        return nullptr;
    return CreateColumnIfNotExists(nCol).SetFormulaCell(nRow, pCell, sc::ConvertToGroupListening);
bool ScTable::SetFormulaCells( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, std::vector<ScFormulaCell*>& rCells )
    if (!ValidCol(nCol))
        return false;
    return CreateColumnIfNotExists(nCol).SetFormulaCells(nRow, rCells);
svl::SharedString ScTable::GetSharedString( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow ) const
    if (!ValidColRow(nCol, nRow) || nCol >= GetAllocatedColumnsCount())
        return svl::SharedString();
    return aCol[nCol].GetSharedString(nRow);
void ScTable::SetValue( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, const double& rVal )
    if (ValidColRow(nCol, nRow))
        CreateColumnIfNotExists(nCol).SetValue(nRow, rVal);
void ScTable::SetRawString( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, const svl::SharedString& rStr )
    if (ValidColRow(nCol, nRow))
        CreateColumnIfNotExists(nCol).SetRawString(nRow, rStr);
OUString ScTable::GetString( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, ScInterpreterContext* pContext ) const
    if (ValidColRow(nCol,nRow) && nCol < GetAllocatedColumnsCount())
        return aCol[nCol].GetString( nRow, pContext );
        return OUString();
double* ScTable::GetValueCell( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow )
    if (!ValidColRow(nCol, nRow))
        return nullptr;
    return CreateColumnIfNotExists(nCol).GetValueCell(nRow);
OUString ScTable::GetInputString( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, bool bForceSystemLocale ) const
    if (ValidColRow(nCol, nRow) && nCol < GetAllocatedColumnsCount())
        return aCol[nCol].GetInputString( nRow, bForceSystemLocale );
        return OUString();
double ScTable::GetValue( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow ) const
    if (ValidColRow(nCol, nRow) && nCol < GetAllocatedColumnsCount())
        return aCol[nCol].GetValue( nRow );
    return 0.0;
const EditTextObject* ScTable::GetEditText( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow ) const
    if (!ValidColRow(nCol, nRow) || nCol >= GetAllocatedColumnsCount())
        return nullptr;
    return aCol[nCol].GetEditText(nRow);
void ScTable::RemoveEditTextCharAttribs( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, const ScPatternAttr& rAttr )
    if (!ValidColRow(nCol, nRow) || nCol >= GetAllocatedColumnsCount())
    return aCol[nCol].RemoveEditTextCharAttribs(nRow, rAttr);
OUString ScTable::GetFormula( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow ) const
    if (ValidColRow(nCol, nRow) && nCol < GetAllocatedColumnsCount())
        return aCol[nCol].GetFormula( nRow );
        return OUString();
const ScFormulaCell* ScTable::GetFormulaCell( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow ) const
    if (!ValidColRow(nCol, nRow) || nCol >= GetAllocatedColumnsCount())
        return nullptr;
    return aCol[nCol].GetFormulaCell(nRow);
ScFormulaCell* ScTable::GetFormulaCell( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow )
    if (!ValidColRow(nCol, nRow) || nCol >= GetAllocatedColumnsCount())
        return nullptr;
    return aCol[nCol].GetFormulaCell(nRow);
// Sparklines
std::shared_ptr<sc::Sparkline> ScTable::GetSparkline(SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow)
    if (!ValidCol(nCol) || nCol >= GetAllocatedColumnsCount())
        return std::shared_ptr<sc::Sparkline>();
    sc::SparklineCell* pSparklineCell = aCol[nCol].GetSparklineCell(nRow);
    if (!pSparklineCell)
        return std::shared_ptr<sc::Sparkline>();
    return pSparklineCell->getSparkline();
sc::Sparkline* ScTable::CreateSparkline(SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, std::shared_ptr<sc::SparklineGroup> const& pSparklineGroup)
    if (!ValidCol(nCol))
        return nullptr;
    ScColumn& rColumn = CreateColumnIfNotExists(nCol);
    std::shared_ptr<sc::Sparkline> pSparkline(new sc::Sparkline(nCol, nRow, pSparklineGroup));
    rColumn.CreateSparklineCell(nRow, pSparkline);
    return pSparkline.get();
bool ScTable::DeleteSparkline(SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow)
    if (!ValidCol(nCol) || nCol >= GetAllocatedColumnsCount())
        return false;
    return true;
sc::SparklineList& ScTable::GetSparklineList()
    return maSparklineList;
// Notes
std::unique_ptr<ScPostIt> ScTable::ReleaseNote( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow )
    if (!ValidCol(nCol) || nCol >= GetAllocatedColumnsCount())
        return nullptr;
    return aCol[nCol].ReleaseNote(nRow);
ScPostIt* ScTable::GetNote( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow )
    if (!ValidCol(nCol) || nCol >= GetAllocatedColumnsCount())
        return nullptr;
    return aCol[nCol].GetCellNote(nRow);
void ScTable::SetNote( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, std::unique_ptr<ScPostIt> pNote )
    if (!ValidColRow(nCol, nRow))
    CreateColumnIfNotExists(nCol).SetCellNote(nRow, std::move(pNote));
size_t ScTable::GetNoteCount( SCCOL nCol ) const
    if (!ValidCol(nCol) || nCol >= GetAllocatedColumnsCount())
        return 0;
    return aCol[nCol].GetNoteCount();
SCROW ScTable::GetNotePosition( SCCOL nCol, size_t nIndex ) const
    if (!ValidCol(nCol) || nCol >= GetAllocatedColumnsCount())
        return -1;
    return aCol[nCol].GetNotePosition(nIndex);
void ScTable::CreateAllNoteCaptions()
    for (SCCOL i = 0; i < aCol.size(); ++i)
void ScTable::ForgetNoteCaptions( SCCOL nCol1, SCROW nRow1, SCCOL nCol2, SCROW nRow2, bool bPreserveData )
    if (!ValidCol(nCol1) || !ValidCol(nCol2))
    if ( nCol2 >= aCol.size() ) nCol2 = aCol.size() - 1;
    for (SCCOL i = nCol1; i <= nCol2; ++i)
        aCol[i].ForgetNoteCaptions(nRow1, nRow2, bPreserveData);
void ScTable::CommentNotifyAddressChange( SCCOL nCol1, SCROW nRow1, SCCOL nCol2, SCROW nRow2 )
    // Only in use in kit mode for now, but looks to me a good idea to revisit why (since OOo times)
    // on deleting/inserting a column that we generate all the captions, while on deleting/inserting
    // a row we do not. Presumably we should skip generating captions if we don't have to.
    if (!comphelper::LibreOfficeKit::isActive())
    if (!ValidCol(nCol1) || !ValidCol(nCol2))
    if ( nCol2 >= aCol.size() ) nCol2 = aCol.size() - 1;
    for (SCCOL i = nCol1; i <= nCol2; ++i)
        aCol[i].CommentNotifyAddressChange(nRow1, nRow2);
void ScTable::GetAllNoteEntries( std::vector<sc::NoteEntry>& rNotes ) const
    for (SCCOL nCol = 0; nCol < aCol.size(); ++nCol)
void ScTable::GetNotesInRange( const ScRange& rRange, std::vector<sc::NoteEntry>& rNotes ) const
    SCROW nStartRow = rRange.aStart.Row();
    SCROW nEndRow = rRange.aEnd.Row();
    SCCOL nEndCol = ClampToAllocatedColumns(rRange.aEnd.Col());
    for (SCCOL nCol = rRange.aStart.Col(); nCol <= nEndCol; ++nCol)
        aCol[nCol].GetNotesInRange(nStartRow, nEndRow, rNotes);
CommentCaptionState ScTable::GetAllNoteCaptionsState(const ScRange& rRange, std::vector<sc::NoteEntry>& rNotes )
    SCROW nStartRow = rRange.aStart.Row();
    SCROW nEndRow = rRange.aEnd.Row();
    bool bIsFirstNoteShownState = true; // because of error: -Werror=maybe-uninitialized
    bool bFirstControl = true;
    ScTable* pTab = rDocument.FetchTable(nTab);
    const SCCOL nEndCol = pTab->ClampToAllocatedColumns(rRange.aEnd.Col());
    for (SCCOL nCol = rRange.aStart.Col(); nCol <= nEndCol; ++nCol)
        if (bFirstControl && rDocument.HasColNotes(nCol, nTab)) // detect status of first note caption
            aCol[nCol].GetNotesInRange(nStartRow, nEndRow, rNotes);
            bIsFirstNoteShownState = rNotes.begin()->mpNote->IsCaptionShown();
            bFirstControl = false;
        if (rDocument.HasColNotes(nCol, nTab))
            aCol[nCol].GetNotesInRange(nStartRow, nEndRow, rNotes);
            bool bIsMixedState = std::any_of(rNotes.begin(), rNotes.end(), [bIsFirstNoteShownState](const sc::NoteEntry& rNote) {
                // compare the first note caption with others
                return bIsFirstNoteShownState != rNote.mpNote->IsCaptionShown(); });
            if (bIsMixedState)
                return CommentCaptionState::MIXED;
    return bIsFirstNoteShownState ? CommentCaptionState::ALLSHOWN : CommentCaptionState::ALLHIDDEN;
void ScTable::GetUnprotectedCells( ScRangeList& rRangeList ) const
    for (auto const & pCol : aCol)
        pCol->GetUnprotectedCells(0, rDocument.MaxRow(), rRangeList);
bool ScTable::ContainsNotesInRange( const ScRange& rRange ) const
    SCROW nStartRow = rRange.aStart.Row();
    SCROW nEndRow = rRange.aEnd.Row();
    SCCOL nEndCol = ClampToAllocatedColumns(rRange.aEnd.Col());
    for (SCCOL nCol = rRange.aStart.Col(); nCol <= nEndCol; ++nCol)
        bool bContainsNote = !aCol[nCol].IsNotesEmptyBlock(nStartRow, nEndRow);
            return true;
    return false;
CellType ScTable::GetCellType( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow ) const
    if (ValidColRow(nCol, nRow) && nCol < GetAllocatedColumnsCount())
        return aCol[nCol].GetCellType( nRow );
    return CELLTYPE_NONE;
ScRefCellValue ScTable::GetCellValue( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow ) const
    if (!ValidColRow(nCol, nRow) || nCol >= GetAllocatedColumnsCount())
        return ScRefCellValue();
    return aCol[nCol].GetCellValue(nRow);
ScRefCellValue ScTable::GetCellValue( SCCOL nCol, sc::ColumnBlockPosition& rBlockPos, SCROW nRow )
    if (!ValidColRow(nCol, nRow) || nCol >= GetAllocatedColumnsCount())
        return ScRefCellValue();
    return aCol[nCol].GetCellValue(rBlockPos, nRow);
void ScTable::GetFirstDataPos(SCCOL& rCol, SCROW& rRow) const
    rCol = 0;
    rRow = rDocument.MaxRow()+1;
    while (rCol < (aCol.size() - 1) && aCol[rCol].IsEmptyData() )
    SCCOL nCol = rCol;
    while (nCol < aCol.size() && rRow > 0)
        if (!aCol[nCol].IsEmptyData())
            rRow = ::std::min( rRow, aCol[nCol].GetFirstDataPos());
void ScTable::GetLastDataPos(SCCOL& rCol, SCROW& rRow) const
    rCol = aCol.size() - 1;
    rRow = 0;
    while (aCol[rCol].IsEmptyData() && (rCol > 0))
    SCCOL nCol = rCol;
    while (nCol >= 0 && rRow < rDocument.MaxRow())
        rRow = ::std::max( rRow, aCol[nCol--].GetLastDataPos());
bool ScTable::HasData( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow ) const
    if (ValidColRow(nCol, nRow) && nCol < GetAllocatedColumnsCount())
        return aCol[nCol].HasDataAt( nRow );
        return false;
bool ScTable::HasStringData( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow ) const
    if (ValidColRow(nCol, nRow) && nCol < GetAllocatedColumnsCount())
        return aCol[nCol].HasStringData( nRow );
        return false;
bool ScTable::HasValueData( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow ) const
    if (ValidColRow(nCol, nRow) && nCol < GetAllocatedColumnsCount())
        return aCol[nCol].HasValueData( nRow );
        return false;
bool ScTable::HasStringCells( SCCOL nStartCol, SCROW nStartRow,
                                SCCOL nEndCol, SCROW nEndRow ) const
    if (ValidCol(nEndCol))
        nEndCol = ClampToAllocatedColumns(nEndCol);
        for (SCCOL nCol = nStartCol; nCol <= nEndCol; nCol++)
            if (aCol[nCol].HasStringCells(nStartRow, nEndRow))
                return true;
    return false;
void ScTable::SetDirtyVar()
    for (SCCOL i=0; i < aCol.size(); i++)
void ScTable::CheckVectorizationState()
    sc::AutoCalcSwitch aACSwitch(rDocument, false);
    for (SCCOL i = 0; i < aCol.size(); i++)
void ScTable::SetAllFormulasDirty( const sc::SetFormulaDirtyContext& rCxt )
    sc::AutoCalcSwitch aACSwitch(rDocument, false);
    for (SCCOL i=0; i < aCol.size(); i++)
void ScTable::SetDirty( const ScRange& rRange, ScColumn::BroadcastMode eMode )
    sc::AutoCalcSwitch aSwitch(rDocument, false);
    SCCOL nCol2 = rRange.aEnd.Col();
    nCol2 = ClampToAllocatedColumns(nCol2);
    for (SCCOL i=rRange.aStart.Col(); i<=nCol2; i++)
        aCol[i].SetDirty(rRange.aStart.Row(), rRange.aEnd.Row(), eMode);
void ScTable::SetTableOpDirty( const ScRange& rRange )
    sc::AutoCalcSwitch aSwitch(rDocument, false);
    const SCCOL nCol2 = ClampToAllocatedColumns(rRange.aEnd.Col());
    for (SCCOL i=rRange.aStart.Col(); i<=nCol2; i++)
        aCol[i].SetTableOpDirty( rRange );
void ScTable::SetDirtyAfterLoad()
    sc::AutoCalcSwitch aSwitch(rDocument, false);
    for (SCCOL i=0; i < aCol.size(); i++)
void ScTable::SetDirtyIfPostponed()
    sc::AutoCalcSwitch aSwitch(rDocument, false);
    ScBulkBroadcast aBulkBroadcast( rDocument.GetBASM(), SfxHintId::ScDataChanged);
    for (SCCOL i=0; i < aCol.size(); i++)
void ScTable::BroadcastRecalcOnRefMove()
    sc::AutoCalcSwitch aSwitch(rDocument, false);
    for (SCCOL i = 0; i < aCol.size(); ++i)
bool ScTable::BroadcastBroadcasters( SCCOL nCol1, SCROW nRow1, SCCOL nCol2, SCROW nRow2, SfxHintId nHint )
    bool bBroadcasted = false;
    sc::AutoCalcSwitch aSwitch(rDocument, false);
    nCol2 = ClampToAllocatedColumns(nCol2);
    for (SCCOL nCol = nCol1; nCol <= nCol2; ++nCol)
        bBroadcasted |= aCol[nCol].BroadcastBroadcasters( nRow1, nRow2, nHint);
    return bBroadcasted;
void ScTable::SetLoadingMedium(bool bLoading)
void ScTable::CalcAll()
    for (SCCOL i=0; i < aCol.size(); i++)
void ScTable::CompileAll( sc::CompileFormulaContext& rCxt )
    for (SCCOL i = 0; i < aCol.size(); ++i)
void ScTable::CompileXML( sc::CompileFormulaContext& rCxt, ScProgress& rProgress )
    if (mpRangeName)
    for (SCCOL i=0; i < aCol.size(); i++)
        aCol[i].CompileXML(rCxt, rProgress);
bool ScTable::CompileErrorCells( sc::CompileFormulaContext& rCxt, FormulaError nErrCode )
    bool bCompiled = false;
    for (SCCOL i = 0; i < aCol.size(); ++i)
        if (aCol[i].CompileErrorCells(rCxt, nErrCode))
            bCompiled = true;
    return bCompiled;
void ScTable::CalcAfterLoad( sc::CompileFormulaContext& rCxt, bool bStartListening )
    for (SCCOL i = 0; i < aCol.size(); ++i)
        aCol[i].CalcAfterLoad(rCxt, bStartListening);
void ScTable::ResetChanged( const ScRange& rRange )
    SCCOL nStartCol = rRange.aStart.Col();
    SCROW nStartRow = rRange.aStart.Row();
    SCCOL nEndCol = ClampToAllocatedColumns(rRange.aEnd.Col());
    SCROW nEndRow = rRange.aEnd.Row();
    for (SCCOL nCol=nStartCol; nCol<=nEndCol; nCol++)
        aCol[nCol].ResetChanged(nStartRow, nEndRow);
//  Attribute
const SfxPoolItem* ScTable::GetAttr( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, sal_uInt16 nWhich ) const
    if (!ValidColRow(nCol, nRow))
        return nullptr;
    return &GetColumnData(nCol).GetAttr( nRow, nWhich );
const SfxPoolItem* ScTable::GetAttr( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, sal_uInt16 nWhich, SCROW& nStartRow, SCROW& nEndRow ) const
    if (!ValidColRow(nCol, nRow))
        return nullptr;
    return &GetColumnData(nCol).GetAttr( nRow, nWhich, nStartRow, nEndRow );
sal_uInt32 ScTable::GetNumberFormat( const ScInterpreterContext& rContext, const ScAddress& rPos ) const
    if (ValidColRow(rPos.Col(), rPos.Row()))
        return GetColumnData(rPos.Col()).GetNumberFormat(rContext, rPos.Row());
    return 0;
sal_uInt32 ScTable::GetNumberFormat( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow ) const
    return GetNumberFormat(rDocument.GetNonThreadedContext(), ScAddress(nCol, nRow, nTab));
sal_uInt32 ScTable::GetNumberFormat( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nStartRow, SCROW nEndRow ) const
    if (!ValidCol(nCol) || !ValidRow(nStartRow) || !ValidRow(nEndRow))
        return 0;
    return GetColumnData(nCol).GetNumberFormat(nStartRow, nEndRow);
void ScTable::SetNumberFormat( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, sal_uInt32 nNumberFormat )
    if (!ValidColRow(nCol, nRow))
    CreateColumnIfNotExists(nCol).SetNumberFormat(nRow, nNumberFormat);
const ScPatternAttr* ScTable::GetPattern( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow ) const
    if (!ValidColRow(nCol,nRow))
        return nullptr;
    return GetColumnData(nCol).GetPattern( nRow );
const ScPatternAttr* ScTable::GetMostUsedPattern( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nStartRow, SCROW nEndRow ) const
    if ( ValidColRow( nCol, nStartRow ) && ValidRow( nEndRow ) && (nStartRow <= nEndRow))
        return GetColumnData(nCol).GetMostUsedPattern( nStartRow, nEndRow );
    return nullptr;
bool ScTable::HasAttrib( SCCOL nCol1, SCROW nRow1, SCCOL nCol2, SCROW nRow2, HasAttrFlags nMask ) const
    for(SCCOL nCol = nCol1; nCol <= nCol2 && nCol < aCol.size(); ++nCol )
        if( aCol[nCol].HasAttrib( nRow1, nRow2, nMask ))
            return true;
    if( nCol2 >= aCol.size())
         return aDefaultColData.HasAttrib( nRow1, nRow2, nMask );
    return false;
bool ScTable::HasAttrib( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, HasAttrFlags nMask, SCROW* nStartRow, SCROW* nEndRow ) const
    return GetColumnData(nCol).HasAttrib( nRow, nMask, nStartRow, nEndRow );
bool ScTable::HasAttribSelection( const ScMarkData& rMark, HasAttrFlags nMask ) const
    std::vector<sc::ColRowSpan> aSpans = rMark.GetMarkedColSpans();
    for (const sc::ColRowSpan & aSpan : aSpans)
        for (SCCOLROW j = aSpan.mnStart; j <= aSpan.mnEnd; ++j)
            if (aCol[j].HasAttribSelection(rMark, nMask))
              return true;
    return false;
bool ScTable::ExtendMerge( SCCOL nStartCol, SCROW nStartRow,
                           SCCOL& rEndCol, SCROW& rEndRow,
                           bool bRefresh )
    if (!(ValidCol(nStartCol) && ValidCol(rEndCol)))
        OSL_FAIL("ScTable::ExtendMerge: invalid column number");
        return false;
    if( rEndCol >= aCol.size())
        assert( !aDefaultColData.GetAttr( nStartRow, ATTR_MERGE ).IsMerged());
    bool bFound = false;
    SCCOL nOldEndX = ClampToAllocatedColumns(rEndCol);
    SCROW nOldEndY = rEndRow;
    for (SCCOL i=nStartCol; i<=nOldEndX; i++)
        bFound |= aCol[i].ExtendMerge( i, nStartRow, nOldEndY, rEndCol, rEndRow, bRefresh );
    return bFound;
void ScTable::SetMergedCells( SCCOL nCol1, SCROW nRow1, SCCOL nCol2, SCROW nRow2 )
    ScMergeAttr aAttr(nCol2-nCol1+1, nRow2-nRow1+1);
    ApplyAttr(nCol1, nRow1, aAttr);
    if (nCol1 < nCol2)
        ApplyFlags(nCol1+1, nRow1, nCol2, nRow2, ScMF::Hor);
    if (nRow1 < nRow2)
        ApplyFlags(nCol1, nRow1+1, nCol1, nRow2, ScMF::Ver);
    if (nCol1 < nCol2 && nRow1 < nRow2)
        ApplyFlags(nCol1+1, nRow1+1, nCol2, nRow2, ScMF::Hor | ScMF::Ver);
bool ScTable::IsNotesBlockEmpty(SCCOL nCol1, SCROW nRow1, SCCOL nCol2, SCROW nRow2) const
    if (!(ValidCol(nCol1) && ValidCol(nCol2)))
        OSL_FAIL("ScTable::IsBlockEmptyNotes: invalid column number");
        return false;
    nCol2 = ClampToAllocatedColumns(nCol2);
    bool bEmpty = true;
    for (SCCOL i = nCol1; i <= nCol2 && bEmpty; i++)
        bEmpty = aCol[i].IsNotesEmptyBlock(nRow1, nRow2);
    return bEmpty;
bool ScTable::IsBlockEmpty( SCCOL nCol1, SCROW nRow1, SCCOL nCol2, SCROW nRow2 ) const
    if (!(ValidCol(nCol1) && ValidCol(nCol2)))
        OSL_FAIL("ScTable::IsBlockEmpty: invalid column number");
        return false;
    nCol2 = ClampToAllocatedColumns(nCol2);
    bool bEmpty = true;
    for (SCCOL i=nCol1; i<=nCol2 && bEmpty; i++)
        bEmpty = aCol[i].IsEmptyData( nRow1, nRow2 );
        if (bEmpty)
            bEmpty = aCol[i].IsSparklinesEmptyBlock(nRow1, nRow2);
        if (bEmpty)
            bEmpty = aCol[i].IsNotesEmptyBlock(nRow1, nRow2);
    return bEmpty;
SCSIZE ScTable::FillMaxRot( RowInfo* pRowInfo, SCSIZE nArrCount, SCCOL nX1, SCCOL nX2,
                            SCCOL nCol, SCROW nAttrRow1, SCROW nAttrRow2, SCSIZE nArrY,
                            const ScPatternAttr* pPattern, const SfxItemSet* pCondSet )
    //  Return value = new nArrY
    ScRotateDir nRotDir = pPattern->GetRotateDir( pCondSet );
    if ( nRotDir != ScRotateDir::NONE )
        bool bHit = true;
        if ( nCol+1 < nX1 )                             // column to the left
            bHit = ( nRotDir != ScRotateDir::Left );
        else if ( nCol > nX2+1 )                        // column to the right
            bHit = ( nRotDir != ScRotateDir::Right );      // ScRotateDir::Standard may now also be extended to the left
        if ( bHit )
            double nFactor = 0.0;
            if ( nCol > nX2+1 )
                Degree100 nRotVal = pPattern->
                        GetItem( ATTR_ROTATE_VALUE, pCondSet ).GetValue();
                double nRealOrient = toRadians(nRotVal);
                double nCos = cos( nRealOrient );
                double nSin = sin( nRealOrient );
                //TODO: limit !!!
                //TODO: additional factor for varying PPT X/Y !!!
                // for ScRotateDir::Left this gives a negative value,
                // if the mode is considered
                nFactor = -fabs( nCos / nSin );
            for ( SCROW nRow = nAttrRow1; nRow <= nAttrRow2; nRow++ )
                if (!RowHidden(nRow))
                    bool bHitOne = true;
                    if ( nCol > nX2+1 )
                        // Does the rotated cell extend into the visible range?
                        SCCOL nTouchedCol = nCol;
                        tools::Long nWidth = static_cast<tools::Long>(mpRowHeights->getValue(nRow) * nFactor);
                        OSL_ENSURE(nWidth <= 0, "Wrong direction");
                        while ( nWidth < 0 && nTouchedCol > 0 )
                            nWidth += GetColWidth( nTouchedCol );
                        if ( nTouchedCol > nX2 )
                            bHitOne = false;
                    if (bHitOne)
                        while ( nArrY<nArrCount && pRowInfo[nArrY].nRowNo < nRow )
                        if ( nArrY<nArrCount && pRowInfo[nArrY].nRowNo == nRow )
                            pRowInfo[nArrY].nRotMaxCol = nCol;
    return nArrY;
void ScTable::FindMaxRotCol( RowInfo* pRowInfo, SCSIZE nArrCount, SCCOL nX1, SCCOL nX2 )
    if ( !mpColWidth || !mpRowHeights || !mpColFlags || !pRowFlags )
        OSL_FAIL( "Row/column info missing" );
    //  nRotMaxCol is initialized to SC_ROTMAX_NONE, nRowNo is already set
    SCROW nY1 = pRowInfo[0].nRowNo;
    SCROW nY2 = pRowInfo[nArrCount-1].nRowNo;
    for (SCCOL nCol : GetColumnsRange(0, rDocument.MaxCol()))
        if (!ColHidden(nCol))
            SCSIZE nArrY = 0;
            ScDocAttrIterator aIter( rDocument, nTab, nCol, nY1, nCol, nY2 );
            SCCOL nAttrCol;
            SCROW nAttrRow1, nAttrRow2;
            const ScPatternAttr* pPattern = aIter.GetNext( nAttrCol, nAttrRow1, nAttrRow2 );
            while ( pPattern )
                if ( const ScCondFormatItem* pCondItem = pPattern->GetItemSet().GetItemIfSet( ATTR_CONDITIONAL ) )
                    //  Run through all formats, so that each cell does not have to be
                    //  handled individually
                    const ScCondFormatIndexes& rCondFormatData = pCondItem->GetCondFormatData();
                    ScStyleSheetPool* pStylePool = rDocument.GetStyleSheetPool();
                    if (mpCondFormatList && pStylePool && !rCondFormatData.empty())
                        for(const auto& rItem : rCondFormatData)
                            const ScConditionalFormat* pFormat = mpCondFormatList->GetFormat(rItem);
                            if ( pFormat )
                                size_t nEntryCount = pFormat->size();
                                for (size_t nEntry=0; nEntry<nEntryCount; nEntry++)
                                    const ScFormatEntry* pEntry = pFormat->GetEntry(nEntry);
                                    if(pEntry->GetType() != ScFormatEntry::Type::Condition &&
                                       pEntry->GetType() != ScFormatEntry::Type::ExtCondition)
                                    OUString  aStyleName = static_cast<const ScCondFormatEntry*>(pEntry)->GetStyle();
                                    if (!aStyleName.isEmpty())
                                        SfxStyleSheetBase* pStyleSheet =
                                            pStylePool->Find( aStyleName, SfxStyleFamily::Para );
                                        if ( pStyleSheet )
                                            FillMaxRot( pRowInfo, nArrCount, nX1, nX2,
                                                    nCol, nAttrRow1, nAttrRow2,
                                                    nArrY, pPattern, &pStyleSheet->GetItemSet() );
                                            //  not changing nArrY
                nArrY = FillMaxRot( pRowInfo, nArrCount, nX1, nX2,
                                    nCol, nAttrRow1, nAttrRow2,
                                    nArrY, pPattern, nullptr );
                pPattern = aIter.GetNext( nAttrCol, nAttrRow1, nAttrRow2 );
bool ScTable::HasBlockMatrixFragment( const SCCOL nCol1, SCROW nRow1, const SCCOL nCol2, SCROW nRow2,
        bool bNoMatrixAtAll ) const
    using namespace sc;
    if ( !IsColValid( nCol1 ) )
        return false;
    const SCCOL nMaxCol2 = std::min<SCCOL>( nCol2, aCol.size() - 1 );
    MatrixEdge nEdges = MatrixEdge::Nothing;
    if ( nCol1 == nMaxCol2 )
    {   // left and right column
        const MatrixEdge n = MatrixEdge::Left | MatrixEdge::Right;
        nEdges = aCol[nCol1].GetBlockMatrixEdges( nRow1, nRow2, n, bNoMatrixAtAll );
        if ((nEdges != MatrixEdge::Nothing) && (((nEdges & n)!=n) || (nEdges & (MatrixEdge::Inside|MatrixEdge::Open))))
            return true;        // left or right edge is missing or open
    {   // left column
        nEdges = aCol[nCol1].GetBlockMatrixEdges(nRow1, nRow2, MatrixEdge::Left, bNoMatrixAtAll);
        if ((nEdges != MatrixEdge::Nothing) && ((!(nEdges & MatrixEdge::Left)) || (nEdges & (MatrixEdge::Inside|MatrixEdge::Open))))
            return true;        // left edge missing or open
        // right column
        nEdges = aCol[nMaxCol2].GetBlockMatrixEdges(nRow1, nRow2, MatrixEdge::Right, bNoMatrixAtAll);
        if ((nEdges != MatrixEdge::Nothing) && ((!(nEdges & MatrixEdge::Right)) || (nEdges & (MatrixEdge::Inside|MatrixEdge::Open))))
            return true;        // right edge is missing or open
    if (bNoMatrixAtAll)
        for (SCCOL i=nCol1; i<=nMaxCol2; i++)
            nEdges = aCol[i].GetBlockMatrixEdges( nRow1, nRow2, MatrixEdge::Nothing, bNoMatrixAtAll);
            if (nEdges != MatrixEdge::Nothing
                    && (nEdges != (MatrixEdge::Top | MatrixEdge::Left | MatrixEdge::Bottom | MatrixEdge::Right)))
                return true;
    else if ( nRow1 == nRow2 )
    {   // Row on top and on bottom
        bool bOpen = false;
        const MatrixEdge n = MatrixEdge::Bottom | MatrixEdge::Top;
        for ( SCCOL i=nCol1; i<=nMaxCol2; i++)
            nEdges = aCol[i].GetBlockMatrixEdges( nRow1, nRow1, n, bNoMatrixAtAll );
            if (nEdges != MatrixEdge::Nothing)
                if ( (nEdges & n) != n )
                    return true;        // Top or bottom edge missing
                if (nEdges & MatrixEdge::Left)
                    bOpen = true;       // left edge open, continue
                else if ( !bOpen )
                    return true;        // Something exist that has not been opened
                if (nEdges & MatrixEdge::Right)
                    bOpen = false;      // Close right edge
        if ( bOpen )
            return true;
        int j;
        MatrixEdge n;
        SCROW nR;
        // first top row, then bottom row
        for ( j=0, n = MatrixEdge::Top,    nR=nRow1; j<2;
              j++, n = MatrixEdge::Bottom, nR=nRow2)
            bool bOpen = false;
            for ( SCCOL i=nCol1; i<=nMaxCol2; i++)
                nEdges = aCol[i].GetBlockMatrixEdges( nR, nR, n, bNoMatrixAtAll );
                if ( nEdges != MatrixEdge::Nothing)
                    // in top row no top edge respectively
                    // in bottom row no bottom edge
                    if ( (nEdges & n) != n )
                        return true;
                    if (nEdges & MatrixEdge::Left)
                        bOpen = true;       // open left edge, continue
                    else if ( !bOpen )
                        return true;        // Something exist that has not been opened
                    if (nEdges & MatrixEdge::Right)
                        bOpen = false;      // Close right edge
            if ( bOpen )
                return true;
    return false;
bool ScTable::HasSelectionMatrixFragment( const ScMarkData& rMark ) const
    std::vector<sc::ColRowSpan> aSpans = rMark.GetMarkedColSpans();
    ScRangeList rangeList = rMark.GetMarkedRanges();
    for (const sc::ColRowSpan & aSpan : aSpans)
        SCCOL nEndCol = ClampToAllocatedColumns(aSpan.mnEnd);
        for ( SCCOLROW j=aSpan.mnStart; j<=nEndCol; j++ )
            if ( aCol[j].HasSelectionMatrixFragment(rMark, rangeList) )
                return true;
    return false;
bool ScTable::IsBlockEditable( SCCOL nCol1, SCROW nRow1, SCCOL nCol2,
            SCROW nRow2, bool* pOnlyNotBecauseOfMatrix /* = NULL */,
            bool bNoMatrixAtAll ) const
    if ( !ValidColRow( nCol2, nRow2 ) )
        SAL_WARN("sc", "IsBlockEditable: invalid column or row " << nCol2 << " " << nRow2);
        if (pOnlyNotBecauseOfMatrix)
            *pOnlyNotBecauseOfMatrix = false;
        return false;
    bool bIsEditable = true;
    if ( nLockCount )
        bIsEditable = false;
    else if ( IsProtected() && !rDocument.IsScenario(nTab) )
        bIsEditable = !HasAttrib( nCol1, nRow1, nCol2, nRow2, HasAttrFlags::Protected );
        if (!bIsEditable)
            // An enhanced protection permission may override the attribute.
            bIsEditable = pTabProtection->isBlockEditable( ScRange( nCol1, nRow1, nTab, nCol2, nRow2, nTab));
        if (bIsEditable)
            // If Sheet is protected and cells are not protected then
            // check the active scenario protect flag if this range is
            // on the active scenario range. Note the 'copy back' must also
            // be set to apply protection.
            sal_uInt16 nScenTab = nTab+1;
                ScRange aEditRange(nCol1, nRow1, nScenTab, nCol2, nRow2, nScenTab);
                if(rDocument.IsActiveScenario(nScenTab) && rDocument.HasScenarioRange(nScenTab, aEditRange))
                    ScScenarioFlags nFlags;
                    bIsEditable = !((nFlags & ScScenarioFlags::Protected) && (nFlags & ScScenarioFlags::TwoWay));
    else if (rDocument.IsScenario(nTab))
        // Determine if the preceding sheet is protected
        SCTAB nActualTab = nTab;
            ScRange aEditRange(nCol1, nRow1, nTab, nCol2, nRow2, nTab);
            if(rDocument.HasScenarioRange(nTab, aEditRange))
                ScScenarioFlags nFlags;
                bIsEditable = !(nFlags & ScScenarioFlags::Protected);
    if ( bIsEditable )
        if (HasBlockMatrixFragment( nCol1, nRow1, nCol2, nRow2, bNoMatrixAtAll))
            bIsEditable = false;
            if ( pOnlyNotBecauseOfMatrix )
                *pOnlyNotBecauseOfMatrix = true;
        else if ( pOnlyNotBecauseOfMatrix )
            *pOnlyNotBecauseOfMatrix = false;
    else if ( pOnlyNotBecauseOfMatrix )
        *pOnlyNotBecauseOfMatrix = false;
    return bIsEditable;
bool ScTable::IsSelectionEditable( const ScMarkData& rMark,
            bool* pOnlyNotBecauseOfMatrix /* = NULL */ ) const
    bool bIsEditable = true;
    if ( nLockCount )
        bIsEditable = false;
    else if ( IsProtected() && !rDocument.IsScenario(nTab) )
        ScRangeList aRanges;
        rMark.FillRangeListWithMarks( &aRanges, false );
        bIsEditable = !HasAttribSelection( rMark, HasAttrFlags::Protected );
        if (!bIsEditable)
            // An enhanced protection permission may override the attribute.
            if (pTabProtection)
                bIsEditable = pTabProtection->isSelectionEditable( aRanges);
        if (bIsEditable)
            // If Sheet is protected and cells are not protected then
            // check the active scenario protect flag if this area is
            // in the active scenario range.
            SCTAB nScenTab = nTab+1;
            while(rDocument.IsScenario(nScenTab) && bIsEditable)
                    for (size_t i=0, nRange = aRanges.size(); (i < nRange) && bIsEditable; i++ )
                        const ScRange & rRange = aRanges[ i ];
                        if(rDocument.HasScenarioRange(nScenTab, rRange))
                            ScScenarioFlags nFlags;
                            bIsEditable = !((nFlags & ScScenarioFlags::Protected) && (nFlags & ScScenarioFlags::TwoWay));
    else if (rDocument.IsScenario(nTab))
        // Determine if the preceding sheet is protected
        SCTAB nActualTab = nTab;
            ScRangeList aRanges;
            rMark.FillRangeListWithMarks( &aRanges, false );
            for (size_t i = 0, nRange = aRanges.size(); (i < nRange) && bIsEditable; i++)
                const ScRange & rRange = aRanges[ i ];
                if(rDocument.HasScenarioRange(nTab, rRange))
                    ScScenarioFlags nFlags;
                    bIsEditable = !(nFlags & ScScenarioFlags::Protected);
    if ( bIsEditable )
        if ( HasSelectionMatrixFragment( rMark ) )
            bIsEditable = false;
            if ( pOnlyNotBecauseOfMatrix )
                *pOnlyNotBecauseOfMatrix = true;
        else if ( pOnlyNotBecauseOfMatrix )
            *pOnlyNotBecauseOfMatrix = false;
    else if ( pOnlyNotBecauseOfMatrix )
        *pOnlyNotBecauseOfMatrix = false;
    return bIsEditable;
void ScTable::LockTable()
void ScTable::UnlockTable()
    if (nLockCount)
        OSL_FAIL("UnlockTable without LockTable");
void ScTable::MergeSelectionPattern( ScMergePatternState& rState, const ScMarkData& rMark, bool bDeep ) const
    std::vector<sc::ColRowSpan> aSpans = rMark.GetMarkedColSpans();
    for (const sc::ColRowSpan & rSpan : aSpans)
        SCCOL maxCol = ClampToAllocatedColumns(rSpan.mnEnd);
        for (SCCOL i = rSpan.mnStart; i <= maxCol; ++i)
            aCol[i].MergeSelectionPattern( rState, rMark, bDeep );
void ScTable::MergePatternArea( ScMergePatternState& rState, SCCOL nCol1, SCROW nRow1,
                                                    SCCOL nCol2, SCROW nRow2, bool bDeep ) const
    const SCCOL nEndCol = ClampToAllocatedColumns(nCol2);
    for (SCCOL i=nCol1; i<=nEndCol; i++)
        aCol[i].MergePatternArea( rState, nRow1, nRow2, bDeep );
    if (nEndCol != nCol2)
        aDefaultColData.MergePatternArea( rState, nRow1, nRow2, bDeep );
void ScTable::MergeBlockFrame( SvxBoxItem* pLineOuter, SvxBoxInfoItem* pLineInner, ScLineFlags& rFlags,
                    SCCOL nStartCol, SCROW nStartRow, SCCOL nEndCol, SCROW nEndRow ) const
    if (ValidColRow(nStartCol, nStartRow) && ValidColRow(nEndCol, nEndRow))
        PutInOrder(nStartCol, nEndCol);
        PutInOrder(nStartRow, nEndRow);
        nEndCol = ClampToAllocatedColumns(nEndCol);
        for (SCCOL i=nStartCol; i<=nEndCol; i++)
            aCol[i].MergeBlockFrame( pLineOuter, pLineInner, rFlags,
                                    nStartRow, nEndRow, (i==nStartCol), nEndCol-i );
void ScTable::ApplyBlockFrame(const SvxBoxItem& rLineOuter, const SvxBoxInfoItem* pLineInner,
                              SCCOL nStartCol, SCROW nStartRow, SCCOL nEndCol, SCROW nEndRow)
    if (ValidColRow(nStartCol, nStartRow) && ValidColRow(nEndCol, nEndRow))
        PutInOrder(nStartCol, nEndCol);
        PutInOrder(nStartRow, nEndRow);
        for (SCCOL i=nStartCol; i<=nEndCol; i++)
            aCol[i].ApplyBlockFrame(rLineOuter, pLineInner,
                                    nStartRow, nEndRow, (i==nStartCol), nEndCol-i);
void ScTable::ApplyPattern( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, const ScPatternAttr& rAttr )
    if (ValidColRow(nCol,nRow))
        CreateColumnIfNotExists(nCol).ApplyPattern( nRow, rAttr );
void ScTable::ApplyPatternArea( SCCOL nStartCol, SCROW nStartRow, SCCOL nEndCol, SCROW nEndRow,
                                     const ScPatternAttr& rAttr, ScEditDataArray* pDataArray,
                                     bool* const pIsChanged )
    if (!ValidColRow(nStartCol, nStartRow) || !ValidColRow(nEndCol, nEndRow))
    PutInOrder(nStartCol, nEndCol);
    PutInOrder(nStartRow, nEndRow);
    SCCOL maxCol = nEndCol;
    if( nEndCol == GetDoc().MaxCol())
        // For the same unallocated columns until the end we can change just the default.
        maxCol = std::max( nStartCol, aCol.size()) - 1;
        if( maxCol >= 0 )
            CreateColumnIfNotExists(maxCol); // Allocate needed different columns before changing the default.
        aDefaultColData.ApplyPatternArea(nStartRow, nEndRow, rAttr, pDataArray, pIsChanged);
    for (SCCOL i = nStartCol; i <= maxCol; i++)
        CreateColumnIfNotExists(i).ApplyPatternArea(nStartRow, nEndRow, rAttr, pDataArray, pIsChanged);
    std::vector<ScAttrEntry> duplicateScAttrEntries(const std::vector<ScAttrEntry>& rOrigData)
        // this can now just be copied, will do the right thing with the
        // ref-counted ScAttrEntry instances
        std::vector<ScAttrEntry> aData(rOrigData);
        return aData;
void ScTable::SetAttrEntries( SCCOL nStartCol, SCCOL nEndCol, std::vector<ScAttrEntry> && vNewData)
    if (!ValidCol(nStartCol) || !ValidCol(nEndCol))
    if ( nEndCol == rDocument.MaxCol() )
        if ( nStartCol < aCol.size() )
            // If we would like set all columns to same attrs, then change only attrs for not existing columns
            nEndCol = aCol.size() - 1;
            for (SCCOL i = nStartCol; i <= nEndCol; i++)
            CreateColumnIfNotExists( nStartCol - 1 );
        CreateColumnIfNotExists( nEndCol );
        for (SCCOL i = nStartCol; i < nEndCol; i++) // all but last need a copy
        aCol[nEndCol].SetAttrEntries( std::move(vNewData));
void ScTable::ApplyPatternIfNumberformatIncompatible( const ScRange& rRange,
        const ScPatternAttr& rPattern, SvNumFormatType nNewType )
    SCCOL nEndCol = rRange.aEnd.Col();
    for ( SCCOL nCol = rRange.aStart.Col(); nCol <= nEndCol; nCol++ )
        aCol[nCol].ApplyPatternIfNumberformatIncompatible( rRange, rPattern, nNewType );
void ScTable::AddCondFormatData( const ScRangeList& rRangeList, sal_uInt32 nIndex )
    size_t n = rRangeList.size();
    for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
        const ScRange & rRange = rRangeList[i];
        SCCOL nColStart = rRange.aStart.Col();
        SCCOL nColEnd = rRange.aEnd.Col();
        SCROW nRowStart = rRange.aStart.Row();
        SCROW nRowEnd = rRange.aEnd.Row();
        for(SCCOL nCol = nColStart; nCol <= nColEnd; ++nCol)
            CreateColumnIfNotExists(nCol).AddCondFormat(nRowStart, nRowEnd, nIndex);
void ScTable::RemoveCondFormatData( const ScRangeList& rRangeList, sal_uInt32 nIndex )
    size_t n = rRangeList.size();
    for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
        const ScRange & rRange = rRangeList[i];
        SCCOL nColStart = rRange.aStart.Col();
        SCCOL nColEnd = ClampToAllocatedColumns(rRange.aEnd.Col());
        SCROW nRowStart = rRange.aStart.Row();
        SCROW nRowEnd = rRange.aEnd.Row();
        for(SCCOL nCol = nColStart; nCol <= nColEnd; ++nCol)
            aCol[nCol].RemoveCondFormat(nRowStart, nRowEnd, nIndex);
void  ScTable::SetPatternAreaCondFormat( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nStartRow, SCROW nEndRow,
        const ScPatternAttr& rAttr, const ScCondFormatIndexes& rCondFormatIndexes )
    CreateColumnIfNotExists(nCol).SetPatternArea( nStartRow, nEndRow, CellAttributeHolder(&rAttr));
    for (const auto& rIndex : rCondFormatIndexes)
        ScConditionalFormat* pCondFormat = mpCondFormatList->GetFormat(rIndex);
        if (pCondFormat)
            ScRangeList aRange = pCondFormat->GetRange();
            aRange.Join( ScRange( nCol, nStartRow, nTab, nCol, nEndRow, nTab));
void ScTable::ApplyStyle( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, const ScStyleSheet* rStyle )
    if (ValidColRow(nCol,nRow))
        // If column not exists then we need to create it
        CreateColumnIfNotExists( nCol ).ApplyStyle( nRow, rStyle );
void ScTable::ApplyStyleArea( SCCOL nStartCol, SCROW nStartRow, SCCOL nEndCol, SCROW nEndRow, const ScStyleSheet& rStyle )
    if (!(ValidColRow(nStartCol, nStartRow) && ValidColRow(nEndCol, nEndRow)))
    PutInOrder(nStartCol, nEndCol);
    PutInOrder(nStartRow, nEndRow);
    if ( nEndCol == rDocument.MaxCol() )
        if ( nStartCol < aCol.size() )
            // If we would like set all columns to specific style, then change only default style for not existing columns
            nEndCol = aCol.size() - 1;
            for (SCCOL i = nStartCol; i <= nEndCol; i++)
                aCol[i].ApplyStyleArea(nStartRow, nEndRow, rStyle);
            aDefaultColData.ApplyStyleArea(nStartRow, nEndRow, rStyle );
            CreateColumnIfNotExists( nStartCol - 1 );
            aDefaultColData.ApplyStyleArea(nStartRow, nEndRow, rStyle );
        CreateColumnIfNotExists( nEndCol );
        for (SCCOL i = nStartCol; i <= nEndCol; i++)
            aCol[i].ApplyStyleArea(nStartRow, nEndRow, rStyle);
void ScTable::ApplySelectionStyle(const ScStyleSheet& rStyle, const ScMarkData& rMark)
    ApplyWithAllocation(rMark, [&rStyle](ScColumnData& applyTo, SCROW nTop, SCROW nBottom)
                        { applyTo.ApplySelectionStyle(rStyle, nTop, nBottom); });
void ScTable::ApplySelectionLineStyle( const ScMarkData& rMark,
                            const ::editeng::SvxBorderLine* pLine, bool bColorOnly )
    if ( bColorOnly && !pLine )
    for (SCCOL i=0; i < aCol.size(); i++)
        aCol[i].ApplySelectionLineStyle( rMark, pLine, bColorOnly );
const ScStyleSheet* ScTable::GetStyle( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow ) const
    if ( !ValidColRow( nCol, nRow ) )
        return nullptr;
    return GetColumnData(nCol).GetStyle( nRow );
const ScStyleSheet* ScTable::GetSelectionStyle( const ScMarkData& rMark, bool& rFound ) const
    rFound = false;
    bool    bEqual = true;
    bool    bColFound;
    const ScStyleSheet* pStyle = nullptr;
    const ScStyleSheet* pNewStyle;
    for (SCCOL i=0; i < aCol.size() && bEqual; i++)
        if (rMark.HasMultiMarks(i))
            pNewStyle = aCol[i].GetSelectionStyle( rMark, bColFound );
            if (bColFound)
                rFound = true;
                if ( !pNewStyle || ( pStyle && pNewStyle != pStyle ) )
                    bEqual = false;
                pStyle = pNewStyle;
    return bEqual ? pStyle : nullptr;
const ScStyleSheet* ScTable::GetAreaStyle( bool& rFound, SCCOL nCol1, SCROW nRow1,
                                           SCCOL nCol2, SCROW nRow2 ) const
    rFound = false;
    bool    bEqual = true;
    bool    bColFound;
    const ScStyleSheet* pStyle = nullptr;
    const ScStyleSheet* pNewStyle;
    nCol2 = ClampToAllocatedColumns(nCol2);
    for (SCCOL i=nCol1; i<=nCol2 && bEqual; i++)
        pNewStyle = aCol[i].GetAreaStyle(bColFound, nRow1, nRow2);
        if (bColFound)
            rFound = true;
            if ( !pNewStyle || ( pStyle && pNewStyle != pStyle ) )
                bEqual = false;
            pStyle = pNewStyle;
    return bEqual ? pStyle : nullptr;
bool ScTable::IsStyleSheetUsed( const ScStyleSheet& rStyle ) const
    bool bIsUsed = false;
    for ( SCCOL i=0; i < aCol.size(); i++ )
        if ( aCol[i].IsStyleSheetUsed( rStyle ) )
            bIsUsed = true;
    return bIsUsed;
void ScTable::StyleSheetChanged( const SfxStyleSheetBase* pStyleSheet, bool bRemoved,
                                OutputDevice* pDev,
                                double nPPTX, double nPPTY,
                                const Fraction& rZoomX, const Fraction& rZoomY )
    ScFlatBoolRowSegments aUsedRows(rDocument.MaxRow());
    for (SCCOL i = 0; i < aCol.size(); ++i)
        aCol[i].FindStyleSheet(pStyleSheet, aUsedRows, bRemoved);
    sc::RowHeightContext aCxt(rDocument.MaxRow(), nPPTX, nPPTY, rZoomX, rZoomY, pDev);
    SCROW nRow = 0;
    while (nRow <= rDocument.MaxRow())
        ScFlatBoolRowSegments::RangeData aData;
        if (!aUsedRows.getRangeData(nRow, aData))
            // search failed!
        SCROW nEndRow = aData.mnRow2;
        if (aData.mbValue)
            SetOptimalHeight(aCxt, nRow, nEndRow, true);
        nRow = nEndRow + 1;
bool ScTable::ApplyFlags( SCCOL nStartCol, SCROW nStartRow, SCCOL nEndCol, SCROW nEndRow,
                          ScMF nFlags )
    bool bChanged = false;
    if (ValidColRow(nStartCol, nStartRow) && ValidColRow(nEndCol, nEndRow))
        for (SCCOL i = nStartCol; i <= nEndCol; i++)
            bChanged |= CreateColumnIfNotExists(i).ApplyFlags(nStartRow, nEndRow, nFlags);
    return bChanged;
bool ScTable::RemoveFlags( SCCOL nStartCol, SCROW nStartRow, SCCOL nEndCol, SCROW nEndRow,
                           ScMF nFlags )
    if (!ValidColRow(nStartCol, nStartRow) || !ValidColRow(nEndCol, nEndRow))
        return false;
    bool bChanged = false;
    nEndCol = ClampToAllocatedColumns(nEndCol);
    for (SCCOL i = nStartCol; i <= nEndCol; i++)
        bChanged |= aCol[i].RemoveFlags(nStartRow, nEndRow, nFlags);
    return bChanged;
void ScTable::SetPattern( const ScAddress& rPos, const ScPatternAttr& rAttr )
    if (ValidColRow(rPos.Col(),rPos.Row()))
        CreateColumnIfNotExists(rPos.Col()).SetPattern(rPos.Row(), rAttr);
void ScTable::SetPattern( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, const CellAttributeHolder& rHolder )
    if (ValidColRow(nCol,nRow))
        CreateColumnIfNotExists(nCol).SetPattern(nRow, rHolder);
void ScTable::SetPattern( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, const ScPatternAttr& rAttr )
    if (ValidColRow(nCol,nRow))
        CreateColumnIfNotExists(nCol).SetPattern(nRow, rAttr);
void ScTable::ApplyAttr( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, const SfxPoolItem& rAttr )
    if (ValidColRow(nCol,nRow))
        CreateColumnIfNotExists(nCol).ApplyAttr( nRow, rAttr );
void ScTable::ApplySelectionCache( ScItemPoolCache& rCache, const ScMarkData& rMark,
                                   ScEditDataArray* pDataArray, bool* const pIsChanged )
        rMark, [&rCache, pDataArray, pIsChanged](ScColumnData& applyTo, SCROW nTop, SCROW nBottom)
        { applyTo.ApplySelectionCache(rCache, nTop, nBottom, pDataArray, pIsChanged); });
void ScTable::ChangeSelectionIndent( bool bIncrement, const ScMarkData& rMark )
    ApplyWithAllocation(rMark, [&bIncrement](ScColumnData& applyTo, SCROW nTop, SCROW nBottom)
                        { applyTo.ChangeSelectionIndent(bIncrement, nTop, nBottom); });
void ScTable::ClearSelectionItems( const sal_uInt16* pWhich, const ScMarkData& rMark )
    ApplyWithAllocation(rMark, [pWhich](ScColumnData& applyTo, SCROW nTop, SCROW nBottom)
                        { applyTo.ClearSelectionItems(pWhich, nTop, nBottom); });
//  Column widths / Row heights
void ScTable::SetColWidth( SCCOL nCol, sal_uInt16 nNewWidth )
    if (ValidCol(nCol) && mpColWidth)
        if (!nNewWidth)
            nNewWidth = STD_COL_WIDTH;
        if ( nNewWidth != mpColWidth->GetValue(nCol) )
            mpColWidth->SetValue(nCol, nNewWidth);
        OSL_FAIL("Invalid column number or no widths");
void ScTable::SetColWidthOnly( SCCOL nCol, sal_uInt16 nNewWidth )
    if (!ValidCol(nCol) || !mpColWidth)
    if (!nNewWidth)
        nNewWidth = STD_COL_WIDTH;
    if (nNewWidth != mpColWidth->GetValue(nCol))
        mpColWidth->SetValue(nCol, nNewWidth);
void ScTable::SetRowHeight( SCROW nRow, sal_uInt16 nNewHeight )
    if (ValidRow(nRow) && mpRowHeights)
        if (!nNewHeight)
            OSL_FAIL("SetRowHeight: Row height zero");
            nNewHeight = GetOptimalMinRowHeight();
        sal_uInt16 nOldHeight = mpRowHeights->getValue(nRow);
        if ( nNewHeight != nOldHeight )
            mpRowHeights->setValue(nRow, nRow, nNewHeight);
        OSL_FAIL("Invalid row number or no heights");
namespace {
 * Check if the new pixel size is different from the old size between
 * specified ranges.
bool lcl_pixelSizeChanged(
    ScFlatUInt16RowSegments& rRowHeights, SCROW nStartRow, SCROW nEndRow,
    sal_uInt16 nNewHeight, double nPPTY, bool bApi)
    tools::Long nNewPix = static_cast<tools::Long>(nNewHeight * nPPTY);
    ScFlatUInt16RowSegments::ForwardIterator aFwdIter(rRowHeights);
    for (SCROW nRow = nStartRow; nRow <= nEndRow; ++nRow)
        sal_uInt16 nHeight;
        if (!aFwdIter.getValue(nRow, nHeight))
        if (nHeight != nNewHeight)
            tools::Long nOldPix = static_cast<tools::Long>(nHeight * nPPTY);
            // Heuristic: Don't bother when handling interactive input, if changing just one row and
            // the height will shrink.
            bool bChanged = (nNewPix != nOldPix) && (bApi || nEndRow - nStartRow > 0 || nNewPix > nOldPix);
            if (bChanged)
                return true;
        // Skip ahead to the last position of the current range.
        nRow = aFwdIter.getLastPos();
    return false;
bool ScTable::SetRowHeightRange( SCROW nStartRow, SCROW nEndRow, sal_uInt16 nNewHeight,
                                 double nPPTY, bool bApi )
    bool bChanged = false;
    if (ValidRow(nStartRow) && ValidRow(nEndRow) && mpRowHeights)
        if (!nNewHeight)
            OSL_FAIL("SetRowHeight: Row height zero");
            nNewHeight = GetOptimalMinRowHeight();
        bool bSingle = false;   // true = process every row for its own
        ScDrawLayer* pDrawLayer = rDocument.GetDrawLayer();
        if (pDrawLayer)
            if (pDrawLayer->HasObjectsInRows( nTab, nStartRow, nEndRow ))
                bSingle = true;
        if (bSingle)
            ScFlatUInt16RowSegments::RangeData aData;
            if (mpRowHeights->getRangeData(nStartRow, aData) &&
                nNewHeight == aData.mnValue && nEndRow <= aData.mnRow2)
                bSingle = false;    // no difference in this range
        // No idea why 20 is used here
        if (!bSingle || nEndRow - nStartRow < 20)
            bChanged = lcl_pixelSizeChanged(*mpRowHeights, nStartRow, nEndRow, nNewHeight, nPPTY, bApi);
            if (bChanged)
                mpRowHeights->setValue(nStartRow, nEndRow, nNewHeight);
            SCROW nMid = (nStartRow + nEndRow) / 2;
            // No idea why nPPTY is ignored in these recursive calls and instead 1.0 is used
            if (SetRowHeightRange(nStartRow, nMid, nNewHeight, 1.0, bApi))
                bChanged = true;
            if (SetRowHeightRange(nMid + 1, nEndRow, nNewHeight, 1.0, bApi))
                bChanged = true;
        if (bChanged)
        OSL_FAIL("Invalid row number or no heights");
    return bChanged;
void ScTable::SetRowHeightOnly( SCROW nStartRow, SCROW nEndRow, sal_uInt16 nNewHeight )
    if (!ValidRow(nStartRow) || !ValidRow(nEndRow) || !mpRowHeights)
    if (!nNewHeight)
        nNewHeight = GetOptimalMinRowHeight();
    mpRowHeights->setValue(nStartRow, nEndRow, nNewHeight);
void ScTable::SetManualHeight( SCROW nStartRow, SCROW nEndRow, bool bManual )
    if (ValidRow(nStartRow) && ValidRow(nEndRow) && pRowFlags)
        if (bManual)
            pRowFlags->OrValue( nStartRow, nEndRow, CRFlags::ManualSize);
            pRowFlags->AndValue( nStartRow, nEndRow, ~CRFlags::ManualSize);
        OSL_FAIL("Invalid row number or no column flags");
sal_uInt16 ScTable::GetColWidth( SCCOL nCol, bool bHiddenAsZero ) const
    OSL_ENSURE(ValidCol(nCol),"wrong column number");
    if (ValidCol(nCol) && mpColFlags && mpColWidth)
        if (bHiddenAsZero && ColHidden(nCol))
            return 0;
            return mpColWidth->GetValue(nCol);
        return sal_uInt16(STD_COL_WIDTH);
tools::Long ScTable::GetColWidth( SCCOL nStartCol, SCCOL nEndCol ) const
    if (!ValidCol(nStartCol) || !ValidCol(nEndCol) || nStartCol > nEndCol)
        return 0;
    tools::Long nW = 0;
    bool bHidden = false;
    SCCOL nLastHiddenCol = -1;
    auto colWidthIt = mpColWidth->begin() + nStartCol;
    for (SCCOL nCol = nStartCol; nCol <= nEndCol; (++nCol <= nEndCol) ? ++colWidthIt : (void)false)
        if (nCol > nLastHiddenCol)
            bHidden = ColHidden(nCol, nullptr, &nLastHiddenCol);
        if (bHidden)
        nW += *colWidthIt;
    return nW;
sal_uInt16 ScTable::GetOriginalWidth( SCCOL nCol ) const        // always the set value
    OSL_ENSURE(ValidCol(nCol),"wrong column number");
    if (ValidCol(nCol) && mpColWidth)
        return mpColWidth->GetValue(nCol);
        return sal_uInt16(STD_COL_WIDTH);
sal_uInt16 ScTable::GetCommonWidth( SCCOL nEndCol ) const
    //  get the width that is used in the largest continuous column range (up to nEndCol)
    if ( !ValidCol(nEndCol) )
        OSL_FAIL("wrong column");
        nEndCol = rDocument.MaxCol();
    sal_uInt16 nMaxWidth = 0;
    sal_uInt16 nMaxCount = 0;
    SCCOL nRangeStart = 0;
    while ( nRangeStart <= nEndCol )
        //  skip hidden columns
        while ( nRangeStart <= nEndCol && ColHidden(nRangeStart) )
        if ( nRangeStart <= nEndCol )
            sal_uInt16 nThisCount = 0;
            auto colWidthIt = mpColWidth->begin() + nRangeStart;
            sal_uInt16 nThisWidth = *colWidthIt;
            SCCOL nRangeEnd = nRangeStart;
            while ( nRangeEnd <= nEndCol && *colWidthIt == nThisWidth )
                //  skip hidden columns
                while ( nRangeEnd <= nEndCol && ColHidden(nRangeEnd) )
            if ( nThisCount > nMaxCount )
                nMaxCount = nThisCount;
                nMaxWidth = nThisWidth;
            nRangeStart = nRangeEnd;        // next range
    return nMaxWidth;
sal_uInt16 ScTable::GetRowHeight( SCROW nRow, SCROW* pStartRow, SCROW* pEndRow, bool bHiddenAsZero ) const
    SAL_WARN_IF(!ValidRow(nRow), "sc", "Invalid row number " << nRow);
    if (ValidRow(nRow) && mpRowHeights)
        if (bHiddenAsZero && RowHidden( nRow, pStartRow, pEndRow))
            return 0;
            ScFlatUInt16RowSegments::RangeData aData;
            if (!mpRowHeights->getRangeData(nRow, aData))
                if (pStartRow)
                    *pStartRow = nRow;
                if (pEndRow)
                    *pEndRow = nRow;
                // TODO: What should we return in case the search fails?
                return 0;
            // If bHiddenAsZero, pStartRow and pEndRow were initialized to
            // boundaries of a non-hidden segment. Assume that the previous and
            // next segment are hidden then and limit the current height
            // segment.
            if (pStartRow)
                *pStartRow = (bHiddenAsZero ? std::max( *pStartRow, aData.mnRow1) : aData.mnRow1);
            if (pEndRow)
                *pEndRow = (bHiddenAsZero ? std::min( *pEndRow, aData.mnRow2) : aData.mnRow2);
            return aData.mnValue;
        if (pStartRow)
            *pStartRow = nRow;
        if (pEndRow)
            *pEndRow = nRow;
        return GetOptimalMinRowHeight();
tools::Long ScTable::GetRowHeight( SCROW nStartRow, SCROW nEndRow, bool bHiddenAsZero ) const
    OSL_ENSURE(ValidRow(nStartRow) && ValidRow(nEndRow),"wrong row number");
    if (ValidRow(nStartRow) && ValidRow(nEndRow) && mpRowHeights)
        tools::Long nHeight = 0;
        SCROW nRow = nStartRow;
        while (nRow <= nEndRow)
            SCROW nLastRow = -1;
            if (!( ( RowHidden(nRow, nullptr, &nLastRow) ) && bHiddenAsZero ) )
                if (nLastRow > nEndRow)
                    nLastRow = nEndRow;
                nHeight += mpRowHeights->getSumValue(nRow, nLastRow);
            nRow = nLastRow + 1;
        return nHeight;
        return (nEndRow - nStartRow + 1) * static_cast<tools::Long>(GetOptimalMinRowHeight());
tools::Long ScTable::GetScaledRowHeight( SCROW nStartRow, SCROW nEndRow, double fScale ) const
    OSL_ENSURE(ValidRow(nStartRow) && ValidRow(nEndRow),"wrong row number");
    if (ValidRow(nStartRow) && ValidRow(nEndRow) && mpRowHeights)
        tools::Long nHeight = 0;
        SCROW nRow = nStartRow;
        while (nRow <= nEndRow)
            SCROW nLastRow = -1;
            if (!RowHidden(nRow, nullptr, &nLastRow))
                if (nLastRow > nEndRow)
                    nLastRow = nEndRow;
                // #i117315# can't use getSumValue, because individual values must be rounded
                ScFlatUInt16RowSegments::ForwardIterator aSegmentIter(*mpRowHeights);
                while (nRow <= nLastRow)
                    sal_uInt16 nRowVal;
                    if (!aSegmentIter.getValue(nRow, nRowVal))
                        return nHeight;   // shouldn't happen
                    SCROW nSegmentEnd = std::min( nLastRow, aSegmentIter.getLastPos() );
                    // round-down a single height value, multiply resulting (pixel) values
                    tools::Long nOneHeight = static_cast<tools::Long>( nRowVal * fScale );
                    nHeight += nOneHeight * ( nSegmentEnd + 1 - nRow );
                    nRow = nSegmentEnd + 1;
            nRow = nLastRow + 1;
        return nHeight;
        return static_cast<tools::Long>((nEndRow - nStartRow + 1) * GetOptimalMinRowHeight() * fScale);
sal_uInt16 ScTable::GetOriginalHeight( SCROW nRow ) const       // non-0 even if hidden
    OSL_ENSURE(ValidRow(nRow),"wrong row number");
    if (ValidRow(nRow) && mpRowHeights)
        return mpRowHeights->getValue(nRow);
        return GetOptimalMinRowHeight();
//  Column/Row -Flags
SCROW ScTable::GetHiddenRowCount( SCROW nRow ) const
    if (!ValidRow(nRow))
        return 0;
    SCROW nLastRow = -1;
    if (!RowHidden(nRow, nullptr, &nLastRow) || !ValidRow(nLastRow))
        return 0;
    return nLastRow - nRow + 1;
//TODO: combine ShowRows / DBShowRows
void ScTable::ShowCol(SCCOL nCol, bool bShow)
    if (ValidCol(nCol))
        bool bWasVis = !ColHidden(nCol);
        if (bWasVis != bShow)
            SetColHidden(nCol, nCol, !bShow);
            ScChartListenerCollection* pCharts = rDocument.GetChartListenerCollection();
            if ( pCharts )
                pCharts->SetRangeDirty(ScRange( nCol, 0, nTab, nCol, rDocument.MaxRow(), nTab ));
        OSL_FAIL("Invalid column number or no flags");
void ScTable::ShowRow(SCROW nRow, bool bShow)
    if (ValidRow(nRow) && pRowFlags)
        bool bWasVis = !RowHidden(nRow);
        if (bWasVis != bShow)
            SetRowHidden(nRow, nRow, !bShow);
            if (bShow)
                SetRowFiltered(nRow, nRow, false);
            ScChartListenerCollection* pCharts = rDocument.GetChartListenerCollection();
            if ( pCharts )
                pCharts->SetRangeDirty(ScRange( 0, nRow, nTab, rDocument.MaxCol(), nRow, nTab ));
        OSL_FAIL("Invalid row number or no flags");
void ScTable::DBShowRow(SCROW nRow, bool bShow)
    if (ValidRow(nRow) && pRowFlags)
        //  Always set filter flag; unchanged when Hidden
        bool bChanged = SetRowHidden(nRow, nRow, !bShow);
        SetRowFiltered(nRow, nRow, !bShow);
        if (bChanged)
            ScChartListenerCollection* pCharts = rDocument.GetChartListenerCollection();
            if ( pCharts )
                pCharts->SetRangeDirty(ScRange( 0, nRow, nTab, rDocument.MaxCol(), nRow, nTab ));
            if (pOutlineTable)
                UpdateOutlineRow( nRow, nRow, bShow );
        OSL_FAIL("Invalid row number or no flags");
void ScTable::DBShowRows(SCROW nRow1, SCROW nRow2, bool bShow)
    SCROW nStartRow = nRow1;
    while (nStartRow <= nRow2)
        SCROW nEndRow = -1;
        bool bWasVis = !RowHiddenLeaf(nStartRow, nullptr, &nEndRow);
        if (nEndRow > nRow2)
            nEndRow = nRow2;
        bool bChanged = ( bWasVis != bShow );
        SetRowHidden(nStartRow, nEndRow, !bShow);
        SetRowFiltered(nStartRow, nEndRow, !bShow);
        if ( bChanged )
            ScChartListenerCollection* pCharts = rDocument.GetChartListenerCollection();
            if ( pCharts )
                pCharts->SetRangeDirty(ScRange( 0, nStartRow, nTab, rDocument.MaxCol(), nEndRow, nTab ));
        nStartRow = nEndRow + 1;
    //  #i12341# For Show/Hide rows, the outlines are updated separately from the outside.
    //  For filtering, the changes aren't visible to the caller, so UpdateOutlineRow has
    //  to be done here.
    if (pOutlineTable)
        UpdateOutlineRow( nRow1, nRow2, bShow );
void ScTable::ShowRows(SCROW nRow1, SCROW nRow2, bool bShow)
    SCROW nStartRow = nRow1;
    // #i116164# if there are no drawing objects within the row range, a single HeightChanged call is enough
    ScDrawLayer* pDrawLayer = rDocument.GetDrawLayer();
    bool bHasObjects = pDrawLayer && pDrawLayer->HasObjectsInRows( nTab, nRow1, nRow2 );
    while (nStartRow <= nRow2)
        SCROW nEndRow = -1;
        bool bWasVis = !RowHiddenLeaf(nStartRow, nullptr, &nEndRow);
        if (nEndRow > nRow2)
            nEndRow = nRow2;
        bool bChanged = ( bWasVis != bShow );
        SetRowHidden(nStartRow, nEndRow, !bShow);
        if (bShow)
            SetRowFiltered(nStartRow, nEndRow, false);
        if ( bChanged )
            ScChartListenerCollection* pCharts = rDocument.GetChartListenerCollection();
            if ( pCharts )
                pCharts->SetRangeDirty(ScRange( 0, nStartRow, nTab, rDocument.MaxCol(), nEndRow, nTab ));
        nStartRow = nEndRow + 1;
    if ( !bHasObjects )
        // #i116164# set the flags for the whole range at once
        SetRowHidden(nRow1, nRow2, !bShow);
        if (bShow)
            SetRowFiltered(nRow1, nRow2, false);
bool ScTable::IsDataFiltered(SCCOL nColStart, SCROW nRowStart, SCCOL nColEnd, SCROW nRowEnd) const
    assert(nColStart <= nColEnd && nRowStart <= nRowEnd
           && "range must be normalized to obtain a valid result");
    for (SCROW i = nRowStart; i <= nRowEnd; ++i)
        if (RowHidden(i))
            return true;
    for (SCCOL i = nColStart; i <= nColEnd; ++i)
        if (ColHidden(i))
            return true;
    return false;
bool ScTable::IsDataFiltered(const ScRange& rRange) const
    ScRange aNormalized(rRange.aStart, rRange.aEnd);
    return IsDataFiltered(aNormalized.aStart.Col(), aNormalized.aStart.Row(),
                          aNormalized.aEnd.Col(), aNormalized.aEnd.Row());
void ScTable::SetRowFlags( SCROW nRow, CRFlags nNewFlags )
    if (ValidRow(nRow) && pRowFlags)
        pRowFlags->SetValue( nRow, nNewFlags);
        OSL_FAIL("Invalid row number or no flags");
void ScTable::SetRowFlags( SCROW nStartRow, SCROW nEndRow, CRFlags nNewFlags )
    if (ValidRow(nStartRow) && ValidRow(nEndRow) && pRowFlags)
        pRowFlags->SetValue( nStartRow, nEndRow, nNewFlags);
        OSL_FAIL("Invalid row number(s) or no flags");
CRFlags ScTable::GetColFlags( SCCOL nCol ) const
    if (ValidCol(nCol) && mpColFlags)
        return mpColFlags->GetValue(nCol);
        return CRFlags::NONE;
CRFlags ScTable::GetRowFlags( SCROW nRow ) const
    if (ValidRow(nRow) && pRowFlags)
        return pRowFlags->GetValue(nRow);
        return CRFlags::NONE;
SCROW ScTable::GetLastFlaggedRow() const
    SCROW nLastFound = 0;
    if (pRowFlags)
        SCROW nRow = pRowFlags->GetLastAnyBitAccess( CRFlags::All );
        if (ValidRow(nRow))
            nLastFound = nRow;
    if (!maRowManualBreaks.empty())
        nLastFound = ::std::max(nLastFound, *maRowManualBreaks.rbegin());
    if (mpHiddenRows)
        SCROW nRow = mpHiddenRows->findLastTrue();
        if (ValidRow(nRow))
            nLastFound = ::std::max(nLastFound, nRow);
    if (mpFilteredRows)
        SCROW nRow = mpFilteredRows->findLastTrue();
        if (ValidRow(nRow))
            nLastFound = ::std::max(nLastFound, nRow);
    return nLastFound;
SCCOL ScTable::GetLastChangedColFlagsWidth() const
    if ( !mpColFlags )
        return 0;
    SCCOL nLastFound = 0;
    auto colWidthIt = mpColWidth->begin() + 1;
    for (SCCOL nCol = 1; nCol <= GetDoc().MaxCol(); (++nCol <= GetDoc().MaxCol()) ? ++colWidthIt : (void)false)
        if ((mpColFlags->GetValue(nCol) & CRFlags::All) || (*colWidthIt != STD_COL_WIDTH))
            nLastFound = nCol;
    return nLastFound;
SCROW ScTable::GetLastChangedRowFlagsWidth() const
    if ( !pRowFlags )
        return 0;
    SCROW nLastFlags = GetLastFlaggedRow();
    // Find the last row position where the height is NOT the standard row
    // height.
    // KOHEI: Test this to make sure it does what it's supposed to.
    SCROW nLastHeight = mpRowHeights->findLastTrue(GetOptimalMinRowHeight());
    if (!ValidRow(nLastHeight))
        nLastHeight = 0;
    return std::max( nLastFlags, nLastHeight);
bool ScTable::UpdateOutlineCol( SCCOL nStartCol, SCCOL nEndCol, bool bShow )
    if (pOutlineTable && mpColFlags)
        return pOutlineTable->GetColArray().ManualAction( nStartCol, nEndCol, bShow, *this, true );
        return false;
bool ScTable::UpdateOutlineRow( SCROW nStartRow, SCROW nEndRow, bool bShow )
    if (pOutlineTable && pRowFlags)
        return pOutlineTable->GetRowArray().ManualAction( nStartRow, nEndRow, bShow, *this, false );
        return false;
void ScTable::ExtendHidden( SCCOL& rX1, SCROW& rY1, SCCOL& rX2, SCROW& rY2 )
    // Column-wise expansion
    while (rX1 > 0 && ColHidden(rX1-1))
    while (rX2 < rDocument.MaxCol() && ColHidden(rX2+1))
    // Row-wise expansion
    if (rY1 > 0)
        ScFlatBoolRowSegments::RangeData aData;
        if (mpHiddenRows->getRangeData(rY1-1, aData) && aData.mbValue)
            SCROW nStartRow = aData.mnRow1;
            if (ValidRow(nStartRow))
                rY1 = nStartRow;
    if (rY2 < rDocument.MaxRow())
        SCROW nEndRow = -1;
        if (RowHidden(rY2+1, nullptr, &nEndRow) && ValidRow(nEndRow))
            rY2 = nEndRow;
void ScTable::StripHidden( SCCOL& rX1, SCROW& rY1, SCCOL& rX2, SCROW& rY2 )
    while ( rX2>rX1 && ColHidden(rX2) )
    while ( rX2>rX1 && ColHidden(rX1) )
    if (rY1 < rY2)
        ScFlatBoolRowSegments::RangeData aData;
        if (mpHiddenRows->getRangeData(rY2, aData) && aData.mbValue)
            SCROW nStartRow = aData.mnRow1;
            if (ValidRow(nStartRow) && nStartRow >= rY1)
                rY2 = nStartRow;
    if (rY1 < rY2)
        SCROW nEndRow = -1;
        if (RowHidden(rY1, nullptr, &nEndRow) && ValidRow(nEndRow) && nEndRow <= rY2)
            rY1 = nEndRow;
//  Auto-Outline
template< typename T >
static short DiffSign( T a, T b )
    return (a<b) ? -1 :
            (a>b) ? 1 : 0;
namespace {
class OutlineArrayFinder
    ScRange maRef;
    SCCOL mnCol;
    SCTAB mnTab;
    ScOutlineArray* mpArray;
    bool mbSizeChanged;
    OutlineArrayFinder(const ScRange& rRef, SCCOL nCol, SCTAB nTab, ScOutlineArray* pArray, bool bSizeChanged) :
        maRef(rRef), mnCol(nCol), mnTab(nTab), mpArray(pArray),
        mbSizeChanged(bSizeChanged) {}
    bool operator() (size_t nRow, const ScFormulaCell* pCell)
        SCROW nRow2 = static_cast<SCROW>(nRow);
        if (!pCell->HasRefListExpressibleAsOneReference(maRef))
            return false;
        if (maRef.aStart.Row() != nRow2 || maRef.aEnd.Row() != nRow2 ||
            maRef.aStart.Tab() != mnTab || maRef.aEnd.Tab() != mnTab)
            return false;
        if (DiffSign(maRef.aStart.Col(), mnCol) != DiffSign(maRef.aEnd.Col(), mnCol))
            return false;
        return mpArray->Insert(maRef.aStart.Col(), maRef.aEnd.Col(), mbSizeChanged);
void ScTable::DoAutoOutline( SCCOL nStartCol, SCROW nStartRow, SCCOL nEndCol, SCROW nEndRow )
    typedef mdds::flat_segment_tree<SCROW, bool> UsedRowsType;
    bool bSizeChanged = false;
    SCCOL nCol;
    SCROW nRow;
    bool bFound;
    ScRange aRef;
    nEndCol = ClampToAllocatedColumns(nEndCol);
                            // Rows
    UsedRowsType aUsed(0, rDocument.MaxRow()+1, false);
    for (nCol=nStartCol; nCol<=nEndCol; nCol++)
        aCol[nCol].FindUsed(nStartRow, nEndRow, aUsed);
    ScOutlineArray& rRowArray = pOutlineTable->GetRowArray();
    for (nRow=nStartRow; nRow<=nEndRow; nRow++)
        bool bUsed = false;
        SCROW nLastRow = nRow;
        aUsed.search_tree(nRow, bUsed, nullptr, &nLastRow);
        if (!bUsed)
            nRow = nLastRow;
        bFound = false;
        for (nCol=nStartCol; nCol<=nEndCol && !bFound; nCol++)
            ScRefCellValue aCell = aCol[nCol].GetCellValue(nRow);
            if (aCell.getType() != CELLTYPE_FORMULA)
            if (!aCell.getFormula()->HasRefListExpressibleAsOneReference(aRef))
            if ( aRef.aStart.Col() == nCol && aRef.aEnd.Col() == nCol &&
                 aRef.aStart.Tab() == nTab && aRef.aEnd.Tab() == nTab &&
                 DiffSign( aRef.aStart.Row(), nRow ) ==
                    DiffSign( aRef.aEnd.Row(), nRow ) )
                if (rRowArray.Insert( aRef.aStart.Row(), aRef.aEnd.Row(), bSizeChanged ))
                    bFound = true;
    // Column
    ScOutlineArray& rColArray = pOutlineTable->GetColArray();
    for (nCol=nStartCol; nCol<=nEndCol; nCol++)
        if (aCol[nCol].IsEmptyData())
        OutlineArrayFinder aFunc(aRef, nCol, nTab, &rColArray, bSizeChanged);
        sc::FindFormula(aCol[nCol].maCells, nStartRow, nEndRow, aFunc);
                                    //  CopyData - for Query in other range
void ScTable::CopyData( SCCOL nStartCol, SCROW nStartRow, SCCOL nEndCol, SCROW nEndRow,
                            SCCOL nDestCol, SCROW nDestRow, SCTAB nDestTab )
    //TODO: if used for multiple rows, optimize after columns!
    ScAddress aSrc( nStartCol, nStartRow, nTab );
    ScAddress aDest( nDestCol, nDestRow, nDestTab );
    ScRange aRange( aSrc, aDest );
    bool bThisTab = ( nDestTab == nTab );
    SCROW nDestY = nDestRow;
    for (SCROW nRow=nStartRow; nRow<=nEndRow; nRow++)
        aSrc.SetRow( nRow );
        aDest.SetRow( nDestY );
        SCCOL nDestX = nDestCol;
        for (SCCOL nCol=nStartCol; nCol<=nEndCol; nCol++)
            aSrc.SetCol( nCol );
            aDest.SetCol( nDestX );
            ScCellValue aCell;
            aCell.assign(rDocument, ScAddress(nCol, nRow, nTab));
            if (aCell.getType() == CELLTYPE_FORMULA)
                sc::RefUpdateContext aCxt(rDocument);
                aCxt.meMode = URM_COPY;
                aCxt.maRange = aRange;
                aCxt.mnColDelta = nDestCol - nStartCol;
                aCxt.mnRowDelta = nDestRow - nStartRow;
                aCxt.mnTabDelta = nDestTab - nTab;
                aCell.getFormula()->aPos = aDest;
            if (bThisTab)
                aCell.release(CreateColumnIfNotExists(nDestX), nDestY);
                SetPattern( nDestX, nDestY, *GetPattern( nCol, nRow ) );
                aCell.release(rDocument, aDest);
                rDocument.SetPattern( aDest, *GetPattern( nCol, nRow ) );
bool ScTable::RefVisible(const ScFormulaCell* pCell)
    ScRange aRef;
    if (pCell->HasOneReference(aRef))
        if (aRef.aStart.Col()==aRef.aEnd.Col() && aRef.aStart.Tab()==aRef.aEnd.Tab())
            SCROW nEndRow;
            if (!RowFiltered(aRef.aStart.Row(), nullptr, &nEndRow))
                // row not filtered.
                nEndRow = ::std::numeric_limits<SCROW>::max();
            if (!ValidRow(nEndRow) || nEndRow < aRef.aEnd.Row())
                return true;    // at least partly visible
            return false;       // completely invisible
    return true;                        // somehow different
OUString ScTable::GetUpperCellString(SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow)
    return ScGlobal::getCharClass().uppercase(GetInputString(nCol, nRow).trim());
// Calculate the size of the sheet and set the size on DrawPage
void ScTable::SetDrawPageSize(bool bResetStreamValid, bool bUpdateNoteCaptionPos,
                              ScObjectHandling eObjectHandling)
    ScDrawLayer* pDrawLayer = rDocument.GetDrawLayer();
    if( pDrawLayer )
        const sal_Int64 nMax = ::std::numeric_limits<tools::Long>::max();
        // #i113884# Avoid int32 overflow with possible negative results than can cause bad effects.
        // If the draw page size is smaller than all rows, only the bottom of the sheet is affected.
        tools::Long x = std::min(o3tl::convert(GetColOffset(rDocument.MaxCol() + 1),
                                               o3tl::Length::twip, o3tl::Length::mm100),
        tools::Long y = std::min(o3tl::convert(GetRowOffset(rDocument.MaxRow() + 1),
                                               o3tl::Length::twip, o3tl::Length::mm100),
        if ( IsLayoutRTL() )        // IsNegativePage
            x = -x;
        pDrawLayer->SetPageSize(static_cast<sal_uInt16>(nTab), Size(x, y), bUpdateNoteCaptionPos,
    // #i102616# actions that modify the draw page size count as sheet modification
    // (exception: InitDrawLayer)
    if (bResetStreamValid)
void ScTable::SetRangeName(std::unique_ptr<ScRangeName> pNew)
    mpRangeName = std::move(pNew);
    //fdo#39792: mark stream as invalid, otherwise new ScRangeName will not be written to file
ScRangeName* ScTable::GetRangeName() const
    if (!mpRangeName)
        mpRangeName.reset(new ScRangeName);
    return mpRangeName.get();
tools::Long ScTable::GetRowOffset( SCROW nRow, bool bHiddenAsZero ) const
    tools::Long n = 0;
    if ( mpHiddenRows && mpRowHeights )
        if (nRow == 0)
            return 0;
        else if (nRow == 1)
            return GetRowHeight(0, nullptr, nullptr, bHiddenAsZero );
        n = GetTotalRowHeight(0, nRow-1, bHiddenAsZero);
        if (n == ::std::numeric_limits<tools::Long>::max())
            OSL_FAIL("ScTable::GetRowOffset: row heights overflow");
        OSL_FAIL("GetRowOffset: Data missing");
    return n;
SCROW ScTable::GetRowForHeight(tools::Long nHeight) const
    tools::Long nSum = 0;
    ScFlatBoolRowSegments::RangeData aData;
    ScFlatUInt16RowSegments::RangeData aRowHeightRange;
    aRowHeightRange.mnRow2 = -1;
    aRowHeightRange.mnValue = 1; // silence MSVC C4701
    for (SCROW nRow = 0; nRow <= rDocument.MaxRow(); ++nRow)
        if (!mpHiddenRows->getRangeData(nRow, aData))
            // Failed to fetch the range data for whatever reason.
        if (aData.mbValue)
            // This row is hidden.  Skip ahead all hidden rows.
            nRow = aData.mnRow2;
        if (aRowHeightRange.mnRow2 < nRow)
            if (!mpRowHeights->getRangeData(nRow, aRowHeightRange))
                // Failed to fetch the range data for whatever reason.
        // find the last common row between hidden & height spans
        SCROW nLastCommon = std::min(aData.mnRow2, aRowHeightRange.mnRow2);
        assert (nLastCommon >= nRow);
        SCROW nCommon = nLastCommon - nRow + 1;
        // how much further to go ?
        tools::Long nPixelsLeft = nHeight - nSum;
        tools::Long nCommonPixels = static_cast<tools::Long>(aRowHeightRange.mnValue) * nCommon;
        // are we in the zone ?
        if (nCommonPixels > nPixelsLeft)
            nRow += (nPixelsLeft + aRowHeightRange.mnValue - 1) / aRowHeightRange.mnValue;
            // FIXME: finding this next row is far from elegant,
            // we have a single caller, which subtracts one as well(!?)
            if (nRow >= rDocument.MaxRow())
                return rDocument.MaxRow();
            if (!mpHiddenRows->getRangeData(nRow, aData))
                // Failed to fetch the range data for whatever reason.
            if (aData.mbValue)
                // These rows are hidden.
                nRow = aData.mnRow2 + 1;
            return nRow <= rDocument.MaxRow() ? nRow : rDocument.MaxRow();
        // skip the range and keep hunting
        nSum += nCommonPixels;
        nRow = nLastCommon;
    return -1;
tools::Long ScTable::GetColOffset( SCCOL nCol, bool bHiddenAsZero ) const
    tools::Long n = 0;
    if ( mpColWidth )
        auto colWidthIt = mpColWidth->begin();
        for (SCCOL i = 0; i < nCol; (++i < nCol) ? ++colWidthIt : (void)false)
            if (!( bHiddenAsZero && ColHidden(i) ))
                n += *colWidthIt;
        OSL_FAIL("GetColumnOffset: Data missing");
    return n;
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V781 The value of the 'rCol' index is checked after it was used. Perhaps there is a mistake in program logic.