/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx>
#include <comphelper/random.hxx>
#include <svl/numformat.hxx>
#include <svl/zforlist.hxx>
#include <svl/zformat.hxx>
#include <unotools/collatorwrapper.hxx>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <com/sun/star/i18n/KParseTokens.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/i18n/KParseType.hpp>
#include <sal/log.hxx>
#include <osl/diagnose.h>
#include <refdata.hxx>
#include <table.hxx>
#include <scitems.hxx>
#include <formulacell.hxx>
#include <document.hxx>
#include <globstr.hrc>
#include <scresid.hxx>
#include <global.hxx>
#include <stlpool.hxx>
#include <patattr.hxx>
#include <subtotal.hxx>
#include <markdata.hxx>
#include <rangelst.hxx>
#include <userlist.hxx>
#include <progress.hxx>
#include <queryparam.hxx>
#include <queryentry.hxx>
#include <subtotalparam.hxx>
#include <cellvalue.hxx>
#include <tokenarray.hxx>
#include <mtvcellfunc.hxx>
#include <columnspanset.hxx>
#include <fstalgorithm.hxx>
#include <listenercontext.hxx>
#include <sharedformula.hxx>
#include <stlsheet.hxx>
#include <refhint.hxx>
#include <listenerquery.hxx>
#include <bcaslot.hxx>
#include <reordermap.hxx>
#include <drwlayer.hxx>
#include <queryevaluator.hxx>
#include <scopetools.hxx>
#include <svl/sharedstringpool.hxx>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include <mdds/flat_segment_tree.hpp>
using namespace ::com::sun::star;
namespace naturalsort {
using namespace ::com::sun::star::i18n;
/** Splits a given string into three parts: the prefix, number string, and
    the suffix.
    @param sWhole
    Original string to be split into pieces
    @param sPrefix
    Prefix string that consists of the part before the first number token.
    If no number was found, sPrefix is unchanged.
    @param sSuffix
    String after the last number token.  This may still contain number strings.
    If no number was found, sSuffix is unchanged.
    @param fNum
    Number converted from the middle number string
    If no number was found, fNum is unchanged.
    @return Returns TRUE if a numeral element is found in a given string, or
    FALSE if no numeral element is found.
static bool SplitString( const OUString &sWhole,
    OUString &sPrefix, OUString &sSuffix, double &fNum )
    // Get prefix element, search for any digit and stop.
    sal_Int32 nPos = 0;
    while (nPos < sWhole.getLength())
        const sal_uInt16 nType = ScGlobal::getCharClass().getCharacterType( sWhole, nPos);
        if (nType & KCharacterType::DIGIT)
        sWhole.iterateCodePoints( &nPos );
    // Return FALSE if no numeral element is found
    if ( nPos == sWhole.getLength() )
        return false;
    // Get numeral element
    const OUString& sUser = ScGlobal::getLocaleData().getNumDecimalSep();
    ParseResult aPRNum = ScGlobal::getCharClass().parsePredefinedToken(
        KParseType::ANY_NUMBER, sWhole, nPos,
        KParseTokens::ANY_NUMBER, u""_ustr, KParseTokens::ANY_NUMBER, sUser );
    if ( aPRNum.EndPos == nPos )
        SAL_WARN("sc.core","naturalsort::SplitString - digit found but no number parsed, pos " <<
                nPos << " : " << sWhole);
        return false;
    sPrefix = sWhole.copy( 0, nPos );
    fNum = aPRNum.Value;
    sSuffix = sWhole.copy( aPRNum.EndPos );
    return true;
/** Naturally compares two given strings.
    This is the main function that should be called externally.  It returns
    either 1, 0, or -1 depending on the comparison result of given two strings.
    @param sInput1
    Input string 1
    @param sInput2
    Input string 2
    @param bCaseSens
    Boolean value for case sensitivity
    @param pData
    Pointer to user defined sort list
    @param pCW
    Pointer to collator wrapper for normal string comparison
    @return Returns 1 if sInput1 is greater, 0 if sInput1 == sInput2, and -1 if
    sInput2 is greater.
static short Compare( const OUString &sInput1, const OUString &sInput2,
               const bool bCaseSens, const ScUserListData* pData, const CollatorWrapper *pCW )
    OUString sStr1( sInput1 ), sStr2( sInput2 ), sPre1, sSuf1, sPre2, sSuf2;
        double nNum1, nNum2;
        bool bNumFound1 = SplitString( sStr1, sPre1, sSuf1, nNum1 );
        bool bNumFound2 = SplitString( sStr2, sPre2, sSuf2, nNum2 );
        short nPreRes; // Prefix comparison result
        if ( pData )
            if ( bCaseSens )
                if ( !bNumFound1 || !bNumFound2 )
                    return static_cast<short>(pData->Compare( sStr1, sStr2 ));
                    nPreRes = pData->Compare( sPre1, sPre2 );
                if ( !bNumFound1 || !bNumFound2 )
                    return static_cast<short>(pData->ICompare( sStr1, sStr2 ));
                    nPreRes = pData->ICompare( sPre1, sPre2 );
            if ( !bNumFound1 || !bNumFound2 )
                return static_cast<short>(pCW->compareString( sStr1, sStr2 ));
                nPreRes = static_cast<short>(pCW->compareString( sPre1, sPre2 ));
        // Prefix strings differ.  Return immediately.
        if ( nPreRes != 0 ) return nPreRes;
        if ( nNum1 != nNum2 )
            if ( nNum1 < nNum2 ) return -1;
            return (nNum1 > nNum2) ? 1 : 0;
        // The prefix and the first numerical elements are equal, but the suffix
        // strings may still differ.  Stay in the loop.
        sStr1 = sSuf1;
        sStr2 = sSuf2;
    } while (true);
    return 0;
// Assume that we can handle 512MB, which with a ~100 bytes
// ScSortInfoArray::Cell element for 500MB are about 5 million cells plus
// overhead in one chunk.
constexpr sal_Int32 kSortCellsChunk = 500 * 1024 * 1024 / sizeof(ScSortInfoArray::Cell);
namespace {
void initDataRows(
    ScSortInfoArray& rArray, ScTable& rTab, ScColContainer& rCols,
    SCCOL nCol1, SCROW nRow1, SCCOL nCol2, SCROW nRow2,
    bool bHiddenFiltered, bool bPattern, bool bCellNotes, bool bCellDrawObjects, bool bOnlyDataAreaExtras )
    // Fill row-wise data table.
    ScSortInfoArray::RowsType& rRows = rArray.InitDataRows(nRow2-nRow1+1, nCol2-nCol1+1);
    const std::vector<SCCOLROW>& rOrderIndices = rArray.GetOrderIndices();
    assert(!bOnlyDataAreaExtras || (rOrderIndices.size() == static_cast<size_t>(nRow2 - nRow1 + 1)
                && nRow1 == rArray.GetStart()));
    ScDrawLayer* pDrawLayer = (bCellDrawObjects ? rTab.GetDoc().GetDrawLayer() : nullptr);
    for (SCCOL nCol = nCol1; nCol <= nCol2; ++nCol)
        ScColumn& rCol = rCols[nCol];
        // Skip reordering of cell formats if the whole span is on the same pattern entry.
        bool bUniformPattern = rCol.GetPatternCount(nRow1, nRow2) < 2u;
        sc::ColumnBlockConstPosition aBlockPos;
        std::map<SCROW, std::vector<SdrObject*>> aRowDrawObjects;
        if (pDrawLayer)
            aRowDrawObjects = pDrawLayer->GetObjectsAnchoredToRange(rTab.GetTab(), nCol, nRow1, nRow2);
        for (SCROW nR = nRow1; nR <= nRow2; ++nR)
            const SCROW nRow = (bOnlyDataAreaExtras ? rOrderIndices[nR - rArray.GetStart()] : nR);
            ScSortInfoArray::Row& rRow = rRows[nR-nRow1];
            ScSortInfoArray::Cell& rCell = rRow.maCells[nCol-nCol1];
            if (!bOnlyDataAreaExtras)
                rCell.maCell = rCol.GetCellValue(aBlockPos, nRow);
                rCell.mpAttr = rCol.GetCellTextAttr(aBlockPos, nRow);
            if (bCellNotes)
                rCell.mpNote = rCol.GetCellNote(aBlockPos, nRow);
            if (pDrawLayer)
                rCell.maDrawObjects = aRowDrawObjects[nRow];
            if (!bUniformPattern && bPattern)
    if (!bOnlyDataAreaExtras && bHiddenFiltered)
        for (SCROW nRow = nRow1; nRow <= nRow2; ++nRow)
            ScSortInfoArray::Row& rRow = rRows[nRow-nRow1];
            rRow.mbHidden = rTab.RowHidden(nRow);
            rRow.mbFiltered = rTab.RowFiltered(nRow);
std::unique_ptr<ScSortInfoArray> ScTable::CreateSortInfoArray( const sc::ReorderParam& rParam )
    std::unique_ptr<ScSortInfoArray> pArray;
    if (rParam.mbByRow)
        // Create a sort info array with just the data table.
        SCROW nRow1 = rParam.maSortRange.aStart.Row();
        SCROW nRow2 = rParam.maSortRange.aEnd.Row();
        SCCOL nCol1 = rParam.maSortRange.aStart.Col();
        SCCOL nCol2 = rParam.maSortRange.aEnd.Col();
        pArray.reset(new ScSortInfoArray(0, nRow1, nRow2));
        initDataRows( *pArray, *this, aCol, nCol1, nRow1, nCol2, nRow2, rParam.mbHiddenFiltered,
                rParam.maDataAreaExtras.mbCellFormats, true, true, false);
        SCCOLROW nCol1 = rParam.maSortRange.aStart.Col();
        SCCOLROW nCol2 = rParam.maSortRange.aEnd.Col();
        pArray.reset(new ScSortInfoArray(0, nCol1, nCol2));
    return pArray;
std::unique_ptr<ScSortInfoArray> ScTable::CreateSortInfoArray(
    const ScSortParam& rSortParam, SCCOLROW nInd1, SCCOLROW nInd2,
    bool bKeepQuery, bool bUpdateRefs )
    sal_uInt16 nUsedSorts = 1;
    while ( nUsedSorts < rSortParam.GetSortKeyCount() && rSortParam.maKeyState[nUsedSorts].bDoSort )
    std::unique_ptr<ScSortInfoArray> pArray(new ScSortInfoArray( nUsedSorts, nInd1, nInd2 ));
    if ( rSortParam.bByRow )
        for ( sal_uInt16 nSort = 0; nSort < nUsedSorts; nSort++ )
            SCCOL nCol = static_cast<SCCOL>(rSortParam.maKeyState[nSort].nField);
            ScColumn* pCol = &aCol[nCol];
            sc::ColumnBlockConstPosition aBlockPos;
            for ( SCROW nRow = nInd1; nRow <= nInd2; nRow++ )
                ScSortInfo & rInfo = pArray->Get( nSort, nRow );
                rInfo.maCell = pCol->GetCellValue(aBlockPos, nRow);
                rInfo.nOrg = nRow;
        initDataRows( *pArray, *this, aCol, rSortParam.nCol1, nInd1, rSortParam.nCol2, nInd2, bKeepQuery,
                rSortParam.aDataAreaExtras.mbCellFormats, true, true, false);
        for ( sal_uInt16 nSort = 0; nSort < nUsedSorts; nSort++ )
            SCROW nRow = rSortParam.maKeyState[nSort].nField;
            for ( SCCOL nCol = static_cast<SCCOL>(nInd1);
                    nCol <= static_cast<SCCOL>(nInd2); nCol++ )
                ScSortInfo & rInfo = pArray->Get( nSort, nCol );
                rInfo.maCell = GetCellValue(nCol, nRow);
                rInfo.nOrg = nCol;
    return pArray;
namespace {
struct SortedColumn
    typedef mdds::flat_segment_tree<SCROW, CellAttributeHolder> PatRangeType;
    sc::CellStoreType maCells;
    sc::CellTextAttrStoreType maCellTextAttrs;
    sc::BroadcasterStoreType maBroadcasters;
    sc::CellNoteStoreType maCellNotes;
    std::vector<std::vector<SdrObject*>> maCellDrawObjects;
    PatRangeType maPatterns;
    PatRangeType::const_iterator miPatternPos;
    SortedColumn(const SortedColumn&) = delete;
    const SortedColumn operator=(const SortedColumn&) = delete;
    explicit SortedColumn( size_t nTopEmptyRows, const ScSheetLimits& rSheetLimits ) :
        maPatterns(0, rSheetLimits.GetMaxRowCount(), nullptr),
        miPatternPos(maPatterns.begin()) {}
    void setPattern( SCROW nRow, const CellAttributeHolder& rPat )
        miPatternPos = maPatterns.insert(miPatternPos, nRow, nRow+1, rPat).first;
struct SortedRowFlags
    typedef mdds::flat_segment_tree<SCROW,bool> FlagsType;
    FlagsType maRowsHidden;
    FlagsType maRowsFiltered;
    FlagsType::const_iterator miPosHidden;
    FlagsType::const_iterator miPosFiltered;
    SortedRowFlags(const ScSheetLimits& rSheetLimits) :
        maRowsHidden(0, rSheetLimits.GetMaxRowCount(), false),
        maRowsFiltered(0, rSheetLimits.GetMaxRowCount(), false),
        miPosFiltered(maRowsFiltered.begin()) {}
    void setRowHidden( SCROW nRow, bool b )
        miPosHidden = maRowsHidden.insert(miPosHidden, nRow, nRow+1, b).first;
    void setRowFiltered( SCROW nRow, bool b )
        miPosFiltered = maRowsFiltered.insert(miPosFiltered, nRow, nRow+1, b).first;
    void swap( SortedRowFlags& r )
        // Just reset the position hints.
        miPosHidden = maRowsHidden.begin();
        miPosFiltered = maRowsFiltered.begin();
struct PatternSpan
    SCROW mnRow1;
    SCROW mnRow2;
    CellAttributeHolder maPattern;
    PatternSpan( SCROW nRow1, SCROW nRow2, const CellAttributeHolder& rPat ) :
        mnRow1(nRow1), mnRow2(nRow2), maPattern(rPat) {}
bool ScTable::IsSortCollatorGlobal() const
    return  pSortCollator == &ScGlobal::GetCollator() ||
            pSortCollator == &ScGlobal::GetCaseCollator();
void ScTable::InitSortCollator( const ScSortParam& rPar )
    if ( !rPar.aCollatorLocale.Language.isEmpty() )
        if ( !pSortCollator || IsSortCollatorGlobal() )
            pSortCollator = new CollatorWrapper( comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() );
        pSortCollator->loadCollatorAlgorithm( rPar.aCollatorAlgorithm,
            rPar.aCollatorLocale, (rPar.bCaseSens ? 0 : SC_COLLATOR_IGNORES) );
    {   // SYSTEM
        pSortCollator = &ScGlobal::GetCollator(rPar.bCaseSens);
void ScTable::DestroySortCollator()
    if ( pSortCollator )
        if ( !IsSortCollatorGlobal() )
            delete pSortCollator;
        pSortCollator = nullptr;
namespace {
template<typename Hint, typename ReorderMap, typename Index>
class ReorderNotifier
    Hint maHint;
    ReorderNotifier( const ReorderMap& rMap, SCTAB nTab, Index nPos1, Index nPos2 ) :
        maHint(rMap, nTab, nPos1, nPos2) {}
    void operator() ( SvtListener* p )
class FormulaGroupPosCollector
    sc::RefQueryFormulaGroup& mrQuery;
    explicit FormulaGroupPosCollector( sc::RefQueryFormulaGroup& rQuery ) : mrQuery(rQuery) {}
    void operator() ( const SvtListener* p )
void fillSortedColumnArray(
    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SortedColumn>>& rSortedCols,
    SortedRowFlags& rRowFlags,
    std::vector<SvtListener*>& rCellListeners,
    ScSortInfoArray* pArray, SCTAB nTab, SCCOL nCol1, SCCOL nCol2, ScProgress* pProgress, const ScTable* pTable,
    bool bOnlyDataAreaExtras )
    assert(!bOnlyDataAreaExtras || !pArray->IsUpdateRefs());
    SCROW nRow1 = pArray->GetStart();
    ScSortInfoArray::RowsType* pRows = pArray->GetDataRows();
    std::vector<SCCOLROW> aOrderIndices = pArray->GetOrderIndices();
    size_t nColCount = nCol2 - nCol1 + 1;
    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SortedColumn>> aSortedCols; // storage for copied cells.
    SortedRowFlags aRowFlags(pTable->GetDoc().GetSheetLimits());
    for (size_t i = 0; i < nColCount; ++i)
        // In the sorted column container, element positions and row
        // positions must match, else formula cells may mis-behave during
        // grouping.
        aSortedCols.push_back(std::make_unique<SortedColumn>(nRow1, pTable->GetDoc().GetSheetLimits()));
    for (size_t i = 0; i < pRows->size(); ++i)
        const SCROW nRow = nRow1 + i;
        ScSortInfoArray::Row& rRow = (*pRows)[i];
        for (size_t j = 0; j < rRow.maCells.size(); ++j)
            ScSortInfoArray::Cell& rCell = rRow.maCells[j];
            // If bOnlyDataAreaExtras,
            // sc::CellStoreType aSortedCols.at(j)->maCells
            // and
            // sc::CellTextAttrStoreType aSortedCols.at(j)->maCellTextAttrs
            // are by definition all empty mdds::multi_type_vector, so nothing
            // needs to be done to push *all* empty.
            if (!bOnlyDataAreaExtras)
                sc::CellStoreType& rCellStore = aSortedCols.at(j)->maCells;
                switch (rCell.maCell.getType())
                    case CELLTYPE_STRING:
                    case CELLTYPE_VALUE:
                    case CELLTYPE_EDIT:
                    case CELLTYPE_FORMULA:
                            ScAddress aOldPos = rCell.maCell.getFormula()->aPos;
                            const ScAddress aCellPos(nCol1 + j, nRow, nTab);
                            ScFormulaCell* pNew = rCell.maCell.getFormula()->Clone( aCellPos );
                            if (pArray->IsUpdateRefs())
                                pNew->GetCode()->AdjustReferenceOnMovedOrigin(aOldPos, aCellPos);
                                pNew->GetCode()->AdjustReferenceOnMovedOriginIfOtherSheet(aOldPos, aCellPos);
                            if (!rCellListeners.empty())
                                // Original source cells will be deleted during
                                // sc::CellStoreType::transfer(), SvtListener is a base
                                // class, so we need to replace it.
                                auto it( ::std::find( rCellListeners.begin(), rCellListeners.end(), rCell.maCell.getFormula()));
                                if (it != rCellListeners.end())
                                    *it = pNew;
                        // This assert doesn't hold, for example
                        // CopyCellsFromClipHandler may omit copying cells during
                        // PasteSpecial for which CopyTextAttrsFromClipHandler
                        // still copies a CellTextAttr. So if that really is not
                        // expected then fix it there.
                sc::CellTextAttrStoreType& rAttrStore = aSortedCols.at(j)->maCellTextAttrs;
                if (rCell.mpAttr)
            if (pArray->IsUpdateRefs())
                // At this point each broadcaster instance is managed by 2
                // containers. We will release those in the original storage
                // below before transferring them to the document.
                const SvtBroadcaster* pBroadcaster = pTable->GetBroadcaster( nCol1 + j, aOrderIndices[i]);
                sc::BroadcasterStoreType& rBCStore = aSortedCols.at(j)->maBroadcasters;
                if (pBroadcaster)
                    // A const pointer would be implicitly converted to a bool type.
            // The same with cell note instances ...
            sc::CellNoteStoreType& rNoteStore = aSortedCols.at(j)->maCellNotes;
            if (rCell.mpNote)
            // Add cell anchored images
            if (rCell.maPattern)
                aSortedCols.at(j)->setPattern(nRow, rCell.maPattern);
        if (!bOnlyDataAreaExtras && pArray->IsKeepQuery())
            // Hidden and filtered flags are first converted to segments.
            aRowFlags.setRowHidden(nRow, rRow.mbHidden);
            aRowFlags.setRowFiltered(nRow, rRow.mbFiltered);
        if (pProgress)
void expandRowRange( ScRange& rRange, SCROW nTop, SCROW nBottom )
    if (nTop < rRange.aStart.Row())
    if (rRange.aEnd.Row() < nBottom)
class FormulaCellCollectAction : public sc::ColumnSpanSet::ColumnAction
    std::vector<ScFormulaCell*>& mrCells;
    ScColumn* mpCol;
    explicit FormulaCellCollectAction( std::vector<ScFormulaCell*>& rCells ) :
        mrCells(rCells), mpCol(nullptr) {}
    virtual void startColumn( ScColumn* pCol ) override
        mpCol = pCol;
    virtual void execute( SCROW nRow1, SCROW nRow2, bool bVal ) override
        if (!bVal)
        mpCol->CollectFormulaCells(mrCells, nRow1, nRow2);
class ListenerStartAction : public sc::ColumnSpanSet::ColumnAction
    ScColumn* mpCol;
    std::shared_ptr<sc::ColumnBlockPositionSet> mpPosSet;
    sc::StartListeningContext maStartCxt;
    sc::EndListeningContext maEndCxt;
    explicit ListenerStartAction( ScDocument& rDoc ) :
        maStartCxt(rDoc, mpPosSet),
        maEndCxt(rDoc, mpPosSet) {}
    virtual void startColumn( ScColumn* pCol ) override
        mpCol = pCol;
    virtual void execute( SCROW nRow1, SCROW nRow2, bool bVal ) override
        if (!bVal)
        mpCol->StartListeningFormulaCells(maStartCxt, maEndCxt, nRow1, nRow2);
void ScTable::SortReorderAreaExtrasByRow( ScSortInfoArray* pArray,
        SCCOL nDataCol1, SCCOL nDataCol2,
        const ScDataAreaExtras& rDataAreaExtras, ScProgress* pProgress )
    const SCROW nRow1 = pArray->GetStart();
    const SCROW nLastRow = pArray->GetLast();
    const SCCOL nChunkCols = std::max<SCCOL>( 1, kSortCellsChunk / (nLastRow - nRow1 + 1));
    // Before data area.
    for (SCCOL nCol = rDataAreaExtras.mnStartCol; nCol < nDataCol1; nCol += nChunkCols)
        const SCCOL nEndCol = std::min<SCCOL>( nCol + nChunkCols - 1, nDataCol1 - 1);
        initDataRows( *pArray, *this, aCol, nCol, nRow1, nEndCol, nLastRow, false,
                rDataAreaExtras.mbCellFormats, rDataAreaExtras.mbCellNotes, rDataAreaExtras.mbCellDrawObjects, true);
        SortReorderByRow( pArray, nCol, nEndCol, pProgress, true);
    // Behind data area.
    for (SCCOL nCol = nDataCol2 + 1; nCol <= rDataAreaExtras.mnEndCol; nCol += nChunkCols)
        const SCCOL nEndCol = std::min<SCCOL>( nCol + nChunkCols - 1, rDataAreaExtras.mnEndCol);
        initDataRows( *pArray, *this, aCol, nCol, nRow1, nEndCol, nLastRow, false,
                rDataAreaExtras.mbCellFormats, rDataAreaExtras.mbCellNotes, rDataAreaExtras.mbCellDrawObjects, true);
        SortReorderByRow( pArray, nCol, nEndCol, pProgress, true);
void ScTable::SortReorderAreaExtrasByColumn( const ScSortInfoArray* pArray,
        SCROW nDataRow1, SCROW nDataRow2, const ScDataAreaExtras& rDataAreaExtras, ScProgress* pProgress )
    const SCCOL nCol1 = static_cast<SCCOL>(pArray->GetStart());
    const SCCOL nLastCol = static_cast<SCCOL>(pArray->GetLast());
    const SCROW nChunkRows = std::max<SCROW>( 1, kSortCellsChunk / (nLastCol - nCol1 + 1));
    // Above data area.
    for (SCROW nRow = rDataAreaExtras.mnStartRow; nRow < nDataRow1; nRow += nChunkRows)
        const SCROW nEndRow = std::min<SCROW>( nRow + nChunkRows - 1, nDataRow1 - 1);
        SortReorderByColumn( pArray, nRow, nEndRow, rDataAreaExtras.mbCellFormats, pProgress);
    // Below data area.
    for (SCROW nRow = nDataRow2 + 1; nRow <= rDataAreaExtras.mnEndRow; nRow += nChunkRows)
        const SCROW nEndRow = std::min<SCROW>( nRow + nChunkRows - 1, rDataAreaExtras.mnEndRow);
        SortReorderByColumn( pArray, nRow, nEndRow, rDataAreaExtras.mbCellFormats, pProgress);
void ScTable::SortReorderByColumn(
    const ScSortInfoArray* pArray, SCROW nRow1, SCROW nRow2, bool bPattern, ScProgress* pProgress )
    SCCOLROW nStart = pArray->GetStart();
    SCCOLROW nLast = pArray->GetLast();
    std::vector<SCCOLROW> aIndices = pArray->GetOrderIndices();
    size_t nCount = aIndices.size();
    // Cut formula grouping at row and reference boundaries before the reordering.
    ScRange aSortRange(nStart, nRow1, nTab, nLast, nRow2, nTab);
    for (SCCOL nCol = nStart; nCol <= static_cast<SCCOL>(nLast); ++nCol)
    // Collect all listeners of cell broadcasters of sorted range.
    std::vector<SvtListener*> aCellListeners;
    if (!pArray->IsUpdateRefs())
        // Collect listeners of cell broadcasters.
        for (SCCOL nCol = nStart; nCol <= static_cast<SCCOL>(nLast); ++nCol)
            aCol[nCol].CollectListeners(aCellListeners, nRow1, nRow2);
        // Remove any duplicate listener entries.  We must ensure that we
        // notify each unique listener only once.
        std::sort(aCellListeners.begin(), aCellListeners.end());
        aCellListeners.erase(std::unique(aCellListeners.begin(), aCellListeners.end()), aCellListeners.end());
        // Notify the cells' listeners to stop listening.
        /* TODO: for performance this could be enhanced to stop and later
         * restart only listening to within the reordered range and keep
         * listening to everything outside untouched. */
        sc::RefStopListeningHint aHint;
        for (auto const & l : aCellListeners)
    // table to keep track of column index to position in the index table.
    std::vector<SCCOLROW> aPosTable(nCount);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < nCount; ++i)
        aPosTable[aIndices[i]-nStart] = i;
    SCCOLROW nDest = nStart;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < nCount; ++i, ++nDest)
        SCCOLROW nSrc = aIndices[i];
        if (nDest != nSrc)
            aCol[nDest].Swap(aCol[nSrc], nRow1, nRow2, bPattern);
            // Update the position of the index that was originally equal to nDest.
            size_t nPos = aPosTable[nDest-nStart];
            aIndices[nPos] = nSrc;
            aPosTable[nSrc-nStart] = nPos;
        if (pProgress)
    // Reset formula cell positions which became out-of-sync after column reordering.
    bool bUpdateRefs = pArray->IsUpdateRefs();
    for (SCCOL nCol = nStart; nCol <= static_cast<SCCOL>(nLast); ++nCol)
        aCol[nCol].ResetFormulaCellPositions(nRow1, nRow2, bUpdateRefs);
    if (pArray->IsUpdateRefs())
        // Set up column reorder map (for later broadcasting of reference updates).
        sc::ColRowReorderMapType aColMap;
        const std::vector<SCCOLROW>& rOldIndices = pArray->GetOrderIndices();
        for (size_t i = 0, n = rOldIndices.size(); i < n; ++i)
            SCCOL nNew = i + nStart;
            SCCOL nOld = rOldIndices[i];
            aColMap.emplace(nOld, nNew);
        // Collect all listeners within sorted range ahead of time.
        std::vector<SvtListener*> aListeners;
        for (SCCOL nCol = nStart; nCol <= static_cast<SCCOL>(nLast); ++nCol)
            aCol[nCol].CollectListeners(aListeners, nRow1, nRow2);
        // Get all area listeners that listen on one column within the range
        // and end their listening.
        ScRange aMoveRange( nStart, nRow1, nTab, nLast, nRow2, nTab);
        std::vector<sc::AreaListener> aAreaListeners = rDocument.GetBASM()->GetAllListeners(
                aMoveRange, sc::AreaOverlapType::OneColumnInside);
            for (auto& rAreaListener : aAreaListeners)
                rDocument.EndListeningArea(rAreaListener.maArea, rAreaListener.mbGroupListening, rAreaListener.mpListener);
                aListeners.push_back( rAreaListener.mpListener);
        // Remove any duplicate listener entries and notify all listeners
        // afterward.  We must ensure that we notify each unique listener only
        // once.
        std::sort(aListeners.begin(), aListeners.end());
        aListeners.erase(std::unique(aListeners.begin(), aListeners.end()), aListeners.end());
            ReorderNotifier<sc::RefColReorderHint, sc::ColRowReorderMapType, SCCOL> aFunc(aColMap, nTab, nRow1, nRow2);
            std::for_each(aListeners.begin(), aListeners.end(), std::move(aFunc));
        // Re-start area listeners on the reordered columns.
            for (auto& rAreaListener : aAreaListeners)
                ScRange aNewRange = rAreaListener.maArea;
                sc::ColRowReorderMapType::const_iterator itCol = aColMap.find( aNewRange.aStart.Col());
                if (itCol != aColMap.end())
                    aNewRange.aStart.SetCol( itCol->second);
                    aNewRange.aEnd.SetCol( itCol->second);
                rDocument.StartListeningArea(aNewRange, rAreaListener.mbGroupListening, rAreaListener.mpListener);
    else    // !(pArray->IsUpdateRefs())
        // Notify the cells' listeners to (re-)start listening.
        sc::RefStartListeningHint aHint;
        for (auto const & l : aCellListeners)
    // Re-join formulas at row boundaries now that all the references have
    // been adjusted for column reordering.
    for (SCCOL nCol = nStart; nCol <= static_cast<SCCOL>(nLast); ++nCol)
        sc::CellStoreType& rCells = aCol[nCol].maCells;
        sc::CellStoreType::position_type aPos = rCells.position(nRow1);
        if (nRow2 < rDocument.MaxRow())
            aPos = rCells.position(aPos.first, nRow2+1);
static void backupObjectsVisibility(const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SortedColumn>>& rSortedCols,
                                    std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<bool>>>& rBackup)
    size_t nSortedCols = rSortedCols.size();
    for (size_t iCol = 0; iCol < nSortedCols; ++iCol)
        std::vector<std::vector<SdrObject*>>& rSingleColCellDrawObjects
            = rSortedCols[iCol]->maCellDrawObjects;
        size_t nSingleColCellDrawObjects = rSingleColCellDrawObjects.size();
        std::vector<std::vector<bool>> aColBackup;
        for (size_t jRow = 0; jRow < nSingleColCellDrawObjects; ++jRow)
            std::vector<SdrObject*>& rCellDrawObjects = rSingleColCellDrawObjects[jRow];
            std::vector<bool> aCellBackup;
            for (auto& pObject : rCellDrawObjects)
static void restoreObjectsVisibility(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SortedColumn>>& rSortedCols,
                                     const std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<bool>>>& rBackup)
    size_t nSortedCols = rSortedCols.size();
    for (size_t iCol = 0; iCol < nSortedCols; ++iCol)
        std::vector<std::vector<SdrObject*>>& rSingleColCellDrawObjects
            = rSortedCols[iCol]->maCellDrawObjects;
        size_t nSingleColCellDrawObjects = rSingleColCellDrawObjects.size();
        for (size_t jRow = 0; jRow < nSingleColCellDrawObjects; jRow++)
            std::vector<SdrObject*>& rCellDrawObjects = rSingleColCellDrawObjects[jRow];
            for (size_t kCell = 0; kCell < rCellDrawObjects.size(); ++kCell)
void ScTable::SortReorderByRow( ScSortInfoArray* pArray, SCCOL nCol1, SCCOL nCol2,
        ScProgress* pProgress, bool bOnlyDataAreaExtras )
    if (nCol2 < nCol1)
    // bOnlyDataAreaExtras:
    // Data area extras by definition do not have any cell content so no
    // formula cells either, so that handling doesn't need to be executed.
    // However, there may be listeners of formulas listening to broadcasters of
    // empty cells.
    SCROW nRow1 = pArray->GetStart();
    SCROW nRow2 = pArray->GetLast();
    // Collect all listeners of cell broadcasters of sorted range.
    std::vector<SvtListener*> aCellListeners;
    // When the update ref mode is disabled, we need to detach all formula
    // cells in the sorted range before reordering, and re-start them
    // afterward.
    if (!bOnlyDataAreaExtras)
        sc::EndListeningContext aCxt(rDocument);
        DetachFormulaCells(aCxt, nCol1, nRow1, nCol2, nRow2);
    // Collect listeners of cell broadcasters.
    for (SCCOL nCol = nCol1; nCol <= nCol2; ++nCol)
        aCol[nCol].CollectListeners(aCellListeners, nRow1, nRow2);
    // Remove any duplicate listener entries.  We must ensure that we notify
    // each unique listener only once.
    std::sort(aCellListeners.begin(), aCellListeners.end());
    aCellListeners.erase(std::unique(aCellListeners.begin(), aCellListeners.end()), aCellListeners.end());
    // Notify the cells' listeners to stop listening.
    /* TODO: for performance this could be enhanced to stop and later
     * restart only listening to within the reordered range and keep
     * listening to everything outside untouched. */
        sc::RefStopListeningHint aHint;
        for (auto const & l : aCellListeners)
    // Split formula groups at the sort range boundaries (if applicable).
    if (!bOnlyDataAreaExtras)
        std::vector<SCROW> aRowBounds
        for (SCCOL nCol = nCol1; nCol <= nCol2; ++nCol)
            SplitFormulaGroups(nCol, aRowBounds);
    // Cells in the data rows only reference values in the document. Make
    // a copy before updating the document.
    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SortedColumn>> aSortedCols; // storage for copied cells.
    SortedRowFlags aRowFlags(GetDoc().GetSheetLimits());
    fillSortedColumnArray(aSortedCols, aRowFlags, aCellListeners, pArray, nTab, nCol1, nCol2,
            pProgress, this, bOnlyDataAreaExtras);
    for (size_t i = 0, n = aSortedCols.size(); i < n; ++i)
        SCCOL nThisCol = i + nCol1;
        if (!bOnlyDataAreaExtras)
                sc::CellStoreType& rDest = aCol[nThisCol].maCells;
                sc::CellStoreType& rSrc = aSortedCols[i]->maCells;
                rSrc.transfer(nRow1, nRow2, rDest, nRow1);
                sc::CellTextAttrStoreType& rDest = aCol[nThisCol].maCellTextAttrs;
                sc::CellTextAttrStoreType& rSrc = aSortedCols[i]->maCellTextAttrs;
                rSrc.transfer(nRow1, nRow2, rDest, nRow1);
            sc::CellNoteStoreType& rSrc = aSortedCols[i]->maCellNotes;
            sc::CellNoteStoreType& rDest = aCol[nThisCol].maCellNotes;
            // Do the same as broadcaster storage transfer (to prevent double deletion).
            rDest.release_range(nRow1, nRow2);
            rSrc.transfer(nRow1, nRow2, rDest, nRow1);
            aCol[nThisCol].UpdateNoteCaptions(nRow1, nRow2);
            // Get all row spans where the pattern is not NULL.
            std::vector<PatternSpan> aSpans =
                sc::toSpanArrayWithValue<SCROW, CellAttributeHolder, PatternSpan>(
            for (const auto& rSpan : aSpans)
                aCol[nThisCol].SetPatternArea(rSpan.mnRow1, rSpan.mnRow2, rSpan.maPattern);
    if (!bOnlyDataAreaExtras && pArray->IsKeepQuery())
        // Backup visibility state of objects. States will be lost when changing the flags below.
        std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<bool>>> aBackup;
        backupObjectsVisibility(aSortedCols, aBackup);
        // Remove all flags in the range first.
        SetRowHidden(nRow1, nRow2, false);
        SetRowFiltered(nRow1, nRow2, false);
        std::vector<sc::RowSpan> aSpans =
            sc::toSpanArray<SCROW,sc::RowSpan>(aRowFlags.maRowsHidden, nRow1);
        for (const auto& rSpan : aSpans)
            SetRowHidden(rSpan.mnRow1, rSpan.mnRow2, true);
        aSpans = sc::toSpanArray<SCROW,sc::RowSpan>(aRowFlags.maRowsFiltered, nRow1);
        for (const auto& rSpan : aSpans)
            SetRowFiltered(rSpan.mnRow1, rSpan.mnRow2, true);
        //Restore visibility state of objects
        restoreObjectsVisibility(aSortedCols, aBackup);
    // Update draw object positions
    for (size_t i = 0, n = aSortedCols.size(); i < n; ++i)
        SCCOL nThisCol = i + nCol1;
        aCol[nThisCol].UpdateDrawObjects(aSortedCols[i]->maCellDrawObjects, nRow1, nRow2);
    // Notify the cells' listeners to (re-)start listening.
        sc::RefStartListeningHint aHint;
        for (auto const & l : aCellListeners)
    if (!bOnlyDataAreaExtras)
        // Re-group columns in the sorted range too.
        for (SCCOL i = nCol1; i <= nCol2; ++i)
            sc::StartListeningContext aCxt(rDocument);
            AttachFormulaCells(aCxt, nCol1, nRow1, nCol2, nRow2);
void ScTable::SortReorderByRowRefUpdate(
    ScSortInfoArray* pArray, SCCOL nCol1, SCCOL nCol2, ScProgress* pProgress )
    if (nCol2 < nCol1)
    SCROW nRow1 = pArray->GetStart();
    SCROW nRow2 = pArray->GetLast();
    ScRange aMoveRange( nCol1, nRow1, nTab, nCol2, nRow2, nTab);
    sc::ColumnSpanSet aGrpListenerRanges;
        // Get the range of formula group listeners within sorted range (if any).
        sc::QueryRange aQuery;
        ScBroadcastAreaSlotMachine* pBASM = rDocument.GetBASM();
        std::vector<sc::AreaListener> aGrpListeners =
                aMoveRange, sc::AreaOverlapType::InsideOrOverlap, sc::ListenerGroupType::Group);
            for (const auto& rGrpListener : aGrpListeners)
                SvtListener* pGrpLis = rGrpListener.mpListener;
                rDocument.EndListeningArea(rGrpListener.maArea, rGrpListener.mbGroupListening, pGrpLis);
        ScRangeList aTmp;
        // If the range is within the sorted range, we need to expand its rows
        // to the top and bottom of the sorted range, since the formula cells
        // could be anywhere in the sorted range after reordering.
        for (size_t i = 0, n = aTmp.size(); i < n; ++i)
            ScRange aRange = aTmp[i];
            if (!aMoveRange.Intersects(aRange))
                // Doesn't overlap with the sorted range at all.
                aGrpListenerRanges.set(GetDoc(), aRange, true);
            if (aMoveRange.aStart.Col() <= aRange.aStart.Col() && aRange.aEnd.Col() <= aMoveRange.aEnd.Col())
                // Its column range is within the column range of the sorted range.
                expandRowRange(aRange, aMoveRange.aStart.Row(), aMoveRange.aEnd.Row());
                aGrpListenerRanges.set(GetDoc(), aRange, true);
            // It intersects with the sorted range, but its column range is
            // not within the column range of the sorted range.  Split it into
            // 2 ranges.
            ScRange aR1 = aRange;
            ScRange aR2 = aRange;
            if (aRange.aStart.Col() < aMoveRange.aStart.Col())
                // Left half is outside the sorted range while the right half is inside.
                expandRowRange(aR2, aMoveRange.aStart.Row(), aMoveRange.aEnd.Row());
                // Left half is inside the sorted range while the right half is outside.
                expandRowRange(aR1, aMoveRange.aStart.Row(), aMoveRange.aEnd.Row());
            aGrpListenerRanges.set(GetDoc(), aR1, true);
            aGrpListenerRanges.set(GetDoc(), aR2, true);
    // Split formula groups at the sort range boundaries (if applicable).
    std::vector<SCROW> aRowBounds
    for (SCCOL nCol = nCol1; nCol <= nCol2; ++nCol)
        SplitFormulaGroups(nCol, aRowBounds);
    // Cells in the data rows only reference values in the document. Make
    // a copy before updating the document.
    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SortedColumn>> aSortedCols; // storage for copied cells.
    SortedRowFlags aRowFlags(GetDoc().GetSheetLimits());
    std::vector<SvtListener*> aListenersDummy;
    fillSortedColumnArray(aSortedCols, aRowFlags, aListenersDummy, pArray, nTab, nCol1, nCol2, pProgress, this, false);
    for (size_t i = 0, n = aSortedCols.size(); i < n; ++i)
        SCCOL nThisCol = i + nCol1;
            sc::CellStoreType& rDest = aCol[nThisCol].maCells;
            sc::CellStoreType& rSrc = aSortedCols[i]->maCells;
            rSrc.transfer(nRow1, nRow2, rDest, nRow1);
            sc::CellTextAttrStoreType& rDest = aCol[nThisCol].maCellTextAttrs;
            sc::CellTextAttrStoreType& rSrc = aSortedCols[i]->maCellTextAttrs;
            rSrc.transfer(nRow1, nRow2, rDest, nRow1);
            sc::BroadcasterStoreType& rSrc = aSortedCols[i]->maBroadcasters;
            sc::BroadcasterStoreType& rDest = aCol[nThisCol].maBroadcasters;
            // Release current broadcasters first, to prevent them from getting deleted.
            rDest.release_range(nRow1, nRow2);
            // Transfer sorted broadcaster segment to the document.
            rSrc.transfer(nRow1, nRow2, rDest, nRow1);
            sc::CellNoteStoreType& rSrc = aSortedCols[i]->maCellNotes;
            sc::CellNoteStoreType& rDest = aCol[nThisCol].maCellNotes;
            // Do the same as broadcaster storage transfer (to prevent double deletion).
            rDest.release_range(nRow1, nRow2);
            rSrc.transfer(nRow1, nRow2, rDest, nRow1);
            aCol[nThisCol].UpdateNoteCaptions(nRow1, nRow2);
            // Get all row spans where the pattern is not NULL.
            std::vector<PatternSpan> aSpans =
                sc::toSpanArrayWithValue<SCROW, CellAttributeHolder, PatternSpan>(
            for (const auto& rSpan : aSpans)
                aCol[nThisCol].SetPatternArea(rSpan.mnRow1, rSpan.mnRow2, rSpan.maPattern);
    if (pArray->IsKeepQuery())
        // Backup visibility state of objects. States will be lost when changing the flags below.
        std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<bool>>> aBackup;
        backupObjectsVisibility(aSortedCols, aBackup);
        // Remove all flags in the range first.
        SetRowHidden(nRow1, nRow2, false);
        SetRowFiltered(nRow1, nRow2, false);
        std::vector<sc::RowSpan> aSpans =
            sc::toSpanArray<SCROW,sc::RowSpan>(aRowFlags.maRowsHidden, nRow1);
        for (const auto& rSpan : aSpans)
            SetRowHidden(rSpan.mnRow1, rSpan.mnRow2, true);
        aSpans = sc::toSpanArray<SCROW,sc::RowSpan>(aRowFlags.maRowsFiltered, nRow1);
        for (const auto& rSpan : aSpans)
            SetRowFiltered(rSpan.mnRow1, rSpan.mnRow2, true);
        //Restore visibility state of objects
        restoreObjectsVisibility(aSortedCols, aBackup);
    // Update draw object positions
    for (size_t i = 0, n = aSortedCols.size(); i < n; ++i)
        SCCOL nThisCol = i + nCol1;
        aCol[nThisCol].UpdateDrawObjects(aSortedCols[i]->maCellDrawObjects, nRow1, nRow2);
    // Set up row reorder map (for later broadcasting of reference updates).
    sc::ColRowReorderMapType aRowMap;
    const std::vector<SCCOLROW>& rOldIndices = pArray->GetOrderIndices();
    for (size_t i = 0, n = rOldIndices.size(); i < n; ++i)
        SCROW nNew = i + nRow1;
        SCROW nOld = rOldIndices[i];
        aRowMap.emplace(nOld, nNew);
    // Collect all listeners within sorted range ahead of time.
    std::vector<SvtListener*> aListeners;
    // Collect listeners of cell broadcasters.
    for (SCCOL nCol = nCol1; nCol <= nCol2; ++nCol)
        aCol[nCol].CollectListeners(aListeners, nRow1, nRow2);
    // Get all area listeners that listen on one row within the range and end
    // their listening.
    std::vector<sc::AreaListener> aAreaListeners = rDocument.GetBASM()->GetAllListeners(
            aMoveRange, sc::AreaOverlapType::OneRowInside);
        for (auto& rAreaListener : aAreaListeners)
            rDocument.EndListeningArea(rAreaListener.maArea, rAreaListener.mbGroupListening, rAreaListener.mpListener);
            aListeners.push_back( rAreaListener.mpListener);
        // Get all formula cells from the former group area listener ranges.
        std::vector<ScFormulaCell*> aFCells;
        FormulaCellCollectAction aAction(aFCells);
        aGrpListenerRanges.executeColumnAction(rDocument, aAction);
        aListeners.insert( aListeners.end(), aFCells.begin(), aFCells.end() );
    // Remove any duplicate listener entries.  We must ensure that we notify
    // each unique listener only once.
    std::sort(aListeners.begin(), aListeners.end());
    aListeners.erase(std::unique(aListeners.begin(), aListeners.end()), aListeners.end());
    // Collect positions of all shared formula cells outside the sorted range,
    // and make them unshared before notifying them.
    sc::RefQueryFormulaGroup aFormulaGroupPos;
    aFormulaGroupPos.setSkipRange(ScRange(nCol1, nRow1, nTab, nCol2, nRow2, nTab));
    std::for_each(aListeners.begin(), aListeners.end(), FormulaGroupPosCollector(aFormulaGroupPos));
    const sc::RefQueryFormulaGroup::TabsType& rGroupTabs = aFormulaGroupPos.getAllPositions();
    for (const auto& [rTab, rCols] : rGroupTabs)
        for (const auto& [nCol, rCol] : rCols)
            std::vector<SCROW> aBounds(rCol);
            rDocument.UnshareFormulaCells(rTab, nCol, aBounds);
    // Notify the listeners to update their references.
        ReorderNotifier<sc::RefRowReorderHint, sc::ColRowReorderMapType, SCROW> aFunc(aRowMap, nTab, nCol1, nCol2);
        std::for_each(aListeners.begin(), aListeners.end(), std::move(aFunc));
    // Re-group formulas in affected columns.
    for (const auto& [rTab, rCols] : rGroupTabs)
        for (const auto& rEntry : rCols)
            rDocument.RegroupFormulaCells(rTab, rEntry.first);
    // Re-start area listeners on the reordered rows.
    for (const auto& rAreaListener : aAreaListeners)
        ScRange aNewRange = rAreaListener.maArea;
        sc::ColRowReorderMapType::const_iterator itRow = aRowMap.find( aNewRange.aStart.Row());
        if (itRow != aRowMap.end())
            aNewRange.aStart.SetRow( itRow->second);
            aNewRange.aEnd.SetRow( itRow->second);
        rDocument.StartListeningArea(aNewRange, rAreaListener.mbGroupListening, rAreaListener.mpListener);
    // Re-group columns in the sorted range too.
    for (SCCOL i = nCol1; i <= nCol2; ++i)
        // Re-start area listeners on the old group listener ranges.
        ListenerStartAction aAction(rDocument);
        aGrpListenerRanges.executeColumnAction(rDocument, aAction);
short ScTable::CompareCell(
    sal_uInt16 nSort,
    ScRefCellValue& rCell1, SCCOL nCell1Col, SCROW nCell1Row,
    ScRefCellValue& rCell2, SCCOL nCell2Col, SCROW nCell2Row ) const
    short nRes = 0;
    CellType eType1 = rCell1.getType(), eType2 = rCell2.getType();
    // tdf#95520 Sort by color - selected color goes on top, everything else according to compare function
    if (aSortParam.maKeyState[nSort].aColorSortMode == ScColorSortMode::TextColor
        || aSortParam.maKeyState[nSort].aColorSortMode == ScColorSortMode::BackgroundColor)
        ScAddress aPos1(nCell1Col, nCell1Row, GetTab());
        ScAddress aPos2(nCell2Col, nCell2Row, GetTab());
        Color aTheChosenColor = aSortParam.maKeyState[nSort].aColorSortColor;
        Color aColor1;
        Color aColor2;
        if (aSortParam.maKeyState[nSort].aColorSortMode == ScColorSortMode::TextColor)
            aColor1 = GetCellTextColor(aPos1);
            aColor2 = GetCellTextColor(aPos2);
            aColor1 = GetCellBackgroundColor(aPos1);
            aColor2 = GetCellBackgroundColor(aPos2);
        if (aTheChosenColor == aColor1)
            return -1;
        if (aTheChosenColor == aColor2)
            return 1;
        if (aColor1 == aColor2)
            return 0;
        if (aColor1 > aColor2)
            return 1;
        if (aColor1 < aColor2)
            return -1;
    if (!rCell1.isEmpty())
        if (!rCell2.isEmpty())
            bool bErr1 = false;
            bool bStr1 = ( eType1 != CELLTYPE_VALUE );
            if (eType1 == CELLTYPE_FORMULA)
                if (rCell1.getFormula()->GetErrCode() != FormulaError::NONE)
                    bErr1 = true;
                    bStr1 = false;
                else if (rCell1.getFormula()->IsValue())
                    bStr1 = false;
            bool bErr2 = false;
            bool bStr2 = ( eType2 != CELLTYPE_VALUE );
            if (eType2 == CELLTYPE_FORMULA)
                if (rCell2.getFormula()->GetErrCode() != FormulaError::NONE)
                    bErr2 = true;
                    bStr2 = false;
                else if (rCell2.getFormula()->IsValue())
                    bStr2 = false;
            if ( bStr1 && bStr2 )           // only compare strings as strings!
                OUString aStr1;
                OUString aStr2;
                if (eType1 == CELLTYPE_STRING)
                    aStr1 = rCell1.getSharedString()->getString();
                    aStr1 = GetString(nCell1Col, nCell1Row);
                if (eType2 == CELLTYPE_STRING)
                    aStr2 = rCell2.getSharedString()->getString();
                    aStr2 = GetString(nCell2Col, nCell2Row);
                bool bUserDef     = aSortParam.bUserDef;        // custom sort order
                bool bNaturalSort = aSortParam.bNaturalSort;    // natural sort
                bool bCaseSens    = aSortParam.bCaseSens;       // case sensitivity
                ScUserList& rList = ScGlobal::GetUserList();
                if (bUserDef && rList.size() > aSortParam.nUserIndex)
                    const ScUserListData& rData = rList[aSortParam.nUserIndex];
                    if ( bNaturalSort )
                        nRes = naturalsort::Compare( aStr1, aStr2, bCaseSens, &rData, pSortCollator );
                        if ( bCaseSens )
                            nRes = sal::static_int_cast<short>( rData.Compare(aStr1, aStr2) );
                            nRes = sal::static_int_cast<short>( rData.ICompare(aStr1, aStr2) );
                if (!bUserDef)
                    if ( bNaturalSort )
                        nRes = naturalsort::Compare( aStr1, aStr2, bCaseSens, nullptr, pSortCollator );
                        nRes = static_cast<short>( pSortCollator->compareString( aStr1, aStr2 ) );
            else if ( bStr1 )               // String <-> Number or Error
                if (bErr2)
                    nRes = -1;              // String in front of Error
                    nRes = 1;               // Number in front of String
            else if ( bStr2 )               // Number or Error <-> String
                if (bErr1)
                    nRes = 1;               // String in front of Error
                    nRes = -1;              // Number in front of String
            else if (bErr1 && bErr2)
                // nothing, two Errors are equal
            else if (bErr1)                 // Error <-> Number
                nRes = 1;                   // Number in front of Error
            else if (bErr2)                 // Number <-> Error
                nRes = -1;                  // Number in front of Error
            else                            // Mixed numbers
                double nVal1 = rCell1.getValue();
                double nVal2 = rCell2.getValue();
                if (nVal1 < nVal2)
                    nRes = -1;
                else if (nVal1 > nVal2)
                    nRes = 1;
            if ( !aSortParam.maKeyState[nSort].bAscending )
                nRes = -nRes;
            nRes = -1;
        if (!rCell2.isEmpty())
            nRes = 1;
            nRes = 0;                   // both empty
    return nRes;
short ScTable::Compare( ScSortInfoArray* pArray, SCCOLROW nIndex1, SCCOLROW nIndex2 ) const
    short nRes;
    sal_uInt16 nSort = 0;
        ScSortInfo& rInfo1 = pArray->Get( nSort, nIndex1 );
        ScSortInfo& rInfo2 = pArray->Get( nSort, nIndex2 );
        if ( aSortParam.bByRow )
            nRes = CompareCell( nSort,
                rInfo1.maCell, static_cast<SCCOL>(aSortParam.maKeyState[nSort].nField), rInfo1.nOrg,
                rInfo2.maCell, static_cast<SCCOL>(aSortParam.maKeyState[nSort].nField), rInfo2.nOrg );
            nRes = CompareCell( nSort,
                rInfo1.maCell, static_cast<SCCOL>(rInfo1.nOrg), aSortParam.maKeyState[nSort].nField,
                rInfo2.maCell, static_cast<SCCOL>(rInfo2.nOrg), aSortParam.maKeyState[nSort].nField );
    } while ( nRes == 0 && ++nSort < pArray->GetUsedSorts() );
    if( nRes == 0 )
        ScSortInfo& rInfo1 = pArray->Get( 0, nIndex1 );
        ScSortInfo& rInfo2 = pArray->Get( 0, nIndex2 );
        if( rInfo1.nOrg < rInfo2.nOrg )
            nRes = -1;
        else if( rInfo1.nOrg > rInfo2.nOrg )
            nRes = 1;
    return nRes;
void ScTable::QuickSort( ScSortInfoArray* pArray, SCCOLROW nLo, SCCOLROW nHi )
    if ((nHi - nLo) == 1)
        if (Compare(pArray, nLo, nHi) > 0)
            pArray->Swap( nLo, nHi );
        SCCOLROW ni = nLo;
        SCCOLROW nj = nHi;
            while ((ni <= nHi) && (Compare(pArray, ni, nLo)) < 0)
            while ((nj >= nLo) && (Compare(pArray, nLo, nj)) < 0)
            if (ni <= nj)
                if (ni != nj)
                    pArray->Swap( ni, nj );
        } while (ni < nj);
        if ((nj - nLo) < (nHi - ni))
            if (nLo < nj)
                QuickSort(pArray, nLo, nj);
            if (ni < nHi)
                QuickSort(pArray, ni, nHi);
            if (ni < nHi)
                QuickSort(pArray, ni, nHi);
            if (nLo < nj)
                QuickSort(pArray, nLo, nj);
short ScTable::Compare(SCCOLROW nIndex1, SCCOLROW nIndex2) const
    short nRes;
    sal_uInt16 nSort = 0;
    const sal_uInt32 nMaxSorts = aSortParam.GetSortKeyCount();
    if (aSortParam.bByRow)
            SCCOL nCol = static_cast<SCCOL>(aSortParam.maKeyState[nSort].nField);
            nRes = 0;
            if(nCol < GetAllocatedColumnsCount())
                ScRefCellValue aCell1 = aCol[nCol].GetCellValue(nIndex1);
                ScRefCellValue aCell2 = aCol[nCol].GetCellValue(nIndex2);
                nRes = CompareCell(nSort, aCell1, nCol, nIndex1, aCell2, nCol, nIndex2);
        } while ( nRes == 0 && ++nSort < nMaxSorts && aSortParam.maKeyState[nSort].bDoSort );
            SCROW nRow = aSortParam.maKeyState[nSort].nField;
            ScRefCellValue aCell1;
            ScRefCellValue aCell2;
            if(nIndex1 < GetAllocatedColumnsCount())
                aCell1 = aCol[nIndex1].GetCellValue(nRow);
            if(nIndex2 < GetAllocatedColumnsCount())
                aCell2 = aCol[nIndex2].GetCellValue(nRow);
            nRes = CompareCell( nSort, aCell1, static_cast<SCCOL>(nIndex1),
                    nRow, aCell2, static_cast<SCCOL>(nIndex2), nRow );
        } while ( nRes == 0 && ++nSort < nMaxSorts && aSortParam.maKeyState[nSort].bDoSort );
    return nRes;
bool ScTable::IsSorted( SCCOLROW nStart, SCCOLROW nEnd ) const   // over aSortParam
    for (SCCOLROW i=nStart; i<nEnd; i++)
        if (Compare( i, i+1 ) > 0)
            return false;
    return true;
void ScTable::DecoladeRow( ScSortInfoArray* pArray, SCROW nRow1, SCROW nRow2 )
    SCROW nRow;
    int nMax = nRow2 - nRow1;
    for (SCROW i = nRow1; (i + 4) <= nRow2; i += 4)
        nRow = comphelper::rng::uniform_int_distribution(0, nMax-1);
        pArray->Swap(i, nRow1 + nRow);
void ScTable::Sort(
    const ScSortParam& rSortParam, bool bKeepQuery, bool bUpdateRefs,
    ScProgress* pProgress, sc::ReorderParam* pUndo )
    sc::DelayDeletingBroadcasters delayDeletingBroadcasters(GetDoc());
    InitSortCollator( rSortParam );
    bGlobalKeepQuery = bKeepQuery;
    if (pUndo)
        // Copy over the basic sort parameters.
        pUndo->maDataAreaExtras = rSortParam.aDataAreaExtras;
        pUndo->mbByRow = rSortParam.bByRow;
        pUndo->mbHiddenFiltered = bKeepQuery;
        pUndo->mbUpdateRefs = bUpdateRefs;
        pUndo->mbHasHeaders = rSortParam.bHasHeader;
    // It is assumed that the data area has already been trimmed as necessary.
    aSortParam = rSortParam;    // must be assigned before calling IsSorted()
    if (rSortParam.bByRow)
        const SCROW nLastRow = rSortParam.nRow2;
        const SCROW nRow1 = (rSortParam.bHasHeader ? rSortParam.nRow1 + 1 : rSortParam.nRow1);
        if (nRow1 < nLastRow && !IsSorted(nRow1, nLastRow))
                pProgress->SetState( 0, nLastRow-nRow1 );
            std::unique_ptr<ScSortInfoArray> pArray( CreateSortInfoArray(
                        aSortParam, nRow1, nLastRow, bKeepQuery, bUpdateRefs));
            if ( nLastRow - nRow1 > 255 )
                DecoladeRow(pArray.get(), nRow1, nLastRow);
            QuickSort(pArray.get(), nRow1, nLastRow);
            if (pArray->IsUpdateRefs())
                SortReorderByRowRefUpdate(pArray.get(), aSortParam.nCol1, aSortParam.nCol2, pProgress);
                SortReorderByRow(pArray.get(), aSortParam.nCol1, aSortParam.nCol2, pProgress, false);
                if (rSortParam.aDataAreaExtras.anyExtrasWanted())
                    SortReorderAreaExtrasByRow( pArray.get(), aSortParam.nCol1, aSortParam.nCol2,
                            rSortParam.aDataAreaExtras, pProgress);
            if (pUndo)
                // Stored is the first data row without header row.
                pUndo->maSortRange = ScRange(rSortParam.nCol1, nRow1, nTab, rSortParam.nCol2, nLastRow, nTab);
                pUndo->maDataAreaExtras.mnStartRow = nRow1;
                pUndo->maOrderIndices = pArray->GetOrderIndices();
        const SCCOL nLastCol = rSortParam.nCol2;
        const SCCOL nCol1 = (rSortParam.bHasHeader ? rSortParam.nCol1 + 1 : rSortParam.nCol1);
        if (nCol1 < nLastCol && !IsSorted(nCol1, nLastCol))
                pProgress->SetState( 0, nLastCol-nCol1 );
            std::unique_ptr<ScSortInfoArray> pArray( CreateSortInfoArray(
                        aSortParam, nCol1, nLastCol, bKeepQuery, bUpdateRefs));
            QuickSort(pArray.get(), nCol1, nLastCol);
            SortReorderByColumn(pArray.get(), rSortParam.nRow1, rSortParam.nRow2,
                    rSortParam.aDataAreaExtras.mbCellFormats, pProgress);
            if (rSortParam.aDataAreaExtras.anyExtrasWanted() && !pArray->IsUpdateRefs())
                SortReorderAreaExtrasByColumn( pArray.get(),
                        rSortParam.nRow1, rSortParam.nRow2, rSortParam.aDataAreaExtras, pProgress);
            if (pUndo)
                // Stored is the first data column without header column.
                pUndo->maSortRange = ScRange(nCol1, aSortParam.nRow1, nTab, nLastCol, aSortParam.nRow2, nTab);
                pUndo->maDataAreaExtras.mnStartCol = nCol1;
                pUndo->maOrderIndices = pArray->GetOrderIndices();
void ScTable::Reorder( const sc::ReorderParam& rParam )
    if (rParam.maOrderIndices.empty())
    std::unique_ptr<ScSortInfoArray> pArray(CreateSortInfoArray(rParam));
    if (!pArray)
    if (rParam.mbByRow)
        // Re-play sorting from the known sort indices.
        if (pArray->IsUpdateRefs())
                pArray.get(), rParam.maSortRange.aStart.Col(), rParam.maSortRange.aEnd.Col(), nullptr);
            SortReorderByRow( pArray.get(),
                    rParam.maSortRange.aStart.Col(), rParam.maSortRange.aEnd.Col(), nullptr, false);
            if (rParam.maDataAreaExtras.anyExtrasWanted())
                SortReorderAreaExtrasByRow( pArray.get(),
                        rParam.maSortRange.aStart.Col(), rParam.maSortRange.aEnd.Col(),
                        rParam.maDataAreaExtras, nullptr);
        // Ordering by column is much simpler.  Just set the order indices and we are done.
            pArray.get(), rParam.maSortRange.aStart.Row(), rParam.maSortRange.aEnd.Row(),
            rParam.maDataAreaExtras.mbCellFormats, nullptr);
        if (rParam.maDataAreaExtras.anyExtrasWanted() && !pArray->IsUpdateRefs())
            SortReorderAreaExtrasByColumn( pArray.get(),
                    rParam.maSortRange.aStart.Row(), rParam.maSortRange.aEnd.Row(),
                    rParam.maDataAreaExtras, nullptr);
namespace {
class SubTotalRowFinder
    const ScTable& mrTab;
    const ScSubTotalParam& mrParam;
    SubTotalRowFinder(const ScTable& rTab, const ScSubTotalParam& rParam) :
        mrTab(rTab), mrParam(rParam) {}
    bool operator() (size_t nRow, const ScFormulaCell* pCell)
        if (!pCell->IsSubTotal())
            return false;
        SCCOL nStartCol = mrParam.nCol1;
        SCCOL nEndCol = mrParam.nCol2;
        for (SCCOL nCol : mrTab.GetAllocatedColumnsRange(0, nStartCol - 1))
            if (mrTab.HasData(nCol, nRow))
                return true;
        for (SCCOL nCol : mrTab.GetAllocatedColumnsRange(nEndCol + 1, mrTab.GetDoc().MaxCol()))
            if (mrTab.HasData(nCol, nRow))
                return true;
        return false;
bool ScTable::TestRemoveSubTotals( const ScSubTotalParam& rParam )
    SCCOL nStartCol = rParam.nCol1;
    SCROW nStartRow = rParam.nRow1 + 1;     // Header
    SCCOL nEndCol   = ClampToAllocatedColumns(rParam.nCol2);
    SCROW nEndRow    = rParam.nRow2;
    for (SCCOL nCol = nStartCol; nCol <= nEndCol; ++nCol)
        const sc::CellStoreType& rCells = aCol[nCol].maCells;
        SubTotalRowFinder aFunc(*this, rParam);
        std::pair<sc::CellStoreType::const_iterator,size_t> aPos =
            sc::FindFormula(rCells, nStartRow, nEndRow, aFunc);
        if (aPos.first != rCells.end())
            return true;
    return false;
namespace {
struct RemoveSubTotalsHandler
    std::set<SCROW> aRemoved;
    void operator() (size_t nRow, const ScFormulaCell* p)
        if (p->IsSubTotal())
void ScTable::RemoveSubTotals( ScSubTotalParam& rParam )
    SCCOL nStartCol = rParam.nCol1;
    SCROW nStartRow = rParam.nRow1 + 1;     // Header
    SCCOL nEndCol   = ClampToAllocatedColumns(rParam.nCol2);
    SCROW nEndRow    = rParam.nRow2;        // will change
    RemoveSubTotalsHandler aFunc;
    for (SCCOL nCol = nStartCol; nCol <= nEndCol; ++nCol)
        const sc::CellStoreType& rCells = aCol[nCol].maCells;
        sc::ParseFormula(rCells.begin(), rCells, nStartRow, nEndRow, aFunc);
    auto& aRows = aFunc.aRemoved;
    std::for_each(aRows.rbegin(), aRows.rend(), [this](const SCROW nRow) {
            RemoveRowBreak(nRow+1, false, true);
            rDocument.DeleteRow(0, nTab, rDocument.MaxCol(), nTab, nRow, 1);
    rParam.nRow2 -= aRows.size();
//  Delete hard number formats (for result formulas)
static void lcl_RemoveNumberFormat( ScTable* pTab, SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow )
    const ScPatternAttr* pPattern = pTab->GetPattern( nCol, nRow );
    if ( pPattern->GetItemSet().GetItemState( ATTR_VALUE_FORMAT, false )
            == SfxItemState::SET )
        ScPatternAttr* pNewPattern(new ScPatternAttr( *pPattern ));
        SfxItemSet& rSet = pNewPattern->GetItemSet();
        rSet.ClearItem( ATTR_VALUE_FORMAT );
        rSet.ClearItem( ATTR_LANGUAGE_FORMAT );
        pTab->SetPattern( nCol, nRow, CellAttributeHolder(pNewPattern, true) );
namespace {
struct RowEntry
    sal_uInt16  nGroupNo;
    SCROW   nSubStartRow;
    SCROW   nDestRow;
    SCROW   nFuncStart;
    SCROW   nFuncEnd;
static TranslateId lcl_GetSubTotalStrId(int id)
    switch ( id )
        case SUBTOTAL_FUNC_AVE:     return STR_FUN_TEXT_AVG;
        case SUBTOTAL_FUNC_CNT:
        case SUBTOTAL_FUNC_CNT2:    return STR_FUN_TEXT_COUNT;
        case SUBTOTAL_FUNC_MAX:     return STR_FUN_TEXT_MAX;
        case SUBTOTAL_FUNC_MIN:     return STR_FUN_TEXT_MIN;
        case SUBTOTAL_FUNC_STD:
        case SUBTOTAL_FUNC_SUM:     return STR_FUN_TEXT_SUM;
        case SUBTOTAL_FUNC_VAR:
        case SUBTOTAL_FUNC_VARP:    return STR_FUN_TEXT_VAR;
             return STR_EMPTYDATA;
            // added to avoid warnings
// Gets the string used for "Grand" results
static TranslateId lcl_GetGrandSubTotalStrId(int id)
    switch ( id )
        case SUBTOTAL_FUNC_AVE:     return STR_TABLE_GRAND_AVG;
        case SUBTOTAL_FUNC_CNT:
        case SUBTOTAL_FUNC_MAX:     return STR_TABLE_GRAND_MAX;
        case SUBTOTAL_FUNC_MIN:     return STR_TABLE_GRAND_MIN;
        case SUBTOTAL_FUNC_STD:
        case SUBTOTAL_FUNC_SUM:     return STR_TABLE_GRAND_SUM;
        case SUBTOTAL_FUNC_VAR:
             return STR_EMPTYDATA;
            // added to avoid warnings
//      new intermediate results
//      rParam.nRow2 is changed!
bool ScTable::DoSubTotals( ScSubTotalParam& rParam )
    SCCOL nStartCol = rParam.nCol1;
    SCROW nStartRow = rParam.nRow1 + 1;     // Header
    SCCOL nEndCol   = rParam.nCol2;
    SCROW nEndRow    = rParam.nRow2;        // will change
    //  Remove empty rows at the end
    //  so that all exceeding (rDocument.MaxRow()) can be found by InsertRow (#35180#)
    //  If sorted, all empty rows are at the end.
    SCSIZE nEmpty = GetEmptyLinesInBlock( nStartCol, nStartRow, nEndCol, nEndRow, DIR_BOTTOM );
    nEndRow -= nEmpty;
    sal_uInt16 nLevelCount = 0;             // Number of levels
    bool bDoThis = true;
    for (sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < MAXSUBTOTAL && bDoThis; ++i)
        if (rParam.bGroupActive[i])
            nLevelCount = o3tl::sanitizing_inc(i);
            bDoThis = false;
    if (nLevelCount==0)                 // do nothing
        return true;
    SCCOL*          nGroupCol = rParam.nField;  // columns which will be used when grouping
    //  With (blank) as a separate category, subtotal rows from
    //  the other columns must always be tested
    //  (previously only when a column occurred more than once)
    bool bTestPrevSub = ( nLevelCount > 1 );
    OUString  aSubString;
    bool bIgnoreCase = !rParam.bCaseSens;
    OUString aCompString[MAXSUBTOTAL];
                                //TODO: sort?
    ScStyleSheet* pStyle = static_cast<ScStyleSheet*>(rDocument.GetStyleSheetPool()->Find(
                                ScResId(STR_STYLENAME_RESULT), SfxStyleFamily::Para ));
    bool bSpaceLeft = true;                                         // Success when inserting?
    // For performance reasons collect formula entries so their
    // references don't have to be tested for updates each time a new row is
    // inserted
    RowEntry aRowEntry;
    ::std::vector< RowEntry > aRowVector;
    for (sal_uInt16 nLevel=0; nLevel<nLevelCount && bSpaceLeft; nLevel++)
        aRowEntry.nGroupNo = nLevelCount - nLevel - 1;
        // how many results per level
        SCCOL nResCount         = rParam.nSubTotals[aRowEntry.nGroupNo];
        // result functions
        ScSubTotalFunc* pResFunc = rParam.pFunctions[aRowEntry.nGroupNo].get();
        if (nResCount > 0)                                      // otherwise only sort
            SCROW nAboveRows = rParam.bSummaryBelow ? nStartRow : nStartRow + nLevel;
            for (sal_uInt16 i = 0; i <= aRowEntry.nGroupNo; ++i)
                aSubString = GetString( nGroupCol[i], nAboveRows );
                if ( bIgnoreCase )
                    aCompString[i] = ScGlobal::getCharClass().uppercase( aSubString );
                    aCompString[i] = aSubString;
            }                                                   // aSubString stays on the last
            bool bBlockVis = false;             // group visible?
            aRowEntry.nSubStartRow = nAboveRows;
            for (SCROW nRow=nAboveRows; nRow<=nEndRow+1 && bSpaceLeft; nRow++)
                bool bChanged;
                if (nRow>nEndRow)
                    bChanged = true;
                    bChanged = false;
                    OUString aString;
                    for (sal_uInt16 i = 0; i <= aRowEntry.nGroupNo && !bChanged; ++i)
                        aString = GetString( nGroupCol[i], nRow );
                        if (bIgnoreCase)
                            aString = ScGlobal::getCharClass().uppercase(aString);
                        //  when sorting, blanks are separate group
                        //  otherwise blank cells are allowed below
                        bChanged = ( ( !aString.isEmpty() || rParam.bDoSort ) &&
                                        aString != aCompString[i] );
                    if ( bChanged && bTestPrevSub )
                        // No group change on rows that will contain subtotal formulas
                        bChanged = std::none_of(aRowVector.begin(), aRowVector.end(),
                            [&nRow](const RowEntry& rEntry) { return rEntry.nDestRow == nRow; });
                if ( bChanged )
                    if (rParam.bSummaryBelow)
                        aRowEntry.nDestRow = nRow;
                        aRowEntry.nFuncStart = aRowEntry.nSubStartRow;
                        aRowEntry.nFuncEnd = nRow - 1;
                        aRowEntry.nDestRow = aRowEntry.nSubStartRow;
                        aRowEntry.nFuncStart = aRowEntry.nSubStartRow + 1;
                        if (nRow != nEndRow + 1)
                            aRowEntry.nFuncEnd = nRow - nLevel;
                            aRowEntry.nFuncEnd = nRow;
                    bSpaceLeft = rDocument.InsertRow( 0, nTab, rDocument.MaxCol(), nTab,
                            aRowEntry.nDestRow, 1 );
                    DBShowRow( aRowEntry.nDestRow, bBlockVis );
                    if ( rParam.bPagebreak && nRow < rDocument.MaxRow() &&
                            aRowEntry.nSubStartRow != nStartRow && nLevel == 0)
                        SetRowBreak(aRowEntry.nSubStartRow, false, true);
                    if (bSpaceLeft)
                        for ( auto& rRowEntry : aRowVector)
                            if ( aRowEntry.nDestRow <= rRowEntry.nSubStartRow )
                            if ( aRowEntry.nDestRow <= rRowEntry.nDestRow )
                            if ( aRowEntry.nDestRow <= rRowEntry.nFuncStart )
                            if ( aRowEntry.nDestRow <= rRowEntry.nFuncEnd )
                        // collect formula positions
                        aRowVector.push_back( aRowEntry );
                        OUString aOutString = aSubString;
                        if (aOutString.isEmpty())
                            aOutString = ScResId( STR_EMPTYDATA );
                        aOutString += " ";
                        TranslateId pStrId = STR_TABLE_ERGEBNIS;
                        if ( nResCount == 1 )
                            pStrId = lcl_GetSubTotalStrId(pResFunc[0]);
                        aOutString += ScResId(pStrId);
                        SetString( nGroupCol[aRowEntry.nGroupNo], aRowEntry.nDestRow, nTab, aOutString );
                        ApplyStyle( nGroupCol[aRowEntry.nGroupNo], aRowEntry.nDestRow, pStyle );
                        aRowEntry.nSubStartRow = nRow;
                        for (sal_uInt16 i = 0; i <= aRowEntry.nGroupNo; ++i)
                            aSubString = GetString( nGroupCol[i], nRow );
                            if ( bIgnoreCase )
                                aCompString[i] = ScGlobal::getCharClass().uppercase( aSubString );
                                aCompString[i] = aSubString;
                bBlockVis = !RowFiltered(nRow);
    if (!aRowVector.empty())
        SCROW nGlobalEndRow = 0;
        SCROW nGlobalEndFunc = 0;
        for (auto& rRowEntry : aRowVector)
            if (!rParam.bSummaryBelow)
                // if we have Global summary above, we need to shift summary rows down
                rRowEntry.nDestRow = rRowEntry.nDestRow + nLevelCount;
                rRowEntry.nFuncEnd = rRowEntry.nFuncEnd + nLevelCount;
                rRowEntry.nFuncStart = rRowEntry.nFuncStart + nLevelCount - rRowEntry.nGroupNo;
                rRowEntry.nSubStartRow = rRowEntry.nSubStartRow + nLevelCount;
            nGlobalEndRow = (nGlobalEndRow < rRowEntry.nDestRow) ? rRowEntry.nDestRow : nGlobalEndRow;
            nGlobalEndFunc = (nGlobalEndFunc < rRowEntry.nFuncEnd) ? rRowEntry.nFuncEnd : nGlobalEndRow;
        // generate global total
        SCROW nGlobalStartRow = aRowVector[0].nSubStartRow;
        SCROW nGlobalStartFunc = aRowVector[0].nFuncStart;
        for (sal_uInt16 nLevel = 0; nLevel<nLevelCount; nLevel++)
            const sal_uInt16 nGroupNo = nLevelCount - nLevel - 1;
            const ScSubTotalFunc* pResFunc = rParam.pFunctions[nGroupNo].get();
            if (!pResFunc)
                // No subtotal function given for this group => no formula or
                // label and do not insert a row.
            if (rParam.bSummaryBelow)
                // increment end row
                // add row entry for formula
                aRowEntry.nGroupNo = nGroupNo;
                aRowEntry.nSubStartRow = nGlobalStartRow;
                aRowEntry.nFuncStart = nGlobalStartFunc;
                aRowEntry.nDestRow = nGlobalEndRow;
                aRowEntry.nFuncEnd = nGlobalEndFunc;
                // increment row
                // if we have Global summary we need to shift summary rows down
                aRowEntry.nGroupNo = nGroupNo;
                aRowEntry.nSubStartRow = nGlobalStartRow - nGroupNo - 1;
                aRowEntry.nFuncStart = nGlobalStartFunc - nGroupNo - 1;
                aRowEntry.nDestRow = nGlobalStartRow - nGroupNo - 1;
                aRowEntry.nFuncEnd = nGlobalEndFunc;
            bSpaceLeft = rDocument.InsertRow(0, nTab, rDocument.MaxCol(), nTab, aRowEntry.nDestRow, 1);
            if (bSpaceLeft)
                DBShowRow(aRowEntry.nDestRow, true);
                // insert label
                OUString label = ScResId(lcl_GetGrandSubTotalStrId(pResFunc[0]));
                SetString(nGroupCol[aRowEntry.nGroupNo], aRowEntry.nDestRow, nTab, label);
                ApplyStyle(nGroupCol[aRowEntry.nGroupNo], aRowEntry.nDestRow, pStyle);
    // now insert the formulas
    ScComplexRefData aRef;
    for (const auto& rRowEntry : aRowVector)
        SCCOL nResCount         = rParam.nSubTotals[rRowEntry.nGroupNo];
        SCCOL* nResCols         = rParam.pSubTotals[rRowEntry.nGroupNo].get();
        ScSubTotalFunc* pResFunc = rParam.pFunctions[rRowEntry.nGroupNo].get();
        for ( SCCOL nResult=0; nResult < nResCount; ++nResult )
            ScTokenArray aArr(rDocument);
            aArr.AddOpCode( ocSubTotal );
            aArr.AddOpCode( ocOpen );
            aArr.AddDouble( static_cast<double>(pResFunc[nResult]) );
            aArr.AddOpCode( ocSep );
            aArr.AddDoubleReference( aRef );
            aArr.AddOpCode( ocClose );
            aArr.AddOpCode( ocStop );
            ScFormulaCell* pCell = new ScFormulaCell(
                rDocument, ScAddress(nResCols[nResult], rRowEntry.nDestRow, nTab), aArr);
            if ( rParam.bIncludePattern )
            SetFormulaCell(nResCols[nResult], rRowEntry.nDestRow, pCell);
            if ( nResCols[nResult] != nGroupCol[rRowEntry.nGroupNo] )
                ApplyStyle( nResCols[nResult], rRowEntry.nDestRow, pStyle );
                lcl_RemoveNumberFormat( this, nResCols[nResult], rRowEntry.nDestRow );
    //TODO: according to setting, shift intermediate-sum rows up?
    //TODO: create Outlines directly?
    if (bSpaceLeft)
        DoAutoOutline( nStartCol, nStartRow, nEndCol, nEndRow );
    rParam.nRow2 = nEndRow;                 // new end
    return bSpaceLeft;
void ScTable::TopTenQuery( ScQueryParam& rParam )
    bool bSortCollatorInitialized = false;
    SCSIZE nEntryCount = rParam.GetEntryCount();
    SCROW nRow1 = (rParam.bHasHeader ? rParam.nRow1 + 1 : rParam.nRow1);
    SCSIZE nCount = static_cast<SCSIZE>(rParam.nRow2 - nRow1 + 1);
    for ( SCSIZE i=0; (i<nEntryCount) && (rParam.GetEntry(i).bDoQuery); i++ )
        ScQueryEntry& rEntry = rParam.GetEntry(i);
        ScQueryEntry::QueryItemsType& rItems = rEntry.GetQueryItems();
        for (ScQueryEntry::Item& rItem : rItems)
            switch (rEntry.eOp)
                case SC_TOPVAL:
                case SC_BOTVAL:
                case SC_TOPPERC:
                case SC_BOTPERC:
                    ScSortParam aLocalSortParam(rParam, static_cast<SCCOL>(rEntry.nField));
                    aSortParam = aLocalSortParam;       // used in CreateSortInfoArray, Compare
                    if (!bSortCollatorInitialized)
                        bSortCollatorInitialized = true;
                    std::unique_ptr<ScSortInfoArray> pArray(CreateSortInfoArray(aSortParam, nRow1, rParam.nRow2, bGlobalKeepQuery, false));
                    DecoladeRow(pArray.get(), nRow1, rParam.nRow2);
                    QuickSort(pArray.get(), nRow1, rParam.nRow2);
                    std::unique_ptr<ScSortInfo[]> const& ppInfo = pArray->GetFirstArray();
                    SCSIZE nValidCount = nCount;
                    // Don't count note or blank cells, they are sorted to the end
                    while (nValidCount > 0 && ppInfo[nValidCount - 1].maCell.isEmpty())
                    // Don't count Strings, they are between Value and blank
                    while (nValidCount > 0 && ppInfo[nValidCount - 1].maCell.hasString())
                    if (nValidCount > 0)
                        if (rItem.meType == ScQueryEntry::ByString)
                        {   // by string ain't going to work
                            rItem.meType = ScQueryEntry::ByValue;
                            rItem.mfVal = 10;   // 10 and 10% respectively
                        SCSIZE nVal = (rItem.mfVal >= 1 ? static_cast<SCSIZE>(rItem.mfVal) : 1);
                        SCSIZE nOffset = 0;
                        switch (rEntry.eOp)
                        case SC_TOPVAL:
                            rEntry.eOp = SC_GREATER_EQUAL;
                            if (nVal > nValidCount)
                                nVal = nValidCount;
                            nOffset = nValidCount - nVal;   // 1 <= nVal <= nValidCount
                        case SC_BOTVAL:
                            rEntry.eOp = SC_LESS_EQUAL;
                            if (nVal > nValidCount)
                                nVal = nValidCount;
                            nOffset = nVal - 1;     // 1 <= nVal <= nValidCount
                        case SC_TOPPERC:
                            rEntry.eOp = SC_GREATER_EQUAL;
                            if (nVal > 100)
                                nVal = 100;
                            nOffset = nValidCount - (nValidCount * nVal / 100);
                            if (nOffset >= nValidCount)
                                nOffset = nValidCount - 1;
                        case SC_BOTPERC:
                            rEntry.eOp = SC_LESS_EQUAL;
                            if (nVal > 100)
                                nVal = 100;
                            nOffset = (nValidCount * nVal / 100);
                            if (nOffset >= nValidCount)
                                nOffset = nValidCount - 1;
                            // added to avoid warnings
                        ScRefCellValue aCell = ppInfo[nOffset].maCell;
                        if (aCell.hasNumeric())
                            rItem.mfVal = aCell.getValue();
                            OSL_FAIL("TopTenQuery: pCell no ValueData");
                            rEntry.eOp = SC_GREATER_EQUAL;
                            rItem.mfVal = 0;
                        rEntry.eOp = SC_GREATER_EQUAL;
                        rItem.meType = ScQueryEntry::ByValue;
                        rItem.mfVal = 0;
                    // added to avoid warnings
    if ( bSortCollatorInitialized )
namespace {
bool CanOptimizeQueryStringToNumber( const SvNumberFormatter* pFormatter, sal_uInt32 nFormatIndex, bool& bDateFormat )
    // tdf#105629: ScQueryEntry::ByValue queries are faster than ScQueryEntry::ByString.
    // The problem with this optimization is that the autofilter dialog apparently converts
    // the value to text and then converts that back to a number for filtering.
    // If that leads to any change of value (such as when time is rounded to seconds),
    // even matching values will be filtered out. Therefore query by value only for formats
    // where no such change should occur.
    if(const SvNumberformat* pEntry = pFormatter->GetEntry(nFormatIndex))
        case SvNumFormatType::NUMBER:
        case SvNumFormatType::FRACTION:
        case SvNumFormatType::SCIENTIFIC:
            return true;
        case SvNumFormatType::DATE:
        case SvNumFormatType::DATETIME:
            bDateFormat = true;
    return false;
class PrepareQueryItem
    const ScDocument& mrDoc;
    const bool mbRoundForFilter;
    explicit PrepareQueryItem(const ScDocument& rDoc, bool bRoundForFilter) :
        mrDoc(rDoc), mbRoundForFilter(bRoundForFilter) {}
    void operator() (ScQueryEntry::Item& rItem)
        rItem.mbRoundForFilter = mbRoundForFilter;
        if (rItem.meType != ScQueryEntry::ByString && rItem.meType != ScQueryEntry::ByDate)
        sal_uInt32 nIndex = 0;
        bool bNumber = mrDoc.GetFormatTable()->
            IsNumberFormat(rItem.maString.getString(), nIndex, rItem.mfVal);
        // Advanced Filter creates only ByString queries that need to be
        // converted to ByValue if appropriate. rItem.mfVal now holds the value
        // if bNumber==true.
        if (rItem.meType == ScQueryEntry::ByString)
            bool bDateFormat = false;
            if (bNumber && CanOptimizeQueryStringToNumber( mrDoc.GetFormatTable(), nIndex, bDateFormat ))
                rItem.meType = ScQueryEntry::ByValue;
            if (!bDateFormat)
        // Double-check if the query by date is really appropriate.
        if (bNumber && ((nIndex % SV_COUNTRY_LANGUAGE_OFFSET) != 0))
            const SvNumberformat* pEntry = mrDoc.GetFormatTable()->GetEntry(nIndex);
            if (pEntry)
                SvNumFormatType nNumFmtType = pEntry->GetType();
                if (!(nNumFmtType & SvNumFormatType::DATE) || (nNumFmtType & SvNumFormatType::TIME))
                    rItem.meType = ScQueryEntry::ByValue;    // not a date only
                    rItem.meType = ScQueryEntry::ByDate;    // date only
                rItem.meType = ScQueryEntry::ByValue;    // what the ... not a date
            rItem.meType = ScQueryEntry::ByValue;    // not a date
void lcl_PrepareQuery( const ScDocument* pDoc, ScTable* pTab, ScQueryParam& rParam, bool bRoundForFilter )
    bool bTopTen = false;
    SCSIZE nEntryCount = rParam.GetEntryCount();
    for ( SCSIZE i = 0; i < nEntryCount; ++i )
        ScQueryEntry& rEntry = rParam.GetEntry(i);
        if (!rEntry.bDoQuery)
        ScQueryEntry::QueryItemsType& rItems = rEntry.GetQueryItems();
        std::for_each(rItems.begin(), rItems.end(), PrepareQueryItem(*pDoc, bRoundForFilter));
        if ( !bTopTen )
            switch ( rEntry.eOp )
                case SC_TOPVAL:
                case SC_BOTVAL:
                case SC_TOPPERC:
                case SC_BOTPERC:
                    bTopTen = true;
    if ( bTopTen )
        pTab->TopTenQuery( rParam );
void ScTable::PrepareQuery( ScQueryParam& rQueryParam )
    lcl_PrepareQuery(&rDocument, this, rQueryParam, false);
SCSIZE ScTable::Query(const ScQueryParam& rParamOrg, bool bKeepSub)
    ScQueryParam    aParam( rParamOrg );
    typedef std::unordered_set<OUString> StrSetType;
    StrSetType aStrSet;
    bool    bStarted = false;
    bool    bOldResult = true;
    SCROW   nOldStart = 0;
    SCROW   nOldEnd = 0;
    SCSIZE nCount   = 0;
    SCROW nOutRow   = 0;
    SCROW nHeader   = aParam.bHasHeader ? 1 : 0;
    lcl_PrepareQuery(&rDocument, this, aParam, true);
    if (!aParam.bInplace)
        nOutRow = aParam.nDestRow + nHeader;
        if (nHeader > 0)
            CopyData( aParam.nCol1, aParam.nRow1, aParam.nCol2, aParam.nRow1,
                            aParam.nDestCol, aParam.nDestRow, aParam.nDestTab );
    sc::TableColumnBlockPositionSet blockPos( GetDoc(), nTab ); // cache mdds access
    ScQueryEvaluator queryEvaluator(GetDoc(), *this, aParam);
    SCROW nRealRow2 = aParam.nRow2;
    for (SCROW j = aParam.nRow1 + nHeader; j <= nRealRow2; ++j)
        bool bResult;                                   // Filter result
        bool bValid = queryEvaluator.ValidQuery(j, nullptr, &blockPos);
        if (!bValid && bKeepSub)                        // Keep subtotals
            for (SCCOL nCol=aParam.nCol1; nCol<=aParam.nCol2 && !bValid; nCol++)
                ScRefCellValue aCell = GetCellValue(nCol, j);
                if (aCell.getType() != CELLTYPE_FORMULA)
                if (!aCell.getFormula()->IsSubTotal())
                if (RefVisible(aCell.getFormula()))
                    bValid = true;
        if (bValid)
            if (aParam.bDuplicate)
                bResult = true;
                OUStringBuffer aStr;
                for (SCCOL k=aParam.nCol1; k <= aParam.nCol2; k++)
                    OUString aCellStr = GetString(k, j);
                    aStr.append(aCellStr + u"\x0001");
                bResult = aStrSet.insert(aStr.makeStringAndClear()).second; // unique if inserted.
            bResult = false;
        if (aParam.bInplace)
            if (bResult == bOldResult && bStarted)
                nOldEnd = j;
                if (bStarted)
                    DBShowRows(nOldStart,nOldEnd, bOldResult);
                nOldStart = nOldEnd = j;
                bOldResult = bResult;
            bStarted = true;
            if (bResult)
                CopyData( aParam.nCol1,j, aParam.nCol2,j, aParam.nDestCol,nOutRow,aParam.nDestTab );
                if( nTab == aParam.nDestTab ) // copy to self, changes may invalidate caching position hints
        if (bResult)
    if (aParam.bInplace && bStarted)
        DBShowRows(nOldStart,nOldEnd, bOldResult);
    if (aParam.bInplace)
    return nCount;
bool ScTable::CreateExcelQuery(SCCOL nCol1, SCROW nRow1, SCCOL nCol2, SCROW nRow2, ScQueryParam& rQueryParam)
    bool    bValid = true;
    std::unique_ptr<SCCOL[]> pFields(new SCCOL[nCol2-nCol1+1]);
    OUString  aCellStr;
    SCCOL   nCol = nCol1;
    OSL_ENSURE( rQueryParam.nTab != SCTAB_MAX, "rQueryParam.nTab no value, not bad but no good" );
    SCTAB   nDBTab = (rQueryParam.nTab == SCTAB_MAX ? nTab : rQueryParam.nTab);
    SCROW   nDBRow1 = rQueryParam.nRow1;
    SCCOL   nDBCol2 = rQueryParam.nCol2;
    // First row must be column headers
    while (bValid && (nCol <= nCol2))
        OUString aQueryStr = GetUpperCellString(nCol, nRow1);
        bool bFound = false;
        SCCOL i = rQueryParam.nCol1;
        while (!bFound && (i <= nDBCol2))
            if ( nTab == nDBTab )
                aCellStr = GetUpperCellString(i, nDBRow1);
                aCellStr = rDocument.GetUpperCellString(i, nDBRow1, nDBTab);
            bFound = (aCellStr == aQueryStr);
            if (!bFound) i++;
        if (bFound)
            pFields[nCol - nCol1] = i;
            bValid = false;
    if (bValid)
        SCSIZE nVisible = 0;
        for ( nCol=nCol1; nCol<=ClampToAllocatedColumns(nCol2); nCol++ )
            nVisible += aCol[nCol].VisibleCount( nRow1+1, nRow2 );
        if ( nVisible > SCSIZE_MAX / sizeof(void*) )
            OSL_FAIL("too many filter criteria");
            nVisible = 0;
        SCSIZE nNewEntries = nVisible;
        rQueryParam.Resize( nNewEntries );
        SCSIZE nIndex = 0;
        SCROW nRow = nRow1 + 1;
        svl::SharedStringPool& rPool = rDocument.GetSharedStringPool();
        while (nRow <= nRow2)
            nCol = nCol1;
            while (nCol <= nCol2)
                aCellStr = GetInputString( nCol, nRow );
                if (!aCellStr.isEmpty())
                    if (nIndex < nNewEntries)
                        rQueryParam.GetEntry(nIndex).nField = pFields[nCol - nCol1];
                        rQueryParam.FillInExcelSyntax(rPool, aCellStr, nIndex, nullptr);
                        if (nIndex < nNewEntries)
                            rQueryParam.GetEntry(nIndex).eConnect = SC_AND;
                        bValid = false;
            if (nIndex < nNewEntries)
                rQueryParam.GetEntry(nIndex).eConnect = SC_OR;
    return bValid;
bool ScTable::CreateStarQuery(SCCOL nCol1, SCROW nRow1, SCCOL nCol2, SCROW nRow2, ScQueryParam& rQueryParam)
    // A valid StarQuery must be at least 4 columns wide. To be precise it
    // should be exactly 4 columns ...
    // Additionally, if this wasn't checked, a formula pointing to a valid 1-3
    // column Excel style query range immediately left to itself would result
    // in a circular reference when the field name or operator or value (first
    // to third query range column) is obtained (#i58354#). Furthermore, if the
    // range wasn't sufficiently specified data changes wouldn't flag formula
    // cells for recalculation.
    if (nCol2 - nCol1 < 3)
        return false;
    bool bValid;
    OUString aCellStr;
    SCSIZE nIndex = 0;
    SCROW nRow = nRow1;
    OSL_ENSURE( rQueryParam.nTab != SCTAB_MAX, "rQueryParam.nTab no value, not bad but no good" );
    SCTAB   nDBTab = (rQueryParam.nTab == SCTAB_MAX ? nTab : rQueryParam.nTab);
    SCROW   nDBRow1 = rQueryParam.nRow1;
    SCCOL   nDBCol2 = rQueryParam.nCol2;
    SCSIZE nNewEntries = static_cast<SCSIZE>(nRow2-nRow1+1);
    rQueryParam.Resize( nNewEntries );
    svl::SharedStringPool& rPool = rDocument.GetSharedStringPool();
        ScQueryEntry& rEntry = rQueryParam.GetEntry(nIndex);
        bValid = false;
        // First column AND/OR
        if (nIndex > 0)
            aCellStr = GetUpperCellString(nCol1, nRow);
            if ( aCellStr == ScResId(STR_TABLE_AND) )
                rEntry.eConnect = SC_AND;
                bValid = true;
            else if ( aCellStr == ScResId(STR_TABLE_OR) )
                rEntry.eConnect = SC_OR;
                bValid = true;
        // Second column field name
        if ((nIndex < 1) || bValid)
            bool bFound = false;
            aCellStr = GetUpperCellString(nCol1 + 1, nRow);
            for (SCCOL i=rQueryParam.nCol1; (i <= nDBCol2) && (!bFound); i++)
                OUString aFieldStr;
                if ( nTab == nDBTab )
                    aFieldStr = GetUpperCellString(i, nDBRow1);
                    aFieldStr = rDocument.GetUpperCellString(i, nDBRow1, nDBTab);
                bFound = (aCellStr == aFieldStr);
                if (bFound)
                    rEntry.nField = i;
                    bValid = true;
                    bValid = false;
        // Third column operator =<>...
        if (bValid)
            aCellStr = GetUpperCellString(nCol1 + 2, nRow);
            if (aCellStr.startsWith("<"))
                if (aCellStr[1] == '>')
                    rEntry.eOp = SC_NOT_EQUAL;
                else if (aCellStr[1] == '=')
                    rEntry.eOp = SC_LESS_EQUAL;
                    rEntry.eOp = SC_LESS;
            else if (aCellStr.startsWith(">"))
                if (aCellStr[1] == '=')
                    rEntry.eOp = SC_GREATER_EQUAL;
                    rEntry.eOp = SC_GREATER;
            else if (aCellStr.startsWith("="))
                rEntry.eOp = SC_EQUAL;
        // Fourth column values
        if (bValid)
            OUString aStr = GetString(nCol1 + 3, nRow);
            rEntry.GetQueryItem().maString = rPool.intern(aStr);
            rEntry.bDoQuery = true;
    while (bValid && (nRow <= nRow2) /* && (nIndex < MAXQUERY) */ );
    return bValid;
bool ScTable::CreateQueryParam(SCCOL nCol1, SCROW nRow1, SCCOL nCol2, SCROW nRow2, ScQueryParam& rQueryParam)
    SCSIZE i, nCount;
    PutInOrder(nCol1, nCol2);
    PutInOrder(nRow1, nRow2);
    nCount = rQueryParam.GetEntryCount();
    for (i=0; i < nCount; i++)
    // Standard query table
    bool bValid = CreateStarQuery(nCol1, nRow1, nCol2, nRow2, rQueryParam);
    // Excel Query table
    if (!bValid)
        bValid = CreateExcelQuery(nCol1, nRow1, nCol2, nRow2, rQueryParam);
    SvNumberFormatter* pFormatter = rDocument.GetFormatTable();
    nCount = rQueryParam.GetEntryCount();
    if (bValid)
        //  query type must be set
        for (i=0; i < nCount; i++)
            ScQueryEntry::Item& rItem = rQueryParam.GetEntry(i).GetQueryItem();
            sal_uInt32 nIndex = 0;
            bool bNumber = pFormatter->IsNumberFormat(
                rItem.maString.getString(), nIndex, rItem.mfVal);
            bool bDateFormat = false;
            rItem.meType = bNumber && CanOptimizeQueryStringToNumber( pFormatter, nIndex, bDateFormat )
                ? ScQueryEntry::ByValue : (bDateFormat ? ScQueryEntry::ByDate : ScQueryEntry::ByString);
        for (i=0; i < nCount; i++)
    return bValid;
bool ScTable::HasColHeader( SCCOL nStartCol, SCROW nStartRow, SCCOL nEndCol, SCROW nEndRow) const
    if (nStartRow == nEndRow)
        // Assume only data.
        /* XXX NOTE: previous behavior still checked this one row and could
         * evaluate it has header row, but that doesn't make much sense. */
        return false;
    for (SCCOL nCol=nStartCol; nCol<=nEndCol; nCol++)
        CellType eType = GetCellType( nCol, nStartRow );
        // Any non-text cell in first row => not headers.
        if (eType != CELLTYPE_STRING && eType != CELLTYPE_EDIT)
            return false;
    // First row all text cells, any non-text cell in second row => headers.
    SCROW nTestRow = nStartRow + 1;
    for (SCCOL nCol=nStartCol; nCol<=nEndCol; nCol++)
        CellType eType = GetCellType( nCol, nTestRow );
        if (eType != CELLTYPE_STRING && eType != CELLTYPE_EDIT)
            return true;
    // Also second row all text cells => first row not headers.
    return false;
bool ScTable::HasRowHeader( SCCOL nStartCol, SCROW nStartRow, SCCOL nEndCol, SCROW nEndRow ) const
    if (nStartCol == nEndCol)
        // Assume only data.
        /* XXX NOTE: previous behavior still checked this one column and could
         * evaluate it has header column, but that doesn't make much sense. */
        return false;
    for (SCROW nRow=nStartRow; nRow<=nEndRow; nRow++)
        CellType eType = GetCellType( nStartCol, nRow );
        // Any non-text cell in first column => not headers.
        if (eType != CELLTYPE_STRING && eType != CELLTYPE_EDIT)
            return false;
    // First column all text cells, any non-text cell in second column => headers.
    SCCOL nTestCol = nStartCol + 1;
    for (SCROW nRow=nStartRow; nRow<=nEndRow; nRow++)
        CellType eType = GetCellType( nRow, nTestCol );
        if (eType != CELLTYPE_STRING && eType != CELLTYPE_EDIT)
            return true;
    // Also second column all text cells => first column not headers.
    return false;
void ScTable::GetFilterEntries( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow1, SCROW nRow2, ScFilterEntries& rFilterEntries, bool bFiltering )
    if (nCol >= aCol.size())
    sc::ColumnBlockConstPosition aBlockPos;
    aCol[nCol].GetFilterEntries(aBlockPos, nRow1, nRow2, rFilterEntries, bFiltering, false /*bFilteredRow*/);
    SCROW nLastRow = aBlockPos.miCellPos->position;
    if (nLastRow < nRow2)
        aCol[nCol].GetBackColorFilterEntries(nLastRow, nRow2, rFilterEntries);
void ScTable::GetFilteredFilterEntries(
    SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow1, SCROW nRow2, const ScQueryParam& rParam, ScFilterEntries& rFilterEntries, bool bFiltering )
    if (nCol >= aCol.size())
    sc::ColumnBlockConstPosition aBlockPos;
    // remove the entry for this column from the query parameter
    ScQueryParam aParam( rParam );
    lcl_PrepareQuery(&rDocument, this, aParam, true);
    ScQueryEvaluator queryEvaluator(GetDoc(), *this, aParam);
    for ( SCROW j = nRow1; j <= nRow2; ++j )
        if (queryEvaluator.ValidQuery(j))
            aCol[nCol].GetFilterEntries(aBlockPos, j, j, rFilterEntries, bFiltering, false/*bFilteredRow*/);
            aCol[nCol].GetFilterEntries(aBlockPos, j, j, rFilterEntries, bFiltering, true/*bFilteredRow*/);
bool ScTable::GetDataEntries(SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, std::set<ScTypedStrData>& rStrings)
    if (!ValidCol(nCol) || nCol >= GetAllocatedColumnsCount())
        return false;
    return aCol[nCol].GetDataEntries( nRow, rStrings);
sal_uInt64 ScTable::GetCellCount() const
    sal_uInt64 nCellCount = 0;
    for ( SCCOL nCol=0; nCol < aCol.size(); nCol++ )
        nCellCount += aCol[nCol].GetCellCount();
    return nCellCount;
sal_uInt64 ScTable::GetWeightedCount() const
    sal_uInt64 nCellCount = 0;
    for ( SCCOL nCol=0; nCol < aCol.size(); nCol++ )
        nCellCount += aCol[nCol].GetWeightedCount();
    return nCellCount;
sal_uInt64 ScTable::GetWeightedCount(SCROW nStartRow, SCROW nEndRow) const
    sal_uInt64 nCellCount = 0;
    for ( SCCOL nCol=0; nCol < aCol.size(); nCol++ )
        nCellCount += aCol[nCol].GetWeightedCount(nStartRow, nEndRow);
    return nCellCount;
sal_uInt64 ScTable::GetCodeCount() const
    sal_uInt64 nCodeCount = 0;
    for ( SCCOL nCol=0; nCol < aCol.size(); nCol++ )
        if ( aCol[nCol].GetCellCount() )
            nCodeCount += aCol[nCol].GetCodeCount();
    return nCodeCount;
sal_Int32 ScTable::GetMaxStringLen( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRowStart,
        SCROW nRowEnd, rtl_TextEncoding eCharSet ) const
    if ( IsColValid( nCol ) )
        return aCol[nCol].GetMaxStringLen( nRowStart, nRowEnd, eCharSet );
        return 0;
sal_Int32 ScTable::GetMaxNumberStringLen(
    sal_uInt16& nPrecision, SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRowStart, SCROW nRowEnd ) const
    if ( IsColValid( nCol ) )
        return aCol[nCol].GetMaxNumberStringLen( nPrecision, nRowStart, nRowEnd );
        return 0;
void ScTable::UpdateSelectionFunction( ScFunctionData& rData, const ScMarkData& rMark )
    ScRangeList aRanges = rMark.GetMarkedRangesForTab( nTab );
    ScRange aMarkArea( ScAddress::UNINITIALIZED );
    if (rMark.IsMultiMarked())
        aMarkArea = rMark.GetMultiMarkArea();
    else if (rMark.IsMarked())
        aMarkArea = rMark.GetMarkArea();
        assert(!"ScTable::UpdateSelectionFunction - called without anything marked");
    const SCCOL nStartCol = aMarkArea.aStart.Col();
    const SCCOL nEndCol = ClampToAllocatedColumns(aMarkArea.aEnd.Col());
    for (SCCOL nCol = nStartCol; nCol <= nEndCol && !rData.getError(); ++nCol)
        if (mpColFlags && ColHidden(nCol))
        aCol[nCol].UpdateSelectionFunction(aRanges, rData, *mpHiddenRows);
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V1028 Possible overflow. Consider casting operands of the 'nRow2 - nRow1 + 1' operator to the 'size_t' type, not the result.

V1028 Possible overflow. Consider casting operands, not the result.

V1028 Possible overflow. Consider casting operands, not the result.

V547 Expression is always false.

V581 The conditional expressions of the 'if' statements situated alongside each other are identical. Check lines: 2795, 2819.

V778 Two similar code fragments were found. Perhaps, this is a typo and 'nFuncStart' variable should be used instead of 'nDestRow'.

V778 Two similar code fragments were found. Perhaps, this is a typo and 'nFuncEnd' variable should be used instead of 'nDestRow'.