/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <unotools/textsearch.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/util/SearchResult.hpp>
#include <svl/srchitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/editobj.hxx>
#include <osl/diagnose.h>
#include <sal/log.hxx>
#include <table.hxx>
#include <formulacell.hxx>
#include <document.hxx>
#include <stlpool.hxx>
#include <stlsheet.hxx>
#include <markdata.hxx>
#include <editutil.hxx>
#include <postit.hxx>
namespace {
void lcl_GetTextWithBreaks( const EditTextObject& rData, ScDocument* pDoc, OUString& rVal )
    EditEngine& rEngine = pDoc->GetEditEngine();
    rVal = rEngine.GetText();
bool ScTable::SearchCell(const SvxSearchItem& rSearchItem, SCCOL nCol, sc::ColumnBlockConstPosition& rBlockPos, SCROW nRow,
                         const ScMarkData& rMark, OUString& rUndoStr, ScDocument* pUndoDoc)
    if ( !IsColRowValid( nCol, nRow ) )
        return false;
    bool    bFound = false;
    bool    bDoSearch = true;
    bool    bDoBack = rSearchItem.GetBackward();
    bool    bSearchFormatted = rSearchItem.IsSearchFormatted();
    OUString  aString;
    ScRefCellValue aCell;
    if (rSearchItem.GetSelection())
        bDoSearch = rMark.IsCellMarked(nCol, nRow);
    if (!bDoSearch)
        return false;
    ScPostIt* pNote;
    if (rSearchItem.GetCellType() == SvxSearchCellType::NOTE)
        pNote = aCol[nCol].GetCellNote(rBlockPos, nRow);
        if (!pNote)
            return false;
        aCell = aCol[nCol].GetCellValue(rBlockPos, nRow);
        if (aCell.isEmpty())
            return false;
        pNote = nullptr;
    CellType eCellType = aCell.getType();
    switch (rSearchItem.GetCellType())
        case SvxSearchCellType::FORMULA:
            if ( eCellType == CELLTYPE_FORMULA )
                aString = aCell.getFormula()->GetFormula(rDocument.GetGrammar());
            else if ( eCellType == CELLTYPE_EDIT )
                lcl_GetTextWithBreaks(*aCell.getEditText(), &rDocument, aString);
                if( !bSearchFormatted )
                    aString = aCol[nCol].GetInputString( rBlockPos, nRow );
                    aString = aCol[nCol].GetString( rBlockPos, nRow );
        case SvxSearchCellType::VALUE:
            if ( eCellType == CELLTYPE_EDIT )
                lcl_GetTextWithBreaks(*aCell.getEditText(), &rDocument, aString);
                if( !bSearchFormatted )
                    aString = aCol[nCol].GetInputString( rBlockPos, nRow );
                    aString = aCol[nCol].GetString( rBlockPos, nRow );
        case SvxSearchCellType::NOTE:
            if (pNote)
                aString = pNote->GetText();
    sal_Int32 nStart = 0;
    sal_Int32 nEnd = aString.getLength();
    css::util::SearchResult aSearchResult;
    if (pSearchText)
        if ( bDoBack )
            sal_Int32 nTemp=nStart; nStart=nEnd; nEnd=nTemp;
            bFound = pSearchText->SearchBackward(aString, &nStart, &nEnd, &aSearchResult);
            // change results to definition before 614:
            bFound = pSearchText->SearchForward(aString, &nStart, &nEnd, &aSearchResult);
            // change results to definition before 614:
        if (bFound && rSearchItem.GetWordOnly())
            bFound = (nStart == 0 && nEnd == aString.getLength() - 1);
        OSL_FAIL("pSearchText == NULL");
        return bFound;
    if (!bFound)
        return false;
    if ( rSearchItem.GetCommand() != SvxSearchCmd::REPLACE
         && rSearchItem.GetCommand() != SvxSearchCmd::REPLACE_ALL )
        return bFound;
    if (!IsBlockEditable(nCol, nRow, nCol, nRow))
        return bFound;
    ScMatrixMode cMatrixFlag = ScMatrixMode::NONE;
    // Don't split the matrix, only replace Matrix formulas
    if (eCellType == CELLTYPE_FORMULA)
        cMatrixFlag = aCell.getFormula()->GetMatrixFlag();
        if(cMatrixFlag == ScMatrixMode::Reference)
            return bFound;
    // No UndoDoc => Matrix not restorable => don't replace
    if (cMatrixFlag != ScMatrixMode::NONE && !pUndoDoc)
        return bFound;
    if ( cMatrixFlag == ScMatrixMode::NONE && rSearchItem.GetCommand() == SvxSearchCmd::REPLACE )
        rUndoStr = aString;
    else if (pUndoDoc)
        ScAddress aAdr( nCol, nRow, nTab );
        aCell.commit(*pUndoDoc, aAdr);
    bool bRepeat = !rSearchItem.GetWordOnly();
        //  don't continue search if the found text is empty,
        //  otherwise it would never stop (#35410#)
        if ( nEnd < nStart )
            bRepeat = false;
        OUString sReplStr = rSearchItem.GetReplaceString();
        if (rSearchItem.GetRegExp())
            utl::TextSearch::ReplaceBackReferences( sReplStr, aString, aSearchResult );
            OUStringBuffer aStrBuffer(aString);
            aStrBuffer.remove(nStart, nEnd-nStart+1);
            aStrBuffer.insert(nStart, sReplStr);
            aString = aStrBuffer.makeStringAndClear();
            OUStringBuffer aStrBuffer(aString);
            aStrBuffer.remove(nStart, nEnd-nStart+1);
            aStrBuffer.insert(nStart, rSearchItem.GetReplaceString());
            aString = aStrBuffer.makeStringAndClear();
        //  Adjust index
        if (bDoBack)
            nEnd = nStart;
            nStart = 0;
            nStart = nStart + sReplStr.getLength();
            nEnd = aString.getLength();
        //  continue search ?
        if (bRepeat)
            if ( rSearchItem.GetCommand() != SvxSearchCmd::REPLACE_ALL || nStart >= nEnd )
                bRepeat = false;
            else if (bDoBack)
                sal_Int32 nTemp=nStart; nStart=nEnd; nEnd=nTemp;
                bRepeat = pSearchText->SearchBackward(aString, &nStart, &nEnd, &aSearchResult);
                // change results to definition before 614:
                bRepeat = pSearchText->SearchForward(aString, &nStart, &nEnd, &aSearchResult);
                // change results to definition before 614:
    while (bRepeat);
    if (rSearchItem.GetCellType() == SvxSearchCellType::NOTE)
        // NB: rich text format is lost.
        // This is also true of Cells.
        if (pNote)
            pNote->SetText( ScAddress( nCol, nRow, nTab ), aString );
    else if ( cMatrixFlag != ScMatrixMode::NONE )
    {   // don't split Matrix
        if ( aString.getLength() > 2 )
        {   // remove {} here so that "{=" can be replaced by "{=..."
            if ( aString[ aString.getLength()-1 ] == '}' )
                aString = aString.copy( 0, aString.getLength()-1 );
            if ( aString[0] == '{' )
                aString = aString.copy( 1 );
        ScAddress aAdr( nCol, nRow, nTab );
        ScFormulaCell* pFCell = new ScFormulaCell( rDocument, aAdr,
            aString, rDocument.GetGrammar(), cMatrixFlag );
        SCCOL nMatCols;
        SCROW nMatRows;
        aCell.getFormula()->GetMatColsRows(nMatCols, nMatRows);
        pFCell->SetMatColsRows( nMatCols, nMatRows );
        aCol[nCol].SetFormulaCell(nRow, pFCell);
    else if (eCellType != CELLTYPE_FORMULA && aString.indexOf('\n') != -1)
        ScFieldEditEngine& rEngine = rDocument.GetEditEngine();
        SetEditText(nCol, nRow, rEngine.CreateTextObject());
        aCol[nCol].SetString(nRow, nTab, aString, rDocument.GetAddressConvention());
    // pCell is invalid now (deleted)
    aCol[nCol].InitBlockPosition( rBlockPos ); // invalidate also the cached position
    return bFound;
void ScTable::SkipFilteredRows(SCROW& rRow, SCROW& rLastNonFilteredRow, bool bForward)
    if (bForward)
        // forward search
        if (rRow <= rLastNonFilteredRow)
        SCROW nLastRow = rRow;
        if (RowFiltered(rRow, nullptr, &nLastRow))
            // move to the first non-filtered row.
            rRow = nLastRow + 1;
            // record the last non-filtered row to avoid checking
            // the filtered state for each and every row.
            rLastNonFilteredRow = nLastRow;
        // backward search
        if (rRow >= rLastNonFilteredRow)
        SCROW nFirstRow = rRow;
        if (RowFiltered(rRow, &nFirstRow))
            // move to the first non-filtered row.
            rRow = nFirstRow - 1;
            // record the last non-filtered row to avoid checking
            // the filtered state for each and every row.
            rLastNonFilteredRow = nFirstRow;
bool ScTable::Search(const SvxSearchItem& rSearchItem, SCCOL& rCol, SCROW& rRow,
                     const ScMarkData& rMark, OUString& rUndoStr, ScDocument* pUndoDoc)
    SCCOL nLastCol;
    SCROW nLastRow;
    if (rSearchItem.GetCellType() == SvxSearchCellType::NOTE)
        GetCellArea( nLastCol, nLastRow);
        GetLastDataPos(nLastCol, nLastRow);
    std::vector< sc::ColumnBlockConstPosition > blockPos;
    return Search(rSearchItem, rCol, rRow, nLastCol, nLastRow, rMark, rUndoStr, pUndoDoc, blockPos);
bool ScTable::Search(const SvxSearchItem& rSearchItem, SCCOL& rCol, SCROW& rRow,
                     SCCOL nLastCol, SCROW nLastRow,
                     const ScMarkData& rMark, OUString& rUndoStr, ScDocument* pUndoDoc,
                     std::vector< sc::ColumnBlockConstPosition >& blockPos)
    bool bFound = false;
    bool bAll =  (rSearchItem.GetCommand() == SvxSearchCmd::FIND_ALL)
               ||(rSearchItem.GetCommand() == SvxSearchCmd::REPLACE_ALL);
    SCCOL nCol = rCol;
    SCROW nRow = rRow;
    bool bSkipFiltered = !rSearchItem.IsSearchFiltered();
    bool bSearchNotes = (rSearchItem.GetCellType() == SvxSearchCellType::NOTE);
    // We need to cache sc::ColumnBlockConstPosition per each column.
    if (static_cast<SCCOL>(blockPos.size()) != nLastCol + 1)
        blockPos.resize( nLastCol + 1 );
        for( SCCOL i = 0; i <= nLastCol; ++i )
            aCol[ i ].InitBlockPosition( blockPos[ i ] );
    if (!bAll && rSearchItem.GetBackward())
        SCROW nLastNonFilteredRow = rDocument.MaxRow() + 1;
        if (rSearchItem.GetRowDirection())
            nCol = std::min(nCol, nLastCol);
            nRow = std::min(nRow, nLastRow);
            while (!bFound && (nRow >= 0))
                if (bSkipFiltered)
                    SkipFilteredRows(nRow, nLastNonFilteredRow, false);
                while (!bFound && (nCol >= 0))
                    bFound = SearchCell(rSearchItem, nCol, blockPos[ nCol ], nRow,
                                        rMark, rUndoStr, pUndoDoc);
                    if (!bFound)
                        bool bIsEmpty;
                            if (nCol >= 0)
                                if (bSearchNotes)
                                    bIsEmpty = !aCol[nCol].HasCellNotes();
                                    bIsEmpty = aCol[nCol].IsEmptyData();
                                bIsEmpty = true;
                        while ((nCol >= 0) && bIsEmpty);
                if (!bFound)
                    nCol = nLastCol;
            nCol = std::min(nCol, nLastCol);
            nRow = std::min(nRow, nLastRow);
            while (!bFound && (nCol >= 0))
                while (!bFound && (nRow >= 0))
                    if (bSkipFiltered)
                        SkipFilteredRows(nRow, nLastNonFilteredRow, false);
                    bFound = SearchCell(rSearchItem, nCol, blockPos[ nCol ],
                                        nRow, rMark, rUndoStr, pUndoDoc);
                    if (!bFound)
                        if (bSearchNotes)
                            /* TODO: can we look for the previous cell note instead? */
                            if (!aCol[nCol].GetPrevDataPos(nRow))
                                nRow = -1;
                if (!bFound)
                    // Not found in this column.  Move to the next column.
                    bool bIsEmpty;
                    nRow = nLastRow;
                    nLastNonFilteredRow = rDocument.MaxRow() + 1;
                        if (nCol >= 0)
                            if (bSearchNotes)
                                bIsEmpty = !aCol[nCol].HasCellNotes();
                                bIsEmpty = aCol[nCol].IsEmptyData();
                            bIsEmpty = true;
                    while ((nCol >= 0) && bIsEmpty);
        SCROW nLastNonFilteredRow = -1;
        if (rSearchItem.GetRowDirection())
            while (!bFound && (nRow <= nLastRow))
                if (bSkipFiltered)
                    SkipFilteredRows(nRow, nLastNonFilteredRow, true);
                while (!bFound && (nCol <= nLastCol))
                    bFound = SearchCell(rSearchItem, nCol, blockPos[ nCol ],
                                        nRow, rMark, rUndoStr, pUndoDoc);
                    if (!bFound)
                        while ((nCol <= nLastCol) &&
                                (bSearchNotes ? !aCol[nCol].HasCellNotes() : aCol[nCol].IsEmptyData()))
                if (!bFound)
                    nCol = 0;
            while (!bFound && (nCol <= nLastCol))
                while (!bFound && (nRow <= nLastRow))
                    if (bSkipFiltered)
                        SkipFilteredRows(nRow, nLastNonFilteredRow, true);
                    // GetSearchAndReplaceStart sets a nCol of -1 for
                    // ColDirection() only if rSearchItem.GetPattern() is true,
                    // so a negative column shouldn't be possible here.
                    assert(nCol >= 0 && "negative nCol for ColDirection");
                    bFound = SearchCell(rSearchItem, nCol, blockPos[ nCol ],
                                        nRow, rMark, rUndoStr, pUndoDoc);
                    if (!bFound)
                        if (bSearchNotes)
                            /* TODO: can we look for the next cell note instead? */
                            if (!aCol[nCol].GetNextDataPos(nRow))
                                nRow = rDocument.MaxRow() + 1;
                if (!bFound)
                    // Not found in this column.  Move to the next column.
                    nRow = 0;
                    nLastNonFilteredRow = -1;
                    while ((nCol <= nLastCol) &&
                            (bSearchNotes ? !aCol[nCol].HasCellNotes() : aCol[nCol].IsEmptyData()))
    if (bFound)
        rCol = nCol;
        rRow = nRow;
    return bFound;
bool ScTable::SearchAll(const SvxSearchItem& rSearchItem, const ScMarkData& rMark,
                        ScRangeList& rMatchedRanges, OUString& rUndoStr, ScDocument* pUndoDoc)
    bool bFound = true;
    SCCOL nCol = 0;
    SCROW nRow = -1;
    bool bEverFound = false;
    SCCOL nLastCol;
    SCROW nLastRow;
    if (rSearchItem.GetCellType() == SvxSearchCellType::NOTE)
        GetCellArea( nLastCol, nLastRow);
        GetLastDataPos(nLastCol, nLastRow);
    std::vector< sc::ColumnBlockConstPosition > blockPos;
        bFound = Search(rSearchItem, nCol, nRow, nLastCol, nLastRow, rMark, rUndoStr, pUndoDoc, blockPos);
        if (bFound)
            bEverFound = true;
            rMatchedRanges.Join(ScRange(nCol, nRow, nTab));
    while (bFound);
    return bEverFound;
void ScTable::UpdateSearchItemAddressForReplace( const SvxSearchItem& rSearchItem, SCCOL& rCol, SCROW& rRow )
    if (rSearchItem.GetBackward())
        if (rSearchItem.GetRowDirection())
            rCol += 1;
            rRow += 1;
        if (rSearchItem.GetRowDirection())
            rCol -= 1;
            rRow -= 1;
bool ScTable::Replace(const SvxSearchItem& rSearchItem, SCCOL& rCol, SCROW& rRow,
                      const ScMarkData& rMark, OUString& rUndoStr, ScDocument* pUndoDoc)
    SCCOL nCol = rCol;
    SCROW nRow = rRow;
    UpdateSearchItemAddressForReplace( rSearchItem, nCol, nRow );
    bool bFound = Search(rSearchItem, nCol, nRow, rMark, rUndoStr, pUndoDoc);
    if (bFound)
        rCol = nCol;
        rRow = nRow;
    return bFound;
bool ScTable::ReplaceAll(
    const SvxSearchItem& rSearchItem, const ScMarkData& rMark, ScRangeList& rMatchedRanges,
    OUString& rUndoStr, ScDocument* pUndoDoc, bool& bMatchedRangesWereClamped)
    SCCOL nCol = 0;
    SCROW nRow = -1;
    SCCOL nLastCol;
    SCROW nLastRow;
    if (rSearchItem.GetCellType() == SvxSearchCellType::NOTE)
        GetCellArea( nLastCol, nLastRow);
        GetLastDataPos(nLastCol, nLastRow);
    // tdf#92160 - columnar replace is faster, and more memory efficient.
    SvxSearchItem aCopyItem(rSearchItem);
    std::vector< sc::ColumnBlockConstPosition > blockPos;
    bool bEverFound = false;
    while (true)
        bool bFound = Search(aCopyItem, nCol, nRow, nLastCol, nLastRow, rMark, rUndoStr, pUndoDoc, blockPos);
        if (bFound)
            bEverFound = true;
            // The combination of this loop and the Join() algorithm is O(n^2),
            // so just give up if the list gets too big.
            if (rMatchedRanges.size() < 1000)
                rMatchedRanges.Join(ScRange(nCol, nRow, nTab));
                bMatchedRangesWereClamped = true;
    return bEverFound;
bool ScTable::SearchStyle(const SvxSearchItem& rSearchItem, SCCOL& rCol, SCROW& rRow,
                          const ScMarkData& rMark)
    const ScStyleSheet* pSearchStyle = static_cast<const ScStyleSheet*>(
                                        rSearchItem.GetSearchString(), SfxStyleFamily::Para ));
    SCCOL nCol = rCol;
    SCROW nRow = rRow;
    bool bFound = false;
    bool bSelect = rSearchItem.GetSelection();
    bool bRows = rSearchItem.GetRowDirection();
    bool bBack = rSearchItem.GetBackward();
    short nAdd = bBack ? -1 : 1;
    if (bRows)                                      // by row
        if ( !IsColValid( nCol ) )
            SAL_WARN( "sc.core", "SearchStyle: bad column " << nCol);
            return false;
        nRow += nAdd;
            SCROW nNextRow = aCol[nCol].SearchStyle( nRow, pSearchStyle, bBack, bSelect, rMark );
            if (!ValidRow(nNextRow))
                nRow = bBack ? rDocument.MaxRow() : 0;
                nCol = sal::static_int_cast<SCCOL>( nCol + nAdd );
                nRow = nNextRow;
                bFound = true;
        while ( !bFound && IsColValid( nCol ) );
    else                                    // by column
        SCCOL aColSize = aCol.size();
        std::vector< SCROW > nNextRows ( aColSize );
        SCCOL i;
        for (i=0; i < aColSize; ++i)
            SCROW nSRow = nRow;
            if (bBack)
                if (i>=nCol) --nSRow;
                if (i<=nCol) ++nSRow;
            nNextRows[i] = aCol[i].SearchStyle( nSRow, pSearchStyle, bBack, bSelect, rMark );
        if (bBack)                          // backwards
            nRow = -1;
            for (i = aColSize - 1; i>=0; --i)
                if (nNextRows[i]>nRow)
                    nCol = i;
                    nRow = nNextRows[i];
                    bFound = true;
        else                                // forwards
            nRow = rDocument.MaxRow()+1;
            for (i=0; i < aColSize; ++i)
                if (nNextRows[i]<nRow)
                    nCol = i;
                    nRow = nNextRows[i];
                    bFound = true;
    if (bFound)
        rCol = nCol;
        rRow = nRow;
    return bFound;
//TODO: return single Pattern for Undo
bool ScTable::ReplaceStyle(const SvxSearchItem& rSearchItem, SCCOL& rCol, SCROW& rRow,
                           const ScMarkData& rMark, bool bIsUndo)
    bool bRet;
    if (bIsUndo)
        bRet = true;
        bRet = SearchStyle(rSearchItem, rCol, rRow, rMark);
    if (bRet)
        const ScStyleSheet* pReplaceStyle = static_cast<const ScStyleSheet*>(
                                        rSearchItem.GetReplaceString(), SfxStyleFamily::Para ));
        if (pReplaceStyle)
            ApplyStyle( rCol, rRow, pReplaceStyle );
    return bRet;
bool ScTable::SearchAllStyle(
    const SvxSearchItem& rSearchItem, const ScMarkData& rMark, ScRangeList& rMatchedRanges)
    const ScStyleSheet* pSearchStyle = static_cast<const ScStyleSheet*>(
                                        rSearchItem.GetSearchString(), SfxStyleFamily::Para ));
    bool bSelect = rSearchItem.GetSelection();
    bool bBack = rSearchItem.GetBackward();
    bool bEverFound = false;
    for (SCCOL i=0; i < aCol.size(); ++i)
        bool bFound = true;
        SCROW nRow = 0;
        SCROW nEndRow;
        while (bFound && nRow <= rDocument.MaxRow())
            bFound = aCol[i].SearchStyleRange( nRow, nEndRow, pSearchStyle, bBack, bSelect, rMark );
            if (bFound)
                if (nEndRow<nRow)
                    std::swap( nRow, nEndRow );
                rMatchedRanges.Join(ScRange(i, nRow, nTab, i, nEndRow, nTab));
                nRow = nEndRow + 1;
                bEverFound = true;
    return bEverFound;
bool ScTable::ReplaceAllStyle(
    const SvxSearchItem& rSearchItem, const ScMarkData& rMark, ScRangeList& rMatchedRanges,
    ScDocument* pUndoDoc)
    bool bRet = SearchAllStyle(rSearchItem, rMark, rMatchedRanges);
    if (bRet)
        const ScStyleSheet* pReplaceStyle = static_cast<const ScStyleSheet*>(
                                        rSearchItem.GetReplaceString(), SfxStyleFamily::Para ));
        if (pReplaceStyle)
            if (pUndoDoc)
                rDocument.CopyToDocument(0, 0 ,nTab, rDocument.MaxCol(),rDocument.MaxRow(),nTab,
                                          InsertDeleteFlags::ATTRIB, true, *pUndoDoc, &rMark);
            ApplySelectionStyle( *pReplaceStyle, rMark );
    return bRet;
bool ScTable::SearchAndReplace(
    const SvxSearchItem& rSearchItem, SCCOL& rCol, SCROW& rRow, const ScMarkData& rMark,
    ScRangeList& rMatchedRanges, OUString& rUndoStr, ScDocument* pUndoDoc, bool& bMatchedRangesWereClamped)
    SvxSearchCmd nCommand = rSearchItem.GetCommand();
    bool bFound = false;
    if ( ValidColRow(rCol, rRow) ||
         ((nCommand == SvxSearchCmd::FIND || nCommand == SvxSearchCmd::REPLACE) &&
           (((rCol == GetDoc().GetMaxColCount() || rCol == -1) && ValidRow(rRow)) ||
            ((rRow == GetDoc().GetMaxRowCount() || rRow == -1) && ValidCol(rCol))
        bool bStyles = rSearchItem.GetPattern();
        if (bStyles)
            if (nCommand == SvxSearchCmd::FIND)
                bFound = SearchStyle(rSearchItem, rCol, rRow, rMark);
            else if (nCommand == SvxSearchCmd::REPLACE)
                bFound = ReplaceStyle(rSearchItem, rCol, rRow, rMark, false);
            else if (nCommand == SvxSearchCmd::FIND_ALL)
                bFound = SearchAllStyle(rSearchItem, rMark, rMatchedRanges);
            else if (nCommand == SvxSearchCmd::REPLACE_ALL)
                bFound = ReplaceAllStyle(rSearchItem, rMark, rMatchedRanges, pUndoDoc);
        else if (ScDocument::IsEmptyCellSearch( rSearchItem))
            // Search for empty cells.
            bFound = SearchAndReplaceEmptyCells(rSearchItem, rCol, rRow, rMark, rMatchedRanges, rUndoStr, pUndoDoc);
            //  SearchParam no longer needed - SearchOptions contains all settings
            i18nutil::SearchOptions2 aSearchOptions = rSearchItem.GetSearchOptions();
            aSearchOptions.Locale = ScGlobal::GetLocale();
            //  reflect UseAsianOptions flag in SearchOptions
            //  (use only ignore case and width if asian options are disabled).
            //  This is also done in SvxSearchDialog CommandHdl, but not in API object.
            if ( !rSearchItem.IsUseAsianOptions() )
                aSearchOptions.transliterateFlags &=
                    TransliterationFlags::IGNORE_CASE |
            pSearchText.reset( new utl::TextSearch( aSearchOptions ) );
            if (nCommand == SvxSearchCmd::FIND)
                bFound = Search(rSearchItem, rCol, rRow, rMark, rUndoStr, pUndoDoc);
            else if (nCommand == SvxSearchCmd::FIND_ALL)
                bFound = SearchAll(rSearchItem, rMark, rMatchedRanges, rUndoStr, pUndoDoc);
            else if (nCommand == SvxSearchCmd::REPLACE)
                bFound = Replace(rSearchItem, rCol, rRow, rMark, rUndoStr, pUndoDoc);
            else if (nCommand == SvxSearchCmd::REPLACE_ALL)
                bFound = ReplaceAll(rSearchItem, rMark, rMatchedRanges, rUndoStr, pUndoDoc, bMatchedRangesWereClamped);
    return bFound;
bool ScTable::SearchAndReplaceEmptyCells(
    const SvxSearchItem& rSearchItem, SCCOL& rCol, SCROW& rRow, const ScMarkData& rMark,
    ScRangeList& rMatchedRanges, OUString& rUndoStr, ScDocument* pUndoDoc)
    SCCOL nColStart, nColEnd;
    SCROW nRowStart, nRowEnd;
    GetFirstDataPos(nColStart, nRowStart);
    GetLastDataPos(nColEnd, nRowEnd);
    ScRangeList aRanges(ScRange(nColStart, nRowStart, nTab, nColEnd, nRowEnd, nTab));
    if (rSearchItem.GetSelection())
        // current selection only.
        if (!rMark.IsMarked() && !rMark.IsMultiMarked())
            // There is no selection.  Bail out.
            return false;
        ScRangeList aMarkedRanges, aNewRanges;
        rMark.FillRangeListWithMarks(&aMarkedRanges, true);
        for ( size_t i = 0, n = aMarkedRanges.size(); i < n; ++i )
            ScRange & rRange = aMarkedRanges[ i ];
            if (rRange.aStart.Col() > nColEnd || rRange.aStart.Row() > nRowEnd || rRange.aEnd.Col() < nColStart || rRange.aEnd.Row() < nRowStart)
                // This range is outside the data area.  Skip it.
            // Shrink the range into data area only.
            if (rRange.aStart.Col() < nColStart)
            if (rRange.aStart.Row() < nRowStart)
            if (rRange.aEnd.Col() > nColEnd)
            if (rRange.aEnd.Row() > nRowEnd)
        aRanges = std::move(aNewRanges);
    SvxSearchCmd nCommand = rSearchItem.GetCommand();
    if (nCommand == SvxSearchCmd::FIND || nCommand == SvxSearchCmd::REPLACE)
        if (rSearchItem.GetBackward())
            for ( size_t i = aRanges.size(); i > 0; --i )
                const ScRange & rRange = aRanges[ i - 1 ];
                if (SearchRangeForEmptyCell(rRange, rSearchItem, rCol, rRow, rUndoStr))
                    return true;
            for ( size_t i = 0, nListSize = aRanges.size(); i < nListSize; ++i )
                const ScRange & rRange = aRanges[ i ];
                if (SearchRangeForEmptyCell(rRange, rSearchItem, rCol, rRow, rUndoStr))
                    return true;
    else if (nCommand == SvxSearchCmd::FIND_ALL || nCommand == SvxSearchCmd::REPLACE_ALL)
        bool bFound = false;
        for ( size_t i = 0, nListSize = aRanges.size(); i < nListSize; ++i )
            ScRange const & rRange = aRanges[ i ];
            bFound |= SearchRangeForAllEmptyCells(rRange, rSearchItem, rMatchedRanges, rUndoStr, pUndoDoc);
        return bFound;
    return false;
namespace {
bool lcl_maybeReplaceCellString(
    ScColumn& rColObj, SCCOL& rCol, SCROW& rRow, OUString& rUndoStr, SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, const SvxSearchItem& rSearchItem)
    ScRefCellValue aCell = rColObj.GetCellValue(nRow);
    if (aCell.isEmpty())
        // empty cell found.
        rCol = nCol;
        rRow = nRow;
        if (rSearchItem.GetCommand() == SvxSearchCmd::REPLACE &&
            rColObj.SetRawString(nRow, rSearchItem.GetReplaceString());
        return true;
    return false;
bool ScTable::SearchRangeForEmptyCell(
    const ScRange& rRange, const SvxSearchItem& rSearchItem,
    SCCOL& rCol, SCROW& rRow, OUString& rUndoStr)
    SvxSearchCmd nCmd = rSearchItem.GetCommand();
    bool bSkipFiltered = rSearchItem.IsSearchFiltered();
    if (rSearchItem.GetBackward())
        // backward search
        if (rSearchItem.GetRowDirection())
            // row direction.
            SCROW nLastNonFilteredRow = rDocument.MaxRow() + 1;
            SCROW nBeginRow = std::min(rRange.aEnd.Row(), rRow);
            for (SCROW nRow = nBeginRow; nRow >= rRange.aStart.Row(); --nRow)
                if (bSkipFiltered)
                    SkipFilteredRows(nRow, nLastNonFilteredRow, false);
                if (nRow < rRange.aStart.Row())
                SCCOL nBeginCol = rRange.aEnd.Col();
                if (nRow == rRow && nBeginCol >= rCol)
                    // always start from one cell before the cursor.
                    nBeginCol = rCol - (nCmd == SvxSearchCmd::FIND ? 1 : 0);
                for (SCCOL nCol = nBeginCol; nCol >= rRange.aStart.Col(); --nCol)
                    if (lcl_maybeReplaceCellString(aCol[nCol], rCol, rRow, rUndoStr, nCol, nRow, rSearchItem))
                        return true;
            // column direction.
            SCCOL nBeginCol = std::min(rRange.aEnd.Col(), rCol);
            for (SCCOL nCol = nBeginCol; nCol >= rRange.aStart.Col(); --nCol)
                SCROW nLastNonFilteredRow = rDocument.MaxRow() + 1;
                SCROW nBeginRow = rRange.aEnd.Row();
                if (nCol == rCol && nBeginRow >= rRow)
                    // always start from one cell before the cursor.
                    nBeginRow = rRow - (nCmd == SvxSearchCmd::FIND ? 1 : 0);
                for (SCROW nRow = nBeginRow; nRow >= rRange.aStart.Row(); --nRow)
                    if (bSkipFiltered)
                        SkipFilteredRows(nRow, nLastNonFilteredRow, false);
                    if (nRow < rRange.aStart.Row())
                    if (lcl_maybeReplaceCellString(aCol[nCol], rCol, rRow, rUndoStr, nCol, nRow, rSearchItem))
                        return true;
        // forward search
        if (rSearchItem.GetRowDirection())
            // row direction.
            SCROW nLastNonFilteredRow = -1;
            SCROW nBeginRow = rRange.aStart.Row() < rRow ? rRow : rRange.aStart.Row();
            for (SCROW nRow = nBeginRow; nRow <= rRange.aEnd.Row(); ++nRow)
                if (bSkipFiltered)
                    SkipFilteredRows(nRow, nLastNonFilteredRow, true);
                if (nRow > rRange.aEnd.Row())
                SCCOL nBeginCol = rRange.aStart.Col();
                if (nRow == rRow && nBeginCol <= rCol)
                    // always start from one cell past the cursor.
                    nBeginCol = rCol + (nCmd == SvxSearchCmd::FIND ? 1 : 0);
                for (SCCOL nCol = nBeginCol; nCol <= rRange.aEnd.Col(); ++nCol)
                    if (lcl_maybeReplaceCellString(aCol[nCol], rCol, rRow, rUndoStr, nCol, nRow, rSearchItem))
                        return true;
            // column direction.
            SCCOL nBeginCol = rRange.aStart.Col() < rCol ? rCol : rRange.aStart.Col();
            for (SCCOL nCol = nBeginCol; nCol <= rRange.aEnd.Col(); ++nCol)
                SCROW nLastNonFilteredRow = -1;
                SCROW nBeginRow = rRange.aStart.Row();
                if (nCol == rCol && nBeginRow <= rRow)
                    // always start from one cell past the cursor.
                    nBeginRow = rRow + (nCmd == SvxSearchCmd::FIND ? 1 : 0);
                for (SCROW nRow = nBeginRow; nRow <= rRange.aEnd.Row(); ++nRow)
                    if (bSkipFiltered)
                        SkipFilteredRows(nRow, nLastNonFilteredRow, true);
                    if (nRow > rRange.aEnd.Row())
                    if (lcl_maybeReplaceCellString(aCol[nCol], rCol, rRow, rUndoStr, nCol, nRow, rSearchItem))
                        return true;
    return false;
bool ScTable::SearchRangeForAllEmptyCells(
    const ScRange& rRange, const SvxSearchItem& rSearchItem,
    ScRangeList& rMatchedRanges, OUString& rUndoStr, ScDocument* pUndoDoc)
    bool bFound = false;
    bool bReplace = (rSearchItem.GetCommand() == SvxSearchCmd::REPLACE_ALL) &&
    bool bSkipFiltered = rSearchItem.IsSearchFiltered();
    for (SCCOL nCol = rRange.aStart.Col(); nCol <= rRange.aEnd.Col(); ++nCol)
        SCROW nLastNonFilteredRow = -1;
        if (aCol[nCol].IsEmptyData())
            // The entire column is empty.
            const SCROW nEndRow = rRange.aEnd.Row();
            for (SCROW nRow = rRange.aStart.Row(); nRow <= nEndRow; ++nRow)
                SCROW nLastRow;
                const bool bFiltered = RowFiltered(nRow, nullptr, &nLastRow);
                if (nLastRow > nEndRow)
                    nLastRow = nEndRow;
                if (!bFiltered)
                    rMatchedRanges.Join(ScRange(nCol, nRow, nTab, nCol, nLastRow, nTab));
                    if (bReplace)
                        const OUString& rNewStr = rSearchItem.GetReplaceString();
                        for (SCROW i = nRow; i <= nLastRow; ++i)
                            aCol[nCol].SetRawString(i, rNewStr);
                            if (pUndoDoc)
                                // TODO: I'm using a string cell with empty content to
                                // trigger deletion of cell instance on undo.  Maybe I
                                // should create a new cell type for this?
                                pUndoDoc->SetString(ScAddress(nCol, i, nTab), OUString());
                nRow = nLastRow; // move to the last filtered row.
            bFound = true;
        for (SCROW nRow = rRange.aStart.Row(); nRow <= rRange.aEnd.Row(); ++nRow)
            if (bSkipFiltered)
                SkipFilteredRows(nRow, nLastNonFilteredRow, true);
            if (nRow > rRange.aEnd.Row())
            ScRefCellValue aCell = aCol[nCol].GetCellValue(nRow);
            if (aCell.isEmpty())
                // empty cell found
                rMatchedRanges.Join(ScRange(nCol, nRow, nTab));
                bFound = true;
                if (bReplace)
                    aCol[nCol].SetRawString(nRow, rSearchItem.GetReplaceString());
                    if (pUndoDoc)
                        // TODO: I'm using a string cell with empty content to
                        // trigger deletion of cell instance on undo.  Maybe I
                        // should create a new cell type for this?
                        pUndoDoc->SetString(ScAddress(nCol, nRow, nTab), OUString());
    return bFound;
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V530 The return value of function 'remove' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'remove' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'insert' is required to be utilized.