/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
* This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
* This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <osl/file.h>
#include <rtl/ustrbuf.hxx>
#include <sal/log.hxx>
#include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx>
#include <i18nlangtag/languagetag.hxx>
#include <vcl/ctrl.hxx>
#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
#include <vcl/unohelp.hxx>
#include <textlayout.hxx>
#include <textlineinfo.hxx>
static bool lcl_IsCharIn(sal_Unicode c, const char* pStr)
while ( *pStr )
if ( *pStr == c )
return true;
return false;
void ImplMultiTextLineInfo::AddLine( const ImplTextLineInfo& rLine )
void ImplMultiTextLineInfo::Clear()
namespace vcl
TextLayoutCommon::~TextLayoutCommon() COVERITY_NOEXCEPT_FALSE
OUString TextLayoutCommon::GetCenterEllipsisString(std::u16string_view rOrigStr, sal_Int32 nIndex, tools::Long nMaxWidth)
OUStringBuffer aTmpStr(rOrigStr);
// speed it up by removing all but 1.33x as many as the break pos.
sal_Int32 nEraseChars = std::max<sal_Int32>(4, rOrigStr.size() - (nIndex*4)/3);
while(nEraseChars < static_cast<sal_Int32>(rOrigStr.size()) && GetTextWidth(aTmpStr.toString(), 0, aTmpStr.getLength()) > nMaxWidth)
aTmpStr = rOrigStr;
sal_Int32 i = (aTmpStr.getLength() - nEraseChars)/2;
aTmpStr.remove(i, nEraseChars++);
aTmpStr.insert(i, "...");
return aTmpStr.makeStringAndClear();
OUString TextLayoutCommon::GetEndEllipsisString(OUString const& rOrigStr, sal_Int32 nIndex, tools::Long nMaxWidth, bool bClipText)
OUString aStr = rOrigStr;
aStr = aStr.copy(0, nIndex);
if (nIndex > 1)
aStr += "...";
while (!aStr.isEmpty() && (GetTextWidth(aStr, 0, aStr.getLength()) > nMaxWidth))
if ((nIndex > 1) || (nIndex == aStr.getLength()))
aStr = aStr.replaceAt(nIndex, 1, u"");
if (aStr.isEmpty() && bClipText)
aStr += OUStringChar(rOrigStr[0]);
return aStr;
OUString lcl_GetPathEllipsisString(OUString const& rOrigStr, sal_Int32 nIndex)
OUString aPath(rOrigStr);
OUString aAbbreviatedPath;
osl_abbreviateSystemPath(aPath.pData, &aAbbreviatedPath.pData, nIndex, nullptr);
return aAbbreviatedPath;
OUString TextLayoutCommon::GetNewsEllipsisString(OUString const& rOrigStr, tools::Long nMaxWidth, DrawTextFlags nStyle)
OUString aStr = rOrigStr;
static char const pSepChars[] = ".";
// Determine last section
sal_Int32 nLastContent = aStr.getLength();
while (nLastContent)
if (lcl_IsCharIn(aStr[nLastContent], pSepChars))
while (nLastContent && lcl_IsCharIn(aStr[nLastContent-1], pSepChars))
OUString aLastStr = aStr.copy(nLastContent);
OUString aTempLastStr1 = "..." + aLastStr;
if (GetTextWidth(aTempLastStr1, 0, aTempLastStr1.getLength()) > nMaxWidth)
return GetEllipsisString(aStr, nMaxWidth, DrawTextFlags::EndEllipsis);
sal_Int32 nFirstContent = 0;
while (nFirstContent < nLastContent)
if (lcl_IsCharIn(aStr[nFirstContent], pSepChars))
while ((nFirstContent < nLastContent) && lcl_IsCharIn(aStr[nFirstContent], pSepChars))
if (nFirstContent >= nLastContent)
return GetEllipsisString(aStr, nMaxWidth, nStyle | DrawTextFlags::EndEllipsis);
if (nFirstContent > 4)
nFirstContent = 4;
OUString aFirstStr = OUString::Concat(aStr.subView(0, nFirstContent)) + "...";
OUString aTempStr = aFirstStr + aLastStr;
if (GetTextWidth(aTempStr, 0, aTempStr.getLength() ) > nMaxWidth)
return GetEllipsisString(aStr, nMaxWidth, nStyle | DrawTextFlags::EndEllipsis);
aStr = aTempStr;
if (nLastContent > aStr.getLength())
nLastContent = aStr.getLength();
while (nFirstContent < nLastContent)
if (lcl_IsCharIn(aStr[nLastContent], pSepChars))
while ((nFirstContent < nLastContent) && lcl_IsCharIn(aStr[nLastContent-1], pSepChars))
if (nFirstContent < nLastContent)
std::u16string_view aTempLastStr = aStr.subView(nLastContent);
aTempStr = aFirstStr + aTempLastStr;
if (GetTextWidth(aTempStr, 0, aTempStr.getLength()) > nMaxWidth)
while (nFirstContent < nLastContent);
return aStr;
OUString TextLayoutCommon::GetEllipsisString(OUString const& rOrigStr, tools::Long nMaxWidth, DrawTextFlags nStyle)
OUString aStr = rOrigStr;
sal_Int32 nIndex = GetTextBreak( aStr, nMaxWidth, 0, aStr.getLength() );
if (nIndex == -1)
return aStr;
if ((nStyle & DrawTextFlags::CenterEllipsis) == DrawTextFlags::CenterEllipsis)
aStr = GetCenterEllipsisString(rOrigStr, nIndex, nMaxWidth);
else if (nStyle & DrawTextFlags::EndEllipsis)
aStr = GetEndEllipsisString(rOrigStr, nIndex, nMaxWidth, (nStyle & DrawTextFlags::Clip) == DrawTextFlags::Clip);
else if (nStyle & DrawTextFlags::PathEllipsis)
aStr = lcl_GetPathEllipsisString(rOrigStr, nIndex);
else if ( nStyle & DrawTextFlags::NewsEllipsis )
aStr = GetNewsEllipsisString(rOrigStr, nMaxWidth, nStyle);
return aStr;
std::tuple<sal_Int32, sal_Int32> TextLayoutCommon::BreakLine(const tools::Long nWidth, OUString const& rStr,
css::uno::Reference< css::linguistic2::XHyphenator > const& xHyph,
css::uno::Reference<css::i18n::XBreakIterator>& xBI,
const bool bHyphenate, const tools::Long nOrigLineWidth,
const sal_Int32 nPos, const sal_Int32 nLen)
if (!xBI.is())
xBI = vcl::unohelper::CreateBreakIterator();
if (!xBI.is())
return BreakLineSimple(nWidth, rStr, nPos, nLen, nOrigLineWidth);
const css::lang::Locale& rDefLocale(Application::GetSettings().GetUILanguageTag().getLocale());
sal_Int32 nSoftBreak = GetTextBreak(rStr, nWidth, nPos, nLen - nPos);
if (nSoftBreak == -1)
nSoftBreak = nPos;
SAL_WARN_IF( nSoftBreak >= nLen, "vcl", "Break?!" );
css::i18n::LineBreakHyphenationOptions aHyphOptions( xHyph, css::uno::Sequence <css::beans::PropertyValue>(), 1 );
css::i18n::LineBreakUserOptions aUserOptions;
css::i18n::LineBreakResults aLBR = xBI->getLineBreak( rStr, nSoftBreak, rDefLocale, nPos, aHyphOptions, aUserOptions );
sal_Int32 nBreakPos = aLBR.breakIndex;
if (nBreakPos <= nPos)
nBreakPos = nSoftBreak;
if (!bHyphenate || !xHyph.is())
return { nBreakPos, GetTextWidth(rStr, nPos, nBreakPos - nPos) };
// Whether hyphen or not: Put the word after the hyphen through
// the word boundary.
// We run into a problem if the doc is so narrow, that a word
// is broken into more than two lines ...
css::i18n::Boundary aBoundary = xBI->getWordBoundary( rStr, nBreakPos, rDefLocale, css::i18n::WordType::DICTIONARY_WORD, true );
sal_Int32 nWordStart = nPos;
sal_Int32 nWordEnd = aBoundary.endPos;
SAL_WARN_IF(nWordEnd <= nWordStart, "vcl", "Start >= End?");
sal_Int32 nWordLen = nWordEnd - nWordStart;
if ((nWordEnd < nSoftBreak) || (nWordLen <= 3))
return { nBreakPos, GetTextWidth(rStr, nPos, nBreakPos - nPos) };
OUString aWord = rStr.copy( nWordStart, nWordLen );
sal_Int32 nMinTrail = nWordEnd-nSoftBreak+1; //+1: Before the "broken off" char
css::uno::Reference< css::linguistic2::XHyphenatedWord > xHyphWord;
if (xHyph.is())
xHyphWord = xHyph->hyphenate( aWord, rDefLocale, aWord.getLength() - nMinTrail, css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue >() );
if (!xHyphWord.is())
return { nBreakPos, GetTextWidth(rStr, nPos, nBreakPos - nPos) };
bool bAlternate = xHyphWord->isAlternativeSpelling();
sal_Int32 _nWordLen = 1 + xHyphWord->getHyphenPos();
if ((_nWordLen < 2 ) || ( (nWordStart + _nWordLen) < 2))
return { nBreakPos, GetTextWidth(rStr, nPos, nBreakPos - nPos) };
if (bAlternate)
nBreakPos = nWordStart + _nWordLen;
return { nBreakPos, GetTextWidth(rStr, nPos, nBreakPos - nPos) };
OUString aAlt( xHyphWord->getHyphenatedWord() );
// We can have two cases:
// 1) "packen" turns into "pak-ken"
// 2) "Schiffahrt" turns into "Schiff-fahrt"
// In case 1 we need to replace a char
// In case 2 we add a char
// Correct recognition is made harder by words such as
// "Schiffahrtsbrennesseln", as the Hyphenator splits all
// positions of the word and comes up with "Schifffahrtsbrennnesseln"
// Thus, we cannot infer the aWord from the AlternativeWord's
// index.
// TODO: The whole junk will be made easier by a function in
// the Hyphenator, as soon as AMA adds it.
sal_Int32 nAltStart = _nWordLen - 1;
sal_Int32 nTxtStart = nAltStart - (aAlt.getLength() - aWord.getLength());
sal_Int32 nTxtEnd = nTxtStart;
sal_Int32 nAltEnd = nAltStart;
// The area between nStart and nEnd is the difference
// between AlternativeString and OriginalString
while( nTxtEnd < aWord.getLength() && nAltEnd < aAlt.getLength() &&
aWord[nTxtEnd] != aAlt[nAltEnd] )
// If a char was added, we notice it now:
if( nAltEnd > nTxtEnd && nAltStart == nAltEnd &&
aWord[ nTxtEnd ] == aAlt[nAltEnd] )
SAL_INFO_IF( ( nAltEnd - nAltStart ) != 1, "vcl", "Alternate: Wrong assumption!" );
sal_Unicode cAlternateReplChar = 0;
if ( nTxtEnd > nTxtStart )
cAlternateReplChar = aAlt[ nAltStart ];
nBreakPos = nWordStart + nTxtStart;
if ( cAlternateReplChar )
return { nBreakPos, GetTextWidth(rStr, nPos, nBreakPos - nPos) };
std::tuple<sal_Int32, sal_Int32> TextLayoutCommon::BreakLineSimple(const tools::Long nWidth, OUString const& rStr,
const sal_Int32 nPos, const sal_Int32 nLen, const tools::Long nOrigLineWidth)
sal_Int32 nBreakPos = nLen;
tools::Long nLineWidth = nOrigLineWidth;
sal_Int32 nSpacePos = rStr.getLength();
tools::Long nW = 0;
nSpacePos = rStr.lastIndexOf( ' ', nSpacePos );
if( nSpacePos != -1 )
if( nSpacePos > nPos )
nW = GetTextWidth( rStr, nPos, nSpacePos-nPos );
} while( nW > nWidth );
if( nSpacePos != -1 )
nBreakPos = nSpacePos;
nLineWidth = GetTextWidth( rStr, nPos, nBreakPos-nPos );
if( nBreakPos < rStr.getLength()-1 )
return { nBreakPos, nLineWidth };
bool lcl_ShouldBreakWord(const sal_Int32 nLineWidth, const sal_Int32 nWidth, const DrawTextFlags nStyle)
return ((nLineWidth > nWidth) && (nStyle & DrawTextFlags::WordBreak));
sal_Int32 lcl_GetEndOfLine(std::u16string_view rStr, const sal_Int32 nPos, const sal_Int32 nLen)
sal_Int32 nBreakPos = nPos;
while ((nBreakPos < nLen) && (rStr[nBreakPos] != '\r') && (rStr[nBreakPos] != '\n'))
return nBreakPos;
tools::Long TextLayoutCommon::GetTextLines(tools::Rectangle const& rRect, const tools::Long nTextHeight,
ImplMultiTextLineInfo& rLineInfo,
tools::Long nWidth, OUString const& rStr,
DrawTextFlags nStyle)
SAL_WARN_IF( nWidth <= 0, "vcl", "ImplGetTextLines: nWidth <= 0!" );
if ( nWidth <= 0 )
nWidth = 1;
if (rStr.isEmpty())
return 0;
tools::Long nMaxLineWidth = 0;
const bool bHyphenate = (nStyle & DrawTextFlags::WordBreakHyphenation) == DrawTextFlags::WordBreakHyphenation;
css::uno::Reference< css::linguistic2::XHyphenator > xHyph;
if (bHyphenate)
// get service provider
const css::uno::Reference<css::uno::XComponentContext>& xContext(comphelper::getProcessComponentContext());
css::uno::Reference<css::linguistic2::XLinguServiceManager2> xLinguMgr = css::linguistic2::LinguServiceManager::create(xContext);
xHyph = xLinguMgr->getHyphenator();
css::uno::Reference<css::i18n::XBreakIterator> xBI;
sal_Int32 nPos = 0;
sal_Int32 nLen = rStr.getLength();
sal_Int32 nCurrentTextY = 0;
while ( nPos < nLen )
sal_Int32 nBreakPos = lcl_GetEndOfLine(rStr, nPos, nLen);
tools::Long nLineWidth = GetTextWidth(rStr, nPos, nBreakPos-nPos);
if (lcl_ShouldBreakWord(nLineWidth, nWidth, nStyle))
std::tie(nBreakPos, nLineWidth) = BreakLine(nWidth, rStr, xHyph, xBI, bHyphenate, nLineWidth, nPos, nBreakPos);
if ( nLineWidth > nMaxLineWidth )
nMaxLineWidth = nLineWidth;
rLineInfo.AddLine( ImplTextLineInfo( nLineWidth, nPos, nBreakPos-nPos ) );
if ( nBreakPos == nPos )
nPos = nBreakPos;
if ( nPos < nLen && ( ( rStr[ nPos ] == '\r' ) || ( rStr[ nPos ] == '\n' ) ) )
// CR/LF?
if ( ( nPos < nLen ) && ( rStr[ nPos ] == '\n' ) && ( rStr[ nPos-1 ] == '\r' ) )
nCurrentTextY += nTextHeight;
const bool bClipping = (nStyle & DrawTextFlags::Clip) && !(nStyle & DrawTextFlags::EndEllipsis);
if (bClipping && nCurrentTextY > rRect.GetHeight())
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
for ( sal_Int32 nL = 0; nL < rLineInfo.Count(); nL++ )
ImplTextLineInfo& rLine = rLineInfo.GetLine( nL );
OUString aLine = rStr.copy( rLine.GetIndex(), rLine.GetLen() );
SAL_WARN_IF( aLine.indexOf( '\r' ) != -1, "vcl", "ImplGetTextLines - Found CR!" );
SAL_WARN_IF( aLine.indexOf( '\n' ) != -1, "vcl", "ImplGetTextLines - Found LF!" );
return nMaxLineWidth;
tools::Long DefaultTextLayout::GetTextWidth( const OUString& _rText, sal_Int32 _nStartIndex, sal_Int32 _nLength ) const
return m_rTargetDevice.GetTextWidth( _rText, _nStartIndex, _nLength );
void DefaultTextLayout::DrawText( const Point& _rStartPoint, const OUString& _rText, sal_Int32 _nStartIndex,
sal_Int32 _nLength, std::vector< tools::Rectangle >* _pVector, OUString* _pDisplayText )
m_rTargetDevice.DrawText( _rStartPoint, _rText, _nStartIndex, _nLength, _pVector, _pDisplayText );
tools::Long DefaultTextLayout::GetTextArray( const OUString& _rText, KernArray* _pDXArray,
sal_Int32 _nStartIndex, sal_Int32 _nLength, bool bCaret ) const
return basegfx::fround<tools::Long>(
m_rTargetDevice.GetTextArray(_rText, _pDXArray, _nStartIndex, _nLength, bCaret).nWidth);
sal_Int32 DefaultTextLayout::GetTextBreak( const OUString& _rText, tools::Long _nMaxTextWidth, sal_Int32 _nStartIndex, sal_Int32 _nLength ) const
return m_rTargetDevice.GetTextBreak( _rText, _nMaxTextWidth, _nStartIndex, _nLength );
bool DefaultTextLayout::DecomposeTextRectAction() const
return false;
class ReferenceDeviceTextLayout : public TextLayoutCommon
ReferenceDeviceTextLayout( const Control& _rControl, OutputDevice& _rTargetDevice, OutputDevice& _rReferenceDevice );
virtual ~ReferenceDeviceTextLayout();
// TextLayoutCommon
virtual tools::Long GetTextWidth( const OUString& rStr, sal_Int32 nIndex, sal_Int32 nLen ) const override;
virtual void DrawText( const Point& _rStartPoint, const OUString& _rText, sal_Int32 _nStartIndex, sal_Int32 _nLength, std::vector< tools::Rectangle >* _pVector, OUString* _pDisplayText ) override;
virtual tools::Long GetTextArray( const OUString& _rText, KernArray* _pDXAry, sal_Int32 _nStartIndex, sal_Int32 _nLength, bool bCaret = false ) const override;
virtual sal_Int32 GetTextBreak(const OUString& _rText, tools::Long _nMaxTextWidth, sal_Int32 _nStartIndex, sal_Int32 _nLength) const override;
virtual bool DecomposeTextRectAction() const override;
// equivalents to the respective OutputDevice methods, which take the reference device into account
tools::Rectangle DrawText( const tools::Rectangle& _rRect, const OUString& _rText, DrawTextFlags _nStyle, std::vector< tools::Rectangle >* _pVector, OUString* _pDisplayText, const Size* i_pDeviceSize );
tools::Rectangle GetTextRect( const tools::Rectangle& _rRect, const OUString& _rText, DrawTextFlags _nStyle, Size* o_pDeviceSize );
OutputDevice& m_rTargetDevice;
OutputDevice& m_rReferenceDevice;
const bool m_bRTLEnabled;
tools::Rectangle m_aCompleteTextRect;
ReferenceDeviceTextLayout::ReferenceDeviceTextLayout( const Control& _rControl, OutputDevice& _rTargetDevice,
OutputDevice& _rReferenceDevice )
:m_rTargetDevice( _rTargetDevice )
,m_rReferenceDevice( _rReferenceDevice )
,m_bRTLEnabled( _rControl.IsRTLEnabled() )
Font const aUnzoomedPointFont( _rControl.GetUnzoomedControlPointFont() );
const Fraction& aZoom( _rControl.GetZoom() );
m_rTargetDevice.Push( PushFlags::MAPMODE | PushFlags::FONT | PushFlags::TEXTLAYOUTMODE );
MapMode aTargetMapMode( m_rTargetDevice.GetMapMode() );
SAL_WARN_IF(aTargetMapMode.GetOrigin() != Point(), "vcl", "uhm, the code below won't work here ...");
// normally, controls simulate "zoom" by "zooming" the font. This is responsible for (part of) the discrepancies
// between text in Writer and text in controls in Writer, though both have the same font.
// So, if we have a zoom set at the control, then we do not scale the font, but instead modify the map mode
// to accommodate for the zoom.
aTargetMapMode.SetScaleX( aZoom ); // TODO: shouldn't this be "current_scale * zoom"?
aTargetMapMode.SetScaleY( aZoom );
// also, use a higher-resolution map unit than "pixels", which should save us some rounding errors when
// translating coordinates between the reference device and the target device.
SAL_WARN_IF(aTargetMapMode.GetMapUnit() != MapUnit::MapPixel, "vcl", "this class is not expected to work with such target devices!");
// we *could* adjust all the code in this class to handle this case, but at the moment, it's not necessary
const MapUnit eTargetMapUnit = m_rReferenceDevice.GetMapMode().GetMapUnit();
aTargetMapMode.SetMapUnit( eTargetMapUnit );
SAL_WARN_IF(aTargetMapMode.GetMapUnit() == MapUnit::MapPixel, "vcl", "a reference device which has map mode PIXEL?!");
m_rTargetDevice.SetMapMode( aTargetMapMode );
// now that the Zoom is part of the map mode, reset the target device's font to the "unzoomed" version
Font aDrawFont( aUnzoomedPointFont );
aDrawFont.SetFontSize( OutputDevice::LogicToLogic(aDrawFont.GetFontSize(), MapMode(MapUnit::MapPoint), MapMode(eTargetMapUnit)) );
_rTargetDevice.SetFont( aDrawFont );
// transfer font to the reference device
m_rReferenceDevice.Push( PushFlags::FONT | PushFlags::TEXTLAYOUTMODE );
Font aRefFont( aUnzoomedPointFont );
aRefFont.SetFontSize( OutputDevice::LogicToLogic(
aRefFont.GetFontSize(), MapMode(MapUnit::MapPoint), m_rReferenceDevice.GetMapMode()) );
m_rReferenceDevice.SetFont( aRefFont );
bool lcl_normalizeLength( std::u16string_view _rText, const sal_Int32 _nStartIndex, sal_Int32& _io_nLength )
sal_Int32 nTextLength = _rText.size();
if ( _nStartIndex > nTextLength )
return false;
if ( _nStartIndex + _io_nLength > nTextLength )
_io_nLength = nTextLength - _nStartIndex;
return true;
tools::Long ReferenceDeviceTextLayout::GetTextArray( const OUString& _rText, KernArray* _pDXAry, sal_Int32 _nStartIndex, sal_Int32 _nLength, bool bCaret ) const
if ( !lcl_normalizeLength( _rText, _nStartIndex, _nLength ) )
return 0;
// retrieve the character widths from the reference device
tools::Long nTextWidth = basegfx::fround<tools::Long>(
m_rReferenceDevice.GetTextArray(_rText, _pDXAry, _nStartIndex, _nLength, bCaret)
if ( _pDXAry )
OStringBuffer aTrace;
aTrace.append( "ReferenceDeviceTextLayout::GetTextArray( " );
aTrace.append( OUStringToOString( _rText, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ) );
aTrace.append( " ): " );
aTrace.append( nTextWidth );
aTrace.append( " = ( " );
for ( sal_Int32 i=0; i<_nLength; )
aTrace.append( _pDXAry->get(i) );
if ( ++i < _nLength )
aTrace.append( ", " );
aTrace.append( ")" );
SAL_INFO( "vcl", aTrace.makeStringAndClear() );
return nTextWidth;
tools::Long ReferenceDeviceTextLayout::GetTextWidth( const OUString& _rText, sal_Int32 _nStartIndex, sal_Int32 _nLength ) const
return GetTextArray( _rText, nullptr, _nStartIndex, _nLength );
void ReferenceDeviceTextLayout::DrawText( const Point& _rStartPoint, const OUString& _rText, sal_Int32 _nStartIndex, sal_Int32 _nLength, std::vector< tools::Rectangle >* _pVector, OUString* _pDisplayText )
if ( !lcl_normalizeLength( _rText, _nStartIndex, _nLength ) )
if ( _pVector && _pDisplayText )
std::vector< tools::Rectangle > aGlyphBounds;
m_rReferenceDevice.GetGlyphBoundRects( _rStartPoint, _rText, _nStartIndex, _nLength, aGlyphBounds );
_pVector->insert( _pVector->end(), aGlyphBounds.begin(), aGlyphBounds.end() );
*_pDisplayText += _rText.subView( _nStartIndex, _nLength );
KernArray aCharWidths;
tools::Long nTextWidth = GetTextArray( _rText, &aCharWidths, _nStartIndex, _nLength );
m_rTargetDevice.DrawTextArray( _rStartPoint, _rText, aCharWidths, {}, _nStartIndex, _nLength );
m_aCompleteTextRect.Union( tools::Rectangle( _rStartPoint, Size( nTextWidth, m_rTargetDevice.GetTextHeight() ) ) );
sal_Int32 ReferenceDeviceTextLayout::GetTextBreak( const OUString& _rText, tools::Long _nMaxTextWidth, sal_Int32 _nStartIndex, sal_Int32 _nLength ) const
if ( !lcl_normalizeLength( _rText, _nStartIndex, _nLength ) )
return 0;
return m_rReferenceDevice.GetTextBreak( _rText, _nMaxTextWidth, _nStartIndex, _nLength );
bool ReferenceDeviceTextLayout::DecomposeTextRectAction() const
return true;
tools::Rectangle ReferenceDeviceTextLayout::DrawText( const tools::Rectangle& _rRect, const OUString& _rText, DrawTextFlags _nStyle,
std::vector< tools::Rectangle >* _pVector, OUString* _pDisplayText, const Size* i_pDeviceSize )
if ( _rText.isEmpty() )
return tools::Rectangle();
// determine text layout mode from the RTL-ness of the control whose text we render
text::ComplexTextLayoutFlags nTextLayoutMode = m_bRTLEnabled ? text::ComplexTextLayoutFlags::BiDiRtl : text::ComplexTextLayoutFlags::Default;
m_rReferenceDevice.SetLayoutMode( nTextLayoutMode );
m_rTargetDevice.SetLayoutMode( nTextLayoutMode | text::ComplexTextLayoutFlags::TextOriginLeft );
// ComplexTextLayoutFlags::TextOriginLeft is because when we do actually draw the text (in DrawText( Point, ... )), then
// our caller gives us the left border of the draw position, regardless of script type, text layout,
// and the like in our ctor, we set the map mode of the target device from pixel to twip, but our caller doesn't know this,
// but passed pixel coordinates. So, adjust the rect.
tools::Rectangle aRect( m_rTargetDevice.PixelToLogic( _rRect ) );
if (i_pDeviceSize)
//if i_pDeviceSize is passed in here, it was the original pre logic-to-pixel size of _rRect
SAL_WARN_IF(std::abs(_rRect.GetSize().Width() - m_rTargetDevice.LogicToPixel(*i_pDeviceSize).Width()) > 1, "vcl", "DeviceSize width was expected to match Pixel width");
SAL_WARN_IF(std::abs(_rRect.GetSize().Height() - m_rTargetDevice.LogicToPixel(*i_pDeviceSize).Height()) > 1, "vcl", "DeviceSize height was expected to match Pixel height");
m_rTargetDevice.DrawText( aRect, _rText, _nStyle, _pVector, _pDisplayText, this );
tools::Rectangle aTextRect = m_aCompleteTextRect;
if ( aTextRect.IsEmpty() && !aRect.IsEmpty() )
// this happens for instance if we're in a PaintToDevice call, where only a MetaFile is recorded,
// but no actual painting happens, so our "DrawText( Point, ... )" is never called
// In this case, calculate the rect from what OutputDevice::GetTextRect would give us. This has
// the disadvantage of less accuracy, compared with the approach to calculate the rect from the
// single "DrawText( Point, ... )" calls, since more intermediate arithmetic will translate
// from ref- to target-units.
aTextRect = m_rTargetDevice.GetTextRect( aRect, _rText, _nStyle, nullptr, this );
// similar to above, the text rect now contains TWIPs (or whatever unit the ref device has), but the caller
// expects pixel coordinates
aTextRect = m_rTargetDevice.LogicToPixel( aTextRect );
// convert the metric vector
if ( _pVector )
for ( auto& rCharRect : *_pVector )
rCharRect = m_rTargetDevice.LogicToPixel( rCharRect );
return aTextRect;
tools::Rectangle ReferenceDeviceTextLayout::GetTextRect( const tools::Rectangle& _rRect, const OUString& _rText, DrawTextFlags _nStyle, Size* o_pDeviceSize )
if ( _rText.isEmpty() )
return tools::Rectangle();
// determine text layout mode from the RTL-ness of the control whose text we render
text::ComplexTextLayoutFlags nTextLayoutMode = m_bRTLEnabled ? text::ComplexTextLayoutFlags::BiDiRtl : text::ComplexTextLayoutFlags::Default;
m_rReferenceDevice.SetLayoutMode( nTextLayoutMode );
m_rTargetDevice.SetLayoutMode( nTextLayoutMode | text::ComplexTextLayoutFlags::TextOriginLeft );
// ComplexTextLayoutFlags::TextOriginLeft is because when we do actually draw the text (in DrawText( Point, ... )), then
// our caller gives us the left border of the draw position, regardless of script type, text layout,
// and the like in our ctor, we set the map mode of the target device from pixel to twip, but our caller doesn't know this,
// but passed pixel coordinates. So, adjust the rect.
tools::Rectangle aRect( m_rTargetDevice.PixelToLogic( _rRect ) );
tools::Rectangle aTextRect = m_rTargetDevice.GetTextRect( aRect, _rText, _nStyle, nullptr, this );
//if o_pDeviceSize is available, stash the pre logic-to-pixel size in it
if (o_pDeviceSize)
*o_pDeviceSize = aTextRect.GetSize();
// similar to above, the text rect now contains TWIPs (or whatever unit the ref device has), but the caller
// expects pixel coordinates
aTextRect = m_rTargetDevice.LogicToPixel( aTextRect );
return aTextRect;
ControlTextRenderer::ControlTextRenderer( const Control& _rControl, OutputDevice& _rTargetDevice, OutputDevice& _rReferenceDevice )
:m_pImpl( new ReferenceDeviceTextLayout( _rControl, _rTargetDevice, _rReferenceDevice ) )
tools::Rectangle ControlTextRenderer::DrawText( const tools::Rectangle& _rRect, const OUString& _rText, DrawTextFlags _nStyle,
std::vector< tools::Rectangle >* _pVector, OUString* _pDisplayText, const Size* i_pDeviceSize )
return m_pImpl->DrawText( _rRect, _rText, _nStyle, _pVector, _pDisplayText, i_pDeviceSize );
tools::Rectangle ControlTextRenderer::GetTextRect( const tools::Rectangle& _rRect, const OUString& _rText, DrawTextFlags _nStyle, Size* o_pDeviceSize = nullptr )
return m_pImpl->GetTextRect( _rRect, _rText, _nStyle, o_pDeviceSize );
} // namespace vcl
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↑ V530 The return value of function 'remove' is required to be utilized.
↑ V530 The return value of function 'Union' is required to be utilized.