/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <com/sun/star/uri/UriReferenceFactory.hpp>
#include <unotools/charclass.hxx>
#include <osl/diagnose.h>
#include <tools/urlobj.hxx>
#include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx>
#include <officecfg/Office/Common.hxx>
#include <txtfld.hxx>
#include <doc.hxx>
#include <IDocumentLayoutAccess.hxx>
#include <IDocumentMarkAccess.hxx>
#include <cntfrm.hxx>
#include <txtfrm.hxx>
#include <rootfrm.hxx>
#include <modeltoviewhelper.hxx>
#include <node.hxx>
#include <pam.hxx>
#include <txttxmrk.hxx>
#include <frmfmt.hxx>
#include <fmtfld.hxx>
#include <txmsrt.hxx>
#include <ndtxt.hxx>
#include <swtable.hxx>
#include <expfld.hxx>
#include <authfld.hxx>
#include <toxwrap.hxx>
#include <strings.hrc>
#include <reffld.hxx>
#include <docsh.hxx>
#include <utility>
using namespace ::com::sun::star;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
// Initialize strings
SwTOIOptions SwTOXSortTabBase::nOpt = SwTOIOptions::NONE;
SwTOXInternational::SwTOXInternational( LanguageType nLang, SwTOIOptions nOpt,
                                        OUString aSortAlgorithm ) :
    m_eLang( nLang ),
    m_nOptions( nOpt )
SwTOXInternational::SwTOXInternational( const SwTOXInternational& rIntl ) :
    m_eLang( rIntl.m_eLang ),
    m_nOptions( rIntl.m_nOptions )
void SwTOXInternational::Init()
    m_pIndexWrapper.reset( new IndexEntrySupplierWrapper() );
    const lang::Locale aLcl( LanguageTag::convertToLocale( m_eLang ) );
    m_pIndexWrapper->SetLocale( aLcl );
        Sequence < OUString > aSeq( m_pIndexWrapper->GetAlgorithmList( aLcl ));
            m_sSortAlgorithm = aSeq.getConstArray()[0];
    if ( m_nOptions & SwTOIOptions::CaseSensitive )
        m_pIndexWrapper->LoadAlgorithm( aLcl, m_sSortAlgorithm, 0 );
        m_pIndexWrapper->LoadAlgorithm( aLcl, m_sSortAlgorithm, SW_COLLATOR_IGNORES );
    m_oCharClass.emplace( LanguageTag( aLcl ) );
OUString SwTOXInternational::ToUpper( const OUString& rStr, sal_Int32 nPos ) const
    return m_oCharClass->uppercase( rStr, nPos, 1 );
bool SwTOXInternational::IsNumeric( const OUString& rStr ) const
    return m_oCharClass->isNumeric( rStr );
sal_Int32 SwTOXInternational::Compare( const TextAndReading& rTaR1,
                                       const lang::Locale& rLocale1,
                                       const TextAndReading& rTaR2,
                                       const lang::Locale& rLocale2 ) const
    return m_pIndexWrapper->CompareIndexEntry( rTaR1.sText, rTaR1.sReading, rLocale1,
                                             rTaR2.sText, rTaR2.sReading, rLocale2 );
OUString SwTOXInternational::GetIndexKey( const TextAndReading& rTaR,
                                        const lang::Locale& rLocale ) const
    return m_pIndexWrapper->GetIndexKey( rTaR.sText, rTaR.sReading, rLocale );
OUString SwTOXInternational::GetFollowingText( bool bMorePages ) const
    return m_pIndexWrapper->GetFollowingText( bMorePages );
// SortElement for TOX entries
SwTOXSortTabBase::SwTOXSortTabBase( TOXSortType nTyp, const SwContentNode* pNd,
                                    const SwTextTOXMark* pMark,
                                    const SwTOXInternational* pInter,
                                    const lang::Locale* pLocale )
    : pTOXNd( nullptr ), pTextMark( pMark ), pTOXIntl( pInter ),
    nPos( 0 ), nCntPos( 0 ), nType( o3tl::narrowing<sal_uInt16>(nTyp) )
    , m_bValidText( false )
    if ( pLocale )
        aLocale = *pLocale;
    if( !pNd )
    sal_Int32 n = 0;
    if( pTextMark )
        n = pTextMark->GetStart();
    SwTOXSource aTmp( pNd, n, pTextMark && pTextMark->GetTOXMark().IsMainEntry() );
    nPos = pNd->GetIndex();
    switch( nTyp )
    case TOX_SORT_PARA:
    case TOX_SORT_TABLE:
        // If they are in a special areas, we should get the position at the
        // body
        if( nPos < pNd->GetNodes().GetEndOfExtras().GetIndex() )
            // Then get the 'anchor' (body) position
            Point aPt;
            std::pair<Point, bool> tmp(aPt, false);
            const SwContentFrame *const pFrame = pNd->getLayoutFrame(
                nullptr, &tmp);
            if( pFrame )
                SwPosition aPos( *pNd );
                const SwDoc& rDoc = pNd->GetDoc();
                bool const bResult = GetBodyTextNode( rDoc, aPos, *pFrame );
                OSL_ENSURE(bResult, "where is the text node");
                nPos = aPos.GetNodeIndex();
                nCntPos = aPos.GetContentIndex();
            nCntPos = n;
    default: break;
std::pair<OUString, bool> SwTOXSortTabBase::GetURL(SwRootFrame const*const pLayout) const
    OUString typeName;
    SwTOXType const& rType(*pTextMark->GetTOXMark().GetTOXType());
    switch (rType.GetType())
        case TOX_INDEX:
            typeName = "A";
        case TOX_CONTENT:
            typeName = "C";
        case TOX_USER:
            typeName = "U" + rType.GetTypeName();
            assert(false); // other tox can't have toxmarks as source
    OUString const decodedUrl( // counter will be added by caller!
          OUStringChar(toxMarkSeparator) + pTextMark->GetTOXMark().GetText(pLayout)
        + OUStringChar(toxMarkSeparator) + typeName
        + OUStringChar(cMarkSeparator) + "toxmark" );
    return std::make_pair(decodedUrl, true);
bool SwTOXSortTabBase::IsFullPara() const
    return false;
void SwTOXSortTabBase::FillText( SwTextNode& rNd, const SwContentIndex& rInsPos,
                                    sal_uInt16, SwRootFrame const*const) const
    rNd.InsertText( GetText().sText, rInsPos );
bool SwTOXSortTabBase::equivalent(const SwTOXSortTabBase& rCmp)
    bool bRet = nPos == rCmp.nPos && nCntPos == rCmp.nCntPos &&
            (!aTOXSources[0].pNd || !rCmp.aTOXSources[0].pNd ||
            aTOXSources[0].pNd == rCmp.aTOXSources[0].pNd );
    if( TOX_SORT_CONTENT == nType )
        bRet = bRet && pTextMark && rCmp.pTextMark &&
                pTextMark->GetStart() == rCmp.pTextMark->GetStart();
        if( bRet )
            // Both pointers exist -> compare text
            // else -> compare AlternativeText
            const sal_Int32 *pEnd  = pTextMark->End();
            const sal_Int32 *pEndCmp = rCmp.pTextMark->End();
            bRet = ( ( pEnd && pEndCmp ) || ( !pEnd && !pEndCmp ) ) &&
                    pTOXIntl->IsEqual( GetText(), GetLocale(),
                                       rCmp.GetText(), rCmp.GetLocale() );
    return bRet;
bool SwTOXSortTabBase::sort_lt(const SwTOXSortTabBase& rCmp)
    if( nPos < rCmp.nPos )
        return true;
    if( nPos == rCmp.nPos )
        if( nCntPos < rCmp.nCntPos )
            return true;
        if( nCntPos == rCmp.nCntPos )
            const SwNode* pFirst = aTOXSources[0].pNd;
            const SwNode* pNext = rCmp.aTOXSources[0].pNd;
            if( pFirst && pFirst == pNext )
                if( TOX_SORT_CONTENT == nType && pTextMark && rCmp.pTextMark )
                    if( pTextMark->GetStart() < rCmp.pTextMark->GetStart() )
                        return true;
                    if( pTextMark->GetStart() == rCmp.pTextMark->GetStart() )
                        const sal_Int32 *pEnd = pTextMark->End();
                        const sal_Int32 *pEndCmp = rCmp.pTextMark->End();
                        // Both pointers exist -> compare text
                        // else -> compare AlternativeText
                        if( ( pEnd && pEndCmp ) || ( !pEnd && !pEndCmp ) )
                            return pTOXIntl->IsLess( GetText(), GetLocale(),
                                                      rCmp.GetText(), rCmp.GetLocale() );
                        if( pEnd && !pEndCmp )
                            return true;
            else if( pFirst && pFirst->IsTextNode() &&
                     pNext && pNext->IsTextNode() )
                    return ::IsFrameBehind( *static_cast<const SwTextNode*>(pNext), nCntPos,
                                            *static_cast<const SwTextNode*>(pFirst), nCntPos );
    return false;
// Sorted keyword entry
SwTOXIndex::SwTOXIndex( const SwTextNode& rNd,
                        const SwTextTOXMark* pMark, SwTOIOptions nOptions,
                        sal_uInt8 nKyLevel,
                        const SwTOXInternational& rIntl,
                        const lang::Locale& rLocale )
    : SwTOXSortTabBase( TOX_SORT_INDEX, &rNd, pMark, &rIntl, &rLocale ),
    nPos = rNd.GetIndex();
    nOpt = nOptions;
// Compare keywords. Only relates to the text.
bool SwTOXIndex::equivalent(const SwTOXSortTabBase& rCmpBase)
    const SwTOXIndex& rCmp = static_cast<const SwTOXIndex&>(rCmpBase);
    // Respect case taking dependencies into account
    if(GetLevel() != rCmp.GetLevel() || nKeyLevel != rCmp.nKeyLevel)
        return false;
    OSL_ENSURE(pTextMark, "pTextMark == 0, No keyword");
    bool bRet = pTOXIntl->IsEqual( GetText(), GetLocale(),
                                   rCmp.GetText(), rCmp.GetLocale() );
    // If we don't summarize we need to evaluate the Pos
    if(bRet && !(GetOptions() & SwTOIOptions::SameEntry))
        bRet = nPos == rCmp.nPos;
    return bRet;
// operator, only depends on the text
bool SwTOXIndex::sort_lt(const SwTOXSortTabBase& rCmpBase)
    OSL_ENSURE(pTextMark, "pTextMark == 0, No keyword");
    const TextAndReading aMyTaR(GetText());
    const TextAndReading& aOtherTaR(rCmpBase.GetText());
    bool bRet = GetLevel() == rCmpBase.GetLevel() &&
                pTOXIntl->IsLess( aMyTaR, GetLocale(),
                                  aOtherTaR, rCmpBase.GetLocale() );
    // If we don't summarize we need to evaluate the Pos
    if( !bRet && !(GetOptions() & SwTOIOptions::SameEntry) )
        bRet = pTOXIntl->IsEqual( aMyTaR, GetLocale(),
                                  aOtherTaR, rCmpBase.GetLocale() ) &&
               nPos < rCmpBase.nPos;
    return bRet;
// The keyword itself
TextAndReading SwTOXIndex::GetText_Impl(SwRootFrame const*const pLayout) const
    assert(pTextMark && "pTextMark == 0, No keyword");
    const SwTOXMark& rTOXMark = pTextMark->GetTOXMark();
    TextAndReading aRet;
        case FORM_PRIMARY_KEY    :
            aRet.sText = rTOXMark.GetPrimaryKey();
            aRet.sReading = rTOXMark.GetPrimaryKeyReading();
        case FORM_SECONDARY_KEY  :
            aRet.sText = rTOXMark.GetSecondaryKey();
            aRet.sReading = rTOXMark.GetSecondaryKeyReading();
        case FORM_ENTRY          :
            aRet.sText = rTOXMark.GetText(pLayout);
            aRet.sReading = rTOXMark.GetTextReading();
    // if SwTOIOptions::InitialCaps is set, first character is to be capitalized
    if( SwTOIOptions::InitialCaps & nOpt && pTOXIntl && !aRet.sText.isEmpty())
        aRet.sText = pTOXIntl->ToUpper( aRet.sText, 0 ) + aRet.sText.subView(1);
    return aRet;
void SwTOXIndex::FillText( SwTextNode& rNd, const SwContentIndex& rInsPos, sal_uInt16,
        SwRootFrame const*const pLayout) const
    assert(!"sw_redlinehide: this is dead code, Bibliography only has SwTOXAuthority");
    const sal_Int32* pEnd = pTextMark->End();
    TextAndReading aRet;
    if( pEnd && !pTextMark->GetTOXMark().IsAlternativeText() &&
            !(GetOptions() & SwTOIOptions::KeyAsEntry))
        aRet.sText = static_cast<const SwTextNode*>(aTOXSources[0].pNd)->GetExpandText(
                            *pEnd - pTextMark->GetStart(),
                            false, false, false,
                            | (pLayout && pLayout->IsHideRedlines()
                                ? ExpandMode::HideDeletions
                                : ExpandMode(0)));
        if(SwTOIOptions::InitialCaps & nOpt && pTOXIntl && !aRet.sText.isEmpty())
            aRet.sText = pTOXIntl->ToUpper( aRet.sText, 0 ) + aRet.sText.subView(1);
        aRet = GetText();
    rNd.InsertText( aRet.sText, rInsPos );
sal_uInt16 SwTOXIndex::GetLevel() const
    assert(pTextMark && "pTextMark == 0, No keyword");
    sal_uInt16 nForm = FORM_PRIMARY_KEY;
    if( !(GetOptions() & SwTOIOptions::KeyAsEntry)&&
        !pTextMark->GetTOXMark().GetPrimaryKey().isEmpty() )
        nForm = FORM_SECONDARY_KEY;
        if( !pTextMark->GetTOXMark().GetSecondaryKey().isEmpty() )
            nForm = FORM_ENTRY;
    return nForm;
// Key and separator
SwTOXCustom::SwTOXCustom(TextAndReading aKey,
                         sal_uInt16 nLevel,
                         const SwTOXInternational& rIntl,
                         const lang::Locale& rLocale )
    : SwTOXSortTabBase( TOX_SORT_CUSTOM, nullptr, nullptr, &rIntl, &rLocale ),
    m_aKey(std::move(aKey)), nLev(nLevel)
bool SwTOXCustom::equivalent(const SwTOXSortTabBase& rCmpBase)
    return GetLevel() == rCmpBase.GetLevel() &&
           pTOXIntl->IsEqual( GetText(), GetLocale(),
                              rCmpBase.GetText(), rCmpBase.GetLocale() );
bool SwTOXCustom::sort_lt(const SwTOXSortTabBase& rCmpBase)
    return  GetLevel() <= rCmpBase.GetLevel() &&
            pTOXIntl->IsLess( GetText(), GetLocale(),
                              rCmpBase.GetText(), rCmpBase.GetLocale() );
sal_uInt16 SwTOXCustom::GetLevel() const
    return nLev;
TextAndReading SwTOXCustom::GetText_Impl(SwRootFrame const*const) const
    return m_aKey;
// Sorts the TOX entries
SwTOXContent::SwTOXContent( const SwTextNode& rNd, const SwTextTOXMark* pMark,
                        const SwTOXInternational& rIntl)
    : SwTOXSortTabBase( TOX_SORT_CONTENT, &rNd, pMark, &rIntl )
// The content's text
TextAndReading SwTOXContent::GetText_Impl(SwRootFrame const*const pLayout) const
    const sal_Int32* pEnd = pTextMark->End();
    if( pEnd && !pTextMark->GetTOXMark().IsAlternativeText() )
        return TextAndReading(
            static_cast<const SwTextNode*>(aTOXSources[0].pNd)->GetExpandText(
                                     *pEnd - pTextMark->GetStart(),
                            false, false, false,
                            | (pLayout && pLayout->IsHideRedlines()
                                ? ExpandMode::HideDeletions
                                : ExpandMode(0))),
    return TextAndReading(pTextMark->GetTOXMark().GetAlternativeText(), OUString());
void SwTOXContent::FillText(SwTextNode& rNd, const SwContentIndex& rInsPos, sal_uInt16,
        SwRootFrame const*const pLayout) const
    assert(!"sw_redlinehide: this is dead code, Bibliography only has SwTOXAuthority");
    const sal_Int32* pEnd = pTextMark->End();
    if( pEnd && !pTextMark->GetTOXMark().IsAlternativeText() )
        // sw_redlinehide: this probably won't HideDeletions
        static_cast<const SwTextNode*>(aTOXSources[0].pNd)->CopyExpandText(
                rNd, &rInsPos, pTextMark->GetStart(),
                *pEnd - pTextMark->GetStart(), pLayout);
        rNd.InsertText( GetText().sText, rInsPos );
// The level for displaying it
sal_uInt16 SwTOXContent::GetLevel() const
    return pTextMark->GetTOXMark().GetLevel();
// TOX assembled from paragraphs
// Watch out for OLE/graphics when sorting!
// The position must not come from the document, but from the "anchor"!
SwTOXPara::SwTOXPara(SwContentNode& rNd, SwTOXElement eT, sal_uInt16 nLevel, OUString sSeqName)
    : SwTOXSortTabBase( TOX_SORT_PARA, &rNd, nullptr, nullptr ),
    eType( eT ),
    m_sSequenceName(std::move( sSeqName ))
    // tdf#123313 create any missing bookmarks *before* generating ToX nodes!
    switch (eType)
    case SwTOXElement::Template:
    case SwTOXElement::OutlineLevel:
            *rNd.GetTextNode(), IDocumentMarkAccess::MarkType::CROSSREF_HEADING_BOOKMARK);
TextAndReading SwTOXPara::GetText_Impl(SwRootFrame const*const pLayout) const
    const SwContentNode* pNd = aTOXSources[0].pNd;
    switch( eType )
    case SwTOXElement::Sequence:
        if (nStartIndex != 0 || nEndIndex != -1)
            // sw_redlinehide: "captions" are a rather fuzzily defined concept anyway
            return TextAndReading(static_cast<const SwTextNode*>(pNd)->GetExpandText(
                        nEndIndex == -1 ? -1 : nEndIndex - nStartIndex,
                        false, false, false,
                        pLayout && pLayout->IsHideRedlines()
                            ? ExpandMode::HideDeletions
                            : ExpandMode(0)),
    case SwTOXElement::Template:
    case SwTOXElement::OutlineLevel:
            assert(nStartIndex == 0);
            assert(nEndIndex == -1);
            return TextAndReading(sw::GetExpandTextMerged(
                        pLayout, *static_cast<const SwTextNode*>(pNd),
                        false, false, ExpandMode::HideInvisible | ExpandMode::HideDeletions),
    case SwTOXElement::Ole:
    case SwTOXElement::Graphic:
    case SwTOXElement::Frame:
            // Find the FlyFormat; the object/graphic name is there
            SwFrameFormat* pFly = pNd->GetFlyFormat();
            if( pFly )
                return TextAndReading(pFly->GetName(), OUString());
            OSL_ENSURE( false, "Graphic/object without name" );
            TranslateId pId = SwTOXElement::Ole == eType
                            ? STR_OBJECT_DEFNAME
                            : SwTOXElement::Graphic == eType
                                ? STR_GRAPHIC_DEFNAME
                                : STR_FRAME_DEFNAME;
            return TextAndReading(SwResId(pId), OUString());
    default: break;
    return TextAndReading();
void SwTOXPara::FillText( SwTextNode& rNd, const SwContentIndex& rInsPos, sal_uInt16,
        SwRootFrame const*const pLayout) const
    assert(!"sw_redlinehide: this is dead code, Bibliography only has SwTOXAuthority");
    if( SwTOXElement::Template == eType || SwTOXElement::Sequence == eType  || SwTOXElement::OutlineLevel == eType)
        const SwTextNode* pSrc = static_cast<const SwTextNode*>(aTOXSources[0].pNd);
        if (SwTOXElement::Sequence == eType
            && (nStartIndex != 0 || nEndIndex != -1))
            pSrc->CopyExpandText( rNd, &rInsPos, nStartIndex,
                    nEndIndex == -1 ? -1 : nEndIndex - nStartIndex,
                    pLayout, false, true );
            assert(nStartIndex == 0);
            assert(nEndIndex == -1);
            // sw_redlinehide: this probably won't HideDeletions
            pSrc->CopyExpandText( rNd, &rInsPos, 0, -1,
                    pLayout, false, true );
            if (pLayout && pLayout->HasMergedParas())
                if (SwTextFrame const*const pFrame = static_cast<SwTextFrame*>(pSrc->getLayoutFrame(pLayout)))
                    if (sw::MergedPara const*const pMerged = pFrame->GetMergedPara())
                        // pSrc already copied above
                        assert(pSrc == pMerged->pParaPropsNode);
                        for (SwNodeOffset i = pSrc->GetIndex() + 1;
                             i <= pMerged->pLastNode->GetIndex(); ++i)
                            SwNode *const pTmp(pSrc->GetNodes()[i]);
                            if (pTmp->GetRedlineMergeFlag() == SwNode::Merge::NonFirst)
                                        rNd, &rInsPos, 0, -1,
                                        pLayout, false, false );
        rNd.InsertText( GetText().sText.replace('\t', ' '), rInsPos );
sal_uInt16 SwTOXPara::GetLevel() const
    sal_uInt16 nRet = m_nLevel;
    const SwContentNode*  pNd = aTOXSources[0].pNd;
    if( SwTOXElement::OutlineLevel == eType && pNd->GetTextNode() )
        const int nTmp = static_cast<const SwTextNode*>(pNd)->GetAttrOutlineLevel();
        if(nTmp != 0 )
            nRet = o3tl::narrowing<sal_uInt16>(nTmp);
    return nRet;
std::pair<OUString, bool> SwTOXPara::GetURL(SwRootFrame const*const) const
    OUString aText;
    const SwContentNode* pNd = aTOXSources[0].pNd;
    switch( eType )
    case SwTOXElement::Template:
    case SwTOXElement::OutlineLevel:
            const SwTextNode * pTextNd = pNd->GetTextNode();
            SwDoc& rDoc = const_cast<SwDoc&>( pTextNd->GetDoc() );
            // tdf#123313: this *must not* create a bookmark, its Undo would
            // be screwed! create it as preparatory step, in ctor!
            ::sw::mark::MarkBase const * const pMark = rDoc.getIDocumentMarkAccess()->getMarkForTextNode(
            aText = "#" + pMark->GetName();
    case SwTOXElement::Ole:
    case SwTOXElement::Graphic:
    case SwTOXElement::Frame:
            // Find the FlyFormat; the object/graphic name is there
            SwFrameFormat* pFly = pNd->GetFlyFormat();
            if( pFly )
                aText = "#" + pFly->GetName() + OUStringChar(cMarkSeparator);
                std::optional<OUString> pStr;
                switch( eType )
                case SwTOXElement::Ole:       pStr = u"ole"_ustr; break;
                case SwTOXElement::Graphic:   pStr = u"graphic"_ustr; break;
                case SwTOXElement::Frame:     pStr = u"frame"_ustr; break;
                default: break;
                if( pStr )
                    aText += *pStr;
    case SwTOXElement::Sequence:
            aText = "#" + m_sSequenceName + OUStringChar(cMarkSeparator)
                 + "sequence";
    default: break;
    return std::make_pair(aText, false);
bool SwTOXPara::IsFullPara() const
    switch (eType)
        case SwTOXElement::Sequence:
        case SwTOXElement::Template:
        case SwTOXElement::OutlineLevel:
            return nStartIndex == 0 && nEndIndex == -1;
            return false;
// Table
SwTOXTable::SwTOXTable( const SwContentNode& rNd )
    : SwTOXSortTabBase( TOX_SORT_TABLE, &rNd, nullptr, nullptr ),
TextAndReading SwTOXTable::GetText_Impl(SwRootFrame const*const) const
    const SwNode* pNd = aTOXSources[0].pNd;
    if( pNd )
        const SwTableNode* pTableNd =
        if (pTableNd)
            return TextAndReading(pTableNd->GetTable().GetFrameFormat()->GetName(), OUString());
    OSL_ENSURE( false, "Where's my table?" );
    return TextAndReading(SwResId( STR_TABLE_DEFNAME ), OUString());
sal_uInt16 SwTOXTable::GetLevel() const
    return nLevel;
std::pair<OUString, bool> SwTOXTable::GetURL(SwRootFrame const*const) const
    const SwNode* pNd = aTOXSources[0].pNd;
    if (!pNd)
        return std::make_pair(OUString(), false);
    pNd = pNd->FindTableNode();
    if (!pNd)
        return std::make_pair(OUString(), false);
    const OUString sName = static_cast<const SwTableNode*>(pNd)->GetTable().GetFrameFormat()->GetName();
    if ( sName.isEmpty() )
        return std::make_pair(OUString(), false);
    return std::make_pair("#" + sName + OUStringChar(cMarkSeparator) + "table", false);
SwTOXAuthority::SwTOXAuthority( const SwContentNode& rNd,
                SwFormatField& rField, const SwTOXInternational& rIntl ) :
    SwTOXSortTabBase( TOX_SORT_AUTHORITY, &rNd, nullptr, &rIntl ),
        nCntPos = rField.GetTextField()->GetStart();
sal_uInt16 SwTOXAuthority::GetLevel() const
    OUString sText(static_cast<SwAuthorityField*>(m_rField.GetField())->GetFieldText(AUTH_FIELD_AUTHORITY_TYPE));
    //#i18655# the level '0' is the heading level therefore the values are incremented here
    sal_uInt16 nRet = 1;
    if( pTOXIntl->IsNumeric( sText ) )
        nRet = sText.toUInt32();
    //illegal values are also set to 'ARTICLE' as non-numeric values are
    if(nRet > AUTH_TYPE_END)
        nRet = 1;
    return nRet;
static OUString lcl_GetText(SwFormatField const& rField, SwRootFrame const*const pLayout)
    return rField.GetField()->ExpandField(true, pLayout);
TextAndReading SwTOXAuthority::GetText_Impl(SwRootFrame const*const pLayout) const
    return TextAndReading(lcl_GetText(m_rField, pLayout), OUString());
OUString SwTOXAuthority::GetText(sal_uInt16 nAuthField, const SwRootFrame* pLayout) const
    SwAuthorityField* pField = static_cast<SwAuthorityField*>(m_rField.GetField());
    OUString sText;
    if(AUTH_FIELD_IDENTIFIER == nAuthField)
        sText = lcl_GetText(m_rField, pLayout);
        const SwAuthorityFieldType* pType = static_cast<const SwAuthorityFieldType*>(pField->GetTyp());
        sal_Unicode cChar = pType->GetPrefix();
        if(cChar && cChar != ' ')
            sText = sText.copy(1);
        cChar = pType->GetSuffix();
        if(cChar && cChar != ' ')
            sText = sText.copy(0, sText.getLength() - 1);
    else if(AUTH_FIELD_AUTHORITY_TYPE == nAuthField)
        sal_uInt16 nLevel = GetLevel();
            sText = SwAuthorityFieldType::GetAuthTypeName(static_cast<ToxAuthorityType>(--nLevel));
        sText = pField->GetFieldText(static_cast<ToxAuthorityField>(nAuthField));
    return sText;
OUString SwTOXAuthority::GetSourceURL(const OUString& rText)
    OUString aText = rText;
    uno::Reference<uri::XUriReferenceFactory> xUriReferenceFactory
        = uri::UriReferenceFactory::create(comphelper::getProcessComponentContext());
    uno::Reference<uri::XUriReference> xUriRef;
        xUriRef = xUriReferenceFactory->parse(aText);
    catch (const uno::Exception& rException)
                 "SwTOXAuthority::GetSourceURL: failed to parse url: " << rException.Message);
    if (xUriRef.is() && xUriRef->getFragment().startsWith("page="))
        aText = xUriRef->getUriReference();
    return aText;
void SwTOXAuthority::FillText(SwTextNode& rNd, const SwContentIndex& rInsPos, sal_uInt16 nAuthField,
                              SwRootFrame const* const pLayout) const
    OUString aText = GetText(nAuthField, pLayout);
    if (nAuthField == AUTH_FIELD_URL)
        aText = GetSourceURL(aText);
        // Convert URL to a relative one if requested.
        SwDoc* pDoc = static_cast<SwAuthorityFieldType*>(m_rField.GetField()->GetTyp())->GetDoc();
        if (SwDocShell* pDocShell = pDoc->GetDocShell())
            std::u16string_view aBaseURIScheme;
            const OUString aBaseURL = pDocShell->getDocumentBaseURL();
            sal_Int32 nSep = aBaseURL.indexOf(':');
            if (nSep != -1)
                aBaseURIScheme = aBaseURL.subView(0, nSep);
            uno::Reference<uri::XUriReferenceFactory> xUriReferenceFactory
                = uri::UriReferenceFactory::create(comphelper::getProcessComponentContext());
            uno::Reference<uri::XUriReference> xUriRef;
                xUriRef = xUriReferenceFactory->parse(aText);
            catch (const uno::Exception& rException)
                         "SwTOXAuthority::FillText: failed to parse url: " << rException.Message);
            bool bSaveRelFSys = officecfg::Office::Common::Save::URL::FileSystem::get();
            if (xUriRef.is() && bSaveRelFSys && xUriRef->getScheme() == aBaseURIScheme)
                aText = INetURLObject::GetRelURL(aBaseURL, aText);
    rNd.InsertText(aText, rInsPos);
bool SwTOXAuthority::equivalent(const SwTOXSortTabBase& rCmp)
    if (nType != rCmp.nType)
        return false;
    // Compare our SwAuthEntry and rCmp's SwAuthEntry, but the URL is considered equivalent, as long
    // as it only differs in a page number, as that's still the same source.
    const SwAuthEntry* pThis = static_cast<SwAuthorityField*>(m_rField.GetField())->GetAuthEntry();
    const SwAuthEntry* pOther = static_cast<SwAuthorityField*>(
                                    static_cast<const SwTOXAuthority&>(rCmp).m_rField.GetField())
    if (pThis == pOther)
        return true;
    for (int i = 0; i < AUTH_FIELD_END; ++i)
        auto eField = static_cast<ToxAuthorityField>(i);
        if (eField == AUTH_FIELD_URL)
            if (GetSourceURL(pThis->GetAuthorField(AUTH_FIELD_URL))
                != GetSourceURL(pOther->GetAuthorField(AUTH_FIELD_URL)))
                return false;
        if (pThis->GetAuthorField(eField) != pOther->GetAuthorField(eField))
            return false;
    return true;
bool SwTOXAuthority::sort_lt(const SwTOXSortTabBase& rBase)
    bool bRet = false;
    SwAuthorityField* pField = static_cast<SwAuthorityField*>(m_rField.GetField());
    SwAuthorityFieldType* pType = static_cast<SwAuthorityFieldType*>(
        bRet = SwTOXSortTabBase::sort_lt(rBase);
        SwAuthorityField* pCmpField =
            static_cast<SwAuthorityField*>(static_cast<const SwTOXAuthority&>(rBase).m_rField.GetField());
        for(sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < pType->GetSortKeyCount(); i++)
            const SwTOXSortKey* pKey = pType->GetSortKey(i);
            const TextAndReading aMy(pField->GetFieldText(pKey->eField), OUString());
            const TextAndReading aOther(pCmpField->GetFieldText(pKey->eField), OUString());
            sal_Int32 nComp = pTOXIntl->Compare( aMy, GetLocale(),
                                                 aOther, rBase.GetLocale() );
            if( nComp )
                bRet = (-1 == nComp) == pKey->bSortAscending;
    return bRet;
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V530 The return value of function 'InsertText' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'InsertText' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'InsertText' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'InsertText' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'InsertText' is required to be utilized.

V547 Expression is always false.

V547 Expression is always false.

V547 Expression is always false.

V728 An excessive check can be simplified. The '(A && B) || (!A && !B)' expression is equivalent to the 'bool(A) == bool(B)' expression.

V728 An excessive check can be simplified. The '(A && B) || (!A && !B)' expression is equivalent to the 'bool(A) == bool(B)' expression.