/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
* This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
* This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <config_java.h>
#include <tools/debug.hxx>
#include <svl/eitem.hxx>
#include <svl/intitem.hxx>
#include <svl/itempool.hxx>
#include <svl/itemset.hxx>
#include <svl/stritem.hxx>
#include <svl/visitem.hxx>
#include <svtools/javacontext.hxx>
#include <svtools/javainteractionhandler.hxx>
#include <tools/urlobj.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/awt/FontDescriptor.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/awt/Point.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/awt/Size.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/util/URLTransformer.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/util/XURLTransformer.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/frame/XFrame.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/frame/status/FontHeight.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/frame/status/ItemStatus.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/frame/status/ItemState.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/frame/status/Template.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/frame/DispatchResultState.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/frame/status/Visibility.hpp>
#include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx>
#include <uno/current_context.hxx>
#include <utility>
#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
#include <vcl/uitest/logger.hxx>
#include <boost/property_tree/json_parser.hpp>
#include <tools/json_writer.hxx>
#include <sfx2/app.hxx>
#include <unoctitm.hxx>
#include <sfx2/viewfrm.hxx>
#include <sfx2/frame.hxx>
#include <sfx2/ctrlitem.hxx>
#include <sfx2/sfxuno.hxx>
#include <sfx2/bindings.hxx>
#include <sfx2/dispatch.hxx>
#include <sfx2/sfxsids.hrc>
#include <sfx2/request.hxx>
#include <sfx2/msg.hxx>
#include <sfx2/viewsh.hxx>
#include <slotserv.hxx>
#include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
#include <sfx2/lokhelper.hxx>
#include <memory>
#include <string_view>
#include <sal/log.hxx>
#include <LibreOfficeKit/LibreOfficeKitEnums.h>
#include <comphelper/lok.hxx>
#include <comphelper/servicehelper.hxx>
#include <desktop/crashreport.hxx>
#include <vcl/threadex.hxx>
#include <unotools/mediadescriptor.hxx>
#include <frozen/bits/defines.h>
#include <frozen/bits/elsa_std.h>
#include <frozen/unordered_map.h>
using namespace ::com::sun::star;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::util;
namespace {
enum URLTypeId
const char* const URLTypeNames[URLType_COUNT] =
static void InterceptLOKStateChangeEvent( sal_uInt16 nSID, SfxViewFrame* pViewFrame, const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent& aEvent, const SfxPoolItem* pState );
void SfxStatusDispatcher::ReleaseAll()
css::lang::EventObject aObject;
aObject.Source = getXWeak();
std::unique_lock aGuard(maMutex);
maListeners.disposeAndClear( aGuard, aObject );
void SfxStatusDispatcher::sendStatusChanged(const OUString& rURL, const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent& rEvent)
std::unique_lock aGuard(maMutex);
::comphelper::OInterfaceContainerHelper4<css::frame::XStatusListener>* pContnr = maListeners.getContainer(aGuard, rURL);
if (!pContnr)
[&rEvent](const css::uno::Reference<css::frame::XStatusListener>& xListener)
void SAL_CALL SfxStatusDispatcher::dispatch( const css::util::URL&, const css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue >& )
void SAL_CALL SfxStatusDispatcher::dispatchWithNotification(
const css::util::URL&,
const css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue >&,
const css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XDispatchResultListener >& )
void SAL_CALL SfxStatusDispatcher::addStatusListener(const css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XStatusListener > & aListener, const css::util::URL& aURL)
std::unique_lock aGuard(maMutex);
maListeners.addInterface( aGuard, aURL.Complete, aListener );
if ( aURL.Complete == ".uno:LifeTime" )
css::frame::FeatureStateEvent aEvent;
aEvent.FeatureURL = aURL;
aEvent.Source = static_cast<css::frame::XDispatch*>(this);
aEvent.IsEnabled = true;
aEvent.Requery = false;
aListener->statusChanged( aEvent );
void SAL_CALL SfxStatusDispatcher::removeStatusListener( const css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XStatusListener > & aListener, const css::util::URL& aURL )
std::unique_lock aGuard(maMutex);
maListeners.removeInterface( aGuard, aURL.Complete, aListener );
SfxOfficeDispatch::SfxOfficeDispatch( SfxBindings& rBindings, SfxDispatcher* pDispat, const SfxSlot* pSlot, const css::util::URL& rURL )
: pImpl( new SfxDispatchController_Impl( this, &rBindings, pDispat, pSlot, rURL ))
// pImpl is an adapter that shows a css::frame::XDispatch-Interface to the outside and uses a SfxControllerItem to monitor a state
SfxOfficeDispatch::SfxOfficeDispatch( SfxDispatcher* pDispat, const SfxSlot* pSlot, const css::util::URL& rURL )
: pImpl( new SfxDispatchController_Impl( this, nullptr, pDispat, pSlot, rURL ))
// pImpl is an adapter that shows a css::frame::XDispatch-Interface to the outside and uses a SfxControllerItem to monitor a state
if ( pImpl )
// when dispatch object is released, destroy its connection to this object and destroy it
// Ensure that SfxDispatchController_Impl is deleted while the solar mutex is locked, since
// that derives from SfxListener.
SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
// The JavaContext contains an interaction handler which is used when
// the creation of a Java Virtual Machine fails. There shall only be one
// user notification (message box) even if the same error (interaction)
// reoccurs. The effect is, that if a user selects a menu entry than they
// may get only one notification that a JRE is not selected.
// This function checks if a JavaContext is already available (typically
// created by Desktop::Main() in app.cxx), and creates new one if not.
namespace {
std::unique_ptr< css::uno::ContextLayer > EnsureJavaContext()
css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XCurrentContext > xContext(css::uno::getCurrentContext());
if (xContext.is())
css::uno::Reference< css::task::XInteractionHandler > xHandler;
xContext->getValueByName(JAVA_INTERACTION_HANDLER_NAME) >>= xHandler;
if (xHandler.is())
return nullptr; // No need to add new layer: JavaContext already present
return std::make_unique< css::uno::ContextLayer >(new svt::JavaContext(xContext));
void SAL_CALL SfxOfficeDispatch::dispatch( const css::util::URL& aURL, const css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue >& aArgs )
// ControllerItem is the Impl class
if ( pImpl )
std::unique_ptr< css::uno::ContextLayer > layer(EnsureJavaContext());
utl::MediaDescriptor aDescriptor(aArgs);
bool bOnMainThread = aDescriptor.getUnpackedValueOrDefault(u"OnMainThread"_ustr, false);
if (bOnMainThread)
// Make sure that we own the solar mutex, otherwise later
// vcl::SolarThreadExecutor::execute() will release the solar mutex, even if it's owned by
// another thread, leading to an std::abort() at the end.
SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
vcl::solarthread::syncExecute([this, &aURL, &aArgs]() {
pImpl->dispatch(aURL, aArgs,
pImpl->dispatch(aURL, aArgs,
void SAL_CALL SfxOfficeDispatch::dispatchWithNotification( const css::util::URL& aURL,
const css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue >& aArgs,
const css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XDispatchResultListener >& rListener )
// ControllerItem is the Impl class
if ( pImpl )
std::unique_ptr< css::uno::ContextLayer > layer(EnsureJavaContext());
pImpl->dispatch( aURL, aArgs, rListener );
void SAL_CALL SfxOfficeDispatch::addStatusListener(const css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XStatusListener > & aListener, const css::util::URL& aURL)
std::unique_lock aGuard(maMutex);
maListeners.addInterface( aGuard, aURL.Complete, aListener );
if ( pImpl )
// ControllerItem is the Impl class
pImpl->addStatusListener( aListener, aURL );
SfxDispatcher* SfxOfficeDispatch::GetDispatcher_Impl()
return pImpl->GetDispatcher();
sal_uInt16 SfxOfficeDispatch::GetId() const
return pImpl ? pImpl->GetId() : 0;
void SfxOfficeDispatch::SetFrame(const css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XFrame >& xFrame)
if ( pImpl )
pImpl->SetFrame( xFrame );
void SfxOfficeDispatch::SetMasterUnoCommand( bool bSet )
if ( pImpl )
pImpl->setMasterSlaveCommand( bSet );
// Determine if URL contains a master/slave command which must be handled a little bit different
bool SfxOfficeDispatch::IsMasterUnoCommand( const css::util::URL& aURL )
return aURL.Protocol == ".uno:" && ( aURL.Path.indexOf( '.' ) > 0 );
OUString SfxOfficeDispatch::GetMasterUnoCommand( const css::util::URL& aURL )
OUString aMasterCommand;
if ( IsMasterUnoCommand( aURL ))
sal_Int32 nIndex = aURL.Path.indexOf( '.' );
if ( nIndex > 0 )
aMasterCommand = aURL.Path.copy( 0, nIndex );
return aMasterCommand;
SfxOfficeDispatch* pDisp,
SfxBindings* pBind,
SfxDispatcher* pDispat,
const SfxSlot* pSlot,
css::util::URL aURL )
: aDispatchURL(std::move( aURL ))
, pDispatcher( pDispat )
, pBindings( pBind )
, pLastState( nullptr )
, pDispatch( pDisp )
, bMasterSlave( false )
, bVisible( true )
if ( aDispatchURL.Protocol == "slot:" && !pSlot->aUnoName.isEmpty() )
aDispatchURL.Complete = pSlot->GetCommand();
Reference< XURLTransformer > xTrans( URLTransformer::create( ::comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() ) );
xTrans->parseStrict( aDispatchURL );
sal_uInt16 nSlot = pSlot->GetSlotId();
SetId( nSlot );
if ( pBindings )
// Bind immediately to enable the cache to recycle dispatches when asked for the same command
// a command in "slot" or in ".uno" notation must be treated as identical commands!
BindInternal_Impl( nSlot, pBindings );
assert(SfxApplication::Get()->GetAppDispatcher_Impl() == pDispatcher
|| pDispatcher->GetFrame() != nullptr);
if (pDispatcher->GetFrame())
void SfxDispatchController_Impl::Notify(SfxBroadcaster& rBC, SfxHint const& rHint)
if (rHint.GetId() == SfxHintId::Dying)
{ // both pBindings and pDispatcher are dead if SfxViewFrame is dead
pBindings = nullptr;
pDispatcher = nullptr;
if ( pLastState && !IsInvalidItem( pLastState ) )
delete pLastState;
if ( pDispatch )
// disconnect
pDispatch->pImpl = nullptr;
// force all listeners to release the dispatch object
void SfxDispatchController_Impl::SetFrame(const css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XFrame >& _xFrame)
xFrame = _xFrame;
void SfxDispatchController_Impl::setMasterSlaveCommand( bool bSet )
bMasterSlave = bSet;
void SfxDispatchController_Impl::UnBindController()
pDispatch = nullptr;
if ( IsBound() )
void SfxDispatchController_Impl::addParametersToArgs( const css::util::URL& aURL, css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue >& rArgs )
// Extract the parameter from the URL and put them into the property value sequence
sal_Int32 nQueryIndex = aURL.Complete.indexOf( '?' );
if ( nQueryIndex <= 0 )
OUString aParamString( aURL.Complete.copy( nQueryIndex+1 ));
sal_Int32 nIndex = 0;
OUString aToken = aParamString.getToken( 0, '&', nIndex );
sal_Int32 nParmIndex = 0;
OUString aParamType;
OUString aParamName = aToken.getToken( 0, '=', nParmIndex );
OUString aValue = aToken.getToken( 0, '=', nParmIndex );
if ( !aParamName.isEmpty() )
nParmIndex = 0;
aToken = aParamName;
aParamName = aToken.getToken( 0, ':', nParmIndex );
aParamType = aToken.getToken( 0, ':', nParmIndex );
sal_Int32 nLen = rArgs.getLength();
rArgs.realloc( nLen+1 );
auto pArgs = rArgs.getArray();
pArgs[nLen].Name = aParamName;
if ( aParamType.isEmpty() )
// Default: LONG
pArgs[nLen].Value <<= aValue.toInt32();
else if ( aParamType.equalsAsciiL( URLTypeNames[URLType_BOOL], 4 ))
// sal_Bool support
pArgs[nLen].Value <<= aValue.toBoolean();
else if ( aParamType.equalsAsciiL( URLTypeNames[URLType_BYTE], 4 ))
// sal_uInt8 support
pArgs[nLen].Value <<= sal_Int8( aValue.toInt32() );
else if ( aParamType.equalsAsciiL( URLTypeNames[URLType_LONG], 4 ))
// LONG support
pArgs[nLen].Value <<= aValue.toInt32();
else if ( aParamType.equalsAsciiL( URLTypeNames[URLType_SHORT], 5 ))
// SHORT support
pArgs[nLen].Value <<= sal_Int16( aValue.toInt32() );
else if ( aParamType.equalsAsciiL( URLTypeNames[URLType_HYPER], 5 ))
// HYPER support
pArgs[nLen].Value <<= aValue.toInt64();
else if ( aParamType.equalsAsciiL( URLTypeNames[URLType_FLOAT], 5 ))
// FLOAT support
pArgs[nLen].Value <<= aValue.toFloat();
else if ( aParamType.equalsAsciiL( URLTypeNames[URLType_STRING], 6 ))
// STRING support
pArgs[nLen].Value <<= INetURLObject::decode( aValue, INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::WithCharset );
else if ( aParamType.equalsAsciiL( URLTypeNames[URLType_DOUBLE], 6))
// DOUBLE support
pArgs[nLen].Value <<= aValue.toDouble();
while ( nIndex >= 0 );
MapUnit SfxDispatchController_Impl::GetCoreMetric( SfxItemPool const & rPool, sal_uInt16 nSlotId )
sal_uInt16 nWhich = rPool.GetWhichIDFromSlotID( nSlotId );
return rPool.GetMetric( nWhich );
OUString SfxDispatchController_Impl::getSlaveCommand( const css::util::URL& rURL )
OUString aSlaveCommand;
sal_Int32 nIndex = rURL.Path.indexOf( '.' );
if (( nIndex > 0 ) && ( nIndex < rURL.Path.getLength() ))
aSlaveCommand = rURL.Path.copy( nIndex+1 );
return aSlaveCommand;
namespace {
OUString parseArguments(std::u16string_view rAction,
const css::uno::Sequence<css::beans::PropertyValue>& rArgs)
OUStringBuffer aBuffer(rAction);
if (rArgs.hasElements())
aBuffer.append(" {");
for (const css::beans::PropertyValue& rProp : rArgs)
OUString aTypeName = rProp.Value.getValueTypeName();
if (aTypeName == "long" || aTypeName == "short")
sal_Int32 nValue = 0;
rProp.Value >>= nValue;
aBuffer.append("\"" + rProp.Name + "\": " + OUString::number(nValue) + ", ");
else if (aTypeName == "unsigned long")
sal_uInt32 nValue = 0;
rProp.Value >>= nValue;
aBuffer.append("\"" + rProp.Name + "\": " + OUString::number(nValue) + ", ");
else if (aTypeName == "boolean")
bool bValue = false;
rProp.Value >>= bValue;
aBuffer.append("\"" + rProp.Name + "\": ");
if (bValue)
aBuffer.append("True, ");
aBuffer.append("False, ");
return aBuffer.makeStringAndClear();
void collectUIInformation(const util::URL& rURL, const css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue >& rArgs)
static const char* pFile = std::getenv("LO_COLLECT_UIINFO");
if (!pFile)
UITestLogger::getInstance().log(parseArguments(Concat2View("Send UNO Command (\"" + rURL.Complete + "\") "), rArgs));
void SfxDispatchController_Impl::dispatch( const css::util::URL& aURL,
const css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue >& aArgs,
const css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XDispatchResultListener >& rListener )
if ( aURL.Protocol == ".uno:")
CrashReporter::logUnoCommand(parseArguments(aURL.Path, aArgs));
collectUIInformation(aURL, aArgs);
SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
if (comphelper::LibreOfficeKit::isActive())
const SfxViewShell* pViewShell = SfxViewShell::Current();
if (pViewShell && pViewShell->isBlockedCommand(aURL.Complete))
tools::JsonWriter aTree;
aTree.put("code", "");
aTree.put("kind", "BlockedCommand");
aTree.put("cmd", aURL.Complete);
aTree.put("message", "Blocked feature");
aTree.put("viewID", pViewShell->GetViewShellId().get());
pViewShell->libreOfficeKitViewCallback(LOK_COMMAND_BLOCKED, aTree.finishAndGetAsOString());
if (
!(pDispatch &&
(aURL.Protocol == ".uno:" && aURL.Path == aDispatchURL.Path) ||
(aURL.Protocol == "slot:" && aURL.Path.toInt32() == GetId())
if ( !pDispatcher && pBindings )
pDispatcher = GetBindings().GetDispatcher_Impl();
css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue > lNewArgs;
sal_Int32 nCount = aArgs.getLength();
// Support for URL based arguments
INetURLObject aURLObj( aURL.Complete );
if ( aURLObj.HasParam() )
addParametersToArgs( aURL, lNewArgs );
// Try to find call mode and frame name inside given arguments...
SfxCallMode nCall = SfxCallMode::RECORD;
sal_Int32 nMarkArg = -1;
// Filter arguments which shouldn't be part of the sequence property value
sal_uInt16 nModifier(0);
std::vector< css::beans::PropertyValue > aAddArgs;
for( sal_Int32 n=0; n<nCount; n++ )
const css::beans::PropertyValue& rProp = aArgs[n];
if( rProp.Name == "SynchronMode" )
bool bTemp;
if( rProp.Value >>= bTemp )
nCall = bTemp ? SfxCallMode::SYNCHRON : SfxCallMode::ASYNCHRON;
else if( rProp.Name == "Bookmark" )
nMarkArg = n;
aAddArgs.push_back( aArgs[n] );
else if( rProp.Name == "KeyModifier" )
rProp.Value >>= nModifier;
aAddArgs.push_back( aArgs[n] );
// Add needed arguments to sequence property value
sal_uInt32 nAddArgs = aAddArgs.size();
if ( nAddArgs > 0 )
sal_uInt32 nIndex( lNewArgs.getLength() );
lNewArgs.realloc( nIndex + nAddArgs );
std::copy(aAddArgs.begin(), aAddArgs.end(), std::next(lNewArgs.getArray(), nIndex));
// Overwrite possible detected synchron argument, if real listener exists (currently no other way)
if ( rListener.is() )
nCall = SfxCallMode::SYNCHRON;
if( GetId() == SID_JUMPTOMARK && nMarkArg == - 1 )
// we offer dispatches for SID_JUMPTOMARK if the URL points to a bookmark inside the document
// so we must retrieve this as an argument from the parsed URL
lNewArgs.realloc( lNewArgs.getLength()+1 );
auto& el = lNewArgs.getArray()[lNewArgs.getLength()-1];
el.Name = "Bookmark";
el.Value <<= aURL.Mark;
css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XFrame > xFrameRef(xFrame.get(), css::uno::UNO_QUERY);
if (! xFrameRef.is() && pDispatcher)
SfxViewFrame* pViewFrame = pDispatcher->GetFrame();
if (pViewFrame)
xFrameRef = pViewFrame->GetFrame().GetFrameInterface();
bool bSuccess = false;
SfxPoolItemHolder aItem;
MapUnit eMapUnit( MapUnit::Map100thMM );
// Extra scope so that aInternalSet is destroyed before
// rListener->dispatchFinished potentially calls
// framework::Desktop::terminate -> SfxApplication::Deinitialize ->
// ~CntItemPool:
if (pDispatcher)
SfxAllItemSet aInternalSet( SfxGetpApp()->GetPool() );
if (xFrameRef.is()) // an empty set is no problem ... but an empty frame reference can be a problem !
aInternalSet.Put( SfxUnoFrameItem( SID_FILLFRAME, xFrameRef ) );
SfxShell* pShell( nullptr );
// #i102619# Retrieve metric from shell before execution - the shell could be destroyed after execution
if ( pDispatcher->GetBindings() )
if ( !pDispatcher->IsLocked() )
const SfxSlot *pSlot = nullptr;
if ( pDispatcher->GetShellAndSlot_Impl( GetId(), &pShell, &pSlot, false, false ) )
if ( bMasterSlave )
// Extract slave command and add argument to the args list. Master slot MUST
// have an argument that has the same name as the master slot and type is SfxStringItem.
sal_Int32 nIndex = lNewArgs.getLength();
lNewArgs.realloc( nIndex+1 );
auto plNewArgs = lNewArgs.getArray();
plNewArgs[nIndex].Name = pSlot->aUnoName;
plNewArgs[nIndex].Value <<= SfxDispatchController_Impl::getSlaveCommand( aDispatchURL );
eMapUnit = GetCoreMetric( pShell->GetPool(), GetId() );
std::optional<SfxAllItemSet> xSet(pShell->GetPool());
TransformParameters(GetId(), lNewArgs, *xSet, pSlot);
if (xSet->Count())
// execute with arguments - call directly
aItem = pDispatcher->Execute(GetId(), nCall, &*xSet, &aInternalSet, nModifier);
if (aItem)
if (const SfxBoolItem* pBoolItem = dynamic_cast<const SfxBoolItem*>(aItem.getItem()))
bSuccess = pBoolItem->GetValue();
else if ( !IsDisabledItem(aItem.getItem()) )
bSuccess = true; // all other types are true
// else bSuccess = false look to line 664 it is false
// Be sure to delete this before we send a dispatch
// request, which will destroy the current shell.
// execute using bindings, enables support for toggle/enum etc.
SfxRequest aReq( GetId(), nCall, pShell->GetPool() );
aReq.SetModifier( nModifier );
pDispatcher->GetBindings()->Execute_Impl( aReq, pSlot, pShell );
aItem = aReq.GetReturnValue();
bSuccess = aReq.IsDone() || aItem;
SAL_INFO("sfx.control", "MacroPlayer: Unknown slot dispatched!");
eMapUnit = GetCoreMetric( SfxGetpApp()->GetPool(), GetId() );
// AppDispatcher
SfxAllItemSet aSet( SfxGetpApp()->GetPool() );
TransformParameters( GetId(), lNewArgs, aSet );
if ( aSet.Count() )
aItem = pDispatcher->Execute(GetId(), nCall, &aSet, &aInternalSet, nModifier);
// SfxRequests take empty sets as argument sets, GetArgs() returning non-zero!
aItem = pDispatcher->Execute(GetId(), nCall, nullptr, &aInternalSet, nModifier);
// no bindings, no invalidate ( usually done in SfxDispatcher::Call_Impl()! )
if (SfxApplication* pApp = SfxApplication::Get())
SfxDispatcher* pAppDispat = pApp->GetAppDispatcher_Impl();
if ( pAppDispat )
SfxPoolItemHolder aResult;
SfxItemState eState(pDispatcher->QueryState(GetId(), aResult));
StateChangedAtToolBoxControl(GetId(), eState, aResult.getItem());
bSuccess = aItem.is();
if ( !rListener.is() )
css::frame::DispatchResultEvent aEvent;
if ( bSuccess )
aEvent.State = css::frame::DispatchResultState::SUCCESS;
aEvent.State = css::frame::DispatchResultState::FAILURE;
aEvent.Source = static_cast<css::frame::XDispatch*>(pDispatch);
if ( bSuccess && aItem && !IsDisabledItem(aItem.getItem()) )
sal_uInt16 nSubId( 0 );
if ( eMapUnit == MapUnit::MapTwip )
aItem.getItem()->QueryValue( aEvent.Result, static_cast<sal_uInt8>(nSubId) );
rListener->dispatchFinished( aEvent );
SfxDispatcher* SfxDispatchController_Impl::GetDispatcher()
if ( !pDispatcher && pBindings )
pDispatcher = GetBindings().GetDispatcher_Impl();
return pDispatcher;
void SfxDispatchController_Impl::addStatusListener(const css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XStatusListener > & aListener, const css::util::URL& aURL)
SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
if ( !pDispatch )
// Use alternative QueryState call to have a valid UNO representation of the state.
css::uno::Any aState;
if ( !pDispatcher && pBindings )
pDispatcher = GetBindings().GetDispatcher_Impl();
SfxItemState eState = pDispatcher ? pDispatcher->QueryState( GetId(), aState ) : SfxItemState::INVALID;
if ( eState == SfxItemState::INVALID )
// Use special uno struct to transport don't care state
css::frame::status::ItemStatus aItemStatus;
aItemStatus.State = css::frame::status::ItemState::DONT_CARE;
aState <<= aItemStatus;
css::frame::FeatureStateEvent aEvent;
aEvent.FeatureURL = aURL;
aEvent.Source = static_cast<css::frame::XDispatch*>(pDispatch);
aEvent.Requery = false;
if ( bVisible )
aEvent.IsEnabled = eState != SfxItemState::DISABLED;
aEvent.State = aState;
css::frame::status::Visibility aVisibilityStatus;
aVisibilityStatus.bVisible = false;
// MBA: we might decide to *not* disable "invisible" slots, but this would be
// a change that needs to adjust at least the testtool
aEvent.IsEnabled = false;
aEvent.State <<= aVisibilityStatus;
aListener->statusChanged( aEvent );
void SfxDispatchController_Impl::sendStatusChanged(const OUString& rURL, const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent& rEvent)
pDispatch->sendStatusChanged(rURL, rEvent);
void SfxDispatchController_Impl::StateChanged( sal_uInt16 nSID, SfxItemState eState, const SfxPoolItem* pState, SfxSlotServer const * pSlotServ )
if ( !pDispatch )
// Bindings instance notifies controller about a state change, listeners must be notified also
// Don't cache visibility state changes as they are volatile. We need our real state to send it
// to our controllers after visibility is set to true.
bool bNotify = true;
if ( pState && !IsInvalidItem( pState ) )
if ( auto pVisibilityItem = dynamic_cast< const SfxVisibilityItem *>( pState ) )
bVisible = pVisibilityItem->GetValue();
if (pLastState && !IsInvalidItem(pLastState))
bNotify = typeid(*pState) != typeid(*pLastState) || *pState != *pLastState;
delete pLastState;
pLastState = !IsInvalidItem(pState) ? pState->Clone() : pState;
bVisible = true;
if ( pLastState && !IsInvalidItem( pLastState ) )
delete pLastState;
pLastState = pState;
if (!bNotify)
css::uno::Any aState;
if ( ( eState >= SfxItemState::DEFAULT ) && pState && !IsInvalidItem( pState ) && !IsDisabledItem(pState) )
// Retrieve metric from pool to have correct sub ID when calling QueryValue
sal_uInt16 nSubId( 0 );
MapUnit eMapUnit( MapUnit::Map100thMM );
// retrieve the core metric
// it's enough to check the objectshell, the only shell that does not use the pool of the document
// is SfxViewFrame, but it hasn't any metric parameters
// TODO/LATER: what about the FormShell? Does it use any metric data?! Perhaps it should use the Pool of the document!
if ( pSlotServ && pDispatcher )
if (SfxShell* pShell = pDispatcher->GetShell( pSlotServ->GetShellLevel() ))
eMapUnit = GetCoreMetric( pShell->GetPool(), nSID );
if ( eMapUnit == MapUnit::MapTwip )
pState->QueryValue( aState, static_cast<sal_uInt8>(nSubId) );
else if ( eState == SfxItemState::INVALID )
// Use special uno struct to transport don't care state
css::frame::status::ItemStatus aItemStatus;
aItemStatus.State = css::frame::status::ItemState::DONT_CARE;
aState <<= aItemStatus;
css::frame::FeatureStateEvent aEvent;
aEvent.FeatureURL = aDispatchURL;
aEvent.Source = static_cast<css::frame::XDispatch*>(pDispatch);
aEvent.IsEnabled = eState != SfxItemState::DISABLED;
aEvent.Requery = false;
aEvent.State = aState;
if (pDispatcher && pDispatcher->GetFrame())
InterceptLOKStateChangeEvent(nSID, pDispatcher->GetFrame(), aEvent, pState);
const std::vector<OUString> aContainedTypes = pDispatch->getContainedTypes();
for (const OUString& rName: aContainedTypes)
if (rName == aDispatchURL.Main || rName == aDispatchURL.Complete)
sendStatusChanged(rName, aEvent);
void SfxDispatchController_Impl::StateChangedAtToolBoxControl( sal_uInt16 nSID, SfxItemState eState, const SfxPoolItem* pState )
StateChanged( nSID, eState, pState, nullptr );
using PayloadGetter_t = OString (*)(sal_uInt16, SfxViewFrame*, const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent&,
const SfxPoolItem*);
OString IsActivePayload(sal_uInt16, SfxViewFrame*, const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent& aEvent,
const SfxPoolItem*)
bool bTemp = false;
aEvent.State >>= bTemp;
return aEvent.FeatureURL.Complete.toUtf8() + "=" + OString::boolean(bTemp);
OString FontNamePayload(sal_uInt16, SfxViewFrame*, const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent& aEvent,
const SfxPoolItem*)
css::awt::FontDescriptor aFontDesc;
aEvent.State >>= aFontDesc;
return aEvent.FeatureURL.Complete.toUtf8() + "=" + aFontDesc.Name.toUtf8();
OString FontHeightPayload(sal_uInt16, SfxViewFrame*, const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent& aEvent,
const SfxPoolItem*)
css::frame::status::FontHeight aFontHeight;
aEvent.State >>= aFontHeight;
return aEvent.FeatureURL.Complete.toUtf8() + "=" + OString::number(aFontHeight.Height);
OString StyleApplyPayload(sal_uInt16, SfxViewFrame*, const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent& aEvent,
const SfxPoolItem*)
css::frame::status::Template aTemplate;
aEvent.State >>= aTemplate;
return aEvent.FeatureURL.Complete.toUtf8() + "=" + aTemplate.StyleName.toUtf8();
OString ColorPayload(sal_uInt16, SfxViewFrame*, const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent& aEvent,
const SfxPoolItem*)
sal_Int32 nColor = -1;
aEvent.State >>= nColor;
return aEvent.FeatureURL.Complete.toUtf8() + "=" + OString::number(nColor);
OString UndoRedoPayload(sal_uInt16, SfxViewFrame*, const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent& aEvent,
const SfxPoolItem* pState)
if (aEvent.IsEnabled)
if (auto pUndoConflict = dynamic_cast<const SfxUInt32Item*>(pState);
!pUndoConflict || pUndoConflict->GetValue() == 0)
return aEvent.FeatureURL.Complete.toUtf8() + "=enabled";
return aEvent.FeatureURL.Complete.toUtf8() + "=disabled";
OString EnabledPayload(sal_uInt16, SfxViewFrame*, const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent& aEvent,
const SfxPoolItem*)
return aEvent.FeatureURL.Complete.toUtf8()
+ (aEvent.IsEnabled ? std::string_view("=enabled") : std::string_view("=disabled"));
OString ParaDirectionPayload(sal_uInt16, SfxViewFrame*, const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent& aEvent,
const SfxPoolItem*)
tools::JsonWriter aTree;
bool bTemp = false;
aEvent.State >>= bTemp;
aTree.put("commandName", aEvent.FeatureURL.Complete);
aTree.put("disabled", !aEvent.IsEnabled);
aTree.put("state", bTemp ? std::string_view("true") : std::string_view("false"));
return aTree.finishAndGetAsOString();
OString Int32Payload(sal_uInt16, SfxViewFrame*, const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent& aEvent,
const SfxPoolItem*)
OStringBuffer aBuffer(aEvent.FeatureURL.Complete.toUtf8() + "=");
if (sal_Int32 aInt32; aEvent.IsEnabled && (aEvent.State >>= aInt32))
return aBuffer.makeStringAndClear();
OString TransformPayload(sal_uInt16 nSID, SfxViewFrame* pViewFrame,
const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent& aEvent, const SfxPoolItem*)
if (aEvent.IsEnabled && pViewFrame->GetViewShell()->isLOKMobilePhone())
boost::property_tree::ptree aTree;
boost::property_tree::ptree aState;
aTree.put("commandName", aEvent.FeatureURL.Complete);
pViewFrame->GetBindings().QueryControlState(nSID, aState);
aTree.add_child("state", aState);
std::stringstream aStream;
boost::property_tree::write_json(aStream, aTree);
return OString(aStream.str());
return aEvent.FeatureURL.Complete.toUtf8() + "="; // Should an empty string be returned?
OString StringPayload(sal_uInt16, SfxViewFrame*, const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent& aEvent,
const SfxPoolItem*)
OStringBuffer aBuffer(aEvent.FeatureURL.Complete.toUtf8() + "=");
if (OUString aString; aEvent.IsEnabled && (aEvent.State >>= aString))
return aBuffer.makeStringAndClear();
OString RowColSelCountPayload(sal_uInt16, SfxViewFrame*,
const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent& aEvent, const SfxPoolItem*)
OUString aString;
if (aEvent.IsEnabled)
aEvent.State >>= aString;
tools::JsonWriter aTree;
aTree.put("commandName", aEvent.FeatureURL.Complete);
aTree.put("locale", comphelper::LibreOfficeKit::getLocale().getBcp47());
aTree.put("state", aString);
return aTree.finishAndGetAsOString();
OString StateTableCellPayload(sal_uInt16, SfxViewFrame*,
const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent& aEvent,
const SfxPoolItem* pState)
OStringBuffer aBuffer(aEvent.FeatureURL.Complete.toUtf8() + "=");
if (aEvent.IsEnabled)
if (const SfxStringItem* pSvxStatusItem = dynamic_cast<const SfxStringItem*>(pState))
return aBuffer.makeStringAndClear();
OString BooleanPayload(sal_uInt16, SfxViewFrame*, const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent& aEvent,
const SfxPoolItem*)
OStringBuffer aBuffer(aEvent.FeatureURL.Complete.toUtf8() + "=");
if (bool aBool; aEvent.IsEnabled && (aEvent.State >>= aBool))
return aBuffer.makeStringAndClear();
OString BooleanOrDisabledPayload(sal_uInt16, SfxViewFrame*,
const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent& aEvent, const SfxPoolItem*)
OStringBuffer aBuffer(aEvent.FeatureURL.Complete.toUtf8() + "=");
if (bool aBool; aEvent.IsEnabled && (aEvent.State >>= aBool))
return aBuffer.makeStringAndClear();
OString PointPayload(sal_uInt16, SfxViewFrame*, const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent& aEvent,
const SfxPoolItem*)
OStringBuffer aBuffer(aEvent.FeatureURL.Complete.toUtf8() + "=");
if (css::awt::Point aPoint; aEvent.IsEnabled && (aEvent.State >>= aPoint))
aBuffer.append(OString::number(aPoint.X) + " / " + OString::number(aPoint.Y));
return aBuffer.makeStringAndClear();
OString SizePayload(sal_uInt16, SfxViewFrame*, const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent& aEvent,
const SfxPoolItem*)
OStringBuffer aBuffer(aEvent.FeatureURL.Complete.toUtf8() + "=");
if (css::awt::Size aSize; aEvent.IsEnabled && (aEvent.State >>= aSize))
aBuffer.append(OString::number(aSize.Width) + " x " + OString::number(aSize.Height));
return aBuffer.makeStringAndClear();
OString StringOrStrSeqPayload(sal_uInt16, SfxViewFrame*,
const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent& aEvent, const SfxPoolItem*)
OStringBuffer aBuffer(aEvent.FeatureURL.Complete.toUtf8() + "=");
if (aEvent.IsEnabled)
if (OUString sValue; aEvent.State >>= sValue)
else if (css::uno::Sequence<OUString> aSeq; aEvent.State >>= aSeq)
return aBuffer.makeStringAndClear();
OString StrSeqPayload(sal_uInt16, SfxViewFrame*, const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent& aEvent,
const SfxPoolItem*)
OString json;
if (aEvent.IsEnabled)
if (css::uno::Sequence<OUString> aSeq; aEvent.State >>= aSeq)
tools::JsonWriter aTree;
for (const auto& s : aSeq)
aTree.put(s.toUtf8(), "true");
json = aTree.finishAndGetAsOString();
return aEvent.FeatureURL.Complete.toUtf8() + "=" + json;
OString TableSizePayload(sal_uInt16, SfxViewFrame*, const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent& aEvent,
const SfxPoolItem*)
OStringBuffer aBuffer(aEvent.FeatureURL.Complete.toUtf8() + "=");
if (sal_Int32 nValue; aEvent.State >>= nValue)
aBuffer.append(o3tl::convert<double>(nValue, o3tl::Length::twip, o3tl::Length::in));
return aBuffer.makeStringAndClear();
constexpr auto handlers = frozen::make_unordered_map<std::u16string_view, PayloadGetter_t>({
{ u"Bold", IsActivePayload },
{ u"CenterPara", IsActivePayload },
{ u"CharBackgroundExt", IsActivePayload },
{ u"ControlCodes", IsActivePayload },
{ u"DefaultBullet", IsActivePayload },
{ u"DefaultNumbering", IsActivePayload },
{ u"Italic", IsActivePayload },
{ u"JustifyPara", IsActivePayload },
{ u"LeftPara", IsActivePayload },
{ u"OutlineFont", IsActivePayload },
{ u"RightPara", IsActivePayload },
{ u"Shadowed", IsActivePayload },
{ u"SpellOnline", IsActivePayload },
{ u"OnlineAutoFormat", IsActivePayload },
{ u"SubScript", IsActivePayload },
{ u"SuperScript", IsActivePayload },
{ u"Strikeout", IsActivePayload },
{ u"Underline", IsActivePayload },
{ u"ModifiedStatus", IsActivePayload },
{ u"TrackChanges", IsActivePayload },
{ u"ShowTrackedChanges", IsActivePayload },
{ u"AlignLeft", IsActivePayload },
{ u"AlignHorizontalCenter", IsActivePayload },
{ u"AlignRight", IsActivePayload },
{ u"DocumentRepair", IsActivePayload },
{ u"ObjectAlignLeft", IsActivePayload },
{ u"ObjectAlignRight", IsActivePayload },
{ u"AlignCenter", IsActivePayload },
{ u"AlignUp", IsActivePayload },
{ u"AlignMiddle", IsActivePayload },
{ u"AlignDown", IsActivePayload },
{ u"TraceChangeMode", IsActivePayload },
{ u"FormatPaintbrush", IsActivePayload },
{ u"FreezePanes", IsActivePayload },
{ u"Sidebar", IsActivePayload },
{ u"SpacePara1", IsActivePayload },
{ u"SpacePara15", IsActivePayload },
{ u"SpacePara2", IsActivePayload },
{ u"DataFilterAutoFilter", IsActivePayload },
{ u"CellProtection", IsActivePayload },
{ u"NormalMultiPaneGUI", IsActivePayload },
{ u"NotesMode", IsActivePayload },
{ u"SlideMasterPage", IsActivePayload },
{ u"CharFontName", FontNamePayload },
{ u"FontHeight", FontHeightPayload },
{ u"StyleApply", StyleApplyPayload },
{ u"BackColor", ColorPayload },
{ u"BackgroundColor", ColorPayload },
{ u"TableCellBackgroundColor", ColorPayload },
{ u"CharBackColor", ColorPayload },
{ u"Color", ColorPayload },
{ u"FontColor", ColorPayload },
{ u"FrameLineColor", ColorPayload },
{ u"GlowColor", ColorPayload },
{ u"Undo", UndoRedoPayload },
{ u"Redo", UndoRedoPayload },
{ u"Cut", EnabledPayload },
{ u"Copy", EnabledPayload },
{ u"Paste", EnabledPayload },
{ u"SelectAll", EnabledPayload },
{ u"InsertAnnotation", EnabledPayload },
{ u"DeleteAnnotation", EnabledPayload },
{ u"ResolveAnnotation", EnabledPayload },
{ u"ResolveAnnotationThread", EnabledPayload },
{ u"PromoteComment", EnabledPayload },
{ u"InsertRowsBefore", EnabledPayload },
{ u"InsertRowsAfter", EnabledPayload },
{ u"InsertColumnsBefore", EnabledPayload },
{ u"InsertColumnsAfter", EnabledPayload },
{ u"NameGroup", EnabledPayload },
{ u"ObjectTitleDescription", EnabledPayload },
{ u"MergeCells", EnabledPayload },
{ u"InsertObjectChart", EnabledPayload },
{ u"InsertSection", EnabledPayload },
{ u"InsertPagebreak", EnabledPayload },
{ u"InsertColumnBreak", EnabledPayload },
{ u"HyperlinkDialog", EnabledPayload },
{ u"InsertSymbol", EnabledPayload },
{ u"InsertPage", EnabledPayload },
{ u"DeletePage", EnabledPayload },
{ u"DuplicatePage", EnabledPayload },
{ u"DeleteRows", EnabledPayload },
{ u"DeleteColumns", EnabledPayload },
{ u"DeleteTable", EnabledPayload },
{ u"SelectTable", EnabledPayload },
{ u"EntireRow", EnabledPayload },
{ u"EntireColumn", EnabledPayload },
{ u"EntireCell", EnabledPayload },
{ u"SortAscending", EnabledPayload },
{ u"SortDescending", EnabledPayload },
{ u"AcceptAllTrackedChanges", EnabledPayload },
{ u"RejectAllTrackedChanges", EnabledPayload },
{ u"AcceptTrackedChange", EnabledPayload },
{ u"RejectTrackedChange", EnabledPayload },
{ u"AcceptTrackedChangeToNext", EnabledPayload },
{ u"RejectTrackedChangeToNext", EnabledPayload },
{ u"NextTrackedChange", EnabledPayload },
{ u"PreviousTrackedChange", EnabledPayload },
{ u"FormatGroup", EnabledPayload },
{ u"ObjectBackOne", EnabledPayload },
{ u"SendToBack", EnabledPayload },
{ u"ObjectForwardOne", EnabledPayload },
{ u"BringToFront", EnabledPayload },
{ u"WrapRight", EnabledPayload },
{ u"WrapThrough", EnabledPayload },
{ u"WrapLeft", EnabledPayload },
{ u"WrapIdeal", EnabledPayload },
{ u"WrapOn", EnabledPayload },
{ u"WrapOff", EnabledPayload },
{ u"UpdateCurIndex", EnabledPayload },
{ u"InsertCaptionDialog", EnabledPayload },
{ u"SplitTable", EnabledPayload },
{ u"SplitCell", EnabledPayload },
{ u"DeleteNote", EnabledPayload },
{ u"AcceptChanges", EnabledPayload },
{ u"SetDefault", EnabledPayload },
{ u"ParaspaceIncrease", EnabledPayload },
{ u"ParaspaceDecrease", EnabledPayload },
{ u"TableDialog", EnabledPayload },
{ u"FormatCellDialog", EnabledPayload },
{ u"FontDialog", EnabledPayload },
{ u"ParagraphDialog", EnabledPayload },
{ u"OutlineBullet", EnabledPayload },
{ u"InsertIndexesEntry", EnabledPayload },
{ u"TransformDialog", EnabledPayload },
{ u"EditRegion", EnabledPayload },
{ u"ThesaurusDialog", EnabledPayload },
{ u"OutlineRight", EnabledPayload },
{ u"OutlineLeft", EnabledPayload },
{ u"OutlineDown", EnabledPayload },
{ u"OutlineUp", EnabledPayload },
{ u"FormatArea", EnabledPayload },
{ u"FormatLine", EnabledPayload },
{ u"FormatColumns", EnabledPayload },
{ u"Watermark", EnabledPayload },
{ u"InsertBreak", EnabledPayload },
{ u"InsertEndnote", EnabledPayload },
{ u"InsertFootnote", EnabledPayload },
{ u"InsertReferenceField", EnabledPayload },
{ u"InsertBookmark", EnabledPayload },
{ u"InsertAuthoritiesEntry", EnabledPayload },
{ u"InsertMultiIndex", EnabledPayload },
{ u"InsertField", EnabledPayload },
{ u"PageNumberWizard", EnabledPayload },
{ u"InsertPageNumberField", EnabledPayload },
{ u"InsertPageCountField", EnabledPayload },
{ u"InsertDateField", EnabledPayload },
{ u"InsertTitleField", EnabledPayload },
{ u"InsertFieldCtrl", EnabledPayload },
{ u"CharmapControl", EnabledPayload },
{ u"EnterGroup", EnabledPayload },
{ u"LeaveGroup", EnabledPayload },
{ u"Combine", EnabledPayload },
{ u"Merge", EnabledPayload },
{ u"Dismantle", EnabledPayload },
{ u"Substract", EnabledPayload },
{ u"DistributeSelection", EnabledPayload },
{ u"Intersect", EnabledPayload },
{ u"ResetAttributes", EnabledPayload },
{ u"IncrementIndent", EnabledPayload },
{ u"DecrementIndent", EnabledPayload },
{ u"EditHeaderAndFooter", EnabledPayload },
{ u"InsertSparkline", EnabledPayload },
{ u"DeleteSparkline", EnabledPayload },
{ u"DeleteSparklineGroup", EnabledPayload },
{ u"EditSparklineGroup", EnabledPayload },
{ u"EditSparkline", EnabledPayload },
{ u"GroupSparklines", EnabledPayload },
{ u"UngroupSparklines", EnabledPayload },
{ u"FormatSparklineMenu", EnabledPayload },
{ u"DataDataPilotRun", EnabledPayload },
{ u"RecalcPivotTable", EnabledPayload },
{ u"DeletePivotTable", EnabledPayload },
{ u"NumberFormatDecDecimals", EnabledPayload },
{ u"NumberFormatIncDecimals", EnabledPayload },
{ u"Protect", EnabledPayload },
{ u"UnsetCellsReadOnly", EnabledPayload },
{ u"ContentControlProperties", EnabledPayload },
{ u"DeleteContentControl", EnabledPayload },
{ u"InsertCheckboxContentControl", EnabledPayload },
{ u"InsertContentControl", EnabledPayload },
{ u"InsertDateContentControl", EnabledPayload },
{ u"InsertDropdownContentControl", EnabledPayload },
{ u"InsertPlainTextContentControl", EnabledPayload },
{ u"InsertPictureContentControl", EnabledPayload },
{ u"ChangeBezier", EnabledPayload },
{ u"DistributeHorzCenter", EnabledPayload },
{ u"DistributeHorzDistance", EnabledPayload },
{ u"DistributeHorzLeft", EnabledPayload },
{ u"DistributeHorzRight", EnabledPayload },
{ u"DistributeVertBottom", EnabledPayload },
{ u"DistributeVertCenter", EnabledPayload },
{ u"DistributeVertDistance", EnabledPayload },
{ u"DistributeVertTop", EnabledPayload },
{ u"AnimationEffects", EnabledPayload },
{ u"ExecuteAnimationEffect", EnabledPayload },
{ u"ParaLeftToRight", ParaDirectionPayload },
{ u"ParaRightToLeft", ParaDirectionPayload },
{ u"AssignLayout", Int32Payload },
{ u"StatusSelectionMode", Int32Payload },
{ u"Signature", Int32Payload },
{ u"SelectionMode", Int32Payload },
{ u"StatusBarFunc", Int32Payload },
{ u"TransformPosX", TransformPayload },
{ u"TransformPosY", TransformPayload },
{ u"TransformWidth", TransformPayload },
{ u"TransformHeight", TransformPayload },
{ u"StatusDocPos", StringPayload },
{ u"StatusPageStyle", StringPayload },
{ u"StateWordCount", StringPayload },
{ u"PageStyleName", StringPayload },
{ u"PageStatus", StringPayload },
{ u"LayoutStatus", StringPayload },
{ u"Scale", StringPayload },
{ u"Context", StringPayload },
{ u"RowColSelCount", RowColSelCountPayload },
{ u"StateTableCell", StateTableCellPayload },
{ u"InsertMode", BooleanPayload },
{ u"WrapText", BooleanPayload },
{ u"NumberFormatCurrency", BooleanPayload },
{ u"NumberFormatPercent", BooleanPayload },
{ u"NumberFormatDecimal", BooleanPayload },
{ u"NumberFormatDate", BooleanPayload },
{ u"ShowResolvedAnnotations", BooleanPayload },
{ u"ToggleMergeCells", BooleanOrDisabledPayload },
{ u"SheetRightToLeft", BooleanOrDisabledPayload },
{ u"ToggleSheetGrid", BooleanOrDisabledPayload },
{ u"Position", PointPayload },
{ u"FreezePanesColumn", PointPayload },
{ u"FreezePanesRow", PointPayload },
{ u"Size", SizePayload },
{ u"LanguageStatus", StringOrStrSeqPayload },
{ u"StatePageNumber", StringOrStrSeqPayload },
{ u"InsertPageHeader", StrSeqPayload },
{ u"InsertPageFooter", StrSeqPayload },
{ u"TableColumWidth", TableSizePayload },
{ u"TableRowHeight", TableSizePayload },
static void InterceptLOKStateChangeEvent(sal_uInt16 nSID, SfxViewFrame* pViewFrame, const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent& aEvent, const SfxPoolItem* pState)
const SfxViewShell* pViewShell = pViewFrame->GetViewShell();
if (!comphelper::LibreOfficeKit::isActive() || !pViewShell)
auto handler = handlers.find(aEvent.FeatureURL.Path);
if (handler == handlers.end())
// Try to send JSON state version
SfxLokHelper::sendUnoStatus(pViewShell, pState);
handler->second(nSID, pViewFrame, aEvent, pState));
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
↑ V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.
↑ V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.
↑ V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.
↑ V614 Uninitialized variable 'bTemp' used.
↑ V614 Uninitialized variable 'aInt32' used. Consider checking the first actual argument of the 'append' function.
↑ V614 Uninitialized variable 'aBool' used. Consider checking the first actual argument of the 'append' function.
↑ V614 Uninitialized variable 'aBool' used. Consider checking the first actual argument of the 'append' function.
↑ V614 Uninitialized variable 'nValue' used. Consider checking the first actual argument of the 'convert' function.
↑ V547 Expression 'bValue' is always false.
↑ V547 Expression 'bTemp' is always false.
↑ V1019 Compound assignment expression 'aEvent.State >>= aInt32' is used inside condition.
↑ V1019 Compound assignment expression 'aEvent.State >>= aString' is used inside condition.
↑ V1019 Compound assignment expression 'aEvent.State >>= aBool' is used inside condition.
↑ V1019 Compound assignment expression 'aEvent.State >>= aBool' is used inside condition.
↑ V1019 Compound assignment expression 'aEvent.State >>= aPoint' is used inside condition.
↑ V1019 Compound assignment expression 'aEvent.State >>= aSize' is used inside condition.