/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <config_java.h>
#include <tools/debug.hxx>
#include <svl/eitem.hxx>
#include <svl/intitem.hxx>
#include <svl/itempool.hxx>
#include <svl/itemset.hxx>
#include <svl/stritem.hxx>
#include <svl/visitem.hxx>
#include <svtools/javacontext.hxx>
#include <svtools/javainteractionhandler.hxx>
#include <tools/urlobj.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/awt/FontDescriptor.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/awt/Point.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/awt/Size.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/util/URLTransformer.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/util/XURLTransformer.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/frame/XFrame.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/frame/status/FontHeight.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/frame/status/ItemStatus.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/frame/status/ItemState.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/frame/status/Template.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/frame/DispatchResultState.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/frame/status/Visibility.hpp>
#include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx>
#include <uno/current_context.hxx>
#include <utility>
#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
#include <vcl/uitest/logger.hxx>
#include <boost/property_tree/json_parser.hpp>
#include <tools/json_writer.hxx>
#include <sfx2/app.hxx>
#include <unoctitm.hxx>
#include <sfx2/viewfrm.hxx>
#include <sfx2/frame.hxx>
#include <sfx2/ctrlitem.hxx>
#include <sfx2/sfxuno.hxx>
#include <sfx2/bindings.hxx>
#include <sfx2/dispatch.hxx>
#include <sfx2/sfxsids.hrc>
#include <sfx2/request.hxx>
#include <sfx2/msg.hxx>
#include <sfx2/viewsh.hxx>
#include <slotserv.hxx>
#include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
#include <sfx2/lokhelper.hxx>
#include <memory>
#include <string_view>
#include <sal/log.hxx>
#include <LibreOfficeKit/LibreOfficeKitEnums.h>
#include <comphelper/lok.hxx>
#include <comphelper/servicehelper.hxx>
#include <desktop/crashreport.hxx>
#include <vcl/threadex.hxx>
#include <unotools/mediadescriptor.hxx>
#include <frozen/bits/defines.h>
#include <frozen/bits/elsa_std.h>
#include <frozen/unordered_map.h>
using namespace ::com::sun::star;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::util;
namespace {
enum URLTypeId
const char* const URLTypeNames[URLType_COUNT] =
static void InterceptLOKStateChangeEvent( sal_uInt16 nSID, SfxViewFrame* pViewFrame, const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent& aEvent, const SfxPoolItem* pState );
void SfxStatusDispatcher::ReleaseAll()
    css::lang::EventObject aObject;
    aObject.Source = getXWeak();
    std::unique_lock aGuard(maMutex);
    maListeners.disposeAndClear( aGuard, aObject );
void SfxStatusDispatcher::sendStatusChanged(const OUString& rURL, const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent& rEvent)
    std::unique_lock aGuard(maMutex);
    ::comphelper::OInterfaceContainerHelper4<css::frame::XStatusListener>* pContnr = maListeners.getContainer(aGuard, rURL);
    if (!pContnr)
        [&rEvent](const css::uno::Reference<css::frame::XStatusListener>& xListener)
void SAL_CALL SfxStatusDispatcher::dispatch( const css::util::URL&, const css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue >& )
void SAL_CALL SfxStatusDispatcher::dispatchWithNotification(
    const css::util::URL&,
    const css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue >&,
    const css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XDispatchResultListener >& )
void SAL_CALL SfxStatusDispatcher::addStatusListener(const css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XStatusListener > & aListener, const css::util::URL& aURL)
        std::unique_lock aGuard(maMutex);
        maListeners.addInterface( aGuard, aURL.Complete, aListener );
    if ( aURL.Complete == ".uno:LifeTime" )
        css::frame::FeatureStateEvent aEvent;
        aEvent.FeatureURL = aURL;
        aEvent.Source = static_cast<css::frame::XDispatch*>(this);
        aEvent.IsEnabled = true;
        aEvent.Requery = false;
        aListener->statusChanged( aEvent );
void SAL_CALL SfxStatusDispatcher::removeStatusListener( const css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XStatusListener > & aListener, const css::util::URL& aURL )
    std::unique_lock aGuard(maMutex);
    maListeners.removeInterface( aGuard, aURL.Complete, aListener );
SfxOfficeDispatch::SfxOfficeDispatch( SfxBindings& rBindings, SfxDispatcher* pDispat, const SfxSlot* pSlot, const css::util::URL& rURL )
    : pImpl( new SfxDispatchController_Impl( this, &rBindings, pDispat, pSlot, rURL ))
    // pImpl is an adapter that shows a css::frame::XDispatch-Interface to the outside and uses a SfxControllerItem to monitor a state
SfxOfficeDispatch::SfxOfficeDispatch( SfxDispatcher* pDispat, const SfxSlot* pSlot, const css::util::URL& rURL )
    : pImpl( new SfxDispatchController_Impl( this, nullptr, pDispat, pSlot, rURL ))
    // pImpl is an adapter that shows a css::frame::XDispatch-Interface to the outside and uses a SfxControllerItem to monitor a state
    if ( pImpl )
        // when dispatch object is released, destroy its connection to this object and destroy it
        // Ensure that SfxDispatchController_Impl is deleted while the solar mutex is locked, since
        // that derives from SfxListener.
        SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
// The JavaContext contains an interaction handler which is used when
// the creation of a Java Virtual Machine fails. There shall only be one
// user notification (message box) even if the same error (interaction)
// reoccurs. The effect is, that if a user selects a menu entry than they
// may get only one notification that a JRE is not selected.
// This function checks if a JavaContext is already available (typically
// created by Desktop::Main() in app.cxx), and creates new one if not.
namespace {
std::unique_ptr< css::uno::ContextLayer > EnsureJavaContext()
    css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XCurrentContext > xContext(css::uno::getCurrentContext());
    if (xContext.is())
        css::uno::Reference< css::task::XInteractionHandler > xHandler;
        xContext->getValueByName(JAVA_INTERACTION_HANDLER_NAME) >>= xHandler;
        if (xHandler.is())
            return nullptr; // No need to add new layer: JavaContext already present
    return std::make_unique< css::uno::ContextLayer >(new svt::JavaContext(xContext));
void SAL_CALL SfxOfficeDispatch::dispatch( const css::util::URL& aURL, const css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue >& aArgs )
    // ControllerItem is the Impl class
    if ( pImpl )
        std::unique_ptr< css::uno::ContextLayer > layer(EnsureJavaContext());
        utl::MediaDescriptor aDescriptor(aArgs);
        bool bOnMainThread = aDescriptor.getUnpackedValueOrDefault(u"OnMainThread"_ustr, false);
        if (bOnMainThread)
            // Make sure that we own the solar mutex, otherwise later
            // vcl::SolarThreadExecutor::execute() will release the solar mutex, even if it's owned by
            // another thread, leading to an std::abort() at the end.
            SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
            vcl::solarthread::syncExecute([this, &aURL, &aArgs]() {
                pImpl->dispatch(aURL, aArgs,
            pImpl->dispatch(aURL, aArgs,
void SAL_CALL SfxOfficeDispatch::dispatchWithNotification( const css::util::URL& aURL,
        const css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue >& aArgs,
        const css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XDispatchResultListener >& rListener )
    // ControllerItem is the Impl class
    if ( pImpl )
        std::unique_ptr< css::uno::ContextLayer > layer(EnsureJavaContext());
        pImpl->dispatch( aURL, aArgs, rListener );
void SAL_CALL SfxOfficeDispatch::addStatusListener(const css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XStatusListener > & aListener, const css::util::URL& aURL)
        std::unique_lock aGuard(maMutex);
        maListeners.addInterface( aGuard, aURL.Complete, aListener );
    if ( pImpl )
        // ControllerItem is the Impl class
        pImpl->addStatusListener( aListener, aURL );
SfxDispatcher* SfxOfficeDispatch::GetDispatcher_Impl()
    return pImpl->GetDispatcher();
sal_uInt16 SfxOfficeDispatch::GetId() const
    return pImpl ? pImpl->GetId() : 0;
void SfxOfficeDispatch::SetFrame(const css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XFrame >& xFrame)
    if ( pImpl )
        pImpl->SetFrame( xFrame );
void SfxOfficeDispatch::SetMasterUnoCommand( bool bSet )
    if ( pImpl )
        pImpl->setMasterSlaveCommand( bSet );
// Determine if URL contains a master/slave command which must be handled a little bit different
bool SfxOfficeDispatch::IsMasterUnoCommand( const css::util::URL& aURL )
    return aURL.Protocol == ".uno:" && ( aURL.Path.indexOf( '.' ) > 0 );
OUString SfxOfficeDispatch::GetMasterUnoCommand( const css::util::URL& aURL )
    OUString aMasterCommand;
    if ( IsMasterUnoCommand( aURL ))
        sal_Int32 nIndex = aURL.Path.indexOf( '.' );
        if ( nIndex > 0 )
            aMasterCommand = aURL.Path.copy( 0, nIndex );
    return aMasterCommand;
    SfxOfficeDispatch*                 pDisp,
    SfxBindings*                       pBind,
    SfxDispatcher*                     pDispat,
    const SfxSlot*                     pSlot,
    css::util::URL               aURL )
    : aDispatchURL(std::move( aURL ))
    , pDispatcher( pDispat )
    , pBindings( pBind )
    , pLastState( nullptr )
    , pDispatch( pDisp )
    , bMasterSlave( false )
    , bVisible( true )
    if ( aDispatchURL.Protocol == "slot:" && !pSlot->aUnoName.isEmpty() )
        aDispatchURL.Complete = pSlot->GetCommand();
        Reference< XURLTransformer > xTrans( URLTransformer::create( ::comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() ) );
        xTrans->parseStrict( aDispatchURL );
    sal_uInt16 nSlot = pSlot->GetSlotId();
    SetId( nSlot );
    if ( pBindings )
        // Bind immediately to enable the cache to recycle dispatches when asked for the same command
        // a command in "slot" or in ".uno" notation must be treated as identical commands!
        BindInternal_Impl( nSlot, pBindings );
    assert(SfxApplication::Get()->GetAppDispatcher_Impl() == pDispatcher
        || pDispatcher->GetFrame() != nullptr);
    if (pDispatcher->GetFrame())
void SfxDispatchController_Impl::Notify(SfxBroadcaster& rBC, SfxHint const& rHint)
    if (rHint.GetId() == SfxHintId::Dying)
    {   // both pBindings and pDispatcher are dead if SfxViewFrame is dead
        pBindings = nullptr;
        pDispatcher = nullptr;
    if ( pLastState && !IsInvalidItem( pLastState ) )
        delete pLastState;
    if ( pDispatch )
        // disconnect
        pDispatch->pImpl = nullptr;
        // force all listeners to release the dispatch object
void SfxDispatchController_Impl::SetFrame(const css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XFrame >& _xFrame)
    xFrame = _xFrame;
void SfxDispatchController_Impl::setMasterSlaveCommand( bool bSet )
    bMasterSlave = bSet;
void SfxDispatchController_Impl::UnBindController()
    pDispatch = nullptr;
    if ( IsBound() )
void SfxDispatchController_Impl::addParametersToArgs( const css::util::URL& aURL, css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue >& rArgs )
    // Extract the parameter from the URL and put them into the property value sequence
    sal_Int32 nQueryIndex = aURL.Complete.indexOf( '?' );
    if ( nQueryIndex <= 0 )
    OUString aParamString( aURL.Complete.copy( nQueryIndex+1 ));
    sal_Int32 nIndex = 0;
        OUString aToken = aParamString.getToken( 0, '&', nIndex );
        sal_Int32 nParmIndex = 0;
        OUString aParamType;
        OUString aParamName = aToken.getToken( 0, '=', nParmIndex );
        OUString aValue     = aToken.getToken( 0, '=', nParmIndex );
        if ( !aParamName.isEmpty() )
            nParmIndex = 0;
            aToken = aParamName;
            aParamName = aToken.getToken( 0, ':', nParmIndex );
            aParamType = aToken.getToken( 0, ':', nParmIndex );
        sal_Int32 nLen = rArgs.getLength();
        rArgs.realloc( nLen+1 );
        auto pArgs = rArgs.getArray();
        pArgs[nLen].Name = aParamName;
        if ( aParamType.isEmpty() )
            // Default: LONG
            pArgs[nLen].Value <<= aValue.toInt32();
        else if ( aParamType.equalsAsciiL( URLTypeNames[URLType_BOOL], 4 ))
            // sal_Bool support
            pArgs[nLen].Value <<= aValue.toBoolean();
        else if ( aParamType.equalsAsciiL( URLTypeNames[URLType_BYTE], 4 ))
            // sal_uInt8 support
            pArgs[nLen].Value <<= sal_Int8( aValue.toInt32() );
        else if ( aParamType.equalsAsciiL( URLTypeNames[URLType_LONG], 4 ))
            // LONG support
            pArgs[nLen].Value <<= aValue.toInt32();
        else if ( aParamType.equalsAsciiL( URLTypeNames[URLType_SHORT], 5 ))
            // SHORT support
            pArgs[nLen].Value <<= sal_Int16( aValue.toInt32() );
        else if ( aParamType.equalsAsciiL( URLTypeNames[URLType_HYPER], 5 ))
            // HYPER support
            pArgs[nLen].Value <<= aValue.toInt64();
        else if ( aParamType.equalsAsciiL( URLTypeNames[URLType_FLOAT], 5 ))
            // FLOAT support
            pArgs[nLen].Value <<= aValue.toFloat();
        else if ( aParamType.equalsAsciiL( URLTypeNames[URLType_STRING], 6 ))
            // STRING support
            pArgs[nLen].Value <<= INetURLObject::decode( aValue, INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::WithCharset );
        else if ( aParamType.equalsAsciiL( URLTypeNames[URLType_DOUBLE], 6))
            // DOUBLE support
            pArgs[nLen].Value <<= aValue.toDouble();
    while ( nIndex >= 0 );
MapUnit SfxDispatchController_Impl::GetCoreMetric( SfxItemPool const & rPool, sal_uInt16 nSlotId )
    sal_uInt16 nWhich = rPool.GetWhichIDFromSlotID( nSlotId );
    return rPool.GetMetric( nWhich );
OUString SfxDispatchController_Impl::getSlaveCommand( const css::util::URL& rURL )
    OUString   aSlaveCommand;
    sal_Int32       nIndex = rURL.Path.indexOf( '.' );
    if (( nIndex > 0 ) && ( nIndex < rURL.Path.getLength() ))
        aSlaveCommand = rURL.Path.copy( nIndex+1 );
    return aSlaveCommand;
namespace {
OUString parseArguments(std::u16string_view rAction,
                              const css::uno::Sequence<css::beans::PropertyValue>& rArgs)
    OUStringBuffer aBuffer(rAction);
    if (rArgs.hasElements())
        aBuffer.append(" {");
        for (const css::beans::PropertyValue& rProp : rArgs)
            OUString aTypeName = rProp.Value.getValueTypeName();
            if (aTypeName == "long" || aTypeName == "short")
                sal_Int32 nValue = 0;
                rProp.Value >>= nValue;
                aBuffer.append("\"" + rProp.Name + "\": " + OUString::number(nValue) + ", ");
            else if (aTypeName == "unsigned long")
                sal_uInt32 nValue = 0;
                rProp.Value >>= nValue;
                aBuffer.append("\"" + rProp.Name + "\": " + OUString::number(nValue) + ", ");
            else if (aTypeName == "boolean")
                bool bValue = false;
                rProp.Value >>= bValue;
                aBuffer.append("\"" + rProp.Name + "\": ");
                if (bValue)
                    aBuffer.append("True, ");
                    aBuffer.append("False, ");
    return aBuffer.makeStringAndClear();
void collectUIInformation(const util::URL& rURL, const css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue >& rArgs)
    static const char* pFile = std::getenv("LO_COLLECT_UIINFO");
    if (!pFile)
    UITestLogger::getInstance().log(parseArguments(Concat2View("Send UNO Command (\"" + rURL.Complete + "\") "), rArgs));
void SfxDispatchController_Impl::dispatch( const css::util::URL& aURL,
        const css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue >& aArgs,
        const css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XDispatchResultListener >& rListener )
    if ( aURL.Protocol == ".uno:")
        CrashReporter::logUnoCommand(parseArguments(aURL.Path, aArgs));
    collectUIInformation(aURL, aArgs);
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if (comphelper::LibreOfficeKit::isActive())
        const SfxViewShell* pViewShell = SfxViewShell::Current();
        if (pViewShell && pViewShell->isBlockedCommand(aURL.Complete))
            tools::JsonWriter aTree;
            aTree.put("code", "");
            aTree.put("kind", "BlockedCommand");
            aTree.put("cmd", aURL.Complete);
            aTree.put("message", "Blocked feature");
            aTree.put("viewID", pViewShell->GetViewShellId().get());
            pViewShell->libreOfficeKitViewCallback(LOK_COMMAND_BLOCKED, aTree.finishAndGetAsOString());
    if (
        !(pDispatch &&
         (aURL.Protocol == ".uno:" && aURL.Path == aDispatchURL.Path) ||
         (aURL.Protocol == "slot:" && aURL.Path.toInt32() == GetId())
    if ( !pDispatcher && pBindings )
        pDispatcher = GetBindings().GetDispatcher_Impl();
    css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue > lNewArgs;
    sal_Int32 nCount = aArgs.getLength();
    // Support for URL based arguments
    INetURLObject aURLObj( aURL.Complete );
    if ( aURLObj.HasParam() )
        addParametersToArgs( aURL, lNewArgs );
    // Try to find call mode and frame name inside given arguments...
    SfxCallMode nCall = SfxCallMode::RECORD;
    sal_Int32   nMarkArg = -1;
    // Filter arguments which shouldn't be part of the sequence property value
    sal_uInt16  nModifier(0);
    std::vector< css::beans::PropertyValue > aAddArgs;
    for( sal_Int32 n=0; n<nCount; n++ )
        const css::beans::PropertyValue& rProp = aArgs[n];
        if( rProp.Name == "SynchronMode" )
            bool    bTemp;
            if( rProp.Value >>= bTemp )
                nCall = bTemp ? SfxCallMode::SYNCHRON : SfxCallMode::ASYNCHRON;
        else if( rProp.Name == "Bookmark" )
            nMarkArg = n;
            aAddArgs.push_back( aArgs[n] );
        else if( rProp.Name == "KeyModifier" )
            rProp.Value >>= nModifier;
            aAddArgs.push_back( aArgs[n] );
    // Add needed arguments to sequence property value
    sal_uInt32 nAddArgs = aAddArgs.size();
    if ( nAddArgs > 0 )
        sal_uInt32 nIndex( lNewArgs.getLength() );
        lNewArgs.realloc( nIndex + nAddArgs );
        std::copy(aAddArgs.begin(), aAddArgs.end(), std::next(lNewArgs.getArray(), nIndex));
    // Overwrite possible detected synchron argument, if real listener exists (currently no other way)
    if ( rListener.is() )
        nCall = SfxCallMode::SYNCHRON;
    if( GetId() == SID_JUMPTOMARK && nMarkArg == - 1 )
        // we offer dispatches for SID_JUMPTOMARK if the URL points to a bookmark inside the document
        // so we must retrieve this as an argument from the parsed URL
        lNewArgs.realloc( lNewArgs.getLength()+1 );
        auto& el = lNewArgs.getArray()[lNewArgs.getLength()-1];
        el.Name = "Bookmark";
        el.Value <<= aURL.Mark;
    css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XFrame > xFrameRef(xFrame.get(), css::uno::UNO_QUERY);
    if (! xFrameRef.is() && pDispatcher)
        SfxViewFrame* pViewFrame = pDispatcher->GetFrame();
        if (pViewFrame)
            xFrameRef = pViewFrame->GetFrame().GetFrameInterface();
    bool bSuccess = false;
    SfxPoolItemHolder aItem;
    MapUnit eMapUnit( MapUnit::Map100thMM );
    // Extra scope so that aInternalSet is destroyed before
    // rListener->dispatchFinished potentially calls
    // framework::Desktop::terminate -> SfxApplication::Deinitialize ->
    // ~CntItemPool:
    if (pDispatcher)
        SfxAllItemSet aInternalSet( SfxGetpApp()->GetPool() );
        if (xFrameRef.is()) // an empty set is no problem ... but an empty frame reference can be a problem !
            aInternalSet.Put( SfxUnoFrameItem( SID_FILLFRAME, xFrameRef ) );
        SfxShell* pShell( nullptr );
        // #i102619# Retrieve metric from shell before execution - the shell could be destroyed after execution
        if ( pDispatcher->GetBindings() )
            if ( !pDispatcher->IsLocked() )
                const SfxSlot *pSlot = nullptr;
                if ( pDispatcher->GetShellAndSlot_Impl( GetId(), &pShell, &pSlot, false, false ) )
                    if ( bMasterSlave )
                        // Extract slave command and add argument to the args list. Master slot MUST
                        // have an argument that has the same name as the master slot and type is SfxStringItem.
                        sal_Int32 nIndex = lNewArgs.getLength();
                        lNewArgs.realloc( nIndex+1 );
                        auto plNewArgs = lNewArgs.getArray();
                        plNewArgs[nIndex].Name   = pSlot->aUnoName;
                        plNewArgs[nIndex].Value  <<= SfxDispatchController_Impl::getSlaveCommand( aDispatchURL );
                    eMapUnit = GetCoreMetric( pShell->GetPool(), GetId() );
                    std::optional<SfxAllItemSet> xSet(pShell->GetPool());
                    TransformParameters(GetId(), lNewArgs, *xSet, pSlot);
                    if (xSet->Count())
                        // execute with arguments - call directly
                        aItem = pDispatcher->Execute(GetId(), nCall, &*xSet, &aInternalSet, nModifier);
                        if (aItem)
                            if (const SfxBoolItem* pBoolItem = dynamic_cast<const SfxBoolItem*>(aItem.getItem()))
                                bSuccess = pBoolItem->GetValue();
                            else if ( !IsDisabledItem(aItem.getItem()) )
                                bSuccess = true;  // all other types are true
                        // else bSuccess = false look to line 664 it is false
                        // Be sure to delete this before we send a dispatch
                        // request, which will destroy the current shell.
                        // execute using bindings, enables support for toggle/enum etc.
                        SfxRequest aReq( GetId(), nCall, pShell->GetPool() );
                        aReq.SetModifier( nModifier );
                        pDispatcher->GetBindings()->Execute_Impl( aReq, pSlot, pShell );
                        aItem = aReq.GetReturnValue();
                        bSuccess = aReq.IsDone() || aItem;
                    SAL_INFO("sfx.control", "MacroPlayer: Unknown slot dispatched!");
            eMapUnit = GetCoreMetric( SfxGetpApp()->GetPool(), GetId() );
            // AppDispatcher
            SfxAllItemSet aSet( SfxGetpApp()->GetPool() );
            TransformParameters( GetId(), lNewArgs, aSet );
            if ( aSet.Count() )
                aItem = pDispatcher->Execute(GetId(), nCall, &aSet, &aInternalSet, nModifier);
                // SfxRequests take empty sets as argument sets, GetArgs() returning non-zero!
                aItem = pDispatcher->Execute(GetId(), nCall, nullptr, &aInternalSet, nModifier);
            // no bindings, no invalidate ( usually done in SfxDispatcher::Call_Impl()! )
            if (SfxApplication* pApp = SfxApplication::Get())
                SfxDispatcher* pAppDispat = pApp->GetAppDispatcher_Impl();
                if ( pAppDispat )
                    SfxPoolItemHolder aResult;
                    SfxItemState eState(pDispatcher->QueryState(GetId(), aResult));
                    StateChangedAtToolBoxControl(GetId(), eState, aResult.getItem());
            bSuccess = aItem.is();
    if ( !rListener.is() )
    css::frame::DispatchResultEvent aEvent;
    if ( bSuccess )
        aEvent.State = css::frame::DispatchResultState::SUCCESS;
        aEvent.State = css::frame::DispatchResultState::FAILURE;
    aEvent.Source = static_cast<css::frame::XDispatch*>(pDispatch);
    if ( bSuccess && aItem && !IsDisabledItem(aItem.getItem()) )
        sal_uInt16 nSubId( 0 );
        if ( eMapUnit == MapUnit::MapTwip )
            nSubId |= CONVERT_TWIPS;
        aItem.getItem()->QueryValue( aEvent.Result, static_cast<sal_uInt8>(nSubId) );
    rListener->dispatchFinished( aEvent );
SfxDispatcher* SfxDispatchController_Impl::GetDispatcher()
    if ( !pDispatcher && pBindings )
        pDispatcher = GetBindings().GetDispatcher_Impl();
    return pDispatcher;
void SfxDispatchController_Impl::addStatusListener(const css::uno::Reference< css::frame::XStatusListener > & aListener, const css::util::URL& aURL)
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if ( !pDispatch )
    // Use alternative QueryState call to have a valid UNO representation of the state.
    css::uno::Any aState;
    if ( !pDispatcher && pBindings )
        pDispatcher = GetBindings().GetDispatcher_Impl();
    SfxItemState eState = pDispatcher ? pDispatcher->QueryState( GetId(), aState ) : SfxItemState::INVALID;
    if ( eState == SfxItemState::INVALID )
        // Use special uno struct to transport don't care state
        css::frame::status::ItemStatus aItemStatus;
        aItemStatus.State = css::frame::status::ItemState::DONT_CARE;
        aState <<= aItemStatus;
    css::frame::FeatureStateEvent  aEvent;
    aEvent.FeatureURL = aURL;
    aEvent.Source     = static_cast<css::frame::XDispatch*>(pDispatch);
    aEvent.Requery    = false;
    if ( bVisible )
        aEvent.IsEnabled  = eState != SfxItemState::DISABLED;
        aEvent.State      = aState;
        css::frame::status::Visibility aVisibilityStatus;
        aVisibilityStatus.bVisible = false;
        // MBA: we might decide to *not* disable "invisible" slots, but this would be
        // a change that needs to adjust at least the testtool
        aEvent.IsEnabled           = false;
        aEvent.State               <<= aVisibilityStatus;
    aListener->statusChanged( aEvent );
void SfxDispatchController_Impl::sendStatusChanged(const OUString& rURL, const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent& rEvent)
    pDispatch->sendStatusChanged(rURL, rEvent);
void SfxDispatchController_Impl::StateChanged( sal_uInt16 nSID, SfxItemState eState, const SfxPoolItem* pState, SfxSlotServer const * pSlotServ )
    if ( !pDispatch )
    // Bindings instance notifies controller about a state change, listeners must be notified also
    // Don't cache visibility state changes as they are volatile. We need our real state to send it
    // to our controllers after visibility is set to true.
    bool bNotify = true;
    if ( pState && !IsInvalidItem( pState ) )
        if ( auto pVisibilityItem = dynamic_cast< const SfxVisibilityItem *>( pState ) )
            bVisible = pVisibilityItem->GetValue();
            if (pLastState && !IsInvalidItem(pLastState))
                bNotify = typeid(*pState) != typeid(*pLastState) || *pState != *pLastState;
                delete pLastState;
            pLastState = !IsInvalidItem(pState) ? pState->Clone() : pState;
            bVisible = true;
        if ( pLastState && !IsInvalidItem( pLastState ) )
            delete pLastState;
        pLastState = pState;
    if (!bNotify)
    css::uno::Any aState;
    if ( ( eState >= SfxItemState::DEFAULT ) && pState && !IsInvalidItem( pState ) && !IsDisabledItem(pState) )
        // Retrieve metric from pool to have correct sub ID when calling QueryValue
        sal_uInt16     nSubId( 0 );
        MapUnit eMapUnit( MapUnit::Map100thMM );
        // retrieve the core metric
        // it's enough to check the objectshell, the only shell that does not use the pool of the document
        // is SfxViewFrame, but it hasn't any metric parameters
        // TODO/LATER: what about the FormShell? Does it use any metric data?! Perhaps it should use the Pool of the document!
        if ( pSlotServ && pDispatcher )
            if (SfxShell* pShell = pDispatcher->GetShell( pSlotServ->GetShellLevel() ))
                eMapUnit = GetCoreMetric( pShell->GetPool(), nSID );
        if ( eMapUnit == MapUnit::MapTwip )
            nSubId |= CONVERT_TWIPS;
        pState->QueryValue( aState, static_cast<sal_uInt8>(nSubId) );
    else if ( eState == SfxItemState::INVALID )
        // Use special uno struct to transport don't care state
        css::frame::status::ItemStatus aItemStatus;
        aItemStatus.State = css::frame::status::ItemState::DONT_CARE;
        aState <<= aItemStatus;
    css::frame::FeatureStateEvent aEvent;
    aEvent.FeatureURL = aDispatchURL;
    aEvent.Source = static_cast<css::frame::XDispatch*>(pDispatch);
    aEvent.IsEnabled = eState != SfxItemState::DISABLED;
    aEvent.Requery = false;
    aEvent.State = aState;
    if (pDispatcher && pDispatcher->GetFrame())
        InterceptLOKStateChangeEvent(nSID, pDispatcher->GetFrame(), aEvent, pState);
    const std::vector<OUString> aContainedTypes = pDispatch->getContainedTypes();
    for (const OUString& rName: aContainedTypes)
        if (rName == aDispatchURL.Main || rName == aDispatchURL.Complete)
            sendStatusChanged(rName, aEvent);
void SfxDispatchController_Impl::StateChangedAtToolBoxControl( sal_uInt16 nSID, SfxItemState eState, const SfxPoolItem* pState )
    StateChanged( nSID, eState, pState, nullptr );
using PayloadGetter_t = OString (*)(sal_uInt16, SfxViewFrame*, const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent&,
                                   const SfxPoolItem*);
OString IsActivePayload(sal_uInt16, SfxViewFrame*, const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent& aEvent,
                        const SfxPoolItem*)
    bool bTemp = false;
    aEvent.State >>= bTemp;
    return aEvent.FeatureURL.Complete.toUtf8() + "=" + OString::boolean(bTemp);
OString FontNamePayload(sal_uInt16, SfxViewFrame*, const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent& aEvent,
                        const SfxPoolItem*)
    css::awt::FontDescriptor aFontDesc;
    aEvent.State >>= aFontDesc;
    return aEvent.FeatureURL.Complete.toUtf8() + "=" + aFontDesc.Name.toUtf8();
OString FontHeightPayload(sal_uInt16, SfxViewFrame*, const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent& aEvent,
                          const SfxPoolItem*)
    css::frame::status::FontHeight aFontHeight;
    aEvent.State >>= aFontHeight;
    return aEvent.FeatureURL.Complete.toUtf8() + "=" + OString::number(aFontHeight.Height);
OString StyleApplyPayload(sal_uInt16, SfxViewFrame*, const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent& aEvent,
                          const SfxPoolItem*)
    css::frame::status::Template aTemplate;
    aEvent.State >>= aTemplate;
    return aEvent.FeatureURL.Complete.toUtf8() + "=" + aTemplate.StyleName.toUtf8();
OString ColorPayload(sal_uInt16, SfxViewFrame*, const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent& aEvent,
                     const SfxPoolItem*)
    sal_Int32 nColor = -1;
    aEvent.State >>= nColor;
    return aEvent.FeatureURL.Complete.toUtf8() + "=" + OString::number(nColor);
OString UndoRedoPayload(sal_uInt16, SfxViewFrame*, const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent& aEvent,
                        const SfxPoolItem* pState)
    if (aEvent.IsEnabled)
        if (auto pUndoConflict = dynamic_cast<const SfxUInt32Item*>(pState);
            !pUndoConflict || pUndoConflict->GetValue() == 0)
            return aEvent.FeatureURL.Complete.toUtf8() + "=enabled";
    return aEvent.FeatureURL.Complete.toUtf8() + "=disabled";
OString EnabledPayload(sal_uInt16, SfxViewFrame*, const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent& aEvent,
                       const SfxPoolItem*)
    return aEvent.FeatureURL.Complete.toUtf8()
           + (aEvent.IsEnabled ? std::string_view("=enabled") : std::string_view("=disabled"));
OString ParaDirectionPayload(sal_uInt16, SfxViewFrame*, const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent& aEvent,
                             const SfxPoolItem*)
    tools::JsonWriter aTree;
    bool bTemp = false;
    aEvent.State >>= bTemp;
    aTree.put("commandName", aEvent.FeatureURL.Complete);
    aTree.put("disabled", !aEvent.IsEnabled);
    aTree.put("state", bTemp ? std::string_view("true") : std::string_view("false"));
    return aTree.finishAndGetAsOString();
OString Int32Payload(sal_uInt16, SfxViewFrame*, const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent& aEvent,
                     const SfxPoolItem*)
    OStringBuffer aBuffer(aEvent.FeatureURL.Complete.toUtf8() + "=");
    if (sal_Int32 aInt32; aEvent.IsEnabled && (aEvent.State >>= aInt32))
    return aBuffer.makeStringAndClear();
OString TransformPayload(sal_uInt16 nSID, SfxViewFrame* pViewFrame,
                         const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent& aEvent, const SfxPoolItem*)
    if (aEvent.IsEnabled && pViewFrame->GetViewShell()->isLOKMobilePhone())
        boost::property_tree::ptree aTree;
        boost::property_tree::ptree aState;
        aTree.put("commandName", aEvent.FeatureURL.Complete);
        pViewFrame->GetBindings().QueryControlState(nSID, aState);
        aTree.add_child("state", aState);
        std::stringstream aStream;
        boost::property_tree::write_json(aStream, aTree);
        return OString(aStream.str());
    return aEvent.FeatureURL.Complete.toUtf8() + "="; // Should an empty string be returned?
OString StringPayload(sal_uInt16, SfxViewFrame*, const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent& aEvent,
                      const SfxPoolItem*)
    OStringBuffer aBuffer(aEvent.FeatureURL.Complete.toUtf8() + "=");
    if (OUString aString; aEvent.IsEnabled && (aEvent.State >>= aString))
    return aBuffer.makeStringAndClear();
OString RowColSelCountPayload(sal_uInt16, SfxViewFrame*,
                              const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent& aEvent, const SfxPoolItem*)
    OUString aString;
    if (aEvent.IsEnabled)
        aEvent.State >>= aString;
    tools::JsonWriter aTree;
    aTree.put("commandName", aEvent.FeatureURL.Complete);
    aTree.put("locale", comphelper::LibreOfficeKit::getLocale().getBcp47());
    aTree.put("state", aString);
    return aTree.finishAndGetAsOString();
OString StateTableCellPayload(sal_uInt16, SfxViewFrame*,
                              const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent& aEvent,
                              const SfxPoolItem* pState)
    OStringBuffer aBuffer(aEvent.FeatureURL.Complete.toUtf8() + "=");
    if (aEvent.IsEnabled)
        if (const SfxStringItem* pSvxStatusItem = dynamic_cast<const SfxStringItem*>(pState))
    return aBuffer.makeStringAndClear();
OString BooleanPayload(sal_uInt16, SfxViewFrame*, const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent& aEvent,
                       const SfxPoolItem*)
    OStringBuffer aBuffer(aEvent.FeatureURL.Complete.toUtf8() + "=");
    if (bool aBool; aEvent.IsEnabled && (aEvent.State >>= aBool))
    return aBuffer.makeStringAndClear();
OString BooleanOrDisabledPayload(sal_uInt16, SfxViewFrame*,
                                 const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent& aEvent, const SfxPoolItem*)
    OStringBuffer aBuffer(aEvent.FeatureURL.Complete.toUtf8() + "=");
    if (bool aBool; aEvent.IsEnabled && (aEvent.State >>= aBool))
    return aBuffer.makeStringAndClear();
OString PointPayload(sal_uInt16, SfxViewFrame*, const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent& aEvent,
                     const SfxPoolItem*)
    OStringBuffer aBuffer(aEvent.FeatureURL.Complete.toUtf8() + "=");
    if (css::awt::Point aPoint; aEvent.IsEnabled && (aEvent.State >>= aPoint))
        aBuffer.append(OString::number(aPoint.X) + " / " + OString::number(aPoint.Y));
    return aBuffer.makeStringAndClear();
OString SizePayload(sal_uInt16, SfxViewFrame*, const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent& aEvent,
                    const SfxPoolItem*)
    OStringBuffer aBuffer(aEvent.FeatureURL.Complete.toUtf8() + "=");
    if (css::awt::Size aSize; aEvent.IsEnabled && (aEvent.State >>= aSize))
        aBuffer.append(OString::number(aSize.Width) + " x " + OString::number(aSize.Height));
    return aBuffer.makeStringAndClear();
OString StringOrStrSeqPayload(sal_uInt16, SfxViewFrame*,
                              const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent& aEvent, const SfxPoolItem*)
    OStringBuffer aBuffer(aEvent.FeatureURL.Complete.toUtf8() + "=");
    if (aEvent.IsEnabled)
        if (OUString sValue; aEvent.State >>= sValue)
        else if (css::uno::Sequence<OUString> aSeq; aEvent.State >>= aSeq)
    return aBuffer.makeStringAndClear();
OString StrSeqPayload(sal_uInt16, SfxViewFrame*, const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent& aEvent,
                      const SfxPoolItem*)
    OString json;
    if (aEvent.IsEnabled)
        if (css::uno::Sequence<OUString> aSeq; aEvent.State >>= aSeq)
            tools::JsonWriter aTree;
            for (const auto& s : aSeq)
                aTree.put(s.toUtf8(), "true");
            json = aTree.finishAndGetAsOString();
    return aEvent.FeatureURL.Complete.toUtf8() + "=" + json;
OString TableSizePayload(sal_uInt16, SfxViewFrame*, const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent& aEvent,
                         const SfxPoolItem*)
    OStringBuffer aBuffer(aEvent.FeatureURL.Complete.toUtf8() + "=");
    if (sal_Int32 nValue; aEvent.State >>= nValue)
        aBuffer.append(o3tl::convert<double>(nValue, o3tl::Length::twip, o3tl::Length::in));
    return aBuffer.makeStringAndClear();
constexpr auto handlers = frozen::make_unordered_map<std::u16string_view, PayloadGetter_t>({
    { u"Bold", IsActivePayload },
    { u"CenterPara", IsActivePayload },
    { u"CharBackgroundExt", IsActivePayload },
    { u"ControlCodes", IsActivePayload },
    { u"DefaultBullet", IsActivePayload },
    { u"DefaultNumbering", IsActivePayload },
    { u"Italic", IsActivePayload },
    { u"JustifyPara", IsActivePayload },
    { u"LeftPara", IsActivePayload },
    { u"OutlineFont", IsActivePayload },
    { u"RightPara", IsActivePayload },
    { u"Shadowed", IsActivePayload },
    { u"SpellOnline", IsActivePayload },
    { u"OnlineAutoFormat", IsActivePayload },
    { u"SubScript", IsActivePayload },
    { u"SuperScript", IsActivePayload },
    { u"Strikeout", IsActivePayload },
    { u"Underline", IsActivePayload },
    { u"ModifiedStatus", IsActivePayload },
    { u"TrackChanges", IsActivePayload },
    { u"ShowTrackedChanges", IsActivePayload },
    { u"AlignLeft", IsActivePayload },
    { u"AlignHorizontalCenter", IsActivePayload },
    { u"AlignRight", IsActivePayload },
    { u"DocumentRepair", IsActivePayload },
    { u"ObjectAlignLeft", IsActivePayload },
    { u"ObjectAlignRight", IsActivePayload },
    { u"AlignCenter", IsActivePayload },
    { u"AlignUp", IsActivePayload },
    { u"AlignMiddle", IsActivePayload },
    { u"AlignDown", IsActivePayload },
    { u"TraceChangeMode", IsActivePayload },
    { u"FormatPaintbrush", IsActivePayload },
    { u"FreezePanes", IsActivePayload },
    { u"Sidebar", IsActivePayload },
    { u"SpacePara1", IsActivePayload },
    { u"SpacePara15", IsActivePayload },
    { u"SpacePara2", IsActivePayload },
    { u"DataFilterAutoFilter", IsActivePayload },
    { u"CellProtection", IsActivePayload },
    { u"NormalMultiPaneGUI", IsActivePayload },
    { u"NotesMode", IsActivePayload },
    { u"SlideMasterPage", IsActivePayload },
    { u"CharFontName", FontNamePayload },
    { u"FontHeight", FontHeightPayload },
    { u"StyleApply", StyleApplyPayload },
    { u"BackColor", ColorPayload },
    { u"BackgroundColor", ColorPayload },
    { u"TableCellBackgroundColor", ColorPayload },
    { u"CharBackColor", ColorPayload },
    { u"Color", ColorPayload },
    { u"FontColor", ColorPayload },
    { u"FrameLineColor", ColorPayload },
    { u"GlowColor", ColorPayload },
    { u"Undo", UndoRedoPayload },
    { u"Redo", UndoRedoPayload },
    { u"Cut", EnabledPayload },
    { u"Copy", EnabledPayload },
    { u"Paste", EnabledPayload },
    { u"SelectAll", EnabledPayload },
    { u"InsertAnnotation", EnabledPayload },
    { u"DeleteAnnotation", EnabledPayload },
    { u"ResolveAnnotation", EnabledPayload },
    { u"ResolveAnnotationThread", EnabledPayload },
    { u"PromoteComment", EnabledPayload },
    { u"InsertRowsBefore", EnabledPayload },
    { u"InsertRowsAfter", EnabledPayload },
    { u"InsertColumnsBefore", EnabledPayload },
    { u"InsertColumnsAfter", EnabledPayload },
    { u"NameGroup", EnabledPayload },
    { u"ObjectTitleDescription", EnabledPayload },
    { u"MergeCells", EnabledPayload },
    { u"InsertObjectChart", EnabledPayload },
    { u"InsertSection", EnabledPayload },
    { u"InsertPagebreak", EnabledPayload },
    { u"InsertColumnBreak", EnabledPayload },
    { u"HyperlinkDialog", EnabledPayload },
    { u"InsertSymbol", EnabledPayload },
    { u"InsertPage", EnabledPayload },
    { u"DeletePage", EnabledPayload },
    { u"DuplicatePage", EnabledPayload },
    { u"DeleteRows", EnabledPayload },
    { u"DeleteColumns", EnabledPayload },
    { u"DeleteTable", EnabledPayload },
    { u"SelectTable", EnabledPayload },
    { u"EntireRow", EnabledPayload },
    { u"EntireColumn", EnabledPayload },
    { u"EntireCell", EnabledPayload },
    { u"SortAscending", EnabledPayload },
    { u"SortDescending", EnabledPayload },
    { u"AcceptAllTrackedChanges", EnabledPayload },
    { u"RejectAllTrackedChanges", EnabledPayload },
    { u"AcceptTrackedChange", EnabledPayload },
    { u"RejectTrackedChange", EnabledPayload },
    { u"AcceptTrackedChangeToNext", EnabledPayload },
    { u"RejectTrackedChangeToNext", EnabledPayload },
    { u"NextTrackedChange", EnabledPayload },
    { u"PreviousTrackedChange", EnabledPayload },
    { u"FormatGroup", EnabledPayload },
    { u"ObjectBackOne", EnabledPayload },
    { u"SendToBack", EnabledPayload },
    { u"ObjectForwardOne", EnabledPayload },
    { u"BringToFront", EnabledPayload },
    { u"WrapRight", EnabledPayload },
    { u"WrapThrough", EnabledPayload },
    { u"WrapLeft", EnabledPayload },
    { u"WrapIdeal", EnabledPayload },
    { u"WrapOn", EnabledPayload },
    { u"WrapOff", EnabledPayload },
    { u"UpdateCurIndex", EnabledPayload },
    { u"InsertCaptionDialog", EnabledPayload },
    { u"SplitTable", EnabledPayload },
    { u"SplitCell", EnabledPayload },
    { u"DeleteNote", EnabledPayload },
    { u"AcceptChanges", EnabledPayload },
    { u"SetDefault", EnabledPayload },
    { u"ParaspaceIncrease", EnabledPayload },
    { u"ParaspaceDecrease", EnabledPayload },
    { u"TableDialog", EnabledPayload },
    { u"FormatCellDialog", EnabledPayload },
    { u"FontDialog", EnabledPayload },
    { u"ParagraphDialog", EnabledPayload },
    { u"OutlineBullet", EnabledPayload },
    { u"InsertIndexesEntry", EnabledPayload },
    { u"TransformDialog", EnabledPayload },
    { u"EditRegion", EnabledPayload },
    { u"ThesaurusDialog", EnabledPayload },
    { u"OutlineRight", EnabledPayload },
    { u"OutlineLeft", EnabledPayload },
    { u"OutlineDown", EnabledPayload },
    { u"OutlineUp", EnabledPayload },
    { u"FormatArea", EnabledPayload },
    { u"FormatLine", EnabledPayload },
    { u"FormatColumns", EnabledPayload },
    { u"Watermark", EnabledPayload },
    { u"InsertBreak", EnabledPayload },
    { u"InsertEndnote", EnabledPayload },
    { u"InsertFootnote", EnabledPayload },
    { u"InsertReferenceField", EnabledPayload },
    { u"InsertBookmark", EnabledPayload },
    { u"InsertAuthoritiesEntry", EnabledPayload },
    { u"InsertMultiIndex", EnabledPayload },
    { u"InsertField", EnabledPayload },
    { u"PageNumberWizard", EnabledPayload },
    { u"InsertPageNumberField", EnabledPayload },
    { u"InsertPageCountField", EnabledPayload },
    { u"InsertDateField", EnabledPayload },
    { u"InsertTitleField", EnabledPayload },
    { u"InsertFieldCtrl", EnabledPayload },
    { u"CharmapControl", EnabledPayload },
    { u"EnterGroup", EnabledPayload },
    { u"LeaveGroup", EnabledPayload },
    { u"Combine", EnabledPayload },
    { u"Merge", EnabledPayload },
    { u"Dismantle", EnabledPayload },
    { u"Substract", EnabledPayload },
    { u"DistributeSelection", EnabledPayload },
    { u"Intersect", EnabledPayload },
    { u"ResetAttributes", EnabledPayload },
    { u"IncrementIndent", EnabledPayload },
    { u"DecrementIndent", EnabledPayload },
    { u"EditHeaderAndFooter", EnabledPayload },
    { u"InsertSparkline", EnabledPayload },
    { u"DeleteSparkline", EnabledPayload },
    { u"DeleteSparklineGroup", EnabledPayload },
    { u"EditSparklineGroup", EnabledPayload },
    { u"EditSparkline", EnabledPayload },
    { u"GroupSparklines", EnabledPayload },
    { u"UngroupSparklines", EnabledPayload },
    { u"FormatSparklineMenu", EnabledPayload },
    { u"DataDataPilotRun", EnabledPayload },
    { u"RecalcPivotTable", EnabledPayload },
    { u"DeletePivotTable", EnabledPayload },
    { u"NumberFormatDecDecimals", EnabledPayload },
    { u"NumberFormatIncDecimals", EnabledPayload },
    { u"Protect", EnabledPayload },
    { u"UnsetCellsReadOnly", EnabledPayload },
    { u"ContentControlProperties", EnabledPayload },
    { u"DeleteContentControl", EnabledPayload },
    { u"InsertCheckboxContentControl", EnabledPayload },
    { u"InsertContentControl", EnabledPayload },
    { u"InsertDateContentControl", EnabledPayload },
    { u"InsertDropdownContentControl", EnabledPayload },
    { u"InsertPlainTextContentControl", EnabledPayload },
    { u"InsertPictureContentControl", EnabledPayload },
    { u"ChangeBezier", EnabledPayload },
    { u"DistributeHorzCenter", EnabledPayload },
    { u"DistributeHorzDistance", EnabledPayload },
    { u"DistributeHorzLeft", EnabledPayload },
    { u"DistributeHorzRight", EnabledPayload },
    { u"DistributeVertBottom", EnabledPayload },
    { u"DistributeVertCenter", EnabledPayload },
    { u"DistributeVertDistance", EnabledPayload },
    { u"DistributeVertTop", EnabledPayload },
    { u"AnimationEffects", EnabledPayload },
    { u"ExecuteAnimationEffect", EnabledPayload },
    { u"ParaLeftToRight", ParaDirectionPayload },
    { u"ParaRightToLeft", ParaDirectionPayload },
    { u"AssignLayout", Int32Payload },
    { u"StatusSelectionMode", Int32Payload },
    { u"Signature", Int32Payload },
    { u"SelectionMode", Int32Payload },
    { u"StatusBarFunc", Int32Payload },
    { u"TransformPosX", TransformPayload },
    { u"TransformPosY", TransformPayload },
    { u"TransformWidth", TransformPayload },
    { u"TransformHeight", TransformPayload },
    { u"StatusDocPos", StringPayload },
    { u"StatusPageStyle", StringPayload },
    { u"StateWordCount", StringPayload },
    { u"PageStyleName", StringPayload },
    { u"PageStatus", StringPayload },
    { u"LayoutStatus", StringPayload },
    { u"Scale", StringPayload },
    { u"Context", StringPayload },
    { u"RowColSelCount", RowColSelCountPayload },
    { u"StateTableCell", StateTableCellPayload },
    { u"InsertMode", BooleanPayload },
    { u"WrapText", BooleanPayload },
    { u"NumberFormatCurrency", BooleanPayload },
    { u"NumberFormatPercent", BooleanPayload },
    { u"NumberFormatDecimal", BooleanPayload },
    { u"NumberFormatDate", BooleanPayload },
    { u"ShowResolvedAnnotations", BooleanPayload },
    { u"ToggleMergeCells", BooleanOrDisabledPayload },
    { u"SheetRightToLeft", BooleanOrDisabledPayload },
    { u"ToggleSheetGrid", BooleanOrDisabledPayload },
    { u"Position", PointPayload },
    { u"FreezePanesColumn", PointPayload },
    { u"FreezePanesRow", PointPayload },
    { u"Size", SizePayload },
    { u"LanguageStatus", StringOrStrSeqPayload },
    { u"StatePageNumber", StringOrStrSeqPayload },
    { u"InsertPageHeader", StrSeqPayload },
    { u"InsertPageFooter", StrSeqPayload },
    { u"TableColumWidth", TableSizePayload },
    { u"TableRowHeight", TableSizePayload },
static void InterceptLOKStateChangeEvent(sal_uInt16 nSID, SfxViewFrame* pViewFrame, const css::frame::FeatureStateEvent& aEvent, const SfxPoolItem* pState)
    const SfxViewShell* pViewShell = pViewFrame->GetViewShell();
    if (!comphelper::LibreOfficeKit::isActive() || !pViewShell)
    auto handler = handlers.find(aEvent.FeatureURL.Path);
    if (handler == handlers.end())
        // Try to send JSON state version
        SfxLokHelper::sendUnoStatus(pViewShell, pState);
                                           handler->second(nSID, pViewFrame, aEvent, pState));
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V614 Uninitialized variable 'bTemp' used.

V614 Uninitialized variable 'aInt32' used. Consider checking the first actual argument of the 'append' function.

V614 Uninitialized variable 'aBool' used. Consider checking the first actual argument of the 'append' function.

V614 Uninitialized variable 'aBool' used. Consider checking the first actual argument of the 'append' function.

V614 Uninitialized variable 'nValue' used. Consider checking the first actual argument of the 'convert' function.

V547 Expression 'bValue' is always false.

V547 Expression 'bTemp' is always false.

V1019 Compound assignment expression 'aEvent.State >>= aInt32' is used inside condition.

V1019 Compound assignment expression 'aEvent.State >>= aString' is used inside condition.

V1019 Compound assignment expression 'aEvent.State >>= aBool' is used inside condition.

V1019 Compound assignment expression 'aEvent.State >>= aBool' is used inside condition.

V1019 Compound assignment expression 'aEvent.State >>= aPoint' is used inside condition.

V1019 Compound assignment expression 'aEvent.State >>= aSize' is used inside condition.