/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
* This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
* This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
// Global header
#include <utility>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <osl/diagnose.h>
#include <svl/itemset.hxx>
#include <tools/debug.hxx>
// Project-local header
#include <editeng/unoedprx.hxx>
#include <editeng/editdata.hxx>
#include <editeng/editeng.hxx>
#include <AccessibleStringWrap.hxx>
#include <editeng/outliner.hxx>
using namespace ::com::sun::star;
namespace {
class SvxAccessibleTextIndex
SvxAccessibleTextIndex() :
mbInBullet(false) {};
// Get/Set current paragraph
void SetParagraph( sal_Int32 nPara )
mnPara = nPara;
sal_Int32 GetParagraph() const { return mnPara; }
/** Set the index in the UAA semantic
@param nIndex
The index from the UA API (fields and bullets are expanded)
@param rTF
The text forwarder to use in the calculations
void SetIndex( sal_Int32 nIndex, const SvxTextForwarder& rTF );
void SetIndex( sal_Int32 nPara, sal_Int32 nIndex, const SvxTextForwarder& rTF ) { SetParagraph(nPara); SetIndex(nIndex, rTF); }
sal_Int32 GetIndex() const { return mnIndex; }
/** Set the index in the edit engine semantic
Update the object state to reflect the given index position in
EditEngine/Outliner index values
@param nEEIndex
The index from the edit engine (fields span exactly one index increment)
@param rTF
The text forwarder to use in the calculations
void SetEEIndex( sal_Int32 nEEIndex, const SvxTextForwarder& rTF );
void SetEEIndex( sal_Int32 nPara, sal_Int32 nEEIndex, const SvxTextForwarder& rTF ) { SetParagraph(nPara); SetEEIndex(nEEIndex, rTF); }
sal_Int32 GetEEIndex() const;
void SetFieldOffset( sal_Int32 nOffset, sal_Int32 nLen ) { mnFieldOffset = nOffset; mnFieldLen = nLen; }
sal_Int32 GetFieldOffset() const { return mnFieldOffset; }
sal_Int32 GetFieldLen() const { return mnFieldLen; }
void AreInField() { mbInField = true; }
bool InField() const { return mbInField; }
void SetBulletOffset( sal_Int32 nOffset, sal_Int32 nLen ) { mnBulletOffset = nOffset; mnBulletLen = nLen; }
sal_Int32 GetBulletOffset() const { return mnBulletOffset; }
sal_Int32 GetBulletLen() const { return mnBulletLen; }
bool InBullet() const { return mbInBullet; }
/// returns false if the given range is non-editable (e.g. contains bullets or _parts_ of fields)
bool IsEditableRange( const SvxAccessibleTextIndex& rEnd ) const;
sal_Int32 mnPara;
sal_Int32 mnIndex;
sal_Int32 mnEEIndex;
sal_Int32 mnFieldOffset;
sal_Int32 mnFieldLen;
sal_Int32 mnBulletOffset;
sal_Int32 mnBulletLen;
bool mbInField;
bool mbInBullet;
static ESelection MakeEESelection( const SvxAccessibleTextIndex& rStart, const SvxAccessibleTextIndex& rEnd )
// deal with field special case: to really get a field contained
// within a selection, the start index must be before or on the
// field, the end index after it.
// The SvxAccessibleTextIndex.GetEEIndex method gives the index on
// the field, as long the input index is on the field. Thus,
// correction necessary for the end index
// Therefore, for _ranges_, if part of the field is touched, all
// of the field must be selected
if( rStart.GetParagraph() <= rEnd.GetParagraph() ||
(rStart.GetParagraph() == rEnd.GetParagraph() &&
rStart.GetEEIndex() <= rEnd.GetEEIndex()) )
if( rEnd.InField() && rEnd.GetFieldOffset() )
return ESelection( rStart.GetParagraph(), rStart.GetEEIndex(),
rEnd.GetParagraph(), rEnd.GetEEIndex()+1 );
else if( rStart.GetParagraph() > rEnd.GetParagraph() ||
(rStart.GetParagraph() == rEnd.GetParagraph() &&
rStart.GetEEIndex() > rEnd.GetEEIndex()) )
if( rStart.InField() && rStart.GetFieldOffset() )
return ESelection( rStart.GetParagraph(), rStart.GetEEIndex()+1,
rEnd.GetParagraph(), rEnd.GetEEIndex() );
return ESelection( rStart.GetParagraph(), rStart.GetEEIndex(),
rEnd.GetParagraph(), rEnd.GetEEIndex() );
static ESelection MakeEESelection( const SvxAccessibleTextIndex& rIndex )
return ESelection( rIndex.GetParagraph(), rIndex.GetEEIndex(),
rIndex.GetParagraph(), rIndex.GetEEIndex() + 1 );
sal_Int32 SvxAccessibleTextIndex::GetEEIndex() const
DBG_ASSERT(mnEEIndex >= 0,
"SvxAccessibleTextIndex::GetEEIndex: index value overflow");
return mnEEIndex;
void SvxAccessibleTextIndex::SetEEIndex( sal_Int32 nEEIndex, const SvxTextForwarder& rTF )
// reset
mnFieldOffset = 0;
mbInField = false;
mnFieldLen = 0;
mnBulletOffset = 0;
mbInBullet = false;
mnBulletLen = 0;
// set known values
mnEEIndex = nEEIndex;
// calculate unknowns
mnIndex = nEEIndex;
EBulletInfo aBulletInfo = rTF.GetBulletInfo( GetParagraph() );
// any text bullets?
if( aBulletInfo.nParagraph != EE_PARA_NOT_FOUND &&
aBulletInfo.bVisible &&
aBulletInfo.nType != SVX_NUM_BITMAP )
mnIndex += aBulletInfo.aText.getLength();
std::vector<EFieldInfo> aFieldInfos = rTF.GetFieldInfo( GetParagraph() );
for( const EFieldInfo& rFieldInfo : aFieldInfos )
if( rFieldInfo.aPosition.nIndex > nEEIndex )
if( rFieldInfo.aPosition.nIndex == nEEIndex )
mnIndex += std::max(rFieldInfo.aCurrentText.getLength()-1, sal_Int32(0));
void SvxAccessibleTextIndex::SetIndex( sal_Int32 nIndex, const SvxTextForwarder& rTF )
// reset
mnFieldOffset = 0;
mbInField = false;
mnFieldLen = 0;
mnBulletOffset = 0;
mbInBullet = false;
mnBulletLen = 0;
// set known values
mnIndex = nIndex;
// calculate unknowns
DBG_ASSERT(nIndex >= 0,
"SvxAccessibleTextIndex::SetIndex: index value overflow");
mnEEIndex = nIndex;
EBulletInfo aBulletInfo = rTF.GetBulletInfo( GetParagraph() );
// any text bullets?
if( aBulletInfo.nParagraph != EE_PARA_NOT_FOUND &&
aBulletInfo.bVisible &&
aBulletInfo.nType != SVX_NUM_BITMAP )
sal_Int32 nBulletLen = aBulletInfo.aText.getLength();
if( nIndex < nBulletLen )
mbInBullet = true;
SetBulletOffset( nIndex, nBulletLen );
mnEEIndex = 0;
mnEEIndex = mnEEIndex - nBulletLen;
std::vector<EFieldInfo> aFieldInfos = rTF.GetFieldInfo( GetParagraph() );
for( const EFieldInfo& rFieldInfo : aFieldInfos )
// we're before a field
if( rFieldInfo.aPosition.nIndex > mnEEIndex )
mnEEIndex -= std::max(rFieldInfo.aCurrentText.getLength()-1, sal_Int32(0));
// we're within a field
if( rFieldInfo.aPosition.nIndex >= mnEEIndex )
SetFieldOffset( std::max(rFieldInfo.aCurrentText.getLength()-1, sal_Int32(0)) - (rFieldInfo.aPosition.nIndex - mnEEIndex),
rFieldInfo.aCurrentText.getLength() );
mnEEIndex = rFieldInfo.aPosition.nIndex ;
bool SvxAccessibleTextIndex::IsEditableRange( const SvxAccessibleTextIndex& rEnd ) const
if( GetIndex() > rEnd.GetIndex() )
return rEnd.IsEditableRange( *this );
if( InBullet() || rEnd.InBullet() )
return false;
if( InField() && GetFieldOffset() )
return false; // within field
if( rEnd.InField() && rEnd.GetFieldOffset() >= rEnd.GetFieldLen() - 1 )
return false; // within field
return true;
SvxEditSourceAdapter::SvxEditSourceAdapter() : mbEditSourceValid( false )
std::unique_ptr<SvxEditSource> SvxEditSourceAdapter::Clone() const
if( mbEditSourceValid && mpAdaptee )
std::unique_ptr< SvxEditSource > pClonedAdaptee( mpAdaptee->Clone() );
if (pClonedAdaptee)
std::unique_ptr<SvxEditSourceAdapter> pClone(new SvxEditSourceAdapter());
pClone->SetEditSource( std::move(pClonedAdaptee) );
return std::unique_ptr< SvxEditSource >(pClone.release());
return nullptr;
SvxAccessibleTextAdapter* SvxEditSourceAdapter::GetTextForwarderAdapter()
if( mbEditSourceValid && mpAdaptee )
SvxTextForwarder* pTextForwarder = mpAdaptee->GetTextForwarder();
if( pTextForwarder )
return &maTextAdapter;
return nullptr;
SvxTextForwarder* SvxEditSourceAdapter::GetTextForwarder()
return GetTextForwarderAdapter();
SvxViewForwarder* SvxEditSourceAdapter::GetViewForwarder()
if( mbEditSourceValid && mpAdaptee )
return mpAdaptee->GetViewForwarder();
return nullptr;
SvxAccessibleTextEditViewAdapter* SvxEditSourceAdapter::GetEditViewForwarderAdapter( bool bCreate )
if( mbEditSourceValid && mpAdaptee )
SvxEditViewForwarder* pEditViewForwarder = mpAdaptee->GetEditViewForwarder(bCreate);
if( pEditViewForwarder )
SvxAccessibleTextAdapter* pTextAdapter = GetTextForwarderAdapter();
if( pTextAdapter )
maEditViewAdapter.SetForwarder(*pEditViewForwarder, *pTextAdapter);
return &maEditViewAdapter;
return nullptr;
SvxEditViewForwarder* SvxEditSourceAdapter::GetEditViewForwarder( bool bCreate )
return GetEditViewForwarderAdapter( bCreate );
void SvxEditSourceAdapter::UpdateData()
if( mbEditSourceValid && mpAdaptee )
SfxBroadcaster& SvxEditSourceAdapter::GetBroadcaster() const
if( mbEditSourceValid && mpAdaptee )
return mpAdaptee->GetBroadcaster();
return maDummyBroadcaster;
void SvxEditSourceAdapter::SetEditSource( std::unique_ptr< SvxEditSource > && pAdaptee )
if (pAdaptee)
mpAdaptee = std::move(pAdaptee);
mbEditSourceValid = true;
// do a lazy delete (prevents us from deleting the broadcaster
// from within a broadcast in
// AccessibleTextHelper_Impl::Notify)
mbEditSourceValid = false;
: mpTextForwarder(nullptr)
sal_Int32 SvxAccessibleTextAdapter::GetParagraphCount() const
assert(mpTextForwarder && "SvxAccessibleTextAdapter: no forwarder");
return mpTextForwarder->GetParagraphCount();
sal_Int32 SvxAccessibleTextAdapter::GetTextLen( sal_Int32 nParagraph ) const
SvxAccessibleTextIndex aIndex;
aIndex.SetEEIndex( nParagraph, mpTextForwarder->GetTextLen( nParagraph ), *this );
return aIndex.GetIndex();
OUString SvxAccessibleTextAdapter::GetText( const ESelection& rSel ) const
assert(mpTextForwarder && "SvxAccessibleTextAdapter: no forwarder");
SvxAccessibleTextIndex aStartIndex;
SvxAccessibleTextIndex aEndIndex;
aStartIndex.SetIndex( rSel.nStartPara, rSel.nStartPos, *this );
aEndIndex.SetIndex( rSel.nEndPara, rSel.nEndPos, *this );
// normalize selection
if( rSel.nStartPara > rSel.nEndPara ||
(rSel.nStartPara == rSel.nEndPara && rSel.nStartPos > rSel.nEndPos) )
std::swap( aStartIndex, aEndIndex );
OUString sStr = mpTextForwarder->GetText( MakeEESelection(aStartIndex, aEndIndex) );
// trim field text, if necessary
if( aStartIndex.InField() )
DBG_ASSERT(aStartIndex.GetFieldOffset() >= 0,
"SvxAccessibleTextIndex::GetText: index value overflow");
sStr = sStr.copy( aStartIndex.GetFieldOffset() );
if( aEndIndex.InField() && aEndIndex.GetFieldOffset() )
DBG_ASSERT(sStr.getLength() - (aEndIndex.GetFieldLen() - aEndIndex.GetFieldOffset()) >= 0,
"SvxAccessibleTextIndex::GetText: index value overflow");
sStr = sStr.copy(0, sStr.getLength() - (aEndIndex.GetFieldLen() - aEndIndex.GetFieldOffset()) );
EBulletInfo aBulletInfo2 = GetBulletInfo( aEndIndex.GetParagraph() );
if( aEndIndex.InBullet() )
// append trailing bullet
sStr += aBulletInfo2.aText;
DBG_ASSERT(sStr.getLength() - (aEndIndex.GetBulletLen() - aEndIndex.GetBulletOffset()) >= 0,
"SvxAccessibleTextIndex::GetText: index value overflow");
sStr = sStr.copy(0, sStr.getLength() - (aEndIndex.GetBulletLen() - aEndIndex.GetBulletOffset()) );
else if( aStartIndex.GetParagraph() != aEndIndex.GetParagraph() &&
HaveTextBullet( aEndIndex.GetParagraph() ) )
OUString sBullet = aBulletInfo2.aText;
DBG_ASSERT(sBullet.getLength() - (aEndIndex.GetBulletLen() - aEndIndex.GetBulletOffset()) >= 0,
"SvxAccessibleTextIndex::GetText: index value overflow");
sBullet = sBullet.copy(0, sBullet.getLength() - (aEndIndex.GetBulletLen() - aEndIndex.GetBulletOffset()) );
// insert bullet
sStr = sStr.replaceAt( GetTextLen(aStartIndex.GetParagraph()) - aStartIndex.GetIndex(), 0, sBullet );
return sStr;
SfxItemSet SvxAccessibleTextAdapter::GetAttribs( const ESelection& rSel, EditEngineAttribs nOnlyHardAttrib ) const
assert(mpTextForwarder && "SvxAccessibleTextAdapter: no forwarder");
SvxAccessibleTextIndex aStartIndex;
SvxAccessibleTextIndex aEndIndex;
aStartIndex.SetIndex( rSel.nStartPara, rSel.nStartPos, *this );
aEndIndex.SetIndex( rSel.nEndPara, rSel.nEndPos, *this );
return mpTextForwarder->GetAttribs( MakeEESelection(aStartIndex, aEndIndex), nOnlyHardAttrib );
SfxItemSet SvxAccessibleTextAdapter::GetParaAttribs( sal_Int32 nPara ) const
assert(mpTextForwarder && "SvxAccessibleTextAdapter: no forwarder");
return mpTextForwarder->GetParaAttribs( nPara );
void SvxAccessibleTextAdapter::SetParaAttribs( sal_Int32 nPara, const SfxItemSet& rSet )
assert(mpTextForwarder && "SvxAccessibleTextAdapter: no forwarder");
mpTextForwarder->SetParaAttribs( nPara, rSet );
void SvxAccessibleTextAdapter::RemoveAttribs( const ESelection& )
void SvxAccessibleTextAdapter::GetPortions( sal_Int32 nPara, std::vector<sal_Int32>& rList ) const
assert(mpTextForwarder && "SvxAccessibleTextAdapter: no forwarder");
mpTextForwarder->GetPortions( nPara, rList );
OUString SvxAccessibleTextAdapter::GetStyleSheet(sal_Int32 nPara) const
assert(mpTextForwarder && "SvxAccessibleTextAdapter: no forwarder");
return mpTextForwarder->GetStyleSheet(nPara);
void SvxAccessibleTextAdapter::SetStyleSheet(sal_Int32 nPara, const OUString& rStyleName)
assert(mpTextForwarder && "SvxAccessibleTextAdapter: no forwarder");
mpTextForwarder->SetStyleSheet(nPara, rStyleName);
SfxItemState SvxAccessibleTextAdapter::GetItemState( const ESelection& rSel, sal_uInt16 nWhich ) const
assert(mpTextForwarder && "SvxAccessibleTextAdapter: no forwarder");
SvxAccessibleTextIndex aStartIndex;
SvxAccessibleTextIndex aEndIndex;
aStartIndex.SetIndex( rSel.nStartPara, rSel.nStartPos, *this );
aEndIndex.SetIndex( rSel.nEndPara, rSel.nEndPos, *this );
return mpTextForwarder->GetItemState( MakeEESelection(aStartIndex, aEndIndex),
nWhich );
SfxItemState SvxAccessibleTextAdapter::GetItemState( sal_Int32 nPara, sal_uInt16 nWhich ) const
assert(mpTextForwarder && "SvxAccessibleTextAdapter: no forwarder");
return mpTextForwarder->GetItemState( nPara, nWhich );
void SvxAccessibleTextAdapter::QuickInsertText( const OUString& rText, const ESelection& rSel )
assert(mpTextForwarder && "SvxAccessibleTextAdapter: no forwarder");
SvxAccessibleTextIndex aStartIndex;
SvxAccessibleTextIndex aEndIndex;
aStartIndex.SetIndex( rSel.nStartPara, rSel.nStartPos, *this );
aEndIndex.SetIndex( rSel.nEndPara, rSel.nEndPos, *this );
mpTextForwarder->QuickInsertText( rText,
MakeEESelection(aStartIndex, aEndIndex) );
void SvxAccessibleTextAdapter::QuickInsertField( const SvxFieldItem& rFld, const ESelection& rSel )
assert(mpTextForwarder && "SvxAccessibleTextAdapter: no forwarder");
SvxAccessibleTextIndex aStartIndex;
SvxAccessibleTextIndex aEndIndex;
aStartIndex.SetIndex( rSel.nStartPara, rSel.nStartPos, *this );
aEndIndex.SetIndex( rSel.nEndPara, rSel.nEndPos, *this );
mpTextForwarder->QuickInsertField( rFld,
MakeEESelection(aStartIndex, aEndIndex) );
void SvxAccessibleTextAdapter::QuickSetAttribs( const SfxItemSet& rSet, const ESelection& rSel )
assert(mpTextForwarder && "SvxAccessibleTextAdapter: no forwarder");
SvxAccessibleTextIndex aStartIndex;
SvxAccessibleTextIndex aEndIndex;
aStartIndex.SetIndex( rSel.nStartPara, rSel.nStartPos, *this );
aEndIndex.SetIndex( rSel.nEndPara, rSel.nEndPos, *this );
mpTextForwarder->QuickSetAttribs( rSet,
MakeEESelection(aStartIndex, aEndIndex) );
void SvxAccessibleTextAdapter::QuickInsertLineBreak( const ESelection& rSel )
assert(mpTextForwarder && "SvxAccessibleTextAdapter: no forwarder");
SvxAccessibleTextIndex aStartIndex;
SvxAccessibleTextIndex aEndIndex;
aStartIndex.SetIndex( rSel.nStartPara, rSel.nStartPos, *this );
aEndIndex.SetIndex( rSel.nEndPara, rSel.nEndPos, *this );
mpTextForwarder->QuickInsertLineBreak( MakeEESelection(aStartIndex, aEndIndex) );
SfxItemPool* SvxAccessibleTextAdapter::GetPool() const
assert(mpTextForwarder && "SvxAccessibleTextAdapter: no forwarder");
return mpTextForwarder->GetPool();
OUString SvxAccessibleTextAdapter::CalcFieldValue( const SvxFieldItem& rField, sal_Int32 nPara, sal_Int32 nPos, std::optional<Color>& rpTxtColor, std::optional<Color>& rpFldColor, std::optional<FontLineStyle>& rpFldLineStyle )
assert(mpTextForwarder && "SvxAccessibleTextAdapter: no forwarder");
return mpTextForwarder->CalcFieldValue( rField, nPara, nPos, rpTxtColor, rpFldColor, rpFldLineStyle );
void SvxAccessibleTextAdapter::FieldClicked( const SvxFieldItem& rField )
assert(mpTextForwarder && "SvxAccessibleTextAdapter: no forwarder");
mpTextForwarder->FieldClicked( rField );
sal_Int32 SvxAccessibleTextAdapter::CalcEditEngineIndex( sal_Int32 nPara, sal_Int32 nLogicalIndex )
assert(mpTextForwarder && "SvxAccessibleTextAdapter: no forwarder");
SvxAccessibleTextIndex aIndex;
aIndex.SetIndex(nPara, nLogicalIndex, *mpTextForwarder);
return aIndex.GetEEIndex();
bool SvxAccessibleTextAdapter::IsValid() const
assert(mpTextForwarder && "SvxAccessibleTextAdapter: no forwarder");
if( mpTextForwarder )
return mpTextForwarder->IsValid();
return false;
LanguageType SvxAccessibleTextAdapter::GetLanguage( sal_Int32 nPara, sal_Int32 nPos ) const
assert(mpTextForwarder && "SvxAccessibleTextAdapter: no forwarder");
SvxAccessibleTextIndex aIndex;
aIndex.SetIndex( nPara, nPos, *this );
return mpTextForwarder->GetLanguage( nPara, aIndex.GetEEIndex() );
std::vector<EFieldInfo> SvxAccessibleTextAdapter::GetFieldInfo( sal_Int32 nPara ) const
assert(mpTextForwarder && "SvxAccessibleTextAdapter: no forwarder");
return mpTextForwarder->GetFieldInfo( nPara );
EBulletInfo SvxAccessibleTextAdapter::GetBulletInfo( sal_Int32 nPara ) const
assert(mpTextForwarder && "SvxAccessibleTextAdapter: no forwarder");
return mpTextForwarder->GetBulletInfo( nPara );
tools::Rectangle SvxAccessibleTextAdapter::GetCharBounds( sal_Int32 nPara, sal_Int32 nIndex ) const
assert(mpTextForwarder && "SvxAccessibleTextAdapter: no forwarder");
SvxAccessibleTextIndex aIndex;
aIndex.SetIndex( nPara, nIndex, *this );
// preset if anything goes wrong below
// n-th char in GetParagraphIndex's paragraph
tools::Rectangle aRect = mpTextForwarder->GetCharBounds( nPara, aIndex.GetEEIndex() );
if( aIndex.InBullet() )
EBulletInfo aBulletInfo = GetBulletInfo( nPara );
OutputDevice* pOutDev = GetRefDevice();
DBG_ASSERT(pOutDev!=nullptr, "SvxAccessibleTextAdapter::GetCharBounds: No ref device");
// preset if anything goes wrong below
aRect = aBulletInfo.aBounds; // better than nothing
if( pOutDev )
AccessibleStringWrap aStringWrap( *pOutDev, aBulletInfo.aFont, aBulletInfo.aText );
aStringWrap.GetCharacterBounds( aIndex.GetBulletOffset(), aRect );
aRect.Move( aBulletInfo.aBounds.Left(), aBulletInfo.aBounds.Top() );
// handle field content manually
if( aIndex.InField() )
OutputDevice* pOutDev = GetRefDevice();
DBG_ASSERT(pOutDev!=nullptr, "SvxAccessibleTextAdapter::GetCharBounds: No ref device");
if( pOutDev )
ESelection aSel = MakeEESelection( aIndex );
SvxFont aFont = EditEngine::CreateSvxFontFromItemSet( mpTextForwarder->GetAttribs( aSel ) );
AccessibleStringWrap aStringWrap( *pOutDev,
mpTextForwarder->GetText( aSel ) );
tools::Rectangle aStartRect = mpTextForwarder->GetCharBounds( nPara, aIndex.GetEEIndex() );
aStringWrap.GetCharacterBounds( aIndex.GetFieldOffset(), aRect );
aRect.Move( aStartRect.Left(), aStartRect.Top() );
return aRect;
tools::Rectangle SvxAccessibleTextAdapter::GetParaBounds( sal_Int32 nPara ) const
assert(mpTextForwarder && "SvxAccessibleTextAdapter: no forwarder");
EBulletInfo aBulletInfo = GetBulletInfo( nPara );
if( aBulletInfo.nParagraph != EE_PARA_NOT_FOUND &&
aBulletInfo.bVisible &&
aBulletInfo.nType != SVX_NUM_BITMAP )
// include bullet in para bounding box
tools::Rectangle aRect( mpTextForwarder->GetParaBounds( nPara ) );
aRect.Union( aBulletInfo.aBounds );
return aRect;
return mpTextForwarder->GetParaBounds( nPara );
MapMode SvxAccessibleTextAdapter::GetMapMode() const
assert(mpTextForwarder && "SvxAccessibleTextAdapter: no forwarder");
return mpTextForwarder->GetMapMode();
OutputDevice* SvxAccessibleTextAdapter::GetRefDevice() const
assert(mpTextForwarder && "SvxAccessibleTextAdapter: no forwarder");
return mpTextForwarder->GetRefDevice();
bool SvxAccessibleTextAdapter::GetIndexAtPoint( const Point& rPoint, sal_Int32& nPara, sal_Int32& nIndex ) const
assert(mpTextForwarder && "SvxAccessibleTextAdapter: no forwarder");
if( !mpTextForwarder->GetIndexAtPoint( rPoint, nPara, nIndex ) )
return false;
SvxAccessibleTextIndex aIndex;
aIndex.SetEEIndex(nPara, nIndex, *this);
DBG_ASSERT(aIndex.GetIndex() >= 0,
"SvxAccessibleTextIndex::SetIndex: index value overflow");
nIndex = aIndex.GetIndex();
EBulletInfo aBulletInfo = GetBulletInfo( nPara );
// any text bullets?
if( aBulletInfo.nParagraph != EE_PARA_NOT_FOUND &&
aBulletInfo.bVisible &&
aBulletInfo.nType != SVX_NUM_BITMAP )
if( aBulletInfo.aBounds.Contains( rPoint) )
OutputDevice* pOutDev = GetRefDevice();
DBG_ASSERT(pOutDev!=nullptr, "SvxAccessibleTextAdapter::GetIndexAtPoint: No ref device");
if( !pOutDev )
return false;
AccessibleStringWrap aStringWrap( *pOutDev, aBulletInfo.aFont, aBulletInfo.aText );
Point aPoint = rPoint;
aPoint.Move( -aBulletInfo.aBounds.Left(), -aBulletInfo.aBounds.Top() );
DBG_ASSERT(aStringWrap.GetIndexAtPoint( aPoint ) >= 0,
"SvxAccessibleTextIndex::SetIndex: index value overflow");
nIndex = aStringWrap.GetIndexAtPoint( aPoint );
return true;
if( !aIndex.InField() )
return true;
OutputDevice* pOutDev = GetRefDevice();
DBG_ASSERT(pOutDev!=nullptr, "SvxAccessibleTextAdapter::GetIndexAtPoint: No ref device");
if( !pOutDev )
return false;
ESelection aSelection = MakeEESelection( aIndex );
SvxFont aFont = EditEngine::CreateSvxFontFromItemSet( mpTextForwarder->GetAttribs( aSelection ) );
AccessibleStringWrap aStringWrap( *pOutDev,
mpTextForwarder->GetText( aSelection ) );
tools::Rectangle aRect = mpTextForwarder->GetCharBounds( nPara, aIndex.GetEEIndex() );
Point aPoint = rPoint;
aPoint.Move( -aRect.Left(), -aRect.Top() );
DBG_ASSERT(aIndex.GetIndex() + aStringWrap.GetIndexAtPoint( rPoint ) >= 0,
"SvxAccessibleTextIndex::SetIndex: index value overflow");
nIndex = (aIndex.GetIndex() + aStringWrap.GetIndexAtPoint( aPoint ));
return true;
bool SvxAccessibleTextAdapter::GetWordIndices( sal_Int32 nPara, sal_Int32 nIndex, sal_Int32& nStart, sal_Int32& nEnd ) const
assert(mpTextForwarder && "SvxAccessibleTextAdapter: no forwarder");
SvxAccessibleTextIndex aIndex;
aIndex.SetIndex(nPara, nIndex, *this);
nIndex = aIndex.GetEEIndex();
if( aIndex.InBullet() )
DBG_ASSERT(aIndex.GetBulletLen() >= 0,
"SvxAccessibleTextIndex::SetIndex: index value overflow");
// always treat bullet as separate word
nStart = 0;
nEnd = aIndex.GetBulletLen();
return true;
if( aIndex.InField() )
DBG_ASSERT(aIndex.GetIndex() - aIndex.GetFieldOffset() >= 0 &&
nStart + aIndex.GetFieldLen() >= 0,
"SvxAccessibleTextIndex::SetIndex: index value overflow");
// always treat field as separate word
// TODO: to circumvent this, _we_ would have to do the break iterator stuff!
nStart = aIndex.GetIndex() - aIndex.GetFieldOffset();
nEnd = nStart + aIndex.GetFieldLen();
return true;
if( !mpTextForwarder->GetWordIndices( nPara, nIndex, nStart, nEnd ) )
return false;
aIndex.SetEEIndex( nPara, nStart, *this );
DBG_ASSERT(aIndex.GetIndex() >= 0,
"SvxAccessibleTextIndex::SetIndex: index value overflow");
nStart = aIndex.GetIndex();
aIndex.SetEEIndex( nPara, nEnd, *this );
DBG_ASSERT(aIndex.GetIndex() >= 0,
"SvxAccessibleTextIndex::SetIndex: index value overflow");
nEnd = aIndex.GetIndex();
return true;
bool SvxAccessibleTextAdapter::GetAttributeRun( sal_Int32& nStartIndex, sal_Int32& nEndIndex, sal_Int32 nPara, sal_Int32 nIndex, bool /* bInCell */ ) const
assert(mpTextForwarder && "SvxAccessibleTextAdapter: no forwarder");
SvxAccessibleTextIndex aIndex;
aIndex.SetIndex(nPara, nIndex, *this);
nIndex = aIndex.GetEEIndex();
if( aIndex.InBullet() )
DBG_ASSERT(aIndex.GetBulletLen() >= 0,
"SvxAccessibleTextIndex::SetIndex: index value overflow");
// always treat bullet as distinct attribute
nStartIndex = 0;
nEndIndex = aIndex.GetBulletLen();
return true;
if( aIndex.InField() )
DBG_ASSERT(aIndex.GetIndex() - aIndex.GetFieldOffset() >= 0,
"SvxAccessibleTextIndex::SetIndex: index value overflow");
// always treat field as distinct attribute
nStartIndex = aIndex.GetIndex() - aIndex.GetFieldOffset();
nEndIndex = nStartIndex + aIndex.GetFieldLen();
return true;
if( !mpTextForwarder->GetAttributeRun( nStartIndex, nEndIndex, nPara, nIndex ) )
return false;
aIndex.SetEEIndex( nPara, nStartIndex, *this );
DBG_ASSERT(aIndex.GetIndex() >= 0,
"SvxAccessibleTextIndex::SetIndex: index value overflow");
nStartIndex = aIndex.GetIndex();
aIndex.SetEEIndex( nPara, nEndIndex, *this );
DBG_ASSERT(aIndex.GetIndex() >= 0,
"SvxAccessibleTextIndex::SetIndex: index value overflow");
nEndIndex = aIndex.GetIndex();
return true;
sal_Int32 SvxAccessibleTextAdapter::GetLineCount( sal_Int32 nPara ) const
assert(mpTextForwarder && "SvxAccessibleTextAdapter: no forwarder");
return mpTextForwarder->GetLineCount( nPara );
sal_Int32 SvxAccessibleTextAdapter::GetLineLen( sal_Int32 nPara, sal_Int32 nLine ) const
assert(mpTextForwarder && "SvxAccessibleTextAdapter: no forwarder");
SvxAccessibleTextIndex aEndIndex;
sal_Int32 nCurrLine;
sal_Int32 nCurrIndex, nLastIndex;
for( nCurrLine=0, nCurrIndex=0, nLastIndex=0; nCurrLine<=nLine; ++nCurrLine )
nLastIndex = nCurrIndex;
nCurrIndex =
nCurrIndex + mpTextForwarder->GetLineLen( nPara, nCurrLine );
aEndIndex.SetEEIndex( nPara, nCurrIndex, *this );
if( nLine > 0 )
SvxAccessibleTextIndex aStartIndex;
aStartIndex.SetEEIndex( nPara, nLastIndex, *this );
return aEndIndex.GetIndex() - aStartIndex.GetIndex();
return aEndIndex.GetIndex();
void SvxAccessibleTextAdapter::GetLineBoundaries( /*out*/sal_Int32 &rStart, /*out*/sal_Int32 &rEnd, sal_Int32 nParagraph, sal_Int32 nLine ) const
mpTextForwarder->GetLineBoundaries( rStart, rEnd, nParagraph, nLine );
sal_Int32 SvxAccessibleTextAdapter::GetLineNumberAtIndex( sal_Int32 nPara, sal_Int32 nIndex ) const
return mpTextForwarder->GetLineNumberAtIndex( nPara, nIndex );
bool SvxAccessibleTextAdapter::Delete( const ESelection& rSel )
assert(mpTextForwarder && "SvxAccessibleTextAdapter: no forwarder");
SvxAccessibleTextIndex aStartIndex;
SvxAccessibleTextIndex aEndIndex;
aStartIndex.SetIndex( rSel.nStartPara, rSel.nStartPos, *this );
aEndIndex.SetIndex( rSel.nEndPara, rSel.nEndPos, *this );
return mpTextForwarder->Delete( MakeEESelection(aStartIndex, aEndIndex ) );
bool SvxAccessibleTextAdapter::InsertText( const OUString& rStr, const ESelection& rSel )
assert(mpTextForwarder && "SvxAccessibleTextAdapter: no forwarder");
SvxAccessibleTextIndex aStartIndex;
SvxAccessibleTextIndex aEndIndex;
aStartIndex.SetIndex( rSel.nStartPara, rSel.nStartPos, *this );
aEndIndex.SetIndex( rSel.nEndPara, rSel.nEndPos, *this );
return mpTextForwarder->InsertText( rStr, MakeEESelection(aStartIndex, aEndIndex) );
bool SvxAccessibleTextAdapter::QuickFormatDoc( bool bFull )
assert(mpTextForwarder && "SvxAccessibleTextAdapter: no forwarder");
return mpTextForwarder->QuickFormatDoc( bFull );
sal_Int16 SvxAccessibleTextAdapter::GetDepth( sal_Int32 nPara ) const
assert(mpTextForwarder && "SvxAccessibleTextAdapter: no forwarder");
return mpTextForwarder->GetDepth( nPara );
bool SvxAccessibleTextAdapter::SetDepth( sal_Int32 nPara, sal_Int16 nNewDepth )
assert(mpTextForwarder && "SvxAccessibleTextAdapter: no forwarder");
return mpTextForwarder->SetDepth( nPara, nNewDepth );
void SvxAccessibleTextAdapter::SetForwarder( SvxTextForwarder& rForwarder )
mpTextForwarder = &rForwarder;
bool SvxAccessibleTextAdapter::HaveImageBullet( sal_Int32 nPara ) const
EBulletInfo aBulletInfo = GetBulletInfo( nPara );
return ( aBulletInfo.nParagraph != EE_PARA_NOT_FOUND &&
aBulletInfo.bVisible &&
aBulletInfo.nType == SVX_NUM_BITMAP );
bool SvxAccessibleTextAdapter::HaveTextBullet( sal_Int32 nPara ) const
EBulletInfo aBulletInfo = GetBulletInfo( nPara );
return ( aBulletInfo.nParagraph != EE_PARA_NOT_FOUND &&
aBulletInfo.bVisible &&
aBulletInfo.nType != SVX_NUM_BITMAP );
bool SvxAccessibleTextAdapter::IsEditable( const ESelection& rSel ) const
SvxAccessibleTextIndex aStartIndex;
SvxAccessibleTextIndex aEndIndex;
aStartIndex.SetIndex( rSel.nStartPara, rSel.nStartPos, *this );
aEndIndex.SetIndex( rSel.nEndPara, rSel.nEndPos, *this );
// normalize selection
if( rSel.nStartPara > rSel.nEndPara ||
(rSel.nStartPara == rSel.nEndPara && rSel.nStartPos > rSel.nEndPos) )
std::swap( aStartIndex, aEndIndex );
return aStartIndex.IsEditableRange( aEndIndex );
const SfxItemSet * SvxAccessibleTextAdapter::GetEmptyItemSetPtr()
OSL_FAIL( "not implemented" );
return nullptr;
void SvxAccessibleTextAdapter::AppendParagraph()
OSL_FAIL( "not implemented" );
sal_Int32 SvxAccessibleTextAdapter::AppendTextPortion( sal_Int32, const OUString &, const SfxItemSet & )
OSL_FAIL( "not implemented" );
return 0;
void SvxAccessibleTextAdapter::CopyText(const SvxTextForwarder&)
OSL_FAIL( "not implemented" );
: mpViewForwarder(nullptr)
, mpTextForwarder(nullptr)
bool SvxAccessibleTextEditViewAdapter::IsValid() const
DBG_ASSERT(mpViewForwarder, "SvxAccessibleTextEditViewAdapter: no forwarder");
if( mpViewForwarder )
return mpViewForwarder->IsValid();
return false;
Point SvxAccessibleTextEditViewAdapter::LogicToPixel( const Point& rPoint, const MapMode& rMapMode ) const
assert(mpViewForwarder && "SvxAccessibleTextEditViewAdapter: no forwarder");
return mpViewForwarder->LogicToPixel(rPoint, rMapMode);
Point SvxAccessibleTextEditViewAdapter::PixelToLogic( const Point& rPoint, const MapMode& rMapMode ) const
assert(mpViewForwarder && "SvxAccessibleTextEditViewAdapter: no forwarder");
return mpViewForwarder->PixelToLogic(rPoint, rMapMode);
bool SvxAccessibleTextEditViewAdapter::GetSelection( ESelection& rSel ) const
assert(mpViewForwarder && "SvxAccessibleTextEditViewAdapter: no forwarder");
ESelection aSelection;
if( !mpViewForwarder->GetSelection( aSelection ) )
return false;
SvxAccessibleTextIndex aStartIndex;
SvxAccessibleTextIndex aEndIndex;
aStartIndex.SetEEIndex( aSelection.nStartPara, aSelection.nStartPos, *mpTextForwarder );
aEndIndex.SetEEIndex( aSelection.nEndPara, aSelection.nEndPos, *mpTextForwarder );
DBG_ASSERT(aStartIndex.GetIndex() >= 0 &&
aEndIndex.GetIndex() >= 0,
"SvxAccessibleTextEditViewAdapter::GetSelection: index value overflow");
rSel = ESelection( aStartIndex.GetParagraph(), aStartIndex.GetIndex(),
aEndIndex.GetParagraph(), aEndIndex.GetIndex() );
return true;
bool SvxAccessibleTextEditViewAdapter::SetSelection( const ESelection& rSel )
assert(mpViewForwarder && "SvxAccessibleTextEditViewAdapter: no forwarder");
SvxAccessibleTextIndex aStartIndex;
SvxAccessibleTextIndex aEndIndex;
aStartIndex.SetIndex( rSel.nStartPara, rSel.nStartPos, *mpTextForwarder );
aEndIndex.SetIndex( rSel.nEndPara, rSel.nEndPos, *mpTextForwarder );
return mpViewForwarder->SetSelection( MakeEESelection(aStartIndex, aEndIndex) );
bool SvxAccessibleTextEditViewAdapter::Copy()
DBG_ASSERT(mpViewForwarder, "SvxAccessibleTextEditViewAdapter: no forwarder");
return mpViewForwarder->Copy();
bool SvxAccessibleTextEditViewAdapter::Cut()
DBG_ASSERT(mpViewForwarder, "SvxAccessibleTextEditViewAdapter: no forwarder");
return mpViewForwarder->Cut();
bool SvxAccessibleTextEditViewAdapter::Paste()
DBG_ASSERT(mpViewForwarder, "SvxAccessibleTextEditViewAdapter: no forwarder");
return mpViewForwarder->Paste();
void SvxAccessibleTextEditViewAdapter::SetForwarder( SvxEditViewForwarder& rForwarder,
SvxAccessibleTextAdapter& rTextForwarder )
mpViewForwarder = &rForwarder;
mpTextForwarder = &rTextForwarder;
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
↑ V530 The return value of function 'Union' is required to be utilized.