/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
#include <vcl/unohelp.hxx>
#include <osl/diagnose.h>
#include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/i18n/BreakIterator.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/i18n/CharacterClassification.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/awt/FontWeight.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/awt/FontWidth.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/awt/XExtendedToolkit.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/accessibility/AccessibleEventObject.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/accessibility/AccessibleStateType.hpp>
using namespace ::com::sun::star;
uno::Reference < i18n::XBreakIterator > vcl::unohelper::CreateBreakIterator()
    const uno::Reference< uno::XComponentContext >& xContext = comphelper::getProcessComponentContext();
    return i18n::BreakIterator::create(xContext);
uno::Reference < i18n::XCharacterClassification > vcl::unohelper::CreateCharacterClassification()
    return i18n::CharacterClassification::create( comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() );
float vcl::unohelper::ConvertFontWidth( FontWidth eWidth )
    if( eWidth == WIDTH_DONTKNOW )
        return css::awt::FontWidth::DONTKNOW;
    else if( eWidth == WIDTH_ULTRA_CONDENSED )
        return css::awt::FontWidth::ULTRACONDENSED;
    else if( eWidth == WIDTH_EXTRA_CONDENSED )
        return css::awt::FontWidth::EXTRACONDENSED;
    else if( eWidth == WIDTH_CONDENSED )
        return css::awt::FontWidth::CONDENSED;
    else if( eWidth == WIDTH_SEMI_CONDENSED )
        return css::awt::FontWidth::SEMICONDENSED;
    else if( eWidth == WIDTH_NORMAL )
        return css::awt::FontWidth::NORMAL;
    else if( eWidth == WIDTH_SEMI_EXPANDED )
        return css::awt::FontWidth::SEMIEXPANDED;
    else if( eWidth == WIDTH_EXPANDED )
        return css::awt::FontWidth::EXPANDED;
    else if( eWidth == WIDTH_EXTRA_EXPANDED )
        return css::awt::FontWidth::EXTRAEXPANDED;
    else if( eWidth == WIDTH_ULTRA_EXPANDED )
        return css::awt::FontWidth::ULTRAEXPANDED;
    OSL_FAIL( "Unknown FontWidth" );
    return css::awt::FontWidth::DONTKNOW;
FontWidth vcl::unohelper::ConvertFontWidth( float f )
    if( f <= css::awt::FontWidth::DONTKNOW )
        return WIDTH_DONTKNOW;
    else if( f <= css::awt::FontWidth::ULTRACONDENSED )
    else if( f <= css::awt::FontWidth::EXTRACONDENSED )
    else if( f <= css::awt::FontWidth::CONDENSED )
        return WIDTH_CONDENSED;
    else if( f <= css::awt::FontWidth::SEMICONDENSED )
        return WIDTH_SEMI_CONDENSED;
    else if( f <= css::awt::FontWidth::NORMAL )
        return WIDTH_NORMAL;
    else if( f <= css::awt::FontWidth::SEMIEXPANDED )
        return WIDTH_SEMI_EXPANDED;
    else if( f <= css::awt::FontWidth::EXPANDED )
        return WIDTH_EXPANDED;
    else if( f <= css::awt::FontWidth::EXTRAEXPANDED )
        return WIDTH_EXTRA_EXPANDED;
    else if( f <= css::awt::FontWidth::ULTRAEXPANDED )
        return WIDTH_ULTRA_EXPANDED;
    OSL_FAIL( "Unknown FontWidth" );
    return WIDTH_DONTKNOW;
float vcl::unohelper::ConvertFontWeight( FontWeight eWeight )
    if( eWeight == WEIGHT_DONTKNOW )
        return css::awt::FontWeight::DONTKNOW;
    else if( eWeight == WEIGHT_THIN )
        return css::awt::FontWeight::THIN;
    else if( eWeight == WEIGHT_ULTRALIGHT )
        return css::awt::FontWeight::ULTRALIGHT;
    else if( eWeight == WEIGHT_LIGHT )
        return css::awt::FontWeight::LIGHT;
    else if( eWeight == WEIGHT_SEMILIGHT )
        return css::awt::FontWeight::SEMILIGHT;
    else if( ( eWeight == WEIGHT_NORMAL ) || ( eWeight == WEIGHT_MEDIUM ) )
        return css::awt::FontWeight::NORMAL;
    else if( eWeight == WEIGHT_SEMIBOLD )
        return css::awt::FontWeight::SEMIBOLD;
    else if( eWeight == WEIGHT_BOLD )
        return css::awt::FontWeight::BOLD;
    else if( eWeight == WEIGHT_ULTRABOLD )
        return css::awt::FontWeight::ULTRABOLD;
    else if( eWeight == WEIGHT_BLACK )
        return css::awt::FontWeight::BLACK;
    OSL_FAIL( "Unknown FontWeight" );
    return css::awt::FontWeight::DONTKNOW;
FontWeight vcl::unohelper::ConvertFontWeight( float f )
    if( f <= css::awt::FontWeight::DONTKNOW )
        return WEIGHT_DONTKNOW;
    else if( f <= css::awt::FontWeight::THIN )
        return WEIGHT_THIN;
    else if( f <= css::awt::FontWeight::ULTRALIGHT )
        return WEIGHT_ULTRALIGHT;
    else if( f <= css::awt::FontWeight::LIGHT )
        return WEIGHT_LIGHT;
    else if( f <= css::awt::FontWeight::SEMILIGHT )
        return WEIGHT_SEMILIGHT;
    else if( f <= css::awt::FontWeight::NORMAL )
        return WEIGHT_NORMAL;
    else if( f <= css::awt::FontWeight::SEMIBOLD )
        return WEIGHT_SEMIBOLD;
    else if( f <= css::awt::FontWeight::BOLD )
        return WEIGHT_BOLD;
    else if( f <= css::awt::FontWeight::ULTRABOLD )
        return WEIGHT_ULTRABOLD;
    else if( f <= css::awt::FontWeight::BLACK )
        return WEIGHT_BLACK;
    OSL_FAIL( "Unknown FontWeight" );
css::awt::FontSlant vcl::unohelper::ConvertFontSlant(FontItalic eItalic)
    css::awt::FontSlant eRet(css::awt::FontSlant_DONTKNOW);
    switch (eItalic)
        case ITALIC_NONE:
            eRet = css::awt::FontSlant_NONE;
        case ITALIC_OBLIQUE:
            eRet = css::awt::FontSlant_OBLIQUE;
        case ITALIC_NORMAL:
            eRet = css::awt::FontSlant_ITALIC;
        case ITALIC_DONTKNOW:
            eRet = css::awt::FontSlant_DONTKNOW;
        case FontItalic_FORCE_EQUAL_SIZE:
            eRet = css::awt::FontSlant::FontSlant_MAKE_FIXED_SIZE;
    return eRet;
FontItalic vcl::unohelper::ConvertFontSlant(css::awt::FontSlant eSlant)
    FontItalic eRet = ITALIC_DONTKNOW;
    switch (eSlant)
        case css::awt::FontSlant_NONE:
            eRet = ITALIC_NONE;
        case css::awt::FontSlant_OBLIQUE:
            eRet = ITALIC_OBLIQUE;
        case css::awt::FontSlant_ITALIC:
            eRet = ITALIC_NORMAL;
        case css::awt::FontSlant_DONTKNOW:
            eRet = ITALIC_DONTKNOW;
        case css::awt::FontSlant_REVERSE_OBLIQUE:
            //there is no vcl reverse oblique
            eRet = ITALIC_OBLIQUE;
        case css::awt::FontSlant_REVERSE_ITALIC:
            //there is no vcl reverse normal
            eRet = ITALIC_NORMAL;
        case css::awt::FontSlant::FontSlant_MAKE_FIXED_SIZE:
            eRet = FontItalic_FORCE_EQUAL_SIZE;
    return eRet;
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V1037 Two or more case-branches perform the same actions. Check lines: 189, 199

V1037 Two or more case-branches perform the same actions. Check lines: 192, 203

V1048 The 'eRet' variable was assigned the same value.