/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
#include <com/sun/star/awt/Size.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/lang/Locale.hpp>
#include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
#include <rtl/character.hxx>
#include <comphelper/string.hxx>
#include <unotools/fontcvt.hxx>
#include <unotools/fontdefs.hxx>
#include <utility>
#include <vcl/BitmapPalette.hxx>
#include <filter/msfilter/escherex.hxx>
#include <filter/msfilter/util.hxx>
#include <o3tl/string_view.hxx>
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_map>
namespace msfilter::util {
rtl_TextEncoding getBestTextEncodingFromLocale(const css::lang::Locale &rLocale)
    // Obviously not comprehensive, feel free to expand these, they're for ultimate fallbacks
    // in last-ditch broken-file-format cases to guess the right 8bit encodings
    const OUString &rLanguage = rLocale.Language;
    if (rLanguage == "cs" || rLanguage == "hu" || rLanguage == "pl")
        return RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1250;
    if (rLanguage == "ru" || rLanguage == "uk")
        return RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1251;
    if (rLanguage == "el")
        return RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1253;
    if (rLanguage == "tr")
        return RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1254;
    if (rLanguage == "lt")
        return RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1257;
    if (rLanguage == "th")
        return RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_874;
    if (rLanguage == "vi")
        return RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1258;
    return RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252;
::Color BGRToRGB(sal_uInt32 nColor)
    return ::Color(ColorTransparency, t, r, g, b);
DateTime DTTM2DateTime( tools::Long lDTTM )
    mint    short   :6  0000003F    minutes (0-59)
    hr      short   :5  000007C0    hours (0-23)
    dom     short   :5  0000F800    days of month (1-31)
    mon     short   :4  000F0000    months (1-12)
    yr      short   :9  1FF00000    years (1900-2411)-1900
    wdy     short   :3  E0000000    weekday(Sunday=0
    ( wdy can be ignored )                  Tuesday=2
    DateTime aDateTime(Date( 0 ), ::tools::Time( tools::Time::EMPTY ));
    if( lDTTM )
        sal_uInt16 lMin = static_cast<sal_uInt16>(lDTTM & 0x0000003F);
        lDTTM >>= 6;
        sal_uInt16 lHour= static_cast<sal_uInt16>(lDTTM & 0x0000001F);
        lDTTM >>= 5;
        sal_uInt16 lDay = static_cast<sal_uInt16>(lDTTM & 0x0000001F);
        lDTTM >>= 5;
        sal_uInt16 lMon = static_cast<sal_uInt16>(lDTTM & 0x0000000F);
        lDTTM >>= 4;
        sal_uInt16 lYear= static_cast<sal_uInt16>(lDTTM & 0x000001FF) + 1900;
        aDateTime = DateTime(Date(lDay, lMon, lYear), tools::Time(lHour, lMin));
    return aDateTime;
sal_Unicode bestFitOpenSymbolToMSFont(sal_Unicode cChar,
    rtl_TextEncoding& rChrSet, OUString& rFontName)
    std::unique_ptr<StarSymbolToMSMultiFont> pConvert(CreateStarSymbolToMSMultiFont());
    OUString sFont = pConvert->ConvertChar(cChar);
    if (!sFont.isEmpty())
        cChar = static_cast< sal_Unicode >(cChar | 0xF000);
        rFontName = sFont;
    else if (cChar < 0xE000 || cChar > 0xF8FF)
          Ok we can't fit into a known windows unicode font, but
          we are not in the private area, so we are a
          standardized symbol, so turn off the symbol bit and
          let words own font substitution kick in
        sal_Int32 nIndex = 0;
        rFontName = ::GetNextFontToken(rFontName, nIndex);
          Well we don't have an available substitution, and we're
          in our private area, so give up and show a standard
          bullet symbol
        rFontName = "Wingdings";
        cChar = u'\x6C';
    return cChar;
OString ConvertColor( const Color &rColor )
    static constexpr OStringLiteral AUTO( "auto" );
    if ( rColor == COL_AUTO )
        return AUTO;
    const char pHexDigits[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
    char pBuffer[] = "000000";
    pBuffer[0] = pHexDigits[ ( rColor.GetRed()   >> 4 ) & 0x0F ];
    pBuffer[1] = pHexDigits[   rColor.GetRed()          & 0x0F ];
    pBuffer[2] = pHexDigits[ ( rColor.GetGreen() >> 4 ) & 0x0F ];
    pBuffer[3] = pHexDigits[   rColor.GetGreen()        & 0x0F ];
    pBuffer[4] = pHexDigits[ ( rColor.GetBlue()  >> 4 ) & 0x0F ];
    pBuffer[5] = pHexDigits[   rColor.GetBlue()         & 0x0F ];
    return OString( pBuffer );
OUString ConvertColorOU( const Color &rColor )
    static constexpr OUStringLiteral AUTO( u"auto" );
    if ( rColor == COL_AUTO )
        return AUTO;
    const char pHexDigits[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
    sal_Unicode pBuffer[] = u"000000";
    pBuffer[0] = pHexDigits[ ( rColor.GetRed()   >> 4 ) & 0x0F ];
    pBuffer[1] = pHexDigits[   rColor.GetRed()          & 0x0F ];
    pBuffer[2] = pHexDigits[ ( rColor.GetGreen() >> 4 ) & 0x0F ];
    pBuffer[3] = pHexDigits[   rColor.GetGreen()        & 0x0F ];
    pBuffer[4] = pHexDigits[ ( rColor.GetBlue()  >> 4 ) & 0x0F ];
    pBuffer[5] = pHexDigits[   rColor.GetBlue()         & 0x0F ];
    return OUString( pBuffer );
#define IN2MM100( v )    static_cast< sal_Int32 >( (v) * 2540.0 + 0.5 )
#define MM2MM100( v )    static_cast< sal_Int32 >( (v) * 100.0 + 0.5 )
// see XclPaperSize pPaperSizeTable in calc and aDinTab in i18nutil
const ApiPaperSize spPaperSizeTable[] =
    { 0, 0 },                                                //  0 - (undefined)
    { IN2MM100( 8.5 ),       IN2MM100( 11 )      },          //  1 - Letter paper
    { IN2MM100( 8.5 ),       IN2MM100( 11 )      },          //  2 - Letter small paper
    { IN2MM100( 11 ),        IN2MM100( 17 )      },          //  3 - Tabloid paper
    { IN2MM100( 17 ),        IN2MM100( 11 )      },          //  4 - Ledger paper
    { IN2MM100( 8.5 ),       IN2MM100( 14 )      },          //  5 - Legal paper
    { IN2MM100( 5.5 ),       IN2MM100( 8.5 )     },          //  6 - Statement paper
    { IN2MM100( 7.25 ),      IN2MM100( 10.5 )    },          //  7 - Executive paper
    { MM2MM100( 297 ),       MM2MM100( 420 )     },          //  8 - A3 paper
    { MM2MM100( 210 ),       MM2MM100( 297 )     },          //  9 - A4 paper
    { MM2MM100( 210 ),       MM2MM100( 297 )     },          // 10 - A4 small paper
    { MM2MM100( 148 ),       MM2MM100( 210 )     },          // 11 - A5 paper
    /* for JIS vs ISO B confusion see:
       http://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/DefaultPaperSize comments
       http://partners.adobe.com/public/developer/en/ps/5003.PPD_Spec_v4.3.pdf */
    { MM2MM100( 257 ),       MM2MM100( 364 )     },          // 12 - B4 (JIS) paper
    { MM2MM100( 182 ),       MM2MM100( 257 )     },          // 13 - B5 (JIS) paper
    { IN2MM100( 8.5 ),       IN2MM100( 13 )      },          // 14 - Folio paper
    { MM2MM100( 215 ),       MM2MM100( 275 )     },          // 15 - Quarto paper
    { IN2MM100( 10 ),        IN2MM100( 14 )      },          // 16 - Standard paper
    { IN2MM100( 11 ),        IN2MM100( 17 )      },          // 17 - Standard paper
    { IN2MM100( 8.5 ),       IN2MM100( 11 )      },          // 18 - Note paper
    { IN2MM100( 3.875 ),     IN2MM100( 8.875 )   },          // 19 - #9 envelope
    { IN2MM100( 4.125 ),     IN2MM100( 9.5 )     },          // 20 - #10 envelope
    { IN2MM100( 4.5 ),       IN2MM100( 10.375 )  },          // 21 - #11 envelope
    { IN2MM100( 4.75 ),      IN2MM100( 11 )      },          // 22 - #12 envelope
    { IN2MM100( 5 ),         IN2MM100( 11.5 )    },          // 23 - #14 envelope
    { IN2MM100( 17 ),        IN2MM100( 22 )      },          // 24 - C paper
    { IN2MM100( 22 ),        IN2MM100( 34 )      },          // 25 - D paper
    { IN2MM100( 34 ),        IN2MM100( 44 )      },          // 26 - E paper
    { MM2MM100( 110 ),       MM2MM100( 220 )     },          // 27 - DL envelope
    { MM2MM100( 162 ),       MM2MM100( 229 )     },          // 28 - C5 envelope
    { MM2MM100( 324 ),       MM2MM100( 458 )     },          // 29 - C3 envelope
    { MM2MM100( 229 ),       MM2MM100( 324 )     },          // 30 - C4 envelope
    { MM2MM100( 114 ),       MM2MM100( 162 )     },          // 31 - C6 envelope
    { MM2MM100( 114 ),       MM2MM100( 229 )     },          // 32 - C65 envelope
    { MM2MM100( 250 ),       MM2MM100( 353 )     },          // 33 - B4 envelope
    { MM2MM100( 176 ),       MM2MM100( 250 )     },          // 34 - B5 envelope
    { MM2MM100( 176 ),       MM2MM100( 125 )     },          // 35 - B6 envelope
    { MM2MM100( 110 ),       MM2MM100( 230 )     },          // 36 - Italy envelope
    { IN2MM100( 3.875 ),     IN2MM100( 7.5 )     },          // 37 - Monarch envelope
    { IN2MM100( 3.625 ),     IN2MM100( 6.5 )     },          // 38 - 6 3/4 envelope
    { IN2MM100( 14.875 ),    IN2MM100( 11 )      },          // 39 - US standard fanfold
    { IN2MM100( 8.5 ),       IN2MM100( 12 )      },          // 40 - German standard fanfold
    { IN2MM100( 8.5 ),       IN2MM100( 13 )      },          // 41 - German legal fanfold
    { MM2MM100( 250 ),       MM2MM100( 353 )     },          // 42 - ISO B4
    { MM2MM100( 200 ),       MM2MM100( 148 )     },          // 43 - Japanese double postcard
    { IN2MM100( 9 ),         IN2MM100( 11 )      },          // 44 - Standard paper
    { IN2MM100( 10 ),        IN2MM100( 11 )      },          // 45 - Standard paper
    { IN2MM100( 15 ),        IN2MM100( 11 )      },          // 46 - Standard paper
    { MM2MM100( 220 ),       MM2MM100( 220 )     },          // 47 - Invite envelope
    { 0, 0 },                                                // 48 - (undefined)
    { 0, 0 },                                                // 49 - (undefined)
    /* See: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/intl/paper-sizes */
    { IN2MM100( 9.5 ),       IN2MM100( 12 )      },          // 50 - Letter extra paper
    { IN2MM100( 9.5 ),       IN2MM100( 15 )      },          // 51 - Legal extra paper
    { IN2MM100( 11.69 ),     IN2MM100( 18 )      },          // 52 - Tabloid extra paper
    { MM2MM100( 235 ),       MM2MM100( 322 )     },          // 53 - A4 extra paper
    { IN2MM100( 8.5 ),       IN2MM100( 11 )      },          // 54 - Letter transverse paper
    { MM2MM100( 210 ),       MM2MM100( 297 )     },          // 55 - A4 transverse paper
    { IN2MM100( 9.5 ),       IN2MM100( 12 )      },          // 56 - Letter extra transverse paper
    { MM2MM100( 227 ),       MM2MM100( 356 )     },          // 57 - SuperA/SuperA/A4 paper
    { MM2MM100( 305 ),       MM2MM100( 487 )     },          // 58 - SuperB/SuperB/A3 paper
    { IN2MM100( 8.5 ),       IN2MM100( 12.69 )   },          // 59 - Letter plus paper
    { MM2MM100( 210 ),       MM2MM100( 330 )     },          // 60 - A4 plus paper
    { MM2MM100( 148 ),       MM2MM100( 210 )     },          // 61 - A5 transverse paper
    { MM2MM100( 182 ),       MM2MM100( 257 )     },          // 62 - JIS B5 transverse paper
    { MM2MM100( 322 ),       MM2MM100( 445 )     },          // 63 - A3 extra paper
    { MM2MM100( 174 ),       MM2MM100( 235 )     },          // 64 - A5 extra paper
    { MM2MM100( 201 ),       MM2MM100( 276 )     },          // 65 - ISO B5 extra paper
    { MM2MM100( 420 ),       MM2MM100( 594 )     },          // 66 - A2 paper
    { MM2MM100( 297 ),       MM2MM100( 420 )     },          // 67 - A3 transverse paper
    { MM2MM100( 322 ),       MM2MM100( 445 )     },          // 68 - A3 extra transverse paper
    { MM2MM100( 200 ),       MM2MM100( 148 )     },          // 69 - Japanese double postcard
    { MM2MM100( 105 ),       MM2MM100( 148 ),    },          // 70 - A6 paper
    { 0, 0 },                                                // 71 - Japanese Envelope Kaku #2
    { 0, 0 },                                                // 72 - Japanese Envelope Kaku #3
    { 0, 0 },                                                // 73 - Japanese Envelope Chou #3
    { 0, 0 },                                                // 74 - Japanese Envelope Chou #4
    { IN2MM100( 11 ),        IN2MM100( 8.5 )     },          // 75 - Letter Rotated
    { MM2MM100( 420 ),       MM2MM100( 297 )     },          // 76 - A3 Rotated
    { MM2MM100( 297 ),       MM2MM100( 210 )     },          // 77 - A4 Rotated
    { MM2MM100( 210 ),       MM2MM100( 148 )     },          // 78 - A5 Rotated
    { MM2MM100( 364 ),       MM2MM100( 257 )     },          // 79 - B4 (JIS) Rotated
    { MM2MM100( 257 ),       MM2MM100( 182 )     },          // 80 - B5 (JIS) Rotated
    { MM2MM100( 148 ),       MM2MM100( 100 )     },          // 81 - Japanese Postcard Rotated
    { MM2MM100( 148 ),       MM2MM100( 200 )     },          // 82 - Double Japanese Postcard Rotated
    { MM2MM100( 148 ),       MM2MM100( 105 )     },          // 83 - A6 Rotated
    { 0, 0 },                                                // 84 - Japanese Envelope Kaku #2 Rotated
    { 0, 0 },                                                // 85 - Japanese Envelope Kaku #3 Rotated
    { 0, 0 },                                                // 86 - Japanese Envelope Chou #3 Rotated
    { 0, 0 },                                                // 87 - Japanese Envelope Chou #4 Rotated
    { MM2MM100( 128 ),       MM2MM100( 182 )     },          // 88 - B6 (JIS)
    { MM2MM100( 182 ),       MM2MM100( 128 )     },          // 89 - B6 (JIS) Rotated
    { IN2MM100( 12 ),        IN2MM100( 11 )      }           // 90 - 12x11
sal_Int32 PaperSizeConv::getMSPaperSizeIndex( const css::awt::Size& rSize )
    // Need to find the best match for current size
    sal_Int32 nDeltaWidth = 0;
    sal_Int32 nDeltaHeight = 0;
    sal_Int32 nPaperSizeIndex = 0; // Undefined
    const ApiPaperSize* pItem = spPaperSizeTable;
    const ApiPaperSize* pEnd =  spPaperSizeTable + std::size( spPaperSizeTable );
    for ( ; pItem != pEnd; ++pItem )
        sal_Int32 nCurDeltaHeight = std::abs( pItem->mnHeight - rSize.Height );
        sal_Int32 nCurDeltaWidth = std::abs( pItem->mnWidth - rSize.Width );
        if ( pItem == spPaperSizeTable ) // initialize delta with first item
            nDeltaWidth = nCurDeltaWidth;
            nDeltaHeight = nCurDeltaHeight;
            if ( nCurDeltaWidth < nDeltaWidth && nCurDeltaHeight < nDeltaHeight )
                nDeltaWidth = nCurDeltaWidth;
                nDeltaHeight = nCurDeltaHeight;
                nPaperSizeIndex = (pItem - spPaperSizeTable);
    sal_Int32 nTol = 10; // hmm not sure is this the best way
    if ( nDeltaWidth <= nTol && nDeltaHeight <= nTol )
        return nPaperSizeIndex;
    return 0;
const ApiPaperSize& PaperSizeConv::getApiSizeForMSPaperSizeIndex( sal_Int32 nMSOPaperIndex )
    if ( nMSOPaperIndex  < 0 || nMSOPaperIndex > std::ssize( spPaperSizeTable ) - 1 )
        return spPaperSizeTable[ 0 ];
    return spPaperSizeTable[ nMSOPaperIndex ];
OUString CreateDOCXStyleId(std::u16string_view const aName)
    // tdf#161509: some special style names have standard style IDs that don't match case
    static constexpr std::pair<std::u16string_view, OUString> specialCases[] = {
        { u"heading 1", u"Heading1"_ustr },
        { u"heading 2", u"Heading2"_ustr },
        { u"heading 3", u"Heading3"_ustr },
        { u"heading 4", u"Heading4"_ustr },
        { u"heading 5", u"Heading5"_ustr },
        { u"heading 6", u"Heading6"_ustr },
        { u"heading 7", u"Heading7"_ustr },
        { u"heading 8", u"Heading8"_ustr },
        { u"heading 9", u"Heading9"_ustr },
        { u"index 1", u"Index1"_ustr },
        { u"index 2", u"Index2"_ustr },
        { u"index 3", u"Index3"_ustr },
        { u"index 4", u"Index4"_ustr },
        { u"index 5", u"Index5"_ustr },
        { u"index 6", u"Index6"_ustr },
        { u"index 7", u"Index7"_ustr },
        { u"index 8", u"Index8"_ustr },
        { u"index 9", u"Index9"_ustr },
        { u"toc 1", u"TOC1"_ustr },
        { u"toc 2", u"TOC2"_ustr },
        { u"toc 3", u"TOC3"_ustr },
        { u"toc 4", u"TOC4"_ustr },
        { u"toc 5", u"TOC5"_ustr },
        { u"toc 6", u"TOC6"_ustr },
        { u"toc 7", u"TOC7"_ustr },
        { u"toc 8", u"TOC8"_ustr },
        { u"toc 9", u"TOC9"_ustr },
        { u"footnote text", u"FootnoteText"_ustr },
        { u"annotation text", u"CommentText"_ustr },
        { u"header", u"Header"_ustr },
        { u"footer", u"Footer"_ustr },
        { u"index heading", u"IndexHeading"_ustr },
        { u"caption", u"Caption"_ustr },
        { u"table of figures", u"TableofFigures"_ustr },
        { u"envelope address", u"EnvelopeAddress"_ustr },
        { u"envelope return", u"EnvelopeReturn"_ustr },
        { u"footnote reference", u"FootnoteReference"_ustr },
        { u"annotation reference", u"CommentReference"_ustr },
        { u"line number", u"LineNumber"_ustr },
        { u"page number", u"PageNumber"_ustr },
        { u"endnote reference", u"EndnoteReference"_ustr },
        { u"endnote text", u"EndnoteText"_ustr },
        { u"table of authorities", u"TableofAuthorities"_ustr },
        { u"macro", u"MacroText"_ustr },
    for (const auto& [stiName, id] : specialCases)
        if (aName == stiName)
            return id;
    OUStringBuffer aStyleIdBuf(aName.size());
    for (size_t i = 0; i < aName.size(); ++i)
        sal_Unicode nChar = aName[i];
        if (rtl::isAsciiAlphanumeric(nChar) || nChar == '-')
            // do not uppercase first letter
    return aStyleIdBuf.makeStringAndClear();
std::u16string_view findQuotedText( std::u16string_view rCommand,
                std::u16string_view sStartQuote, const sal_Unicode uEndQuote )
    std::u16string_view sRet;
    size_t nStartIndex = rCommand.find( sStartQuote );
    if( nStartIndex != std::u16string_view::npos )
        sal_Int32 nStartLength = sStartQuote.size();
        size_t nEndIndex = rCommand.find( uEndQuote, nStartIndex + nStartLength);
        if( nEndIndex != std::u16string_view::npos && nEndIndex > nStartIndex )
            sRet = rCommand.substr( nStartIndex + nStartLength, nEndIndex - nStartIndex - nStartLength);
    return sRet;
WW8ReadFieldParams::WW8ReadFieldParams( OUString _aData )
    : aData(std::move( _aData ))
    , nFnd( 0 )
    , nNext( 0 )
    , nSavPtr( 0 )
        First look for an opening bracket or a space or a question mark or a backslash, so that the field (i.e. INCLUDEPICTURE or EINFUEGENGRAFIK or...) gets read over
    const sal_Int32 nLen = aData.getLength();
    while ( nNext<nLen && aData[nNext]==' ' )
    while ( nNext<nLen )
        const sal_Unicode c = aData[nNext];
        if ( c==' ' || c=='"' || c=='\\' || c==132 || c==0x201c )
    nFnd      = nNext;
    nSavPtr   = nNext;
OUString WW8ReadFieldParams::GetResult() const
    if (nFnd<0 && nSavPtr>nFnd)
        return OUString();
        return nSavPtr < nFnd ? aData.copy(nFnd) : aData.copy(nFnd, nSavPtr-nFnd);
bool WW8ReadFieldParams::GoToTokenParam()
    const sal_Int32 nOld = nNext;
    if( -2 == SkipToNextToken() )
        return GetTokenSttPtr()>=0;
    nNext = nOld;
    return false;
// ret: -2: NOT a '\' parameter but normal text
sal_Int32 WW8ReadFieldParams::SkipToNextToken()
    if ( nNext<0 || nNext>=aData.getLength() )
        return -1;
    nFnd = FindNextStringPiece(nNext);
    if ( nFnd<0 )
        return -1;
    nSavPtr = nNext;
    if (nFnd+1<aData.getLength() && aData[nFnd+1]!='\\' && aData[nFnd]=='\\')
        const sal_Int32 nRet = aData[++nFnd];
        nNext = ++nFnd;             // and set after
        return nRet;
    if ( nSavPtr>0 && (aData[nSavPtr-1]=='"' || aData[nSavPtr-1]==0x201d ) )
    return -2;
// FindNextPara searches the next backslash parameter or the next string
// until the next blank or "\" or closing quotation mark
// or the end of the string of pStr.
// Output ppNext (if ppNext != 0) search begin of next parameter resp. 0
// Return value: 0 if end of string reached,
//             otherwise beginning of the parameter resp. string
sal_Int32 WW8ReadFieldParams::FindNextStringPiece(const sal_Int32 nStart)
    const sal_Int32 nLen = aData.getLength();
    sal_Int32  n = nStart<0  ? nFnd : nStart;  // start
    sal_Int32 n2;          // end
    nNext = -1;        // if not found -> Default
    while ( n<nLen && aData[n]==' ' )
    if ( n==nLen )
        return -1;
    if ( aData[n]==0x13 )
        // Skip the nested field code since it's not supported
        while ( n<nLen && aData[n]!=0x14 )
        if ( n==nLen )
            return -1;
    // quotation marks before paragraph?
    if ( aData[n]=='"' || aData[n]==0x201c || aData[n]==132 || aData[n]==0x14 )
        n++;                        // read over quotation marks
        n2 = n;                     // search for the end from here on
        while(     (nLen > n2)
                && (aData[n2] != '"')
                && (aData[n2] != 0x201d)
                && (aData[n2] != 147)
                && (aData[n2] != 0x15) )
            n2++;                   // search for the end of the paragraph
    else                        // no quotation mark
        n2 = n;                     // search for the end from here on
        while ( n2<nLen && aData[n2]!=' ' ) // search for the end of the paragraph
            if ( aData[n2]=='\\' )
                if ( n2+1<nLen && aData[n2+1]=='\\' )
                    n2 += 2;        // double backslash -> OK
                    if( n2 > n )
                    break;          // single backslash -> end
                n2++;               // no backslash -> OK
    if( nLen > n2 )
        if (aData[n2]!=' ') ++n2;
        nNext = n2;
    return n;
// read parameters "1-3" or 1-3 with both values between 1 and nMax
bool WW8ReadFieldParams::GetTokenSttFromTo(sal_Int32* pFrom, sal_Int32* pTo, sal_Int32 nMax)
    sal_Int32 nStart = 0;
    sal_Int32 nEnd   = 0;
    if ( GoToTokenParam() )
        const OUString sParams( GetResult() );
        sal_Int32 nIndex = 0;
        const std::u16string_view sStart = o3tl::getToken(sParams, 0, '-', nIndex);
        if (nIndex>=0)
            nStart = o3tl::toInt32(sStart);
            nEnd   = o3tl::toInt32(sParams.subView(nIndex));
    if( pFrom ) *pFrom = nStart;
    if( pTo )   *pTo   = nEnd;
    return nStart && nEnd && (nMax >= nStart) && (nMax >= nEnd);
static EquationResult Read_SubF_Combined(WW8ReadFieldParams& rReadParam)
    EquationResult aResult;
    OUString sCombinedCharacters;
    WW8ReadFieldParams aOriFldParam = rReadParam;
    const sal_Int32 cGetChar = rReadParam.SkipToNextToken();
    switch( cGetChar )
    case 'a':
    case 'A':
        if ( !rReadParam.GetResult().startsWithIgnoreAsciiCase("d") )
    case -2:
            if ( rReadParam.GetResult().startsWithIgnoreAsciiCase("(") )
                for (int i=0;i<2;i++)
                    if ('s' == rReadParam.SkipToNextToken())
                        const sal_Int32 cChar = rReadParam.SkipToNextToken();
                        if (-2 != rReadParam.SkipToNextToken())
                        const OUString sF = rReadParam.GetResult();
                        if ((('u' == cChar) && sF.startsWithIgnoreAsciiCase("p"))
                            || (('d' == cChar) && sF.startsWithIgnoreAsciiCase("o")))
                            if (-2 == rReadParam.SkipToNextToken())
                                OUString sPart = rReadParam.GetResult();
                                sal_Int32 nBegin = sPart.indexOf('(');
                                // Word disallows brackets in this field, which
                                // aids figuring out the case of an end of )) vs )
                                sal_Int32 nEnd = sPart.indexOf(')');
                                if (nBegin != -1 && nEnd != -1)
                                    sCombinedCharacters +=
                if (!sCombinedCharacters.isEmpty())
                    aResult.sType = "CombinedCharacters";
                    aResult.sResult = sCombinedCharacters;
                    const OUString sPart = aOriFldParam.GetResult();
                    sal_Int32 nBegin = sPart.indexOf('(');
                    sal_Int32 nEnd = sPart.indexOf(',');
                    if ( nEnd == -1 )
                        nEnd = sPart.indexOf(')');
                    if ( nBegin != -1 && nEnd != -1 )
                        // skip certain leading characters
                        for (int i = nBegin;i < nEnd-1;i++)
                            const sal_Unicode cC = sPart[nBegin+1];
                            if ( cC < 32 )
                        sCombinedCharacters = sPart.copy( nBegin+1, nEnd-nBegin-1 );
                        if ( !sCombinedCharacters.isEmpty() )
                            aResult.sType = "Input";
                            aResult.sResult = sCombinedCharacters;
    return aResult;
EquationResult ParseCombinedChars(const OUString& rStr)
    EquationResult aResult;
    WW8ReadFieldParams aReadParam( rStr );
    const sal_Int32 cChar = aReadParam.SkipToNextToken();
    if ('o' == cChar || 'O' == cChar)
        aResult = Read_SubF_Combined(aReadParam);
    return aResult;
OString GetOOXMLPresetGeometry( std::u16string_view rShapeType )
    typedef std::unordered_map<std::u16string_view, OString> CustomShapeTypeTranslationHashMap;
    static const CustomShapeTypeTranslationHashMap aCustomShapeTypeTranslationHashMap{
        // { "non-primitive", mso_sptMin },
        { u"frame", "frame" },
        { u"rectangle", "rect" },
        { u"round-rectangle", "roundRect" },
        { u"ellipse", "ellipse" },
        { u"diamond", "diamond" },
        { u"isosceles-triangle", "triangle" },
        { u"right-triangle", "rtTriangle" },
        { u"parallelogram", "parallelogram" },
        { u"trapezoid", "trapezoid" },
        { u"hexagon", "hexagon" },
        { u"octagon", "octagon" },
        { u"cross", "plus" },
        { u"star5", "star5" },
        { u"right-arrow", "rightArrow" },
        // { u"mso-spt14", mso_sptThickArrow },
        { u"pentagon-right", "homePlate" },
        { u"cube", "cube" },
        // { u"mso-spt17", mso_sptBalloon },
        // { u"mso-spt18", mso_sptSeal },
        { u"mso-spt19", "arc" },
        { u"mso-spt20", "line" },
        { u"mso-spt21", "plaque" },
        { u"can", "can" },
        { u"ring", "donut" },
        { u"mso-spt24", "textPlain" },
        { u"mso-spt25", "textStop" },
        { u"mso-spt26", "textTriangle" },
        { u"mso-spt27", "textCanDown" },
        { u"mso-spt28", "textWave1" },
        { u"mso-spt29", "textArchUpPour" },
        { u"mso-spt30", "textCanDown" },
        { u"mso-spt31", "textArchUp" },
        { u"mso-spt32", "straightConnector1" },
        { u"mso-spt33", "bentConnector2" },
        { u"mso-spt34", "bentConnector3" },
        { u"mso-spt35", "bentConnector4" },
        { u"mso-spt36", "bentConnector5" },
        { u"mso-spt37", "curvedConnector2" },
        { u"mso-spt38", "curvedConnector3" },
        { u"mso-spt39", "curvedConnector4" },
        { u"mso-spt40", "curvedConnector5" },
        { u"mso-spt41", "callout1" },
        { u"mso-spt42", "callout2" },
        { u"mso-spt43", "callout3" },
        { u"mso-spt44", "accentCallout1" },
        { u"mso-spt45", "accentCallout2" },
        { u"mso-spt46", "accentCallout3" },
        { u"line-callout-1", "borderCallout1" },
        { u"line-callout-2", "borderCallout2" },
        { u"line-callout-3", "borderCallout3" },
        { u"mso-spt49", "borderCallout3" },
        { u"mso-spt50", "accentBorderCallout1" },
        { u"mso-spt51", "accentBorderCallout2" },
        { u"mso-spt52", "accentBorderCallout3" },
        { u"mso-spt53", "ribbon" },
        { u"mso-spt54", "ribbon2" },
        { u"chevron", "chevron" },
        { u"pentagon", "pentagon" },
        { u"forbidden", "noSmoking" },
        { u"star8", "star8" },
        { u"mso-spt59", "star16" },
        { u"mso-spt60", "star32" },
        { u"rectangular-callout", "wedgeRectCallout" },
        { u"round-rectangular-callout", "wedgeRoundRectCallout" },
        { u"round-callout", "wedgeEllipseCallout" },
        { u"mso-spt64", "wave" },
        { u"paper", "foldedCorner" },
        { u"left-arrow", "leftArrow" },
        { u"down-arrow", "downArrow" },
        { u"up-arrow", "upArrow" },
        { u"left-right-arrow", "leftRightArrow" },
        { u"up-down-arrow", "upDownArrow" },
        { u"mso-spt71", "irregularSeal1" },
        { u"bang", "irregularSeal2" },
        { u"lightning", "lightningBolt" },
        { u"heart", "heart" },
        { u"quad-arrow", "quadArrow" },
        { u"left-arrow-callout", "leftArrowCallout" },
        { u"right-arrow-callout", "rightArrowCallout" },
        { u"up-arrow-callout", "upArrowCallout" },
        { u"down-arrow-callout", "downArrowCallout" },
        { u"left-right-arrow-callout", "leftRightArrowCallout" },
        { u"up-down-arrow-callout", "upDownArrowCallout" },
        { u"quad-arrow-callout", "quadArrowCallout" },
        { u"quad-bevel", "bevel" },
        { u"left-bracket", "leftBracket" },
        { u"right-bracket", "rightBracket" },
        { u"left-brace", "leftBrace" },
        { u"right-brace", "rightBrace" },
        { u"mso-spt89", "leftUpArrow" },
        { u"mso-spt90", "bentUpArrow" },
        { u"mso-spt91", "bentArrow" },
        { u"star24", "star24" },
        { u"striped-right-arrow", "stripedRightArrow" },
        { u"notched-right-arrow", "notchedRightArrow" },
        { u"block-arc", "blockArc" },
        { u"smiley", "smileyFace" },
        { u"vertical-scroll", "verticalScroll" },
        { u"horizontal-scroll", "horizontalScroll" },
        { u"circular-arrow", "circularArrow" },
        { u"mso-spt100", "pie" }, // looks like MSO_SPT is wrong here
        { u"mso-spt101", "uturnArrow" },
        { u"mso-spt102", "curvedRightArrow" },
        { u"mso-spt103", "curvedLeftArrow" },
        { u"mso-spt104", "curvedUpArrow" },
        { u"mso-spt105", "curvedDownArrow" },
        { u"cloud-callout", "cloudCallout" },
        { u"mso-spt107", "ellipseRibbon" },
        { u"mso-spt108", "ellipseRibbon2" },
        { u"flowchart-process", "flowChartProcess" },
        { u"flowchart-decision", "flowChartDecision" },
        { u"flowchart-data", "flowChartInputOutput" },
        { u"flowchart-predefined-process", "flowChartPredefinedProcess" },
        { u"flowchart-internal-storage", "flowChartInternalStorage" },
        { u"flowchart-document", "flowChartDocument" },
        { u"flowchart-multidocument", "flowChartMultidocument" },
        { u"flowchart-terminator", "flowChartTerminator" },
        { u"flowchart-preparation", "flowChartPreparation" },
        { u"flowchart-manual-input", "flowChartManualInput" },
        { u"flowchart-manual-operation", "flowChartManualOperation" },
        { u"flowchart-connector", "flowChartConnector" },
        { u"flowchart-card", "flowChartPunchedCard" },
        { u"flowchart-punched-tape", "flowChartPunchedTape" },
        { u"flowchart-summing-junction", "flowChartSummingJunction" },
        { u"flowchart-or", "flowChartOr" },
        { u"flowchart-collate", "flowChartCollate" },
        { u"flowchart-sort", "flowChartSort" },
        { u"flowchart-extract", "flowChartExtract" },
        { u"flowchart-merge", "flowChartMerge" },
        { u"mso-spt129", "flowChartOfflineStorage" },
        { u"flowchart-stored-data", "flowChartOnlineStorage" },
        { u"flowchart-sequential-access", "flowChartMagneticTape" },
        { u"flowchart-magnetic-disk", "flowChartMagneticDisk" },
        { u"flowchart-direct-access-storage", "flowChartMagneticDrum" },
        { u"flowchart-display", "flowChartDisplay" },
        { u"flowchart-delay", "flowChartDelay" },
        // { u"fontwork-plain-text", "textPlainText" },
        // { u"fontwork-stop", "textStop" },
        // { u"fontwork-triangle-up", "textTriangle" },
        // { u"fontwork-triangle-down", "textTriangleInverted" },
        // { u"fontwork-chevron-up", "textChevron" },
        // { u"fontwork-chevron-down", "textChevronInverted" },
        // { u"mso-spt142", "textRingInside" },
        // { u"mso-spt143", "textRingOutside" },
        // { u"fontwork-arch-up-curve", "textArchUpCurve" },
        // { u"fontwork-arch-down-curve", "textArchDownCurve" },
        // { u"fontwork-circle-curve", "textCircleCurve" },
        // { u"fontwork-open-circle-curve", "textButtonCurve" },
        // { u"fontwork-arch-up-pour", "textArchUpPour" },
        // { u"fontwork-arch-down-pour", "textArchDownPour" },
        // { u"fontwork-circle-pour", "textCirclePour" },
        // { u"fontwork-open-circle-pour", "textButtonPour" },
        // { u"fontwork-curve-up", "textCurveUp" },
        // { u"fontwork-curve-down", "textCurveDown" },
        // { u"fontwork-fade-up-and-right", "textCascadeUp" },
        // { u"fontwork-fade-up-and-left", "textCascadeDown" },
        // { u"fontwork-wave", "textWave1" },
        // { u"mso-spt157", "textWave2" },
        // { u"mso-spt158", "textWave3" },
        // { u"mso-spt159", "textWave4" },
        // { u"fontwork-inflate", "textInflate" },
        // { u"mso-spt161", "textDeflate" },
        // { u"mso-spt162", "textInflateBottom" },
        // { u"mso-spt163", "textDeflateBottom" },
        // { u"mso-spt164", "textInflateTop" },
        // { u"mso-spt165", "textDeflateTop" },
        // { u"mso-spt166", "textDeflateInflate" },
        // { u"mso-spt167", "textDeflateInflateDeflate" },
        // { u"fontwork-fade-right", "textFadeRight" },
        // { u"fontwork-fade-left", "textFadeLeft" },
        // { u"fontwork-fade-up", "textFadeUp" },
        // { u"fontwork-fade-down", "textFadeDown" },
        // { u"fontwork-slant-up", "textSlantUp" },
        // { u"fontwork-slant-down", "textSlantDown" },
        // { u"mso-spt174", "textCanUp" },
        // { u"mso-spt175", "textCanDown" },
        { u"flowchart-alternate-process", "flowChartAlternateProcess" },
        { u"flowchart-off-page-connector", "flowChartOffpageConnector" },
        { u"mso-spt178", "callout1" },
        { u"mso-spt179", "accentCallout1" },
        { u"mso-spt180", "borderCallout1" },
        { u"mso-spt182", "leftRightUpArrow" },
        { u"sun", "sun" },
        { u"moon", "moon" },
        { u"bracket-pair", "bracketPair" },
        { u"brace-pair", "bracePair" },
        { u"star4", "star4" },
        { u"mso-spt188", "doubleWave" },
        { u"mso-spt189", "actionButtonBlank" },
        { u"mso-spt190", "actionButtonHome" },
        { u"mso-spt191", "actionButtonHelp" },
        { u"mso-spt192", "actionButtonInformation" },
        { u"mso-spt193", "actionButtonForwardNext" },
        { u"mso-spt194", "actionButtonBackPrevious" },
        { u"mso-spt195", "actionButtonEnd" },
        { u"mso-spt196", "actionButtonBeginning" },
        { u"mso-spt197", "actionButtonReturn" },
        { u"mso-spt198", "actionButtonDocument" },
        { u"mso-spt199", "actionButtonSound" },
        { u"mso-spt200", "actionButtonMovie" },
        // { u"mso-spt201", "hostControl" },
        { u"mso-spt202", "rect" },
        { u"ooxml-actionButtonSound", "actionButtonSound" },
        { u"ooxml-borderCallout1", "borderCallout1" },
        { u"ooxml-plaqueTabs", "plaqueTabs" },
        { u"ooxml-curvedLeftArrow", "curvedLeftArrow" },
        { u"ooxml-octagon", "octagon" },
        { u"ooxml-leftRightRibbon", "leftRightRibbon" },
        { u"ooxml-actionButtonInformation", "actionButtonInformation" },
        { u"ooxml-bentConnector5", "bentConnector5" },
        { u"ooxml-circularArrow", "circularArrow" },
        { u"ooxml-downArrowCallout", "downArrowCallout" },
        { u"ooxml-mathMinus", "mathMinus" },
        { u"ooxml-gear9", "gear9" },
        { u"ooxml-round1Rect", "round1Rect" },
        { u"ooxml-sun", "sun" },
        { u"ooxml-plaque", "plaque" },
        { u"ooxml-chevron", "chevron" },
        { u"ooxml-flowChartPreparation", "flowChartPreparation" },
        { u"ooxml-diagStripe", "diagStripe" },
        { u"ooxml-pentagon", "pentagon" },
        { u"ooxml-funnel", "funnel" },
        { u"ooxml-chartStar", "chartStar" },
        { u"ooxml-accentBorderCallout1", "accentBorderCallout1" },
        { u"ooxml-notchedRightArrow", "notchedRightArrow" },
        { u"ooxml-rightBracket", "rightBracket" },
        { u"ooxml-flowChartOffpageConnector", "flowChartOffpageConnector" },
        { u"ooxml-leftRightArrow", "leftRightArrow" },
        { u"ooxml-decagon", "decagon" },
        { u"ooxml-actionButtonHelp", "actionButtonHelp" },
        { u"ooxml-star24", "star24" },
        { u"ooxml-mathDivide", "mathDivide" },
        { u"ooxml-curvedConnector4", "curvedConnector4" },
        { u"ooxml-flowChartOr", "flowChartOr" },
        { u"ooxml-borderCallout3", "borderCallout3" },
        { u"ooxml-upDownArrowCallout", "upDownArrowCallout" },
        { u"ooxml-flowChartDecision", "flowChartDecision" },
        { u"ooxml-leftRightArrowCallout", "leftRightArrowCallout" },
        { u"ooxml-flowChartManualOperation", "flowChartManualOperation" },
        { u"ooxml-snipRoundRect", "snipRoundRect" },
        { u"ooxml-mathPlus", "mathPlus" },
        { u"ooxml-actionButtonForwardNext", "actionButtonForwardNext" },
        { u"ooxml-can", "can" },
        { u"ooxml-foldedCorner", "foldedCorner" },
        { u"ooxml-star32", "star32" },
        { u"ooxml-flowChartInternalStorage", "flowChartInternalStorage" },
        { u"ooxml-upDownArrow", "upDownArrow" },
        { u"ooxml-irregularSeal2", "irregularSeal2" },
        { u"ooxml-mathEqual", "mathEqual" },
        { u"ooxml-star12", "star12" },
        { u"ooxml-uturnArrow", "uturnArrow" },
        { u"ooxml-squareTabs", "squareTabs" },
        { u"ooxml-leftRightUpArrow", "leftRightUpArrow" },
        { u"ooxml-homePlate", "homePlate" },
        { u"ooxml-dodecagon", "dodecagon" },
        { u"ooxml-leftArrowCallout", "leftArrowCallout" },
        { u"ooxml-chord", "chord" },
        { u"ooxml-quadArrowCallout", "quadArrowCallout" },
        { u"ooxml-actionButtonBeginning", "actionButtonBeginning" },
        { u"ooxml-ellipse", "ellipse" },
        { u"ooxml-actionButtonEnd", "actionButtonEnd" },
        { u"ooxml-arc", "arc" },
        { u"ooxml-star16", "star16" },
        { u"ooxml-parallelogram", "parallelogram" },
        { u"ooxml-bevel", "bevel" },
        { u"ooxml-roundRect", "roundRect" },
        { u"ooxml-accentCallout1", "accentCallout1" },
        { u"ooxml-flowChartSort", "flowChartSort" },
        { u"ooxml-star8", "star8" },
        { u"ooxml-flowChartAlternateProcess", "flowChartAlternateProcess" },
        { u"ooxml-moon", "moon" },
        { u"ooxml-star6", "star6" },
        { u"ooxml-round2SameRect", "round2SameRect" },
        { u"ooxml-nonIsoscelesTrapezoid", "nonIsoscelesTrapezoid" },
        { u"ooxml-diamond", "diamond" },
        { u"ooxml-ellipseRibbon", "ellipseRibbon" },
        { u"ooxml-callout2", "callout2" },
        { u"ooxml-pie", "pie" },
        { u"ooxml-star4", "star4" },
        { u"ooxml-flowChartPredefinedProcess", "flowChartPredefinedProcess" },
        { u"ooxml-flowChartPunchedTape", "flowChartPunchedTape" },
        { u"ooxml-curvedConnector2", "curvedConnector2" },
        { u"ooxml-bentConnector3", "bentConnector3" },
        { u"ooxml-cornerTabs", "cornerTabs" },
        { u"ooxml-hexagon", "hexagon" },
        { u"ooxml-flowChartConnector", "flowChartConnector" },
        { u"ooxml-flowChartMagneticDisk", "flowChartMagneticDisk" },
        { u"ooxml-heart", "heart" },
        { u"ooxml-ribbon2", "ribbon2" },
        { u"ooxml-bracePair", "bracePair" },
        { u"ooxml-flowChartExtract", "flowChartExtract" },
        { u"ooxml-actionButtonHome", "actionButtonHome" },
        { u"ooxml-accentBorderCallout3", "accentBorderCallout3" },
        { u"ooxml-flowChartOfflineStorage", "flowChartOfflineStorage" },
        { u"ooxml-irregularSeal1", "irregularSeal1" },
        { u"ooxml-quadArrow", "quadArrow" },
        { u"ooxml-leftBrace", "leftBrace" },
        { u"ooxml-leftBracket", "leftBracket" },
        { u"ooxml-blockArc", "blockArc" },
        { u"ooxml-curvedConnector3", "curvedConnector3" },
        { u"ooxml-wedgeRoundRectCallout", "wedgeRoundRectCallout" },
        { u"ooxml-actionButtonMovie", "actionButtonMovie" },
        { u"ooxml-flowChartOnlineStorage", "flowChartOnlineStorage" },
        { u"ooxml-gear6", "gear6" },
        { u"ooxml-halfFrame", "halfFrame" },
        { u"ooxml-snip2SameRect", "snip2SameRect" },
        { u"ooxml-triangle", "triangle" },
        { u"ooxml-teardrop", "teardrop" },
        { u"ooxml-flowChartDocument", "flowChartDocument" },
        { u"ooxml-rightArrowCallout", "rightArrowCallout" },
        { u"ooxml-rightBrace", "rightBrace" },
        { u"ooxml-chartPlus", "chartPlus" },
        { u"ooxml-flowChartManualInput", "flowChartManualInput" },
        { u"ooxml-flowChartMerge", "flowChartMerge" },
        { u"ooxml-line", "line" },
        { u"ooxml-downArrow", "downArrow" },
        { u"ooxml-upArrow", "upArrow" },
        { u"ooxml-curvedDownArrow", "curvedDownArrow" },
        { u"ooxml-actionButtonReturn", "actionButtonReturn" },
        { u"ooxml-flowChartInputOutput", "flowChartInputOutput" },
        { u"ooxml-bracketPair", "bracketPair" },
        { u"ooxml-smileyFace", "smileyFace" },
        { u"ooxml-actionButtonBlank", "actionButtonBlank" },
        { u"ooxml-wave", "wave" },
        { u"ooxml-swooshArrow", "swooshArrow" },
        { u"ooxml-flowChartSummingJunction", "flowChartSummingJunction" },
        { u"ooxml-lightningBolt", "lightningBolt" },
        { u"ooxml-flowChartDisplay", "flowChartDisplay" },
        { u"ooxml-actionButtonBackPrevious", "actionButtonBackPrevious" },
        { u"ooxml-frame", "frame" },
        { u"ooxml-rtTriangle", "rtTriangle" },
        { u"ooxml-flowChartMagneticTape", "flowChartMagneticTape" },
        { u"ooxml-curvedRightArrow", "curvedRightArrow" },
        { u"ooxml-leftUpArrow", "leftUpArrow" },
        { u"ooxml-wedgeEllipseCallout", "wedgeEllipseCallout" },
        { u"ooxml-doubleWave", "doubleWave" },
        { u"ooxml-bentArrow", "bentArrow" },
        { u"ooxml-star10", "star10" },
        { u"ooxml-leftArrow", "leftArrow" },
        { u"ooxml-curvedUpArrow", "curvedUpArrow" },
        { u"ooxml-snip1Rect", "snip1Rect" },
        { u"ooxml-ellipseRibbon2", "ellipseRibbon2" },
        { u"ooxml-plus", "plus" },
        { u"ooxml-accentCallout3", "accentCallout3" },
        { u"ooxml-leftCircularArrow", "leftCircularArrow" },
        { u"ooxml-rightArrow", "rightArrow" },
        { u"ooxml-flowChartPunchedCard", "flowChartPunchedCard" },
        { u"ooxml-snip2DiagRect", "snip2DiagRect" },
        { u"ooxml-verticalScroll", "verticalScroll" },
        { u"ooxml-star7", "star7" },
        { u"ooxml-chartX", "chartX" },
        { u"ooxml-cloud", "cloud" },
        { u"ooxml-cube", "cube" },
        { u"ooxml-round2DiagRect", "round2DiagRect" },
        { u"ooxml-flowChartMultidocument", "flowChartMultidocument" },
        { u"ooxml-actionButtonDocument", "actionButtonDocument" },
        { u"ooxml-flowChartTerminator", "flowChartTerminator" },
        { u"ooxml-flowChartDelay", "flowChartDelay" },
        { u"ooxml-curvedConnector5", "curvedConnector5" },
        { u"ooxml-horizontalScroll", "horizontalScroll" },
        { u"ooxml-bentConnector4", "bentConnector4" },
        { u"ooxml-leftRightCircularArrow", "leftRightCircularArrow" },
        { u"ooxml-wedgeRectCallout", "wedgeRectCallout" },
        { u"ooxml-accentCallout2", "accentCallout2" },
        { u"ooxml-flowChartMagneticDrum", "flowChartMagneticDrum" },
        { u"ooxml-corner", "corner" },
        { u"ooxml-borderCallout2", "borderCallout2" },
        { u"ooxml-donut", "donut" },
        { u"ooxml-flowChartCollate", "flowChartCollate" },
        { u"ooxml-mathNotEqual", "mathNotEqual" },
        { u"ooxml-bentConnector2", "bentConnector2" },
        { u"ooxml-mathMultiply", "mathMultiply" },
        { u"ooxml-heptagon", "heptagon" },
        { u"ooxml-rect", "rect" },
        { u"ooxml-accentBorderCallout2", "accentBorderCallout2" },
        { u"ooxml-pieWedge", "pieWedge" },
        { u"ooxml-upArrowCallout", "upArrowCallout" },
        { u"ooxml-flowChartProcess", "flowChartProcess" },
        { u"ooxml-star5", "star5" },
        { u"ooxml-lineInv", "lineInv" },
        { u"ooxml-straightConnector1", "straightConnector1" },
        { u"ooxml-stripedRightArrow", "stripedRightArrow" },
        { u"ooxml-callout3", "callout3" },
        { u"ooxml-bentUpArrow", "bentUpArrow" },
        { u"ooxml-noSmoking", "noSmoking" },
        { u"ooxml-trapezoid", "trapezoid" },
        { u"ooxml-cloudCallout", "cloudCallout" },
        { u"ooxml-callout1", "callout1" },
        { u"ooxml-ribbon", "ribbon" },
    auto i(aCustomShapeTypeTranslationHashMap.find(rShapeType));
    return i == aCustomShapeTypeTranslationHashMap.end() ? "rect"_ostr : i->second;
MSO_SPT GETVMLShapeType(std::u16string_view aType)
    typedef std::unordered_map<std::string_view, MSO_SPT> DMLToVMLTranslationHashMap;
    static const DMLToVMLTranslationHashMap aDMLToVMLMap{
        {"notPrimitive", mso_sptNotPrimitive},
        {"rectangle", mso_sptRectangle},
        {"roundRectangle", mso_sptRoundRectangle},
        {"ellipse", mso_sptEllipse},
        {"diamond", mso_sptDiamond},
        {"triangle", mso_sptIsocelesTriangle},
        {"rtTriangle", mso_sptRightTriangle},
        {"parallelogram", mso_sptParallelogram},
        {"trapezoid", mso_sptTrapezoid},
        {"hexagon", mso_sptHexagon},
        {"octagon", mso_sptOctagon},
        {"plus", mso_sptPlus},
        {"star5", mso_sptStar},
        {"rightArrow", mso_sptArrow},
        {"thickArrow", mso_sptThickArrow},
        {"homePlate", mso_sptHomePlate},
        {"cube", mso_sptCube},
        {"wedgeRoundRectCallout", mso_sptBalloon},
        {"star16", mso_sptSeal},
        {"arc", mso_sptArc},
        {"line", mso_sptLine},
        {"plaque", mso_sptPlaque},
        {"can", mso_sptCan},
        {"donut", mso_sptDonut},
        {"textPlain", mso_sptTextSimple},
        {"textStop", mso_sptTextOctagon},
        {"textTriangle", mso_sptTextHexagon},
        {"textCanDown", mso_sptTextCurve},
        {"textWave1", mso_sptTextWave},
        {"textArchUpPour", mso_sptTextRing},
        {"textCanDown", mso_sptTextOnCurve},
        {"textArchUp", mso_sptTextOnRing},
        {"straightConnector1", mso_sptStraightConnector1},
        {"bentConnector2", mso_sptBentConnector2},
        {"bentConnector3", mso_sptBentConnector3},
        {"bentConnector4", mso_sptBentConnector4},
        {"bentConnector5", mso_sptBentConnector5},
        {"curvedConnector2", mso_sptCurvedConnector2},
        {"curvedConnector3", mso_sptCurvedConnector3},
        {"curvedConnector4", mso_sptCurvedConnector4},
        {"curvedConnector5", mso_sptCurvedConnector5},
        {"callout1", mso_sptCallout1},
        {"callout2", mso_sptCallout2},
        {"callout3", mso_sptCallout3},
        {"accentCallout1", mso_sptAccentCallout1},
        {"accentCallout2", mso_sptAccentCallout2},
        {"accentCallout3", mso_sptAccentCallout3},
        {"borderCallout1", mso_sptBorderCallout1},
        {"borderCallout2", mso_sptBorderCallout2},
        {"borderCallout3", mso_sptBorderCallout3},
        {"accentBorderCallout1", mso_sptAccentBorderCallout1},
        {"accentBorderCallout2", mso_sptAccentBorderCallout2},
        {"accentBorderCallout3", mso_sptAccentBorderCallout3},
        {"ribbon", mso_sptRibbon},
        {"ribbon2", mso_sptRibbon2},
        {"chevron", mso_sptChevron},
        {"pentagon", mso_sptPentagon},
        {"noSmoking", mso_sptNoSmoking},
        {"star8", mso_sptSeal8},
        {"star16", mso_sptSeal16},
        {"star32", mso_sptSeal32},
        {"wedgeRectCallout", mso_sptWedgeRectCallout},
        {"wedgeRoundRectCallout", mso_sptWedgeRRectCallout},
        {"wedgeEllipseCallout", mso_sptWedgeEllipseCallout},
        {"wave", mso_sptWave},
        {"foldedCorner", mso_sptFoldedCorner},
        {"leftArrow", mso_sptLeftArrow},
        {"downArrow", mso_sptDownArrow},
        {"upArrow", mso_sptUpArrow},
        {"leftRightArrow", mso_sptLeftRightArrow},
        {"upDownArrow", mso_sptUpDownArrow},
        {"irregularSeal1", mso_sptIrregularSeal1},
        {"irregularSeal2", mso_sptIrregularSeal2},
        {"lightningBolt", mso_sptLightningBolt},
        {"heart", mso_sptHeart},
        {"pictureFrame", mso_sptPictureFrame},
        {"quadArrow", mso_sptQuadArrow},
        {"leftArrowCallout", mso_sptLeftArrowCallout},
        {"rightArrowCallout", mso_sptRightArrowCallout},
        {"upArrowCallout", mso_sptUpArrowCallout},
        {"downArrowCallout", mso_sptDownArrowCallout},
        {"leftRightArrowCallout", mso_sptLeftRightArrowCallout},
        {"upDownArrowCallout", mso_sptUpDownArrowCallout},
        {"quadArrowCallout", mso_sptQuadArrowCallout},
        {"bevel", mso_sptBevel},
        {"leftBracket", mso_sptLeftBracket},
        {"rightBracket", mso_sptRightBracket},
        {"leftBrace", mso_sptLeftBrace},
        {"rightBrace", mso_sptRightBrace},
        {"leftUpArrow", mso_sptLeftUpArrow},
        {"bentUpArrow", mso_sptBentUpArrow},
        {"bentArrow", mso_sptBentArrow},
        {"star24", mso_sptSeal24},
        {"stripedRightArrow", mso_sptStripedRightArrow},
        {"notchedRightArrow", mso_sptNotchedRightArrow},
        {"blockArc", mso_sptBlockArc},
        {"smileyFace", mso_sptSmileyFace},
        {"verticalScroll", mso_sptVerticalScroll},
        {"horizontalScroll", mso_sptHorizontalScroll},
        {"circularArrow", mso_sptCircularArrow},
        {"notchedCircularArrow", mso_sptNotchedCircularArrow},
        {"uturnArrow", mso_sptUturnArrow},
        {"curvedRightArrow", mso_sptCurvedRightArrow},
        {"curvedLeftArrow", mso_sptCurvedLeftArrow},
        {"curvedUpArrow", mso_sptCurvedUpArrow},
        {"curvedDownArrow", mso_sptCurvedDownArrow},
        {"cloudCallout", mso_sptCloudCallout},
        {"ellipseRibbon", mso_sptEllipseRibbon},
        {"ellipseRibbon2", mso_sptEllipseRibbon2},
        {"flowChartProcess", mso_sptFlowChartProcess},
        {"flowChartDecision", mso_sptFlowChartDecision},
        {"flowChartInputOutput", mso_sptFlowChartInputOutput},
        {"flowChartPredefinedProcess", mso_sptFlowChartPredefinedProcess},
        {"flowChartInternalStorage", mso_sptFlowChartInternalStorage},
        {"flowChartDocument", mso_sptFlowChartDocument},
        {"flowChartMultidocument", mso_sptFlowChartMultidocument},
        {"flowChartTerminator", mso_sptFlowChartTerminator},
        {"flowChartPreparation", mso_sptFlowChartPreparation},
        {"flowChartManualInput", mso_sptFlowChartManualInput},
        {"flowChartManualOperation", mso_sptFlowChartManualOperation},
        {"flowChartConnector", mso_sptFlowChartConnector},
        {"flowChartPunchedCard", mso_sptFlowChartPunchedCard},
        {"flowChartPunchedTape", mso_sptFlowChartPunchedTape},
        {"flowChartSummingJunction", mso_sptFlowChartSummingJunction},
        {"flowChartOr", mso_sptFlowChartOr},
        {"flowChartCollate", mso_sptFlowChartCollate},
        {"flowChartSort", mso_sptFlowChartSort},
        {"flowChartExtract", mso_sptFlowChartExtract},
        {"flowChartMerge", mso_sptFlowChartMerge},
        {"flowChartOfflineStorage", mso_sptFlowChartOfflineStorage},
        {"flowChartOnlineStorage", mso_sptFlowChartOnlineStorage},
        {"flowChartMagneticTape", mso_sptFlowChartMagneticTape},
        {"flowChartMagneticDisk", mso_sptFlowChartMagneticDisk},
        {"flowChartMagneticDrum", mso_sptFlowChartMagneticDrum},
        {"flowChartDisplay", mso_sptFlowChartDisplay},
        {"flowChartDelay", mso_sptFlowChartDelay},
        {"textPlain", mso_sptTextPlainText},
        {"textStop", mso_sptTextStop},
        {"textTriangle", mso_sptTextTriangle},
        {"textTriangleInverted", mso_sptTextTriangleInverted},
        {"textChevron", mso_sptTextChevron},
        {"textChevronInverted", mso_sptTextChevronInverted},
        {"textRingInside", mso_sptTextRingInside},
        {"textRingOutside", mso_sptTextRingOutside},
        {"textArchUp", mso_sptTextArchUpCurve},
        {"textArchDown", mso_sptTextArchDownCurve},
        {"textCircle", mso_sptTextCircleCurve},
        {"textButton", mso_sptTextButtonCurve},
        {"textArchUpPour", mso_sptTextArchUpPour},
        {"textArchDownPour", mso_sptTextArchDownPour},
        {"textCirclePour", mso_sptTextCirclePour},
        {"textButtonPour", mso_sptTextButtonPour},
        {"textCurveUp", mso_sptTextCurveUp},
        {"textCurveDown", mso_sptTextCurveDown},
        {"textCascadeUp", mso_sptTextCascadeUp},
        {"textCascadeDown", mso_sptTextCascadeDown},
        {"textWave1", mso_sptTextWave1},
        {"textWave2", mso_sptTextWave2},
        {"textWave3", mso_sptTextWave3},
        {"textWave4", mso_sptTextWave4},
        {"textInflate", mso_sptTextInflate},
        {"textDeflate", mso_sptTextDeflate},
        {"textInflateBottom", mso_sptTextInflateBottom},
        {"textDeflateBottom", mso_sptTextDeflateBottom},
        {"textInflateTop", mso_sptTextInflateTop},
        {"textDeflateTop", mso_sptTextDeflateTop},
        {"textDeflateInflate", mso_sptTextDeflateInflate},
        {"textDeflateInflateDeflate", mso_sptTextDeflateInflateDeflate},
        {"textFadeRight", mso_sptTextFadeRight},
        {"textFadeLeft", mso_sptTextFadeLeft},
        {"textFadeUp", mso_sptTextFadeUp},
        {"textFadeDown", mso_sptTextFadeDown},
        {"textSlantUp", mso_sptTextSlantUp},
        {"textSlantDown", mso_sptTextSlantDown},
        {"textCanUp", mso_sptTextCanUp},
        {"textCanDown", mso_sptTextCanDown},
        {"flowChartAlternateProcess", mso_sptFlowChartAlternateProcess},
        {"flowChartOffpageConnector", mso_sptFlowChartOffpageConnector},
        {"callout1", mso_sptCallout90},
        {"accentCallout1", mso_sptAccentCallout90},
        {"borderCallout1", mso_sptBorderCallout90},
        {"accentBorderCallout1", mso_sptAccentBorderCallout90},
        {"leftRightUpArrow", mso_sptLeftRightUpArrow},
        {"sun", mso_sptSun},
        {"moon", mso_sptMoon},
        {"bracketPair", mso_sptBracketPair},
        {"bracePair", mso_sptBracePair},
        {"star4", mso_sptSeal4},
        {"doubleWave", mso_sptDoubleWave},
        {"actionButtonBlank", mso_sptActionButtonBlank},
        {"actionButtonHome", mso_sptActionButtonHome},
        {"actionButtonHelp", mso_sptActionButtonHelp},
        {"actionButtonInformation", mso_sptActionButtonInformation},
        {"actionButtonForwardNext", mso_sptActionButtonForwardNext},
        {"actionButtonBackPrevious", mso_sptActionButtonBackPrevious},
        {"actionButtonEnd", mso_sptActionButtonEnd},
        {"actionButtonBeginning", mso_sptActionButtonBeginning},
        {"actionButtonReturn", mso_sptActionButtonReturn},
        {"actionButtonDocument", mso_sptActionButtonDocument},
        {"actionButtonSound", mso_sptActionButtonSound},
        {"actionButtonMovie", mso_sptActionButtonMovie},
        {"hostControl", mso_sptHostControl},
        {"textBox", mso_sptTextBox},
        {"roundRect", mso_sptRoundRectangle},
    auto i(aDMLToVMLMap.find(GetOOXMLPresetGeometry(aType)));
    return i == aDMLToVMLMap.end() ? mso_sptNil : i->second;
bool HasTextBoxContent(sal_uInt32 nShapeType)
    switch (nShapeType)
    case ESCHER_ShpInst_TextPlainText:
    case ESCHER_ShpInst_TextSlantUp:
    case ESCHER_ShpInst_TextDeflateInflateDeflate:
        return false;
        return true;
// Scheme means pattern of chromatic values.
// [2,2,1] -> red and green are approximately equal and blue is the dominant color (e.g. blue)
// [1,1,1] -> all chromatic values are approximately equal (e.g. white, gray, black)
void CalculateScheme(const BitmapColor& rBitmapColor, std::vector<int> &vScheme, sal_uInt16 nVariance)
    if( rBitmapColor.GetRed() < rBitmapColor.GetGreen() + nVariance )
    if( rBitmapColor.GetRed() < rBitmapColor.GetBlue() + nVariance )
    if( rBitmapColor.GetGreen() < rBitmapColor.GetRed() + nVariance )
    if( rBitmapColor.GetGreen() < rBitmapColor.GetBlue() + nVariance )
    if( rBitmapColor.GetBlue() < rBitmapColor.GetRed() + nVariance )
    if( rBitmapColor.GetBlue() < rBitmapColor.GetGreen() + nVariance )
bool HasSimilarScheme(const BitmapColor& rBitmapColor1, const BitmapColor& rBitmapColor2, sal_uInt16 nVariance)
    std::vector<int> vScheme1, vScheme2;
    CalculateScheme(rBitmapColor1, vScheme1, nVariance);
    CalculateScheme(rBitmapColor2, vScheme2, nVariance);
    for( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
        if( vScheme1[i] != vScheme2[i] )
            return false;
    return true;
// Find the best match in the color palette using scheme of the input color
sal_uInt16 GetBestIndex(const BitmapPalette& rPalette, const BitmapColor& rBitmapColor)
    sal_uInt16 nReturn = 0;
    sal_uInt16 nLastErr = SAL_MAX_UINT16;
    bool bFound = false;
    // Prefer those colors which have similar scheme as the input
    // Allow bigger and bigger variance of the schemes until we find
    // a color in the palette with similar scheme.
    for( sal_uInt16 nVariance = 0; nVariance <= 255; ++nVariance )
        for( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < rPalette.GetEntryCount(); ++i )
            if( HasSimilarScheme(rBitmapColor, rPalette[i], nVariance) )
                const sal_uInt16 nActErr = rBitmapColor.GetColorError( rPalette[i] );
                if( nActErr < nLastErr )
                    nLastErr = nActErr;
                    nReturn = i;
                    bFound = true;
        if( bFound )
            return nReturn;
    return nReturn;
sal_uInt8 TransColToIco( const Color& rCol )
    sal_uInt8 nCol = 0;      // ->Auto
    switch( sal_uInt32(rCol) )
    case sal_uInt32(COL_BLACK):         nCol = 1;   break;
    case sal_uInt32(COL_BLUE):          nCol = 9;   break;
    case sal_uInt32(COL_GREEN):         nCol = 11;  break;
    case sal_uInt32(COL_CYAN):          nCol = 10;  break;
    case sal_uInt32(COL_RED):           nCol = 13;  break;
    case sal_uInt32(COL_MAGENTA):       nCol = 12;  break;
    case sal_uInt32(COL_BROWN):         nCol = 14;  break;
    case sal_uInt32(COL_GRAY):          nCol = 15;  break;
    case sal_uInt32(COL_LIGHTGRAY):     nCol = 16;  break;
    case sal_uInt32(COL_LIGHTBLUE):     nCol = 2;   break;
    case sal_uInt32(COL_LIGHTGREEN):    nCol = 4;   break;
    case sal_uInt32(COL_LIGHTCYAN):     nCol = 3;   break;
    case sal_uInt32(COL_LIGHTRED):      nCol = 6;   break;
    case sal_uInt32(COL_LIGHTMAGENTA):  nCol = 5;   break;
    case sal_uInt32(COL_YELLOW):        nCol = 7;   break;
    case sal_uInt32(COL_WHITE):         nCol = 8;   break;
    case sal_uInt32(COL_AUTO):          nCol = 0;   break;
        static const BitmapPalette aBmpPal {
            COL_BLUE,       COL_CYAN,       COL_GREEN,      COL_MAGENTA,
            COL_RED,        COL_BROWN,      COL_GRAY,       COL_LIGHTGRAY
        nCol = static_cast< sal_uInt8 >(GetBestIndex(aBmpPal, rCol) + 1);
    return nCol;
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V766 An item with the same key '"textCanDown"' has already been added.

V766 An item with the same key '"star16"' has already been added.

V766 An item with the same key '"wedgeRoundRectCallout"' has already been added.

V766 An item with the same key '"textPlain"' has already been added.

V766 An item with the same key '"textStop"' has already been added.

V766 An item with the same key '"textTriangle"' has already been added.

V766 An item with the same key '"textArchUp"' has already been added.

V766 An item with the same key '"textArchUpPour"' has already been added.

V766 An item with the same key '"textWave1"' has already been added.

V766 An item with the same key '"textCanDown"' has already been added.

V766 An item with the same key '"callout1"' has already been added.

V766 An item with the same key '"accentCallout1"' has already been added.

V766 An item with the same key '"borderCallout1"' has already been added.

V766 An item with the same key '"accentBorderCallout1"' has already been added.