/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
* This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
* This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <config_features.h>
#include <validat.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/sheet/TableValidationVisibility.hpp>
#include <sfx2/app.hxx>
#include <sfx2/viewsh.hxx>
#include <basic/sbmeth.hxx>
#include <basic/sbmod.hxx>
#include <basic/sbstar.hxx>
#include <basic/sberrors.hxx>
#include <basic/sbx.hxx>
#include <svl/numformat.hxx>
#include <svl/sharedstringpool.hxx>
#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
#include <vcl/weld.hxx>
#include <rtl/math.hxx>
#include <osl/diagnose.h>
#include <document.hxx>
#include <docsh.hxx>
#include <formulacell.hxx>
#include <patattr.hxx>
#include <globstr.hrc>
#include <scresid.hxx>
#include <rangenam.hxx>
#include <dbdata.hxx>
#include <typedstrdata.hxx>
#include <editutil.hxx>
#include <tokenarray.hxx>
#include <scmatrix.hxx>
#include <cellvalue.hxx>
#include <simpleformulacalc.hxx>
#include <math.h>
#include <memory>
using namespace formula;
// Entries for validation (with only one condition)
ScValidationData::ScValidationData( ScValidationMode eMode, ScConditionMode eOper,
const OUString& rExpr1, const OUString& rExpr2,
ScDocument& rDocument, const ScAddress& rPos,
const OUString& rExprNmsp1, const OUString& rExprNmsp2,
FormulaGrammar::Grammar eGrammar1,
FormulaGrammar::Grammar eGrammar2 )
: ScConditionEntry( eOper, rExpr1, rExpr2, rDocument, rPos, rExprNmsp1,
rExprNmsp2, eGrammar1, eGrammar2 )
, nKey( 0 )
, eDataMode( eMode )
, bShowInput(false)
, bShowError(false)
, eErrorStyle( SC_VALERR_STOP )
, mnListType( css::sheet::TableValidationVisibility::UNSORTED )
ScValidationData::ScValidationData( ScValidationMode eMode, ScConditionMode eOper,
const ScTokenArray* pArr1, const ScTokenArray* pArr2,
ScDocument& rDocument, const ScAddress& rPos )
: ScConditionEntry( eOper, pArr1, pArr2, rDocument, rPos )
, nKey( 0 )
, eDataMode( eMode )
, bShowInput(false)
, bShowError(false)
, eErrorStyle( SC_VALERR_STOP )
, mnListType( css::sheet::TableValidationVisibility::UNSORTED )
ScValidationData::ScValidationData( const ScValidationData& r )
: ScConditionEntry( r )
, nKey( r.nKey )
, eDataMode( r.eDataMode )
, bShowInput( r.bShowInput )
, bShowError( r.bShowError )
, eErrorStyle( r.eErrorStyle )
, mnListType( r.mnListType )
, aInputTitle( r.aInputTitle )
, aInputMessage( r.aInputMessage )
, aErrorTitle( r.aErrorTitle )
, aErrorMessage( r.aErrorMessage )
// Formulae copied by RefCount
ScValidationData::ScValidationData( ScDocument& rDocument, const ScValidationData& r )
: ScConditionEntry( rDocument, r )
, nKey( r.nKey )
, eDataMode( r.eDataMode )
, bShowInput( r.bShowInput )
, bShowError( r.bShowError )
, eErrorStyle( r.eErrorStyle )
, mnListType( r.mnListType )
, aInputTitle( r.aInputTitle )
, aInputMessage( r.aInputMessage )
, aErrorTitle( r.aErrorTitle )
, aErrorMessage( r.aErrorMessage )
// Formulae really copied
bool ScValidationData::IsEmpty() const
ScValidationData aDefault( SC_VALID_ANY, ScConditionMode::Equal, u""_ustr, u""_ustr, *GetDocument(), ScAddress() );
return EqualEntries( aDefault );
bool ScValidationData::EqualEntries( const ScValidationData& r ) const
// test same parameters (excluding Key)
return ScConditionEntry::operator==(r) &&
eDataMode == r.eDataMode &&
bShowInput == r.bShowInput &&
bShowError == r.bShowError &&
eErrorStyle == r.eErrorStyle &&
mnListType == r.mnListType &&
aInputTitle == r.aInputTitle &&
aInputMessage == r.aInputMessage &&
aErrorTitle == r.aErrorTitle &&
aErrorMessage == r.aErrorMessage;
void ScValidationData::ResetInput()
bShowInput = false;
void ScValidationData::ResetError()
bShowError = false;
void ScValidationData::SetInput( const OUString& rTitle, const OUString& rMsg )
bShowInput = true;
aInputTitle = rTitle;
aInputMessage = rMsg;
void ScValidationData::SetError( const OUString& rTitle, const OUString& rMsg,
ScValidErrorStyle eStyle )
bShowError = true;
eErrorStyle = eStyle;
aErrorTitle = rTitle;
aErrorMessage = rMsg;
bool ScValidationData::GetErrMsg( OUString& rTitle, OUString& rMsg,
ScValidErrorStyle& rStyle ) const
rTitle = aErrorTitle;
rMsg = aErrorMessage;
rStyle = eErrorStyle;
return bShowError;
bool ScValidationData::DoScript( const ScAddress& rPos, const OUString& rInput,
ScFormulaCell* pCell, weld::Window* pParent ) const
ScDocument* pDocument = GetDocument();
ScDocShell* pDocSh = pDocument->GetDocumentShell();
if ( !pDocSh )
return false;
bool bScriptReturnedFalse = false; // default: do not abort
// 1) entered or calculated value
css::uno::Any aParam0(rInput);
if ( pCell ) // if cell exists, call interpret
if ( pCell->IsValue() )
aParam0 <<= pCell->GetValue();
aParam0 <<= pCell->GetString().getString();
// 2) Position of the cell
OUString aPosStr(rPos.Format(ScRefFlags::VALID | ScRefFlags::TAB_3D, pDocument, pDocument->GetAddressConvention()));
// Set up parameters
css::uno::Sequence< css::uno::Any > aParams{ aParam0, css::uno::Any(aPosStr) };
// use link-update flag to prevent closing the document
// while the macro is running
bool bWasInLinkUpdate = pDocument->IsInLinkUpdate();
if ( !bWasInLinkUpdate )
pDocument->SetInLinkUpdate( true );
if ( pCell )
pDocument->LockTable( rPos.Tab() );
css::uno::Any aRet;
css::uno::Sequence< sal_Int16 > aOutArgsIndex;
css::uno::Sequence< css::uno::Any > aOutArgs;
ErrCode eRet = pDocSh->CallXScript(
aErrorTitle, aParams, aRet, aOutArgsIndex, aOutArgs );
if ( pCell )
pDocument->UnlockTable( rPos.Tab() );
if ( !bWasInLinkUpdate )
pDocument->SetInLinkUpdate( false );
// Check the return value from the script
// The contents of the cell get reset if the script returns false
bool bTmp = false;
if ( eRet == ERRCODE_NONE &&
aRet.getValueType() == cppu::UnoType<bool>::get() &&
( aRet >>= bTmp ) &&
!bTmp )
bScriptReturnedFalse = true;
// Macro not found (only with input)
//TODO: different error message, if found, but not bAllowed ??
std::unique_ptr<weld::MessageDialog> xBox(Application::CreateMessageDialog(pParent,
VclMessageType::Warning, VclButtonsType::Ok,
return bScriptReturnedFalse;
// true -> abort
bool ScValidationData::DoMacro( const ScAddress& rPos, const OUString& rInput,
ScFormulaCell* pCell, weld::Window* pParent ) const
if ( SfxApplication::IsXScriptURL( aErrorTitle ) )
return DoScript( rPos, rInput, pCell, pParent );
ScDocument* pDocument = GetDocument();
ScDocShell* pDocSh = pDocument->GetDocumentShell();
if ( !pDocSh )
return false;
bool bDone = false;
bool bRet = false; // default: do not abort
// If the Doc was loaded during a Basic-Calls,
// the Sbx-object may not be created (?)
// pDocSh->GetSbxObject();
// no security check ahead (only CheckMacroWarn), that happens in CallBasic
// Function search by their simple name,
// then assemble aBasicStr, aMacroStr for SfxObjectShell::CallBasic
StarBASIC* pRoot = pDocSh->GetBasic();
SbxVariable* pVar = pRoot->Find( aErrorTitle, SbxClassType::Method );
if (SbMethod* pMethod = dynamic_cast<SbMethod*>(pVar))
SbModule* pModule = pMethod->GetModule();
SbxObject* pObject = pModule->GetParent();
OUString aMacroStr(
pObject->GetName() + "." + pModule->GetName() + "." + pMethod->GetName());
OUString aBasicStr;
// the distinction between document- and app-basic has to be done
// by checking the parent (as in ScInterpreter::ScMacro), not by looping
// over all open documents, because this may be called from within loading,
// when SfxObjectShell::GetFirst/GetNext won't find the document.
if ( pObject->GetParent() )
aBasicStr = pObject->GetParent()->GetName(); // Basic of document
aBasicStr = SfxGetpApp()->GetName(); // Basic of application
// Parameter for Macro
SbxArrayRef refPar = new SbxArray;
// 1) entered or calculated value
OUString aValStr = rInput;
double nValue = 0.0;
bool bIsValue = false;
if ( pCell ) // if cell set, called from interpret
bIsValue = pCell->IsValue();
if ( bIsValue )
nValue = pCell->GetValue();
aValStr = pCell->GetString().getString();
if ( bIsValue )
// 2) Position of the cell
OUString aPosStr(rPos.Format(ScRefFlags::VALID | ScRefFlags::TAB_3D, pDocument, pDocument->GetAddressConvention()));
// use link-update flag to prevent closing the document
// while the macro is running
bool bWasInLinkUpdate = pDocument->IsInLinkUpdate();
if ( !bWasInLinkUpdate )
pDocument->SetInLinkUpdate( true );
if ( pCell )
pDocument->LockTable( rPos.Tab() );
SbxVariableRef refRes = new SbxVariable;
ErrCode eRet = pDocSh->CallBasic( aMacroStr, aBasicStr, refPar.get(), refRes.get() );
if ( pCell )
pDocument->UnlockTable( rPos.Tab() );
if ( !bWasInLinkUpdate )
pDocument->SetInLinkUpdate( false );
// Interrupt input if Basic macro returns false
if ( eRet == ERRCODE_NONE && refRes->GetType() == SbxBOOL && !refRes->GetBool() )
bRet = true;
bDone = true;
if ( !bDone && !pCell ) // Macro not found (only with input)
//TODO: different error message, if found, but not bAllowed ??
std::unique_ptr<weld::MessageDialog> xBox(Application::CreateMessageDialog(pParent,
VclMessageType::Warning, VclButtonsType::Ok,
return bRet;
void ScValidationData::DoCalcError( ScFormulaCell* pCell ) const
if ( eErrorStyle == SC_VALERR_MACRO )
DoMacro( pCell->aPos, OUString(), pCell, nullptr );
IMPL_STATIC_LINK_NOARG(ScValidationData, InstallLOKNotifierHdl, void*, vcl::ILibreOfficeKitNotifier*)
return SfxViewShell::Current();
// true -> abort
bool ScValidationData::DoError(weld::Window* pParent, const OUString& rInput,
const ScAddress& rPos) const
if ( eErrorStyle == SC_VALERR_MACRO )
return DoMacro(rPos, rInput, nullptr, pParent);
if (!bShowError)
return true;
// Output error message
OUString aTitle = aErrorTitle;
if (aTitle.isEmpty())
aTitle = ScResId( STR_MSSG_DOSUBTOTALS_0 ); // application title
OUString aMessage = aErrorMessage;
if (aMessage.isEmpty())
aMessage = ScResId( STR_VALID_DEFERROR );
VclButtonsType eStyle = VclButtonsType::Ok;
VclMessageType eType = VclMessageType::Error;
switch (eErrorStyle)
eType = VclMessageType::Info;
eStyle = VclButtonsType::OkCancel;
eType = VclMessageType::Warning;
eStyle = VclButtonsType::OkCancel;
std::unique_ptr<weld::MessageDialog> xBox(Application::CreateMessageDialog(pParent, eType,
eStyle, aMessage, SfxViewShell::Current()));
xBox->SetInstallLOKNotifierHdl(LINK(nullptr, ScValidationData, InstallLOKNotifierHdl));
switch (eErrorStyle)
short nRet = xBox->run();
return ( eErrorStyle == SC_VALERR_STOP || nRet == RET_CANCEL );
bool ScValidationData::IsDataValidCustom(
const OUString& rTest,
const ScPatternAttr& rPattern,
const ScAddress& rPos,
const CustomValidationPrivateAccess& ) const
"ScValidationData::IsDataValidCustom invoked for a non-custom validation");
if (rTest.isEmpty()) // check whether empty cells are allowed
return IsIgnoreBlank();
SvNumberFormatter* pFormatter = nullptr;
sal_uInt32 nFormat = 0;
double nVal = 0.0;
OUString rStrResult = u""_ustr;
bool bIsVal = false;
if (rTest[0] == '=')
if (!isFormulaResultsValidatable(rTest, rPos, pFormatter, rStrResult, nVal, nFormat, bIsVal))
return false;
// check whether empty cells are allowed
if (rStrResult.isEmpty())
return IsIgnoreBlank();
pFormatter = GetDocument()->GetFormatTable();
// get the value if any
nFormat = rPattern.GetNumberFormat(pFormatter);
bIsVal = pFormatter->IsNumberFormat(rTest, nFormat, nVal);
rStrResult = rTest;
ScRefCellValue aTmpCell;
svl::SharedString aSS;
if (bIsVal)
aTmpCell = ScRefCellValue(nVal);
aSS = mpDoc->GetSharedStringPool().intern(rStrResult);
aTmpCell = ScRefCellValue(&aSS);
ScCellValue aOriginalCellValue(ScRefCellValue(*GetDocument(), rPos));
aTmpCell.commit(*GetDocument(), rPos);
bool bRet = IsCellValid(aTmpCell, rPos);
aOriginalCellValue.commit(*GetDocument(), rPos);
return bRet;
/** To test numeric data text length in IsDataValidTextLen().
If mpFormatter is not set, it is obtained from the document and the format
key is determined from the cell position's attribute pattern.
struct ScValidationDataIsNumeric
SvNumberFormatter* mpFormatter;
double mfVal;
sal_uInt32 mnFormat;
ScValidationDataIsNumeric( double fVal, SvNumberFormatter* pFormatter = nullptr, sal_uInt32 nFormat = 0 )
: mpFormatter(pFormatter), mfVal(fVal), mnFormat(nFormat)
void init( const ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAddress& rPos )
const ScPatternAttr* pPattern = rDoc.GetPattern( rPos.Col(), rPos.Row(), rPos.Tab());
mpFormatter = rDoc.GetFormatTable();
mnFormat = pPattern->GetNumberFormat( mpFormatter);
bool ScValidationData::IsDataValidTextLen( std::u16string_view rTest, const ScAddress& rPos,
ScValidationDataIsNumeric* pDataNumeric ) const
sal_Int32 nLen;
if (!pDataNumeric)
nLen = rTest.size();
if (!pDataNumeric->mpFormatter)
pDataNumeric->init( *GetDocument(), rPos);
// For numeric values use the resulting input line string to
// determine length, otherwise an once accepted value maybe could
// not be edited again, for example abbreviated dates or leading
// zeros or trailing zeros after decimal separator change length.
OUString aStr = pDataNumeric->mpFormatter->GetInputLineString( pDataNumeric->mfVal, pDataNumeric->mnFormat);
nLen = aStr.getLength();
ScRefCellValue aTmpCell( static_cast<double>(nLen));
return IsCellValid( aTmpCell, rPos);
bool ScValidationData::IsDataValid(
const OUString& rTest, const ScPatternAttr& rPattern, const ScAddress& rPos ) const
if ( eDataMode == SC_VALID_ANY ) // check if any cell content is allowed
return true;
if (rTest.isEmpty()) // check whether empty cells are allowed
return IsIgnoreBlank();
SvNumberFormatter* pFormatter = nullptr;
sal_uInt32 nFormat = 0;
double nVal = 0.0;
OUString rStrResult = u""_ustr;
bool bIsVal = false;
if (rTest[0] == '=')
if (!isFormulaResultsValidatable(rTest, rPos, pFormatter, rStrResult, nVal, nFormat, bIsVal))
return false;
// check whether empty cells are allowed
if (rStrResult.isEmpty())
return IsIgnoreBlank();
pFormatter = GetDocument()->GetFormatTable();
// get the value if any
nFormat = rPattern.GetNumberFormat(pFormatter);
bIsVal = pFormatter->IsNumberFormat(rTest, nFormat, nVal);
rStrResult = rTest;
bool bRet;
if (SC_VALID_TEXTLEN == eDataMode)
if (!bIsVal)
bRet = IsDataValidTextLen( rStrResult, rPos, nullptr);
ScValidationDataIsNumeric aDataNumeric( nVal, pFormatter, nFormat);
bRet = IsDataValidTextLen( rStrResult, rPos, &aDataNumeric);
if (bIsVal)
ScRefCellValue aTmpCell(nVal);
bRet = IsDataValid(aTmpCell, rPos);
svl::SharedString aSS = mpDoc->GetSharedStringPool().intern( rStrResult );
ScRefCellValue aTmpCell(&aSS);
bRet = IsDataValid(aTmpCell, rPos);
return bRet;
bool ScValidationData::IsDataValid( ScRefCellValue& rCell, const ScAddress& rPos ) const
if( eDataMode == SC_VALID_LIST )
return IsListValid(rCell, rPos);
if ( eDataMode == SC_VALID_CUSTOM )
return IsCellValid(rCell, rPos);
double nVal = 0.0;
OUString aString;
bool bIsVal = true;
switch (rCell.getType())
nVal = rCell.getDouble();
aString = rCell.getSharedString()->getString();
bIsVal = false;
if (rCell.getEditText())
aString = ScEditUtil::GetString(*rCell.getEditText(), GetDocument());
bIsVal = false;
ScFormulaCell* pFCell = rCell.getFormula();
bIsVal = pFCell->IsValue();
if ( bIsVal )
nVal = pFCell->GetValue();
aString = pFCell->GetString().getString();
default: // Notes, Broadcaster
return IsIgnoreBlank(); // as set
bool bOk = true;
switch (eDataMode)
// SC_VALID_ANY already above
case SC_VALID_DATE: // Date/Time is only formatting
bOk = bIsVal;
if ( bOk && eDataMode == SC_VALID_WHOLE )
bOk = ::rtl::math::approxEqual( nVal, floor(nVal+0.5) ); // integers
if ( bOk )
bOk = IsCellValid(rCell, rPos);
if (!bIsVal)
bOk = IsDataValidTextLen( aString, rPos, nullptr);
ScValidationDataIsNumeric aDataNumeric( nVal);
bOk = IsDataValidTextLen( aString, rPos, &aDataNumeric);
OSL_FAIL("not yet done");
return bOk;
bool ScValidationData::isFormulaResultsValidatable(const OUString& rTest, const ScAddress& rPos, SvNumberFormatter* pFormatter,
OUString& rStrResult, double& nVal, sal_uInt32& nFormat, bool& bIsVal) const
std::optional<ScSimpleFormulaCalculator> pFCell(std::in_place, *mpDoc, rPos, rTest, true);
bool bColRowName = pFCell->HasColRowName();
if (bColRowName)
// ColRowName from RPN-Code?
if (pFCell->GetCode()->GetCodeLen() <= 1)
{ // ==1: area
// ==0: would be an area if...
OUString aBraced = "(" + rTest + ")";
pFCell.emplace(*mpDoc, rPos, aBraced, true);
bColRowName = false;
FormulaError nErrCode = pFCell->GetErrCode();
if (nErrCode == FormulaError::NONE || pFCell->IsMatrix())
pFormatter = mpDoc->GetFormatTable();
const Color* pColor;
if (pFCell->IsMatrix())
rStrResult = pFCell->GetString().getString();
else if (pFCell->IsValue())
nVal = pFCell->GetValue();
nFormat = pFormatter->GetStandardFormat(nVal, 0,
pFCell->GetFormatType(), ScGlobal::eLnge);
pFormatter->GetOutputString(nVal, nFormat, rStrResult, &pColor);
bIsVal = true;
nFormat = pFormatter->GetStandardFormat(
pFCell->GetFormatType(), ScGlobal::eLnge);
pFormatter->GetOutputString(pFCell->GetString().getString(), nFormat,
rStrResult, &pColor);
// Indicate it's a string, so a number string doesn't look numeric.
// Escape embedded quotation marks first by doubling them, as
// usual. Actually the result can be copy-pasted from the result
// box as literal into a formula expression.
rStrResult = "\"" + rStrResult.replaceAll("\"", "\"\"") + "\"";
ScRange aTestRange;
if (bColRowName || (aTestRange.Parse(rTest, *mpDoc) & ScRefFlags::VALID))
rStrResult += " ...";
// area
return true;
return false;
namespace {
/** Token array helper. Iterates over all string tokens.
@descr The token array must contain separated string tokens only.
@param bSkipEmpty true = Ignores string tokens with empty strings. */
class ScStringTokenIterator
explicit ScStringTokenIterator( const ScTokenArray& rTokArr ) :
maIter( rTokArr ), mbOk( true ) {}
/** Returns the string of the first string token or NULL on error or empty token array. */
rtl_uString* First();
/** Returns the string of the next string token or NULL on error or end of token array. */
rtl_uString* Next();
/** Returns false, if a wrong token has been found. Does NOT return false on end of token array. */
bool Ok() const { return mbOk; }
svl::SharedString maCurString; /// Current string.
FormulaTokenArrayPlainIterator maIter;
bool mbOk; /// true = correct token or end of token array.
rtl_uString* ScStringTokenIterator::First()
mbOk = true;
return Next();
rtl_uString* ScStringTokenIterator::Next()
if( !mbOk )
return nullptr;
// seek to next non-separator token
const FormulaToken* pToken = maIter.NextNoSpaces();
while( pToken && (pToken->GetOpCode() == ocSep) )
pToken = maIter.NextNoSpaces();
mbOk = !pToken || (pToken->GetType() == formula::svString);
maCurString = svl::SharedString(); // start with invalid string.
if (mbOk && pToken)
maCurString = pToken->GetString();
// string found but empty -> get next token; otherwise return it
return (maCurString.isValid() && maCurString.isEmpty()) ? Next() : maCurString.getData();
/** Returns the number format of the passed cell, or the standard format. */
sal_uInt32 lclGetCellFormat( const ScDocument& rDoc, const ScAddress& rPos )
const ScPatternAttr* pPattern = rDoc.GetPattern( rPos.Col(), rPos.Row(), rPos.Tab() );
if( !pPattern )
pPattern = &rDoc.getCellAttributeHelper().getDefaultCellAttribute();
return pPattern->GetNumberFormat( rDoc.GetFormatTable() );
} // namespace
bool ScValidationData::HasSelectionList() const
return (eDataMode == SC_VALID_LIST) && (mnListType != css::sheet::TableValidationVisibility::INVISIBLE);
bool ScValidationData::GetSelectionFromFormula(
std::vector<ScTypedStrData>* pStrings, ScRefCellValue& rCell, const ScAddress& rPos,
const ScTokenArray& rTokArr, int& rMatch) const
bool bOk = true;
// pDoc is private in condition, use an accessor and a long winded name.
ScDocument* pDocument = GetDocument();
if( nullptr == pDocument )
return false;
ScFormulaCell aValidationSrc(
*pDocument, rPos, rTokArr, formula::FormulaGrammar::GRAM_DEFAULT, ScMatrixMode::Formula);
// Make sure the formula gets interpreted and a result is delivered,
// regardless of the AutoCalc setting.
ScMatrixRef xMatRef;
const ScMatrix *pValues = aValidationSrc.GetMatrix();
if (!pValues)
// The somewhat nasty case of either an error occurred, or the
// dereferenced value of a single cell reference or an immediate result
// is stored as a single value.
// Use an interim matrix to create the TypedStrData below.
xMatRef = new ScMatrix(1, 1, 0.0);
FormulaError nErrCode = aValidationSrc.GetErrCode();
if (nErrCode != FormulaError::NONE)
/* TODO : to use later in an alert box?
* OUString rStrResult = "...";
* rStrResult += ScGlobal::GetLongErrorString(nErrCode);
xMatRef->PutError( nErrCode, 0, 0);
bOk = false;
else if (aValidationSrc.IsValue())
xMatRef->PutDouble( aValidationSrc.GetValue(), 0);
svl::SharedString aStr = aValidationSrc.GetString();
xMatRef->PutString(aStr, 0);
pValues = xMatRef.get();
// which index matched. We will want it eventually to pre-select that item.
rMatch = -1;
SvNumberFormatter* pFormatter = GetDocument()->GetFormatTable();
sal_uInt32 nDestFormat = pDocument->GetNumberFormat(rPos.Col(), rPos.Row(), rPos.Tab());
SCSIZE nCol, nRow, nCols, nRows, n = 0;
pValues->GetDimensions( nCols, nRows );
bool bRef = false;
ScRange aRange;
ScTokenArray* pArr = const_cast<ScTokenArray*>(&rTokArr);
if (pArr->GetLen() == 1)
formula::FormulaTokenArrayPlainIterator aIter(*pArr);
formula::FormulaToken* t = aIter.GetNextReferenceOrName();
if (t)
OpCode eOpCode = t->GetOpCode();
if (eOpCode == ocDBArea || eOpCode == ocTableRef)
if (const ScDBData* pDBData = pDocument->GetDBCollection()->getNamedDBs().findByIndex(t->GetIndex()))
bRef = true;
else if (eOpCode == ocName)
const ScRangeData* pName = pDocument->FindRangeNameBySheetAndIndex( t->GetSheet(), t->GetIndex());
if (pName && pName->IsReference(aRange))
bRef = true;
else if (t->GetType() != svIndex)
if (pArr->IsValidReference(aRange, rPos))
bRef = true;
bool bHaveEmpty = false;
svl::SharedStringPool& rSPool = pDocument->GetSharedStringPool();
/* XL artificially limits things to a single col or row in the UI but does
* not list the constraint in MOOXml. If a defined name or INDIRECT
* resulting in 1D is entered in the UI and the definition later modified
* to 2D, it is evaluated fine and also stored and loaded. Let's get ahead
* of the curve and support 2d. In XL, values are listed row-wise, do the
* same. */
for( nRow = 0; nRow < nRows ; nRow++ )
for( nCol = 0; nCol < nCols ; nCol++ )
ScTokenArray aCondTokArr(*pDocument);
std::unique_ptr<ScTypedStrData> pEntry;
OUString aValStr;
ScMatrixValue nMatVal = pValues->Get( nCol, nRow);
// strings and empties
if( ScMatrix::IsNonValueType( nMatVal.nType ) )
aValStr = nMatVal.GetString().getString();
// Do not add multiple empty strings to the validation list,
// especially not if they'd bloat the tail with a million empty
// entries for a column range, fdo#61520
if (aValStr.isEmpty())
if (bHaveEmpty)
bHaveEmpty = true;
if( nullptr != pStrings )
pEntry.reset(new ScTypedStrData(aValStr, 0.0, 0.0, ScTypedStrData::Standard));
if (!rCell.isEmpty() && rMatch < 0)
FormulaError nErr = nMatVal.GetError();
if( FormulaError::NONE != nErr )
aValStr = ScGlobal::GetErrorString( nErr );
// Feature regression. Date formats are lost passing through the matrix
//pFormatter->GetInputLineString( pMatVal->fVal, 0, aValStr );
//For external reference and a formula that results in an area or array, date formats are still lost.
if ( bRef )
aValStr = pDocument->GetInputString(static_cast<SCCOL>(nCol+aRange.aStart.Col()),
static_cast<SCROW>(nRow+aRange.aStart.Row()), aRange.aStart.Tab());
aValStr = pFormatter->GetInputLineString( nMatVal.fVal, nDestFormat );
if (!rCell.isEmpty() && rMatch < 0)
// I am not sure errors will work here, but a user can no
// manually enter an error yet so the point is somewhat moot.
aCondTokArr.AddDouble( nMatVal.fVal );
if( nullptr != pStrings )
pEntry.reset(new ScTypedStrData(aValStr, nMatVal.fVal, nMatVal.fVal, ScTypedStrData::Value));
if (rMatch < 0 && !rCell.isEmpty() && IsEqualToTokenArray(rCell, rPos, aCondTokArr))
rMatch = n;
// short circuit on the first match if not filling the list
if( nullptr == pStrings )
return true;
if( pEntry )
// In case of no match needed and an error occurred, return that error
// entry as valid instead of silently failing.
return bOk || rCell.isEmpty();
bool ScValidationData::FillSelectionList(std::vector<ScTypedStrData>& rStrColl, const ScAddress& rPos) const
bool bOk = false;
if( HasSelectionList() )
std::unique_ptr<ScTokenArray> pTokArr( CreateFlatCopiedTokenArray(0) );
// *** try if formula is a string list ***
sal_uInt32 nFormat = lclGetCellFormat( *GetDocument(), rPos );
ScStringTokenIterator aIt( *pTokArr );
for (rtl_uString* pString = aIt.First(); pString && aIt.Ok(); pString = aIt.Next())
double fValue;
OUString aStr(pString);
bool bIsValue = GetDocument()->GetFormatTable()->IsNumberFormat(aStr, nFormat, fValue);
aStr, fValue, fValue, bIsValue ? ScTypedStrData::Value : ScTypedStrData::Standard);
bOk = aIt.Ok();
// *** if not a string list, try if formula results in a cell range or
// anything else we recognize as valid ***
if (!bOk)
int nMatch;
ScRefCellValue aEmptyCell;
bOk = GetSelectionFromFormula(&rStrColl, aEmptyCell, rPos, *pTokArr, nMatch);
return bOk;
bool ScValidationData::IsEqualToTokenArray( ScRefCellValue& rCell, const ScAddress& rPos, const ScTokenArray& rTokArr ) const
// create a condition entry that tests on equality and set the passed token array
ScConditionEntry aCondEntry( ScConditionMode::Equal, &rTokArr, nullptr, *GetDocument(), rPos );
return aCondEntry.IsCellValid(rCell, rPos);
bool ScValidationData::IsListValid( ScRefCellValue& rCell, const ScAddress& rPos ) const
bool bIsValid = false;
/* Compare input cell with all supported tokens from the formula.
Currently a formula may contain:
1) A list of strings (at least one string).
2) A single cell or range reference.
3) A single defined name (must contain a cell/range reference, another
name, or DB range, or a formula resulting in a cell/range reference
or matrix/array).
4) A single database range.
5) A formula resulting in a cell/range reference or matrix/array.
std::unique_ptr< ScTokenArray > pTokArr( CreateFlatCopiedTokenArray( 0 ) );
// *** try if formula is a string list ***
svl::SharedStringPool& rSPool = GetDocument()->GetSharedStringPool();
sal_uInt32 nFormat = lclGetCellFormat( *GetDocument(), rPos );
ScStringTokenIterator aIt( *pTokArr );
for (rtl_uString* pString = aIt.First(); pString && aIt.Ok(); pString = aIt.Next())
/* Do not break the loop, if a valid string has been found.
This is to find invalid tokens following in the formula. */
if( !bIsValid )
// create a formula containing a single string or number
ScTokenArray aCondTokArr(*GetDocument());
double fValue;
OUString aStr(pString);
if (GetDocument()->GetFormatTable()->IsNumberFormat(aStr, nFormat, fValue))
aCondTokArr.AddDouble( fValue );
bIsValid = IsEqualToTokenArray(rCell, rPos, aCondTokArr);
if( !aIt.Ok() )
bIsValid = false;
// *** if not a string list, try if formula results in a cell range or
// anything else we recognize as valid ***
if (!bIsValid)
int nMatch;
bIsValid = GetSelectionFromFormula(nullptr, rCell, rPos, *pTokArr, nMatch);
bIsValid = bIsValid && nMatch >= 0;
return bIsValid;
ScValidationDataList::ScValidationDataList(const ScValidationDataList& rList)
// for Ref-Undo - real copy with new tokens!
for (const auto& rxItem : rList)
InsertNew( std::unique_ptr<ScValidationData>(rxItem->Clone()) );
//TODO: faster insert for sorted entries from rList ???
ScValidationDataList::ScValidationDataList(ScDocument& rNewDoc,
const ScValidationDataList& rList)
// for new documents - real copy with new tokens!
for (const auto& rxItem : rList)
InsertNew( std::unique_ptr<ScValidationData>(rxItem->Clone(&rNewDoc)) );
//TODO: faster insert for sorted entries from rList ???
ScValidationData* ScValidationDataList::GetData( sal_uInt32 nKey )
//TODO: binary search
for( iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it )
if( (*it)->GetKey() == nKey )
return it->get();
OSL_FAIL("ScValidationDataList: Entry not found");
return nullptr;
void ScValidationDataList::CompileXML()
for( iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it )
void ScValidationDataList::UpdateReference( sc::RefUpdateContext& rCxt )
for( iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it )
void ScValidationDataList::UpdateInsertTab( sc::RefUpdateInsertTabContext& rCxt )
for (iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it)
void ScValidationDataList::UpdateDeleteTab( sc::RefUpdateDeleteTabContext& rCxt )
for (iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it)
void ScValidationDataList::UpdateMoveTab( sc::RefUpdateMoveTabContext& rCxt )
for (iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it)
ScValidationDataList::iterator ScValidationDataList::begin()
return maData.begin();
ScValidationDataList::const_iterator ScValidationDataList::begin() const
return maData.begin();
ScValidationDataList::iterator ScValidationDataList::end()
return maData.end();
ScValidationDataList::const_iterator ScValidationDataList::end() const
return maData.end();
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
↑ V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: !bTmp.
↑ V1019 Compound assignment expression 'aRet >>= bTmp' is used inside condition.