/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <comphelper/servicehelper.hxx>
#include <utility>
#include <vbahelper/vbahelper.hxx>
#include "vbatablehelper.hxx"
#include <swtable.hxx>
#include <unotbl.hxx>
using namespace ::com::sun::star;
using namespace ::ooo::vba;
#define UNO_TABLE_COLUMN_SUM    10000
SwVbaTableHelper::SwVbaTableHelper( uno::Reference< text::XTextTable > xTextTable ) : mxTextTable(std::move( xTextTable ))
    m_pTable = GetSwTable( mxTextTable );
SwTable* SwVbaTableHelper::GetSwTable( const uno::Reference< text::XTextTable >& xTextTable )
    SwXTextTable* pXTextTable = dynamic_cast<SwXTextTable*>(xTextTable.get());
    if( !pXTextTable )
        throw uno::RuntimeException();
    SwFrameFormat* pFrameFormat = pXTextTable->GetFrameFormat();
    if( !pFrameFormat )
        throw uno::RuntimeException();
    SwTable* pTable = SwTable::FindTable( pFrameFormat );
    return pTable;
sal_Int32 SwVbaTableHelper::getTabColumnsCount( sal_Int32 nRowIndex )
    sal_Int32 nRet = 0;
        SwTableLines& rLines = m_pTable->GetTabLines();
        SwTableLine* pLine = rLines[ nRowIndex ];
        nRet = pLine->GetTabBoxes().size();
    return nRet;
sal_Int32 SwVbaTableHelper::getTabColumnsMaxCount( )
    sal_Int32 nRet = 0;
    sal_Int32 nRowCount = m_pTable->GetTabLines().size();
    for( sal_Int32 index = 0; index < nRowCount; index++ )
        sal_Int32 nColCount = getTabColumnsCount( index );
        if( nRet < nColCount )
            nRet = nColCount;
    return nRet;
sal_Int32 SwVbaTableHelper::getTabRowIndex( const OUString& rCellName )
    sal_Int32 nRet = 0;
    SwTableBox* pBox = const_cast<SwTableBox*>(m_pTable->GetTableBox( rCellName ));
    if( !pBox )
        throw uno::RuntimeException();
    const SwTableLine* pLine = pBox->GetUpper();
    const SwTableLines* pLines = pLine->GetUpper()
                     ? &pLine->GetUpper()->GetTabLines() : &m_pTable->GetTabLines();
    nRet = pLines->GetPos( pLine );
    return nRet;
sal_Int32 SwVbaTableHelper::getTabColIndex( const OUString& rCellName )
    const SwTableBox* pBox = m_pTable->GetTableBox( rCellName );
    if( !pBox )
        throw uno::RuntimeException();
    return pBox->GetUpper()->GetBoxPos( pBox );
OUString SwVbaTableHelper::getColumnStr( sal_Int32 nCol )
    const sal_Int32 coDiff = 52; // 'A'-'Z' 'a' - 'z'
    sal_Int32 nCalc = 0;
    OUString sRet;
        nCalc = nCol % coDiff;
        if( nCalc >= 26 )
            sRet = OUStringChar( sal_Unicode('a' - 26 + nCalc) ) + sRet;
            sRet = OUStringChar( sal_Unicode('A' + nCalc) ) + sRet;
        nCol = nCol - nCalc;
        if( 0 == nCol )
        nCol /= coDiff;
    return sRet;
sal_Int32 SwVbaTableHelper::getTableWidth( ) const
    sal_Int32 nWidth = 0;
    bool isWidthRelatvie = false;
    uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xTableProps( mxTextTable, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
    xTableProps->getPropertyValue(u"IsWidthRelative"_ustr) >>= isWidthRelatvie;
    if( isWidthRelatvie )
        xTableProps->getPropertyValue(u"RelativeWidth"_ustr) >>= nWidth;
        xTableProps->getPropertyValue(u"Width"_ustr) >>= nWidth;
    return nWidth;
SwTableBox* SwVbaTableHelper::GetTabBox( sal_Int32 nCol, sal_Int32 nRow )
    SwTableLines& rLines = m_pTable->GetTabLines();
    sal_Int32 nRowCount = rLines.size();
    if (nRow < 0 || nRow >= nRowCount)
        throw uno::RuntimeException();
    SwTableLine* pLine = rLines[ nRow ];
    sal_Int32 nColCount = pLine->GetTabBoxes().size();
    if (nCol < 0 || nCol >= nColCount)
        throw uno::RuntimeException();
    SwTableBox* pStart = pLine->GetTabBoxes()[ nCol ];
    if( !pStart )
        throw uno::RuntimeException();
    return pStart;
void SwVbaTableHelper::InitTabCols( SwTabCols& rCols, const SwTableBox *pStart )
    rCols.SetLeftMin ( 0 );
    rCols.SetLeft    ( 0 );
    rCols.SetRight   ( UNO_TABLE_COLUMN_SUM );
    rCols.SetRightMax( UNO_TABLE_COLUMN_SUM );
    m_pTable->GetTabCols( rCols, pStart );
sal_Int32 SwVbaTableHelper::GetColCount( SwTabCols const & rCols )
    sal_Int32 nCount = 0;
    for( size_t i = 0; i < rCols.Count(); ++i )
            nCount ++;
    return rCols.Count() - nCount;
sal_Int32 SwVbaTableHelper::GetRightSeparator( SwTabCols const & rCols, sal_Int32 nNum)
    OSL_ENSURE( nNum < GetColCount( rCols ) ,"Index out of range");
    sal_Int32 i = 0;
    while( nNum >= 0 )
        if( !rCols.IsHidden(i) )
    return i - 1;
sal_Int32 SwVbaTableHelper::GetColWidth( sal_Int32 nCol, sal_Int32 nRow )
    SwTableBox* pStart = GetTabBox( nCol, nRow );
    SwTabCols aCols;
    InitTabCols( aCols, pStart );
    sal_Int32 nWidth = GetColWidth( aCols, nCol );
    sal_Int32 nTableWidth = getTableWidth( );
    double dAbsWidth = ( static_cast<double>(nWidth) / UNO_TABLE_COLUMN_SUM ) * static_cast<double>(nTableWidth);
    return static_cast<sal_Int32>(Millimeter::getInPoints( static_cast<int>(dAbsWidth) ));
sal_Int32 SwVbaTableHelper::GetColWidth( SwTabCols& rCols, sal_Int32 nNum )
    SwTwips nWidth = 0;
    if( rCols.Count() > 0 )
        if(rCols.Count() == static_cast<size_t>(GetColCount( rCols )))
            if(static_cast<size_t>(nNum) == rCols.Count())
                nWidth = rCols.GetRight() - rCols[nNum-1];
                nWidth = rCols[nNum];
                if(nNum == 0)
                    nWidth -= rCols.GetLeft();
                    nWidth -= rCols[nNum-1];
            SwTwips nRValid = nNum < GetColCount( rCols ) ?
                            rCols[GetRightSeparator( rCols, nNum )]:
            SwTwips nLValid = nNum ?
                            rCols[GetRightSeparator( rCols, nNum - 1 )]:
            nWidth = nRValid - nLValid;
        nWidth = rCols.GetRight();
    return nWidth;
void SwVbaTableHelper::SetColWidth( sal_Int32 _width, sal_Int32 nCol, sal_Int32 nRow, bool bCurRowOnly )
    double dAbsWidth = Millimeter::getInHundredthsOfOneMillimeter( _width );
    sal_Int32 nTableWidth = getTableWidth( );
    if (!nTableWidth)
        throw uno::RuntimeException();
    sal_Int32 nNewWidth = dAbsWidth/nTableWidth * UNO_TABLE_COLUMN_SUM;
    SwTableBox* pStart = GetTabBox( nCol, nRow );
    SwTabCols aOldCols;
    InitTabCols( aOldCols, pStart );
    SwTabCols aCols( aOldCols );
    if ( aCols.Count() > 0 )
        SwTwips nWidth = GetColWidth( aCols, nCol);
        int nDiff = nNewWidth - nWidth;
        if( !nCol )
            aCols[ GetRightSeparator(aCols, 0) ] += nDiff;
        else if( nCol < GetColCount( aCols )  )
            if(nDiff < GetColWidth( aCols, nCol + 1) - MINLAY)
                aCols[ GetRightSeparator( aCols, nCol ) ] += nDiff;
                int nDiffLeft = nDiff - static_cast<int>(GetColWidth( aCols, nCol + 1)) + int(MINLAY);
                aCols[ GetRightSeparator( aCols, nCol ) ] += (nDiff - nDiffLeft);
                aCols[ GetRightSeparator( aCols, nCol - 1 ) ] -= nDiffLeft;
            aCols[ GetRightSeparator( aCols, nCol-1 ) ] -= nDiff;
        aCols.SetRight( std::min( static_cast<tools::Long>(nNewWidth), aCols.GetRightMax()) );
    m_pTable->SetTabCols(aCols, aOldCols, pStart, bCurRowOnly );
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V547 Expression 'isWidthRelatvie' is always false.