/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <sal/config.h>
#include <sal/log.hxx>
#include <string_view>
#include <pdfiprocessor.hxx>
#include <xmlemitter.hxx>
#include <pdfihelper.hxx>
#include <imagecontainer.hxx>
#include "style.hxx"
#include "writertreevisiting.hxx"
#include <genericelements.hxx>
#include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolypolygontools.hxx>
#include <osl/diagnose.h>
#include <com/sun/star/i18n/CharacterClassification.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/i18n/DirectionProperty.hpp>
#include <comphelper/string.hxx>
using namespace ::com::sun::star;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::i18n;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
namespace pdfi
const Reference<XBreakIterator>& WriterXmlOptimizer::GetBreakIterator()
    if (!mxBreakIter.is())
        mxBreakIter = BreakIterator::create(m_rProcessor.m_xContext);
    return mxBreakIter;
const Reference< XCharacterClassification >& WriterXmlEmitter::GetCharacterClassification()
    if ( !mxCharClass.is() )
        Reference< XComponentContext > xContext( m_rEmitContext.m_xContext, uno::UNO_SET_THROW );
        mxCharClass = CharacterClassification::create(xContext);
    return mxCharClass;
void WriterXmlEmitter::visit( HyperlinkElement& elem, const std::list< std::unique_ptr<Element> >::const_iterator&   )
    if( elem.Children.empty() )
    const char* pType = dynamic_cast<DrawElement*>(elem.Children.front().get()) ? "draw:a" : "text:a";
    PropertyMap aProps;
    aProps[ u"xlink:type"_ustr ] = "simple";
    aProps[ u"xlink:href"_ustr ] = elem.URI;
    aProps[ u"office:target-frame-name"_ustr ] = "_blank";
    aProps[ u"xlink:show"_ustr ] = "new";
    m_rEmitContext.rEmitter.beginTag( pType, aProps );
    auto this_it = elem.Children.begin();
    while( this_it != elem.Children.end() && this_it->get() != &elem )
        (*this_it)->visitedBy( *this, this_it );
    m_rEmitContext.rEmitter.endTag( pType );
void WriterXmlEmitter::visit( TextElement& elem, const std::list< std::unique_ptr<Element> >::const_iterator&   )
    if( elem.Text.isEmpty() )
    PropertyMap aProps = {};
    const sal_Unicode strSpace = 0x0020;
    const sal_Unicode strNbSpace = 0x00A0;
    const sal_Unicode tabSpace = 0x0009;
    if( elem.StyleId != -1 )
        aProps[ u"text:style-name"_ustr ] =
            m_rEmitContext.rStyles.getStyleName( elem.StyleId );
    OUString str(elem.Text.toString());
    // Check for RTL
    bool isRTL = false;
    Reference< i18n::XCharacterClassification > xCC( GetCharacterClassification() );
    if( xCC.is() )
        for(int i=1; i< elem.Text.getLength(); i++)
            i18n::DirectionProperty nType = static_cast<i18n::DirectionProperty>(xCC->getCharacterDirection( str, i ));
            if ( nType == i18n::DirectionProperty_RIGHT_TO_LEFT           ||
                 nType == i18n::DirectionProperty_RIGHT_TO_LEFT_ARABIC    ||
                 nType == i18n::DirectionProperty_RIGHT_TO_LEFT_EMBEDDING ||
                 nType == i18n::DirectionProperty_RIGHT_TO_LEFT_OVERRIDE
                isRTL = true;
    if (isRTL)  // If so, reverse string
        // First, produce mirrored-image for each code point which has the Bidi_Mirrored property.
        str = PDFIProcessor::SubstituteBidiMirrored(str);
        // Then, reverse the code points in the string, in backward order.
        str = ::comphelper::string::reverseCodePoints(str);
    m_rEmitContext.rEmitter.beginTag( "text:span", aProps );
    sal_Unicode strToken;
    for (int i = 0; i < elem.Text.getLength(); i++)
        strToken = str[i];
        if (strToken == strSpace || strToken == strNbSpace)
            aProps[u"text:c"_ustr] = "1";
            m_rEmitContext.rEmitter.beginTag("text:s", aProps);
        else if (strToken == tabSpace)
            m_rEmitContext.rEmitter.beginTag("text:tab", aProps);
    auto this_it = elem.Children.begin();
    while( this_it != elem.Children.end() && this_it->get() != &elem )
        (*this_it)->visitedBy( *this, this_it );
    m_rEmitContext.rEmitter.endTag( "text:span" );
void WriterXmlEmitter::visit( ParagraphElement& elem, const std::list< std::unique_ptr<Element> >::const_iterator&   )
    PropertyMap aProps;
    if( elem.StyleId != -1 )
        aProps[ u"text:style-name"_ustr ] = m_rEmitContext.rStyles.getStyleName( elem.StyleId );
    const char* pTagType = "text:p";
    if( elem.Type == ParagraphElement::Headline )
        pTagType = "text:h";
    m_rEmitContext.rEmitter.beginTag( pTagType, aProps );
    auto this_it = elem.Children.begin();
    while( this_it != elem.Children.end() && this_it->get() != &elem )
        (*this_it)->visitedBy( *this, this_it );
    m_rEmitContext.rEmitter.endTag( pTagType );
void WriterXmlEmitter::fillFrameProps( DrawElement&       rElem,
                                       PropertyMap&       rProps,
                                       const EmitContext& rEmitContext )
    double rel_x = rElem.x, rel_y = rElem.y;
    // find anchor type by recursing though parents
    Element* pAnchor = &rElem;
    ParagraphElement* pParaElt = nullptr;
    PageElement* pPage = nullptr;
    while ((pAnchor = pAnchor->Parent))
        if ((pParaElt = dynamic_cast<ParagraphElement*>(pAnchor)))
        if ((pPage = dynamic_cast<PageElement*>(pAnchor)))
    if( pAnchor )
        if (pParaElt)
            rProps[ u"text:anchor-type"_ustr ] = rElem.isCharacter
                ? std::u16string_view(u"character") : std::u16string_view(u"paragraph");
            assert(pPage); // guaranteed by the while loop above
            rProps[ u"text:anchor-type"_ustr ] = "page";
            rProps[ u"text:anchor-page-number"_ustr ] = OUString::number(pPage->PageNumber);
        rel_x -= pAnchor->x;
        rel_y -= pAnchor->y;
    rProps[ u"draw:z-index"_ustr ] = OUString::number( rElem.ZOrder );
    rProps[ u"draw:style-name"_ustr] = rEmitContext.rStyles.getStyleName( rElem.StyleId );
    rProps[ u"svg:width"_ustr ]   = convertPixelToUnitString( rElem.w );
    rProps[ u"svg:height"_ustr ]  = convertPixelToUnitString( rElem.h );
    const GraphicsContext& rGC =
        rEmitContext.rProcessor.getGraphicsContext( rElem.GCId );
    if( rGC.Transformation.isIdentity() )
        if( !rElem.isCharacter )
            rProps[ u"svg:x"_ustr ]       = convertPixelToUnitString( rel_x );
            rProps[ u"svg:y"_ustr ]       = convertPixelToUnitString( rel_y );
        basegfx::B2DTuple aScale, aTranslation;
        double fRotate, fShearX;
        rGC.Transformation.decompose( aScale, aTranslation, fRotate, fShearX );
        OUStringBuffer aBuf( 256 );
        // TODO(F2): general transformation case missing; if implemented, note
        // that ODF rotation is oriented the other way
        // build transformation string
        if (rElem.MirrorVertical)
            // At some point, rElem.h may start arriving positive,
            // so use robust adjusting math
            rel_y -= std::abs(rElem.h);
            if (!aBuf.isEmpty())
                aBuf.append(' ');
            aBuf.append("scale( 1.0 -1.0 )");
        if( fShearX != 0.0 )
            aBuf.append( "skewX( " + OUString::number(fShearX) + " )" );
        if( fRotate != 0.0 )
            if( !aBuf.isEmpty() )
                aBuf.append( ' ' );
            aBuf.append( "rotate( " + OUString::number(-fRotate) + " )" );
        if( ! rElem.isCharacter )
            if( !aBuf.isEmpty() )
                aBuf.append( ' ' );
            aBuf.append( "translate( "
                + convertPixelToUnitString( rel_x )
                + " "
                + convertPixelToUnitString( rel_y )
                + " )" );
        rProps[ u"draw:transform"_ustr ] = aBuf.makeStringAndClear();
void WriterXmlEmitter::visit( FrameElement& elem, const std::list< std::unique_ptr<Element> >::const_iterator&   )
    if( elem.Children.empty() )
    bool bTextBox = (dynamic_cast<ParagraphElement*>(elem.Children.front().get()) != nullptr);
    PropertyMap aFrameProps;
    fillFrameProps( elem, aFrameProps, m_rEmitContext );
    m_rEmitContext.rEmitter.beginTag( "draw:frame", aFrameProps );
    if( bTextBox )
        m_rEmitContext.rEmitter.beginTag( "draw:text-box", PropertyMap() );
    auto this_it = elem.Children.begin();
    while( this_it != elem.Children.end() && this_it->get() != &elem )
        (*this_it)->visitedBy( *this, this_it );
    if( bTextBox )
        m_rEmitContext.rEmitter.endTag( "draw:text-box" );
    m_rEmitContext.rEmitter.endTag( "draw:frame" );
void WriterXmlEmitter::visit( PolyPolyElement& elem, const std::list< std::unique_ptr<Element> >::const_iterator& )
    /* note:
     *   aw recommends using 100dth of mm in all respects since the xml import
     *   (a) is buggy (see issue 37213)
     *   (b) is optimized for 100dth of mm and does not scale itself then,
     *       this does not gain us speed but makes for smaller rounding errors since
     *       the xml importer coordinates are integer based
    for (sal_uInt32 i = 0; i< elem.PolyPoly.count(); i++)
        basegfx::B2DPolygon b2dPolygon =  elem.PolyPoly.getB2DPolygon( i );
        for ( sal_uInt32 j = 0; j< b2dPolygon.count(); j++ )
            basegfx::B2DPoint point;
            basegfx::B2DPoint nextPoint;
            point = b2dPolygon.getB2DPoint( j );
            basegfx::B2DPoint prevPoint = b2dPolygon.getPrevControlPoint( j ) ;
            point.setX( convPx2mmPrec2( point.getX() )*100.0 );
            point.setY( convPx2mmPrec2( point.getY() )*100.0 );
            if ( b2dPolygon.isPrevControlPointUsed( j ) )
                prevPoint.setX( convPx2mmPrec2( prevPoint.getX() )*100.0 );
                prevPoint.setY( convPx2mmPrec2( prevPoint.getY() )*100.0 );
            if ( b2dPolygon.isNextControlPointUsed( j ) )
                nextPoint = b2dPolygon.getNextControlPoint( j ) ;
                nextPoint.setX( convPx2mmPrec2( nextPoint.getX() )*100.0 );
                nextPoint.setY( convPx2mmPrec2( nextPoint.getY() )*100.0 );
            b2dPolygon.setB2DPoint( j, point );
            if ( b2dPolygon.isPrevControlPointUsed( j ) )
                b2dPolygon.setPrevControlPoint( j , prevPoint ) ;
            if ( b2dPolygon.isNextControlPointUsed( j ) )
                b2dPolygon.setNextControlPoint( j , nextPoint ) ;
        elem.PolyPoly.setB2DPolygon( i, b2dPolygon );
    PropertyMap aProps;
    fillFrameProps( elem, aProps, m_rEmitContext );
    aProps[ u"svg:viewBox"_ustr ] =
        "0 0 "
        + OUString::number(convPx2mmPrec2(elem.w)*100.0)
        + " "
        + OUString::number( convPx2mmPrec2(elem.h)*100.0 );
    aProps[ u"svg:d"_ustr ]       = basegfx::utils::exportToSvgD( elem.PolyPoly, true, true, false );
    m_rEmitContext.rEmitter.beginTag( "draw:path", aProps );
    m_rEmitContext.rEmitter.endTag( "draw:path" );
void WriterXmlEmitter::visit( ImageElement& elem, const std::list< std::unique_ptr<Element> >::const_iterator& )
    PropertyMap aImageProps;
    m_rEmitContext.rEmitter.beginTag( "draw:image", aImageProps );
    m_rEmitContext.rEmitter.beginTag( "office:binary-data", PropertyMap() );
    m_rEmitContext.rImages.writeBase64EncodedStream( elem.Image, m_rEmitContext);
    m_rEmitContext.rEmitter.endTag( "office:binary-data" );
    m_rEmitContext.rEmitter.endTag( "draw:image" );
void WriterXmlEmitter::visit( PageElement& elem, const std::list< std::unique_ptr<Element> >::const_iterator&   )
    if( m_rEmitContext.xStatusIndicator.is() )
        m_rEmitContext.xStatusIndicator->setValue( elem.PageNumber );
    auto this_it =  elem.Children.begin();
    while( this_it != elem.Children.end() && this_it->get() != &elem )
        (*this_it)->visitedBy( *this, this_it );
void WriterXmlEmitter::visit( DocumentElement& elem, const std::list< std::unique_ptr<Element> >::const_iterator&)
    m_rEmitContext.rEmitter.beginTag( "office:body", PropertyMap() );
    m_rEmitContext.rEmitter.beginTag( "office:text", PropertyMap() );
    for( const auto& rxChild : elem.Children )
        PageElement* pPage = dynamic_cast<PageElement*>(rxChild.get());
        if( pPage )
            // emit only page anchored objects
            // currently these are only DrawElement types
            for( auto child_it = pPage->Children.begin(); child_it != pPage->Children.end(); ++child_it )
                if( dynamic_cast<DrawElement*>(child_it->get()) != nullptr )
                    (*child_it)->visitedBy( *this, child_it );
    // do not emit page anchored objects, they are emitted before
    // (must precede all pages in writer document) currently these are
    // only DrawElement types
    for( auto it = elem.Children.begin(); it != elem.Children.end(); ++it )
        if( dynamic_cast<DrawElement*>(it->get()) == nullptr )
            (*it)->visitedBy( *this, it );
    m_rEmitContext.rEmitter.endTag( "office:text" );
    m_rEmitContext.rEmitter.endTag( "office:body" );
void WriterXmlOptimizer::visit( HyperlinkElement&, const std::list< std::unique_ptr<Element> >::const_iterator& )
void WriterXmlOptimizer::visit( TextElement&, const std::list< std::unique_ptr<Element> >::const_iterator&)
void WriterXmlOptimizer::visit( FrameElement& elem, const std::list< std::unique_ptr<Element> >::const_iterator& )
void WriterXmlOptimizer::visit( ImageElement&, const std::list< std::unique_ptr<Element> >::const_iterator& )
void WriterXmlOptimizer::visit( PolyPolyElement& elem, const std::list< std::unique_ptr<Element> >::const_iterator& elemIt )
    /* note: optimize two consecutive PolyPolyElements that
     *  have the same path but one of which is a stroke while
     *     the other is a fill
    if( !elem.Parent )
    // find following PolyPolyElement in parent's children list
    if( elemIt == elem.Parent->Children.end() )
    auto next_it = elemIt;
    if( next_it == elem.Parent->Children.end() )
    PolyPolyElement* pNext = dynamic_cast<PolyPolyElement*>(next_it->get());
    if( !pNext || pNext->PolyPoly != elem.PolyPoly )
    const GraphicsContext& rNextGC =
                  m_rProcessor.getGraphicsContext( pNext->GCId );
    const GraphicsContext& rThisGC =
                  m_rProcessor.getGraphicsContext( elem.GCId );
    if( !(rThisGC.BlendMode      == rNextGC.BlendMode &&
        rThisGC.Flatness       == rNextGC.Flatness &&
        rThisGC.Transformation == rNextGC.Transformation &&
        rThisGC.Clip           == rNextGC.Clip &&
        pNext->Action          == PATH_STROKE &&
        (elem.Action == PATH_FILL || elem.Action == PATH_EOFILL)) )
    GraphicsContext aGC = rThisGC;
    aGC.LineJoin  = rNextGC.LineJoin;
    aGC.LineCap   = rNextGC.LineCap;
    aGC.LineWidth = rNextGC.LineWidth;
    aGC.MiterLimit= rNextGC.MiterLimit;
    aGC.DashArray = rNextGC.DashArray;
    aGC.LineColor = rNextGC.LineColor;
    elem.GCId = m_rProcessor.getGCId( aGC );
    elem.Action |= pNext->Action;
    elem.Children.splice( elem.Children.end(), pNext->Children );
void WriterXmlOptimizer::visit( ParagraphElement& elem, const std::list< std::unique_ptr<Element> >::const_iterator& rParentIt)
    optimizeTextElements( elem );
    if( !(elem.Parent && rParentIt != elem.Parent->Children.end()) )
    // find if there is a previous paragraph that might be a heading for this one
    auto prev = rParentIt;
    ParagraphElement* pPrevPara = nullptr;
    while( prev != elem.Parent->Children.begin() )
        pPrevPara = dynamic_cast< ParagraphElement* >(prev->get());
        if( pPrevPara )
            /* What constitutes a heading ? current hints are:
             * - one line only
             * - not too far away from this paragraph (two heading height max ?)
             * - font larger or bold
             * this is of course incomplete
             * FIXME: improve hints for heading
            // check for single line
            if( pPrevPara->isSingleLined( m_rProcessor ) )
                double head_line_height = pPrevPara->getLineHeight( m_rProcessor );
                if( pPrevPara->y + pPrevPara->h + 2*head_line_height > elem.y )
                    // check for larger font
                    if( head_line_height > elem.getLineHeight( m_rProcessor ) )
                        pPrevPara->Type = ParagraphElement::Headline;
                        // check whether text of pPrevPara is bold (at least first text element)
                        // and this para is not bold (ditto)
                        TextElement* pPrevText = pPrevPara->getFirstTextChild();
                        TextElement* pThisText = elem.getFirstTextChild();
                        if( pPrevText && pThisText )
                            const FontAttributes& rPrevFont = m_rProcessor.getFont( pPrevText->FontId );
                            const FontAttributes& rThisFont = m_rProcessor.getFont( pThisText->FontId );
                            if ( (rPrevFont.fontWeight ==  u"600" ||
                                  rPrevFont.fontWeight ==  u"bold" ||
                                  rPrevFont.fontWeight ==  u"800" ||
                                  rPrevFont.fontWeight ==  u"900" )  &&
                                 (rThisFont.fontWeight ==  u"600" ||
                                  rThisFont.fontWeight ==  u"bold" ||
                                  rThisFont.fontWeight ==  u"800" ||
                                  rThisFont.fontWeight ==  u"900" ) )
                                pPrevPara->Type = ParagraphElement::Headline;
void WriterXmlOptimizer::visit( PageElement& elem, const std::list< std::unique_ptr<Element> >::const_iterator& )
    if( m_rProcessor.getStatusIndicator().is() )
        m_rProcessor.getStatusIndicator()->setValue( elem.PageNumber );
    // resolve hyperlinks
    elem.resolveFontStyles( m_rProcessor ); // underlines and such
    // FIXME: until hyperlinks and font effects are adjusted for
    // geometrical search handle them before sorting
    PDFIProcessor::sortElements( &elem );
    // find paragraphs in text
    ParagraphElement* pCurPara = nullptr;
    std::list< std::unique_ptr<Element> >::iterator page_element, next_page_element;
    next_page_element = elem.Children.begin();
    double fCurLineHeight = 0.0; // average height of text items in current para
    int nCurLineElements = 0; // number of line contributing elements in current para
    double line_left = elem.w, line_right = 0.0;
    double column_width = elem.w*0.75; // estimate text width
    // TODO: guess columns
    while( next_page_element != elem.Children.end() )
        page_element = next_page_element++;
        ParagraphElement* pPagePara = dynamic_cast<ParagraphElement*>(page_element->get());
        if( pPagePara )
            pCurPara = pPagePara;
            // adjust line height and text items
            fCurLineHeight = 0.0;
            nCurLineElements = 0;
            for( const auto& rxChild : pCurPara->Children )
                TextElement* pTestText = rxChild->dynCastAsTextElement();
                if( pTestText )
                    fCurLineHeight = (fCurLineHeight*double(nCurLineElements) + pTestText->h)/double(nCurLineElements+1);
        HyperlinkElement* pLink = dynamic_cast<HyperlinkElement*>(page_element->get());
        DrawElement* pDraw = dynamic_cast<DrawElement*>(page_element->get());
        if( ! pDraw && pLink && ! pLink->Children.empty() )
            pDraw = dynamic_cast<DrawElement*>(pLink->Children.front().get() );
        if( pDraw )
            // insert small drawing objects as character, else leave them page bound
            bool bInsertToParagraph = false;
            // first check if this is either inside the paragraph
            if( pCurPara && pDraw->y < pCurPara->y + pCurPara->h )
                if( pDraw->h < fCurLineHeight * 1.5 )
                    bInsertToParagraph = true;
                    fCurLineHeight = (fCurLineHeight*double(nCurLineElements) + pDraw->h)/double(nCurLineElements+1);
                    // mark draw element as character
                    pDraw->isCharacter = true;
            // or perhaps the draw element begins a new paragraph
            else if( next_page_element != elem.Children.end() )
                TextElement* pText = (*next_page_element)->dynCastAsTextElement();
                if( ! pText )
                    ParagraphElement* pPara = dynamic_cast<ParagraphElement*>(next_page_element->get());
                    if( pPara && ! pPara->Children.empty() )
                        pText = pPara->Children.front()->dynCastAsTextElement();
                if( pText && // check there is a text
                    pDraw->h < pText->h*1.5 && // and it is approx the same height
                    // and either upper or lower edge of pDraw is inside text's vertical range
                    ( ( pDraw->y >= pText->y && pDraw->y <= pText->y+pText->h ) ||
                      ( pDraw->y+pDraw->h >= pText->y && pDraw->y+pDraw->h <= pText->y+pText->h )
                    bInsertToParagraph = true;
                    fCurLineHeight = pDraw->h;
                    nCurLineElements = 1;
                    line_left = pDraw->x;
                    line_right = pDraw->x + pDraw->w;
                    // begin a new paragraph
                    pCurPara = nullptr;
                    // mark draw element as character
                    pDraw->isCharacter = true;
            if( ! bInsertToParagraph )
                pCurPara = nullptr;
        TextElement* pText = (*page_element)->dynCastAsTextElement();
        if( ! pText && pLink && ! pLink->Children.empty() )
            pText = pLink->Children.front()->dynCastAsTextElement();
        if( pText )
            Element* pGeo = pLink ? static_cast<Element*>(pLink) :
            if( pCurPara )
                // there was already a text element, check for a new paragraph
                if( nCurLineElements > 0 )
                    // if the new text is significantly distant from the paragraph
                    // begin a new paragraph
                    if( pGeo->y > pCurPara->y+pCurPara->h + fCurLineHeight*0.5 )
                        pCurPara = nullptr; // insert new paragraph
                    else if( pGeo->y > (pCurPara->y+pCurPara->h - fCurLineHeight*0.05) )
                        // new paragraph if either the last line of the paragraph
                        // was significantly shorter than the paragraph as a whole
                        if( (line_right - line_left) < pCurPara->w*0.75 )
                            pCurPara = nullptr;
                        // or the last line was significantly smaller than the column width
                        else if( (line_right - line_left) < column_width*0.75 )
                            pCurPara = nullptr;
            // update line height/width
            if( pCurPara )
                fCurLineHeight = (fCurLineHeight*double(nCurLineElements) + pGeo->h)/double(nCurLineElements+1);
                if( pGeo->x < line_left )
                    line_left = pGeo->x;
                if( pGeo->x+pGeo->w > line_right )
                    line_right = pGeo->x+pGeo->w;
                fCurLineHeight = pGeo->h;
                nCurLineElements = 1;
                line_left = pGeo->x;
                line_right = pGeo->x + pGeo->w;
        // move element to current paragraph
        if( ! pCurPara ) // new paragraph, insert one
            pCurPara = ElementFactory::createParagraphElement( nullptr );
            // set parent
            pCurPara->Parent = &elem;
            //insert new paragraph before current element
            page_element = elem.Children.insert( page_element, std::unique_ptr<Element>(pCurPara) );
            // forward iterator to current element again
            ++ page_element;
            // update next_element which is now invalid
            next_page_element = page_element;
            ++ next_page_element;
        Element* pCurEle = page_element->get();
        Element::setParent( page_element, pCurPara );
        OSL_ENSURE( !pText || pCurEle == pText || pCurEle == pLink, "paragraph child list in disorder" );
        if( pText || pDraw )
            pCurPara->updateGeometryWith( pCurEle );
    // process children
    // find possible header and footer
    checkHeaderAndFooter( elem );
void WriterXmlOptimizer::checkHeaderAndFooter( PageElement& rElem )
    /* indicators for a header:
     *  - single line paragraph at top of page (inside 15% page height)
     *  - at least lineheight above the next paragraph
     *  indicators for a footer likewise:
     *  - single line paragraph at bottom of page (inside 15% page height)
     *  - at least lineheight below the previous paragraph
    auto isParagraphElement = [](std::unique_ptr<Element>& rxChild) -> bool {
        return dynamic_cast<ParagraphElement*>(rxChild.get()) != nullptr;
    // detect header
    // Note: the following assumes that the pages' children have been
    // sorted geometrically
    auto it = std::find_if(rElem.Children.begin(), rElem.Children.end(), isParagraphElement);
    if (it != rElem.Children.end())
        ParagraphElement& rPara = dynamic_cast<ParagraphElement&>(**it);
        if( rPara.y+rPara.h < rElem.h*0.15 && rPara.isSingleLined( m_rProcessor ) )
            auto next_it = it;
            ParagraphElement* pNextPara = nullptr;
            while( ++next_it != rElem.Children.end() && pNextPara == nullptr )
                pNextPara = dynamic_cast<ParagraphElement*>(next_it->get());
            if( pNextPara && pNextPara->y > rPara.y+rPara.h*2 )
                rElem.HeaderElement = std::move(*it);
                rPara.Parent = nullptr;
                rElem.Children.erase( it );
    // detect footer
    auto rit = std::find_if(rElem.Children.rbegin(), rElem.Children.rend(), isParagraphElement);
    if (rit == rElem.Children.rend())
    ParagraphElement& rPara = dynamic_cast<ParagraphElement&>(**rit);
    if( !(rPara.y > rElem.h*0.85 && rPara.isSingleLined( m_rProcessor )) )
    std::list< std::unique_ptr<Element> >::reverse_iterator next_it = rit;
    ParagraphElement* pNextPara = nullptr;
    while( ++next_it != rElem.Children.rend() && pNextPara == nullptr )
        pNextPara = dynamic_cast<ParagraphElement*>(next_it->get());
    if( pNextPara && pNextPara->y < rPara.y-rPara.h*2 )
        rElem.FooterElement = std::move(*rit);
        rPara.Parent = nullptr;
        rElem.Children.erase( std::next(rit).base() );
void WriterXmlOptimizer::optimizeTextElements(Element& rParent)
    if( rParent.Children.empty() ) // this should not happen
        OSL_FAIL( "empty paragraph optimized" );
    // concatenate child elements with same font id
    auto next = rParent.Children.begin();
    auto it = next++;
    FrameElement* pFrame = dynamic_cast<FrameElement*>(rParent.Parent);
    bool bRotatedFrame = false;
    if( pFrame )
        const GraphicsContext& rFrameGC = m_rProcessor.getGraphicsContext( pFrame->GCId );
        if( rFrameGC.isRotatedOrSkewed() )
            bRotatedFrame = true;
    while( next != rParent.Children.end() )
        bool bConcat = false;
        TextElement* pCur = (*it)->dynCastAsTextElement();
        if( pCur )
            TextElement* pNext = dynamic_cast<TextElement*>(next->get());
            OUString str;
            bool bPara = strspn("ParagraphElement", typeid(rParent).name());
            ParagraphElement* pPara = dynamic_cast<ParagraphElement*>(&rParent);
            if (bPara && pPara && isComplex(GetBreakIterator(), pCur))
                pPara->bRtl = true;
            if( pNext )
                const GraphicsContext& rCurGC = m_rProcessor.getGraphicsContext( pCur->GCId );
                const GraphicsContext& rNextGC = m_rProcessor.getGraphicsContext( pNext->GCId );
                // line and space optimization; works only in strictly horizontal mode
                if( !bRotatedFrame
                    && ! rCurGC.isRotatedOrSkewed()
                    && ! rNextGC.isRotatedOrSkewed()
                    && ! pNext->Text.isEmpty()
                    && pNext->Text[0] != ' '
                    && ! pCur->Text.isEmpty()
                    && pCur->Text[pCur->Text.getLength() - 1] != ' '
                    // check for new line in paragraph
                    if( pNext->y > pCur->y+pCur->h )
                        // new line begins
                        // check whether a space would should be inserted or a hyphen removed
                        sal_Unicode aLastCode = pCur->Text[pCur->Text.getLength() - 1];
                        if( aLastCode == '-'
                            || aLastCode == 0x2010
                            || (aLastCode >= 0x2012 && aLastCode <= 0x2015)
                            || aLastCode == 0xff0d
                            // cut a hyphen
                            pCur->Text.setLength( pCur->Text.getLength()-1 );
                        // append a space unless there is a non breaking hyphen
                        else if( aLastCode != 0x2011 )
                            pCur->Text.append( ' ' );
                    else // we're continuing the same line
                        // check whether a space would should be inserted
                        // check for a small horizontal offset
                        if( pCur->x + pCur->w + pNext->h*0.15 < pNext->x )
                            pCur->Text.append( ' ' );
                // concatenate consecutive text elements unless there is a
                // font or text color change, leave a new span in that case
                if( pCur->FontId == pNext->FontId &&
                    rCurGC.FillColor.Red == rNextGC.FillColor.Red &&
                    rCurGC.FillColor.Green == rNextGC.FillColor.Green &&
                    rCurGC.FillColor.Blue == rNextGC.FillColor.Blue &&
                    rCurGC.FillColor.Alpha == rNextGC.FillColor.Alpha
                    pCur->updateGeometryWith( pNext );
                    if (pPara && pPara->bRtl)
                        // Tdf#152083: If RTL, reverse the text in pNext so that its correct order is
                        // restored when the combined text is reversed in WriterXmlEmitter::visit.
                        OUString tempStr;
                        bool bNeedReverse=false;
                        str = pNext->Text.toString();
                        for (sal_Int32 i=0; i < str.getLength(); i++)
                            if (str[i] == u' ')
                            {   // Space char (e.g. the space as in " م") needs special treatment.
                                //   First, append the space char to pCur.
                                //   Then, check whether the tmpStr needs reverse, if so then reverse and append.
                                if (bNeedReverse)
                                    tempStr = ::comphelper::string::reverseCodePoints(tempStr);
                                    tempStr = u""_ustr;
                                bNeedReverse = false;
                                tempStr += OUStringChar(str[i]);
                                bNeedReverse = true;
                        // Do the last append
                        if (bNeedReverse)
                            tempStr = ::comphelper::string::reverseCodePoints(tempStr);
                        // append text to current element directly without reverse
                    if (bPara && pPara && isComplex(GetBreakIterator(), pCur))
                        pPara->bRtl = true;
                    // append eventual children to current element
                    // and clear children (else the children just
                    // appended to pCur would be destroyed)
                    pCur->Children.splice( pCur->Children.end(), pNext->Children );
                    // get rid of the now useless element
                    rParent.Children.erase( next );
                    bConcat = true;
        else if( dynamic_cast<HyperlinkElement*>(it->get()) )
            optimizeTextElements( **it );
        if( bConcat )
            next = it;
void WriterXmlOptimizer::visit( DocumentElement& elem, const std::list< std::unique_ptr<Element> >::const_iterator&)
void WriterXmlFinalizer::visit( PolyPolyElement& elem, const std::list< std::unique_ptr<Element> >::const_iterator& )
    // xxx TODO copied from DrawElement
    const GraphicsContext& rGC = m_rProcessor.getGraphicsContext(elem.GCId );
    PropertyMap aProps;
    aProps[ u"style:family"_ustr ] = "graphic";
    PropertyMap aGCProps;
    if (elem.Action & PATH_STROKE)
        double scale = GetAverageTransformationScale(rGC.Transformation);
        if (rGC.DashArray.size() < 2)
            aGCProps[ u"draw:stroke"_ustr ] = "solid";
            PropertyMap props;
            FillDashStyleProps(props, rGC.DashArray, scale);
            StyleContainer::Style style("draw:stroke-dash"_ostr, std::move(props));
            aGCProps[ u"draw:stroke"_ustr ] = "dash";
            aGCProps[ u"draw:stroke-dash"_ustr ] =
        aGCProps[ u"svg:stroke-color"_ustr ] = getColorString(rGC.LineColor);
        aGCProps[ u"svg:stroke-width"_ustr ] = convertPixelToUnitString(rGC.LineWidth * scale);
        aGCProps[ u"draw:stroke-linejoin"_ustr ] = rGC.GetLineJoinString();
        aGCProps[ u"svg:stroke-linecap"_ustr ] = rGC.GetLineCapString();
        aGCProps[ u"draw:stroke"_ustr ] = "none";
    if (elem.FillImage != -1)
        PropertyMap props;
        // The image isn't actually in a prop, it's in an extra chunk inside.
        StyleContainer::Style style("draw:fill-image"_ostr, std::move(props));
        style.Contents = m_rProcessor.getImages().asBase64EncodedString(elem.FillImage);
        aGCProps[ u"draw:fill-image-name"_ustr ] =
        aGCProps[ u"draw:fill-image-width"_ustr ] = unitMMString(convPx2mm(elem.TileWidth));
        aGCProps[ u"draw:fill-image-height"_ustr ] = unitMMString(convPx2mm(elem.TileHeight));
    // TODO(F1): check whether stuff could be emulated by gradient/bitmap/hatch
    if( elem.Action & (PATH_FILL | PATH_EOFILL) )
        if (elem.FillImage == -1)
            aGCProps[ u"draw:fill"_ustr ]   = "solid";
            aGCProps[ u"draw:fill"_ustr ]   = "bitmap";
        aGCProps[ u"draw:fill-color"_ustr ] = getColorString( rGC.FillColor );
        aGCProps[ u"draw:fill"_ustr ] = "none";
    StyleContainer::Style aStyle( "style:style"_ostr, std::move(aProps) );
    StyleContainer::Style aSubStyle( "style:graphic-properties"_ostr, std::move(aGCProps) );
    aStyle.SubStyles.push_back( &aSubStyle );
    elem.StyleId = m_rStyleContainer.getStyleId( aStyle );
void WriterXmlFinalizer::visit( HyperlinkElement&, const std::list< std::unique_ptr<Element> >::const_iterator& )
void WriterXmlFinalizer::visit( TextElement& elem, const std::list< std::unique_ptr<Element> >::const_iterator& )
    const FontAttributes& rFont = m_rProcessor.getFont( elem.FontId );
    PropertyMap aProps;
    aProps[ u"style:family"_ustr ] = "text";
    PropertyMap aFontProps;
    // family name
    // TODO: tdf#143095: use system font name rather than PSName
    SAL_INFO("sdext.pdfimport", "The font used in xml is: " << rFont.familyName);
    aFontProps[ u"fo:font-family"_ustr ] = rFont.familyName;
    aFontProps[ u"style:font-family-asian"_ustr ] = rFont.familyName;
    aFontProps[ u"style:font-family-complex"_ustr ] = rFont.familyName;
    // bold
    aFontProps[ u"fo:font-weight"_ustr ]            = rFont.fontWeight;
    aFontProps[ u"style:font-weight-asian"_ustr ]   = rFont.fontWeight;
    aFontProps[ u"style:font-weight-complex"_ustr ] = rFont.fontWeight;
    // italic
    if( rFont.isItalic )
        aFontProps[ u"fo:font-style"_ustr ]            = "italic";
        aFontProps[ u"style:font-style-asian"_ustr ]   = "italic";
        aFontProps[ u"style:font-style-complex"_ustr ] = "italic";
    // underline
    if( rFont.isUnderline )
        aFontProps[ u"style:text-underline-style"_ustr ]  = "solid";
        aFontProps[ u"style:text-underline-width"_ustr ]  = "auto";
        aFontProps[ u"style:text-underline-color"_ustr ]  = "font-color";
    // outline
    if( rFont.isOutline )
        aFontProps[ u"style:text-outline"_ustr ]  = "true";
    // size
    OUString aFSize = OUString::number( rFont.size*72/PDFI_OUTDEV_RESOLUTION ) + "pt";
    aFontProps[ u"fo:font-size"_ustr ]            = aFSize;
    aFontProps[ u"style:font-size-asian"_ustr ]   = aFSize;
    aFontProps[ u"style:font-size-complex"_ustr ] = aFSize;
    // color
    const GraphicsContext& rGC = m_rProcessor.getGraphicsContext( elem.GCId );
    aFontProps[ u"fo:color"_ustr ] = getColorString( rFont.isOutline ? rGC.LineColor : rGC.FillColor );
    StyleContainer::Style aStyle( "style:style"_ostr, std::move(aProps) );
    StyleContainer::Style aSubStyle( "style:text-properties"_ostr, std::move(aFontProps) );
    aStyle.SubStyles.push_back( &aSubStyle );
    elem.StyleId = m_rStyleContainer.getStyleId( aStyle );
void WriterXmlFinalizer::visit( ParagraphElement& elem, const std::list< std::unique_ptr<Element> >::const_iterator& rParentIt )
    PropertyMap aParaProps;
    if( elem.Parent )
        // check for center alignment
        // criterion: paragraph is small relative to parent and distributed around its center
        double p_x = elem.Parent->x;
        double p_w = elem.Parent->w;
        PageElement* pPage = dynamic_cast<PageElement*>(elem.Parent);
        if( pPage )
            p_x += pPage->LeftMargin;
            p_w -= pPage->LeftMargin+pPage->RightMargin;
        bool bIsCenter = false;
        if( elem.w < ( p_w/2) )
            double delta = elem.w/4;
            // allow very small paragraphs to deviate a little more
            // relative to parent's center
            if( elem.w <  p_w/8 )
                delta = elem.w;
            if( fabs( elem.x+elem.w/2 - ( p_x+ p_w/2) ) <  delta ||
                (pPage && fabs( elem.x+elem.w/2 - (pPage->x + pPage->w/2) ) <  delta) )
                bIsCenter = true;
                aParaProps[ u"fo:text-align"_ustr ] = "center";
        if( ! bIsCenter && elem.x > p_x + p_w/10 )
            // indent
            aParaProps[ u"fo:margin-left"_ustr ] = OUString::number(convPx2mm( elem.x - p_x )) + "mm";
        // check whether to leave some space to next paragraph
        // find whether there is a next paragraph
        auto it = rParentIt;
        const ParagraphElement* pNextPara = nullptr;
        while( ++it != elem.Parent->Children.end() && ! pNextPara )
            pNextPara = dynamic_cast< const ParagraphElement* >(it->get());
        if( pNextPara )
            if( pNextPara->y - (elem.y+elem.h) > convmm2Px( 10 ) )
                aParaProps[ u"fo:margin-bottom"_ustr ] =
                    OUString::number( convPx2mm( pNextPara->y - (elem.y+elem.h) ) ) + "mm";
    if( ! aParaProps.empty() )
        PropertyMap aProps;
        aProps[ u"style:family"_ustr ] = "paragraph";
        StyleContainer::Style aStyle( "style:style"_ostr, std::move(aProps) );
        StyleContainer::Style aSubStyle( "style:paragraph-properties"_ostr, std::move(aParaProps) );
        aStyle.SubStyles.push_back( &aSubStyle );
        elem.StyleId = m_rStyleContainer.getStyleId( aStyle );
void WriterXmlFinalizer::visit( FrameElement& elem, const std::list< std::unique_ptr<Element> >::const_iterator&)
    PropertyMap aProps;
    aProps[ u"style:family"_ustr ] = "graphic";
    PropertyMap aGCProps;
    aGCProps[ u"draw:stroke"_ustr ]                    = "none";
    aGCProps[ u"draw:fill"_ustr ]                      = "none";
    aGCProps[ u"draw:auto-grow-height"_ustr ]          = "true";
    aGCProps[ u"draw:auto-grow-width"_ustr ]           = "true";
    aGCProps[ u"draw:textarea-horizontal-align"_ustr ] = "left";
    aGCProps[ u"draw:textarea-vertical-align"_ustr ]   = "top";
    aGCProps[ u"fo:min-height"_ustr]                   = "0cm";
    aGCProps[ u"fo:min-width"_ustr]                    = "0cm";
    aGCProps[ u"fo:padding-top"_ustr ]                 = "0cm";
    aGCProps[ u"fo:padding-left"_ustr ]                = "0cm";
    aGCProps[ u"fo:padding-right"_ustr ]               = "0cm";
    aGCProps[ u"fo:padding-bottom"_ustr ]              = "0cm";
    StyleContainer::Style aStyle( "style:style"_ostr, std::move(aProps) );
    StyleContainer::Style aSubStyle( "style:graphic-properties"_ostr, std::move(aGCProps) );
    aStyle.SubStyles.push_back( &aSubStyle );
    elem.StyleId = m_rStyleContainer.getStyleId( aStyle );
void WriterXmlFinalizer::visit( ImageElement&, const std::list< std::unique_ptr<Element> >::const_iterator& )
void WriterXmlFinalizer::setFirstOnPage( ParagraphElement&    rElem,
                                         StyleContainer&      rStyles,
                                         const OUString& rMasterPageName )
    PropertyMap aProps;
    if( rElem.StyleId != -1 )
        const PropertyMap* pProps = rStyles.getProperties( rElem.StyleId );
        if( pProps )
            aProps = *pProps;
    aProps[ u"style:family"_ustr ] = "paragraph";
    aProps[ u"style:master-page-name"_ustr ] = rMasterPageName;
    if( rElem.StyleId != -1 )
        rElem.StyleId = rStyles.setProperties( rElem.StyleId, std::move(aProps) );
        StyleContainer::Style aStyle( "style:style"_ostr, std::move(aProps) );
        rElem.StyleId = rStyles.getStyleId( aStyle );
void WriterXmlFinalizer::visit( PageElement& elem, const std::list< std::unique_ptr<Element> >::const_iterator& )
    if( m_rProcessor.getStatusIndicator().is() )
        m_rProcessor.getStatusIndicator()->setValue( elem.PageNumber );
    // transform from pixel to mm
    double page_width = convPx2mm( elem.w ), page_height = convPx2mm( elem.h );
    // calculate page margins out of the relevant children (paragraphs)
    elem.TopMargin = elem.h;
    elem.BottomMargin = 0;
    elem.LeftMargin = elem.w;
    elem.RightMargin = 0;
    // first element should be a paragraph
    ParagraphElement* pFirstPara = nullptr;
    for( const auto& rxChild : elem.Children )
        if( dynamic_cast<ParagraphElement*>( rxChild.get() ) )
            if( rxChild->x < elem.LeftMargin )
                elem.LeftMargin = rxChild->x;
            if( rxChild->y < elem.TopMargin )
                elem.TopMargin = rxChild->y;
            if( rxChild->x + rxChild->w > elem.w - elem.RightMargin )
                elem.RightMargin = elem.w - (rxChild->x + rxChild->w);
            if( rxChild->y + rxChild->h > elem.h - elem.BottomMargin )
                elem.BottomMargin = elem.h - (rxChild->y + rxChild->h);
            if( ! pFirstPara )
                pFirstPara = dynamic_cast<ParagraphElement*>( rxChild.get() );
    if( elem.HeaderElement && elem.HeaderElement->y < elem.TopMargin )
        elem.TopMargin = elem.HeaderElement->y;
    if( elem.FooterElement && elem.FooterElement->y+elem.FooterElement->h > elem.h - elem.BottomMargin )
        elem.BottomMargin = elem.h - (elem.FooterElement->y + elem.FooterElement->h);
    // transform margins to mm
    double left_margin     = convPx2mm( elem.LeftMargin );
    double right_margin    = convPx2mm( elem.RightMargin );
    double top_margin      = convPx2mm( elem.TopMargin );
    double bottom_margin   = convPx2mm( elem.BottomMargin );
    if( ! pFirstPara )
        // use default page margins
        left_margin     = 10;
        right_margin    = 10;
        top_margin      = 10;
        bottom_margin   = 10;
    // round left/top margin to nearest mm
    left_margin     = rtl_math_round( left_margin, 0, rtl_math_RoundingMode_Floor );
    top_margin      = rtl_math_round( top_margin, 0, rtl_math_RoundingMode_Floor );
    // round (fuzzy) right/bottom margin to nearest cm
    right_margin    = rtl_math_round( right_margin, right_margin >= 10 ? -1 : 0, rtl_math_RoundingMode_Floor );
    bottom_margin   = rtl_math_round( bottom_margin, bottom_margin >= 10 ? -1 : 0, rtl_math_RoundingMode_Floor );
    // set reasonable default in case of way too large margins
    // e.g. no paragraph case
    if( left_margin > page_width/2.0 - 10 )
        left_margin = 10;
    if( right_margin > page_width/2.0 - 10 )
        right_margin = 10;
    if( top_margin > page_height/2.0 - 10 )
        top_margin = 10;
    if( bottom_margin > page_height/2.0 - 10 )
        bottom_margin = 10;
    // catch the weird cases
    if( left_margin < 0 )
        left_margin = 0;
    if( right_margin < 0 )
        right_margin = 0;
    if( top_margin < 0 )
        top_margin = 0;
    if( bottom_margin < 0 )
        bottom_margin = 0;
    // widely differing margins are unlikely to be correct
    if( right_margin > left_margin*1.5 )
        right_margin = left_margin;
    elem.LeftMargin      = convmm2Px( left_margin );
    elem.RightMargin     = convmm2Px( right_margin );
    elem.TopMargin       = convmm2Px( top_margin );
    elem.BottomMargin    = convmm2Px( bottom_margin );
    // get styles for paragraphs
    PropertyMap aPageProps;
    PropertyMap aPageLayoutProps;
    aPageLayoutProps[ u"fo:page-width"_ustr ]     = unitMMString( page_width );
    aPageLayoutProps[ u"fo:page-height"_ustr ]    = unitMMString( page_height );
    aPageLayoutProps[ u"style:print-orientation"_ustr ]
        = elem.w < elem.h ? std::u16string_view(u"portrait") : std::u16string_view(u"landscape");
    aPageLayoutProps[ u"fo:margin-top"_ustr ]     = unitMMString( top_margin );
    aPageLayoutProps[ u"fo:margin-bottom"_ustr ]  = unitMMString( bottom_margin );
    aPageLayoutProps[ u"fo:margin-left"_ustr ]    = unitMMString( left_margin );
    aPageLayoutProps[ u"fo:margin-right"_ustr ]   = unitMMString( right_margin );
    aPageLayoutProps[ u"style:writing-mode"_ustr ]= "lr-tb";
    StyleContainer::Style aStyle( "style:page-layout"_ostr, std::move(aPageProps));
    StyleContainer::Style aSubStyle( "style:page-layout-properties"_ostr, std::move(aPageLayoutProps));
    sal_Int32 nPageStyle = m_rStyleContainer.impl_getStyleId( aStyle, false );
    // create master page
    OUString aMasterPageLayoutName = m_rStyleContainer.getStyleName( nPageStyle );
    aPageProps[ u"style:page-layout-name"_ustr ] = aMasterPageLayoutName;
    StyleContainer::Style aMPStyle( "style:master-page"_ostr, std::move(aPageProps) );
    StyleContainer::Style aHeaderStyle( "style:header"_ostr, PropertyMap() );
    StyleContainer::Style aFooterStyle( "style:footer"_ostr, PropertyMap() );
    if( elem.HeaderElement )
        elem.HeaderElement->visitedBy( *this, std::list<std::unique_ptr<Element>>::iterator() );
        aHeaderStyle.ContainedElement = elem.HeaderElement.get();
        aMPStyle.SubStyles.push_back( &aHeaderStyle );
    if( elem.FooterElement )
        elem.FooterElement->visitedBy( *this, std::list<std::unique_ptr<Element>>::iterator() );
        aFooterStyle.ContainedElement = elem.FooterElement.get();
        aMPStyle.SubStyles.push_back( &aFooterStyle );
    elem.StyleId = m_rStyleContainer.impl_getStyleId( aMPStyle,false );
    OUString aMasterPageName = m_rStyleContainer.getStyleName( elem.StyleId );
    // create styles for children
    // no paragraph or other elements before the first paragraph
    if( ! pFirstPara )
        pFirstPara = ElementFactory::createParagraphElement( nullptr );
        pFirstPara->Parent = &elem;
        elem.Children.push_front( std::unique_ptr<Element>(pFirstPara) );
    setFirstOnPage(*pFirstPara, m_rStyleContainer, aMasterPageName);
void WriterXmlFinalizer::visit( DocumentElement& elem, const std::list< std::unique_ptr<Element> >::const_iterator& )
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.

V530 The return value of function 'append' is required to be utilized.